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IFX Framework Datasheet

Financial service providers and associated technology vendors
evaluating the strength of any given XML-based communication
standard need to take into consideration the underlying qualities
IFX Forum, Inc. that make that standard a technology worthy of investment.
The issue is not solely whether or IFX Framework was built strong
not the given specification can from the ground up.
handle a single set of transactions
or whether it captures a unique The IFX Framework allows for cus-
piece of data, but also the manner tomization and extensibility while
in which these issues are handled. adhering to strict implementation
How easy is the standard to under- guidelines needed for large-scale
stand? How strong is the specifica- interoperability. IFX is built with
tion in its ability to meet current the recognition that not every sin-
business needs while also leaving gle nuance of the financial conver-
room for evolution? How are cus- sation will be captured perfectly by
tomizations handled while still the objects that have been defined.
maintaining the strict rules needed The rich set of IFX Business Objects
for universal compliance? How can provided can be used as a great
new lines of business be integrated starting point, however; the IFX
with the technology? Framework allows for easy customi-
zations that will maintain compati-
bility with other IFX implementa-
The Interactive Financial eXchange
tions if applied in accordance with
(IFX) specification is built with the
the Framework.
recognition that no single financial
transaction stands on its own, but The IFX Framework was not cus-
rather is an integral part of an rela- tom-built to fit into any one envi-
tionship among all of the commu- ronment, but rather was designed
nicating parties; a payment is not with the flexibility to fit into all
complete until a remittance is sent, environments. It was not built to
an ATM withdrawal is not complete suit only one type of application
until a consumers account has but rather was designed to facilitate
been debited, and so forth. Addi- many kinds of financial con-
tionally, the nature of the conversa- versations among disparate sources.
tion may need to be modified and
grown to fit into changing envi- Unifying Common Object
ronments. Definition
In addition to the IFX Framework,
Foundation for Interopera- the foundation of the IFX Specifi-
bility cation includes a set of common
objects that can be used across mul-
At the foundation of the Interactive tiple types of financial services. This
Financial eXchange (IFX) specifica- facilitates the implementation of
tion is its unique framework, which cross-service applications.
defines not only how all of the fi-
nancial messages are communi- For example, with a common defi-
cated among parties, but also how nition for a customer that is used
they relate to each other. Built on across both Payment and Bill Pre-
solid, time-tested design principles sentment services, multiple types of
and developed by industry leaders applications can leverage off of one
representing years of experience in standard to utilize that piece of
www.IFXForum.Org the financial services industry, the data. A financial institution that
wishes to offer multiple services amount of work that has been in-
that may be located in different vested into the specification to date
business units can take advantage facilitates this step.
of the common object definition to
The third step is to define any new
unify the disparate systems.
objects and associated methods
IFX Methodology for Add- that may be needed and how they
ing and Extending will fit in with what is already
The IFX Framework has been de- there.
signed so that whole new areas of Finally, running real life use cases
financial conversation can be in- through the new, modified and ex-
corporated using the IFX Method- isting objects serve to validate the
ology, in a manner that is com- new functionality.
patible with the ones that have
been previously defined. The IFX Who is IFX?
Methodology is designed to facili- IFX is governed by the IFX Forum
tate rapid innovation in the evolu- and has been in the making for
tion of the specification while still over four years, mature by todays
maintaining strict controls neces- standards.
sary for a universally-compatible
standard. The IFX Forum, a non-profit or-
ganization that is open for world-
The IFX Methodology is designed wide participation, was founded to
to leverage off of the Common Ob- provide leadership, structure, and
ject Definition and the IFX Frame- process for the development, pro-
work in order to rapidly translate motion, use and adoption of the
real-world business use cases into IFX Specification.
usable IFX objects.
The IFX Forum is made up of a
The first step is to examine the rich wide range of financial industry
objects that already exist in IFX and players that includes leading global
decide which of them are applica- banks, financial service providers
ble either as already defined or ex- and technology vendors.
panded for the purposes of the new
functionality that is to be imple- For more information, please visit
mented. us at

Secondly, the additional func-

tionality that is not already cap-
tured in the existing body of work
is modeled against the architectural Future
rules, taking into account both data
captured and processing rules. The

Basic Payments

Common Object Definition

IFX Framework
IFX Framework Features and Benefits
Easy to Understand Consistently applied set of architectural
rules (naming, data formats, usage guide-
lines, hierarchy, and object definitions) and
standardized syntax make the IFX Specifica-
tion a readable document.
This significantly lowers the learning curve
in understanding IFX and subsequently
speeds up implementation.
Highly Extensible IFX Methodology allows for addition of
services, messages, and objects in a plug-
and-play manner.
Highly Customizable IFX allows for implementation of the most
complex business requirements while main-
taining strict requirements for global com-
The IFX Framework allows for flexible ex-
pression of data within the architecture.
Some examples include the support for
complex amount due or extensive customer
Additionally, the IFX Framework defines
the implementation of a rich set of stan-
dard methods. Add, Delete, Modify, In-
quiry, Audit, Synchronize methods support
strict processing rules, while allowing for
flexible business rules.
Scalable Transaction Support The IFX flow control feature allows for very
large, data-intensive complex transactions
to be communicated with greater reliability.
This allows for scalable performance of the
system as the number of transactions
Multiple Processing Options IFX is designed to allow users to conduct
business in a manner appropriate to their
environment and does not dictate how the
processing must be accomplished.
The design of request and response mes-
sages in IFX allows either batch or interac-
tive modes of communication.
Additionally, IFX provides for applying a
single authentication context to multiple
requests in order to eliminate the overhead
of repeated user authentication.
International Support IFX is designed to supply financial services
throughout the world. It supports multiple
currencies, country-specific extensions, and
different forms of encoding such as UNI-
Transport Independence IFX is independent of the data commu-
nication protocol used to transport the
messages between the client and server
Multiple Front-End Applica- IFX supports a broad range of front-end
tion Support applications, including Web-based appli-
cations, covering all types of financial ac-
tivities running on all types of platforms.
Multiple Client Support The use of data synchronization to support
multiple clients is a key innovation in IFX
that allows for multiple clients to access the
same transactions while maintaining data
Guaranteed Backward Com- Backward compatibility within a revision
patibility family (all 1.x compatible, all 2.x compati-
ble to each other) minimizes long-term
technology investment and maximizes
long-term value of current investment.
Universal Connectivity One of the basic design principles of the
IFX Framework is the recognition that eve-
ryone who follows the spec will be able to
connect to every one else who also follows
the spec.
Universal connectivity is designed to elimi-
nate any application specific cus-
tomizations so that implementation of the
standard is uniform throughout.
Reliability Assuring users that transactions are exe-
cuted and information is correct is crucial.
IFX provides robust protocols for error re-
covery such as mandatory DTD validation
and In-band negotiations.
Mandatory DTD validation guarantees the
integrity of the data before it is transported.
In-band negotiation results in less error
messages and bounced requests.
Built in Security Features IFX is designed with security in mind. IFX
Security encompasses authentication of the
parties involved, as well as secrecy and
integrity of the information being ex-
changed. IFX is also security model inde-

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