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Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,934,577

Vandenhende et al. [45] Date of Patent: Aug. 10, 1999


MATERIAL 0581089 2/1994 European Pat. Off. .
0587005 3/1994 European Pat. Off. .
[75] Inventors: Bernard Vandenhende, Leest; 4225977 1/1994 Germany '
J ean-Marie YernauX, Rixensart, both 08238440 9/1996 Japan '
of Belgium
Primary ExaminerMark Rosenbaum
[73] Asslgneei solvay (Soclete Anonyme) Brussels Attorney, Agent, or FirmVenable; George H. Spencer;
Belglum John W. Schneller

[21] Appl. No.: 08/972,952 [57] ABSTRACT

[22] Flled: NOV 19 1997 Process for separating the constituents of a multilayer mate
[30] Foreign Application priority Data rial including at least one layer of a base plastic (A) and a
_ layer of a plastic (B) Which are separated by a layer of
Jul. 11, 1997 [BE] Belgium ............................. .. 09700611 adhesive plastic (C), in Which: (1) the material is heated to
[51] Int. Cl? ................................................... .. 1302c 19/12 a temperature T1 between the Crystallization temperature of
[52] US. Cl. .......................................... .. 241/23; 241/2428 the Plastic B (TC) and TC20 C~> (2) the material is next
[58] Field of Search ....................... .. 156/344 241/2418 Shredded by being Subjected to Shearing at aPPrX.imate1y
241/2428 23 24 14_ 209/3 the same temperature, so as to produce delamination and
' thus to convert the material into particles of small dimen
[56] References Cited sions of tWo types, some consisting essentially of base
plastic (A) and others (Y) consisting essentially of plastic B
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS and of adhesive plastic (C), and (3) the particles X and Y are
471997109 4/1980 Watanabe ' subsequently separated by electrostatic separation.
4,775,697 10/1988 Schoenhard .
5,366,091 11/1994 Stahl et al. . 14 Claims, N0 Drawings
1 2
PROCESS FOR SEPARATING THE at least one layer of a base plastic (A) and a layer of a plastic
CONSTITUENTS OF A MUTLILAYER (B) Which are separated by a layer of adhesive plastic (C),
MATERIAL in Which:
(1) the material is heated to a temperature T1 betWeen the
FIELD OF THE INVENTION crystalliZation temperature of the plastic B (Tc) and
The present invention relates to the recycling of multi Tc20 C.,
layer materials based on plastics. It relates more particularly (2) the material is then shredded by being subjected to
to the separation of the constituents of a multilayer material shearing, at approximately the same temperature, so as
including at least one layer of a base plastic and a layer of to produce delamination and thus to convert the mate
a barrier plastic Which are separated by a layer of adhesive 10 rial into particles of small dimensions of tWo types,
plastic. some consisting essentially of base plastic (A) and
others (Y) consisting essentially of plastic B and of
TECHNOLOGY REVIEW adhesive plastic (C), and
Such multilayer materials are commonly employed in (3) the particles X and Y are subsequently separated by
very diverse industries, for example in the manufacture of
electrostatic separation.
Plastic is intended to denote any polymer or polymer
packaging materials or of fuel tanks. An example of a
multilayer fuel tank comprises 5 layers: PE/adhesive/ mixture. The polymers in question are preferably thermo
EVOH/adhesive/PE, Where PE denotes high density poly plastic. Each of the plastics (A, B, C) may in addition
optionally contain one or several conventional additives
ethylene and EVOH denotes an ethylene-vinyl alcohol
copolymer, it being possible for the adhesive to be especially such as stabiliZers, lubricants, antioxidants, pigments, ?ame
a polyethylene grafted With maleic anhydride (PE-g-MA). retardants, ?llers or reinforcing ?llers, and the like.
Good results have been obtained When the base plastic
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION (A) represents more than 80% of the total Weight of the
plastics A, B and C, and in particular more than 90%.
During the manufacture of plastics-based articles, espe The base plastic (A) is chosen as a function of the
cially by bloW extrusion, a large quantity of scrap is mechanical and/or chemical properties Which the material
unavoidably produced (often more than 40%), the recovery must have. Conventional polymers such as polyole?ns or
of Which is economically advantageous. The same is even vinyl chloride polymers are generally employed for this
more the case Where Whole substandard articles are rejected.
purpose. The process according to the invention gives good
In the case of multilayer materials the presence of several results When the base plastic (A) consists essentially of one
different plastics sometimes presents problems: if it is or more polyole?ns chosen from the homopolymers and
deemed sufficient to grind the multilayer material into copolymers of ethylene or of propylene, and in particular of
particles and to reemploy them in the manufacture of a neW
article, the latter runs the risk of exhibiting mediocre
high density polyethylene (HDPE).
The process according to the invention is found to be
mechanical performance and therefore the quantities of particularly advantageous and ef?cacious When the plastic B
material thus recycled must be greatly restricted. It is is a barrier plastic. Abarrier plastic is intended to denote any
therefore desirable to have available a simple and effective plastic capable of forming a layer exhibiting a loW perme
method enabling the constituents of multilayer materials to ability to particular ?uids such as, for example,
be separated With a vieW to being able to reemploy them in hydrocarbon-based fuels. Advantageous crystalline poly
a manner Which is comparable With virgin constituents, mers Which have such properties are especially polyamides,
Without affecting the performance of the neW articles manu ?uorine-containing polymers and ethylene-vinyl alcohol
factured from constituents Which are thus recovered. copolymers. The process according to the invention gives
Anumber of methods have already been proposed for this very good results When the plastic B consists essentially of
purpose. It is thus especially knoWn to immerse multilayer one or more polymers chosen from polyamides and
materials in appropriate organic solvents (for example ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers, and very particularly of
xylene) at elevated temperature, With a vieW to separating the latter. Plastic B often has a loW adhesiveness to the
some constituents by selective dissolving. HoWever, such a conventional polymers of Which the layer of base plastic
method requires the use of organic solvents, Which are costly generally essentially consists, and this often makes it nec
and generally present safety and environmental problems, essary to resort to an adhesive plastic
and a subsequent drying Which is costly in energy. In 50 The adhesive plastic (C) is chosen as a function of the
addition, even if the temperature of the solvent is raised, nature of the plastics A and B. A compatibiliZed polyole?n,
treatment periods of more than an hour are commonplace. and in particular compatibiliZed polyethylene is frequently
These disadvantages are particularly marked When the employed as adhesive plastic The compatibiliZation can
articles to be treated are thick, for example fragments of fuel be obtained especially by grafting, in particular by means of
tanks. This is because a preliminary optional grinding gen a carboxylic acid anhydride, for example maleic anhydride.
erally does not make it possible to reduce the thickness of The adhesive plastic (C) preferably consists essentially of a
the particles obtained, and this is detrimental to the rate at polyole?n grafted With maleic anhydride, in particular poly
Which they dissolve. Such a solution is therefore not suited ethylene or polypropylene grafted With maleic anhydride.
to the treatment of large quantities of material. When the base plastic (A) consists essentially of polyethyl
Consequently, the present invention aims to provide a aO ene or of polypropylene the adhesive plastic (C) is advan
process Which is simple, fast and efficient, and Which does tageously a grafted polymer of the same kind (PE or PP
not require large quantities of solvents to be employed. respectively).
Besides the abovementioned 3 layers A/C/B the multi
layer material subjected to the process according to the
INVENTION 5 invention may optionally include one or more other layers of
To this end the present invention relates to a process for identical or different nature. It may thus involve especially
separating the constituents of a multilayer material including a material of symmetrical structure A1/C1/B/C2/A2, A1 and
3 4
A2 denoting layers of base plastics Which are identical or Similarly, before carrying out the electrostatic separation
different (in nature as in thickness), and C1 and C2 denoting (3) it may be useful to remove the ?nes :(microparticles)
layers of adhesive plastics Which are identical or different. It produced by the shredding; a conventional device such as an
may further involve an asymmetric structure, for example of air classi?er may be employed for this purpose.
the A1/C/B/C/A2/A1 type. Another example is that of a The separation (3) of the particles X and Y is performed
material comprising several barrier layers, such as A/C/B/ by electrostatic separation.
C/A/C/B. Within the electrostatic separation stage a ?rst substage
Before the abovementioned stage (1) the process accord consists in charging the particles, for example by corona
ing to the invention may optionally include one or more discharge or else by subjecting them to friction. This may
conventional stages such as, for example, Washing, or else
involve mutual friction, for example in a ?uidiZed bed, or
chopping at ambient temperature, intended to reduce the
material to fragments of medium dimensions (for example else friction of the particles on a moving member (drum, belt
or the like) of an appropriate nature (glass, plastic, or the
of the order of a feW centimetres).
The heating (1) can be carried out by any knoWn means, like).
for example by means of lamps or resistances emitting It is advantageous that after the shredding (2) the particles
infrared radiation. The purpose of this heating is to bring the 15 should be charged electrically, With a vieW to electrostatic
material to a temperature Which is suitable With a vieW to separation, at a temperature (T3) of at least 50 C. In order
shredding to bring the particles into this temperature rangeif they are
Stage (2) of the process according to the invention con not yet in itit is possible in particular to employ a
sists in shredding the multilayer material at a speci?c conventional heating device such as an infrared lamp. It is
temperature. Surprisingly, it has been found that the fact of also possible advantageously to employ a charging equip
subjecting the multilayer material to shearing forces at a ment provided With heating elements such as electrical
temperature slightly loWer than the crystalliZation tempera resistances. It has been found that When the charging of the
ture of the plastic B makes it possible to effect the separation particles Was thus carried out at an elevated temperature, the
of, on the one hand, A and, on the other hand B+C. It Will selectivity of the subsequent electrostatic separation could
be noted that the separation thus produced is original, insofar 25 be surprisingly improved. An advantage of this alternative
as the conventional methods of recycling multilayer mate method, in the context of the Whole process according to the
rials comprising a barrier plastic have the objective of invention, is that at the end of the shredding (2) the particles
recovering the latter and otherWise yield a generally large are already at an elevated temperature, and this signi?cantly
quantity of a mixture of base plastic and of adhesive plastic, reduces the energy required for the abovementioned heating,
Which is aWkWard to reexploit directly. In other Words, an as Well as the duration of this heating. Another advantage of
important characteristic of the process according to the this alternative method is that it alloWs the actual electro
invention is that it is a process Which makes it possible to static separation to be performed With heating, and this has
separate the base plastic from the other plastics. This is been found advantageous in the present context.
particularly advantageous insofar as, in the majority of It is furthermore desirable that the substage of charging
cases, the base plastic (A) represents the mainvconstituent of 35 the particles should take place in an atmosphere of the
the material by Weight. Its recovery is therefore economi loWest possible humidity. For this purpose a gas Which has
cally important. In fact, even though the barrier plastic is a loW moisture content, for example dry air or an inert gas
often more costly, it often represents only a small percentage such as nitrogen, may in particular be injected into the
of the total Weight of the material. Thus, in the case of the charging equipment employed.
5 -layer fuel tank described in the introduction, the Weight of According to an alternative form Which has been found
EVOH is generally of the order of 3 to 4% relative to the advantageous in this context, after the shredding (2) the
total Weight of the tank. particles to be separated are charged electrically by being
Another advantage of the process according to the inven brought into contact With a movable member consisting
tion is that it can take place in relatively simple equipment, essentially, at least super?cially, of a plastic similar to the
Which must, nevertheless, permit the temperature of its 45 adhesive plastic Aplastic similar to the adhesive plastic
contents to be precisely controlled. The material is prefer (C) is intended to denote a plastic Which exhibits similar
ably shredded in an impeller mill. This type of equipment is triboelectric characteristics. The surface of the movable
Well knoWn as such; it generally consists of a rotary drum member preferably consists of a plastic identical With the
provided With blades at its periphery, rotating in a vessel to adhesive plastic
Which blades are also secured. Amodel capable of producing According to another advantageous alternative form,
particles from approximately 5 to 12 mm in siZe is generally Which may be combined With the preceding one, the par
chosen, these speci?c dimensions making it possible to ticles to be separated are charged electrically by passing
perform the separation With a high efficiency. It is further through a holloW rotary drum provided internally With
more advantageous that the knife blades With Which the mill components Which are approximately perpendicular to its
is provided should not be too cutting, otherWise the materials 55 internal surface. Such components make it possible to inten
Would be cut up Without being subjected to signi?cant sify the friction of the particles on the internal surface of the
shearing forces. drum, and this increases their electric charge. Examples of
The equipment employed for the shredding (2) is prefer such components Which may be employed are one or more
ably used in combination With means for thermal condition rods, small plates and/or paddles Which are approximately
ing Which make it possible to maintain the temperature parallel to the axis of the drum. The drum is advantageously
therein Within the abovementioned range. In general, the cylindrical in shape; it may, hoWever, have a section other
shredding produces additional heating of the material, With than circular, for example polygonal, in particular octagonal.
the result that it is often useful to cool the latter, for example The axis of the drum may be horiZontal or slightly inclined
With a stream of air at ambient temperature, in order to avoid so as to make it easier for the particles to travel forWard from
clustering of the shredded particles. The same device is 65 one end to the other. The angle of inclination and the speed
advantageously employed for cooling the particles and for of rotation of the drum alloW the residence time of the
removing them, by suction, out of the shredder. particles Within it to be adjusted.
5 6
Once they have been electrically charged, the particles rev/min), the axis of Which Was arranged horiZontally and
can be easily separated, in a manner known per se, by falling perpendicularly to that of the ?rst drum. A source of DC
betWeen tWo de?ecting electrodes exhibiting a continuous voltage (70 kV) Was connected, on the one hand, to the metal
and high potential difference. According to a preferred coating applied to the internal surface of the second drum
alternative form the actual separation is performed by depos and, on the other hand, to a metal plate placed laterally
iting the precharged particles on the external surface of a
facing the second drum, at a distance of 3 to 8 cm.
rotary drum Whose axis is horiZontal and Which is connected
to a terminal of a DC voltage source, the other terminal A number of trials Were carried out, With mean particle
thereof being connected to a de?ecting electrode consisting, throughputs of 30 to 120 kg/h.
for example, of a planar plate placed on the side of the said
drum, parallel to its axis, generally at a distance of a feW The separation thus produced made it possible to collect,
centimetres. In this Way the particles carrying an electric on the one hand, HDPE particles and, on the other hand,
charge of opposite sign to the de?ecting electrode Will be particles of EVOH/PE-g-MA mixture, and to do this With an
diverted toWards the latter on falling from the drum, and this excellent selectivity, since the HDPE thus recovered exhib
alloWs the particles to be separated according to their charge 15 ited a purity of more than 99.5% by Weight.
and hence according to their nature. It is preferred that the
drum in question should at least super?cially consist of an What is claimed is:
insulating material, for example of PVC, its internal surface 1. Aprocess for separating the constituents of a multilayer
being provided With electrically conductive means or coat material including at least one layer of a base plastic (A) and
ing ensuring a homogeneous distribution of the electric a layer of a plastic (B) Which are separated by a layer of
charges. The use of an insulating drum alloWs high electric adhesive plastic (C), comprising steps for:
?elds to be obtained, of the order of 3 to 15 kV/cm, in
(1) heating the material to a temperature T1 betWeen the
contrast to the knoWn processes employing a conductive
drum, With Which the electric ?eld cannot exceed 2 or 3
crystalliZation temperature of the plastic B (Tc) and
kV/cm Without leading to a risk of breakdoWn. In the 25 Tc20 C.,
process according to the invention, When employing an (2) shredding the material by subjecting the material to
insulated separating drum, ?elds of 6 to 8 kV/cm have given shearing, at approximately the same temperature, so as
very good results. to produce delamination and thus to convert the mate
The electrostatic separation is preferably performed With rial into particles of small dimensions of tWo types,
heating, the particles being at a temperature of at least 50 some consisting essentially of base plastic (A) and
C. others (Y) consisting essentially of plastic (B) and of
After separation of the particles X and Y the particles Y adhesive plastic (C), and
are advantageously subjected to a subsequent stage (4) of (3) separating the particles X and Y by electrostatic
separation making it possible to collect, on the one hand, the separation.
plastic B and, on the other hand, the adhesive plastic To 35
2. The process according to claim 1, in Which the base
give an example, if the plastic B consists of EVOH, it can
be recovered by dissolving the Y particles in a Water/alcohol plastic (A) consists essentially of one or more polyole?ns
solution, preferably With heating (for example a Water/ chosen from the homopolymers and copolymers of ethylene
methanol mixture at 70 C.). or of propylene.
The present invention also relates to a process for recy 3. The process according to claim 1, in Which the plastic
cling fuel tanks including at least one layer of a base plastic B is a barrier plastic.
(A) and a layer of a barrier plastic (B) Which are separated 4. The process according to claim 1, in Which the plastic
by a layer of adhesive plastic (C), or fragments of such B consists essentially of one or more polymers chosen from
tanks, in Which the tanks or tank fragments are subjected to polyamides and ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers.
the process of separation de?ned above. As already 45 5. The process according to claim 1, in Which the adhesive
indicated, this process can be applied particularly Well to plastic (C) consists essentially of a polyole?n grafted With
tanks in Which the layer(s) of barrier plastic (B) consists maleic anhydride.
(consist) essentially of EVOH, the layer(s) of adhesive 6. The process according to claim 1, in Which, after the
plastic (C) consisting essentially of PE-g-MA. shredding (2), the particles are charged electrically, With a
EXAMPLE vieW to electrostatic separation, at a temperature (T3) of at
least 50 C.
Fragments of fuel tanks With 5 layers of the HDPE/PE 7. The process according to claim 1, in Which, after the
g-MA/EVOH/PE-g-MA/HDPE type Were subjected to the shredding (2), the particles to be separated are charged
process according to the invention. These fragments, the electrically by being brought into contact With a movable
mean length of Which Was of the order of 10 to 20 cm, Were 55
member having a surface consisting essentially of a plastic
?rst heated to approximately 150 C. and then shredded in
similar to the adhesive plastic
an impeller mill (of Rapidtrademark, model 3026), at the
8. The process according to claim 1, in Which the particles
same temperature. The particles thus obtained, of a mean
siZe of approximately 8 mm, Were next charged electrically to be separated are charged electrically by passing through
by passing through a holloW rotary drum (length: 100 cm, a holloW rotary drum provided internally With components
internal diameter: 40 cm, speed of rotation: 30 to 70 rev/ Which are approximately perpendicular to its internal sur
min) arranged horiZontally, the internal Wall of Which Was face.
coated With PE-g-MA. The mean temperature Within the 9. The process according to claim 1, in Which, after
drum Was approximately 80 C. On leaving this ?rst drum separation of the particles X and Y, the particles Y are
the particles Were deposited on the upper generatrix of a 65 subjected to a subsequent stage (4) of separation making it
second rotary drum, made of PVC (diameter: 40 cm, length: possible to collect, on the one hand, the plastic B and, on the
40 cm, thickness: 10 mm, speed of rotation: 15 to 50 other hand, the adhesive plastic
7 8
10. The process according to claim 1 wherein said mul some consisting essentially of base plastic (A) and
tilayer material is a fuel tank or fragment of said tank others (Y) consisting essentially of plastic (B) and of
including at least one layer of a base plastic (A) and a layer adhesive plastic (C), and
of a barrier plastic (B) Which are separated by a layer of
adhesive plastic 5
(3) separating the particles X and Y by electrostatic
11. A process for recycling a fuel tank or fragment of a separation.
fuel tank, including at least one layer of a base plastic (A) 12. The process according to claim 11, in Which the base
and a layer of a barrier plastic (B) Which are separated by a plastic (A) consists essentially of one or more polyole?ns
layer of adhesive plastic (C), said base plastic (A) repre chosen from the homopolymers and copolymers of ethylene
senting more than 80% of the total Weight of plastics (A), 10 or of propylene.
(B), and (C), comprising steps for: 13. The process according to claim 11, in Which the plastic
(1) heating the material to a temperature T1 betWeen the B consists essentially of one or more polymers chosen from
crystalliZation temperature of the plastic B (Tc) and polyamides and ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers.
Tc20 C., 14. The process according to claim 11, in Which the
(2) shredding the material by subjecting the material to 15 adhesive plastic (C) consists essentially of a polyole?n
shearing, at approximately the same temperature, so as grafted With maleic anhydride.
to produce delamination and thus to convert the mate
rial into particles of small dimensions of tWo types, * * * * *

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