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Channels are our life force. Theyre what carry energy from one center to another. Unlike
centers, in which the expression of energy or information is general, a channel is a more
specific expression of the energy and information of the 2 centers it runs between. For
example, in the picture below, a channel runs between the G center (the center of
direction) and the Ego center (the center of willpower). Someone with this channel in their
design is someone whose direction in life is empowered by their will. The result is
someone who is able to leap in front of others and be the first to do something. Its part of
individual circuitry which is about empowerment. This channel empowers competitive drive
in others. Its called The Channel of Initiation and it connects gates 25 and 51.


Each channel is part of a different circuit (shown below on left). The 3 types of circuitry are
Tribal, Individual, and Collective. Then there are 4 channels that are not part of any circuitry
called Integration Channels (shown below on right). Click on the pictures to enlarge them
(All circuitry and channels have been color-coded for the purpose of this post.)

Tribal Circuitry:

Ego Circuit (red)

Defense Circuit (orange)

Individual Circuitry:

Knowing Circuit (yellow)

Centering Circuit (green)
Collective Circuitry:

Understanding Circuit (blue)

Sensing Circuit (purple)

Integration Channels (light blue, olive, lavender and pink, in the diagram on the right)

Tribal - Channels of this group of circuitry give us the ability to survive the material plane.
This is something we cant do on our own. We need support from our tribe (family, people
at work, etc). Support is the keynote for tribal circuitry. In order for tribal channels to
work properly, they must be supported and support in return. Tribal Circuitry breaks down
into 2 circuits:

Ego Circuit - Channels in the Ego Circuit are an expression of the energy that allows
us to support and be supported by our tribe both emotionally and in terms of
monetary compensation and other physical resources.
Defense Circuit - This is considered a minor circuit because its only 2 channels.
Unlike the Ego Circuit, the Defense Circuit has to do more with the biological
functions of the tribe like producing offspring (Channel of Mating) and ensuring their
survival (Channel of Preservation).

Individual - Channels of this circuit group carry a good deal of creativity and give us the
ability to bring something new and different into the world. They operate with random
pulses which are what bring this creativity. In between these pulses, we experience
periods of downtime which manifests in us as a feeling we call meloncholy. This
meloncholy can sometimes feel uncomfortable, but If we allow ourselves to be with the
meloncholy rather than try to escape it, we can tap in to the next pulse of creativity, which
can inspire, empower, and even mutate (change) others. Empowerment is the keynote for
Individual Circuitry. It also breaks down into 2 circuits:

Knowing Circuit - These channels carry meloncholic periods punctuated by pulses of

sudden knowing and creativity. Verbalizing this knowing is not easy for the Knowing
channels, but being able to do so can result in empowering others with a completely
new approach to something.
Centering Circuit - This is another minor circuit. These are slightly more seflish than
the Knowing channels, but with good reason. This self-centeredness empowers
others to love and stand up for themselves.

Collective - Unlike Tribal channels which are focused on a small, tight-knit group of people
and are not concerned with time, or Individual channels which are focused on being alone
and in the present moment, Collective channels are focused on all of humanity all
throughout time and whats beneficial for the largest group of people possible. Its goal is to
gain a clearer perception of where humanity has been and where its going in order to
share the information with others and provide safety and predictability. Sharing is the
keynote of Collective Circuitry. Its 2 circuits are both major. They are:

Understanding Circuit - Also known as the Logic Circuit, this is an expression of

energy in us that is focused on the future and gaining a clearer perception of where
humanity is going. It does this by noticing patterns, experimenting with these
patterns and sharing the results with others so they can get a better idea of what
might happen next.
Sensing Circuit - Also known as the Abstract Circuit, this is an expression of energy
in us that is focused on the past and gaining a clearer perception of where humanity
has been. It does this by having and collecting experiences, trying to make sense
out of them, and sharing them with others.

Integration Channels - These 4 channels are not part of any type of circuitry. They are
most similar to Individual channels in that they are made up of 4 gates that are part of
Individual Circuitry. However, unlike the Individual channels which want to be understood so
they can empower others, the Integration Channels are not interested in being understood
and only wish to empower the self. Self-empowerment is the keynote for Integration. They
are the most selfish channels we have. This selfishness is the basis for human survival.

Channel Type Construct

Theres another way to classify channels and thats by Channel Type Construct.
Examples of it are shown below.

Generating Channels (red)

Manifesting Generating Channel (orange)

Manifesting Channels (yellow)

Projected Channels (green)

Generating Channels are expressions of energy in us that require something external to

respond to. Generating channels define the Sacral, thus only a Generator (or Manifesting
Generator) will have one of these channels. There are 10 of them.

The Manifesting Generating Channel is an expression of energy in us that can bring

something into form but only once it responds to something external first. There is only
one of these channels and only a Manifesting Generator will have it.

Manifesting Channels are expressions of energy in us that dont need anything to respond
to. Theyre ready to bring things into form on their own. Manifesting Channels directly
connect a motor (Ego or Solar Plexus) to the Throat. If your design contains Manifesting
Channels, youre either a Manifestor (if your sacral is undefined) or a Manifesting Generator
(if your Sacral is defined). There are only 3 of them.

Projected Channels are expressions of energy in us that need to be recognized by others

and invited. Any type except Reflectors can have one of these channels, but if your design
contains only Projected Channels, you will either be a Projector (if none of them connect
any motors to the Throat) or a Manifestor (if they connect a motor to the Throat in some
way). There are 22 of these.

Below is a brief description of each channel. When reading the part about what centers the
channel runs between, refer to this diagram if you forget the names of the centers:
1-8 The Channel of Inspiration: A design of a creative role model.

Centers it connects: G and Throat

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Inspiring others by voicing ones uniqueness.

2-14 The Channel of the Beat: A design of a keeper of keys.

Centers it connects: Sacral and G

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Inspiring others by being the one who knows the way.

3-60 The Channel of Mutation: A design of energy which fluctuates and initiates; pulse.

Centers it connects: Root and Sacral

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Responding to, and performing, tasks that are new and inspiring.

4-63 The Channel of Logic: A design of mental ease mixed with doubt.
Centers it connects: Head and Ajna
Circuitry: Collective (Understanding)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Thinking logically and having the ability to answer ones own

5-15 The Channel of Rhythm: A design of being in the flow.

Centers it connects: Sacral and G

Circuitry: Collective (Understanding)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Being able to live out a pattern, such as a routine, that, by example,
leads others to a safe future.

6-59 The Channel of Mating: A design focused on reproduction.

Centers it connects: Sacral and Solar Plexus

Circuitry: Tribal (Defense)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Seeking emotionally and physically intimate relationships that will
lead to the creation of new life. Its also about creativity in general.

7-31 The Channel of the Alpha: A design of leadership for good or bad.

Centers it connects: G and Throat

Circuitry: Collective (Understanding)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being able to predict what will happen by seeing patterns and trends
and then being able to articulate them in order to lead others to a safe future.

8-1 See 1-8

9-52 The Channel of Concentration: A design of determination.

Centers it connects: Root and Sacral

Circuitry: Collective (Understanding)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Responding to, and performing, tasks that require deep focus and

10-20 The Channel of Awakening: A design of a commitment to higher principles.

Centers it connects: G and Throat

Circuitry: None (Integration)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Voicing who one is for ones own self-empowerment.

10-34 The Channel of Exploration: A design of following ones convictions.

Centers it connects: Sacral and G

Circuitry: Individual (Centering)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Being oneself and doing what one loves to do.

10-57 The Channel of Perfected Form: A design of survival.

Centers it connects: Spleen and G

Circuitry: None (Integration)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being directed through life by intuition and physical well-being.

11-56 The Channel of Curiosity: A design of a searcher.

Centers it connects: Ajna and Throat

Circuitry: Collective (Sensing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Sharing ideas and beliefs and telling stories based on ones

12-22 The Channel of Openness: A design of a social being.

Centers it connects: Solar Plexus and Throat

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Manifesting
What its about: Inspiring and having an emotional impact on others with speech,
poetry, or song.

13-33 The Channel of the Prodigal: A design of a witness.

Centers it connects: G and Throat

Circuitry: Collective (Sensing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Sharing ones own unique experiences such that others can learn
from them.

14-2 See 2-14

15-5 See 5-15

16-48 The Channel of Wavelength: A design of talent.

Centers it connects: Spleen and Throat

Circuitry: Collective (Understanding)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Having the potential to repetitively practice a skill and experiment
with it.

17-62 The Channel of Acceptance: A design of an organizational being.

Centers it connects: Ajna and Throat

Circuitry: Collective (Understanding)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being able to share ones opinions, particularly with regard to the
way things should be organized.

18-58 The Channel of Judgment: A design of insatiability.

Centers it connects: Root and Spleen
Circuitry: Collective (Understanding)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Having an insatiable need to improve upon that which needs

19-49 The Channel of Synthesis: A design of sensitivity.

Centers it connects: Root and Solar Plexus

Circuitry: Tribal (Ego)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being sensitive to the needs of others and providing them with the
resources they need.

20-10: See 10-20

20-34 The Channel of Charisma: A design where thoughts must become deeds.

Centers it connects: Sacral and Throat

Circuitry: None (Integration)
Type construct: Manifesting Generating
What its about: Having the energy to be consistently busy.

20-57 The Channel of the Brainwave: A design of penetrating awareness.

Centers it connects: Spleen and Throat

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being able to vocalize intuition so as to inspire others. Particularly
handy for the purposes of survival.

21-45 The Channel of Money: A design of a materialist.

Centers it connects: Ego and Throat

Circuitry: Tribal (Ego)
Type construct: Manifesting
What its about: Being driven by willpower to accumulate material resources and
educating others about how to use them.

22-12 See 12-22

23-43 The Channel of Structuring: A design of individuality.

Centers it connects: Ajna and Throat

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being able to vocalize sudden individual insights that inspire others.

24-61 The Channel of Awareness: A design of a thinker.

Centers it connects: Head and Ajna

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Pondering lifes mysteries. The answers come to the thinker in a
sudden and unexpected way.

25-51 The Channel of Initiation: A design of needing to be first.

Centers it connects: Ego and G

Circuitry: Individual (Centering)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being centered on oneself in order to be the first and inspire
competitive drive in others.

26-44 The Channel of Surrender: A design of a transmitter.

Centers it connects: Spleen and Ego

Circuitry: Tribal (Ego)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Having the ability to sell something, like a product or an idea.
27-50 The Channel of Preservation: A design of custodianship.

Centers it connects: Sacral and Spleen

Circuitry: Tribal (Defense)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Taking care of beings that are not yet able to take care of

28-38 The Channel of Struggle: A design of stubbornness.

Centers it connects: Root and Spleen

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Looking for purpose in life, challenging oneself, and taking risks.

29-46 The Channel of Discovery: A design of succeeding where others fail.

Centers it connects: Sacral and G

Circuitry: Collective (Sensing)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Being deeply committed to an experience.

30-41 The Channel of Recognition: A design of focused energy.

Centers it connects: Root and Solar Plexus

Circuitry: Collective (Sensing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Having a deep desire for new experiences.

31-7 See 7-31

32-54 The Channel of Transformation: A design of being driven.

Centers it connects: Root and Spleen

Circuitry: Tribal (Ego)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being ambitious and looking to climb the ladder.

33-13 See 13-33

34-10 See 10-34

34-20 See 20-34

34-57 The Channel of Power: A design of an archetype.

Centers it connects: Sacral and Spleen

Circuitry: None (Integration)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Being able to survive just about anything that life throws at you.

35-36 The Channel of Transitoriness: A design of a Jack of all trades.

Centers it connects: Solar Plexus and Throat

Circuitry: Collective (Sensing)
Type construct: Manifesting
What its about: Trying almost anything just for the experience.

36-35 See 35-36

37-40 The Channel of Community: A design of a part seeking a whole.

Centers it connects: Solar Plexus and Ego
Circuitry: Tribal (Ego)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being committed to helping ones tribe (community, family, etc)
by supporting them and being supported emotionally.

38-28 See 28-38

39-55 The Channel of Emoting: A design of moodiness.

Centers it connects: Root and Solar Plexus

Circuitry: Individual (Knowing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Being creatively inspired by strong, sudden emotional ups and
downs and using it to inspire others.

40-37 See 37-40

41-30 See 30-41

42-53 The Channel of Maturation: A design of balanced development.

Centers it connects: Root and Sacral

Circuitry: Collective (Sensing)
Type construct: Generating
What its about: Responding to, and performing, tasks that are progressive (having a
beginning, middle, and an end).

43-23 See 23-43

44-26 See 26-44

45-21 See 21-45

46-29 See 29-46

47-64 The Channel of Abstraction: A design of mental activity mixed with clarity.

Centers it connects: Head and Ajna

Circuitry: Collective (Sensing)
Type construct: Projected
What its about: Thinking abstractly and attempting to make sense out of the images
in ones head for the purposes of creative story-telling.

48-16 See 16-48

49-19 See 19-49

50-27 See 27-50

51-25 See 25-51

52-9 See 9-52

53-42 See 42-53

54-32 See 32-54

55-39 See 39-55

56-11 See 11-56

57-10 See 10-57

57-20 See 20-57

57-34 See 34-57

58-18 See 18-58

59-6 See 6-59

60-3 See 3-60

61-24 See 24-61

62-17 See 17-62

63-4 See 4-63

64-47 See 47-64

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