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Changes in Badminton Game Play across

Developmental Skill Levels among High School

E\ -LDQ\X :DQJ &DOLIRUQLD 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ %DNHUVHOG DQG Thomas, & Gallagher, 1993). For example, by applying stage
Wenhao Liu, Slippery Rock University theory, researchers in motor development have extensively studied
developmental sequences for fundamental skills such as throwing
$EVWUDFW (Roberton, 1977, 1978), hopping (Halverson & Williams, 1985),
The study examined changes in badminton game play across and catching (Strohmeyer, Williams, & Schaub-George, 1991).
developmental skill levels among high school students in a According to Barrett, Williams, McLester, and Ljungkvist (1997),
physical education setting. Videotapes of badminton game play of GHYHORSPHQWDOVHTXHQFHVDUHGHQHGDVGHVFULSWLRQVRIWKHVHULHV
80 students (40 boys and 40 girls) in the four developmental skill of changes in motor skills (i.e., developmental levels or steps) from
levels (each skill level had 10 boys and 10 girls) were randomly their initial attempts to their most advanced performance (p. 469).
selected from a database associated with the South Carolina Physical One way to study developmental sequences of motor skills is the
Education Assessment Program. An observational instrument component approach proposed by Roberton (1982) in which steps
was developed to code and compare components or categories RUOHYHOVRIWKHLQGLYLGXDOFRPSRQHQWVRIWKHERG\DUHLGHQWLHG
of badminton skill and tactics used among participants across the A limited number of studies have examined developmental
four developmental skill levels. Descriptive statistics (mean, SD, VHTXHQFHVIRUVSRUWVSHFLFVNLOOV:KLOHVWXG\LQJGHYHORSPHQWDO
and percentage) of occurrence in skill/tactic components and sub- sequences for the overhead tennis serve, Messick (1991) examined
components were calculated for each skill level and compared six body component actions of the serve. The researcher found
among the four skill levels. The results revealed clear stages that developmental sequences for the preparatory trunk, elbow,
or changes in student badminton performance across different and forearm/racket actions met the prelongitudinal screening
developmental skill levels. The results also indicated that, while criteria proposed by Roberton (1978). Additionally, Barrett and
VWXGHQWV SHUIRUPDQFH SURJUHVV ZHUH REVHUYHG ZKHQ WKH VNLOO her colleagues (1997) investigated developmental sequences
level became higher, students used a large portion of immature for the vertical cradle in lacrosse. In the study, they examined
serves and strokes across all the skill levels, and the rates of using seven body component actions including basic rhythm, hand and
standard serves and strokes, forceful stroke, and return to home arm action, stick position, top hand grip, stick head and top arm
base were low. Performing immature forms of sports skill may be a action, position of hands, and bottom arm and hand action and
widely existing but ignored phenomenon in the physical education concluded that developmental sequences for the vertical cradle in
setting and needs more investigation. lacrosse existed; however, only some of these body components
Key words: motor competence, performance, strokes, changes were observed. In addition, they suggested that both the quality
and amount of instruction should be considered when studying
Sports and games have historically been an important part of GHYHORSPHQWDOVHTXHQFHVIRUVSRUWVSHFLFVNLOOV7KLVLVEHFDXVH
physical education curricula, especially at secondary levels. Helping the traditional age relationship used to hypothesize sequences
students develop motor competence has become a primary goal of IRUVNLOOVVSHFLFWRDVSRUW ZDVQRWDVKHOSIXODVZKHQVHTXHQFHV
physical education programs (National Association for Sport and for a fundamental motor skill were being validated (p. 487). In
3K\VLFDO (GXFDWLRQ   7KH VLJQLFDQFH DQG LPSOLFDWLRQ RI other words, while validating the developmental sequence for
motor skill acquisition is far beyond the scope of discipline mastery VSRUWVSHFLFVNLOOVVWXGHQWVH[SHULHQFHDQGRSSRUWXQLW\WROHDUQ
physical activity participation (Centers for Disease Control and The expertise model has also been used to investigate the
Prevention, 2000; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, development of motor skills. Researchers typically compare
 0RWRUVNLOOOHYHOLVLGHQWLHGDVDQHQDEOLQJIDFWRURI\RXWK performance of skills and knowledge between novices and experts
physical activity participation (Welk, 1999), and youth who are using the expertise model. For example, French and Thomas (1987)
skilled are considered to be more likely to get involved in physical found that, compared with young novice basketball players, young
activity as opposed to those with poor motor skills (Okely, Booth, expert players exhibited superior basketball knowledge and skills
& Chey, 2004; Okely, Booth, & Patterson, 2001). Conversely, DQG ERWK FRJQLWLYH NQRZOHGJH DQG PRWRU VNLOOV LQXHQFHG WKHLU
those with poor motor performance are more likely to be excluded basketball game performance. Additionally, they suggested that
from games, resulting in a vicious cycle of decreasing physical opportunity for learning basketball knowledge and skills might be
activity participation (Bluechardt, Wiener, & Shephard, 1995). If PRUHLPSRUWDQWWKDQRQHVDJHLQGHYHORSLQJJDPHSOD\DELOLW\
developing motor competence is important to levels of physical Guided by the expertise model, Blomqvist, Luhtanen, and Laakso
activity, it is critical for physical educators to understand how (2000) examined the differences in badminton game performance
to help students develop motor skills and how sports and games and game understanding between young expert and novice
Researchers in motor development and motor learning have skill components (serve, clear, drop, etc.), game performance (total
used different models, such as the stage model and the expertise amount and average length of shots, total distance travelled, etc.),
model, to study the development of motor skills (Thomas, and game understanding (responses to game videos), Blomqvist
volume 7, issue 1 29
Changes in Badminton

and colleagues found that, compared with novice badminton teachers better observe, assess, and interpret student performance
SOD\HUVH[SHUWSOD\HUVH[KLELWHGVLJQLFDQWO\EHWWHUVNLOOOHYHOVLQ in badminton, and identify what should be taught next in teaching
ORQJ VHUYH DQG FOHDU SHUIRUPHG VLJQLFDQWO\ PRUH VKRWV ORQJHU effective badminton play. Identifying where students are in a skill
VKRWVEDFNKDQGVKRWVDQGWUDYHOOHGVLJQLFDQWO\ORQJHUGLVWDQFH and what is likely to be the next level of development will facilitate
DQG GHPRQVWUDWHG EHWWHU JDPH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ7KH QGLQJV KDYH developing appropriate tasks for the students. In short, this study
provided valuable information in understanding how children and may contribute to the knowledge base in teaching badminton and
adolescents develop skills and knowledge related to badminton WHDFKHUVPD\EHQHWIURPWKHVWXG\E\GHVLJQLQJEHWWHUOHDUQLQJ
game play. experiences for students.
Physical education scholars have also been interested in how
games and sports should be taught. Vickers (1990) proposed the 0HWKRG
Knowledge Structures (KS) Model to teach sports and games. This 3DUWLFLSDQWV
model contained eight modules: creating knowledge structures, The participants were 80 high school students (40 boys and
analyzing learning environment, analyzing learners, developing a 40 girls) whose performances of badminton game play were
scope and sequence, writing objectives, determining evaluation, SUHYLRXVO\YLGHRWDSHG7KHYLGHRWDSHVFRQWDLQLQJWKHSDUWLFLSDQWV
designing learning activities, and making realworld applications. performance were randomly selected from usable videotapes of 300
Guided by the KS model, a series of textbooks in teaching sports students in 16 high schools located in South Carolina in the United
and games such as Badminton: Steps to Success (Grice, 1996) States. All these videotapes belonged to a database associated
have been published. with the South Carolina Physical Education Assessment Program
One of the strengths of the KS model is that it clearly and (SCPEAP), which was a statewide assessment initiative to assess
comprehensively presents the factors critical for the sports and the effectiveness of school physical education programs. The
games. For example, Vickers (1990) suggested in teaching high school assessment program of the SCPEAP included several
students badminton the psychomotor skills/strategies should be performance indicators, and one of them was demonstrating
taught including the indicators of grip, pronation and supination, competency in at least two movement forms. To assess the extent
underhand and serves, footwork, forehand overhead, backhand of competency in badminton game play, high school students in
overhead, strokes to the net, and strokes to the sidelines. Under South Carolina in the United States were videotaped for their
the indicator of the forehand overhead, there were several sub- badminton game play at the end of their badminton units.
indicators of clear, drop, and smash. For the stroke of clear, it 7KH DVVHVVPHQW WDVN LQ EDGPLQWRQ ZDV WR SOD\ D PRGLHG
included several types of clear: defensive, attack, and around the game of singles badminton with some evidence of offensive and
head. Although the KS model may help teachers better understand defensive play and good techniques (South Carolina Alliance for
the skills and strategies related to badminton game play, the model Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance [SCAHPERD],
fails to present developmental sequence, or changing processes of  S  7KH SURWRFROV SURYLGHG E\ 6&3($3 IRU OPLQJ
game play ability. The KS model only describes advanced levels of VWXGHQWV SHUIRUPDQFH RI EDGPLQWRQ JDPH SOD\ VXJJHVWHG 2QH
skills and strategies in badminton game play, but does not describe FDPHUD SUHIHUDEO\HOHYDWHG VKRXOGEHVXIFLHQWWRFDSWXUHSOD\
the process through which students may move from an initial RQ HDFK VLGH RI WKH FRXUW OPLQJ IURP WKH VLGH 6&$+3(5'
stage to a more advanced stage. As a result, limited knowledge is 2000, p. 14). Physical education teachers who participated in the
available regarding how students develop game play ability from assessment program videotaped and scored student badminton
an initial learning stage to a relatively advanced stage. Therefore, performance with a rubric developed by SCPEAP. Students were
the purpose of this study was to examine the stages of learning in given an overall score from 0 to 3 based on their performances
SOD\LQJEDGPLQWRQDFURVVGHYHORSPHQWDOVNLOOOHYHOV6SHFLFDOO\ in the games. The accuracy and the reliability of the badminton
the study was designed to address the following questions: How performance scores submitted were examined by a panel of
did student performances in badminton games change across SCPEAP experts through a monitoring process to make sure that
developmental skill levels? What stages of learning to play the score given matched the performance level. These experts took
badminton might badminton beginners experience? Badminton 10% of the performance scores and examined the inter-observer
was selected for the content area in the study because it has been agreement of the submitted scores, and only the inter-observer
LGHQWLHG DV D OLIHORQJ JDPH 6DPXHO   DQG LV D SRSXODU agreement of the submitted scores above 80% was acceptable.
physical education activity in middle and high schools (Ross, More detailed information regarding the SCPEAP and the relevant
1994). data collection protocols are available in a monograph published
7KLV VWXG\ LV VLJQLFDQW IRU WZR UHDVRQV )LUVW NQRZOHGJH in Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (Rink & Williams,
of changes in developing game play ability is a critical part of 2003).
pedagogical content knowledge in physical education. Like the $ VWUDWLHG VHOHFWLRQ RI WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV IURP WKH XVHDEOH
knowledge of developmental sequences for fundamental and sport YLGHRWDSHV ZDV XVHG IRU VDPSOLQJ 6SHFLFDOO\ DOO RI WKH 
game ability may help teachers see the big picture of how students gender, and then each participant in each group was assigned a
move from a lower skill level to a higher level of performance in number-name. A random number table was used to select 20
badminton. Second, understanding the changing process of learning participants (10 boys and 10 girls) from each of the four skill levels
game skills and tactics in badminton may allow teachers to better associated with the 0-3 scores, totaling 80 participants. Participants
develop instructional strategies. This may serve as a tool to help who were originally scored 0 in the SCPEAP were in Level 1, the
30 Journal of Research
Changes in Badminton

lowest level; those with an original score of 3 were put in Level 4, categories were essential to achieve reliability of the observational
the highest level. The other two skill levels with a score of 1 or 2 instrument. For those common serves and strokes such as long
were named Level 2 or Level 3 accordingly. serve, short serve, drive serve, clear, drop, drive and smash, their
An observational instrument used to analyze badminton game serves and strokes that occurred among participants but were not
SHUIRUPDQFH ZDV GHYHORSHG LQ IRXU SKDVHV ,Q WKH UVW SKDVH D addressed by textbooks were made and are presented in Table 1.
narrative technique was used to identify all possible badminton skill ,QWKHQDOSKDVHRILQVWUXPHQWGHYHORSPHQWWKUHHVWHSVZHUH
WKH UVW DXWKRU VSHQW DSSUR[LPDWHO\  KRXUV H[DPLQLQJ WKH establish the content validity of the instrument. Three experts who
videotaped performance of badminton games and took notes on taught badminton at the college level or who conducted extensive
how the participants performed all types of serves, strokes, shuttle research in badminton were invited to review the badminton skill
trajectories and landings, and foot movements. The narrative components included in the conceptual model. In the second
technique is an initial step in developing categories or components step, the instrument was used to differentiate the skill levels of
RI VSHFLF VSRUWV VNLOOV IRU WKH SXUSRVH RI IXUWKHU GHYHORSLQJ DQ badminton game play between a group of college students who
HIFLHQWREVHUYDWLRQDOLQVWUXPHQW 7KRPDV 1HOVRQ  regularly played badminton games and a group of high school
In the second phase, a conceptual model (see Figure 1) containing students who were beginning players. The results indicated that
all possible badminton skill components that participants might use the instrument was able to distinguish skill levels between the two
in badminton play was developed based on the observations and groups. A similar procedure to examine construct validity of the
GHWDLOHG QRWHV WDNHQ LQ WKH UVW SKDVH QDUUDWLYH WHFKQLTXH 7KH observational instrument in badminton was used in a previous
model served as a guideline to categorize and analyze badminton study (Blomqvist, Lutanen, Laakso, & Keskinen, 2000).
skill components observed among participants. The last step to validate the instrument was to examine the
7KHWKLUGSKDVHZDVWRGHQHDOOWKHEDGPLQWRQVNLOOFDWHJRULHV inter-observer agreement when coding badminton skill categories
in the model and develop a coding sheet to code these skill with the instrument. A research assistant who regularly played
FDWHJRULHV 6WULFW DQG FOHDU GHQLWLRQV RI DOO WKH UHOHYDQW VNLOO badminton and had good knowledge in badminton was trained to

Figure 1. Conceptual Model for Categorizing and Analyzing Performance in Badminton Game Play.

volume 7, issue 1 31
Changes in Badminton


Indicator & Sub-Indicator Description

Sever Failure A shuttle into the illegal service area, including a shuttle going into the net, out of the service area, or
a failure contact of the shuttle.

Developmental Serve A serve that cannot be categorized as a Long Serve, Short Serve, or Drive Serve. With a Developmental
Serve, the shuttle typically lands either in the front or middle service areas with a high trajectory that
provides opponents with good opportunity to smash.

Return play
Contact Failure with Intent A movement in which a student fails to contact the shuttle with a racket in an attempt to return a shot hit from
his/her opponent.
Undifferentiated Shot A shot is performed with an awkward and odd form. The intent of the shot is not clear and the shot cannot be
categorized into Clear, Drop, Drive, Smash, Cooperative Shot, or Developmental Shot. Typically, this shot is
executed in a poor body position.

Cooperative Shot A shot is performed in hitting the shuttle toward an opponent with a relatively slow speed and a high
trajectory. Typically, the shuttle is placed in the center of the court.

Developmental Shot A shot is performed with an observable intent to perform any of the strokes of Clear, Drop, Drive, and
Smash, but the execution of the shot is not effective and exhibits some problems in controlling the trajectory,
placement, or power of the shot.

after serving or hitting the shuttle back to his/her opponent (the behavior must occur before the opponent
hits the shuttle back).

Use of Forceful Stroke

Forceful Stroke with Intent Use of a force strokes like the Smash and Drive to give opponents little time to return the shot. Intent in the
forceful stroke must be observable.

of the shot is often observed and the shuttle hit usually goes into the net or out of the boundary.

Non-forceful Stroke Use of a stroke that is performed without much power. Obviously, those who use this shot make no attempt
to use forceful strokes to win point in return play.

Keeping Shuttle Away from Opponent

No Movement Needed A shuttle is placed close to an opponent who is able to reach and return the shuttle without moving
his/her body.

One Step A shuttle is placed away from an opponent who needs to take one step to reach and return the shuttle.

Two or Three Steps A shuttle is placed away from an opponent who needs to take at least two or three steps to reach and return
the shuttle.

use the coding system. On completion of the training, the assistant
DQGWKHUVWDXWKRULQGHSHQGHQWO\FRGHGVWXGHQWSHUIRUPDQFHV was a large range in the number of hits in return play among the
in badminton games and the inter-observer agreement on each participants. To standardize the analysis procedures, the badminton
'DWD&ROOHFWLRQDQG$QDO\VLV of the data by randomly selecting 10 participants, re-coding their
Copies of the videotapes of participant performance in performance of the game, comparing the coding results with the
badminton game play (n = 80) were made from the SCPEAP prior coding results, and computing the intra-observer agreement.
database. Permission for using the videotapes for the research The intra-observer agreement in each category ranged from 86.6%
was obtained from SCPEAP. The coding sheet, including all to 93.5%.
EDGPLQWRQVNLOOFDWHJRULHVIRUZKLFKWKHGHQLWLRQVZHUHFOHDUO\ Descriptive statistics were used to report the performance
made, was used to code the videotaped performance of game play. patterns of badminton game play across the skill levels. The
The original videotaped badminton game play for each student percentage of occurrence of each skill category for each participant
lasted 10 minutes, and a clear view of badminton performance was computed by using the total number of frequency of the skill
IRUDSDUWLFLSDQWZDVRQO\DYDLODEOHIRUYHPLQXWHVZKHQKHVKH category divided by the total number of return hits (or serves)
32 Journal of Research
Changes in Badminton

performed by the participant. For example, for participant A, the the four immature strokes across all skill levels. Cooperative shot
percentage of the long serve was computed by using the number of and undifferentiated shot followed the same pattern, decreasing
the long serve divided by the total number of serves participant A from 13.1% to 2.3% and 18.3% to 6.2% from Level 1 to Level 4,
performed. Percentage mean and standard deviation for each skill with the cooperative shot occurring at the lowest rate across the
category were then computed for each developmental skill level four developmental skill levels. As for the developmental shot, it
and used to describe student performance in badminton game play was the most frequently used immature stroke across the four skill
(e.g., French, Werner, Rink, Taylor, & Hussey 1996). levels. Students at Levels 2 and 3 used more developmental shots
in the games with 37.1 % and 34 %, respectively. Even at Level
5HVXOWV 4, 26.8% of the strokes were categorized as a developmental shot.
6HUYH Finally, it was noticeable that the four immature strokes comprised
Serve performance of serve failure, developmental serve, short the majority of the strokes in return play at Level 1 (86%), Level 2
serve, long serve, and drive serve across the four developmental (71%), and Level 3 (56%), and it was not until at Level 4 that the
skill levels are presented in Figure 2. The serve failure constituted students decreased the immature strokes to less than half (45%).
70% of all the serves at Level 1, and dropped considerably to
29.3% at Level 2. The developmental serve was observed with
the second highest occurrence (27.3%) at Level 1, and increased
to the largest percentage (more than 40%) at Levels 2 to 4. As
the students moved to higher skill levels, they began to use the
short serve, which appeared with 1.7% occurrence at Level 1 and
steadily increased to18.5% at Level 4. The long serve was observed
with less than 5% occurrence at Levels 1 and 2, and rose sharply
to almost 20% at Levels 3 and 4. As for the drive serve, the most
challenging serve observed, it appeared with the lowest percentage
across the four developmental skill levels, ranging from 0.5% to

Figure 3. Percentage of Occurrence in Categories of Immature

Stroke across Skill Levels.

Figure 2. Percentage of Occurrence in Categories of Serve across

Skill Levels. Figure 4. Percentage of Occurrence in Categories of Standard
Stroke across Skill Levels.
immature stroke, standard stroke, shuttle away from opponent, use clear, drive, drop, and smash. All of the four standard strokes
RIIRUFHIXOVWURNHDQGUHWXUQWRKRPHEDVH7KHUHVXOWVRIWKHYH appeared at Level 1 with very low rates, ranging from 2% to 6.3%,
categories are presented as follow. and increased with different patterns as the skill level moved
contained contact failure, cooperative shot, undifferentiated sharply from 2% at Level 1 to 14.3% at Level 2, and continued
shot, and developmental shot. Figure 3 presents percentages to increase steadily at Level 3 (18.7%) and Level 4 (22.7%). In
of occurrence in these immature strokes across the skill levels. fact, the use of the clear constituted the largest portion among the
Results indicated that the rate of the contact failure decreased four standard strokes at Level 2 to Level 4. The use of the drive
from 25.1% to 9.6 % as the skill level enhanced from Level 1 remained low at Level 1 (6.3%) and Level 2 (4.3%), and then rose
to Level 4, but remained the second highest occurrence among considerably to 11.7% at Level 3 and 13.2% at Level 4, the second
volume 7, issue 1 33
Changes in Badminton

highest at these two skill levels. The drop experienced a small learning badminton game play among beginners, thus facilitating
increase in the rate of use from 3.7% at Level 1 to 6.3% at Level 3, these changes in badminton teaching.
and increased suddenly to 12.5% at Level 4. As for the smash, the The results indicate that, when learning the serve, high school
use of it increased slowly at each higher level. When Level 4 was beginning learners experienced a frustrated period at Level 1 in
reached, the smash still remained low in its use rate (7.2%), the which they frequently (70% of the serve) failed to place the shuttle
lowest rate among the four standard strokes at Level 4. into legal service area or could not get the shuttle to go over the
net (serve failure). This frustration, however, reduced largely at
.HHSLQJ 6KXWWOH $ZD\ IURP 2SSRQHQW This category Level 2 (less than 30% of the serve). In addition, when the serve
contained three sub-categories: no movement needed, one step failure dropped after Level 1, the students most frequently used
(away from the opponent), and two or three steps (away from the WKHGHYHORSPHQWDOVHUYHGHQHGDVRQHWKDWODQGVLQWKHIURQWRU
opponent). As shown in Figure 5, students gradually increased middle service area with a high trajectory providing opponents
placing the shuttle two or three steps away from an opponent (39.6 with a good opportunity to smash, across all the subsequent
to 56.4 %) as they moved from Level 1 to Level 4. The other two skill levels. In contrast, while the use of standard serves (short
sub-categories (no movement needed and one step), however, serve, long serve, and drive serve) increased with enhanced skill
represented a decreasing pattern. levels, there was limited use of these serves across the four levels,
especially the drive serve.
could be to help students place the shuttle into the legal service
area. In other words, the use of the developmental serve should be
encouraged even if it is an immature serve and never introduced
in any textbook. The developmental serve is the easiest way to
allow badminton beginners to hit the shuttle over the net and into
the legal service area, allowing students to experience a sense
of success and gain motivation. Furthermore, the developmental
beginners, and a necessary transition to mastering any standard
serve. We suggest that physical education teachers formally
introduce the developmental serve in their badminton units before
or when introducing standard serves, and that the developmental
Figure 5. Percentage of Occurrence in Categories of Keeping serve should be allowed as a major serve format across the entire
Shuttle Away from Opponent across Skill Levels. badminton unit for a large portion of students.
With respect to the standard serves such as the short serve, long
8VHRI)RUFHIXO6WURNH Results suggested that the majority of serve, and drive serve, their use could be very limited in general
the students used non-forceful stroke at Level 1 (87.7%), Level SK\VLFDOHGXFDWLRQFODVVHVEDVHGRQWKHQGLQJVRIWKLVVWXG\0DQ\
2 (87.3%), Level 3 (80.6%), and Level 4 (79.6%). The students students might not be able to master standard serves, especially
gradually increased the use of forceful stroke with intent from 8.3 the drive serve, even at a late stage of a badminton unit. It will
to 20.4 % as they moved to higher skill levels. A slight decrease in remain a challenging task for physical education teachers to deal
the use of forceful shot without intent (4.0 to 1.2 %) was observed with how to facilitate the transition from the developmental serve
as students moved from Level 1 to Level 3. No student at Level 4 to the standard serves in the physical education class. In addition,
used any forceful shot without intent. when teaching standard drives, we suggest teaching them in the
5HWXUQWR+RPH%DVH As skill levels moved from low to high, sequence of short serve, long serve, and drive serve based on the
participants rapidly increased the rate of returning to home base. QGLQJVRIWKHVWXG\
1.7% at Level 1, 23.8% at Level 2, 40.5% at Level 3, and 45.7% used strokes in return play were immature strokes (contact failure,
at Level 4, respectively. The largest progress was made between cooperative shot, undifferentiated shot, and developmental shot)
Level 1 and Level 2. However, even at Level 4, more than 50% of among the beginning learners. It is encouraging, however, that
the time participants failed to return to their home base after hitting the developmental shot, the most mature shot in the immature
the shuttle. stroke category, occurred at the highest rate across all the four
skill levels. It is also encouraging that the occurrence of the other
'LVFXVVLRQ three immature strokes (contact failure, cooperative shot, and
7KLVVWXG\H[DPLQHGVSHFLFVWXGHQWSHUIRUPDQFHFKDQJHVLQ undifferentiated shot) obviously dropped when the skill level was
badminton game play across different developmental skill levels. enhanced. In addition, the sequence of occurrence (from high to
We intentionally use developmental skill levels across the entire low) for these three immature strokes across all the skill levels was
manuscript to send the message that all participants in this study, the same: contact failure, undifferentiated shot, and cooperative
regardless of skill levels, were beginning learners in badminton. shot. While previous research reported that high school students
Therefore, the information provided here is unique in helping extensively used cooperative play in badminton games (French et
physical education teachers understand changes of performance in al., 1996), the cooperative shot had the lowest occurrence among
34 Journal of Research
Changes in Badminton

the immature strokes in this study. It is possible that the participant control during beginning stages of learning (including Level 1),
performance was videotaped during game play and the participants especially when they most frequently performed immature serves
made efforts to win in this study, thus using the cooperative shot at (serve failure and developmental serve) and immature strokes in
a very low rate. This could also account for the high occurrence of return play (contact failure, cooperative shot, undifferentiated
the developmental shot found in this study, the shot that was most shot, and developmental shot) at the same time. Secondly, of
close to any standard stroke (clear, drive, drop, or smash). the four immature strokes, the developmental shot occurred at
using the standard strokes in return play was very low, especially this study as a shot with an observable intent to perform any of
at Level 1 and Level 2, and did not go over 50% in the return play the standard strokes but with problems in controlling trajectory,
XQWLO /HYHO :LWK UHVSHFW WR VSHFLF VWDQGDUG VWURNHV VWXGHQWV placement, or power. Thus, using the developmental shot at a high
did not show a great gain in the use of the clear until they reached rate might result in irregular or random shuttle placement that
Level 2, the drive until Level 3, and the drop until Level 4. As made the opponents move. In addition, another immature stroke,
for the smash, the most challenging stroke observed in return play the undifferentiated shot, was one performed with an awkward and
in the study, it remained a lower rate even at Level 4. The data odd form, which had a high chance as well of no regular shuttle
suggest that it may take a while for badminton beginners in the SODFHPHQWUHVXOWLQJLQRSSRQHQWVPRYLQJ&RQVHTXHQWO\LWPLJKW
physical education class to be able to use standard strokes more be reasonable to infer that the high rate of shuttle placement of two
frequently. or three steps away from opponents observed in this study was
For implications, physical education teachers may want to be ODUJHO\GXHWRWKHXQLQWHQGHGSHUIRUPDQFHUHVXOWLQJIURPVWXGHQWV
tolerant, even encourage, the use of some immature strokes (again, inability to control shuttle placement.
none of them are likely to be introduced by physical education The forceful stroke with the drive or smash appeared at very
teachers or in textbooks), especially at an early stage of instruction. low rates across all the levels, with or without intent, although
%DVHG RQ WKH QGLQJV WKH FRRSHUDWLYH VKRW DQG XQGLIIHUHQWLDWHG its use increased with enhanced skill levels. A similar result was
shot are the most initial levels of successful strokes in return reported in another study (Blomqvist, Luhtanen, & Laakso, 2000)
play. The developmental shot, an attempt with an observable that the expert young players intended more frequently to use
intent to perform any of the standard strokes (clear, drop, drive, forceful shots in the game, while the novice players chose to hit
or smash) but also with poor control in trajectory, placement, or the shuttle over the net and keep the shuttle in play. Given that
power, is the last stage of transition to standard strokes. The use the participants in the study were all badminton beginners, it is
of the developmental shot could be considered as a basic indicator UHDVRQDEOHWRQGWKHPDVDZKROHWRXVHIRUFHIXOVWURNHVDWOLPLWHG
of teaching effectiveness or student learning outcomes before rates. For implications, successfully and forcefully using the drive
VLJQLFDQWJDLQRIDQ\VWDQGDUGVWURNHVLQUHWXUQSOD\RFFXUV and smash may not be an appropriate instructional objective for all
$QRWKHU LPSOLFDWLRQ LV EDVHG RQ WKH QGLQJ WKDW VWXGHQWV students in physical education classes, and could only be expected
increased the use of standard strokes in badminton game play in at a later stage of the badminton unit with limited occurrence
the following order: clear, drive, drop, and smash. This order is or among limited students. As for the return to home base after
and Laakso (2000) that the novice youth players extensively used to be improved relatively quickly. Teachers could require students
the clear in badminton games, whereas the expert players more to perform it at the very beginning stage of the badminton game
frequently used the drop and smash. Thereby, we suggest that play, and use it as a criterion to measure or differentiate student
physical education teachers teach standard strokes in this same progress.
order, and estimate teaching effectiveness or student performance 7KHQGLQJVRIWKHVWXG\PD\SURYLGHYDOXDEOHLQIRUPDWLRQIRU
level based on the occurrence of clear, drive, drop, and/or smash. DVVHVVLQJ EHJLQQHUV EDGPLQWRQ SHUIRUPDQFH )RU LQVWDQFH ERWK
In addition to the serves and strokes in return play, the study developmental serve and developmental shot should be included
DOVRSURGXFHGWKHQGLQJVLQVKXWWOHSODFHPHQW NHHSLQJWKHVKXWWOH in badminton assessment at the beginning of the learning stage. It
away from opponents) in return play, use of forceful stroke with appears that it would be more appropriate to use the developmental
the drive or smash, and return to home base after stroking. With VHUYH DQG GHYHORSPHQWDO VKRW WR PHDVXUH EHJLQQLQJ OHDUQHUV
UHVSHFWWRNHHSLQJWKHVKXWWOHDZD\IURPRSSRQHQWVWKHQGLQJV performance in badminton, rather than using those standard serves
are very different from those of serves and strokes in that mature and shots at an early learning stage.
tactics were observed most frequently across all the skill levels. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WKH LPSOLFDWLRQV ZLWK VSHFLF QGLQJV RI WKH
6SHFLFDOO\ NHHSLQJ WKH VKXWWOH WZR RU WKUHH VWHSV DZD\ IURP study discussed above, the study also provides an opportunity
opponents occurred at the highest rate across all the skill levels IRUUHHFWLRQRQWHDFKLQJVSRUWVVNLOOLQJHQHUDO5HVHDUFKHUVDQG
with an increasing trend with each higher level, and one step practitioners seldom pay much attention to immature skills or
away and no movement needed occurred at the rates lower than tactics demonstrated among learners before they master standard
two or three steps away with a decreasing trend with each higher ones, and how these immature skills or tactics change and lead
level. We would like to interpret this phenomenon as something to a transition to more mature skills or tactics. However, the
unintentional, for the most part, rather than intentional for the data of the study suggest that students using immature forms
following reasons. of sports skill during initial learning stages could be a widely
First, it is not logical for a large portion of the badminton beginners existing but ignored and uninvestigated phenomenon. Studying
to demonstrate mature tactics in shuttle placement with intended and understanding student immature forms of game play and their
volume 7, issue 1 35
Changes in Badminton

progress toward more mature forms may facilitate student sports and hope that the study will trigger more research in sports skill
skill acquisition. On the other hand, providing instructions based acquisition in physical education settings.
on expert performance or biomechanical analyses and requiring
standard or mature movement patterns for beginning learners 5HIHUHQFHV
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Secondly, while sports skill acquisition is considered a key 469-489.
focus of physical education, there is a lack of consensus regarding Blomqvist, M., Luhtanen, P., & Laakso, L. (2000). Expert-novice
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study. For the same reason there is no information regarding the hopping over distance: A prelongitudinal screening. Research
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volume 7, issue 1 37
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