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El Nazca sola construir con adobe. Una de las principales construcciones fue el complejo
arqueolgico de Cahuachi. Tiene un templo en forma de pirmide con terrazas superpuestas y un
palacio de los jefes guerreros. Se pueden detectar dos tcnicas de construccin: una con adobes
cnicos y la otra con paredes de quincha. Debe haber sido el centro ceremonial principal de la


Ellos solan usar una tcnica peculiar, antes de la coccin de la cermica toda la superficie estaba
pintada o decorada. Esta decoracin destaca por su policroma y su complejidad. Utilizaron hasta
once gradaciones de color en una pieza y manejaron alrededor de 190 tonos diferentes.

Otra caracterstica notable es el llamado "Horror al vaco", es decir, que los alfareros no dejaron en
ninguna de sus cermicas un espacio sin pintar ni decorar. En estas piezas se presentan elementos
de la vida cotidiana, como flores, frutas, pjaros, animales e insectos, as como personajes
mitolgicos o combinando atributos humanos y animales.


La civilizacin nazca sola realizar rituales a las divinidades del mar, el cielo, la tierra, el fuego, el
agua, el viento y al Dios creador. Gran parte de sus construcciones y elaboraciones, se hacan para
los dioses, con el fin de que no hubiera sequas, y que los canales no se secaran. Su religin
tambin tena que ver mucho con el misterio de las Lneas de Nazca, que son consideradas por
algunos como un crculo agrcola y calendario astronmico, pero otros dicen que stas eran lugar
de numerosos rituales dedicados a sus dioses.


La cultura nazca sorprende con la construccin de antaras de cermica que superan a todos los
instrumentos musicales de Amrica precolombina. Las antaras de Nazca poseen 8, 9, 10, 11 notas
diferentes. Se trata de escalas cromticas.

Otros instrumentos musicales hallados en las tumbas de los nazcas construidos de cermica
son quenas, trompetas, bombos y tambores. Todos estos instrumentos musicales estn decorados
muy artsticamente. Muchas veces, los instrumentos tenan tambin formas antropomorfas, como
cabezas de personas, o tambin de animales.

Nombre femenino



Tejido o trama de caa con la que se asegura un techo o una pared de paja, junco o caa.



Pared hecha de juncos o juncos cubiertos de barro, que suele utilizarse para construir cercas,
corrales y chozas



The Nazca used to build with adobe. One of the main constructions was the archaeological
complex of Cahuachi. It has a pyramid-shaped temple with superimposed terraces and a palace of
the warrior chiefs. Two construction techniques can be detected: one with conical adobes and the
other with quincha walls. It must have been the main ceremonial center of the Nazca.


They used to use a peculiar technique, before the firing of the pottery the whole surface was
painted or decorated. This decoration stands out for its polychrome and its complexity. They used
up to eleven color gradations in one piece and handled around 190 different tones.

Another notable feature is the so-called "Horror to the void", that is to say, that the potters did
not leave in any of their ceramics an area without painting or decorating. In these pieces are
presented elements of daily life, such as flowers, fruits, birds, animals and insects, as well as
mythological characters or combining human and animal attributes.


The Nazi civilization used to perform rituals to the divinities of the sea, sky, earth, fire, water, wind
and the creative God. Much of their constructions and elaborations were made for the gods, so
that there would be no droughts, and that the canals would not dry out. Their religion also had
much to do with the mystery of the Nazca Lines, which are considered by some as an agricultural
circle and astronomical calendar, but others say that these were place of numerous rituals
dedicated to their gods.

The Nazca culture surprises with the construction of antaras of ceramics that surpass all the
musical instruments of pre-Columbian America. The Antaras of Nazca have 8, 9, 10, 11 different
notes. These are chromatic scales.

Other musical instruments found in the tombs of the nazcas - constructed of ceramics - are
quenas, trumpets, drums and drums. All these musical instruments are decorated very artistically.
Often, the instruments also had anthropomorphic forms, such as heads of people, or animals.


Female name



Weave or weave of cane with which a roof or a wall of straw, reed or cane is secured.



Wall made of rushes or rushes covered with mud, often used to build fences, corrals and huts

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