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Cite this: New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 22662279 PAPER
Eect of structural variations in cations of ionic liquids on the
coexistence curve of isobutyric acid and waterw
Published on 14 August 2012. Downloaded by Facult Des Sciences Bizerte on 24/07/2017 17:48:39.

Awanish Kumar, P. Madhusudhana Reddy and Pannuru Venkatesu*

Received (in Gainesville, FL, USA) 4th June 2012, Accepted 13th August 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2nj40462a

Interestingly, various behaviors of ionic liquids (ILs) having dierent cation chains with a
common anion is observed in the coexistence curve of isobutyric acidwater (IBW). The critical
region of IBW was found to increase in the presence of aliphatic chain 1-hexyl-3-methyl-
imidazolium tetrauoroborate [C6mim][BF4], (IL-1) whereas the critical region decreased in the
presence of aromatic chain 1-benzyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrauoroborate [Bnmim][BF4], (IL-2).
Adding 0.52.0 mg ml 1 of IL-1 or IL-2 to IBW caused the critical temperature (Tc) to decrease
by 0.5532.898 K (for IL-1) and to increase by 0.5021.664 K (for IL-2). The critical exponent (b)
increases with increasing the IL concentrations, which are fully renormalized critical exponents.
Further, our dynamic light scattering (DLS) results for the binary critical solution of IBW
indicate that there exists a uctuation in the local density that contributes signicantly to the
uctuations in the scattered intensity at Tc. The variations in uctuations are found to be
pronounced in the presence of IL as an impurity. The reason for this behavior may be the
formation of large water clusters with the neighboring molecules of ILs at Tc. This indicates that
the IL entangles with the both coexisting phases, thereby, the IL strongly interacts with the
neighboring solvent molecules. In addition, we report the uorescence spectroscopy data for the
critical mixture of IBW and its mixture with ILs as impurities using Nile Red as a uorescent
probe. Noticeable transitions of the two phases were detected at Tc through uorescence
technique. The observed variations in the uorescence intensities with temperature predict
unambiguously the formation of the solvation structure at Tc for the pure critical mixture
as well as in presence of ILs.

1. Introduction of chemical reactions occurring in binary liquid critical

The mutual miscibility of coexisting liquid phases of isobutyric Ionic liquids (ILs), a class of environmentally friendly
acid + water (IBW) is a very promising technology for novel solvents, are used in a wide range of industrial processes and
separation and extraction processes.1 Phase transitions of the have a large number of applications. ILs as green solvents
IBW system have been well characterized by a number of have a negligible vapor pressure; therefore, they are considered
investigators over the years.2,3 The advantage of studying IBW suitable for measuring physicochemical properties of pure
mixtures is that they are stable and provide information of substances and their mixtures.1012 They are entirely composed
universal quantity as the critical exponent (b), which depicts of ions that have designable properties.1315 The development
the shape of the coexistence curve.4 Further, the coexistence of neoteric solvents, i.e., ILs, for chemical synthesis holds
curve of IBW represents a readily accessible way of studying great promise for green chemistry applications.16 The physi-
the mixing of molecules. For coexisting liquid phases, the cochemical properties of ILs are quite sensitive towards the
critical temperature (Tc) is known to be very sensitive to structure and nature of their cations and anions. ILs are also
impurities.57 Changes in the consolute or critical point (Tc) chemically diverse owing to the huge number of possible ion
and b can be exploited by the eects of criticality on the rates combinations that can be synthesized in laboratories. The
most popular group of room temperature ILs contains a
Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India. 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium cation and the anions Cl ,
E-mail:,; BF4 , and PF6 are particularly appealing in various research
Fax: +91-11-2766 6605; Tel: +91-11-27666646-142 activities. Some ILs are known to be insoluble in water, while
w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Schematic others do not mix with non-polar solvents, and such systems
representation of experimental set up to determine the critical
coexistence curve using density measurements (Scheme IS) and repre- form liquidliquid compositions. Nevertheless, very few
sentative data (Table IS and IIS). See DOI: 10.1039/c2nj40462a individual liquidliquid phase behaviors of ILs with water

2266 New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 22662279 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2012
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have been reported.1719 ILs can be recycled and reused after tetrauoroborate [Bnmim][BF4] (IL-2), were observed in the
accomplishing specic tasks due to their immiscibility with a critical mixture of IBW. We have detected a dierence in the
range of solvents.20 This approach appears to allow the Tc when the IL was addedthe shift of Tc decreases in the case
controlled production of desired products from reactants of IL-1 and is increased for IL-2, and is dependent on the
due to the tendency of ILs to suppress conventional solva- nature of the IL added to the critical mixture.
tion and solvolysis phenomena. ILs may be suitable, and
indeed favorable, media for the design of novel liquidliquid
extraction systems.20,21 Recently, there has been consider- 2. Experimental
Published on 14 August 2012. Downloaded by Facult Des Sciences Bizerte on 24/07/2017 17:48:39.

able interest in the use of room temperature ILs as solvents 2.1 Materials
for industrial purpose liquidliquid extraction systems.21 An
interesting aspect is that ILs are able to inuence the physico- 1-Hexyl-3-methyl-imidazolium tetrauoroborate (r1.0% water
chemical properties of mixtures and even a slight variation in content) and 1-benzyl-3-methyl-imidazolium tetrauoroborate
their ions can lead to substantial dierences in their properties. (r0.2% water content) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich,
However, very little is known about the appropriate varia- USA and were used as obtained. Ultra pure water at 18.3 O cm
tion in critical phenomena of binary mixtures upon varying resistivity (from Ultra 370 Series) was used for sample pre-
either the anions or cations of ILs. In this context, a deep paration. Clear solutions were prepared gravimetrically using
knowledge of the critical phenomena of liquid mixtures a Mettler Toledo balance with a precision of  0.0001 g.
containing ILs is essentially required within the scientic Special precautions were taken in order to avoid the evapora-
community. tion of IB or water during the weighing process.
The critical phenomena of various IL, notably IL-molecular
2.2 Density measurements for the coexisting liquid phases of
solvent systems, have been published by several research
IBW and IL in IBW
groups over the past few decades. However, the inuence of
ILs on critical binary mixtures is entirely absent from the The solubility of the ILs was checked separately with water and
scientic literature. The critical behavior of binary mixtures IB. For each of the concentrations of the ILs (0.52.0 mg ml 1)
with added ions is an area of active experimental22,23 and water was found to be good solvent for both; however, IL-2
theoretical24,25 research. Moreover, in the case of critical liquid was found to be insoluble in IB i.e. a poor solvent for IL-2. As
mixtures, an impurity which dissolves in both the liquids the cation size on the imidazolium ring increases, the IL (IL-2)
generally lowers the upper critical solution temperature tends to become immiscible with IB. A series of critical
(UCST), while an impurity which is soluble in only one of samples of the binary IBW mixture with various IL concen-
the liquids raises the UCST.26,27 In this context, much atten- trations (C = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg ml 1) were prepared.
tion has been focused on the critical behavior of IBW with The IL was then dissolved with continuous stirring of the
ionic salts28,29 and polymers.3,4 mixture overnight.
In order to address ILs as designer solvents, an under- For a sample of pure IBW, we prepared from 2.5080 g of
standing of the structure of the IL in coexisting liquid phases water and 1.5505 g of IB with a UCST of 26.924 1C using an
is an interesting area of research from a scientic point of view. equal volume criterion, which is in good agreement with the
Despite this need, the necessary experimental data for many literature values reported in earlier published articles.1,3,4
properties are scarce and often inconsistent between various The cell containing the solution mixture was immersed in the
sources. However, by using accurate data and an experimental isolated water bath where it could be seen through a window
set up, predictive physical models can be developed which are of the water bath. The temperature of the water bath was
highly useful and, as some would consider, essential if ILs are controlled up to a third decimal place (for instance 25.003 1C
to realize their full potential. To the best of our knowledge, with an accuracy of  0.002) using a Eurotherm temperature
however, the details of the IL-induced phase separation controller (Eurotherm 3500 Series) attached with a RTD
mechanism of water with IB remain unexplored. Moreover, probe.
the solubility data for ILs in a critical mixture of water and IB Density (r) measurements have been accomplished with a
are not reported in the literature. This is because of the limited modied densitometer (Anton Paar, Austria) and the r of
individual studies that have been conducted with few ILs with each phase was measured using the procedure as elucidated
little variation of anion, alkyl chain length, or additional elsewhere.4,28,30 A schematic representation of the complete
substituent groups on the IL. experimental setup is represented in Scheme IS.w Prior to use,
To acquire a clear understanding of the eect of IL structure precautions were taken during sample transfer into the sample
on the coexisting liquid phases, we have simultaneously per- cell to avoid air bubbles. The detailed setup includes a sample
formed precise measurements of the coexistence curve of the cell on a submersible magnetic stirrer clamped with a
critical IBW mixture near its consolute point in the presence of sample holder. The tubing in a sample cell was connected to
various amounts of ILs using a density technique. Additionally, a many-way chromatic valve, which was also connected to the
we have determined the Tc using uorescence spectroscopy, and vibrating tube of a densitometer. The sample holder and the
the diusion coecients by dynamic light scattering (DLS) entire experimental setup were placed in a water bath, made of
measurements for the mixture of IBW and IL in IBW near its 2 cm thick transparent plexiglass. The temperature of the
consolute point. Based on our experimental results, opposing water bath was controlled and monitored with an accuracy
behaviors of the ILs; 1-hexyl-3-methyl-imidazolium tetrauoro- of  0.002 1C using a high precession RTD probe thermo-
borate [C6mim][BF4] (IL-1) and 1-benzyl-3-methylimidazolium meter connected to a EUROTHERM temperature controller

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Scheme 1 Schematic representation of the uorescence intensity decrease with change in temperature. The blue, violet and pink colored spheres
represents water, IB, and Nile red molecules.

(3500 series) which was further controlled by a computer Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia) equipped with thermostated
(Scheme ISw). A stirrer was provided to maintain the tem- cell holders, and the temperature was kept constant by
perature homogeneity throughout the water bath. The r of a circulating water bath using a peltier device (accuracy of
each phase was measured without disturbing the equilibrium  0.01 1C) attached to the sample holder of the uorimeter.
with a modied Anton Parr densitometer having an accuracy The excitation wavelength was set at 555 nm in order to
of  0.00005 g cm 3. After each measurement, the densito- calculate the contribution of Nile Red to the overall uores-
meter was cleaned with water and then with acetone to remove cence emission. The experiments were performed in the range
any contamination. Visual detection of the solution was of 2132 1C by using a 1 cm sealed cell and both the excitation
employed to determine r data on the temperature-composition and emission slit widths were set at 5 nm and corrected for
phase diagram corresponding to coexisting equilibrium at background signal.
atmospheric pressure. For each measurement, we have The temperature of the uorescence cuvette chamber was
checked carefully that the Tc value of the sample, which gives rst raised above the critical temperature to 32 1C, at which a
the solution, is in the coexisting liquid phase. homogeneous mixture of IBW was formed. The steady-state
In order to quantify the experimental results, in the vicinity scan was taken for the mixture at that temperature. Then the
of the critical point, we obtained b from the r measurements of temperature was lowered by 0.5 1C and the scan was taken
two coexisting phases with the relative distance from the Tc, after a time interval of 1 h. Since, in the IBW system, the
dened by the relation (r1 r2) p (Tc T)b, with r1 and r2 diusion of the components was very slow, we allowed a
being the individual r values for each coexisting phase. The signicant time interval to achieve complete equilibrium of
detailed analysis for obtaining the b values from experimental the molecules for each of the components in each phase. A
densities of both coexisting phases is depicted in our previous similar procedure was applied to the rest of the samples
papers.4 Complete determination of the coexistence curve containing IL. The schematic representation of the uores-
is a time-consuming process, and establishing a precise cence measurements is provided in Scheme 1.
equilibrium transition temperature can take hours for each
data point. 2.4 Dynamic light scattering measurements for coexisting
liquid phases of IBW and IL in IBW
2.3 Fluorescence measurements for coexisting liquid phases of
To gain more information about the phenomenal changes of
IBW and IL in IBW
IL in IBW, we have performed the dynamic light scattering
For uorescent measurements, the choice of the uorescent (DLS) measurements for the same concentration which were
probe was caried out with care. Nile Red was chosen as used in the uorescence measurements. The light scattering
the uorescent probe since it is soluble in organic solvents.31 measurements were performed on a MALVERN Zetasizer
Nile Red was dissolved in the bulk solution of IB (10 ml) so Nano instrument. The instrument is equipped with a 4 mW
that its absorbance was less than 0.1, and then this solution He-Ne laser (633 nm) and tted with an automatic laser
was again used for preparing the critical mixture of IBW. attenuator with a transmission of 100 to 0.0003%. The time-
It was possible to measure the uorescence spectra only for averaged intensities were measured at a scattering angle of 901.
the two samples (IBW and 2.0 mg ml 1 of IL in IBW) with An advanced avalanche photodiode, Q.E. 4 50% at 633 nm
high accuracy. The lower concentrations of IL were not was used as a detector. The instrument has an in-built auto-
considered because of the restriction imposed by the high mated correlator for the detection of the scattered intensity
viscosity of the IL throughout weighing. Steady-state uores- and the necessary auto correlation function calculations were
cence measurements were conducted with a Cary Eclipse performed by the instrument using advanced system utilities
spectrouorimeter (Varian optical spectroscopy instruments, and additional analysis algorithms.

2268 New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 22662279 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2012
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In a DLS experiment, the mutual diusion coecient is phases. The Tc of IL-1 at four dierent concentrations
determined from an analysis of the time scale for the decay (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg ml 1) in IBW were experimentally
of uctuations in the intensity of light scattered by a solu- located at 26.371  0.002, 26.192  0.002, 24.309  0.002,
tion. The temporal dependence of the scattered intensity is and 24.026  0.002 1C, respectively. The r values of both
described quantitatively by the intensity autocorrelation coexisting liquid phases of IL-1 in IBW were also displayed in
function. The temperature accuracy of the instrument was Fig. 1(a) and included in Table IS.w Looking at the data
 0.1 1C. The temperature was lowered stepwise from 29 to in Fig. 1(a), it is observed that as the concentration of IL-1
22 1C in steps of approximately 0.2 1C and at every level kept increases in IBW, the Tc decrease rapidly which indicates that
Published on 14 August 2012. Downloaded by Facult Des Sciences Bizerte on 24/07/2017 17:48:39.

constant until thermal equilibrium was attained. The measure- the ion of the IL-1 favors the mixing of the solvent molecules.
ments for each temperature were performed and recorded In other words, in the renormalization group theory, the
repeatedly for 50 runs to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of observed b value for the IBW  IL-1 mixture was plotted
the experiment. from the dierence in r values (Dr) against temperature (DT)
Moreover, for the analysis of the diusion coecient, the (Fig. 2a). There is an increase in b from 0.326 for pure (IBW)
intensity correlation function must be analyzed. The standard to 0.371, 0.409, 0.413, and 0.426 for corresponding IL-1
procedure for this is the application of the cumulant method. concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg ml 1 in IBW,
By tting a polynomial of third degree to the logarithm of the respectively. Fig. 3(a) depicts the variation in the b values
intensity correlation function, the decay rate G is obtained for IL-1 in IBW.
(cumulant). The decay rate is directly related to the diusion
coecient D: 3.3 IL-2 eect on the critical properties of IBW
G = q2D (1) The Tc of IL-2 at four dierent concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 1.5
and 2.0 mg ml 1) in IBW were experimentally situated at
Where q is the wave vector, which is dependent on the 27.424  0.002, 27.549  0.002, 28.458  0.002 and 28.591 
scattering angle. The quality of the result, however, depends 0.002 1C, respectively. The temperature dependence of the r
signicantly on the quality of the data and the constraint values (i.e., coexistence curves) of the coexisting phases of IL-2
settings of the tting procedure. The analysis is actually the t in IBW was reproducible and is summarized in Fig. 1(b) and
of a polynomial to the log of the G1 correlation function. also listed in Table IIS.w On close examination of Fig. 1(b), it
ln[G1] = a + bt + ct2 + dt3 + et4+. . .. . . (2) is surprising and interesting to note that as the concentration
of IL-2 increases in IBW, not only the shape of the coexistence
The value of b is known as the second order cumulant, or the curve, but also the Tc values increase simultaneously. This
z-average diusion coecient. behavior is quite opposite to IL-1 behavior in IBW. The values
The Zetasizer software uses algorithms to extract the decay in Fig. 3(b) reveal that an increase in b is observed from 0.327
rates for a number of size classes to produce a size distribution. for pure (IBW) to 0.357, 0.385, 0.468, and 0.469 for IL-2
concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mg ml 1, respectively,
3. Results as calculated from Fig. 2(b).
The increase in the b value upon addition of an IL impurity
3.1 Critical behavior of IBW by density measurements is quite consistent with the existing literature in which any
At room temperature, IBW forms a two phase system with another impurity increases the b value of the coexisting liquid
water as the lower and IB as the upper phase.1,3,4 The phases.35,24,3234 On the basis of our experimental studies, we
coexistence curve of IBW was determined by equilibrating noticed that b is closely related to the behavior of the critical
the binary mixture at a given temperature, followed by the r point and the third component such as an IL modies the
measurements of the upper and the lower phases of the critical exponents of the binary critical mixture. Clearly, b
mixture, simultaneously. Upon slowly heating this system of follows the same trend in the presence of IL-1 and IL-2
IB and water, a coexisting phase with an upper critical (Fig. 3). The increase in the b value with IL concentration
consolute point at 26.924  0.002 1C is obtained.1 Cooling points towards an interaction between the IL and the solvent
of the one-phase mixture results again in phase separation. molecules.
The experimental r values of the pure IBW mixture were
reproducible and are summarized in Fig. 1 as a function 3.4 Phase transition of IBW and ILs in IBW monitored by
of temperature and provided in Table IS.w On the other uorescence spectroscopy
hand, the behavior of the critical mixture in the vicinity The Tc value for IBW was also obtained from uorescence
of the critical point was characterized by a set of critical measurements. Obviously, the uorescence results are in good
exponents. We found a b value of 0.326  0.002, for the pure agreement with the r measurements. Nile Red is poorly
IBW system which is consistent with the 3D Ising value soluble in water; therefore, an insignicant overall solvation
of 0.325. capacity of pure water exists for Nile Red in aqueous media.35
On the other hand, the probe exhibits high solubility in pure
3.2 IL-1 eect on the critical properties of IBW
IB and in IBW mixtures at high temperatures where a single
It is interesting to probe the changes in the Tc due to the homogeneous phase is obtained. Therefore, we slowly
addition of IL-1 in IBW. This assumption can be measured by decreased the temperature of IBW towards its UCST value
observing the equal volume of phase separated coexisting from a higher temperature, so that the changes in the probe

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Fig. 1 Coexistence curves of the temperature dependence of the density measurements of IBW (K) with dierent concentrations of (a) IL-1 or
(b) IL-2 (0.5 ( ), 1.0 ( ), 1.5 ( ) and 2.0 ( ) mg ml 1). The inset represents an enlargement of the data close to the critical point.

Fig. 2 Logarithmic representation of the density dierence (Dr) between the coexisting phases with respect to the distance from the critical
temperature (DT) for () 0.0, ( ) 0.5, ( ) 1.0, ( ) 1.5 and ( ) 2.0 mg ml 1 of IL-1 (a) and IL-2 (b) in IBW. The experimental data were analyzed
with a properly weighted linear least-squares t to the simple scaling relationship Dr = BDTb, where B is the critical amplitude. The error in Dr
was taken as  0.00056, and the error in Dr was  0.0028 1C. For the sake of simplicity and clarity, we did not show the ts and error bars for ILs
in the IBW system.

emission intensities could be monitored with a decrease in (642.5 nm) throughout the experiment. From Figs. 4 and 5, we
temperature. can conclude that the formation of the solvation structure
Fig. 4(a) represents the inuence on the emission spectra of around the probe molecule is drastically changed with varia-
Nile Red in various solutions of dierent water concentration tions in the composition of each component in the critical
at constant temperature (32 1C) in IB. Clearly, the inuence of mixture as well as with variations in the temperature itself.
water on the solvation properties of the probe in IB was It is well known that the intensity, position, and shape of the
observed. In all cases, a blue shift was observed while increasing spectral bands of dissolved chromophores are inuenced by
composition or water concentration at constant temperature, the change in solvents, due to the dierent stabilization of their
which is represented in Fig. 4(a). Obviously, from Fig. 4(b), we electronic ground and exited states. However, in a mixed
observed the dependence of the wavelength shift (i.e. solvato- solvent, the solvatochromic indicator interacts to a dierent
chromism) in uorescence spectra on the change in com- extent with the solvents of the mixture and hence the composi-
position of the mixture. Moreover, at a constant critical tion of the solvation sphere is dierent from the composition
composition of IBW, no wavelength shift in the uorescence of the bulk solvent. With increasing solvent polarity, the
spectra of the probe was observed with variations in tempera- emission band undergoes a red shift, the eect being more
ture (Fig. 5). Additionally, it can be seen from Fig. 5 that the prominent for the uorescence of Nile Red. The observations
uorescence maximum (lmax) for Nile Red remained constant in the increase of the wavelength with addition of water in IB

2270 New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 22662279 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2012
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Fig. 3 Inuence of IL-1 (a) and IL-2 (b) on b as a function of IL concentration in IBW. Error bars indicate the standard deviation.

Fig. 4 (a) Emission spectra of Nile Red in various solutions of dierent water concentration (0, 0.0718, 0.1023, 0.4020, 0.7018, 1.002, 1.3025,
1.6022, 1.9019, 2.2018, and 2.5076 g) at constant temperature (32 1C) in 1.5505 g of IB (moving from top to bottom) and (b) variations in
wavelength with increasing water concentration (as provided in Fig. 4. (a)) in IB.

suggest that the solubility of the Nile red molecule in the presence
of water molecules signicantly modies their electronic energies
by interacting with specic sites of the probe. The amino and
carbonyl groups of the solvatochromic dye should also speci-
cally interact strongly with water, and due to the change in
polarity, we observe a solvatochromism eect/shift with the
gradual addition of water in the homogeneous region.
The Tc of the critical mixture of IBW was obtained from the
changes in the Nile Red intensities with changes in tempera-
ture. Therefore, to see the intensity variations of the probe in
IBW, we slightly increased the photomultiplier tube (PMT)
voltage of the uorimeter. Simultaneously, we found that, as
Tc is approached, the intensity of the uorescent probe is
decreased. Fig. 6(a) collects the variations in the intensity of
the probe in IBW at various temperatures. This seems to be the
diminishing eect of the water interactions around the Nile
Red molecule at Tc. There may be very complicated inter-
actions between the critical mixtures in this region and the
chemical physics is unclear.32 At this moment the plausible
Fig. 5 Fluorescence emission spectra of Nile Red in IBW with explanation based on the experimental results is that the
variation in temperature from 3226 1C. hydrogen-bond between water and the probe becomes weaker

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Fig. 6 Intensity vs temperature graph for (a) IBW, (b) 2 mg ml 1 of IL-1 in IBW, and (c) 2 mg ml 1
of IL-2 in IBW mixtures, respectively. The
starting point of the decrease in intensity was taken to be the Tc value for both the mixtures.

as Tc is approached, and that this eect would also reduce the Moreover, on comparing Fig. 6(ac), we observed that the
water concentration around the probe molecule. According to emission intensities of the probe increase sharply in the
Gutkowski et al.,35 these dierences in the solvation shell are presence of ILs. This enhancement is observed only when
promoted by short range interactions between moieties the local environment around the probe is changed; probably
with dierent electron densities in the probe molecules, and due to the solvation eects in the critical mixture while
mixtures of solvent molecules with dierent polarities. Since approaching the Tc.35 From the experimental results, it is
the intensity of a uoroprobe depends on its amount; there- obvious that the solvophobic interactions in the neighboring
fore, at Tc we can assume that the phase separation has started solvent molecules in the presence of ILs as impurities are
and the uoroprobe is separating from the aqueous-rich phase stronger than those in the absence of ILs. Thus, the formation
along with the IB molecules. The intensity decrease is sharp of a new solvation surface disturbs the environment of the
because of the movement of the molecules of IB and water. probe in IBW, thereby enhancing the emission intensities.
This indicates that the mixing of IB and water is completely
thermally controlled and interactions of any type occurring
3.5 Phase transition of IBW and ILs in IBW monitored by DLS
between the neighboring IB and water molecules are minimal.
We noticed from uorescence analysis that at temperatures To address the inuence of ILs on IBW in detail, we examined
below Tc, the intensity is at a constant value for the IBW IL induced phase transition under various temperatures moni-
mixture which suggests that the separation of two phases has tored by DLS experiments. The DLS measurements allow us
been achieved completely. to predict the existence of the exponential decay function
For IBW, we observed the Tc to be at 27 1C, which in DLS in a near-critical uid mixture.3638 The uid under
correlates very well with the r measurements. The uorescence investigation is in a state of thermal equilibrium and the infor-
intensity measurement results obtained for IBW  2.0 mg cm 3 mation on the thermo-physical properties is obtained by investi-
ILs are collected in Fig. 6(b and c), and are also very interesting gating the relaxation behavior of macroscopic uctuations.39 For
and coincide well with the observed Tc value by r measure- a binary solution, uctuations in both the local concentration
ments. However, the Tc for ILs in IBW as measured by and the local r contribute to the uctuations in the scattered
intensity measurements, are located at 24.0 and 29.5 1C for intensity.40 In this work, we focus our attention on the
IBW  2 mg ml 1 IL-1 and IBW  2 mg ml 1 IL-2, statistical uctuations of the light scattered by a critical liquid
respectively. The results clearly indicate that ILs strongly mixture of IBW while approaching its phase transition
inuence the Tc of the IBW critical mixture. temperature (i.e. Tc). The auto correlation function technique

2272 New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 22662279 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2012
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1 1
Fig. 7 Scattering vs. size distribution graph for (a) IBW (red), (b) 2 mg ml of IL-1in IBW (green) and (c) 2 mg ml of IL-2 in IBW (blue), at
their respective Tc values.

was employed in the analysis of photon-count data to obtain minimum diusion coecients of 2.3 m2 s 1 for IL-1 in IBW,
the scattering intensity and thermal diusivity of the critical and 2.4 m2 s 1 for IL-2 in IBW at 28.2 1C.
mixtures. Tc was dened at the maximum scattering intensity The DLS analysis also supports our ndings that the
and those at the minimum diusion coecient for the critical presence of an aliphatic IL decreases the Tc while the presence
mixture. of an aromatic IL increases the Tc for the IBW. A comparison
The DLS signals for a scattering angle of 901 were analyzed between dierences in the Tc values for 2 mg ml 1 of IL
from 28 to 23 1C for the pure IBW critical mixture. We containing IBW critical mixtures is provided in Fig. 10. Our
observed a large increase in the scattered intensity in the experimental results for IBW are in good agreement with the
sample while approaching the Tc. For the sake of clarity and existing literature values, of which, Shresth et al.41 reported a
presentation, variations in the scattering intensity with dia- Tc of 26.250 1C; Greer1 reported a Tc of 26.445 1C; Xia and
meter (size) of IBW or IL in IBW at Tc are represented in Maher42 reported a Tc of 26.40 1C; Seki et al.43 reported a Tc of
Fig. 7. From Fig. 7, it can be seen that there is a formation of 27.05 1C; Beysens and Bourgou44 reported a Tc of 26.793 1C;
large clusters of molecules at Tc. The size of IBW increases Morrison and Knobler 45 reported a Tc of 26.963 1C; Bouanz
upon addition of IL-1 or IL-2. It is clear from Fig. 7 that once and Beysens46 reported a Tc of 26.948 1C; and Bouanz23
again the dierent roles of the two ILs are emphasized by the reported a Tc of 27.140 1C.
variation of size with the addition of IL. Additionally, Fig. 8
exemplarily depicts the resulting normalized correlation func-
3.6 Comparison between eect of IL-1 and IL-2 on IBW
tions at dierent temperatures for the critical mixture of IBW
and IL in IBW. The diusion coecient was calculated from It is very interesting to note that upon comparison, the ILs
the best t of Fig. 8 to an exponential decay of the time show exactly opposite eects on the UCST curve of IBW.
correlation function. Fig. 9 illustrates the temperature depen- Fig. 11 combines the eect of both the ILs on the UCST of
dency of the diusion coecients of IBW and IL in IBW. The IBW. We observe a non-linear behavior of the Tc of IBW with
Tc was observed where the minimum diusion coecient, D, the addition of various concentrations of both the ILs. More-
was obtained from the diusion-temperature plot of Fig. 9. over, IL-1 decreases the Tc, whereas IL-2 increases the Tc of
The results in Fig. 9 show a diusion coecient of 14.4 m2 s 1 the critical mixture of IBW. This discrepancy is mainly due to
at 28 1C for IBW which gradually decreases to a lower value of the imidazolium cations of IL-1 and IL-2 being constituted of
4.42 m2 s 1 at 26.4 1C. Upon moving to a lower temperature, aliphatic and aromatic chains, respectively. Therefore, the
the value of the diusion coecient again starts increasing anomaly in the behavior of both the ILs on the Tc is because
from 26.2 1C towards higher values. The temperature at which of their structural dissimilarity and the nature of the cations of
the diusion coecient decreases to the minimum value is IL. As a result, the inuence of an IL on the critical region of
referred to as Tc, which correlates well with the observed Tc IBW mainly depends on the coordination of its ions.
values of 26.924 and 27.0 1C by r and uorescence measure- Considering the case of IL-1, we observed an increase in the
ments for the critical mixture of IBW, respectively. In addi- r of the IB-rich phase upon addition of IL, as compared to the
tion, the variations in the diusion coecient in the presence water-rich phase (see Fig. 1(a)). The results indicate that
of ILs correlate well with the observed experimental values of the solubility of the IL favours the organic phase more than
r and uorescence measurements. From Fig. 9, we have the water phase. Moreover, there is a large gap in Tc values on

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1 1
Fig. 8 Auto-correlation function (ACF) analysis for the critical mixture of (a) IBW, (b) 2 mg ml of IL-1 in IBW and (c) 2 mg ml of
IL-2 in IBW.

Fig. 9 Diusion coecient vs temperature graph for the critical mixture

of () IBW, ( ) 2 mg ml 1 of IL-1 in IBW and ( ) 2 mg ml 1 of IL-2 Fig. 10 Size vs temperature graph for the critical mixture of () IBW,
in IBW. ( ) 2 mg ml 1 of IL-1 in IBW and ( ) 2 mg ml 1 of IL-2 in IBW.

moving towards a higher concentration of IL (1.5 and alkyl chain means less polarity and more hydrophobicity, the
2.0 mg ml 1) which can be attributed to the fact that the solubility of the IL is thus reduced in water. Therefore, the
interaction of IL with the organic phase increases signicantly interaction of the cation chain is assumed to be more favour-
at higher concentrations of IL. In view of the fact that a longer able for the IB rich phase and the interaction of the anion part

2274 New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 22662279 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2012
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Fig. 11 Eect of IL-1 (a) and IL-2 (b) on Tc, as a function of IL concentration in IBW.

with the water rich phase, respectively. The weak co-ordinating Moreover, in the case of the uorescence measurements;
ability of the [BF4 ] anion decreases the hydrophobicity of the IL for IL-1 and IL-2, there is a decrease in the intensity below
and, preferentially, the anion part adsorbs the water molecules. the Tc values, while the intensity hardly varies above the Tc
The interaction of IL-1 with the IBW critical mixture is schema- values (Fig. 6(b) and (c)). However, in both the cases, the
tically represented in Scheme 2. intensity does not reach zero as observed in the case of the
On the other hand, the results displayed in Fig. 1(b) indicate pure IBW mixture. This indicates that both the ILs inter-
that the solubility of IL-2 favors the water phase more than the acted with the Nile Red probe. At this stage we dont have a
IB phase. Moreover, we observed the solubility of IL-2 in suitable explanation for the above phenomenon, which is
water only, and found it to be insoluble in IB. The dierence, being extensively studied in our lab. We may expect that this
as well as the increase, in the Tc values was observed upon might be due to the solubility behavior as well as structural
moving towards a higher concentration of IL-2 (1.5 and modications of Nile Red with the ILs. On close examination,
2.0 mg ml 1) which can be attributed to the fact that the we could observe that the deviations in the intensity increase
interaction of the IL with the water phase increases signicantly after 24.00 and 29.00 1C for 2.0 mg ml 1 of IL-1 and IL-2,
at higher concentrations of IL-2. As a result, the aromatic ring of respectively. This can be taken in good agreement with our r
the IL tends to be more soluble in polar compounds (i.e. water measurements in which the Tc was observed to be located
(m = 1.82)) than non-polar compounds (i.e. IB (m = 1.08)). at 24.026 and 28.591 1C for 2.0 mg ml 1 of IL-1 and IL-2,
The decrease or increase in Tc for IL-1 or IL-2 is mainly due
to the interactions between the ILs and the solvent particles.
Fig. 10 reveals the variation in size observed for the IBW and
IBW with ILs at various temperatures. Moreover, upon
comparison of both IL-1 and IL-2 in IBW by DLS measure-
ments, we found a large size dierence between IL-1 and IL-2
in IBW at their individual Tc values. The size gradually
increases from 51.14 nm at 27.2 1C and approaches the highest
value of 115.7 nm at Tc (26.4 1C) and again starts decreasing to
73.03 nm from 26.2 1C onwards for IBW. In presence of IL-1
we observed a size of 199.3 nm at 24.0 1C, and for IL-2, a value
of 210.9 nm at 28.2 1C. Additionally, we observed a large
decay time with an increase in size. Fig. 8 represents the
variations in the decay time with variations in intensity at
various temperatures. Moreover, the dierence in the size was
observed below the Tc values where the two phases are
distinctly separated. For the case of 2 mg ml 1 ILs; in the
presence of IL-1 we observed a value of 26.1 nm at 23 1C;
whereas, a value of 37.67 nm at 26 1C was observed in the
presence of IL-2 for the lower phase (i.e. water rich phase).
The dierence in size and decay time can be accounted for by
Scheme 2 Schematic representation of the interaction of the IL-1 the dierences between the sizes of the IL cations, which
with IB rich and water rich phase. provide varying solvation sites for the neighboring solvent

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molecules and, thereby, aect the diusion rate. Moreover, a alcohols is observed to increase with an increase in the cation
sudden and sharp decrease in size in the presence of IL-1 as chain length of the IL. Attempts to nd liquidliquid phase
compared to IL-2 in Fig. 10 is observed after Tc at lower transitions in non-alcohol solvents have not been successful
temperatures. This reects that, in the presence of IL-1, the because of the crystallization of the solvent from the mixture,
molecules (i.e. the solvation structures) assembled and broke or because the two phase system started boiling below the
up randomly below Tc in the sample volume, resulting in temperature at which the two phases might mix.50 However,
strong density uctuations from the average. Additionally, the Holbrey et al.51 discussed the underlying specic interactions
dierence in the size of the cations of both the ILs cannot be between the imidazolium cations and the aromatic hydro-
Published on 14 August 2012. Downloaded by Facult Des Sciences Bizerte on 24/07/2017 17:48:39.

ruled out. This points toward the slow diusion of IL-2 in carbon molecules during which the structure reveals that the
both the phases (Fig. 9). In support, we observed from Fig. 8, imidazolium cations form a weak CH  p hydrogen-bonded
larger decay curves for the IBW mixture in the presence of zigzag chain. Further, the lipophilicity of the ILs, and the
IL-2 than in IL-1. solubility of non-polar solutes can be increased by adding an
additional non-polar alkyl functionality to the ILs, thus redu-
cing further Coulombic ion-ion interactions. However, it has
4. Discussion been reported that polar molecules, or those containing a
strong proton donor functionality, interact strongly with
4.1 The cation eect of ILs on the coexistence curve of IBW
ILs, and the compounds with weak proton donoracceptor
For the removal of organic products from aqueous media, functions appear to interact with the ILs through induced ion-
ILs with low water solubility are required.47 Therefore, the dipole or weak van der Waals interactions.52 We may assume
knowledge of the mutual solubility of water and ILs prior to that such interactions, predominantly hydrogen bonds,53 are
their industrial applications is of primary importance.17 The probably responsible for the solubility of the ILs with organic
inuence of cation structure on the miscibility of ILs may be solvents. In this regard from Fig. 1(a), we observed a large
explained by two factors: (a) the similarity of the polarity increase in r of the IB rich phase in the presence of IL-1.
between the IL and the other uid,18 and (b) the free space Therefore, when IL-1, at a small concentration, is added to
between molecules caused by large side chains.18 Since a longer IBW, IL-1 preferably adsorbs to molecules of the solvent.
alkyl chain means less polarity and more hydrophobicity, the In addition, this phenomenon results in an important change
solubility of the IL is thus reduced in polar solvents. For in the location of the critical region of the binary system
instance, Dullius et al.19 reported that an alkyl derivative of (Scheme 2).
methylimidazolium tetrauoroborate IL is miscible with water From the above discussions, we could assume that the
at room temperature depending upon their alkyl chain in the IBW mixture is composed of two precursor solvents. The
cation. Imidazolium based ILs can act both as hydrogen bond blue shifts in the uorescence results from Fig. 4 reect that
acceptors (anion) and donors (cation) and would be expected the less polar solvent component is favored in the solvation
to interact with solvents with both accepting and donating shell around the probe molecule. Moreover, upon addition of
sites, such as water. Thus, it can be concluded that the IL, the mixture contains several types of pure as well as
imidazolium cation presents a higher anity for water. This hydrogen bonded species such as, IB, water, IL-IB and IL-water.
suggests that the solubility between water and imidazolium The increase in the intensity maximum of the probe with
based ILs is primarily dened by the hydrogen-bonding cap- addition of IL indicates the fact that the probe is preferen-
ability between the cation and the water oxygen.19 tially solvated by species like IL-IB and IL-water instead of
On the other hand, alkanes are known to be hydrophobic IBW at Tc.
compounds; therefore, an inuence on the ability to absorb The DLS analysis does not show any scattering for the pure
water is expected to be more pronounced for imidazolium- IB or water. Together with the absence of signals for the pure
based ILs bearing shorter alkyl chains. Consequently, in the components, this evidences a direct relation between the
case of water-soluble ILs, an increase in the alkyl chain length solvation process and Tc which occur only in the mixtures
of their cations should lead to a lower water uptake. As and depend on their compositions. The situation for IBW is
expected, ILs with aromatic groups absorb less water than dierent from the other binary uid mixtures where the
ILs with alkyl side chains due to the higher hydrophobicity of thermal behavior shows only a weakly divergent behavior
the aromatic substituents.48 As a result, the miscibility of the when asymptotically approaching the critical point.5456 We
IL with water is gradually lowered. Since, we have taken very observed signicant scattering for the critical mixture of IBW
small amounts of ILs (IL-1 and IL-2), we would expect that at Tc (Fig. 7). The reason for this behavior may be the
the hydrophobicity of the cation chain is very low and is existence of water clusters in the mixture around the IB
overwhelmed by the attractive interactions such as H-bonding molecules. Moreover, we found that the behavior of the
existing between the polar C2 position of the imidazolium mutual diusion coecients for IBW is inuenced by the
cation and the water molecule, thereby resulting in the solva- nature of the chosen ILs. Eventually, from Fig. 7, a vast
tion of the IL cations. Thus, the IL is moderately soluble in increase in the scattered intensity is observed upon addition
water at its lower concentrations. of ILs, which supports the fact that the IL was mutually
Moreover, the solubility of the IL with IB cannot be solvated by the neighboring molecules. In another view, we
ignored. It is well documented in the literature that the can also guess that the neighboring molecules were induced to
solubility of ILs in organic solvents is completely dependent a large solvation extent in the presence of the ILs. The
on the alkyl chain length of the cation.49 The solubility of presence of IL in the IBW increases the size of the water

2276 New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 22662279 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2012
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cluster in the critical mixture, thereby decreasing the diusion From the analysis of our experimental results, we can
process at Tc (Fig. 9). However, there is a sudden and sharp conclude that it is the eect of the IL cation chain that brings
decrease in size in the presence of IL-1 as compared to IL-2 in about a varying extent of interactions with the neighboring
Fig. 10. This dierence may be a result of the dierence in the solvents molecules in the coexisting liquid mixture of IBW.
size of the cations of the ILs. As evident from Fig. 8, the decay Furthermore, the aliphaticity of IL-1 and the aromatic char-
curves are larger for IL-2 than IL-1. This may be predicted to acter of IL-2 can now also be considered to be key factors for
the slow diusion of the IL-2 in both the phases as obtained the opposite eects on the Tc values of the IBW. Signicantly,
from Fig. 9. It can be speculated that this is a result of the the solubility of the hydrophobic part (cation) of the IL plays
Published on 14 August 2012. Downloaded by Facult Des Sciences Bizerte on 24/07/2017 17:48:39.

strong internal hydrogen bonds between the water molecules an important role in determining the UCST values of the IBW
and IL, promoting the formation of water clusters. As the critical mixture.
mobility of water clusters in the mixture is lower than that of
molecular water, the diusion of the clusters should be
4.2 The anion eect of IL on the coexistence curve of IBW
observable at a large time scale at Tc.
Additionally, apart from all these factors, the solubilization The interactions of the anions with the solvent molecules
of a solute in a molecular solvent can be considered to depend remain an active research eld.58 Therefore, the role of the
upon the cavity in the solvent, i.e. the size suitable to accom- anion cannot be ignored. Various trials have been undertaken
modate the solute. We expect that the substitution of a large to obtain a fundamental understanding of the interaction
group like benzyl eliminates the possibility of interaction between water and the ILs.5961 Moreover, the mutual solu-
between the IL cation and the IB molecules, causing a decrease bility of water in ILs is primarily dened by the type of anion
in the mutual solubilities of the IL and IB. As a result, the present in the ILs, and the solubility of water in the ILs is less
benzyl cation is increasingly solvated by the water molecules. aected by the presence of the anion than the solubility of ILs
The intermolecular hydrophobic interactions, in the presence in water. Welton and co-workers59 investigated the state of
of the benzyl group of the IL cation, are rapidly reduced due water in room temperature ILs based on the 1-alkyl-3-methyl-
to steric hindrances, which results in less contact for inter- imidazolium cation with several anions using Infrared (IR)
molecular associations between the IL and IB. Additionally, spectroscopy and suggested that the water molecules prefer-
this may also be explained by the formation of water clusters entially interact with the anions. Additionally, quantum
around IL-2 which cannot penetrate the interstitials of IB as chemical calculations60 have been used to investigate the
eciently as molecular solvents. In support, Klahn et al.,57 interaction between water molecules and ILs based on the
based on a simulation technique, predicted that it is indeed the imidazolium cation with the anions [Cl] , [Br] , and [BF4] .
cation size that generally determines the interaction strength of The predicted geometries and interaction energies implied that
ILs with the neighboring solvents. Nevertheless, the hydro- the water molecules interact with the [Cl] , [Br] , and [BF4]
phobic mechanism is less clear for tetrauoroborate con- anions to form X  H2O (X = Cl or Br ), 2X  2H2O,
taining ILs, and more understanding is required. Scheme 3 BF4   H2O, and H2O  BF4   H2O complexes. Wang
represents the solvation of the IL-2 cation by the water et al.60 signicantly found that the strengths of the interactions
molecules in the critical mixture of IBW. between IL-cationwater, IL-anionwater, and ion-pairwater
follow the trend anionwater 4 cationwater 4 ion-pairwater,
respectively. Additionally, the strength of H-bonding between
anion and water increases in the order [PF6] o [SbF6] o
[BF4] o [Tf2N] o [ClO4] o [NO3] o [CF3CO2] .61
Therefore, water uptake is expected to exist for the [BF4]
ion in IL-1 and IL-2. The role of anion interaction with
organic molecules is still not clear. However, the ability of
the IL to create a hydrogen bond with organic molecules
signicantly increases the solubility of the IL. Research analysis
suggests that ILs containing the [BF4] anion show less inter-
actions with organic solvents.62 This could also account for the
minimum insolubility behavior of IL-2 in IB, where steric
repulsions overwhelm the weak interactions in neighboring
species because of the large size of the cation.
That the water structuring nature of the IL results in an
increase in the hydrogen bond network of water has been
conrmed by several research laboratories,59,63,64 and hence
IL-1 forces water molecules to diuse more with the IB
molecules in the mixture. This could also be regarded as a
simple consequence of the water[BF4] attractive interaction
that forces the water to surround the cation. However, the
participation of water[BF4] interactions to the stabilization
Scheme 3 Schematic representation of the interaction of IL-2 with of the system cannot be ruled out a priori and the possibility
the IB-rich and water-rich phases. that cation hydrogen atoms could act as hydrogen bond

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donors toward water might be taken into account as a working complicated than what is expected for simple two phase
hypothesis.65 The decrease in solubility of IL-2 in IB and its systems. Currently, we only have a very limited explanation
solubility in water plays a major role in shifting the critical for this dierent behavior. Our study makes ILs attractive not
temperature of the mixture to higher values. Since IL-2 is only as solvents for chemical processes but also for the
conned only to the lower phase (i.e. water), more interactions separation and extraction of materials. More information is
take place in the water-rich phase. Thus, we can suggest that needed to identify the eect of ILs on the critical phenomena
the hydrophobic interactions of the ILs permit solvation of the i.e. UCST as well as LCST. This is the subject of on-going
cation by water molecules, and the steric interactions of IL-2 work in our laboratory.
Published on 14 August 2012. Downloaded by Facult Des Sciences Bizerte on 24/07/2017 17:48:39.

with IB restrict the water molecules to diuse with the IB

phase. Eventually, IL-2 increases the Tc value of IBW at all Acknowledgements
studied concentrations of IL-2. Our results point towards the
fact that ILs are much more complex solvents capable of Financial support from the Department of Science and
undergoing many types of interactions. Characterizing them Technology (DST) [SR/SI/PC-54/2008] and University Grant
with a single polarity term fails to describe the type and Commission (UGC) [37-404/209 (SR)], New Delhi, is grate-
magnitude of individual interactions that makes each IL fully acknowledged. We are very thankful to Mr Amit,
unique. Despite the fundamental importance of the above Application lab, Malvern, Aimil Ltd., New Delhi for carrying
mentioned properties of ILs, their microscopic nature is far out necessary DLS experiments.
from being well understood. However, the complexity of the
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This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2012 New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 22662279 2279

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