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Volume 206, number 1 FEBS LETTERS September 1986

The Cell in Contact

Adhesions and Junctions as Morphogenetic Determinants

Edited by G.M. Edelman and J.-P. Thiery

Wiley; Chichester, New York, 1985

507 pages. E69.00

Multiauthor treaties, especially if based on a cells, taken to be a model for more complicated
previously held conference, generally make poor metazoan structures. The next three sections com-
reading. Individual chapters do not hang together prise the bulk of the book and deal with CAM,
well and are often quite variable in presentation, SAM and CJM in turn. 7 chapters are devoted to
style and scientific content. The Cell in Contact: CAMS: structures, Ca+-dependency of function,
Adhesions and Junctions as Morphological Deter- and their roles in histogenesis and morphogenesis
minants is an exception to this rule. The reason is in a number of situations are described. Fibronec-
easy to discern from the Introductory chapter by tin, laminin and SAMs are discussed in the next
the Editors, Gerald Edelman and Jean-Paul section. Angiogenesis rightly receives some atten-
Thiery. For in it they have very clearly set out their tion but - presumably because they do not fall
aims - to consider three particular cell surface within the confines of the title - topics such as the
molecules, namely cell adhesion molecules (CAM), relation of extracellular matrix to the cell surface
substrate adhesion molecules (SAM), and cell in epithelial cells of respiratory or gastrointestinal
junctional molecules (CJM), in relation to four tract, do not. The final section, on specialized
basic questions. The rest of the volume shows that junctions, delineates desmosomes (binding sites
the Editors have successfully imposed their will on for intermediate filaments) from adherens junc-
the authors, and a well-balanced and worthwhile tions (binding sites for actin filaments) and con-
book has emerged. tains two good chapters on gap junctions that are
The existence of specific proteins at specific sites strong on structure, but less informative - or
within surface membranes poses the problem of speculative - about function.
how - given that biological membranes are fluid at For an uninitiated cell biologist who has just
normal temperatures - such proteins stay there. about learned to distinguish between laminin, vin-
George Palade addresses this problem and sum- culin and cytokeratins, it is a little daunting now to
marizes the different types of microdomain in be confronted with cadherin, desmoplakin,
which protein mobility is restricted. The rest of the desmocollin, desmoglein, talin, or uvomorulin.
volume is divided into 4 sections. The first of Presumably those in the field prefer to describe the
these, on determinants of animal form, contains a objects of their study by names rather than
clear summary by Martin Johnson (Cambridge) of numbers (i.e. 120 kDa, 92 kDa, 80 kDa, etc.); one
the types of interaction that generate cell diversity hopes, therefore, that with time they will become
in the mouse blastocyst. It is followed by a pro- established entities.
posal from Antone Jacobson (Austin, Texas) that As mentioned at the outset, the Editors are to be
differences in cell adhesiveness underlie the congratulated on assembling 21 chapters written
mechanism of neurulation in the newt (and by nearly 70 different authors without either losing
presumably in other organisms also). Neuronal the thread of their declared aim or failing to main-
migration and patterning are considered in the next tain a similarity of format and length for each
two chapters, which are followed by some superb chapter. The style of writing is clear and terse
photographs of surface fibres of Chlamydomonas throughout, and where it does occasionally lapse

Volume 206, number 1 FEBS LETTERS September 1986

into the colloquial, as in the statement that a governmentally-sponsored advertisement on the

. . Chlamydomonas clones are immortal and dangers of contracting AIDS. If having sex is not
resort to sex only when deprived of nitrogen..., only vulgar but . . .illiterate. .. in respect of
this is likely to upset the Lord Chancellor of practices between homosexuals, it is presumably
England more than the average reader of The Cell gibberish when applied to Chlamydomonas.. .).
in Contact (in July 1986, Lord Hailsham com-
plained about the use of the phrase having sex in C.A. Pasternak

A Multiplicity of Macrophages

Biochemistry of Macrophages, CIBA Foundation Symposium 118

Pitman; London, 1986

ix + 256 pages. f27.95


Mononuclear Phagocytes; Physiology and Pathology

Edited by R.T. Dean and W. Jessup

Elsevier; Amsterdam, 1985

ix + 426 pages. $114 (f75 approx.)

These two complementary books give a reasonably imately 17 pence per page will certainly deter in-
up-to-date account of current research themes on dividual purchase of the volume.
the cell biology and biochemistry of The CIBA Foundation book reports the pro-
macrophages, more properly called ceedings of a symposium on the biochemistry of
mononuclear phagocytes. The second book, macrophages, held in April 1985. The coverage of
number eleven in the series Research Monographs the field is less comprehensive than in the former
in Cell and Tissue Physiology, gives valuable book, as may be seen from the concluding remarks
reviews of intracellular events during by Cohn. However, the valuable feature of the
phagocytosis, macrophage surface receptors, syn- book, as with all CIBA Foundation symposia, is
thesis of thromboplastin, plasminogen activator, the presentation of the discussion that took place.
coagulation components and complement com- These carefully-edited discussions certainly help to
ponents, release of proteases and free radicals, the get differing experimental results into some kind of
control of macrophage action by interferons, hor- perspective.
mones and lipoproteins, and the tumouricidal ac- Both these books are worth reading by anyone
tivity of macrophages. The book is well presented interested in mononuclear phagocytes.
and most articles are written in an easily-
comprehensible style. However, a price of approx- B. Halliwell


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