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Classical mechanics Model Paper

Section A

Note: Answer any two questions; each question carries 5 marks (2 x 5 = 10)

1)(a) Write a note on holonomic and non-holonomic constraints with examples of each
(b) Explain virtual work.
(c) Derive Lagranges equation of motion.

2)(a) Compare Newtonian, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation and discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of each
(b) State and explain the principle of least action.
(c) Obtain Hamiltons equation of motion from variational principle.

3)(a) State and explain Virial theorem.

(b)prove that J x , Py pz
(c) Obtain Hamilton-Jacobi equations.

4)(a) What are configuration space and phase space

(b) A horizontal circular platform mutes with a constant angular velocity directed
vertically upwards. A person seated at the center shoots a bullet of mass m horizontally
with speed v. The acceleration of the bullet, in the reference frame of the shooter, is

(c) Obtain the normal modes of vibration of a linear triatomic molecule.

Section B

Note: Answer any three questions; each question carries 10 marks (3 x 10 = 30)

5) (a) A planet of mass m moves in the inverse square central force field of the Sun of
mass M. If the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the orbit are a and b , respectively,
then calculate the total energy of the planet.

(b) For a diatomic molecule consisting of masses m1 and m2 connected by a spring of

force constant k vibrating along the line joining the masses, determine the normal
frequencies and normal co-ordinates.

6) (a) Find the Lagrangian and equation of motion for a bead slides on a wire with the
shape of cycloid, described by equations x a sin and y a 1 y cos here
0 2 .

(b) Obtain the Lagranges equations for small oscillations of a system of two coupled
oscillators in the neighborhood of stable equilibrium. Obtain the normal modes and the
normal co-ordinates.

7) (a) Using Hamiltons equations, show that the angular momentum is conserved in a
central force problem.

(b) Derive Hamilton Jacobi equation. Solve the problem of Harmonic oscillator by
Hamilton-Jacobi method.

8)(a) How does the short wavelength limit of Schrodinger equation leads to Hamilton-
Jacobi equation?

(b) Derive the equation for the orbit of a particle moving under the influence of an
inverse square central force field.

9) (a) Using Poisson brackets, check whether the transformation defined by

q 2 P sin Q , p 2 P cos Q is canonical

(b) Consider a one dimensional system with Hamiltonian given by

H q, p ap 2 bq 2 2cpq . Here, a, b, c are constants. Find a canonical
transformation q, p Q, P such that H Q, P AP2 BQ2 .

10) (a)What is Lyapunov exponent? What is its significance?

(b) Consider central force motion with the force given by f r . Obtain the
r2 r3
orbit equation and show that the orbit is a pressing ellipse. What is the approximate rate
of precession to first order in C.

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