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Elements of Soil Mechanics, 8th Edition

Example 5.3

This spreadsheet is used to solve Example 5.3.

Although the worksheets contain the data for Example 5.3 from the book,
be changed so that the reader can see the effect of varying the soil proper
dimensions etc.

Select any worksheet to enter data and view results.

Ian Smith, Sept 2005

ple 5.3 from the book, the data may
varying the soil properties, slip circle

Ex 5.3; Shallow slip circle

Exercise 5.3
Slope Stability Assessment
Method of slices

Soil Properties Other Data

c= 20 kPa Radius, R = 10.7 m

f= 20 Angle, q = 76 degrees
g= 19.3 (kN/m3) Angle, q = 1.33 rads

Slice Area (m2) W (kN) a () N = Wcos a T = Wsin a

1 3.70 71.4 -5.9 71 -7
2 8.70 167.9 14.5 163 42
3 11.60 223.9 31.3 191 116
4 7.70 148.6 45.7 104 106
Total= 529 257

SNtanf = 192.42 kN
cRq = 283.86 kN

Factor of safety = 1.85

Ex 5.3; Deep slip circle

Exercise 5.3
Slope Stability Assessment
Method of slices

Soil Properties Other Data

cupper = 20 kPa Radius, R = 9.15 m

fupper = 20 Angle, qupper= 45 degrees
clower = 75 kPa Angle, qlower= 85 degrees
flower = 7
gboth = 19.3 (kN/m3)

Slice Area (m2) W (kN) a () N = Wcos a T = Wsin a

1 3.70 71.4 -31 61 -36
2 9.70 187.2 -10 184 -33
3 16.60 320.4 9 316 52
4 19.20 370.6 30 321 185
5 14.30 276.0 54 162 224
Total= 1045 392

Upper layer: SN = 161.83

Lower layer: SN = 882.76

SNtanf = 167.29 kN
cRq = 1161.80 kN

Factor of safety = 3.39

This spreadsheet has been downloaded from the website that supports
Smith's Elements of Soil Mechanics, 8th Edition

Published by Blackwell Publishing, May 2006

ISBN: 1-4051-3370-8

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(Blackwell Publishing website)

Please note:
This spreadsheet is an aid for learning and should really only be
used in conjunction with the relevant section in the book.

It is not intended for use in geotechnical design.

Ian Smith, May 2006

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