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Yael R.

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Qaballah and Tarot: A Basic Course in Nine

Lesson III: The 22 Paths of the Tree of Life and the
Greater Arcana of the Tarot

C. Notes for Paths 0-93 of the New, English-Language ASCII and associations with the Periodic
Table and Astrological Assignments

3. The Trumps

d. Period IV – Fourth Plane of the Sphere of Life (Tiphareth)

as. Key 51

Potassium 19K38, Z=19. Electron configuration:. 2-8-8-1. Atomic weight: 39.102. Oxidation states:
+1. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 1a/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah ℵ2. ASCII
character: 3. Qaballistic value: 1810 = 2 x 32 = 100102. Associations: Uranus Ý, Saturn Ü, Luna × (3);
Leo (Key 19) ö; Cancer (Key 18) õ; Mercury Ø (since potassium plays such a prominent role in the
central nervous system); Summer (since the Signs of the first two-thirds of Summer, Cancer and Leo, are
associated with this element).

Alternate: 19Gk38, Geekium. Crystal structure: . Associations: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (nuclear
energy and power-metals); hot stuff (Kundalini energy and Kali); geeks; nerds, hence Microsoft,
Randian Objectivists, and SubGenii.
The word Potassium comes from the English word potash, “pot ashes.” Its symbol, K, is taken from
the Latin word kalium and is related to the Arab qali, both of which mean “alkali.” Potassium was
discovered in 1807 e.v. by Davy, who obtained it from caustic potash (KOH); this was the first metal to be
isolated by means of electrolysis.
Potassium has an atomic number of 19, an atomic weight of 39.10, and a valence of 1. Its melting-
point is 63.65º C, its boiling-point is 774º C, and it has a specific gravity of 0.862 at 20º C. Potassium is
the seventh most abundant metal, and makes up about 2.4% by weight of the earth’s crust. It is never found
free in nature, and is obtained by electrolysis of the hydroxide, much in the same manner as employed by
Davy. Thermal methods are also commonly used to produce Potassium, e.g., by reduction of Potassium
compounds by CaC2, C, Sí, or Na. It is one of the most reactive and electropositive of metals, and except
for Lithium is the lightest metal. It is soft, easily cut with a knife, and its freshly-exposed surfaces are
silvery in color, though they quickly tarnish. It oxidizes rapidly in air and must be preserved in a mineral
oil such as kerosene. Like other metals of the Alkali group, it decomposes in water, accompanied by the
evolution of Hydrogen, and catches fire spontaneously when immersed in water. Potassium and its salts
impart a violet color to flames, and for this reason it is one of the minerals used in “fireplace salts” which
are thrown on the fire to give its flames a rainbow of rich color. Essentially, a neutral atom of Potassium
has the structure [Ar]4s1, i.e., a core of Argon with one 4s-electron outside it (and, of course, the additional
proton to hold it).
Nine isotopes of Potassium are known. Ordinary Potassium is composed of three isotopes, one of
which is K40 (0.00118%), a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 1.28 x 10 9 years, which presents no
significant hazard.
Most Potassium minerals are insoluble, and the metal is obtained from them only with great difficulty.
However, certain minerals, such as sylvite, carnalite, langbeinite, and polyhalite, are found in ancient lakes
and seabeds, and form rather extensive deposits from which Potassium and its salts can be obtained readily.
Potash is mined in Germany, New Mexico, California, Utah, and elsewhere. Large deposits of potash,
found at a depth of some 3,000 feet in Saskatchewan, promise to be important in coming years. Potassium
is also found in the ocean, but only in relatively small amounts as compared to the marine presence of
The greatest demand for potash has been in its use for fertilizers. Potassium is an essential constituent
for plant growth, and is found in most soils. It is critical in the functions of the nervous-system and other
parts of the body, and deficiencies of Potassium in the diet can lead to such ailments as adrenal exhaustion,
diabetic complications, high blood pressure, inability to urinate, renal dysfunctions, hypoglycemia, acute
and continuous muscular spasms, problems with the excretion of salt, urine hyperalkalinity, etc.*

*For detailed descriptions of the role played by Potassium in the body, and effects on health of dietary
deficiencies of Potassium, see Adelle Davis, Let’s Get Well (New York: Signet/New American
Library, 1965), passim (as indicated in the superb comprehensive index included in the book).

An alloy of Sodium and Potassium (NaK) is used as a heat-transfer medium. Many Potassium salts are
of the utmost importance, including the hydroxide, nitrate, carbonate, chloride, chlorate, bromide, iodide,
cyanide, sulfate, chromate, and dichromate. Metallic Potassium is available commercially for about $2 per
pound in large quantities (1973 e.v.).

Chapter 18 of Aleister Crowley’s The Book of Lies (op. cit., p. 46):



Verily, love is death, and death is life to come.

Man returneth not again; the stream floweth not uphill; the old life is
no more; there is a new life that is not his.
Yet that life is of his very essence; it is more He than all that he calls
In the silence of a dewdrop is every tendency of his soul, and of his
mind, and of his body; it is the Quintessence and the Elixir of his
being. Therein are the forces that made him and his father and his
father’s father before him.
This is the Dew of Immortality.
Let this go free, even as It will; thou art not its master, but the vehicle
of It.

at. Key 52

Calcium 20Ca40, Z=20. Electron configuration: 2-8-8-2. Atomic weight: 40.08. Oxidation states: +2.
Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 2a/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 1. ASCII character:
4. Qaballistic value: 1910 = 100112 (prime) Associations: Jupiter (Kaph, value 20); Neptune (Mem, value
40); Luna (the electron configuration of calcium is symmetric, i.e., a thing and its reflection); Saturn
(calcium is a primary constituent of the skeleton); Mercury (calcium has a prominent role in CNS
function); Leo (Key 19); California (for the element’s abbreviation); ninjas and ninpo (the philosophy
behind ninjutsu combat arts) (see Chapter 19 of Aleister Crowley’s The Book of Lies, reproduced below,
for the reasons for this correspondence), hence Mars Ú and Neptune Þ, rulers of ninpo taijutsu (in
addition, Neptune is Lord of the Oceans, in which limestone, the primary source of Calcium, is formed due
to the eons-long Alchemical processes of Gaia’s planetary physiology and the living world).

Alternate: 20Pa40, Partyanimalium. Crystal structure: . Associations: Heh-heh-heh. . . .

The word Calcium is etymologically related to the Latin word calx, “lime,” which is made from
limestone, a principal source of this element.
The atomic number of Calcium is 20, its atomic weight is 40.08, and it has a valence of 2. Its melting-
point is 839 ± 2º C, its boiling-point is 1,484º C, and its specific gravity is 1.55 at 20º C.
Calcium is a metallic element, fifth in abundance in the Earth’s crust, of which it forms more than
three percent. Never found free in nature, it occurs abundantly in limestone (CaCO 3), gypsum
(CaSO4•2H2O), and fluorite (CaF2); apatite is its fluorophosphate or chlorophosphate. The metal has a
silvery color, is rather hard, and is prepared by electrolysis of the fused chloride to which Calcium fluoride
is added to lower the melting-point. One of the Alkaline Earth elements, all of which have two s-electrons
in their valence shells, it readily forms a white coating of nitride in air, reacts strongly with water, and
burns with a yellow red flame, largely forming the nitride. Essentially, a neutral atom of Calcium has the
structure [Ar]4s2, i.e., a core of Argon with two 4s-electron outside it, in its valence shell (and, of course,
the additional protons to hold them).
An essential constituent of leaves, bones, teeth, and shells, Calcium is indispensable to the metabolism
of all living organisms. Deficiencies of calcium can cause severe dysfunctions of the central nervous
system in higher chordates and invertebrates, and in female mammals can produce dysmenorrhea,
disturbances of the fertility cycle, and even infertility. Many so-called “mental” illnesses respond quite
favorably to addition of Calcium and Magnesium, in a ratio of 2:1, to the diet, as do physical problems
ranging from a tendency to dental caries to certain forms of epileptoid seizures.
Though lime, which they called calx, was prepared by the Romans in the first century e.v., it wasn’t
until 1808 e.v. that the metal itself, a constituent of limestone, was discovered. After learning that
Berzelius and Pontin prepared Calcium amalgam by electrolyzing lime in Mercury (quicksilver), Davy was
able to isolate an impure form of the metal.
The metal is used as a reducing agent in the preparation of other metals, such as Thorium, Uranium,
Zirconium, etc., and is used as a deoxidizer, desulferizer, or decarburizer for various ferrous and nonferrous
alloys. It is also used as an alloying agent for Aluminum, Beryllium, Copper, Lead, and Magnesium alloys,
and serves as a “getter” for residual gases in vacuum tubes, etc.
The natural and prepared compounds of Calcium are widely used. Quicklime (CaO), made by heating
limestone, then changed into slaked lime by the careful addition of water, is the great cheap base of
chemical industry, with countless uses. Mixed with sand, it hardens as mortar and plaster by taking up
Carbon dioxide from the air. Calcium from limestone is an important limestone in Portland cement. The
solubility of Calcium carbonate in water containing Carbon dioxide is responsible for the formation of
caves possessing stalagmites and stalactites, and is the reason for “hardness” of water.
Other important Calcium compounds include the carbide (CaC 2), the chloride (CaCl2), cyanamide
(Ca(CN2)), the hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2), the nitrate (Ca(NO3)2), and the sulfide (CaS).

Chapter 19 of Crowley’s The Book of Lies (op. cit., p. 48):



The spots of the leopard are the sunlight in the glade; pursue thou the
deer stealthily at thy pleasure.
The dappling of the deer is the sunlight in the glade; concealed from
the leopard do thou feed at thy pleasure.
Resemble all that surroundeth thee; yet be Thyself – and take thy
pleasure among the living.
This is that which is written – Lurk! – in The Book of The Law.

au. Key 53

Scandium 21Sc42, Z=21. Electron configuration: 2-8-9-2. Atomic weight: 44.9559. Oxidation states:
+3. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 3v/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 2. ASCII
character: 5. Qaballistic value: 2010 = 24 x 5 = 100102. Associations: Jupiter Û Tarot Trump X, The
Wheel of Fortune (for its Qaballistic value, 20, which is the value of Kaph k, Key 21 of the Qaballah);
Saturn Ü, Earth ï (Tarot Trump XXI, The World/Universe); Eris, Chaos, Mars Ú(because of the
character, 5); Scandinavia (after which the element was named); Uranus Ý, because of its potential value
to the space industry; Aries þ and Tarot Trump IV, The Emperor (the value of whose Path, Heh h, is 5)

Alternate: 21Sl42, Scandalium. Crystal structure: . Associations: Luna, Neptune, Mercury, and the
Twelfth and Third Houses of the Horoscope (gossip).

The word Scandium comes from the Latin word Scandia, “Scandinavia.”
Scandium has an atomic number of 21, an atomic weight of 44.9559, and a valence of 3. It is a
silvery-white metal which develops a slightly yellowish or pinkish cast upon exposure to air. Relatively
soft, it reportedly resembles Yttrium and the Rare-Earth metals more than it resembles Aluminum or
Titanium. A very light metal, it has a higher melting-point than Aluminum, making it of interest to
designers of ballistic missiles, rockets, space shuttles, etc. It is impervious to a 1:1 mixture of concentrated
HNO3 and 48% hydrofluoric acid, a mixture which can thus be used to dissolve Titanium from a mixture of
that element and Scandium. However, Scandium does react rapidly with many acids. Eleven isotopes of
Scandium are recognized now (1973 e.v.). Little is known yet about its toxicity, and it should therefore be
handled with care. A neutral atom of Scandium has the structure [Ar]4s 24p1, i.e., a core of Argon with two
4s-electrons and one 4p electron outside it (and, of course, the additional protons to hold them).
Scandium is apparently much more abundant in the Sun and certain Stars than it is on Earth. It is
about the 23rd most abundant element in the Sun, compared to its rank as 50th most abundant on Earth.
Widely distributed on our world, it occurs in very minute quantities in over 800 mineral species. The blue
color of the aquamarine variety of beryl is due to this element. It occurs as a principal component in the
rare mineral thortveitite, which is found in Scandinavia and Malagasy (implying that at some point in
Earth’s distant past, those two areas of the world were in very close proximity; since then, due to the action
of plate tectonics, they have moved to their currently widely separated locations). It is also found in the
residues remaining after the extraction of tungsten from Zinnwald wolframite, and in wiikite and bazzite.
Currently, most Scandium is recovered from thortveitite or as a by-product of the extraction of uranium
from davidite, which contains about 0.02% Sc2O3.
On the basis of the Periodic System, Mendeleev predicted the existence of ekaboron, which would
have an atomic weight between 40 of Calcium and 48 of Titanium. The element was actually discovered
by Nilson in 1876 e.v.; he found it in the minerals euxenite and gadolinite, which hadn’t yet been found
anywhere save in Scandinavia. By processing 10 kg of euxenite and other residues of Rare-Earth minerals,
Nilson was able to prepare about 2 grams of Scandium oxide of high purity. Cleve later pointed out that
Nilson’s Scandium was identical with Mendeleev’s ekaboron.
Metallic Scandium was first prepared in 1937 e.v. by Fischer, Brunger, and Grieneisen, who
electrolyzed a eutectic melt of Potassium, Lithium, and Scandium chlorides at 700º-800º C. Tungsten wire
and a pool of molten Zinc served as the electrodes in a graphite crucible. Current methods of producing the
metal are more complicated. The production of the first pound of 99% pure Scandium metal was
announced in 1960 e.v., as having been made under a US Air Force contract.
The metal is still expensive, costing about $20-$60 or more per gram, or about $7,500 per pound, with
a purity of about 99.9%. As of 1973 e.v., several hundred pounds of Scandium had been produced, and
probably far more by now (1997 e.v.), because of its potential value for the space industry. Scandium
oxide costs about $8/gram.

Chapter 20 of Aleister Crowley’s The Book of Lies (op. cit., p. 50):



The Universe is in equilibrium; therefore He that is without it, though

his force be but a feather, can overturn the Universe.
He is not caught within that web, O child of Freedom! Be not
entangled in the universal lie, O child of Truth!

av. Key 54

Titanium 22Ti44, Z=22. Electron configuration: 2-8-10-2. Atomic weight: 47.90. Oxidation states:
+2, +3, +4. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 4b/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 3.
ASCII character: 6. Qaballistic value: 2110 = 2 x 32 = 101012. Associations: Magick (11), the Tarot (22);
the Titans, led by Saturn; Sol (6).

Alternate: 22Ti44, Titanium. Crystal structure: . Associations: Hunks, [censored].

aw. Key 55

Vanadium 23V46, Z=23. Electron configuration: 2-8-11-2. Atomic weight: 50.941. Oxidation states:
+2, +3, +4, +5. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 5b/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 4.
ASCII character: 7. Qaballistic value: 2210 = 2 x 11 = 101102. Associations: The Tarot (22); Eris, Chaos,
Discordianism, SubGenius (23); the human chromosome compliment (23), hence, to some extent,
humanity and human beings, hence Aquarius (Sign of the Man); Venus (7); the Scandinavian Goddess
Vanadis (after whom this compound was named).

Alternate: 23V46, Vannadium. Crystal structure: . Associations: ???.

ax. Key 56
Chromium 24Cr48, Z=24. Electron configuration: 2-8-13-1. Atomic weight: 51.996. Oxidation states:
+2, +3, +6. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 6b/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 5.
ASCII character: 8. Qaballistic value: 2310 = 101102 (prime). Associations: Eris, Chaos, Discordianism
(23); Mercury, Hermes, Djehuti (8).

Alternate: 24Cr48, Chromium. Crystal structure: . Associations: Christine (from Stephen King’s

ay. Key 57

Manganese 25Mn50, Z=25. Electron configuration: 2-8-13-2. Atomic weight: 54.9380. Oxidation
states: +2, +3, +4, +7. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 7b/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to
Sephirah 6. ASCII character: 9. Qaballistic value: 24 10 = 23 x 3 = 110002. Associations: Luna (9);
Venus (25); Sagittarius (Key 25 of the traditional Tarot is the Path Samekh, associated with that Sign).

Alternate: 25Fa50, Faith. Crystal structure: . Associations: Neptune (faith).

az. Key 58

Iron 26Fe52, Z=26. Electron configuration: 2-8-14-2. Atomic weight: 55.847. Valence:+2, +3.
Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 8/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 7. ASCII character: :.
Qaballistic value: 2510 = 52 = 110012. Associations: Traditionally, iron is the metal of Mars; Venus (25);
Capricorn (Key 26 of the traditional Qaballah); the lower bowel (for the character “:”, i.e., a colon); a
regular pack of playing cards (which contains 52 cards); Arizona (for the section number).

Alternate: 26An52, Aquanet. Crystal structure: . Associations: Neptune (hair); Hair, the musical.

ba. Key 59

Cobalt 27Co54, Z=27. Electron configuration: 2-8-15-2. Atomic weight: 58.9332. Oxidation states:
+2, +3. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 8/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 8. ASCII
character: ; . Qaballistic value: 2610 = 2 x 13 = 110102. Associations: Jupiter (for the color); the
vermiform appendix (;); Capricorn (26); Mars (27; Mars is exalted in Capricorn)

Alternate: 27Mt54, Midtermium. Crystal structure: . Associations: Term-paper eating dogs.

bb. Key 60

Nickel 28Ni56, Z=28. Electron configuration: 2-8-16-2. Atomic weight: 58.71. Oxidation states: +2,
+3. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 8/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 9. ASCII
character: <. Qaballistic value: 2710 = 33 = 110112. Associations: A pinochle card-pack (which contains
28 cards); Venus (28); Mars (27); the number 5, buffaloes, Eris, Discordianism, etc. (for the value of and
symbol on the nickel coin); the small (for the character).

Alternate: 28A56, Pass. Crystal structure: ϑ. Associations: Gold stars, keys to Dad’s car.

bc. Key 61
Copper 29Cu58, Z=29. Electron configuration: 2-8-18-1. Atomic weight: 63.546. Oxidation states:
+1, +2. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 1b/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah 0 to Sephirah 10. ASCII
character: =. Qaballistic value: 28 10 = 22x 7 = 111002. Associations: Venus (the traditional metal of
Venus is copper; also, 28 is a number of Venus); Egalité (the second of the great Trinity of the French
Revolution – the first is Liberté, the third, Fraternité [Brotherhood]) (for the symbol), hence Uranus and
Aquarius; British Columbia (for the section number).

Alternate: 29D58, Decorum. Crystal structure: . Associations: restriction, being grounded,

setbacks, risk, edge, danger.

bd. Key 62

Zinc 30Zn60, Z=30. Electron configuration: 2-8-18-2. Atomic weight: 65.37. Oxidation states: +2.
Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 2b/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah i = √-1 to Sephirah ℵ0. ASCII
character: >. Qaballistic value: 2910 = 111012 (prime). Associations: The large (for the character); Pluto
(for the role which zinc plays in physical regeneration as well as both meiosis and mitosis); Sol (30);
Pisces (29); Samekh (the value of which is 60).

Alternate: 30Zt60, Zit. Crystal structure: ⇓. Associations: Clearasil; greasy foods; adolescence;
dweebs, dorks, and other nerds; small mountains.

be. Key 63

Gallium 31Ga62, Z=31. Electron configuration: 2-8-18-3. Atomic weight: 69.72. Oxidation states:
+3. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 3a/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah i = √-1 to Sephirah ℵ1. ASCII
character: ? . Qaballistic value: 3010 = 2 x 3 x 5 = 111102. Associations: The Book of the Law (31); God
(l a = AL = 30 + 1 = 31); Mystery (for the character), hence Neptune, Poseidon, Mara, and other
associations with Key 2; France (“Gallium” comes from the same etymological root as “Gallic,” “Gaul,”
and other words associated with France, from which the element takes its name); Georgia (for the section

Alternate: 31Nz62, Clearasilium. Crystal structure: ⇓. Associations: See previous entry; also, glass
and crystal, hence Saturn.

bf. Key 64

Germanium 32Ge64, Z=32. Electron configuration: 2-8-18-4. Atomic weight: 72.59. Oxidation states:
+2, +4. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 4a/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah i = √-1 to Sephirah ℵ2.
ASCII character: @. Qaballistic value: 3110 = 111112 (prime). Associations: the 32 Keys of the
traditional Qaballah; the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching; Saturn, Earth (32); Germany (this element takes
its name from that country); Liber Al vel Legis, God (31); Fire and Pluto (for Key 31 of the Traditional
Qaballah); Norton ℵ0 (Grace analog of Netzach/Venus and Daleth d, the Path connecting Sephiroth 2 and

Alternate: 32St64, Stridex. Crystal structure: ⇓. Associations: See previous two entries; also,
shrillness (strident).

bg. Key 65
Arsenic 33As66, Z=33. Electron configuration: 2-8-18-5. Atomic weight: 74.9216. Oxidation states: +3,
+5, -3. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 5a/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah i = √-1 to Sephirah 1.
ASCII character: A. Qaballistic value: 3210 = 25 = 1000002. Associations: Saturn, Earth (32); Hydrogen
(Key 33); Magick (11, one-third of 33); a Aleph, “Ox” (for the character), hence Uranus Ý and Air σ *; l
b a, sorrow, wept, mourned (the value of the letters of the word in Hebrew add to 33); l a b, name of Day-
Demon of 1st decanate of ò (adds to 33); a l b, to destroy (Ch.), a King of Edom (33); l g, spring, fountain
(33); l g l g, a wheel (68); ∅/Tubman, Power analog of Mercury/Hod = Beth b;

Alternate: 33As66, Oldlace. Crystal structure: . Associations: The Bee-Gees (section number!);
Agatha Christie, Alfred Hitchcock; in general, murder mysteries, hence Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn.

*The traditional symbol for the Element Air is an equilateral Triangle with apex upward, representing Male
or Yang energy, crossed by a horizontal bar about halfway between the base and the apex; similarly,
that for Earth is an equilateral Triangle with the apex downward, symbolizing Female or Yin energy,
crossed by a horizontal bar about halfway between the base and the apex. These are taken from the
symbols for Fire, an equilateral Triangle with apex upward, and that for Water, an equilateral Triangle
with Apex downward, with no horizontal bars; those two symbols combined to form the Star of
David, a regular Hexagram, represent the “marriage” of Fire and Water, producing two “offspring,”
Earth and Air. When combined in the Hexagram, the base of each of the two Triangles crosses the
other about halfway up, hence the bar crossing the Triangles representing the “offspring” of those
representing their “parents.” At any rate, currently my lexicon of symbols does not include the barred
Triangles, so I have chosen to use filled Triangles to represent Air and Earth. Other symbols that could
respectively represent them include, e.g., {  }and {} (taken from the Invoking
Pentagrams of the Elements; see Part B, Chapter 4 of the Appendices to Volume I of my New
Magicks for a New Age for a complete description of the Invoking Rituals of the Pentagrams and of the
Triangles used in those rituals).

bh. Key 66

Selenium 34Se68, Z=34. Electron configuration: 2-8-18-5. Atomic weight: 78.96. Oxidation states:
+4, +6, -2. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 6a/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah i = √-1 to Sephirah 2.
ASCII character: B. Qaballistic value: 3310 = 3 x 11 = 1000012. Associations: Luna, Diana, Artemis
(Selene) was one of the Graeco-Roman names for the Moon); b Beth, “House” (for the character), hence
Mercury; all associations with 33.

Alternate: 34In68, Matriculation. Crystal structure: . Associations: Graduation, rites du passage,

maturation, achievement of status..

bi. Key 67

Bromine 35Br70, Z=35. Electron configuration: 2-8-18-7. Atomic weight: 79.904. Oxidation states:
+1, +5, -1. Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 7a/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah i = √-1 to Sephirah 3.
ASCII character: C. Qaballistic value: 3410 = 2 x 17 = 1000102 Associations: Bismuth (section-number;
cross-correlates to Element 83 (Key 115); sleep and dreams, hence Neptune, Luna (bromides are used to
induce sleep); pacifying clichés, frequently referred to as “bromides”; u , A’ain, Eye (the value of which is
70), hence Capricorn, associated with this letter; g, Gimel, “Camel” (for the character), hence (e.g.) a
certain brand of cigarettes, hence Luna; k, Kaph, “Palm of the Hand” (for the character), hence Jupiter; all
associations with 34, 35, 70.
Alternate: 35Ky70, Lubricatium. Crystal structure: . Associations: (Ahem!).

bj. Key 68

Krypton 36Kr84, Z=36. Electron configuration: 2-8-18-7. Atomic weight: 83.80. Oxidation states: 0.
Column/Row on the Periodic Table: 0/K-L-M-N. Connects Sephirah i = √-1 to Sephirah 4. ASCII
character: D. Qaballistic value: 3510 = 5 x 7 = 1000112. Associations: The court cards of the Tarot for the
new, 16-Sephiroth Qaballah; Superman’s nemesis, hence Lex Luthor and assorted other DC villains; d ,
Daleth, “Door,” (for the character), hence Venus; 62 = Σ (1-8), the Mystic Number of Hod (36); alga,
“AGLA”, a name of God (35); the Shemhamforash or “Divided Name of God” (72).

Alternate: 36Jh84, Haynerium. Crystal structure: . An inert gas. Associations: You will not pay
any attention to the section number.


Asteroid Symbol Path Connecting

Pallas ç Chokmah- Geburah
Juno è Chesed- Geburah
Vesta é Binah- Netzach
Ceres æ Yesod-Kether
Eros Netzach-Geburah
Sappho Netzach-Kether
Hidalgo Yesod-Geburah
Toro Geburah-Kether
Pandora Hod-i = √-1
Psyche Netzach-Chokmah
Urania Binah-0 (Zero)
Chiron å Binah-∅ (Null Set)
Amor Netzach-ℵ0
Diana Yesod-i = √-1
Icarus Hod-Binah
Lilith Geburah-i = √-1

New Transcen- Description Element Z- Sym- Qa-

Paths dental Path ~ num Bol bal-
to traditional ber of listic
Path Ele- Value
connecting ment
∅-0 5–8 Grace analog of Hydrogen 1 H 0
Neptune/Chokmah =
Durga/Hera ℵ2
∅- i = √- 3-8 Helium 2 He 1
∅-ℵ0 7-8 Analog of Peh/Mars = Lithium 3 Li 2
∅-ℵ1 4-8 Beryllium 4 Be 3
∅-ℵ2 2-8 Boron 5 B 4
∅-1 1-8 Carbon 6 C 5
∅-2 Nitrogen 7 N 6
∅-3 å Chiron Oxygen 8 O 7
∅-4 Fluorine 9 F 8
∅-5 Neon 10 Ne 9
∅-6 6-8 Power analog of Sign Sodium 11 Na 10
Capricorn = Constellation
∅-7 Magnesium 12
∅-8 Aluminum 13
∅-9 8-9 Power analog of Sol = Silicon 14
∅-10 8-10 Power analog of Pluto = Phosphorus 15
0- i = √-1 3-5 Power analog of Sign Sulfur 16
Cancer = Constellation
0-ℵ0 5-7 Chlorine 17
0-ℵ1 4-5 Grace analog of Sign Leo Argon 18
(Libra*) = Constellation
Leo (Libra*)
0-ℵ2 2-5 Potassium 19
0-1 1-5 Calcium 20
0-2 Scandium 21
0-3 Titanium 22
0-4 Vanadium 23
0-5 Chromium 24
0-6 5-6 Power analog of Libra Manganese 25
0-7 Iron 26
0-8 Cobalt 27
0-9 5-9 Nickel 28
0-10 5-10 Aphrodite Copper 29
i = √-1- 3-7 Zinc 30
i = √-1- 3-4 Da’ath/The Gallium 31
ℵ1 Abyss/Choronzon
i = √-1- 2-3 Grace analog of Germanium 32
ℵ2 Venus/Netzach = Norton
i = √-1-1 1-3 Power analog of Arsenic 33
Mercury/Hod = Beth b
i = √-1-2 Selene Selenium 34
i = √-1-3 Bromine 35
i = √-1-4 Krypton 36
i = √-1-5 Rubidium 37
i = √-1-6 3-6 Power analog of Sign Strontium 38
Gemini – Constellation
i = √-1-7 Yttrium 39
i = √-1-8 Zirconium 40
i = √-1-9 3-9 41
i = √-1- 3-10 42
ℵ0-ℵ1 4-7 Grace analog of 43
Jupiter/Kaph k, Path
connecting Sephiroth 4
and 7 = ℵ1/Amphitrite;
Vesta é
ℵ0-ℵ2 2-7 44
ℵ0-1 1-7 45
ℵ0-2 Pallas Athena Medusa Palladium 46
(Pallas ç)
ℵ0-3 Silver 47
ℵ0-4 48
ℵ0-5 49
ℵ0-6 6-7 Grace analog of Sign Tin 50
Scorpio = Constellation
Scorpio; Zeus
ℵ0-7 51
ℵ0-8 52
ℵ0-9 7-9 Grace analog of Sign 53
Pisces/Qoph –
Constellation Pisces
ℵ0-10 7-10 Grace analog of 54
Aquarius/Tzaddi x, Path
connecting Sephiroth 7
and 10 (Aries*) =
Constellation Aquarius
ℵ1-ℵ2 2-4 Grace analog of Sign 55
Taurus/Vav w, Path
connecting Sephiroth 2
and 4 = Constellation
ℵ1-1 1-4 56
ℵ1-2 57
ℵ1-3 58
ℵ1-4 59
ℵ1-5 60
ℵ1-6 4-6 Grace analog of Sign 61
Virgo/Yod =
Constellation Virgo
ℵ1-7 62
ℵ1-8 63
ℵ1-9 4-9 64
ℵ1-10 4-10 65
ℵ2-1 1-2 Power analog of 66
Uranus/Aleph = i = √-
ℵ2-2 67
ℵ2-3 68
ℵ2-4 69
ℵ2-5 70
ℵ2-6 2-6 Grace analog of Sign 71
Aries (Aquarius*) =
Constellation Aries
ℵ2-7 72
ℵ2-8 73
ℵ2-9 2-9 74
ℵ2-10 2-10 75
1-4 76
1-5 Comets Iridium 77
1-7 Platinum 78
1-8 Apollo Gold 79
1-9 Ceres æ; Hermes Mercury 80
1-10 81
2-5 Chronos; Pallas ç Lead 82
2-7 83
2-8 84
2-9 85
2-10 Radon 86
3-4 Saturn (for Da’ath) 87
3-7 Vesta é Radium 88
3-8 89
3-9 90
3-10 91
4-8 Liberty Uranium 92
4-9 Neptunium 93
4-10 Dis Plutonium 94
5-9 95
5-10 96
6-10 Analog of Sign 97
Sagittarius (6-9) =
Constellation Sagittarius
n**-i =
. . . and
so, as
Kurt is
wont to
say, it

*In Aleister Crowley’s Qaballah and Tarot, The Book of Thoth

**First new Sephirah added after Ø , 0, i = √-1, ℵ0, ℵ1, and ℵ2
†Second new Sephirah added after Ø , 0, i = √-1, ℵ0, ℵ1, and ℵ2, etc. It should be remembered that
additional new Sephiroth should be added six at a time, along with their own vertical plane, i.e., a new
dimension to the Hyper-Tree of Life. The traditional Tree of Life is of course 2-dimensional. The
Sphere of Life, developed to accommodate the 16-Sephiroth Qaballah, is 3-dimensional (for more on
which, see Part 2, Chapter 1 of Volume 3 of my textbook, New Magicks for a New Age). A 22-
Sephiroth Qaballah would be 4-dimensional. And so on.
Qaballah and Tarot: A Basic Course in 9 Lessons, by Yael R. Dragwyla
Lesson III: The Greater Trumps – Part 4: The New Trumps
Page 14

A Second Arrangement of the New Paths

Other arrangements of the new Paths of the 16-Sephiroth Qaballah are possible. Below, one such is
given. As to which is the arrangement, that must be determined by determining which set of
correspondences is most appropriate, and which proves out in use Hermetically.

New Transcen- Description Element Z- Sym- Qa-

Paths dental Path ~ num Bol bal-
to traditional ber of listic
Path Ele- Value
connecting ment
1-4 Hydrogen 1 H 0
1-5 Helium 2 He 1
1-7 Lithium 3 Li 2
1-8 Beryllium 4 Be 3
1-9 Ceres æ Boron 5 B 4
1-10 Carbon 6 C 5
2-5 Pallas Athena Medusa Nitrogen 7 N 6
(Pallas ç)
2-7 Oxygen 8 O 7
2-8 Fluorine 9 F 8
2-9 Neon 10 Ne 9
2-10 Sodium 11 Na 10
3-4 Saturn (for Da’ath) Magnesium 12
3-7 Vesta é Aluminum 13
3-8 Silicon 14
3-9 Phosphorus 15
3-10 Sulfur 16
4-8 Chlorine 17
4-9 Argon 18
4-10 Potassium 19
5-9 Calcium 20
5-10 Scandium 21
6-10 Analog of Sign Titanium 22
Sagittarius (6-9) =
Constellation Sagittarius
∅-0 5–8 Grace analog of Vanadium 23
Neptune/Chokmah =
Durga/Hera ℵ2
∅- i = √- 3-8 Chromium 24
∅-ℵ0 7-8 Analog of Peh/Mars = Manganese 25
∅-ℵ1 4-8 Iron 26
∅-ℵ2 2-8 Cobalt 27
∅-1 1-8 Nickel 28
∅-2 Aphrodite Copper 29
∅-3 å Chiron Zinc 30
∅-4 Gallium 31
∅-5 Germanium 32
Qaballah and Tarot: A Basic Course in 9 Lessons, by Yael R. Dragwyla
Lesson III: The Greater Trumps – Part 4: The New Trumps
Page 15

∅-6 6-8 Power analog of Sign Arsenic 33

Capricorn = Constellation
∅-7 Selene Selenium 34
∅-8 Bromine 35
∅-9 8-9 Power analog of Sol = Krypton 36
∅-10 8-10 Power analog of Pluto = Rubidium 37
Hades; Power aspect of
Fire = Vesta é
0- i = √-1 3-5 Power analog of Sign Strontium 38
Cancer = Constellation
0-ℵ0 5-7 Yttrium 39
0-ℵ1 4-5 Grace analog of Sign Leo Zirconium 40
(Libra*) = Constellation
Leo (Libra*)
0-ℵ2 2-5 41
0-1 1-5 42
0-2 43
0-3 44
0-4 45
0-5 Pallas Athena Medusa Palladium 46
(Pallas ç)
0-6 5-6 Power analog of Libra Silver 47
0-7 48
0-8 49
0-9 5-9 Tin 50
0-10 5-10 51
i = √-1- 3-7 52
i = √-1- 3-4 Da’ath/The 53
ℵ1 Abyss/Choronzon
i = √-1- 2-3 Grace analog of 54
ℵ2 Venus/Netzach = Norton
i = √-1-1 1-3 Power analog of 55
Mercury/Hod = Beth b
i = √-1-2 56
i = √-1-3 57
i = √-1-4 58
i = √-1-5 59
i = √-1-6 3-6 Power analog of Sign 60
Gemini – Constellation
i = √-1-7 61
i = √-1-8 62
i = √-1-9 3-9 63
i = √-1- 3-10 64
ℵ0-ℵ1 4-7 Grace analog of 65
Qaballah and Tarot: A Basic Course in 9 Lessons, by Yael R. Dragwyla
Lesson III: The Greater Trumps – Part 4: The New Trumps
Page 16

Jupiter/Kaph k, Path
connecting Sephiroth 4
and 7 = ℵ1/Amphitrite;
Vesta é
ℵ0-ℵ2 2-7 66
ℵ0-1 1-7 67
ℵ0-2 68
ℵ0-3 69
ℵ0-4 70
ℵ0-5 71
ℵ0-6 6-7 Grace analog of Sign 72
Scorpio = Constellation
Scorpio; Zeus
ℵ0-7 73
ℵ0-8 74
ℵ0-9 7-9 Grace analog of Sign 75
Pisces/Qoph –
Constellation Pisces
ℵ0-10 7-10 Grace analog of 76
Aquarius/Tzaddi x, Path
connecting Sephiroth 7
and 10 (Aries*) =
Constellation Aquarius
ℵ1-ℵ2 2-4 Grace analog of Sign Iridium 77
Taurus/Vav w, Path
connecting Sephiroth 2
and 4 = Constellation
Taurus; comets
ℵ1-1 1-4 Platinum 78
ℵ1-2 Apollo Gold 79
ℵ1-3 Hermes Mercury 80
ℵ1-4 81
ℵ1-5 Chronos Lead 82
ℵ1-6 4-6 Grace analog of Sign 83
Virgo/Yod =
Constellation Virgo
ℵ1-7 84
ℵ1-8 85
ℵ1-9 4-9 Radon 86
ℵ1-10 4-10 87
ℵ2-1 1-2 Power analog of Radium 88
Uranus/Aleph = i = √-
ℵ2-2 89
ℵ2-3 90
ℵ2-4 91
ℵ2-5 Liberty Uranium 92
ℵ2-6 2-6 Grace analog of Sign Neptunium 93
Aries (Aquarius*) =
Constellation Aries
(Aquarius*); Poseidon
Qaballah and Tarot: A Basic Course in 9 Lessons, by Yael R. Dragwyla
Lesson III: The Greater Trumps – Part 4: The New Trumps
Page 17

ℵ2-7 Dis; Tartaros Plutonium 94

ℵ2-8 95
ℵ2-9 2-9 96
ℵ2-10 2-10 97
n**-i =
. . . and
so, as
Kurt is
wont to
say, it

*In Aleister Crowley’s Qaballah and Tarot, The Book of Thoth

**First new Sephirah added after Ø , 0, i = √-1, ℵ0, ℵ1, and ℵ2
†Second new Sephirah added after Ø , 0, i = √-1, ℵ0, ℵ1, and ℵ2, etc.

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