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ADVANCE COpy tion Act, '~
Land'.Acquiai .".
Acon.isition of lands held
inst~lctions regarding
1;;4 .
'-:' ~
by poor farmc~~

Revenu,e and Forests Department
Reso~~tion ~o.LQN 3080~2113)A-2
Dated: 24th' November 1980


It has been observed that 'very often E.gricu.ltural lands

owned by poor farmers are acqnired under the Land AccJ.'lisi tion
Act, 1$894" for varia'ils p"blic pl1rposes, as a result of \Jhich the
poor agricll.ltl1.rists are rendered landless and deprived of their
only means of livelihood. It has also been observed thp,t such
agricl1.l tllral lands of poor farmers are acq'lired for p11blic p".rpOSeg
even if there are adeql:tate Government lands s".itable for the
~ public purpose. Goverriment was, therefore, considering as to how
hest the hardships to which such pDor farmersare)pltbecrolse of
acqry:isi tion of their lends, co".ld be red'wed to t-he ~ minimum
extent possible. Government has since decideD that hereD,fter lands
held by poor' fB.rmers may be acql1ired under the LC'J.1d,Acquisition
Act only if the. following two conditions are satisfied:-
'(1) no alternative except' to 'acquire the
land held by the poor farmer for the'~lblic plrpose; and
(2) unless the land heid by the poor farmer is acq'1.ired
the society is not going to be benefited.
2. For the p'lrpose of this Reso111tion, the term poor .-faI1Iler
shO'~ld mean: - ~



(a)~ person
who will be left with a holding of less
~than ? hectares of dry crop,land or 1 hectare- of
seasonally irrigated or paddy or rice land or 0-50
hectare of garden or perennially irrigated land, after
'the proposed acg'lisi tion; and
(b) _whose gross ann11al income ':from all sources wo'1.1d E2 I
V not exceed Rs.3,600/- after the proposedacqldsition. I

. ,

3. The Commissioners of Divisions and the Collectors of

Districts sho".ld ens;~_re that these orders are scr'.p1).lOl1.s1y
followed by the qfficers concerned with land ac~lisition
,matters. \
By order and in the name of the Governor of
.. . Maharashtra
~ Of 1'HE OOtlECtlft /-e ' t.. ~ cr- .

_~IRt ~~ (D.M.CHAUBAIi)

a;.~ ..,W --~~

/ ...t._-""~ Under Secretary to Govenn:nent,
It... Revenue and Forests Department,

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