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Botnets Detection Based on IRC-Community

Wei Lu and Ali A. Ghorbani

Network Security Laboratory, Faculty of Computer Science

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3, Canada
{wlu, ghorbani}

Botnets are networks of compromised computers controlled under a common command and control (C&C) channel. Recognized as
one the most serious security threats on current Internet infrastructure, botnets are often hidden in existing applications, e.g. IRC,
HTTP, or Peer-to-Peer, which makes the botnet detection a challenging problem. Previous attempts for detecting botnets are to
examine traffic content for IRC command on selected network links or by setting up honeypots. In this paper, we propose a new
approach for detecting and characterizing botnets on a large-scale WiFi ISP network, in which we first classify the network traffic into
different applications by using payload signatures and a novel clustering algorithm and then analyze the specific IRC application
community based on the temporal-frequent characteristics of flows that leads the differentiation of malicious IRC channels created by
bots from normal IRC traffic generated by human beings. We evaluate our approach with over 160 million flows collected over five
consecutive days on a large scale network and results show the proposed approach successfully detects the botnet flows from over 160
million flows with a high detection rate and an acceptable low false alarm rate.

authenticates the bot by checking its password. In many cases,

I. INTRODUCTION the botmaster also needs to authenticate itself to the IRC

O ne of the biggest threats to the current Internet server. Upon the completion of these authentications, the
infrastructure is botnets which are usually comprised of command and control channels among botmaster, bots, and
large pools of compromised computers under the control of a IRC server will be established. To start a DDoS attack, the
botmaster. Botnets can be centralized, distributed or peer-to- botmaster only needs to send a simple command like
peer (P2P) according to different command and control (C&C) ".ddos.start victim_ip" while all bots receive this command
models and different communication protocols (e.g. HTTP, and start to attack the victim server. This is shown in Step 8 of
IRC or P2P). The attacks conducted by botnets are very Figure 1. More information about the botmaster command
different, ranging from Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) library can be found in [1].
attacks to e-mail spamming, keylogging, click fraud, and new Detecting botnets traffic is a very challenging problem. This
malware spreading. In Figure 1, we illustrate a typical life- is because: (1) botnets use the existing application protocol,
cycle of a botnet and its attacking behaviours. and thus their traffic volume is not that big and is very similar
to the normal traffic behaviour; (2) classifying traffic
applications becomes more challenging due to the traffic
victim server content encryption and the unreliable destination port labelling
method. Previous attempts on detecting botnets are mainly
8.DDOS based on honeypots [2,3,4,5,6], passive anomaly analysis
1.exploit [7,8,9] and traffic application classification [10,11,12]. Setting download Botnet up and installing honeypots on the Internet is very helpful to
capture malwares and understand the basic behaviours of
host botnets. The passive anomaly analysis for detecting botnets on
DNS server
3.DNS query a network traffic is usually independent of the traffic content
5.pass authen.


7.command and has the potential to find different types of botnets (e.g.
HTTP based botnet, IRC based botnet or P2P based botnet).
The traffic application classification based botnets detection
focuses on classifying traffic into IRC traffic and non-IRC
traffic, and thus it can only detect IRC based botnets, which is
IRC server the biggest limitation when compared with the anomaly based
Fig. 1. Typical life-cycle of a IRC based botnet and its attacking behaviors
botnets detection.
In this paper, we focus on traffic classification based
The botmaster usually finds a new bot by exploiting its
botnets detection. Instead of labeling and filtering traffic into
vulnerabilities remotely. Once affected, the bot will download
non-IRC and IRC, we propose a generic approach to classify
and install the binary code by itself. After that, each bot on the
traffic into different application communities (e.g. P2P, Chat,
botnet will attempt to find the IRC server address by DNS
Web, etc.). Then, based on each specific application
query, which is illustrated in Step 3 of Figure 1. Next is the
community, we investigate and apply the temporal-frequent
communication step between bots and IRC server. In IRC
characteristics of network flows to differentiate the malicious
based communication mechanism, a bot first sends a PASS
botnet behaviors from the normal application traffic. The
message to the IRC server to start a session and then the server
major contributions of this paper include: (1) a novel

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE. 1

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New Brunswick. Downloaded on May 18, 2009 at 11:21 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
application discovery approach for classifying network be misleading due to the increase of applications tunneled
applications in a large-scale WiFi ISP network, (2) a new through HTTP, the constant emergence of new protocols and
algorithm to discriminate botnets IRC from the normal IRC the domination of P2P networking [13]. Examining the
traffic, which is based on n-gram (frequent characteristics) of payload signatures of applications improves the classification
flow payload over a time period (temporal characteristics), and accuracy, but still a large number of traffic cannot be
(3) a botnet detection framework for detecting any types of identified. Recent studies on application classification include
botnets. "applying machine learning algorithms for clustering and
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II classifying traffic flows" [14], "statistical fingerprint based
presents our application classification approach for network classification" [15] and "identifying traffic on the fly" [16].
flows. Section III is the botnet detection algorithm based on Different with the previous approaches, our method is hybrid,
the temporal-frequent characteristics of botnets. Section IV is combining the payload signatures with a novel cross
the experimental evaluation for our detection model with over association clustering algorithm [17]. The payload signatures
160 million flows collected on a large-scale WiFi ISP classify traffic into predefined known application
network. Finally, some concluding remarks and future work communities. The unknown traffic is then assigned into
are given in Section V. different application communities with a set of probabilities
by using a clustering algorithm. Those unknown traffic that
II. TRAFFIC APPLICATION CLASSIFICATION cannot be classified into any known application community
Identifying network traffic into different applications is very will be considered as new or unknown applications.
challenging and is still an issue yet to be solved. In practice, The basic idea of applying cross association algorithm is to
traffic application classification relies to a large extent on the study the association relationship between known traffic and
transport layer port numbers, which was an effective way in unknown traffic. In numerous data mining applications, a
the early days of the Internet. Port numbers, however, provide large and sparse binary matrix is used to represent the
very limited information nowadays. An alternative way is to association between two objects (corresponding to rows and
examine the payload of network flows and then create columns). Cross associations are then defined as a set of
signatures for each application. This, however, generates two rectangular regions with different densities. The clustering
major limitations: (1) legal issues related to privacy, and (2) it goal is to summarize the underlying structure of object
is impossible to identify encrypted traffic. By observing traffic associations by decomposing the binary matrix into disjoint
on a large-scale WiFi ISP network, we found that even row and column groups such that the rectangular intersections
exploring the flow content examination method, there are still of groups are homogeneous with high or low densities.
about 40% network flows that cannot be classified into Previous association clustering algorithms need to predefine
specific applications (i.e. 40% network flows are labeled as the number of clusters (i.e. rectangles). This, however, is not
unknown applications). Investigating such a huge number of realistic in our unknown traffic classification because the
unknown traffic is inevitable since they might stand for the actual number of applications is unknown. The basis of our
abnormalities in the traffic, malicious behaviors or simply the unknown traffic classification methodology is a novel cross
identification of novel applications. association clustering algorithm that can fully estimate the
Next we first discuss the payload signatures based number of rows and columns automatically [17].
classification approach and then present the cross association During classification, the traffic consists of unknown and
clustering algorithm for classifying the unknown traffic into known flows are clustered in terms of the source IP and the
different known application communities. destination IP. A set of rectangles is generated after this stage.
We define these rectangles as communities including either a
A. Payload Signatures Based Classification set of flows or empty. Then flows in each community are
The payload signatures based classifier is to investigate the clustered in terms of destination IP and destination port.
characteristics of bit strings in the packet payload. For most Similarly, one community will be decomposed into several
applications, their initial protocol handshake steps are usually sub-communities, each represents an application community.
different and thus can be used for classification. Moreover, the After all flows are classified into different application
protocol signatures can be modeled through either public communities, we have to label each application community. A
documents like RFC or empirical analysis for deriving the simple and effective way is to label each application
distinct bit strings on both TCP and UDP traffic. The classifier community based on its content. In particular, we calculate the
is deployed on a large-scale free wireless fidelity (WiFi) number of flows for each known application in the community
network and the classification results show that about 40% and normalize the numbers into a set of probabilities ranging
flows cannot be classified by the current application payload from 0 to 1. The unknown flows in each application will be
signatures based classification method. Next, we present a assigned into a specific application according to a set of
fuzzy cross association clustering algorithm in order to probabilities. This idea is similar with the member function in
address this issue. fuzzy clustering algorithm and the experimental evaluation
proves its accuracy and efficiency. An exception for this
B. Unknown Traffic Classification
labeling method is if the dominant flow in the community is
The traditional port-based classification method is proven to the unknown flow, the whole community will be labeled as

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE. 2

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New Brunswick. Downloaded on May 18, 2009 at 11:21 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
"unknown", which has the potential of discovering new or botnet IRC cluster from normal IRC clusters. The higher the
unknown applications. value of average m over 256 ACSII characters for flows on a
cluster m, the more normal the cluster m is. This is reasonable
III. BOTNET DETECTION BASED ON IRC COMMUNITY because during normal IRC traffic, human beings behaviors is
A general aim for intrusion detection is to find various more diverse with various possibilities compared to the
attack types by modeling signatures of known intrusions malicious IRC traffic generated by bots. Given the frequency
(misuse detection) or profiles of normal behaviors (anomaly vectors for n flows as follows:
detection). Botnet detection, however, is more specific due to { < f11 , f 21 , ..., f 256
1 > , < f12 , f 22 , ..., f 256
2 > < f n , f n , ..., f n > }
1 2 256
a given application domain. N-gram bytes distribution has
Suppose j is the standard deviation of the jth ASCII over n
proven its efficiency on detecting network anomalies. In [18]
Wang et al. examined 1-gram byte distribution of the packet flows, the average standard deviation over 256 ACSII
payload, represented each packet into a 256-dimenational characters for flows can be calculated by the following
vector describing the occurrence frequency of one of the 256 formula:
ASCII characters in the payload and then constructed the
normal packet profile through calculating the statistical
= i =1
average and deviation value of normal packets to a specific 256
application service (e.g. HTTP). Anomalies will be alerted
once a Mahalanobis distance deviation of the testing data to ALGORITHM I
the normal profiles exceeds a predefined threshold. Gu et al.
improve this approach and apply it for detecting malware
infection in their recent work [19]. Function BotDel (F) returns botnet cluster
t t t
Different with previous n-gram based detection approaches, Inputs: Collection of data objects Fi =< f i ,f i ,...,f i
1 2 256 > , i = 1,2,..N
our method extends n-gram frequency into a temporal domain Initialization:
and generates a set of 256-dimentional vector representing the
temporal-frequent characteristics of the 256 ASCII binary initialize number of clusters k ( e.g. k = 2 ), cluster centers cm , 1 m k
bytes on the payload over a predefined time interval. The Repeat: q q + 1
temporal feature is important in botnets detection due to two Assign data objects to clusters by determining the closest cluster center
empirical observations of botnets behaviors: (1) the response
time of bots is usually immediate and accurate once they points. Calculate the new center point cm new for each cluster m.
receive commands from botmaster, while normal human Until: cmnew cm < th1 or q > th2
behaviors might perform an action with various possibilities Calculate standard deviation for each cluster m: 1 , 2 ,..., m
after a reasonable thinking time, and (2) bots basically have
preprogrammed activities based on botmasters commands, If b = max( 1 , 2 ,..., m ) then cluster b is labeled as botnet cluster
and thus all bots might be synchronized with each other. Return the botnet cluster b .
After obtaining the n-gram (n = 1 in this case) features for
flows over a time-window, we then apply K-means algorithm
to cluster the data objects with 256-demensional features. We 0.1 0.06

dont construct the normal profiles because normal traffic is

Average Bytes Frequency over IRC Botnet Flows



sensitive to the practical networking environment and a high

Average Bytes Frequecny over Normal IRC Flows


false positive rate might be generated when deploying the 0.05 0.03

training model on a new environment. In contrast, K-means



clustering is unsupervised and doesnt define threshold that


needs to be tuned in different cases. In our approach, the 0

0 50 100 150
Index of ASCII Characters
200 250 300
0 50 100 150 200
Index of ASCII Characters
250 300

number of initial clusters by K-means is 2.

Fig. 2 Average bytes frequency over Fig. 3 Average bytes frequency over
We denote the 256-dimensional n-gram byte distribution as 256 ASCIIs for normal IRC flows 256 ASCIIs for botnet IRC Flows
a vector < f1t i , f 2t i ,..., f 256 > , where f jt i stands for the frequency of

the jth ASCII character on the payload over a time window ti As an example, Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the average bytes
(j=1,2,,256 and i=0,1). Given a set of N data objects F ~ {Fi | frequency over the normal IRC flows and IRC botnet flows,
i=1,2,,N}, where Fi =< f1t i , f 2t i ,..., f 256
> , the detection approach respectively. The average standard deviation of bytes
is described in Algorithm I. frequency over 256 ASCII characters for normal IRC traffic is
In practice, labeling the cluster is always a challenging 0.002 and the maximal standard deviation of bytes frequency
problem when applying unsupervised algorithm for intrusion over 256 ASCII characters for normal IRC traffic is 0.05,
detection. By observing the normal IRC traffic over a long while the average standard deviation of bytes frequency over
period on a large scale WiFi ISP network and the IRC botnet 256 ASCII characters for IRC botnet traffic is 0.0009 and its
traffic collected on a honeypot, we derive a new metric, maximum is 0.01, which is much smaller than that of normal
standard deviation m for each cluster m, to differentiate IRC traffic. This observation confirms that the normal human

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE. 3

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New Brunswick. Downloaded on May 18, 2009 at 11:21 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
beings IRC traffic is more diverse than the malicious IRC
traffic generated by bots. TABLE I


We implement a prototype system for the approach and then Known Flowset Unknown Flowset
evaluate it on a large-scale WiFi ISP network over five Number Number of Number Number of
consecutive business days. The botnet IRC traffic is collected of Flows Applications of Flows Applications
on a honeypot deployed on a real network and is then 176484 38 39408 11
aggregated into 243 flows. The time interval for flow
aggregation is 1 minute. When evaluating the prototype TABLE II
system, we randomly insert and replay botnet traffic flows on
the normal daily traffic. Since our approach is a two-stage
Flows Total Known Total Known
process (i.e. unknown traffic classification first and botnet Days Flows Flows IRC Flows IRC Flows
detection on IRC application community next), the evaluation 1 35409K 23724K 606 363
is accordingly divided into two parts: (1) the performance 2 29538K 18313K 569 326
testing for unknown traffic classification, not only focusing on 3 35272K 22574K 253 10
4 32693K 20596K 264 21
the capability of our approach to classify the unknown IRC 5 33751K 20926K 287 44
traffic, we also concentrate on the classification accuracy for
other unknown applications (e.g. new P2P) since we expect
Table III lists the DR and FAR for all the five days
the algorithm could be extended to detect various types of
detection and accordingly Table IV lists the average standard
botnet, like Web based and P2P based botnets; (2) the
deviation over the 256 characters of the payload collected on
performance evaluation for system to discriminate malicious
the network for each cluster.
IRC bonnet traffic from normal human being IRC traffic.
A. Evaluation on Unknown Traffic Classification TABLE III
Evaluating the unknown traffic classification capability is
not an easy task in reality since we have no idea on the novel
Performance Metrics
or recent appeared applications and it always needs the Days
DR (%) FAR (%)
intervention of network experts. During our experiment, we 1 100.0 8.9
randomly choose part of known traffic and then force to label 2 100.0 6.8
them as unknown. The selection for the number of all these 3 77.8 3.1
4 100.0 1.6
label free traffic is decided according to the 40% rule. The 5 100.0 5.0
final unknown traffic set is composed by the forcibly labeled
known traffic and the 243 botnet IRC flows. Over five days TABLE IV
evaluation, we found that all the botnet flows can be STANDARD DEVIATION OF BYTES FREQUENCY OVER 256 ASCIIS
accurately classified into the IRC application community (i.e.
100% classification rate for IRC traffic). However, the general
classification accuracy over all applications is about 85% Average
Normal Botnet
which is not that high compared to the specific IRC Clusters Clusters
application. The general classification accuracy is an average 1 0.0015 0.0005
value over all application classification since the approach has 2 0.0029 0.0017
3 0.0015 0.0006
different classification rate for different application 4 0.0013 0.0005
communities. Table I is a description about known application 5 0.0015 0.0006
set and the unknown application set over one hour, e.g. how
many known applications the flows belong to, etc. From Table II, we see that the total number of flows we
B. Evaluation on Discriminating Botnet from Normal IRC collect for one day is over 30M and the total number of known
flows which can be labeled by the payload signatures is over
The proposed approach is evaluated with five full
20M. The number of IRC flows over the five consecutive day
consecutive days traffic. Table II shows the flow distribution
is from 200 to 600, which is a very small part of the total
for IRC application community and the total flow community
flows. Our traffic classification approach can classify the
for each day after the traffic classification step. Two metrics
unknown IRC flows to the IRC application community with a
are used to evaluate the performance of discriminating botnet
100% classification rate on the five days evaluation. The
traffic from normal IRC traffic, namely Detection Rate (DR)
detection rate for differentiating bot IRC traffic from normal
and False Alarm Rate (FAR). DR is the ratio of number of
human beings IRC traffic is 100% on four days testing, while
botnet flows detected over total number of botnet flows and
an exception happens on the 3rd days testing on which our
FAR is the ratio of number of false botnet alarms over the
approach obtained a 77.8% detection rate with a 3.1% false
total number of alarms.
alarm rate. The best evaluation over the five days testing is a

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE. 4

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New Brunswick. Downloaded on May 18, 2009 at 11:21 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
100% detection rate with only 1.6% false alarm rate. 6th ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet measurement, pp. 41-52,
October 2006.
Moreover, evaluation results from Table IV indicate that the [4] P. Baecher, M. Koetter, T. Holz, M. Dornseif, and F. Freiling, "The
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analysis," Botnet Detection: Countering the Largest Security Threat, in
In this paper we attempt to conduct a taxonomy on all Series: Advances in Information Security , Vol. 36, W.K.Lee, C. Wang,
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approaches have the potential to find different types of detection and characterization," Proceedings of the 1st Conference on 1st
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only focus on differentiating malicious IRC traffic from 2007.
[9] J. R. Binkley and S. Singh, "An algorithm for anomaly-based botnet
normal IRC traffic, which is considered as its biggest detection," USENIX SRUTI: 2nd Workshop on Steps to Reducing
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT "BotHunter: detecting malware infection through IDS-Driven dialog
correlation," Proceedings of the 16th USENIX Security Symposium,
The authors graciously acknowledge the funding from the Boston, MA, August 2007.
Atlantic Canada Opportunity Agency (ACOA) through the [20] P. Wang, S. Sparks, and C. Zou "An advanced hybrid peer-to-peer
botnet," Proceedings of the 1st conference on 1st Workshop on Hot
Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF) to Dr. Ghorbani. Topics in Understanding Botnets, Cambridge, MA, 2007.
[21] C. Zou and R. Cunningham, "Honeypot-aware advanced botnet
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approach to understanding the botnet phenomenon, " Proceedings of the

978-1-4244-2324-8/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE. 5

This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE "GLOBECOM" 2008 proceedings.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of New Brunswick. Downloaded on May 18, 2009 at 11:21 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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