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-Honors English III-

Aleena Weeks 1-6

Key: LVA= Lively Art of Writing; 99= Write What You See; EIL =Excellence in Literature; WW- Windows to the World; LT=Literary
Terms; HOLT= Elements in Literature; LT= Essential Literary Terms; 501- 501 Critical Reading; VL=Vocabulit; SAT=SAT Vocabulary Words;
DG= Daily Grams; PM= Poetry Memorization

Literature &
Composition & Analysis Grammar & Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension
 LVA- Ch.5 First Steps Toward Style  EIL-Unit 1: The Autobiography of Ben Franklin  VL- Lesson 1
 99- 2 pictures  Read and explore the context resources  DG- Days 1-5
 WW-Unit 5 Literary Analysis Essay and complete an author/context page*  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 Complete Assignments for “Weeks 1-4” cards; study daily
1  HOLT- Read from “The Autobiography of Ben  PM- Daily Memorization
Franklin” pgs. 66-75 & answer # 5 or 6
 LT- look up epigram & aphorism make
card s for each and complete exercises.
 501- ?’s #1-9
 LVA-Ch. 6 The Size & Shape of Middle  EIL- Unit 2: Sleepy Hollow  VL-L2
Paragraphs  Complete an author/context page for  DG-Days 6-10
 99-2 pictures both Irving & Longfellow  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 WW-Unit 5 Literary Analysis Essay  Week 2 cards; study daily
 Discovery Streaming  PM- Daily Memorization
 Context Resources
 Choose one artist from the Hudson
2 River School to study complete an artist
page on and re-create one of his/her
 Read the stories & Poems; keep
 Weeks 3 & 4
 LT- short story & novella; make cards
 501- ?’s #10-25
 LVA- Ch. 6 The Size & Shape of Middle  EIL- Unit 2: Sleepy Hollow  VL-L3
Paragraphs  Weeks 3& 4 cont…  DG-Days 11-15
 99-2 pictures  Choose two Longfellow poems to  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 WW-Unit 5 Literary Analysis Essay illustrate; try to memorize one. cards; study daily
 Watch “Sleepy Hollow”  PM- Daily Memorization
 Try to find the opera written by
George Bristow in 1855; complete listening
 LT-Poetry & lyric poetry; make cards
 501- ?’s #26-40
 LVA- Ch. 7 Connections Between Paragraphs  EIL-Unit 4: The House of Seven Gables  VL-L4
 99-2 pictures  Create an author/context page  DG-Days 16-20
 WW-Unit 6 The Writer’s Toolbox  Week 2  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
4  Context Resources cards; study daily
 Begin reading the story; keep journal  PM- Daily Memorization
 LT-Plot & Subplot
 501- ?’s #41-47
 LVA- Ch. 8 The Passive Voice  EIL-Unit 4: The House of Seven Gables cont…  VL-L5
 99-2 pictures  Week 2 & 3  DG-Days 16-20
 Unit 7-Characterization  Choose one composer or folk song  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
from the listed website and complete a cards; study daily
listening page  PM- Daily Memorization
5  Poe: Choose a few poems & a short story to
read and illustrate. & Watch Discovery
 LT-Protagonist & Antagonist
 501- ?’s #48-67
 LVA- Ch. 9 The Sound of Sentences  EIL-Unit 4: The House of Seven Gables cont…  VL-L6
 99-2 pictures  Weeks 3&4; Add some kind of visual  DG-Days 21-25
 Unit 7-Characterization element to your paper  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
6  Poe: Choose a few poems & a short story to cards; study daily
read and illustrate cont….  PM- Daily Memorization
 LT-Anti-hero & antagonist
 501- ?’s #68-83
Notes: * See resources (handouts) for context page and/or incorporate instruction from EIL “Author Profile” & “Historical Approach” models.; handouts “dialectical journal” LT cards, be sure to include examples
& make for WW units & EIL Periods; handouts for artist page and listening pages (Harmony); Note the theme on journals; Google images of famous journals and library books about book making; make
daybooks unique.
-Honors English III-
Aleena Weeks 7-12
Key: LVA= Lively Art of Writing; 99= Write What You See; EIL =Excellence in Literature; LT=Literary Terms; HOLT= Elements in Literature;
LT= Essential Literary Terms; 501- 501 Critical Reading; VL=Vocabulit; SAT=SAT Vocabulary Words; DG= Daily Grams; PM= Poetry

Literature &
Composition & Analysis Grammar & Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension
 LVA- Ch. 9 The Sound of Sentences  Novel- Walden  VL- Lesson 7
 99- 2 pictures  Complete a author/context page  DG- Days 26-30
 WW- Unit 8-Symbolism & Emphasis  Read; journal  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 You will be writing an essay cards; study daily
when you are finished w/this book;  PM- Daily Memorization
7 look at the topics at the end of your
SparkNotes and keep the topics in
mind as you read.
 LT-metaphor, paraphrase, parable
 501-#84-91

 LVA- Ch.10 Parallel Structure  Walden, continue reading/finish  VL-L8

 99- 2 pictures  Paint a picture of what you think  DG-Days 31-35
 WW- Unit 9 Theme & Worldview Walden Pond looks like.  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
8  LT-Generalization, analolgy cards; study daily
 HOLT-Political POV pp.208-209  PM- Daily Memorization
 501-#92-101
 LVA- Ch. 11 A Way With Words  Walden, Essay-Choose your essay  VL-L9
 99- 2 pictures topic and begin writing.  DG-Days 36-40
 WW- Unit 9 Theme & Worldview  On the back of your painting from last  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
week, write the words from the book cards; study daily
9 that influenced the way you painted  PM- Daily Memorization
your picture, i.e. descriptive and
imagery words; include page #’s
 501-#102-112

 LVA- Ch. 12 Odds and Ends and  American Masters: Walt Whitman &  VL-L10
Means Emily Dickenson  DG-Days 41-45
 99- 2 pictures  You can choose to use the HOLT text  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 WW- Unit 10 Setting for this unit or select a book from each cards; study daily
author to creat a context page for,  PM- Daily Memorization
10 read, write one analysis of a selection
from each, and to illustrate.
 LT: rhyme, slant rhyme, & exact
 501-#113-120
 LVA- Ch. 13 More Freedom and a  American Masters: Walt Whitman &  VL-L11
Few Flourishes Emily Dickenson cont..  DG-Days 46-50
 99- 2 pictures  Choose 1 poem to re write &  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
11  WW- Unit 11 Imagery Illustrate. cards; study daily
 LT: alliteration, free verse & meter.  PM- Daily Memorization
 501-#121-125

 LVA- Ch. 13 More Freedom and a EIL-Unit 6 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  VL-12
Few Flourishes  Create a author/context page  DG-Days 51-55
 99- 2 pictures  Week 2  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 WW- Unit 12 Point of View  Context Resources cards; study daily
 Begin reading the story; keep  PM- Daily Memorization
12 journal
 Discovery Streaming-Great
 Netflix Ken Burns Mark Twain
LT-Vernacular, diction, dialect
Notes: Use AP prep for Poetry
-Honors English III-
Aleena Weeks 13-18
Key: LVA= Lively Art of Writing; 99= Write What You See; EIL =Excellence in Literature; LT=Literary Terms; HOLT= Elements in Literature;
LT= Essential Literary Terms; 501- 501 Critical Reading; VL=Vocabulit; SAT=SAT Vocabulary Words; DG= Daily Grams; PM= Poetry

Literature & Reading

Composition & Analysis Grammar & Vocabulary
 99- 2 pictures  EIL-Unit 6 The Adventures of  VL- Lesson 13
 WW- Unit 12 Point of View Huckleberry Finn  DG- Days 56-60
 read the story; keep journal  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 Week 2 & Week 3 cards; study daily
 Choose one of the following  PM- Daily Memorization
Create a timeline for the novel
with at least 7 pictures that can
be displayed.
Create an itinerary or travel
brochure of the setting.
Create a mural or collage of the
overall story
 HOLT-The Celebrated Jumping Frog of
Calaveras County pp. 457-467
 LT- hyperbole, understatement,
 501-#134-141
 LVA- Ch. 15 Summing It Up  EIL-Unit 6 The Adventures of  VL-L14
 99- 2 pictures Huckleberry Finn  DG-Days 61-65
 WW- Unit 13 Tone  read the story; keep journal  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 Week 3 &4 cards; study daily
 HOLT-The Lowest Animal pp. 468-473;  PM- Daily Memorization
 LT-Satire, purpose, irony
 501-#142-149
 99- 2 pictures  EIL-Unit 7 The House of Mirth  VL-L15
 WW-Unit 14 Irony  Create an author/context page  DG-Days 66-70
 Context Resources  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
 Begin reading the story; keep cards; study daily
journal  PM- Daily Memorization
 Week 2
 LT-Novel, symbol, romance
 501-#150-158
 LVA- Ch. 14 (Mid Term)  EIL-Unit 7 The House of Mirth  VL-L16
 99- 2 pictures  Weeks 2 & 3  DG-Days 71-75
 LT-Characterization  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
16  501-#159-167 cards; study daily
 PM- Daily Memorization

 LVA- Ch. 14 (Mid Term)  EIL-Unit 7 The House of Mirth  VL-L17

 99- 2 pictures  Weeks 3 & 4  DG-Days 76-80
 501-#168-175  SAT- 5 words; choose 5 and make flash
17 cards; study daily
 PM- Daily Memorization

Mid Term- Mid Term- Create a Portfolio of the  VL-18

WW- Unit 15 Farewell Gilded Age; include art, fashion,  DG-Days 81-85
architecture, entertainment, &
18 inventions. Also include a timeline and
some biographical entries.

Mid-Terms Mid-Terms Mid Term

Notes: Possible Field Trip to Calaveras County

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