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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2017, pp. 206216, Article ID: IJCIET_08_05_024

Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Ravi Kumar T
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
SBIT Engineering College, Khammam, Telangana, India

Naresh T
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Christujyothi Institute of Technology and Science, Telangana, India

Mohammad M J
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
SBIT Engineering College, Khammam, Telangana, India

Sai Kumar K, Manasa K, Vinay Srinadh N, Ravi Kiran K, Yogasri Rani N

Students, Department of Civil Engineering,
SBIT Engineering College, Khammam, Telangana, India

Due to rapid urbanization & over utilization of nature resources leading to
depletion in a large extent and a large amount of wastage is been produced
periodically. Likewise when we consider granite industry India is having about 800
granite industries and granite reserves in India are estimated at 1200million tonnes
with wastage of more than 3500metric tonnes per day. Where granite industries in
khammam at telangana region are estimated to be 52 and are producing of about
500metric tones of granite power, slurry and stone dust per year. The granite wastage
dumping site or land is not suitable due to its weak permeability strata.
This experimental study presents the variation in the strength of concrete when
replacing river sand by granite stone dust from 0% to 100% in steps of 10%. M30
grade of concrete were taken for study keeping a constant slump of 50mm. The
compressive strength of concrete cubes at the age of 7, 14 and 28 days were obtained
at room temperature. On 28th day of casting was carried out to check the loss of
strength. From test results it was found that the maximum compressive strength is
obtained only at 60% replacement at room temperature. This result gives a clear
picture that granite stone dust can be utilized in concrete mixtures as a good
substitute for natural river sand giving higher strength at 60% replacement. 206

Replacement of Sand with Granite Waste in Conventional Concrete Grade M30

Key words: Granite Power, Replacing River Sand, Concrete, Variation In The
Cite this Article: Ravi Kumar T, Naresh T, Mohammad M J, Sai Kumar K,
Manasa K, Vinay Srinadh N, Ravi Kiran K and Yogasri Rani N, Replacement of Sand
with Granite Waste in Conventional Concrete Grade M30. International Journal of
Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(5), 2017, pp. 206216.

Concrete is a product obtained artificially by hardening of the mixture of cement sand gravel
and water in predetermined proportions. The chemical reaction of cement and water in the
mix is relatively slow and requires time and favorable temperature for its completion. This
time known as setting time may be dividing into three distinct phases. The first phase
designated as time of initial set, requires for 30 minutes to about 60 minutes for completion
During this phase the mixed concrete decreases its plasticity and develops pronounced
resistance to flow. The second phase known as final set may vary between 5to 6 hours after
the mixing operation during this phase concrete appears to be relatively soft solid without
surface hardness. The third phase consist of progressive hardening and increase in strength
.the process is rapid in the initial stage until about one month after mixing at which time the
concrete almost attains the major proportion of its potential hardening and strength.
Depending on the quality and proportions of the ingredients used in the mix Concrete has
enough strength on compression and low strength in tension [2].
Due to this concrete as such is weak in bending shear and torsion. Concretes versatility,
durability, sustainability, and economy have made it the worlds most widely used
construction material. About four tons of concrete are produced per person per year
worldwide and about 1.7 tons per person in the United States [4]. The term concrete refers to
a mixture of aggregates, usually sand, and either gravel or crushed stone, held together by a
binder of cementations paste. The paste is typically made up of Portland cement and water
and may also contain supplementary cementing materials (SCMs), such as fly ash or slag
cement, and chemical admixtures. Understanding the fundamentals of concrete is necessary
to produce quality concrete [3]. A composite material is made up of various constituents. The
properties and characteristics of the composite are functions of the constituent materials
properties as well as the various mix proportions. Before discussing the properties of the
composite, it is necessary to discuss those of the individual constituents as well as the effects
of the mix proportions and methods of production.
Concrete is a mixture of binding material, coarse and fine aggregates and water. It is a
versatile construction material due to its reasonable cost and easy availability of its
constituents. Owing to increasing urbanization and other development activities in different
sectors its consumption is increasing day-by-day. Increase in construction activities requires
production of more and more quantity of concrete, which needs more and more natural river
sand and coarse aggregate. During the process of production of granite slabs in granite
industries, huge quantity of granite stone dust is produced which is considered worth less for
any substantial use. This granite stone dust being a waste material can effectively be used in
concrete making, as partial replacement of fine aggregate. The use of granite stone dust in
concrete as partial replacement of fine aggregate will be an alternative material instead of
conventional fine aggregate. This will result in conservation of natural resources (fine
aggregate) up to some extent, besides helping in environment protection and disposal of
granite stone dust in abundance. 207

Ravi Kumar T, Naresh T, Mohammad M J, Sai Kumar K, Manasa K, Vinay Srinadh N,
Ravi Kiran K and Yogasri Rani N

The presence of granite stone dust in sand increases the water demand and so the filler
effect (Bonavetti et al., 1993). Celik and Marar (1996) have reported that on increasing the
dust content up to 10%, improved the compressive strength, flexural strength of concrete and
drying shrinkage improved. However, the dust content exceeding 10% decreased the
compressive strength, flexural strength and drying shrinkage gradually. They have also
reported that impact resistance of concrete improved with the addition of 5% stone dust[5].
Attempts have been made to investigate the possibility of use of granite stone dust as
partial replacement of sand in concrete. Due to its benefits such as useful disposal of this by-
products, reduction in use of natural sand consumption as well as increasing the strength
parameters and increasing the workability of concrete was noted . The optimum dust content
is found to be 10% for compressive strength and split tensile strength. It is used for different
activities in the construction industries such as road construction, manufacture of building
materials, bricks, tiles and autoclave blocks [6].

2.1. Granite Waste
Granite is belongs to igneous rock family most ingenious rock make highly satisfactory
concrete aggregates because they are normally hard, tough and dense .the igneous rocks have
massive structure entirely crystalline or wholly glassy or in combination in between,
depending upon the at which they were cooled during formation. They may be as acidic or
basic depending upon the percentage of silica content, they may occur light colored or black
colored, the igneous rock as a class are the most chemically active concrete aggregate and
show a tendency to react with the alkalies in cement. This aspect will be rocks on the face of
the earth, bulk of the concrete aggregates, that are derived, are of igneous origin [7].

Figure 1 Granite Waste

2.2. Chemical Composition of Granite Stone Dust [9]

Silica : 70.74%
Aluminum dioxide : 20.67%
Ferric oxide : 2.28%
Magnesium oxide : 1.57% 208

Replacement of Sand with Granite Waste in Conventional Concrete Grade M30

2.3. Physical Properties of Granite Stone Dust

Shape : irregular
Texture : rough
Color : black
Specific gravity : 2.57
Relative density : 1720-1810[8]
Sieve analysis : Belongs zone IV of table 3 according to IS -10262:2009

3.1. Laboratory Setup
The Concrete Technology Laboratory available with the SBIT College is used for this project.
Compressive testing machine was used to test all the concrete specimens and storage tanks
were used for the curing of the concrete specimens

3.2. Mix Design [10]&[11]

In our experimental investigation we are replace the stone dust as fine aggregate in concrete
so we have to design the mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine aggregate as river sand
and design another mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine aggregate as granite stone
dust. According to mix proportions of the mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine
aggregate as river sand and design another mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine
aggregate as granite stone dust. We are going to replace the granite stone dust in the place of
river sand by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%.

3.3. Mix Design of M30 Grade Concrete (river sand as fine aggregate)[10]
In our experimental investigation we are replace the stone dust as fine aggregate in concrete
so we have to design the mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine aggregate as granite
stone dust. According to mix proportions of the mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine
aggregate as river sand and design another mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine
aggregate as granite stone dust. We are going to replace the granite stone dust in the place of
river sand by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%.

Pie chart - Details of mix design M30 grade

concrete (river sand as fine aggregate)

weight of cement

weight of coarse
weight of river sand

Figure 2 209

Ravi Kumar T, Naresh T, Mohammad M J, Sai Kumar K, Manasa K, Vinay Srinadh N,
Ravi Kiran K and Yogasri Rani N

3.5. Mix Design of M30 Grade Concrete (Granite stone dust as fine
In our experimental investigation we are replace the stone dust as fine aggregate in concrete
so we have to design the mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine aggregate as granite
stone dust. According to mix proportions of the mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine
aggregate as river sand and design another mix design of M30 Grade concrete has fine
aggregate as granite stone dust. We are going to replace the granite stone dust in the place of
river sand by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, and 100%.

Pie chart - Details of mix design M30 grade

concrete (granite stone dust as fine aggregate)

weight of cement

weight of coarse
weight of river sand

Figure 3

3.6. Details of Quantities of Materials of Different Replacement Percentages

10% of granite stone dust 90% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 10% of granite stone dust and 90% of river
sand. The quantities of 10% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 90% of river sand taken from the
mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below.

Table 1 Quantities of materials of replacement 10% of granite stone dust and 90% of river sand
Stone dust 70.8kg/m3
River sand 645.3kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.4512

20% of granite stone dust 80% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 20% of granite stone dust and 80% of river
sand. The quantities of 20% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 80% of river sand taken from the 210

Replacement of Sand with Granite Waste in Conventional Concrete Grade M30

mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below.

Table 2 Quantities of materials of replacement 20 % of granite stone dust and 80% of river sand
Stone dust 141.6kg/m3
River sand 573.6kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.8kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.4627

30% of granite stone dust 70% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 30% of granite stone dust and 70% of river
sand. The quantities of 30% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 70% of river sand taken from the
mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below.

Table 3 Quantities of materials of replacement 30% of granite stone dust and 70 % of sand
Stone dust 212.4kg/m3
River sand 501.9kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.4735

40% of granite stone dust 60% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 40% of granite stone dust and 60% of river
sand. The quantities of 40% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 60% of river sand taken from the
mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below.

Table 4 Quantities of materials of replacement 40% of granite stone dust and 60% of sand
Stone dust 283.2kg/m3
River sand 430.2kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio : 0.4896

50% of granite stone dust 50% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 50% of granite stone dust and 50% of river
sand. The quantities of 50% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 50% of river sand taken from the
mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below. 211

Ravi Kumar T, Naresh T, Mohammad M J, Sai Kumar K, Manasa K, Vinay Srinadh N,
Ravi Kiran K and Yogasri Rani N

Table 5 Quantities of materials of replacement 50% of granite stone dust and 50% of river sand
Stone dust 354kg/m3
River sand 358.5kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.4928

60% of granite stone dust 40% of sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 60% of granite stone dust and 40% of river
sand. The quantities of 60% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 40% of river sand taken from the
mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below.

Table 6 Quantities of materials of replacement 60% of granite stone dust and 40% of sand
Stone dust 424.8kg/m3
River sand 286.8kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.49935

70% of granite stone dust 30% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 70% of granite stone dust and 30% of river
sand. The quantities of 70% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 30% of river sand taken from the
mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below.

Table 7 Quantities of materials of replacement 70% of granite stone dust and 30% of river sand
Stone dust 495.6kg/m3
River sand 215.1kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.5101

80% of granite stone dust 20% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 80% of granite stone dust and 20% of river
sand. The quantities of 80% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 20% of river sand taken from the
mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below. 212

Replacement of Sand with Granite Waste in Conventional Concrete Grade M30

Table 8 Quantities of materials of replacement 80% of granite stone dust and 20% of sand
Stone dust 566.4kg/m3
River sand 143.4kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.52

90% of granite stone dust 10% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 90% of granite stone dust and 10% of river
sand. The quantities of 90% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate), and 10% of river sand taken from the
mix proportions of mix design M30 grade concrete (river sand as fine aggregate).the
quantities are given below.

Table 9 Quantities of materials of replacement 90% of granite stone dust and 10% of river sand
Stone dust 637.2kg/m3
Sand 71.7kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.538

100% of granite stone dust 0% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 100% of granite stone dust and 0% of river
sand. The quantities of 100% stone dust taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(granite stone dust as fine aggregate),the quantities are given below.

Table 10 Quantities of materials of replacement 100% of granite stone dust and 0% of river sand
Stone dust 708kg/m3
Sand 0kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.5

0% of stone dust 100% of river sand

In our experimental investigation on replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate in
concrete .in this case we are going to replace the 0% of granite stone dust and 100% of river
sand. The quantities of 100% river sand taken from the mix proportions of mix design M30
grade concrete(river sand as fine aggregate),the quantities are given below. 213

Ravi Kumar T, Naresh T, Mohammad M J, Sai Kumar K, Manasa K, Vinay Srinadh N,
Ravi Kiran K and Yogasri Rani N

Table 11 Quantities of materials of replacement 100% of granite stone dust 0% of river sand
Stone dust 0kg/m3
Sand 717kg/m3
Coarse aggregates 1161.82kg/m3
Cement 413.33kg/m3
Water-cement ratio 0.45

4.1. Resultant Compression Strength of Granite Waste Concrete

Compressive strength after 7 DAYS of curing

Compressive strngth in MPa

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Replacement percentages of granite stone dust

Figure 4 Compressive strengths after 7 days of curing of all stone dust replacement percentages.

Compressive strength after 14 DAYS of curing

compressive strength in MPa

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Replacement percentage of granite stone dust

Figure 5 Compressive strengths after 14 days of curing of all stone dust replacement percentages. 214

Replacement of Sand with Granite Waste in Conventional Concrete Grade M30

Compressive strength after 28 DAYS of curing

compressive strength MPa
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

percentage of granite stone dust

Figure 6 Compressive strengths after 28 days of curing of all stone dust replacement percentages.

Table 12 Water-cement ratios and compressive strengths after 7,14,28 days of curing of all stone dust
replacement percentages.

Percentage Water/ Compressive strength Compressive Compressive Slump

of stone dust cement after 7 days of curing strength after 14 strength after 28 (mm)
ratio (N/mm^2) days of curing days of curing
(N/mm^2) (N/mm^2)
0% 0.450 21 30.44 38.5 50
10% 0.451 26.45 33.25 40 50
20% 0.462 29.33 34.22 42.66 50
30% 0.473 34.22 37.55 43.67 50
40% 0.489 40.66 44.44 46.4 50
50% 0.492 33.33 42.44 43.77 50
60% 0.499 35.11 37.77 47.6 50
70% 0.510 26.44 34.44 38.44 50
80% 0.520 28.36 40 40.66 50
90% 0.530 30.22 32.22 35.25 50
100% 0.537 31.55 33.33 36.44 50

This experimental study presents the variation in the strength of concrete when replacing
river sand by granite stone dust from 0% to 100% in steps of 10%. M30 grade of concrete
were taken for study keeping a constant slump of 50mm. The compressive strength of
concrete cubes at the age of 7 days we are observed that the compressive strength increases
from 10% replacement to 40% replacement. That is at the 10% replacement the compressive
strength is 26.45MPa and at the 40% replacement compressive strength is 40.66 MPa.
Between the 10% to 40% replacements compressive strength increased gradually. After 40%
the compressive strength decreased at the 50% replacement the compressive strength is
33.33MPa and at the 60% replacement compressive strength increased to 35.11MPa.from the
70% replacement again compressive strength decreased, at 100% replacement the
compressive strength is 31.55. from these compressive strengths t the age of 7 days curing we
surely said the M30 Concrete with fine aggregate as granite stone dust gets high compressive
strength at early curing period.On 14th day of casting was carried out to check the loss of
strength. From test results it was found that the compressive strength increases from 10% 215

Ravi Kumar T, Naresh T, Mohammad M J, Sai Kumar K, Manasa K, Vinay Srinadh N,
Ravi Kiran K and Yogasri Rani N

replacement to 40% replacement. i.e., 33.25 MPa to 44.44MPa and strength decreased from
50% replacement i.e. 42.44MPa finally at 100% replacement we get the compressive strength
is 33.33MPa. On 28th day of casting was carried out to check the loss of strength. From test
results it was found that the maximum compressive strength obtained at 40%, 60%
replacements. At these two replacements compressive strength obtained with partial
difference ,the values are at the 40% replacement is46.4MPa and at the 60% replacement is
47.6MPa and least compressive strengths obtained at 90% and 100% of replacements the
values are 35.25and 36.44MPa
After completion of this experimental study presents the variation in the strength of
concrete when replacing river sand by granite stone dust from 0% to 100% in steps of 10%.
M30 grade of concrete were taken for study keeping a constant slump of 50mm. The water-
cement ratio increased from 0.45 to 0.537. The compressive strength of concrete cubes at the
age of 7, 14 and 28 days were obtained at room temperature. On 28th day of casting was
carried out to check the loss of strength. From test results it was found that the maximum
compressive strength is obtained only at 60% replacement at room temperature. This result
gives a clear picture that granite stone dust can be utilized in concrete mixtures as a good
substitute for natural river sand giving higher strength at 60% replacement. And upto 80%
replacement of granite stone dust as fine aggregate gives good strengths when compared M30
grade concrete with fine aggregate as totally river sand the values of all replacement
percentages of stone dust provided in the above table 4.1(l).

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