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NAME of writer TOPIC

-New Social Movement

-Followers of Young Marx Manifesto
Herbert Marcuse

-Critic of Mill
-Positive Liberal
Ernest Barker

Jacob Talmon -Critic of Rousseau's General Will

Machiavelli -Machia



Levinson -Defender of Plato

Bentham -Utilitarianism

Karl Mannheim -Post-Marxist

-In favor of End of Ideology debate


-Against End of Ideology debate

-Critic of Galbraith

-In favor of End of Ideology debate

-End of History claim
Francis Fukuyama -Liberal Democrat

-Against End of Ideology

Samuel Huntington -Fukuyama critic


-Asian Postcolonial states
Gunner Myrdal [LIBERAL THEORY OF PC} -Concept of Soft States

J W Riggs [LIBERAL THEORY OF PC] -Prismatic Societies

G Tansley -Concept of Political Development Model

Hamza Alavi -Overdeveloped States

Susan Strange -Globalisation (G>S)

Stephen Krasner -Globalisation (G>S)

Robert Gilpin -Globalisation (S>G)

Bob Jessop -Globalisation (S=G)

Wallerstein -Globalisation vs Nationalism

-Marx & Engels

Engels -Historical Materialism

Marx -Dialectic Materialism

Kropotkin -Critic of Marxist Class Conflict theory

Althusser -Critic of Historical Materialism

George Orwell -Critic of Gandhi

Gene Sharp -Gandhian critic of Gandhi

Bhikhu Parekh -Supporter of Gandhi's Swaraj

MN Roy -Marxist critic of Gandhi

Herbert Marcuse -Relevance of Gandhi

Political Ideologies (Views, Critics, Counters)


Definitions: Peter Hains



Axel Honneth

Rosa Luxemborg

Fabianism: [Laski the Liberal = Father of

Fabian Socialism]
Nehru, JP Narayan,
Congress Socialist Party

Critics Michael Makovi

Hayek (Neo Liberal)

Counter Critic Kenneth Arrow (against Hayek)

2. LIBERALISM (Classical, Neoliberal, Social Liberal, Liberal MCs)

Classical Liberal -> (-ve Liberty)

Adam Smith

J S Mill

Positive Liberals

T H Green


Neo Liberal

Isiah Berlin
Murray Rothbard
Ayn Rand


Social Liberal (Egalitarians)




Michael Sandel (MultiCulturalist)

)(Feminist critiq of Liberal State)(

Will Kymlicka (MC)

Mc Intyre (MC)
Habermas (counter Welfare State)

(Marxist counter of MC)

Counter Critic
(Doubles as Criticism of MC Theory)

Brian Barry (Egalitarian Liberal)

Bhikhu Parekh (MC)

Emy Goodwin (Feminist)

Amartya Sen (Social Liberal)

3. FEMINISM (Liberal, Radical and Postmodernist)

Judith Butler

Definition of Patriarchy Sylvia Walby

Mary Wollstonecraft (Mother of Feminism)

Liberal Feminist
(Individual Rights)

Virginia Woolf

Radical Feminist

Shulamith Firestone
Simon de Beauvoir (Mother of Radical

Carole Hanish
Susan Moller Okin

Carole Pateman

Catherine McKinnan

Elizabeth Grosz

Iris Young
Cynthia Enloe
3rd Wave (Postmodernist) ->
postcolonial feminist Chandra Mohanty Talpad
3rd Wave
Black feminism Angela Davis

-# Political Concepts -
State, Civil Society, Government, Governance, Power, Authority, Nation

1. State

Definition of State Garner

Liberal Theory of State Origin

Hobbes, Locke, etc
(Social Contract
Evolutionary Origin)

Mac Iver

Marxist Theory of State Origin

(Force Theory)


Forced Emancipation in Socialist Economies

of Eastern Europe

Feminist Theory of State

Feminist Theory of State

Dependancy theory in Dialectics of Sex

Governance (India) Atul Kohli

2. Civil Society

Role of Civil Society in Developing

Democracies Robert Putnam

Nature of Modern CS Michael Edwards

Imp observation on CS Jeffrey Alexander

Criticism of NGOized CS in India Chandhoke




Definition of CS


Gabriel Almonds and Verba

Robert Putnam
2. Government

Definition of Government C F Strong

Governance vs Government Ortega Gasset

3. Power

Definition of Power Roald Dahl

)((Modern Definition))(
Weberian Power (Relational) Max Weber

Arendtian Power (+ve) Hannah Arendt

Foucaultian Power (postmodern)


Hegemonic Power

Power= Domination (Hard) + Hegemony


Chantal Mouffe


Elitist Power

3. Authority

Definition Weber

Types Weber
4. Nation & Nationalism
Definition Benedict Anderson

Primordial Theory (Nations have always

existed) Roger Masters

Ethnosymbolism (Nation as a result of

cultural symbolism) John Hutchinson

Modernism (Nation as a result of modern


Indian Nationalism B R Ambedkar

-# Different aspects of Democracy -

Meaning and Theories of Democracy; Direct vs Representative Democrac

1. Meaning & Theories


James Bryce

Waves of Democratisation Samuel Huntington

Cosmopolitan Model of Democracy

(Establish democracy globally) David Held

)((Macpherson has divided democracy into Classical: Normative

Classical Model & Modernist Model Modernist: Behaviouralist
1. Locke, Bentham, early Liberals
Classical Model 2. Mill, Laski, positive liberals

Modernist Model

1. Pareto, Weber

2. Robert Dahl

3. Robert Michels
Conception of Power Elites
(Elitist model of Democracy) C Wright Mills

Conception of Polyarchy
(Pluralist Model of Democracy)
((Criticism of Elitist Model)) Robert Dahl

Robert Dahl
Deformed Polyarchy
(Neo-Pluralist Model)
((Revision of Pluralist Model)) Dahl + Charles Lindblom
MACPHERSON's Final Model
Criticism of Classical Model of Liberal

Criticism of Modernist Model

(Critic of Pluralist Model (Dahl))

(Critic of Elitist Model)

Macpherson's Criticisms

Macpherson's Model of Democracy

2. Participatory (Direct +Deliberative+Radical) vs Representative

Direct Democracy

)((Modern Definition))(


Representative Bentham

JS Mill


Deliberative Democracy Aristotle

-Arose against criticisms to Direct
Democracy to develop a middle ground Amartya Sen
between representative's deliberation and
direct's popular rule
Joshua Cohen
Main Diff from DD: No Prime focus on
Voting Instrus

Diff from RD: Focus on Consensus not


Radical Democracy

-Politics of Participatory Democracy, but in

terms of conflict not consensus Chantal Mouffe

Mouffe's Radical Demo Model

(General Contention of Radical Democrats)

Criticism: Charles Blatberg

- Rights, Duties, Liberty, Equality, Justice, Rule of Law, P

1. Rights

Theory of Rights-

-Utilitarian Bentham

-Deontological Kant

-Functional Laski
Book Name / Special Term

"One Dimensional Man"

1. The Prince

2. Discourses

1. An Introduction to Principles of Morals and


2. Anarchical Fallacies

"Ideology and Utopia"

"End of History"

"Clash of Civilization"

"Asian Drama"

German Ideology

"Mutual Aid"
tics, Counters)

"Socialism from below"

"Road to Serfdom"
"On Liberty"

1. "Rights demand State."

2. "Will, not force, is the basis of State."
3. "State hinders hindrances."
4. "Individual is free only when he has the
capacity to fulfill the law of his being"

Influence behind Thatcherism

1."A Theory of Justice"

2."Political Liberalism"

"Industrial State"

1. "The minimal State is both inspiring and right"

2. "Entitlement Theory of Justice"

"Instrumental Value"
"Legitimation Crisis"

"Incommensurable cultures"

"MC is a Solitaristic Theory"

"Vindication of the Rights of Women"

"Dialectics of Sex"

"The Second Sex"

"Personal is Political"
"Personal is Political" Justifications

"Sexual Contract" (Criticism of Social contract of

"Towards a Feminist Theory of State"

Gender Essentialism

Differentiated citizenships
"Where are the Women?"

-# Political Concepts -
ernment, Governance, Power, Authority, Nation, Nationalism, Internationalism.

((Liberal Feminist critique of Socialist Feminist

((Socialist Feminist critique of Liberal Feminist

"Crisis of Governability"

"Making Democracy Work"



Political Culture
Civic Culture

"Making Democracy Work"

-Nominal concept of Power -> Power as

- Basis of the political -> "Power struggle is

basis of political action"

-Relational Power-> "Power is having monopoly

of legitimate use of coercive violence"

- Real Concept of Power -> Power as actuality of

action/mass participation

- Basis of the political -> Political action (against

tyranny thu mass participation) is the basis of
power, [Reverse of Weber]

- Positive Power -> Power is the ability to check

violence (thru mass participation)

"Power is everywhere" = We dont possess

power, we are conduits of power. (Micro-view
of Power)

"Knowledge is power" = Doctor exercises power

on patient due to knowledge of Medical science

Bio Power = Governmentality disciplining
human body through social structures.
Postmodern Perspective of Power

Criticism of Foucaultian Power

"Mind and Society"

)((Principle of Governing Elites))(

)((Theory of Circulation of Elites))(

Protestant Ethics & Rise of Capitalism

"Imagined Communities"
"Nature of Politics"

Dissociates Political Nationalism from

antithetical Cultural Nationalism, though both
are founded on ethnosymbolism

-# Different aspects of Democracy -

ocracy; Direct vs Representative Democracy; Electoral System; Electoral Reforms.
"Modern Democracies"

Globalisation undermining Democracy

1. Protective model
2. Developmental model

1. Elitist Theory

2. Pluralist Theory

3. Iron Law of Oligarchy

(Book= "Political Parties")
"The Power Elites"

)(('Polyarchy is approximate democracy'))(

"A Preface to Democratic Theory"

Who Governs

Schumpeter-Dahl Axis

Known as Critical Liberal

-Egalitarian transition of Western Democracies.

-Purpose of Democracy is Empowerment of


---Criticism againt Representative Democracy

"Englishmen are free once in 5 years."

Democratic framework based on broad
participation of citizens in direction and
operation of political systems


Delegate Model

Enlightenment Model
"Uncertain Glory"

"The Good Polity"

Democracy is a journey rather than a destination

Postmodernist construction of democratic


Contentious Pluralism

Communicative Action

Ideal Speech Situation

es, Liberty, Equality, Justice, Rule of Law, People Participation.

Categorical Imperative

Core Philosopher books

Mill is the Prophet of Empty Liberty Critic scholar books

General Will allows Totalitarianism Terms tied to a scholar

Secularization of Politics

Theory of State

"Machiavelli defines politics in terms of power"

Doctrine of Fear: Rule by Fear (Coz Human Nature sucks and governance
policy must take into account the worst aspects.

Doctrine of Aggrandizement: State must expand or expire. Monarch to

bring disparate States under a Despotic Commonwealth.

Doctrine of Universal Egoism: Develop Moral Indifference and work in

national interest instead of ethical considerations. Seperation of Ethics
from Politics.

Doctrine of Power: The purpose of politics is management of power

"Machiavelli is narrowly dated."

Describes Machia as a child of Renaissance and defend him from

accusations of critics
-Chastised Popper's criticism of Plato
-Cannot compare incomparables

-Greatest Happiness Principle

-Principle of Utility
-Hedonistic Calculus

-Natural Rights are nonsense upon stilts

Ideology= Tool of Economic Dominance

Utopia= Motivation for sub-altern
Since most modern States run on a common bureaucratic structure
irrespective of ideology, ideology no longer maters

Galbraith's idea is SIMPLISTIC PRESUMPTION coz State setup still has

room for ideological debate I
Age of Ideology has ended with global triumph of Liberal Democratic O
order L

Disprove Fukuyama
Liberal Paradox: Liberal Democracy of West is at peak power yet at its
weakest moment as economic modernization and social change are
making people isolated where Religion has moved in to fill the gap.
Giving rise to Clash of Civilizations between Christian West and Islamic

Idea of Hegemony

India and Indonesia are Soft States i.e development in institutionalised P

structure does not reflect capacity to enforce enacted laws, resulting in O
"functional anarchy" T
Poly-normative, arbitrary decision making, socities in transition between N
Agrarian and Industrial stages. A
Heterogenous, Polycultural societies L
Postcolonial states are politically underdeveloped

Postcolonial states are politically Overdeveloped

In the face of Globalization, State is an anachronism and will eventually

wither away

Three modes of Interference:
3 Modes by which Globalisation erodes Sovereignity

Nation-State remains the prime driver behind Globalisation L
Globalisation causing fundamental changes to Sovereignity of Nation- S
States but the current model of State structure is capable of responding A
to that change without being undermined T
~Nationalism is an Anti Systemic Reactionary Movement and Not an

~Concept of World System in Capitalism, since there are no political

centres of Capitalism, it is instead diffused as a world market of Core,
Semi-Periphery and Periphery

First explanation of Historical Materialism o
First explanation of Dialectic Materialism M
+Explanation of Marx's view on Freedom A
+Explanation of Marx's view on Ideology R

Contends that Motion of History is a product of Class Co-operation and

not merely class struggle

Historical Materialism is dehumanizing by reducing people as mere

agents of history

Non-violence allowed British Imperialists to have an easier rule

Non-violence should be a tool of conducting resistance not resolving it

Gandhi's Swaraj was a radical political philosophy that could overcome A
social antagonisms in Indian society N
Satyagraha has prevented a revolution by perpetrating ideology and
Ahimsa's non-violence has actually been a violence upon the masses

"one Dimensional Man"'s consumption conundrum reflects Gandhi's

views on need of freedom from necessities.

DemoSoc= 'Socialism from below'

Democratic/Authoritarian divide is more defining element of DemoSocs
than Revolutionary/Reformationist divide

Worker Management of Capital is a more important aspect of Socialism

than centralized Economic planning

Prestorika was an atempt to shift Stalinist Soviet model of State into a

Democratic Socialist model

Liberal Democracy is based on ahistoric notion of private property which

arose as a specifc result of social relations. .`. True Dems= Social
(`.` human well-being is depedent on social well-being, by extenion
benefit of society)
=> Demo Soc > Lib Dem
Revolutionary branch of Demo Socs
-Part of 2nd International

Roman General Fabian saying "Strike when the Iron is hot" -> moto of
Fabians to educate masses about Socialism and create an atmosphere of
acceptance. Middle class as a version of Organic intellectuals
-Peaceful democratic consti method to achieve socialism

Demo Soc = Inherently contradictory and must fail on political test

Any Government intervention in individual freedom and market

freedom is a road to eventual serfdom
No conclusive evidence of contradiction in Demo Socs, so Hayek's
statement is merelyfearmongering

Life Liberty and Private Property

Minimal state is best state
Atomistic Man + Hedonism

State should not play the role of capital, but of referre.

Ethical revision of Utilitarianism

Reject Bentham's view that society is a sum of conflicting interests.
States that Society has a collective interest which has no inherent
conflict with individual interest because Man is progressive by nature

1. -State is not source of rights, but protector of rights

-Reject Possessive Individualism
2. Green explains the Legitimacy of the Western Liberal State is will of
the people, not force. This will exists because it guarantees positive

Functional Theory of Rights= Rights correlated to duties

System of Rights and Nature of State are interdependent

'-Market Fundamentalism
-Against Progressive Taxation
-State intervention to achieve social justice is pointless because the
stated objective is never realised while State power inevitably leads to
bureaucratic corruption
- True liberty is lack of State interference

+ve liberty is against Liberty

- Liberty cannot be sustained without absence of State intervention
-Taxation is theft
-The only right State should protect is the Right to Life

1. Original Position, Veil of Ignorance,

2. Lexical Order, Difference Principle, Overlapping Consensus

Liberal Democracy vs Development debate with Park Chung Lee

Free market no longer follows simple Demand and Supply as modern

corporate planning like Advertisement and Vertical Integration has
massive influence on market. So the market itself has become a quasi-

1. Progressive Taxation is bonded labour

2. Libertarian critique of Rawl's Theory of Justice (i.e. Critic of Social

Liberty is not merely individual rights but identifying them as part of a

culture, an embedded self

Libs say State is neutral. But Fems say the notion of State Neutrality is a
False Consciousness designed to perpetrate patriarchal hegemony.

Every individual decision is influenced by culture, culture has

"Instrumental Value"
.`.Individual liberty lies in social identity

Man has no individual identity, therefore atomistic man is false.

Legitimation Crisis of Welfare State (Its economic structure is capitalist,
but its political system is socialistic. This will inevitably lead to situations:
-Progressive Taxations turn unsustainable as aspirations rise
-Eventually State suffers massive Fiscal Deficit and loses economic
legitimacy first, followed by political legitimacy.

Eg.- Rise in social unrest during periods of Sovereign Debt Crisis.

MC has shifted mass focus from Politics of Dsitribution to Politics of

Recognition thereby dividing class solidarity in the name of culture

Illiberal cultures violate the liberal value of respecting the person and
thence, need not be respected.
Critical about the emphasis given to diversity as
against individuality

Against Kymlicka's liberal notion that cultures are not

incommensurable .

MC leads to Minorities within Minorities as many cultures would put

exploitation of women as cultural right

Calls MC a solitaristic theory that leads to Ghetoization and

miniaturization of humanity that contributes to social conflicts and
communal rifts
Gender is the aspect of identity that is
gradually acquired through socialization e.g. childbearing comes under
sex while child-rearing comes under gender.

Patriarchy is a system of interrelated social structures that allow men to

exploit women.

Petition on Rights of women in French Revolution

Ideological forbear of Women Suffrage movement
Unwavering focus on women education to achieve political awakening

"Mary Woll's arguments and experiments in living have become

immortal in Feminism"

Influenced by Wollstonecraft
Leader of English Women's suffrage movement of 1910s

Patriarchy is Basic Structure

Dialectics of Sex more pervasive than Dialectics of Class.
.`. Need of Political recognition of Dialectics of Sex

"Women are made not born"

Since Aristotle's time, women has been kept disenfranchised by being

forced within 4 walls of family. Since family = basis of patriarchy, .`.
Personal/ Political dichotomy must be opposed
i) State must take responsibility for violence of women in both public
and personal sphere.
Ii) State neutrality in personal/political divide is an illusion coz State laws
affect the status of women. Thus neutral State is an instrument of
Patriarchy coz most times it disfavors women
iii) Patriarchal upbringing in family leads to perpetration of patriarchy in
public sphere
iv) Disadvantage of women in Labour Market due to Patriarchy => a
public fallout of personal sphere

Women were participants to a an equal Social Contract but patriarchal

system has been imposed against their will
Evolutionary psychological explanation of Gender Role atributes too
much to nature and too litle to social conditioning and therefore cannot
be called objective

Also criticises Rawls ToJ for not including gender justice

-Public Private dichotomy is false consciousness

-State is an instrument of Patriarchy

Unifying political force for awakening of women across societies to

realise their common subordination to patriarchy and mobilise civil
society to fight against it

Laws and policies should have special mechanisms to check

institutionalized discrimination against women
Questioning the exclusion of women from political philosophy:
No major political philosopher or ideology talks about women
participation in politics, with the exception of Plato, Mill and Engels
"When I look at State, it appears as a man"

The additional burden of colonial legacy on subaltern women

Double marginalization experienced by black women

Nationalism, Internationalism.

State is a society occupying internationally recognized territory

operated by a sovereign government exercising supreme authority over
the given territory.

Social Contract, State created by Man

Against Divine Rights theory
Establishes Man as Rational

Evolutionary Origin:
State is a evolutionary result of aggregation of social organizations (eg.-
family, church, commune, etc)

-State represent subjugation of the masses by the propertied class

-"State is manifestation of Irreconciliability of class antagonism" (i.e.
interests of haves and havenots cannot be reconciled)
-State is not a product of Will, but of Force

Women subjected to strenuous jobs not fit for their capability or

-Welfare State of western capitalist state tend to increase womens
dependence on men within the capitalist mode of production

-the state seeks to free womens labour for exploitation in labour market
and it tends
to serve mens interest by maintaining womens unpaid labour in the

Fallout of Soft State thesis. Reasons for Soft State=

i) Colonial legacy: Colonialism destroyed colonial power structure
without providing an alternative power structure that enjoys equal
ii) Legacy of Gandhian civil disobedience
iii) Corruption in bureaucracy
iv) Vast country and lack of infra to extend strong governance

norms of reciprocity and the interrelated networks of trust, cooperation,

and civic engagement or, in other words, the robustness of associational
life (popularly referred to as social capital) influence the performance of
development and democracy.

civil society is a multilayered concept

composed as associational life, as good society, and as public sphere

Need to differentiate Civil Society from markets and states, as well as

noncivil spheres like religion and family

Civil society may not necessarily always promote freedom and

democratic rights as it includes conflicts and uncivil forces within its
CS is a community of shared ethos composed of free men under a Rule
of Law

CS is State itself formed as a Social Contract to protect against SoN

Result of rational Man binding himself to Social Contract. However,

critical of the clamps on human freedom imposed upon by rationality
and CS ("Discourses")

1st to separate CS from State

Maintains CS is a separate but parallel institution to State.
CS= Associational org between Family and State

CS is an aspect of Political Culture, paramount in Civic Culture and

Participatory Culture

Even non-political associations in CS are vital for democracy coz they

build social capital which is eventually transferred to the political culture

Government is the highest authority in the State to make and enforce

laws legitimately

Due to complexity in modern policy making, governance has distanced

people from government giving rise to a political class of power elites
causing declining public participation and falling social capital. This leads
to democratic deficit as evidenced by rise of illiberal demagogic politics
in the West.

Power as domination over subject irrespective of consent

Power is defined as a relational tool to study interactions between

entities in a system (Eg.- State, society, class, etc.)
Power is potential of forcing one's will upon the behaviour of another

Weber has defined State itself as a function of power. (monopoly)

Power is the collective capacity of a society to atain common goals by

agreeing to act in concert

New norm of power operates

through disciplinary form rather than command-obedience relationship
which make the power present everywhere.

Eg.- Panopticism
Panopticon like Prison Surveillance automatically establishes discipline
(i.e. obedience to power) even without a physical authority. Thus Power
flows through the system

The purpose of power is to develop Governmentality. This is acheived

by HOMOGENIZATION. Foucault is against Homogenization. He offers
Knowledge<->Power cycle as an alternative to achieve Governmentality.

Foucault views Power as positive to maintain social order. He is only

critical of Govt homogenization techniques.

Foucaultian power is a wild exaggeration of the concept of power and

makes it a trivial tool to study politics with.
Cultural Hegemony of Western Industrialized nations to source
legitimacy of Capitalism and prevent Marxist awakening caused failure
of Marxism in 1930's Western Europe

Hegemony is a political relationship of Power through which a

subordinate class performs social functions which are culturally
unnatural and non-beneficial to them, but which results in exclusive
benefits to the hegemonic class

USA's War on Terror is a contemprary example of Hegemony

If Governing Elite cannot atract other elites, social stagnation and

stratification happens, => Social Equilibrium and Circulation of Elites is
disturbed => Leads to Revolution and overthrow of regime.
In this transformation of power, the Masses are not affected, they are
only followers not leaders

Authority is institutional and legal Right to obtain compliance and

exercise power. In other words, Authority is exercise of power with

3 types-
Charismatic: Eg.- Napoleon

Traditional: Eg.- English Monarchy

Legal: Eg.- Constitutions

Nations are imagined communities

change that developed modern society and nations is the result of the
rise of a charismatic leader to power in a society who creates a new
tradition or a rational-legal system that establishes the supreme
authority of the state. Weber's conception of charismatic authority has
been noted as the basis of many nationalist governments

Eg.- Napoleon's conquest of Germany gave birth to German nationalism

origin of ethnic and national groups as recognizing group atachments

that are thought to be unique, emotional, intense, and durable because
they are based upon kinship and promoted along lines of common

Political Nationalists = 'secure a representative state for their community

so that it might participate as an equal in the developing cosmopolitan
rationalist civilization'

Cultural nationalists= humanity is 'infused with a creative force which

endows all things with an individuality' similar to nature. Therefore each
nation has right to maintain its individual culture

Nationalism as a recent phenomenon that needs the structural

conditions of modern society in order to exist.

Fraternity is a pre-condition to the idea of a nation. Caste ridden Hindu

society is thus unfit to be a nation.

y; Electoral System; Electoral Reforms.

Democracy is the rule of people expressing their sovereign will and
majority opinion determining legislation

1st wave: 17th century Europe

1st Reverse: Interwar period
2nd wave: Democracy following Dcolonisation
2nd Reverse: Collapse of democracy in 3rd world
3rd wave: End of Cold War
4th wave: Arab Spring vs Arab Exceptionalism

-Coz Global Governance institutions suffer from Democratic Deficit

-Limited decision making ability of nation states

Pareto= Circulation of Elites

Weber= Market Model of democracy (Democracy is a market where
politicians are enterpreneurs and consumers are the voters)

No mater what form government begins as, it eventually becomes an

.`. Liberal vs Marxist debate on democracy is essentially pointless

Still, Liberal world is more democratic coz Elite classes are fractured as
against Communist world where the Communist Party takes the form of
a monolithic elite.
A self-conscious association of elite classes bound by mutual interests
that effectively run the decisions behind government of USA irrespective
of party in power.
.`. Power Elites are neither accountable nor are their decisions relevant
to the electorate

Rejects C Wright Mill's conception of narrow Power Elites in USA.

-People do have political power not just Power Elites.

-But people don't have power as individuals, instead its as associational
power (PG, Interest Groups,etc)
-This polystructured measure of Political Power in Democracy is =
-Power lies across multiple interest aggregations.

Democracy is the ideal government. Since ideal scenarios are utopian,

Polyarchy is the best real world approximation of it.

Conditions for Polyarchy:

i) Competitive Party System
ii) Freedom of speech and expression
iii) Freedom to form associations
iv) Right to dissent
v) Judicial Independence
vi) Regular elections
Critique of Polyarchy Model:

- Corporate Interest Groups have disproportionate influence on the

Polyarchic Structure, giving them greater weight in American

Eg.- Lobbying is legal in USA. Lobbyist Firms exact hefty fees which can
only be paid by Big Corporates which in turn helps them secure their
interests in policy.

Appreciates the classical model but its unscientific, utopian and far
removed from modern reality

-Not much difference between Pluralists & Elitists. Both reduce

democracy to merely pricedural aspects and ignore the normative ones.

-Pluralists reduce Democracy to Lobbying and PGs/Igs

-Elitists reduce democracy to merely elections and party politics.

Critical of Inegalitarian Nature of Liberal Democratic societies

i) Liberalism cannot claim monopoly over democracy. Democratic
Socialism is a viable alternative. Even Communist Democracies cannot
be treated as false democracies if it ensures intra-party democracy

ii) One Party Dominant democracies of 3rd World must also be

considered true democracies if it enjoys huge mass support

iii) Capitalist model cannot be claimed to be inherently democratic.

Originally Capitalism was in favour of Absolute State. Democracy is
therefore a result of social evolution not an economic model.

Macpherson's 2 type of Power in Society:

i) Extractive Power
ii) Developmental Power

Extractive power=Power of Coercion

Current Liberal Democracy: Capitalsist have majority of power in both (i)
& (ii)

Macpherson calls for Abolition of Extractive Power and equal

distribution of Developmental Power amongst Workers and Capitalists.

Effectively dooms the electorate to the choices of the Representative

even if those choices no longer enjoy their consent.

.`. Need of Direct Participation.

Reconciling Liberty with Authority via Direct Democracy through
General Will
- Structured around Voting and Voting Instruments:
a) Initiative- Power to initiate petitions
b) Referendum- Power to Legislate on Initiatives
c) Recall- Power to recall Executive Authority

Electronic Direct Democracy in future

Trilemma of conditions necessary to Sustain Direct Democracy yet no

institutionalised means to achieve the same.

a) Mass participation
b) Assumed Deliberations
c) Equal Participation.

Failure of one or more leads to mobocracy and stampeding of minority

Eg.- 2009 Minaret Referendum success in Switzerland that was based on
popular Islamophobic sentiments

Reps have no right to take decisions against the mandate of the

electorate that got them elected

Reps have great experience so their decisions should be given freedom

and trusted

(Against Bentham) Reps once elected no longer reflects a narrow

constituency but an entire nation so they cannot be tied to the
electorate mandate.

Deliberations is the key to rational decision making

Deliberative mass participation to check rise of totalitarianism

Need of Deliberations: Public Health in India suffers because the issue
has not been focus of public debate

Model of Consociational Deliberative Democracy

i) Mechanism for ensuring Pluralism

ii) More emphasis on Deliberations than Voting Instruments
iii) Veer democracy from a mere game of numbers to that of right

Democracy should be dedicated to a set of Public Values based on

radical struggle of ideas between contending ideologies to maximise
liberty and equality.

He is of the view that only conflict, dissent and opposing opinions can
sustain democracy

We should not try to reconcile Liberty and Equality and instead reaffirm
their unresolvable tension and allow dissenting ideologies to contend in
organic evolution of Democratic State

Contentious Pluralism to allow democracy keep reinventing itself

Communicative Action= Action of Deliberation and Co-operation

Action and struggle is necessary to counter coercive nature of formal


Ideal Speech Situation= Non-coercive atmosphere to conduct

Deliberative Conflict to determine Rational Choice.

Rational Choice results in substantive democracy

Radical Democrats promote an adversarial relationship between State
and Society which undermines solidarity of citizens on issues of National

eople Participation.

Rights are limited by the utility principle. If the exercise of a right

maximises the good, the right ought to hold. If it fails to do so, the right
may be justly abridged.

- Universal Law: Human beings as an end in itself and cannot be

compromised as means

Categorical Imperative: Rule for testing ethical copnduct. No one should

do something that he forbids another from doing.

Non-consequentialist ethic. Ethic must be tested against intentions, not


Individuals can claim a right only on performance of the duty correlated

to that right.
Core Philosopher books

Critic scholar books

Terms tied to a scholar

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