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the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

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The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
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The collective

The Primordial Algorithms Game 1


A Gamified Challenge
Research Proposal 2 7


Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

3 6
The LDMF Foundation
First Edition, The Netherlands, 2017
Year of the Golden Grid 4 5

1 8
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4 5
copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken
the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

! 9 9
! 9
The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
1 8 1 8
1 8

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The gamified primordial algorithm challenge


the goal of the challenge is to inspire players and researcher to

engage into a research project that will give as result the
development of a set of primordial algorithms, solutions, that
would be later implemented as business, for profit, not for profit,
social responsibility preventive intervention projects.

the game of primordial algorithms let players and teams of
players register, receive training necessary in the PTT methods
and ptr tools, and develop their research and design of 9
algorithms, solutions with a background study.

! 1 8

human potential, intelligence, human DNA studies, gamification,

education, strategic project management, culture, anthropology,
social management, artificial intelligence.

2 7

can be registered as players, researchers, collaborators,


the challenge

a precise description of the stages necessary for background 3 6

research, design and implementation of primordial algorithms
are given : www.primordial-
4 5

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copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken
the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

! 9 9
! 9
The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
1 8 1 8
1 8

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3 6 3 6
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the challenge Background

Considering a culture as an individual, self-expression
of a human collective. Would you be able to describe,
explain, the evolution of a culture ? (or its involution)

Which parameters would you utilize? We know any
culture develops, but would its development follow an
evolutionist process (survival of the fittest) ? or a
particular pattern of evolutionary behavior 9

! 1 8
In that case, what about the emerging global culture?

How do cultures clash, conflict, measure each other
strength and capabilities, in which point of the
encounter time line is defined supremacy or 2 7
dominance ? or takes place agreement and terms of
collaboration or cocreation ? is the agreement
conscious and objective or subconscious and subjective ?
does it belong to predefined natural process of
interaction and development of an encounter of 3 6
cultures or does it belong to a collective subconscious
intelligent strategy played by both (or more) sides?
4 5

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4 5
copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken
the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

! 9 9
! 9
The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
1 8 1 8
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Assessment parameters

Given the fact that the intelligence and ethology of a human
collective can be considered as "the intelligence of all its
individuals, perceived along their process of co-creating (choice
of) their own collective behavior.

Given the fact that this collective intelligence could be measured
at individual and teams, communities level, and approx.
assessment of the capacity of a human cluster to solve problems
would be as well possible.

considering that exist a pattern observable in any culture, that 9
describes its main tendencies or agreements on perception, value,
decision making, life care principles, governance ( A culture 1 8
generation engine C.G.E. which has been implanted, seed,
implemented along at least 9 generations, at any given moment
of the creation, structuring and development of a culture
foundation) (REF: The culture generation engine, A.I. publications
by the LDMF Foundation and Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken)

2 7
By utilizing Matrix-Q assessment tools, holistic matrix type of
intelligence, that gives an indicator of human ability to solve
problems/challenges by approaching them through several
perspectives simultaneously.

a collective-Matrix-Q assessment process can be implemented, 3 6
through gamification of challenges that will be suggested to the
objects of study collectives.

the ability of the individuals and their collectives to solve the 4 5
challenges will give a matrix-q indicator of their collective
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4 5
copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken
the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

! 9 9
! 9
The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
1 8 1 8
1 8

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3 6 3 6
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Hypothesis & implementation

By the study of Matrix-Q of the collective, would be possible to
assess the evolutionary capacity of an individual culture or of
a cluster of cultures that belong to one geographical region.

the complexity of the study will vary according to the level of

complex human self organization (described below).

As well, given the dimension of the geo-location and number of

the cultures to be assessed, the instrumentalization of the
assessment will need of a wider more complex strategic
management. (leverage)

through the development of tests at micro geo-locations, and

cultural regions, developed through the application of same 9
procedures, by a set of dedicated teams, the data necessary for
global assessment can be generated.
1 8
FUTURE Application

the study units set at micro-regional geo-locations coordinated
by macro-hubs would collaborate in the process of adjusting
and developing the tests, ramified experiments, assessment, 2 7
implementation, data generation, data analysis.

a.i. will be utilized in order to capture and analyze data

available in the net on natural games life play on human
collectives, generating a second layer of assessment through
modern and ancient challenges solved by human collectives

3 6
the research units will become centers for the advanced of
global collective intelligence through location assessment,
gamification and training programs (human potential
upgrade) set according to each location conditions

4 5

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4 5
copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken
the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

! 9 9
! 9
The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
1 8 1 8
1 8

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3 6 3 6
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the primordial algorithm gamified challenge

How to predict the evolutionary results of the clash/encounter
between cultures?

How do you evaluate the Collective-Q ? The capacity of survival,
resilience problem solving of a collective ?

Which and how should be the different procedures of
evaluation process, indicators, variables considered in the
Collective-Q-Matrix applied to each of the possible of collectives
(Consider the 9 Levels of Human Complex Self-Organization):

! 9
0. individuals that follow and accept any condition given

1. individuals with ability of choice, taking action

1 8
2. couple, two team members, love partners

3. team 3+, family

4. organization (several teams), community, neighborhood

5. location, network, local culture (several neighborhoods,

communities, organizations)

6. 3+ locations, in coordinated collaboration

2 7
7. Multilocation, multiculture (9+ locations in several regions,
which have as quality to be themselves multicultural

8. global sustainable development, global culture

9. global culture development and civilization advancement

(the edge of innovation, behavior, intelligence, strategy, 3 6


THE CHALLENGE: to develop primordial algorithms necessary to 4 5
solve these questions and develop the global Matrix-Q project.

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4 5
copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken
the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

! 9 9
! 9
The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
1 8 1 8
1 8

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examples of experiments

Bring a team to challenges, according to the team (human
cluster collective), skills to solve them you can measure the

If a culture evolve through different experiences, how
intelligent is the culture ? Considering as intelligence the
ability of solving problems.

Bring a family, a neighborhood, a community, a team at any
region of your local/regional culture a set of challenges (for
example gamified challenges) and do an assessment of their 9

1 8
run individual matrix-Q assessments

review data of human collective clusters that have solved

challenges along human history. through primordial
mathematics methods.

2 7

Run Matrix-Q assessment on leaders of ancient cultures and

modern cultures.

run online gamified assessment (score card) challenges at
social networks or online gaming platforms.
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copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken
the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

! 9 9
! 9
The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
1 8 1 8
1 8

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3 6 3 6
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4 5 4 5
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the primordial algorithms game & the Gamified research
project on primordial algorithms. www.primordial-

matrix-Q intelligence tests developed by the ldmF foundation

matrix 9+ Game generator games, utilized for assessment of

human potential, matrix-Q intelligences, in particular the
matrix 9+ multi dimensional strategy board game

primordial technology theta self-education method

the human potential studies of the ldmF foundation

primordial mathematics studies of the LDMF Foundation 1 8


primordial archetypes studies of the LDMF Foundation

Artificial intelligence studies of the LDMF Foundation https://

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4 5
copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken
the collective


The Primordial Algorithms Game - A Gamified Challenge

! 9 9
! 9
The Watch 72927!
! The Watch 72927!
1 8 1 8
1 8

2 7 2 7
2 7

3 6 3 6
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4 5 4 5
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Participate in the research project

contact the LDMF Foundation


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1 8
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copyright by the ldmF foundation luis daniel maldonado fonken

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