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Parts and Frames

Why parts?
Its how people think. Were wired for parts
Wife, Husband, Mother, Father, Honey, baby, lover, work hat,
shift gears, Executive, Owner, Employee, Franchisee(or),
Job Descriptor (Agent, Advisor, Lawyer, Sales person) Im
on, Im off, Im a pepper are you a pepper, Judge, Jury,
Enforcer, Citizen, Governed,
As you hear those parts, your state shifts. It invokes the
nature of those parts.

Parts can be thought of as Frames.

Copyright Maxpersuasion
All Rights Reserved
Parts and Frames Continued . . .
What is a Frame?
The one who sets the frame in any communication controls
that communication i.e. wins.
Frames control emotions setting what is and is not
Frames are thinking about things in terms of another thing
its how we think.
What frames have you bought into regarding what you do? A
(name your work) should be ________?
By using parts (framing) we are defining at a high
level how someone should behave and think.
Is that incredible or what???

Copyright Maxpersuasion
All Rights Reserved
Parts and Frames Continued
And More!
How do we want people to behave?
We must consider what frame we want to be seen in
and what frame our clients should be in.
Its our job to create those.
Parts are an easy way to think of these things.
Parts give us the means to easily frame a behavior
we want from our clients.
Lets review the posts.

Copyright Maxpersuasion
All Rights Reserved

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