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{1} Number System :

(i) Natural Numbers :

The counting numbers 1,2,3,4,..... are called Natural Numbers.

The set of natural numbers is denoted by N.

Thus N = {1,2,3,4, .....}.

(ii) Whole Numbers :

Natural numbers including zero are called whole numbers.

The set of whole numbers, is denoted by W.

Thus W = {0,1,2, ...............}

(iii) Integers :

The numbers ... 3, 2, 1, 0, 1,2,3,....... are called integers and the set is denoted

I or Z.

Thus I (or Z) = {... 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3...}

(a) Set of positive integers denoted by I+ and consists of {1,2,3,....} called as set of

Natural numbers.

(b) Set of negative integers, denoted by I and consists of {......, 3, 2, 1}

(c) Set of non-negative integers {0,1,2 ......}, called as set of Whole numbers.

(d) Set of non-positive integers {.........., 3, 2, 1,0]

(iv) Even Integers :

Integers which are divisible by 2 are called even integers.

e.g. 0, 2, 4.....

(v) Odd Integers :

Integers, which are not divisible by 2 are called as odd integers.

e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7......

(vi) Prime Number :

Let 'p' be a natural number, 'p' is said to be prime if it has exactly two distinct factors,
namely 1 and itself.

so, Natural number which are divisible by 1 and itself only are prime numbers (except

e.g. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, ...

(vii) Composite Number :

Let 'a' be a natural number, 'a' is said to be composite if, it has at least three distinct


(i) '1' is neither prime nor composite.

(ii) '2' is the only even prime number.

(iii) Number which are not prime are composite numbers (except 1).

(iv) '4' is the smallest composite number.

(viii) Co-prime Number :

Two natural numbers (not necessarily prime) are coprime, if there H.C.F (Highest

factor) is one.

e.g. (1,2), (1,3), (3,4), (3, 10), (3,8), (5,6), (7,8) etc.

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These numbers are also called as relatively prime numbers.

(a) Two prime number(s) are always co-prime but converse need not be true.
(b) Consecutive numbers are always co-prime numbers.

(ix) Twin Prime Numbers :

If the difference between two prime numbers is two, then the numbers are twin prime


e.g. {3,5}, {5,7}, (11, 13}, {17, 19}, {29, 31}

(x) Rational Numbers :

All the numbers that can be represented in the form p/q, where p and q are integers

q 0, are called rational numbers and their set is denoted by Q.

Thus Q = {

q : p,q I and q 0}. It may be noted that every integer is a rational number

since it can be written as p/1. It may be noted that all recurring decimals are rational

numbers .

(xi) Irrational Numbers :

There are real numbers which can not be expressed in p/q form. These numbers are

irrational numbers and their set is denoted by Qc. (i.e. complementary set of Q) e.g. 2

1 + 3 , e, etc. Irrational numbers can not be expressed as recurring decimals.

Note: e 2.71 is called Napier's constant and 3.14.

(xii) Real Numbers :

The complete set of rational and irrational number is the set of real numbers and is

by R. Thus R = Q Qc.

The real numbers can be represented as a position of a point on the real number line.

real number line is the number line where in the position of a point relative to the origin

(i.e. 0) represents a unique real number and vice versa.

3 2 1 1 2 2 3
Negative side Positive side

Real line

All the numbers defined so far follow the order property i.e. if there are two distinct

a and b then either a < b or a > b.

(a) Integers are rational numbers, but converse need not be true.

(b) Negative of an irrational number is an irrational number.

(c) Sum of a rational number and an irrational number is always an irrational number

e.g. 2 + 3

(d) The product of a non zero rational number & an irrational number will always be an

irrational number.

(e) If a Q and b Q, then ab = rational number, only if a = 0.

(f) sum, difference, product and quotient of two irrational numbers need not be a

irrational number or we can say, result may be a rational number also.

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(xiii) Complex Number :

A number of the form a + ib is called complex number, where a,b R and i = 1,


number is usually denoted by Z and the set of complex number is represented by C.

Note : It may be noted that N W I Q R C.

{2} Divisibility Test :

(i) A number will be divisible by 2 iff the digit at the unit place of the number is divisible

by 2.

(ii) A number will be divisible by 3 iff the sum of its digits of the number is divisible by

(iii) A number will be divisible by 4 iff last two digit of the number together are divisible

by 4.

(iv) A number will be divisible by 5 iff the digit of the number at the unit place is either

0 or 5.

(v) A number will be divisible by 6 iff the digits at the unit place of the number is

by 2 & sum of all digits of the number is divisible by 3.

(vi) A number will be divisible by 8 iff the last 3 digits of the number all together are

divisible by 8.

(vii) A number will be divisible by 9 iff sum of all it's digits is divisible by 9.

(viii) A number will be divisible by 10 iff it's last digit is 0.

(ix) A number will be divisible by 11, iff the difference between the sum of the digits at

even places and sum of the digits at odd places is 0 or multiple of 11.

e.g. 1298, 1221, 123321, 12344321, 1234554321, 123456654321

{3} (i) Remainder Theorem :

Let p(x) be any polynomial of degree greater than or equal to one and 'a' be any real

number. If p(x) is divided by (x a), then the remainder is equal to p(a).

(ii) Factor Theorem :

Let p(x) be a polynomial of degree greater than of equal to 1 and 'a' be a real number

that p(a) = 0, then (x a) is a factor of p(x). Conversely, if (x a) is a factor of p(x),


p(a) = 0.

(iii) Some Important formulae :

(1) (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a b)2 + 4ab

(2) (a b)2 = a2 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2 4ab

(3) a2 b2 = (a + b) (a b)

(4) (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab (a + b)

(5) (a b)3 = a3 b3 3ab(a b)

(6) a3 + b3 = (a + b)3 3ab(a + b) = (a + b) (a2 + b2 ab)

(7) a3 b3 = (a b)3 3ab (a b) = (a b)(a2 + b2 + ab)

(8) (a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca

= a2 + b2 + c2 + 2abc 111


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(9) a2 + b2 + c2 ab bc ca =


[(a b)2 + (b c)2 + (c a)2]

(10) a3 + b3 + c3 3abc = (a + b + c) (a2 + b2 + c2 ab bc ca)


(a + b + c) [(a b)2 + (b c)2 + (c a)2]

(11) a4 b4 = (a + b)(a b) (a2 + b2)

(12) a4 + a2 + 1 = (a2 + 1)2 a2 = (1 + a + a2) (1 a + a2)

{4} Definition of indices :

If 'a' is any non zero real or imaginary number and 'm' is the positive integer, then a m =

a.a.a....a (m times). Here a is called the base and m is the index, power or exponent.

(I) Law of indices :

(1) a0 = 1, (a 0)

(2) a m = m

a , (a 0)

(3) am + n = am an, where m and n are rational numbers

(4) am n =

, where m and n are rational numbers, a 0

(5) (am)n = amn

(6) ap/q = q ap

{5} Ratio & proportion :

(i) Ratio :

1. If A and B be two quantities of the same kind, then their ratio is A : B; which may be

denoted by the fraction

B (This may be an integer or fraction )

2. A ratio may represented in a number of ways e.g.



mb =

nb = .....where m, n, ....

are non-zero numbers.

3. To compare two or more ratio, reduced them to common denominator.

4. Ratio between two ratios may be represented as the ratio of two integers e.g.




c /d =


bc or ad : bc. duplicate, triplicate ratio.

5. Ratios are compounded by multiplying them together i.e.




..... =


bdf ...

6. If a : b is any ratio then its duplicate ratio is a2 : b2; triplicate ratio is a3 : b3 .....etc.

7. If a : b is any ratio, then its sub-duplicate ratio is a1/2 : b1/2 ; sub-triplicate ratio is

a1/3 : b1/3 etc.

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(ii) Proportion :

When two ratios are equal , then the four quantities compositing them are said to be

proportional. If



, then it is written as a : b = c : d or a : b :: c : d

1. 'a' and 'd' are known as extremes and 'b and c' are known as means.

2. An important property of proportion : Product of extremes = product of means.

3. If a : b = c : d, then

b : a = d : c(Invertando)

4. If a : b = c : d, then

a : c = b : d(Alternando)

5. If a : b = c : d, then




6. If a : b = c : d, then



= (Dividendo)

7. If a : b = c : d, then





(Componendo and Dividendo)

{6} Cross Multiplication :

If two equations containing three unknown are

a1x + b1y + c1z = 0 ............(i)

a2x + b2y + c2z = 0 ............(ii)

Then by the rule of cross multiplication


bc bc=

1a2 c2a1

c =

1b 2 2b 1

a a ............(ii)

In order to write down the denominators of x, y and z in (3) apply the following rule,
"write down the coefficients of x, y and z in order beginning with the coefficients of y

repeat them as in the diagram"

b1 c1 a1 b1

b2 c2 a2 b2

Multiply the coefficients across in the way indicated by the arrows; remembering that

informing the products any one obtained by descending is positive and any one
obtained by

ascending is negative.

{7} Intervals :

Intervals are basically subsets of R and are commonly used in solving inequalities or in

finding domains. If there are two numbers a,b R such that a < b, we can define four

of intervals as follows :

Symbols Used

(i) Open interval : (a,b) = {x : a < x < b} i.e. end points are not included ( ) or ] [

(ii) Closed interval : [a,b] = {x : a x b} i.e. end points are also included [ ]

This is possible only when both a and b are finite.

(iii) Open-closed interval :(a,b] = {x : a < x b} ( ] or ] ]

(iv)Closed-open interval :[a,b) = x : a x < b} [ ) or [ [

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The infinite intervals are defined as follows :
(i) (a, ) = {x : x > a} (ii) [a, ) = {x : x a}

(iii) ( ,b) = {x : x<b} (iv) ( ,b] = {x : x b}

(v) ( , ) = {x : x R}

(i) For some particular values of x, we use symbol { } e.g. If x = 1, 2 we can write

it as x {1,2}

(ii) If their is no value of x, then we say x (null set)

Various Types of Functions :

(i) Polynomial Function :

If a function f is defined by f(x) = a0 xn + a1 xn 1 + a2xn 2 + ......... + an 1 x + an

where n is a non negative integer and a0, a1, a2, ........, an are real numbers and

a0 0, then f is called a polynomial function of degree n.

There are two polynomial functions, satisfying the relation; f(x).f(1/x) =


which are f (x) = 1 xn

(ii) Constant function :

A function f : A B is said to be a constant function, if every element of A has the

same f image in B. Thus f : A B; f(x) = c , x A, c B is a constant function.

(iii) Identity function :

The function f : A A define dby, f(x) = x x A is called the identity function on

A and is denoted by IA. It is easy to observe that identity function is a bijection.

(iv) Algebraic Function :

y is an algebraic function of x, if it is a function that satisfies an algebraic equation

of the form, P0(x) yn + P1(x) yn 1 + ........ + Pn 1 (x) y + Pn(x) = 0 where n is a

positive integer and P0(x), P1(x) ........ are polynomials in x. e.g. y = |x| is an

algebraic function, since it satisfies the equation y2 x2 = 0.

All polynomial functions are algebraic but not the converse.

A function that is not algebraic is called Transcendental Function .

(v) Rational Function :

A rational function is a function of the form, y = f(x) =


h(x) , where g(x) & h(x) are

polynomial functions.

(vi) Irrational Function :

An irrational function is a function y = f(x) in which the operations of additions,

substraction, multiplication, division and raising to a fractional power are used

For example y =

x3 x1 / 3

2x x

is an irrational function

(a) The equation f(x) = g(x) is equivalent to the following system

f(x) = g2(x) & g(x) 0

(b) The inequation f(x) < g(x) is equivalent to the following system

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f(x) < g2(x) & f(x) 0 & g(x) > 0
(c) The inequation f(x) > g(x) is equivalent to the following system

g(x) < 0 & f(x) 0 or g(x) 0 & f(x) > g2(x)

(vii) Exponential Function :

A function f(x) = ax = ex ln a (a > 0, a 1, x R) is called an exponential function.

Graph of exponential function can be as follows :

Case - I Case - II

For a > 1 For 0 < a < 1







(viii) Logarithmic Function : f(x) = logax is called logarithmic function where a > 0 and

a 1 and x > 0. Its graph can be as follows

Case - I Case - II

For a > 1 For 0 < a < 1








The logarithm of the number N to the base 'a' is the exponent

indicating the power to which the base 'a' must be raised to

obtain the number N. This number is designated as loga

Hence : logaN = x ax = N , a > 0 , a 1&N>0

If a = 10 , then we write log b rather than log10 b .

If a = e , we write ln b rather than loge b .
The existence and uniqueness of the number loga N follows from the properties of an
experimental functions .

From the definition of the logarithm of the number N to the base 'a' , we have an
identity : alogaN = N ,a>0,a 1&N>0


NOTE :loga1 = 0 (a > 0 , a 1)

loga a = 1 (a > 0 , a 1) and

log1/a a = - 1 (a > 0 , a 1)

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Let M & N are arbitrary posiitive numbers , a > 0 , a 1,b>0,b 1 and is any
real number
then ;

(i) loga (M . N) = loga M + loga N (

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