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Date: July 16, 2017

To: Corey Dressel

Instructor of Technical Reporting
Western Technical College

From: Tou Sai Xiong

123 College Avenue
La Crosse, WI 54601
Subject: Progress Report For Types Of Communication In Health Information Technology

This is a progress report on my study of how the types of technical communication are used in
the career field of Health Information Technology.

In this report, in order to communicate effectively, I have found that there are types of
technical communication that need to be followed in Health Information Technology. I
interviewed Susan Summerfield and we talked about Electronic Medical Records, how to
improve equality, evaluation, rules, regulations, and reporting data.

In our conversation, we went over problems that may arise and how a Health Information Tech
will have to deal with the issues. Some ways to deal with the issues that arise in some of the
topics are charting in a timely manner, avoiding medication errors, be open and flexible, and for
bosses to evaluate their employees equally and fairly.

In conclusion, communication is not simple, but may be effectively carried out if the Health
Information Tech worker follows the procedures mentioned and steps to avoid the issues. The
following sections in the report will entail details about the methods, problem, and conclusion.
Table of Content

Abstract___________________________________________________ i

Introduction_______________________________________________ 1

Problems__________________________________________________ 1

Methods__________________________________________________ 1

Results___________________________________________________ 2

Conclusion________________________________________________ 2

Communication is a huge factor in Health Information Technology. Some of the communication

factors talked about were Electronic Medical Records, how to improve equality, evaluation,
rules, regulations, and reporting data. These contribute to communication because a Health
information tech could communicate wrongly if he/she were to not chart in a timely manner,
reporting wrong information due to being given wrong information, and medication errors.
Communicating with other people through data collection and report is not an easy task, but it
may be carried out effectively if the Health Information Technologist carefully looks over the
data that is collected and given.

In order to communicate effectively, I have found that there are types of technical
communication that need to be followed in Health Information Technology. I interviewed Susan
Summerfield (Instructor of Health Information Technology) and we talked about Electronic
Medical Records, how to improve equality, evaluation, rules, regulations, and reporting data. In
order to keep these methods from being miscommunicated, The Health Information
Technologist will have to keep from making medication errors, chart in a timely manner, be
open and flexible to changes of rules and regulations, and those that are bosses will have to
evaluate their employees equally and fairly.

In a 30-minute interview with Susan Summerfield, an instructor of the Health Information
Technology Program at Western Technical College, we spoke about the types of technical
communication that a Health Information Technologist uses in the career field.

Problems arise all the time in the health field. Some problems that arise in miscommunication
of the health field of Health Information Technology are Electronic Medical Records, how to
improve equality, evaluation, rules, regulations, and reporting data. Below, I will explain how
these types of communication in Health Information Technology may cause miscommunication
in technical communication.
i. Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
a. Data collected on patients that are assigned to the tech may be
communicated wrongly if the technologist does not draw up correct
information on the EMR for the other health care workers. A health
information Technologist may also draw up wrong conclusions on the
resident, if information on an EMR already generated is wrong and the
Technologist does not double check the information. Only quality care is
given to patients, when the Health Information Technologist retrieves and
gives correct data.
b. Data should be charted in a timely manner to also avoid miscommunication.
ii. Improving Equality
a. Equality may be improved when Medication errors are reduced. Less patients
will be hurt and quality care is again, received.
iii. Rules, regulations, and Reports
a. State mandates rules and regulations for each health care facility and every
facility interprets the rules into their own words. Rules and Regulations
change all the time and the Health Information Technologist has to be open
and flexible to changes when they happen, even if they are not informed of
changes happening
Problem, Cont.
iv. Evaluation
a. Bosses will have to evaluate employees fairly to avoid upset employees.

The types of Technical communication in Health Information are Electronic Medical Records,
how to improve equality, evaluation, rules, regulations, and reporting data. These are types of
communication because they can be miscommunicated through data collection and data
production by having the wrong information on the data. Health information Technologists also
have to work in a timely manner and be open/flexible, so that miscommunication can be
avoided to give quality care to the patients that they work with.
I have also discovered that Health Information Technologists should keep up with technology
because according to Susan Summerfield, paper is not being used as much and most data is
being sent and received via electronics. Keeping up with technology is also an important way of
technical communication because it is always upgrading and not being updated with new
software may result in incompletion of work.

I have found that there are types of technical communication that need to be followed in
Health Information Technology career. In an interview with Susan Summerfield, we talked
about Electronic Medical Records, how to improve equality, evaluation, rules, regulations, and
reporting data.

Secondly, we went over problems that may arise and how a Health Information Tech will have
to deal with the issues. Some ways to deal with the issues that arise in some of the topics are
charting in a timely manner, avoiding medication errors, be open and flexible, and for bosses to
evaluate their employees equally and fairly.

In conclusion, communication may be carried out effectively if the Health Information Tech
worker follows the procedures mentioned and steps to avoid the issues. If miscommunication is
given and received, quality care will not be given to patients seen by the Health Information
Technologist. Technical Communication will only be achieved when there is no error in
communication via data collection and report.


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