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Rezumat Summary
Rolul dietei ca factor agravant sau ameliorator n The role of diet as an agravator or ameliorator factor in
anumite boli cutanate (ex. acnee, pemfigus, psoriazis, etc) a some skin diseases (ex. acne, psoriasis, pmphigus, etc) has
constituit un subiect de dezbateri aprinse n ultimii 20-30 been a topic of debate for the last 20-30 years in
de ani n comunitatea dermatologilor. Aceast controvers dermatologic community. This controversy has recently
a revenit recent n atenia cercettorilor, datorit unor come to forefront with new studies indicating the potential
studii noi care indic rolul potenial patogen sau curativ al
pathogenic role of diet, contradicting previous data. The
dietei, contrazicnd unele date anterioare. Acest articol i
aim of this is article is to synthesize past and more recent
propune s sintetizeze unele cercetri referitoare la legtura
dintre dietele restrictive i anumite afeciuni ale pielii i, de findings regarding the link between restrictive diets and
asemenea, s propun noi arii de investigaie n vederea certain skin diseases, and also, to suggest new area of
elucidrii influenei reale a factorilor nutriionali asupra investigation in order to elucidate the true influence of diet
anumitor boli de piele. on these skin diseases.
Cuvinte cheie: dieta, repaus alimentar total, restricie Key-words: diet, fasting, caloric restriction, low-
caloric, indice glicemic, piele. glycemic load, skin.
DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 55: 281-289

Introducere Introduction
Rolul dietei ca factor agravant sau ameliorator The diet role as an aggravating or improving
n anumite boli cutanate (ex. acnee, psoriazis, factor in skin diseases (eg acne, psoriasis,
pemfigus, etc.) este n centrul ateniei comunitii pemphigus, etc.) is the focus of dermatologist
dermatologilor de mai multe decade, datorit community for several decades, due to
rezultatelor contradictorii existente n literatura conflicting results in literature. Controversy has
de specialitate. Controversa a fost reactualizat recently been updated due to new studies
* U.M.F. Carol Davila, Bucureti.
** Policlinica Titan, Bucureti.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 55: 281-289

recent, datorit unor noi studii care indic rolul showing potential dual role (pathogen or
potenial dual (patogen sau curativ) al dietei, curative) of diet, contradicting some previous
contrazicnd unele date anterioare [17, 25, 29, 30]. data [17,25,29,30]. The subject is extremely vast,
Subiectul fiind extrem de vast, articolul nu se va the article does not focus on skin diseases caused
focaliza i asupra afeciunilor cutanate datorate by vitamin deficiencies, food allergies or those
deficienelor vitaminice, alergiilor de cauz where the food factor is clearly demonstrated to
alimentar sau celor n cazul crora factorul the pathogenesis (eg dermatitis herpetiform).
alimentar constituie baza clar demonstrat a Dietary intervention studied in terms of their
patogenezei (ex. dermatita herpetiform). influence on skin diseases can be classified in
Interveniile dietetice studiate din punctul de restrictive diets, diets supplemented (enriched)
vedere al influenei lor asupra afeciunilor and loco-regionally specific diets (eg
cutanate se pot clasifica n: diete restrictive, diete Mediterranean diet). The restrictive diets are also
suplimentate (mbogite) i diete cu specific several ways depending on the scope of
loco-regional (ex. dieta mediteraneean). Dietele restriction: restriction of a certain type of
restrictive sunt la rndul lor de mai multe feluri principle nutrients (eg carbohydrate restriction,
n funcie de obiectul restriciei: restricia unui fat restriction), the restriction of certain food
anumit tip de principiu nutritiv (ex. restricie categories (eg dairy, meat, etc.), caloric restriction
glucidic, restricie lipidic), restricia unei intake, total fasting.
categorii anume de alimente (ex. lactate, carne,
etc.), restricie caloric, repaus alimentar total. Restrictive diets
A. Restriction of a specific type of
Diete restrictive nutritional principle
A. Restricia unui anumit tip de principiu A1. Carbohydrates restricting
Acne. In 2002, Cordain et al. reported the acne
A1. Restricia glucidic absence in some non-westernized populations
Acneea. n 2002, Cordain et al. au raportat (hunters ache in Paraguay and Papua island
lipsa acneei la anumite populaii ne- natives Kitavan of New Guinea) and
occidentalizate (vntorii Ache din Paraguay i hypothesized that the absence of acne was due to
btinaii Kitavan din insula Papua, New a low glycemic index diet [9]. Meanwhile, several
Guinee) i au emis ipoteza c lipsa acneei s-ar studies have confirmed this hypothesis: low
datora dietei cu un indice glicemic redus [9]. ntre glycemic load diet induces a significant decrease
timp, mai multe studii au confirmat aceast in free androgens and acne lesions in parallel
ipotez: dieta cu ncrctur glicemic redus with an increase in IGF carrier protein, such
induce o scdere semnificativ a leziunilor changes probably reflecting increased insulin
acneice i a androgenilor liberi n paralel cu o sensitivity [29, 30]. More recently, a team of
cretere a proteinei transportoare a IGF, aceste American dermatologists conducted a
modificri ilustrnd probabil o cretere a retrospective study on a larger group of 2,500
sensibilitii la insulin [29,30]. Mai recent, o patients with acne and found that, indeed, a diet
echip de dermatologi americani a realizat un based on foods with low glycemic index
studiu retrospectiv mai amplu pe un grup de improves acne lesions. 96.7% of patients noted
peste 2500 de pacieni cu acnee i au concluzionat improvement within 3 months after beginning
c, ntr-adevr, o diet bazat pe alimente cu the diet, and among those on conventional
indice glicemic mic amelioreaz leziunile de treatment, 91% have either reduced their dose of
acnee. 96.7% din pacieni au observat ameliorarea medication used, or have abandoned them. The
n primele 3 luni de la nceputul dietei, iar dintre results were communicated at the 67 annual
cei aflai pe tratament convenional, 91% fie au meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology,
redus doza de medicamente pe care le foloseau, San Francisco, March 2009.
fie au renunat la ele. Rezultatele au fost With a high glycemic index foods (eg sweets)
comunicate la a-67-a ntlnire anual a American promote acne through multiple mechanisms (see

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 55: 281-289

Fig. 1. Alimente care agraveaz acneea Fig. 1. Food that aggravates acne

Academy of Dermatology, San Francisco, martie Fig.1), all with the starting point hyperin-
2009. sulinemia, which stimulates the secretion of
Alimentele cu un indice glicemic mare (ex. androgens and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor).
dulciuri) favorizeaz apariia acneei prin Free IGF-1 may promote acne by: 1) induction
multiple mecanisme (Fig. 1), toate avnd ca punct pilosebacee holes keratinisation with secondary
de pornire hiperinsulinemia, care stimuleaz obstruction, 2) by stimulating secretion of
secreia de androgeni i pe cea de IGF-1 (insulin- androgens. Several studies have shown that acne
like growth factor). IGF-1 liber poate favoriza patients have serum IGF-1 increased further than
acneea prin: 1) inducerea keratinizrii orificiilor control subjects [7.16].
pilosebacee cu obstrucie secundar; 2) prin Skin senescence. Low intake of products rich in
stimularea secreiei de androgeni. Mai multe carbohydrates (eg, ice cream, cream, desserts)
studii au evideniat c pacienii cu acnee prezint was also correlated with a lower degree of skin
concentraii serice de IGF-1 mai crescute dect aging in areas photo-expose [25]. There are
subiecii control [7,16]. scientific evidences that carbohydrates contribute
Senescena cutanat. Ingestia sczut de to declining skin health via glycosylation skin
produse bogate n glucide (ex. ngheata, creme, protein, which can boost Actinic and wrinkling
deserturi) a fost de asemenea corelat cu un grad induced lesions [10.32].
mai mic de mbtrnire cutanat n ariile
A2. Lipid restriction
fotoexpuse [25]. Exist dovezi tiinifice conform
crora glucidele contribuie la deteriorarea Non-melanoma type skin cancer. Starting from
sntii pielii via glicozilarea proteinelor the observation that fat foods are associated with
cutanate, fapt care poate favoriza leziunile induse an increased risk of cancer (eg breast cancer,
actinic i ridarea [10,32]. prostate, ovary and colon), a team of
dermatologists showed that in patients with a
A2. Restricia lipidic history of skin cancer non-melanoma type,
Cancer cutanat tip non-melanom. Pornind de la dietary lipids (with 20% of total calories
observaia c lipidele alimentare sunt asociate cu represented from fat) reduces the risk of
un risc crescut de cancer (ex. cancer de sn, developing actinic keratosis, squamous cell
prostat, ovar i colon ), o echip de dermatologi carcinoma in situ epiteliom recognized as [5].
a evideniat c la pacienii cu istoric de cancer Subsequently, Ibiele et al examined the role of fat
cutanat tip nonmelanom, o diet hipolipidic (cu intake increased the risk of developing carcinoma
20% din totalul caloric reprezentate de grsimi) keratinocitar, highlighting that there is a

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 55: 281-289

Tabel I. Rolul potenial al unor diete restrictive n unele afeciuni cutanate

Dieta restrictiv Poteniale beneficii ale dietei n: Bibliografie

Dieta cu ncrcare glucidic redus acnee, senescena cutanat 9,25
Diet hipolipidic keratoz actinic, epiteliom spinocelular, epiteliom bazocelular, LES 5,14, 20,21
Restricia de lactate acnee, senescen cutanat 1,2
Restricia de carne senescena cutanat, epiteliom spinocelular 14,25
Restricia de usturoi pemfigus 8,27
Restricia caloric psoriazis, senescena cutanat, LES 4, 21, 26
Repaus alimentar total dermatita de contact, psoriazis 22,23,33

Table I. The potential role of restrictive diets in some skin disorders

Restricted Diet Potential benefits of the diet in: Bibliography

Diet with low carbohydrate loading acne, skin senescence 9,25
Dietary lipids actinic keratosis, squamous cell epiteliom, epiteliom basal, LES 5,14, 20,21
Milk restriction acne, skin senescence 1,2
Meat restriction senescence skin, squamous cell epiteliom 14,25
Garlic restriction pemfigus 8,27
Caloric restriction psoriasis, skin senescence, LES 4, 21, 26
Total fasting contact dermatitis, psoriasis 22,23,33

reduce riscul de a dezvolta keratoza actinic, correlation only for squamous cell epiteliomului,
recunoscut ca epiteliom spinocelular in situ [5]. not for the basal [14]. There are also observational
Ulterior, Ibiele et al au analizat rolul unui aport studies have not found any link between fat
crescut de lipide asupra riscului de a dezvolta consumption and risk of carcinoma ker-
carcinom keratinocitar, evideniind faptul c atinocitors [11.13]. But more important are the
exist o corelaie doar n cazul epiteliomului interventional studies have shown repeatedly
spinocelular, nu i n cazul celui bazocelular [14]. that lipid restriction induces a decrease in cancer
Exist ns i studii observaionale care nu au risk for both the ESC and EBC [6, 15]. This
identificat nici o legtur ntre consumul de apparent discrepancy between the results of the
lipide i riscul de carcinoame keratinocitare interventional and observational studies can be
[11,13]. Mult mai importante sunt ns studiile explained by the fact that the fat intake of 20%
intervenionale care au artat n mod repetat c used dietary interventions restrictive is much
restricia lipidic induce a scdere a riscului less than in populations participating in
cancerigen att n cazul ESC, ct i n cazul EBC observational studies, not allowing it to identify a
[6, 15]. Aceast aparent discrepan ntre corresponding effect in the second situation
rezultatele studiilor observaionale i ale celor (McNaughton, 2005). Another explanation for no
intervenionale se poate explica prin faptul c association between fat intake and risk of EBC
aportul lipidic de 20% folosit n interveniile might be that relevant dietary exposure to cancer
dietetice restrictive este mult mai mic dect cel development was not consider, knowing that the
nregistrat n populaiile participante la studiile EBC induction period is very long, the disease
observaionale, aceasta nepermind identi- origin can be located early in life [3.19].
ficarea unui efect corespondent n a doua situaie Lipids may interfere at several levels in the
(McNaughton, 2005). O alt explicaie pentru carcinogenesis process, two of the mechanisms
absena asocierii dintre aportul lipidic i riscul de incriminated are: 1) altering the composition of
EBC ar putea fi faptul c expunerea dietetic cell membranes, affecting intercellular com-
relevant pentru dezvoltarea cancerului nu a fost munication and the responsiveness cell of growth
analizat, tiut fiind faptul c perioada de factors, and 2) impaired immune response
inducie a EBC este foarte lung, originea bolii secondary pattern change eicosanoids [19].
putnd s fie localizat timpuriu n via [3,19]. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Lipidele pot s intervin la mai multe nivele Relationship of diet to develop three types of
n procesul carcinogenezei, dou dintre lesions vaculare (coronary heart disease, cerebro-

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 55: 281-289

mecanismele incriminate fiind: 1) alterarea vascular accident, thrombosis) was assessed in a

compoziiei membranelor celulare, care afecteaz studio at 196 observation patients with inactive
comunicarea intercelular i responsivitatea SLE without positive history for this type of
celulei la factorii de cretere, i 2) alterarea injury. Patients who developed vascular events in
rspunsului imun secundar modificrii these next four years had a greater consumption
patternului eicosanoidelor [19]. of vegetable fat than those who did not develop
Lupus eritematos sistemic (LES). Relaia dietei these lesions [20]. Moreover, on animal model
cu dezvoltarea a 3 tipuri de leziuni vaculare studies revealed that caloric restriction, in
(cardiopatie ischemic, accident cerebrovascular, particular the lipid nature (especially saturated
tromboze) a fost evaluat ntr-un studio fat), may improve LES development (affecting
observaional la 196 paciente cu LES inactiv fr not only lipid metabolism but also anti-DNA
istoric pozitiv pentru acest tip de leziuni. autoantibody synthesis) [21]. Unfortunately, fat
Pacientele care au dezvoltat aceste evenimente restriction would not be practicable in patients
vasculare n urmtorii 4 ani au prezentat un with severe active SLE, as they mostly are already
consum mai ridicat de lipide vegetale dect cele in a state hipercatabolic, which could be
care nu au dezvoltat leziunile respective [20]. Mai exacerbated by a restrictive diet [28].
mult dect att, n studii pe model animal s-a
evideniat c restricia caloric, n special cea de B. A type of food restriction potentially
natur lipidic (mai ales lipidele saturate), poate aggravating
ameliora evoluia LES (afectnd nu numai Milk. The association between milk
metabolismul lipidic, dar i sinteza de consumption and juvenile acne highlighted in
autoanticorpi anti-ADNdc) [21]. Din pcate, both sexes [1,2] suggest that milk products would
restricia lipidic nu ar fi practicabil n cazul be harmful for those predisposed to develop this
pacienilor cu LES sever activ, deoarece acetia de disease.
cele mai multe ori se afl deja ntr-o stare Milk contains many hormones able to
hipercatabolic, ce ar putea fi accentuat printr-o stimulate the pilosebacee unity and thus
diet restrictiv [28]. encourage comedonogenesa: estrogen, prog-
esterone, androgens, androgen precursors
B. Restricia unui anumit tip de alimente cu
(dehidroepiandrosteron-sulfate and andros-
potenial agravant
tendiona) hydrogenated sterozi in 5- position
Lactatele. Asocierea dintre consumul de lapte (eg dihydrotestosterone), glucocorticoids, IGF-1
i apariia acneei juvenile evideniat la ambele etc. [12].
sexe [1,2] sugereaz c produsele lactate ar fi An increased intake of whole milk (non-
nocive n cazul celor predispui sa dezvolte skimmed) and butter, but not skimmed milk and
aceast boal. cheese, are also associated with a higher degree
Laptele conine numeroi hormoni capabili s of skin aging, according to a multicenter study
stimuleze unitatea pilosebacee i astfel s favo- conducted in Australia, Greece and Sweden [25].
rizeze comedonogeneza: estrogeni, progesteron, Allium family vegetables (eg garlic, leek, onion,
androgeni, precursori ai androgenilor (dehidro- etc.) containing thiol compounds (eg alilmer-
epiandrosteron-sulfatul i androsten-diona), captan, allyl methyl sulfide, diallyl sulfide) that
sterozi hidrogenai n poziia 5- (ex. dihidro- may be in certain circumstances (eg genetic
testosteronul), glucocorticoizi, IGF-1 etc [12]. predisposition) factors trigger of autoimmunity.
O ingestie crescut de lapte integral Isolated cases are cited onion and garlic-induced
(nedregresat) i unt, dar nu de lapte degresat i pemphigus [27] [8] which were resolved to
brnz, se asociaz de asemenea cu un grad mai
eliminate these foods from their diet and
ridicat de mbtrnire cutanat, conform unui
exacerbated the titration. These thiol compounds
studiu multicentric realizat n Australia, Grecia i
have a structure similar of drugs known to be
Suedia [25].
capable of producing pemphigus (eg penicil-
Vegetalele din familia Allium (ex. usturoi, lamine, captopril), which suggests their possible
praz, ceap, etc.) conin compui tiolici (ex. pathogenic [32].

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 55: 281-289

alilmercaptan, sulfura de alil-metil, sulfura de Meat and coffee. A study on three different
dialil) care pot constitui n anumite circumstane communities (Greek, Australian Anglo-Celtic
(ex. predispoziie genetic) factori trigger ai origin and Greek migrants settled in Australia)
autoimunitii. Sunt citate cazuri izolate de increased intake of meat and coffee is positively
pemfigus induse de usturoi [27] i praz [8] care s- correlated with the degree of senescence skin of
au remis la eliminarea acestor alimente din diet areas photo-expose [25]. In another prospective
i exacerbat la readministrarea lor. Aceti study conducted on 1360 subjects aged between
compui tiolici prezint o structur similar unor 25 and 75 years, researchers have identified an
medicamente recunoscute a fi capabile s increased risk of developing squamous cell
produc pemfigus (ex. penicilamina, captopril), epiteliom in increased intake of meat and fat
fapt care sugereaz posibilul lor patogen [32]. (relative risk 1.83, p <0.05) increased risk in
subjects with a history of skin cancer (relative risk
Carnea i cafeaua. Conform unui studiu 3.77, p <.002) and on the contrary, lower for
realizat pe trei comuniti diferite (greci, subjects who had a low diet in meat and fat. In
australieni de origine anglo-celtic i emigrani contrast there was no association between food
greci stabilii n Australia) aportul crescut de patterns and epiteliomul basal [14].
carne i cafea este corelat pozitiv cu gradul de Alpha alpha. Ingestion of alpha alpha sprouts
senescen cutanat a ariilor fotoexpuse [25]. ntr- (Medicago sativa L.) containing L-canavanin
un alt studiu prospectiv realizat pe 1360 de consisting able to induce autoimmune
subieci cu vrste cuprinse ntre 25 i 75 de ani, phenomena in terms of genetic predisposition
cercettorii au identificat un risc crescut de a has been associated with development of lupus-
dezvolta epiteliom spinocelular n cazul like symptoms in several cases [24].
aportului crescut de carne i lipide ( risc relativ
1.83, p0.05), risc accentuat la subiecii cu C. Total fasting and caloric restriction.
antecedente de cancer cutanat (risc relativ 3.77, Fasting total (RAT) has a short-suppressive
p < 0.002) i din contr, mai sczut pentru effect, breeder on contact dermatitis. This was shown
subiecii care aveau o diet srac n carne i in several animal model studies, where have been
lipide. n schimb nu s-a identificat nici o asociere chemically induced different types of allergic
ntre pattern-urile alimentare i epiteliomul contact dermatitis, using various allergens
bazocelular [14]. agents: 2,4 - dinitrofluorbenzen, hemocianine,
Alfa alfa. Ingestia de muguri de alfa alfa tetanus toxin [22.23]. Researchers have offered a
(Medicago sativa L.), care conin L-canavanin, scenario of neuro-endocrine-immunological
compus capabil s induc fenomene autoimune explanation for this effect of RAT, based on the
n condiiile unei predispoziii genetice, a fost known fact that RAT induce a marked increase in
asociat cu dezvoltarea de simptome lupus-like plasma adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol.
n mai multe cazuri [24]. Adrenaline and noradrenaline produce
vasoconstriction and supreseaz the blood flow
C. Repausul alimentar total i restricia to the place of inflammation. Corticosteroids
caloric. Repausul alimentar total (RAT) de regulate the expression of many genes with anti-
scurt durat are un efect supresiv, ameliorator, inflammatory net effect: reduced production of
asupra dermatitei de contact. Acest fapt a fost pro-inflammatory mediators (eg cytokines,
evideniat n mai multe studii pe model animal, prostaglandins, nitric oxide) and inhibits both
n care au fost induse chimic diferite tipuri de leukocyte migration in inflammatory outbreak
dermatite alergice de contact, folosind variai and exudative phenomena.
ageni alergeni: 2,4-dinitrofluorbenzen, Another skin disease that could benefit from
hemocianin, toxina tetanic [22,23]. Cercettorii the effects of RAT is psoriasis. Although
au oferit un scenariu neuro-endocrino- susceptibility to develop psoriasis is inherited,
imunologic explicativ pentru acest efect al RAT, the disease is influenced by external factors such
pornind de la faptul binecunoscut c RAT induce as stress, infections, etc. Also observed that the
o cretere marcat a concentraiilor plasmatice de prevalence and severity of psoriasis is less during
adrenalin, noradrenalin, cortizol. Adrenalina i the characterized periods by a certain insecurity

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 55: 281-289

noradrenalina produc vaso-constricie i of food intake (eg, wars, famines, prisons) [33].
supreseaz afluxul de snge spre locul RAT and the energy-restricted diets, vegetarian,
inflamaiei. Corticosteroizii regleaz expresia and those rich in 3 fatty acids have produced
multor gene cu efect net anti-inflamator: reduc improvements in these patients [18.26]. Wolters, a
producerea de mediatori pro-inflamatori (ex. nutritionist researcher at the University of
citokine, prostaglandine, monoxid de azot) i Hannover (Germany) claim that the effect of all
inhib att migrarea leucocitelor la focarul these diets is based on their potential to change
inflamator, ct i fenomenele exudative. the eicosanoids profile, which lead to
O alt afeciune cutanat care ar putea suppression of inflammatory phenomena.
beneficia de efectele RAT este psoriazisul. Dei Caloric restriction prevents the structural
susceptibilitatea de a dezvolta psoriazis este alterations associated with aging skin and creates
motenit, boala este influenat i de factori some stimulatory effects on the skin (eg increased
exogeni, cum ar fi stresul, infeciile, etc. S-a density of fibroblasts, collagen fibers, elastin and
observat deasemenea c prevalena i severitatea capillaries) [4].
psoriazisului este mai mic n perioadele
caracterizate de o anumit insecuritate a Conclusions
aportului alimentar (ex. rzboaie, foamete,
nchisori) [33]. RAT, dar i dietele hipocalorice, It cannot draw a final conclusion regarding
vegetariene, ct i cele mbogite n acizi grai 3 the role of restrictive diets on the skin status.
au produs ameliorri la aceti pacieni [18,26]. Although there are studies that support the
Wolters, un cercettor nutriionist de la clinical improvement of skin lesions in some
Universitatea din Hanovra (Germania) pretinde dietary interventions of this type, the records are
c efectul benefic al tuturor acestor diete se not sufficiently numerous and in some cases
bazeaz pe potenialul lor de a modifica profilul there are contradictory results or the studies
eicosanoidelor, fapt care conduce la supresia design have limitations. Especially where diet
fenomenelor inflamatorii. data are strictly observational, future studies are
Restricia caloric previne alterrile structurale needed to achieve a long-term prospective
asociate fenomenului de mbtrnire a pielii i analysis and deepening possible molecular
induce unele efecte stimulatorii la nivel cutanat mechanisms incriminated in skin protection.
(ex. creterea densitii de fibroblaste, a fibrelor
Received: 4.12.2009
de colagen, elastin i capilare) [4].

Nu se poate trage o concluzie definitiv n
ceea ce privete rolul dietelor restrictive asupra
statusului pielii. Dei exist studii care susin o
ameliorare clinic a leziunilor cutanate n cazul
anumitor intervenii dietetice de acest tip,
evidenele nu sunt suficient de numeroase, iar n
unele situaii rezultatele sunt contradictorii sau
design-ul studiilor prezint limitri. Mai ales n
cazul n care datele referitoare la diet sunt strict
observaionale, sunt necesare studii viitoare n
care s se realizeze o analiz prospectiv pe
termen lung, ct i aprofundarea posibilelor
mecanisme moleculare incriminate n protecia
Intrat n redacie: 4.12.2009

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Adres de coresponden: Dr. Marilena Glc, Catedra de Biochimie, Facultatea de Medicin General, U.M.F. Carol Davila
Mailing address: B-dul Eroilor Sanitari nr. 8, Sector 5, Bucureti, cod potal 050471


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