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ACQ Acquire)

ADD Add)
ANDxx And)
BEGSR Beginning of Subroutine)
BITOF Set Bits Off)
BITON Set Bits On)
CABxx Compare and Branch)
CALL Call a Program)
CASxx Conditionally Invoke Subroutine)
CAT Concatenate Two Character Strings)
CHAIN Random Retrieval from a File)
CHECK Check Characters)
CHEKR Check Reverse)
CLEAR Clear)
CLOSE Close Files)
COMIT Commit)
COMP Compare)
DEBUG Debug Function)
DEFN Field Definition)
DELET Delete Record)
DIV Divide)
DO Do)
DOUxx Do Until)
DOWxx Do While)
DSPLY Display Function)
DUMP Program Dump)
ELSE Else)
ENDyy End a Group)
ENDSR End of Subroutine)
EXCPT Calculation Time Output)
EXFMT Write/Then Read Format)
EXSR Invoke Subroutine)
FEOD Force End of Data)
FORCE Force a Certain File to Be Read Next Cycle)
FREE Deactivate a Program)
IFxx If)
IN Retrieve a Data Area)
ITER Iterate)
KFLD Define Parts of a Key)
KLIST Define a Composite Key)
LEAVE Leave a Do Group)
LOKUP Look Up)
MHHZO Move High to High Zone)
MHLZO Move High to Low Zone)
MLHZO Move Low to High Zone)
MLLZO Move Low to Low Zone)
MOVE Move)
MOVEA Move Array)
MOVEL Move Left)
MULT Multiply)
MVR Move Remainder)
NEXT Next)
OCUR Set/Get Occurrence of a Data Structure)
OPEN Open File for Processing)
ORxx Or)
OTHER Otherwise Select)
OUT Write a Data Area)
PARM Identify Parameters)
PLIST Identify a Parameter List)
POST Post)
READ Read a Record)
READC Read Next Changed Record)
READE Read Equal Key)
READP Read Prior Record)
REDPE Read Prior Equal)
REL Release)
RESET Reset)
RETRN Return to Caller)
ROLBK Roll Back)
SCAN Scan Character String)
SELEC Begin a Select Group)
SETGT Set Greater Than)
SETLL Set Lower Limit)
SETOF Set Off)
SHTDN Shut Down)
SORTA Sort an Array)
SQRT Square Root)
SUB Subtract)
SUBST Substring)
TAG Tag)
TESTB Test Bit)
TESTN Test Numeric)
TESTZ Test Zone)
TIME Time of Day)
UNLCK Unlock a Data Area or Release a Record)
UPDAT Modify Existing Record)
WHxx When True Then Select)
WRITE Create New Records)
XFOOT Summing the Elements of an Array)
XLATE Translate)
Z-ADD Zero and Add)
Z-SUB Zero and Subtract)

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