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Government of Madhya pradesh

Commerce, In d ustry a nd Employm.ent Depa rtm ent
Mantralaya Vallabh Bhawan

Bhopal. Dated /5/2015


No F t-.ro7/201t/ A-11::rn exercise of the powers

conferred by section 43 of the
Madhya pradesh Society Registrikaran Adhiniyam, f973 (No.
44 of 1973), the
State Government, hereby makes the following amendments
in the Madhya
Pradesh Society Registrikaran Niyam, 1998, namely:_


In the said rules, -

I For the existing_ rule 3, the following rule sh4ll be substituted,

,,3. Memorandum
and bye_laws of society :_ Registration of every
memorandum ofsociety to be filred under section
5 shalr be in
I or in a form as near to. as circumstances admit anJ r"gistrationForm
model byeJaws may be in Form 1A.,,

2 For the existing schedure, the fonowing schedule sha|

be substituted,

(see rute 4)

(I ) Under section 7 Regisrration of Society Routine Rs. 3,000/-

Urgent Rs. 5,000/-
(2) Under section 7 Registration of Routine Rs. 1,000/-
Mahila Mandal/yuvak Mandal Urgent Rs. 1,500/-
(3) Registration of societies constituted No fees
by residents illegal colonies notified
by Urban Administration and
Development Department (This
provision shall be applicable for 3
years from the date ofnotification).
(4) Under section 10 each amendment Rs. 1000/-
|; --, )

Ui:der sub-sectjo:r (3) of section 2l:-
{A}Application under sub-seetion (1),-
{i) For permission to purchase
Upio 5 lacs Rs. I C,000// -

2nn1:P i l2.s Irnlo Ii,Acs Rs. 20,000i -

above I5 iacs upto 25 lacs Rs- 40,O0O/-

above ?5 lacs upto 50 lacs Rs.B0,o0O/ -

Above 50 lacs Rs.80,000/-

/+ nn everr:' 5 lanc nr
its . fraction Rs.
i 0,o00/-)
(ii) For permission of sale
Upto 5 lacs Rs.10,O00/.-

ahole 5 lar-s rrnlo l5 lacs Rs 20,0001-

a bnr-e l5 l2as rrrrta, 25 lacs Rs. 40,000/-

e hnrr c tS lanc rrrrin 50 lacs Rs.BO,00O/ -


.+ a,pove )U lacs Rs.80,000/-

:,'iF /+ nn errcnr 5lanc nr
its lraction Rs.
25,ooo /-)

(iii) F or e acl'r gilt Rs. 25,O00/-

(B) For otherwise, utilizing of 10% of the cosl of

immovable property under sub-section plan or Rs.50,p0O/-
r:r'hicirever is'mort

(6) Under section 27 return e\ier\r Jiear Rs.1,000/-

Under section 28 audited sratemenl Rs. i,0O0/i -
(8 Under section 29 copies, ii:spe crion gs-20i -
KS. +u/- per page
Rs /- inenentirro
1 OO
per Regisrer
Kq lllll/-

Return / OriginaJ
fi1e. ".

3. For the exisiing Form-i, the follor.r'ing Forms sh be substituted, rrame 11'
fsee rule 3]
Memorandu.m of society for registrati rr of soeieties

The Name of the societ-\, sfrail Ue.. -...

The Head office oI the Socfet5' be situated at
H.No......................\{oha]1a.............:....... _.... Tehsi]...................of thc
Disirict and its address shall be
3. The objecrs oi rhe socieq' shall be as uncler :-

- (r)

...i;:ir&s f3l


..4. The
_ --- -'.anapemerri
_- -.^'--D- --- oi the afiairs of 'rhe s eiv iq,orrrrrrcterJ lrr- fhc
Regulations of the Society to the Gorterrt t C.r', t r' nf f)irecrnrq
Co:nmittee or Governing Bodr,, u,hose names, ddr,esses and occupaijoll
arc cneni fi erl ]-'elnrr' -

Name q'ith Post Full -Addre ss Occiioario:-i

F: th er'< / lJr r <ha nrl'<
Name 11'


5, One copl of the regrrJaiion of the socieb' dull ed as renrrir+4 hr: crrh-
section (3) of sec'uion 6 of the \4adh1'2 prabesh Societl, si:ika:ran Adhini.vam. 1 973
(No. 44cI 1973) is filed r-r'itl: rhis memorandum of Asso
We- the ser,eral persons rthose names a.rt.o addre aJe met]tiotted belou, ar-e
desirous of forming a socjetv in pursuance oi th aJcresaid Ir4 emol'a:eduryr of
Associaiion a-n d har,e signeri the memo:-a:rdum in ihe seirce of the u'iilesses as
shoi\,-lt belov,:-

.Name of the subscribers \^,ith

F r ilr cr'e /l-lrrci-r=r-rd'c T\1c
- - .Jme



1:. lfue office bearer/rnembers as bejow accept modeJ

e-la\i's ,F orrl]-1.- as D\:e-.!a\r's oi
rhe societl'.
(President; (Secreiarl') /Trea crrrpr / h/iemheri



Narne... .. -. . ... - -

Full address...

. ':.{



lcFp -r1a ?l

lBye-larvs oi the socie

1. N"ame of the socier\, shall be....,,

2. The Head office of the socien, sh be siruated ai House

No.. - ...,........ \4 ohaLl a.......... -..Tehsi].......... -......

\4 al:r'a Pr-adesh.

3. Ar-ea oi operation: V'/ho1e oI h4 adhr.a Pradesh

4. Objectives of rhe Sociert' :-

1./-1> Pc.r ilrcrrJ ur dl.rrlurrr/

"" "'_ -"-:""'_-_ ".'" " _ .' _

e1; "'

5. Members of the society shall be of the f'j1lo categories:-

(a) Patron l\{ernbers : Th e pet-son o d or-rat

r.,,h Rs. 1,000/- or rnore in lump
nar; in 1? ir-rstallmei.r s ra'ithin a v he shall he nar-r-., rrember of
the "societ\':

0/- or- moie shall be life time

Der ol tne soclerl':

Il{enrbers: The person (s) n'l-ro sh pay Rs. i 0/- per morrth or Rs.
.,ij' 72.O/- per annum sha-ll hecnrnc nrrii-. -.' mber. Th e or dina:y member
sh a-ll onl\, be nember for rL.6
Lrrr ^ J f^-.=.1-i
^6-i ruu
Prr iwi \^ rr.: rrc rrr4r PaJ corruibution;

(dl Honorary l\{ernbers: The i:r a:-r agng corrrmi e of ihe societl car-i make ar]:
n,.iq.r rq for rr'ernhe:-shirr Srr rr, ernher-s carr nalticicaie trr
Anr:ual Ge::eral Ileeu:rg Llur the)- shall r:o: entitled for voie.

Obtaining the rnernbership.- Everl person \','l-l u'ishes to be a'member shall

hale ro submir his appJicauon iu rtriri:rg beio: e rhe manaryrll o co].nmiitee. The
managing commitlee shall be auihorized to ac pt or rejeci such appijcaiton
for membership.
7. Qualihcation for membership : Th i.,llT)1..-np nrr ar:finzt-ion s rf
essenlial ior r-he r::err-bership of 1be socieu'.-

Iil age shoulci nor be less tha-n 18 years:

(iil he should be a cittzen of India: -

{iiil. , he has fajih a:rd follou's rhe :-u}es of the erl':

{jlj he shoulci haYe a good moi:al character should

8. Terrninaiion of raembership.- The member - n{ t}re cn.ier\- <hall cease

under 'a:ri' of the {ollo\i?ing condirions,-

(11 on deattr;
fiil on maciness:
rii it on farlure io dePosit the contribution ol rn err l-' ersh i;-r oI the socjety as
per rule 5;

{i.') on resignation, if accePteci: ald

(\,j alv orhei reasons related to proven rno rurpitu de and espu 1sloii b,r'
ile resolurjon of tJ: e managing committ a:r d sucl-r ciecision should b.-
comnrunicaied in wr:jting io 'Lhe concer:ni member.

9. Re-gister of membership of mernbers shall be aintained.-

..'t'(u)r ,.-
.. ,.if r- :rame of er,et-r- membet-. address. occupari and si gn a',-ure u'ith date;

(b) The date of enul of member-s u'ith l-ecel

(c) The date of termination.

.. ,1.0. ia) General l\{eeting.- The mc.mber ra'ho has sl:oun under rule 5 sha]l be
--tirt-n r^ -..ririrrare
LU !@ Lr rJ Pq r! in qerrerzl rneetirrq 'fhe meeting shall be beld as a:id
u'her: requ::-ed. Ai leas-- one ge:le::al meering to be i:r a 1'ear is
es6enrial . The tjme. place a,nd ciate of gelrelai eerir:g shall be .f ecicied b1' the
!r4raslrr5 nnnrri:ree pnd commu:ricaied in rr-:-i g to a.jl inemliers ai least i 5
ci ar s before the date oi ge::er-al r:reet:::g. The oium of the mee-cng shall be
? / r-'
r/ <rh rr,!rrruLr o
The first -oer-.eral rneerinc of ih societl' sirall be l:eid ruiillin 3
rrror'Iihs from the cja'.e oi regisrra-rion. in r,;hich ih e mal-raging sha-tl
be eiecred.

(b1 [{a,naging Commjnee.- The rrertjnE o: ihe mar aginS .com:ninee sha-lt be
orgar:ized eter.,- t.rronlh and lhe inurnati for the same should be
comrnunicated to evel-member of na_naging riee ai leasr seven da,r,s
pi-ior io the meeri'ig. The quorum of lhe m be half of rhe rotai
11. Porver and resp onsibiliti es oi the ieneral Bod
(il ro sa:rciion the prer,ious:trear a_nnu al pr
to male proper arrangernenr c,f pei-m enr funds a:ed assers of the
so cietli;
iiiil ro appoinl audllor for rhe coming financi -vear;
(ir') io consider a.rl orber sub_iect l hich rrr a1' 1---^"
- -r- - r^-, +L -
ur uuSrr r uJ irrc
rnanaoino norn rn i+ree'

(\'l to sanction the staiement of income ernerrrlirrr-- account oi

organizaLio:r running under the socieir':

{\,j) ro approi,e rbe a.:rnua-l bucigei.

L2. Cons'riiutiorr of the l\{anaging Comrnittee.- e members ri'ho hai,e
entojled in -rhe membership regisrer-specified jn rule 5 eiect the iollorving of the
office bea;.ers atrd membe:-s of rhe managrrrg commirtee maj orit-v oJ vote:-
, . .r Jti .
taj ffesrdent:
ib)i\/ice-Pr e sicien I :

(c) Secrerart,:
(d; Treasurer:

lel , Jor_11 Secreipr r, a'1d

(f; Tu o mernbers

13. Terrn of rnanaging cornrnittee.- The 'rerm of the airapins .o--ltt.. sir a-11 bc
three -1's6i's. The managing commitree sha-ll funciion till ilrF n e\'1- rranaairc.oTnmtiie
is cons'uituted. bu'L this period ca-lrn ot be extended m th a:r si:; monlhs a:rd such
exteDslon ofpeliod should be appr-oved bl ti:e genera_l
Rights and resp onsibilities of the managing co ittee.-
la) ro arrange the fulfiiimenr oi object for r,,.hich rh so_cietj has beer: consiirured;

{b) to submit rhe du11' audireci statemenr oi in e and erpenditure account oi

last vea-- v.'eli e>:amined vith rhe sratemenr of ual progress repor-r before the o
general boci,r' e\'ery t'ea':

io ma-ke pa),ment d a-llos'a:ice to ihe empl

arr tn ihe instirutions ri'orkiri g
under the socierl' ald lo ma-}e e rhe i:aymerit of es charged ott the assets artd
rmmovable pr-opertl: ol rhe societ;,:

(d) io appoi::r- the necessan sraff/reachers:

to perform rhe n ecessa:rr, u'orl.-s a s m av be ed b1;thq ge:reral meeilrlg

from lirne irr tirnP

lil any immorrable p:-opertv shaJl n ot be tr al slerr or otheruise acquired or sold

uriihout u'ri'rie:r pe:-missiol of the Registrar of th socieq':

the proposal for rhe arnendmerri in rhe b't.e-J s n'ihe enr-i,-rr' rhc <nen;^]
meeting sha_ll be summonecl for considering th discussions a-nd lol s ait ctt on .
n sha]] be put up i:efore the general mee g {or passing resolu'Ljon o:'
amendment. There sirould be 2/3,n majority f general meeting to llass the
resolution for amendments a:rd ir sh a_11 be sent o the Regisirar for approval in
' ..'.,
15. .,:Rights of the PresidenL.- The Pr-esidenr shall reside over all the mee'ilrg ot
the managing commiiree a:rd generd rreeiine d. shall ar-rar:ge the general
meeting as r^ eli as malagi;rg commitree ihro
shall har:e righi oI casting vote.

^LD-'- Rights of the Vice-President. - ln ihe absen ^{

1l-,a D.F-ir]a'.r tl-r e \iine-

President sh:ll nresirle :ll rh,- oerreral ihe malaging commirtee arid
shall also exelcise such porvers of the Presiden't.

!t- Rights of the Secretary.-

\al i^ -^rr Str.i,rcr

LU uirll ^-.^---^rdr r.rrccrrris
----r;-^ i:llu .--^_^^:__
^*; Jrlalla3illg iree mrerino a< ard rlherr
rcnrrireA arrd nrrr rrn all anrrlir-arinn.
(b) Tn nrPnare QtrtFm F-t of income errcl endiiure
aucijted by the auditor arld put up

tc.l io rnake aJrangement for preparing the papers of the socieD, and
ilspect thern if a:ry irregularitl. is foun , then the report should be lajti
before ma:naging committee for :nf

{d) the Secreta-r;' shall be authorized -io

ccord approval Ior sanction of
amount up to Rs. 5,OOO/- ar a rjrne.

1t, Righ.ts of Joint Secretary,- In absence of Se etar\', the Joint Secreiarl' sh all
exercise all the powers of 'rhe Secretarr'.

19. Rights of ttre Treasurer.- To malntain the ounts of the Society anci make
e>rpenditure duiy sa.nciioned by tbe Secretarl, f the malagrng comrnittee.

2A. Bank Account,- The funds of the Sociei5i str a1l be deposii.ed in Scheduled Ba:rk
or Post Office. The withdrarval of the funds be cione b1, joint signature oi'
the Pre sidenr / Secretarl, a;rd Treasurer..,tor ci expenses a ma::imum of Rs_
5,00O/- shall remain with treasu-rer.

?he inio::mation to be submitted to re R strar.- Under secticn 27 of

Madlg--'a Pradesh Societ\z Regjstrikaran Ad-hi , r 973 oi 7o,7 3) , the
i].ro. 44
list of ihe malaging cornmirtee in the prescri Ior rn ro be su bmtied u,il-}rin
oi the Socierl'. Llncier seciion
rn prescribed time every
22. '' Dissolution.- The dissoluiion sha,li be fha e^^:F1., H.- rt
e) ! /;il
-^ J
of Lhe member s are present. The abo\/e p ss shall be executed i{ in
conformiry to 'rhe provisions of the Act.

Property.- AIJ movable or i;-nmor.abJe pr sh a,ll be i:r tirc name of f}le

Societlz- bnmovable propeiiy of the socjeir, {fpt assets) cannot be disposed of
or acquired by selling, donation or othenirjse oui the r.1a itren. pei:mission of
the Regisi;ar of the Socjeiies.
For the elristing Forms VI and VII, e follo*'iag formU shail be
substituted, namely :_


Applicatiorr for permissio" to

property under section 21 ofthe
e of acqu iring imrr; ovable
Madhya pra esli Society Registrikaran
Adhiniyam, 7975 (No. 44 o L9 73]l.

We, th-6Authorised officers of the Society,
.-W", hereby, ciec e rh at
(1) tL" ul:dersigned signatories are the ofice ers o{ i]-rp F '-.^''.;r-- I L !uu-Y
E^r-, j
the aforesaid in{or-mation is based on the record
of the s L-)' ar:d is true to tire besi
of our knora'ledge ared beJief.
(2) ," 1t is prope::ly verified that the seller
of the sajd opertv does nor beiong to the
Scheduled Tribes.
{3} The purchase/sale of the said properS, js
not n, ied. if ihe perrnissior: for
purchase/ sale is necessar5z for ar:y au-rhori[,,
then ii sh be obtaineri b_v us.
(4) The properq).'shall be purchased/sold bi,
fts s, ery rn accorcialce ra'ith tle
guidelines of the Co|ector. lf a::r, ialse information is submitted, rhen
lve sh a,ll be

; Iiable for punishment under sub_section

(2i of 38 ol rhe Madliy'a Praciesh
Societies Registrikaran Adhiniya::r.
7973 (1\o.44 of I 73)

ta-rli. __...........,.......

(see rule 11)

of listbf Governing bodY under

Proforma for submitting in.[ormation
Society Adhiniyam, 1973
section 27 of the Madhya Pradesh
{No. 44 of 1973).

t. Name ofthe Society and complete
2. Resistration number and date ""'"""""'
3. DaL of Amual General Body Meeling " '

4. List of existing ofiice bearers: Working

The annuai fees under section 27 of the MadhYa Pradesh SocietY

-Reqistrikaran Rs. ............ .. .'... has been
Adhini;'am, 1973 Q']o 44 of 1973)
....... original cop)' tlrereof is
a"pltit"A vide Challan No "'- " " "Date "'

D/O,WIO....".:'." " "'-' . aged about ........ ......-. years,

r, .............,......s/o,
declare the aforesaid information is
in form of an authorized officer, hereby
to the best of our knowledge l,
true being based on the record of the Society
l tii is in ession of the record of the
undersigned authorized signatory officer
is su d by me the, I shall be liable
SocietY. I know, if any false information
,i|! (2) of section of the said Act.
for punishment under sub section
SiBnatu re
Name .--.....-........... ........
(P reside nt/Secreta ry)

By order a in the name of the

Governor Madhya Pradesh,

(A il Bhartiya)
De Secreiary
Governm of Madhya Pradesh
Commerce, lndust and Employment DePa rtment

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