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A Proposed Model and Mechanism For Anomalous Foamy Heavy Oil Behavior

E. L. Claridge, SPE, Consultant with TCA Reservoir

Engineering Services, Inc.
Michael Prats, SPE, Michael Prats & Associates, Inc.

ABSTRACT Background
A model of foamy heavy oil behavior Smitlilappears to be the first
is proposed which implemented in a to have published on the subject of
reservoir simulator is found to be the anomalous behavior of what have
capable of matching the principal come to be called foamy crude oils.
characteristics observed in primary At the time of Smithcs publication,
cold oil production, namely, a well the only reported foamy crude oil
productivity several times the value behavior is that reported for the
expected from the recombined oil vis- LLoydminster area of western Canada.
cosity and the rock permeability to Since then, other heavy oils in Cana-
oil phase, and a producing gas-oil da and elsewhere in the world have
ratio close to the initial solution been found to exhibit similar behav-
gas-oil ratio. The low gas-oil ratio ior.
results in slow pressure decline and The apparent mobility of such
high ultimate primary oil recovery as reservoir-crude oil systems is very
compared to non-foamy crude oils. large. The cause for such high mo-
bility could be either a high rock
References and illustrations permeability, a low crude oil viscos-
at end of paper ity, or both. Laboratory
--- reported
. ..
permeabilities are typically in the

2 A Proposed Model and Mechanism for Anomalous Heavy Oil SPE 29243

range of 1 to 10 darcies for the ductivity, without explaining the

unconsolidated or nearly uriconscli= lower viscosity. He does mention
dated sands where the anQmalous be- that abundant asphaltene content may
havior is observed. But these perme- act as dispersed nucleation sites!!
abilities are lower than what is for formation of microscopic gas
required to explain the production bubbles, but does not further specu-
performance. late about the physical state of the
Because oil production is accom- bubbles and the asphaltenes after
panied by large sand cuts in the nucleation has occurred, nor as to
Lloydminster area, Smithl considered the effect that effective coagulation
the possible effect of production- of asphaltenes around such tiny bub-
ercded ?~wo~Uholes1t2on the apparent bles might have on the viscosity of
reservoir permeability, but he con- the liquid in which the aspnaitenes
cluded that this is insufficient to were initially present as a colloidal
account for the behavior. Since dispersion. We have been unable tQ
then, the authorsof tb.ispaper have find any references since Smith that
become aware of other reservoirs, in speculate on the possibility that
both North and SQuth America, which this might be the cause for the high
exhibit large apparent nobilities and apparent mobility.
have prQduced essentially no sand. Severa14~5 authors have investi-
Although sand production may gated different aspects of crude oils
contribute to high production rates with small bubbles since Smith (but
in some reservoirs, it is not suffi- not at the microbubble level).
cient to explain all of the observed Maini et 14 appear to demon-
behavior (e.g., low gas-oil ratio). strate the formation of a stable gas
High in-situ nobilities interpreted foam in linear sandpack experiments
from pressure interference and pulse using Lloydminster crude oil or Lind-
tests in areas of reservoirs distant bergh crude oil, in which foam is
from production wells and still not produced at about the same rate as
far below initial pressures strongly the oil, except for the formation of
indicate that disturbances to uncon- slugs of gas at high gas saturations
solidated sands3 (e.g., dilatation or near the exit end of the pack at
fluidization) do not appear to be the large pressure drawdowns. They com-
root cause of the highlapparerk nlc- nent that much of the observed phe-
bilities. nomena can be explained by the forma-
Smithl postulates the oil flow tion of a stable gas foam, but do not
as consisting of a finely divided gas explain the high production rates
foam, and assumes that the viscosity observed in the field. They dQ not
of the flowing mixture is interme- discuss a stabilizing factQr for the
diate between that of the liquid and gas bubbles, except to attribute it
that of the gas. He shows in his to the high viscosity of the sur-
Figure 5 that the apparent viscosity rounding oil.
as derived from Horner analysis is of Kraus et a~~ again postulate the
the order of 100 to 500 c~ (mPa.s), formation of a finely dispersed gas
whereas the range of the live sin- foam in the oil, and show that all of
gle-phase crude oil viscosities as the observed phenomena can be simu-
measured directly is 1700 to 3500 Cp lated by computer with appropriate
(mPa.s). He simply uses this lower molar volumes and compressibilities,
viscosity to explain the higher pro- and with a delayed evolution of a

SPE 29243 Elmond L. Claridge and Michael Prats 3

free gas phase by means of a pseudo (approaching gas-phase pressure drop

bubble point pressure lower than the at high gas volume fraction). The
value measured in a PVT cell, except refer to work by Hagedorn and Brownx
that the higher-than-calculated oil for pressure drop due to friction in
production rates observed in the two-phase flow up vertical tubing in
field are not matched. which a similar viscosity blending
References 4 and 5 do not ad- relationship was used. However, that
dress the observed hi h nobilities. work was for turbulent flow with the
Ward and Levart2 conclude that two phases present in large local
tiny bubbles may appear on the rough volumes ranging from large bubbles
surface of asphaltene molecules, and for low gas rate, to concentric flow
be thermodynamically stable below a with gas in the middle and liquid
certain size, at pressures below the around the perimeter of the tubing,
bubble point. This does not seem to mist flow for very high gas rates.
likely to provide an explanation for They used the mixture viscosity as an
asphaltene coagulation in association empirical correction factor for cal-
with bubbles larger than the asphal- culating a mixture Reynolds Number
tenes thimsd-ve=. Yet, slucb.
ceaglula- and a friction factor for the turbu-
tion as a mechanism for removal of lent flow region. The application of
asphaltenes from the bulk of the oil that work to the present subject
phase and a consequent reduction in seems remote and inapplicable, unless
the oil phase viscosity seems to us the flow in Islam and Chakmals exper-
to be necessary to explain higher iments did in fact revert to segre-
oil production rates. gated flow of the phases, with gas
Islam and Chakma7 present data slugs pushing liquid slugs. In that
which seem to indicate that simply case, it is evident that the pressure
-< n--k, hh 1 *= = f~Qw~ng drop would behave as observed. This
ha-v-ii-q mAe&uMdMH -u Ian
S~ICe~rn of a viscousoil will reduce is not consistent with the statement
the apparent viscosity. They used that the flow was of microbubllles
Dow-Corning oils of 10, 1000, and suspended in the continuous liquid
5000 mPa.s viscosity and injected a phase. In any event, greatly reduced
gas through a sintered metal cap of apparent viscosity of the order of
known (small) pore openings into the magnitude shown is greater than seems
oil flowing through a metal capillary to occur in flow of non-foamy crude
tube. They state that they saw mi- oils under primary depletion condi-
cro-bubbles using a microscope tions. It would lead to much higher
through a transparent window of the oil production rates for crude oil
capillary tube and could determine below the bubble-point and past the
their size and velocity. The bubbles critical gas saturation than is actu-
were found to be moving 1.2 times ally observed or calculated from two-
&..&Av8than the liquid vel~city. If
~as~e~ phase flow with typical relative
Poiseuilles Law is applied to the permeabilities, regardless of crude
flow of the viscous oil in the ab- oil viscosity or asphaltene content.
sence of the micro-bubbles, our cal- We conclude that the simple presence
culations indicate pressure drops of microscopic gas bubbles, without a
which agree with the 5.6 kPa shown in compositional change in the liquid
their Fig. 1 at 10% of gas in the oil phase leading to a change in that
flowing stream. The extent of vis- phases viscosity, is not an adequate
cosity reduction shown in their Fig- explanation of the difference between
ures 1 through 3 is quite extreme

4 A Proposed Model and Mechanism for Anomalous Heavy Oil SPE 29243

oil production behavior and move with the oil throuqh Dore
non-foamy1oil production behavior. throats with the oil phase v=loc~ty.
In attempting to simulate As more gas is released from solu-
heavy oil production behav- tion, more tiny bubbles will appear
ior, Islam and Chakma used a critical and will become similarly coated with
gas saturation of 40% (as shown in asphaltenes and resins.
their Fig. 14) in Approach 3, but the The gradual removal of the asph-
mixture viscosity relationship with altenes from colloidal suspension in
micro-bubbles showing greatly reduced the oil phase causes a significant
viscosity in their Approach 1. The reduct~on in the oil phase viscosity,
iatter snows aimost straight iine oil
and Wi=
~- ..- -
i= ~he Ldu== Of ~h h@hY
recovery versus timel up to 28 % of well productivity which is obsened.
OOIP at 20 years, while Approach 3 At any given pressure level
gave about 15% in the same time. below the bubble point pressure, the
Approach 2, using conventional rela- gas contained in the bubbles plus the
tive permeability curves gave a re- gas still dissolved in the oil amount
covery of about 13% at 20 years. to the initial gas present in associ-
Neither the single-phase-with-micro- ation with the oil. Similarly, the
bubble-reduced-viscosity case (Ap- asphaltenes coagulated on the bubbles
proach 1) nor the extremely high plus the asphaltenes still in colloi-
critical gas saturation of Approach 3 dal dispersion amount to the initial
seem to us to be reasonable as ade- asphaltene content of the reservoir
quate representations of ~cfoamyoil oil. Hence, as this mixture of phas-
behavior. es moves with a common velocity to
Our paper extends Smithss views oil wells, the producing gas-oil
that the low viscosity of foamy oils ratio will remain essentially at the
is associated with the asphaltenes by initial solution gas-oil ratio.
proposing a plausible model or mecha- Of course, this eminently desir-
nism for the apparently low in situ able situation cannot survive a very
crude oil viscosity. large or very swift pressure reduc-
tion: the asphaltic films will rup-
Proposed Foamy Heavy Oil Model ture or will not have time to form or
re-form after rupture, and the gas
The model assumes that as tiny will coalesce and escape from the oil
gas bubbles form during slow pressure as a separate phase. The large pres-
decline below the bubble-point pres- sure drop as oil is produced up tub-
sure in the reservoir, asphaltene ing will do this, and most of the gas
molecules, which are normally dis- forms a separate phase in the gas-oil
p=L==d i~l mmllA4a-1 4=
~==~~* enn=ws+nv +ha
m=yu~u.u. .aa-
-------- ~~~e~e~i

molecules as the dispersing agent and it is observed that enough gas re-
which contribute strongly to the oil mains dispersed in the produced oil
viscosity, migrate together with the that the volume is about three times
resins to the bubble surfaces and that which results after over-night
&wLa. = _att:*:=:=
catn--vlrr~d ~na+-{ncf.
--.,. ----- 7- ~~j.~ Settlincf.of course; this is only a
coating, when complete, prevents small p~-rt of the gas which enters
further bubble growth and coales- the well with the oil, but it is
cence. enough to make it clear that there is
Since the bubbles are unable to difficulty in achieving complete bub-
coalesce, they remain tiny enough to ble coalescence, and that a much

SPE 29243 Elmond L. Claridge and Michael Prats 5

+nd~ance to coalescence may

strorJgerb.+..-. Until an alternative model of
have existed in the reservoir. the foamy heavy oii behavior i= pro-
Indeedr such a hindrance must be posed which simultaneously accounts
present to cause the producing gas- for all of the observed phenomena, it
oil ratio to be so low compared to is reasonable to proceed to use the
the situation with crude oils from model proposed here. The most sig-
which gas bubbles form and grow in nificant element of the model is that
size and coalesce to form a connected it explains the apparent lowered ~
gas phase which moves with a much W viscosity of foamy crude oils.
higher velocity than the oil phase to Accordingly, we refer to it as an LVM
wells. The high producing gas-oil model (for Low Viscosity Model).
ratio in such cases results in rela- The requirements which the model
tively rapid loss of reservoir energy was constrained to meet are as fol-
and a low ultimate oil recovery. low:
Hence, the proposed model ac-
counts for the observed behavior of a) yield conventionally measured
foamy crude oils. While experimental crude oil viscosities for stock tank
evidence for all details of this oil and for gas-saturated oil at or
model have not yet been obtained, it above the bubble point pressure.
is clear that if the mechanism is
different from that proposed, such an b) yield in situ viscosities below
alternative mechanism must account the bubble point which are substan-
for the same simultaneous production tially lower than those above the
of all of the components (gas, aspha- bubble point.
ltene components, and the rest of the
oil). At the same time, the resis- c) yield a low gas mobility so that
tance to flow below the bubble-point the simulated producing gas-oil ratio
pressure must be considerably lower will remain approximately at the
than that of the oil above its bubble initial solution gas-oil ratio.
point pressure, in order to account
for the high well productivity. d) yield a simulated oil production
So far as we are aware, the only rate which is higher than calculated
way for the viscosity of the oil from the above-bubble-pointviscosity
phase to be reduced is for the as- and which is maintained high for a
phaltenes to be removed from colloi- large cumulative production period.
dal suspension in the oil. However,
they may not simply be precipitated e) yield ultimate cumulative oil
and adhere to the rock, for then they recoveries much higher than for con-
would not be present in the produced ventional crude oils.
oil to account for the viscosity
which is measured on recombined oil. f) be limited to asphaltic crude
If they aggregate in some other fash- oils, and
ion than by adherence to gas bubbles,
it is not clear how they could con- g) not rely in any way on changes in
tribute to to making the gas phase the permeability of the reservoir.
mobiiity so IGW as te be prQduced
only at the solution gas-oil ratio; It is known that the effective
this must also be accounted for by blending viscosity of asphaltenes
any alternative mechanism. colloidally dispersed by resins in an
asphalt-free oil is very great, so

6 A Proposed Model and Mechanism for Anomalous Heavy Oil SPE 29243

that, for example, for a dead crude halfway between and so equally at-
oil of 10,000 cp (mPa.s) viscosity tracted to asphaltenes and to (ali-
GLL=~i.$vr= ~~tu~=~~~ -r; cmnc++<7mLay he
v A-wu-A.~
about 1000 to 1500 cp (mPa.s), while This does not directly explain
the viscosity of the asphaltene-free adherence of the resins to a gas-oil
live oil may be about 100 to 200 cp interface. However, a similar behav-
(mra.Sj .
4-- Av
<m -----t-a
*ha n-a knna#4n4a-
371 kALG UA- N=Aa=bA-&u
Then a dilute suspension in tion process of flotation12. In this
asphalt-free live oil of asphaltenes process, ores of zinc, lead, copper
completely coagulated around gas etc. are ground to a fine powder,
micro-bubbles could have an effective then suspended in water to which a
viscosity only mildly greater than small amount of oil and of a surfac-
this - say, 200 to 400 cp (mPa.s). tant such as sodium xanthate has been
For incomplete removal of the asphal- added. The oil wets the exposed
tenes from the oil, the effective surfaces of the valuable metal miner-
viscosity would range between that al in the presence of large amounts
for the original live oil and that of of silicate minerals, and the surfac-
the completely de-asphalted live oil. tant adheres to the oil surface. In
This is consistent with point b). the vessel containing this ore slur-
Such coagulation of asphaltenes ry, air is introduced through a spar-
and their associated resins around ger as fine bubbles. The surfactant
gas bubbles apparently does not occur sticks to the air bubbles as well as
with all asphaltic crude oils. If to the oil film on the valuable metal
such behavior does occur as postulat- ore surface. The froth which spiiis
ed here, then there must be some over a weir from the top of the flo-
characteristics of the resin or as- tation cell into another vessel is
phaltene compounds which make them enriched many fold in valuable metal
surface-active with respect to a gas- ore content.
oil interface. Carnahan and Quin- This suggests that the key to
tero9~10 have presented data indicat- resin behavior with respect to adher-
ing that resins in the asphaltene/oil ence to gas bubbles and to asphalten-
system can be as strong surfactants es may lie in the porphyrin-type
as the typical sodium petroleum sul- metal compounds present both in res-
fonates are in the light oil/brine ins and in the asphaltenes. When the
system. In their earlier study9, structure is such as to expose these
they had estimated that resins have metals to the resin surfactant, and
an affinity for asphaltenes and for the resins also can behave like the
alkanes such that their characteriz- sodium xanthan in adhering to a iiq-
ing number similar to the HLB (Hydro- uid-gas surface, then the mechanism
philic/Lyophilic Balance) Number for proposed may be effective. Obvious-
sodium sulfonates should be similar ly, further research on this subject
in value. For the latter system, the would be needed if the research re-
HLB Number for a typical sulfonate, commended here shows that indeed the
iV=uuu*~ iS
~ .~ a~,d1K *4.4,
~ ?.?+
+h vae;me and --=-------
*-*.*---- aenhal tenas--- a Ye
--- sticzkina
the higher number corresponding to to gas bubbles in foamy heavy oil
higher mol weightsll. In their most reservoirs.
recent paper, they have derived an It is further necessary that the
AOB (Asphaltene/Oil Balance) Number resin and asphaltene content be high
of 5 on a scale of zero to ten, thus enough to coat the amount of gas

SPE 29243 Elmond L. Claridge and Michael Prats 7

which comes out of solution as the higher production rates, in accor-

pressure falls below the bubble dance with requirements b) and d).
point, then bubbles will grow in It is likely that the extreme
size, wiii fiii some of the pores and drop in pressure as the cm~de oil is
extend through pore throats to con- brought to the surface will result in
tact and coalesce with other bubbles, rupturing most of the films surround-
and form a connected gas phase which ing gas bubbles, except for the smal-
will move independently of oil phase lest ones, where a thick film might
to the production wells. It is be able to spread enough to suffice
thought that this is what happens in for a thirty-fold increase in volume
light oil reservoirs where the crude (about a three fold increase in diam-
oil contains only small proportions eter, or a five-fold increase in
of resins and asphaltenes, even if surface area). Thus, a small frac-
they are of the right type to coat tion of the bubbles present in the
some of the gas bubbles. In heavy oil as it enters the well could be
crude oils, the asphaltene and resin present under surface conditions.
content is much higher. The iarge increase in volume vu~ld
Some approximate calculations make up for the loss in number, and
indicate that for a three-layer film the produced oil could be very foamy,
of resins/asphaltenes/resins around as observed. During the coalescence
gas bubbles of 2 micron diameter, the of the bubbles which have broken on
volume of resins required is about the way up the tubing, stirring of
1/2000 that of the gas and the asph- the asphaltenes and resins with the
altenes about 1/3000 the volume of remainder of the oil would take
the gas. This is a very small re- place, and so the asphaltenes and
quirement, but it is likely that a resins wouid return to their nerml
multi-layer film would be formed. state of colloidal dispersion in the
For a two micron (2000 Angstroms) produced oil. The viscosity of the
diameter bubble, the three-layer produced oil, after settling out of
surface film would be only about 20- the remaining gas, would reflect the
25 Angstroms thick, or about 1/1000 high blending viscosity of the col-
of the diameter of the bubble, while loidal mixture. This would be in
a thirty layer film could be 1/100 of accord with requirement a).
the bubble diameter thick. In the Computer simulations have been
latter case, the film would be more performed which take into account all
likely to be semi-rigid but more of these requirements. These are
stable (able to allow some stretching described below.
without breaking). Such coated bub-
bles would have great difficulty in Computer Simulations
coalescing, but at that size would
A:ee:-..l,., ~ ~, Table I summarizes the reservoir
klav-e710 uAJ.AAbuAby flewilg wi
..--.. +h
the oil phase through pore throats. and fluid properties used in the
As mentioned, this would enable a low simulations. The initial water satu-
gas-oil ratio to be maintained, with ration was set at the irreducible
slow pressure decline and a high value and does not change signifi-
ultimate primary oil recovery, in cantly during the runs. Four compo-
accord with requirements c) and e). nents were used to describe the sys-
The removal of asphaltic components tem: natural gas, heavy oil, asphalt,
from the bulk oil phase would de- and water.
crease its viscosity and lead to
8 A Proposed Model and Mechanism for Anomalous Heavy Oil SPE 29243

The initial pressure is the tank conditions) is, as mentioned

bubble-point pressure for the amount above, 10,637 cp (mPa.s).
of dissolved gas. As the pressure In order to distinguish the
falls, free gas is formed, and as- behavior of this LVM model from one
phalt is transferred to the gas with low gas mobility only (i.e., no
phase; the removal from the liquid live oil viscosity reduction), a
oil phase results in a marked drop in second simulation was carried out in
the oil phase viscosity. The asphalt which there was no transfer of as-
transferred to the gas phase imparts phalt to gas phase but the viscosity
a much higher viscosity to the gas of the gas phase was arbitrarilyin-
phase, so that under the conditions creased to reduce the produced fluid
used its flow rate is in proportion gas-oil ratio about to the solution
to the flow rate of the oil phase and gas-oil ratio. This is labelled the
the gas-oil ratio remains low. Be- LGM (Low Gas Mobility) model. Final-
cause it moves slowly, most of the ly, a run was made in which the gas
gas evolved remains in the reservoir had its normal mobility and there was
rather than being rapidly produced. no transfer of asphalt to the gas
For the data chosen as an exam- phase; this run is labelled ~Normal.1~
ple (which do not represent any spe- Figure 1 shows the simulated oil
cific reservoir), the initial live production rate for the first 40
-..-:- Gil ..:wmne;+%r
re==rvv~~ vA=Qw=Ak~
1s 7a9n q years fcm the three runs~ while Fig-
(mPa.s), while the live oil viscosity ure 2 shows the producing gas-oil
if all of the asphalt were removed ratios (GORSS). Figure 3 shows the
would be 65 cp (mPa.s). Of course, cumulative oil recovery for the three
only a limited portion of the asphalt cases, and Figure 4 shows the pres-
is removed from the oil by adsorption sure decline curves.
on the bubbles, but as the pressure It can be seen from Figure 1
falls, gas is evolved from the oil that the highest production rates are
phase, and as this happens the vis- obtained in the case where asphalt
Cositiy Gf t~~a~i~ Weuld w;== *--- +mward
---- ad~~rption on the gas bubbles is
that of dead oil, which in this case taken into account. A low gas mobil-
is 10637 cp (mPa.s). The removal of ity does not give as high an oil pro-
asphalt compensates for this rise and duction rate, though the rate does
maintains a moderate viscosity, about not decline as rapidly as in the
one half to one third that which l~Nomal~lcase. The oil rate for the
would occur at any given pressure LVM case ranged from about 1.5 times
without the asphalt adsorption. the rate for the LGM case at five
The mobiiity increase of 2:i ta 3:1 years tim , to 2 tin,es+h= Tr-Ycase
allows a significantly higher oil at 20 years and beyond. For the gas
production rate to occur. Of course, relative permeability curve used,
it does not happen all at once, nor with an Sgc = 0.03, the oil rate in
completely at any time, and the vis- csss stzyed at sifii~ar
the ::iiormal~~
cosity reduction varies with position levels to the other two cases only
**. ~~~ ~=~~~l-ge~rnetry model used. until the critical gas saturation was
When the gas is separated from the exceeded, and then fell rapidly to
oil at the surface, the asphalt re- zero at about 10 years time. At that
mains with the heavy oil, and the point, the oil production rate for
viscosity of this mixture (at stock the Normal case was much impaired

SPE 29243 Elmond L. Claridge and Michael Prats 9

by the loss of most of the solution model. It is recommended that re-

gas. search aimed at specifically deter-
The initial producing gas-oil mining whether the adsorption of
ratio is just the solution gas-oil resins and asphaltenes to gas bubbles
ratio for all three cases. With the does actually occur as the pressure
critical gas saturation of 0.03 which falls below the bubble-point pres-
was used, the ratio remained low in sure, for foamy heavy oils showing
the tNormalcase for about 10 years, the anomalous production behavior
after whit-ntime the free gas exceeds which has been described. It is not
the critical saturation and begins to difficult to design certain experi-
be produced at ratios soon far ex- ments which could demonstrate this,
ceeding the solution gas ratio. In if it does occur. Until such re-
the two cases of hindered free gas search is performed and possibly does
mobility, the producing gas-oil ratio demonstrate that the adsorption model
stays near to the solution gas-oil described is correct, we claim only
ratio, as can be seen in Figure 2. that we have been able to reproduce
The low producing gas-oil ratio in the observed anomalous field behavior
the LVM and LGM cases leads to a by appropriate computer simulation
greater retention of reservoir energy methods.
for any given amount of oil produced, We strongly recommend that ap-
and in itself this gives a major im- propriate research work be performed
provement in ultimate oil recovery. to determine the physical model or
Table 2 shows that the average mechanism(s) responsible for all of
reservoir pressure at the end of 40 the aspects of foamy heavy oil pro-
years is 369 psia for the asphalt duction behavior which have been
adsorption case (LVM), 316 psia for observed and described. To date, no
the low gas mobility (LGM) case, and other model than the one we have
90 psia for the ~Normalcase (this described does so.
was the specified minimum bottom-hole
pressure). The oil rates at this Conclusions ~ Recommendations
time are 16.0 STB/D for the LVM case,
8.6 STB/D for the LGM case, and 0.0 1. A physical model of foamy heavy
STB/D for the ?Normal case. The oil behavior based on stabilization
stock tank oil recoveries at 40 of gas microbubbles by asphaltene
years, as a percentage of the origi- adsorption and oil viscosity reduc-
nal oil in place (OOIP) are 20.16 for tion by this removal of asphaltenes
the asphalt adsorption (LVM) case, from the oil phase has been formulat-
12.68 for the low gas mobility (LGM) ed and implemented in computer simu-
case, and 4.6 for the Normal case. lations, but it most certainly can be
As mentioned, these cases were improved on the basis of further
designed to be iilustratfifeof the etl]dy,
principles involved and do not corre-
spond to any specific field case. 2. If this model is correct, it rep-
However, the input data can be varied resents a physical phenomenon not
in a clear-cut way to match observed previously recognized as occurring
behavior in any specific field. This naturally in oil reservoirs.
does not mean that the authors claim
that the proposed model of component 3. The fact that observed behavior
behavior is demonstrated by these can be simulated by implementing the
simulation results to be a correct model in a simulator does not in

10 A Proposed Model and Mechanism for Anomalous Heavy Oil SPE 29243

itself verify the assumptions of the 4. Maini, B.B., Sarma, H.K., and
model. George, A.E.: Significance of Foamy-
Oil Behavior in Primary Production of
4. Laboratory experiments should be Heavy Oils, paper No. CIM 92-77,
performed to determine whether the 1992 Annual Technical Conference of
proposed mechanism (or model) is the Petroleum Society of CIM, Calga-
------ . W..=A-J
...--*--A-..1 .4 u=
J3Ap=LUUeIl v= aAluu.Lu
AA ~== -r*.%-
71 n
~Y ? u Ull=

signed to determine what other possi-

ble mechanisms are actually responsi- 5. Kraus, W.P., McCaffrey, W.J., and
ble for the observed behavior if the Boyd, G.W.: Pseudo-Bubble Point Model
proposed model is found to be wrong. for Foamy Oils,~lpaper No. CIM 93-45,
1993 Annual Technical Conference of
5. If the asphalt adsorption to gas the Petroleum Society of CIM, Calga-
bubbles proves to be correct for a ry, May 9-12.
crude oil known to be foamy, then
further research is needed for deter- 6. Ward, C.A. and Levart, Eugene:
mining what the characteristics are Conditions for stability of bubble
of the resins and asphaltenes which nuclei in solid surfaces contacting a
make it possible for this adsorption liquid-gas solution, J. Appl.
to take place in some cases and not Phys.56(2), 15 July 1984, pp. 491-
in others. 500.
Acknowledgements 7. Islam, M. R. and Chakma, A.: Role
of Asphaltenes in Recovering Heavy
Permission of TCA Reservoir Oil Through Micro-Bubble Generation,li
Engineering Services to use their in As~haltene Particles in Fossil
reservoir simulator Foam, and their Fuel EXD1oration. Recoverv, Refinina,
continued support and advice, are and Production Processes, Edited by
gratefully acknowledged. M. K. Sharma and T. F. Yen, Pienum
~==-? W ~~~=~~~=
8. Hagedorn, A. E. and Brown, K. E.:
1. Smith, G.E.: Fluid Flow and Sand Experimental Study of Pressure Gradi-
-- irl
rrwuu~~lun n --- .- : --
EIfxi-v-y--cil msservo~cs
--A- uGGurrLny
Under Solution-Gas Drive, SPE Produc- Phase Flow in Small-Diameter Vertical
tion Engineering (May 1988) 169-180. Conduits, J. Pet. Tech. 17(4) April
1965, pp. 475-484.
2. Elkins, L.F., Morton, D., and
Blackwell, W.A.: Experimental Fire- 9. Carnahan, N.F. and Quintero, L.:
flood in a Very Viscous Oil - Uncon- HLB and CMC Influence in Asphal-
solidated Sand Reservoir, S.E. Pauls tenes, Maltene Resins, and Natural
Valley Field, Oklahoma, paper SPE Amphiphiles, paper 55B presented at
4086 presented at the 1972 SPE of the Spring National Meeting of the
AIME Annual Fall Meeting, San Anto- American Institute of Chemical Engi-
nio, Texas, Oct. 8-11. neers, Houston, March 29-April 1,
3. Dusseault, M.: Cold Production
and Enhanced Oil Recovery, J. Can. 10. Carnahan, N.F. and Quintero, L.:
Petr. Tech. (Nov. 1993) 16-18. Characterization of Asphaltenes and

SPE 29243 Elmond L. Claridge and Michael Prats

Resins, paper presented at the Sixth SPERE (Aug. 1988) 801-808.
UNITAR/UNDP International Conference
on Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, Hous-
ton, Texas, Feb. 12-17, 1995. 12. Wills, B.A.: Mineral Processing
Technoloavq 4th Ed., Pergamon Press,
11. Kremesec, V.J., Raterman, K.T. New York, 1988, Ch 12: Froth lOta-
and Taggart, D.L.: Laboratory Evalu- tion.
ation of a Crude-011-Sulfonate/Non-


porosity, Fraction
3uter Radius, feet (40 acres) 0.3
Nell radius, feet
.. _ _l__,_=- -3.6
S-kin,almens~on~e== 20
DB.avvn;v +h{ckness feet
v&a. w..-- . ...-- ;
tisolute permeability, md n In
Initial water saturation, fraction 0.00
Initial gas saturation, fraction 0.03
Critical gas saturation, fraction 500
Initial pressure, psia 60
Reservoir temperature, F 47.33
Initial solution gas, scf/bbl 1320
Initial live oil viscosity, cp (mPaos) 305
Viscosity of asphalt-free heavy 011, CP (mpa.s) 10,637
Dead oil viscosity at 60 F, Cp (mpa.s)
Hydrocarbon Components:
Molecular weight: 600
Heavy Oil 18.85
Gas 1374
Initial Concentration, mol fraction: 0.70
Heavy Oil 0.20
Gas 0.10


II Normal
4.59 12.68 20.16
Oil produced, percent of OOIP 90 316 369
Average Pressure, psia 0.0 8.6 16.0
Oil rate, STB/D 3000 51.0 38.3
Producing gas-oil ratio, scf/STB ,


LOM Case
A LVM case

o ~
o 10 M m ls 30 M
Le.Yam Figurcf




o I&Mate
no A LVM Case



o NonBIAI,

i s Is n s xl


L ,,

0 s It ls 29 n n % 4B
TiiFiG ~is Fig8re 4

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