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His Excellency Mr.

Kim Jong-un ID: LFG-2017-0009

Supreme Leader, Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea


Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Sent via: Mail

August 16th, 2017

Re: Recent Events and Policy Issues

His Excellency Mr. Kim Jong-un,

It appears as if the United Nations Security Council has issued new sanctions against the
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea at the request of the United States of America. Countries on the
United Nations Security Council voted in favor as to the new imposed sanctions in which have included
the Peoples Republic of China. I disagree with the primary purpose as to the sanctions being issued
against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea by the United Nations Security Council. It also is no
secret and has been reported by the media that Untied States Secretary of State Mr. Rex Tillerson
believes that the new sanctions will serve as peaceful pressure to bring Kims government to
negotiations.1 I absolutely do not agree as with his views in this case as from a foreign policy
perspective. The Peoples Republic of China has recently stated through a representative that sanctions
against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea was the right response as to a series of missile tests.2
I disagree as with their foreign policy standpoint as to this issue.3

The recent hostility shown by both the United States and the Democratic Peoples Republic of
Korea towards one another is extremely concerning. It is no secret that President Donald Trump has
made a statement that the United States will bring fire and fury to the Democratic Peoples Republic
of Korea while it has been reported that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is coming up with a
plan to shoot a ballistic missile into the waters near the Island of Guam, a territory of the United States
of America. When looking at these incidents, let us first look at the statement from Democratic Peoples
Republic of Korea and then into the actions of the United States as far as this conflict is concerned.

It has been reported that the government of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is
considering a plan as to firing a ballistic missile into the waters near the Island of Guam and that is
extremely concerning.4 That is because if the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea does so and if the

It should be noted that other sovereign countries that engage in missile testing include but are not limited to the
United States of America, the Russian Federation, the Peoples Republic of China, and the Republic of India.
The ballistic missile testing is being done in the sovereign territory of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
Just like Ukraine, the Democratic peoples Republic of Korea is a sovereign country. I believe that if the United
States and South Korea truly wanted the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to stop their ballistic missile
testing, that the United States and South Korea need to end their joint war games that occur every year along the
border of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
The Island of Guam is a territory of the United States of America.

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missile or missiles are miscalculated and hit the Island of Guam, I strongly believe that the United States
would consider that to be an act of war and I believe that the United States would then either officially
declare war through Congress or that they would enter into an armed conflict by, through and under the
authority of the President of the United States of America.5

A plan from the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea as to firing a ballistic missile into the
waters near the Island of Guam came after the United Nations Security Council imposed harsh sanctions
against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea for testing ballistic missiles in their sovereign territory
and not for a cause that involves humanitarian purposes.6 While I do strongly believe that the United
Nations Security Council should be focusing on issues that involve atrocities and referring them to the
International Criminal Court instead of just making it their mission to mostly remain deliberately
indifferent as for political purposes, I am concerned as to this issue.7 That is because the people of the
Island of Guam are not policy makers of the United States and are not involved in negotiations between
the United States and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. A lot of citizens of the United States
would think that the United States entering an armed conflict or war against the Democratic Peoples
Republic of Korea would be stupid, unnecessary and a waste as to the money of the taxpayer.8

As far as the conflict in the Korean Peninsula is concerned, I would also like to say that the
United States and South Korea are not innocent.9 It is no secret and it has been recently reported

Contrary to popular belief, the President of the United States does not have the legal authority as to declaring
war on another country. That is because the Congress of the United States holds that power as to declaring war.
The President of the United States cannot declare war on another country without the approval on Congress. For
instance, many individuals believe that in the past that the United States declared war with Vietnam. That is
incorrect because the Congress back then issued no war declaration against Vietnam. While the United States past
conflict with Vietnam may look like a war, from a legal standpoint it was considered an armed conflict due to the
then Congress never approving a declaration of war against Vietnam.
One can argue that the United Nations Security Council needs major change because it appears as if the United
Nations Security Council takes on cases for political purposes and not for humanitarian purposes. They have
completely overlooked the situation in Syria as an example.
As from a foreign policy perspective, I do not care about the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea launching
ballistic missiles in their sovereign territory, as long as the missiles are not being flown into South Korea or other
countries. It would be extremely unwise as for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to launch a ballistic
missile into a foreign country because that would certainly start a war and the advisories of your country would
use that to justify themselves entering into a war with your country.
Many citizens of the United States would find going to war with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to be
extremely stupid, unnecessary and a waste of the money of the taxpayers. That is because the funds that would be
made as to going towards an armed conflict or a war with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea would better
be used here domestically as to helping stop and prevent poverty, helping veterans, making young adults
successful individuals and helping individuals that may be associated as being in vulnerable communities.
South Korea engages in activities as to a similar nature of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, however
their activities are not widely condemned, as are the Norths. The United Nations Security Council has failed to sure
that all sides are promoting peace. Instead the United Nations Security Council appear as to be just sanctioning the
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, mostly for non-humanitarian purposes, when completely overlooking the
joint military drills along the border of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea by the United States and South
Korea. I believe that the joint military drills are a primary cause as to the conflict in the Korean Peninsula. It is
extremely concerning that the United Nations Security Council is more interested in the ballistic missile testing by
the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea while being deliberately indifferent as to the situation in Iraq and in
Syria. The United Nations Security Council also took no action as to the past situation in The Gambia with regards
to Former President Yahya Jammeh and his involvement in atrocities in The Gambia.

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through the media that President Donald J. Trump10 stated that he was going to give the Democratic
Peoples Republic of Korea fire, fury and power like the world have never seen. As you also already
know, the United States and South Korea engages in joint war games near the border of the Democratic
Peoples Republic of Korea every year. These joint war games are extremely stupid, unnecessary and just
causes conflicts. These war games need to stop immediately by the United States and South Korea.
Peace would be more of a reality if the joint war games or the joint military drills were to stop.

Since it appears as if some countries in our world are extremely offended and even concerned11
by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea testing ballistic missiles in their sovereign country, I think
that it would be more beneficial for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to instead get more
involved in international forms such as at the United Nations. I also think that it would be beneficial for
the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to instead of launching these ballistic missiles to send troops
to countries, with the permission of that country of course, that are having some type of atrocity as for
the purpose as to helping stop the atrocity as from occurring. For instance, in Iraq and Syria, extremist
groups have and are currently committing a countless number of disgusting atrocities against the
people. The leaders of the extremist groups are not being prosecuted as for their crimes when they
need to be. I think that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea needs to get involved by prosecuting
individuals that are involved in atrocities through the legal system and maybe even give them a free ride
to the International Criminal Court as a courtesy of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.

Back to the issue as to peace with South Korea, as I have partially stated in one of my past
letters to you, I think that regardless as to any past issues that the Democratic Peoples Republic of
Korea had with South Korea, I think that now would be a good time to engage in peace talks with South
Korea that is in a fair way.12 I strongly believe that peace talks would be more effective as to being done
in countries that remain neutral when conflicts occur between countries. With regards to peace talks, I
think that it would be great to see both H.E Mr. Kim Jong-un and H.E Mr. Moon Jae-in travel on a plane
together to countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, or the Netherlands as for the purpose as to
having peace talks that are in a non-hostile and that are in fair way. If this occurs then I would
respectfully request that all parties engage in peace talks that are not in a demanding or that are in a
degrading way.

As part of terms as far as peace talks are concerned, I strongly believe that the terms of peace
should include the United States and South Korea immediately stopping the joint war games along the

President Donald J Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America and is the Commander in Chief of
the armed forces of the United States. While I personally did not vote for him in this past presidential election,
since he is the President of the United States, he does to be treated with dignity and respect. This does not mean
that I must agree as with all of his political views or political actions.
The United States is concerned over the ballistic missile testing in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
because some officials have claimed that the ballistic missiles would be launched against the United States. It is no
secret that the United States has one of the worlds largest military budgets. The United States spends hundreds of
billions of dollars on its military. Therefore, I am pretty sure that the United States would be able to defend itself
against a ballistic missile launch from another country. I absolutely doubt that the Democratic Peoples Republic of
Korea would be the first country to engage in that type of an act of war because that would be extremely unwise
as for your country to do so. The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea has stated that you all want to continue
your ballistic missile testing to protect your country from advisories of your country.
It would be unfair for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to have peace talks in a country that is only an
ally to the South or for South Korea to have peace talks in a country that is only an ally to the North.

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border of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and for some sanctions to be eased in exchange for
the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea entering into a sole executive agreement or a treaty with the
United States or South Korea and re-establishing an official diplomatic channel with the United States.13
The negotiations would be unfair if they would only force the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to
change while not changing any policy or actions of both the United States or South Korea.

I absolutely hope that the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, the United States of America
and South Korea end hostility and just peacefully coexist. I think that we all just need to be friends and I
do not understand why all of us cannot just do that. I personally do not want to be in a world war three
and I surely hope that the United States, South Korea and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea will
work as to making sure that does not happen. A lot of wars and armed conflicts could be prevented in
our world if representatives of countries just talked peacefully instead of just hiding behind their
political pride or trying to force one side to do something while not expecting to change anything as far
as their actions or conduct is concerned.

I believe that an armed conflict and even a war in the Korean Peninsula can be avoided. This will
be possible if the United States and South Korea ended their joint war games along the border of the
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. After that stopes, then I think that peace will be achievable. If
the United States and South Korea continue to act as if they have an unalienable right to make demands
without changing any part as to their policy, they are then greatly mistaken. That is because this type of
demanding entitlement foreign policy has not caused peace in the Korean Peninsula and will just cause
countries to want to press their finger on the red button. In conclusion and as a handsome young citizen
of the United States, I do not want my country to be involved in a war or an armed conflict with the
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, especially when those funds that the United States would use
could be used here domestically as to helping make homeless individuals successful individuals, helping
veterans, fighting poverty, educating indigent individuals that do not have access as to the same
resources that affluent individuals have, and helping make young individuals successful adults.


Isaiah X. Smith Isaiah Smith Campaign

P.O Box 163411

Fort Worth, Texas, 76161

The President of the United States of America cannot establish a treaty with a foreign government without the
consent of Congress. That is because according to American Constitutional Law, a treaty with a foreign government
requires advice and the consent of two-thirds of the Senate. The President of the United States can enter into a
sole executive agreement with a foreign government. Sole executive agreements have been used for a very long
time by past Presidents of the United States. For example, a common sole executive agreement that the President
of the United States can enter into is a Status of Forces Agreement. Those sole executive agreements govern the
treatment and the disposition of the United States Armed Forces that are deployed in foreign countries.

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