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Publicado em 8 de nov de 2014

If you are a rookie in drywall then this video is for you!. This tutorial explains, in detail, all the tips
and tricks associated with hanging drywall. I demonstrate multiple ways to measure, cut and
things to keep in mind while boarding.

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13scott7111 meses atrs
I wish Canadians did EVERY How-To in the world....aye?
Karl V
Karl V4 meses atrs
13scott71 aye lol
RacinZilla0031 ms atrs
leonardjr888 meses atrs
Thank you sir just str8 forward no bs
OPplaya119 meses atrs
Fuck using a level lol gotta put your knife and tape together and do it that way
Troy Ballz
Troy Ballz10 meses atrs
can you make a list of tools? it is hard to understand what you are saying exactly sometimes
Troy Ballz
Troy Ballz10 meses atrs
thank you by the way
JULESBEAST10 meses atrs
CCQ's list is the best to know what you need, or experience.
SKY GUY3 meses atrs
Use ear protection when you are using your noisy tools
NYpaddler2 meses atrs
Amen. When I was still young and stupid I used power tools while not using hearing protection,
but once I started using hearing protection there was no going back. That Rotozip bothers me just
watching the video.
Rich Webb
Rich Webb9 meses atrs
you should use drywall glue to eliminate your nail pops too. trust me....I've done this for 20 or so
rdg5154 meses atrs
Rich Webb why would anyone nail drywall?
Rich Webb
Rich Webb4 meses atrs
rdg515 true. started using screws years ago. they wont back out like nails.
Omar Popoca
Omar Popoca1 ano atrs
estan bonitos los videos pero no les entiendo, no hablo ingles :(
Glenn Carter
Glenn Carter1 ano atrs
Hey Kody, thanks for taking the time to make an instructional video. Going to try my hand at dry
walling a little storage room in my basement. This series helps tons. Going to need to watch this
series a couple more times for note taking purposes. Pretty excited to try something new.
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey1 ano atrs
+Glenn Carter Glad to hear. Hope it works well for you!
Mike2 anos atrs
I know that this video is for beginners so you're probably not doing things the way you normally
do. I used to watch these professional crews hang drywall so fast it was unbelievable to me. I
always wonder how they know where the ceiling joist are because the gun never stops insert a
screw, screw it in and on-and-on
Quality Drywall Finishing
Quality Drywall Finishing1 ano atrs
I'll share some short cuts I've learned through years of experience that might help. Many of these
methods are literally 10 times faster than what I am observing in your video. I hope these will be
beneficial to your work.

Although you are explaining things well, the rasp you are showing is for carpentry, I recommend a
drywall rasp, they are more coarse and will get the job done faster.

Another tip that will speed things up a bit is instead of measuring from the wall on the right to the
center of your box, simply put a vertical mark on the wall plate at the top of the wall where the
center of the electrical box is. Since the mark does not have to be precise you can usually eye
ball it from that mark and you only have to measure from the wall out to the box from the shortest
distance. You do not have to mark the center of the box on the drywall before you hang it, you
simply hang your drywall and only put screws in the perimeter so the board is snug to the box but
not over tight. Then simply locate your vertical mark at the top of the wall and measure your
distance out which was 11" and mark the board.

Also, you're cutting your board the long, hard way. When we rip our board we leave it leaning
against the wall. We hold the tape measure on the top edge of the board at the number we want
while holding the knife at the end of the tape. In one move we hold the tape measure as our guide
while sliding it down the length of the board as we cut the board. Bear in mind that when cutting
drywall it does not have to be a precise cut. It can be a quarter of an inch too short and when you
hang the board on the wall it will still cover any gap in the corner.

Usually the purpose on an 8' ceiling being framed in at 8' 1" is as you say because the board on
the ceiling is usually ". However, it has nothing to do with allowing a " gap at the bottom of the
wall board. It has more to do with allowing " for flooring so the finished room is 8' high at

Good luck in what you do.

akumasan7071 ano atrs
+Drywall Finisher Extraordinaire You obviously didn't watch the whole video
ATXTube2 meses atrs
I love Canadians. The best.
Jack Mazza
Jack Mazza6 meses atrs
I'm picking up some sidework doing drywall next week..It's nice not to go in blind and have an
idea of what I'm doing. Thanks brother.
nyima Choenyi
nyima Choenyi7 meses atrs
great video and great explaination.
Tony rawhouser
Tony rawhouser1 ano atrs
camera man should be in there with you showing what your doing up close.
TheFaithtrix1 ano atrs
Subscribed!! Thank you for sharing/teaching, Kody.
B Supply
B Supply1 ano atrs
Best guys I've found who teach drywall. Great Pro vids too
Ted C.
Ted C.2 anos atrs
VERY helpful videos. Thanks so much for posting!!!!!!
mikelieber12 anos atrs
Great job - very well done !
cresten10002 anos atrs
thanks kody for taking the time to show us beginner how to. especially when you have to frame a
wall in your garage.
Ryan Simmons
Ryan Simmons3 dias atrs
Great video. The only thing I'd say is that there is a lot of heavy breathing coming from the
camera operator - so it felt a little bit like I was learning all of this from the perspective of a
Tracula Beats
Tracula Beats2 semanas atrs
Beautiful play on words, eh buy.
Niiiiice. "Up to Kode"
Robert Ritchie
Robert Ritchie1 ms atrs
why does everyone on YouTube hang the boards horizontal? ahhh duh if you hang them vertically
... there isn't any horizontal seems to spackle..only vertical..I don't know about everyone else
but... I like to spackle as little as possible
Webb Brewer
Webb Brewer1 ms atrs (editado)
From a Canadian to Canadian (living in US) I love the videos. I am in the process of drywalling
over really thick (code requires R38) and most of the spacings are only 2X4 openings. As I place
drywall I have to set 10 to 20 screws to avoid popping. Is there a trick to this or is it all grunt
work. My wife and daughters are getting tired of holding this stuff as I screw and pop. HELP...
they will be forever in your debt. Me too!
Larry Hickey
Larry Hickey1 ms atrs
Thanks for video. I have to do a ceiling soon.
showman753 meses atrs
Thanks for the great video. Actually its good that mistakes are happening because this will most
likely happen to new folks.. :) keep up the good work sir.
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey3 meses atrs
+showman75 Good point. Tried to keep it real!
jystdog3 meses atrs
Fantastic video for the beginner from start to end. I started on my own but was savvy enough to
at least mud the tape on the wall in the joints and corners with lots of mud, whew? I then fumbled
around a bit from there trying to sand areas smooth and fill in. Had no skill at troweling. Today I
began again trying to implement the instruction. The secrets I found so far are: In a very dry
basement like mine it helps to wet the tape. Keep tools really clean and dry. One of mine rusted
overnight from moisture. Keep the edges as clean and smooth as possible on the mud passes. I
surrendered and bought a mixer. Cutting my premix box down with a couple of sponges of water
was like a miracle of light:-) Mud is so much more workable and edges are easier to smooth out.
Just have to get confidence to use the big trowel? Only on the second coat but it is improving.
There is a real art to doing this well. Thanks for being generous enough to share what was
probably a lot of dedication to get to where you are.
TheRaokenx3 meses atrs
m k4 meses atrs
Great video! You covered everything you can run into with that demonstration. Dry walling my
basement. Two things I really suck at, finishing drywall and sweating copper pipes. Not looking
forward to the mud part. I put the mud on sand it off.....repeat a thousand times.
The Real Cussing Prophet
The Real Cussing Prophet4 meses atrs
thank you for these diy videos. I just got offered a job as the maintenance man at an aprtment
complex and tomorrow. and my first job is going to be hanging drywall
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey4 meses atrs
+The Real Cussing Prophet How did your first day go?
The Real Cussing Prophet
The Real Cussing Prophet4 meses atrs
I still havent gotten to hang it yet as something came up with the landlady. I will be for sure on
monday so for the time being, I will continue to watch your videos again and again to make sure
my confidence is top notch. Hopefully when i do start monday I can get it almost as good as you.
Thank you again my brother
King Cups
King Cups4 meses atrs
starting a drywall job tomorrow have 0 experience... I'm fucked eh?
Steve Fritsch
Steve Fritsch5 meses atrs
I need to drywall around an exiting window. Can I still use a rotozip or will that harm the window
frame (replacement windows)
any help is appreciated
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey5 meses atrs
+Steve Fritsch A lot of professional boarders will use a roto zip around windows but I have never
felt comfortable with that method. Too risky. I just measure and cut by hand before placing the
sheet on the wall.
Riza Khan
Riza Khan5 meses atrs
I like that hammer... just too expensive :)
David Lee
David Lee5 meses atrs
were is your header for window you cant make a video if you don't build wall right and 2x4 should
not be on its side for header
Andrew Wilkes
Andrew Wilkes5 meses atrs
Seriously great tutorial! I have a project in mind to board up some windows in my house in Japan
to cut out some of the road noise in my room where I record audio and it seems like Drywall is
much easier than using plywood. And I hope that the heavy plaster material is better than wood at
blocking outside sound from getting in. In fact, because Drywall sheets are so cheap I am thinking
to have 2 panels sandwiched together - maybe you have a tip on how to stick an extra sheet to
the back of a front-facing sheet? I guess that just screws should be enough. And I will have just
air between the panel and the outside glass windows.
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey5 meses atrs
+Andrew Wilkes 2 layers of drywall is a good idea. I'm told more layers is far better than 1 layer.
An air gap is ideal but sometimes labour intensive because of install of sound bar and that sort of
thing. Does this help?
Andrew Wilkes
Andrew Wilkes5 meses atrs
Yes, thanks for your reply.
BlackBookz4207 meses atrs
Bruce Swiegers
Bruce Swiegers7 meses atrs
In a word - Excellent! Thanks for sharing.
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey7 meses atrs
+Bruce Swiegers Thank you!
Joseph Lafave
Joseph Lafave7 meses atrs
This is great, thanks
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey7 meses atrs
+Joseph Lafave Glad to hear. Thank you!
turdsandwicher7 meses atrs
Really nice video you have here. You were saying your walls were 6foot 1 inch so you cut them 6
feet to leave 1 inch gap at the bottom?
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey7 meses atrs
+turdsandwicher It was mostly to demonstrate how a house would be framed. Typical wall height
in a house is 8'1" or 9'1". For an 8' wall after you board the ceiling you are left with 8' 1/2". That
allows for the easy install of 2 rows of drywall with 1/2" left at the bottom.
o die o
o die o8 meses atrs
your videos are great you seem a little nervouse though loosen up :)
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey8 meses atrs
+ltbj I totally agree! All business sometimes with me. Thanks.
Steven Seymour
Steven Seymour8 meses atrs
you sir are the bomb, thank you for your time in doing these videos.
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey8 meses atrs
+Steven Seymour you are welcome! Hope it helped!
Bertie Blue
Bertie Blue8 meses atrs
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey8 meses atrs
+Bertie Blue Thank you
Marc Lastname
Marc Lastname8 meses atrs
use a drywall shoe not a crowbar. center it and step it would have been tight on top doesn't matter
if your floor isn't level. your raising it up off the floor. The only other issued that would have
caused it would be that you didn't frame it properly.
757WN9 meses atrs
fantastic kody. liked!
Rich Webb
Rich Webb9 meses atrs
just sayin made it alot harder by laying the sheet down and using the level.
tony leigh
tony leigh10 meses atrs
wow this guy has'nt done this very long
Shermanre110 meses atrs
Hi, I'm a total novice. What does a bevel cut look like? Any sites out there that shows a close up
of one?
Shermanre19 meses atrs
That makes a lot of sense. Yes, that helps tremendously. Thanks Kody!
Sylvianne Ochsner
Sylvianne Ochsner8 meses atrs
Kody Horvey
The Last Rebel Show
The Last Rebel Show10 meses atrs
To bad only Mexicans do this shit now thanks to Obama!
JERM7 meses atrs
The Last Rebel Show lol unless you do remodels
John Holdburg
John Holdburg10 meses atrs
Rookie - Great Help Thanks
Karen Carter
Karen Carter10 meses atrs
Thank you I am a women. You made it so easy with your step by step instruction so easy to
tbosteder7210 meses atrs
bad advice on the roto zip
tbosteder7210 meses atrs
I would have grabbed a new partner in the first 3 minutes or packed my bags on to the next job...
guy, you are not skilled and this does not require much skill either
tbosteder7210 meses atrs
+swamprat79 I'm looking for new tricks to speed up my productions, there is a lot of skill out
there. I'm union and worked with many other union guys... everybody is very productive and
skilled and would run circles around this guy
BigRalphSmith9 meses atrs
And you're a union rocker?
Looking at a clearly titled beginner video for "new tricks"?
And you also expect to see speed and high volume in a beginner video?
What, are you a fuckin' idiot?
I don't for one second believe that you are a union rocker. Know why?
The union guys I've worked with, they don't talk shit.
They wouldn't bother trashing a beginner YouTube video either.
And they don't just walk away from a job... EVER.
That's what professionalism is, poser.
In fact, I'd bet that other rockers have put you on broom patrol just for being a douche nozzle... if
you aren't just trolling and have actually done this kind of work before.
cdefoor12510 meses atrs
first, you make sure they line up and have a snug fit so you don't have a big gap, second, you
didn't score the outside of the drywall so you would get a clean cut, third you don't push the tape
into the seam, fourth, you go from the middle out when applying the tape, and last, you don't need
to put on so much mud/plaster. feather it down to the wall, you would have saved yourself so
much work.
Jose Luis Hinojosa Jr.
Jose Luis Hinojosa Jr.10 meses atrs
Do you flip houses?
J Alenichev
J Alenichev11 meses atrs
Lol, Canada or Minnesooooohta?
Jhony Lopez
Jhony Lopez1 ano atrs
thanis for teaching some of us knucle heads how to drywall..
Ian Clarke
Ian Clarke1 ano atrs
Dot and dab
Jeffrey Stockdale
Jeffrey Stockdale1 ano atrs
he's really good with the tape measure.
Eduardo luis
Eduardo luis1 ano atrs
you can hear the Camera man breathing heavily
Julio Rivas
Julio Rivas1 ano atrs
The Loobis
The Loobis1 ano atrs
40:45 I've got to try that
Imran Dadabhoy
Imran Dadabhoy1 ano atrs
I'm quite confused of when to go clockwise and counter clockwise with the router
Imran Dadabhoy
Imran Dadabhoy1 ano atrs
confused about*
Dagga Dylla
Dagga Dylla11 meses atrs
+Imran Dadabhoy Counter clockwise when you're on the outside. Clockwise when you're inaide.
wookie4151 ano atrs
great video, thank you for your knowledge. I had a question. When we screwing down the drywall,
does it matter when we start screwing from. Referring to Middle to the outside or does it matter
StormLaker19751 ano atrs
You wouldn't happen to have a video on how to fix cracked drywall joints? I am working on my
garage right now, the previous homeowners (sometime in the last 20 years since the home was
built) or the home builder did kind of a crappy job on installing the mud/tape on the joints. I've cut
all of them out with a utility knife, and have been spending the last several weekends mudding
each layer, and I'm finally getting to the skim coat this weekend...more work than I had
anticipated, haha.
Naralas1 ano atrs
i suck at drywall so I thought I would go back to basics and watch something to see if I was
making any simple mistakes. I really appreciate that this video exists. Awesome.
C -bo
C -bo1 ano atrs
You are an idiot lol come drywall houses with me and you would learn the proper way friend told
me to come check this video out haha hilarious
iWasNeverGivenAName1 ano atrs
In depth and totally clear, thank you very much.
Crafty Little Chickie
Crafty Little Chickie1 ano atrs
Thanks for the helpful tutorial! I'm going to drywall my mudroom this weekend so this is super
Tony Thao
Tony Thao1 ano atrs
Thank you very much for your great dry wall tutorial KH.
This is MARIO
This is MARIO1 ano atrs
Great tutorial, Thanks KH.
Lenkan Lenk
Lenkan Lenk1 ano atrs
why cant you guys go over to the metric system?? No quarter an 5/16th and so forth! 5cm and
2mm! easy!!
Parick Fears
Parick Fears1 ano atrs
Great video!
fahmid hasan
fahmid hasan1 ano atrs
really helpful, thanks
Terry Weathers
Terry Weathers1 ano atrs
great video!!
Kestrel1 ano atrs
Thanks great video. I suck at carpentry and sheetrock but this was very informative and easy to
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey1 ano atrs
+Kestrel Hope it helps!
IBANEZbrian1 ano atrs
Thanks for the video, it's very informative and I hope to reference it as I progress in my home
ownership. I do have to say this though, I hope you get your own microphone on other videos. I
am wearing headphones while watching your video and it's starting to creep me out how I can
hear your camera man breathing in the background. :)
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey1 ano atrs
+IBANEZbrian HaHa. Sorry about that. It's my brother and you're right about the creepy part.
Yassine Sadkhi
Yassine Sadkhi1 ano atrs
These are great videos, you are very easy to understand and offer a great tutorial for us
beginners :). I will start on my kitchen today and this is the vids I will follow. thank you very much
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey1 ano atrs
+Yassine Sadkhi Let know how it turns out!
laokram1 ano atrs
You got your shit strait, but you look like a fool
james cj
james cj1 ano atrs
+David Ludman Unfortunately there are folks who seek to be destructive to draw attention to
themselves. They don't have anything positive to contribute to the well-being of others.
mac daddy
mac daddy1 ano atrs
+laokram and you look like a tool.
Jonboy1 ano atrs
This guy sucks ...
Corcoran Sullivan
Corcoran Sullivan1 ano atrs
what are you doing?
pedro colon
pedro colon1 ano atrs
great school,thanks
,nidhin Kumarpc
,nidhin Kumarpc1 ano atrs
Good review ...
Philippines Trip 2014
Philippines Trip 20141 ano atrs
I am a builder here in Australia, and i don't get why you do not use Stud Adhesive to glue your
Gyprock (Drywall) sheets to the ceiling and wall framework along with screwing it, because here
in Australia it is mandatory to use the Adhesive so the Gyprock does not POP from the screw
heads and literally fall off the framework, especially on the ceiling sheets.
I have also seen some English videos of Drywall fixing and they don't use any kind of Adhesive
either, and i personally think it is a silly idea, and very dangerous.
Also, you do not cut a sheet for the ceiling and place the Tapered edge to the wall sheet, that is
not right, you always put the cut edge to the wall, and leave the tapered edge away from the wall
so if you are hanging another sheet beside it, you have both your tapered joints together,
common sense i would have thought.
Philippines Trip 2014
Philippines Trip 20141 ano atrs
i don't get you comment about politicians, what has that got to do with gluing drywall to framework
Anyway, each to their own, but relying on the head of a screw or nail not popping thru the paper
on the drywall sheet to hold it in place is pretty lame in my opinion.
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey1 ano atrs
+Philippines Trip 2014 Good points and I see what you are saying. I've had boarders ask me why
I don't glue the drywall and it's for a lot of reasons. The biggest reason is that I trust a screw
through the sheet holding in by the face of the board vs. a glue bond that relies on the paper of
the back of the sheet to hold it forever. Sure you minimize screw pops but that's about it.

Now a lot of guys here think that since you glue it you only need a few screws to hold the sheet.
Well what happens is the glue either films over before the sheet get put up (zero bond and a lump
of glue pushing the sheet out) or the installers don't slide or press the sheet against the framing
thus resulting in another poor bond.
Here in Canada we use a poly vapour barrier on all exteriors and ceilings (Our company builds
ICF houses so no poly required on walls) . Glue doesn't stick to poly very well and if it did then
you would be relying on a staple that's in the poly to hold up your sheets.

The other thing that happens here is boarders or tapers never see the end result. They do one
job and then on to the other. As for us we are there until the very end of the project and what i've
seen in the few houses I let guys glue is that the drywall rattles on the walls. Like I said very few
screws and poop glue bonds to studs.

The debate will go on I'm sure but I still would never trust a glue bond to paper to hold up
gyprock. The best would be enough screws to actually allow the glue to press into the framing.

As for the tapered edge thought. It's when i'm doing bulkheads that I install the taper to an inside
corner vs. putting it on an outside corner. In big rooms of course all factories face each other...
especially the tapered ones.

Feronom1 ano atrs
why didn't you use cut-out for electrical box?
Shane Williford
Shane Williford1 ano atrs
Kody - thanks for the videos. I had to tear some drywall from my basement to have some
foundation work done (water leak issues) :( Your videos are a help & think will try my hand at the
repair/replacement of the drywall instead of hiring someone. It's not as "simple" as you make it
out to be because I have windows to deal with (wells) and some beading still in place, etc. Still,
your videos at least make want to give it a shot before considering hiring. Thanks!
Chris Tunks
Chris Tunks1 ano atrs
Great videos. Thanks very much! About to tackle a loft room, and these vids help as you actually
explain what you're doing as you're doing it!
Anna Sharp
Anna Sharp1 ano atrs
I really did appreciate this video. At first I was concerned my son and I could do this but with your
tutorials I have confidence.
The Aardvark
The Aardvark1 ano atrs
Get a board lifter dude, makes life a lot easier. (especially on the r/h/f return, you should of
surformed the top edge till it fitted flush to the ceiling board)
screws should be 300mm apart on full sheets but 150 around openings.
why you fixed the boards horizontally on the window wall is beyond me.
I could of cut the socket out with a paddle far quicker than using a jigsaw.
Gleydson Martins
Gleydson Martins1 ano atrs drywall services ct,ny
Kendall Browning
Kendall Browning1 ano atrs
at 10:45 did you say you are using a rasp? What is that?
Kendall Browning
Kendall Browning1 ano atrs
Rollfinite? /Keyhole saw? Giant Square..Rollzip looks neat with the 5/32 bit.
Mr. J
Mr. J1 ano atrs
Nice job building your demo wall out of square
Denis Leblanc
Denis Leblanc1 ano atrs
A little trick I learned over the years is for the first coat you apply a narrow strip over the tape and
then another narrow strip on each side just a few inches away from the middle row. This leave a
gap that you then fill in during the second coat. It's a good way to avoid lines from the trowel
overlapping the wet mud. The third coat can then be applied with very little scraping.
Erin Trescott
Erin Trescott2 anos atrs
Erin Trescott
Erin Trescott2 anos atrs
I loved the chuuby bunny challenge!!!
John Brown
John Brown2 anos atrs (editado)
You don't put the factory recessed/bevel edge into in to the corner where the ceiling where it
meets the wall board.
The bevel edges go together to form a recess area where the boards join to recess the tape and
help to stop too much of a concave thickness of mud so when it's sanded you get a nice flat
The other way you get a bevelled edge against a full thickness butt edge in the middle of the
That doesn't work... sorry.
It's common place to do the corners and make them look good if you know what you are doing.
Also, if this is for absolute beginners I think I'd like to know the spacing and positioning of the
drywall screws and how many per board.
john james
john james2 anos atrs
This is frigging great!!!
Nicholas Hoffenpiper
Nicholas Hoffenpiper2 anos atrs
Great instructional video Kody. Thank you.
I am rebuilding my shower, including replacing the rusted out metal studs and track in the wall.
The floor to truss distance is 8'1" like you said, so my metal studs will also be around 8'1". Why
are the metal studs in the store only 8'? Now, I need to buy the 10' metal studs and cut each one
to length. Is it normal to need to cut metal studs to length?

Also, if metal studs are suppose to mimic wood studs, why are they 3 5/8" deep instead of 3 1/2"
like wood studs? Thank you!
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey2 anos atrs
+Nicholas Hoffenpiper It is very normal to cut metal studs to length. Wood studs are designed at
the proper length so when building a house you don't have to cut a few hundred of them at a time.
I guess metal ones are used for so many applications that they keep the lengths to even
numbers. I'm not exactly sure why the depth of a metal stud is different but it does make it tricky.
Gimmie Mynameback
Gimmie Mynameback2 anos atrs
Not that its a big deaL but when cutting with a straight edge you would want to use thrre marks
not two because you can still end up with a crooked line with two.
clayton ford
clayton ford2 anos atrs
o my god! NEVER CUT DRYWALL ON THE GROUND ! you have no idea what the shit you are
Dane Anderson
Dane Anderson2 anos atrs
+clayton ford dude. he got the sheet cut and hung correctly, why do you care how he gets to the
finished product? i've cut on the floor myself, it works just as well.
clayton ford
clayton ford2 anos atrs
this guy is a green green green "drywall" "man"
clayton ford
clayton ford2 anos atrs
no professional drywall man uses a rasp, if you learn to cut correctly and use a drywall knife
besides a insulation knife you don't need it. pussy.
Anjdrywall1 ano atrs
Yup he's clueless one thing I know for sure about drywall is there more than one way to get the
job done
rdg5154 meses atrs
clayton ford learn how to cut correctly? you score drywall with a box cutter, you're not splitting an
Supertec Ceilings & Board (PTY) LTD - South Africa
Supertec Ceilings & Board (PTY) LTD - South Africa2 anos atrs
Awesome, easy to follow.
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey2 anos atrs
Thanks for sharing!
Christian Strickland
Christian Strickland2 anos atrs
Thanks Man! Much Appreciated.
TheMediumWolf2 anos atrs
Great instructional video with all the tricks of the trade!
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey2 anos atrs
Thank you!
Terry Schenck
Terry Schenck2 anos atrs
I learned a method to perfectly locate and mark electrical boxes for cutout in drywall. It requires
no measuring and no zip tools. Simply borrow an old lipstick from your better half and apply it to
the perimeter face of the box. Carefully place the drywall sheet in place and press it against the
box. The lipstick will transfer to the drywall sheet, leaving a perfect impression exactly where to
cut. I use a drywall keyhole-type hand saw. It never fails - quick and easy. And by the way, a
great way to get your half inch spacing on the bottom is simply place a couple of scrap drywall
pieces on the floor and set the sheet on it. Great video. Thanks for the tips.
Ben Folger
Ben Folger2 anos atrs
What are your thoughts on 5/8" versus 1/2" for ceilings?
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey2 anos atrs
If using 1/2" make sure to get ceiling board which is more rigid than regular 1/2". As for
1/2"ceiling board vs. 5/8" I would have to say 5/8" is better. Not 100% on that but when cutting it
you can definitely tell how solid it is.
John Brown
John Brown2 anos atrs
+Kody Horvey
5/8ths goes on ceilings. Fire code.
Frosty.2 anos atrs
I wish i would have found these a few days ago.. would have saved me like 5 trips to the store
and a whole lot of headache.

Fantastically done!
Kody Horvey
Kody Horvey2 anos atrs
Thank you for that! I do appreciate it. It does have a ton of detail and was a bit painful watching it
over and over as we made edits but thought it would be a big help for those who are not pro's.

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