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There is loud discussion on successful marriage and concern for

late marriages. It is perfectly right that marriages are setteled
in Heaven but Celebrated on earth, Sacred unity of two
unknown souls is written by fate right from birth. Astrological
point of view a powerful planet may gives marriage to native at
their age as --

sun 22
moon 24
mars 25
jupiter 16-24
venus 25
Saturn 25 - 30 -
rahu 19 & 42
ketu 25 & 28
Seventh house (( Saptmesha )) decides the
spouse for a native. Some aspects that follows
commonly for all persons. Normally the dasa of
seventh, eleventh or ninth house may give
marriage to the native.

sun in seventh gives very loyal,

house proud, spouse to the
native. Sun is the only
planet who gives light
to the native. There
will be delay in the
marriage also.
moon in gives very beautiful
seventh house spouse. Spouse may
be kind and
domesticated with a
fickle mind.
not good, gives a
mars in seventh quarrelsome
house domineering wife or
husband. makes
persons manglik and
create situations for
sepration by quarrels
mercury in very good, the spouse
seventh house may be come from
business background
or higher professional
or both.
jupiter in very good, the spouse
seventh house may be come from rich
family. Generally
happy marriage.
venus in gives very beautiful
seventh house spouse and happy
marriage, if venus is
not afflicted.
Otherwise, always
quarrels. The native
becomes highly
attracted towards the
opposite sex.
Saturn in makes trouble in
seventh house marriage life.
Difference in age,
generally unhappy
married life.
rahu in seventh makes trouble in
house marriage life, and
makes a native always
in confusion.
ketu in seventh makes trouble in
house marriage life, makes a
native always in

The placement of benific planets in seventh

house indicates a good mariage life, ie is
moon, mercury, venus, jupiter and some times
sun also. The main consideration is that the
seventh house or the lord of seventh house
has not afflicted by any malefic planets, along
with navmasa chart also.
In women's horoscope, 8th house plays a
significiant part. Malefic in 8th particularly mars
bring about early widowwhood some times,
Saturn makes married life unromantic and
charmless. If moon is associated with saturn in
7th house, the women concerned will have
more then one marriage. Marriage will be held
later If 7th house is in between malefic planets
as rahu, ketu, saturn or mangal.
Lagan Chart Personal
Name ABC
Place Delhi
Birth 8 - oct
Year -1975
Time 1:03am
Native has a saturn with cancer ascendent,
and mars in tweleth house in gemini. The
seventh house is afflicated with mars and
saturn, and the mercury dasa of tweleth house
is on a way. The period of marriage yog is 21st
and 24th year. That could not be materialised
due to saturn and mercury. Now the current
period is very good for marriage purpose up to
aug 2003. So you may advice to do the pooja
of saturn and mars. The period from 1998 to
2001 was not good for you in cocern of
relationships. Although native will get a match
from rich family, due to mars. The delay in
marriage is due to saturn. The chances of love
marriage are very high due to saturn, jupiter
and mars. I think this may be very soon. Many
many congratulations for this.
Name ABC
Place Delhi
Birth 11 - jul
Year - 1972
Time 7:30am

Native has a weak mars, with ketu and

mercury in cancer ascendent, and afflicted by
saturn. Native are adviced to do the puja of
mars, saturn, rahu and mercury. The malefic
planets are very strong in this horoscope. The
positive yog is that the lord of seventh house is
placed in eleventh house, and in navmasa
chart jupiter and moon are placed in seventh
house. Which indicates freequent affiars and to
get married with a beautiful girl. The period of
marriage yog is the 21st year, 24th year, 28th,
year and currently up to aug 2003. The
chances of love marriage are very high due to
saturn, jupiter and mars. I think this may be
very soon. Many many congratulations for this.

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