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Write a 3-4 page electronic document. Explain in detail your answers. Enhance your reflection
with pictures or artistic visuals. Upload the FILE to your e-portfolio under Tab Gen-ed: Sub
Tab: Yoga I. Make sure to check your draft for errors in sentence structure and spelling before
uploading. This is a required assignment. This assignment is worth 30 points. It must be
uploaded by MIDNIGHT the last day of class. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you feel like your yoga asana and meditation practice has helped your level of well-
being? List three effects and which practice(s) helped you for each.
Yes, I feel like this yoga class has helped me. I know that meditation has help me re-
center my thoughts and focuses. The yoga practice has helped with my flexibly and
core strength.

2. Have you noticed that your stress levels have been easier to control as a result of your
practice? Please explain specifically what youve done to control your stress, and how
the practices have helped.
Honestly, no. I am still pretty stressed out, but I dont think that has anything to do with
the fact that yoga isnt helping I just had a lot going on this semester. I tried mediation
and yoga but the best thing for me was taking vacations away from work and school.

3. Has your physical health improved during this semester as a result of your practice?
How and in what ways? Be specific.
Yes, my physical health has changed quite a bit, I lost 15 pounds this semester and got
really into my health. I changed my eating habits and started to frequent the gym. For
example, I pack my own salads for lunch every day and I go to the gym 4 days a week.

4. Has your emotional health improved as a result of your practice? How? Are you less
reactive? What happened in those specific situations?
no, unfortunately I am still just as reactive and wound-up as I have ever been, but to be
fair I have a stressful home situation right now. My dog, nemo, who is 19 years old is on
his last leg. I have had him since I was 5 so no amount of yoga and meditation can
prepare me for the lost that is right around the corner. Luckily, meditating has helped
me realize that I have a wonderful support system and I know that he had an absolute
amazing life. Nemo will forever be my soulmate.

5. What effects have the yoga practices you've learned and practiced had on your energy
levels? List the three most important and state why you think they helped.
I learned that balancing my chakra is a very important thing. I have always been aware
that my root chakra is off, but now I am paying closer attention to how I can re-center
my root chakra. Im trying to work on the attention I give to my feet and how the earth
feels underneath me and my connection to it. I am also working with my gratitude for all
the wonderful things I am blessed with in this life.

6. Have your relationships to family, co-workers, and others changed as a result of your
practices? Explain how. Please be specific.
Yes, I in a more understanding position. Ive noticed I have much more empathy when it
comes to others. It is easier now for me to have an open mind and an open heart. I can
tell that my friendships are becoming stronger because of it.

7. Has learning about basic nutrition changed the way you select food, or changed the
foods you eat? In what ways?
Yes, I am eating healthy but for the most part no. I have always been a very heath
conscious person. I have been a vegetarian for the past 10 years of my life and I never
drink soda. I also try stay away from processed foods, and shop mostly organic. These
are the habits that I have had for years but now I have made an effort to decrease my
calorie intake.

8. Is taking better care of your physical body by consuming more nutritional foods
contributing to your overall health and well-being? If not, why not? What specific things
have you noticed that are improvements?
I have seen improvements in the amount of food I choose to eat but not the quality,
because, Honestly, I have always been aware of GMOs and processed food. I have
done a pretty good job at staying away from these for years now. So, I contribute my
weight loss to this semester, because I only took yoga and nutrition. These two classes
really help me focus in on my heath, mentally and physically.

9. Do you feel like you think before you speak more often? Has what youve learned about
ahimsa (non-violence) helped you be a kinder person? Why or why not?
No, because I like that I dont filter my words. I rarely say anything hurtful anyway. I try
to never say an unkind word about someone, this have been a long-time practice for
me. I mostly say what is on my mind in a humous way and it almost always turns out to
be quite funny. I like this about myself. I dont have anything plans on changing it.

10. Do you look forward to your practice, or struggle finding time for it? Why and how has it
been a pleasure? Or what do you think are the real reasons behind your struggle?
Sometimes I can see myself struggling to get to class if I am already home from work, I
think this is only because to the drive I must make to get to class. For the most part I
practice yoga every night for 10 minutes before bed. I started the routine last year and I
have had times where I fell off the horse for a week or two but for the most part I really
enjoy the relaxation it brings me.
11. In what ways has learning about the Kundalini Yoga system and the energy body
complemented your yoga practices or your understanding of yoga practice in general?
It has helped my link certain poses and mantras together. Just know what poses and
mantras are good for certain chakras. this allows me to focus on my struggles in life. I
feel like this has helped me round out my yoga practices in more ways than one. Now I
can focus every part of my being into what I am practicing.

12. How has learning about the energy/astral body and the chakras changed the way you
think or feel about yoga?
This has helped me open my view to new ideas and possibilities to how my brain and
body work together. I find myself constantly asking which chakra I think this will improve
on and what healing powers are behind it. I love the idea of using crystal to heal certain

13. Is yoga more than just a physical exercise for you? Explain why or why not.
Yes, it is also a mental exercise as well. I must learn to quiet my mind, which in most
ways is much hard that lifting a weight. Personally, I think hitting the gym is easier than
trying to control my mind. Fortunately, this I a work in progress that I can learn on my
own time and in my own way.

14. Explain the most profound or important insights that you have realized from your
meditation practice.
I have learned to let the little things go well at least I am heading in that direction. I am
trying to remind myself that life is fun and mistakes happen so I shouldnt be so hard on
myself and other. I am finally taking steps in the right direction to inner peace and even
if I am not there yet that is okay, baby steps.

15. Have you found yoga to be a deeper or more interesting study than you thought it was
when you first started class? Why? Yes, I am absolutely fascinated with the connection
between mind and body. Now I have some understanding of chakras, crystal healing,
and energy work. This has opened new doors for me in journey through life. I have
bought plenty of books and I can wait to learn more.

16. How will you integrate or use what you've learned about the yoga practices as you go
forward on your life's path? I am planning on using yoga to center myself in my day to
day life. I want to find myself in these practices and share them with other people. I am
considering becoming a yoga teacher talk about life changing.

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