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Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 24 (1990) 513-523 513




L.C. LEE, L.C. LIM, Y.S. WONG and H.H. LU

Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering,
National University of Singapore, Keng Ridge, Singapore 0511

The paper reports on an extensive experimentation with various etching
reagents to reveal the types of micro-structure found on different tool
steels under different machining conditions. The recast layer can broadly
be classified into multi-layer, single layer with features and single-layer
featureless types. Of greatest interest is the single-layer type. It was
observed that for this type of recast, three sub-layers can be discerned.
The top-most sub-layer is most prominent for AISI A2, D2 and D6 tool steels
and consists largely of columnar grains projecting inwards from the
surface-dlelectric interface. The inner-most sub-layer consists mainly of
cellular (for AISI Ol steel) or spike-like dendrites (for AISI A2, D6 and
D2 steels). The intermediate sub-layer is most conspicuous in AISI Ol
steel and is made up of complex interlocking dendrites.
Preliminary results obtained from examining the effects of reducing
the steel temperature gradient at the work-dielectric interface is also
presented. The objective of this is to minimise the crack susceptibility
of EDM surfaces.

The importance of electro-discharge machining (EDM) to the tool and
die industry needs no further elaboration. The thermal nature of EDM
imparts a heat affected layer on the machined surface. Generally, the
thickness of the heat damaged zone is related to the amount of applied
energy [i]. Undoubtedly the use of a higher energy level is desirable as
the machining rate is considerably improved. However, unless the heat
affected zone is adequately treated in subsequent finishing operations, the
service life of the machined product may be seriously curtailed.
One of the earliest studies on the metallurgical aspect of the EDMed
surface reported that the changes arise mainly from the rapid cooling of
the molten material which solidifies epitaxially on the crater bases [2].
The amount of molten material with each discharge is in the region of 8 to
i0 times the final crater volume [3]. At the end of the discharge and
erosion phases only about I0 to 15 per cent of the total molten material is

0924-0136/90/$03.50 1990--Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


removed while the remainder resolidifies on the surface to form the recast
layer. Opitz [4] identified the surface microstructure as the border zone,
intermediate zone, conversion zone, and the basic grain structure. The
border zone, which is more commonly known as the white layer, is
characterized by changes in the composition of the parent material. Opitz
found the presence of a ledeburite structure (4.3% C) when a 0.5% C steel
was machined at high energies in a kerosene dielectric. Many investigators
have confirmed the presence of the white layer and in most cases it has
been said that the layer is non-etchable. Venkatesh and Parasnis [5]
suggested that alkaline sodium picrate is able to bring out the details in
the white zone. The transformed zone is found to be carbidic in nature.
The hardness of the resolidified layer has been shown to be
substantially higher than for the original material [6]. While this factor
has found some useful applications [7], the recast layer also contains a
number of defects which have a detrimental effect on the function of
workpieces when subjected to high temperature and pressure stresses of a
cyclic nature. The most serious problem is the presence of cracks. While
the cracks are mainly found within the recast layer, some are shown to have
penetrated into the intermediate zone.
Studies so far have provided some insight into the characteristics of
EDMed surfaces. However, there is scope for much more intensive
investigations into the nature of the recast layer, the relationship
between the machining parameters and crack formation, and the effects of
EDM on different tool steels. The present paper reports the results on
work in unravelling the nature of the recast layer. Preliminary findings
in experimentation on reducing the crack propensity of tool steels are also


Attempts at revealing the microstructure of the recast layer has so
far been largely unsuccessful. Most findings have indicated that the
recast layer appears to be white and unetchable. In the present study an
extensive programme was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a range
of reagents in revealing the nature of the recast layer. The reagents used
can be broadly classified into three types; acidic, alkaline and those that
are known to selectively attack carbides. The compositions of the reagents
are given in Table i.

Table I
Composition of Reagents

Acidic 5 ml nitric acid

i00 ml amyl alcohol
( nital solution )

Carbide etching (i) 16 gm picric acid

i00 ml ethyl alcohol
( picral solution )

(ii) I0 gm chromic acid

i00 ml distilled water
(electrolytically etched)

Alkaline I0 gm chromic acid

80 gm sodium hydroxide
145 ml distilled water

Workpiece materials used were AISI 01, A2, D2, D6 and M2 tool steels.
Machining was carried out on a Eurospark 740 electro-discharge machine.
Table 2 provides details of the machining conditions.

Table 2
EDM Conditions Used

Energy Level

High Medium Low

Pulse Current (A) 25 15 5

Pulse-on Time (~s) 800 300 i00

Pulse-off Time (~s) I00

Dielectric Paraffin

Electrode Copper ( Positive Polarity )


The acidic nital solution was found to be reasonably successful in

revealing the microstructure of the recast layers of AISI O1, A2 and M2,
but not AISI D2 and D6 tool steels. For the latter the layer remained
featureless except for some corrosion pits. With prolonged etching the
pitting degenerated until a matt surface was produced. The result for AISI
Ol steel after being soaked in nital solution for 7 minutes is given in
Figure i. The dentritic structure is clearly identifiable. The underlying
material is observed to be severely corroded.

Fig.l. AISI Ol steel etched with nital solution.

Carbide etching solutions of picral solution and weak chromic a c i d

performed poorly. Even with prolonged etching of up to i0 hours the recast
layer was only lightly stained. Features produced were fuzzy and
inconclusive. The carbide particles were severely attacked and there was
extensive pitting in the underlying material.
The weak chromic acid and sodi~n hydroxide alkaline solution was
applied at near boiling point. It was found that all five tool steels
could be etched. Results were generally better for AISI O1, D2 and D6
steels. The microstructure for D6 steel is shown in Figure 2. Three
sub-layers can be distinctly observed. The top-most layer consists of
columnar features. The dendritic structures in the inner-most layer are
also oriented normal to the work surface. The intermediate sub-layer is
made up of tree-like dendrites. D2 steel when etched with the same reagent
exhibits much the same features as D6 steel (see Figure 3).

Fig. 2. AISI D6 steel etched with chromic acid/sodium hydroxide solution.

Fig. 3. AISI D2 steel etched with chromic acid/sodium hydroxide solution.


The thickness of the recast layer is found to vary substantially along
the workpiece surface. At high energy level this can range from 2 to 50
~m. The thickness of the recast layer appears to have an influence on the

microstructure. Studies have shown that it is possible to identify three

broad categories. The first type consists of multi-layers as illustrated
in Figure 4. This type is commonly encountered when the white layer
thickness is above i0 pm. The overlapping layers are composed of complex
microstructural forms of a columnar or dendritic nature. For all the tool
steels investigated, 50% of the recast layer comprises of the multi-layer
type unless the applied energy level is low.

% ~i~II ~iiii

Fig. 4. AISI D6 showing multi-layer recast.

The second type is made up of a single layer. Such a type is

frequently found when the layer thickness is between i0 and 20 ~m. A
typical example of the single-layer type of recast layer is given in Figure
5. It is likely that the microstructure for this type of recast layer
reflects best the solidification structure of the molten material after an
electrical discharge. As indicated earlier, this comprises of a columnar
top sub-layer, a complex interlocking dendritic mid-layer and a
bottom-layer of dendrites that are aligned perpendicularly to the work
surface. The third type of recast layer, as shown in Figure 6, is
unetchable and featureless. This type of recast layer is relatively rare
when the level of input energy is high. With medium energy level it can be
as high as 30%. When the energy level is low, as for finishing operations,
up to 90% of the recast layer may be of this type.
Fig. 5. AISI Ol showing single-layer recast.

Fig. 6. AlSl D6 showing featureless recast.

The nature of the recast layer profile can be explained by the

solidification process of the molten material. The columnar pattern of the
top-most layer is due to the solidification from the top surface. In the
case of a work material which has a better thermal conductivity, such as

AISI O1, the layer is relatively thin. When the conductivity is poorer,
such as for D6, the layer is thicker. The solidification for the
intermediate sub-layer originates from within the melt and moves towards
the top-most and bottom sub-layers. The complex interlocking dendrites
represent a high degree of undercooling. The relatively thin bottom layer
- as compared to the top layer - is indicative of the lesser cooling of the
workpiece in the direction of its base.

Cracks are very much an integral part of the EDMed surface. Given the
same machining conditions the susceptibility to cracks is inversely related
to the thermal conductivity of the werkpieoe material. As such AISI D6
steel is more prome to cracks than AISI Ol steel. In an effort to reduce
the occurrence of cracks, an intestigation was conducted whereby the bottom
of the workpiece was cooled to draw out some of the heat of the EDM process
in that direction. This was done by means of a specially constructed
cooling box through which was circulated ethylene glycol. This provided a
bath of -13C. Machining was performed with the workpiece seated in the
cooling box. Workpieces ranging from 0.5 to i0 mm were used. Results from
the study are given in Figure 7. It is clear that the crack susceptibility
is reduced with a thinner workpiece, where a larger amount of the heat of
the EDM process can be drawn through the base of the workpiece. A very
similar trend is observed for the thickness of the recast layer (see Figure
8). In both cases, a workpiece thickness of more than 4 mm imposes a
resistance to the heat flow to an extent where the cooling from the bottom
is no longer effective. The exponential trend of the curve shows that the
influence of workpiece base cooling is substantial.
An interesting observation of the effect of the microstructure on
cracks is given in Figure 9. It is clear that the crack is found in a
region where the structure is not running in a columnar manner normal to
the work surface. The findings from extensive examination tend to support
this observation. It is further found that cracks are most prevalent in
the multi-layer type of recast layer. Fewer cracks occur in the
single-layer recast. AISI Ol steel cracks are relatively rare on the thin
featureless type of recast. Another finding is that cracks are often found
in or around the hump on the work surface. These humps are usually
crater-like features where gases are expelled at the end of the discharge
phase. It is expected that regions around the craters are subjected to
severe, residual stresses and hence are more prone to cracking.

E 5"
~t.' ~ O v (I

o f


..~ 1' /
c.-~ 0

Specimen thickness (ram)

Fig. 7. Relationship between crack density and specimen thickness.

~" 18"

15. '0 '-0
~QsO~ Q "0


3:01' ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 1'0
Specimen thickness (ram)

Fig.8. Relationship between recast layer thickness and specimen thickness.


Fig. 9. Crack location in relation to microstructure.

This study has shown that with suitable reagents it is possible to
reveal the microstructure of EDMed surfaces for many of the commonly used
tool steels. The importance of knowing the structure of the recast layer
is that we can now achieve a better understanding of the relationship
between machining conditions and the occurrence of defects such as cracks.
Findings show that the thickness of the recast layer has a major
influence on the type of recast. In general, the three broad categories
are the multi-layer, single layer and featureless types. Within each
layer, three sub-layers can be identified. The top-most sub-layer is
columnar, the intermediate sub-layer consists of interlocking dendrites,
and the lowest sub-layer contains dendrites that are aligned normal to the
work surface. The nature of the sub-layers is reflective of the expected
cooling mechanism after each electro-discharge.
The type of recast has been found to be related to the likelihood of
the occurrence of cracks. The multi-layer type is most prone to cracks
while the thin featureless is generally more crack-free. Cracks tend also
to be more prevalent in or around humps on the work surface.

The drawing of heat through the base of the workpiece has been shown
to be able to reduce the susceptibility of the recast layer to cracks and
also to reduce that thickness of the recast layer. Further studies will be
done to ascertain the reasons why this is so.


i. L.C. Lee, L.C. Lim, V. Narayanan and V.C. Venkatesh,

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2. H.K. Lloyd and R.H. Warren, Metallurgy of Spark-machlned Surfaces, J.
Iron Steel Inst., 203 (1965) 238-247.
3. A. Erden and B. Kaftanoglu, Thermo-mathematical Modelling and
Optimization of Energy Pulse Forms in Electric Discharge Machining (EDM),
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4. H. Opitz, Metallurgical Aspects and Surface Finish, Proc. Spark
Machining Symposium, June 1960, pp237-250.
5. V.C. Venkatesh and S. Parasnis, Surface Transformation in High Speed
Steel after Electrodischarge Machining, Proc. 5th All Ind. Math. Tool
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6. J.R. Crookall and B.C. Khor, Electro-discharge Machined Surfaces,
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7. C.S. Kahlon et al., Electric Spark Toughening of Cutting Tools and
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