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#bot {

background-image: url(bot.png);
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
animation: jump 0.5s steps(6) infinite alternate;
@keyframes jump {
from {background-position: 0px; }
to {background-position: -600px; }
#ball {
background: url(images/ball_bounce.png);
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
animation: ball-bounce 0.7s steps(6) infinite;
@keyframes ball-bounce {
from {background-position: 0px; }
to {background-position: -300px; }
<div id = "ball"></div>
//Preload the sprite sheet image
var sheet = new Image();
sheet.src = "images/ball_bounce.png";
//This function is called to run in the window load event
function initCanvas() {
//Get the canvas 2D context object
var ctx = document.getElementById('my_canvas').getContext('2d');
//Get the canvas width and height from the ctx object
var cW = ctx.canvas.width, cH = ctx.canvas.height;
//Make a variable that will help us perform the clipping
var clipX = 0;
//This function runs repeatedly using setInterval or requestAnimationFrame
function animate() {
//Clear the canvas (erase the whole thing)
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cW, cH);
//If clipX frame position is the last frame
if(clipX > 250) {
//Go back to the first frme
clipX = 0;
//drawImage (my_pic, clipX, clipY, clipW, clipH, x, y, w, h);
ctx.drawImage(sheet, clipX, 0, 50, 50, 0, 0, 50, 50);
//Increment clipX by the frame width
clipX += 50;
//Make the animate() function run repeatedly
var animateInterval = setInterval(animate, 100);
//The load event of the window object fires when th DOM is ready
window.addEventListener("load", initCanvas);
<canvas id = "my canvas" width = "640" height = "480"></canvas>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset = "UTF-8">
#mode_container {
width: 340px;
height: 240px;
background: #E4E4E4;
border: #000 1px 1px 4px;
#slider1 {
width: 340px;
/*This keyframe animation rule is for making the model spin freely*/
@keyframes spin {
0% { background-position: 0px;}
100% { background-position: -2700px;}
//Initialize some variables that the program will need
var model, slider, spin_btn;
//Preload the sprite sheet into the document
var spriteSheet = new Image();
spriteSheet.src = "images/strongman.jpg";
//This function lets us access elements by their ID easier in the program
function_(x) {
return document.getElementById(x);
//This function runs via window load event
function docReady() {
//Get the object references for the spin button and slider on the page
spin_btn = _("spin_btn");
slider = _("slider1");
//Add click event listener to spin button function spinFree will fire
spin_btn.addEventListener('click', controlView);
//Add mousemove and change events to the slider which fire controlView()
slider.addEventListener('mousemove', controlView);
slider.addEventListener('change', controlView);
//Start creating the 3D model sprite element
model = document.createElement("div");
//Give the view DIV an ID value = "model_1";
//Apply CSS style properties = "150px"; = "200px"; = "8px auto";
//Apply the sprite sheet as the DIV background image = "url("+spriteSheet.src+")";
//Specify its starting frame value = "0px";
//Put the 3D model sprite DIV into the model_container on the page
//This function controls which frame is shown when using the slider
function controlView() {
//Remove the spin animation from the model = "";
//Using the slider value and some simple math we display the
//proper frame according to the slider value = -(slider.value*150-150+"px";)
//This function initiates the CSS @keyframes animation to spin the model
function spinFree () {
//Make the model spin freely by applying taht animation to it = "spin 1.5s steps(18) infinite";
//The window load event listener
window.addEventListener("load", docReady);
<h2> 3D Model Viewer Application</h2>
<div id = "mode_container"></div>
<input id = "slider1" type = "range" min = "1" max = "18" value = "0" step =
<button id = "spin_btn">Spin Free</button>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset = "UTF-8">
/*A keyframe animation that lies waiting*/
@keyframes chomp {
from {background-position: 0px; }
to {background-position: -400px; }
//Initialize variable name for the pacman sprite
var pacman;
//These next two lines preload the sprite sheet image into the document
var pacmanSheet = new Image();
pacmanSheet.src = "images/pacman.png";
//Function loadSprites is called for the pacman sprite to live in
function loadSprites() {
//Create a new DIV element for the pacman sprite to live in
pacman = document.createElement("div");
//Specify the sprite width and height = "50px"; = "50px";
//Apply the sprite sheet to the DIV element as background image = "url ("+pacmanSheet.src+")";
//Apply the @keyframes animation we desire pacman to have = "chomp 0.5s steps(8) infinite";
//Put the pacman sprite DIV into the body container now;
window.addEventListener("load", loadSprites);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset = "UTF-8">
@keyframes face-forward {
100% { background-position: 0px 0px; }
@keyframes walk-right {
0% { background-position: 0px -360px; }
100% { background-position: -9600px -360px; }
var sprite1;
var spriteSheet = new Image();
spriteSheet.src = "images/adam_sprite_sheet_a.png";
function docReady() {
sprite1 = document.createElement("div"); = "sprite_1"; = "120px"; = "180px"; = "url("+spriteSheet.src+")";
//Add event listener to the document object for keydown event
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
var key_press = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
//alert(event.keyCode+" | "+key_press);
if(key_press == "A") { = "walk-left 0.9s steps(8) infinite";
else if(key_press == "D") { = "walk-left 0.9s steps(8) infinite";
// Add event listener to the document object for keyup event
document.addEventListener('keyup', funtion(event) { = "face-forward 0.1s steps(1) 1";
window.addEventListener("load", docReady);
#rolling_hills {
background: url (images/ball_bounce.png);
width: 300px;
height: 180px;
animation: roll-along linear 15.0s infinite:
position: absolute;
#rolling_hills {
background: url (images/adam_walk_right.png);
width: 120px;
height: 180px;
animation: walk-right 1.0s steps(8) infinite:
position: absolute;

@keyframes roll-along {
from {background-position: 0px; }
to {background-position: -300px; }
@keyframes walk-right {
from {background-position: 0px; }
to {background-position: -960px; }
<div id = "rolling_hills"></div>
<div id = "adam"></div>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset = "UTF-8">
@keyframes spin {
0% { background-position: 0px; }
100% { background-position: -950px; }
var sprite1;
var spriteSheet = new Image();
spriteSheet.src = "images/star.png";
function docReady() {
sprite1 = document.createElement("div"); = "sprite_1"; = "50px"; = "50px"; = "url("+spriteSheet.src+")"; = "spin" 1.0s steps(19) infinite;
//Add the change event listener to the slider
var slider = document.getElementById("slider1");
slider.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
//change the animation speed according to the slider value = slider.value+"s";
window.addEventListener("load", docReady);
#sprite {
background: url (images/jumping-jacks.png);
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
animation: jumping-jacks 1.0s steps(5) infinite:
@keyframes jumping-jacks {
0% { background-position: 0px; }
50% { background-position: -500px; }
100% { background-position: 0px; }
<div id = "sprite"></div>
#sprite {
background: url (images/jumping-jacks.png);
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
animation: jumping-jacks 0.5s steps(6) infinite alternate:
@keyframes jumping-jacks {
0% { background-position: 0px; }
100% { background-position: -600px; }
<div id = "sprite"></div>

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