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Analysis of Time Dependent Laterally

Loaded Pile in Clay

Jasim M Abbas, M.Sc.

Ph. D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia. e-mail:,

Zamri Hj Chik, Ph.D.

Associate professor, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia. e-mail:

Mohd Raihan Taha, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia.

Qassun S. M. Shafiqu, Ph.D.

Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Nahrain University, Iraq.

Analyses of laterally loaded single vertical pile are conducted using a two-dimensional finite element
approach. The pile structural and soil mass material modelled by linear elastic and Mohr-Coulomb models,
respectively. While time-dependent process is simulated using Biots equation of consolidation. The scope
of this study is to improve understanding of the effect of time factor and intensity of applied loadings to the
lateral pile response embedded on cohesive soil. Also to assess the p-y relation near to the surface and then
at 1.25 from the pile depth. It concludes that the lateral pile displacement is affected by the time after
loading and the intensity of lateral loading applied. Lateral pile deformation occurred at high load that
increase the possibility the surrounded soil collapse especially near the surface.
KEYWORDS: Single pile, consolidation, lateral response, finite element method.

For many large civil engineering structures deep foundations are found necessary. In such foundations
piles are often subjected to both axial as well as lateral loads. Lateral loads carried by piles occur in offshore
structures, bridge abutments, large buildings, locks and dams, among others. Piles near a slope or those used
to improve slope stability are also subjected to lateral loading. Lateral load also occurs from eccentricity of
Vol. 14 [2009], Bund. N 2

applied vertical loads. According to Poulos and Davis (1980) piles supporting such structures should have the
ability to resist lateral forces typically 10% to 20% of the applied vertical load.

The fundamental theories of plasticity and consolidation evolved separately and it was not until the
1970s that the two were combined. Indeed, the study of plasticity dates back to the 19th century, whereas the
modeling of consolidation did not receive significant attention until the work of Terzaghi (1923) and Biot
(1941) in the middle of the 20th century. Usually necessary to resort to a numerical approach such as the finite
element method to solve such as problem because it is complex to solve analytically especially when used
with pile under lateral loading. For example Taha et al. (2009) investigated time-dependent lateral pile
response in elasto-plastic soil using two-dimensional finite element approach. Another example is developed
by Carter & Booker (1984) and Taiebat & Carter (2001) an efficient formula based on semi-analytical finite
element method

The lateral pile response was demonstrated using many method of analysis. Normally, the powerful and
useful approach is the finite element method. Part of researches based on the two-dimensional simulations for
example Anagnostopoulos and Georgiadis (1993). On the other hand, the researches include full three-
dimensional finite element method to study the lateral pile behavior and can give few examples (Muqtadir et
al.1986, Trochanis et al.1991, Karthigeyan et al. 2006, 2007, Abbas et al. 2008 and Taha et al. 2009).

There are very few published solutions for lateral loaded pile foundations in consolidating elasto-plastic
soil. In view of this, the present paper focuses on the study of time-dependent behavior of piles subjected to
lateral loads through 2-D finite-element analyses. The details of the numerical models, the finite element
formulation, and results from parametric studies are discussed in the following.

Pile Model
This model used represents Hooke's law of isotropic linear elasticity used for modeling the stress-strain
relationship of the pile material as shown in Fig. 1. The model involves two elastic stiffness parameters,
namely Young's modulus, E, and Poisson's ratio, . It is primarily used for modeling of stiff structural member
for example piles in the soil.
perfectly plastic

perfectly elastic

E=youngs modulus

Figure 1: Stress strain curve [Johnson et al. 2006]

Soil Model
This elasto-plastic model is based on soil parameters that are known in most practical situations. The
model involves two main parameters, namely the cohesion intercept, c and the friction angle, . In addition
three parameters namely Young's modulus, E, Poisson's ratio, , and the dilatancy angle, are needed to
Vol. 14 [2009], Bund. N 3

calculate the complete behavior. Coulomb-Mohr failure surface criterion is shown in Fig. 2 (Potts &
Zdravkocic, 1999). The failure envelope as referred by Johnson et al. [9] only depend on the principal stresses
(1, 3), and is independent of the intermediate principle stress (2).

Shear stress,
friction angle,
Mohr Coulomb failure envelope

Cohesion intercept

c h v h
o normal stress ()

Figure 2: Mohr-Coulomb failure surface

An incremental formulation was used in the current work producing the matrix version of the Biot (1941)
equation at the element level presented below [Smith & Griffiths, 2004].

[k m ] [cm ] {u} {f }
[c ]T =
m t[k c ] {u w } t[k c ]{u w }0 (1)

where [km] and [kc] are the now familiar solid stiffness and fluid conductivity matrices, respectively. [cm] is
the connectivity matrix. is using to interpolation in time. t is calculation time step, {f} represents the
external load vector which may itself be time dependent. u & uw are the displacement and access pore water
pressure, respectively.


A 2-dimensional geotechnical finite element program has been modified by the authors to perform all
numerical analysis in this investigation and used to simulate a geotechnical problem such as consolidation
behavior of vertical pile under lateral loading. The program is supported by a pre-processor to develop 2-
dimensional meshes consisting of rectangular type prismatic elements, 8 node quadrilateral elements. The
modified program has the ability to plot the original mesh as illustrated in Fig. 3. Deformed mesh,
displacement vectors, extracting nodal displacements and element stresses along a line/selected plane are done
by this program. Description of all of the program features is beyond the scope of this paper, and a brief
summary of the consolidation theory relevant to this study is given next sections.
Vol. 14 [2009], Bund. N 4

D Pile

10, 15, 20 and 25 x D

(10, 15 20, and 25 x D) + 5D


Drainage boundary


Figure 3: 2-Dimensional Finite element mesh.


In order to examine the time dependent consolidation behavior of the pile, it is convenient to introduce a
non-dimensional time factor T, defined as (Carter & Booker, 1983; Taiebat & Carter, 2001; and Small & Liu,
cv t k (1 s ) E s
T= , cv =
D 2
w (1 2 s )(1 + s ) (2)
k (1 s ) E s t
w (1 2 s )(1 + s ) D 2 (3)

where the coefficient of consolidation, cv, is defined in terms of the permeability k, the drained modulus Es,
and poisons ratio s, the unit weight of water w and the diameter of pile D.


The generalized subsoil properties consist of cohesionless soil with depth of 30D with effective unit
weight, of 18.0 kN/m3, Youngs modulus, E of 104 kPa, Poissons ratio, of 0.35, angle of internal
Vol. 14 [2009], Bund. N 5

friction, of 31 degrees and cohesion intercept, c of 5.0kPa. The piles Young modulus, E, and Poissons
ratio, are 200 GPa and 0.15, respectively.

In all of the calculation, an eight-node quadrilateral element was employed. Each node had three degrees
of freedom and used to describe shape functions for geometry. The responses of the pile in the elasto-plastic
soil subjected to lateral load simultaneously and deforming under rapid loading conditions followed by
consolidation are studied. The lateral load was taken as H=5, 15,25, 35 and 45( w D3).

Figures 4 and 5 show the lateral pile displacement and lateral soil pressure developed depending on lateral
loads of 5 and 15 (w x D3) and little differences can be observed in lateral displacement and lateral soil
pressure with time. It can mainly seen that the maximum lateral soil pressure occurred near the surface, this
possibly occurred due to no soil failure happened at this stage of loading in both rapid and long time loading.

When increase the intensity of applied lateral load of 25, 35 and 45 ( w x D3), the maximum lateral soil
pressure occurred not neat to the soil surface but deep to reach the peak value at 1.25D from the surface, this
perhaps happened because of surrounded soil failure occurred near the surface when increase the intensity of
applied loads which illustrated in Fig. 6, Fig. 7 and Fig 8. in this case of high lateral load can seem that the
large differences measures between the values of rapid loading (T=0.0001) and those measured in the case of
maintained load (T=1.0).

25 25

20 20
Pile depth (L/D)

15 15

Pile depth (L/D)

10 10

T = 0.0001
T = 0.001
5 5
T = 0.01
T = 0.1
T = 0.0001
T = 1.0
T = 1.0
0 0
-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Lateral pile displacem ent ( /D) Lateral soil pressure ( Mpa )

(a) (b)
Figure 4: Lateral pile response along depth of H=5 w D3, (a) lateral pile displacement, (b) lateral soil pressure.
Vol. 14 [2009], Bund. N 6

25 25

20 20

15 15

Pile depth (L/D)

Pile depth (L/D)

10 10

T = 0.0001
T = 0.001 5
T = 0.01
T = 0.1 T = 0.0001
T = 1.0 T = 1.0
0 0
-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Lateral pile displacem ent ( /D) Lateral soil pressure ( Mpa )

(a) (b)
Figure 5: Lateral pile response along depth of H=15 w D , (a) lateral pile displacement, (b) lateral soil pressure.
25 25

20 20

Pile depth (L/D)


Pile depth (L/D)

10 10

T = 0.0001
T = 0.001 5 5
T = 0.01
T = 0.1 T = 0.0001
T = 1.0 T = 1.0
0 0
-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 -120 -70 -20 30
Lateral pile displacem ent ( /D) Lateral soil pressure ( Mpa )

(a) (b)
Figure 6: Lateral pile response along depth of H=25 w D3, (a) lateral pile displacement, (b) lateral soil pressure.
Vol. 14 [2009], Bund. N 7

25 25

20 20

15 15

Pile depth (L/D)

Pile depth (L/D)

10 10

T = 0.0001
T = 0.001 5 5
T = 0.01
T = 0.1 T = 0.0001

T = 1.0 T = 1.0
0 0
-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 -120 -70 -20 30
Lateral pile displacem ent ( /D) Lateral soil pressure ( Mpa )

(a) (b)
Figure 7: Lateral pile response along depth of H=35 w D3, (a) lateral pile displacement, (b) lateral soil pressure.
25 25

20 20

15 15
Pile depth (L/D)

Pile depth (L/D)

10 10

T = 0.0001
T = 0.001 5 5
T = 0.01
T = 0.1 T = 0.0001

T = 1.0 T = 1.0
0 0
-0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20
Lateral pile displacem ent ( /D) Lateral soil pressure ( Mpa )

(a) (b)
Figure 8: Lateral pile response along depth of H=45 w D3, (a) lateral pile displacement, (b) lateral soil pressure.

The predicted p-y curve of laterally loaded pile is illustrated in Fig. 8. The curved show the relationship
between the lateral pile displacement and the lateral soil pressure developed due to increasing of lateral
applied load. These two parameters are more important keys used in the design of laterally loaded pile. The
data of this curve calculated near to the surface (top of pile) and also (at 1.25D from the pile top). Can se that
the pile more resists at the top in case of low load intensity and then deceased to deep.
Vol. 14 [2009], Bund. N 8

The differences in displacements with time factor (T = 1.0) and different load magnitude are shown
clearly in Fig. 10, which draws the lateral pile deformation mesh when the load is applied from long time and
then consolidation is occurred.


100 1.25D from the top

p (Mpa)

top of pile


T = 0.0001
T = 1.0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

Figure 9: load-deflection curve

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)
Figure 10: Deformed mesh for the two-dimensional pile problem following the time factor of T=1.0;
(a) H = 5 w D3, (b) H = 15 w D3, (c) H = 25 w D3, (d) H = 35 w D3, (e) H = 45 w D3.
Vol. 14 [2009], Bund. N 9

Several significant co
onclusions caan be drawn from
fr this studyy:

1. The lateral pile

p displacem ment and lateral soil presssure are affected by the tim
me after loadding and
the intensity
y of lateral looading appliedd. The largesst differencess are observed at high ammount of
loading and after
a long tim
me of loading.

2. The maximu um lateral soill pressure occcurs near the surface

s in casse of low loadd intensity, buut due to
failure of thee surrounded soil at the higgher load, the larger valuess are observedd at greater deepths.

3. The relationnship betweenn lateral pile displacementt and lateral soil pressuree are affectedd by the
time factor and
a on other hand
h effect byy the position of measurem

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