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Classification of Heart Failure

Gagal jantung
ACC = American College of Cardiology
AHA = American Heart Association
Nyha =New York Hearth Association


Gagal jantung akut

Gradual or rapid changes in sign and symptoms of herat failure (HF) that require
urgent therapy.

Gagal jantung kronik

Chronic heart failure happens when your heart muscle gets damaged, then becomes
weak and doesnt pump properly.

Left-sided heart failure

Systolic failure: The left ventricle loses its ability to contract normally. The heart
can't pump with enough force to push enough blood into circulation.

Diastolic failure (also called diastolic dysfunction): The left ventricle loses its
ability to relax normally (because the muscle has become stiff). The heart can't
properly fill with blood during the resting period between each beat.

Right-sided heart failure

Right-sided or right ventricular (RV) heart failure usually occurs as a result of
left-sided failure. When the left ventricle fails, increased fluid pressure is, in effect,
transferred back through the lungs, ultimately damaging the heart's right side. When
the right side loses pumping power, blood backs up in the body's veins. This usually
causes swelling or congestion in the legs, ankles and swelling within the abdomen
such as the GI tract and liver (causing ascites).

Classification AHF by the EuroHeart Failure Survey II (EHFS II)

Acute Decompensated Chronic HF
ADHF dapat merupakan serangan baru tanpa kelainan jantung sebelumnya, atau dapat
dekompensasi dari gagal jantung kronik (chronic heart failure) yang telah dialami
sebelumnya. ADHF muncul bila cardiac output tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan
metabolisme tubuh.

Hipertensive AHF
pathophysiological insult is an increase in afterload and a decrease in venous
Hypertensive AHF manifests as a rapid onset of dyspnoea in patients with a systolic
blood pressure (SBP) >160 mm Hg, nearly all of whom have a history of poorly
controlled chronic hypertension.

Sindroma koroner akut dan gagal jantung (de novo)

Edema paru akut

Terdapat distress pernafasan yang berat, ronki kasar (crakles) diseluruh lapang paru,
orthopnoea, saturasi O2 < 90% pada udara kamar sebelum terapi.

Syok kardiogenik
Keadaaan dimana ada tanda hipoperfusi jaringan akibat gagal jantung setelah koreksi
preload. Parameter hemodinamik syok kardiogenik antara lain penurunan tekanan
darah (TD sistolik < 90 mmHg atau turunnya tekanan arteri rerata (mean arterial
pressure = MAP) > 30 mmHg dan / atau penurunan diuresis (< 0,5 cc/kg/jam), dengan
laju nadi > 60 denyut per menit dengan atau tanpa bukti kongesti organ.

Gagal jantung kanan akut

Ditandai sindroma output rendah dengan peningkatan vena juguler, hepatomegali dan

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