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Lesson Plan

Created by :

Aprilliana Dwi Putri (1200141)

Ditha Ayu Widhasari (1205603)
Rani Siti Khoerunnisa (1205785)


School : Junior High School

Grade/Semester : 8th grade/2nd

Subject : Natural Science (Biology)

Time Alocation : 1 x 45 Minutes (1 Meeting)

A. Core Competences :
3. Understand the knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and events
related to the phenomenon of the visible event.

B. Basic Competence :
3.8 Describe the digestive system as well as its association with the respiratory system, circulatory system, and the use of food energy.

C. Indicators :
3.8.1. The students should be able to identified the organs of digestive system which located at the mouth
3.8.2. The student should be able to analyze the relation between teeth and its function
3.8.3. The students should be able to differentiate the formula of adults teeth and kids teeth
3.8.4. The students should be able to identified the anatomy of the teeth

D. Learning Objectives :
1. After eating the food, the 8th grade students should be able to analyze what happened with the food that they ate.
2. After analyzing what happened with the food after they ate, the 8th grade students should be able to identified the organs of digestive
system which located at the mouth that have a role on the mechanical digestion.
3. After observing their own mouth that helped by mirror, the 8th grade students should be able to differentiate the type of teeth.
4. After differentiating the type of teeth, the 8th grade students should be able to make a relation between the type of teeth and its
5. After observing their own mouth that helped by mirror, the 8th grade students should be able to make a formula of their own teeth.
6. After observing the picture of adults teeth, the 8th grade students should be able to differentiate the formula of adults teeth and
kids teeth.
7. After observing the model of tooth anatomy, the 8th grade students should be able to identified the anatomy of teeth.

E. Learning Content :
1. The food that has eaten digest mechanically by the teeth.
2. Teeth are the organs of the digestive system which located at the mouth that have a role on the mechanical digestion.
3. Teeth have four types, which are incicivus, canine, molar, and premolar.
4. Each type of the teeth has their own function. The food cuts by the
incicivus, tears by the canine, and chews by the molar and
premolar. Every human has teeth formula but there are some
differences between kids teeth formula and adults teeth formula.
Kids teeth formula:
P C I I C P P : Premolar
2 1 2 2 1 2 C : Canine
2 1 2 2 1 2 I : Incicivus

Adults teeth
5. In adults mouth, there are three molars that kids dont have.
Adults teeth formula:
M : Molar
P : Premolar
3 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 C : Canine
3 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 I : Incicivus

6. The tooth is build by the tooth crown, the tooth neck, and the tooth root. Each part of
the tooth has special characteristics.
1) Dental crown or corona is a part that looks from the outside. Includes bone and
tooth enamel (which is composed of dentine substance).
2) Tooth neck or colum, that is sheltered from the teeth in the gums. Includes pulp,
gums and nerve vessels, also blood vessels.
3) The roots of teeth are embedded in the jaw part. Includes blood vessels, bone,
teeth and nerve vessels.

F. Approach and Method

1. Approach : Guided Inquiry approach; Cooperative learning
2. Method : Observation; Discussion; Questioning; Task assignment

G. Media and Refference

1. Media : Picture, real objects
2. Refference :
a. Karim, S. et al. (2008). Belajar IPA Membuka Cakrawala Untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan
b. Pratiwi, R. et al. (2008). Contextual Teaching and Learning Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam: Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Kelas VIII Edisi 4. Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

H. Learning Activities
Second Meeting (1 x 45 Minutes)
Activities Learning Experiences Description of Activities Time Allocation
- Students respond to greetings
- Teacher asks students to pray together.
- Teacher checks students attendance.
- Students receive information about the
Remembering; relationship between prior learning with the
5 Minutes
Opening Stimulated learning that will be implemented.
- Teacher distributed mirrors and fruits to students.
- Teacher asks students to eat some fruit and see
what will happen to the fruit that they eat.
- Teacher tell the objectives of todays learning.
- Teacher divided the class into several groups that
consist of two person.
- Teacher distributed worksheet to each groups that
has to done withing the learning time.
Observing; Interpreting; - Teacher asks students to observe they teeth with
Communicating; mirror. What do they see? Can they see the 35 Minutes
Distinguishing; difference between each of their teeth?
- Teacher write students asnwer in the whiteboard.
- Teacher leads students to identify the type of
teeth, which is incicivus, canine, molar, and
- After knowing the type of teeth, students will be
ask to eat fruit with putting the fruit only with
each teeth type. First, students put the fruit within
the incicivus teeth and bite the fruit and see what
happen, and so on with each type of teeth.
- Teacher leads students to know the function of
each teeth type.
- Teacher ask students to observe their teeth again
with mirror, and lead them to make their own
teeth formula.
- After the students done making their own teeth
formula, teacher shows them the picture of
adults teeth (complete teeth) and ask them to
distinguish the difference between kids teeth and
adults teeth.
- Teacher shows picture of teeth anatomy but with
no description in it and lead the students to know
the part of teeth anatomy.
- Teacher asks student to collect their worksheet.
- Teacher give post test to students.
- Students helped by teacher conclude about today
- Students reflect on the activities that have been
Conclude carried out. 5 Minutes
- Teachers give task to students to make a resume
about another organs of the digestive system.
- Students and teachers plan a follow-up study to
the next meeting.
Name :

1. .................................................
2. .................................................
3. .................................................

Class :

Activity A.
After doing observation helped with mirror, please fill in the blank table.
No. Type of Teeth Fuction

Activity B.
After observing your teeth with mirror, write your own teeth formula!

Upper Theeth

Lower Theeth

Activity C.
Fill the blank with
correct answer! 4.........................
5. ...........
3......................... ...........
Post Test

Name :
Class :

1. Q : What are the differences about kid and adult teeth formula?

2. Q : How can teeth become so important in digestive process?


Post Test

Name :
Class :

1. Q : What are the differences about kid and adult teeth formula?

2. Q : How can teeth become so important in digestive process?


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