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To: Ms. Nora Gold

From: Amanjot Singh

Date: 7/20/17

Subject: 30 Second Pitch Evaluation (BUS-9552)

On 7/19/17, everyone in the class performed the 30 second pitch and per the directive, we rated
(on a scale of 1-10) each other based on the ten categories as indicated in the first column of
Table 1. The scoring criteria we followed is listed below:
Score of 8-10 (Exemplary)
Score of 6-7 (Competent)
Score of 5 or less (Needs work)

After compiling my scores in tabular and graphical form, my overall score and mean average
score were 7.55 and 7.32 respectively (refer to Table 1 and Bar Chart 1). Rounding down to
nearest whole number, my score comes out to be 7, that indicates that I am a competent
pitcher. However, I still need to improve in many aspects, mainly my grammar, facial
expressions and the use of appropriate pauses/emphasis in my delivery as I obtained the lowest
scores in these three categories. Additionally, I feel that instead of standing firm, I need to pace
myself around during the presentation.

Although my performance was better than the class average as evident from Table 1 and
Chart 1, but my goal is to be an exemplary speaker and I would work hard to overcome my

Category Average
Score My Average Score Class Average Score
EyeContact 7.18 7.01 8.00
Posture 7.45 7.15 7.80
FacialExpressions 7.09 6.79 7.40

Gestures 7.27 6.90 7.00
Voice 7.36 7.09 6.80
Volume 7.82 7.19 6.40
Pausesand 6.00
emphasis 7.00 6.63
Language 7.00 6.96
Content 7.45 6.86
Overall 7.55 7.11
Score 7.32 6.97 CATEGORY

Table 1
Chart 1

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