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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Bachelor Degree of English Literature Program


Student Number: 082070020



A Final Project on English Literature



Prepared and Presented by


Student Number: 082070020

Approved by

Nilil Muna, S.S., M.A Semarang, 19 September 2012

First Advisor

Hartono, S.S., M.Pd Semarang, 19 September 2012

Second Advisor

A Final Project on English Literature



Prepared and Presented by


Student Number: 082070020

Defended before the Board of Examiners

On wednesday, 19 September 2012
And Declared Acceptable
Board of Examiners

Chairman : Nailil Muna, S.S., M.A. ____________________

Secretary : Hartono, S.S., M.Pd ____________________

Member : Prof. Dr. Warsono, M.A ____________________

Semarang, 19 September 2012

Dean of College of Languages

Drs. Widyanto, M.Si., Ph. D


Hereby, the writer honestly declares that the undergraduate thesis the

writer wrote does not contain the work of part of the works of other people, except

those which are cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper

should. If any statement is not valid in the future, the writer absolutely agrees to

accept an academic sanction I the form of revocation of her paper and her degree

obtained from this paper.

Semarang, September 2012

Risa Aprilia


Give holy love to each people.

I love you God. Struggle is the first But to pray will appearing.


 My beloved Mother Seri Ratna and my beloved Father

M. Syaifudin who always give me everlasting warm

love and always give support

 My Brother M.faris

 My beloved boyfriend Dimas Adityawan who give me


 My beloved All of my best friends, Rista, Jumi, and

hesty, adek. Thanks a lot for your support and pray.

 All of my friend who cannot be mentioned


Praise is to ALLAH, lord of the world. At this moment the writer wishes
to praise ALLAH who has given his entire blessing during the preparation
of this final project.
The writer also wishes to express her deepest appreciation and thanks to:
1. Drs. Widyanto, M.Si., Ph.D as Dean of the College of Languages
UNISSULA who has given the writer an opportunity to do this research.
2. Nailil Muna, S.S., M.A., as the first advisor who has patiently given
valuable guidance, helpful correction, useful suggestion and
encouragement from the beginning until the final project was completed.
3. Hartono, S.S., M.Pd as the second advisor who has encouraged and given
favorable advice, direction, and guidance patiently during the process of
writing this Final Project.
4. Her beloved mother Seri Ratna and Her beloved Father M. Syaifudin who
always give her everlasting warm love and support.
5. Her beloved boyfriend Dimas Adityawan who give me support

6. Her Brother M.faris

7. Her beloved friends, Rista, Jumi, and hesty, adek. Thanks a lot for your

support and pray.

8. All of friends in UNISSULA, thanks for your support and togetherness..

9. Anyone who helped the writer during the writing of the Final Project that
cant be mentioned one by one, thanks for the precious help and supports.
Finally the writer realized her limited ability so that this study is imperfect.
Therefore, the writer would be very grateful for correction, comments and
critics that will make it better.

The writer


PAGES OF TITLE ........................................................................................... i

PAGES OF APPROVAL ................................................................................. ii
PAGES OF VALIDATION ............................................................................. iii
STATEMENT OF WORK ORIGINALITY.................................................... iv
MOTTO & DEDICATION .............................................................................. v
ACKOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. vii
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ix
INTISARI......................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1
A. Background of The Study .................................................................... 1
B. Problem Formulation ........................................................................... 3
C. Objectives of The Study ....................................................................... 3
D. Limitation of The Study ....................................................................... 3
E. Significance of The Study .................................................................... 3
F. Outlines Of The Study ....................................................................... 4
CAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...................................................... 5
A. Synopsis ............................................................................................... 5
B. Film as Literary Work .......................................................................... 7
C. Social Identity Theory .......................................................................... 9
D. British Culture ...................................................................................... 11
E. Upper class and Lower class ................................................................ 11
1. Upper class ..................................................................................... 12
a. Education.................................................................................. 12
b. Language .. 12
c. Life style................................................................................... 13
d. Income ...................................................................................... 14
2. Lower class..................................................................................... 14

a. Education.................................................................................. 15
b. Language .. 15
c. Life style................................................................................... 16
d. Income ...................................................................................... 17
F. Lower class Struggle and Self Esteem ................................................. 17
G. Prejudice and Intergroup Conflict ........................................................ 18
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................ 21
A. Data Collecting Method ................................................................... 21
B. Source of The Data............................................................................... 21
C. Data Collecting Method ....................................................................... 21
CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION .......................................................................... 25
A. Intergroup Conflict Between Upper Class and Lower Class in Titanic
Film .................................................................................................. 25
A.1. Facilities ....................................................................................... 25
A. 2. Behavior ...................................................................................... 29
B. Jack Dowson as a member of Lower Class Put Him Self In The Upper
Class ..................................................................................................... 40
B.1. Capability ..................................................................................... 40
B. 2. Profesionality............................................................................... 43
CHAPTER V ................................................................................................ 48
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 48
SUGGESTION ................................................................................................. 50

Aprilia, Risa. 2012. intergroup conflict between upeer class and lower class in
james Cameron Titanic film. Final Project College of languages, English
Literature Program Unissula Semarang. First advisor: Nilil Muna, S.S.,
M.A and second advisor: Hartono, S.S., M.Pd.

Key Words: Intergroup Conflict, Upper Class and Lower Class, Prejudice,
and British culture.

This study is about analysis of intergroup conflict between upper class

and lower class in James Cameron Titanic film. The purpose of this study is to
know the intergroup conflict in the different classes to adaptation as one of the
best solutions in intergroup conflict. In conducting the study, the writer uses the
theory of social identity, because the differences of social classes in this film are
very interesting to be analyzed. In collecting the data, the writer used qualitative
data that were taken from the film script, books, international journals, essay, and
also British Encyclopedia.
The result of the analysis showed that intergroup conflict happen in British
societies by amalgamation and accepting new cultural is one of the best solutions
in solving them if wouldnt get isolation or discrimination from major society. It
can be proven in the end of the story, the American as minority group isolated and
go out from new culture or majority group. The majority and minority group
underestimate and dislike toward contras or different culture.
The end of conflict and piece is one a good way in cross culture
community. The understanding of universal culture is the tool for make it
becomes true. The difference culture is beauty color of culture. All of culture are
unique same, that have positive and negative value. We are human being should
respect each other culture. Culture shock can avoid if our respect and look
positive culture other side. So conflict and trouble in psychology avoid in society.
By entering other cultures, we will know the standards of the culture itself, so we
can tolerance if it is not appropriate with our culture. The cross culture will being
culture shock and conflict if referring success in adjust self process.

Aprilia, Risa. 2012. permasalahan antar kelompok atas dan kelompok bawah di
film titanic yang dibuat oleh james Cameron. Skripsi Fakultas Bahasa
jurusan sastra inggris Unissula Semarang. Pembimbing 1: Nilil Muna,
S.S., M.A dan pembimbing 2: Hartono, S.S., M.Pd.

Key Words: konflik antar kelompok, kelas atas dan kelas bawah,
prasangka, kebudayaan inggris.

Penelitian ini adalah analisis tentang permasalahan antar kelompok kelas

atas dan kelas bawah yang terjadi di film Titanic . Tujuan dari penelitin ini adalah
untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh permasalahan antar kelompok yang berbeda kelas
dan mengetahui dampak dari adanya perbedaan kelas. Dampak dari adanya
perbedaan kelas ada dua macam yaitu dampak positive dan dampak negative.
Dalam melaksanakan penelitian, penulis menggunakan teori identitas
social karena perbedaan didalam film ini sangat menarik utuk dianalisis. Dalam
pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan data kualitatif yang diambil dari buku,
jurnal internasional, essay, dan skrip film sebagai sumber data.
Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan antargroup terjadi di
Inggris akan terhindar jika mau memahami nilai positive dari kelompok lain. Hal
ini merupakan salah satu solusi terbaik dalam menghadapi konflik dalam
permasalahan perbedaan kelas masyarakat di suatu masyarakat inggris. Perbedaan
kelas akan terus menimbulkan konflick, maka diperlukan pememahaman budaya
dari masing masing kelas social yang luas dan mau melihat sisi positive dari sudut
pandang budaya itu sendiri. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dalam sikap pemeran utama
yang mau menjalin hubungan dengan lawan jenisnya meskipun berbeda kelas
tanpa memikirkan perbedaan diantara kelas social.
Sikap saling menghormati dan menghargai adalah elemen penting dalam
menciptakan masyarakat yang damai. Secara umum semua kelas social dan
budaya adalah sama, masing-masing mempunyai nilai positive dan negative. Kita
sebagai manusia yang berbudaya harus saling meghargai budaya satu sama lain
meskipun bersebrangan. Masalah antar kelas yang berbeda dapat dihindari dengan
toleransi dan mau menerima perbedaan yang ada. Sehingga konflik dan ganguan
sosial dapat dihindari.



A. Background of The Study

Literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the

restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the

more exact sense of the word. Hence, a literary work which is the author's

creation is an ideal reflection of social reality. The literary work and the author

cannot be separated since the literary work is a reproduction of the author's mind.

Film is one of literary works. As a literary work, film reflects social life.

One of them is Titanic film. Titanic was a 1997 American historical and romantic

drama movie directed by James Cameron. The film was originally scheduled to be

released on July 02, 1997. It won fourteen academy awards for the best picture

and the best director and had been nominated for an additional five. The film's

success may have helped to revive the romance drama gender, with social

problem between members of different social classes. It makes Titanic as a box

office film because Titanic is very popular and gets many awards. The tragedy

That happened in Titanic has a history like what people see in the Titanic film.

The study is interested in analyzing Titanic film because Titanic film

shows us the social class problems. Titanic film does not only tell about romance

but also analysis social class difference. Titanic tells about Jack Dowson who

struggles to get the same position with the upper class. In this film the lower class

is always dominated by the upper class. The social condition in England was like


what Jack got in the film. In England, lower class is always associated with

criminal and poor people and the upper class is always in glamour. The two

classes are very different from each other. In the differences class social there is a

prejudice. The upper class always thinks that the lower class has a bad

background. The contrast condition with the upper class makes the lower class

always gets a bad point. The upper class thinks that lower class always does

criminal work, they are impolite person. They feel that the upper class is different

from the lower class. The lower class cannot enter the upper class society. Upper

class is in the good place, clean and always has good table manner. But in the

lower class the place is dirty and dark.

The thudy interested in analyzing the topic because Titanic is box office

film. Then, there is another side in this film beside romantic drama. We can see

the social problem in Titanic film. A social problem in England can be showed in

the Titanic film. It is shows what happened with the upper and lower class at the

time. The last, the writer is interested in analyzing the struggle of Jack as a

member of lower class to be equal with the upper class.

B. Problem Formulation

The writer states the problems as follows:

1. How are intergroup conflicts between the upper and lower class reflected in

this film?

2. How does Jack Dowson as a member of lower class put him self in the upper


C. Objective of the Study.

1. To analyze the intergroup conflicts reflected in film of Titanic.

2. To describe the struggle of lower class person to put him self in the upper


D. Limitation of the Study

The writer limits the data by using the textual. The audio and visual are not

used because there are very complicated and require special technique. From the

textual data the writer can analyze the data maximally. The limitation of the study

is about the British social class conflicts in the early of 19th century.

E. Significance of the Study

Some literary works always give readers entertainment and significant

information about histories, cultures, values, etc, since it is an interesting way to

enrich our knowledge. Titanic Film is one of them. The significance of the study

can be significant academically and practically. Academically, the project can be

used as the base for the next study in this Collage of Languages. The next

generation can see this project as an example if they will write the final project.

Practically, the study can develop the writers knowledge about Titanic film

particularly related to the social identity theory. People can understand about the

social problem in the early 20th century including the intergroup conflict and the

live style of both member the class especially in England and how it is reflected in

the literary work.


F. Outlines of the study

This final project is presented in five chapters. Each chapter explains

different topics. The first Chapter is Introduction, which explains general

background of the study, problem formulation, Objective of the Study, Significant

of the Study, and outlines of the study. Chapter II presents synopsis and related

theory Next, Chapter III describes data collecting method, and data analysis

method Chapter IV discusses the difference classes in titanic film and the

intergroup conflict. And the last chapter, Chapter V presents Conclusions and



A. Synopsis

Written and directed by James Cameron, the film 'Titanic' is an epic action-

packed romance set against the ill-fated maiden voyage of the passenger liner


The film introduces some fictional characters, who together with the actual

historical figures, board the Titanic for its tragic journey in April 1912. Kate

Winslet stars as a young upper class American Called Rose who falls for a free-

spirited steerage passenger, Jack, played by Leonardo De Caprio. The central

story of the film is their forbidden love. Around this cross-class romance is a

contemporary story in which there is a salvage operation. An ambitious fortune

hunter, played by Bill Paxton, plumbs the depths for the treasures of the stately

ship Titanic and uncovers the secrets of their profound love.

The film of Titanic is based on the one and only voyage of RMS Titanic in

1912 and highlights the continuing fascination with this tragic episode in history.

This new film joins a list of other films and television dramatizations and

documentaries, as well as a large number of books, on the fateful maiden voyage

of the Titanic.

According to Todd Caplleman this film is the most expensive film and gets

many awards in 1998. He said that actually the film of titanic tells about two

stories. First, Titanic film tells about the love story between upper class and


working class that finally gives many problems because of the social class

differences and second Titanic film tells about the tragic of Titanic ship itself.

The Christian community gives critic especially to Cameron that this film is

over romantic and unnecessarily cheesy retelling of the historic maiden voyage

and untimely ending of the largest moving man-made object of its day. Many

people who wanted to see a historic drama with special effects, realistic sets, and

period costumes were surprised to learn that they would also have to endure a

romantic love story, complete with frontal nudity, which celebrated an adulterous

affair between a young third class steerage passenger and a wealthy first class

socialite who is engaged to be married.

James Berardinelli stated, Titanic is the kind of epic motion picture event

that has become a rarity. Other opinion said that there is no massage in this film,

Titanic is Just to entertain and Titanic film is focus on visual - effect. But many

people said that titanic is a film that gives inspiration because in this film

Cameron as a director does not only focus on one story but also he puts some

aspects like love story, tragedy, and social class problem.

Joseph McBride of Box office Magazine in March 1998 describes Titanic as

the greatest disaster movie ever made. The romantic and emotionally-charged

aspects of the film were equally praised. Andrew L. Urban of Urban Cinefile

Magazine said, "You will walk out of Titanic not talking about budget or running

time, but of its enormous emotive power, big as the engines of the ship itself,

determined as its giant propellers to gouge into your heart, and as lasting as the

love story that propels it. Oven Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly described the

film as, a lush and terrifying spectacle of romantic doom. Writer-director James

Cameron has restaged the defining catastrophe of the early 20th century on a

human scale of such purified yearning and dread that he touches the deepest levels

of popular movie making. According to Janet Maslin of The New York Times

commented that "Cameron's magnificent Titanic is the first spectacle in decades

that honestly invites comparison to Gone with the Wind.

B. Film as Literary Work

Film is one of literary works its existence of which is considerable

nowadays. Since film can give a clear description about human life, people Re it

very much. As Rees (1973:2) states that literature is anything that is written which

expresses ideas, emotion, feelings, and attitude toward life. Because movie or film

is one of literature works-, it delivers its message by expressing such things as

ideas, emotion, feelings, and attitudes toward life.

But movies or film can also teach people about history, science, human

behavior and any other subjects. Some films combine entertainment with

instruction, makes the learning process more enjoyable. In all its forms, cinema is

an art as well as a business, and those who make motion picture stake great pride

in their creation. (

As written in Encyclopedia Americana (1998:505), film in the performance

covers all arts. Like painting, film presents a two dimensional pictures with its

frame. Like music, film presents all materials the dimension of time. Like dance,

film choreographically to use space for the aesthetic sense. Like literature, many

films are based on stories. Like theater, most films use human actors. Like poetry,

film can present several minds of meaning of once.

Film is a literary work where people can easier to understand about meaning

of life because mostly film took from a story life. It can be learning for people as

introspection toward their life.

For a long time, there has existed an interrelationship and mutual influence

between literature and other forms of artistic expressions. This has resulted in

painting and music based on works of fiction, drama, and poetry, as well as

literary works emulating pictorial styles and musical structures. The creative

exchange between literature and film was initiated in the last decade of the 19th

Century. Initially, film was most related to photography and painting. Literature

shares with film the ability to employ the structures and devices of narrative.

Sequence of images on screen told a story and this is equivalent to the sequence of

words on page. The use of language in film established firmly the connections to


According to Jhon Midega (Lake Victoria film maker guild) Films just like

in literature, present action images words replicating life. Literary works also have

a stylistic and thematic basis in a realistic presentation of characters and incidents.

Theatre, initially, seemed nearest to film because of the common use of actors and

sets. Critics agree that films have a stronger affinity with fiction, especially with

the pronounced emphasis on narrative. However, whereas the primary thrust of

literature is linguistic the thrust of film is imagistic/ visual and immediate. Film

draws from the tradition of live theatre which includes techniques of staging,

lighting, movement, and gestures. From the novel, film draws from structure,

characterization, theme, and point of view. From music film draws from rhythm,

repetition, and counterpoint. From painting it draws from sensitivity to shape,

form, visual textures, and color.

C. Social identity theory

This chapter presents the related theory, which supports the discussion of

this thesis. In analyzing the problem this paper uses social identity theory that can

be used as theoretical frame work.

In order to make the theory easier to understand, the writer provides some

aspects of the theory. The elaboration consists of the social identity theory, the

Major Principles of social identity theory and Theoretical Application. One

influence theory which has been offered to explain this phenomena is one of

emphasizes the role of cognitive and motivational processes in prejudice and

intergroup relation; this explanation is now commonly as identity theory (Tajfel,

1978; Tajfel and Turner, 1986).

Social Identity Theory was developed by Tajfel and Turner in 1979. The

theory was originally developed to understand the psychological basis of

intergroup discrimination. Tajfel et al (1971) attempted to identify the minimal

conditions that would lead members of one group to discriminate in favor of the in

group to which they belonged and against another out group. This theory start

from an assumption about two members of group with social categorization and

complex social people like gender, race, nationality, or political ideology it is this

process of self categorization of defines. Social identity theory hypothesizes that

people are strongly motivated to understand and evaluate these group based

indentities and, echoing and earlier theory (festinger, 1954).

Oaks and Tuner (1980) found that group members who were given the

opportunity to discriminated reporter higher level of self-esteem afterward who

could not discriminate. The social condition in the one of country is different

with the other country. Marx is one of social theories was separate different class

by their function. According to Marx, Class social is the social society that have

different function in a production process like as worker or owner and between

that different function itself there were different self interest and then this

condition will be produce a conflict of social class.

Stele and Aronson1995 ( Baron and Byrne,2003) in their analysis they

found that the minorities society often get experience about an awareness of

minority people that they will evaluated based on the minority status. In this case

lower class is the minority society and it will be influence the self confident of

lower class.

Vaughan and Hog was explained that there are some groups that will be a

target of discrimination. The groups or society that often be a target of

discrimination like gender, status, rash etc. According to Vaughan and hog (2002)

in the social identity, someone will identify their self base on a membership of

one social society or attribute inside of that group.


D. British culture

In the era of 19th century, the conditions of social class in England show

with the different classes between upper class and working class. Many reforms

took place in a veritable flood of "socialist experiment." The introduction of a

salary for M.P.'s allowed the entry of working class members to Parliament; the

trade unions were freed from the liability for strike damage and allowed to use

their funds in politics. Hours and conditions of labor were regulated, slum -

clearances effected, eighty-three labor exchanges set up, and old-age pensions

inaugurated as the first installment of social security. All this cost a great deal of

money. It came from the pockets of the rich. They were further incensed by Home

Rule Bill Off 1912(

In this era, the upper class is always dominant than working class. There is

any different place to upper and lower class. As we know in the film of titanic it

the working class is get a bad place in the deck and the upper is always get a good

and good place.

E. Upper class and lower class

The working class condition in 1912 as I know from titanic film is

discriminated by upper class. Upper class can do everything include force to

working class to do what their want.

1. Upper class

The upper class in England is statistically very small. These people

were traditionally the wealthiest in the land having inherited money and

position. The majority of aristocratic families origin in the mercantile class,

and were ennobled between the 14th and 19th century.

a. Education

Where one was educated is often considered to be more important

than the level of education attained. Traditionally, upper class children will

be brought up at home by a Nanny for the first few years of life, and then

children would be schooled at home, by private tutors. From the 19th

century, it became increasingly popular for upper-class families to mimic

the middle-classes, in sending their children to public schools, which had

been predominantly founded to serve the educational needs of the upper-

middle class. When children are old enough, they may attend a prep school

or pre-preparatory school. Moving into secondary education, it is still

commonplace for upper-class children to attend one of England private

school, although it is not unheard of for certain families to send their

children to grammar school.

b. Language

Language pronunciation and writing style have been, consistently,

one of the most reliable indicators of class. The upper classes have

variations between have a formal language and polite. Always use system

to say something. (Alan Ross's in article of U and non-U English; 1954). It

can look from the upper class call someone for example madam, sir, etc.

c. Life. style

Money and material possessions are often thought of as an

important factor for the upper classes upper class family is likely to have

had wealth at some point in its history. According to Kate Fox claims that

the main, the rich and powerful believe they deserve their wealth and

power are more complacent. The luxuriated that upper class show is they

have lower class servants, tenant farmers, and sharecropping laborers

worked to produce income for them and maintain their grand lifestyle.

Upper class families living in cities generally bathed at least once a week;

they were most likely to own large tubs in which the entire body could be

immersed. Their upper class lifestyle included theatre, opera, entertaining,

feasting, and dancing, and required the constant acquisition and

consumption of luxury goods; a family could spend the equivalent of at

least $10,000 a year on meat alone. Exclusive, specialized, high quality

purveyors provided foodstuffs for the upper class. They were the most

envied and admired members of society; from the 17th to 19th centuries,

leading theatre characters were almost exclusively individuals of wealth

and social position ( _class-

_in_england_2.html). That life style of upper class is happen because of

they have money. According to Siegfried Kracauer, 1978:7) Money is a

component in life that will be influence a habit or behavior and a specific

phenomena that have a correlation with a variable of life like change,

freedom, life style, culture and value of life


d. Income

In 19th century, the upper class dominated the economy society.

This dominant aristocratic upper class controlled the material production,

as well as the production of ideas and established cultural style. At the

beginning of the century, the wealthiest 5% of the England populace

possessed 33% of the nations income, and paid very little income tax. The

upper class possessed largely inherited wealth and property. They

controlled and profited from economic expansion in trading and

commerce, industrial and technological development, and development of

professions such as law and medicine. As their economic power grew ever

greater, they mobilized and sought increased political rights to shield them

from capricious royal rulers. (Http//All

2. lower class

Different with upper class, lower class have a contras characterization

whit upper class. Frank Gallagher from Shameless television program would

present a vivid example of life in these strata of England society. Lower class

is a term used in the social science and in ordinary conversation to describe

those employed in lower tier jobs (as measured by skill, education, and lower

incomes), often extending to those in unemployment, or otherwise possessing

below-average incomes. Working classes are mainly found in industrialized

economies and in urban area non-industrialized economies.


a. Education

The education from lower class is based on the skill. It means that

they study from the think it can be use for work. For the first time they

study of elementary, secondary and senior bight school. In England

advocating is the cultural development of the working class. The

elementary school of grammar (1907), the lower classs gave 25% of their

places to poor pupils. Working class children could take an exam and if

they passed could go to grammar school. However some children won a

place but did not go because their parents could not afford to buy the

school uniform and equipment.


Because of the education being commercially the lower class chose to

practice about art, painting, etc. The various Factory Acts of 19th century

were another contributory factor towards the general tendency towards

national education. These acts focused not only on the condition of

workers but they also had the effect of imposing certain restrictions on

child labor, which get opportunity of an alternative education to the lower

class children. (

b. Language

Language pronunciation the lower class is not complicated like

upper class. According to Alan Ross's (1954) in article U and non-U

English the lower class say everything that they want say. The style of

their language did not look with who they ask. They call their friend or

another people with name. And there is no limitation between them.

c. Life style

Members of the working class did not generally own property,

were not well educated, and were largely excluded from the political

process. most lower class workers earned enough to obtain decent housing,

educate their children, and invest their surplus income lower class

generally work then job for the upper class from make handcrafters,

construction supervisors, factory foremen, scientific instrument makers,

cabinetmakers, musical instrument makers, jewelers, bookbinders,

engravers, printers, shipbuilders, machine-tool makers, railway locomotive

engineers, textile spinners, and metalworkers. The family of Poor families

is about six to a dozen people lived in one-room apartments. Building

courtyards filled with dung which was sold and transported to farmers for

fertilizer. In the home, women controlled the family finances, made

domestic decisions involving children's education, religious instruction,

household furnishings, and whether to take in boarders for additional

income. Some women delayed marriage, choosing to remain domestic

servants as long as possible.

d. Income

In 19th century individuals from a broad range of occupations of

varying status and income comprised the lower class. At the beginning of

the century, the poorest 30% of the England population possessed 1011/0

or less of the nation's income. Members of the lower class did not get well

educated. The most of lower class workers earned enough to obtain decent

housing, educate their children, and invest their surplus income. With Jobs

lower class, highly skilled occupations paid approximately the equivalent

of $500 per year. Lower class performed many job included domestic

servants and those individuals working in the sweated industries.


F. lower class struggle and Self esteem

According on Marxist believes that in its pure form capitalist society

divided into two powerful social classes. Social classes refer to the groups in

societies or cultures. The most basic class diction between two groups is between

the powerful and powerless. The economic power is closely linked to link to the

ability to assert one's status in society. First is the working class or proletariat.

One basic reason of class struggle is economic. This is happened economic

is important thing to make the level of social class in the society. Because of this,

the rich people always get everything what they and honesty in the society with

their power. For example, the proletariat as the low level workers fells oppressed

by the bourgeois. By class struggle, the hope they can share ownership of the

capital and means of production, in other to get exploitation out from their life. It

means they will get equal class especially in economic.


According to Duex, Dane and Wringhtsman (1993), the conviction and

feeling of every person about their self is self concept. The conviction about their

self is interrelated with sign, interest, self capability, and self preferment. Then

people will use their self concept to stay with their self esteem. While Baron,

Byrne, Branscombe (2006) present that according to them the self esteem is

pointing all of behavior of every person to them self in negative or positive thinks.

This assuming is interrelated with what Vaughan and Hogg (2002).

According to Vaughan and hog said that everybody want to have a positive self

esteem because the positive self esteem will make some body can handle their

anxiety, loneliness, social rejection. In this case self esteem being a basic of

person to see as far as they will accept with a social society.

G. Prejudice and Intergroup conflict

Intergroup conflict occurs when people think or behave antagonistically

toward another group or its member in term of their group membership and seem

motivated by concern relating to that group (sheriff, 1966; Tajfel and Tuner,

1986). In the other opinion is come from Allport (1954). The majority of

programmers aimed at fostering harmonious relation between previously

conflictual groups have operated under assumptions embodied in what has come

to be known as the contact hypothesis". This hypothesis assert attitude and

behavior toward the groups will become more positive after interaction whit them.

In another in think was describes by Schwarzwald and Amir (1984). This study is

discussed about the different culture. For examples are the eastern and western.

The both of two members of classes have heritage that they hold to their cultural

that can give the differences of them. It is same if we look upper and lower class.

The both of two members of class have their culture. In this Case, the cultural of

the both of member class (upper and lower) is very contrast.

Prejudice and discrimination are negative manifestations of integrative power.

Instead of bringing or holding people together, prejudice and discrimination push

them apart. Ironically, even prejudice and discrimination imply some sort of

relationship, however. If there is no relationship people would be completely

unaware of another person's or group's existence. When there is any relationship

at all--even a negative one--there is some integration. Kenneth Boulding referred

to this as "disintegrative power"-"the integration that is achieved through hatred,

fear, and the threat of a common enemy." (Boulding, 1989, p.62.) This is seen in

military patriotism, in nationalism, and in any situation of "negative identity" in

which one group defines itself in terms of what it is not. The conflict it self has a

definition. Conflict is a serious disagreement or argument. Conflict theory is

based on the writings of Karl Marx (1818-1883), a German theorist and political

activist. The underlying idea is that conflict in society is the product of an

exploitative relationship between social classes, and this same conflict is required

for social change. (


Base on the condition of class social in England Tajfel (1981) in his theory

emphasize that prejudice is happen because it learned, hate and predjudice to one

of group learned since the life is began. Because he look that Children with 4 or 5

years old already understand about the different status of class social an it

developed being a culture among them so that will happened.

That prejudice and intergroup conflict is interrelated happen in the social

class. In the Baron and Byrne (2003) tell us that the oldest explanation about

how the prejudice can be happen? In fact the prejudice can be happen because

of the competition for an important and valuable source. It means that some

person will be having a prejudice when they feel have a competitor. For example

if in the social society there is a limited valuable goods, so will be happen a

competition among social societies to get that valuable goods.

The prejudice is unrelated with discrimination that include in the conflict

among different class or intergroup conflict. Vaughan and Hog (2005) explained

there are some groups that will be a target of discrimination. The groups or society

that often be a target of discrimination like gender, status, rash etc. From the

argument of Vaughan and hog this project is talking about status so the writer

catch the meaning of the explanation that the target here is lower class. Because

lower class in this case is get discrimination from the lower class.

As the result of prejudice frustation and aggression theory subsequently

evolved into a form which was more explicitly intergroup in focus and those

overcame some of difficulties association with the earlier version. Following

Berkowitzs (1962) lead the emphasizing the subjective nature of frustration,

others have argued that it precisely when people feel deprived of something that

the feel entitled to that they experience frustration. The discrepancy between

actual attainment (position in life) and expectation (the position we feel we

deserve) is referred to as a relative deprivation.



In chapter III the writer will present about the procedure of investigation.

The discussion elaborates types of the data, data collecting method, and technique

of analyzing data.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this final project is a movie entitled Titanic that was adopted

from the real story and has a same name for the novel. The film has duration of

180 minutes and directed by James Cameron which was produced in 1997. This

film is give discribes the conflict of social classes.

B. The Data Source and Type of the Data

The data in this study is qualitative. In this study, the writer used

descriptive qualitative method because the data collected are sentences and

utterances, not numbers. In experimental methodology, Christensen pointed out

that qualitative data consist of words and documents of non-numerical

information. The qualitative data are sources of well-grounded, rich descriptions

and explanations of processes in an identifiable context of words, sentences,

utterances, and dialogues

The data of this paper is divided into two types, they are:


1. Primary data, which were taken from the film and movies script. Since the

object of this study is a film, it uses the films script for analysis. So the data

are in the forms of text, such as prologue, monologue, and dialogue.

2. Secondary data, which involves the supporting data, are from articles,

journals, books, and websites which related to the study.

C. Data Collecting Method

In this project the study uses qualitative methode as data collecting

method. This qualitative method is the library research. The library research

combined both types of data, they are primary and secondary data. To collect the

data, the study did some step.

1. Watching the film

First, the researcher is conducting a general watch of titanic. And then

the study watches repeatedly and deep watching to get understanding of the

whole content of the film. To analyze the story in this step, the study has to

watch more than three times.

2. Identifying the Data

After watching the film for several times, identification was conducted

to find parts of the film which are going to be analyzed. The data could be in

the form of attitude that reflected of the character and find the problem from

the dialogues and gesture.


3. Inventorying the data

Inventory is list all of the data identified and put them on the table.The

table consists of coulum of numbers, source (film or script), form of the data,

page or minute. The table of inventoried data is call appendix. This table

bellow shows an example of inventorying data:

Found in film
Data Form of
Data Answering question
Number. data Minute
number one
- Rose and her mother are
1. coming with luxury carriage Prolog 00:22:03 1
and glamour dress

4. Reducing the data

The next step is reducing the data. In this step, the study selected the

most relevant data related to the problem, only relevant data are used to

answer the problem. The problems, then the relevant data are being


5. Analyzing and reporting

The last step analysis is the data. It mean that the study have to

analysis all of the data already writer get from the script and film. Finally, the

writer reported the data in the appendices.



In this analysis, there are two problems being discussed. From Titanic film

intergroup conflict and the struggle of lower class are going to be discussed.

A. Intergroup conflict between the upper and lower class reflected in The

Titanic film.

Upper class and lower class in Titanic film are key elements that can

influence an intergroup conflict. As we know that upper class and lower class

have different status even they have different attitude and different society. The

different of lower class and upper class can be seen from what they wear. In this

Titanic film there are many different characters. The main characters are Rose

Dewitt Bukatter and Jack Dawson. Rose and Jack have roles as a couple that have

different status.

1. Facilities

Kate Fox claims that the rich person believe that they will more deserve

get the power and they are more complacent. The luxuriated that upper class

show is they have lower class servants, tenant farmers, and sharecropping

laborers work to produce income for them and maintain their grand lifestyle.

This can influence the Main set of behavior and habit of the both classes is.

From the explanation, the study found a condition in The Titanic film that

shows about Rose on role as an upper class. In that condition Rose came by a


luxury carriage and glamour dress with her mother. (Datum no. 1)

People will give a different response between upper class and lower

class. The differences of lower class and upper class will describe by the

dialog bellow:

Checker: All third class search room on the deck (datum no.4)

From that prolog, we can see that the third class is a lower class. Deck

here is located of third class. In this case, there are different places between

upper class and lower class.The other example is when the poeple of lower

clas make a party, there were limiting condition and place. Small room with

many people there and the equipment they use is simple. (datum no.24). It

contrast to the upper class get as describe in this dialog bellow:

Waiter : This is youre privat deck, sir. (talk to Hockley).you would

be requiring anythink. ( Datum no. 23)

That dialog shows us about the facility that Hockley get as a member of

upper class. As we know that Hockley is a upper class member. According to

upper class, there is a different condition between them. That condition is also

explained by Tajfel that the prejudice will happen because it can learn. Tajfel

(1981) in his theory explain that prejudice happens because it learns about

hate and prejudice to one of group learned since the life is began. Data

number 4 gives an example about the prejudice of upper class to lower class.

The analysis of the study refer to Tajfel assuming is prejudice to lower class

happens since the early of life that being a culture that separate between

people from lower class to the upper class. From the example they are

separated by their place. It means that the prejudice and discrimination has

already been culture.

Tajfel (1971) attempted to identify the minimal conditions that would

lead members of one group to discriminate in favor of them in group to which

they belonged and against another out group. This theory begins from an

assumption about two members of group with social categorization and

complex social people like status. It means that discrimination happens in the

different status between upper class and lower class. As we know is

discrimination is one of intergroup conflict that happen in human with

different status. The study take another example from the prolog bellow:

All third class passengers queue here for health inspection. (Datum no.2)

That prolog showing us that the lower class will be enters the Titanic

ship with the health inspection first. It tells us that the upper class have a

prejudice to the lower class.

According to Sheriff (1966), Tajfel and Tuner (1986) intergroup

conflict occurs when people think or behave antagonistically toward another

group or its member in term of their group membership and seem motivated

by concern relating to those groups. From the statement of Tajfel and Sherif

we know that between upper class and lower class there is a prejudice that

being an intergroup conflict. In this Titanic film, the study found conditions

that show us about a discrimination and intergroup conflict. We can look at

the dialog bellow:


When the ship will sink

Child : what are we doing, mummy?

Woman : when the first class people are on the boats they will start with

Us (Datum no.21)

The dialog happened when the ship would sink. Children ask to her

mother, when they will go out from the deck because the water will be

flooding the ship quickly. Then her mother said that when the first class

people are on the boat they will start with us. It means that the women know

that she is a member of lower class so she has to be to wait her time. It is

because upper classes that must be save first. The condition like this makes

the member of lower class feel discriminated. The argument of the study

about this discrimination refers to argument of Stele and Aronson (Baron and

Byrne, 2003) in their analysis they found that the minorities society often

gets experience about awarenes of minority status. In this case lower class is

the minority society.

The dialog below will be showing us about the discrimination

and limitation between upper class and lower class. :

Rose : I do not have leave this is my part of the ship.

You leave! (Datum no. 7)

The dialog is happen in the part of upper class. Than Rose said that jack

have to leave her part. In this dialog Rose think that there is a limitation

between them because they are come from different class. That is the

condition where the lower class have to release that they are different with the

upper class as Jack and Rose.


2. Behavior

The prejudice can make an intergroup conflict between both of social

class. Oaks and Tuner (1980) found that group that member who was given

the opportunity to discriminated reporter higher level of self-esteem afterward

who could not discriminate. So, from that statement the people that in the

high level or upper class feel that they have to get a pride or a honour because

they believe that they are have a self esteem than the lower clas the prejudice

between upper class and lower class is happen because of different attitude

and assumption. There are many different attitudes between upper class and

lower class that the study found in this Titanic film. The different attitude can

look by dialog bellow:

Jack : do you love him?

Rose : you should not be asking me this

Jack : it is a simple question , do you love the guy or not

Rose : this is absurd....

You are rod and uncouth...and I am living now (Datum no. 6)

In this dialog Rose as a member of upper class feel that the question is not

polite because as an upper class rose feel that there are rule to say something

to other people. She feel that Jack is being fall Rose self esteem. This is have

a reletion with what Oaks said that the upper class sure that they have a self

esteem that have to be understand by lower class, so Rose said you should

not be asking me It means that Jack does not allow to give that

question.different with jack as a member of lower class. He thinks that his


question is simple. There is no mistake whit his question because he think

that no rule to say something. Like what Jack doing to ask for a smoke with

other guy.

Jack : suuuuuiitttt...!!!! (Jack call the man) To ask for smoke (datum

no. 5)

That is the way of Jack as a member of Lower class to call somebody and ask

for a cigarette. Language pronunciation of the lower class is not complicated

like upper class. According to Alan Ross's (1954) in article U and non-U

English the lower class say everything that they want say. The style of their

language did not look with who they ask. This condition is different with

upper class that always takes an attention to their pronunciation.

The other think that can influence an intergroup conflict is attitude of

two different classes. Because as we ever seen at Titanic film, there were a

memmber of lower class did not show their good attitude that more polite

than upper class. The study uses an example from the film by a dialog bellow:

Rose : why I cannot be like you Jack? Just head out of the horizontal

whenever I feel like it

Jack : no, we will do it, we will drink cheap beer, ride on the roller

coaster, and then we ride horses on the beach like a real


Rose : can you show me?

Jack : sure if you like

Rose : teach me to ride like a man


Jack : and chew tobacco like a man

Rose : and split like a man

Jack : they did not teach you like that rose?

Rose : no (datum no. 9)

That dialog, rose as member of upper class feel that there is a different

condition with jack as a member of lower class. According to upper class

there are many think that cannot women doing but then can doing, like

smoke. And then, jack teaches Rose to do spite. For jack as a member of

lower class, spite is no problem but for upper class that is impolite attitude.

This case is near with an education that was received by the both of classes. It

means that the upper class is getting a study about how to manage a good

attitude. In one of data from (

/20thengland.httml) tell about education off upper class and lower class. At

the time of 19th century in England, the lower class sometimes cannot get a

complete education like study of grammar and other Because of the education

being commercially the lower class Choose to practice about art or painting.

The dialog bellow will be show an example if the upper class gives many

attentions for their habit and their attitude.

Rose : and spit like a man

Jack : they did not teach you like that rose?

Rose : no (datum no. 9)

From the dialog, we can see that the upper class never teaches about spit to

their daughter because spit is impolite habit. The differences attitude will be

influence a prejudice an intergroup conflict between upper and lower class.

That can influence a different attitude between upper class and lower class.

The different attitude and habit between both of two different classes make an

assuming an than can be develop as a prejudice between them. Why it can be

happen? Because the upper class thinks that society of lower class have bad

behavior and can bring a bad influence to upper class. Allport (1954) has an

opinion if majority of programmer aimed at fostering harmonious relation

between previously conflictual groups have operated under assumptions

embodied in what has come to be known as the "contact hypothesis". So

between upper class and lower class they have a hypothesis by their self. So

that we can look an intergroup conflict is happen in this condition. as the

sample bellow :

Rose mother comes when Rose and Jack split. She look at jack like and

insect, dangerous insect.(Datum no.10)

From that prolog Rose mother think that jack as a member of lower

class is like an insect, dangerous insect. so the upper class feel that the

condition of lower class just will give a bad influence and will be destroy or

disturb member of lower class like what jack teach to Rose. If jack make

relationship with rose so he will teach a bad habit. A dangerous insect mean

that according to upper class, jack as a member of lower class is behave like

an insect so they as member of lower class have to give a limitation between

upper and lower class. The prejudice or hypothesis is not only from the upper

class but also from lower class. Lower class has a hypothesis if sometimes

there are many member of upper class that has an antagonist behavior. The

antagonist behavior caused with Upper class always covering everything with

money or something that they call whit glamour. Their lifestyle included

theatre, opera, entertaining, feasting, and dancing, and required the constant

acquisition and consumption of luxury goods; a family could spend the

equivalent of at least $10,000 a year on meat alone. This is one think that

make lower class have a prejudice to upper class. In the Titanic film we can

look from a dialog bellow:

Molly : and nothing to it jack, they love money so you just pretend like

Your own gold mine and you are in the club.(Datum no.14)

That arguement of molly shows us that the upper class is a society that has an

attention with how much somebody has money. Molly said to Jack if the

upper class is having a big interest with money. This fact will make member

of lower class feel give discrimination and finally that can influence an

intergroup conflict.

Statement of Schwarzwald and Amir (1984). The prejudice and

intergroup conflict is about the different culture. For examples are the eastern

and western or upper class and lower class. The both of two members of

classes have heritage that they hold to their cultural that can give the

differences of them. This study is about upper class and lower class so the

both of two members of class have their culture. Although the live in same

countries but like what he said before, they are different class. In the era of

20century, the conditions of social class in England show with the different

classes between upper class and working class. They were further incensed by

Home Rule Bill Off 1912. ( /history/ nar2Ohist.html ).

Those social conditions in the England at that time have discribed

from the Titanic film. The upper classes that call as members of first class is

always think that they have money and they are rich so they have the power.

People on the first class is use money to get everything and the can do

something with money. It is different with lower class condition even the

lower class will do everything or hard work to get money for their life. This

dialog will be show us about the different culture of upper class and lower


Jack : I just... (He wants to meet Rose)

Lovejoy : Mr. Hockley and Mrs. Dewitt Bukatter? They ask me

to give you this (money)

Jack : I do not want your money. (Datum no. 19)

The condition of the dialog is show us about the culture of upper class that

they like to use money to do everything and it is about the prejudice that

show by upper class to the lower class. At that time Jack want to meet Rose

but lovejoy as an assistant of Hockley say that Rose cannot meet him. So

lovejoy give some money to Jack. But jack does not accept the money. So we

know that in the mine of upper class it is will be clear if Jack accepts money

and then he will go. Hockley as a member of upper class feel that Jack just

want to ask for some money from upper class. From the character of Hockley

we know that the life style and culture of upper class. Bolding, 1898, p.62)

tell about Prejudice and discrimination are negative manifestations of

integrative power. Instead of bringing or holding people together, prejudice

and discrimination push them apart. Ironically, even prejudice and

discrimination imply some sort of relationship, however. If there is no

relationship people would be completely unaware of another person's or

group's existence.

The upper class has a deep prejudice to lower class. As what ever

mentioned in this study before if according to upper class the attitude of

lower class is not good enough and they have bad habit. This is can influence

upper class make lower class lose from them easily. Because of sometimes

upper class feel that lower class is an enemy. In the Baron and Byrne (2003)

tell us that the oldest explanation about how the prejudice can be happen?In

fact the prejudice can be happen because of the competition for an important

and valuable source. It means that some person will be having a prejudice

when they feel have a competitor. This dialog bellow can show us about the

intergroup conflict happen:

lovejoy put the diamond on jack pocket.

Hockley : indeed two things dear home have disappeared this evening.

Now that one is back, I have an idea to find the other. Search him!

We have an honest thief.

(The guard found diamond on jack pocket)

Jack : dont you believe Rose.

Rose : His coldnt has.


Hockley : of course he could.

Rose : but I was with him in whole time.

Hockley : perhaps he did it while you were putting your clothes book

on, dear.

Jack : rose, they put in my pocket

Hockley : shut up. It is even your pocket. (Datum no. 20)

The dialog happened when Rose lose her diamond. Love joy put the diamond

on the pocket of jack. As study know that Jack is the enemy of Hockley. Love

joy put the diamond to Jack so that everybody thinks if the thief is jack. This is

ironically condition. It is like a hypothesis about bad behavior of lower class.

This condition made by Hockley to make sure Rose about Jack because the

people are close with Rose do not like if she have a relationship with Jack. So

Hockley make a story that Jack stole the diamond. It is prejudice that finally

make an inter group conflict between a good relationship of Rose and Jack.

This explanation of the study is related with the explanation of Vaughan and

hog (2005). Vaughan and Hog explained that there are some groups that will

be a target of discrimination. The groups or society that often be a target of

discrimination like gender, status, rash etc. In the condition of Datum no. 20,

the prejudice is happen when one of groups is stronger than the other group.

This is prejudice based on the different class so that happen here is the upper

class or Hockley has a prejudice to Jack as a member of lower class.

The upper class does not allow if one of member has a relationship with

lower class. It is happen in the relationship of Rose and Jack. The study put an

example of intergroup conflict by the dialog bellow:

Ruth : you are not to see that boy again, do you understand me? It is not

a game. This fine if you match with Hockley. It will ensure our survival.

(Datum no. 17)

In this dialog the study got phenomena about a class and wealth. The wealth

mean that the power of money inside. According to Siegfried Kracauer,

1978:7) Money is a component in life that will be influence a habit or behavior

and a specific phenomena that have a correlation with a variable of life like

oportunity, freedom, life style, culture and value of life. From statement of

Siegfried, the study has an assuming if upper class money is the component of

life that has a big power. In the dialog of Ruth and Rose, Ruth said that she did

not allow her daughter meet the boy, the boy here is Jack, and Jack is a

member of lower class. Jack is poor man that far away from power of money.

So Ruth as she member of upper class want do not want her daughter has a

relationship with Jack because he is a poor man that have not a power of

money. It is a prejudice of upper class that if the member of upper class can not

happy in their life if they have a relationship with lower class even they get

married. The study look in tergroup conflict happened in the Titanic film by

dialog bellow:

Jack friend : (listen music by Orpheus) now I know I am in the first

class. (Datum no. 22)

From the dialog, this study looks that jack friend aware of his status. According

to Vaudan and hog (2002) in the social identity, someone will identification

their self base on a membership of one social society or attribute that have own

together inside of that group. It is same with what the dialog of datum no.22.

Jack friend release that he is a member of lower class, he have different

attribute and identification with upper classs so when he listen the music, he

know that is a part of upper class music.

According to Kate Fox Money and material possessions are often thought

of as an important factor for the upper classes upper class family is likely to

have had wealth at some point in its history and claims that the main, the rich,

and powerful believe they deserve their wealth and power. (www.know- _class_in_england_2.html). From the statement of Kate fox

we know about the characterization of upper class and their life style. From the

dialog, music Orpheus is one of example from the life style of upper class. The

study look from the jack friend said that I know I am in the first class he said

when he listened the music of upper class. In this case the study look

discrimination there. According to Tajfel and Turner in 1979, the theory of

social identity was originally developed to understand the psychological basis

of intergroup discrimination. So from this statement the both off different

classes already releaze that they also have different social identity. The study

look from the dialog of jack friend that he is a member of lower class that have

a limitation to get a close position with upper class member and discrimination

of lower class is often happen so that lower class aware and understand about

their position as a third class. From the dialog the study meaning as a prejudice

of lower class to upper class.


B. Jack Dowson as a member of lower class put him self in the upper


1. Capability

In the Titanic we know about Jack Dowson. He is a poor man and

member of lower class at that time. After we have watched the Titanic film

we can know about the condition of lower class and upper class at that time

(19th century). Titanic is a big ship that gives us a discription of social

condition in British. From the Home Rule Bill report of 1912

( history /nar2O hist.html), in the era of 19th century, the

conditions of social class in England show with the different classes between

upper class and working class. There are so many limitations between there.

The glamour and luxury facility is upper class own. In this report say about

the upper class that easily get everything because of the power of money but

its different with lower class that like impossible think that they get a good

place. Hours and conditions of labor were regulated, slum -clearances

effected, eighty-three labor exchanges set up, and old-age pensions

inaugurated as the first installment of social security. All this cost a great deal

of money. It came from the pockets of the rich. According on Marxist

believes that in it is pure form capitalist society divided into two powerful

social classes. Social classes refer to the groups in societies or cultures. The

most basic class diction between two groups is between the powerful and

powerless. The economic power is closely linked to link to the ability to

assert one's status in society. So in this era of the basic of class struggle is a

economic. As the study show from the dialog Jack as a member of lower

class show his capability to survive his life although he have not the power of

money. Jack said that he can be life in many place. The capability of jack as a

member of lower class looked from that dialog when jack said about the

lessons of life. The dialog bellow take when Jack get dinner invitation whit

upper class:

Ruth : and where exactly do you life Mr. Dowson?

Jack : now my address in RMS Titanic. After that i am gods

good humor. I work my way from place to place. You

know tramp steamers and such, but I won my ticket on

Titanic here from lucky hand at poker. I mean got

everything right here with me. got air in my lungs. And a

few sheet of paper. I love walking in the morning not

knowing what gonna happen or who I am gonna meet. The

other night i slept under the bridge and now i am on the

grandest ship in the word. You learn about life. (Datum

no. 15)

From the dialog, jack as a member of lower class actually he did not

have money to get a conditional place. When Ruth ask him about his address

then he answer that he is a member of lower class. Jack is poor man that life

in the many place and he have not a house to stay their life. According to

Deux, Dane and Wringhtsman (1993), the conviction and feeling of every

person about their self is self concept. The conviction about their self is

interrelated with sign, interest, self capability, and self preferment. So from

the statement people can think about their self, are they feel in positive or

negative, proud or dispointing, happy or unhappy to their self. The dialog

before is show how jack as a member of lower class that release about their

life as poor man but hr has conviction about his condition in his life because

he still can life and he can stay in the same place with upper class. This is a

positive think and the other people were proud to Jack because of their

survival. This dialog below will be show honor that people give to Jack:

Jack : I mean got everything right here with me. Got air in my

lungs. And a few sheet of paper. I love walking in the

morning not knowing what gonna happen or who i am

gonna meet. The other night i slept under the bridge and

now i am on the grandest ship in the word. You learn

about life.

People : her hear!!!

Rose :( raises the glass) (Datum no. 15)

The dialog shows us the capability of jack about how their life with powerless

money. The dialog shows us about powerless of jack about money so he is a

poor man but the other people are deal what Jack said after they knew about

Jack story as a member of lower class. They understand that lower class also

have a struggle and lower class have their word to survive by their self

although without powerful of money. So the study give the meaning to this

condition of Jack is he has a self esteem. This assuming is interrelated with


what Vaughan and Hogg (2002).

The understanding of lower class struggle here is how to show their

capability but the still hold their self esteem. In this Titanic film Jack as

lower class member do not want to miss his status as lower class but he want

to show if what upper class can do it will be same with lower class do.

According to Tajfel (1971) attempted to identify the minimal conditions that

would lead members of one group to discriminate in favor of the in group to

which they belonged and against another out group. From the statement of

Tajfel is interrelated with the lower class awareness to show something that

they have. In this condition Jack as a member of lower class accepting the

invitation of upper class to join the first class (datum no. 14) but after that he

than show his own party like the dialog of datum no. 15. This invitation of

Jack is because of he want to show if lower class have a party that according

to them is more interesting and can valuable. This dialog bellow will be show

us about the struggle of jack to show the interesting and valuable thing of

lower class:

Rose : jack, time you have to go?

Jack : time for me to row with other sloves.

(Than, Jack give a letter to Rose that said make it account. Meet me

at the clock).

Jack : so you want to go to a real party?( Jack shows the third

class party). (Datum no. 15)


2. Profesionality

According to Vaughan and Hogg(2002) said that everybody wan to

have a positive self esteem because the positive self esteem will make some

body can handle their anxiety, loneliness, social rejection. In this case self

esteem being a basic of person to see as far as they will be accepted with a

social society. It same with Jack that the show his capability because of he

have confident with his life and he doing that struggle to show his capability

without he miss his self esteem. This dialog bellow is showing us about

awareness of upper class to lower class:

Old Rose: (Tell about jack when he draws Rose)

It was the most erotic moment of my life.

Mr. Bodine: so what happen next?

Old Rose: you mean did we do it? No, Jack is very professional.

(Datum no. 22)

Rose in the dialog is telling about Jack that still professional when he

worked his job. Although at that situation jack have a change to do something

that make his self esteem will fall as lower class. That can make Rose as a

member of lower class give a good value to Jack as a member of lower class.

This same whit what Deux said about the struggle people to still save their

self esteem as what Jack have did in his job with being a professional painter.

To review the statement of Deux, Dane and Wringhtman (1993) about

the conviction and feeling of every person, the conviction about their self is

interrelated with sign, interest, self capability, and self preferment. This fact is

happen among lower class that was got discrimination at that time in England

as has been explained before. Lower class has a struggle to show their

capability like the dialog bellow:

Rose: (look at the draw) there are good actually. This exquisite

work you get around to Paris for poor....well....person of limited


Jack: a poor guy, you can not say it (Datum no. 13)

The dialog is show about the sign that Jack own as a painter. At that

time Rose as a member of lower class understands and proud with Jack

ccapability that the people from third class have something interesting. If fact

Jack itself do not deny if he is from lower class society that can looked by his

statement if he a poor guy. Like what Deux said about self esteem that

happen when a person give evaluate to their self. While Baron, Byrne,

Branscombe (2006) present that the self esteem is pointing all of behavior of

every person to them self in negative or positive think. So from that

statement, people can show their self esteem base on their behavior that will

be produce the positive or negative self esteem result. From this fact Jack

here a member of lower class give a positive self esteem. The table of number

16 give a fact if Jack use his self esteem. One of shin in Titanic film when

jack finish to painting rose, she asks for Jack to take the diamond into the

strongbox and Jack doing what Rose said (Datum no. 16). This dialog shows

us about the self esteem of Jack as a member of lower class that stays to keep


Jack: what is this? a sapphire.

Rose: diamond, a very rare diamond.

Rose : Jack, I want you to draw me with this.

Jack : all right.

Rose : wearing only this.

Jack : over on the bed... on couch.

Give lie down, put your arm back the way it was. Now, head down.

Keep only. And try to stay still.

Rose : so serious.

Jack : just relax your face. No laughing.

When jack finish to draw rose, she asks for Jack to take the

diamond into the safe.

Jack : what are you doing?

Rose : will you put this box on the save for me?

(Jack put the diamond box like Rose said). (Datum no. 18)

That is a pride in the dialog, Rose proud Jack about his

professionalism (Look datum no. 19). The study analyze this conflict refer to

argument of While Baron, Byrne , Branscombe ( 2006), why Rose can be

proud Jack because in the condition where two people in the same place and

time like what happened with Jack and Rose, people will falling their self

esteem. But it is different with Jack.

In another example of Jack capability to keep his self esteem as a

lower class is from this dialog bellow:


Jack : i just.....

Lovejoy : Mr. Hockley and Mrs. Dewitt Bukater? They ask

me to give you this (money)

Jack : I do not want your money. (Datum no. 17)

It is same with the explanation of datum no. 18. According to Allport

(1954), the majority have a contact hypothesis aimed to get the positive

condition. This is like what Lovejoy did, he give money to Jack so that Jack

leave the place and did not meet Rose. That is the way of upper class to get

something that they want. But Jack as a member of lower class that survive

with his self esteem, he was reject the money. This is like what was writer

explained about the struggle and self esteem and interrelated with statementt

of Vaughan and Hogg (2002). According to Vaughan and Hogg said that

everybody want to have a positive self esteem because the positive self

esteem will make some body can handle their anxiety, loneliness, social

rejection. So, jack rejected that money because he wanted to show his

positive self esteem. This is a good personality of Jack as a member of lower

class. He feel that because although he is a lower class member that not have

a meaning to have a bad behavior.



Having analyzed Titanic film, the research comes into a conclusion that is

related to the analysis of the film using the suggestion of the analysis. Therefore

this chapter is divided into two sections that are conclusion and suggestion.

A. Conclusion

This study has five aspects that support the analysis of social identity

theory that appear in Titanic film. Those are England culture, comparison of lower

class and upper class, lower class struggle and self esteem, and about the prejudice

and intergroup conflict. Those aspects are reflected in the story plainly with the

explanation from the director. The end of this story shows the revolution of the

characters and circumstances in other words the resolution of the film can be said

as revolution of the story.

Based on the structural analysis in the Titanic film by James Cameron

using social identity perspective, the study draws some conclusions. First, the

intergroup conflict is reflected in the Titanic film. James Cameron in making this

film wants to tell to the audience about the social conflict between upper class and

lower class happened in Titanic film. It uses the setting of time in 19 century

England. The social condition at that time in England is very hard to lower class

because of there are many discrimination. The conditions that happen in the titanic


are tell us about conflicts that often happen between upper class and lower class.

The problem that most important here is about prejudice and discrimination.

Therefore, the social identity theory can be used to analyze this film, because the

major principle of social identity theory is contained in the story. James Cameron

tells the stories that difference culture from the both of social classes are upper

class and lower class that developed being an intergroup conflicts and prejudice.

This conflict being more complicated when the relationship between Rose as a

member of upper class and Jack as a member of lower class is happen.

Second, Jack as a member of lower class was put himself in the upper

class. This is the way of Jack try to survive in their life and keep stay with their

self esteem and Jack describe about lower class struggle. The study also found the

struggle of member of lower class to save self esteem. As it is illustrated in

Titanic film, Jack the member of lower class, he shows how people try so hard to

survive in the discrimination condition. The class struggle is done by every class

with one purpose to show their capability as minorities class that keep their

professionalism and self esteem among the prejudice that upper class done to

them. Jack that make a relationship with Rose he show his struggle to get his

lovely women but he has an awareness if he comes from different class.

In the end of this film when the ship is sink, James Cameron wants to

show that no more difference between upper class and lower class as the writer

show they were in one place is ocean. There is no part of first class place or deck


B. Suggestion

Titanic film by James Cameroon offers a good object to be studies.

Dealing with the society which gives influence to individual, the researcher

suggests that this film can be analyzed using the branches study of psychology

and sociality such as Behaviorism or individual psychological approach. Based on

the conclusion, the study gives some suggestion to the reader. First the different

culture of upper class and lower class have to being them will be give an honor,

especially for lower class. Second, there is no discrimination to the powerless of

lower class. Third, the members of lower class have to still hold their self esteem.

The researcher realizes that this study is far from being better. Finally, the

researcher hopes that reader can take the lesson from this study and it can be

useful to the readers as comparison to the other research in widening the

knowledge of literary studies.


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Final table data from the Movie
Found in movie
Data Answering
Data of
Number. Minute question

- Rose and her mother are coming

1. with luxury carriage and glamour Prolog 00:22:03 1


-all third class passangers queue

2. Prolog 00:22:31 1
here for health inspection

cos we are going to America full

3. Dialog 00:25:30 2

All third class search room on the

4 Prolog 00:28:31 1

-Jack : suuuuutttt...!!!!

5. (Jack call the man) Dialog 00:45:21 1

To ask for smoke

- jack : do you love him?

- Rose : you should not beasking

me this
6. Dialog 00:49:16 1
- jack : it is a simple question , do

you love the guy or not

- Rose : this is absurd....

You are rod and

uncouth...and im living now

- Rose : I do not have leave this is

7. Dialog 00:50:06 1
my part of the ship. You leave !

- Rose : (look at the drow)

there are good actually.

this exquisite work.

8. : you get around for dialog 00:50:40 2

poor....well....person of limited


- Jack : a poor guy, you cant say it

-Rose: why i can not be like you

Jack? just head out fr the

horizontal whenever i feel like it

- jack : no, we will do it, we will

drink cheap beer, ride on the roller

coster,then we ride horses on the

9. Dialog 00:52:40 1
beach like a real cobow.

- Rose: can you show me?

- jack : sure if you like

- Rose : teach me to ride like a


-Jack : and chew tobaco like a men

- Rose : and splite like a man

- Jack : they did not teach you like

that rose?

- Rose : no

Rose mother comes when Rose

10. and Jack splite. then look at jack Prolog 00:55:45 1

like and insect, dangerous insect.

There were sound of the dinner

11. Prolog 00:56:18 1
warning for first class.

Rose : shall we go for


Molly : do you have any idea what

you are doing?

Jack : not, really

Molly : you are about to go to

12. Dialog 00:57:21 1

What are u planing to wear?

Jack : show his clouth

Molly : i figured, come on

( borrowing her son clouth to Jack

Molly : aint nothink to it , jack.the

13 Dialog 01:00:43 1
love money so you just pretend
like your own gold mine and you

are in the club.

Ruth : and where exaclly do you

life mr.dowson ?

Jack : now my address in RMS

TITANIC. after that i am gods

good humor. i work my way from

place to place. you know tramp

steamers and such, but i won my

ticket on Titanic here at lucky hand

at pocker.

: i mean got everythink right

14 dialog 01:02:32 2
here whith me. got air in my

lungs.and a few sheet of paper.i

love walking in the morning not

knowing whats gonna happen or

who i am gonna meet. the other

night i slept under the bridge and

now i am on the grandest ship in

the word. you learn about life.

People.: her hear!!!

Rose :( raise the glass)

Rose : jack, time you have to go?

Jack : time for me to row with

other sloves.

( than Jack give a letter to Rose

15. Dialog 01:05:53 2
that said make it acount . meet

me at the clock ).

jack : so you wanna go to a real

party?( show thirth class party)

Ruth : you are not to see that boy

again , do you understand me?its

16. not a game. this fine match with Dialog 01:12:43 1

hockley .it will ensure our


Jack : i just.....

lovejoy : Mr. hockley and Mrs.

17. Dewitt Bukater ? they ask me to Dialog 01:15:32 1 and 2

give you this (money)

Jack : i do not want your money.

Jack : what is this? A sapphier.

Rose : diamon. A very rare

18. diamon. Dialog 2

Rose : jack i want you to draw me

with this.
Jack : all right.

Rose : wearing only this.

Jack ;over on the bed... on couch.

Give lie down , put your arm back

the way it was. Now, head down.

Eyes to me. Keep only. And try to

stay still.

Rose : so serious.

Jack : just relax your face. No


When jack finish to draw rose, she

ask for Jack to take the diamon

into the safe.

Jack : what are you doing?

Rose : will you put this box on the

save for me?

( and than Jack put the diamon box

like Rose said ).

Old Rose :it wast the most erotic

moment of my life.

19. Mr. Bodine : so what happen next? Dialog 01:28:53 2

Old rose : you mean did we do it ?

no, Jack is verry profesional.

lovejoy pute the diamon on jack


Hockley : indeed two things dear

home have disappeared this

evening. now that one is back, i

have an idea to find the other.

search him!!!(Jack)

We have an honest thief.

( the guard found diamond on jack


20. Jack : dont you believe Rose. Dialog 01:45:20 1

Rose : he coldn have.

Hockley : of course he could.

Rose : but i was with him in whole


Hockley : perhaps he did it while

you were putting your clothes

book on, dear.

Jack : rose, they put in my pocket

Hokley : shut up. It is even your


When the ship will sink

21. Dialog 02:06:12 1
Child : what are we doing,

Woman : when the first class

poeple are on the boath they will

start with us.

Jack friend : (listen music by

22. urpheus )now i know im in the first Dialog 02:14:13 1


Waiter: this is youre privat

23. deck,sir.(talk to hockley).you Dialog 00:57:02 1

would be requiring anythink

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