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THE STORY OF information technology

The computers have not been born in the last few years, in reality the man
always attempted to have devices that help to make precise calculations
themselves and rapids; a brief historic review will allow us, understanding
how we got to the present-day computers.
You make the Chineses over 3000 years to. C they unrolled the ABACUS,
with this they accomplished fast calculations and complexes. I orchestrate this
a wood frame had horizontal cables with balls full of holes that they ran the
figure from left to right, like sign.
In the century XVII, the increasing interest in Europe, for the new sciences,
such like astronomy and navigation, you incited the creative minds to simplify
calculations. It would have cost years to calculate the vast quantity of
numerical data whose patterns to the first scientists they were trying to
You announced his discovery of the logarithms in 1614, the Scotch John
Napier, permitting that the results of complicated multiplications be reduced
to a process of simple sum. Very little after, in the years 20 of the same
century, you invented the slide rule, based in the mathematical beginnings
discovered by Napier.
A mechanical machine to add creates PASCAL in 1642, seemed to tells them
kilometers that automobiles utilize as of the present moment. But this had
some problems with the long sums; but the possibility added him in 1671
LEIBNITZ of: Remaining, adding, multiplying and dividing. His machine was
formed on toothed wheels, each of these wheels had ten teeth, and these
reciprocated to numbers of 0 the 9. Being the system of such type, that the
step of 9 to 0 caused a jump of the wheel.
They utilized the concepts of this machine long time, but these calculating
they demanded the operator's intervention, since this should have written each
partial result in a sheet of paper. This was extremely tall and therefore
produces to errors in the reports.
Another revolution in this history was the one that sold off BABBAGE. I
design this and I unroll the first computer of general use. It was a temper but
the epoch did not help him to be able to finish to construct it. You called
Machine of the differences to his discovery. You conceived a second machine
that you took him 20 years in 1833. This capable era to accomplish a sum in
seconds and a minimal time was in need of the operator's attention. You
machinate to this second best Analytical called her. Leibniz applied the logic
and materialized it in his successful machinate of calculating.
In 1804, Joseph Jacquard began to utilize a loom that you were serving
yourself of punch cards to control the creation of compound textile designs, (
you would utilize the same technique at a later time in player pianos and little
organs, that they used punch cards to imitate music of piano, so much classical
like popular.
The first operation of data processing was achieved in 1890 by HERNAN
HOLLERICH. This developed a mechanical system to calculate and to group
data of polls. The new system was based on punch cards. They utilized it in
population's poll at United States where it turned out well for the first time,
that results be known to the two years and I mediate, while the previous poll
took long seven years to know these data.
The first programming woman was ADA the AUGUST BYRON (1815 -
1852) was interested in BABBAGE's discoveries to who you helped in the
studies of this great philosophy.
You designed in the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) the
differential analyzer in 1930, the North American Vinegar Bush, dialing the
start of our era of computers; the analyst was an electronic machine that was
measuring change grades in a model. The machine occupied the greater part of
a great living room; In order to examine a new problem, engineers' group
should have changed proportions, and only they appeared, after two or three
days, with the hands covered of oil. Even the capability of the machine to
solve complicated calculations surpassed any previous invention.
The independent Alan Turing, of Great Britain, caught the scientists with a
jobs attention in 1936, the scientific that there be more than enough a study
on numbers and the computers, proposed solutions to problems until then
The first totally electronic computer was the ENIAC (Electric Numeric
Integrator and Calculator), it was constructed in 1943 and 1945 for JOHN
MANCHI and J. PROPER ECKUT. You could multiply 10,000 times more
rapid that machinates her of AIKEN, but was having his problems. As it was
constructed with almost 18.000 vacuum valves, it was the energy that you
were consuming and the heat that you were producing enormously. This
valves get burnt toward rapidly and the fact that you marry them of around
have courts of light.
World War seconds her you saw Germany and to the other occidental
countries in competition to develop a bigger velocity of calculation, next to an
increase of the capability of work, stops that way managing to decode the
enemy messages. In response to his pressure EE UU, Mark unrolled in
Harvard the enormous computer I, with a height of 2.5 m, inhaled for
Babbage's ideas, and the Mark I dedicated itself to navy's ballistic problems.
In Germany, the aerodynamics projected in the computer were checked.
The first attempt to overcome the limitations of velocity and errors AIKEN
belonged to HOWARD. You worked with I.B.M's engineers and they created
a So-Called automatic calculator MARK I (in 1944). Next I know MARK
constructed II. (These machines could fail to satisfy the needs of that moment
since million were the data to keep and to resolve, although they served as
base than when they create the valves to the vacuum begin the electronic
Three scientists of the laboratories Bell, William Bardeen and Walter Brat,
they invented the transistor, receiving Fascias novel reward in 1956.
From now on you developed the chip or IC that soon would receive the
nickname of chip. You take the credit for this invention to Robert Nonce. The
manufacture of the microchip 6.45 mm2 (the tenth part of a square inch), soon
it was continuous by the Capability to integrate to 10 miniaturized transistors
and eventually 1,000 several pieces in the same space.
Around 1971, the microprocessor had been unrolled by Joyces new company,
Intel. This new thing placed the circuits for all the usual shows of a computer
on a finite microchip. The capes were integrated now in the chip in
delgadsimas's series. This did that computation be faster and more flexible,
while the improved circuits allowed the computer accomplishing several tasks
at the same time and reserving memory with bigger efficacy. The contribution
of these inventions has been incalculable as to the availability of personal
computers of difficult use.
The users take for granted fast and reliable answers to their commands, and a
great storage by heart, so much I eat RAM in space of hard disk storage for
finished works in terms of working storage. The pioneers count how 60, when
they were utilizing central systems, were limited to 4 in the years K of
working storage, approximately 1, and 5 written pages. Writing programs,
they had to maintain the lines of short instructions; His commands. They were
envoys by devices of memory that only they could retain a quantity limited of
information before they get lost.
1. First Generation (1945-1955)
You are named the generation that way of vacuum tubes and valves.
It was characterized for you machinate very large and weighed. Very slow in
his processes, so much so that the resolution of long programs implicated
several first class d of wait. You were very useful in spite of everything
because you could solve 5,000 calculations per second.
2. You second Generation (1955 - 1965)
He was called off the transistors and systems in Lute.
They replaced the valves for the transistors in the computers of this
generation. With that the size of the computers and increasing his working
speed could decrease. Although still they were a little slow
3. Third Generation (1965 - 1980)
He is called of chips and of multiprogramming. The great discovery of this
period the named chips were CHIP. The chip consists in a large number of
electronic components (transistors, resistances, etc.) Miniaturized and
capsulated in a space of few centimeters. This discovery produced big changes
as to the size of the computers; in velocity, in compatibility, and introducing
technical programming news.
4. Fourth Generation (1980-1990)
You name her of personal computer or of home-loving computer. He is called
that way since microprocessors are much more little chips that they contain in
a square centimeter, thousands of Si try to remember you want to say than the
computer ENIAC with 18,000 valves that you occupied over a room today
summarizes itself in a square centimeter. In this way many families began to
have computers at their houses, like for example them TEXAS
5. Fifth Generation (1990) To This Date
As of the present moment cheap to them more down payments, the ones that
Japan and United States are counted in are carrying out an investigation and
producing, the first prototypes of new computers that form the Fifth
Generation. (These will have the capacity to accomplish deductions using the
man's language.) This Fifth generation that recently begins will name itself:
Intelligent computer or artificial intelligence
Computers that stood out in this generation: PC AT 80286, PC AT 80386, PC
You tell the story of a child
Of the same mode than the TV, the video or the camera, the PC runs in
compatibility with any standard standard. Standards but the acquaintances in
the world of the personal computers are two: IBM and Macintosh, the first
imposed by the homonymous company known like the Blue Giant and APPLE
seconds her for the company. This ends, it was pioneer in developing enough
of the technology than after you adopted IBM, but APPLE's policy matched
until recently, having an expensive product and once a specific market like the
one belonging to the graphic design was addressed to, only was software for
Macintosh once the arts was referred you gratify, for this reason the IBM, in
spite of his abysmal technological difference, managed to impose itself in the
rest of the spaces, although no for merit of his manufacturer.
Another companies set out to manufacture computers themselves. The
problem was the Operating System. The computer, a set comes from pieces
that you show proven to be in agreement with the software that we put him.
When a computer pulls out, he is in need of a host program to start with to
bring it about, a software that contain the basic steps that it enable him
cheating and playing the programs that they install to him.
Operating system calls this basic or start software itself. The PC that threw
IBM ( years 1979/1980 ), was coming for with an own operating system
named that company like TO YOU, ( initiate of Operative their System ) was
occupying several diskettes and was having a raised additional cost;
Obviously the PC did not work without him. The manufacturers that were
wanting to incursion on the market should have bought IBM them TO YOU.
These computers manufactured by third parties were called, compatible, since
his hardware was able to execute the GIVE YOU IBM. The computer was
cheaper than her original, and the system OS, you seemed disproportionately
expensive. In front of this, a young enterprising and tenacious American, you
shut yourself up at his room with a PC and you did not leave of her to have
gotten as a result a compatible operating system with the one belonging to
IBM. Called it two, initial letters of Disk Operative System, because besides,
you entered a very diskette.
That youth is today the largest worldly dedicated company's owner to the
development of software, and mark the on the way to the information-
technology market; you are named Bill Gates and his company, Microsoft.
The computers manufactured by third parties, that is, not for IBM, they
extended rapidly, his cost was to three minor times than the original one
belonging to the blue giant, and of course, the operating system was the two
one belonging to Bill Gates.
In jargon, it was begun to call for the PC'S, clones, that is you cheat. The IBM
lost control very ready. The direction of technology was dialed now by the
company INTEL, that you manufactured microprocessors. The heart, the PC'S
brain giving new one approximately every year. Of immediate Bill Gates with
his brand-new company Microsoft, you unrolled programs to make good use
of the capabilities of this to the full.
Soon it was clear leaders were INTEL and Microsoft. IBM, owner of the idea,
all influence on the theme had lost. Today IBM'S computers take processors
INTEL and they play Microsoft's programs. During this period, happened the
lines of processors 286, 386 and 486.
For some years, the things turned around and the Microsoft proceeded to
unrolling software that you were demanding from too much INTEL's
processors, which is why this was compelled to speed up the times of
launching of new models itself. Making good use of this situation, for 1993,
the IBM, APPLE and Motorola try to break leadership INTEL Microsoft, and
launch the Power PC, a processor that was promising to wreak havoc, but solo
utilize it APPLE in his personal computers and IBM in his line of servants
Simultaneously another manufacturers of processors took up new impulse.
These circumstances incited INTEL to create a different processor. (The
previous were continuous improvements to the 286 but powerful), that way
was born the Pentium. An unexpected companion that also sues has Microsoft
but technology in the hardware: INTERNET.
Let's say than, because of Internet, the MMX created INTEL. In reality he is a
Pentium with improvements that you optimize the execution of video and
multimedia sound in the PC. Next are born models Pentium Pro, Pentium II
and Pentium III.
The evolution of the affected information technology to all the aspects of life,
the computer today has many applications. For example when we go to a
hospital we found in the reception a computer getting informed where you
find the section that we looked for ( definitely it is pediatrics, internment or
rays ). Besides, if we needed an echography we observed a computer that
registers all of the data that the doctor desires. Of the same form than in our
example, we would be able to indicate another applications in different areas:
Medicine, computed tomography, clinical stories in bases of data, arms robot
that they replace to the man, etc.
1975: The appearing of the first computer ALTAIR, inspire Bill Gates and
Paul Allen to develop the BASIC language, the first article for a personal
1976: The MICROSOFT registers her name and she settles in in New Mexico,
the BASIC language gets better, and you betray it to several companies.
1977: Develop a new language, so-called FORTRAN 80.
1978: Develop your third language, COBOL 80. You obtain first million
dollars in sales hissy.
1979: The Microsoft 8080 BASIC is the first microprocessor of 16 bits and
great approval in new market of them obtains PC.
1981: The PC Introduces IBM. That you utilize the new DOS operating
system developed by Microsoft.
1983: WORD throws the version 2, 0 of the DOS operating system and the
first program. Also the Windows, like extension of two presents his own
MOUSE and Microsoft's first version.
1984: Begin to supply programs for computers APPLE MACINTOSH. They
begin to manufacture beltways like keyboards, ergonomic mousse and
1985: The Microsoft right now sold 140 million dollars a year.
1986: They begin to quote Microsoft's actions eating out of your hand.
1987: Next to IBM, the MICROSOFT throws the market the operating system
OS\2. The company gains in that POWER developed the program POINT and
lance the program EXCEL for Windows.
1989: Form your multimedia division. OFFICE's apparition announces the
first program for business that you integrate several very popular programs.
1990: The known WINDOWS presents 3, 0. Sell over thousand million
1992: The version announces 3, 1 of WINDOWS and the data base presents
1993: The Operating System throws WINDOWS NT for companies and the
Encyclopedia ARRAIGNS. Produce Multimedia james and yo programa foro
1995: Te Windows Presentes 95.
1996: A company to utilize his programs for Internet shops. Also NBC, to
create MSNBC joins up with the chain of television.
1997: OFFICE throws 97, you invest 150 million dollars in APPLE. Acquire
WebTV. The department of justice of USA initiates a judgment to Microsoft
accusing it monopolists for its program of actions Windows 95.
1998: Launch the improved Windows to the market 98.
1999 Lana to the market the news and updated Encyclopedia Encarta 99
successor of arraigns her 98.
2000: What surprise does the Microsoft provide to us?
Do you program that really they not fail?

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