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Teaching Social Skills

Social Skills Deficits:

Students with mild disabilities may exhibit a lack of social
skills in the classroom and school in general. This includes
Easily distractible while following everyday processes and
Difficulty with processing multiple directions
Lack of ability to read social cueskids may have difficulty
understanding sarcasm, non-verbal cues, jokes, etc.
Impulsivity, hyperactive and reactive behavior
Lack of a sense of fair play, turn-taking, sharing, and humor

How to Teach Social Skills:

It is important to remember that students cannot learn
appropriate behavior automatically. It is a process that has
to be taught. Teachers can model appropriate social skills in
the classroom for students to model.
Teachers can incorporate appropriate social skills into their
classroom management plan
Teachers can incorporate appropriate social skills into
lesson plans
Teachers may create or use games to develop social skills
this can include collaborative work, leadership skills, etc.
Encourage self-regulation and metacognitive awareness
REMIND/REVIEW students about the appropriate social
behaviors that should be exhibiting in the classroom

Implementation of Social Skills:

1. Identify and specify the problem/inappropriate social skill behavior
2. Identify the replacement behavior
3. Create a plan to help students monitor their behavior through observation, evaluation, and
4. Set specific goals for students to strive for.
5. Practice the behavior. Gently redirect students when they exhibit the problem behavior
6. Utilize positive praise to reinforce the replacement behavior


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