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Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 10

Programming Using Small Basic

Name: ____________________
Section: ________________

Direction: Match the terms inside the box to each statement. Write your answer/s to the given blank.

Set A. Lesson 1.1 Introduction to Small Basic

1. A _____________ is a set of instructions that a computer can understand.

2. To write a program, you use a ___________________.
3. In the beginning, only a few programming languages existed, and they were easy to learn.
However, these languages became more and more ____________, such as the Microsoft Visual C#
development tool, the Microsoft Visual Basic development environment, and Java.
4. This complexity___________ people who wanted to learn how to program computers.
5. Small Basic removes this barrier and serves as a stepping stone for all ______________ to the
world of programming.
6. You write your Small Basic programs in the _________________.
7. You can test your program by clicking the __________button on the Toolbar.
8. As you write code, you can find information about commands in the _____________.
9. When typing your program,you will notice a list of items appearing with their explanations. You
call these the _____________ list.
10. After you write a program, you must ________ it if you want to change or run it later.

Intellisense program save beginners excited

run editor Help window complex Programming Language
discouraged Writeline If-then statement Read

Set B: Lesson 1.2 - Statements, Properties, and Operations

11. When you give an instruction to the computer, you create a _________.
12. The ____________ object has a specific set of properties, such as ForegroundColor, BackgroundColor,
Title, CursorTop, CursorLeft, Top, and Left.
13. Write and WriteLine are both operations of the TextWindow object. If you use the WriteLine operation,
each line of text appears on a separate _________.
14. If you use the Read operation, the computer reads and ________ what a user has typed.
15. If you use the _______ operation, the computer waits for user input before returning the final output.

remembers program Statement excited

run TextWindow line

Set C: Lesson 1.3 - Variables

16. Special variables, which are called __________, can contain more than one value.
17. You should always start variable names with a __________.
18. You can use a ____________ to store different kinds of information, such as text or a number. It can
contain different values at different points in time. Most can contain only one value at a time.
19. You should name your variables so that they _________ the values that they store
20. When you name your variables, you should not include certain ________ words, such as If, For, and
reserved arrays line
variable describe letter
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) 9
Webpage Design Using HTML

Name: ____________________
Section: ________________

Identify the answer to the following statement. Choose from the box below for the possible answer.

1. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the Web. What is the
meaning of M in HTML? ____________
2. The _____ element defines a paragraph
3. HTML tags are element names surrounded by _____brackets:
4. The start tag is also called the _______ tag, and the end tag the closing tag.
5. The purpose of a web _______ (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) is to read HTML documents and
display them.
6. We use a program called ______ to write down our HTML codes.
7. All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration: _________
8. The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with _______.
9. The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and ______.
10. Headings are defined with the <h1> to _____ tags.
11. The _________ tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page, and is most often displayed as a
horizontal rule or a line.
12. The HTML <p> element defines a __________.
13. You can click on a _____ and jump to another document.
14. When you move the mouse over a link, the mouse arrow will turn into a little ____.
15. In HTML, links are defined with the ____ tag:
16. In HTML, images are defined with the _________tag.
17. An HTML table is defined with the ______tag.
18. Each table row is defined with the ____ tag.
19. A table header is defined with the _____ tag.
20. A table data/cell is defined with the _____ tag.

</h6> link hand <tr> Curly Notepad <a>

<th> </body> </h6> <img> <td> Browser <hr>
<table> </html> paragraph MarkUp opening <p> Angle
<!DOCTYPE html>

TEST II. Shade the circle that answers/matches the statement.

1. Choose the correct HTML element for the largest heading:
2. What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break or a space in
3. What is the correct HTML for creating a hyperlink?
<a name=""></a>
<a url=""></a>
<a href="">W3Schools</a>
4. Which character is used to indicate an end tag?
5. Which of these elements are all <table> elements?

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