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Pelajaran 7


A. A. Know the Nature of Allah Al-Gofur ( )

Vocabularry : Look at the following picture! Tell according to your ability!
fault = bersalah
Plead = memohon
Imitate = meneladani
Commendable = terpuji
Nobel = tinggi

Then they repent

To whom we ask forgiveness if we sin? A king, a president, or a

ruler is not necessarily willing to give forgiveness to his fault people. But
Allah swt. The Forgiving is certainly forgiving His servants who plead
because Allah has the nature of Al-Ghafur.

Al-Gofur mean The Most Forgiving. Word of Allah :


And ask forgiveness of Allah. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful

Dalam Al-Quran kata ini muncul 91 kali dan selalu bersanding

dengan sifat Ar-Rahim , Al-Aziz, Asy-Syakur dan sifat-sifat lainnya.
Pada zaman nabi Nuh, Allah menurunkan bencana berupa musim
kemarau. Pada saat itu hujan tidak turun selama tujuh tahun, sehingga
banyak sekali orang yang mati kelaparan, sungai-sungai dan sumber mata
air kering tidak mengalir.

B. Know the Nature of Allah Al-Afuwwu ( )

Al-Afuwwu mean The Most Forgiving. Word of Allah swt.

They are, May Allah forgive him. And is Allah the Forgiving, the

Allah is forgiving of His servants. Therefore, who read a lot Ya Afuw

Every day day or night, Then Allah willing to forgive his mistake. And
avoid from sin. People who recite the name of Al-'Afuwwu this will be
given by Allah swt morally commendable, And is prevented from sinning,
so that he is not tortured

C. Know the Nature of Allah As- Shabur ()

Observe the following picture! Give your opinion !

a. b.
Vocabularry : Patient behavior is a great and noble character. In the Qur'an many
Imitate = meneladani commandments that we may be patient. Basically the command to behave
patiently is that we imitate the nature of Allah As-Sabur which means
Allah is The Patientness.
According to Al-Ghazali the nature of As-Sabur which belongs to
Allah implies that He is not driven by the hasty nature of hurrying to do
something before his time. But, He puts something according to a certain
size and with certain rules too. He does not delay like a lazy person. He
does not speed things up like a hurry. Everything He puts in place and
time should be.
Know and imitate the nature of Allah As-Sabur Will bring us to be
patient in many ways, As described in the Qur'an which is patient in the
face of disaster, Patiently disagree, and patiently do prayers and pray.

As-Sabur mean: The Most Merciful. Allah loves those who are patient,
According to the word of Allah:

Vocabularry :
Benevolent = penyabar Hi people who believe, Make patience and prayer your helper, Allah is
Torture = menyiksa
Disobedient = durhaka with those who are patient

So it is clear that Allah is the most benevolent , That is not fast torture His
disobedient and sinful servants. Therefore, we ask for the sins of all the
sins that we do by way of reproduction of dhikr with asma'ul husna this.

D. Know the Nature of Allah Al-Halim()

Look at the picture below! Try to give your comment!

a. b.
Al-Halim mean Allah is the most godly. According to Allah's word:

And Allah is Forgiving, godly (Q.S. 225)

Asma ini dalam Al-Quran disebut sebanyak15 kali, bila sebagai murid
madrasah mampu belajar dari sfat Allah swt ini, isnya Allah mendapat
keluhuran akhlak. Jangan sekali-kali membalas tindakan jahat yang
dikenakan pada diri kita , serahkan saja pada Allah swt. Karena dialah
yang akan membalas dengan seadil adilnya. Agar kita selalu menjadi
penyantun, maka berdoa dengan ucapan :

Means :
Oh Allah of the Most Virtuous, make our lives with attitude
Vocabularry :
Al-gofur mean Allah is The Most Forgiving. Allah Who will
Servant = hamba
Repent = bertaubat forgive the sin of his servant's sin, if his servant is willing to
Threat = ancaman repent.
Virtuous = pengampun Allah's threat to sinless and unrepentant humans is a punishment in
Capable = mampu
Appear = tampak the world and the Hereafter.
Al-Afuwwu mean Allah is The most forgiving. Allah will forgive
and forgive his servant ask forgiveness.
Ass-Sobur mean Allah is The Most Merciful. Allah Almighty loves
those who are patient
Al-Halim mean Allah is The Most Virtuous. Although God is very
capable of giving punishment to a sinful man but He does not
appear because He is the Most Virtuous.

Dengan mempelajari sifat Allah swt terkandung dalam Asmaul Husna

hendaknya kita makin mengenal Allah dan makin dekat dengan Allah swt


1. Allah swt akan ..hamba-Nya yang bertobat

2. Dalam Al-Quran Asma Al-Afuwwu disebut sebanyak .. kali
3. Al-Gofur artinya .
4. Allah swt Maha Pengampun atas segala dosa , Allah swt memiliki sifat
5. Sebaiknya kita membalas perbuatan jahat dengan ..

Hendak berhati-hati dalam hidup ini, meskipun Allah Maha Pengampun,
Allah Maha Pemaaf, Allah Maha Penyabar, Allah Maha Penyantun
tetaplah selalu dalam hidup ini berbuat baik berusaha melaksanakan
perintah Allah swt dan berusaha menjauhkan larangan Allah swt.


1. Tulislah 3 Asmaul Husna yang kamu pelajari pada pelajaran ini serta
2. Apa yang kamu lakukan bila berbuat dosa!
3. Tulislah ayat Al-Quran yang menjelaskan Allah swt Maha
4. Tulislah doa agar kita selalu menjadi penyantun

Tanggapilah pernyataan-pernyataan berikut dengan memberi tanda ( )

pada kata setuju atau tidak setuju

Pernyataan Setuju Setuju

1. Menyantuni anak yatim dan fakir miskin

berarti meneladani Asmaul Husna Al-Halim

2. Orang yang sabar sangat disayang Allah swt

3. Saling bermaafan hanya perlu dilakukan pada

hari raya idul fitri

4. Manusia bebas melakukan dosa karena Allah

swt Maha Pengampun

5. Setiap manusia pasti mempunyai dosa.

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