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=LEFT(Reference cell, first "k" terms from left) Eg: =left(A3,4)

=RIGHT - same as left
=MID(reefernce cell or text, begins at kth character, returns m characters) Eg: = MID(Marks, 2,3) will give ark
=TRIM(reference cell or text) removes all extra spaces, leaves only one space between words
=LEN(reference cell or text) returns the number of characters used, including spaces
=FIND("what to search", "where to search", [k]) tells me the position of what I have searched from the start of text
but will not run the search on characters before the kth term
=SEARCH - same as find. But find is case sensitive, search is not

=REPT("text" or reference cell, number of times to be repeated)

=REPLACE(reference cell or text,position of 1st character to be replaced, length of how many characters to be
replaced, "replace with what")
=VALUE(Reference cell) converts text string into number
=UPPER(jan) will give JAN
=LOWER(JAN) will give jan
=DATEDIF(start date, end date, "y" or "m" or "d") gives years, months or days between the 2 dates
=DAYS(start date, end date)
=DAYS360(start date, end date) gives no. of days assuming 360 days in a year, ie 12 30-day months
=TODAY() gives today's date
=WORKDAY(start date, k no. of working days, [Holiday table]) gives the date on which k working days will finish give
the vector of holidays (apart from weekends) in between
=WORKDAY.INTL(start date, k no. of working days, choose weekend, [Holiday Table]) allows you to choose which 2
consecutive days will be weekend
=WORKDAY.INTL(start date,k no. of working days,"1000001", [Holiday Table]) string of 7 starting from Monday. 0
represents work day and 1 represents holiday. You can enter any combination of "weekend"
=NETWORKDAYS(start date, end date, [Holiday Table]) gives the number of working days in the asked period
=DATEVALUE(date) gives serial order number of the date as per excel
=TEXT(date or reference cell, "dd" or "ddd" or "dddd" or "mmmm" or "yyyy") gives date, day (in alphabets like WED),
day (Like Wednesday), month (in alphabets) & years(in alphabets) respectively. True for all - "2 strings" gives
number, "3 strings" gives first 3 letters, "4 strings" gives full name
=WEEKNUM(Date) gives week number out of 52
=DAY(Date) gives the date
=WEEKDAY(Date) gives 1-7 1 represents Sunday
=NOW() gives systems date & time
=TEXT(NOW()-TODAY(),"hh:mm:ss AM/PM") gives current time in the reqd form. You can also insert "hh:mm" only.
Without AM/PM gives per 24hr clock
=NOW()-TODAY() gives time as decimal, so format the cell to time
=SUBTOTAL() use this function to run sum, average, product, max, etc on filtered data as =SUM might fail you
=TIME(time) gives system acceptable time format
=TIMEVALUE(time) gives decimal between 0 & 1 as the system time
=HOUR/MINUTE/SECOND(time) returns appropriate value
=LOOKUP(what to look, which table to look) will search in the first colum and return corresponding value from last
=VLOOKUP(what to look, which table to look, kth column no. in table as return, exact or approximate match) returns
the value in the kth colum from left of the table corresponding to what you have . True is approximate. Ascending
order table to categorize the lookup value in a slab
Using indirect in VLOOKUP - =VLOOKUP(lookup value,INDIRECT=Reference cell,column,1 or 0) Here name the array
in which you want to search and write the name in the refence cell used in vlookup function
=HLOOKUP(what to look, which table to look, kth row no. in table as return, exact or approximate match) - same of
=INDEX(referen table, row number, column number) returns the value in the particular cell in this table
=SUM(INDEX(Refernce Table,0,kth column)) returns the sum of all the values in the kth column of the table
=SUM(INDEX(Refernce Table,kth Row,0)) returns the sum of all the values in the kth row of the table
=MATCH(lookup value, lookup range,[Match Type]) takes vectors only. Not 2 dimensional tables. Returns the row or
column position. For match type set in ascending order and then choose less than, greater than or exact
=MAX(number 1, number 2,) Returns maximum value among the given details. MIN() gives minimum
=LARGE(data table, k) returns the kth largest number in the array
=SMALL(data table, k) returns the kth smallest number in the array
=OFFSET(start reference cell, k rows moved, m columns moved,[height],[width]) returns value of the cell k rows from
cell and m columns from the ref cell
=SUM(OFFSET(start reference cell, k rows moved, m columns moved,[height],[width])) will give the sum of the data
table derived from "height" & "width"
=COUNTA(reference range) returns the number of non blank cells
=COUNT(reference table) returns the total number of cells containing numbers
=COUNTBLANK(reference table) returns the number of empty cells in the selection
=IF(condition, response if true, response if not true)
=AND(condition 1, condition 2,) gives whether all conditions are true or not
=OR(condition 1, condition 2,) gives whether any one condition is true or not
=IF(AND(condition 1, condition 2, ),"Yes", "No") use for all conditions being met; every non reference item comes
inside double quotations
=COUNTIF(range in which to check this criteria,criteria) eg: =COUNTIF(Duration of songs,">4") or COUNTIF(minutes,
">"&G5) every non reference item comes inside double quotations
=COUNTIFS(range 1, criteria 1, range 2, criteria 2,) returns for how many items both conditions are true; every non
reference item in criteria comes inside double quotations
=INDIRECT(Text) for creating references within formula. So the excel reads the cell's value instead of the cell as
formula. Use double quotations "" for texts directly and "&" sign to connect multiple strings together. Always start by
writing the basic formula, now use indirect to alter function and make it generic
=INDIRECT("Reference cell") excel reads this as =(Refernce cell) and will return the value in the cell.
=INDIRECT(Reference cell) will read as =(value in refence cell)
=PMT(Annual Interest rate/12, Number of Months, Amount borrowed) calculates EMI
In What-If Analysis, data table if price is enetered in rows then price will go in "Column input" and vice versa
=SUMPRODUCT(A1:A3,B1:B3) will perform (A1*B1 + A2*B2 + A3*B3)
=SUBTOTAL(choose function, reference cells) will run function on only the visible cells. Use when working on filtered
=ADDRESS(row number, column number) gives refernce to the pareticular cell. Can be used in offset, etc

Pivot Table:
Value Field Setting > Show Value As > Difference from > Previous .. Gives you rate of change over previous
=GETPIVOTDATA("Sum of Quantity",A3,"Salesperson","W. Carver","Date","31-07-2005") Will search for sum of
quantity in Pivot Table starting from cell A3 for salesperson "W. Carver" on Date 31-07-2005
Other Excel Things
F1 pops up Help
Find all Formulae under "Formulas" tab
Manage name of cells or array or table selected from "Name Manager" under Formulas tab
Maximum no. of rows - 1,048,576 & Columns - 16,384
Ctrl + ~ shows the sheet in formula form
To freeze rows and colums - rows above and columns left of active cell get frozen when you do freeze
Watch Window under formulas to track the values of some cells
Copy cell with a number, then paste special on a vector or array with "multiply, divide, etc" performs the

Name a vector or table to make it constant point of reference

When dealing with filtered data, hit F5> special> visible cells only> Now copy paste
Data Validation to restrict input, create drop down list,
ctrl + 1 to bring up the format cell box
S* - asks excel to search for all words starting with S
S? - asks excel to search for all 2 letter words starting with S
"????" - asks excel to search for all words with 4 letters
To actually search for a * or ? Put "~" before it, that is tilda

"###" means space is not enough. If even after that shows "E" etc then format the cell

Home > on right side > Clear > formatting/all/content/comments

#DIV/0! Number divided by zero or a cell that contains no value

#Name? using a name cell that doesnt exist or excel doesnt recognize a text in formula
#VALUE! Error when text strings are used in number based formulae

#REF! Invalid cell reference

#NUM! typpically in Vlookup. When invalid numeric value is used in formulae
#N/A No value available
#NULL! 2 or more cell references are not separated correctly
Circular reference is A1 has =B1 and B1 has =A1

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