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Chapter one.


Malcolm Jaggard a secret agent, meets Dr. Penelope (Penny) Ashton, he falls in love for her. He
starts a relationship with her, and things go quite well. So he meets her family. Gillian Ashton,
a sweet religious woman, and Mr. Ashton, Pennys father. Who is a fifty years old full of
energy. However he has a bad impression for Benson, the servant.


River Thames: Ro Tmesis

Dive: Bucear

Party: fiesta

To hurry: Apurarse

Shake: Sacudir

Research: Investigar

Chapter two.- ACID IN THE EYES

Penny is busy, and she cant get together with Malcolm. But he still goes to Ashtons residence
to spend some time with Mr. Ashton. Then a tragedy happens. Gillian is attacked by someone.
She screams in the floor, because someone has thrown acid on her eyes.

She gets medical help, and police starts the investigation. Malcolm gets many questions by the
police agents, but also from Mr. Ashton, who wants him to marry Penny and send them to
Australia hahaha what a crazy guy!


Corner: esquina

Lying: Yaciendo

Guest: Husped

Busy: Ocupado

Boring: Aburrido

Scream: Grito


Malcolm begins to investigate something about Mr. Ashton. When he looks for some
information in the secret service computer he is surprised that he is a top secret subject there.
Ogilvie, Malcolms boss catches him looking for that information and show interest in the
connection of his agent with Mr. Ashton. They start talking about all the problems after
Gillians attack. Malcolm gets assigned to investigate the Ashton family.


Screen: Pantalla

Empty: Vaco

Rub: frotar

Ought: deber

Old-fashioned: Ortodoxo

Chapter four.- FAMILY PROBLEMS

Gillian is very sick at the hospital, and the investigation of the attacker keeps going. Penelope
and Mr. Ashton are devastated. Penny turns to Malcolm as company through this hard times.
After the big push from Mr. Ashton. Malcolm decides to ask Penny to marry him. And she says


Coach: Entrenador

Pale: Plido

Blind: Ciego

Few: pocos

Buglars: Ladrones

Jealous: Celoso

Chapter five. - ASHTON DISAPEARS

In chapter five, Malcolm, our narrator is carrying out the plan to protect the Ashton family.
His requirements are high, something that Ogilvie, his coworker doesnt agree.

Finally Malcolm tells Ogilvie some details about the operation, and receives the order of dont
do anything without informing him.

Also he complains to Larry about, the lack of information about the case. And the strange
interest of important guys about the matter.
Inspector Honnister get a clue, someone saw the car model.

Malcolm at last discover that Ashton ran away last night, leaving two letter behind, one for
Penny and one for him.

Malcolms letter seems express Ashtons wish to stay away from the family.


Gun: arma, rifle, fusil

Tape-recording: Grabacin (en cinta)

Request: solicitud

What this business is all about? (expresin) de que se trata todo esto?

Glance: Mirar

Puzzled: perplejo

Swear: Decir palabrotas (Obsenidades)

Sharply: bruscamente

Envelope: sobre

Sake: causa

Chapter six. - A BAD SON IN LAW?

Ogilvie and Malcolm tries to comprehend the letters meaning. This time he suggest Malcolm
to tell Penny about his secret job as spy.

At her home, he gives her the letter, and tells her about his job. She gets angry and shows
distrust in him.

After discussing, Malcolm searches the house for information, and Penny gets upset about her
room also searched.

They discuss about the strange Benson, and find a secret room, and a model railway very big
and complicated.


Get away from: Alejarse de

Take someone away from: alejar de

Bloody: (jerga) usado para expresar enojo : pinche, jodidamente

Blame: culpar

Look forward to: esperar, desear (pensar en el futuro)

Trouble: Problema

Youd better: Ms te vale, Sera mejor, Convendra

Quite: (intensificador)

Sudden: repentina

Hesitate: dudar

Disbelief: Incredulidad

Flashing: Parpadeantes

Icily: framente

Quarrel: ria


Still working in the case, Ogilvie informs Malcolm that some people wants take the case from

Malcolm gets frustrated because the purple information level is forbidden for him. And
menaces with resign. So Ogilvie gets him access to Level black, where he can learn
something about the mysterious Mr. George Ashton.

Mr. Ashton is a box full of surprises, it includes be scientist, physicist. A badass guy working
with nuclear weapons and guns. But he decides to fake his death and escape to England.
Where he is up to resume his life, nevertheless, always with some distress from English
government pressures to share information from his past work.

Malcolm likes even more his future father in law, and learns that agent Cregar, the guy who
wants take the case from him. He is the one who helped Ashton to escape from his past.

So now, Malcolm and Ogilvie are going to open the locked strong room. And Cregar wants to
be there to see, but they dont let him come.

And tadaaaaa!!! The door opens and there is nothing. Ogilvie is shocked.

At last, Ogilvie warns Malcolm to be careful with Cregar.


Tempers: (estar de buen humor o mal humor) genio

Frightened: asustado

Deal: tratar

Hurry: Apuro

Drumming my fingers on the desk: golpeando los dedos en la mesa.

Make up my mind: He decidido

Nod: asentir con la cabeza

Hell of man: (similar a badass) un tipo super!!

Keep up to date: Actualizar(se)

Annoyed: Molesto

Go off: marcharse

Pity: pena


Malcolm have no news for Penny, but there are good news for Gillian, probably she could still
have one eye working.

The railway clue seems to lead nowhere. But two weeks later, there is a suspect. A man who
rented a car, but returned it with acid spilt on the back seat.

Mayberry, the suspect looks like an inoffensive church goer, who is calmed and deep religious.
But after mentioning the acid, the car, and menacing him with compare fingerprints (that
there werent), he get nervous, and gets trapped.

Mayberry was a religious fanatic who though the work in genetics from Dr. Penelope Ashton,
was a blasphemy, and tried to harass her but ended throwing acid of her sister, a church goer
like him.

He cant stand the thing he has done, so breaks down in tears, and screams. Malcolm and crew
think hes nuts.


Chance: oportunidad

Sight: vista

Go wrong: equivocarse

Afterwards: despus

Spilt: derramar

Flat: departamento

Tidy: pulcro

Shelf: estante

Hand over: entregar

Change someones mind: hacerle cambiar de opinin a alguien

Burst into: irrumpir

Chapter nine.- LORD CREGAR AGAIN

Gillian is getting better. Penny and Malcolm relationship is better also. There has not been
progress in the search for Mr. Ashton till now. After catching the attacker, Malcolm brings the
news to his fiance at the university. Shes devastated, and feels guilty because she was the
target, not her sister. Malcolm comforts her. Then he talks to her boss about the matter, but
gets no clue about the connection between the attacker and Mr. Ashton. However, Penny tells
Malcolm that Cregar has been around Pennys boss before the attack.


Mad: desquiciado

Frown: fruncir el ceo

Carry on: continuar

Isolate: aislar

Upset: molesto

Although: aunque

Neither: ninguno


Finally someone has seen our folks in Stockholm, and Malcolm wants to tell Ashton that the
secret service has everything safe for bringing him back, but Ogilvie knows it will frighten him
badly, to know he has been watched even after thirty years.

Operations abroad in Sweden are set off. Malcolms crew are watching them for four weeks.
Until they discover that Russians are also after this guy.

A mystery is still for Malcolm the reasons why he ran away, and also... Why is the British secret
service still after this, when he is out of any matter of interest.

Malcolm makes up a plan to make Ashton run from the Russians without knowing, the British
service is still after him.

A guy called Larry stalks Ashton, speaking with Russian accent, and following him from place to
place. Ashton is scared as hell. So he and his servant go from place to place. At last they go into
the forest where there was an army shooting range. Malcolm fears that Ashton could get
killed. So he disobeys the order of stay incognito and breaks into the danger zone.
Nevertheless Ashton gets shot, and dies, handing Malcolm a strange clue in a paper. A railway
schedule. The strange thing here is that Ashton was shot by his own servant. Who is also dead

Theres a big mess for the police. So the British crew get deported. And news report it all as an

Heavy coat: Un abrigo pesado

Fur: Cuero

Stockholm: Estocolmo

Frighten: asustar

Allow: permitir

Arrange: Ordenar

Bookshop: Tienda de libros

Duty: Deber

Wonder: Preguntarse

Complain: Quejar

Pointing: Sealando

Deceive: Engaar

Afford: poder costear

Growl: gruido


Back in England, Lord Cregar judges severely Malcolm. However Ogilvie wants Malcolm to stay
still in the case. Ogilvie wants to take advantage of Malcolms relationship with Penny. Also
another agent Mr. Peter Michaelis begins to get along very well with Gillian Ashton.

Malcolm meets Penny at her home. She is pleased of having him there. He has to lie about
some of the facts in his travel to Sweden. Penny also has some news. She is giving some advice
for the building of a very dangerous laboratory in Scotland. There are 4 levels of danger, and
researchs level is 4 but budget is for a three. After all politicians and money are who decide.


Arrival: Llegada

Slightly: Ligeramente

Strange: Extrao

Embarrassed: Avergonzado

Deliberately: Deliberadamente

Throughout: A lo largo de
Shock: Conmocin

Trick: Truco

Enough: Suficiente

Damage: Dao

Find out: Investigar

Owe: Deber (verbo)

Upstairs: Arriba (escaleras)

Thick: Grueso

Timetable: Horario

Grateful: Agradecido

Chapter twelve.- THE SECRET COMPUTER

Malcolm finds out something about the servant who shot Ashton, Mr. Benson. He is another
agent in a fake name. Ashtons house is going to be sold. And in the auction being held,
Malcolm get a clue from Michaelis, when he tells him, there is something weird with the
timetables of the model railway. Malcolm remembers the piece of paper that Ashton handed
him before dying. But it is late. The model railway is going to be sold. So he enters the auction
spending 31000 pounds, a lot of money from the british secret service department. Ogilvie is
mad about it.


Beginning: Inicio

Amazement: Asombro

Discover: Descubrir

Complain: Quejar

Keen: Afilado

Heart attack: Ataque Cardiaco

Lay: Yacer

Auctioneer: Persona que dirige la subasta

Letter: Carta

Borrow: Tomar prestado

Signature: Firma


Gillians face is getting much better. Penny is back in England after her travelling around
America. She tells Malcolm how she got many ideas about genetics projects. Her father gave
her. A man who never made experiments in genetics, but learned it all by himself by reading
Pennys books and notes.

Experts are working at the model railway system, and yep, it was a computer so it seems it
was worth all that money.

Ogilvie wants to learn more about Ashton collaboration in Pennys work. Malcolm feels Ogilvie
is not honest with him in his pretentions.

Malcolm visit Penny at the university, where he meets with a harsh treat by Lord Cregar. After
that he stays till morning at Pennys flat.

Lord Cregar keeps trying to get the case, Pennys at Scotlands Lab, and a key clue is
discovered. Benson the servant, was a man working for Cregar.


Harmless: inofensivo

Clever: Listo

Research: Investigacin

Development: desarrollo

Risky: Riesgoso

Flat: Departamento

Towards: Hacia

Persuade: Persuadir

Silk: Seda

Hesitate: Dudar

Chapter fourteen.- TROUBLE IN SCOTLAND

Malcolm intends to contact Penny and her whereabouts in Scotland. He calls asking for her
frequently, but gets no answer. He decides look for her himself. He arrives at Scotland. and
keeps calling. This time, they lie about her. So he decides go through brave seas and enter that
lab, in search for Penny. A guy, Dr. Carter is in the laboratory, with Lord Cregar. Cregar wants
Malcolm dead, but Malcolm has some useful information to blackmail him. Ogilvie know that
Cregar sent Benson. Malcolm gets locked in a room, but after is allowed to see a ill Penny,
whos been denied of medical help, to cover the bad arrangement for a dangerous laboratory.
Then they hear that an angry mob is landing there, because neighbors dont like dangerous
labs around.

Malcolm attacks Lord Cregar breaking some of the labs dangerous stuff. He runs outside,
leaving Lord Cregar inside.


Scot: Escocs

Fishing village: Aldea de Pescadores

Weapons: armas

Poison: Envenenar

Fierce: fiero

Expect: Esperar

Pocket: bolsillo

Aproach: Aproximarse

Rough: spero

Sharp: Filoso

Shore: costa, orilla

Drown: ahogarse

Top Secret: ultra-secreto

Airlock: burbuja de aire

Fault: falla


After the labs mess, Malcolm warns the scots to stay away from the dangerous zone, and asks
them to capture the labs crew. He also asks for help to Ogilvie. That Angry mob wants to get
rid of Cregar, but Malcolm stops them. Finally Cregar reveals everything about his secrets and
dirty deals. His motivation was A man must do something important in his life, something
that people will remember. Finally everybody is evacuated from there in an helicopter.


Nod: asentir con la cabesa

Release: liberar

Man-made: hecho por el hombre

Gasp: Jadear

Hidden: oculto

Toy: juguete

Deathbed: Lecho de muerte

Misunderstanding: Mal entendido

Envelopes: Envolturas

Chapter sixteen.- MY NEW JOB

Penny is getting better, the model railway computer has been analyzed successfully and the
rumors proved that Mr. Ashton was a genius were real. He has made amazing discoveries. The
minister wants to keep this information secret. Malcolm is upset about it. Then Malcolm is
offered to be the head chief in few years. But he is sick of all the lies and dirty cheats in the
secret service.


Cage: Jaula

Keep away: mantener lejos

Bluntly: Francamente

Chapter seventeen.- THE FUTURE

Penny and Gillian are better now. The two sisters and two agents wants to get married. Lord
Cregar is dead. But Malcolm has got a terminal cancer. Penny still wants to get married but
Malcolm doesnt. Instead of he asks her to join him in the last resort in a calm place in Ireland.
He is happy of his last nine months with her. She also helped him to write this book to show a
complain about all those shitty things governments do.


Sigh: Suspirar

Kind: amable

Relieved: aliviado

Waves: Olas
Take care: cuidar

Own: propio

Upset: Molesto

Discoveries: descubrimientos

Sake: motivo

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