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Dos proyectos de inters

Humanoid Manipulation Planning using Backward-Forward Search
This paper explores combining task and manipulation planning for humanoid
robots. Existing methods tend to either take prohibitively long to compute for
humanoids or artificially limit the physical capabilities of the humanoid platform
by restricting the robots actions to predetermined trajectories. We present a
hybrid planning system which is able to scale well for complex tasks without
relying on predetermined robot actions. Our system utilizes the hybrid backward-
forward planning algorithm for high-level task planning combined with humanoid
primitives for standing and walking motion planning. These primitives are
designed to be efficiently computable during planning, despite the large amount
of complexity present in humanoid robots, while still informing the task planner of
the geometric constraints present in the problem. Our experiments apply our
method to simulated pick-and-place problems with additional gate constraints
impacting navigation using the DRC-HUBO1 robot. Our system is able to solve
puzzle-like problems on a humanoid within a matter of minutes.

Manipulation-based Active Search for Occluded Objects

Object search is an integral part of daily life, and in the quest for competent
mobile manipulation robots it is an unavoidable problem. Previous approaches
focus on cases where objects are in unknown rooms but lying out in the open,
which transforms object search into active visual search. However, in real life,
objects may be in the back of cupboards occluded by other objects, instead of
conveniently on a table by themselves. Extending search to occluded objects
requires a more precise model and tighter integration with manipulation. We
present a novel generative model for representing container contents by using
object co-occurrence information and spatial constraints. Given a target object, a
planner uses the model to guide an agent to explore containers where the target
is likely, potentially needing to move occluding objects to enable further
perception. We demonstrate the model on simulated domains and a detailed
simulation involving a PR2 robot.
Dos publicaciones cientficas en revistas (de inters).
Project-based, Collaborative, Algorithmic Robotics for High School Students:
Programming Self-driving Race Cars at MIT
We describe the pedagogy behind the MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute
Robotics Program, a new high-school STEM program in robotics. The program
utilizes state-of-the-art sensors and embedded computers for mobile robotics.
These components are carried on an exciting 1/10-scale race-car platform. The
program has three salient, distinguishing features: (i) it focuses on robotics
software systems: the students design and build robotics software towards real-
world applications, without being distracted by hardware issues; (ii) it champions
project-based learning: the students learn through weekly project assignments
and a final course challenge; (iii) the learning is implemented in a collaborative
fashion: the students learn the basics of collaboration and technical
communication in lectures, and they work in teams to design and implement their
software systems. The program was offered as a fourweek residential program at
MIT in the summer of 2016. In this paper, we provide the details of this new
program, its teaching objectives, and its results. We also briefly discuss future
directions and opportunities.

Searching for Physical Objects in Partially Known Environments

We address the problem of a mobile manipulation robot searching for an object in
a cluttered domain that is populated with an unknown number of objects in an
unknown arrangement. The robot must move around its environment, looking in
containers, moving occluding objects to improve its view, and reasoning about
collocation of objects of different types, all in service of finding a desired object.
The key contribution in reasoning is a Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method
for drawing samples of the arrangements of objects in an occluded container,
conditioned on previous observations of other objects as well as spatial
constraints. The key contribution in planning is a receding-horizon forward search
in the space of distributions over arrangements (including number and type) of
objects in the domain; to maintain tractability the search is formulated in a model
that abstracts both the observations and actions available to the robot. The
strategy is shown empirically to improve upon a baseline systematic search
strategy, and sometimes outperforms a method from previous work.
Nombre Institucin /Nombre Grupos-Centros-Laboratorios

Dos proyectos de inters

Un Oleoducto para Generar Etiquetas de Verdad en Tierra para

Datos de RGB {RGBD} de Escenas Estorbadas

Se ha demostrado que las arquitecturas de redes neuronales

profundas (DNN) superan a las tuberas tradicionales para la
segmentacin de objetos y plantean la estimacin utilizando datos
RGBD, pero el rendimiento de estos oleoductos DNN est
directamente relacionado con la representatividad de los datos de
entrenamiento de los datos verdaderos. Por lo tanto, un requisito
clave para emplear estos mtodos en la prctica es tener un conjunto
grande de datos etiquetados para su tarea de manipulacin robtica
especfica, requisito que generalmente no es satisfecho por
conjuntos de datos existentes. En este artculo desarrollamos una
tubera para generar rpidamente datos RGBD de alta calidad con
etiquetas en forma de pxeles y poses de objetos. Utilizamos una
cmara RGBD para recopilar vdeo de una escena desde mltiples
puntos de vista y aprovechar las tcnicas de reconstruccin
existentes para producir una reconstruccin 3D densa. Etiquetar la
reconstruccin en 3D utilizando un humano asistido ICP-montaje de
mallas de objetos. Al reprojectar los resultados del etiquetado de la
escena 3D podemos producir etiquetas para cada imagen RGBD de
la escena. Este oleoducto nos permiti recolectar ms de 1.000.000
de ejemplares de objetos etiquetados en pocos das. Utilizamos este
conjunto de datos para responder a las preguntas relacionadas con
la cantidad de datos de formacin que se requiere, y de qu calidad
deben ser los datos, para lograr un alto rendimiento de una
arquitectura DNN.

Nombre Institucin /Nombre Grupos-Centros-Laboratorios

Quasar Software

Dos proyectos de inters

Estrategia Digital SIMASCOACH
Imaginatio, desarrolla una estrategia completa de posicionamiento digital,
en la que se incluye el diseo e implementacin de un sitio web dinmico,
moderno, claro y sencillo, adems de implementar una estrategia en redes
sociales tales como; Twitter, Facebook, Youtube y LinkedIN, generando
comunidad en cada una de ellas y posicionando los productos y servicios
que Si+Coach presenta.


Nombre Institucin /Nombre Grupos-Centros-Laboratorios


Dos proyectos de inters

Entorno Colaborativo de Apoyo a la Mejora de Procesos para la Industria
de Software Colombiana
Entorno Basado en Tecnologas de la Informacin y las Comunicaciones
(TICs) para monotorizar y analizar los procesos colaborativos.

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