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Pria 10 Cents

William J. Bums Finds First Clew to The Million DoHaT Mystery

The Gre-alest Film Produelion
Ever Presented!
- The Unanimous Verdid OJ the Public
"Unquestionably the biggest success ever scored by
any motion picture play"-this is the unanimous verdict of the thou-
sands who have seen the first two episodes of The Million Dollar Mystery.

Never before has such remarkable photography

been shown. Never before have such stupendous scenes been incor-
porated in anyone production. Never before have such costly costumes been used.

The overwhelming success of

s-,. .,. ......
M C'" Seeurto b7 Lloyd LoMet. . .

')banbouser's Million Donar Motion Pletul'e Produetion

is only a matter of course. Nearly 200 leading newspapers including
the Chicago Tribune. Boston Globe. Cincinnati Enquirer. New York Globe and Buffalo
Courier, are running this surtling Story by Harold MacGrath. The better theatres everywhere are
exhibiting tbe films. And $10.000 in casiI is oJfuetl fur tM bat """6m o/IM ; ",.
Bookings are still being arranged. See representative of
the Syndicate Film Corporation. The Million Dollar Mystery is an inde-
pendent release and may be obtained regardless of the regular program being used.
71 w. 23rd St., NEW" YOIut. I t. . W. St.. CHICAGO
_s, ...... cuo_ _ -"_........... ...,.. _ _ .... e-.Ia

71le' n-' Dnr-A- Wed:

T...-,.."... 3G. "-n. tt.d.w~ .0\ roernarbt:w 21'ft1 drama. ~riRI' M'i,;-
.-...oa- and Ibn, fa din 2 'ftl prvdlX:lioa if, show.. aft acirilll _ _ rKc. tbrubbiDJ:
oridI KIioa.
F~. J-tF 1. No> ...a-. -...... aI 2 ned .. ~ aI p~i.. 1t f~lnw cb.__
~ ....,. So .. A c........ e-.. 0- nod canoNy _bjca. dnplarin riw talrfttl cI
Nelae GaM,. Hany Blat~ J-ph Phill;pe., L.. tta.inp. and Eoorr- a.oeddinc. n..e
..asatik c.- _ a bap I w ~ .

...... FJLM CORPORATION, New R " . No Y...
a..-.~ ~

.... laL .......... C.~ ......... ~ ""-



m CASH for
by tI>e ~ of The
..... is~
COVER PROTOCIlAPH ViviaD. PI'ellCOU MiIIinn Do ar Myste:t fpr
11''''''''7 SIoIWs tuUI F~ tI>e best 100 wOld ~ ,
"Il'l WOLFS CLOI'IIING" Ridlard Dale 10
1'Ite T~ of II Quixotic:.
F.e- Iha~ _ Ikire.o aad
.......... F . . -.. 23
.......... Dollar Kylll8'y" 24 this $10,000.00
"N"t;hl Ebwb"' 25
SPft'ud Artie... C. The world"s greaIeot detec-
William. J. BW'1I8 5 Intematiooal- a man who' bas
The Cn:.t Wadi. JR 'I'IWaQ iA in 5Iore for nw-.
7 been moot .uccessful in umavd-
JESSE L LASKY. Prod.... Wm. Almon Wolff, Jr. 9 ing tI>e moot ~ crimes-
The .... Ibe People U'e WatdUq the mention of w name
LUBIN OF LUBINVILLE . Thackeray P. Le&lie 12 makes tI>e moot expert criminal
F~ 0pcic:iaD 10 IIiIIio.aire Pkhu-e Maauact_
A JACK WNOON HERO . Ilidurd Willis 20 start - this man bas been reo-
Hctbu't Boewortll .... lID F"tPtiaI c.n:..r tainoxI to ~ tI>e mode.s of
Serials The Movie Pictorial in solving
J. R. WAlLING-MOVIE MAGNATE Ilidurd J. lie......... 14
v.-ne c..we. s---. ... Aaotbn GoddeN this great mystely.

The hI~ cc_
........._. of IIoIIie Jlorpa. a-I., ............. ~ . . .


. . . Va. I ibeydea. Fyies 22

will follow tI>e plot of tI>e sloty

PLAYERS BIRTHDAY C--\LENDAR JoJo- Bri800e 30 ,xpoo....! tI>e detail xplejp
Ilidurd Willis 21
clues. J He will give~ tI>e
advaniage of bis w -wide
~:q>erimce insolvingtl>em,_y.
TUIl "(I"I~ I'1CTOIlUL .10....ld be OIl _Ie at ~t. 111... "" thoo o.-t e-.
aU e'l'et'7 Sfltard&,J. ..den ....
able to I:"t ttle _ 1 _ 011 that day _III c:.a-
felr a tuor bJ' aotltyl... the C1r~'\I"Uo. "c-
~. &a..... _--........_~'
... thoo'-"" 81: ~
<II IIado .. 1821. P1aIoIlIIhIId
IF ""
Dooa't Mia Sinlle l -
.~. B,laat:n:I<1:lalt tbl:!lr ~ lIew.
dealer to .......enl! tt1_ flOCI1 eL Ta. .01'1.
Palll/llltloblc e-t-:r. llflI JIwt:f ~ Ooi-
- . A.. D. CloIod. ,.,..,...... J.'" 'rait.~;
Each issue will c.oouin this
I'1CTOItU.L f!1'fl"J' WH:!t. ~. wUl _-td fIDd.
bI. the .... pdae -..14 oalL"
P. S. ae.--u. ~ great ddective. atticIes.
Jl' ~t:Iu&'~IVft .. ~
Term.: ".00
_ath&, tt.OO;
ftIIts: ~
three ..lUI T 110.... Plcro'u..l. Uoal4 be . .ell to
Ill"OlloDil eredo!Iltlalll.
1Iioo .......... _ _y ....
to ea-da s:;
JIO"Qee. .U;O .. "'11' .. .
II ddUioalt': t ~ !'i..... P a _ ~ W ~ editor
will be Pld to l'OQ$der .~ pbclJcrllpbll of tile key ... tile ' p. ... tIIe
W'beD ,oa aad _~ blaak ear"""'d Ihn~ly or ..n _ 1 lI1Ib~ from ,"'e-un or
I. :fOCIr
pdDe. tt _ ~l YOllr 1101..
UP' ..... wltll tta-t lIum""". To
pf'O'[~oaaJa. U IealIt ODe bll1ldred ..oNt: of
detlcrlptl'l'e matter muat IlCt:O.Ill .... II:r "dl pho-
n'okl bn!dI hi 7"0t' .,bett1IlU..a :ruut' ro:- wl:r'Ilpb, ..bJcb lIboul4 be ftlclollf!d bI II .IIWalll:
1tt!. . . 1 "hould be _ t lit -..e. l'1I"'elope to IIftlfd daIIull:f!. Coatrlbatora l1li11. t[ 'The Mofte PksooioI is .... ib
~tIltfo or lIot f\hntoJ:Tllpb. ...."'. bHo1I
Subierflll!n .. ~ OI'do!rlalll: " ctu'D$P of "d
d...". IIhould 1(1 .... the 0101 . . 111"('11 ." t~ M"
.. bi1l'!"
pUloll"bed p ......loUlllr 111M! III ..hilt pahl'rtlt1<nl ...den the best ~ ..... dIis
11M",.,... AtMoul two ....... mullt 1l'NP111, .Ild whether or not
otbet' 1'nllllollo....
prl"b are ~ _ t to _ - ' - . . NOW dIis ~
elllpole b..,...... the h11l1l1'l! <1111 be . .de.

Ba". suJ.o j .. ..... ol

The Movie Pictorial Six Mouths for $1.00

8 So. Dearborn Street, Chicago Smd.~_
.J-t ..............

, ..
_ _ - - . ...... the $10.000.00.


"",.., ......... - ........... ft-

INTER ""IEWS A'/TH - . . . . , . . . (cwI"" _)'
Louise Glaum, the Interesting Nestor Comedienne ....
.... J W ~ .. . ,
Mary Maurice, The Grand Old Lady of tbe Films
, I
The M p'
. J
WILLIAM J. BURNS ~":: The Million Dollar Mystery as..D ....aweHY'

. . William Lord Wright is editor of tl:te Photoplay-
... wrights~ department of the Dramatic ~r and
not editor of the Motion Picture Department as we
have announced. We made a mistake jn his title - but
.we did not make a mistake in publishing his book
entitled" The Motion Picture Story," for the orders are
coming ill fast.
The limited edition at the initial price is almost exhausted.
Ifyou have not yet ordered your copy you had better do it now.

How to Write Good Scenarios-the kind that

Sell-is told in William Lord Wright's new book

The Motion Picture Story

C[ The photoplay world needs no CI It is an invaluable aid to quick
introduction to the author of this resules in selling photoplays, as -"Ibe Motion
greclt treatise. from its suggestions and advice Picture Sbwy"
the average beginner wiH be is undoubtedly the best book
[n his new book he takes up able to avoid a good many of th~ to becin on in learnin~ to
each phase of the subject in write: photopia,s.. It may be
proper order a~d gives it a thor- faults that usually besiege the secured immediately by fol-
ough and illuminatin gd iscussion. path of the amateur. 10..-inC the directions in the
41[ The new book is ofconveni~nt coupoa OD this pace.
t[ His style is clear and convinc- As showing its creat vaJue:,
ing, and he leaves nothing unsaid size, is printed in clear , r~adable
the follo..-inc is a complete:
'!lat could possibly be of belp '0 type, on exceII~nt,durable paper I
and is handsomely bound in cloth.
Table: of Cont~nts of .. The:
the aspiring writer. Motioa Picture Story ":
Hi! method of handling the E: It has over 240 pages-each ~.-
I-The Lamp 01 Aladdin.
one brimful of live, red-blooded 2--'Editor aad Author.
subject is particularly valuable to 3-The EJIl8i"e Ida.
beginners. advice and suggestions, as well t - Tile Trc.olo Toueh.
as authoritative explanations, 5-Tbe P\ot..
tI: In nct, tbe careful reading of rules and examples.
6-PIot ea.cruction.
7-Tbo!: P'ctwu Gf
his book, in addition to giving 8-Liaaialiooh 01 lite P'ictu"",.
all of the technical information William Lord Wright is Editor 9--T]., of Tecbique.
of 'be Pho,oplaywrigb,,' Depan- 10-TH "-opl.,. C"fied.
tbat is necessary or desirable for II-The MaDol!I P'ic:tuft StDry.
the new writer, will prov~ as ment of the 4' Dramatic Mirror;" t2-Tbe Multip}('.IlC't1 Smry.
former Editor of the Photoplay I3-Plqiari.a.
~ helpful in conveying th~ general It-V.11t(' 01 Actioa. of motion picture Department of the "Motion Pic- 15-A Han-Intaat Smry.
ture News;" Author of "Art o'f I6-A llm-d e-ct,..
story requirements as an inspec- I7-Tidn. .
tion trip through a studio. Scenario Writing," "The Reel I8-Photopla,. Cb.rukn.
Thing," "Home Folks," "Last 19-TH Sy.opllis.
This is a book that no amateur 2O-SceM. PkM: aad Scmario.
Days of Simon Kenton," "Story 21-Tbe Subtide.
. writer should be without. of the Blind Man Eloquent," 22-U.e of l.etten. E.::.
23--T1M: Value of EIfIocb.
etc., etc. He is one of the most 24-""'la, TtnIIII .nd Too'"
~xperienced and capable writ~rs
in the business.
C10UD ft1" 0 - ' ; ' ~ANT
11_ a.tI.N ..... c::w-e-. ..
................ UI4
-..w. "'1111_ '-''''.111 .
.. The Motion Picture Story"
- . - T'RI MOTta..P1C'T'tn.1 ITOaT." ~'" '0'"
..... _I... I ..,1_ ...-... __ ..tin ... e1., n .

tJl;.-I. ",".-kc I. "'11. An inva/uaMe aid to tlte new. writer. Sendfor it now
,,_ .
It.i!Just of! the press and is ready tor immeditte deliYery.
........ : .
I'_ J - .

Helps to the
Solution of Million Dollar Mystery
Bzncw Of'
.. IoilIcI:. . - - .
T ~ : 0-
tkfore tk 'eN -t rAe .-te_
kite), 8taa.1q B-.r-oe. _
01 .play. ~ co.::& ....,
.-n ...
~ UU . . . . a...I . . . . . . . o..,
AII . . . . ____
Now.ta~a~ ....
Dl1IIt ~ .,q tile AJ-p
a.arsr-n ia Ute '-bt. _ . .
".... .....' ca.e to a ~, at

drcHJe to tk ~ . . . ~ woe KNOW MIl . . e.nteI

darift' ~.t J t ~ . , . . . . _ . - . . . the pe.,.... wbo took Ute~. AU t1lbI aWQ .,. 1M ~ ,... 118-
, . . . . . &t Nero J ~ Be left .. .....,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . tt . ., . - . . . . . . . . no. DoUtr.r ~~ ~ lao iii . . _ _
_ tk ~......, tk &:.kkr ..: baSIq ~ ~ are Are to crow o1It 01 UJq OM . . . ~ 'al' , It JB .....
iMeI. _ia'~ /0__ .. kcrJtil~ .m. thb tJu1Ilbaa' bed-al-e .-u. ~ aa-c. rn- - . k to -.eL ~
c:iU .. Jetkr ~ ,. OIM!' ~ -.te: ila- "u It Is pIac til be a c::ue of the wibi of Bar- f.e, ........ tile . - e y ..,. be .-te rfiPt at
.trltdl'l( kr to rAe ~ ~ ~ .
_~ ap.iJuIt the wits ... Bra1M aalII. Olea. &DlI
jp"ll!II.1'e u.b _ 1 , we ~ alit ,..Itl'ft did It ..,.
...c .~ ,..., . . - - U k
aecrd. _ .....z _ _ -'~ ODIe" ia
k tw kr .w
tbt Is the _ _ .. ~ the CDJlaiq: .f the .. ~~_ .. ~u..~

tcnr: aplast the parpoee . . . pen' ...... of the UiIt tItArI e.k. We ted ~ ~ dOt
q au e...,..,..... aM _ kr dglt_tA ~ hoaada. WID tlroe tos wia. or wiD the ho..u . . . la SQiq that ~ " toM tIle~.
tJ.c~ dt~ __ to k re'~ Ueatj~_ to k! Ita t.W . . . . . . . teD _ wbether it _ car-
,.dabl~"~ 'J ILdf .. trw1d, to _tel. tk Ilr. JlcGr:ath ILu told as wb,. IlarpuTe ried. aWQ .-tt1ro him or ~.,.. fa tIM: . . .
II4lf , . ., nf to ae ial.fIt. EGt:A. rev cae re- placed. h.b bab,. daacbter 1D tlroe doe!.; he .... J'-.e.. traaM .... u-e.t. stllI sailed
-.ce-.. beBt OIl teeplac h.b ~ fraD ~ to
_itt_ t:. tIlitA rAe IDG,u... MI
Staltk'l1 HU'fTf"!T1f! 1IUt-aiUio-u-e. reo-
.ido:d ia G _t7ai~at lo~ Gl lli"erf!aJ</!. 0
bim tlroraocb his me tOJ' bu. ADd. that ~q:
true. It I. eTldent that they will proceed to brat
Ute ....-t his aaaJiaots tIU'Ded their '-cb.
He .... A n ot h1tUe1t. aDd. IatlllIetl ~ au
tlroe.1r MlU'clItlLl" would l'f!'teaJ aothlq. Nor . . .
'\"'ID York: ,.0..,.0. Jo~.",q lIaUer. - . a: .e- elowa FIOreDCf!, and .top at DO daJiIac" to wrest lODes womed Tel')' much aboat the future. 'l'lae
,....titl<. .a". Cq otvo!d' Au li/e atld likTt. to
Ho,.retUJf', tclo lk"1oJlgecI: to ao el.... a_
.OI1f!4" ff!Gr 0' CAe BIa("1: B~
to. daqhter was already on her ....,. h_e. She
wooJ4 aeed mQae,.. She DlWIt lin.. Bat stop!
Was the mlllloD dolls.,.. DeeeuaJ'J' tor Iter ......
!f1r'-f"f'tIC"lti.lI. evil order Ae Md joiJIiM . . II ~t.. port! Was there DOC: moaey, betd..,. that, I.

Ii... IDa,.
i . R........ _uLeIti. . it for .. IOt"idlUt Oryculi=!

Be "tld J)oro~ Ai.t' "11:"' ._4 l:eJIt Od 0'
1'11#' ti_ . . . "'I(;i... "art' lor t.IIe
_ e buk.. waJtlq for her aeeds!
Tbe lead",," of the B1aek HWidred, that
trl!IM:be.roua. ttlmJaal order tToaa wilkIl Bar-
,..',.,,, fll FfGn"fU'C. .:lo __ tAe ,et of Ik creave ecaped yean aDd yean ..... aDd at the
....lItloVt I. 0 _o_e.t 0' eaff~'" H.r'f~ tte.d.J ot wltkh aft! the aDd Bralae.
...... t iJllo 0 Brooll_. Otfte. *urii., .Ii. N .... (~earts beyoad doubO, are coln to 40-
,..,-. a "JI'M',,.r .cu. a.e 1Mr4 bo_ i. B".. or attempt to do-just what Stanley R.arcrea'l"e
AO.' J'".'" "r?f:i""'~ Norloa __ laiW''' feared 1DO&t.: they ~ plq to tI')' to ~ to him.
B,..i,., w:Ao. IcitA lAe ~ 01!7&. CiJIeC ., '"tIlroatda bls heart..... TIleJ' are Kola to at
.,..r& If'. H f t ~ __ iatrolI:tK'nI. .... tempt to trap ~ , Int OD the t.IlIeory ~
_ . r"erOp-~ II. BNUM aN 0"" _ l i e n ....e L~OWS wb_ the DI_~y I. bJdd.-. &ad
of taC' B'-d: R ~ 1_ae4lillkl ~ tautnA: 1a Uaat.. to brla Harp'ene eMIt of Ill4lq
lAC' ~"'ton rqJOr1l!'C . , ~ ~ -0' be is la hJd.1.a3 aJHI DOt da4-to a n Ills
t k " " " Of B~. eM tk cAGe . . . . . . 4aqhter f:rual crief. JIll_ &ad 4u&er..

B.,..I"N-~ tr:T&te to .ia hr~ te aeIt4 ,.....
<"1ICft to RiorrnteJe _,.,.."....
fro_ .tia hab, ~ ttitA _
-..-ad. aM tCCitd. ,..., .....t l.e recriod
B. ~
Let me c:tTe :roa a cood ~_ to toOow;
s-e Jean &0. TIl-.. EdlMla -.kl that, la
perfeetiD. ooe of IlJI; Cf"l!U. l.....ea.t!-. lie
1e&ne4 abte t:ha-acl. aJu b1Uldred aM

'eliveri_, t.le _iltio.

o ~C' telli_. Ai. taat ..&. Ufe '~ed _
Plefore _i4ai,M. BU'-
,reaw:. -.oaf! tea ,.",a.adcL Bt' 'ended to
u.ety..lae thlap NOT to do before he leuDe4
E1'erY time Yr. McGrath. stot'7 briJlp 1a
/fct'. AU.:"'"'.' 0 ...~e to /I, fO~ . . aliT_tare. :Joa ani plae to ..,., -nar. It.
too,"" ~O '''e a.'mlldllt. Barr/ream: ."tI~ Now 1 uow what beeaDle of the moneY." Bat
II'"'-1'GN'd [or ~if1At. Tole .-rfe __ o....ed. tole
.illioll ,i'ft.i.Jl..I>L tlltd' tI[ter Bor,N:fItn:
tea rr:VIlr;d. fnl_ ,,,.: roof &. tJlC' ar-iator. Tile
ga., .Ilot
fI' Ule .,,1100-' aad Ou: k , . _ .
BrT:ff.k.i.g til.. 110..... ber
---"" ........... ...
trom ber prot.eet.ora. tla~
m06t likely of
doa"t be too nre. Tbe aathor may Dllalf'ad _
-wlII It he eaJl-aad btl I. Tf!I'J' deTer. &ad
no.. how to direct your tboqbts 1a the
WRONG dlrectJoa.. 81It'-l am poUtin that be
I. IOlall to make the nIKII: Hundred by to eao-
o~J1I'6WV'ro'" Jo..... aat Jt.r .rof.....-d igao-
,....."'. .,11 u('. 1,.[, Aig to -.rrA ,,,. ~ ~ .
wbom ~ . to be the ~ltor, Jo~
Whal ls oW' llnt erae!
t1Ire"oreDee. aad leave DO ~Ie la Its pMh
I. th_ att:emptJI. lIboaid t1roe Irst oae p""e
"'It ilnl-... li.~ 'ht k lad '.l('M foiJrL Loet . . P bM:k to the moment w~ Ru-
p-n.Te Ieal'1HlIII tJle maaaioa .....ano_ded. by
h1UIe. Thht meau t.Ilat the B1adI: H'llDIllnd.
lwelf Is plq to ald u la ELDnNA nos.
Tir fIlloo ...........il101ci.,, /I lICrrd:. (HI lAe
_rt". for o.t fit - . 11.1. arcll~_mles. aael be dedded to skaTe ott Kr. EdlMm bad to .lI.mlaate of faJse
bis beu'd aDd _ p e by m4l&lUl of a baJlooll. leIMa. aad that broo&bt him IlteadU,. ae&n:"r tlroe
DOVE., I hue wrtlU1l the ~ ot:IUlae Was thn'oe a eoaAldf'rable Ia~ of time before oae rl&:bt IdeL
A of Harold lIcGMlth'. _~P" WlolT,
&ltd the -:don ot Ute IUma. coveTl.q Ute
be :ctwaJI,. salted .kywanl from the~! 1
thJDk thf're ..... &ad I belln-f' that Stu.ley flat-.
I 'aave bem OD eaRS w'a~ ~f'I')' d_ 8IeeIIIed
to point u ~ to tJte pllt of eome 0ItfI
t1nu. ~I_e of The lliJUon Dollar M~. p""-&l'e b.u already praTed IIJDI.e1t to bl! a ID&D pe.-.. Had 1 1roeea nulll, aad eared aot!llq:
The mywtery .-ITeS ltaelt Into t1ac1lnA: the of 5U1Iidnt euu.ll\l to de-la ways &ltd _ _ for my ~t.atloL b..t 1 bees reward .....ter
penQa or penoaa ...ho Reared the mll1l_ dol- of bdIlq Ills pe.r.ecaton. 1 thlalt be Ilu 1III:e IOIIlIt of t.Ileal. I ...ould haTe . .ora oat
Ia.ra. aad ~al.q wbat beeameol that do.. 1IJm.8elt to be the tYPe of ID&D ..."-e W'aIT&Dt for' that ID&IL Bat thlalt of wllat tile
JDOae7. TIlls 41lreftMle 1 hue lloted; the t1.... tlroMJPt8 are sIlarpeMrd aJld ~ by d.aqer. pobllc woaJd bne -.14 It 1 wen:.,.,....! ~
port!'a7 two IlaDda readl.iD& ap to the .ate. 1tJt. . . . b e t _ Ute _ e a t 1M kMw lIis ",fIo _ I I , too. that faIae ~ .....
elMlwtq tlroe DlOIM!J aad. ~ rro. . ..en: . . . 11. _ his tn.U. ... tbe u.e tIMl proIliabI)' 1roan ClOM. _ Dloae)"'. tt.l. . ~
lIr. McGntll. storT laflmatn tlLat' Harcrean ab-entt: .....,. 1tII ...,. wttll tJae ~ .... tlca. Tbt Is wIlJ, eTa belON _,. a I

with tbe Ualted States Secret servl~ I learned You. are ,olllA' to try to .iIl that n.ard of Uptly. Tbere may be lapees of mlutea, 1lcMIrs
bow to ELuI. L"JATE. The bumu braiD t\U'1di ne..eoo, aDd you caa't be too c:arehaL DoDt or days, aad In that time tbiap .-ere- tKJ. . .
oyer Ulou.ghw very rapidly at tlmetl, and AS- attempt ttl keep all tlle.e facta 10 your m.ln4.. ,lace that ,.ou do lIot aee. What ycnl p t is
SUliES frequCllU" wben It sbould Ko'\QW. OpeD a recbte'I" a ebart of enota _a .hat hu been eoutdet'ed DeeeMU)' to ~.
I'or auaple. you. might ..". MJonN-lbe-but- c:haruten. aad keep reril'tTill&" to that c:bart aad FLE you. R.emem.bft' that. If J am eaIIed 011
1ft" kIlIo... an aOOl1l It, and pretty' IlOO& be Is mak1DC DotatIO_ 011 It, . . the aton' proceed&. a c:ue. I do Dot. bettiIl by bellnlq the pJlty
olD&: to MID .w..,. with thai. money. He hu
the 6DeI5t chaAoe In tbe world to do IL ~ But
lDStead of readtas the Rory aad wateb I q the
ftlm. for tbe sake of eatertaJomeat. look IDto
per'IOl1a will abo_ thelr pUt In every Ilet-
be:t In SllALL ...,..; XDet.I.mea la.ft.aJtel7
don't be too butJ'. Stanle,. lhrp'nn t:nIStecl eTt'n' act. aaaJyte eTftt'J' .csteIDellL U ......
JOAN---&Dd ~ ...e ..u pl"etty carelul _beD. . Your chart wm IJta.rt lUte this: for the momeat that YOU are StaaIf17
It eame to uu.t!q aDJbod,.. He ...._ able to Stanley liarp"ea"e-c:le't'er, darlll& fore- Harc:rea'C'~ Woald you bide that miWoD fa
TRINK STRAIGHT. aad that 1.- _bat you. mWit Illpted. Clldoubt:ed17 the maa .bo ~k or bid aaJ'ety deposit .....ult.. or 10 the attle:, or In a
do fa keepiq accou.ut of EVERT happn.IJI&,. the m~ren&JDably dead.. but qaJte Ultely &ec:ret. room.. or iD the buemnt.. or woa.ld 7_
"bo matter bow trlrial. Wbt _flU; Import&nl ALIVE. UlIdoabtedly left c:omplete la.atrue:- bury It or t2b the risk of c:a.nyiq it wttll.
_. ma.:r become ULlmporta!lt I.D. .. few more t1cma with JOD8. TheretoN'. I maR watdl- ,.ou! ~b17 tor yeari 8arp'sie had beew.
~ T_ mJ&ht flQ' that BnJDe and JODes JoDeHh~BlItlft'. wbo will be baDdJc:apped by .'Jt.hLalliq &boat .batbe .0a.J4 do If he Iaa4 m
are fooUq aU tlIe otbers and Plottill&" t.oetber. takla&" eare of dl.e bo_. lookiD.c after Floro leaTe ill a b.1lJT:f. It}'OQ haft doae eM_..
k t BralDe"ts dHr: leadft' at. lbe lIeef'el o~Jul _ . watc:b1.1l& oYer the fort1lDe. aad maybe you do DDt YUt otben to blow, 7_ tr7' to
.I.e is the 0IlI.J' man iIarp'a... eoald trut keepbl&" 111 toadI with Rarpft,.e. ad la w..,.. wiD. JDaIle ~m tIlla.1l , . .
u.oIatd,.. ADd yet, BraIM ill pta to ..-ake
Q to tile fact that be . . . .atcb this IItolJd.
BrtiDe. leader of Blacll R_dred.. Be_Ill
trJ' eTeryt.h1q: be caa thhtk about. aad eTen'
do DDt bo.. or that wbat tlte7 .-pect Ie . .
foDDdecL JODeS.. for example. Ia cot... to aab
date be Is ~ I will DOte IL bec:uR that the B1ac:Ir: H_dred loot ia the ~ dlrec- .
dmad- _e lh..lq I mlPt WOI'TJ' about.. dOlL LIb the aleiPt..t-hud __ _ tM
Braille. more t1r.aa II.arpoM.Te or lODe&, will .tap ...ho a.Iwaya Il~ _ IooItiD3 al Ute
help Bte aIft the tne from the f::Lla. WTOII&' thJa& J _ is col... to Iteep on cI....
n.n-aee G,.,.. a clrl brocHIPt .p fa a board- the PJlC fa'- lead&. aad It ,._ are DOt c:an-
hie RIlooI la the _ t r y . bIcl:t.q fh pracUc:aJ fQJ., J'OU ~ p I q .to fulIIp al c:oac:luaI....
~~ Maybe die ..In tar! 111 ,"e witb IteeIJ Ia mlad 1180 that r wm Dot. fr
.....ebody. and pl'O't'e to be Impuia~. . . YOUD 1etten 01 pencmaI Iac.trl.... All I am p1ac
ctrt- otta ue.. .u.o It Is l1kelJ abe hu .mDe to say r wi)) . , . Ia th-e artkleL What I
of ba' tal.her'a b1Ib -.d c:uaaJq. It abe Is tell ODe, I tdl eTerybody. I am p l q to clve
plac:ecI la ~1lll poatlo-. .be may tell .blt'
abe bto.-ocl alao I may ftad abe DO'I
IlOthbl&" of the loc:at10111 ot the mUlloa. Sc::areeIy
you DO adnatase OTfIt' the baluIee ot the

A clue ill a key, aad it It la the rlPt kl!l'. It

llkeJ7 abe _ouJd DO'. ~ that Do.ledKf! tarna tile loek. aDd the. it la Dot 110 dfaeult
..Ga1d eDclaa&e' ber_ to Gad the lwoIlea bits of e'I'1deac:e ud DI_
PrlDce8 Olp., Ju.t as c:1e'1'eT . . Bralne. The them tof;et..ber. But all th_ atra7 thtap mtlllt
PrIDC'e1l11 Ie pl~ to atop at Dolhlllle, and w11l FIT. They mast mate' _ethlq perfec:t-
aItlo help me ellml_te. and eet lIe&reor the r1~t form a ,.ttern that I. unmtlltakable.. I'or ell:-
. .Iudoll. ample. as you ~ cl_ OD Tbe MUlloa Dollar
Vl'OO1l, BralDe'. lieutenant.. .bo earriea out Mystery, ]'"OQ wiD becllII to Me .b7 ~In
bill muter'. orden-not a very brilliant man, thillp _ere dOlle or uJd. It will bedn to k-
perb:ll)ll.. il1 orl~nadnA' Ideat!, but Ilke tbe ft~ht come dear to you then. But the dory. 11,1 tbe
Inc doC that kill. the pme Wb~l1 the bound l1ew~pen and on the 8c:t'eea. will eoDtaln not
rua. It to N..rtb. ooly lb_ clues. but whatever elle eonc:erne
UaGOWD Pf"non", wbo m.y come Into th~ the action of the .wry .. It proceed........ ad ,.our
plot.. and who will mYlltlty me all to thel.. potIltioa ill j1lllt tbls: SUppo8l! 70U atGOd at a
Identlty. I will not be too .ure .. to who they
are. bec:ause II mistake would mhtlead m~ I
..m watch them b}' their ACTS, and .ee If there
m.y Dot be othen coocerned bealdea onell
:'aced. bUller. Snine III ~oln~ to aee that theft I bave met lhue far.
I. IlORE than d'OlIlIeM'aD~to tM. fellow JODe.. Tbe Aeroaaut-.ramy ..mebody that Bar-
He i.I pl.l:l.l to t1ad tbat Jon~ C:lD THINK. and ere.,.e .o~ tr...t. I.haJJ tTy to I~ wbat
apart. froI:u the Prilleft&, Bn.lae mas have DO beeame of bim. bec:a_ If he b.. helped ~
OtIe eille to help him do his tbln)d~ .....7 _Ith tbe 1IlOII:eJ'. lle _Ill do . .1IIetbiDC
1D lbe .ec:ret. room of the order...heft eTery to _,.e a cllle-
m_boer yean .. mull: becaulM!-qalte lIkel,. DO SortOD, the reporter. I UIl pLq to . . It
two DlftDben! (with few ~bJe eueptioDII) he coatl!:_ .. a .c:h.anlde!:. _d if he dew&.
bow eKb other. BralDe lett. Vrooa. hi. lieu- watda blm c:'-ely. He baa beea a ~ 01 de-
taaDt. that thl!l' m1mt .crt);:e qulc:kly, becatuM!
B.arpeaTe Is c:ool aad bra,.e. aad would act
quJc:kl7 It he ~l.ecI BrafD~ It ~ n
tec:tln fOf' :reus. h_t:las bIc atorlea 'Of' bta

The ~ T e prem.... I m1Ult tamllIartae

c:lLIl coDfOGlKf m&D like BraIDe, doa't yoo thiDk mywdt with them. bec:aue if the mOIllfJ:Y Is bld-
be !:Ie IOtas to tool you jut a little! delt h~, thea tlIe .etI. . or pe~" lit the
No., If we are qulte sal'? that Sta..n1l!7 Har- b.-boid. or _talden wbo p t Into the bome.
Il"'bTe ncaped trom that baJkM7a.. thea m.ybf' will belp 1IIe bo bere to SOT look.
..e c:lLIl lean mDdt by ..ateblDS him. But If he SmaU lDc:i4IeatL neh . . letten.. Dote&, 'Po.....
d _ 1HIt retana (aad the R:ory ..ould be bet1f'r c:aJ1a. etc.. UIat. ma7 hel, me and the -.l1It100.
and more "flIDS If be kM'pa out ot our ...y" by -.ecttq dllfel'ftlt ~ aad ieadlq fo
"e m1Ult wakb Joaea.. beeauM he I. n1d~tl:r or l'Nm n-etlta..
carrybl&" out Harp-ea,.e'. IDah"artloDJL Wllf'D Besldell a c:ha.rt .....ethblc IIlle th.m---d II
~ Gray (RuF'eue'. uu.Pterl .ppl'!'anl ..oa1d BOt be a bad Wea to 11ft a pap: I. J'OUr
_ tJie IlCeDe,. we muillt ...tdlber. ~Q8f' , am Itt'lte-boolt 10 EACH daand-ft"-']'.o. ab~
expeetlas to .ee tJuo Blac:k HUDdred tryin" to TffI1I."K the KIO"'. RaTe eTftt'J' fact. la Ita 0r-
deee:1,.e ber d n-ell kid_p ber to make ber der. dearly In mln"d. The. from tlm~ 1O tlme.
tell _bat abe Iuto.... or foroe Ra~Te luto you .111 bfo awan- or the eoanec:tioo bet..~ 'l!wltcb-board ..Ith bu.dred .wltcbes. Eac:1l.
tile opea to _ ~ lle-. ~"e~u or coD~eraatloD In earlier f'P1Mdes .Ith oue tanuJ _ dlJreretlt 11tIts. It. ~ ~
We 1IIllat watdI the PriD~ 010.. beea~ tbOllle In later ept.oclea. Simply ~Iu able to th.t you Ibtd tbe _ tbat turall 011 taat tIl_
abe ts .adorabtedty ill to"e ..Itb BnlDe. nd J'el':lte tbe ",f'nl~ of Ibe .f.OT:J will not be' ..... IIpta lIeedecL Tou mlpt. m&1le aIDet)'-aIDe
perh.~ a trlfte ~ and a'" "f'T')' Imbltiou!l df91L You mu. uk you"",lf qul!!l'tlontl, 7- milltLkes. Bat III that bulkllq there Is ODe
tor mODI!l' aDd cood tim.... Sbe I. dllrlatt. aDd must watt'b elIU_ .nd el'eeta. and t:raee d- room ID wblcll. Ihid Is bldlDI'- It you tura
abe will tl"J' n-~IIIS thal ~e ~ thl.k of to recta B.\CK 10 eIIU-. Sometl..,.. you ~ on lKIme of the other Ur;l!ts. he will know be la
P!'t hold of th.t fortllu~ wbat HAS hapPf'ned bat O""'ook WHY It
""e mnat ...t,.h
Bniae. bec:ao.e he I. plDS" to be all 'lIr1"OtlSht ~ ....... belnc haated _d mipt. eeeape. Tou caa aot
:l1'I'ot'd to malte even oae wronr r:ra-.. Ho_
p about belaS" foiled. eTetI at tbt! ~nnln~
He wiD 1tOt ft:op at commlttl.c murder If t.heT'f'
Ia _ easI~ ...,.: aad If one of the baad tarnl
nat I" why I 1m belplnS" you I'I!._
YOD mUM Jearn to depeDd OD YOURSELF.
out' the
plot.. Tou m,.et not uk me bow It. .111
would 70U know .blc:h switch to tbrow! The
wl~ themllelvea are hldd_ Illi the waU..
elIn not end ODe of the wIrea that leaila fl"Om

traitor. that member will eome up mi_D- come OQL TI!!!!.. I am poaId,.e I could and that tbe bac:1l of the .wttdt-board.. TOG .ould b~l
ADd rlpt here I. a cood IdN.: BraIlle Is a mUlIoD dollan, bat my ~eDt .Ith TH.E tate before you took ell.anc:e.
d0lll.1aeerIIIS maa. He b.. brutal tnJta. He )lOOK P'1M'OlU..\L I. Dot to lay m7 1r.aDd. But ill the Millioa Dollar )(yRery...e bow
may bulI7 _ member of pae, or may Olt It. but to belp YOU-It ~ ou are alert M01iP tills maeb: [f be c:a!I co_ed J_ea ,witb facta

f!t1'_ ~
and thea there ._14
JDake hfmRlt DOW1l . b _ be hu ~ ralto
be llIternal treactt.
aad . .me OIMI rn-.lly t.- Ii.upoeaTe.
~ llcare It .n out tor yourself. aad .1111 the
pM. tatrt,..
Remftftbft' that III a few word. of the aew.
01 the rlPt IrtDd.. be will reveal the trutb to
us. We are pM... to watcll tbe other c:banct:era
t&b boid or tIlIe ...Itc:bea.. o.e after aaotber
' " 1Mn I.uI4e taeta .... th. be able to ..... paper 1toI'7, or 111 a alacle IIOeae o. Ute ~ tlley will malte ml...... Tbat IeaTel. J'E'W1tll
teet non.ce sad tlIie ~n fort1m& ftI'J' baportaat r.eta . .y be pa-.4 "fit' ""b:ItelI for US to thro.!
J' kao~ wbat Staalq Harcn!a...e dJd- doIIu'I: . . . cr-t deal of mODe)'". but oae JeI'-
.. .... IIr'dt:r dear _ .. IlDiac _ wta lL WIly Mt aab ... J'8V

,th. 01
wlLat II.. ~ tid. Bat BraJae . . . ... . . . . Ulat TOO WUl 1NI Ulat ODe! Doa"t cae-.
bow. aor 40es 0Ip" ad their "ward . Be c:aftfIlI. poaItJ...e, e'l"f'II. alow to arrive at
IDUIJoD doUan apia8t ) ' - . r tftl t h - . d !
TIley un ODe !laJldred tim~ tile reuoa _ We ba...e 1IOW started. &ad from this 1IlODIftIt
IIl!IU'eb that )'ou !lave. S.~ ~ tool!; OL the st8ry .. aoJ.q to become more ~
dillCll: or cards &lid sb..-ed tile eard. tho1'VqllJ.}'. lq. ........e wm be Upt. ........u:J.q: to traoe nit
aDd thea _owell you oae eaTd at a tflDe ..w dae that _ e d to ~ all riPL BIIt
tw.utrds the dedt had berB sIIow.. CoaJd y-. ..,. nile. _ aft walt1Ac. UIe thlap ~
name e't'ery card .ID b:l the decll:! 11)'_ CU'T'lD&" wtn be eTeIl more Import:ut 1.haIl ...hat
had rOlll' eoham-. one for ss-dea. OllIe ror e1.... w. are wUhfn&" would be e%plaiDed... Eada
oae ror ~ ud one for dla!DOIIda. . .d week I wID c1,-e :r- bel~t bd~ oo1y.
a DOte of eaeb card :roa saw. thea you c:u.Id DOt polIltITe statements wllereby yoo caa sad-
_ . ellmlmtte than. and deduct thelll t1"OlII tile deal)' ...... tile mystH,.. I wiD le:td yOQ ap
cud. IIt.lU la tbe deck. Some 0( tile eYeau to tile e-'IItIaJ thlap., SlId tIlea ,oa mlUlt taII:.
la thl. m,..tes7 will mo,-e . . .wlm, as the.!" WI! my naesdoas and do ,our owu ftCllrlq.
c:arcla. SlId If )'ou are aot eareta.l. you will lad X, basJa_ is to .bo... yoa HOW to
y~1f I..I!lmmhl&" ........t has alread,. beea d. . dechlletloll.l; that and 1IoUllns mol'e. Take You wID ft~re out wbat baa bee:a t1:letle blnta and compare them ...ltII the epl-
showa to be false. You must wate;b the earda lIOdea they relate to, an4 before Y01l now tt
-must eh.rt them-must be able to REMOVE ,our o ...a mind wl1l be ferTetln~ out th~ faet!I.
all doubts from your mind.
Nen:r say, ~No .... I 1oI0w," just beeanue you.
.lad ,oa will be _1as man, or the tblap In
The )lllJloa Dollar If)"Ste,,. tIlat Its a-.thor
feel eathulutle. WATCH. Keep t:rKII: of 1nI0~ but lalead. to IIlde tram you--jWllt . .
e"t"e1"YUl ~ Let. lID iDddeat. ao won!. DO look be 1lu hidclea the mlllioa dollan from )'CRIr
oa tlle r.aee or aft)' daarac:ta-. e.eape Y01ll" aotlr.e. n-,!
You eltb KNOW or DO NOT KNOW, &Del WWi4. ~_ B.,... CcoLllCtio. . _ tAe ~
what seem....ery platadble this 'We!l!1I: may lte ~ of ~ MilJro. Do,.,. M tery tria .~
baoell:ed la tbe head aert ...~k. Tea t.b.oaADd ~ u.tAe aut fane.

WilliaDl J- Burns and .the

-es The Great Work He Thinks
is in Store for Them


HAT HAS WlI... maD Is-lie c:alIt be---clner
LIAJI ~. BURNS. ftlou&"b to be a suceeuru I
aol,-er of myster- criminal. And neither c:alI be
lea. deteet.he PU' eJ:c@lIence, S"ot to Lea...e out the moral llTpIneat ap.I-..t ertme ~t hlmlM"Jr above the law,"
rio with movla&" plct.ul"l!II! Wh, does THe . .eI. th~. stili that lJtr'ollKo pnu:Uc:al one- AIIId rl&"lIt then I Itot a ...lIlIon of the man
JlO"I..& PU:TOIU..u. want to Intl'Oduc:e b1m to ,.ou It CID't be doae .uec:esa;fally... that mlpt have corne to me before, from wbat
wllo .re. mo,-Ie faJuI! lit. tIloacht f'm~. you - . Tb~re .oald I iliad kno...n of h1m. But It rte'ter had. alto-
Well. I ..... curio. myllelt bea I wu still be a aeed for U1e 8On. of ...ork Bana. d~ ~er. I sa... tile Il:OOd r.IU..n-U1e maD ... bo
told to P to _ him. But r e fOUId o.t aad teacIl~ his men to do. But there would lowed order. aDd la..... nd a decent re.sped. for
a thbac or two! If theroe. an, lteld of lIamaa be a dtfl'ereDee. 1'\0'" we walt o.alit enme t.he rtstatJI of all mea, ...Ith a passionate Io,-e.
bl.ter'Nt and actI...IO that thts ma.a Baru lias _ _ committed... Then _ .-eod for Banul. Of eounM! he wu lIke that. I liboald ha,-e
doen.'t toocll. at 0Ile SlIlPe' or aaotber. I aad.. with more or Jet.t c!UDeaJt)' and at more. luaowu It! Men don't worll: .. lie bas worII:ed.
hanll."t bee. able to dlxo... Il! M to bJs or le. ~ . lie calc::llea tile mml. . 1 ud doa't..Jac:ocotnpllAb the aon of mode1"1a mj~
11I~ la the IDO't"ts. and the lJa~ of the _ to It Clat lie Is brotadlt to jast:tee. That'. that are spread. tbl'OqiII bls record. .tat for
mo,-t~ I. "1m. lie 4141a't leave me ta a ..--tef1Ll p ~ Wbat be wanta to do Is to what tIlere may be In It for thea mataially.
mla.te. Re'. pt. ......,. ot cot.. to the Iteut .aa.Ir.e the ertmlnal -.. ~ be commits tile Not that Bllru Iuwa't bad lIil1 IIUUrlaI re-
or tllLap. has BID'1lL erbDe. wba.t Is nre to b&pSIeIII to !11m! Simple. 'Wanta. Bu1ta. I lI1I~tIloaP ft. nOlle or
""ODe tlabac I wu.t to teD y-." be -..lei. ta"t It! Bot bow! m, buII:I-u. a rk:Il 1rUl1l . .w. or well _
~" stWq 'baldl: Ia , .. dlafr &ad 1ett:Iq 'nile mO'l"fes. of co.. ,.! tile ..,. to bdq- - . Bat I doubt It be thiab
it .wi.. aroaad. ~PbotoKrapby--aDd tbat -I W"8!IIt to mall:e n-ery poteatlaJ c:riIalnal _ mllell aboat. that aide ot IL
ateUl.I 1110-.1.. picture pbotclilCnpb,.. t----u what f1IItlle., silly thl... be ill plaalliq: ...1If'11. H~ Io... es bJs ...ork. Aad. thoasta a pod
~ ta Ita 'ataDcy! YOQ Il. ._'t ..,. W- be deddea to commIt a" !htras _at -.. deal or bJa work Is that or InnaUn dowu .-.
oe tile __ we're cola to "IDeI tor It ...1Ie. ft """"'....11, rna plq Into the .ovieL TIIIat. ...1110 lIIa...e dcme wronSo It isa't the lene of tb4!
~ Its powtll-t.lloap we're do.- pretb' -n wn _ e of the moR relll&l'bble ~ r,-e sportmJaD ror Ills IIUllL It" the puaiou of a
already. t. for t8llt.&Dee. u n a ' f'MlJ, _ _ beeD. eoaeenaed wltll are bet... limed.. Two of blS maD f'II.l~ b:l 11 hi&" flPt tor ... bat b_
to ue ft yet. No-I doD."t fa tile detree- tIIIem are dOllle aow. One I. the old PlIIUadelpllia II:no_ Is rtpt.
tloa of crime." _nterfefUas c:llIIl!'. Tbat. oae type of c:rimf!l. "So that'. wily rm pllllf lato the movls."
He stopped, aDd 1 'Wondered what be did a ~ OIII~ for thl. P ~ b. -..Id oace mOf'e. bl. nice ~Ias. aztd bts
mean. I had ben bopfas tor _ e remarkable "Ia tbat c:lllI"!', ,ou 1I:1IOW, the r-overnmnt ..... ...bole maDaer P'Owiq mo" eoalktellUal. .. ,
tale of 110'" 11 morins pletare. bad belped bfm aearer to bel.aS beatelll b,. mmt__11I tIla.a It doa't now a.ay other ...., to reac.b 10 maa,.
to "I,-e a ertme. Bat that WUD.'t tbe -Idea. e,-er ..... before or ever baa been .Iaee. Tbere I)eODle. ADd aot only that: It roeaclaell tIlem 111
"No," be repeated. "'taot In the detect.fon or ..... a countt>rfelt note. the bta-t aperta 11 partlc:alarl,. con-.1adas. Imp~l't'e ....,. ... bf-a
crime--Ia It. I)l'e'Ventlon! That....lIat I ,...nt 10. tile country uJd that aote ..... Ptl'CaJne. It the, .ee It on the KfteD. Wlaat they aee 1'1
to '_1 want to prennt mme!"
That ratIIer took m, breath .w..,.! 1t ......
.....'t. and ...e pro,-ed that ~ It ..... too
perfeet. eo per1erctJ,. ac:e1Irab! that tbe nry
picture has ft'aIly !lap~ tIley _
done. It m ~ IIOIDelblalf .etlalte. C'ODl:I'I!t.e.

prettY QtoIlI.llhac state_to at Inrt bloah. ll(lI'Ul"UJ of It apel1ed camera. But that ..... It'. mOT'e 1"MJ 1.haIl aaytbla&" Pf!IOPie !ulu ...
The Willi.... 1. Ban.. Ill1teraatloaal Det.eetJ.e an tIlat .... the matter with that eou.aterfelt read. In 11 book. llr. Edlaoa broQs!IIt tba1 b~
A&t".~ Is 11 pMty bfc" baBfa-. ADd I . . - -It ..... too 1'GOd! If ne:r. crilDlaals _ e l l to me. not Jonc a&Oo wilen lie ............ _
d~ wbaL It there ~"t to be aay more IlII:ety to .Isproft thla theory ot ml_ about lOme very .....derfaJ t'ducatlOD&1 IbIIIa f_
ertmes.. w . . pia to beea1IIe of that tIIoal_! tllle fatl1tty of ertme. that .... tlae t1me. But ehlldrea..
rt wu 11 pod deal . . It 11 mlt'Olld Pft&Ideat tItf')' were lteat:--.-Ad that ab.o~ that a crim- ""Te&. I thiak the pkbare Is platt
Inal eaa't be ullral eaoap to _La. to . PlaY blK' part In preoreat1a3 erhne. I
1uld told 'OIl. ...blle )'_ ..-- tr elliq:' with
blm 111 1111. prI't'ate ear. that he
wortI: Clut 1IdII_ b, ...lIIida tnT") aad tile
trytall to 1'111_ tbere. the _ ot the laBd traad.
In the 1l0I'tlnr__- . . cIllfft'ftt _ It _ I . be.
dlliall: lite 1DO'I"h!s win pl"On the peUest deter-
rent to crime fa tlIIe world-tall tIIft'e Is _
t:U1')1..,; of ~pt by rall.....u "'o...d beeoaae TIIIet"e we !lad to Ipt 1Dftl wllo were _ 11118" work. that Is ~ t ,. IM!Iart tllaa tbat...
~ . But I lI:ept qutet. aad wafted ,... tbat lot of JII!OOIe sbook tIlet:r,,-)leu. aM saJd TIIIat:.. ....hat 1hu"u has pt. to cIo witIII tile
111m to erpWa. that 1Dftl Ub that eoUla"t tie '"-Pt to )(cn1~! That. the IIIIK 5d8t. Mdl of tile JIle-
""Crfm~ Is J-t,Iee. that they Wft"e ........e tile Jaw. a.t t1lrft ...1IIdl lte 1ula ltelped tAt -an. aad w1II.idII
""T'lIIfl"e ta.'t aaytllfq _
tIIIlq rm
ratIie tlatllCo" be weat Oft.
merlq at all the tfme. ,...
~ tItey w_"t-1to. sir!
a-uar' _ ~ Wft"e.,
BJ&: _ tIIey Wt'ft., f .
tIIIIJ" -..n eea:dd" ...
tile wtnta. .1. 1hIrns Intenaatloa.a.l m. eo.-
,.a7 Is p I q to jNlt. . .t. T1tft'e ... m be _.,..
crlm.IaaI t:aa't La. He. bcMmd to be cawctkt. .-JabeI .. tM eIIlL Jiat .. the eeaJt- otIIer _ b81de tIMl P1Itbdeltllala . . . tM
W.... too r.r He eatII't IIelllt tIIIe terreW.c eMe __
. , . . ~ tile
~-.knt ............ I. whJdll tIIIe ~
~ ..a will tie abo_ _ lite aereea.
foIoeft ~ II.- oqaaiad tor ItII IN otectk:a.
l u d a . ~ ~ ~

.---.._ ... poc.ket-book for & c:l.tiRa. who had 1tee!I

- - :"=-:""_._.

--...--ffi:1 .l';;j
tftr. ., robbed' .. be stood OD the carb;- I 1laoI> __ .,
moriq pictRroe DUIdl1ne wortiq at die apot,
ud 1II'ben be COIDplalDed to me, aftB tile
Varade. _d told me wbft'e be bad ~, I re-
lifE-WILLU-.- membered It-nd. with the bell' ot the fUm,
we ea.aP.t the tbJl!f In the ad:...

We talked of many other th..lnp---&)I 11Iter-
_ estlac, But be couJdn~ keep very loll away

----.... ---
_ _IPI_ ........_ _ .......
_ _ .......
from that bll" Id_ or hb ot teachlq potaUa.l
crimlaals ..hat a tntile \hIll crime l.a.
"We') mab them undenU.nd that! .. be aahl.
"I aqplJted that Idel.. to Coaan Doyle tile
other clay. And at Ilrst be dtdll't.' Ullcienmad.

~.-_. --
. .-....
c..... _c""'...
r Jit.cI to es:plaJ.n to him jut wbat 1 mflUt-
that t wanted to ~n Jlprtq on ...,.. of ~
veatiDS' crime lutead of detectlas" It.
"You ,ha"e to sho.. him and It W"U a new
Idn to him. But be KOt It_nd he blued riPt
up! He thoapt It It'U peat--,-ea. sir, he
blued rtl(bt up!
.. AIlCI be told me how most people bad beftI
workJn~ jU.l!lt the oppoBlte ....y. There 1II'lIS Gee
theatrieal maDQflr be spoke of-an Easllab-
man-who h3d the Id"- tbat you couldn't hl-
teretlt people In crime on the IltaA'e unleas yon
..'-'t~:- Kloritled. It. No..-that'l all WT'ODS;!"
Alld tbat" reminded h.lm or IIOmetlmes--
1D ~~ or u..r.crt u-.t 1
everythlnlt be 81)'11 ~mlnds Burns ot 9OID~
_. ar-U7 ~ ~ IlL aI: nth.
~1:T11 ~*'-.. I thluK!
sr-'t . ~ .. ~ U q
wlU ~
.ita ~
-J?pu-oau('!l or
pu~U:~ ill tIIII!"::w
~ ~ _
-un- to
"There's been a lot of talk about the harm
the movies have dOlle. ~ ile saJd. earnelltly.
"In tht'! belrillnlq thlnp "'ere nlmed that were
tM "U11Cl11 Dol1c' ~.. . f WTODK, I kno.. They impluted wroq Impres.
V;':; trul,. )'oura
, , lOlO1Ul In vJ,astIc minds. But' laD't that a proot
of just wbat rm drlviac at! Doesn't. It "0"

that by doluS' the dia.metrtcaJl,. ovpolJite thin&,
by tryinA' to plant the risi!t IIOrt of Impree-
lliontl, the movies will do Kood! or COline the,..

~ ~
W"U1! They're just as poteut-more votent-
. . tor Koocl.!"
Burna II an enthuslalt. you lee. He's sot
faith In human nJ\ture.. a whole lot ot It. The
lle&lDy side ot Ufe that be kno_ so 1IJeli bun't
turned topside with him. He doesn.'t thJnJt tbe
j' world Is golnK to the doge--and be h.. the
riS'ht Idea about maJdnlt people ramm... with
mme. If that la done hll .ay It'll golnK to be
You'll Me them~d you'll _ Bunul himlJl:.1t. ...111 let hlon about the creator or Sherlock 3 p-eat moral force.
and the way be works-the abtJolule l5ureneae Holmes-be thlnkl be'. a poeat man. Well- ADd becauae he's InUlrested In the movies.
of hb methodll. thlllk about those four plcture:a, llll of IlItimatt'! he's Interest.ed. III the !Inmon Dollar ?fystery,
or CC1Uf'lIe. 11011 aren't pJJmnlq a frlelldu Burnll bas made. It taketl a man of That tao wby be Is KUhiK to teU readers of TnI':
Neither am t. But put youraelf In tbe place varled gff'tll to claim that quartet amOIlK bls :ltovu: P1M'01lJAl. bo.. to folio..' the cle"'l1 lIS they
of IIOMe one "ho b thlnkJUlf about robbin rrleads. dOesn't It! 3ppear, one atter another. wblle that mystery
a. blLDll. or briblq a elty coanell. or lJe1ldlng There wen! a couple of the remarkable car- Is beluK ..orked out 011 tbe screen trom week
potlOued ClU1dy throuPl the malls to an 1InaWl- toona McCutcheon did wblle the MacNamara to .eek. nat Is why be III KQintt to. analyse
pldoWl friend. CAlle WlUl ~tatinK the country-both 8lpltl each picture u It appean. Ht'! .ont solve the
And carTy the mental masquerade a. little cant In their way, too.- like the photoP'apba, mYSterY for you-you'l! hal'e to do that for
hLrtber. lmaPDe younelt droppln Into a pie- Both rellected the Idea Bul'Dfl hu always d..elt Y01lJ'llfltvea. of coune. But he will show ,.ou
ttu'e abow, aDd .eeln&" SOMe oae do somethlnc upon 80 pasalonatel,.-that the lIKht qaJnst ho.. he would do It. He won't k.IIOW the IIOlu-
1WJt about Uke what you had planned out eo the M.acNam.&.nuI 1II'U not a IIp;ht apfnst unJOD tlon. He ..1II approach the case each "'eek as
thoroqhly. And tl!ea ftpre your aensa.tlona. Ia.bor. He'. a1waYI saJd that union labor bu..'t If It 1II'eTe one of his OWll-U Ir he had bon
alwaya roell:u!:mberi~ that you're IJQPJ)OIM'!d to !ot a better friend than he. and that. lI01De time. retained to dJacover ..ho took the mtUlnl:
be the man or the .om.l.ll .bo 1F.I.Ilt:a to be a It wiU lind that out. mlllloD.
criminaL .. you see Burna b.lmaelf. 011 tht'! I WlUI thln1dllA' about those plcturl"ll when be ADd-welt If I wanted to do a piece of d~
l5Cl"el'!D., pili. droudl an tb't'! proeetIIIeII tbat came In .I.Ild 1II'e bep..n tG talk. Burna t:alka tect!ve work. with a ~..ard of tea thousa.d
elld In the ea.pture or tbt'! man really did .ell and easily, But bo1ll' he can keep quiet dollan In. 'riew If I succeeded.. rd be JIlIsi!ty
commit .. erime. JUl'ft Im~ne youne:!r In that ..beD he "In~ to! I be.. that-Ind I re- glad to Ialo.. that I ..... 1FOr1duS' aloq the
..ouJd-be-crlmlw'll Ilb~d you'll tlnd you'd minded him of my knowlede. A few years Iln\!S that William ~. Borna ..ould folio.. ! rd
lin foot.-'WU'mer! &p I ueed to bave to IlIt:lld re.port.eMl to fJel'! read eYer:r ..ord be 1II'T'Ote abont it!
The moylC!lI bad to ~ a m.l.ll like BunuI- Bul'lll; .I.Ild uk him queltlons he It'UII't ready
No toucb~ life at so m.l.llY dUlf!f'eDt to uurweT. I used to pick A'ood report6'S, too.
polnta couJd escape tbeir spell. could bell' .ee- ..ho could make a clam talk. But tlre)' aU Movie GOW'D.
IllS' bo.. they could bell' him In bla ..orit. came back. one atter another, .I.Ild aa1d Burnll T o play the vart of a mllUonaJre'l daqhter
t . . . Burna In bh ol'lkc In the Woolwortb 1II'0uldn't talk. Ullually a reporter, a reall,. or a countess Is es:pensive. 111_
Bu11dlq In Ne... York. It'll the risi!t place A'oocI reporter, wbo's been Rllt to make a man FloreD.Cfl I4 BadJe. the berolne or ''The Ktllloa
for blftl. too. tbat mammoth or bQndln~ talk uu1 bUll't done II. comes back batlq hJm Dollar Mnter:r,.. ud Kiss lI~erite Sao..,
Bd<n'e t .... bim I bad to walt a fe. millutes. Rlf and the ..hole buml.!ll nee. But theee Counte. Olp In the same story, wlJl contlrm
afttot' be 'bad peeled me. becaulM! be'll the bUill, reporter'll didn't feel that ..ay at aU. They tbe atorem.eatlOlled tact.
@8t m.l.ll you ever .... Alld ..bile I ..aited r told me .hat a nne chap Burna was. and :.c. S_.. hu er))eDde<l '2.500 ror COIItumes.
explored hll oft'lce little. Perhapl'l be bad ftl'!eftled to feel tbat I ousi!tn't to have IeDt and Ihe baa worked In only sis: of the forty
IIOme IIOrt or new device ...tchlllll: me-I didn't them to burt hll reellnp by ukluK questions I'IIx reela,. ..bleb b the leD.I:lh of the fon.bcom
aIk him! But I .... sare. .I.IlyhQ., beeaulle r he couldn't sUII,'er. Iur: Tba.Db01lllel' weekJy lIeriaL Sbe baa
didn't Jlnoop. But I wanted to ~et &G Idea or Put Burnl down .. a diplomat for that! haunted the .I.Iltique shops for little odd thlD.p
the man before 1 talked to blm. .I.Ild I'Tt'! found But be Wked. to me. He told me of the thlDP. 10 wear. of abeolutel,. Ruaslan oriKln. She
that tbe sort of pictures .. man haa on the ...1111 that are belD! done and t!loUKht of to apply hu collected UIluaual earrlnp. brace.leta. beadl.
or btl olllce help In that. movluK plctul"'etl to detection of crime. coifFures. banettC!ll and pecullarl,. Inte1'estlnl(
The tim one I noticed .... of R~elt. "We'll get rid or the lIeceIlIlty of lakinA' tal- jeweled belts ..bleb challenr;'e tbe admlratloa
the famlJlal' Teddy,. lIhall:hlK hi. tll'lt at some Ilble, hum.l.ll evldeace bl!t'ore loq," he saJd. ot torelpers wbo visit St. Petenburw's glQ"
one, .I.Ild ...Ith the familial' WTltltlK I!Pra..1ed "III a ~ many InlltaDeea morinS' plcturee alld ur...
over the picture la all affectionate r;reetln~ to lI01De mechanical voice reproductUl( devicell MI.. SDO" estimates that her costum,ft for
Tedd"'a Mend Durnll. Then there was a p,hOo .'lD be Tel"J' KflUen..Uy ued.. Cameras win be '''The- MUUolI. Dollar Mystery~ will COlIt In eJ['
t.oraph of the lite Admiral EnnL Flsi!t1ntt eet up to take pletura In CI'OW'ded. 1'1-. and C'flSIl ot '10,000. 'Ph. . fat' Iu the ma1dnK of tbe
~ a penow friead. Thoma. A.. Edl we11 h ...e the e"ldcee -.plnst plekpock@tl picture abe hu worn .I.Il \!Spedally dC!lllped
lJOlI .... there ..... one of Conan read,. to our banlb-the-y win be sho... fa the coM:nme fa eacb r:oeel. aDd ... there are forty
Doyle. with Burn. hlm.elf In that. one. Buru. act. Thara beell dODe, In tact. Yean &p, at lilt reell In the story a COtI8II"M'ative _lm1te
b,. the way, wilt tall: lIS loq as his seeretuT ODe of the McKln)~ inauKUr&tloas, t cot a of 1~ ror eacb would mean .,.200.

Jesse L. Lasky-Producer
The Man the Public is Watching
s....,. ..L~.~
Is p6q

t.o iCUlcII
William Almon WolfF. Jr. ....-
to so tlIe opera

xcluIftly W ~
fa. tlle

lila aM aab ilia tar. y_ MIL BIIt be c:a.e

act wi IIJs UJe ta rr-t 01 .. aa-- EIC aftft' u.e. wlUl Ute
.......... It Is . Great be" b.Jm. the tDa&Idaa!
.... 6 ,cite .. p6ctan!;! o.q tMt -..d . . . . . . . Ilim for 1IJJe. The
dIrectar "W bTe tG CUCil 1ltm. w. . tHatn _ c:a.Il1q Ilim all this time.
I.-kJ' lD.'t Joc*1Jac. .... that woa't ~ _d it ,lore that be woald
be ..,.. Bat the I"ftIIt of it w. .:'t be _ lata the bul of lUll_DC pe0-
h.ard-.JJ that wW be ~ wW ple _ lIis owu acco_t _et' or later.
be for LuIl::J' to reIIIeDlber the tJWI&:I Be ... that by . .y of nacle'fUJe. lit
he" doH, aDd Ute pIKft ..hen be laM tbe 1JookID olllk:es the,. wiD tell ,.oa
" - u.em. PkIt! Be's bad . e el to-4a7 w.k;y t. -e of the bl
tIl_ careers that 110 Dcn"elbt woaJd ~ of n1ift'f"llIe_ Be at";' be-
e"f"eJ' dan to l.aTeat. beca.- tra toeI IkYed that thlq c:ovJda't be too
improbable. I bo.... ~ [ 'W"I'1tll! pod., aad _Ill of ILI.a lint T&lIlkriIIe 1IIo:r-U. _etimea, .... I bow 1JII"Od.~ U\I!I alll retnealbeftd.. the edJtor of .. 1lIapld_ . . . . . nat wu II" reaJ start.. Be aade
sa::r abcMIit 1..aakT. ju:at ~ IUle.
Wb_ I . _ ilia the ot.ber ..,. ....
u-t ftP'ItatlOll bI YlladIll"'1Ue.
be PIt _ Idea that .oold
e%plalaed that -me faa ' " " Ia.... Wft'Cked. wbole Joe. or lQetI.. Be wo.,
-.ed Ia hJa. ad wu.ted to bow *red wb,. people la New Tori!:
&boat 1lIm.. lie told IDe .. few t1llap .oakin 't like the PariaI_ tde:a 0(
aIIoat Itl~r__ nTy few. .A.Ild I -bbltaa thdr 'Inaer _lUI their
&ool.ed poUteb' Interated, .... t:rW ..
look .. If I br:U",ed tll&t that all.
..tmI(!BlSL A.a' be _d Beary B.
Harris IlIec:kIecI to II... oaL I dOft't
Built _ ' t . aDd I n_ It. aDd I . . . Oow wbether th..,.- found oat lel, or
)r.::Jew ... b~ to ftDd oat the tbLDp be'" aot--bat \hI!')' surel,. found tIIat New
lett out. 1l wo.ukl hue beea lAter- Yorkers woulda"l, .hatever the ret-
f!1JUDI!: to put them Into hia 0. . wCIr'da. llOD! The i"oll~ 8erItere. beased lu a
but It t:1lD"t be dODe. Or. rather, It ftl'1Jt daa tIl~tre fit" the J'ultott.
f:Ould, but It woold be ILke telllq the no.). wb~re ,.og. eoald ~. real 'in-
KttJry of a jp'eat. novel l.D. the ....nb of ner _d .llieh .. mUlllca.I aho'" from
a IlllbUMher'" anDODn~menL ,.our table. "'3. one of the most. eom-
H(l Ie 3 DaUve aon~. CaliforniaD, plete and eSpt!nlllve little failUrell on
Ih:!t III. And he ....'a1S added to the reeont, It t!OIIt Laaky _n the money
1)fll.lulaU,m of San Fr:mc.l8CO thirtY- lIe'd made In vaudevllle. and a lot
fullr )'rane alto. So tar as I tnow b~ more betlld~. lfOllt people tllou~ht lip.
wlU>n'l born of lbo proverbial poor but ..... throull':b. 1 reminded blm of tb31.
honest 1'1IreaOl. He liad .!)out lbe _d be lImHed, pleasantly,
anl'al;e sort of bo,.hood.. Aad It toot "I no.... be aaJd.. eDU,._ "Bul It
hIm quite. wblle to dlaeov~ lila real _ e d to me t .... Just be!DnhlX-
job-wMch 1lI true or a pod. ItlaaJ' rd IeanIed .. m1lCb-rd cot aucb
m_ ho b....e nperlatbe!y cood after ....... tor 1llm to < police coart Dew. all lot of n:perIeDee."
m_klnK that Importaat dJ.Koyery. day. wrlt:bt&"
Uoat .aI'lIeftn .... tIIina _d TltI'ftCb! Be Ilad"at ber;u to IIcbt!
Luk:J muM a f t IleeII. qalte roaapkr' etIM!r JoMPIe' .. be ~ to the taw. aDd tileD Be did'at tell me the aftermatb oL
.lIea tbe ~ that !aU~ut l ftltered hb tDew IL An.e!' that
biOOCl He weIlt . . ~ blo. 114
tJlere. ~ the jaat aItook bhaelt
Cbllkool, aJUl 100keI .... weal tMIdl lit
for pld.. He dIU' tJIe that bad
tl.Dd ,.! Th.t beatea hllll. He
~ iKredlble to dJda't e.e.
me. bat I bow h abelter in the baDII
. . ~bept I'DIltC1 c:cnlrt. Be
tli'M. alta' aboat I tar te d produc:lq
elcbte\!'ll 1II0atb .. ..." fea.t1rfta
&ad decided to be a ap.ln-amI be pal,
m wddan. He plc:ll:ed. e'fery cent of
Hoaohllill t It e -.eatJ"'.e t 11 0 u-
_ e Oft bt. etrorUi D d doll... debt.
In that dlreetloa.. wben be could ban
Penonatl,... 1 do a't eom.romlaed. In a
IIkeHaU_III'" prooeeed

-- .......
Periaapa JCMI do--IIat IJI& for almoet Doth-
I ~"t. _d r-. p-
Ine to skJp that put That br'oo&Ilt U~
of bia CU'tleI'! It . . . to the mofleL
-ml to a t 1111-=:11.
1111 0 r e latereatblc . . .~~f...~.. t:Iaat I
that be ~ Q- to CO Iato tH
In due -ne. til ..rn.," 1te ..u.
..Bat--well, I
UM!IIIl I _ _ bit
m SO
n~. TlIl.ey .,. ....... I
b-..d u - t the
sIc:a1 . . - d , _ & , tboadtt the memes
~ted a dowu-
D1ade IlJra .lIIdeal
c:rIdc:. Aad bec:aaae
tlleft _ , noqb
1& tbat to belt hl.-
bay. tIle7 Jet ilia

-.:r rw
...... tM that

a,y . . . . .
80IIM ~ waated
be police ~. to . . . . . . aMW
too. a. It _ _'t . . ...... ,ktaN ....
4.11C:1a&' - - - . . . ~ . . . . . . . . .bole . . ue .....wJaa t . . . . . . . .' 4.rsIutIe aaterW..- .......... ,.._tIl!II.~.-.rta
u.-.. .... tao. ea.- _ . _ ...
w.,~ to_t Tbt.tM'w.er_~~ ..... .,. ~

0W1 . . . . aDl ta. u... W . . . .

_ ._
. . ., IAM;J.
wwtIl .'tMt -..dl.
tIM _ _ tIM&. 11117
It d.e
atdaI ~ AM,"
' .. tM-
it '- ~
I~:e.e _ ".. " . " ' " " "

It lie lIIIon t8 me. Aa4 ....
lie _ pe:rfed. _ . . . . . . . . lila cr.w- -. .___
Tbat .. _rthlq ODe Imra tie ' ,
_ I'1Il u.a.1Nld fa the came! rllll enD d~e1lt to belp la that. I ban a .... wbo &'. Be bu a . . t eL ....... r..
forsettlD&" ~le!" doe.:"t direct picbu'es, doftD''l pI"OlbIce them, e"....neetle He WUlt ~ be . - . . .
I __ell bl.lll. wbat, bl bis GiplD.loIl. wu to be m. rue- w ~ It be a T-.Inine sbtda ... a pkb:re,

~"t &ITaap tlut ~ eft'IL
tbe DeD. b1I' forward -.ep. '"Qr1claaI plapr I ~ is jast tAl crttk:be. W . . . . . . _ IJJ.-. to to lie the . . of Ua t:Jpe... m.eatlaU,. tile _
.eve abeohzte aenrM:7, *,,-hate faJtb.r~ It. aD aJ'tIK. . He bu JILIlde Tf!!IT e- I' He
-Very IIkeb," be aJd. "'lut llOW, of eoune. IJt dd:alJa, Coet:amea, ~ """"1' all that. CllIIUIIe'daI ~ but be ~"t tile ""IIox
Tm a:aiq 1IrP . . . . of tbe treDt'Ildoa. amomlt mJlllt be appl'Clved. by bla.. .-ee poIDt 01. new'" at:irelJ'.. Be.. It, . ,
of ,..,. c:Ia. 1IlaterUJ tb&t ill .T&11able.. Bat ..A..DcI I t.llI!l.1t we are colAc to _ creal __ COIU-e b _ auJe. ~ is _
- . _e wU1 be prodadq ortctllal pla,.. b,. nJts from. that dfopartme:aL 1.a fad, ....en me!daI ncce-. It miPt .. 1Nll . . _. artt.dc
well bao. . . .tb... ADd tbe time I. eomiA. bepu to ~"them. 1a ihe Role or the faJ~ toc1. But be dos 1MIIn'. fa .-ntJ".
too. ftftl bi&" pl.arwTtchta 'Wilt ted It wora. Haac:bO,' the Beta-T81Jy play _ are pr9- S bID.. be said _ ~ tMl.
tb~ while to write dlrect.l,. for the ~
to Pft'I)U'e orl&fDaJ k'e~ ADd tbfl"li'. ...
other tb~ The time 11; eomlD.&" wilIl'!:lI pb,...
dac:bac, few I.asta.Dee. we han ~ bl ,..
prod.::blc' tlle oW Ufe or Callfonlia ta .-:II a
~ that tile ~Te so- UTe .-ee .. to
"I tbiJI.1r. _

upreaaITe.. ~ be..u..
lad....,. '- ...,.
word that hu ~ to lie . . . .
ciat.l with the -nac pIct:ue
"Wet:e bad. lIIO aMJ':
wiD be tried oat em. tbe ~----1Jlays 11l.teBdId ciTe tbf'm a priIlt or tbe bbIted pictaft for ~ What we ae!li Is ~. . . .
for prodaetklll lD. the apokel drama. ~ tlM!I!' ardah". That tI1ID wUJ ~ ef Is pl:q: tie tIIl.D1r. abow.t ~
_ prod_ _ will look for qu1Ity."
That . . . . . 11_ IdeL ute ~ Is puslq T6J' rapldJ7:. .. fey Jean:
"n. euler. fD . - ..,... to prod_ play /rr--. 1IOW' It woald be ~ to that. "H_ aboC. the dect of the 1III0Tles oa T.&-.Ie-
_ the ~ " ' be es;plablied. ..A1l.d it f'eM:bes ~ The old m1a:I-. aN a Nt ,..,.. TiDe!'" I uIteL
_ 1Il&Il7 people.. bd I.r a.- n.le pia,. tlll .,...

_ they witl be lODe. &lid tlMft wiD be few -rbeTU JdD the cheap ~ . . 11. __
...w-- IJW'eft'd., at - . -rbe lIIIDa1l dJu,
d-.ed that ...,.. &Dd people Ulte It. u.d are bI-
t:eftaeIdI ta it_ _ '" tile,. .....t to bflU' It . .
W'elI _ eM It r
-,,-- or lh~ rom&Ikle aDd beaat;r 01. the

Ilr. LuIt1 ~ ~ fa loa.&" pl~ bat aot

Is doom_ I tlliD1r.. People .... bo P to a u...
aD'e ....ben . . . .TIlIe &D4 the - . 1 _ .... ee.-
tboqht.. But-'"'I'alkfq pk::tn8--r I iD creat IeQtla.. tobled wOD~ staad few the poor Ta8de'riJJe-
"'t tblak tlae IdeLI J-eth Is foar ... he ~ .. the coauut ill tDo cr-t. TH1 _ A_ r--
""N-u-hrtdy IIO!" _.-Id. "'I tbJalt tbey be .ud... -. IlaTe made a nil tIaat. _ .t. ... tuft pbtJtaplay, tor ~ pI'Odaced w1Ul
spoU ~ Koriac ~ are _ pictDres siLalI be ~ thaa lTe neIa fa t-etIL cut of tamo_ p!a1'en.. . aDd after that, ......
tlLIa&' leat 4.nma. "J)ey depend _ :rew "'The Vlrd.DiaD" we lIIIade _ _ ~ MkIl: ~ has a chaaee. HlP
actl aa _ the iDterpretatloL bl ll11eDt md

~." be we:at - . "'what. we mUlllt do I. to

aDd It ....... aW'fllI tuIII: to c.t eat r.o ...-.ole
reela. The dlncton .... the ethfts ~
act.M u If we were l"Ob1Ka.I" them. Bm. lITe
........ T&lIIlIeTII1e wiD Rep It. ul1laeeL"
It'. pla1Jl. yoa eee, that LaN:r .... the IOI't
of mall the monell Deeded. A. 1Ila& tamlltar
perfect the plCOlftll lbem-eh'8., alld the metb f"ef'I. Is eDouP- I tb..IJtJt sbort pleaar., of _e with the worlt of produclq trcam ew-eI'J" aqIe, &
oM of prod1lctJ-. After all. tboup lbls Is or two reeIa. win be d ~ . - . bat. that is msn. moreover. detenDlDed. t.e. do coed worlt,
ft!!!W phue. tlIe ~t1.1 thinS" Is lbe ume- a &pfd.1 field. 1 nll:~ the loD~ feat1ml! pie-

In olf's Clothing "
The Trials of a Fortune Hunter. an
Heiress. and a Quixotic Young Man
"DROP this law
of yoon-I want Mme
to COIIle to AfrIea.
RICHARD DALE Uke DaJ.IIY, evea befon! tlley are
wlv.-re alway. tl'J'lq to
trouble about that. area't the,!
or the North Pole. or T1I1Dk the, solq to dJe.. aDd
.IkuU. with me," uJd Dick Worth.
LLLIIZ-r. . .-rLO.Z '''OM T A. " L M , ' .... ru .. z."r;,
'Want theIr hUbancis to promllM!
.Jolla J"nme, lawyer with _ they .... 011'1 marry apln.!'"
latp praetIee .. &IlJ' 0_ of his ALlca ".Torea But Worth dldat 1DlI1e, alld
ace .. the city. Frame.. wttl lIP,
JooIted . . tram his aw that bls well
cleMud J]'iaaed. ml'.ll.Dt I'!:tl"ort to sift
~! - .. hat..~ this particular O"bls
the aatter _r a humoro_ turD.
H aahd. .. Deft Ilad falled.
IIaYiIIc .-tiler IICI'&P "All npt, ~ btl
.wa ay dl_r. fair aid. re.l .. aedly.
...........! Toa . "'Sboot! Wba.t Is
foeI. DIck! Go . . . It!"'
_ _ . . _d doa"t "'GordOll!" a I
1lotIiler ~ rill MQ' W r t b. ncc:IDdJ:y.
--.,0 14_Ill_
-nae IlIaD'. a eM
~ by 1M ...,....
.. _ abeIt. cu.""Be ....
Mr _ .t'J'

"Ne aakla&" . .

tIW t11Ile. rt'. aD . . . . .e,.ad ...


Oft'ro" _ -arT ..... I """
" I ..... can.. m..I till ftIIIUa...
ra 01 It! or .~ 6Ia't. :r-
aD th ~ lIeatter
~'" .........
"'L.-ll!- lie ..w.
ItIIPIa1a r 11: e
"'Wlly ..... w. rr
IIIblIl IalI1a"
~ ru 1Ia... t.e --.JT- "'If P
tab: IWId. after ... ~ t::a.a tM ......
aD. Y_ alPt a.. .c...... Ilbtba,
.wa. thqtL WhIlt ..eIIiIIc I e-w .,.
llItaI'tleII tile row this ....a4 make ..,. dI&

thDe! Ali I recall It I .ad, be:
tbe . . t::bDe :r- ..... rye p t a eer
ho JIU'tet faINftr tala .mo t of
. . . . . . . DaIq. jidlIe, aane-!'"
PIl t.e WWf'J' . . . . .
................ ,..
~ )'IN're
......... ,.-u ..
...... t .. torpt
bew~ T. . . " " -
- . , I _ . r .... ..r
,.... ,ri al.
Be .....' Mr ........,..: . . .' ... blI' s-e cIriI ..... b q . . . . . .' tIIat. . . . It .......,. con."...."", the.... ...-w. to tIM ~ ta DUly. De
ef JiIIIibtc" _ ~ ......'....
...., tJuat, ~ or: later.. .-e woUd'
~ . . pc
.u., ........,..
'i tbt Me "'1 ..
Bat, 'aecreU7, .... ntMr e.
-.ny, at Nt It Ud.--ell Jond' tae Idea. 8be felt lOre the berobIe or
..-etbIq.& - . ....,... _ be .. ~

laM .... tftTtbly .aaocad! Wortll QI,._ IIMIdl eoDdW.... GonIoa's taaJt of c-
Ud come to 1l1m, III .. faak aDd aaaI,. derm.lJLl11&" tlte eoa6deDce DalIlJ' felt la ber ....
f:uhloa, aDd _ _ for DaDy'. baad. iUlcM kt,.er ..... _,.. E,.ery;tblac 011 .u
He blI MIthlAc api..t Wortb-th:a1 tilde: the fact "that he bad ao fIenIP the trut
..... tile wont of it! Dk:k ..... of u-- repoIJed la bim by 8tepbea Broob, Wwth'.
eel1elt famll,.; be bad ... camfurtable bat temper. Kia fortwae ....... myth. Be .....
1alcome, the DI'0411d: of iaherited caottal l1othln~ bllt aa adveatun;r. He bad marked
aDd thl:a be iACftIUfIll, bela&' by ao
. . . . . aa 141er. b,. the c:a.stder:alllie roy.
aw.. came to b1m tr... .. Dllmber
and becauae lIbe w..
Dailly Brooks . . IlW pre,. beeaaae abe ..... rieb.
the oaly belT to the
Broolu' mllllOllL Theee thJnp DO ODe . . .
of bi,.eat1ODL lIa every ~, thltl'eforoe, peeted except 1'J'ame. ADd. be., :ltter WortIl..
be ..... aa e.ue11elt m.ateh, _d the ,.tlltt to him., bepa to make llUIaJrlea. He
comm-. ...... aDd b ~ iateUlceDee learned maa,. tll1DcI; DOt eDoQ'h, 1Ulf0l'-
of BrooII:a told Mm thla. tuDa.tely, to make ... qpeIJ to Broob. Bat
Ba:t---he ..... the man wuted to he telt that, _ _ er or later. the truth ..oohl
tab I.lraI..q "wa::r from Ir.Jm. the first eome oat.
man ... bo bad. dared to naest such a For some time Worth'. appeanaoe In
thJ.q"! Moreover be bad made DIIJII,. Frame'. olke., Diet stayed away from tbe
wtIllD.c to be takenl OIlJy .. f~. and Broolu bome. Frame. ratD.& tried to IIlLb
the ta1ber of IUl 0111,. dauchtn. &t that. him SO then!; Dick refused. Bnt ODe 4a7
eaa 1lDderstul.d Br00lul's feelfDp.. He Frame., by .. 111m pie ruse, bad bl. way.
pve hill COIl.8eIlt, bat reluetaJltly. and 'I'\"e got to take eoDle aecnrttiell a.a4 lIGIIIe
oaIy beeaD.fIe be kite.... that be eoD.ldu't moaey to the old mau. Dlclt," be wd.. "ADd.
~I'tule DalIlJ' aaythlng lIbe ...... ted... 1l fnnld:r. 1m af:rald to go aloae ""th all that
.lmDIy .....I1't 1& blm to do that! But lltuft. Won't you act .. :a treasure pard!"
the UUle pn!judlee. the feelIa of die- Dtct, protel:titlf:, ~ Wb_ they l'e:M:bell
IIlte, 1lIll'8aMaabie u they ..e.... per- the bonae. Frame went iDto lbe llbru'y ....Itb.
aJlIted... They -wd ...ear oll'., &ttt:r be Brooks; Dick was lett aloae ....Itb Da1ay tor
..... Daisy happily married. of covne. .. moment. Carter GoMOll eune in, ud touad
But be eonlda't bo... that. them Wklu together. "I bope ....e ea. IItUl
A lIeCOIld suitor, like Carter Gordon. be t.rlend&-fa ......,.. Dlck.- DaJsy had aaI4.
wouJdn't U'OUlMl that prejacllce. He "But I thtak you oubt to bow-I'm p i q
fouad blm...u. samebo..... preferrtn Gor to nlaTTY Carter Gordon."
doL Thill GordOli WU a. b&Ddsome.. -so I've heard." II&1d Dick. Wbat more be
daaIllq chap. a.ppare.nUy .. man of might bave wd will never be known. It wall
meuaa,~oagb be baa ao 'flalble jaat thea that Gordon blmeelt eame In; he
m8DII of aupport........(:bat la, be dlcbi't colored jeaJOWIly. . . betl be K'" that Worth,
..on.. He had broupt ~l'lI to wbom be ltDe... by slpt. ...... there. Worth
Broo.... howt"l'er. aad bad explained sta:red UDtll Frame ...... ready to 10; thea..
that be .... lookJa aroaad tor an ItI wJtb .. bitter laUb. be said good bye to DsJIIJ"
,.eatmeat bl MllDe bul.... to wbJcb be lD ber eyes, lor the first time IIlnee tbe com-
....................... -t~ . . . eonld devote bls penonal atteAtlOlL It JDs of Gordon, there ....... doubttlll look.
took time to tlnd such bl,.estmeat, be "Dlck.!" abe wei, collfuMd. "Yo~'t
uJtt-d tbla, of COline. Broob ltDe... you comiq to see me apja!"'"
there's Ilothfnc 1 <:aa do, I sul!PC*!'!" to be tnle. Therefore be bad eatert:a.laed him. "No!" .14 Dla. lIbortb'.
-Not .. thJ~me. you'U PI oa. that trip and taUlI into bill bome. J"raate llfted b.t. eyebro.... at that; ill tbe
with me," aaJd Worth. "1RIe'. siva me baeII: GonIoD pro(e.ed to hue fallen bl love ... tth at:reet be eareed IU. friend for .. blocltllea4.
my ~ it', aD GftI'. ADd-weD,. if ue Daisy &t ant 1IISIlt. ""That I1rl ill beaianJq to lee that ahe'.
wa.ata me bKk, Ue'. cat to ~ 1 _ ' 1 ""You're ~ they tell Me." be -.14 to doae a tool tb.iDI'!W be aJd.. "Go m there aM
IUl7 a word to make ber ehaace ber mba4.... her, & ~.. lIaya after tlIIey bad met. "Bat-I cut that.,JOtter out. TOil CIUl do It!"
NI .e." aJd J'rame. "But It', .. ciDch I aiapl,. woa't let that matter! I lcrfe '011- "I eu"t_ _ d. I wOI1'tl- aid Worth, lIbortly.
eaD't start &DY trip lUte that npt &w:ay. BO'lIt'- aDd I ......"t &1ft q bope utIJ ,._re mar "Drop it. Jack. I'm r;etttq over.,. feelbc."
enr. rll eompromiae w1tJl:JOG. 8t1e1r. .roaa~. rlet!- to _ "... ...
.. wbUe---keep 70ar hair OIl.. Aa4 aboRt the
middle of Den week .e'D take .. Riee llttJe
MU1 dOW1l to AtlaIltlc City for tile week eaL.
That'U 8ft yoa q properly, old top."
Be Ilined dleemau,. at hit: IIIGI'OR me-&.
but Worth oaJy .eowJed,
"CaD"t you u.entud that Uat. 11; 8Ift'iOaI;!'"
be said, ancrlly. "'Tou aU there daailal'me-"
"Not .. bit at it. my boy," aid I'rame. "I'm
_I,. lin... :roa pod leCaJ .t.,le:e---esuI r.e .'
cood mJDd to make you pay ror ft, for belq
....lyl Tou. blow. I CllD't rull away from IIl7
" - 1 _ at your beck an. ealL SUdt aroaad.
AUa.atlc C1tyll do you .. Jot more pod tbaa
aruU or any place Uke that, aDd It', cb~.
"m walt .. few days." acreed Worth. a-
nally. HI_b. haq It-I suppose I oucht to
nick around In eue ahe ~ abe', wf'ODC."
Frame beDt to hide the smile that eame to

out. ...m yoa! Go u.

"Sure," be said. -rbat'. the idea. Now_
have lIOme drIDb it
you think you Deed 'em. rm buy."
D&Iay Brook:a, lUI .. matter of t.act. w_"t
lhIaldq of cllaaatllC her mlad at an. Sbe
. . . furloa.l,. aaP'J' at Worth; abe wu san!
that be bad beeD 8Jrtlac TtoI_Uy. to pat it
mlkll,., with .. YOIl11&" lady ... bo adoned the
.akal - * .caee &t the time. Carter Gor-
dOll bad. made ber beUe>oe that; hi. n...-.
...ere ~ te everyone except Dd8y-..d.
her fatber.
8tepbea BrooD, DaisJ'II father. &ad J'rame'lI
dieat, fiO't 1Ule Wortll. The rc.... tor tW
....... tIlat ,.q the I'.:atben of el1C1We ~
...~ caa ~I,. 1 51'''' A. ""WOwer. lUll
eal1' ~ Allell .. ~ p1M:e La IlW Ute. a - ......,.....

Lubin of . Lubinville
From Optician to Millionaire Picture Manuf'acturer
T . . . late LD the aixtles that
B;y THACKERAY P. LESLIE ad theJ' ......... ta w:Wl, .. 'da

I a tall. 1aD.k. fa w GermUl

lad laAded tn New York
Clty fJ'Om the steerage 01
aD ....oceaD liaer. He had left. Berlin for ..the and developlq the films In hi. cellar,
te lmcIi'" I ' _
caUd:. "... eatII_ _, of. tile
wo-en wu Mtptnel' b7 tba

laad or Oppol"tlmityM filled with the UBUaJ boy- ,KaQy of theM flnt plctDrell were exampiell
lab ambition to make hIs fortuDe In the ne.... of l~ermaJ1I (R' trick pbotot;r&phy. He also
world.. Bae.k home he bad studied to be an tunled out aevenJ. aeenica. A train t.eariD& 111'
optIdaD IIDder'.hls tather, and his rim employ- IUl alm06t perpendjeular mownajD., jv.mPlr1&: to
_ 1 III thl.l strau~ Dew COUDtl'y was at the the CI'efit of another OQe. and eoutlaalq Its
optidaD'a beDeh. Bu~ be dldn"t get ahead In rublq course dOWll the side ..... typical of
Sew York, 80 be drifted to Pblladelphla. hoplq thelle. Auotber early Labia effort aho_ed a
to better hi_it. Thel"e, for three ye..... be daaetnc PlerTOt cn4uall1 I_lac bt. limbs un-
worked u.ade:r other dtrection. but at the f!IId or ,,~l the tono alorae rema..blecl. Then. bla
t.hat time he bad &avec! enoqh out of hi. ~ 1I'0uld be p;radually l'f!lrtored .. if by mqic.
to opeIl a &hop of his own. where he PlerTOt woaJd bow and Ule little comedy ""oaJd
lured and 1IOid. lel18elJ and optical 0001'. 1M! over',
Thb Ge1"1DU lad. Sler;mund Lubin by name. Lubin'. first coQspleuoaa achlevemeD.l ....
is !tOW ab:ty~ years oleL and is thf! presl- the photot;raphlr1&: ot the FltDjau:coa.RubUn
de.t and seth bead of the Lubin Yanutactur- ft&ht:. _d later, 111 UOO. ot the Corbett-lI'ltalm-
Ina: Compall. of Phnadelphia., a eoDcem eally mOIll fllPll.. . . . a departure trom the pi~
...ort!l '18.000.000 and wblcb hq already made llU'f!l!l .bJ~b had usua1l:T been shown up
ltl .. ntIl equlnJent to half ltlll .o1th. to this time. and naturally created con-
It was tbroab the handlinA' and e~Mmfll;t siderable eull me. &ad c:ommeut. For
In with le-es that SIep1UDd Lubin became the ftrst U m'e-
Intel"f!stf!d I. pbot.onpby aDd nelltuaJly In "GeotJem.-a J1m"
motiOD plc:tUl"eL ODe day be acddf!Dtally obtahted an fDJr..
teuaed of _ e a.pertments belq colld1lCtf!d It. . ot ho.
by au ED.cllsbman ~ed Xv.ybridse. wbo bad he looked to
coac:elTed the Idea of makll1~ motioll plctur'ell the apeeta-
by means of a IJ1lccesalon of au.ap.sbota. The Idea. ton .hen he
fudDated Lubin aDd he bepJi uper!mentlq, ~vt!d. the

beIldlq all hla eneqletl to1iVU'd perlec:tl.n a wallop from

motlou picture amen.. .u early . . lite he bad Flt:Dlmtnon~

d~eloped a cam~ and a llhort time afterYard .hJ~h put an

b4_conlJt::r1leted a machine to proJect. hi. pie- ead to hi.
ft&btln&" CII-
HJRlnltial etl'ortJJ wel"f! erode. but they were ~,.

the betIt. of thl!ir kind. The flMIt pIcture he At the time

made abowed a bone eatlnk hay, and It w. . whea Carrie
~ e d .. one of the marvel. of that time.
Thl. .... follow~ by pldul'f!8 of a movtnll::
train, HJa work at thifl time wu hampered
by pat.ellt .ults broupt ap.I~ blm by Thomb
A. Edl_ In of bl. patent&. Lubin'"
small capital .... 80011 sone, and he w-u foreed
, to traJulfer hi. plc:tlu'e pl'OdndllC OperathMUI tn fact that they _!="" destroy-
EUf'01)e, wtlet"f! be work~ nlr;bt and'da:1 10 tur~ iDe a bu' .ero. whtcb much
ther per1'eet:l.Dc his camera _d proiectlns mao crt their basbUad.'s bard-
chine. Some time later he quJetl, returned to ear1IeIl mODe)'......... The
thts c:oa:atry and took op the ~ c m of pt~. bI.rbeper plead,ed with
IJue. maklq the neptlves 111 bifl bac:k )'IIt'd tbem Ia Tala. but hUi I:loane
TOke received UWe or DO

,,_ ....
:s... ..
atteaU-. Wbea they were
t1lJ'oqIl the ~ Ud heeD
Pft'Pl!'!17 raided aDd Labln
was fOftled to pay' the oWQer
ne popa.1arlt;y of I1ms or
t1lH order IIOOD waaed. _d
LabIa. reallI;:iq the ~I
bt11tietl of the motion pic-
tare. bepa to tI1m real
dram.. . . . comedies. He
IIpU'l!d DO expeDllf! or pains
to mue them reaIIst1~
Nailoa's ..... ra6diC ri- ODee, .ben a production .... made or "Uacle
al !m ~t. JAItb;, en_ Tom's cabln," .. Cll.I"eless director allowed little
deaTO'ftlll to ... 1tft! to poee Eva. to CI'OI!lS the Oblo Rlver 00 .beets of paper_
for a ""raif"" ".IcIIr., be co...
telDpiatlelL . , . . . . it ltD..
E't'ery time the fila . . . sbOWll lKIDlftODe had
to aplaJQ that the paper 1VU meant for Ice.
~ to ~ this. he 1Ir. Lubin was 111 Europe at the tl1ne. Upon hi.
~ _ ~ t o , l m return he made IIOme d~c ad sudden
~ bet.. Tbe.errieea cha.u&etJ In the penonnel of bis compaa.y wben
ofa~~wen! be wlmeMed the prodactloa..
eIl1bItlelI:., ~ with thoee "If we are pt... to' do a thlD&. Jet'. do It
of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The ritlt." he aJd. while IItIIl amartlq _del' the
~ tald oC a aeat collar beeuaM of the lmpc-.lble picture. He
...,. of. oW aad lin ordt'T'f!d tile enUre picture retaIlf!ll reprd.less
~ f t.1M tvso. to de-- of the filet that the odctul pii,\lidJdloD: bad
stft7 . . .' tlMl7 .....' tlleIr II8Mly COlt a1IIIGIIt .. t:IIoeaaDd doIlan bowtnc
. . . -* a F:ns lIIpal rr.: the that the __ ......... be 17 avealTe-.
- . - 1aIIta. .... ... Gftet- "De orIct-I t:.abl JIUt a ...u ~
iDe ~.-.u:. Tbe pediK -pee RI.IlIbit wtddl ...... _ tM 'ftI"Y . . . . . IIldJ.
was _,~ tIaat...,. . . . . . ......................,.' .... oet:wIIIed by
Mrs .ho _ DOl "'bI" DB the ,the . . . tIl'tM ........otton pkDre . . . .
*!Ct'f!t bell_eel It to 1M! a real raid. Ia tM Ualtell 8t::atea, wIlIlIl tile _tire plant
*-.,.... to...-dre tM~

.wi-' ft.Idl m . 7 L.IIIta rUa !b. mm-

r.t ., _ '-dac ~ _ fIllAMll an ......
tn- ~ eftI"J'
week, .01. tie F . .

At. tM u... "'PWp" LUbl. _ Jil,e .. acnr.

fa trade ~ taJIeI _ aetlYe _ lateral fa
1UUCfq IlIiI ...u. . . . ~ .... 4ld
wbeD be was pI....n.c. He is a U'riJlC eoa.tra-
dlcijoQ to the beUet beId b,. .. m&IlJ' pclItIIe thai.
wbea a penoa ~ .-Itloa of 111......d1Jls,
be U10akl ha't'e uwe to do. Ct..... oyer the reIu
of ma.a.qemeu1 to aubor41uta. EvI!l'T IIeMU' or
hJa clay is bay. aDd there ill Del detail of the &real
won: with wbJcll be ts . . tJlioroaPJ,. tamtuar
.. 'Pop' LtIbbt ts the lP!Slal. demoeraUe,
&ad lat:erstlq ~ .... I n: e'ftI' 00....w _e
ol ILIa em.~,a aid to me ft!CItIltl7_
nee is Uttle ~ la the ~ t .
Be tr..a:a IUs _ ~ .f _1tJdI ~ u. ewoer
a u.o-M. ~ acton, ~ -.p dJ.-
~ ~ cam4!'I'& mea. taetoc'7 ........
. . . tJM b. . . . a1Id __ otllen .... P to _ _
. . . . . . . ~ _ if tlllI!J' ..-ere ~
.c Juse fulD7.' of wlllc:ll Ite .... tbe b-.l. ...
be tenM u.ea aU "'my dl1ldftlL" _ , . 01. u.e-
Ita,..!"d'aeII empw,--eat ehIewtIere at ~ ' bec:aa8e they c.ald ItOt brlq t h ~
to leue tINt ~II","
FAeh Iia'f tie Tlaib
.-a ... _tIlat'
e - - nr. ..ltoIIe dty
blocks. ..uc. an! caJW 1A-

lIer_ Now'" thea

.. ba

IltariDe. TIle t1N . . . . . .

1a _1LkIl tile takmC
" ' tabs .-rt fa.-e
~_ or
ol_ U"t~ play Ui "k:Il. ... Is
-eeL . ]a eMIl fIl u.e-. --". ..-.

11'"~ ..~
a Q lie ..-r ....,. at tbe

~ are IUdaJAe . . . .
.!lere theJ' m.ake tllelr
0W1l caaaeru. &ad all tlIe
other madllaery 1Ued ta
picture prodaetloa. Thft'll
~ ti-e
porUoa of
boweTeI'. Is fa
the proJeetM- ~
_bere be _atdift
d.e11 eovery ....
doc:tlon bearfq- the
LUbin tradil!"alUk,
IlI"e caf'Pftlt.erlDC. _pIwaI. whic:h. by the . .y.
IItVtDSo ea.btDet-aaall.lq 1Jl ~actlOD of

abo.- wbere eTerytJlJ... our 0.. tam.,..
Heded for the atadq of Liberty &n, _iO
plctuft is m.Ie; d ~
meats La c:b.arce of ~
t1lC. lteCeDer'7. . . . JJI"OPft'-
11es: lbe!'\t are a.U the fae.
the word "LUBIN""

It I. lItterl,. 1m-
pell!Jlble to forecut
torl~ .bleb IlaDdIe tbe _hat tJlia muter of
mUiq of Ute Ila1abed the motiOD. plet1lre
fttlDa' fl'ODl lbe orlct.aaJ lndWItrJ wiO do
D~Ye.. Alld thft'e ue nen In the w.y of
the neeuti....e., the edl- productloa.HlJi n-
oorial. aDd the publldty ItmJuble reMurees
are Indeed UlOD-

~... ~
Thea there t. the baai-
llIeM1 of Ronq the alma.
and 111m. are a huardoa.
commodity. hiPly 1. . . .-
.. _ ..- .::::; ~ ---.:1:;...";.1 _
mabie ud uplOldve. so
that there ill alway. seno.. ~ or lin!.. 0a1)'
a fe_ _eeb &CO a are carted. l.D the DePtive
vUllt of t.his plult _lUI aD uploal_ tlaat allot
lame. a h1nld.rell feet ftate fJt!! aJr TN iN . . .
4 '.

sot UDder COD.tJ'ol n,pldJ,. ad Ut::tJe duaace ...

do.. t4 the BlIl tile lc-. or Ibu
am-.ted to mon thaIl a mllIl_ ftIIarL
1.. addIt10Il to the P!lUad~lphla plaat, tile LabI.
opend_. ~ to -rile !Albia 8ets'IJood Farm. w
.. IIvHll1ldreII. acft .-ate. De&I' Nonistowa. Pa...
_ben! addItloaaJ. ~ aDd labor-torlea aft 1&
Qted. aDd _hue a1DuMt aU the Labia at6iors
aft takes. Tbe Schuylkill RJver. 'WUd~riq
tllrough the meado_. of the farm. play. aD lmpol'-
taut part. ia all Lubin outdoor production.. Tbe
Betnrood musloa ill aD. Lmprealve bulldlas eon
Wain more thaD a hudred rooms. 10 addl-
tloo to the mansion, there are a balf dosen t:ann-
bo~ and other ba..lldlnp, loc.1udlu~ _orkah~
stab... and paddoeb for b_dred ~r more
bo..-. Vast amoQ!lta of money have b'a u-
peDded la proc:urill&" aU kinds of live lItock for
the farm, it beln the Lobi. pollC')' to b ....e evet'}'-
thin&" rlPt on the croaDds for tIroe prodac:ti_ of
almost &a.1 8OI't of a pbOlOplay.
Tb_ there is the Labta b _ fa to. .\a&de..
eat.. _bftoe a third ill .. ClIIIapletf!fJ . .t~
Itted tb_ I. tll. 1!:ut. A r-rtIl ..uo
Jocab!od .... o-,.er, Colo., &Dd a atuI at J ~
vtlJe. Florid.&.

J. R. Vialling-MovieMagnate
V-The Goddess Success. and Another Goddess
"Noo he said. iroaJea11y. York!~

ACK WALLIXG found hIm-
self t'evlvUled by hi. ftnlt to..n 1ItUff! Bah.!-
view of CbJcaGo. The mtd Wa:lUng had cue-ed' DorsU ..
....e stena melrOloM)lla peeled ILLus,.. . . . , ar J. a bhtffer-u a teUow .. bo, woUel
Iltick to the ...-c aot becaue

-- ----.
Aim with a fr:IendllDetIlI that
aupred well Even bh lonsJDl!: he wmrted .... bat .., . to' .......

for Dolly Ewlns was Dot .udlclenl to h la eritIeL BeIWia, ~ NontlI lJlde

dim hili ntlw-boru eatbualum. aDd
at'tft' a trip to lbe sip o! the thTee
balJI; where be k!:ft bi. watcl1 and
_~ ..

8 _ _ ~ ' ) 1aaft ..,. r t c b r ~
to ilia. Daqaa, __ pttIq' . . IIle
c:aIIelIl e...,- ~ & . . . . . . . . . . w:tttl:
8C&rlpLa and lIund.r'y "penh_o... ~. ~
tlealtII7~ __ tile wIlkIl' - - ' eaetI7
-.JOIUI he (elt ~ual to &D.yth1aa.
TheN II aew hotel Deal' the ""'nLis zrt' "ty atd ~ ....
-.a.tloa hUe WalJ1Dc'a lItO", or Dorpa,." WaII1q' ILIa. "'WlI7.
_,. ail, hi. oId-ttDltl pmeo.eaB Ie... an4Gist1lea., . . . . .
had retunaecl. The bura o! the alcohol I"rftteh. geI'maAa. all IiPtltld' tbe aame
. . . .eeplq out of h. blood. aud hi. klItd of 1IlOOe7. A.oeoir:'4tq to ~
IIteP OIIce more telt .prlllCY. 4ove. if a DOrthener opeD8II. up for
~lCl&ht h1UlClred mo.tea La Chlcap!" ~ In JIobtk. the ....,. to pad!:

he e:z:ela1med In IIUrprise. RaTtail: the ~ ..oc1d be to tlaaIlt a baD.netr

r'eeenU,. come Crmu Ne_ York. Wallinc )Ute thla: ' r:m from the North. The
. . . DOt auppoRCl to poIISeU Bucb Infor- North lIdted the South! Whee!' Be-
matt~ aides. S ..eden h.u D&'r'J', &ad tbat"a
-rbeu ODe or them I. for me:' be more thaD you e&D ...,. about I~
roeAected.. wNow, ( wonder bow 1 can Wtd!" .
set hold. of II bOWIe without' my haYlDl!: "1 believe be'a a Nol"lle hlmaelf."
the eav1tal l.a hand. One lbllll: ill Dor&aD thoU&bt. but he could aot deny
certa1a: Belll& down to the deald- WaUlq"a Iocte. He bepa to _ the
lneJ. In 6DaD~ nobody ean ft~ IJcht of truth. Re .... blamlq the
me!" There ....' II .vellllh or cheer geaIldinaviana for boyc:ottiD blm
III that thoqhL Wben II man bas ..hell he w.. boycottlq himaeJt.
bit bottom. there'. jUlJt one direction The next mornJllC, bU3e baDner
lett for hUn to travel; Ulat 1& up..ard. .... ualled up oves- the "'TrojJuJ..' Tllie
The aBly uception Is the fello........ bo .... Ita m ~ :
has no Iplne letl, In ... hleb event be
almply tn;vel&-In drclfllJ over tbe. ftoor 5c: TONIGHT! KB.. BUNNY
of .that 10....elIt level. But Walli.D1f BUYS A BATTLESHIPl 1.%58
''&allt In that clUB.. RII recent dire LAUGHS! Tbe bcapes- at )lad made Jack a trl1le Elltelle! -Z ReeI8-3d In.IJtall.
more c:autio!d-and Lbat was all. ment! Kurst-8ee!e)' Service!
The mornln after hili amval. thili The LNldJn.c Lady's Lo,e
c1aBl1lfted advertisement appeared In A4aJr and the BEST MUSIC
the two blRCHt daJJlee: L'Il' C.H ICAGO- . . . lie

I CA."IT M.AXE Tour ""1'!J- Pie- "Hully smok.ell!"' Dorgan lfI'O&-IIed. aIJ
ttu'e Howte Pay. If you're Dot able
to tnult me n10Q&h to IIl1'eKipte, hia ,;rIn faded aDd ,_I.hed. "lt11
doll.'t antIwet'. I kDo....bat brtaa , ....d WI ll:rtty_veD beaD.a! Th.t
the crowd.. _d what 1 _ tJaem. pu1;Der o' mine Is ....oozy-plaln
I han a Sylftem tbat CAN'T ..oozy!" OorpD De..rly ..ept. The
LOSE.. 1 will ..ork .. ltII'oa!Y ODe ida ot service Ulte th.t for a nleltel
h01Ule so-so OD ,,"ule.--6 01' 10e hoae bim faint at heart and
hOIllM!:& of aoeatlallt eaPKlty not utremely dluy beneath bls red thatch.
UDder 600. Ad4reu: Boll XTZ Bat the die WaIJ cut. .
By evellln~ there Wet"e torl)..even replies, ",lth .. silt month.' option Oil the otber baH From Oakclale Aveliue to Grace Street. and
of ..'bleb O\'er half ,.,ere from peMlOn,lJ not own at $%500. If the O"'Der wishl!d, be to rrom Southport Avenue to Sheridan Road,
la8' plC1'ure hou_, but ..plnnl!: to I;:t't Into retain bl' finy per Ct'!D.1, but "'ould thea be Walllq ...... pef'llOllally lupertntendlD& the
the came. Nlneq per ct"ut wbo 8IUlwered were oblilfed to InveKt another r-500, and ..Ith thf' dlst:rl.batloa of hand--bUla that bad been printed
sWlplclou&-mOlt at them weN' as broke u ftve thotl8&lld IItart anotber house on a partner tbe previous night. The ft&htlD'; blood
WallIq hJmeelf. NevertJ:ielee&. lUI they e&mt'. IIbip buis. eomlalf to the ~ue aplD. He.... the
he larervle"'ed th~ He asked pointed qu_ No.... [t Hef!IIIS that the ~t1eman .. Itb "'hom Wallll!.&' of old--the JJgKreSlIive. daTlnc. clear-
t10ns that brought fOM_h froWD.1l. bhllJbes and Walling bad tranl'l&cted bWllnel!ll " U mO!!lt headed. Walll~ But.t dmes It moat be eon-
hot replletl. He "'u forced to "'ork rapidly. unpopular Individual In ble Ilellfhborhood. feseed. his beart wu ladeD IU be thoU3bt .bout
Each day,,.. eatilll!: len ~r cera out at his populated la~ly by S ...edea. 'Thle may llav(O Dolly _d wondered If tlme would ever Cnl-.'tf!
wallet'. contentll. heea becauae hll Dame ..... Denalll Dor!:8n. her from ble memory.
By:. the ead of the seeond day, be bad Inter- or Il may have been bec:a1Ule of hie ntlwr Walling didn't lel .ork eetl!Ie wlth direct
vie..ed over ODe bundred pel"'llODS. _d bad nar- pupaclous nature. Secretly, he fi.d ft~rl'tl . Ing the boys. He etopped In .t b&rher..hopll,
rowed the chue do..n to two. ODe of theee he Muld bully W..aIlIng. _d 8.11 llOOll .s 11>. IIloretl and homes and put up 88 IItrOq a talk
men OWlled a the.tre on West T ..elrtb Street. contract ....8.11 III~ed he .nne1ed a sa.nlon k for a nickel patronage &II lIOme men ..auld
_d the other had houae on Belm.ollt A \'enue, smUe. . .hlcb lasted. just forty~lght hours. de"ote to the we or motor<&r.
ntlU' Clark Strea. The lalter wp hie lle-Iection. ''Geoe. but )'ou have a D~"'. Dorga.n, to run From ftve-fifteen Wltll alx4.blrty, he had
and ~'- I. the ....y htt! contract read: a punk IIho.. like tIl.t! Sny. the alurr "011 OO)'s paulnc out dod,;en to the ct"Owde lbat
Wal1i1t ..... to take entire eha.r'xe or rbe pulled tonight _lUI wbat Noah ulled to enler- surged from the elev.ted It&Uone u Belmont
thflUre ..Ith .. dra"lq accouat of ftve per taJn the anlmaJa on t.he ark with. It "'as and Clark. lUI "'ell .. at the principal lurfa(:(O-
ceut of the sro- ~lpU.. The capacity ".a.~ released just before the BI,; ItaJn. An)'body line tratlsfer points. euch as Belmont alltl
650, IUld the adJaitbUtce prtee a nickel. could tell that by the II~ In the films!" Shd!leld. Belmont and Clark, Belmont and
The ~Ie ~ at a perlormaace IUI $3%.50. "'Oh. I. It true: DorP,n retorted lIarc&stJr. ~llIted aDd Clark and Sbeft1eld.
TIl_ ..ere tour abo_ each even.f.n,;:. and the ally. "I auppo:&f! these S..edes wtsbes llOClely Oorg&!! .... pacinI!: tbe floor of the thea~.
theatnt .... ope:a W--edne&d,ay, S.tunl.,. .nd d.ramme", yea! I Im&&:ine S ..edes 1t.DOW!l "I' hen when Walling rullhl!d In. Arter a ha.sty meal .t
SlUlday atkna-... That meant forty aha ....' It. up to euul!' or not. No... whea 1 had a a nearby hwcb-eounter.
weeltJy. or a total. pGflldble "pte"' of $1300. abow down 00 EmeraJd A'nDue--"' "'Oh, boy, but the Swedee win give me the
It bad been ueractDll:" $380 .eelt. at au "'Eaouch.!"' WalUq cried.. "ru make my ha-ha now. Tonlght" cos:t. all told. with
operadq expeue of "65. Walllq .... to ow. pr"OKTamme after tbia. _d you. Dorpn, anum&, baDeer, dod,;ers _ ...hat Dot- itI even
1Wlu the .eeltJy P'088 up to $900 wtt.hlD a you jWlt keep yoarM:lf popular with Dorpn. ellfbtJ'-elcht dol...... Sorry'. the cla7 I tl'fer let
moath at _ u-peue not t. nceed
_Itq. and be ..ould th_ be elltJUed 10 pae-
'750 stic1t:J.. tnelde the bea~ out of vte... your welJ.olJed toJur:ue tallt me Into Itr"
...t>orpa... aa1d WaIliD.& .. he pt.ced & bud
co-u.e the j,ltDer---!f )'OU CIUl eocmt!-
thtn! the ad.. .hic&. ..Ith the ~ O D at bia
a.... aeeda. be .... to tUl'll _It: lato the bust
lie. oW b'li Ud paid JUtt for a IlaJf laamllJt.
Doqaa'. aap:r wu III III tile sUde and
I"latq. Be dlda't PfU"PIC*: to be t&Ibd to like
that by a, _me ' ...".
. . . . Mft!' falls. "ttl
I"flUMlI"iqIy OD hla putQer'. lJbouIder. "GOOd
Tea caa't
IlItaties 01' &..-Jm ..Ithout w-a.b!:r."

"'I " JJraq:a ' 'fNtt1&IlJ'~ "rYe Prvrided wut! nat I " ' a ~ ~ lac !reeDer WaJdq aDd: _ _ . - r l q _ -
. .' .

"f'kT hail. .. Iltde

~ tbe ..... were to -.ea. aDd: It . . __
ton .. tbedock
IIlaJdq fa . . 0.,. penplre!"

..ltII bIuldteiI fMle, ])orpIr . . ,

"Not at all," the IDOrie ....-oter I!QIaIMd
eheedJ.y. ..u 1 CIa priat m,. .. _ the ~ .
Nlrw, ~'t m. ap J'OV 1laMa. Fm a JIIl"bter
la Ute '!:roJaa T'b.eatre. Adnrt..... the _Ies
"IJIIIIrpa," lie aid C*I daJ', wbela t.b.eJ' Itad
t:ILiqa ~ aIoac -oaIJ'. HI u n . .
...... Now. doa' D:lOIsl..eIl your UPI. bee:aae
tItJa laD't I hue beeD ar-a4 tbJe
to the r:r-t door, . . Sb'\J' Joobd oat. doea.'t bvrt UQ' .ore; -......
I . . . 1Olaa: part of Chieap a whole klIt of 1al& 1 un
"Sack, me boy!- he eaIIed h-.neJ,.. "'thil!'1". to adverU.e , .... store. II aIIde at 4liIdI ....... ~ered sevea pOd. INc ...adrles a allaJter
.. riot feraiIuIt the TrajuL Sca.etMtcldJ". tm: lve dollan .. weelt, lNt It tbe wrafttlq of bUeriea, a: dye w_b. .. pod bil I ~
hllrted. mdbe... ~ I4ea appl'&III to ,011, Ml do t.b..l&. )li:ow. yard aD oleo faetory. 1 CIa reat a p~
WaIUac to 'rle. thr~t. aDd
ruhed waft II 1DOIDftt: rn priat the ad 011 YOUI' machlae tor 't'l!I'l' UttJe. &ad we IUIkt to
thea he laaPed dll hts dleeb ~ wet. The
mob . . . wdllq trom be7-.d the c::a1l. waitlq
for .. new of Its fa't'wltes for the -..n fee
D&Per aDd ,he :roa tile alIde aad 1MtlletID

uutOaDeeIIlellt rr- of ~ If y. .'11 PQ' f the .......
a piece of colD. Now. here's the Idea _ _

The, IIettled do... to CllIIl't'ena

of tin eeata. The 4ry-r;ooda merdlaat thoacbt tt onr doD. aDd dI8euaed It pro COIL At the _d
They PIlCbd the h _ for four silo... aDd aDd &IJ'Md. [t _ e d reuoaable. or aD nar. Dorp.a . . ....ulI.D& to take a
1lp01l tile _ were throwu ~ e D t s It . . . !""'I_sNe PI'eIIIelI.. he . . . for ehaDoe. wltII &II acreem-t to dl't'lde tile spoils.
of equ,Dy pod IIl&t:erta1 for the foIJcnriq' &Icht- time, WalIlq c:J-ed almllar Dl"ftDeIltl with That .....e da,. WalUq walked lato the cdceI
""'GollY. but that was .. unow eecape!" tw-.ty 1D6dl_r. that daJ'. Be a1lMt ia~ of the RambDq: Laaadry.

DeIlaia obRn'e4, . . be .....ed eoaadq- the dDCed a.aother Idea. as IJUpplemeatary to the -I waat to tab ~ ~ or J1hIr
~ . recdpta. ~ a DeW fear stnIck llnIt. He b.M a uatabft' of wlad_ aruI c:ou.Dter plaat. No, DO. 'I'be 11m doeaa't ~ YOll ..
bbL "Now rm dom' wdl, llke . . DOt _ e c:ards priDted t.D three coion, wtth a lam peDIly-aot a _to It wUl be a t1't'Haadred
c:rooIt will .tk:k me.p. rm plD' to spea.II: cut of the Trojaa ~ aDd the toUo....tq: foot 11m at that. Doeaa't ....... reuoaable!
to C1aDc7 aboat It. Be'. OD aJPb. .... WhJ', tb.1I Is die da,. aruI lip wb_ the bI. . .
bTaTei' . . . . ~ troll a 1M!aL" Ba'l"la& plaeeil a1ble bec:Jmea UtI rea.l1.t7. lIOow. what r:m 1'IDbs:
bis faith fa Patrobaall ~ ~eDCY, the W e A d ~ La tlte Troju BulletJD to do .. thia: .&. 't'ery Pfttt7 YODll&'
o.tsIde the TroJaa n-ue, _d _ Trojaa ~ t.D white, wtU be ~ the ItnIet.
thocPt of aaotber ..,... ~ ~
- - - . . h1& . . . with dreuu ot ftels de- SUclea at ~ abew. bec:alzMt we cut Nc:II: 'I'Ilenls a mad peddle, aDd abe IIt't1i Iler IkIrta
pktl.Dc la the bulkn-pky c:ou.rt and bold
ho)d.aps, Dorpa spew! ~ 1llPt.
Del:plte Ills p1IUJac dQ"s won," . . .
up a.aJ'thlDc the TroJaa's .....-eDt ays
la oar tnor!
Belmoat A1"_ae.
Bee: tor J'oaneU at "~
to uold. It. last thea _ am-oIMJe ~
boaJldlq &loDe &ad, aplaaII.!
silht. She" 10 aacrY abe e.Jd Apt tile
. . Ute job earl,. the .en da,.. Be bad. takeIl Wa1l1a&' aot la touda with .. paper baue .rec:ue. d.rt't'tI'. who iucb qMatDat.Y' .....
a . - oe BarTy "''t'eIlDe, .... decided he ud recetflld bid _ the priatiq' of Ills ad- speeds ....,. 1_ the.. 0IIe of J'OU' wap.u
Deeded _41 ot the t.tftIl lab: air before T~t ~ery three lAdIes _ rolJI; aM eGmieII a.IoB& aDd .. happ,. tho"'l lItl'ike. u.e
b ~ At the nd of h" walk, he tomld abeetII of ~Iq- p&per. IaumllCh . . thll ,...... lIdJ'. abe W&.Dta to wear that u -
hl~1f OD C1&rk Street DIMI' Gnet. aDd a plaza eeDttaIbed the paper ~ of the the nr,. aen day. So Ibe hDl'r1el Jato IIer
resta.nat sip l'ftDiDded him of the fact that loc:aIlty, the priee .... - . l u l . HIs ad home rtpt ~ the .a-t, aDd. the lIrinr
be bad aa appedu. lVlto aboa.ld he see at the as follows: walt&. Tbe lady .-da the d . - ~ by liter
co_tn bat Dorcua! ID&14. Thf!'ll we Ibow , . . bow c:arer.D.1 aDd
1Iea~ Dema.t.!" he c:aJled C1etf1lU,., .....h,. ,o.l1 Wrapped Up speed..lly J'oa wuIl aDd troll It _d .01' It.
do ,.ou eat way up herer La the . . . Jut of all, "., plet:ue the 1OGaI' W7 all
"Well. part:Qer. It'. becaae I pU real hm- Trojaa 1l...les dftMed up arulIIID111.D&. i'I!'allIJ' for the PII't7."
er;p. ta.teadI 0' them lee-boJi: kJad---&Dd I ceta 5 ~l.--Blaeat J'eaturs "By' Georae. that's 1OOd-ff we coaW. . -
me b.acoa map. A.Ia't It worth a waUt r lor eII08Ih thea.trs to nlII It. TOIl lee, we do '-I-
ladt e.bac.kled .. be p:"e bl. Ol'lier'. Thf!'ll Fin Ceaq _ all OTU L&Ir:e View, aDd aorth .. far ..
be looked llquarel,. Into Dorpa's clear bl_ FOG.r ahows ILI&btJ" .ad Eda:ewater."
eyes. -wbea yoa cet senlee," II&Id be, ...,.. .'11 CODUDUOU b'om 2:00 p. 1D. "I eaa 1ft it I.Dto the theatrel," WaUl. .
walk out ot your wa:y. Doa't yoa sappotle Iloac.l.ay., Saturdays and &reed- ..oaty. that w01l1d eo.t 1OIDeth1ac. Let
movie fans feel tbe _ e about It! Bertlee. SuaAya me lee. ru uDdertalte to abow It la tI1ty
Dorp.n, 1.1 eve.rytbID~ It buUds a practle.e for TroJu'! theatrel at II rate at _17 tell dol1a.rl eaeb!"
a lawyer... doetor or .. deatillt. It mues .. !t93 Belmoat A \'e. "It's a SO!" the pnprIetGr qreed, aDd the
~u.raDt or .. departmellt storoe pa,. It makes coatract W&.lI a1ped. To malLe the rl1m woald
wllUlet'S ID all UDes. ADd the oalJ' wa:y we Some ot the eompetl:ue nhlbltOl'll eo.!. WalUq two blliWlJ'ed To set the JudP 1E'n'lee 1.1 b, wbat competitors aft eomplalaed bltterl,.; but WalJlq- did aot let theatroea to I"UU it WOIlId ~ blm practicallJ'
dolas- No.... we're Chtq- the b1gellt. DleJtel that ULDOJ' blJ:D.. U be eoahl do a atroke at aothlus. There wu to be ....,.11: or bumor
abo... In Lake View. Toa~. Dorpa. 1 aIreIiIlb baI.DeeII. that . . . bll a1r.atr. He uaertal that I.D it, &II well &II aometblq la8tt'uet1't'e, aad It
DOW this III the tweDt)'-tblrd ward aD4 the ~ il:baalaea." wu .. 400d "1I11er" for .. procruauae.
name of our aIderm... aad the popRIatIoe aDd At the eud at two weeb, Dorp.a had about -No... to eel .. IOOd JookIu: I1rI wbo win
the car lias Bat here Is DlJ' breakfut, &lUI eeued worrylq 0Ter prospective I'eI1Ilta. 'I'be ItaDd for the splaah Itd!.. aJd Wantac. He
I lteed It."
'While Dorp.a w.. ~
1ookJ~ forward to the
eTeIllq with fear, he took hold with more Tlm.,
""Trojaa." . . . brogpt to a protlt..payiq: buIa.
It ..... dearlq anI' aU. buadftd dol1a.rl ..
mOlldl---ba.t,thia MiD put. WaDI.,: baIf year
entertahted _ e rathe.r ,rue dODbQ, bat be
b.M start:ed. aDd there . . . DOt.1t.J..D&' to do tMd:
adTert1ge. 'I"It-e were baay ds,.. bat betac
ud dId.'t melldea. the S ...edel aD He da,. a.-.ay from fWJ partIIenIIlp. HoweTtI', aa labmerpd IJt. labor __ the oaI7 thJac
was thiJlkbl&' u-t ~ Dic:ke1l: aIt.aeaber qreemf!'ll1 . . . . . ~mat, aDd: II be kept. WaJUac c:ved for~ n Itelped. btm. forpt-tf H
too modi. to w0rT'7 aboat mere trtdalltles. So riPt .. won1.D.c. be woald e't'smau,. let eTer eoaJd forp!t! !hit the day be had It all
..arated did be become with the tlYe-eent there.. Now the eTeIltual iI: eaouP to ut:tsty s ~ 1 bat tile I1rl. hil: r.o-t. . . . . . .
I~ that be aJd to WaJJ.lDc Ibartl,. after. IOIDe teIIlperulleDta, but tt muel, pMed. Wall- to I"l1r up. sad dlillI . . . feTer raced fa to
. . Ql,eJ' IItrolle4 dafm hbD. nat a-
throacb Llaeol. plalas wh,. tile
Put. "By heneu. 1OGaI' ID&B with tk
Jae.k. theTTe bad a _en. tooIl: tIHI
poor pte bJ' the banlftl , . WaDJac's
look 0' thf'ID few ahoalder .
babloea!" A a,. a p d the little .....
thbI& tba.t bon: I"e'- <'7 .......
.emblaDee to to llJIIo. . -T1riL
ickeI Sl!t b1m to . '1"ft Ut-eIl ..
<alcalaUD<. ..... UI, lac1r: wrote
Til. t. m01"Dl.a& IetterI to .. u.t el
Wa.D1D.c w:aJ.ked lata u....-._
a dry poda Itore tM IpIeMon fill u.e
Deal' the "Trotaa." tlla, wlilidl . . . to . .
tltet... for . . , aI&1lt
T'b.e proprietor euae
"'What do you PQ'
for y01li' wrapplq
.-Pel' eIldI weft!"
oa.!,......-free.. T1te .....
...era to~

.."""""'Oera rer.-I
.lad queried.. ~a"'""
were wlnI... to 1M
"Oh, It COIIb U
about three doll.", tIHl reclpnaI .we.
1 MOald ..,.. Wh.7 Dorpa . . . . . . . at
do ,... uk!" tlte tIa1 twke a ..,.
"I had .... IJUl to ~ . fellrf.l
. . . .Iy ,... tJoee of that he . . . .t . .
~" WaIlI. . . e&n)' .. WIlIIIIII"'"
apoacIed. "'T1la1 ill,. w-. ... _ _
C'fW'I"'iIIIl. . . . . .
pro'flded ..
. . . . . free tro. .....p ... aU of the &taUL
..... tMa.- tM tJllnI ...,.. & .~, bu
fill, niIeI ~ to ILia roclIlL . "o.rpa'. afnJd

Ilamor of It all IIIade 1UID

dtl'OIIt taJl"I7 ~ But
.b_ ..
h i Ioiac to Ie!" WaDIac .~ . . . the
br.d. bh
Dorpa c:uae
... cue ht. . . . . . . oUh t.ha1 lie 1I:aew Dl:litJWI&
..... the ~ uuI -wtl't . . . . . . . aow.a.
~. _ 1oIaI' .. corued-beef uuI c:abbap
...-e tar 8aIe. WaIJ.1q becuae _ntllted.. "WI
. . .' daem 0I&u .. bl mOODe7~OII. yoa.. By
tINt way, JKIde. I"Te jollMllll a Mdety of Bel'-
..-t .a..eaoe BuslDeM)leL Ho,," doel that bit
"..1 . . . . . . Pm dlafrlllU o the tMc.ttD'
~ r.e a be lot o' boys with me.
too.. Tb.-e'. Sonm_. all' Pett!MteD. aDd Hol-
.-Dt. u'--1"
"'Swede!.. WalJln&" laculated.. u hll eyes
.....,.s. wider.
-WalUlIC. . . I've told yoa repeatleClI,. "'-nee
we ha.... beN part3len., utiooalfty d_'t cout
-.0. air! s.t.d", Mr. &D' lira. 0iIlt BYeuoa
ha.... lanted me espeelaI to a dlrmer 1tUt SuD=.../
day, . . set welL for bM.,.eD'. aake. I ....oulda't
4IapDolat them tor the world. rm COlD' to
meet _e or the b ~ men In LaJte View there
_ ,rattd IUD!"
wam.c boried his faee In the pUlo. . and
",ooIr. with JaaPter \Ultll DI!Im1s mlatook It
tor ~ r wu be Tery far wTOll& ex- .... ..-cw _ -'a..;._ ~a-.
eeDt la .~ac the ca.uee..
WalUaCs reeonry .... rapid.. Be wu ready to flcbt tor them at the droD ot a haL alOll&" briMlJ'. Her ~ ..,.. ..,otIe.lJ' ... JUte.
aaxI.,. to ~ baek Into the banleBa. He The Interior of the "'Trojan" . . . dadL The She.t:az1llld to ~ tile -.reet aad looked
wanted to make a aueceu Gf'th.. tint aIm and rzw::hfne ~ c:Ueklac liD La Ita tamet. &lid ~y brto tbe CIUIIIM'L
arnDP tor othen. E\'f~ry bvodred doUan the film ..... best:nnlq to owlad.. The leader "Dolly!" WaDtac cried.. "Doll7 E. . . .! You
coaJltelt DOW. The mO!lleDt be bad bls half read: here!"
fa~ bill monthly ea!;1ltnp: at the -rTojaa" A.zad ...-ody mtle lID ~ Ute Mado. . of
-w. tII.ereUe hundred dollara, . . ~ DOLL!' IS CUD REa Ute tbeat:N aDd two _it h..u .en IJIlaced:
with hili -.tblri dl... lclea4 DOW. 111 1J~fWKl.ZD- over Wa.1ltDc". eyes.. Theil he tooIr. tJuJM haMs
9a.aday IItOI1lJ:a&" foaad b1IIl at the aa-tre. 11_ ~ WE.U 17 '1'0 fa hili aad.. palled. the OW11.11!1' tcnranI him aDd
The ..... mea bad prombed . . ubltllUo'll. of 'I'O.e-)...... PARTY. looked. up at the PftU7 faoll mlUl.Dc out of the
the 1a.aadJ'y drama. The laaadrY proprteter ..... of aubllU"D curls.
WU _ haDd, bwt Dorp.JI . . . stW clI'eata&" up Thea there wu the M:net .ea.e, with II motor Don:r EwiJlc was aot In Elu'ope.. She WQ
for the bls ....-t that att.erD.ooa. aDd pb-.ed car comlq In the cl1.aace. and a puddle of rid!t at hili .ld~, aDd the pteture _ the -=reeD
to J"uk not to walt. Slaoe a tnIl!e had. beftl mDd.dy wa1er la the ~tl&"- J'room the len mlgbt ban beeD. .. mllUoa miles d.l.Itaat IlO tar
decl.aft4 ..ith the nellbborbood folk Deants band. ed.p of the tllm. a da.l.Dty mimI stepped .. eUber cared!
(The nest J. R. Walllq story will appear In the luue of Jul.,.18,1

It Just Can't Be Done

aDd within a limit or forty y&1'da did a doubl" at the time he alruek be would ba"e bunt bot.h
somersault In the aJr. and Ia.Dded In a barb- IUBP and heart: theu probably II little plden
wire feDce on four "beot.1& harp ..ould have beeB thrust l.Dto hla handa.
But .. hat happeDed. to Tn"en! ..That cood De......." aaid Tn. vera.
He studt to the wheel Illte any ~ drh'er He dad to mo. he attll had. a chance.
wtll do and when be came to hia meeha.nle was "YoW' "onderful constitution and cood hab-
alttlnC beside bim eryin&. Its bave saved ,.00.." added the doctor .. he
"Dicit" opened hla e}'ea to see bla own red r;ot bDllJ" ..ith the Uttle baDda&'es. etc~ aDd
blood apoutlng from hla mouth till it looked Traven .... thankful he had been II cood boy
llke a atockyard melod.'1'&Dl& lUi be lay In lbe tor 1IO 1l1&llY :rean.
dandelion patch. Tn.nn never did eel b:J the raees. but ~
Two farmen up on tbe blllside bad seen the tunled home the next day In hta Uttle racer.
ear .peed.fae between farm. &I It weat dOll'D. II mJracIe to hlmllelf and all bl. rrteada.
Into the n.lley and ..ere 1f&tclllne tor It to This same little o.-erlaad wu .tolen aDd
come up on the other aide, aad ..hea it failed "'W1"eCbId. aaly hort time before.. aDd It c:c.t
to appear the,., ..Ith tnte P'IIJ'a1 C\lrt_lty. de- Actor Tr'a.. era mau.,. .. heart:aebe &D.d ID&Dy II
dded to r;o see ..hat . . . the tI'oUbloe. And dollar before be cot It In tnlTe11q ahape ao
when they cot to the spot the)' fotlDd troDble be could start to the races. And to thiDk he
lIplenty, never pt there! But ..hen be aih8 and thJaD
Tra...en wu ..atchJq hla UWe stream or of ..hat a dose caJ1 he bad, he fa Ilad he fa
blOOll. not kDo1riJl&" whether he .... pine to at leut allvt, even if he fa a Uttle aore fa
lI...e b:J tee It tbrouch or not, and the meebanle
was lItill abeddlq tears.
..- Who DO.... but that. he mlpt have had
OU CllD't kU1 mo,'le attar. They are The tanner'll qu1ek.!,. pl~ked np both of the e...ea .one luek If he had COlle all the way
Y lndestructible and deathproof. WbeUaer
It romea f':rom pra~t1ee or just matter
"oanded men. pIa.ced them ou pla..Dka and ear
ned thl!lD within reseh of .. doctor. All thla
aDd .tarted. _t ID II race. Somebody always
eom.. . . . ral_Iug at the automobile aff:a.inI.
of lQC.k In ta,'or remaJoa to be seeo: btIt time the blood. w.. still f1.o..ln~ and Mr. "ThaaII: heavelUll tt was Bot I thl. time." aaid
Ricl1an1 C. Traven of the Esaa.u.ay Tra...en' createst trouble .... to Iteep from Mr. Traftn, lUI be backed liP acabut the n
Stock Compu..,. has proved that -It can't be strangllnCo to let _ -people pus b,. for fear the,- .ould .
4oDe.. lie did a double loop-tbe-loop In hIa The doe arri...ed. looked his man over, slap him ai:I. the shoulder I:a II c:o.nratulatol"Y
ear and Iun alive. punched him ben! and there .u:ed lot of m&DJl.ft' and hit one of Ma ma.a:r fJOre apobl.
Kr. Trann lett Chlcqo In hi. car to see que.ti eouJda't belleTe hia ey.. b:J IIee Th.v. . . Is the lIanal Ill-fated ~ulJtom ..henever II
the rUe8 at Indianapoli.. but tate "&I either cn still .IITe, looked. ..... hill throat. penIOIl baa 1lD,-thlnk the matter ..Ith htm.
....Ith him or aPlJlIJt him, he hun't decided tha at '-cit and sa-d- at bJm I. alleDee for "The 0Il1:r thine' that I recret. n he eoatlnued
Set. A.D.yway, he never sot there. fuDy a mlDute. and eul&1med In profesaiOll&lly ..-tth a .... aDd tar.....,. look in hJa eyes, "is
All went . . menily .. aJimOD:r beJ1lI till he paNeaed tenaa: "Wem rn be d - ! " that the camen. Bot on the job to cet: the
cot tom- aDd _&-half miles be,-oDd D).e;. lad. . . . . )(1'. -w. IlIIten i:ateltJcently pienn fJl the &d entun, for It would have
Thea w:lthout II ..ord of W&nl~ . .hea he be- _ laformed tbat Ja" c:best boDe had col made mOllt nDWJuat 1ItorY. and I am atratd
was bJw.q the bleb p1aeft at the rate or t11't:r IIdedl with hla aplD&I COhUlIll. aDd If It had tt. coald DOt be J'@pl!&ted ..Ith the same d.ra--
miles an hour. ht.. ()verlaJut racer lOt frisk)' Bot ben tIult his luap were tree rro- breath D)&tic ~lbllltJea and II sate ptaway,"

SOllle Confessions
A -_..
B~ Kathlyn Williams, Westerner
.... ..."e _hat they bay. read.. So m, ambitIoa is

J.'I'BOUGH that _ e ODe bas MseeaM 10U IIIl .I...... or 01....
to be a dlrector . . . . 4a.T. or 80Dle a.Ce wbere you have ae..-er b6ea, elWell
. CIten:7 . . Oataide of Illy won. I' . . jut .. peacetaJ sat- "08 a .c:n.pIy 1lACU..aY teellll& almo.t _ It
IiIttIe I. tnpUe. [am J.lIre the tenow who woaJd Icbt your utra.I bocb' had beS -..ced iD eater-
to bve peace. I aJ.thltel:1 dea:wad' it. It Is prt_ that had JlOt bad the COIUJoeRt of your
.s-'_to 110 t.lreMme waU:lq for ~ atlDUIld tile stu- ..UL
......e.a dio at times that lIome fA heaT_ to me aad. It's queer iD lIOIDe wan. the b'emeaclou .,...
my weary boDe&. LMtAc eautonua as 1 do, J licit} ODe aehlewetl iD plc:t1u's without eoadaa"
the" role of han .. r;eaaine CalUOMlia buDaalow. It bI &1l IIlLO ...-.eet: COlltaet with the paUe.. a.t 11 u.
mJIle. Ita cllsadvaataPs as well 'a Ita ad"utap&
beIIa." iD the I a1JlO am .. bUilLDeu woman. 1 love to lIC.beme )(qy acton uw.t tbat the pu.teK tlrawbad
.,ace t. thtap. I study real eIItate mOBt. It"" pu.d or'e work is tbe Jack 01 ..,. dJr.ect
...... Comb>& feellq to CO out aDd 1oii: at the lola ODe owua relatioa between adOI' &.Dd aud1eoce s1ICb ..
olohull .. A180 I have .. Dice car t.hat. ai_yo. r;oea. That ODe bas la the lestdmate th-.tre, beeao.e It
wb.k:h w . Is lJQC.h .. eomlort. Wb~ I 8fle other an sit- deprl"etI tbCD1 of applaue. ~ then! II
st at t1q _ide the roU aU dlJleolUQlate, I r;o home llIl pl_ty, but It is bol: oace l'eIIPOa.e. _d DGt
3_Pul< IUld pat mJae OD the IIOR. the pul8e4tJrrlD&" th.1Jl& that applawte'" To
fa Cblcqo .. J u n .. few Iood rrtetlda. That i8 better be sure appia.l:llle is oftea beard iD motf_ pte-
_ _ed
few ,ears than bavhlr; a host ot profeuloD&1 ODes of wbose tore theatre&, but the pleasure of the audleaetl
loya.lty oue I. I. doubt. I love the Lbea.ter _d isn't iDvarlably upreaeed In that w..y, b1 _ ,
to me most CO . . often &II poulble. I am an idea.! aodleDille. mean& And few _d far betweeD are the oc:ca-
1ItrOJlS1y. The I lauch IUIId ery l.D the rtpt P1aoell. aad applaud .Iou wbell tbe actor I. tJtere ta bear It.

pqeaDt made when I 11M anythlq r;ood.
__ .,.i..
There ls oDe thlDS In motion plctare work tu
wh:lch I have not yet accustomed. m~f.
S-... W.rll That Is the friendlLne&ll of ~ ",~,)
have aeen my pleturetJ and who
Identity me &8 the heroine of some
picture. Onc:e in a. ptherfng of
a few.. people an Enlishman
/ wbom John T. McCutcheon. the
cartooni&l., had bro~ht
wlOI him, ru!du;Jd up to me.
und said, "011, Yell, suu
are 'Captaln K.a.te:
I saw you In Lon-
don." The f:act

'1'..- aCl:itic.l _ _ t-'"
..-uu.- !Ilnotiq eM ~ '" a WiW . . . . .

011 the otJter hand. olle of the adwu~

of Dot comiD&" llIl direct coutact with 10... pub-
lic Is that YOIll can reach aD ImmeJlRly lar&"er
one In pictures than 10u colt1d in ..,. other
WlIy, Aetors OD the leK:IUma.te staee can reaeb.
In a weel!:. fWIt as man.,. people as eaa be
em_ded lata oue theatre lu that leD~
of time; movie acton caD reach. lu
""eek, as mU1 people &II can be
a tremendously deep lmprem;ion upon me. t crowded iDto 700 theatres Ch'lq t.o
had lbe feelln&" that we were actually movla perl'orm.aaeea a da:J.
throUl'h a revived put. 1 am very proud that Tbus the movie actor &chlev. a
lbe Pope, when tbe plctnrel ...en: SboW1l at the publicity is 1Il0t to be tboqht of
Vatican. liked my preIleDtaUoa of the Queen. hy the leelUmat.e actor_ And the ea-
The pieture III sUII ned In the Jtallaa eeboolJl thuslaAlD of mOfle fana for thdr fa-
and moaasteriCll, I am told, for educatlonaJ pur- voritell, their lIlahe aacI frleDdl, eurl-
pose&. Notbln&" in mov1n~ picture worll: has 1m- 08lt1 about e.erythiq he ..,.. aDd
pl'ell8ed me as much &II tltat elreuD:UJtanee of an does. the IDll.omerable .admt..... )et-
Amerteu. prodtlet &Olo&" baek to the. Wut of ten theY wrlle to him are pt"l!!tty pod
America's dllJeOverer to ebow the PQ"eholOU' ot ISUbl! for qp1aalJe, after alL
. the clt.covery of Amerlea. For my owu part.. t am &'1&d that
Now as to my ambltloDlJ,. With my work In drcamataaoe ~ t me to It. M~
the K'enetl I alBll hawe written aeeu.rt0fL Then tiolll pletlll~ have e1VeD me a raase
they allowed me to wrlte, produce and act iD ODe. of opportuaJty that the ~ drama,
Late!' OD I bope to be a ~lar producer. WheD e!J1)eC1al11 ollder modern coDdltJo_, eoaJd aot
I ant euayed It I was werT Den-oua. for memo have arIven. I am &"lad, too, for ewery disap-
ben of my company bad. worked iD aeeDetI with pointment I ha;Ye ever had, for 1 han come
me, .!Ioulder to ahouider. That I .bould dtreet to know t1Iem as ~plns 1Itoaea. I am ciIld

them p ...e me an u.m:omfortable feeUll&- Bot of 1llIcce;a, of coane. Bat. I think, wbea I
aU of them were perl' charming. and we Ot look back o,"er my yean that of all the thtnp
aloU&: spleadlcUy. Utat I !lave bad. f am mOlJl. &"lad that 1 WlLIII born
In Butte. "'Theatrical eaottcb M It may Awe
I beUeTe there is a plaoe for the lIMmaa dl-
reetor IIIl the Alm. bWlme-. Womea 1Ila.!;uraJly
aft more arttatic thaD mea.. The)' _ , lIlot
teen. But the streets, and the rld~ aJld the
tmIdter smoke. the shaekl:. the IICboola. aacI tile
know &boat war aad Wall Street. bllt. whal do 81U1l of It aU w... &ood tnLlalq for Ute .tap
men cltrecton kDcnr abcrte tb._ "'bllf" thtap. of Uf!e wbere all of _ are m..-..mera.

A Pictorial Review of Curl ent

Events and People in
the Puhlic Eye i.

-.......rtll.. .....L.L.
.......----.. . . . ..
w "



D.o w_ ~"* ...... ~ ~

. dol ........ :u.-. 4. c


C > ~ .. _
~ JI-II-"'-'''- ~ ~ ~ .... w.a

n.. _ _ ~ 'Wloioao W...... Plnot tal hM


au _ _........ ~ II , . . ~ c . - .
~ doll _ .. Oifla . . . . . . . .

A Jack London Hero

Hobart Bos~orth and His Fighting Ca.-eer
By Richard Willis
s NEAllLT e-reryoDe Is .W&J'e, Hobart Bosworth .. the

A maa wbo .. produclq aDd P1& the IMU i-. the ~

...~ of J.clr. LoDd_'. with --=b ~ I
relIilt&. Bat.,.. a-.rty e'lflT_ .. DOt aware. .. ta
filet. few people are . ~ BoIIiart ~ ' . DIe r-a Ub _
etl tINt .umac tales be prodDCell. AM, if there n'U' WQ APter,
HeItut~ . . . .
:ae.tdel. adnIat:ln'ts pleaty. and all the .... ad do... I. the
canlft' of maa wllo Wftt oat iato the _Grid to eIU'1I llta . . .
U...... at tile ap of tea. Mr. BcJlr'wortJI b..u ILad to 1lc:bt tIt&t -.r:
IJWdJo- of aU enemlea. cl.l-.e. Apja ...d ap.Ia. p h ~
e'l'eryoDit who mew him. bTe Ih'l!'!l him 1IP. Bert be aner pTe
IItlDed! _p. aDd it rna,. be that hi. paulonate wID to Uve has bee!!;
the bigest bctDr In au'haS" him. JDllt . . hili paulooate ..Ill to
hCIleed has beJped him =0", aaythlq elee. In
acbJe't'lq lIllCICeSL
Bat., let's bes:l1I. at the very beciDni.~ IUId have
this -ieIldJd lIPt~ teD 11I:II about bllueJf!
"I wu bont at .arietta. Oblo, "'''ere 1 ~t
my early dlJJdIloocL JlJ mother cUed aDd. DU'
father married. apJ.a aDd I 1le"fer toot to IIl7
~other:. A'l tIroe ap of tel I raJa away
.1t1l ~ c:oa...led_ that I was lD aed . . .
cnwlly tr'eakd.. I blo... D.O" th&t I eaa IooIt
'*:_ d.bpuJUoaateIJ. tllat . , stePmotHr
really treated. me wdl, better thaD I
1lel"Ted.. BUll the fad that I faa
away aDd ~ed . . old _ capta.I. to
ta.ll.e me Oil :as a cabl. bo,.. Tbe sh.lp . . .
dipper riK named the 8orHrrig_ 01 tk
Bee.. and I boardl!'d It at. Ne. York aDd .e lime later althous-h 1 remember lying there and
IIllJled ImmedIately for Baa Frandaeo. Ot Ill1teolos- to the music. f learned of my uncle',
my experiences at - . there are lle1'era.I p~nce from a Cup'aln Roberti! who fouod work
deta.lls whlcb. oddly eoous-b. Unger In my for me, 1l.1'b't on the san FrandllCO doeb anll later

melDOl")'. ODe I. the tad. that 011. my 1J1D&1-D& wbeat Deb at POIJt Costa by Venetia.. This
hrelftlt. .e 'tII\- npt ott Cape CaptaJn R.ober'Ul, mid me th1t. my s-nndfather
Rona.. -....other Is that OIl my tnt anini
at au. J't:aDci8co I spetlt In month. wace-
_ eaad7 ... ~ _ a
~ La the park. ...........oeser-
bad boUt the ship Jlarietta and bad sailed ber to

~ All my people _ere of the H& aDd my f&tba- w:u

It Is a nriou coIDddeDce t.bat .hJIe I a aanl By the wa.:t I DeTer .... my ra.t.ber
aJett _ tIIat bfoM:II . . at _iale was aplD bot 0Dee ...b_ I .... tweDtJ'-oDIl'. alld be tooIted
pIayt... tile orpa La Tdalt;y dauc jaR at me said "IIUID! 1 c:oaJelD't lid: T Son..'
Mdl of me. I did aot uo. th.t. aW . . . . -I w:u at _ aboot three Tears i.Il aU aad e1e'tea
moll,!!Js of this was .peat _ aD old CashloDed. w ~
10 the ArdJe restona. I e&DIlOt OWn to
ha'riD &DJ' _ - . . I bardablpe to endare on
that .... o:rae. Theft is claIIer or dJ8CO&Dfon.
oolT In ....ft'J' .....olent llonna. Arter that l
..... a IlteTadof'e [or a time..
"Before I leave my early experieDeei I
.aut to B&)' that I
am a true Amerlcaa
actor. I am a dJrect
deeeeDdaJlt of lilies
Standl'b. of John
IOod aDd I sta,yed with Daly tor teD. loac deapa1r aelB me. and thea eam. the IAIddeIl
yeus.- tJ.-e I plqed aaaber Iiorl__ ~ to Uve. to tlcht It MIt. I' reeov-
of paID . . . DeTer aD7 ....ery bic GaeL ered rapidly, but I made the JIli8taII:e of P'ac
"Ia tIlo.e 4aJ1I l' tbouPt be . . . ........e 1wIek to work JUt .. BOOn .. I . . . bet:tleI:.
driV'er. bat beft acata I aItered1_y miad afb!r. n-c- that time on m,. life . . . . p~ eV'ea1,.
~ just . . I dhl> ~ WQ" GItter ha1&Deed a1tenlatl0ll ot .ortt uad rest.
..... the C:aptaiD. of the -..e.t _ .,. Int ~ "W1la I coukl .0I'k. I did .4r1r: harder thaa
.... 1 CUM tG ackDowledp tllat n.I,- was a ever_ Ii pla,.ed -pee-e.ts .Ith Headetta
woodertUly be mu.. fa his dd:u'm1Datl-. tAl CroIIIwL. and with Jln. J'IKe. I'luaII,. Harrf-
ban aD artlatic: sad. ~ e-bIe. be aoa Grey 'Jrlake teatued IDe In 'llartha or the
did :not ibid,. the "u- of ladh1dua1a at aU:
be picked oat people for c:ft:t.aia putII whkh
Low!aDds' aDd 1 became Broad....,.~. But
the bqt.auU.q of the end . . . In aichL Row-
he new woald make lip pertect 1IVboie. eV'er, not until I lost. 10 ponda bI. as IDUJ"
Durtac my -.ocIat10D with him we went "',...-41d I fve uD completely. RVftl tlms ud played In LoIldon. ..It . . . bI. Tenpe. A..r1RIlL that I lived for
Pari&, BerUn. Bamburc. yean, flghtlD.& APt:ID. fl.chtl.n3. And I won
Colocue aDd other eon- ouL But---thoudl I am aot an InV'a1ld no.
Jl:neDW c:ltiea. aDd don.t 10011: In the least like oae. 1 am
"Yea, be . . . . creat oblIri to Un lIb one.. It fa ItllI m,. onl,.
man bot he dMt:royed defeuee qalDat m,. enemy.
my .elt-co:nAdellee com- "I bellne. after all that It b the motion
pletely. . . .heD I . plctnrel tbu. have saved m,. Ute. Ho. could
qlIpUeel tAl .1Dlla. I ha'V'e lived OQ aDd on. without belq able to
llarlowe tor a poe.t- carry out lUI" ot m,. cheri.bed. ambitions! What
tlo.. I appUeel for .owd my Ute have meant! Here, In pictures,
a very amaU part. I am rea.U.dq. my bluest bopeL
She looll:ed me over "Why, I Wf!Dt to Sa.n Dleco tor a rat aDd . . .
aDd told me I . . . uked to t1ke an e:npgemeat with the Selic
not Sood enough PolyllCOpe Company. And I dbeflered that I
could carry on m,. work out of doon: sad with-
out ulns my voloe, wh.!cb .... In a very bad
condJtlon. I wrote the IMlC'ODd plc:tDn 1 ap-
peared In. and dIrected the thlrd. ID all (
.,rote U% .eenari0l for Sells'....d procl~."

of them myself.
"Then 1 . . . connneed that the

AJdea aDd Prbctna oa my

ta:tIler'. aide, aDd tIIy
time WU ripe for spedal prod1lC'-
tlODIl, Ind feeUq that m,. all roaad
out.-tlf-doon: Ind atae es.perieaoe
motber " . . of the old- V...
Zuult Datcll stoc:Jr. of New
York wbo were the first of
their raee: to land In
America.. I am very proud
ot IL
"To SO back to my ad-
'V'elLtnreIl. A.fb!r dolnr; many
ocId jobfJ U'OQDd san l"ran-
d&co whle.b Included aemi-profeuloaaJ bo1Jnr; tor Ilmall
and wrcstlLnc with In old prot_r. JobDD)" par t s.
Brown. wbo bailed from Blrml:n~. Encland_ But_ile
I weDt to raDcbJ:nc In Southern California. and pat me
In lfe1Jco. wbere t learnM. to ride ...:Jthln~ in IbiS
and came to love the eJ:erclse above everytblns one. I hes-
else. Then came the 8t.:al;'e. Itate to
"I was alwastl Interested In art. and felt t own ho., much
mh;:ht make a sueeese u a l...dllCape paiuter. lowe to thhl
I I8ked the advice of a friend ...d he ~d. great llCt~
'Wby not SUlle on the IJtaP ...d set the mOney It onl,. tOT
to stud,. you:r painting'!" The Idea appealed to apJn givlnlf me lIOmc IIelf-ll8l1ertlveneu. I
me and I obtained the coveted job ....... th McKee pl.)ed 18ds in a number ot Shakespearean
Rankin ...d ped and' then palnted_ Thls .... plays "'Ith MI. Marlo"'e ...d I am more than
t the cau.fornla Theatre. San I'rancillCO. Then proud ot m,. UlIOc:Iation with her.
came the first llIDail part of three linea whlcb nit ~ed to me that I bad barely bepn 10
I promptl,. made a hasb of. It wu on m,. succeed .hen the terTlble truth came home to
elgilteenth birthday, too, and t .... Gtlard NO.1 me. that I bad tnbereuloeill. It was. of eGUMM'.
in 'Tbe Coadjntor.' Then followed other smaIl llbeolutely neeetI8UY for me to gh'e up the
part:I and tlna.u,. a I'Oad enpsement with Lonla life indOONl. the life of t.he theatre. At tim
Morrt.oa In 'CYmbeilae' and 'JIe.JJU..e for
Measure' for aeuon. Dt&riJls this time, I.n
collaboration with another man [ W1'Ote the
Tel'lloa ot 'Faut' tor ][on'fSVl:l whleb he used
........ .

,. .cdoa
tor t1renty yeiILr'S. For thl e DeVl!'r sot either
Cl'edlt or money. Aad I not oal,. acted but
helped 1I0nieoa. .. welL Tn ..7 I acted
at the Alca-.r Theatre In SaD. Frutct8t'O ...d
In '18 )Ira. D. P. Bo.en aDd mylle:lt ~ve
Bbakeapeuua readlqa In eoKtrme. Be-
tore r . . . t1rn.tJ'-one I had aeted nearly
allot the famous ebaracten of ShaketlPean! bad fitted me tor the JacJr. London
and I ea:n ..,. willi trutb and MnTQ. tbal stories 1 eventually ~ to
r ...... the .ont es:poDftlt ot Mac:beth the produce them. . . ,.OU no.,'. aDd I am
atap b . . eV't'r known.
"Tben 1 got Btt'llDded aDd boU'ded a
doinc the best .orll: of =,. Ufe aDd the
moR Ia.t.ereatlac. So tar ( have put on
Denver and Rio GraDde train b,. the under- 'The Sea. Wolf: 'Joba. B:uleyc:oru:
neath route nd IaDdM. in Park City, t:tah. 'Valley or the lloon: 'Jlartin Eden:
where I ,"orked In a mJne. I puahed au 'Smoke Bellew' Ia. a .ertea ot two.
ore waton and wbf!D I COl euoup tor;d;her 'Burnlnc Da,'1l&ht' Illld 'Od:rueY ot the
to ~ ont. t sot ouL Then I ran acrou E'er- S'ort.h..' [n all m,. readme- I ha'l'"e never
mann the Great. the coajure:r, aud toured with come aerosa better material for motion
him u bls assilltant throulth Mexico. Thl!l picture plays than Jacll: 'LoAdon's IltOrieB.
brought me to Deeembtt. '88. wben i t!nally and I hope to CO ript throup the
got to ~ew York and felt that the wDrld .... "'hole lot..
mine at Jut. Then It ..... that I bk:Ued the And all tbOl>e or us who have .eeu one (JI(
da,.. wben I wre:sUed In san J'ra.Dd!Ieo, tor the Jack London p:lya, empbatlc:aUy bope 10
A.1l&'WltiD Daly p n me m,. ehuce .. Charls too~ ,-
the Wreatler tn 'As You Ute IL' I made

Reviewed by Vanderheyden, Fyles

maDmade scenes of the bsvoc 1JJ'OUSbt In the the mll1.a-.m.. There l8 & peat tlcbt betweea
"Cabiria" dt)' below. Iibrble pllJal"ll topple over, cornices the two mea. iD wbJch the atlUer Is wonted..
aIId statu" tall !'rom poeat bdhta. whole The hen) t. mspsnlmoua; at IeUt. be p&WteII
:Ii anecdote 18 ftoaUng up and down bou_ coUapee. And thro~ the downpour of to c:onaIder. wbUe the miller b&Dp OD tor clear

A Broad1\"ay .bout a celebrated bon

vivant. 'A'ho beal"lll a manutac:tured
l'eputatiOll . . a.n aetI. belD~ so eD-
amored of AllDette KelierDlann. when be saw
lava. llamell _d marf)le. tn.Dtlc mea and womea
run about ID a despaJrlQ .earcb for satet)'.
- It Is from these danKen that Cablna. the fin..
Ye&1"-<lld dauKbter of a Sicilian noble. I.a carried.
ute to & beam just abo...e the ruh1D& stream.
But ""the female of the species la more deadly
than the male." aad the SaInted Oae's sweet
beart,. who happenlar; to ~ whJpa out a re-
tJle "NeptuDe'a Daughter" motton-pictu!"I!IJ at off by her n~, but Dot to saIet)". The child 'rnl,.er and shoots the miller OD the wrisL We
the Globe Theatre. that he haa left fto'll'en for praJIIIelI tbrou~h mSD,)' la.D.dlI aDd is maD)' ,ean are not to WDJr. of a slap on the
~ at the stqe-door eYer)' n1s-ht IIlnce.. older before she Is we at Ia.t. ll'lrst.. at the wrist .. & mortal &IIlIUl1t; bat. La thl.a 1llSt:aDee.
The Idea to have IJpread at the tlrst
alcbt of "'Cabirta." when the lobby of the
~ Cablrla aDd her protector an selsed. owLn!" to bls .rr-rt0a po-.ttlon. It does for the
b,. pirates. They take the ebUd to Cu1Jlap miller. Theatre ..... . . crowded ..101 and llell ber In the .alav~market... The par-
"'AoraJ tributes.. .. thoqh the IItap was to

chuer is the Hlp PrIest of KolodL, who would
. . IUed with sboqirlB. TIre oecaston. .. bleb fCPd Ilel" to the flames lDslde the idol bI. the
marked the temporary ~lq from dnm.a to meantime, the Dane tlDds a Romaa _Idler.
tlle movlM of the playboWle that .... dedlc:atecl hJd1D& In Cuthap . . a IllIY, ud he succeech "The ElIC8pe
..,. 811" Beuy mine aU. Ellen Terry -.d Ilu ill ~ Cablrla. ~ly throar;h the brav-
1MeII the loeal home of man,. leadlq Amerl.caD
~ ud IRICb 6u:Pous l'oretpen .. Bem-
ery UMl, streaeth of slave. a rIpatle. ~ ,
only to lose her apia Her cle't'oted nune I.a
NEW YORK boanUap . . . Dewspapen 8ft'
plalearded with the wualJt&, "Doa"t IIl&n"J'
Ilardt. WIIJard. Hare. Rejane, Moa.aet-SuJly _d caaPt &Dd tor'ttlJ'ed _d 1l1ttJDately pat to otU you Ila....e - . . 'The 1CiIespe..'" ODe IDOl"e
..~Robertaoll., . . . as brUtl_t .. _,. in deUh. The -ero I.a CQtnred. after many ad- thin&" to make matrimOllY harder! .u Adele
ha hlKor'y. BesIdes the flowen- that flDed the veataftll that bldade & leaD luto the ~ from RUehle saJd.. ODly the other day; "'Ob. tilts
lobby (they "MOe Dot earrled to the IItap, a pI"OIIlCftltory at leIIIJt & hundred teet above. IDaI"rlace bastnea! U's DOthIq bat dl't'Ofte
thoaP the -=tors deBe'rVecl them) there . . . aad is ellahted to the IrlDdIq stoaes of the all the time!" However. that I.a not. wbat Is
ODe box deeorated with ItaJian &lid Americaa IIour mUI for teR yean. But Ibtall,.. Cablrta. the matter with m&rT'iap: iD ""1"be Eac:spe."
aaca. III bODor of Cbevaller G. Fan Pont the P'OWll to Woat&Dbood., is fouDd by the IlomaJl The trouble Is eb1et1y microbes.
ItaJIa.n was Ita mollt 1m- utd satei}'" wedded to blm. After sudl u actin Thl8 photo play, which 4edJcates the beaatI-
portaIlt OC'eUpaDt. childhood. It is to be _ e d that abe Chell up tal Cort Theatre. In New Yor1t, to the mO't'ie
"'Cabtri&" Is caId to ~plo,. 6.000 penou.. European tra.'t'eI &Dd aett1es do"",, to peIlel!:tal h-.ea. tboop onl,.. for the SUDUDer mODth.. is
to han taku two yean to prepare. _d to domestid..,.. produced with a PURPOSE.. To Bee It Is to be
have eollt r..$ AD of th_ claIlIUI are be- .pIltt.ed. D. W. GrUlith. prodUceT of ""1"be E.- tor, . . a BtUpelldOWl spedacle, It oat t{I cape," . .urea us that It teaches a ..poeater
daaes au, photo pia, of tlle _rt. ucept, per- moral and physlologlcaJ leuoD than Bneu:'s
bapL '"Quo Vadl.... F1'Ve co~tr:le. were ....1.. 'nam.,.ed Goods" ..
Ited for Ita maJr.ID& and two conti__ t&. ItaI" ""The World. the The plsy proper Of one can c:all It '"proper")
8w1t;Rrw.d., SIe.U,.. Spain &.Dd ~ A Is preceded by a l'OOd deal of delvlllK Into the
.-.p1ete mustc:al eettID& b, Idelmando de flesh and the Devil" amoeba. 01 orIinal life cell. conducted b, Dr.
Pa1IDa of KHan. accompanle. tlul drama. belllS Daniel CarBoD Gooc!man. wOI'kl~ with a leas
p1Qed at the b:r an ordlestra.
of tltty mtudd&h; uul from tilDe to ttme, an
LA W1lENCE COWEN. an ED11Abmaa. be-
Ueves ID lettlq the public: dlp;st. bls Ideas
cqaable of maplf,..ID&: the pnmal ol"pnle. cells
to 100.000 times their llattlra! 1liiie. The proc-
1n:ristble eborus of forty .... oleea, _der the dl- Iu man, form&. ID 194:t9 he wrote -rile World. f:IlfIell of repl'OdnctJoD In the lowest fOnllll of
reet:I-. of !kin SLmOD&e:D. t. beud. tbe Flesh and the De't"lt.... a melodrama. and _imLl life are "hown. the p ~ belq to
Of eoane:. to Bl..UIy of na.the mMt IntAo!l'e&t It .... prodttt:ecl ID EDla.nd. That he rea&t ImP-"!*' 011 the matr:lmoDWly IncllDed that
fa thIn&" about "'CUlrla" Is that Gabride the litoI")', p.blishlDK It as a DO't'el Now It a~ "ftL there natuft takes the ntmo.t are to at
D' Aaltaaalo. the ~ of Ih'lnK ItaUaa writ. pears as a pboto-pla:y. AppareaU,. an that Is WD pe:rfect.loa of type by Datura! eeIectIOD.
so l8 the antbor. [m~hle Dot to ~ lett to do l8 to enPe a symphony orcbestrl. Or. In slmpler t:erma. Dr. GoodmaD soes to fn-
.,GfthaDd on what .etrt of a motion picbu'e and p....eDt It as a tone-poem.. BeIle'ge me. II tlDlte pal_ to IIIwrtrate the moral tJlU the
lInaa. OIls decadent poet would write. Sutlee ....ould m.ake IIOme Dollie. microbe that marries for wealth or aoda1 poIIi-
tt till 11&7 tbat he 'W1"Ote one of whlcb t have The James McED_ery SyndJeate MOWed ""'I'1le lion is . . enemy of sodet)'.
bat a s1qle er:Iticlcl ud that Is that hili lead- World. the l'1esb and the Devit.. at an ID't"lta- The proeJlmtnar:r plctllres worlt us up tI'OID
so tatnpoIated to mue the action clear. Sft ttOD matinee at the New York LyrIc Theatr'l'!. the mlerobes to skeletou of i'Togs aDd slteep.
ItO l-s and .-ttate .uch amaIl type It all ~U,... SDd It pro't'ed to ~ a typlc:al E:qIlsh and thence to the eare tak_ In the breedlq
the words aft to be pit 18 that It Is a tax to melodrama for credulous people. with pletnr- of dop &Dd ho...... At this potDt. we 8ft
"*' them. Then. too. a neMlellIl Dumber of
wetrd. iroa.oaaeeable names an 1I8ed., addJDr;
e8QUe rorsJ .eeaes aDd ~SD:r ucttlq tDddea.tL
The touch of DO't'elt:y CODSUJts La ba't'in *_r-I
deemed ~ for PaD! AnutrorlCs drama of
""The 1Ilseape." 1D Its orlr;hw fona. the p1a)'
to the COIIrutOIl.. Bat with that objectioa. aU f1ubed on the ac:reeD. momeutarily was JIded at the L7ric Theatre, In New T ark.
fuIIt.aadlllc with ""Cabirta" eDd.. aad _ewhat supernatunJl,., at the partlealar I&st aatuDUt; but the chief eKape the .... 1-
TIle 1Il&Il.Y, wbleb make a tutl nat- time wh_ the 't"lllalD Is coadad:1ac hbnlll!lf ence'a, Perhaps the fa.llue dIM: to the
lq's eatertalnaumt. an 110 l8B than bewilder- most 't'fll&lROWl1y. He Is the l11ecItlmate _ of omlalon of mkrobea . . herUds to the com-
hi In tIldr 'Y&rietJ and mapttude. Compln lin ED.A:Ueh coaDtry KeDtlem&D of wealth ud PlID., of iJtooad...ay acton. 'l"'be drama Ita heeD
18 detallthe main ptot Is . . simple u ODe tlUe. But bls nune. h&vin&' _ the operetta ....ery 'Wen &rT&aed for the screen.. with _ c
eoaId wtaIl. The period Is that of HaIutfbal. of "Plnatore,w and taken a pap from the past "eomed,. relief"" fr'Om 1Ir. .AnIuJtroIII'"s drab
-ne Sword of cuthage;' about three b_dft!d of Butlerctlp. uch.aDed him for a ....e.'r)' similar redtaL A laborer. IIvlq In the ~ lower
Y'I'J&nI betore Christ.. As.. prelude to the p1&, baby. I~timate SOD or the same ~UeIII&D. East Side of New Yor1r.. Is a bnIbe by aatlIrf!
~, we Bee the Temple of Moloch, the poeat But If they were alike &8 ltabtea. how dltrerettt and ea't'il"OlllDeBt. He b. . three MDIt eblldrea
Iwoue pd of Cartbqe, whleb spits llame.; whe. Kr'OWD to mULhood.! The npt::r.l Itdr. ......... coDAmpthe &1rl. a SOD who Ita; become
aIId Into whleh tbe prieaUi put wrIthln~ terri- peIlD1IeM, name:leaa ad dlflOWDed., t. flO 1tObie an luane eriDillla1 tllroaP a erIldl: ou the
. . . eblldrea . . saerUI-. Tbe tlrst eplMMle of and aneltc that ORe C&.ftDot Bee how he . hMd admlDltttered b:r Pop. sad .. Int born who.
the pla, ltM!lf I.a a ....olcanlc enIIptiOli of Mount The uurper. OR the other haDd. Is the tool of atnase to say, Is Donna! and 1.11 l"eaIIODdle
I:tD.a. Great .... olume. of tlames belch from the Sataa hlmfle.lf. Jl'iJr iDatanc:e. wb_ be dl.eo"t'en health. So abe quits home and r;oes OIl the
ftate'. tarse sparu tan thick . . raJn &ad 1&..... Ulat hils nne, hulDS tboa&Ilt better of the toWII.. naalb. she refonDll and DwnJelI her atck
tIo..... In RaldtD!{ riven.. But m_ 1D&ft"eIoas B u ~ busht-. Is aItcNt to "'tdl an." h. st.ter 110 .-idoooal:r that the I1rl aplrea.
of au 8ft the ~ of terr!lIed men. WOIIletl caJatl:r thrott.lee her to death. Ho~. site ItaII Uftd Ion eaoaP to ha....e
ODe of tbe bellt ecen_ la IUd la & ~ .k- .. dJaued dlJw. b:r a bestial h......... AlIlO

. . . dllkll'ft.. aad or beuta. roMID!" doWll the
.....tat....e la the ~ Gt' Its tire.. lI"oIJow. ~ old Eqllah _m. 'nte ........ ha a bet)' iua..des a eat to death. Ou the wbole.
' - tJae ~ of die ....olcaeo I. acttoa. a bt11Mll1 the mlUer to Jr.!II 1lIII Itnl\;...... 'I'Illa the
mlDer Ire to _ ..,. .......... Ua In
tile ..-.u.test portlolte of "'The 1IlseaDe" are the
~ lD-..tIoII. there an reaurltabJe beerbrttlje . . . . . . .

. ..
F east- an
d F amIne
. . . "UP'-; ...., D.eldoa c..... Near to
...... r ..... u-.

TlIo"'tr. B... tON. . .. Harr}' Von :\ret~r

1M Beat,o". hts dau~llter. . ... VI"lan Rich

,f~ B"'to.... 1i,11I lIOn. . . Wm. Garwoo'!
ltOfJf!r a law}er Rea"f!jI :IlIOn

H03lAS BE.,,-oN Is a man wbo U'dently'te5t.rn to

T ahdter 1118 0Dl:r 4a.upter, Ida. trom. auy i"iide ccm'
bet with tb~ world. He manq:ea to keev ber at home
"5 after she is old elloqb to be ecGDomlcaU:r lDde-
l)l!adeal. aDd wh~ his enployer dJee _4 leaves blm
a smaIl 1t!PCJ". It ~ms right _d J,'Iropftt" to hJm that
Ida moul4 ha"e the mone:r Instead of ~ftT1. the lJOIl ,..-ho
Is tr)'1D&" to ~ a collese educatlOIl. 'Ibe life that Ida
lead.. Is II. suceeulon of brtdp!. reoeptIOILS aad' daneetl.
gr-tduallY. breaks dOW11 her health uutil at last ther'e llt
lfCrloWi daD~ or ber beeom.i.D& bUQd' aare. an ell:'
pensln operatioil. can be performed. J~. with onl)'
a seaDt prepan.tloa lor the profeaaloD. he hu selected,
that of ~I')'. doee enl')'t.hlq III b..f8 power Mat 18 all
the time blttoed,.. aware that the moaey hla IUter bu
squaudered wooJd han aeeued.' Iaim. UIe' tnIaia be
needs. "'Ob. for .. tittle more kDowl~" be me..
'"God. tu", baek the UiliveMle _ . c1~e IDe II cbaIlee 10
~l1Slder that 'ull.'mport&nt' dec18loa'" I. the father'.
plea. And the wf8hc ot both are ~ted...
== ",.;

'-MIllion DoDarJb.'erT
r ..__-'i'il4"~.=::::.:
IJt r
A.1L1J1'. ... ~

BMJ,raq B.~ the IIlfIU_.b~.. _.AJrI'eII Nortu

Joan. IIlU'pleaft'. 1MIUer ...... _. ~ &r-7
'1oreIIoe Cb9.. H.arcr-..,-e'll
.. . . . .. .. . . . . . .
d.a.Dcbter ........
. . . . . . . . . .. I'I-.aee I..a.BalUe
n.e Priaoeu ~ Jlarper:lte 8aow
Jl. Norloa., a ww P"' 1"f:IJIOI"ler J. . . Cnme
Gn,J'a eompulJcMl .. LIla QeItIeI'
Bntiae. . e of the eGIlIIl'iraton lJ'raalt J'arrlactoa

T IsHE.. traitor
mllBolaaln Harpeue
member. to
aodet7 caUed. "'The B.laell. H_clred" of
Is bdq

lDeI!t Jlq . . , .

claacIlt I'lonsce. "'boal be bu &eYer _ _ sblce ~'

..... bab,. . . .' -.a. ran. tJmtOP. "beD. be . . . . IlIII
roof la .. .u-. tuJ... with Ilia TIle w:..
Joe-. 11; wl"eCbll . . . Ute .eroault. wbel ~ U.
o.lIy ........ eo Ole RU'eb tor the .Wioll ls bepa . . .
...uateI,.. The buul attemJItI tG ~ Rarp:ea.ft'.
duIPter. but an tr.utrated b, .lim. NcIrtoa. a :toue
~ .W D per roeporter~
----............ UL' !"icII't.J!l!I .eta
out to I:Dd tlle ~
Wi .. wut ... tara 1MlbI 1lJa' ... a IeMI7 ware-
...... at tlle ---:_ eIc8. TIle PI'I8eeI Olea ........
_ .r-tllle.~ .. ~ ~ _ tM .....
_ _.........ter; ~ the cqC:ala of &e .w, ...
-..r.. fill
-............ ~
'~ "-.tbe~-of.~
Md' tbell IiIeIr; . . . .
<M:t::h'lb'. TIM _ _ . . . . . . . tile

~ ,
...... ..enJ
~ fill. tIIe~ H GL.-- an ~ .....
tM7 ue ~ ..... la tile IlIiIa 11M ntL 0aIJ OM.,
BniM,., Ge.~ of the-"~


~~''5 __ _~.......;,_~~I
~.\,).,.\.Q:: .......' ........ .... _::0 "
.JJ~~._~----......... ;:.~ ~
~ . -

"Night Hawks"
A~' . . .. . . . , . _ ~
.~ .. un 'c:.....

B . .pA.rq. a MlCiety Dl&D. _ .. Fraaeb X. BaIam.aa

B - . I V...u., .. __ ... .... __ ... Joha H. ~
JI~ v.".,. lit. d&acbter .. _.. B.alJl St IRt

WllnIeU,. a pol1tlc:a.I -1lafoIe7 IIomtes

11'-. .. be b , . Charlft Wtdlcock

.reraa, _ . - EdYard ~
Tk"'---" Wanlelr. CCHCbemer .... LUll Drew
XicNIa. Yari beeler ............. )(. c. V _ 8eI:I;
JI.,.,A.. YU"d heeler.. . ..... Iloya.l Doaclu

V ARlSG. dWtrict atto~ fa - uddlDe

H 0'''ARD
....estent. toW'll t. wacba& blUer war _ WaNd!.
a polltIcaI . . . . &ad b.1s caac.
l a . raid tbt VariaC
aaltes _ the pac, lbrpb,.. _ of WU'deITa wvd bed
. . . . ktUed: . . . at-e, a foraer ~ .. tatall.,
~ Variq" hi aeeued of 1III.1IJ'6eriq )(vpby. Bat
at-. IM:!tlnt lie . . . "eftS ....
fm='= w1lJdl hh ""pIJ-
deUnn to JllW.rM Variac. la wIlidl ~ ..,.. to bu-
.... unet lIu-phy. Wllft Wardell 41Eon... that )(II-
dred. )au t.Il.W ~-. . . . . . . . . . ~ etrort to
- . It. 1IIldn!d" ktclllapped by the CUI&o bat the eoD-
r~ ID. .. _ _ bas. ill ..... La Ole : ' o r Rum.
JIbn7. a waIUIy Yo-&' _ _ _"0 trieI to II..dD ber.
B : ~ is 1__ .. W&I'deII"iI . . . . . . . . Mats lato
[ . . . . It is ~tnd tJaat ... Iwm't

the e.t wItJl IlbL s.t WU'ddrs pIaa toe steal
the boa rn. H _ ~ ~ .. rn.trated tty W "' . .4 . . . . . . .
'11- ,......
~ '-~ s.-_ . . ___ H ~ Ilt.8eU wbo. left u-e. reconn -~ ~.....,.
- . . . . . . . to ~ IOIdrM. ..h_ be lads boa..d
= aM. iPCII'!'I fa _ ..tJoiJliq ~ _d ctn:. dlaAe.
...._===='i WudieII ... lilts c:ro~ pi.)' the pe.aJty tew thdr crime
aDd Vadq is cleared..


The IntiDlate Confessions of Mollie Morgan
r J.

. . BOOGH''''
&. alf'rt., 'eel to

T ,_u-. teflalte
We&ot what
MciBat . . . . . . . ta

eaneIIt. .tIle .-rdl
for the wan. 1 . . . to
to . . fa New Ton..

- ......

1 was .w -pad. tlMI PMpIecla"taillrw

IIU1 moraJ.q uw. I y wa
For New Tort.
. . . It-. ....d I
for tile Ia.IoeDte

tiJDM, Ja .. IlIaD,.
day.. I qplJed tor a .
ae'lI'U'" it lovelier plM:e ~ too late to
t.Ii.aa . . we aUppeda eet It. A. d1I'U'eILt

the hartIor. early la doice of roate.
the mon1.Jt&. Whea I ..ipt "'"e led me.
llnt rNCbecl the deck eadI. time. to the
Uc:Ilt ........ hue lJtDlUo ..Ilen! I wu
blarTell the coion later to be cI1sap-
&ad oa1l1aeI.. blat . . poiated. Ja time to"
t be cre ..
IItr"oa&S' it ~. . meat. ADd ebaaee
lato BOthi.llcDeaL 1. had naled D1.J" ooane
the Narro we abeolutel,. eac:b timl'l
IIlOpped (or the nul - I am 8DI'I!I of that.
rrom the quaraatlee At the time It did
oedals aDd I had DOt "OITJ' me. I ....
time to eaJo,. to the too heartsick over
f'llll the calm. pe:aee-
ful beMty of the
the 0'
proml.e of happlDeu
ahore. The Ire that m,. meetlDI
baDta of the twta ..ith CbarUe Bem-
tofU, Illdl1l. the tat......,. had held
rim C that ODt to let m)"Rlt be
were behltld, little worried about 81"
&llm..-es of .blte ................T_:t.I< .... ' ............ 11'.,.. material aJfatn.
b~ bait 1I.Iddea Aad.. eoa.eernllli
by treeI that were be,paaJq to wear their ap.t. at M.ra. )(oaltr1elI. I ......U1A!d MnDe preeloll. tbl'lm. I wu Illed. ID all]" eaae .lth a straDp
~kn100a utum. d.reM of mlqlecl pld utd Ume. For the tint time a1llce the aJpt when and rather reuoDleu optIml.m. It -eemed to
red aa4 bf'oWll-[ lo..,d It aiL Georp eoa.. . f'!"M.wife bad appearM aDd re- me that m,. ~ with lbe SmJlu eompaa,..
I bad had 1Il1 tut.e of U1e u:oUe beaat1 1 had vealed the trutll eoacernlq m,.: ~1atI_ .ith aDd fa C......hJcll. thoqb DOt fa ...,. . .,.
J,.,.pd tor all
Ute. &Dd It .... bUt fa -.y
I ~membf!red the..
tun bloW11. troptca.l
hi. . a at:rul&e luUtude lleeJDeeI to hue Qken
bold 0' me. I dida't ha....e the r:oercJ to CO ovt
remarIlable. had still been stlbtltaatlal, dooaJd
at 11!Qt. mall::e it tIU]l for me to let a trial. and
woaderlJ ot C1tba with a ahudder-I woo4ered aad do ..bat I dooaJd have to do. That .. flUJ" ehaDee to pnn-e m,.8df. I wu a macb better
b.w I had enr thoa&bt It beautiful Here aome etlOUda to 1UldentaD4, . . . . . . I look. bKIl 011. It. Ktt'ea thaD wbea. I had ~ In New Tork
tIlI-as.. at - - . coald Dot b.appea to me. I JI,. E1JElieace lit Caba had beea trlPttaJ before; or ~ I m1cbt mOl"l!l ae:cvrately .,.
. ~t. later. after I bad laaded. Ne. aboek. aad my Den"e&. wont &ad fra.J"8I bY It.. bad that DO"
been _ l ....
at aIL aD aetrea. Before I bad not
Ton. took of me _plet,el,.. to ..._ time to recaerate. .......eeIl; or more
ao.ebow I 1 warae4. . The place dlda't I uten1lJ' did ~Jvat: bubd fa lJle kaa- II,. recept1oa. monlO't'"ub_ I . . . 4IJ'oeeW....
~ ILiat of the IIlerd..le. te.c. It bad. fa t1tId. -..IlIae aA4 waited. ~ . belped to tI!ItaIlll8Il tile cert.aJnt1 of saeceM fa
-.e tor aM. I aothiq of tt8 lrollte crim- 11 a lla7 wbeD. Uae weatJller had chaapd. m,. munl ODe UMI all the,. were tmd. evn.
.e.. Ita Wtts17 tJlrowa ctaaneap to tIloee wbo 0.0 td't . . . . . . ae. I .... PM to bell. cordlaL Evea HaJaea" In ToaIEen. wbo bad
_ m it -eIt1q' ..... tile rlPt to UTe, after Batac: Jaq: Gat of .,. wIMow aacI bnatb- pyea me m,. am. Jolt. after lilY Int a:perteace
1tII . . . . . for"'" ot .e'. lnae. to RrTt...e. Lac Ia tM 80ft all' of ... I.Ddlaa Amaf'r aIPt. as &Il extra ..- - . aid he bad beard of m,.
. . nerythiq ~ to me to ma.Ue. The Aad I awoke to b.,- rata 1uIlIaI: ap1aat Ute ..ork, . . . be took .,. aame. r...ata-. Ite ...... be
~ Iaad dt.aapd. Ita upeet. bdon: I . . . putfl. driy_ b,. a coW ~ wIJId. It .... the .CMlId. praIIabJy _ &!lie .. aake 11M! . . CJIIIer.
realb' . . the l1li1.. &ad do... tile H-.t- ant of a~tac wlater. Somdlow. It I bad ItOt 1DIlde der ~.. 1a tile
JlqfaI., ~ aorO._. . birede came ..1lJst- that made me dlJnr. I cot .p, . . . kJobit . . . meu.time. ADd Le IIa1ft. oyer fa New Iu.,..
u.e. aatiq a .It of th_ ..ho -eIlt to to 8ft the cn-J di-. aM the nLi.a aM . . . . aid jut abo1lt Ute aame t:Iliac. Nd~ _
.....-t it wIt.Il dJpJt1. dt.ulq Ute 1Il1a aad dri""eD before the W"l.DcL to ~ me at all .. f bad appeared before.
.... Mfaft It. ~ Torti: .ood . . . sharp 4Ild .&ad ill tile _spaper that .... the ia't'Uiable tu 81" eapM:ity of extn. - - . UMI tor thai
<dear la tile cn.p, f:all a1r_ ne. ~ DO air ake ~pu.lm_t 0' 81,. breaJttut. I r - " of tile I .... thaal:tDL I bad ..-lI7 101M to u.-a. as
tkat. ., New Tork .. Itere enntbLac .nuads OQ,t
_ ~ .... .....,... It '- a dt1 a WClal.alI
!allure 01 tile AJpDqaJD T'rwwt e-,..,.. t a matter of taet. more to clI:o't'"er .bat
attitade ...w. be thaa wtLll the deIa1te deRre
Iaqlled a UWe at the latereK U1al made me

.... _ JIII"'l'PIU'M
_ ~.

I . . . a llttJe m~
,(w C'- KnatUa.1.

un. to temper .bat pryln eye

1 wetl1 INIek to .,. old 1aDdlad,.; e....ea tbOQCla

I bad lut.I.Dct
UIa1 ~ me to aa.ab it lut.. Sbe _ _ eeI
.... to -.e me. III Hr faded.. coktr~ . .,._ iIn. Iaad to .on too bani to allow ~ r
read the atoI'y. 8a.D.k faJhU'. eouJd . . . . ttOth-
Lac to me. I .... NrTJ'. of ClGClI'ae. few tile people
...Iao bad 1Pdfer'ed t.h~ lbe aula; I ....
i ~ In the stones of Ute n-. that IiDd.

wben the cloon ..en: Aaally al&a:lmed. _lit

beeli. driyl!W bKk. 4lsappot.D.te4, p6'tla. . J'DIMd.
their taeft. Bat Ul&t the tbtac. t:f"aCk: .. I kJlew
It to be. coDkbl't "'n ..,. ~ dect ..
to &et aD etP&'ftDeat.
AJld -e oller 01. t did __ lib old
_ _,.. 8aD.t:e!maJl, of Ute ~.. _,..,.
.eDt (Dr me. He n 7 cd b . . kbD. for
tIlaC Bat 1I.e . . . all -.Del wb_ I . . . bJm..
'"By I_e!" he aid. beUtlI:1 ..Itbo.t traee
of bJs old, ...-e:utJc 1IlUlDft'. -"_"Ye 1DIIIlle pod..
"''t'eat ,.... JlI-. JlorpJl! Q1LItc a dlJhftaoe
...,. e.otloaa. At ....... I tb1ak. doe ..... a me. TJaat I eocdd be at all in l.OGdI ..Itll ttu.t ataee I Iut . . . yoa.! I tII..bLIl. I cut . . .J"O'l,
l:mIb'. Ilmtel ~ Ehlt alak.Iq botb toDd. eollapee of 1Il1llioaa. . . .. ~ It ,."re ~ for wOl'k."
aeK . . . aJwap a b .....,. tasII: "01' hf'l'; t thlllil It Ite't'"ft' eateftd . , . he.4. "rm ~ to u.ta to I . . . . . uWe
. . . . . ~tbatlt ...... ~ Tet It to come 11._ to me. J'or t.bat baaPUl,..'l t ,.oa wut . . to do.
JIQCtice til' allow bt"f'WI' to ~ 'oad of ber Wlure the Int of a .ne. that ......t ta.'t It!"
~ U die did that.. I A8pect. aDd the,. the paak; that droYe mOlleJ' to lteek .at. u.oac "'Tft," be told me. fJ"oWDlq a Uwe. 1 eoold
. . ~ wttb u.elr rnt. Ule foaDd It bU'd pI.Iicea. aM ~ lIldlll8t:rY'" w at . . tlLat I Ud &.UlOJM ILba 1.,- ; _11.
.. _ _ tIleaI. mo't'to aDd tbe ~ 0' neD a & time ..bea it ~I,. . . , . . tIM ., It . . . .hat 1 bad IICt Gat to do! I felt. UWe
week.. ret . . . a er1~ blo. to bn". Aud ee.tIdeItce. It.... dlat I --... IlOt .... of pare It...... at Ule ~t! .. Bat-
_ .... .t:an'f'd the Wanllft' or bf'l' heart. rean.,thattlteLa.t, .... u..pIQ' . . . . . ..... :rva. ..,. . . Wak .w:ta of It. I wadt
. . . lebh,ed a ...-k:tJy b a ~ J aWtude .... _ JlU""I,. oIIjeetlTe. _ _ ' 7 _ m ..,. ...-d ~. . . Brickle,..
Oat . . . . . bntal a.tu _ tb~ht It
. . . . ba_ pen::elTef the tne aM. ..... ~ cd - - . Is ~ foc,.. AM. 1 th.Iak ,.oa
........ ~u.ed Uaat It . . . a 0' ~U of c:ruh. ...... w1.tIt 1M ..~ It -at. .. It. "'-1 eaa"t "'er 1'OG more UlaI1
Jll"llttt0L 8M .... te do It. .-r ..-L
.ltIpt I. 1M beclaailtCo aftf'r I . . . 8Idtkd a.:ora1a&,
_ _ to ~ .,. 1dbI'U. I
u-.e. for ~ _ ...WI. IQ' _
,.. .........
IertJ' ~ jat MW. -.c,. Is yery tJAht.
..It '1M!" 1 ' " $ Ip': ~ ...-.a. .1_ ,.....f I.a ,-ee........... aaueRe+ .Q"'_~-.ettwt....
1 wall " " _ _ . . . . y.-

...... ..-
tbt_, .......... tM
..... I
- . - . 1 .-:11
tMIIiIM thea. .AM I
.. wIaat ....... nat ...., it.........
JiIiItiee fDnIp......-..

~ Ba~
fNe_ &
wttbMt eaeIq
. . . . . . tniIl.! 'DIIt ~...-e '-II.! -.~~~ __ ~Int. I rr- ...
"Well-t:bt'a tile [ ~.. M _-..a:.e....,;; ~________ tills __ .-... .,. ~ [' . .
-w. ..~
w.e eI8e. l"
,..'re WIIItIq .... ~r
. . . :t _
. . . ~. . .~.....
..,. .. tL. a-e.
1 had IlGt ~ _u.. _ Charlie at an.
1aGge fa -7 miad:

tdII.IaC' w"'a
of ou.
~ tMe it. ~ ...
We'll ~ . .
......a:,. Yin.
JIUlie 1tdter'---tbe 1 ...
., ..-11:.
Bat. .. _ .. I raIbeI tat he bd Iletaalb'
e - ..~. wttboat word to -e. . . . tILat lUI
~ aay otUr 10M. ot am. . . . . ~ dIe_ bet dlK: Ii ,.... ~ ~ ........ of .uea 4IKaat. I 1IWIlkr-
PMpIe caa qIIlft d.JJI:lel _d aidE$ for tile ..........J-!!!I!" wM -
I bew. to ..... JJk-t7 ell 1llP..-..-
IItood tILat I bit .... ClNIItlq qoa b.lm. 1leftl'-
t:be--. Be 1aail sappUed _ wttb that waNM-
moTiel wHIt. ~ eoaJda"t be JUde to CD to
the ~ a-. 'M ........ w..e r. __ til _ _ . . . ....... biIld. . ~t. of laope'" faJOi that
He sJ:anaet ~ _Oa14erL e'rS _ . ~ el. ClOCn8. I .....,. b: all that. eaables _ to Mer lip 1IIlder u-bie
"I caa't ~ ta.Ile Madl a a1arT .. tha:t... t.IIaIl I had -.e befaoe, I waa ) ~ at times. A. Il"Mt . . . of .....-rerrt c:oa'aP ID
I said. ".&.ad:r-.8M. kDo_ It! s.yeDS, I'm - . . la crvwd. n..... I e-IlI. .... tu t.bJs world. a P"Nt dMl of the f.Ict.aa 01. tt'O-.bIe
DOt pretea41&l' to y..... )lr, Ben telm... You. KftlIS ~ . . la ~ ..". _ . . two aad dnpair that people tn1aI: t.IleIueI....s to
~. rye bad a IlanI Lime eee:wac
DD to _beft otMr c:bracten. I .... . . . eo. e8IlhIre. is dae to j-e. Ada iJIdetermI.aate bopes
I baTe IIOrt of repllIatIoa.. U 1 .orked n. .. tIlreet:IJMs, I " .. die 1malUa- . . tU tholaPt of Charlie ~lJapQ hIld
(or Adl .. D1uy as that nt be admJttiIlc that ~ fill . . . . mr-lf ~..--. .. I bad 1R'oa&'lt to me. I t . . . 'DOt _t.ll tIaat bOf'tl
t . . . .'1. worth m~" ci.e ...,. U - "efere .,. ..... to Call- 1'UlDbft that I reaIbed that I had dlerished. It..
"T_'J'e tile jDclp of tha:t... he aid. '"I c::aa ~ Bat. __ tbat. It .... poe. I felt att.ft'b' aloIle
eel a ~ to do the work at Ul_ Acu-l Of ~ I ...-"t tIM - 0 _ ...... la the wodd..
I'd rather haft yo.. 1Mll I caa"t make ,._ come. ~ ~ tM rnb-b a.t Ud It .... _ _ aJ'ler that that I WTOte 1.0 ...,.
at COVlte-" aakted u.e wIloIe -.b'7 It - . L ftat btlter. I did Dot uk hiID for help fa the onU-
I dlda'l reconsjde:r . , rem-L bow_ft'. I made It tile TIle _ " , aary way: 1 explalDed my llltuatloo. &lid & pod.
bated tlle __ ; desplMd ILLID.. buleed. Be wkIdt I had ~ ~ beIee.,... da1 of what. IlM ~ 1.0 me. 1.0 bJm. ud
_ _ed to me IIm&1L _d petty. uaetJ,. the ~ ~ _... ,.. -U ~ aetas aad . . . . 1LlJD. to IieDd me mO'Dlll7 _oach 1.0 lIM ale
of empi07er I .oa1d: lIIte to shUll.. eTf!D. my ~ far bettJtr t:IIaa I. __ clad. tllI..,.p the pIIJlk. Bllt lite letter .... IIe1"ft'
d.lKo'l'ery. .. day or two late!". t.b.a1 Be!':fl or 'frOrk .. es:aa. ~ ......)' aasWft8L I had DOt ru.II,. ~ all aaawer
Hutlap. aD Kt.-. far better kDo. . than L ~ p;..... u.e.. Ute JII"'!f~ 'I1ae7)mew wtu!II. I . - t It: I .... 10 ~te. Ito~.
bad the ...ttioa. dIU"l alter my tdeas. m-; they wmated. to f:aTGr ~ It,,-lble. that I was reKy to take ...,. dI.a.oee that ~
I was AJ"e that he bad beit!l foreed to otIe' a:ad bep t.JleIa pIq . . . . 1ICw t t - . wIleD ltRtt. .
her .. rsped;abk .-1&rJ' to eet ber. aDd. that was tilt:)' . . . . . . . . them qala. JI.cIrM't'er. the Bat that was DO ch.anee at all .. It turned out..
j~ &It added proof to me that be tried to d.l.recton ~ to Pt the belt resUta. aDd And wbeD. the ~ paMed wlOiout briJlcinc any
tTtek me. the. ~ of the Kr'eea were able to belp ldU:r fJ'om HarboroaP. I P't!W" friptelled.. I
But iD a ... ~k or eo I becaD to uDdentand Ill. that. wODdft'\!d. what was to h ~ I had mont!'Y
that condlt1ou ",'ere Dot at aU .hat I had I telt mJ'df allpplq downwardL I had bad "'noaP. tor one more paymeat to Mrs. Moultrie.
expectecl to flud.. For. toward the Vld of that & feartuU,. bard ilPt to sa my feet OD Ole and to keep me from abeolate hullSft' for & few
ttme. the bllPt that had falleD upon busmf!llll ladder that led to aaeee. _d some sort ot 1J(Ill1- 4&,.... And I knew that !lin. )(oultri~. DO lIl&uer
~enJJJ' w.. ODI,. too evldftlL Just as Suatel- tlOD; DOW I wu belq drh"en down.. It w.. not what her personal IllClinatlollL would malt", me
man had uJet. the MOnes were Dot atreeteel as .. 1011& before I . . . ODe of the Ullconsldered crowd leave as soon as I Wled to pay; the rent. Sbe
STeat man,. other ent.erpM_ were. bUl thlnp that were trylq. desperately. to eU1ll a fe.. bad told me 80. In elfect.. an.d ahe had been
,.;e-re alow. I could ae-e that the bl eompanJ~ dollara bere and there. And I bep.u. too. to watehln~ me closely for ll'eeks. knowlns. I aup.
were eutliq expen8ell In e\'ery dlTCdJon. 8fg realize that my atory ...... known. The com poae. bow thlnp were pins. The panle had
feature product.ionll t.hat bad been annoUlloed paDy with which I had worked In Cabll came affected ber. naturally: abe had turned out 1Ie't'.
were postponed: aeveraJ of the larxer ~Oullel. back.. and when I met FTed Annstroq. one day. en.1 of her roomers. And I would be the nert
I.ha.t contnct.ed for ftrst rud ot tb_ bie pie- in the Veronlque atudto. he pve me & look for to SO.
tUret!. dosed. because people would not pay their wbleb I could have kJlled him. I allW him Wk I ~ proof positive the nnt time I weat to
I)nee.. and all the eompaDlea bepn to cater Ins to Le Maire a few mom~ntll later. and the the Veronlque IItudlo that Fred Armlllf't'tns had
eapeelaJly to the amaJler bOU8eli. putlln~ out Frena director Slanced at me. and then talked about me aDd I Wled to lid. work. He
one and two reel plctnrea. Then, too. the de- shruned hili shoulders. Iltop[K'd to speak to me.
mand for comedle. ln~. "Yoa waste ,our lime. :'ofee>l
People wanted to be cb~ up. ~orpn." he tIllJd. "For leacb-
T~ea were barred; RrlOWl _I )'ea.. JOu mlpt do. You have 1m
dramu were a druS on the proved.. Bat for en.... worll-n(l~
And comedy ..... dlatJnetJ.y not my :o>ot with eo II1any others to cb.OOlIe
...eln. ~ tram. But you_rely you can
I 'WTOte .everal ~a.. but ftnd a rrteud-.omeone to help
they all came bK.k. )(c.t. of the you!""'
editors to whom I!d them He s h ~ hLa aboaldeN

,.;rote courteous notes. uplalnJDS wb_ be .... me ftush.
that at allY other time they woald -Rein!" be a:iJd. ""''"hat of that!
haTe beeD. Clad to my .tortes.. Ton are a 70aq womaa-not ..
but th&t t1mt now. for ...utoua rea- bad lookJ.n&'! Yon need D.ot be
..ns. all thelr 1ICftla!'ia. were belns poo~" In tlmea Uke th_!-
d _ b)' Btd..-r1ten.. The u- There . . . no _ 'a auwertns

pt&DatlOli of that w.. onl)' too him: DO _ la tryt. . to dete-nd
cisi'. It ..... & means 01 _rlq m~1f. He wo1lId aot ha...e 1IalleI'-
mOlle!'. for the. . . . WTtten were IItOOd.. B.b DAdanb were bOt
AlDerlc:an, bl _y - . Tbere
'nae tnlth .... drfTf:'Il b_e to _ e d to laJ.m notbbls' 110 horrible.
me ta maa)' waya. OIreetors wbo I n,...e. aItovt wbat be ....
had dmPI7 pat me ott fa the ~ 10 caDou.I.J. AAd--.rte'r
I1U1D.& wbn. DO __ rea1l7 new all . . I ldl b.lm. wo~
how . . the tbratelled ~Je Xo cae beUe...-ed fa 1M; my repa.
woUel be.. DOW came to IDe f'n.akI.J'. tatioa .... COM-' ( .... PQ"blc
aDd .aid. that oW -.a.- lID- the price. W . . I to eel DOthI. .
ProTed. they were eut.t1q doWll. fer It! I had had llJats before:
their fClr'CS, IDstead ot lac::riu1D.& DO ODe. boweYer. Ilad beta 110
t:bem.. ADd fa the srowtD.c u.t rr-1l: . . Le JI.alft. I .... ID a
of acton aDd a.etre- Iooklq for deIlperate mood wb.e. I weat. &II
work, COIlIIrmadOD ot what the,. a 1ut ..-ort. to the ConlSower
told IDe .... OBI,. too _pl-..Uy SllIdlo. Saate:lmaa Wall th~
euy to obtai1l. hopIe wbo had aJoae; he was aot maklai pie-
never lac:ked for work were look ture that da:Y.
luc for -eaemenb now. AAd. "1Ulio!W "TOIl IooIt
thonp I ....nowed m,. pride. and I50rt ot peaked! What'a np!'"
Wf:'llt baek to SanteIman. be only -You DOW!W I aid. bl~
shook bls bead. "CIa.'t set won. eb 1le aid...

"Sorry. 1I0J'PD," be aJd. MI ........ TOll'roe & fool! Look

p n Joa st:nJcht tip before, aDd here. ....-ery_ bowa .....t ,.....
)'00 wouid'nt l1at:eD to me. I can't CoaTene, ....--tIl-. a-aJ...-
throw H..uap OIIt now. She ftJ! h t TCMI . . _ uu. .....
e&ID.e to me. at my price. wbn. I . . . . . tIwt _ ! LoeIt ~
needed her. _d that _aln't be _ (0 ..
An Outlaw for a Star
'I TBJtN [ learned. h'om Ilr. Charles J. HlII.
au, na
nea aaoIdeal7 fram
011 . .
of Ute
Jwl!l }, 19U
by the little ta~ pIIlld

m, ~_
at . . wWa

poftb. 1 would aote the ~

~ . . tlle tar Ilort-. UDeataJa pre-


that ..Beat1D Badt" . u to be the Ant
!lie prvcloctJoa ... bich I ..0 to 41Ilect
at y teeUap were a m1.rtU:re or
or ftlJd, [ ...OUd
deslUy np to m,
_Te m,
eunor of -Ia& RUbJDe. Bat. wttb a IdP
.-t. lItaUt ee.I-
lItar, ...4 deuPte4Jy .--.ce
pkluare .... apprebeuloa: pleuwoe. at the
tlloacbt of haDdJlq 80 bi&" al!d iatel'elJt1ll
Abject . . the life story CJf real baD41t, _d
.. ~ o a at the tboucbt or the diJkIlltIes
ahead or me In &eetlrlq uu.taetDry Impel'-
so ....,. JDiautn by the to
1AIek. CII" tbe tact that It
that we woaJd bfc1n. t:a.lI1q plcturoeI Ia aaetIy

April. 01'
other lIIddlaabJe influence aim... innrtably
_ e l l to favor my propoldt!on., aad to tbhI

--.tJem of Jennings from evea the best IM:I'eI!Il

On aprellld!lA' my doublll OD the sabJect tD

tact. 1 attribute my beintt able to hold in Jeub
4the moM: blP &tr'1Ul. temperameatal JIWI 1
baTe eYer' kao"1L No... st:ra.n&eIy - P , It
Mr. Bile. be promptly diulpatecl my reus by was these TeJT charac:tf'n.uc:a in bila t.llat. ..
_Qrlq me that AI JeaDiIlp, hi_if. ..~ his director. I Tslued most.. for be bad no PJ'&"
play. Oa. hi. U"I"inl at the Thanbouer studio. Tlous experience as an .ctor_ Wltllout tbete
Ill'. Jea.ll1np, now a le&dlq a.ndld&te}or the charad:erUldc:a my task m\ll5t bave heeD aIm_
pben1atorla.l nomJnatiou in Oklalloma. .... bopdes:a. so tar as the central fipre: in the'
_ullced that be had just three weeks tn.-'e- story w.. coMeI'1led.
Tote to the work of traDatemq to the IICI'eeIl In the earllW scenes the work w... bard lor
bls tempestuou8 career. A ~r ablIeDoe Mr. J'ennla(tlL Here _. . . man, liviD
would .er101dly injure hi. chances tor IUeea- over the moat TltaJ period of hla ca.reer.
til the eleetloa.. dreaed., armed. and accoutered, IdeaUca1ly as
Enter worry! be bad beea at the very moment of bla unlaw-
With ODe hundred hones. scores of bandIts, tnt expqiencea. ,,'as caJled upoa InstanUy to
and mU'fiballJ; a ~I raHroad traiIl. tllled with reprodu& the emotions. whJcb controlled hllDl
J)U8en~ to be robbed; e1tru iJulamen.ble; at such times and then to she the outward e:JI:-
three yoke or allen. aDd all the ftQulreaeats pression wblc:b would mue tllem abIJolutely
of <:aWe camp to be usembled and lIhipped clear to the movlJl& picture audience.
to the mo_Wnli eh;:hty ml1e:ll .w.f~ there WlUI And the marvel ot it la, that Jennln~ did
left little time to Indule In eatiU& mudl lese this. In II 9Ome1l'hat wide IUId "a.rIed experi-
I>I~ping and reaeatlon. ence . . a director ef actors. 1 bave never
Then It ralncd. and. RAINED. known a man po&lIeSlIlnK II technique more nat-
In the .Ordll of the oldest Inhabitant of the ural. more eertaiu or more etl'ectlve In lIOCurlng
Ogden range. the .,'eather W81l "plumb julcy.~ the required elfect8 thaD that wltb which na-
T can 1lt111 see J<'nnin,p .booted and spurred. ture has endowed AI Jenning!!.
_ttld bumped up In a chair ou the porch of Never self-coallClous. direct In method. and
the little taw'rn "'here we stayed, p.z::Ins al absolutely earnest In purpose. he played scenes.
th,. soddel1 sklell ...ith an eJ:pretlBlol1 on his lM't'mlngly without f'tI'oTt, that would h."e t:a%ed
f;ll:(', which of his "Ictlms of the old ban- to the lIm. l the rl!1lOUree8 of the mOllt experi-
dit da.ys. "'ould doubtlells coullider fearl'ully enced lind Wented actor.
fan:iIIar. ' . Fortunately for me. JenningB llked DIY
At such times youn truly made It a point method of dlrectlng, _hleb "'as r:alculated to
not to venture ....ithln talking distance of the condition!\- Who elore could be! Jennln~ Bl'Cure rllT,idlty to the limit or safety, And It
lillie human'd)-'f\BmO in the r;ny suit. for the knew th.I the actor~ \\,,,r~ Ci!rt8ln of It. and III ~;ttll'ylng to fCoC.:J1I thaI our I'f"laUon!!
"cry ob"lous l"I'lll&On l, and 1 only. as direetor. the very hor'St"S a;addled and re.dy at the 1m IhrOIl~hout "'ere of the plf'.a8:mtest chK.r.lcter_
was I'efIPOnf!lble for such outnsl"Ous weather provilled racks In the muddy road...... hlch lIt..r :-<, D. EJi:eept ...hen It m!!wd!

"You had tdtcr keep ~'our Id<"!:w 10 yourself,

"In Wolf's Clothing" :\Ir, Frame." said G<lrdon, 'K:orufully, "I kno..
your Interest In thla matter and I ehall see
to it t.i'Ja.t you are reUeved of your duties In
conllectlon "'Ith the eSl:lte of my fiancee'.
Frame sighed. Ris well meant elforl to the lawyer penlsled. "'Old Brooks had llome lather as soon as I have tbe lepJ rlSbt to take
straighten ma.ttel'!l out had pl.aJuly come to sbock, Dick, can't you tf'll me Yo'hat It ..... <U\!.. charge of ber a1f.aln."
nothing. But he made one more attempt. That "No!" saJd Dick. "I can't Jack-Ulat'lI all, "Oh, you will. _III you!" said Fn.m~ furl-
nisht he wro\'.e a 10D3 letter to Brook.. gtvins J"m .eGrTY-but Uiat'li a secret I've got to keep oUllly. "1-" He paused. l:inddenly. An idea
him some Information that had come to blm -ror Daisy's aake." had just come to him. and he turued ....y
coac:ernlng Gordon. And, though Worth did ~You Quixotic ass!~' said Frame, angrily, to hide the s"'lft lI~ht that came Into bUl eyes.
not know It.. that letter W38 tbe cause of II "I believe It's J!:ot somelblng to do with Gor- ":\'y friend." he went on. In a aer!ous, com-
IIUnlmous be receh-ed to ~II on Brooka. The don! You think she's In love with hJm. and pa1I6lonate tone. "I'm afraid you're ridlq for
old maa had bf!en lleriously disturbed hy what you're keeping quiet ror her II:lke! Is th.t It!" a falL I suppose you share the tte-neraJ 1m-
Frame bad told blm. Ae " .... not quite ready But Worth only shook bis head. and main prel:l:9lon that lUu Brooka I. II poeat belrea&--
to believe what he bf>ard: but be was ail.a.keu_ talned bill oblltlnate sUence, that abe ..... tIl receive p-eat sum from ber
And; becaUl'e Daisy's future meant more to And" mean ..... blle. at Gordon's Insistence. prep- falber's estate!"
him than anything In the ,,orld. h~ wanted anLllous for the weddlnl\: were hastened. "ThOlJe .rc the facts," aa..Id Gordon. hitlD&
to~be very sure. He tle(:fdNJ to question Dick ~You're all alone now, dearest," be A.1d to his 1Ip& -rhey do Dot alfect my feeling for
resardlng" the stories that had cau'*!d the Daisy. "'I lblnk you should eome to me at her. of course. I am a man of Independent
breach bet"'een hlnl and DaIJf). once-.nd let me bJ ke you .w.y from a pbce meanll-"
The meeUns beh'~n the h'o men did not that Is ti.lIro "'Ith palnrul memories and ass0- "'I should be .,lad to believe It... said Frame.
occur DIltll late: botb had engagements early ciations," "Deea.u_ a matter of tact. Mr_ Brook!! Iert
In the evening. And 1'0 It "'as after midnight Dalsy. grown IIU1ln~ly .pathetlc.. otrered' only his atfaln in terrible confusion.. His sudden
when tbey met. In Ule Brooks llbran'. And, a faillt protesL Sbe WQ too stuDDed by the death came .t time .,'hen be w... hea"lIy
_Ithln ten. mlnutell .n.e.r Dlck's UTIval, he .hock of her fatbf'r's sudden death to &BlIert In"olved In the stock market. Had he UTect,
rusbed from the room, pa.le and shaking, wi benelf. She did not rully UIldentalld ber feel- he would h."e won I am sure of that. But
Intt for the ~rva.ntA Inp; and. like 110 many people In her p<t!Il- his death.... you know. precipitated a smaO
"M.r. Brook!! III III!" he cried. ''(;(ot a doc- tion, slle ylf'lded to avoid arument. I'1Dlc: bis broken. for t.hel.r own protet:ttoa,
tor!" "I sUPPG&e you're right.. Carter," abe said. were compelled to aell him ouL As a result.
A doctor came, but be Yo'as he1pletill. The old
man had been laJd lew by IItroil: of apoplexy:
he died ..ithout repjnlng CODsc:lousneBll.. Daisy.
Indifferently. "I'll do wha.U!ver you think Is

Only Frame op~ a hasty marrlap. and

1 fear that. when everything Is &Old. there wl1l
stili be .. balance apjnst the eJ:ilate."
Gordon lanltbed llaTlOhly.
r:alled home from vlllit Me h.d jullt beun h~ even tbough he ........ the executor and ad- "Very clever. Frame--very c1el'er, indeed:'
In Ule eountry, tried In v:tln to bl.m speak minlltratorof her (ather's ..111. ...... not able be Aid. "But your .....ord _Ill bardly cartY
to ber. Orlce he seemed on the "~e of be- to move her. Tn dellj)f:'.n.tlon. Sn.aJ1J', and oab' muc:b weldlt apJnst the known racta."
Injf able to 8p4!.Jl; his lips moved" but no .. a last I'C$OM.. he "'ent to GordOIL '''Come to my omee tomorrow," said J'rame.
sound r:ame from them. "Look here, Gordon. ~ be A.1d, "I'm 011 to YOIL '"' will MO" you papen that ..111 ..erlfy eYery-
Worth. .eemlqly changed by the stroke J can't prove anything-" but 1 Itno... You're no tblnjf I hne -told yon."
Brooks h.d .uJ!'ered In his pretll!Dce. reralled .,ood.. You're II peanllea heatureT"--but 'Iomorro.. !" sammered Gordon. ll'rame's
ll.~lub!:ly to dlllC-IOlM! what bad paalIedbetlrieen yo.'Te covered YOUl" lnaelts ..ell. Wbat I bo.. manner .... belfIllDlq to have Its effect on
tbem. FMune'. dtorta to uD!leal his Hpa were now I shan be .ble to proTe aome d&:y. And him. "Wby_by-tbat I. the d.y of the
futile. I "aTD yon that 1 ahall 1LeeD .. eye _ yoa wedd1DK-"
-rhft'e ..... aoIDe realIGn ror th.t lItt'oke!" -you fortune bllUltn'!" "'Come in tlle moT'Dill&" said Il"raae. ~The
tlt ftIkft _
reIteTed, I' _
..-r tile

ClllIIle." g14 ~

-.: e -
en alP
UtutMa _ _
T_ U. w.-


t.h&t'Il boi4 1llJD!" uJd

Be ... 100klac at a _
ol .,....... FU'" dad tID be
teU y-.. tIlat! ..
braTado hall

:rn-e. .at
", ......
-I M"ter btew 1 had Ada a . . . . dLaacI to
ilia Ill!!'e!" Aid Worth. pimly. "DUq'. fa
Ioq wttb the pap--sbe ....til blm.. 1 cleeIded
to bdac h.1III to hft."

..,.._ IJlLad tool!- be -.w. "ID m. wttIl
.... all bed!"
OIL. Lord! ..... I t.boqIU it

TbeJ" were la a room IMlU' that ill ..bleb tlae

- . . _ y .... to take pIaee.. Now a . . . . .
.....,.! I cu. -ee that 1'Oa 4oa'1. 1ft. a 41'fot'Ce
___bat I cu.'! caaraatee tAt b up all YOUI' QU&l"
rela if , aot marrielL!"
ADd. tor -.:eo Dkk ~ YiUl bllll_

Lions and Ra_-

WRIGHT. or Patht" ...ho baa
- e M at forpl'l'! [f 1M'. . . ~ to be- stir war:a.ed J'nme that the wedcllq uoat Just ~ with h1a CODIpaa,1 rr- SL
line this . . J thfak he l-. Ute. ...,en wiD to becIa.. He broU away tnaa WortlL. With Aupst..lue. F1L. tell. a pod cute. It.eema tlu.t
bbt.!"" clet-m'oosH.. ill eye be strode l.Dt.o tIM Ia a RomaD pletDre.... bleb he Is J"- blabiac.
.AJId the JaW7ft' . . . riP-L It M"'er oecanwI .-. It ..... DeeeM&I'l' to abow a iamb aDd. u..
to Gor4oa to qJI8t1-. the aatlleMiclt7 ot tbe -nu. wMd1.q' mDllt .top!" be.... -n.ilIT. Cft,Iler. He M:01lred the auiToaacllq couatry
papen that Frame allowed biaL ud ...heIl rat -.ry. 1 thoqht J bad ~ ~ for a lamb to take the part. bot tile TIe
he had tblUberd. he wiped. the pt:i 'nri- tram Diclr. Worth spollecl my plaa.. ~ ! " coa.Id do .... to p:t bold of a ....,. "..,..
his brow. aDd IItoocI 110. Ilt. taee ..1lJte. ADd.. fa ate.. wcrrds. 1M tAAd ............. hap- lib .....
-1-1 thlak the ...eddla.c had be.Un' be . - - peaed; ot the cu.e ...,. GonIoa 1aIIlI Wleftlll. The ram ..... plaoed ill Ute ~ with the
polled!" be aid.. ua' of Dldt Worths d1lnlroaa ~ Uoa aDd the camera JIl,ua pt toto act101L So
-ImIM*'IbIe!" aid Frame. 0Irtl1. 1"_ All eyes were: UnIed. oa Cor"- ...hJle be ~ : dId the UOIl &ad the ram. Tbe U. aade a
sboaJcl hue looked before ,oa leaped.. ~ tht! maD'. taee . . . a c::oJlfaaI_ ID ltael!. With jump for the ...oolly ~ _d jaM. . . lae
If yoo're Dot there . . _ !- a cry ot aapr Da1Q' took bis rtac from ber ..... rialas from the pv. .d the nun Mot foI'.
He diclD'1. biI.b the ~ Bat bls IooIt AIlpor aIId thre... It at ilia teet. ward. llke a bolt from the bhle ...d cIeli'ff:f"ed
..... toJpUicuaL ADd Gordoa left. tbe oace. Thel abe fled. -.bbl-., from the room.. Out- a dlUIl~ blo... apoD the DOD. at-.cll. The
a picture ot de.palr. WltJda tea mlaatell Jl'nme side DIck Worth waJtia.c. ~ 1OUleOD- !Joa rdl OTer baclrward. .... before be eoalft
had teJepboaed. Ute story to Worth. ac:IouaI.,.. . . tI abe ere aJ1q to a ha'fetl, abe reeoTer blmaeIt be ~ITed _other Jolt tram
-He woa"t uo.. ap!" saJd 1JTa.Iato.. happU7. souPt bla arms. the p..IJaut ram....blch took all the acbt _t of
~He's oat at It. Dk:k.!" '"Dkk.!" abe IIObbed. "'Ob., Dick. my dear! him. PTom thea OD It ...... p~oa with
"Ia be!"" saJd Wortb. a.Y&plIy. Why did you. let me I'O!"" the Uoo. In the ~_
A.p.lD Jl'nme .... riPL The time tor the -All. wen that fllda weD. ,oa _ ! " said Mr. "'ript roemarked: ~Well that's au Tery
...eddJa: came. The psta ...ftOe _mbled: P'nme. nat.... later. whel oaJ.r be &ad OOlL but bo... &boat oar picture!"'
the pale bride .... walti~ Bat there 1lO Dick ~ed. ~Bat m.r h_TftS, Dlc:k., ...hat uother DOD ..... LatrodGC'ed uad the sam~
sip. et Gordoa.. UDttt-bell tile boar ..... a fool yoa ..ere. with your Qutxotk Idea! 1 tlllq ...... ~ Ttli. lloa ........ hIpped to
lOll&' put be appe&n!d-propeU_ by Dick De-t" dl"e&lM!d that yoa &ad Kr. Broob had a 4atah. aleo. aDd the fIeree little acbtel' re-
Worth.. PUe aad COIltued. be . . . . .ered_e cught that akuDlI: t:ryIq to steal th_ ~ri eel'fed trom the dlrwtor the Uf.e for ...hlch
eqJT.anatlOL that that __ the aback that broaq.t he had foapt ItO .ell
1"oa fool!" aid Frune. to Worth aacrl17_ oa his stroke! 1 1mew Carter a bad ~ "0-'1. talk to me about the "I!'aUe sheep: W
..What dJd ,.... do!"" -that .... eaoaP tor me! No I'll tell ,on says Kr_ WripL "WetPt for wdcht. be CaD.
"'Followed 1llJD. thrubl!d him. aIId ~ t ...hat. you two hue sot to set maJTll!d richt lick anythlas fa the world- ~

lIortbleAII. ALany of lhe socaned melodram dU&L That Is ~WestemW .nd the only lblar
Frolll an Exhibitor atlc pictures are 110 IIelUM!-less aud slckenln8" In about It that ID aDy maaDer sUQf!Sta the West.
To THJC EDITOa 01" TUJI )(QV111: PU."TOIU.I.L: theme that they 8hollld be baITed by atatut~; I. the flC'erW'ry uad hof'8t:illaDAhlp.
others are &0 maaJfetJtly Ul1rea.1. 110 extra\'a- I have lived of the Mlnoun rivl'r for
AM llad I happened to parebaae a copy of OV~ tbJrty Y8l'lL t bave slept la the aaee-
I TII.E MO\III: P'I.,mu.\!. tor ....y 9th. for In
pntly and uanea:stl&l11y UDtrue to life that
they ~ to be a joke and ~me s thon brusb mUll. nlrbt: I ha'fe climbed the lortl-
It I found aD IDvitation to SAyone ... lahed. In the lIesh. The moral of maDY of them C'!Jl peallr of the Blacll RUhl nule: I bSTe
to ~retlS hla 'fle.s oa the auhject of ~Wh:at _IDa to be a RDtJm~nt such as NU,,~ rleh lItoocI by the v-a'feA of ~Wlld Bill" .nd -eatam-
tbe people ..ant ID the modeL ~ sbonld alw.y, love the poor. w or ODe eQually 1tJ' .JOl.nE'.~ I havE' r1dl.len the ('OuDlry Inbablted
It III no doubt true. that .. a bctor La the
education of the Pn!Rllt r;ftleratloa the lIIIod. .
After uhfblUq two such reeTa the prov-am
h1 ~Doe MIddleton.. uad "KId Wade.~ 1 ha'fe
follo...d the eo... tn.Il from the Platte to Ute
plctUf'e st.alula aboulder to sboulder ...Itb the bwlder mmaltYp~. to prove b1s unusual Tello.-stOlle riva" and I ha'fe IM!ftI mOft nlI&.I
presa. lu fact.. Its Inaueoc:e for &ood or eril ability by putt.lnJl: In a -Wf!Slera- piece. Ttlt:i"e eow 111_ thaa It woald take to patcb ArkanJIu
Is sald to be e...eD thaD tbe p.-a. La Is aO'lh1n Dke .....eateru- to put pnser In(o aa a Dlile. uad yet. I ha'fe lI"er __ AICb aoea..
that It more dlrectl,. aJfec.ta 10uae people aIId audJeace. la eo... eamps ... are beiq Dllhtly UhlbltH
ebUd..... the mc.t plastic members or oar The at1r Is clothed La c:o!"dllroy lI'ouller!l. d . . oa the screeD.
IIOI:let,.. Tbia bel... true. It t. but a ~ to eolored flanJ:ael sblrt. open at tbe eollar. atoueh What -do the people waat 111 pk:t1l1'8!
the eonc.lualoD that to R"e Itli p~ belt
the pictures mua be ot the r1&tIt kIDd. ney
lIIust teaeb a leaoD. they m..-
dl'f1daaJ bt'tter tor ba'f1q ~ them. ADd the
_nthe La-
hat. Iaeed booU and ........ a brace ot aIx-
abooten O'fer a belt fined wllb b~ headed
tack:a. It bec:oalea hla d aty to rouad up a
bmtcb of desperate charaeten that ha'fe tft'o
SE.'""SE. Just plata.. eo_ _ f!Te"J'day S'E.''"SE.
tbat"a alL TbE"J' waat plc:tDrs that tMcb
aomet!lla. plcnu-ea that U"Il true to IIf.. that
are R.E.AL. TlIey to be tft&ted like they
qaestloa an-. are the plcnu-ea that are bda& I'OriRd. the eutlre eommlUllty for mOlltha. ...ftOe fatellieDt Americlul c l t l _ Bannu..
sbo"'D tllroD&!lO'llt the Iaad eleYat:ia&! _hlcb. be proeeeda to do fa bl.s u:suaJ calm &Ad sald that tile people UkeI to be bambaaed. lMIt
th~ a:attatyI... to the pabUc! 11tis t. ...b8'f! methodJcaJ maDDer. Be kIeatea Qle tNuadl La P. T .......'1. runJl1ac..pIctareI la u.o.e da.ra or
the ~ t eomm_eeL B8'f! Ues the ~ a C&'fe. s1Jps fa at the bJdd_ opeaJ~ _do be Df!ftI" would haTe coae OIl reeor'II ..ltiI that
ror Boards at ee-on.
It- b Dot 1111 p~ to 10 IDto both toJdea
llll.e a p.m4boe poUtIcl.aa.. sUps liP _ . them
while they are aroaDd the yaab out
pabl1e waab Ji.-ntw Sa p~ . . well
ot the arpmeat at this point" bur. 1'&tber. to both p u uad about&. '"Baada liP. YOll ire m1 .. ill an,. other eommod.Jty. ad they . . . . . .
tTy to pro'fe QaJc.e .lII:Ipl, what the people .....t" =eat." thesa be tbro... a rope aroand the ..hole laC to demaad IL ODe I'OOlI pie6lJoe of the
hy d"'ia&" my opLaJoa .. to ...bat they doD't pack. dn.... the nOO8e ap upt uad Yith the &DP'7 . . 1aahbt.& Itselt .lato r-m _ ttl.
w~c rope La ODe haDd uad a CUD. I. the otb~. be nam rocks ...111 latereat the pbUc: more thaa
For a loq time I ha'fe heeD . . exbDlltor ot driTes them. taadam faahlo.. up to the .1ad&e'. a d02ll of tile Tariel;y J..- a.s.med_ WlIy!
IDOTta: plctaretl: I am raanlq !I reels eacb omce to recel,..e the aen~ee ot death.. G.--t simply beca.ue It Ia a tne picture. there b _
week ...Ith a cbanp dally: I ha,..e . .died baslnea. WODdertaJ pl~. SAd. _ doabt fake about IL Ttle publJc .....u e4'1lel1t100aJ
plctaretl tram e"cry anste: I UTe talked ...Ith It llf!f!DlA Quite real to the tellow M:lU Iblab subjreeta. 8C'eIlJc. traTtiope. pod e-ed.1.
my patrons; I ha'fe atndled the came from the t!lat Obio Ia a tnckle. wilderae:aa uad inhab- drama. It It Is of the h1P~ order....estern. It
ADaDetal aide: I ha'fe triM to be fair ...Ith the Ited by l'ndl.ana. but to th..e of us who haTe It Is true to Ute. uaJ1,hJq but the ~FA.lCr _d
publJe as _ell .....Ith m)'RTf: I bave tried tasted real alkali water aDd heard the eo,.0t8 "Sentlm_tal- and "(j1lft&l."
to make mndf bellne that the pletlll'ft I 6- bowl ot ntptL It t. a poaderoua jolle. uad This article may _ a little hanh. bl;lt It
hlblted", an ript aud tllat I ...... pre!v:- yet" there la ODe film eomPlUlY that eoaUau- Is tillle _ _e broke the lee. and III lilY Jude-
dJced ID the mattC'!". Bat 1 h....e c:ome to the ally features a C'ft"tala In4l'fidual _bo I. a1- m('.ut thftOe Is Ol. storm doad brewln. and film
eonclusloa that ma.aufad:lIf\":n of aJm.a U'fe _&YII eea aqulatJq dOWll cua-barTds la tht muaufacturen bad better doee the shutters.
DO ricbt to point the fI~r ot !COra at the haD.da ot d ~ mea _Ith that same reek- Some d.a,y the ubibltora of t.bJa eoDlltr)' are
~YelJo... Joaraallm.- for Tello... Journa1Jsm 1f!A UDCODeerD he ...ould peek throuch a 1Ulot.- rollllJ to dictate .. hat shall uad ...hst shall Dot
In Ita palmlellt daJ'll ...OOJd not be a marlier to bole In. a bull ball f~~. an' It la doUan to be IIhO'WlL. aad that tillle eom.. they are
the Tello... JI'Ilmlan of today. doapn1lU that If he aboaJd - . taaded Q ia coUt& to .... It . . to the produ~ too.
:Host ot the pla,. proclttc:ed are absolutely a real JUII play _ee. ,OU CMWa't . . ILia tw .1. C. Juttor.
ao THE MOVIE PICTORIAL Jwll1 -I, 191-1

weddlag aaaJ't'erDU'J' . .
.....,... for

tiJDe lD

witll her lIt111laad.. Ted Bftba.

t tec ber ana
aM. who ....
iB _ _

FILL.'' K FA.JlltL~GTON. late
..Ith -r'be lIl1dIlJaIlt GIrl.... hu sbtce PEl ..... tbr
aWed b.lmaelt witJl t1Ie 'MIu-
11__ ('OQIpaD,.. two of hia
J .... J..- nlOl!'Jlt plc:t'urea bein& "'Tbe
MohammedaD CoupIracy"" aDd
G EORGE )I.. COHA..'IJ. the
one :;LQd olll,.. who sa". be A !'I.'1Io"ETTE
the Dlviq
ValDa. wlleee "'Tbe StrateeJ' of CoIldDCt
bu now retj~ trom the .~ work I. the ple:tl1n!, .. Ne'pt1lDf!'. 7M." &Del .. bo- wiD be Tft"J'
for good and all. hert:aner de- Daqhter," Ill' the DoJvt:rUI milch to the fON! 10 the blgest of au Tban-
vollD.& himself es:e1ualyely to CGmpaJl,.. h . . attracted wide- hoWler featUftll, -rbe I(lIUOIl Dollar Mystely."
pUt.1'WT'1tlDl: a.nd Dla.nqeria.l IJPread ..~.I..lOD, bellll' one of LtHnu WOOPfl bo b . . appeared OQ Broad-
d.h tile hlb of Broad ...y, .t the way 10 numeroua produetloll.llo, "Ia MatrimollY a
"~,u.. l -\. FAIl~l.:),l. wbo baa Globe The.tre. I'alllll'e," 1'1Ie Great Name." "'Youth." "The
been slgn:JlIy lIutteQfu) of late Tuo:M ...,. Dr.: V""I~T. of musi Gre.,.boulld." and -Stop Thiel."
In two or our nlOllt Important plclUI"efI. the cal eomcdy renow., lately teeD at the Culno l"'aA:'I'("l':II Mr.l..JolMI. promluP'llt member 'of
Selllf m....crplece. "The Spollcn." aDd the with Stella Maybe.. In ''Hl~b .flnh" the Bainbridge P1ayt"ra. .t the Shubert Thea.troe.
Famous Playen' big bit. 'The Redemption of KAT Bu..T!"KT, the chvml.D~ London ac1:J'elJlI. MlonC1polili.
o."ld Coraon:' reef!D.U,. .eeII 10 the Brltlsh capital 10 "Between KAn Boll:'l'llI"CTu:'l'. the mUllleaJ comed, taTOr-
ETfla. 1:rn:nt'(ll;1I. ,.-ho does utremely clever
Sunl'let and D.wn and MKary-Glrl." both at the lte, recently ann01ln~ her marrf~ to
WOMt In the role of the Dell..lipllpe.r _oman In

the WC!lJlcnl eompaay of '"$e"CD Key_ to Bald-
Va.udeYflle Thea~
JQ8Q'U .f1l:FJ"lWlO~. wbo 11& ~ playllll' .....
Georwe B. Rock. ..b1ch oecurred on March %1

na.."I:ARD GLUl"U.U:. now ODe 01 the sblnlq
IIptll III the -Dew produc:tJoa. ""Tbe P'uaiD.&
dramatle &ketdl In v.ndmUe all this put

A:orll.Aa:LLII: WUI1"nIat, the lItat1I~ae muak:aJ

H....... MO~ ~ .. bo .... for .ome time
Idealffied ..Ith "Kl8:1et." pporttng- Ot.ta S1l1Jt-

Show 01 l'14. w at th~Winter Gardea. eomedy (aYortte, wb. bas 1a:t.e1,. beeome COlt' J..-
ar~1ItU. P1~lTIII. the iaimltabk actor of pre-
o:ocIoua jayeaJle rolea. to the tore JUlIt DO.. 11l
Yf!I't to th~ motion plc:ture world.
BuaJu: CL.uIIJ:. wllo pia,.. IIot1I taYenne aDd
hu Iatd7 __ 11lftlll be-
lbe New Toril c:uc or -Potaalt au Perlmatter.- dIarac:ter
_ dTcleLparts. betq Kpeda11,. popCllar In fore the _era. appeariac fa RJ)II"- who for a ktq time bM beea hJa f:Dmoua rok fa -r'be eo.a.t:r
pla,yiq ~ rolell with the IIt.odl ccapuy h.a.."(CES S ... YMlll, .. ho hU had TeI')' ClLa1rmaa." whkll ill bdac
at lite Bw'buJt Tbe:atft, t.. ABed.. _ _ of it I. tile pl'Odact1on of "'The lI~ abown npoll tile ac:reea by the
OAU:rq ea...:lE, these lDAD1 yean put a Jeadlq: Lady." J'amoua PIayen compaDY.
!l~UJHer III our leadJq n.DdevltJe tbeatrell.. lIAlIa. TotnUl&, .. hom "e pleasanUy J'8DeDJ- ~a:: Roc.-.a.r.. lIIbo
ptay1ac I. 'nriOU8 ueicbes fa eompaay with bel' for bn won with Cbarle. Hawtrey In ..... lut aeca lIt the ast. of
hU wife.. MONr Old <:barley." "JI'lae Feathers." prnlO1lll to whidl abe played
Wl)IInau 8t.A-It&. wbo 'I"'eCleBUy CODChtded. a leads b1 Robert .... teU. R1PPOrt.
~,. tollU' arou.Dd. the world. slnsJllI 1.8 the J",' D.uBT Rullo, wbo baa adorIled man, muafcal
"art_ moale halk ~ODt Europe. I. plays on Broad.....,.. nual1lI' from "P'lorodora"
-.ociaUOD .IUl Ka.ude A-'beI'.
LrII;L& LaGR. the w",IH01owa .toc:k ~ ,
B EN"JA..KlN WILSON. . .bo
h. . made a dJatlllIct name
to "The SUTer SUpper," &ad from -rile FeIDe.
of 1911- to "The lla.D. from Cook'....
for himself durlns tIrol. put
wbo appean:d for .. sbort time lut _ a III C"'IlloOTT.A ADIIISOlf. the London cl1aracter
year through bl. f!lteeediagJ)'
"'The J'amlb C1IPboard." actreaa. lIIbose mOllt. recent appearane:e w. at
deTer work in the Edlaoo pic-
B. L GoLDBaG, the talented caJ"l.OOaJal, of HI. )(ajesty's Thea.t:1"'e... Ith Sir Herbert TJ"ee
"rm the py" bme. wbo treqaeaU, appean I_
tares. "The Chronicles 01
CJeeJt." the twelye de1.fJrtlye aDd )(no PatrIck CampbeU In Georwe Bernard
TaadevlIJe.. Bb... 1atnt plaf. -PyPDalloD."
1Jtorlea. b)' Tbomu W. HaD-
O. L H ... u. wb'o wrf\ea dramatk: opbl.lou ill sbe.., wblek. throqll their 8b'ns McN.IDU., wbo tor 10D time wu a
the C!Olum... of the <:bteap JoW'D&1, a post member of that fam0U8 daJldq aarePdon.
wbkh he Ilu bek! for the tut 111_ ,ean. thrilia aDd f!ltcltemenL b."e built np follow
ift&' all th~lr 0..... kaowa .. the Poay Ballet..
8orH_ Bu.~DT, the prima d_DL wbo hu J ....
..L'lI.A LuTn the POP1llar Lubin fa"orlte,
..... la crud .... eomk oPera aDd I. nud.~
A ~"':SE SCHAEFER. tbe ~ ..... reeentJ,J' moR IJ1JC':C'f!SataJ 11:1 Geonte
ville. bat wbo has DOt beeD. ~I, actin of

Lr'n~~. "...
Terwllttcer'. two-part plcnz1"e, "'The Ch~
.Iar member 01 the West
era Vltagrapb forees. a fe.. of
~ ...Il compaalea.
the jDveDJle actor. for
put s IeaclIq Dle:D~ 01 ...-icnw
a.JClUaD C.u:Lr.. Iat.e aKtar with H.ttie WfJ.
Iiams 11:1 ""Tbe Doll Girl and .. 110. .. "UDOP
..h-e mollt r:ecen.t 1I1~ ba't'f!
bettl la "Ma.reea., the Half-
LmT.... BLAKK. for mall,. _ _ IdeDtiDed
wtUl ...,. Roi.o.a's _pall)', &Del more r.'ftltJ,.
lI.. It. win appear In T1IlldeTtlle the coming

K..t.~ Jl7t'OlI, lately 8eeD witb A..nnle au.ell

breed." Joballna. the 8arbar-
laJl." -rbe Lut Will," aIld -rbe
Power to J'orst't'e.."
wltla Cedi ~ III "OBe Da,.." In 1'1Ie 1li'omall la the Cue." _d wbo played ND 1"1~, 'Who baa beeD
Wnu.uc E.. B..I::""a" of the team of RIDes all' thf' role of lira. P1pp lD. "'The EdacatlOD of Mr. dolne nobill,. good work with the V i ~
lar plfr .po.
a-tacto.. thaa whGID theft ill DO mo~ p0pu-
oar nud""Ue e.
GaACIE BTUlI8I..-a. the haad:tlome show drt.
P'lpp." IIlI wbldl Dtpy Bell III feataftd.. a ~
d aetfOD b, the All-star lI'eatllre Corporation.
C':OIDpulY, both: . . actor and director. In proof
of ..hid!. )'"011 ban 01l.lJ' to recall h.Is recn.t
who hu &doned mall"
of ODJ' ladl... Broad. .,.
Baz~tu.. RoTCL wbo reeenUy eoadadeel hla
-.BOD In the productlO1l of "Joeeph &Del Hla
adIIlirable performallee of the c:1'OOk fa '"The
Tattoo 1Iarlt... whkh picture he a1IIO din!c:tt!d..
_..tcal pl'Od1lctlOlUL Breth",D." G..&.JL It.L''(&, wbo b.. won maIl.J' admIren:
AlIT AUG....or~ the Londoa mtlllical eomedy befOJ"tl the footJl~bta. through ber recent work
J ....
ad:1'etIa. eeen there this put ,ear f!ltdtlllhely at in "SenD. Ke,.. to Baldpate," and 'Wbo baa also
~RENCE FISHER., r e- the LyMe: Tbcatr'f!. appeu1l:1g dtn1q that time ~D making name for benelf am0D&" ph:tare
c:aJted ID. the S1lpport of In "Love and Laupter." "The Girl In the Tui." pa.t1'ons. . . "Itnl'llll ber etl'orta ID. "The Great
ibdame Nadmova aad Amelia "'The Glri W'ho Dldo"l," and ")(am'~lIe Tra- Dlam01ld Robbery" aIld "The JUD&"Ie."
Blqham. aIld wbo for the put Wa." PDcI"u. AT1-lIIa, late lItage mallaer at the
foar ,.ean b.. ~ lelldlq GDTal-net Arc.A1ln11, a niece of Amy AllPI'de. UtUe Theatre. Phlladelpbla., and more reoentJ)"
WOIIlUl with Walker Wllltside. aad berself well-know. bere .. an eseepUODaIly ..ith the Luellle La Verne compaay In AUallt&,
appeuiq wlUl that ..etor 111 ,;ood PGnTayer of eor:eat."rk roles. Ga.
"'The Ma&'k Metod,." l1Ie AuL"( FAwatTT. . . bo for lIil!"'erai yean paat Llu,I.1.:'C 8EaJ. the 4ublng prima
M .... cnz
Meltiq Pot.. aIld "'The Ty- b... appeareod ID the support of Haude i. dOIl.a. 1atf:1, !teeD with Kolb and Dill la "A
pbOODo" ..Petl!'r Pa.... Peck of P'le.1l.les," .t the Amerfc:aa Mule Hall
.A.. W. B.VICOX" wbom we recall pleaAlltly F.A.lI~T B. K.'CIt. U1f' taJeJlted English ~ Olea>-
1M'reabcnab I. the cut of "'The Merry Coaat:-.," seeD bft"e mally tlmn. and latel,. 1lU~1 111. Eu D...' ...." (I'OaT. the operatic eomedleJl.Jle. 1't"-
aa4 wbo lDUl,. ft't1IJ'1ted to hili eattve LoDd-. -sealed Onkra." .t Dru1"J' Laae .Theatre. ceaUy _ wlt.h Jlliia SaDdenon Ie -r'be San-
~ tbftoe. .t tlte Lyric Tlteatre. lD .....e LoDd_ shlDe Glrt."
u'" CD:n. l.&u, the muafcal otmtedy C!Omedlan. .fL"(")I"l. W .....T1II:1l1!i.T. the clever c:haral:ter
a.x...A"'~ P. ~ . who w. . ODe of the aped.aJJy ..ell Itllilld by Cllieap theatftC'Oft'Jl ~ wbom. we Wl!!"f! c:tad to _licdI1e this
rerteaates .eea hi. the pI'OdDCtloa of MiM &Del ..ho b. . beetl playfq ID T'Ulde'riDe of late. _ La the cut of -roo M.uay Coob." wltll
~b." at t.IIIe RN-rb
TIt~ last _ _ _ )(.u:to~ ~ . I"l'!CIeIItly - . fa Klaw . .d FraaJt C1'1I.TeD-
Wtu. N. ~,-the IlOnU. . wllc.e story.
.." ' - Boyd." Ilu M!esI adQted for Itap par-
. . . . by LadUe La Venlie.
J.A" K:~~ 1II1to . . . . . u-e _ lIIIIllIter
'., tIMI rleIf. . . . lIIbo '- to aake lUlOlIIer tDu'
ef til. __1:r7 ....-u,.
~s prodac:tlOD of ""Cordella B~"
,. . .hich abe wDl pntbabl,. eoatiaue tlIb eomlq

r.DaaC1( 1lOMJ...110 ..... a ~Jan.t tIwe

Ia t1IIe ~OD prodeetlOD 01. ~W. tItoe Law."
at Ute BaymaTbt Tb.ue.. --
o-on-.... T1Cl~"'XT, the wen DOwn 1ead.I..u
w-... of ~ wllo. Ii.It ber ma.rriap
M!"I'en1 :rean aco. haa not . ~ 1IpIl'D the

A au"lOl 8ZT:, .. lIoom ..e espec:IaJJ,. I"tIl::aIl _

Broadway fa the TUi_ Z1ereW J'oRleL


A. : ..-r
S ' .'r .
I1'C S0l!THERN ~IFORNIA .,....-Y~~
V'.............. u - ~........ ___
cr.tI,-puJ;.itl 1I11,ou:i", SrJQ-r60 '.ftl
By _ Willio Ilddte DiUOa b pok1q. faR at the "'WlIJte
. . . pia,." at the Jfu.tuali atudl., th1a week.

ICH..DlD 8TANTON of Ka.1 Bee. 41- The pbetopIar 11 cal&d' -rbe White Sian
reetor azad actor. had. .. nanow
Catchenl'" and EddIe bfmaelt.. ~ TlDclaer and
eKape from death ftlCeatly ..hell be
atopped his Dew 8to4ebaker aU. at
TOll BroWDiD&" are the faD. IIl&ken. It,
the mOlt wboleeome ~ of White Slave play
the aheer edp of a elUl. It . . . tile tnt tilDe
at that!
be had d!1Tea the m.acIl1ae aII4 he 41d aot: ta.ny
.... t ad It. The poWft'fa.I 1lnke . . . all
that _yell him. Two photoplays of Raplar bea:aty bue beea
barDed. oat rr-. the AIDertcU. . . . . . thb Jut
week. "'The ~ SJaJp," pro4aceI bJ" IIarT1
The De.,ly orpntam. Cucade Comp&lly of PoUard with Kaqada. rlkber 11 . . art1ItIc FOR PHOJ'OPl.AYW1lIGHI'5
PuadePa .III 80011 be t"Mdy with their ftnR. triumpb and "11m" pat OIl by Tba.u,Rlc:b!tD
two reel comedy, the 1laQl:f1 of .. hida hu DOl Tk .f'1If1"w1 i.l. ,1., U. lU1i,.. Mr.. .. F.
with Eddie CaSeD. .... W1B.D.lfftd' GreetLwood Mupirr~ Dine.- 01 Tlae ~ Maotioa
yet been made public.
II oae of the moR ebarmiJac of reoeat playa.
We c:cndd do with lIlGnl of their kiDd..
Pkture Sdaoo". _ 10 dae ,.,u.t: U I liDd 1M
book e:ll:ceUtllt fw . , .rudadl. ~.dly q __
EdwiD Aacut p"'e a Ibort ~ at the price _ 200 copia_" ~ 1Ir. . . . . ~
Pbotop~ w ~ Rppe:t, for the tlnt ..o-:iry_ ......~writuI&...,.: tb~"'iJli..
Courtena:y J'oote ~ a fu.Dd or dry IIIt&ItWIttdI an= _ applieable III 11M: pIMIoplay 10
Ume E6dIe prefers to ~ fa
bumor wblc:ll. aJUr.-eJa dry. fa aJ~ MbbUDJ -~...". " 4.
public aJld It ....,. be b.W . t I q Is bette' thu.
hLs Impromptu apeU.:iJIc.

Bruce BaDdalI of the Balboa ComDUIY t. all

espectall,. ftDe ptaJlJst. He h:u a eomtartable
<m!I'. He fa a d
Bullm lI'oote. ....b.17m of the r.:ua- wit
tied .. 1m. I'oote la
both an art:1It aDd a poet of vaI'ta- n............
Thomas w. R08I who .... the Btl.!' ID -rbe
income uad ..ets oul,. for I'ua.
Only Sou." produced. by the LaIty people. II
latatuated. wiUr. ec:reea won &lid wilt wtthoa.t
There b DOl a 't'ut amount of JK.lde doubt be aeeu fa other film produc:tf01ll. He
Sa.UIldera. but what there Is of her Is all plack. appeara In New Yon: with AmeUa Blapam
She did .. 15 toot Jump Into .. feet of ~ la september.
La ''Thl'Ouch NlPt to LlPt." reet!Iltl7 vroduoecl
by Henry Otto at l...crq Beach. Director Da't'ld 10mel of the Biograph llpeDt
a week at Catallna with bb company. They
Wallie Reid and Dorolhy Da....enport DO return to New York on .luDe tbe t1fteeDth. It
loqet' act toSetheT. Wally ls YIth Director II Dot DOwn yet wbether Dell HeaderaoD and
Cabanne at the Mutual ...4 Dorothy Is with the bb eompany wm to 0'1' Itay I. 1.- Aaples.
Balboa people. Gert1'ude Robbualna ball aJready cIepI.rted.

Little 'I'belma Salter. wbo dOf!ll dell&"httuJ WllllaJD Slc.n of BiosraJ)b la returot~ to
work at the Kay Bee camp II il!Dtlrdy un- the le~tlmate Itap. GUll Pixley. Tom VcE't'oy
spoiled. Her daddy and mother are Eq"llah. aDd Gertrude Bambrtd: are HeDdnsoa'l cblef
It .as !lOme moathl ao that Ilr. Salter'1 b _ mIrth produc:enl at I"teo Stzoetet. Ca a n yOD
ot baslD_ wu burned doW'll. and Kn. Salter eaa"t pry bfm. from Calltonaia. e'VeT apia.
and Thelma went arlin to belp matters ouL
Re fl weU esb.bUlhed apln.
BenasteiJl. the paeral manapi' of the bla'
"U"" II YUloa of bte:&aty theM! da7L Yealr.
In "The Sand Hili Lonn." 1. WarTeD Ken1- be fa clad In wbite from bead to foot .... a
p..D pllyed the first dual role fa bls career. pearl pIA ~ the U8Ual dtamoud quHttoa
It lJeOl8 stJ'aDPl be mould han eecaved tIl~ marlt: la' hla tie. &lid a.ddJI the c:rGwnID& per-
distinction for flO lone. He fl a CllI'ioSIty .... Dote.
anybow. be doesn't Wl'tte -,- of btl own pboto-
plan! B.arry VOD Meter. that tlae all round actor
with the Amerlc:a.n at 9aDta Barbara.. was at
Ed.UI MalllOU weat back to ber old lovell, ODe time a teaeber of pbyalc:aJ c:ultu.r'll la 0--
hard rtdlns and a WelItt!nl picture. In -rbe 't'er. He baa DeYer '1et up" OD bla exerc:l_
Bnud of Cain... Sbe CUI Tide like 11m. aDd II a 't'ery powerfttl man .. well u a
cood performer.
The, WOrk alon wltbout paille up Lalky
way. 0tIcar Apfel Is atarUq ou -rbe Man ou We (the wrlter) &f'e ertremely anaoyed with
tbe Bos" with Vn lI'1sman and LoUta Robert- Harold Lockwood. We due up a nry UD-
IOD. aDd De KIlle II prepld'lnl' for 'lbe Call tlatterlDI' photo 01 bla nibs and sent It to him
of the North" wIth Robert Edeaoa. No oae suitably tnamed In a tea ceDt frame.. He
1eeU11 to think of 't'ac:atloaa. Wl'tts WI be r;&'t'e It to the eolol'ed pe1'1lOa wbo
makel up bII room and Ibe thlnu It 1.1 lovelY.
Poor 11m Rldd. 11m II about the oldelt
eowboy la the mo'rieft aDd bu made a lte&dy
bualDea of r;ett!DI' smuhed. up for Year'll GMlee Cunard hi In.IDS tbe UnlvenaJ af'tfl'
Tble time the ran wa.I a partlcularly bad one the "Lucille Love" series. sbe may ~ Into
and 11m hal three broken rib! and BeVenl T"aude.-vllle or may appear Iu a De. lerlel
Internal Injuries. nil with the N. Y. M. written 1ro1Uld IIf'r. Fra.nels Ford will remain
P. Co. with the bill; "U."

!In. David Honley 'a'ith ber son Stanley. Rollin S. Sturgeou Il~ to return to the Vita
hu left to join M.r. Honley ta New York. p-apb fold at Santa Monica and It Is wd be
anc a lonl' bollday wltb relatl't'eI In Rolly- -.111 onl,. produce blC features In the future.
wood. It IIel!ml to be a ha.bit to lea't'e the Western
VI~ph and CO back ap.!D.. .uk Geof'ltl!
All orner)' common or pnJen coat sot lack StaDley.
O'Briesfl recently. Dear the coachlalon of a
lone and b:nportaDt IICeDe LD '"The Sberl.ff of Wilfred Lueu and Cleo JIadlllOD are puttlq
ConteatIou" wbea 1I&1d pat jumped OIl a table Oll a aovel ltant for Ute baalae. men of the
aDd "Xaa-maa'ed" at Georp 8etcmanu. It c:tty. It II a atI,.. 011. tile erilI. of ~
broke up the aceae . . . it took O'BrteD. a Joac and the beuItle. of ~ .... II Wl'fttea
time to pet bll pertormen down to DCn'1Il&l ~ J _ Da,ytoa.. lt II a ..-t of ........tJ

--- - . . - " pbGtolta1.


J- L. Lasil7--
...-. ......
i t. e-.lder q..ut7 tint of aD., bJa tIUCl:aI fa

I .. Wd' was lDeritUIe. He !au beea ee.-

eeraed' with m~ ~ Ie. thaD a nu.
I'otI. the otJIer
Udlre mte aDd 8etIc aDd ~ aDd _ _
Me __ la tbe IDdutrJ" be.ha,g't
P'O'" up ..Ith it. But he hu _ e e l a com-
maadlq- poaU1_ already, becaue be bu the
.-nue- tlLat made that eertaiIL He aow.
..Ilat the l"lbUc .....ta.
~-'--'--.AJrT W'1la;y tI:u1b' deelded to IV ..IDto the
~ he dIda't bany. He IltadJed the 1eId,;
Sbod 5tlOIy Narration looIted ~f!IY aade of It. AJad he
hep.D be dJdIl't make taJ.e step&. He bew
.,. IERKr Al.-aT ~
..bat he waated to do. ADd the relAlIt III the

.. ..........
:, all-..all
d .....ln.Hnl" poaItloa he bu alnIady takeIl ..
fDr - . . . - .
~ a _da8allil_
iI wra. willi .a .no. _ the prod.uctJ_ or le&t:ue IlIma. Next . . . . .
-.-fIII c:be SIilorts..., ill miaoi. 1: . . . . . . . . _ th_ wW h a lltadio 1D. the . . . . . well all
.~ ~

WE IIAJIIIlI.E OIU.Y THE IIST .:::r.-= _ -..::~af~.=:=":::~

........ - " ... - - . . . boAe" ~ fork. It will
the ble OBe ID HoD:nrood. c.JIfom'. He bas
made himaeit a maD to be reckoned with. He
has pe.nnwled [)uld Belueo. ..ho, Uke hJa.
PHOTOPl.AY BOOKS .... _ _ F _. . . . dIo! Jto.d.. PeriDct Uort.
_ _ _ TIMo_
~ ~_ .u-'n.-.. ........ Bdt.. held Out lor a loa time -eaJ-ut the abns.
. . . . . ., writUa bJ _ who bow _ u.w .. _ U.I _ _
__ u._ _
to join him ba the prodQCtloa of the Be-.-
. . . tIlle ~ i h; wriPt ....... . u ~ Aad. thoqh be ia.'t 1"llIlIll:1 to UJ1I:
..-; ..--
'fte kMwl::l&
_.are ....... eo
expez" of dtae
, . .... pnlii'ieed=ee. a.-p 7 _ - .....

about them yet, be bM bJ&" pta- that are sota&

to pl'O""lde.-e of the 81& ~... of the
"na.- __ flar~iwf= - . 100WEEllD...Y=. . . ~':
. _
. .- - . ._ _
_ _ . - _,.n-.-..
. a.:.-t-
~!" ..
So that's 1.uII:y. A YoaJlC m.u. ..ho has
sWpped illto tile email P'OUII ,01. _ _ of the
iUIll fa 1.- thut a :rear, ad 111 to fIl:a7
I. that crouP- He looks stta:iPt at ,.ou
he taJb to you, aDd Il.e radIats a quiet . .d

1hIrrH! hphlre Sldlerers deadJ.,. dide:ItCY. BeeID& him, It Is Yft'J" eu:r

to _ that he bu Iomld bis real Job at Jut-
that aD that prececIed bJa,- the hid
or the movlee .... by way of preparatlO1L Re
You'll Never NUll a Truss Again baa arrived DOW, aDd "00 ..ho are movie
wut to keep yoar eyes OD him. He baa eome be h&ll eome to lib,.!

The Cross Roads
(C_H "~ . . . nl
Uld rve had sonle hard won!s. BUl I'll pass
that ap. ru give yoa a job, ru tin! Hastlnp.
nl pat you in her place. But-"
~Bat what!" I,uted ...earlly.
"nl expeet: you to be-wel1, yon knO'll'-to
be aiee to me," be weat on, leerin-
"'You beasl!" 1'11'&11 ap, then. paring a.t him.
~089 storletl are lIett-and you know Itl"
"1 doa't 00'11' anyt.hlnlt of tlIe.eort." he said.
stili IJDllU~ "Out-If they're stili
a fool, JlOrpD! What'll the dlfl'ereaetl ...bether
}) they're true or Dot! EveTYone believes them.
Yon'"", down and ont that way.. EveTYoae
thialts yoo-well.. you bow what I meaD.
_PaUl' Whal's the 1Ull! of being lItur neeked! Yoa
mfC!lt as weD be buq for a abeep aa a lamb.
TdllICIra It yon'~ goiJl to be laJ'I"ed. you miabl all ...ell
let: lIOIIIethlq for It. Come, rm Dot auch a bad
sort. Let'. be rrteDCla. Report tcHaorTOW_
Ltots eat. drlult aad be merry, for to-morro..
we die!"
I looked al him. Somehow lbe thiq didn't
eeem eo 1I:n~lble.. Dread1'lll-bonible--ob.
yes. a lhouaaad times! But. wuu't he ricbt!
Wall bia arpmeat jut sophistry! Alter all
soddy was makln&" me pay for lIOIDeth.i.q I.
laadn't done.. Why ..... I mak:fq my IPt!
1 _
,..... 1
_ ...... ~~ '''"''''''1
1_'1 ... _ _.
' __ _ Why shouldn't 1 yield. as thouaaad!l of women
had done. without such reasons U mlae!
/J-_It-.",., ...t... ......,... _Itl......
.4t.".\';rf> ""f>(tn""O~T7I "You doo't have to deelde aow," be said..
_ -"" -..._ __..__.,....
.. 1............ "_ _
_c-. ~

"Think il over. Sleep 00 Ilo If you come here
.. _ ..........
_ u_
1..00<'" __
,;,;n. It. HAr-UST.?Jo: to-morTOW ru DOW that you're---colnl" to be

, .. -, _-_-.w,.-_
-- .....-... ....
11 l _ .. _ ......,...
' ... _ R...- _

__..... " ' ".._

I couldn't speak. I fat got tip and left. hllD.
-.;:::.~ ~;. O
__ 1_1"""*..-."
...... $I

,U.JlP.ltT I .... '-R.f
-.J" _ .."",_ And I went lltra1ght Nome. In the hall, out
Iide my door. Mnl. Moultrie met me,
n:nH_.-.IA..... ~_./.1. GliO./J.1..J;Ji "To-motTOw's rent day, MI8I Morp.n." abe
saJd, "I SUPP08e you'U ba't"e the moDey!" .
"rve always paid, bal'en't I!" I said. and
Into my room, I coDnted the moncy iD. my
purae. Tbere was a little more than a doUar,
That algbt I did aot sleep, I lay awake, and I
aeemed to be at the ttOII8 roada of my Itfe--the
parting of the ""IIY, t had to make my declstoa..
(TO nr. CO:o'I:"It:al.)

-..- .. til
---..............._. __ --_ .
~. .
EIUIt [mu .f T/"
H~/" ,. ,1..
D.lJ.r M,IUry
Mft/;~ P;~ri,,1
SJa.ti.. .f TI" Milli
UlUJI b'ESBl"IT'S afteraooD. tea 1lu . . JabD D. Banes Is ID&Il of tcIaaI t.uts.
M ClOIIM: .. IIOdal ,,-.t at tile aiaoD. SUMIIo.
J,.z,y aftenIooD. at the e. . .'eted u.e Illr-
uatanLbIted b,. CDIl,.estioa... Kow wtt.II. the
'I'II.a:ahoaMoI f~ Ilr. Banles baa to ht. CftdIt caa. 1:Mt toall4 presldbI,c' Oft!' tile eleetr1c tile record of b.ariq played. more thaa fGQr
-.are, and. ~ to ~ t &Il7 character hUlUfred c:haract parb on the ~ AI a
ill. ute tl"oIIl a poTft"tJ' strieta widoW to aa _ _ of tranl. b _ III the foremost place
heb ..... acecl d1q' to the role Me raJpt "be I.D hb affection. !'or aeroplaDes or automobiles
taktll&' at tlIe tIme.. The role of iii. . . . . an.l- lIIe baa 110 DR. HIs CIU"TlaI:e ho!"8e. '"Tom." II
mated by ber d1.arm.lq" penoullty.......u U!WlU- weU nowu aa ODe of the 411... hanl... hones
puable tea-t. oue III "bleb her trleDdti aU In Westchester County_
like to asatat.
Ellis F. GHc.kmUl., mo.n as ODe of the tore-
moM. of J"e..ilh acto.... is ao.. appear.
)b.rperlle 51lO"'~ habit of riaitiDc aAtlqoe lac La motion plet1lftll to art'a.Qemeats
MOl has bee aeqv1red mu:e the 1JI.aquratIoa made ..Ith C. .1. Hfte. preddeut of the Than-
of 1Ihe IIllUcftl DolJar JI.ystery." the 1t.ablt houser FIlm Corporation. Jrlr. HUe prides him-
bdq formed of Dee:e.ity rathft' than pleasure.. self _ beln the ant to muaap Ilr. GUekm.ul
As Coau- 0Ip. lila Saow b4s Uu.l. to La ptetlU'el. He Is .. woadertal <:hanIeter m.u..
coK1Ime bendf as .. lady of Il1aaIaa DOIIoUIt:r. b..'riq played. more thaD etcht h_dftd ch.anc-
req~ a I'f'Mt deal 01. moDeJ' aDd DOt a Ut:Ue ter IJU"tI _ the ~ ~ The.llTst. pie-
tlme ~ lD. .mrcb of 1lalq1M onamea.t8 of tlIre fa ..h.ida JrIr. GlIcIoDaa appeared... ~t
pauhaeb' R-.laa orf5:lL So far II -.n:ta aJICIt." U. .... ~ bI&"~: the
baa ~ e d her with oddly deRpe4 .... 1lat play fa wllldl he wU1 be prMelIIIted l8 -rhe
rtq:a, braeelet:a. baa. coIJrveI. ~ &ad - Lut Coeeert...
MTeraJ nJque aDd beaat1fRI1y Je'wded belta--
aU tnk:aIl7 llaIaa.. :SOQ GaM ..... reeeatJy . , untor't:1mate a-
te .... b,. a part]' of YisIton ta the Tbahocuer
1'10 U 8Ildle". role. PIGrelM:e Gray, the mn- Kadio. w1aereapoa. __ of tlte la4Ies _ked...
lloDaift'.4ul&hter. ill ~ _ .......ue th~ ~b tJroa:t. little bo,. fa 1Itodl!"" Ilr. GaM Is"
probably 1lOt . . hatd to ..u.ty .. that of X . tweEy-oDe:r-n of ap . .d Is the New Rocbelle
Sao.. Her abopp1q' toun tor the 1at$. la eompuay'. mOlt talea.ted jttTeIlIle lead.
Pu1siaJl fuh10rLI lead. ber to .,fth Ansae
and Bl'Ollilhray. JOg La Bad1e'. faTorlte abop Rlle:y Chambe'rWa. wbo has btom eaJlM ""tllle
'- a little ollie located 011 8I'oad....y aear ll'Utletb Jell"_ of plcturedom, ~ I. the prbie pIfer of
Street.~ Tboup. meet aDd UIlJ)retfttJOQI IDo Ibi the ThaII.bouaer lltud.lo. Though IJIIty yean of
appeanLDC4! Flo l.u~ that Its tutes are dI. ap. thirty-a,.e of wb.lch lIiE're spent 0110 the
UDCtJ)' tndh1duaI and lip to the J.u( mluute lesltlmate .taP. Hr. Chamberlain caa lead
In stYle.. many of the 70Ulll(er fello... a merry c.haae and
tho. lcavln&" them pant:lq at the lut bole.. He
lo,.es chlldroea aDd ~ .. r.uorlte ..Ith aU of them.
Clalre Wbltuey of the Solu; eompany ..... a Nut I.D bia affec:t.lOIlo uad pnde COUle hi.l bone..
e'ltp w1DIler In the eo:D.telIts held la the COD' ...."eral of whom an blue-rlbboa ..i.DDera.
TeIltl_ baIl at the Palace darillc the reeeat
uhlbltloa.. The c:r"OW1b watdl1a _ _ 110 creal
. . to a.tmc.t lIltfenl with the claIlcl!ft u.d Harold Lockwood of tlte Famous Pta7~ bad.
made the .ta~ ~ bat all eoDc:eded a c:loIMt .-cape 1110 .. .ceoe la1ely. . .b_ lie re-
that the prbie b>eIoapd to K1aI W1Ll~. eel,.. . . aword eut. 111. the eye.. Fortunately the
blade did DOt ~ the eye ball

Tbomu W. ao. .... Uloac the IIpeCtators

.bo wtUl:e.N tbe btitlal u - t q of "'1'he
Otlly So... 18 wh.ida Ite toot: tbe tttalar rote.
........!It.. will.....
BUlle RitcllJe. the weD Do.... bwiftque
be __ in the role of
"'Happy ~ the apcnlflllt of the 110 c:aa
I . fact tlte otIters ha'ft hiJllll to thaDk for aeoetq nrift:7 of bat. Tbe NoDpereU Comp&D.7 will
It. Xr. a.a. ani,.ed rr.. HoUywood. CaL. prod,.ee the plc:tUftS, PaQI Arl1lIKtOD and J"ac:k
wlllll the plct:'oft at ODe o'dodt aDd It ..... nm KahODe1' haDdilac the K'e'IlU101 and cI.1ftc:tJoa.
01' for the trade ud oldbltors at tIIIe Gra4
e-tnl Pa1Ilee, at thn!e.
ADcutu PhUU~ baa foUDd out tbat tille'
uett-to-tb...oR-thaDkJe. job La the ..orld 11
amptriJlC a baIl pme.. The ....rt of pUodq
ETrr slace Dick NeW broke ht. shoaJder La
The Charp of the Liebt Bripde" the EdIMD hla ~ aJ'OllDd ba-"Y1Ds' r;oae tame. PblUll)I'
ambttiou W&D.det"ed on. to the ba.ebaU dlamOIlld.
dlrecton han been caretul 1lOt to cbe him
a ehaDelI) to risk hll aeck apln. HII pbYllque The p,me bet"eea the Edlaon team ud the
aDd andauted aeM'e stand him well la parlII medJcal staJI' on Blaek....eU. lslaad .... him be-
hlad the eate:her. McaJUa!r 'em," Evidently bl.
caJUq for mkJ' thri1ll but brokeD Ihould~
declslou didn't C1J1.add"e with the docton' Idea
are too bl&" a price to pay ....en for reality la a
of & 8QU&re deal for at the e1ld of the pm.e ..
llletu~. In oae of his latest pictures, '"The
a reward. for ht. .....Ices th...,. wilobed. .DpoD
Counl....rfelters," be eecapes from a third story
..Indow by desceadill&" a rope. hand o"er haad.
blm ma.a,. .. elrd alld shaaly dlllM.ll8. ..bleb
01117 a phJ1llelu of P'OCI .taudln!r-eoDld pl'l)r
and. what fa "0!"8e. a Uwe later. eUmbs ap
IlOtlIlff or think ot
the Ame rope ..hlle Sally Crute WJ'f'IIdes ..Ith
the 1_ _d to Pl"e'l'eDt hls bumplq aplnat.
th ...n. AD.Ita Relm )(artta, lIand OIIt:rIebl!.
&I'e &mOD&' the "ktorious OIlS ta the eoateas
~:I1'en reeeatl7 l.D eU1utctJ0II witll tile en-
Et.b~ GraDdJa aDd Ra.T Smallwood han left TflIlU- at the Grutd ee.tnJ. Palaoe.. The
the Ulll~ stUL but ba"e DOt . . yet . . ~ of \.be cr-P of cup&, a hi&' beud;,- ofl'ered
aouDCft tJroelr plaaa for the r.ta:re. . . by the )[110 CIpfttte eo.. ... W1JIl by AIlIta
GraadLa, lboap c.Jy t"W'eIItT J"!IUW of ap .... Stewart at the Ne.. T orIr: Roof _ Ute dcmq
. . . . a aod-. pidJIre taTortte for tJroe ~ aiaht. At Ute t~ __1, the: ~ at
three &ad ClM-blf 1arL I'or the pat 1WU' Briclata-. BMd, Ute ~ Wft'e taka tI)o :au-
she h.u qveand ~,.eIy fa lJIlp ~
T1te plct1u'e Ia ..btdl:
.... -n.e ~ la ....... Ik.
bec:aae . . bIowa
Stewart &ad Ilarta. OIl tbe UIroa-
Uc.k Kia JIartft .... the lid- &ad tIte follow-
lac Dictat . . o.t:r1dle . . . ~ tile ....
....u. tID beiDc .. c:qMrIe ~ _ el __ at Ute New Torir. Jtoo(, 'fte e-tat at
tM bMt
la the .ott_~k
aIId tel:hak&1 e:lqIlIrl:s
til .me place o. Satuda:F aI8IIt:
#..Jttta Shwut.


J...sT'D B.. SPoIUl'f&. W.L8B.-Bed Eaa:Je. tlle "rAnT." NASBVD..L&. TL"-l'I.-T-. tJae llIdaart.
Indiau ehid appears In lllal17 Wettenl. Trann with EIBula:r 1110... W tbe . . . Trann
KaJem Prodttet1ODl!1 I.s & full blooded Eloux ...ho ued to appeal' I.D LaIdG tUma. Xa7 ....-
llIIdiaa aDd tJae lIOn of daJet, DOt a ... hlte man ley.-t trom L1IItbI to 8e111"a ChIQ&O e..-
made up . . aa ladJaD. Be w .. poad1l&te ot b PaA:r. Jl"raaeeUa BlWqtoD. and lAmar .1. .
Cu-Iyle, be .tudled Ia.... stoae took the role. :roo mmtJoa in KaJe-tJc's
""The" J"red )lace lett Apot1o to mab
"VlTAGLU'1I F~"-:' CalCAGO, Iu...-HaTry flima ror hlm.elf. NODe of them haTe beea
Yore:r "-lUI the "Colonel Lenox" of V1t&t;raph's releued .. yet.
MJly Olllel.a1 Wife." Tbe picture ..... produced
UDder the direction of James Young, but ...e EPW'l:" L. .1., SA:'- JOft, CAL-Pat and Nora
cannot ten you to. just wbat 1oea1Ity the u- )fuldooa In Lubin's "A Taup Tn&edy'" weN
tenon wert! taken. Leo Delatle:r played o~ Billy Bowen and J"ranc:ea Ne lIoyer. TIle

It's John Bunny! polIlte Norma Talmadll;e In VItaraPb'. "The

Blue Ro8e.... "Broncho BUly's" tall name Is
Gilbert Y. Andenon, not Yn Anderson.. Wbere
wldo.. In tbe same picture was Jalla C&lb0lllL

Cr...u.\ D.. CLa'n::r.A...'UI. 0ID0.--Huel

..... then comes the lauch evu did you get that "Yu: thing!" Buckham. was the thief iD Ita'a "J'or tM
FlmU"'Honor." Lon Chane" was the brother
F .,-:'CT W., NEW Yon: CtTT.-E1lta Proctor ot Pauline Buab I.D Gold Beat's '''JIbe HonOl'
But if this.little pen and OOs ho enacts tbe role of "Deep sea Kitty"
In Ltre-Pboto Film Co.'a "The Greybound,"
of tb~ MOu.llted....

ink sketch amuses you, how played the same role In the 1el!:ltlmate ~e lI.A.Bn T .. Bt:l''''ALO, N. Y.-The Maa
production. E. K. Llncolu was "Rlchard" In doesn't like to d~ide bets but can iDtorm y_
much more you would en- VI~h'lI -rbe W~k.." In ease that you both win, for both Willi. .
joy a larger picture of John PntCT K.. Nr.w RocuEU.E.. N. Y.-lrene Hunt
Shay I.Ild WillIam Welch appeared In the 1m.
three I'f'el drama ""The PrIce of S&c:rllee."
Bunny done in colors I la Ippearlng In Mutual llimfl made on the Herbert Brenon ...u the producer ot the aboTe
Pacific CGUt.. Jaek AdolphJ produced f1evera.l aubjeet.
of the dramas ...bIch haTe recentl:r been re-
The lovers of motion pic- leased In which abe plays & prlnclpal role. WILKl:'Ccrro~, DEL.-For HeaTftl"
ture-s are enthusiastic over their Grace Dumond fa the dangbter' In selIg'a ""The sake, for&et- that hlrthmark Ideutltlcatton lblDC
favorites; and requests for Eatranpmeut." Geo~ Cooper Is the villain In :raUl' ece:mLrIoo It'a been done Uld done . . .
In. VItqTaph'a MOat In H&ppy Hollo.....
reproductions of. our front then done agat.ll.. Your If'tter bu been'pueed
alon~ If Yr. TbOQlU. bead of the photoplQ-
coven have been so numerous Cr...u.\ Ii.. T .. JouKT. lLL.-Aa a rule ..e can't ...-r1&bt a department of Platopla. Jlag-ua.

that we have decided to fur- live caata of rorel~ productlons. but ..e ba~ and you .. Ill probably bear from him I.a tbe
nish tbem-on the best kind 1J't!n to haTe the '"Spartacus" c:aBt atld 80 can Dear tuture.
&IUI "r you this time. Here you are: Sp(lrla
of paper stock. c Karlo Ansonia; Ido_,j... Christina Rus- LL"lEK....."l. Lt."-GQL."-. NEIl.-We ClLD't tell ,..
poll; Mal'C'1la Lldnlus enu..... Enrico Baecl; the particular mle of telephone naed III tbe
We will print only the pic- NarDJI4, Yarla G&Ddlnl; :Vorlc.." LuJl!:I :Mele. picture :rou mention. but you might fin c.t
tures appearing 00 the front _d Arte:mon., Vft"dl Gion.Dnl aomf!tblq about It if :rou were to write IlM
coven of Tiu M(J'vi~ Picto't'iBl o1Ilcea; of the film company. Yea. ...e acr-
-tbere will be DO aavcrtising La:t. ST. C_ Da HOI~I:'I, 10.......-80yd JlU'o ..Ith you that moch can be leanted fr'OIIl the
ahall was the pbytlldaD In Prlaee. MAn'a Well plcturell and they seem to cro'" more _d mont
whatever-Dot eveD the Dame- That End. Well," Ruth He1UIe.y was "Pnt- Intereattag and educational as P&Me&-
of our magazine-. d_ee" in Ea.anay'a "The Weddtue of Pnt-
deBee-" No., P'Iol"eDee LaWTf'nce h.. not left CH..t..aLOTTW: G.. W~ B,,~ PA..-Herbert
The.e Art Sheet. will be tbe V1ctor to mtlrtl to LabhL We. d_'t flu Staadlue wu 'OPere FronJard" La BroDdlo'a
same siz.c and colon as the aa:r neh player as JLarda CuweD. AI'8 you "Breed O' the Nortb." Natomlab. the old b-
1I1lt'e :JOu have the name rlpt! diaD "'omaa. a real old IndJaa 1IqU&. . . . . . .
picture on the front cover of II.ot In any y made up.
any issue of Tlu M,vi~ PichJrial OLeA G" 'Bun'ALO, N. Y.-TTvlng Cummfnp fa
that JOu care for. no. 'With Tha.nbOuef'. P1durea in ...hicb be CUES1"D 0'0. CuAa wk1 1o......-Beaut7
playa leadlq roles wl11 lIOOn be releued. thougb 11lma baTe been on the Kntual prupuD tar
So when you sec a cover ...e e&1I't tell you the name of the lint one aome montba atld If you are seelq your tint
In wblch be la to be reatu"Jd. Glad y_ l1II:e onea no you certa.Jnly are beblDd tile tlIIleL
that you particularly like, don It )(oTle Pictorial Ind "parth:nlarly the Questions Howner e eIIIT)' you, too, for :ron baTe lIClIIHt
wait to ask us if we have that Ind Anllwen Department." big tftata In lItore.
~onc on band,-just send a
request for it and enclose ten ~Jl.UT JA:'C1t. - S'I;""2:1(,... WI8.-Joe K1q nd -oRlo, - Cun-"J;LA:'CD. OU10.-Yes, you are rf&ht
St.ella Ruetto bad the lea. . In SelIg's MAo Spin- In bellevlq tbat Dorothy Glab ..... bonl III
cents. You will get what you dfd 8ec:.1tk:t!... There are but thirteen JIIU"t8' yoar lltate, but It ..... La t>a:rt- aad ...
want by tbe next mail. to the "Kathlyu" &erlea.. althoqh MI. WlIllama CleTeI.and.. ISn la sa..ld to be the:r-r. Sbe
I. to IJlpeU Illi anotbu maltlple reel anJmal haa blue e:re., ..." DDderataJUf, thougb ...e
The front covers of Pltoto- tllm rollo..lng the 1alJt of the ..AdT_turea" baTftl't had the of aetu...lly meetfulI:
,u, Mllga-zilu may also be 1IerIe&' to the pllyers wl11 f'e&C;b them
I' 1JeIlt to the mdlo addreN. Yes, & Jot or
bu In real lite..
bought but it will be impossi- them a_...u letters penon.lly. 111811 x.. Y. z..
CmcAGCl, Iu...-It'. been IIOme
ble to remove the name of our bot, bat ...e are .ow able to siTe lOu the
maga:zi~e. Comn'aT JAT. Va~4.I:t"o lowA.-Ye., Fraru:la comvlet.e cut on 1loyaJ.'... A Boy J'or Day."
X. Bu.bmaa matea his home I. Chlcap _d Here It Is: Snip DeTlDe--1sabe1 Da!1lIUj';
n ... ,nu ,f flu r",..Jacti.. nearl:r aU of tbe fllma In ...hlch be appeai1I are 8U. . smitJa, tbe oo.--Walter a 8ta.U; poUce-
.r_, {rut cw" il ".
W.. ,n.l,.I, .., C..i"..-
U1It1. t:aken at the Chlcqo plaDt of the 1!laanay mu-J. . . Harri.; ~
1leeIuD: 1D&II o. enrt.cb~RobertBwnuI; ~

"".. " 1'1 ,..r ";Ur ;.
CompallYo Mary Po...ers .. lUI the little girl In
Labia'. "'W1Iea tbe Eartb Tftmbled.... No, the boY-Waiter kead"; ateIlosrqb n !hylM

Claud PuYbbing Co.

allfbltor d _ ' t bay the Ilms he po... but
IDft'Iely retlta them from a llaI. ochaae.
Brow1II; .tp's Helm IAVeme; eo.
t1UDl'r-01Kk Peter&. IIabeI 1111 Kc8Je's -rile
PrIeM tor films 'I'U:J a.cconIJlIff to bow old the .... t. the ~ " .... h:r 'nactMr. tile
. . .)eet ill: that fa pIctv'e jast: rel-.ed eosta ~ ...... JlIan tIMI NIe 01 tile ad,

. . . to tftt., tUa it doeI ....en ft Is tHee fa "Tbe !WtJe of the 8aes," th ..... .1It1Ial
..... - ......... & . . . . . . . .
frah froin the press that will teD you
-how to write strong, red-blooded scenarios
that laugh at the rejection slip. to express your photoplay ideas in
that crisp, clean-cut, magnetic English that
makes your scenario speak action-that's
what the editors want.
-how to become the editor's friend and
always know just what and when the
different sorts of ideas are wanted.
Above aD Else this Book is Practicable
For could any advitt be more practical than that coming from ~n who ha~ beat doing
~ry day for yean the ~ry things they tell about? Could any advitt be more practiCal
than that which comes from the editors and writers who ha~ earned hundreds of dollars
through doing the ~ry things, schemes and ideas this book now offers you? Could any
advitt be more dependable, more reliable, than that which is being used by hundreds of
photoplaywrights with success? For here are the ~ry suettSs secrets of photoplay writing
that ha~ netted its compilers hundreds of dollars through the sale of Sttnarios. This
book is a plain, easily understood volu~; the best book for individual study, and is in
advance of any other work on the subject..
v.tajns TWeDty-FIftO
This Book is a School WIthin Itself C.-"i'" Articles
There iSD't another book
The object of this book is to gi~, in the easiest under- extant which contains the
stood form, the information necessarY for the proper instruc- full and comf.lete informa-
tion on how to write photoplays that sell-photoplays that tiOD as does 4 How to Write
Photoplay. That Sell."
contain the big vital punches and dramatic situations that the There arc twenty-five
editors demand. It is good for old ti~r as well as beginner. complete anicles, as follows:
The Amateur Photo Playwricht;

cosrs BUT ONE OOlLAR E..pcricacc of an .Amateur; G.ram-

mar and SpelJina; Photopia,. Terms;
Photoplay IActiaetions; Classi&:a-
The pritt for $100.00 worth of knowledge is but ONE tion of Photop!art; Photoplay Ideas;
Gettinc the Germ of the Idea; What
DOLLAR. The book isn't bound in limp leather and deckled to Avoid; Camera and Snutio Con-
edge-it is just a plain dollar value. ditions; P hot 0 p I. y Limitatioas;
Ecoaomical Conlidcrarioas; Photo-
Wrap a dollar bill in your letter, together with your name pla, Coasmactioa; BuiIdiAc. Photo-
pby' The PIoc QriciaaIny' A . -
and address and send your order today-no need to get a sp~ and Ea~; The S'1DOPRs;
money order-send an ordinary dollar bill at our risk. The An A.....".d Coaopk,<d Sccaario;
Submitrin& the M.a:script; Sceaario
book will be sent you the ~ day the order is rettived. Procedu.rc at the Studio; T CD Thines
1 Would TeD Bqiaocr; Abou.t
Don't put this off until tomorrow, but do it today, while the Maaufactareu; A Few Putic--
u.lar PoiDD.
you ha~ the dollar and the subject is on your mind.

The Enterprise Publishing Co., 3348 Lowe Ave., Chicago

... ----
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_._-----'---- ..

Price 10 Cents July 11, 1914

I William J. Burns Finds Another Clew to The Million Dollar Mystery

. ".z.......,...o.. ........

The record for hot weather crowds is shattered-
~ashed! Never before have crowds rushed to the theatres in the
bot ~r as mq ha~ to Stt Thanhouser's Millioo Dollar Motion picture "ttSion of
H.rold MacGnrll's great story, "The ~ DoIbr M~." Tbeana ....ery.. here report r=nI crowds..

This stupendous production is being shown in

weekly episodes; a 2-reel episode will be released each week for 22
weeks. $10.000.00 will be paid for tbe best lOOword solution of the mystery.
Exhjbito~the public join in saying:
"Wonderful photography." "Beautiful settings." "Exceptional
acting." "A spf6ldid ClSt." "An example of the ~ best motion picture work."
Bookings are stjll being alT~nged. The Million Dollar Mystery is
an independent release and may be obtained regardless of regular program being used.
71 w. _ SL, NEW ~ 1 . W. W 55 S SL, c::mcA5e
or Syndicate Film Corporuion n:pn::sent.a:rive at any Mutual Exchance in the United Stares and Canma..
. 'Die n R er 'lkee A Weell
J'WIlII&. .".. 111. ......... n (2....-). A
romaqce of the 18th century. dispbyinC the rakats .
aI FaIy, LIo<n Iloboon. J-phmc Hoole. Mom. Foot. Edwud Hoyt, M;td L<w;,.
Lea E lkIca 1IodaI<Y. doc TJo-' LlIc<.
. . . . . .-. , . "Dr z.-fle-t. .. The "'"' wririltcol a ~ aad sia:c- ill _
- . , - - . . .....a.4 lor w.,.. lUll, Im-c C ' : T"",' Cnopr. Took ......
5 I,
TIU\ .OY1 ~RUOilL\L-
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0JI8 ..... w;

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S_ . . 'D&QL Ai'SD P _ . . ~ ANiA'"
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TIlE lIIWl'I'.aNiULii' PU.:Y X .J' ...... J-lire 27.
1'11I:. ~ _AIlS 7 $ '~ . . . . . .

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: SO

:NEXT .aaa
A ,'.CIAL .... TleL. 0
Dirtttor'. AssistaD_The HanleSt Worked Mea ... the M_in
. William J. Bann' T1bJdl Dc4loctiou. _ The
MiIIoa DeIIu Myote.)
IXT Flaws rlTll'
Lanie Bn-e, MynIe~"a - ~dJy ......... Pi 7 W
~.F .. ~iadleC_.ot


...500. D. . . iliiIi
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_ M_ _
- =...
J' . 'I M :Q"'~.
AlII ,...., .
Ness ',-.le.
;- . . . . .
p . . . . .'

."1be Adventures' of Kathlyn"

Send us $1.50 for a .year's subscription' to "Photo-
play Magazin~-;" OR for-a four-months' subscription
. to "Photoplay Magazine" and our special six-months'
"Bums" subscription to the great motion picture
. wee~MoviePietorial;"
AND we will send you by return maP" postpaid and'
absolutely without charge, a handsome doth-bound
copy of this great' new book which is just off the
press--:-"The. Adventures of Kathlyn "-profusely
. illuStrated from the wonderful $14&.000
&&0:141. BlJRNS
c.. COUPON Sel;a p "1' ~lay by H,amld MacGratb.
TIe ~ nr
as..D ' "C'

SUI _ _ 010-- - -
's..i.,..._ PQ'.;fM.
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THE. 'MOYlE. 'P.ICTOa.1iAL J." U.l.'"
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t.a. daIa aIr~ ttaat led Jaa to, Iter .... Mt - . . ....... ~_

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ant .tace of

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'fte . . . . . . . . . ~_wp.
tie r.- ..,~"
-..,.r .......
. . . y-. a.w- ftuII: AJIea, tM ~
.-.e ,... .. tile CI-.k!'"
"'Jb' 'It . , s .... CPt! ..
~ 1M ... 1M 1Intrt! 1Ie---wM ..... til
......... I , bMr . . . . . . . te pit it! Be-
llM' __ .e ,.. t' swu .......
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. . . 1 . M t ~ ~ I .... .-e..
[ ........ taIII:Iac to ay faDer. lie e6r'M
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bI .uTJ'
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n.nt at Iter~. 8M a--.I
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.. Iter ~. 5 t-q. _ ~

_lPt . . . III tM t-t Or _ eqet 7 t

""I'1tea , . . . . ., til . . ~r 1M . . . .
Iter. .
..[ CUI"t.!- OOr., atr.aW! I .....
aD aIPt
_ [ ... after I ' ~ ala - . ""Wdl." 1Ie.w.. "T_ ~ wtaat aay_e tbMdtL AM. I a.w tIliL I c.. ctn .,..w.
~*- tIte~
. . . . . ~ 7W llaft . . . . tnl68lI "0lIU" ... Icaa . . . . . . . . , - . leu..... ~
...' -..- ........ lie f'w -e ... frte.I .&.Ilea .. r ta , . . If , . . ..-: -.!..
[ laM. til ea.. .. tIM: rail tItft , . . . -. . . . . yw,. . . . . lib ............. .-Idd,.. '"We'D _ !.. lie . . . . . . . . . . "ru ... a

He e.IG.'t awIa _ 1M , . . atnW. to feI..

)'eN'. bett:er ~ wttll me," . . .
CIa clq 1'- f-.I aM til
...,. ..
r JeMeo tit.,- tMIr wa:r til ..
"'WIlF.... cu. a-..:
-caa ........ "Walt!
T. . un _ ...,. of
yw.! a..e __ ..... tie
tatIter, . . A.delI
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....-.n. ..,., I!""

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T. ... ~
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ae 1uIPelIla . . r-.
I'D tab " .
.~~ ru .... ,..
.... n ....
"he ae... ,... .. '-c!" .... aid. ool"t'e
'Watebed J"M. New,.. an t::rJi.. to friP,tn.

trw.t. ".... npWIy .. ..[ .-..w. __ r. haft

.,.~, .eo B1It, I . .~ yea, . . yo. cu.'!! I.,..p.t
l!Itr1qe drdiIL :I&e J!lIt ~ th lttt- to CD to .,. flIGer .. et. -.rJ!"" . . to _,. that! Ihrt I ala IMIt like ot.ber PI'IL
ter sIMek el IlWerft t t 01. ilia ......."t ..,. ...,..,," be,..... wtt1l lata- I ban beard YOli ...bell ]'011 tboqht 1 . . . aot
, . . by - ..... _~ .... rtpe u.aJ 1InItaUt;)'. "'100M' bft'4!:, ~ 1aQ. . . . .'t Ill1taiq. AM:fOG eallM IDe ...bat I ua-a
tor .ladI.ief; DIQJIIc b"td. . . . . ~.. PrI. . . tr-.We w1tIl ~ '. F "' tIilat)'O'l will 0' the _bJp!"
In Ute fill _ a F t . . 1II... ~. . ......'1: ...... to pt.&a7G......... It JWlIlI'"
tlc. of Iter tbt It ..... 11.&" IlftlI __ MIlt! He ~ !be . . . , . to yow,
.ltIoa 1tftII.......
,...tb~ for 11_ ~ .. e.eeI'N hM' 1lb Clla-
Be J. . _ _
. . to,.-!"" A TtbeII:VERT tIlnL fa tbe day. that followed.
drl defeatM IlU uperiaelIt. ~
"'Ne. It ..-.'1 tat... 1M..... ~ I ~ tID . . her, as the ... of . . 'boot, to
tiI be Ud . . . . IiIer h-tnWr nw. H eaa"t -...... I " ' ' ' t JtaeoIr . . . . . . . . . . .-:h pIlO'f'~ that artteee trhllDpbed ta Ute -.ake-ap
lookt:d at Iter ..w lite fNlI her l!'7fto . . . ~ 1 ...'1: blIW MY lItber ddL I ' " or eTeI'7 ~ tltat ~ . . . plll'tty
ahiTe-M. Uttie. .I . . tINs.. Bat J un J-.t a DttJe, ..... or ..athrre 1lO loDcer '1'11... IltUI r.-d
l:'-eIr ...we to t...."..-.te sad! ~
tiaI . . . t:M . . . . . . . . . . . of . . tIIt-.']', ....,.
"-Iaa ~ aM . - e 1antI1e:abIY ~
.... . , .-J IIri. He U4 t:Uea ber t.
i' _ ~ -..:' '"" . . . - . of the KIP... 3 " ~ Ite: __

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..-.... eIotIteI. ... ltIIIIb; jewM,._
...--... fw wtdda Ile-.t to
.....' w..
ate.-fd; Itf8IIeIt ~

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J. c..
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J"ML I . . ..neI . . .

--:. . . . "... W1D.l".

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wtdIe ....
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IIeIa8CO oCthe Pidure PIa7

. . MOD~ M. KatteRjobn

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. .

flil.a. .....
. . . . ard& . . . . . . . ,.....

7 --..-. tlre - .

tI-._ _ _TIIeIr . . -
-. ....

., . .

... $I: en6t '" wIIJdl, tIillI!J' .,.. a-

tM ... _ t ..
-If . . . . . . . . . . , !lew Yen wID . . . . tMIr ~ . . . . . . . ly ....

...,. .. Jkaro-. _ wtD. tM ....
tIMIr Mew Ten

<Ii .alii
... elllft - . - - . . ~ ... ....... TtaeII' .........-

tattW __,
I t ,.....
'diet die
...-'k 1 _ __
.,....... TIde era fill .......
~ a

;;q...'. .~
~...,. 'De no. ' - - e


,....... y ---- .. -.I7 ...... tMit .....
a. ..... , -h '"" .... ...... r-J6ehN.7 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., b:e'7 ., _ _"'Io'... tMt ...
..... ,," J . , lIii: ~ ...,. _..-..c. ~_ ..

_-,-,,_ -- --...- .
...... . . . . . . t!IIIt lie tile ..... aD 1LilI . . . - tt.e ....

.......... ..................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tM- . . . . . ~ tIM . . . . . . . -.:Idae.
WMdl ........... '!'M7 . 7 W"Iddl .... ?8'J' faaM:7. . . __

...... ..
. . . fIJIl . . enlIe ., . . ~
F _ ......
._"5_~ ~- ~ ~

ae ..... . . . ~ tIaal"1II ...,. .... ., M-

u..- dtr ~'..m.e .... tea . t ....,. .. .. lie
........... ~ t'N ;Ii" fatal. ftM was ate dlJlo( . . . . .. ,

" "
.-...taa ,. . . . .

_ _"t _
c:I&I-.I lle
th . . .

eN'ri ,. . . .
wlae k "-t wllo
...,.'. wwtb.
It wu ,.,...., eItI,y afbtr tbe
~ fIl. o.e IIa1Ae _
~_.,wu..n .
....... of ceat_ tG ......ce Mcll
& pk:tue at Rdl, & dale.
TheIr -=-4 ~ . . .
n f t -.on: du1Wa&. beIaa ca1Iied
-rbe Battle of Su.ttap 1Ia7. w
. . . wJdda were aetuJb' -..ced
fa the ~ _ere JI'lICUft

.... _
'1M 7

tw ..,.. _ . . ...,. t-.

.. tile' 7 . . . ~ *....,..
. . . . . . . . a.JtIl 'fIiQ .-t iii. tile
. .. elII: . . . a.ea. '!'ttll7 ~ .....
! ~ wttIl wUeIl. tie . . tIM ~
..... lt~ . . . . . . -... .......
I tIM ea-.era, . . . tile N9W'a If ......

-.................... _-- ...

elII: die ~ w WI: ~ 'I1M:i
_ art .,tIaoI -WtIM
~ . . tar et tIM .a.1 nee
UIDe BeIIIeo. lIr. tbe aWUt;, w
~ )au
~ w tile ' ., ... tt.M. ne ...
SIIk't-. " tMt fill a ..
_ ...-,. fit tIM - - . ~ tkIrtJ

.....' . .tt

~ ......... ~It
,-:c= ....... _._-_
.... _ __ _
tile.... ....... --.. .... ..-..- .......
. _-- . . . .
. .........
.1"., ... .

...... _ --. $

.... :.=;:;:
..... .-:-
..... . . .
... ~a.-:~

............... . - .
~. . .
....-. .....
..~- --.,
~..-. _

. . . ............
. . . . . . , . lie tIle ___

. . . . , . ..... tMn

...... ..-

..... _Itlll

~ __

-.. tM..... ,..,

.. _ ...
__ ~

~ _
- . . . . -.. ...

..... __ ..
a -.I

1 " tile ~

.. -..e:. r.Il:r ........

... NmIII.
at .....

..... ...................................
........ Dd7"*~"""'-'
...-e, , . . ute ., - . " _ .. tile . . .
., Its Pail .-..a.- ~ ....
7 7...-.: ~__ .IlIdIl ~ . . . - . ......... .....'..,.-* ....-. ........
...-Il.-...... .. _ 1M ~ tMM:N. __ .....-.eet ~ Ole
hIr~- ".I. Tale 01 T. . aM.. ~
~. .
tiIao,.. ""fte T _ _ ., ......: , . .
_ _ .. eo', . ' _. . . ; ;

.......' .A.
.. _
..-e.._ _ ~ ~

.-.' _
__'. ~
at. TIl'"


.... -..e
tMllicIatk - . - T - '
....... abMIIIt ~ ~ title ,..,.
0( ~ ~ . . . I*IwIe tM
..Iao oft-.
~ 8W.~ ""'I'M ~ K:t-...~ "IoMlI'L-"
..... -n. ..... e( tile GeII.~ ~,.. e:.-
el. tae

1& tae
Yc. ' '
., . . . . .'........-_
...... ....
_ ~ _ .... ...w BJ-a. .,
'hew .. .,... .....

5 ~

ddI... ..
UMreita *7.
If _ . . . . . ptMr -.....un .. w tile
of tile ~ ...... tile . . . .
__ tIiIiG' .., t 2' e- s.ue

-..... --~
" -n. ...,. .,
III ~.. -rM Buriw 'l'bt w. ---." . .
"JIII." . .

. . . . . . . . . ~ _ .. tt.. _elu,e _ .

........... _ ..

a..r lrII*a ' -


.....'.. _~

"'De W... TIIiJt."

... .,tM-. ..................
dt!lIf III . . ., ., ~

.... ..,. . --. --....,..
A. _ ........ _ ; ..-.. . . 1NIIIk It Z "' . . . . ......., I .
__ ~ ar...... .... ..iI .. ~ .. ~'

., _ . . .---

. . . . . . . . . . ..-:.,-..._
. -...r----........... ..

., ~

0-. J.-.
4. t-. ~ .. -..:..,...
7 . . . . . .
... ~R

tile - .
_ _ -..r

IN .,
5 ..

7 u. ,..- - _ _ ", . .


... -...-r'
. . - . .. .

- . A..
T--.- ..,. ~ WIIit.-
........._ _ _ la ........
tMI a. ............
cIaioJIf ., ~ ~

.... .,..... ---.. .

~ ~

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a..I..
aD. n ' -.tdlIL
. . . . . . . . . . . .
A...... ,.,
' a
_ .,.. J.-t__ _
~- _ ... ~~.
..... ..
.. &

....... '
'neT ~.,~ O t-..~WIIIIl , "

a __ , .. "'i .. __ ...


'M Sdir ...,. '., . . __

....' _ .......
. . . . .: .....-- '!'. a.s.~; t . . . fIII. ' ~ ....
...... - . r . ... J..
t_~ . . .

.-e cw. ~ after bd -et ~


L ...... ~

.Ai . . .

u-. ....... .,
' . . - L . 'I'M pUIeat .....
. W


-_ .....-

---_ ....
en . . . . . . . _ . , . - . . . .....

.......... .
--~- -- ' .-.....&...,., . . - . . . ...
tM_,~ T ..... ' -
............... ~ w. . . -- ................ ~ - ~I~'"!'~
................ , 'ADI ....
..... ..,. ___.
tM ,... ....
' , .c ar-AeW, . . . .

...... -
. . . . . . . . >'5we

, ,_UK.

_. ..

;n. . .-~ciiO ....

- _ .. -

.............. .......

............... .......- ..
a __ DI7 GIa.t . . ' ...

.. ....
- . --3.. . . . - . .
tk ~ ...,.. ' MPf
..... fIl tIte - , . :J'IIiIIIIl ~z ~"':" ~.............
e--:r ~ til' 1!DlMti-.
.................... j-. ......

tue . . --.....-~ ~Trabi

~ ., tIte
--. __
tIte _ . . . .

. . Aa
., tile t.- - . Aa-
fa tM..,..

'._ .....
tIiII-. _

tu. .. 1M hIhIle wID _ _ tn- . . . . . .
III eM . . . . . . . . .1


aIltIIon, . . a-,'


ta I lilt ~ wtidt" atftldle1 ~ traIMlP,.a Un ..........

--_ -
* .... ...... ... _ .-.....:r ..
t:Ite tiN&-

....... It".. ~ " " - ' ~

.......... It - . .-ee. ...' . . Aa- .......... ~ It. He .......

.... _ -..IIiIa-_-
.... tile Iktue adIK. ~ .. wwtt:
Aa tile lietu'e .......,. !lIcU . . . . . . . .. ~.tIile .. 7

. . . . . . . ',.,
-n Ita ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . tile _ _
7 . . .

...w. ~ ~ ., ~
","!~--"', ... - ...... ---

ka .......
....................... t t _ . .....,. -.....-. til. ~ --.. ~ I

.. . -..
............ ..
...... ..,
........ ~....,..... o.. . . . . . . .
... ......... - ..
. . . - -. . . ~ .&.

... .........
_ .. - - . .-er .. t:Mw,
~ ~ ~
..... ~ .. _ __ -..tIIa

......... ' I CttC ' ..

- _
___ A
............... ~_th.-n....
......... _
... . . . . , '


1AlnJ. . . . . . . . ~
... will IllI.ft -...Ii:

. ~.....
........... ~
T_ _. . . .
's ....... -

~"I'Iie ......


'-'. n.r.. ,.". , .
_ '
. ~ ... - - . . . . . . . . ~I.
--... ~

c-. .. tJIe -..r.,rae,""'" .....
wtdl .'


-~ ..
.. THE -MOVIE 1 P~TO."A.L J)

B." F"_
......- -
....... ---=.,
.,..... ,..,., n J . BURNS ~fr--.""""_..t
............ w

-._a ........ . .



$$ ....

....... _

~ . . ."". .
11 ..
-o. ................
tit....u.,,,.. ., tlte
. . . . . . . . .t.tM~
... _
e.- ! lie
_ tIiIIIJ bew
1' 'Ic
~ cMIr ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . .............. aD tMlt, t""':Y
. . . . . . . 'S ~ .. ~ . ., 4 ~ .......... ~ IiIIa." ~ ......
... 1IildL . . an. .~ ae .... ,. - - . on. -..r::k S 7 . .
tka '....... tW. stiIIelI. JftO-
......... _..a. . . ""'*
.. ..
-- $'. .... _I ,....,. t:te.I.. n .... .. I:::r

~ .... Pr'--r

1Ir."" . . . . . . . . . ....-L tt . . c:aa . . . . . .
e ..,..,. ............ t\iat . . tile . . . . _
QNIa ~- ......... "
,.... ,., ,..
" .
.ww .. .
. . . . ecw # - . .. ...-c ,... . . - - - - .. 0Ip . . . . . ,
. . . . . .

7 . .

. . . , . . .... tile c:sw: ,'''-'-'
tk M ' .,
-= ~
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..., ....... .t.tIIe
. . . . fJJ6. . , . - . . . . . . . a - . ....
De , . . ~
tIIat a
me ......... ..-.~......
JiMQ .r1 J'IIftIIor __ _ _ l r _ .,
IelIiea .. De
ecw: ~
tIN: 1Nekr_ . . . . . . . . . .
.. z
__ ., . . . . . . ~ ............... flll.tMt: . .
.. ~! lICat.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
. . ...... .
II . . .....,.
lie II a _T'I:*

_'. _
~ ......n.,. ., u -"""9IL m. at. tM ...,. iii
/r9a.~ 1dI ,.. Act ................ Be Is&~ wbet
..,.,. _ trut ~
' - - tM eMaMZ tW. .......

., " " ' " " _

,.nNU ., i i. . ..,
Jt ' '

1frtkT ( t k . . . . . . . kr . . . . .
1Od-~ tall ....,}~ Ii-. . - .
. . . til.
. . . . . . . 1M 6IrIt. Mer ....,. J ~
Ilb:i tit - - . r ol __ ......
of tM 8Iac:k
~ .<t

tAC k
. . . apcaq
.,.. ~ ., 1Ir.
.... .. ttre *' (if It
...,. It) . . .

ta..f .r.ll"'rNee oe. r. cwIIt eft!' ttre -.e,. He 1M
~ N Joaea ~
AUl ....,. ....... to - - . &WQ:. INc::
oe"" .......
.,.u, aM
~ ~

CM-~ . . . . . . .
., I'JOrefIce. .rwi:Ie ~
.-....,. .,. . . . Id. . . . lean.

I a .,.
....... J
of the Int epf
YOIl to mate lIOtatIou
tk hi-fi('f!N Of.-. ~. ....... fa a . - t ol book." To tiline
M ~ tGUI. ~ ,.., ., . . . . . . . Ute e.ct that ;OM!II is .at.
au: "'c~'"till ., UN&&1d d _ .... that lIis bowhldp is 8ft'1ift.
'lCitA U,'" 0& ~ ~ t'k JI"ria.. IITtotber _t:r7 Nort.- is
...... (clio tOU CCHIftJt ., ~ . , . . . . . . Ity tIM batJer _ wortby tlm-
wlOtl~j "'t~ed to tk . ~ 1In:. Do Ilot IItate ~U'ftl:1 tUt the
koMe. Tloe' ..,.,..l~ ~""'k .,... ~ bow: aaytblq abcNt the
Milt t'ffii.ect TJGreJICf: tot ~ 0IfIe lIll-,stery. nat we III at detenDtae
talt.,. .". ,"ICO ., t k ."c& . . . by foDowlq" ~lMldeL Do DOt O't"f!I'-
dr<'d'.. ~~ sa ~ e8Z1d''' look tile pen&Nl .. bo .... pkkM tip
tJl,,- ",Mio.. OII~ f ~ tae .-rl by & ~er. U he c . l e l Iato en-
....iJe rloe' etkr .-rckC tk ",.... dace apia. try to lIetenr:iae If 11'-
Tleo It~ ..-e 01 Nono... Jut _ tk .u-a U"e almfJar to thOlle of Hal'-
f1ffii,.t~,.. tcn'e ~. . . . ~ srea"e. We . . . . .ot ~ ilia _
FJON'I:e It"',
,,,). pffri"l.eU<Iu.e (a . J'ri~ . . btc:Weet, 1Ma.-. be ill I_portaat
21'". . . ~At. aatfJ. ' " ~ kIa otIIerwtae. A.a W
t,.h-pao.-r: JI8lia: ... tk ~ J-a, . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . aim- ibeIf, f"emeld tbt tIMl
...-re c:.rrnc~ ~ ...... ...... IMoek ol pIc:t:area,
tat. . - . a.ek fill. ta~ fa . . . .-
au.a. TM OM MdaNlI tIlat tile . . . .... cues aM .. ....,. ..... ~ wHre . - q

d'aIn... 'Ic:et' I.
..... at
Ieut .... we rirw
wttIl tile IIe!IIIII' a..t ___
*' ........... 0
~ . . . . . tile
tIle . . . .
".lPt ......... ~ .. 1aMt:r ....t. De-
llben:t:iaa . . tile .......... r.d:Ir ., .....
t-. ."....,. On:r . . bltMr ~_~ tIuTt Bw . lac _ _ tile hrtJIM'. ~
~ to . . , 'f'Ilt. ..... J ........ .. tile n=-=w .. _ . . - eadNIJ ~ ... _ _ IIlPcaD7 Ia ~

is . . . . . ~ a- tIlIat kIap
_ to IT e...... u.r. ..,. pd6t _ . . ' - "
-'. ............
'I'Ida -t7 . . ..,.
tw~., .. __ ..
-...t.: ...-. IIIilaD tIM: ...........
t::ratDlJ" of e:n-e.
tIaat t. . . . .
fOilH.. AM. tlllI " II ~ De SveI7 lie . . . bob . . . . . . . . . tMre. . . . It ~ toe ... ~ tIeel. fa
. . t:r7to~tILia _ _ It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1lIa. U I ' " ~ wItIl ~ tMt tile hlcItITe .. Ilot
rt.N at t i _ fa ...... of' ' he _ u.e csPW. _ _ aCMe, t ...... .,. .-.eeta ....... . . . . We" MIl . . . . It Be rn-........
. . th~oftk~""'" lalaall W"'- . . tbe7 aaeet.! W'tlat"rae." tIl.e7 ....... abow Ilia "'1'Mat" wtt\eIlIt ~ It
. . lID far _ to . , daat poeM. e-ea __ be Dew tbt Ilb _ _ aW*7, . .
~! .........t are tIteIr ......! After.
~ ...... JI&I"i!I7 -. tkJs . . . . . el et-; ............... 1lM Ma _ ' . trail fwtF- abe it iii llJP.Iy tMt Ile ....,. tIeD.
ntber, Ute ~ .... ~ 11M fill. .~ ...... H ~ . . . . . . . . . tMt _ ' . Ute ..uee tIte tn:dl
tJt,e BIKk R..... _
- * tIte
tIaat. . . - . . -
reliable tMqIlt . . . ~ I:l?'al'p"" peoaJIarIdea .... fIW_ Itis Ure ~ Ute ....
Tllis epIMMk teetH .. Ith tills 1-.1"': tile peet". . . . ra.JJy bewa. ' f t l e . - . . . el ~ lato Iter Ra ..... be _wUIIaI; to
~not J-e. ~ fa ~ e at dte BIKk H...rred. we . . . ..e. ......: at IPt aa-e. wodI M " ! Te1'7 a d tIte ."...
tae:blllnt GIf Non.. to..... ~e Ute ~ .... f leeIt, . . aaI.- .... thtalt Utere iii t:nac:bIfty at woaJ:I _ . . . w ..... Ill. . . . . . . . tf be
sua.a !L- I. ;........ue feel'" at N ~ tIaat ua-.c Utea. They wID . - t . . . . - - .a-I:L If ~ U'ftII,,'" I t ; _ -.....
Harpwa_ is aJl"e--tlte 1u..dlie." 01 .DIP. ... tItdI' sac:eua. talJU"i! . . . ideu. ~ Is tt, tIte MtJer wtJI eouta_ .. ...,. tM JIIY.t ol
BraJ-. If we U"e to 1at:dtI_ "eT"J' ~ wWt I.e.w-. Ute MtIer llIJeace _ttl tile Is Ita
ahall we heIp~! the Tft7 air ...... lIIl 1teUe're this ~ It 1eMen aft fa ....
~ Is fa . . Ute aeeret. '- wUI "..... -.y- tie . . wftII. .
th.......Ith 1Il~ ad bdIdr., Is It MIt pod
to .et.r'dI: for.Ute red . . - t GIf ~ty! c:a-. tJtn bll dWta win .. ~ ......
baTiac to _ *' .&a..,..

ca.. . . . . the :Io....rall fill the S I 1IJOC'a, . . e.-... ..,... .ea el
Tbe ..... .trIkI... tnIth t. tIlJII . . . . Is
that the b-tJ ~ of tJM ~ ..,. tIWt _ _ of aD a.ttftaIlt to t.!U the .....w "'t ~
ilia ...u.s wID tIlnw

' "

'1IIItt _ tlle
~...ton . . . . . mal aID_ WIua !IaqNa '. __tl.. or tIHt pZace ot "wme r.aca
..,. eDon' .....
ta . , . ~ bldlq plMe. Ie II ~
~ that tllie bnt way to "'- a tIlDe .. to T_ ...,. 117 ; . . -
. !IoeT . . arr:gp ~.u~ ~ "
far tile t fill. rIweMla, _ _ . . . 1:'-"' wm _ all ..,.., -. tIIat

. pat It wkre It ........ t M ' " to .....
W.... & _ tab ot til'- lDiI 'WItII. rr- tM Mae or .,....,.~ P!!r'IaapIe tM Nt- loyaJtJ" ,.... z .. tile
0" aI1IIoIl ......! Ba.uatat wtdl ....... lei' ~ tbat IIpt I:r ueIfta, or -...,:tIe lie
. . . 1letter f'IN8OII;8 for ........ the r.t. )(r.
11lnl, or 1I-*ell, or thOU&JHl-4Nt . _U-
lloa! That'. tlaerat. Toa _d J ..,. be eft'- lIacOfttb baa told ua that, aftft' UN! buUer w.. wiD aid ... t. ~ tile faeta . . Let
-_ ........... ~...-.: u ___
... ~
. . . - - 1lr1all!:
..a.-die . . . JIl7*IIa DUG-
If_ .., .. ""be
It . . . .

- - - . of

......-.. ~We
"'17 tIaat

N08B8 ~ the 8TJlP"ra.B. I'or es- UteIt . . . walt for fIItwe

...... I caa lID:aPM tlattl J. . . aM Nort-. -.ta. We . . . . . . . . .
f"Mlb' ... tie .... ~ to a f t IIK!r JlaIa . . . _ntJWarema_.~
*-tIIft. Let _ ....-e eltber fill uae. .. ..... U u.- fvtlM!r .....
. . . . ta tbe poUce dl.1el ~ -n.u ,.u.p do at ia ~
,...... _ _ 18 fa poGttft. ....,... .m cI_
...,. n-e..
... _ tIlft tIM' . .
d-.. t . . JIiI
II fa6er ..,. toorU*b' )GIMll ~ . . .
........ ,.... ......... u.e . . . tbr: to . . . . . . w b ~ .. OIp
... 5' d .... to 1Je ertaIadt. ... ~ of . . . . . - - - . . . . . to . . .
tbt~~.~w.UJe. 1M QIIItaIa .. ~ of
_ . . . . . tIte IDe1y . . . 1Ue ., .......... Cf'Ih' J u.e ...
tIlat .......,. B'al'p<aft is
da.qt.. . ., aweet. 1a:AoceK
ia lite
....... ~at ...
~ Iltnlapr
.............. ' cn ... ~ u... tbeJ' -.aft
~ ot It.
1'M7 an dtDeu tor .a...erk::a to ......... a.t It tky f.aD to 10cate tbeir
fte JlOIIce .-IiI ~1 ~ .-n7. ..1Iat w:lII tbe:J' do!

'oft to 1a7 tMIr M.u . . tka.- WU1 wOllid .... --w: :roa do! T_
ocar! 'I'lIlt e.t1re aIldl.laery of tM police lie- ...... ..cdI u.e Barpoeaft
putaat lie ~ tate e'l'ery n _ _ w-e. kft'II d.-
WIt ~ protedjoe ad rietorJ',
Aa --&. ,..en ....Id ~ tb,p world e'n'I'Y
T_ ..oOd follow tile aets-.

1larN. . . . . . . . . . of -=-daJ. If .ca.'"
aIIoUd of , J - . U 8t.aa1eJ' Hu--
cnue ea- bKIt. _ of

ftIs .. MIl u.e .etJaod of ~ ... ~..-
1.... lie WdeI IIJs time. Be w1I1 call . . ~ .......... It. Ia~_
. . . . '- ..,. . . h. . . . . ~ tueIIIIi _'WIllIe. ~ ~ ..,.
~ a ~ --.....
_ acatut ot Ute CIa-
...... Z....... 10M&. we ..w.oe........ fNa aM
~ a.Il. 'I'1Ilb
...... caINlator. 1& is
~ . . of . . m.
fill"'ft Uacft'. 1&
tAt ,..
te aaae ..... ...-:' a.-.... ----.,~
........ ,....".tt,.. ..
............................. .At au

.. ..
jebfllllttf . . cu.. ~ 9111w . . . . . .
A .-eat ..... I 1"e'f'e'NII to tw~.tJ_ I ..... a ell--. tie .. TOO
w1U to -....e that t'I' We
t.act-. .. 1lIIIJ.W
We c:a.aGt bucIae ~
to ~ U we 1IDaciae _ . ~ _
of . . . w........
bat elI-=aUoa. ea-
~ obIftoTatI-. de.. IL peraJtbII _

. . . . . .

.-ttY ... ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......
Dr 2

t:I'htiII> cit
.... 'tM' _ _ tlIaI't
..... T
, . , Jaaft ~ , . . . . to TBDQ[ .,... ~
ilia Doll.- . . . , .... a- :r-"

. . caa

. . . . . It ta 1IleI'elT compoUtie or ~ ~ ~,..,.. w. ~ ...... . . . palIa..-- . , 1tlI....... ICe _ .....

of oar bowledp. or &boat wbidl we U'ft ___ r.r aD lltde , 'DIe aMtIler ...... eIIl 'I"BIlU: ta a.t
2 2 ..

,--d. 1. IlOt .....,.. -.t:e. It ...,.Iktt ... . . . . . . . .'W.-,.Is ......... ., ......

Qft-. .....,.,m to be htluaed ~1Jlc- T_ .................. - . 'ftlI..,. .. em.. plat;: It .. ~ ~ w any ....,.
mtpt I1Da&IM that the ad of the .wry wiD ....... em.
aetIo&, . . . . .
Is . . to
wbt- tIIat _ _
., detaflla,..... . . . (..... ~ . . . . . . trW
_ _ 1&. Barp'fJue', trtampb UId the ...... . . . . Ia tIIilIIc) 110 tUt TW eau. PrD:1I t .
rtap or N~ . . . ~ bat that Ie 11k.. "ft' roeaat. .. 'IL a ...-... ..... , . . _ .--r e8t:Il rr.c-at
tbU . . . . . to aake up
........... dill! rootIlJIIs uul p d q at lbe eoa- tift ~ tile tneb" . . ~ 1M tbe~~
tlMstai dI'ride. The IIWt peab _ to bP ~ ... _ ~ , . . aN eert:Ma tbt

l't!!']" Dear. bat berO" YeN 1"MCb them. "" m--. ~ laa_,latMcu tIle ~ ~
CO _ _ -hln 1Il&IlJ times befOl'e eUmbtnJt ILip- 't..
et'--UId you aluM: ~ PIc:bf!S.
~ et . . .
.... JIIIlIId'N ot

tMt ~
W'1l:r ,.. 1le ..ell
Stuart Blackton
~ lIOIIlItmeo ~
yolIr weary .......
of 1M
........... tIM' ~ aplut
c:oD.O'ibldlI.- to a ~

1'be _pa__
....y " _ b uYe tra..-plred lllaee the opnI- 1M IDadk a-....! ........ wta.atac: .-u1o, "T1le & . 01 dle IIotItera. M

I. . of thla .tory. Ul.d yt't w~ ~ aot tea eT' 11 u~ oa1J' SHOW wiD ~ lIMnly .... an-t...,. .... f ~
enL thJ"OQCll. It. &ad we m1Ult watcb-W.&.YCH Il.IaMIf. we ..-.. ~ .eIl _ _ r'aPWb'_ "d-e ab: reels Ia ~
falUltaJl,.. ...,. of tM tIllap y_ I.mIIc:I- .m. Is It . . . . we dftire .. ..gel! . . cer-
. ~ ..... IlIP ......,.. Ibr tbe
.... wfU be lIabed to ttt.. aM _matJOa :r- tat.ty! N e . . Is teo lMleee that tea .etan . . .aea- kJa ~ "la _.-:ra.
Un' 11t11~ ltrMmf!lll of win C!IM!H" . . . to pau~ ~ cIoUar ..w abD-. eot'ft'J' ~" lie _:r-, ".a.on, to ...
,..- wbe - 0 tlle"'"
ItV1m.T penae.
the 31m.. 11. . ~
aeu We aotiou. pkttre pIa:ren. . . . llan
~ - call.. n"t;J', . . . . . . two
y--e te ....,. ... t .,. ..-
. . . .tioa. OM __ a ta . . .
5 7

....n. trILIIe tile CIItMr .....

- ~ eIftft ~ ~
- - It Is tUt, W8'lt . . teo ~
betw-ea tIM twa, .....,. tIM . u -
....u. tMKriaIl traIaf-e. ~ .....
i taN........ Ia Jktue' aetf:ac.
A..,. rr- tile --...u of tIM _ _ pk-
tuoe IIbIcIIo, ,J_ 8ltart IIIaektoa Is _ ~l
. . . . . ot _ _ I!oMIaIc- Me".. 1 . of
tIM: ~ TKIlt a . ot New T~ Ctt7r be
- " - ... wwkiac _ or _ e'ftf'Y ~
nn.r dle - . e r aM f.aD aM ..,.,. l!1mRI.f
witIl Ua ""BU:r' JLloIt-," dle _ _
.... ., !til IdM Ia tIM: --w.
Now aM U1_
- --.... Ia t1Ie
-=- ot tile Itt:r__ fl. a farce ~y.
"Lfte. I:.-i:. ... e-u..," Ia .~ ....
~ _ t.I!II role of Ute C_"'o1ore
. . . . . . . . . ~ .. wtaIliq tile IM.J' (If "Ia
IIIeaIt. ~7 P r'17. tile JIlIlIIIe alPt M la-
benUte1 to ~ u.. It w. 1Ir, m.:tt:tea'
.... a.t-.II .. ~ tI!e . . . . . . . -e.te:r-
-Wallie V.....-tll II.tiuc . . ....-atic
....... w V . ., aaec:MaIc, . . . _
...-t it caae tit _T111C tIM ~
.,a .~ He_IIr_~-

.._4.. . . ......
........ '

....... 1Ua Ute
P J: ~ Dews ~ ..
wtaa c:.l'd

,,----' ". .
~]lp"oft~nt of Cla~_ical Photopla"._
! "

JDaB .. .;. . . . ...... xu.. ...

T =- iI:. til: :-tn:.-- ......

, r - . ............. ...-l ..
~ ia tile
.~ ...:..~~....t,.~
draa&. Bet craee ... ~' . .-., ", ... .. __ ~ cb1. I'citA. la . , . . Daac:laC GIrl" . . .
ap: .MI. .-..:ts Ilot ~ ,lIIi.- -t.t '; :~ ~ .-.....eta .. Partaen." 'I'ba rouo ... ~ - fill tbe ~ n a . -.I:- ~ . . . . ~ to ...... Afrlea with AJfnlI Ran-
jewel~ wlUdl .. sm.-.lT 'adeilt '... - ' 1 : - .... wD M!I1ft ", ct-k: ud Sb-k m -eaa
abae for IJaIItY of eIIttlac. ,. ~ wtlieb ~ tbe L,:,ena:a ~
1alIeelI . - ~ to U e ia ... "We . .yell I.a all ot. Ute blc ........ ...,.
tt.ft aM if It.. 7 '''''1.t ...... .. 1M .-a1Ift' oee. ad ..ere tbere Nth d1lJ"blc
tioa aad eertaiaI::r ...... _ fa aay _ .. - tile war ... for two :rears after It
talk witJII tJrm i t ; " _ _ wiD ....e: I .-e III .. tM tact tJaal I
t ftIad't'e
8M treM:s ~ witIa ~ . . . , CImeral Kt~. that I Wi
.. tr..klJ at __ wtOi a. ,... . . . . . Prelia nn.a:tile MiIWItieI I
_ ~~ ~ .:.e::"~
ft1. . . ,
u.tI (M '-c .. tM ., .-:It. It- 'au' it; IIS__ ) _ 1M ill

WQ tIliIIp . . aat:tft' wbether Utere is
__ a.aer
.... CawkJ' . . . . artW. fa tbeIa . . MIt, MIt.
tJw hJP-t ~ 0( . . . . , . . tbat I c:Iatm te be
aM. c:aIW bid UttIII ,.. ~ partiealarly
GIIia. . . . . . . . . . tM-m. at- bra ... eo ,.,.' be-
o tat. HI' IdiNJL e&1Ue I rather . .
C e Crawlc7 ... 11.llate lb..
t_a. _
nbjeet to luenle. I ..... 1ItJ"a .
. . aIU

It tc U. ~. or
tG Jet talk ...

,:........ ....
, 1

.V_ ...... ,..Ida_

_.,...tale W'\nt, "''','.- . t'.t

---. .
t.4 t t1t

............... ...

~., _~~ 011.
tiIe~. t_

.... --
KI Cra.~ W ..

... -
.w::It. ta . . . wttIl her
n-. .. f"fft'. "It. tile
Oiswtek _
__an t

t.M we
..... .a-e I:a tile worN.... tile
. . . "MY It tMft
~ ca_.

..... Im!JlI _

. . . . . t.ll fill
..._ ...
tM riftr
_ sid I ...

__ IIrlII .,ft. tMe.III .,. tile

It le

. . . . . . . . .

.. ......... .
.....,. . . . ~ t M t l _
......... 4Pt ... we tile loft
....... --...,. tMft . . . ~
.-a-.r_ ....
Tree. __
aJ' eM'eIr _
00. . . . .

......... _ 9




.... ..... ,

alIItee It
01 ~ fill. WI -.
4 _ ..
. . . . . . . ecMr ,.aU wee tile fIIIMtie at

MA U"R.I~&I.' "

The Grand Old Lad". 01 the Films

p ..................

II: _
B7 Monte M. Katterjohn
. . ."

u.- ._..cMr' td.J' ~ led ., Te. aD
................. -...... .:

-. ~_ wIIl . . . . . . . . . .' bt tM ..
. . . . . . ._ _ Be -enI:7 ........

.. _1__
I I R - I _ . . JIM. . . . . . . ~ ....
. - - . . 2tL&its a....t .. 8II!MIdP ..

_--.. Oatk ........ ~ tM_

_-.aia ia~ ...

........ .......,. u.. ... _ .-e tk 8eree ,..,. et. tM
1-...,:- naI 1 -.-... ~ beI.t . . . . . . . . tJae ac:t-
N"JD _~ ..
ia~ 'ftII ~ .... I5 ,
- - th7"'I"eM7" ~
......... ~ I . . ~ .. ~ - ~ A~ fill .........
tM ., - - - - - .
" . . .....

...___ -- ... .....

c-. ... bN Jk,,,...O' . . . .
..-.. h. tIM c...... .adke -
" ' __ nlin:t.c~4_ ..
-a. ... .,. .nwaa. I toW t.

.... -

. ~


_ I .cadIeI:

, . . . tM
h e .kB1.
h_ . . .

I ntII!NII M1WIac.
..... tIMt te . . .
....... t l - . t ......
ne . . twe I CUI8 .. . . . .... tllr.bblD.1
aterteC. I ~ t.!tnNP ... . Mut-lat....t lIram.a.
~ .......... . . . toaIId 1Il7M!tt Ie ... - . . . . . . . . WQ'". ~ 1IIU7
,......,. ...,otDted. .... 1-1"0--. Mit ~ Ia tM role of - - . . . .
I . . . . Ieianl!d bd beft .....,. . . pWb:a;j" _ of t-.e parit:u-
tor the aarnt.... 8tMI4eIlIy. dWlter . . .. . .1 SD!t'-
or Me.arcs lit the tar ftMI of the ....... dIiIIIiI y ' ..-..u:r Iter Wrt7
,... ... _ .. ~ waoe"t.

I. . . . . . . . IwUlIaat _bite. lie tJte,
.... worktar.. I'aUbt.c ~ Ule cIdW. ~ ........ fanweIl .. be de-

UlnM of kJac ..... -=r&tdlJac ...... ,.. Ole pe.. _lIeN. ee-
s ,

Putl1 ecar . . b1ll fMtJ.... boaN.. I
ca.e .pea tIM eceM ot M:t1't1t1 JIIIit ........ aD t2u1.-.
_ the 41redGI' alwNted. ..ActMa!..

y l " 7 ........

ri'" ...
II,. toot c:a.cbt . . --.


. . . ., tile U'riq
~ T1lere . . .
p t .
I . . . "-led be-
tIM ~
aM I feD

Il e

Dar . . . .


-..,- til.. "'H a y

J'4a 70. r
dMtray81 tM fta :'?
>O@l. ".Iae. Y.'ft ~

c . . . . Il
a7r ?
Y...-n write


- ....
A _.1....
_'t.:r- ?""

. .,. Ole.....,.
.. ~ . . at tile _
.... * n . . . . . ., ... _ .
. . ~fI..--.e.
~.,. o.t. ..... ~ .....'.''''
:l . . . . . . . - . . . , . left... 8M
....."t ..-.... Pwr II2ar:e
.-ortia&' fa .-....: IIkta'e u. ~
U.- ~ I Iter ..,... . . . ...we
opeL , . . ........ laaft tJaoqIIt
37 .

T ...,. I. 1Il$ .u'l..... aM , . , . . . .

YIewer el 8d!a&. ...-u:J' ........
It........ a-. ..

.,. rn.I at tile
tUuI' I ... --a. a- __ n.e

.... p , .~ ciaIW

. . el
...... tM"" 7

fI. p::Aetlca.

_ eeI6Il _ ......
......... _ .a. .......,._ 1I1"t!et

...... _ ~ .... ~
~ ...... .r.,.7
7 .,. . . . .

7 tZMt_

1 ...
. . . . * - d e . - - . .,.


1Ir . . . . . ~ 7
.. Z
. . . . .

1a . . ~ ~ $S
................. t . , .. ... Oe DvIaIK
7 I .........
...t,. . . I --. ......... ~ aay e1. ... .,
. . tM ~.....,.. fa Mr wwk. ,.~ .... .....u.c ---...-...-.
I~ .,. . . . . . . . . . . . * )le4J P Da...-c. ....
Ida. 'DIe ~ .-..e - . - J ' I
., .
- . . - . . ...-rt ........
.,.. ~ tbftBac _ r-.. ~

yel7~ . . . . . . . l & ....

tiea wttIa ... ~ ~ I .-17
too UW7 ~ I _ IlIlId I l . - .
beIq" ........... a UJIQ'. I . . . . .'
.... ~ wItII all tile ~ [ ft.
,Idft.. I............-rW. 117
~ . . . tnaItL Poor MteIII are
t:b1a& fill. dte ....
..t IIecUM .-ber of . . ~
tad: e......,.
JiQft I. aim
til.- , . n .-.::e Ita. .
pIetuw, AI....
~ lIther. IIfte at the . . . . . "elY-

aeeMrio ~ s

Kauke!"' I
d.ce .~ to 'liodter
..... latlerriew lin.

NWW yo.

body can. me
'1IadMr; aM
J am 1taWJ" ill
the -..e.
trJ to M jaR:
....,.. n..,..

tb~ ~ .. that to

I feueI tM Ibe makiItc of

-n r...,
r.......... r.ce
pkta.r'8 bJ t.a.rlut.
1a& won.. [t II; tbe
.-t of thiac tate
whid!. ODe 0MIda't
~'Ie""" __h.1f-~.
&0 i f _ ~

t.H~ot-. ....... It t:aptllU'ft Ute f.

'riewea. Jla.. ...... aclMtloe. fr'om tbe '!r1
~tlI_"""" r t Ii. J. Pft'Ii&pI tile
.w.. .. _~
,.... JIMDk 't Ieel
tJae fa 1M ...w ,..'. q1l!te Ule ..-:a:t I do it. To
.-. t1aeal it is ~ ..tter or

"1"11 Wl ~ M,J"-
.. tJaat the:J Uoe.Id be put
or tile . . . . . DeW leW. or Ia-

_.. -
toM 6eft ... wbia tbe DId_ plctu'e u.
.. .~:aIIe""""'De,.. j-.t ..-ell ... !hit m.e It _ _ tM . . . .
~ UIJa& I.a the -nd., tUt L _
. . . eo bow .,. Hirr.
.,.. ~ . . 1_ caN . . . . . . J ap. ....... be III tile ......,..
...... I I tiIart to _ .ue,. or . J profe.loL I . . ~
.... M r " , , - , - ...

-_.. "'"aac:e
~ I .blI w1tIt. the an."
. . . . . . . . .r tile pktwe "Do JO. 1IlJ. . if
I call 7<* _-n.e
NI ... ben. -ta GraM ow lAob of
0IlI0. .tlM ~ tbe 1'11 " " I
. . . . . . 1 ...........- ke"
\.. raed .~ 18
a. ~

joia a poq el
pM. . . . .' fI.- tile ,. 0 & PrIIi wIlo

Nc..aI' ~ tIlIft. 1fIIft"e watu-e .....
e.r.t 'er a.-e.
"Y are. ,..
<I"'l - .... ....... 1 ..

at. .~el
_ ~
_ __ JI7
W "aet waJ ...
~tlI tile . . . ., "'"0:0
die ~ ~

t-. ... n~ .
_~. _
.. I-.l:
lie- : IHi~,t

......... ...,.
.a....,. __
It'" ..

_ _ -.....:
- ,~~:
.-tI: :
. -..-a. ..
1. " " __"!i...__'T, ...1"11
....... ..,.!
aQd no She
Louise Glau1ll _ _..
Made Good
tt .....
"I'ftU1Q< -
......" til - - .
_ ~ _
- .-e...
., RICHARD WILLIS ___ tbt It
F c .,.
.--' ...
m.-: ,.. - . ~... aM. ~ . . . . ....,. 1la toM " ~14r ..
. . . . . , . e( ~ 0IIw . . _ oatue. rn. tt.t tMt I '1: ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It . . .
til'- . . . . . UTe......
..... _ .-...t .Ia
... . . tIIIt ~
. . . . . . . o-tlt
.... .,... ... ~"I
.a.4 tneb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1aer "bewtMlltwa
ty)Ie e( - . . , . 11M e"
adly u.. _
_ _ a-
. - t ., ~ tIl.t ....,. -.e
__ .......... 1

et- __ ~ eel? J
Uta. . . . . . Rb.~- l to '_- tre ... (I No
~r.t e'JIIllIIIIII.
......... r.n.. a . -__ fII the ... IqlJ' . , . Ii.
posIte M!lI: tor m,. deta1~ of tile . ....-cy t.
~ ctrI-It is tez tllia .........

for . . ~ t o ~ W W

..... -
Ilk . . lit tM tmloI [ ~
wttiI .....
'-t "'""

dbcIac- I . . .t

Oat . . . blew bow leoa 7 7 . .

..... -.e .,.,.CIIk::iaC. _ WM. u.I. ..

oaIy,.. . . . . tobe ____c 2 'IF _ I . . ob1IcIed to .m
....... 1ItJ we . _ ,.' tIl-.l
Lena .tM -1I"Nt aId- .......... It ,.f ...... tM,......
... ~ . . . . . taIlea . . . . . . .. . . f. . - - . )
. . . -..uer oi_1'M! .... III aD. I ~ ., . . -"De. wlUeti
-IJ' tly ~ 110 . . . 4!'ftIa _ _ dIu'ablc tMa.. .. ~

Ita_tow-': U.- If ...... ......-e. It:r- a.-I yow .,..

........-.. wttll tH. it .................m.-. ..... tew . . . . . .
is ....................... ~ u. . . filii. dial WlIIIee.
.......... . - y --.n ...... -...-. wttIl. r.euar.
c-.. of ~ we ..... tMt . . . . , . tIItlItIe ....._ '
...... e-.~y .. w:1IIIiIIIIt
T_ tan
...,. ~
-. tile -=ren. __
...~- AM ,.rtber ~
e-..... .....,. tJle fact .~ -.-.. tMit ...oIce, .... ~ ......e-
tUt GIaa ~ 4ld . - r . . . tIIIe , . . Ln." Qluua. It I.
..... t
tbt tJUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
:roue til MM.
~ ..,. two ~
.......... to
~ ~ u.- tM t..Iee
...... oaa- is ~ ..... the.-cnt: m.- ., tIM M::I"Ma aM 1M
., ~ au.. of Jt-. w.xtl .. 7 7., I - - . Glum 0( r-.J UfIe.
aM!' tJLIa8a. ... t w-... JMor .-r _' a
. . . tbt'a all tIHft .. to It. 1
_ 1M wUIl. 11ft lrft..
_ is ~

........ U J Q8 u a l ~ . : u........
Ity . , hen. ., MIa& .. tM
.......... .....-.Iler ...
dlJef. ,., ~.

II-. pJaee, wtt!I her...-...-: ia"t

Jfttt1 t. the ~ . . . of the word. aDd
1lIIir" ..... s.
JIIlIId. ., tM
fa ..-..e
It .. ~ tram the ".., sIIe d ~ tbt .-e,. dlJa Y.-c . , . . . ft-
,..... ..., if .-...., .... to

alte . . . . 't ....t to be prnty.

To be preU.y, or eo_ne, GaOl tbetr .w.t......
. . . ~:ft rep.Iar feahf'M, How, tb. - ' r..- Glum..

JItak ... ....tte eomJlkdoa. tor all Mr ~ .......
IlaIr ~ La o.e ..... ,,~
-. 1....
........-J-t ..,... It eaa k i 'Me Ie .....

IltcIl ~ .-Jy
low ........ I'w ~~
daalt It is ~ eIy ..,.,..... . . . . 1et_ . . IIer . . . . . . .
--.rt"' f'Nck. jrid
-.... 'I,
_ . . . . . . . . . . Hr IUIa .....,.

- - . KriJeC with ~ '"I .... bod Ia . . . . . .-

bM~"""'''K1" u... D. c.. tIM r-JI,. .-e tIaat " aanow _ .. Lee .....

. . . . . . . . . . . . trQ-.

....... GIaam Ia,

I . . . . . .....,.
...... here
. . . . . .eItool
IItM:e. I

Mr fIlce: is
_ _ of tJt-.
Ber~ __
_ . . twe ..,-t:I, fa
.e '
......... IUilI

..... _ tII..
_tile ,t' ... ,

J 1l.IP
....etfft ""a.Il"" cMa. ~ -..,. 1
e,- .. biII: . . ,..... ........ tI7_~
~1M!r ..... JI; .... .....~~Ia
.... It ,.. draa .. . , . ....~ tMn ..,.. _ tit lie
tltea ,.. .. ~. pIQtq:, la' "I'M .. ~ ~
"'p .. .~ ~.::,:.-:.=.';:.1:":
2 '. .
tile s-.~ the ....... -..:'; ~ wD'
... _ I _ .., ~ UiIItIIer ~ . [, ~I th ~ ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It . . . . . . ta~ . . . . . . rr-'"'
plaia ..ubtc: __ Gl die u-e.
__ ........ a. tk1 aft JII1'#.
m.s_ put . . . JIQ eaIIIIlI;. ~ ............. wIIIl_ t-.:
""JlJ' . . . . . . la' ~ .... w!tll the tit . . . . .' late ~ :r....- ...-a. ...
. . . - ~ III ..... .,..u. [._ tbe .-rJ' ..,.. . . . . . . . . . . . apecteI
poItu-. _ tbe ' " ... ~ I coUd .r tINa; tbe ....nap .. Ute &fa

rWe. . .. It . . -.ttIet [ Uel . . . . . eM ot t:Ildr ~ eo. "'Ilal!rter &

to rtdIa.- ~ to lean. J'am'... he J:lrI _

--. eIOaP ~ -0 Ulat I 1It!r ~ ta of It. No.en
ee.w. at act .. tJt.q!a 1 . . pod. __ eu. ..-n. & IaaMIeap tllta ~
rider. n-. It I . . 0Be ot the WGI'IIl lIfbo ner Q IL BE [ tu.t 1 " . . . Ute to ...

~ ~ etreeL .After that came my 1lrI'vqbt aD .. a ..; 1 . . . . .' 1te
~ . . . . 1rith Ute NeItor e-JiUQ". tlaea
I ..-t te Ita,y Bee at 8aat& . . . . . rr- Qere
to .EaIIB. 1rItcmt I ~ ..,..ttl! cartyle
~ . . . baDy te Uu.-l. " . . . rn
lIta7ei. Se,....eIl tlult .,. pietve E' l!!l"~~
I ''' I t


-. -
hM beeR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my ",.t; _ tile <llama -. .
Iesftlmate tII:aP-.. _~lt

If I .... aat 1Ieea tUtq . . . . I . . . . .

Mn!I' b .. r n l e t ' ,_ till.- ~ crt . .
-= _ e_
To tell the t::ntb, HI' . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .1
tIlIaII: '" ~
to tIlalkJ:ac,
I ~
J:lrI "'1Iio

.... attaeht the Pf'ObIeIB of 1rork m, uaetIy

1M . . e IIU'lt .. a
. . . . 8IM

bite It 1rWl the
ter_'aatloB ..
_ _ ..... tIW. ..

. --

Mi. ~,
. . tIIslt ..

ow-a. elrorbl wo.

SDCC'f!SB; abe 1I
the ideal or
the femlDbta:
the "'.a.
n "'bo ..
I,. Ittdepead-
eat. She
tarthET ttll-
IU.. their
Ideal b,.
I Ill&' In

-, .....
taet .11 of
'Wby Girls b E r fem1nlne
lAa.e Home.' chana. wbicll a peat.
DIU,- people laal8t tile
..&ad bow hClllle-
wcaaa wbo "'orb for
... trieA to keep a llriq .. A f t to l - . U tmq-
my ,,_. . . . . . . . oat of my tetten. I... aJi atria tM ricbt way wiD -pro.
bat I iliIa,'t saceeed. .ery wen. fGr d.ce date aort lit Yoaac . . . .ea that
1DOtJler btt wrtt1aI: to ae to e.-e )[la GJaaIIl " I. too. a&fte with
Iter .aiet, matte' ot t.d: Rat
bK:k h - . a.t I Ilad . . . . . .
my . . . . tbt I . . pJq _ _ ~De1'7 ..... aItoUI be taqilt to
eara. Iter Unac esactly- bo,- ~ ..
pod before 1 "'eat..... J'aaft'
JaOther ...
I ... >f1 that I "'*II IIOIaI: _ the Keel Hats
. . . .; tbe7 .... J:lfta _ th aiDe .... - . . PIa>.
UbertJ of dlolee ..,--b J:lft 1a a D OTera.I<IELLY."
It . . 1I'EId-. at 1eMt be-
- . uUl I bit e.-p 1a lIevea 1& the oW ..aaae
~Nec:eIsttJ' ..
naII_ that here ~ cIa.-ee the DlGtJter of la'#eaU-. ~ Sbe reqat....
to ..,.... wJlat I ..-ti a certaIa kIad ot hat ta bUIT7. ad
N8lIt [ boDeIItI.7 Ute to tIlblk . . It WM .... ad tile abOPB "'ere
of "'bat 1 ",eat t.broa&IL I ~ doeell. ee.cltaded to . . .lIlfactu"" _e.
a .baM,. lItdi! I"OD fa iq- Aa old "'.blte ....."'. -..e rl.-. ...
~ .......... boa-., . . . It her deft IDceft,. qu1c;k1J' tullJoaei . .
lIeeIa to me that I . . . al:wan artkJe OIl tl!it.. . . . ~ tbt _ted
IIU1lC1'J'. Tbere time "'_bel her ~ "'Ith the ~
I eaae to e.sWer JQaIt Jacky ., .. ora:uaeat. eoUI ....
1a ban &DJ' room at aIL Twice adtIiler feather. aIpeCte ...
lIlY r..a raa -0 kt'" that I .... Her -.tIla. ee.Jac fa tw-
nalW 1ty a atena ludlady roe- a MowIac eqe(ItIoa. Iaad a llrubt of
. . . . . . to '-ft. bot I to ftUao. ~_ ...... her JIQI'dt.ueL
....... - . .......... I plQed r. n.t,. ...... tIle1a, reeet.ed .. ........

aM. baU,y . . tbe JIU"t of GIMy.

u..'" TMIItc !be MIt of the daries
... ~ .1ret dI_ . . Hr . . ,
III "'fte a-e of a on-.I W 'lritIl ~ -r..' ClIft"-
e-ae..' .. fit atap. ona.. ,I r.Ib' tile ..~.. fa tiIte tee
....' ttlIe bit- .... '."'....e~~ ......
,...iaJ. IItDdl: ........,. ........... tiIte Ilat -.. .......

Mod~~:Mc)cIes of Travel and

- .:-: -
the Passing of the Ancient

Cl _ 0 -:..
The Latest News or the
World in Pictures

~ _ ..' --.-.

t:l~ __

a.w. -=::.. ~':---:~~t-I-=-':: ~ ~ ~ ......

=':~-.. .... -.s.......
~ ........

The Youngest Movie Star

Harvey H. Gates
..... ...
...__---- Holbwood to keep 1111 appolatm-.t wlUl Ute _orld', medJately asked
him aD lIalDull1Pb1e . _

-.......---. , - - . . acreeD ~ 11.0lIl I had IH!'Tft' met
IaafII:U' ...ttIl 1l1a _ the 8CJ"t!ftI.
tboocb I ...
"'BUb. _hJcb __ 1d Joa ntber . . . . pla:J
1Vbea 1 . . oat of Ute bu ODIt of the UalTa'IIILI em- J:a ~!'"' I said. ([At -e ....,. ,_ that
~ met IDe &lid eIICOI"ted 11M: to BIlJy . . . tilt. . _ _ _ is daMe UD-e ..~ .111.
n.,. wbea I _ there. Un; to taD: to cbild.ftB.)
pla71q ID coeeb c:aDed. "'tIt.. [ . . . aotJUa... be replW with dtDaJt7.
"h. . 8oy." I waited for ~ wttJa a . . . . . eqc tbt showell
blm nder the IIulde 01 tMt be ecnltel ~
blI: tNe. .b _ .. be ~I,. I ~ tlle .~tal . .
bad bJabed. the _e. be ANr.. I be- ea- __
came GTer to IDe. aDll, after' ....... ".'1: then
c:a.rebll I . 'to
be m4eaU,. deddled that
of BUll .a:FUr-IDC
bet:tfto thu
, _ lib to"
to play La Die>
.,. btee . . . the IIIGIIt eGm+ t::areI!"'" I pert
fortable IIpot troal wbleb to 1M' qaeKI-.

be ID~"ed. eanseAJ,..
.... be cr:aydy - 'Coune. I
climbed ... _d c'Cnlld.'t Rite
~ him..,.
~ ba the accepc:.
ell II.IU!!' of
1"""1 vptI, 11m. .... . .
ter au play-


. . . .er Ches
1-.raJ' ~ . .
Cftt of Ills IIlIC'o
ee-. hi' adOf'-
able c:hlku.b
Delli. bl' attn
1~1l: of wit
It', all pis, I.

\~EN amOQ" the precoclOWl cb.ildreB of him. Dot act-
the lesltlma.tAl ~e It would be dim. Inc at aU. Mr.
cult to Ilq~ out ooe who baa erMU!d" P'ord SterllD&
.u('h wldetJp~ .enaatJ01l. ODe who ..... Ith whom he
hu e1hlblted neb muked d""l!rD~ and pla"lI, all of
IatellhpQce ' Uttle BUI,. J~ "Uttle the people
Bill,." hu JUllt aITh"ed at the dlplty of .round Ibl!
tw~ty,ftiDe moaths. aDd hf' III now Ita.r' "ludlo. h~lp
In the StertJ.... coJlledleli beln~ prod.eed at to p~rvl!

the Uolv~J StudlOtl at Holly'lt'oocl, Call lhl" atll,

tOrDt.. tudf' or
It ...... typical C.llfornla IprllI" - Bill)'"."'
.bea I dhabed bll' t~at"
tate the bace bUll 1ft.. him III
wbkb nDa bet-.eftI
I..o8 All~l" and

"' " - I'laa


raDJ ~ work. me.ed

_Itb .. OnlY _'pe",-, be . . . .:
able te cr-. the .tory -.w...
ta ILIaa aM .. UI'ow Itlmaelf tate
the JIU't ....tJI. all the of
.. S! , star. ItIa ea-
~ l1ttJe facp ea~
... a Utue to tbe ~ Ite
-. ED. 1ttIk Uada aft tat
... ell"". al....-,s ..-.1:7
toe . . tau,..,. ..
tMkGfetUt .......
~ alPt bP ~
tIIere. It.-.
taU perfect
........ hq wbolellome-
-. lib IfIlOIltalleoas
...Ie .... ~ .....
...... &ad .IW. . . . .
tIlat makes him .och a
...a1uable ueet on the

8m,.'. caner .. a m~
doe pletlu'e actor utada
mer .. per10d of .t:s.
lIIIoatha. He .... ...-red
La 1[e:r-toM ~
_et11Dft .IUI GClaeT'
eIltIdrett GIll,..
aM ......
I::fmeII with I"onI 8terUJl&.
m. uaaal abUlty ....
_ detted aad It was
MIt '-If bef~ be taM
plan WTltteIl ~Ir for

~ BUll' is too YOIlq t ..

ba~ ID~. Yet the . .I.
azy Ulat be d~

.<Mid 1IlaJte maa,. .. IIl&h
with .. tam11y _n-.
Mc.t of It is p i q blto ..
t::rut rtrDd for Il.1J:a. _ hlJl
pareata _red me. to be
.. playmate. ADd his rather IUIld. fOr hia edar:atioD
aDd moth'"' are detum1Jled to later. aDd what is left ...tIl
k~p him "j..... boy." be l1'1'eD. to him .. bell h..
If It I, Mr. SWrllq _bo .. COllIS of ~.
PUllins 00 the part:1e1aIat beL I f be kPeI* GO &II
comedy. 10 .. bl~ Bill,. .. to lie baJI started. be will
pla,.. he approaches bJ. ~ of ~ ...d tb a blaJ'I!
till tTumlJ"'Ul. ("~ luek to
_et.hlac Ilke lbb'
-Sow. BUly. let" plaJr IPI-a .,.-:
~ war. I am .. 80Idier m.aa. ....
rOtl"l"t' the 1)11: c:apt.aiA.. Y. .
don't like me. bec:a.- UttJe IIuT
1..ouiR 1I1le. . . belt. _ ,.. take
this bQ m-" .... thnnr It
rlpt at I:IU' eJ'8. ~
or c:oane. Blby ........ to
Lbra.. ~ m ..... wWl InII* _
&ad be tlIbib It'. . . . fit tIlL
PerbapI 1M- IlUs ~ .wa
lob oil aUld 1lI..u. .... __ of
aJ I. IMlt 1M: t. _0G8I,. roM of
p~ la ..1UCla Ice _ _ ill _
of tbf' p~ too, .... 1M ton. to

It ls la tbe-e ~ of Mpretelld"
thl' Bmy h. . doae _ e of hIM

RI8QD. NO. 4
,. Pktww
Pi S

B~ B4r'~ the mUllooaJre .... AUn!d Non.

J.a. IlarI:resTlifa baUer _. _. . . SklDe'J B~
~ Qrq. Haqreaff'. daqhter ..........
_ F1or'eDct I..BadIe
7'k Pri_.. O'f'IlL m.~ber of the MBbdr Baa-
dl"ed ~te s-w

Ji-. Nonoa, a .~ 1"'ePCtrteI'.. _.. James Cnae

4nlUe. the IMder of the "Black BadreII". . ..
. . . . . . . . . . _ . Fn.D..II: Fan1.....
Mia S..... 'arlow:J. "0T'eD~'5 teaeher and _ _
plLDtoa. . .... Lila Ch5er'

W ITH BnlDe aDd the Olp \0 rom""
the MB1aek Badred" ee.t1aue their da:iItarlIIJ'
)lJIattlq. CoD&d._t that F10reDce Gray Ioto_ tM
. ~ q of the ml..-iq 'LOM.DOO. they lure be' . .
. . aputm_t hoa8e b, _ _ of letter pVpOI'tIac g
came rr- ber fatlter. wbic:b Ratft that abe auult ~
Ie him ~ It Me ..-be. to ....e h~ Ute. ~
Ita Deft!' _ _ her fatber. .0 she tTust.i.ucJJ
the bearded maD _bo meetll her, DeYer ctreamtq
la ~ tIlJel lhat"lb.apprmJ.q to daDce l:mA

the mt~ aheM of her. abe .ees IDUlY darl:. nil r..
JII!ft'bI&" at her and real'" that abe bI trapped. ~ ~
terrible sttaat:loa. l-e-d ., IlhrtekblC or ...- - . . ,
thla COGi4W wtap 01 a pM plana d~ m. . .
of ~ .... mt1'tlC1llou .. It 1eelDa. abe dOM mcape.
TlIe ~ ret1Ina to lad that, altboap. the ,..,..
wu Ioc.keI,. aDd the oaI7 ..tada... III the room are Iocr
1Itorte. rr- the cr--t. "0I"eDC:le
bu 1'utsbed..



~ ,;;,.iO'''!~~~!!i~Ir'''~
J) ~
. ' . _ . ~ ~,..~ ........

.g.; __ c= -:::-.:=::,,::

Meg o the Mountaj-ns n

... -::::=-"::=~:::::-

T'" _..,..., It. . . . ~. au.- T',.,.."q

T.-o-lie@l E:dleoo Film.

II.... )(abel Tnnadle

BIJ/1I& Gregoll/. . Herbert Prior
Si_ _ QotJ.t . .. . B1se1ow Cooper
DGrlJl_ lV...tfOTll'. II wldow. . Anne Leoaard
Colo~1 JlflttlU:W;'. ber tatb~. . Tale BeIuler
14k B~rer. M'elJ', brother. . AII_ Crolla
Jlet'. . Alice For.ythe
7'k 8kri6. Edward Taylor
"V lliOf'!ltS.

M IiJGar-tUTed. .l7PQllke
lloYD 10 Caroltna In the llbadow of the
. RJdce- As lirl Me bad beeD
elf of tbe ..ooch aad fOl'Mta.

Now ....
.~ a Qftpwy ope1led a store la the Ilttle 1D0lUl-
tabl tieD fa love with the widowed Dartb-.
W~. be 1Ilc1arTed the bitter hat.nd of _ Gnat.
__ . . . . . . eoarted Darthea.. Wh_ Ife'. uwe _
I'Ul a'Wa,T. -.I GI'eI'or'7 fotUld biID. aDd can 111m bIIek
tAlI lib lDother~ u.e era-.I WOIDall thoacbt sbe i I...
Ia 1Wa tIM ~., ... bay. WheB lb. retllnted hOlDe.
lJbe. told ber lIntIl.. that abe bad foUDd ber ehJJd'.
father. The br'wtber. 11Ihrt&ted. eoo.f'r'ODted Gftsory.
demaa.... that he IDU"I7 ilia dster. Gnor1 retu.ed...
Gf'&IIt met ..... llratber, 'W"hlle Jake waa .wI halt
1 _ with race CP'8' Gftcory'. retu-.L The aen day .
.. GrerIwY aDIlI the eoa-eJ were rtdlac toprther. Jue
tired at them fNal IIar:D.. GreprJ' '- UlbLjaftd _d
_TeS Jake troa the !ahartated IDOUJItahteen.
Meaa..hfle. DutIl. . who laM f:aUeIl 10 me with
Gf'fJlJOI"T. learDell 0( . . . . . terrible accaut1-. qaJ1I8t
hlJll... The IItof'Y utuaIb' d1aQ8I ber feeUap toward

the 1DaA- ' n - ~ I I . CUM . . . . . . . Gnat.
&Ad wttll a ml..racUMs ..... 0(........
beNd t.bat be. aM
...-tas or ber ~
bel'on! abe 11... roW Q.~
tIN!.... WIth tbe
ure _ t om. bat .ot
Dartb_ the t:nrtIL
... _...-.
..... ~

~ __ .. s..-
a- ...........
........ -


The IntiDlate Confessions of Mollie Morgan
ILLI1JT" . . . ra" r J

WAS at tM ere. roMa. I.adeed! I barbored Imew that I Wldentood. That . . . . . . tar .. 401lara. you 8&Y! All rtcht. rn wait un

ltttIIr ~Ui that a.tCtrt. .. I remem- tbe7w~ UblJr to p. 'I1MI7 woUI reqQ.ire ~ JI&1cL I ptaw y. .11 pay me if yo. ban
~. Se,teI UId Ilia borrlble oCl'er. _ esoow: PT'!lilt; aoaae InH-'H_ tbat the .-ey yow"aelt_ nat', man tILaa I CUI
AM' yet. t:w tbe . . . .eml!d ~ the7 m1Pt IIIaIte their real Ild-.ces la I&fety. -.yo... 8OIDe. All I ner Deed to worTJ' aboat
beftIbIe to .... thaa be bad e.-_ beeIL He had I lIQ" a....a mOM. of that aiPt. WIlk1Iil&. with 7- ls .. hether ~'I lLa,.e It...
. . . truJr: d ! tly. 4reMfa1I,..
traak. If iIti 'tor There ..ere jua t _ UUap for ale There .... aomethillc c:urlouly eDCDunctac
y.- Uke. !hIt.wl. with IlJm. rraa.kneM was to do. I eou1d do .. bat 8aIiltelmaa II~; abolat that! II'or..-.e Me, evea & lfTL 11-.1
.. TfrQe. ID. a way. He 1uloll beeD. ao coldly. o1rer lKIIDe IIL&D the -t1 Wac be waated. of trte. to have &IlY .or[ of faith ia me braced
~ . kIck:al. He ...... beast; I had DO me. or I could tunl _ the . . . without upt- me 1Ip I.D a ....,. I cotJIlb,'t 1Ulde:ntaDd at a11.
Ulat-s at alI about tbat. iJlc It. or I.a _ other ...,.. ead f!'Yeryth~ f felt that pel"bal- tbe troable woa14 work out
Bat, eoreD ... be .... oalJ act1JIC after h18 a-.e people. t.JUa.k tMy ~ TerJ W"iR, .n:er aJL that I coaW. 8Dd a middle eMIr'Ie be--
kiDd. DeToid of bel' tastiDc:ta. ef 00Ul'R. and ...m tell ,... that a N&II7 pod womaa De""er tweeD .. bat 9a.Dtelmaa waated. IDe to do a.n.d
_hi&" .-:It t:hJ.Ilp fJ'ImD bis
unwbole.ome poiat fill. Tle_, b
thaa Mate m-. I bad ~teI'ed.....-ud _
peculia.- . .d
aiU better
e'lt"f!Il COlDS to the pu1.:icllJIIr ~ ,---. that
I had readled til the jovDey ot Ufe. They
~ W"I'OIlI"! I w.. a cood ~ thea. Good_
tbe otbf!'l' COUl'IIe that bad . . . . . . . tbelt to

IttDa .... ted me tor a ebaraeter bll. He

lJtJ1I to ftlCIMlDter-Ja8t McatuNl be cUdJI"t try to I me&lL., III the CIWDIIlOIllJ' accepted ~ of the told ~ be .... oaty able to pay f'nr&
COIlCr&I IUs t:nae D&t:Ore.. The ~ tItIq word. ~ . I haTe milled die ~ _'11 J'&les.
was Dot hls ~----that . . . . "t ~ ot _ e word&. I ~eIl . . . . baTe "'So1'TJ'. md - he a1cJ.. I..- bIa IlldUl'f!l'f!Dt
It the p1laiDell_ of bb aophWt:ry. I nf!Tft' eYf!ll bees to wbIlt we caIJ. a ...,.. wn orth mere. but IIOt jaet DO...
IDle I . . . ~ ; that I had bMD the moral LaD-e: ~ u....., .. tbt fftpeet, are Take It or leavf' IL The",,'. othen 11 you
0' dftumst_... Blamele88! But----u
n-e'I' aJtceether
blamelea! I bad
lItaialna aBd hi'" 7 P'
RDtiall,. eTtI; ..... ~ . . . ~ .AM
Tet tIie7 . . _ doa't ..... t IL"
Not ao loq betore I "Ovoid baTe Uid aerve
broll_ a rule. I. .. ...,.. I had d.eGed. my I kito... otben wbo laaTe 6!Ube:ately. t .. ...... eeOacb to inalst . . S'ft:tIq the proper pll.y
rather'. aathorItJ. But that thlD.p lJbould ~ that '- cIe&d tile _ . f. . wlaatPver 1 did. I APPQM. But aot tItea!
have tlu"Ded oat . . they had .... a ~, ~ veati_ tM - - . I aBd aft IIt1D coed I .... too tl~ tbe brftlk; the moae,. IDMIlt
de-t. I bad ~ myeelt propPr!)' married. .._ La tile belt ... tnIeIt _ _ 01 the word_ ... mucll to me. But I never qaJte torp'ft
to Geo~ CoIlTftWl!- , do :tOt dere.d t!l~ _ _ : I . . IIGl ~ lOa&, jut the lI&IDe. Be'. aI"an bee'Il the
ADd ao I reuaaed with mywelf. bae!I. In my their Tiel''' I -ty . , . t1Iat ~ aft IDOd -.e ...,.. He.... trantJc to make a ~
kJal!:ly l"OOm., kltowlq that the l.andlady _ovld: W~ ,.. eeoaem,.. I sa~ It did bim _ e pod;
d".e ml" DO more time. that fate bad ..... I thoqbt ot ...ell thJqs tJIat aJP.t _ I Ia:J' Itt. _p&DY ......e fill. the btaeR &JUt r1cbeIIt.
dolled me----bad doae ... o~. bad dll!l11terately s~ They WI':f'I! foftielI Illte Illy" 1IIbtd.. III dte It!ld. and be could han pajd me pnl9'
turned. ap..buIt me. Eve'll CharUe Bemm.tu- I bad to m.akI! a ~; that -melt eel'- erb". f!1'f!U ill paalc tim__ It .... , . . Oaf! of
way hadDt al~er beUevf!d me, &Cd I bad tala. Bul mol'ill.:ul:: came. U1d I had not made bis d~ te impn"'e bla record.. Aad, thoqp
OpeDed my heart to b1m .. I bad ~er opened It. Alld ..tth _lac. aad the maD. came a I .... )Jfttty sure or that. I IJimp.l,. dJda't dare
It belo"" to au,. human beI.Jlc. What. tmrlll the respite. fot" ...bleb I hardly be.. ..hether or to rIak loai.D the cbaDce.
OM'! Wby ebould I keep up a "hopel_ not. to be th.aDkful Tbf!re . . . . . letter ti'oa:l I worked bard lM.t Klq had. other
auugle! I had beeD damDed by that epbod.. Stertlq Irlnc. a dJrector tor ..11-. I had d_f' ...J'L be.Udf!l parillS lI&lar1es. of -iRJI&:.
'IO'ith Geo~ Convene. !:Yeryoae believed that _ e eItra work.. Be could (It,.e me a ..eek'" 1 played .neraJ part beside the ODe I .... __
I. I erlPd ..ith futile I"aP' . . ( t.bouPt worlt. bf' ...rote; that "af! all bf' could promlAe. pec1aU,. e ~ for. bat. tboup t did fed that
of It! Tbe,. bellev@d t h _ thip,p of we _d But that much t could lIavf' If T repol't.ed by KI:lc .... taklq ad1'&ilt:ase of me. I _ ' t
I wu belplf!l!lll.. IDdeed. ju-t then.. It -.f!IlI to nine oclock.. 1I01'TJ'. Be.lq busy kept me trom thluklq too
lIIe that perb.aplJ the oaJ,. ~ .. ho beUf'1"ed MTL Moultrie. ...ben I showed ber the let,. IiUIcb. aild thlllklq WUIl't the belt thin in I .... not ...bat ~ p made me out ..all more bum.a.n thaD 1 expected.. She thf! ..arid for mf! juat thf!ll.. The tbillt;; for m.-
SaDt.eltnan! beUeved that [ ..... boaest. It _med. to do .aa to ban~ OIl. III IIOme fUilJOIl, _til
Tbat .... the Ironic; Ult> most dreadflll thJnS- MAll rtcht. Il11llI )(orpa. she aJd. ID bet"
W tbe tlde of dlll&8ter tuned. I ne<ver had any
about It all~ That bfoaJIl. that beast of pre)', flat.. I1t('l_ toDe. "That m-. tweDtY"'''e or Idea that it "'ould aat. of coune.. , 1i::Ile.. that
Ime... do..n ID Ills thl.up had to P!t
heart.. that I ... .a1 bet~er. The only
t b e 1IOr1 bt>
_Id thlnlt waa. ho..
everyone bellev~ , IIOOn ! eow'" I en-
.all! Mf'Il ot hi.. dure QatU tbea!
90rt .-em al...,.. to Would thft'e be
kno.... Tbf!" C&.D &1M! e DOD & b wtudtalla
thf' truth lD. auch like tbll ~
eue. Yet he ......ted meat. tt"ltltnlt
to fon:e me, becauae thou~ II .... to
of thf' poattJon I.D tide me OYer! I ....
.. h Ich e-tp bad ean.lq --ell la
placed me, to make thn ..eH; to keep
tbat l[~lp tnIf!! me ...... tor at Ieut
Tbere .... QeTer a fort1Ltpt--my g .
an,. daD&er that I Pf!IUIelI ha'riq beet!
...ould yield to S&D- cut to the i~1m"
lelman. Tbf! m . . ible minlmam..
..... reopulldve; to mf' r bad leDored
hI'! repl"l"llf'atf!d every- Santelmall. of
thiD(l that ..u vUe ( boped
aad abominable. But be ..ould lpore me.
be pointed the UWD- too; f ~ me. But
meat that fate W'P be dklll't. OIl the
astq. Db. I bad met last da,. of m,.tem-
pleaty of llUnest10n.. porary .OR UDder
GfiDlUleDdo. Fe.. bad Sterllq Klq he ~
d&ftd to be 110 open peared, jUllt 'riaIt-
in their propM&.ia .. I.a& .. be u:pIaIeed..
Sa.Bb!'lmaa. 8lIIt I I ..... doabU.q . .
bad aot lh'f'd i. the theIL &ad I . . .
...... YO'I"ld. after m,. we&riar a n!I'Y"

_.... -
IHPt fl"om Ra.rtJoto.. beautltul d : - , . .
ouch. witbout ~ ca_ I ....
Inl[ to uaderKaDd . . . . tobe ....
neb tbtap. 'T'bf.!:MI ftBtD'ML I ~
mf!D.. InIbtJe .. . - I 10.lI.:e' .....
tbelr lI~oaa. -1 ..:..... aIIIft_. __ __
I tdl a.atdmall... n1J little eyes of l b _ W~. _'fi!'-fle."
flts- maaDf!1'
_ perfed.. W1lft
. . . _-e..I ~
" " ........ ~ I
'... Illoc _
-... cl1AIter w_ cn'er be took me
~ Ills ..... .-d- ciTe me pel'-
"Bm _ caD haYe uothf!l' IlWe
.-eM: WM'k. ADd I cUd ha..,e .. dJ_er lIOOD. c:aIl.'t we!"" be said...
8uh of hope. He had .polus tiD "'Lee. ae--thia &l 8at1U'day.
me ..hUe the stace .... bl!tq A.boat Wedne-lay evllJ... ! I
eel for 8C":De. might eaJJ for you bere at. aay.
~Yoa't"l! dolq fine, half paN ......en!'"
he aai4. "You've sure 1 &reed- It never ocettrred to Uae last time I me to retWle.. He'd heeD lJO Dice.
won:. Ulle It here!" And. since the fInt cla,.. wttb.
"Yes,." I had'fld. almply Charlie H_miJLc'waY, no . . . .
All. ~rec:tJ,. I was lD no mood bad bee!!. aiel!" to me. , w-.'t
\for the pme ot bid that aU but the least bit III love ..Ith h_;
\he top Dotcbenl hue to pta.,. In I ..... 't eve. ... onduiD&" if I
the movie. u In the world or the micht be. Bat. arter the ~
Il!lPtimate ~. Mence rd had lately, It .... a re-
"WelL you've doue fiDe," he ltt!t, and .. real experience, to
USWerM. And 1 bew that he meet lJ1lcll a man.. '~It that _
_ watebiq me very d~ly. wu onJy try1Dc to be Dice. too;
80 ..... om{p8eY, the IJUJ' of the tbat be knew my lJb'aits, Uld tbat
eomplUllY. who bad pud very llt- be .... taldn the only way open
tie attention to me durlnll;' the to bim to belp me. I eould ac-
w_1t. Bat a r.... minute!! after cept that eort of belp without lO&-
that SantellD&D e .oll~ In. He Ins: my self respect.
looked at me, ~vIDS me just , bad three hard da,.. before 1
IIOd at ~ltlOD. Then 1 . _ sa.. him. ~D. Whe~fl' 1
him t_lklDS 10 KID!!: and to ",ent J foud a subLle dltl'eren~,
DemP!ll"Y. Arter ....blle he l!,:ot mUIR: have dODe a lot
IIDl! lion!!. and came over to IJpeaJI: ot talkln; I WaJ!I .ure of that. r
to m.. had no cbanel!" to Ball: for work,
.. , W&8 _oDdmD!!: why you I'('all,.. And I had eanvlUlsed the
didn't ~bo.. up," he sa..ld. hi, eye. I'Ield pretty tboroa~bly. 80 that 1
~D~ narrower aDd narrow"". WaJ!I utterly blue and dl9COurac-ed
..[ _ DO"! Got .. job here. eb? ...hen !Irs. Moultrie eame to m,.
But. ... hen this Is done---eh ~ room on Wedneeda.y ev("nlns to
Wbat th~?"'" tt!'11 me that a sent!("man wn call
"nat ....on1 lntf'relrt you.- , Inlt- The dInner that evenlnJ!.: ",'aa
II&ld. 'Tm tbl"ODSb. Santf'lman. just a repet.lUon of the othf'r. I
all f....
as you~ eoaeerued." dined 1iJith bim four t\mell tn Ibe
"Yoo're tbrou,;b her'l'!," he sald_ nert t ..o ...eoelt:a. , saved up my
"'Klac JUN told me. KIDs'S a appetite for those! For
moral pe~a la IKIme ....y .... durlns: th@ d.ys, ..hlle 1 bunted
It ..... hard to keep from tnnl- for "lIork.. aeemed to go
Ins: OIl; him at thaL He bad been talltlac !o a JJttle lleC:ret; I dld'n't Intend to take the from had to "0Tl'e. There ..atI .bt!Olutt"ly DO
Klatt. the t.-ea8t! A lot at thoee meJI ..ark to- car! Evelll" Dickel eouted heavUy, :fou see! open Ins: for me. The ftgure of
r:ether. Klns:...s deeent blmllelt, mol"l!! decent But no..... u we ~hed Forty-MlCOnd lItr'eet.. be loomed Up. omlnioua; KlnJ!.:, to whom I did
than many at them. But he liked SaDtelman. beekoned a t.a.rlcab. and I . u lad! I was mue one more .ppear. refuRoPd even to -
I suppose. And I dldnt connt much, eme dreadfully tired, and the Idea that be "".u p me. And at la..'JL wben I met DPmJ)fI("'Y for
way or tbe otber. Anyhow. Santehnan "'liS Jnll: W lake me home WlUl welcome. I had not dinner. 1 1lnp.. I had about reaebed the ead
riJ!.:bt. 1 "poke to Klns: before I left.. when I bad mucb mone,. all ..eek: Dot enous:h to s:f't , bad bad to It!'lI :\In. Moultrie, In the moTU-
YW that he ...llKtl't cola~ to apea.II: to nlf~. dt'a'nt mealll. In tart And IlO I Waf! weak. t 10lt- that I could Dot pay her
"Will yon "'ant me ut'X"t '11'' ' ' '11:.. lfr. KIUII:~" meaDt 10 spend as mu~h 8ft llfty eentll on my Nl"m I!Orry:' IIbe bad said. I':l00mlly. '"You're
I asked. <llnner that nlt;bL ll. nle.'" yl)UD. lad,.. KllIlI MoTPD- But if you
"Next. w@ekr Ht' dldn', seem to under "I sa,.. !llslI Morp.n:' ht!' 1Ia1d, &II the "lib un't pay to-morTOW 111 ha"e to hav@ thf!
stand at flnt. "'OIl. no, I s:ueu aot. Morpn. ..ame to....ard na. "wb,. ean't you dine ...lth me ~"
:sothlnlt In 1O!l1' line. I've cot yuur addre8fl. Io-Ills:ht~ You hal"en't another enpgement.. Ikmpsey sa.. at onee, I think. lhat I 1u\,1
If , n~ YCMl later nl let you kno..... have you'" I"l!!uhed a crilllB.. And. over our eofl'ee. ""hill'
, dIu't plMd with blm. There was DO III1P I hestltaled a moment. Bu! my !Jt.arVed body be smoked a e1prette, a IJtrans:e 10011: came
hi. that. But I ttllnk my ..yes must bave be- hacked the InVitation, that and the Irno..lede Into bill eyea.
trayed "bat .. blow It was. I happened to turn. that It mlpt meaD a ..bole day of ~ite -rhlnp pretty bad;' be a"ked..
and .... DemplleJ' loolrlac kffaly at me. Hl" Ialer' "Yes. 'aald.. I couldn't keep up the pff-

was very ~ 100k1113 !heu; It was before hl" "~o:' I I'.llid. ''1'11 be very c-lad. Yr. 1>I'mp- tence .n,. lotl1;'er.
bepD ttle d ....patlOD that Idlled him, In the ""Y NSorry," be saJd NLook bere. YOJUt!'N_
~ .... mone fltar. He half bt& *):~Itul eYeR. "Good! .. he saJd. heartil,.. "rn tell you ,,hat he'd never called me that before. but I didn't
aad .. ~utttol complell:lon. more like a worn II'a a bit out of -aaoo.. but It'a a dt!ee1lt aort of M!f:1D to mlnd-"you"e cot to do 1IOIDf"tblnlt.
all'a thall a man'a. But be wun't effemlnatl' "iht. WlI'11 go to ClaremoaL The,. do you ba"en't you! Haveu't you an,. frlt'nds!"
and at that time he .... the bi~ VeJ"f near ....ry well thl'r'e. you bow, ..beu thl!! place I shook my bNd.
Iy. of the lnnnme-n.ble Idol" of tbe~. , i,.nt crowded. ~ "Well," he qld. "1_1 don't kno"'-Just
dldu't ltnow mucb about blm. ell:cept that h.' He ordered a heavenly dInner. that much , how to put IL You don't care to!' mI'. 1 1IUp-
WllIO pleaaaDt to work with. He llpoke In :II nJU:<1. MY for him. And It put new !rt.",n~b poee. and, to be I'nnk. rm not In love wltb
Inw valee. and he WaJ!l 1_ dl~ to Wboll"" and life Into me I felt ~ an over. He you. I'm pretty wen tbroultb ...Itb that sort
the plct:are thau IDnlIt!<tan. But when I len had ll:ood t.alrt.e; he didn't order cbampalP1e. at thln~ I'm married you ltnow. My ..lft"s
Ihe lltadlo, after ~han~nlt Into my llt:rN>l julrt a IIghL del1doua. white ..lne. A.nd he Ihing ".est.. 8Omf'..bere--1 look after ber. So
..lothefl, , saw him cuLRldt' Ht' llf'Uod bll' hllt talked "pry well. He eeemed to Irnow IKIm" -well, you Dndenta.nd. Why don't you eome
and to.... rd me. or thl' lhlnji!'ll I had done. and hI'!' spoll:e vt!'ry wltll mt!' for a while! ~o IIllly IW'ntlm@lIt about
"You'1'e le.vlnll: Da. ar..n', ,ou. :\1,.1' Mnr n!rely ot IKIme of tilt' California pictures. and It-juN ~ rrtendll."
dn!" be said. 'Tm I'() !lOrry' I apok.. 10 "f the Cuban atufl'. "'hleh had been shown for I didn't say anythln~ T couldn't.. I JUN
Kln~1rt-" ! h.. llMlt time a few day!! bt'fore. !<tared at blm. Thla 100" dlfl'ere.nt. In spite
He shrnned hla ..houldPn. "lUI !!Ur "Ynu'vt!' s:ot a l'ntUTP. ~flR8 MOTJt&D,M h'!' Nlhl of what be WII.I!I auqetltlnl!:. there 1iJaJ!I an ell!'-
flnSPd. and ratbpr tou..hed He'd been ul.... "Dthu1'I1_tically "But. a 1l1tle hard just now. menbTJ 80rt at d.-eency about Dem'pM'y. It
..noush an W'!'ell. but h.. bad never 8eetDed to ...h .... wun't just bb fnnlml'!flll; It WM Mil wbole
take any partirular uolirl' of me. "Oh. 111 be all nll:"ht." l'I8Jd. I really he- manner.
""Ott. I mllY bf' bark!" I IUItd. t1'Ylnll: to l)I' Ih"vt!'d It. too. 'Tm little lonely IKImet1me5." be said..
..h_TfuJ. "II'S niC'f' of YOlI to notlel!", thons-h. ~ "Of l"OUI"8e yon will." he said "'You've lI:ot ""We'd s:et aTonll: all nldlt. :\'0 claims dtbfl'
"~ot at .11.- ht' Ilald. "I Ihlnl!. Klq'a mak pluek lind that ('Qunta ev("ry time. , wlllh way. It'a a qUPer world. Well!"
Inll: a mll!tak". Ynu ha"e a (fulle DlIUllllal tal
..nL M"ll!Ill Montan. Your mrt.bods an rather
Klnl!: 1I'un"! IlUch a lltDboorn &1IlI! rd eee to
it that you "'e"" 1I't!'11 placed with us until
This wasn't Sa.Dtt"lman. you Bee. 'mV!lt
COIlf_ tt.. 'was reaD,. tempted.
....,. cnrt_____ It......
.. _...
!'Ilbt.le. but , think your technique wtll win thlnp ...If>al''ed up a hit. But I don't ~ to It 8M!IIIIed--aot ....,., ~
a lldl_ees. wbl!ft thf'l" row attnstomed to 8l!e- bf" able to mue htm It!lteu to r-eaecm at. aDl" bat poas1ble. nat.... Jut It. It.... ~
In~ you." "PI_, I sald_ "You'ft awfully good. bat
afbIe. I IItar"ed at htm.. And, quite ll"Qddftl)',
We wr~re wal1l:ln.......y from the odlo .n don't wo"..,. about. me' MI be an riPt-."
tbls time. tt ..o ~er neaf" the North RJ't'''''', "Otl. na n f t euou,;b of that!" he ..w.. 1ht -"1" It fIft'r," be said. ""elepboae me la
an4 t~_ Wl!1"e two or three blor.h to be T hate the Idea of you ..orry1q--be1aC ~ 8tOf'1l1D~, tnt yea. or ao.. Beatb', but
eo.~ before we ~cb<')d the ea.r tine. ,bad bot.b6'ed.. Tea oaht to be safe from tIaat Mrt cc~ .... _ .... _t

The Heart-Interest Play

... _...
GamAT Ileal M.
Maibelle Heikes
e.-. .16....

:a. . . . . . . . . . . . .
.... _
....ttat It ...

q1dral tit . . . . It a ~ ~q ......

- ..... ~ r
...........- _

a 1DDor". S I ~
r __ ~

ba...e .......

. . . . . . . . - r r .......-...&:
. . . . . there

I~ a
Nor caa
~ a to be a
. . - ...afWd.M! that ..
11lf~" 00. fee" It at
0IlCe &Del the iJIl~ I.
~ of loyall'}" to
two eompa.alea wbo tnt MdbeoYerecr _

llliI ~ ' 611 fill It. kmI. It It-tJte alaple .,..,.... of a d1J~ ~ aDd ba.e made mladl of my woril au at"tbtk:
I>Irectar E. .1_ Le8IIIat __ It fa .-taw Uabt.
..... ... ' u.e fa tM CIID8OI'7 fill 0.. . - . A rel'}" blS eDd of tbe FOd-acia
~ vi the pIa;r came <Nt abr
da... To tM W'T1tJ!r of -no. tl Is .. diS- 1nrm. _ worid. nea la C!lJc:aeo. &ad amaas the ~
ndt. ........ to - - e -. . . _ ..uer bow Ib ~ lite crtt:ks bad ..c:kelI die ~ whkJlI wtII eraaaate froaI this _d wttb1a Ule
reD .. ~-ta:er.t pIa::r Is deftIapei t.. tedt- of the " ...1' clltel.... d - = It. III Ilf!Z1 ab. moaths. wtU be w~ rr- Ik:tioe au-
uk:al atioa. tbe whole . . . aot be the tlte.e _ett.s .ery slarpIe eeeeu 1N! mJcbt thora., ...ho lIke m, ban beet lund oyer
~ of . . . . . dreet. . . . the e6rt to jam- .,.. lie tbe elelDeRta of Ute III..-t-bltenst story. lato the bAdDatlOll of the monq plcbu'e.. III

JI'tlel 11. hum.a wits JOG writlI! &lUI If fact. eMU' 1cti0il writtq hu adered moeb be-
bite t.orplI!lf"r .. IIft1eI eI. dbIjolated e'ft'Ilb wtt:!I
:I new of -...Il::lIt& .. play ...-J. to the deepft- ,-oat ...,. bas noITeII Ia a utanJ .....,.. you caa.e of tL ~
~ of ~ .&. hearIIl e.- play . . . IIIa:J be pretty aDI"e that :JOIII'
1nllllaa" _ the ~ [ a - . , DO ~
wUI bl' .u requeat.ed bJ the eCJtor. the reaJ otljed:
of thJs artide I. to pTe _ iaUPt to the ....
~'ft1 to the ~ the Ia-.-
ID~ u.- t1uIt. the
the ~ ~
a..ue.ce ."~""tne
.....,. to ~ the ~ oil a heut-4n- d1lct1OD of ooe of the writer'a be-rt-4ar.ere-
pJ.a.ys" ""Tbe Soas la the Ilark.- releued b,.
"""er ......... Ute m.1l1ed bdo the ~ by Ute SeUc' Pol,yw:ope Co~ JIUle ~,. .1UDe U. from ac:ta&I ~ I_
stI:II!7 fa order to I'eKIt die 11:_ beut.. A..ay- !lid. I ..... ~ - - . . wtt!I: .... U, the atadIo. By the. -..doaal .... rites wbo
Ihtq: wtlIdI 0D.I7 ~ the ~ ......
ftcl:a1I7 Is . . . . b ~ ' - " . Tlte...-y
Sa1Jlt'. dlrect:Ioa of aaGther h-.rt-ta~ play.
-rite 1buInII.qle Sale... 'W'Ileftot.D _ elderl,..
baTe _etim.ea pl_" ace- to ......tac
pidJare st1Id.Io w1thoat tao...1ed.p of the pro.
mat strike. .cay. aDd e bdWw:I Its 1aCIl& ~ ps~ l"8II-* to the th1"OM ot dllCel'S., ....te a bit bu beeai writUD &boat. the
Imp. t:WIt-. aU!Iby e-tUtt:r. espeal the ...u::r fill bla prodact:lOll of plet1lr.- belq more or lea 01
Tbe ~ of aU bet.rt-tau-.t stcJI"ts aft ycndJa. aDd bQya: .u. ar. at rat- a JaR. W"bft\o! the ac:ton aDd ~ draw
~ rru. lite. fDeIf. kad I01De ot die. IIl..qe -.Ie _ ~e cerats. As - . L tile eDortDou. aa!artea aud ha.e a . - I tlae la
5torI.e. coate fr'lIIDI "*
slm1I6e aDd 111-' InuIlbh 1rWeet-c:Ur1t7 -.te '- ..-t.eI O'f"ft" ...,. the deba- PDeft,I aDd dlred.on ~ tIl&TVelO'3II t:r1dl-
monac tlUlItea uad IIIOCft'!t:r ..croa. ef the to..... Theu
pu.ea. 80 loDa .. tbe pk:ture IIIIaD
m.t. tb~ .til be .. tfmJtIe. br'e8lItb. &ad
IICQPe I.D t:hU cr-t seld to draw apaa, _ that
by a aerlea of e'nlIIt::a.
""""'t abOUt by hla
almplldty of mJw4, tlIroacl1 the ~
etreet:a to (POl the aibtUnlq polk:. No
ImPreaRaD couJd ~ more ~eoual,. COII-
"qed... "nIe 8bldlo la a place wbere real w.orll

af the do...
It .m not be . ~ to phlc:ll: !'GIIIl&IICe oat
PenoD&Ily, l.D. t!le ~-ot all
IDJ' pbotopla7a, I be:lIen hi. ~-the same
of thta ~ ~ Baow. the eapl~
of ma.a1lM:l'tpta, p!t:a IIlto real MCtetJ' . . d
tlnaJl,. mNTtea a mJOtoL Xl'" Le 8&1Dt eaupt
beeolDell au euthual.u.m _d the d1pJtJ of pro.
duc::tioa ea.D. aot be uaaJlecL Attft' reacllq tile
story of ltIe SoD III the Da:rk""" I do Dot
.. 111 Diy 8ctJ0Il. bat Dot n'J&liml of the Mm1Id.. the Yery nbtll'!t7 of story alld e b :aetl0Il I t.hJnk &Il.Y0ne will eyer doubt the bean-felt
hUT'Ow1q tJ1'e. EDotah of the tdea1bt1c: up- M1d. . .ored to hutlII, aDd the tlalldled ~ of lOeI'ioUJIaeu aDd ""motloa tbe playf'n thro.... IIltO
lift aD be latroclucM. tato ...,. IItorT to nJR WUUam RuchJIKID., . . . .geptlmua Snow," ill thelr ...orll.. wbeo a IItOry r;r!l1 then, aael
It trom ttle Jepths of traPdY. tor ullfor't1matel1 trul,. a dellpt. The pbotaerapb,. aDd aue:tu nothLD cc:.uld be mOI"t' ~t1fylall: ttl an author
.... eaD.Dot pa-. traced,. la real ll.fle. bat we Is Ideal. TbouP OIlly a OllIe reel, ltIe Rum- t:b.u:I to watcb IIOmf' of tbhl work . . It took
l'"1Ul IM!Dd OUT uadteacs .way with .. teellllC m.a&e Bale" mtsbt be truly called a comp&IlJoa pJ.aee. Tb"" ator}" 1bM!1r may be caUed unUJIua!.
ot bDpt:.. and ottea lIhow them bo... to better pia,. to -rbe Pll,.....Tolt-bter 1IaD." produeed bot there 111 DO explaDaUoD to c:tve wby_r
the __f1I of ~ lite, It .. lib IIltaatlOll la at tu two reebl b,. 1IMaD.aJ' lut w1lI.ter, In wbteb fJ"om wbeuce the Ide. eame--tb"" whole plaJ
the pr"'eRDt Tbl~ upoe them.. A.D.d thb fa the Webard C. Tn..f!1'lI made IIQC;b .. siPaJ .aceeaa slmply evolved like an 1DIIpirattoo ~tJy out
beauty ot realism-we .e.ld_ ba"" .. story to la bearIq the bnutt or the d U e ~ . It of a aleepl_ from h"oru
teaeb 011 tbe ~ D but ... hat amo'!lC the IIilf!llt III aD 1lIIe trTtq to c:t't'e UL:J' u:plaa.atloa of the .00d of darlmess .. It were. but bJ mOrD-
'Ii"1ltchen b: .. beart nfeb at eome tfme or wb,. or how I write bea.rt-lat.ft'Mt playa. I I... the wbole "'&8 complete. There ....
other hi Ufe hu beeD reat by the ume story. &IJ:Il;pl,. feel aDd Un them mYMlt aa4 rem..aln DotbJq lett to do bat to r"l'eOrd It 00. the ty~
I ban ott.esa watdled people La tJteaters ab- with them WI they are l a ~ uDOO thf' YTlter. The play ... ~ MI .l.:bt.
lIOrblnlf play wtUl more lh:aa Efteral blt8'- .ereeL thee .... tato the dJat:arded reel...orld Brtf"fly. It.>< "tory j .. Ibhl
f'!Jt; by their forwa.rd atdtade mad eye. aD!d apJ.a . . _ faded memory.
te~l,. upon lICIftL It ~ that they f alwap feel that., la the m.a.k.I.q of any 'u ..."'..._ _"
....I!ft II~ .p..In 1I0Qu!'thblc wIlJdt mut haft beut-4at.e8t play, howenr. that we must bf'
Me a part of thelr owa U~ aut they walt:1fld tu .eeord with oar dlreet:on uuI OG!' play...,... :'" ChtJonl. tbe p;irt. Gerdtl Hel;n....
Ia ...~ we wT'Ite. w-e kDo.... the cUftCtor R ...II(INI. Par." tbe II1&II." ..
breathl_ly to 8M If the bter -ohrtlG. cUd
not tunl ovt La the play. mDlll ar. be h:D~ b,., tileD imbued wltb .. RJebani C. Tn."'f"f"!I
~ : r meaatlme. t do not &pp"""e of. 0111' atary before be C'!UI p1"OCie'ed. wtth Ita tnaf' 1In. CJit!ont. the mot:lH'!r ... "Helea OaDbu
nOT "ft' wfll_f .... e of the heuNDft:bods t u ~ III the AllIe W"&.Y. the aetor"!I
Q#'orpf' Clifford.. the ~ .
rnorted to by 'W"Titen La order to quidtm tbe who mat '11.e the actI_ oo of our thoapb .8..,..."t WaaIlbonl
aympathlft (npp<WM!d.l:rJ h,. LDtrodaet1ou of should be pennltted f'ftle K'C'Ma to a story and Jolla" the blnl--veed .Jetha
me10dnmatfe atmc.pb~ I do oot belle..-e la_ baTe t:lme to thfDJr; OTer the c:rft1Ioa of their Dr. F'~ Charles H.Jtdteeek
GOT" baTe n-eor yet WTlttee a death _ e ; I pu1:&. aDd Dot al1llpl,. be rebeaned. aabow- ItfJgUtra.te .. Thomas CoalIIteI'1erd
do aat lib the too of'tel OTer4rawa rellctoos ludY few timea la MCIl _ before th.... KfJ_,uq" poUC'e'-COVrt la..-,.er.
f'1_t of little dlUdftD, pra:J1q at a mothf'l"s :amen. ~ tho! tlD&J detaJla. I C&lIlIot . Xl'. Voa. 8eu
lDlee. w1Ul a IItar'tllq ldIowtac the Im~ th.. polat too deeply" Jt I tM!Deftt
T . . . .njtl. . Vlrctata Bo.... ker
~ Bini. A Tello.... caaary
deYoted. but ~ father LD jail: aor ...ouId aot 0lIl1,. to the authot" bot to tbe m.a.a.~
I ner clothe a erb:DJ.aal la strtpes for ..,. ---t.o all ....ho make a part of th~ prodacttoa., 10. SoeIety at sbow. pollee-eo-n ..need-
pn-.ceae. Tbe better pn-s hue adopted tad.. There are detalla la perlertlotl 0"fe1" auts aDd spt"rtatorw. dtt~ I'rom Ih.. .~
the platu uu.lform. aDd It we aft to dll!'piet whkh W'I'1tl!1' aDd prodDCft' c:aD taJ1I: that Side. ete..
c:aa be piDed la ao Clthl!'!' way" &lid If the 11_: ~ L Pi..... A ell,.
~~ upoa the ~ we 1dI_ld &I....,..

pl"Meh the best aDd hlpat Ideab of reform... players are to be eelJ'DDteod wtth thf' IIaaJ worIr.
I sa,. f do aot qtpl"OYe: of lhelle thblp. 1f!t at of ~ the .tory to life. wb,. aIloakt tHy THE STORY
limes 1Il1 dlreeton baTe cramJ~}"1Ilt:J'ochlc:ed
tbe.e .ery dftDeeti lato the prodDCtloa. of m,.
storie&. t.hlakt:aI' ~ that r ..... au.""-"'!
aot be IIICCOI"IkId --.e ...... deaee be~d
I am UDdeor tlre l m ~ that ndI la the
cue In a few of the at.rl.t.. aad I c:aD traI, It baa bofoe1l ..riUl!'II ~ of old.. that Ute
of j1rIt the rtdtt pUDd:l aeeded. But I aner ..,. that. It bu lleea of P'M1 hetp to me to aw~ tean aft tll_ Sn--'q throacIt
flI.I1ed to ~ of It after the 1"I!r- of the eoIlfer wtth eadlI &lid e'ft'I'1'OOe who coat:r1lNted cillea. LDd the aweete.t, amlles are tile.
tUm.. Rappfly ao.... m,. pIa,Js aft purehued ettheor by d.If"flCt101l or ~ la the maJr:-.p of b&.Ioed. by th"" IlPt of tan.. AJtd th..... the
for tt1e polnb t wT'Ite lato tlU'!IIl. aDd tuLle. aD ruywork.. Mro poea.t tell-taJft of bDIDaD eatOtloa. are
ovn-stoek of Idea.. e&rrift a play beToa.d It has thf'more beeD or laestlalable pl.....uM! ofteD inspired b,. thf' simplest of t b ~ h
camera ~mt:la. they are produeed . . an' p-atUlc:atlOlll to meet &lid DOW the dll"'!'C ... wbea the deepe:at ~ y la reaJlam may be
WTlt.tea.. Lin la 8ett0ll. If we aft to lJtrl.e ton aDd aeten's lD the P'Mt .tacnc. wheft'l... m,. raJ~ to the IdfSl. b,. the .11.,.....,., _K of a

to put orlci....Jlty aDd ladh1daalft)" lato a plaY" playa are prodaced. aDd ba'riq lleea CI'1lIteod little bird..
tho.e 't'4!'I'Y little toacbes mat be obeenlld the opf'D RAIIlIe of th~ . . . . . , . &lid Selll!: This sto,.,. with Ita tread of pUebokIcJ.
flLItlIf1ll1,. la prodaetioa. for .ery ofta It I. Po~ Compaalea. of Cbieqo. wbere the ..bleb Is 1I'"OT_ thrvudl la a deUeate thread..
aot antf1 the tblaI UIIe'IIlbIbac of the tOm thAt IIIUDeIIee tac:rlltle. for a.rtI.x pI'Odaettoa. have blD'lq the woaaded ICHlI of bea.atitD1 )'OmlC
their IItJ"l!'IlCth fa delbte4. added Umlt:1eBa detail to m,. "'mo.lq ~
ISlic!" I c:aa say w1t.Il DO ~oa
wom_ to an equaD,. 1llIfortuaate UttJe .....
b1nl btanlts at Jut wtt,b Ita cndaal uuI. &tart-
"nil. br\ap to mhtd a ICl!"H fa oar of Dr}"
reeeatl,. releaed pIl~ '-11". "A. 8DIea- that aoaw of the mollt eha.ralq &ad eatblftd ILDc e.\IIIl..a:I; IDto the real -e of U~ 'W"llwda
did 8Ilc'11ee. "nIeT'e..... latrodDeed ID _
W peopte r ba.e ever met ba'ft _ _ r_ad o.adf"r t. ahowa that out of the ~ ahado... ma,.
llN!De....bal lOme dlreetonl mldlt ba_ thouPt the MtlamlDa uPb w &ad M..... .-fa. M I.. sblae me apltftlas Iltlt.
....... ~ a JOUC
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIl
...w:'a . . . . iii at &M
UlreUoId fit ~ fa a.t . . ~
amt bu beeD. ....,....,. receatlJ tA:I
Daroe. a rtmI&' J'OU&' lawnr of the dt7. T1tdr
joint In~ at pl'MCt han beeD. the ".u:ta.
IIl . .
die cr-tB'

1& ba8led 1ato c:ourt tOt' a hearin&.
't'"8IlIer .. bekt ad ~
The blrd-
proeeeute8 the re-

Bec:a~ of the nature of the e.omplaiDt and

the hIP llt&Dd1n.& of the proeecutor and bla
t:aID11y" the trial. drawll a wide foUowiq to the
eoarl-f'OOlD.. not only memben of eoc:lety, but
lit&: the ereetI01:I of a new home whl!re th", I ~ t c:ompan.ions of the bird-vender trom
Aft to abide &1'ter their marrlap.. the alumll, as well. With An3ela 0'0 the staall
b1m to h.ta..... BIll it is ']Cda. _lao tak-
_ 1IIJ her cr.- til ~ -wm.
aot .......
IUdlard aad p"a b.bD IlMil: bIs rtac. lUc:brd
d.- aot so. He ill saI"I!'J" eI. a craur
..&. pIaiJatIft toach of bUlDUl Il&tU'e eIltera.,
the day 011. which .John. the blrd-nnlller, .....
~ In baDd teWac b.1m of ~'ll dletI-.
c:om.a to the b _ uuI bep to Me An&eia.
ODe day as ~la runs down the stepIJ to tdlIq her straqe story before venerablof' fudse that abe may foJ'l1ve ud u.olYe bJm trom
eater her motor ear, she III aceosted by an aud ~, Gf!o~ wlth unusual brlll1ance a.u.d wbat. III bls lllIpentltlon. be teds baa beeD the
itinerate bfrd'ender, who, ""ith hill quaDuty a demand for justice, lay. bl.a cue before the reault of hi' c:une.. In his b&D.d. he earria a
of lJtOe wooden caes al1U13 over hia sboulder. court. The 8urpr1ae eomes" bowevt"r, wben the DeaCe-Otrerlq of pudy paper flower&, so "maC:b
each with Ita ldDCiD& canan'. opportuD~ a.u.d'll lawyer. one German.J'ew: Komln- admired of the Ita.ll.u:I aettlem._b, which be
c:aJoles with ber 1'0 the manner of hill race llb, known of the poUce-eourt variety, ariaes presses 1Dto her banda. With .. lIIIlDe .A..aaela
to buy ODe of hlB blrda. Ancela does DOt wlah before the judp _d with tine acumen ull vic:- straka his hair and uptunled taee. thea COD-
a bird. but aomethlq ill the brllllaDt soD&" lorlous 80urtab. e.s:c:laim. to the court. "Your sumed with bls ll"rief. be preaea maD.y .. quI't'"er-
of ODt:' Impelll ber attention. for the little s1qer Honor. the atatute8 of tbls state provide no law inK" Ir.1Bs ap1Dst ber silken sleeve and. lP'OPft
_ s to be bnntlq ita llleader throat with for thl" puniabment of thi. oft'!" With bIll way out. B1:t .Iou's eoadq ball aroused
melody_ SinpJarly charmed aDd touched AD- open books be provt:'S hlB polDt and. asks that All&t':la tram. her let.barc' aod adds new 1D-
lIt:'la bny. the bird. hUdB It to ber D1&id, taJu"!l tbe prleouer be d19ChU'l:I"d. Georp ill oeom- t.erelIt- Afterward, nevertheleaa. abe IAdren
tht:' bird-veDder, card, and K"oetl 0'0 ber way. pel1ed to acimowledJ:e thlB Anllin&. a1oDe, nDW unable to eDdaft the etet"D&.l darlt-
Retl:1l'1l1nK" to ber boudoir later. ADKela Is With !Jet UplI, and. e'yell upon the little slgbt- nesll )oqer, she feels she bi Iosiq her Ddlld.
P'lltUled to find 'the Uttie ne'" meDd" per lelllI birds. the venerable maJstrate leana GVeT As she .....den about bet' boudoir one DJpt In
fertJy at home and slll31q with UDUlluaI ,wet't- the beac:b. He eJ:c:JaJDI.II: Vt"... toeD. t~ the tren.y of abandon.. feelin& wtth tnmbllD.K" I
Df"Il8. 90 much 80. that she aUs ber famUy 10 ..,,'11 IftdV 0 laO!: .,.. Sendlq aD attendaDt fOl' banda over the old familiar objec:ta. sbe ll"!'OpE'8
bear IL Tht:' nen day, wben the wesman a cat-of-Djne-Wls. the prl!!(JDer 1.1 floaN In the ber 1I'.y to the IUlU-pulor Dear bel' bed-room.
comt:'S wllb the new dlt eace. 1'0 ... blch the IIt- OpeD court. wbere Itl the dan or wa1tin& her own UWe
UI!! bird 1.11 lIuly IDlItalled. RJc:hard Dart:' lDte.r-
ra~ tbe proc:eedlD& muc:b amused OVeT wbat
be thlnb ILJ'(' Anela'l IDc:reuinll fada. "A
Overcome" ADr;ela !~ea the c:ourt-room. wltJI
Geor'K"e anll RJehard., feeltac that at ~ a
little of the WTOD& lIone by JohD hu tM!en
bird. bad b1U13 fOT'lt'Ottft amoq the ferDfl and

Below stairs 1'0 the UbraJ"J. GeoT&e and

bird~ Well. wbat n"t~' he la.uba. compen.sated. BebIDd ber. the ma~tTate atW Richard U'\' eDPCed 1'0 their uaual eveDiq
Sometime latel"-St mldDlpt. in tact. An- leaD~ over the bench.. "Who will d't'"e a little game of c:besa, wbUe the mother maltea ready
K"ela 1JI aroused from ber sleep by the brlIl1ant bliDd bird a K"ood bome~' he aakL Eaer for A.u.lJ'('.la, comlDK" by ~ D ber euy
IIOq of the bird. R1sln& abe K"oell over to the haDda are reac:bed out !'rom amOQ& the spee- c:ba1r.
cae and questions her little frlenll ill teDder t.a1oTll. a::.1 the jucl&e djstrtbut.e8 the c:aea. All al once.. as AJlela stands In the 'un-
1I011c:1ta.tJou-"Wby lIo you siq In thl" darII:'!'" ". UbeTated. the bird-vender. In c:ompany wIth parlor. ba.t.t.l1n&' with the lIeepeirt questloa of
NotlD.lJ" tbat the bri&'bt moonU&bt Is streamin& Ilis fullo_fOra. hurb bl.a lmpnlCAdOUJll af'ter AD her !!(Jut there arlfletl to her eaMI the thrlll1Dtt
on the c:qe. abe l5IDllea s1pUk:a.ntly. The lIt- lIt"la as .IIbe lea"ea thof' court-room. anll be-reh sotl& of tbe lIttle bllDli bird. Tbe Iill"bt breaks!
tte- s1DK"er hall be-e.n Inspired by Ita llUvery of his blrdB aDd his e.a1UD&. he limp blm8eJr The me8fla&e III ll"lVeD-
spell! But thea as sbl" ltqers. An~', hand, vindictivelY InlO the !rtrf>et, sba.ll:lnK" an oml- WIth a c:ry of bope, she bold.!! the IIwIn,;ln1:
paseecl a1f'ect!QQatl"ly over the c:ae doetl not noU.l fist. cae apiDst her head. "Ob. little blrd-a.nd
",till tbe slivery tbroat of Ita wondrous !JOIl&. you bave IIUJI.& 110 IOQ&!"
It III l't1K"htened neither at ber nor the dark. Creeplq down IIta.1n herself. past the c:het;lI
In WI" days whlc:h pa!I!l. the lJIorious melody play!?n UDOb8erved, sbe eDters t1l: lIrs.wIDll"-
I~ tlP,'er slllled. tlt"ltbt"r day tlor n!bt, Itll or DesHn}' ,.,'hen least e:l[pected ont!u room. Flnd1n.& the P'Ud plano, she M1IUl bpr
strildq polpaot lltraltl of, the c:uts ber deepest ,sbadow Once DIOI"I" AnK"f";la hanlls oV'r the keys and her 610. lIOul ~ out
fi,.,H>t IIOn& imparts Ita teJllnK" effect over tbl" ta.Il:etI up the trend of ber life and prepares for --'OJ t1ft> JJf.f1 Ut tk dn-r.t.. E1ectrifted In the
"bole boU.llt". ber cominll" marria.&e. A vUlt to the Dew bome nex'! room. the c:heu players Uft their eyes and
At breakfast one mOT'lli~ AaK"ela TeCl"ITes In buildll1&' now nea.r!y complete. coDvIncell her IIstt"D..-----slowly they rise to their feeL "An-
a letter trom a very old lady. pnounCiDK" ber allll RJchard of the ~ bappiDt".Ia In store. K"ela's voice!"
!>f','entlpth birthday, ....Ith II prayer that &be Returntq 1'0 thefT ca.r. they J'UD upotl the an- Yother. brother and RJchard start for the
and CeoTIlt'! c:ome tor a c:up of tea ro c:beer the nual f10wl"l'-fIbow, a brilliant a1f'alr largely .1- lIrawln@:-room. but the lover bolds up hill band.
day. Thhl ,u~t8 to Anllela the Illea of tended by IOC:lety. An ImpaiR e.au_ them to RJc:hard ~ iD alone. He slta lIoW1:l beBlde
!\o('ndinK" tbe oil! lady anodler eanan' bird. eater, wbet"l" they are ~ with sho""ers of the lIUJPired iPrl, whoee own lIOlI.K" tella of the
Looldll.K" up the blrd\'"euder's card. she lIepa.rta flo1l'ertl and c:oqratuI.a.tlons by their other sflvery 9On& that bas shown ber the llK"ht.
In her car for thfO East Side. ea;er aDd hat)py tje tMend.ll. They leave, fonowed to the c:urb and apin slip' the MD back upon ber f1l!.3t'r.
in ber queat.. Thof' step8 to II lIIrty C'ellar lead by their c:om.panlona. Tbl" c:urb Is lined with A.n~la DeVer recovers her sl@:bL But RJchard.
to Jobn'll IIvhlll room"" but le."tll.s ber c:bau!- autom.obUes. but In front of their own eaT, a cry of "A.n&da!" brlnp ber from ber joyoua
f.. W' 011 cua.nt, Angela d~dlL c:ouple of woJ'kmen. plumben or the like. bave reatpatloD to the havof'n ot hl8 breast. wbUe
Johu recoprlz.ell Angela. Of couJ"lM! he ball paused In the aJ't"an&ement ot their parapber his lItroIl& arm IJIvea boly witlleae that abe
snother bird! He sbowll ber a tie!' ot tbe lit- nalla. One Is test:fD.lJ" a blow-lamp. As wm ba...e a Ute protector In hill love. There
l}e eae8 wboee waTbUq iumatea An! ready IUchard"s and Aneta'fJ party approach. un- has come the p-eat awueDiq----Dd the pic:tDre
tor sale. b1:rt tellil ber the'MI pt1ed up on ~ the maD', com.paDion c:a.lla, MPut fade&-
the abeh'~ are not. yet ~re.ady." John. mea.Jl- that lIown"-but too late. Thl!re baa beeD a
thne, has reoeived Anllela with IItOe canary llub of wblte IIpt acJ'088 Aaada'.eye&. WIth Tbe above 1JI the aynopsta which earried the
In hi' band. ('"poo the table burD.8 the tlame huds p ~ over them.. abe ~l. In lUc:bard', story IDtO the lltudlo. It t:a- never been Illy
of an odd vapor-lamp. He bl;r-a ADc'e'la to walt arms anll l.a borne home wlth a darII: veil ac:rotIll Idea to Indude oaly short aynopsis, but te
a momellt-that. be win ""ma.Ir.e ber tbe mOft ber ll1lft'eriq race. her joyous 1I0wer-toitens of Ive fJuIlcl_t deb11 110 that both manut.aetarer
be:&atltnl slncer or all-one that be h.q eBpf'- the momt'Dt before dropped at ber feet. .nll dlreetor aD abeorb the plot-iDt~ . . .
cl.a.Dy pk:lted out! ~ t::nCOUflc:I01m, a.Jld til. _m- The old IJtOry-the band of fate de.c:endB .see at a ctanc:e the ~bllltiea of productiOD.
i q lpOl'allCt' of bill sreat, the birdven- upon the WreBt. head. In the poeat Cllft'ord TheD or coone.. after thof' ll}1lopllls. folio.... the
de!' beau a lon~ steel needle 1'0 the tlame. bome, thl"l'I!' ILJ'(' daYll of weary waJtlq fOl' the ~e-plot and '",.-out" of the pbotodrama It-
With a cry of horror. An~la detabn bJs haDd, oukoml". At last.. at Ibe c:nIc:1a.I test. ... bt!D the sell that Ia. the play wrlt1:A!on. tenely, _
jtlllt as flbe T't"llli%ell the m_ I. about to pnt tamlly with bia cheery optlmll!lm, Ull. atttt lIIeeDe, all the story rana.
ont the bird'll eyes.. Furthermore. wjth a winds the banllAl!"t"lI from An.e:la's eyes as she The day that the bl acenea of '''The SoDa
strie:tetl daDce toward the ca&efI that are "aU Mlts In the boullolr surrounded by ber IIWeel- In the Darlt" were put 01:1 In the stndIoa. where
~,. f01' sale." abe Irnows that eu.h lttOl" hean and famlly-thet"l" i' eJ:ltt"ellllt"d the last Director E. H_ Calvert was worJdq tn ~
_ p t e r has been maimed---&o that. bereft of ...oni In lJDspE'n8t" anll expeeta.ncy. The ~ built at ODee. Director Hopper ....
tbe &eo. of "Pt. It mq double and triple thf" banda~es removed. llhe .Ita with wlde-open produc:iq In the other I"nll a comedy by GeoI'&e
IIO'q lu Its little aeblD& beart. Sbe GO.... wby "'yes. smi1lJ1&, as If waltlnK" for the operatJon Ade. with IIr. Ade btmaelt preeeal. and we
her 0". bird ADK" III the darlr.. She kllOw. to bo! c:om.lJleted.--the otben" the mo- derived quite a bit of Interest ID ....t.eh1q
now wby the palhet!c: s ... eetn_ of 1t:8 !!(JnK" bile ta~ for. sip of slK"bt-the doctor wavlnK" eacb other'.II ""8how," for It wall djRfnetly aD
reac:bed ber heart &II DO otber 8On@: mlpL Tn hll hllDd before the beautiful faCl!!. With author's weelt at E8A.Day'l!I. QUestiODIt'd about
the bl&: _ne here. A.nllela pleadll with the stric:lten ll"laDcea they _ It h.u been a fa.itW'? h1.a advent IDto the moviuK picture world, IIr_
man.. wboee oaly ATll'UlDl!'nt. combined with bls Angela III blind for IIfl". At last.. no lon,;er Ade replied wlth bIB usual cha.ract.eJ1M;1.c
lJUrprillit' at the I.Dtl"rTuptlon. Is "'Why nol-It able to restrain himself. RJchard neell at her humor. '''Everybody III lIolq It. so I am dolq
malte heew lllq better~' Rushiq up from feet.-only to bave ber fI-ntterlq bands run It. too." A few motUetlls later ID the ml_
the ceUar Ancel. spel"d, her c:hauft'_r to the over bla faCl!! and hear her c:ry- ot a library setttq, Hr. Me undenreat his
oftI' of ber brnt.ber. Gf'orll"e. a.J.eo a YODJl& law- "Dlc:k~ Dick! I. thi8 you. lIea.r'!'" ftnt real experieace before thl" camera ~
yer. and tell, bim of tbof' lIta1I" ot at!ain which 1'0 the day. to come the reat t.esI III 110W 1I'b_ several bundred teet of dim ~ taIEeB
sbe b_ dl8c:overed. Dnued to the blrd-'t'"t'D placed apoa Rlchard---bta eoatlle:t::iq reaolutlon In a picture wblch will IIbly Pl'I!'taee .. se1t"S
det". cellar. Georp coa8nn1l the staJ"tJiq COD- of a IP'Sl: Jove for ~ and .. c:reeplq ~ of comedies be III W"l"ltlq. He bore the ordeal
d.lU-. aad eGllYlacM t:laat the tHrd--'t'"eUder will TOr of the ~SbUlt:J wblch Ufe hu DOW weD. althoqll aat ..,. be dla.ppea.re4 to his

aot ceue ..... wtcIlell eaIUac throach a wan- th,.... QIOD blm.. WID he Wl'! I.n bl. dark lDdlu.a tana ...... .un thet"l!!!
. . . . .8ilD_ poUce oIIeen aad tile ofl'eader. . . beilIU". It I. Georce" brothet'ly slap on the Up In tbe other. ea4 of the attldio, IDeaD.whl1e
with bt. little bUM tHl'da takes wlme.ea, uooldet'. with, MBe a man.. D1ck!~ that bt1Dp , -)
of KtllieraDld~" It tbe PlaybOUR III. t.a.deL
K.-.8fta .... rllo:.a wb w be-
IabId the footlJP.ts with II.arpret A.acU. ia
""'1'h A.1t'Uea.ID& ot ReleD.a R.Iehie" aDd with
Jolla JIuoa fa ".u a IIaa TblD.Ir:a," but who
baa for "'e tbae put: bee-. pIa:rl. .
boy- ~ with the lAbIa _ . . .,..
Ilu EL"I"mn:CE 8c.tnu..'C~-fb:l:'lK. tbe cit.

J __ tl COUI'alto ataa-.. ~ at 11_.
~ 8 ......... n - woe pleautty nlCa1l rither b:I. craDd ~ oor tlpo. tJtoto ~
-('BftII rlUNKLYN -
_ ' .... ,..It. ta
_ ara.Iway fD. the pi udaeUooz 011 -rbe liar
. . . . . . . . . . ""8Ire.... A 1za2t HaTz. ~ r at die Met.J'oCIoIftaD
___ laBell' . . - . - .....
D..._~ Jln,w...... fortaaaU -=tor that be IL Opnoa HouR. Uld wll.o 'W'ieIdelI tbe b&toa tile
. .. . , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . a.- for be is la the lAad_ cat of -rile G.-t tbftoe of tlLree . . . . . . . - - .
~ ..-k fa -ne CJu"l.- ~tm't!." wIlIcll ba. hem nma1.... at the ..Pusttal," ""8aIoeIe" aM: ~JtonII~."
. . ." . . . "lin. ..,... of Ole K1Dpway Th~ eoD.ttaGCnillll.,. ldaC'f! ~ VIOL\ Tu:L eId8t daailbte' of Sir RerbPrt
~ Pald.. ~ .... W1ao a. !S. Ull. T1'et! Uld n o bad brief 1Nt ~ I ataIPe
_ .... ~tatM
Gaus A:n,a..L. - . _ tou:r la "8f-r~ DaY1l-- ~. DOW briq JlrL AJaa ~ reotIPed..
MlpJIOft of ~ 0Iie0U lD. aad ba a cn.tb:I.ptsbed ROell f'flCOf'd.. .. WIU..Lt..lf WI~ the deaD of .u.er1caa dra DIl.... leadblc WUi1aD La PbtJadelpbla. IIIatil: writen. for _ _,. :reus pia,. ~
JOIID'K ItIuioI:"L who 41'11ded tile put _ ~ )(~pbb.. WbsaJpl!C, ud Toroato. foor the New Tort: Trlk1Je.
betw_ "'PGtub and Pe-t..atter"" aM ....u-e E. D'\G~.I.1.L-nldl is the ....,.. E1b [)q:. I..o.:<CIlO~ GilLET. . . bo Ql&de blA lItllf;e deltot
Came a.tIl,.. aDd who wfD aIlortl7 appeu' In l1&IJ'l _ _ la't"Uiabl,. IIppMn gpma Londoa Ihis paM - - . appnrl. . lathe J1'1"otImaa
the Chleap prodoetioa of '"A Patr ot Sm-..- play-blu.-wbo reeeatly ~ tlte~ la oroductJoD of ""Tbe C'oasplraey.-
L.t.raA NG.IIOl' R..u.L. who rec:eDtly did _ ~Wbo'!I the Lad:y!"" at the Gan1dll: T1leatre.. J .....
notably floe work ta tile Ib:-part fMtlml pboCo-
play. "'Dope." ill ..Meb lobe ..... the unhappy
J. E. VU\lCE:"I"~ th~ amas1Dc!.,. auceeaful
LoDdoa tbeanic:a.l DJ.aIlaI'er. ~. with ~.
peared In numeroaa mwli-
3lrL B1Abf. tile dope a-4.. ub; Eadh!. of the Royalt,. Theatre. . .beT't! th~ ea1 play.. u~b .. '"Tbe Boy.

_b_L~c... W. ~.n. JL. the JuYndle ad.OT'.

~ aJ"e welJ.lmow1:l to rol1a.~ of

Blosraph p6c:tU'tS.
produeed. "lfllestoDt!L" ud wIlere -My Lady..
D1'ea" Is the eur'Tent popula.r bill.
lUId Betty." '"'Tb.. IUtlaee
Ido"" ""Dr. De Luxe,- and -nile
QuaItM Girl" btlt ..ho ~
R'DTII H.~. who . . . for a 1- tI_
pl"Oltl:lnefttty pbaeed In the cut of -!II.,...
n o Iuc:ce-hlb" playf'CI
beeIl IdeBt.UIed with the Edboa
('OMP&!1y for !lOme tlme put.
of the ~ Pateb," dolnl; some e:u:elleDt ..ork In
Row....., D T ~ who h.u beea hlpl,. IIUe- the bero ill. the orlPaal east of "The UnoJ)P.nOO Letter" aDd "'"The Hand of Hor-
C"efItlhIJ tIIb: put _ _ as the yOUDlf pb,..ldan ~l!O Ke,.1 to Baldpate." and
to. "lbe Thillp That Con\." !"IlCt!'D.t1,. tried hb hand &t.
EDITl{ LtTli:I:TT. wbo !llt!t!D lut IeI!I(JD .,.
pirtu'oe actlnc. befAll Dick
A.IrTn R.u.L. .ho formerly .... known &1\ leadl.q wom.a.a with Georce x. Cohan III.
'The Georda Coon Shonter," aDd wbo ~ Bruaaaace La -r'he Gl"9t 01. "Broad:..ay Jones."
IonS been popolu' with .-.deTflJe auellf!D.eell. IDOIld R.obbuy. " . . produced
M.ll.rOL.u WU_LLUIM. . . heMe 9101"11: attratted
~ the mactdaA. who coatlaaetl --.I.
f:ut IJ:I his determluttOD Dot to aptu aPJN!V
behind the tootllptL
...... by the Pl&n;oen nlm Com

Jt7l'IT'rli D. 8.A.a.."I"za. oue of the popu.l&r lDt!W-

most b.vorable comment la the tiUe role In th ..
F'arnoaa Playen' produe:t.lon of -rhe Brute."
GLlC"l: Fo:c.. for ovn elpteen ,.ean "If>
LEE WJL80~ DnoP. author of lhOlM'! two bl~hly ben or the T1Ianbou!M!r forces. and who did
I prominent member of Co~ Pa)"IOD'S .a.rlou"
entA!:rt.aJnlq plaY". -The Return of Eve- &rid uot&bl,. ftue work lUI Abdul In "The Moham
stock c:ompanietl. IDd la no.. playtnll with
''Speecl. .. medan CoD.llpirac:,."
Kirk BrowD. orp,niDt1oD. at the Lamont
J_" RoBaT s..W'D. the cbaracter actor. . . boee
Park Theatre. Altoona. Pa..
BOURKE. who laBl
bdllod. the toot-
name and tame baTe. 1_11" tMe.. ..-.elated wltb
Ed.taoa plctul'eL some or bl. ~at elf.ectlve
SU.U'P,\aP C",)lP. wbo followed Jl'ra.Dk !.feln
tYT't! In both NThe Trav~lInll Salesman" Ind
work belnll In lIt!.~ral of the "Doll, of lh~ D.I
IJ&hta ta "Keft' JIan,- al.Dce "Snobfl.- and ..ho lltepPt'd Into Ar
lhs" aertes. Uld In "AD ~ ln~lud~"
wbea Ihe hu beea 1eM.lq bocltle'll Itb_ til. "The RD_d up."
Ind "The Coward. aDd the Man."
Ucht LD YU1_ n-hoaeer JOKa'R O3ol.u..,- the [rlslt. opera aJa~......
Ll:"aU'tC w. S1'Ir-.utT. oae or the five member.!
pltctarea, buUdlac ap a follo.- called b~ la 'lbe Hlp...ymaa." '"Tbe Th~
of the Steuart famll,.. all or II~ promi-
lac qlllte ber 0.... . . rec:aJ1 I>nooall" Uld "Pecu lIac:broee."
Oellt 18 varJ01d BlocraPb rele. . . .
her -on: lD "'The StrIu" aDd AD... Bu.~(DIIt, .. ho i"eCftlt", coocluded hf'f'
JEfUlLJ: )bu........,.. ..,bom ..e pln.N.DtJ,. re--
"A Womaa'. I..oyalty." _ la "The ~ Girl." at I h.. ShattMbary
member with the Empl.Pl!l Th~ C(lflq)&Ily.
~ M.A.T AU.. the fonDer stocll: leacIiDa Theatre. Lotldon. a pls,.b_1lfl witli ..hleh lOtI..
and In more recent Ume. III lbe~'11 llaGy
man. _d who now ~ In Domino Uld h. . been idea.tltloH for IIOme time.
Slip." "'The Ta.m1D& of Helea.." "A CIe_ SIate..
Broacllo plrtllre&, dobac aot:abb' pod. won la Co:"W'" y WL'U;nELD. who for I 10 U_ .....
-rhe Hypocrite&," "Lad,. P'reder1elL" l1le Girl
"The Card Sharp." of the fonDe!' brand. aDd peared I. the AapPG" of R~ary Miller b:I. ''The
The Wbart Rata... of tbe latter. Ia tbe Ta.J.:l" Uld In T'U"loas Ikete:bftl In Talld...
WILl.l..LlII Bb=B"nIL. the popa1ar EdieoD player. C'a~ R bom we f'eCeiltJ,. NlW
P ... t:L GJUjltJCE. ..ho I, PL:a:rlac llWWDer
:II few of wh_ reeeat hU. Uff bt!eD. b:I. ~ It th@' Shubert Theatre.. with s.rn ~ anti
v~ of the AD:I.aterdam DiaDtmuIa." -nae
stoeIl-ctarr1a.&: bf:t.~ two clUes. Kllos- Gaby Dfololys In "The Belle of 800d Stn!fot...
rln~ TeIlJL.. and AaheoriUe. N. C . aud .. bOl'l"
('0WU'd aDd the Maa." NA PUr of Sb-. aDd N )(nl'lLU: G_ Rofar.: .. nw ho appeU't!d wlf"
~nt Tehicl... '"Captala AhU'eL - bu made
"The'tMtet'S." b:I. e&eh of whidl he John nr- III. "Jac:k Stra " &Dd WlIIlam Fa",",",
ueeptl--.n,. pod won.. most dfectiTe VltsenPb
llham la "Rnod. ~
Ctum.D A. Y..-.Ao:C. th. GertD.aD comed1a.ll.
D~ A~~. wbo reeftltly apPf!lU't!d iD W .u:r..:.: Vn~ BEIt.....'-.... ~t1y ('00'
the ~ _ at the F11Je Arts T h ~ latel,. .eea. In a ..riel}' ot muaic:aJ c:omedle.. at ('laded a y@'ar In ~ wortt:. dlrllH'd betw__
Chleaco. tast pn!lCt!dJq wbJda be .... _ lIpot:l the Ga.lety Tb~. Sa.n P'r::aneiKO. IUId..r tb..
ona...... Can.. Ind Aliftlto-"D. Pa..
dJrertioa or "Bronc:llo BIII,.- Andenoa.
the ~ bt!iq J"q: 18 --nae R.IqJa,," as
ottel"'fl4 b,. the K.llI.em..eolor t'OalpaD,..
CJuau:8 F"tsc'R:D. the .ett!rua actor. t..b.b __
H..t..uT eu.T 8l.... :<irT. ot "A.c:roea the Padlk
tame. aDd who Is Ahortl,. to appear la a nWD
J ...

ja~)e rohs cap"
ber of ~laJ featD~ fIlma.
soa plaJ'l. . with P'rallk en.~ 18 1'00 !lu,.
roob." w. R. DrPoI'~T. tor mu,. ,ea.n """""
sappon of WlIllam H. Cruae. wb~ aame
In tb.
tally. taut,. _ with Da'rld
Wu1k'ld 'a "I'b@' Altt'tttnleer,-
J{)fII:P"R ... ~ ....ho baA played mauy rol_ pr"f!Ot!dfD.; wbtrh b.. _
la IIlOCL aat1bl, I. :"~... Tork. at th~ Ac:ademy Iftlerall,. adorna the prosn.m of a... of thf!O
In '"Tbe PMat at V "'Tb..
JI'rohmaD at:trsetloaa.
of Y1ISk. Rlpt to Be Rappy. --whltoe M

J . . . .~
R...u. ~ FoaJ:1' h . . for II lonlt Ume ap-
lIatt"." Uld NRebelllon."
peared ... lttl the Harry Da.I" Stock. I t tbe
dme a
for :II loalt
of tJH. .
G~d ~ Roue. Pittabarc.
L.t,['Lt, BrTt....r1 the b.uulaom. aad tUf!!MIlIt!...
cbarmlnl Inpnu~ ~ wbom ..e do nut _
ColiflO'Tn('lIt. ttt..

CobUl aDd Hama toret!ll, thlA behind tb~ footUKIlb . . oftftt u ..e lbogld
wbom ..e ba.e Dot _ a la a Bro.d ,. prod.ue-
MiUIOII .eort1l.1I the htt of bill like 1I.0....da}"1
do. III aome time. beclD~ rec:aUed in .. A Ge:lLI",
eareer thf'OoP bla perform- RoBnT rt!CeDtI,. jotlH!d thP. W8f-
mall. f'nJm ~(I.lMlppl."
&Dee of Petet'. ""tbe post. - la Vlt:ae"&Ph c:ompaa.,.. aDd made quite
Ule Ne.. Tork eut of "'Se\tt!:1 J"'N bit throncb hll port:n.yaI of tbe "ollns W8f>-
Jt~ to Baldpate.. PTiI~r In "An ID.llloe@ftt Delllab. sharlalt the

HILDA A..'lT'R0~. the a ~ JACK BARNES,

"ho sue-
In ""The Great lohn
hODOI"II witb lane N'0't"1l.1L
hll LoDd_ ~ llel"ft ~tJ,. h:t the Britl GaatoD" IIDd '"The NIA'f!'t'." W.L1" Lr:~A. the eblll"mlnil Ealilli IIf!rto-
eapttal ill "lCM1t!'pb and Hb 8l'ethr'ftl.... at Hli Uld wbo baa lately beea pia,. comic: wbo et:l.~ a follQwla, III the iDuak
~{~I Tbeatre. and III "People Lllte Oar I q III ....adt!Tllle. In COI!lp&Dy haJl. of both Amerlea. ud h~ _ti've laad.
1Ot!1.8,'" at the Globe Thellt::rf,. with ReleMo HamtltoD. at ""Sla C.u.... ET CR'Ul'Tt&. will lOBI" be ~ .
I!lbw,uat D. Vr~C1'f. th. . "'bom we tla," few Hgpltlas" tuDe. bt!red for his work III "Th~ Clhaax." aAd ..Ilo
hettel'-bow1l 1It0000k IMdlq mea.. Uld wllo I" M.\Ul'; TlnfloDT. ot ..bO'lll for the pat tbt"ft ,,-taT'll baa beeB wtdI Jott_
now DlaJ'iac with RaJTy DaTb' compa.,.. at th~
Gt'1IItlI 8pen. a-1!Ie. P'tttsbof'l'.
th~ Is but ODe. n o I"ee'l!Dtly
made a mORt lIU~tul r.e.t...t ot "'T?l~ Outl".. .....,..
CndI(II 9tolek.. at the CuUe ~ ftil'att'e.
...... 'I1le _ " , _ . . . . of B:yut .......
The Heart .... lnterest Play '00 __ -
.... ill 1IriDIaat ... _ feeJa
. . . U - .. 1M r-Jb pItysIdaa. tile ".ua,.a
of JI:r.. ffitlickod..

the playa. aid DeleD. o.u.r.

__ taJd-e place I tol4, OM 01 the . . . face-he with IJpa to her aleen.--eaiD the
"'Qtn, _
....... 1 M"ft"

do better work t. ~
....... ~
ta w...... T'bls w..
hkh bad eYer oc:curred
the real emetI-.a.I
~ the players We!'e tak1Dc iJI their pan.
e:e....., weat to piece&. Efta Ia tIM! ble
ecMU"t M:ll!De wbft'\!! IIlUl)' -extru;" are 4ra'Wll
upoIl. wh_l. the blrd.yeader IbItds cc..
tIh! t.-dl~ -.lhd .,..pathle. of a 1IlOther.
~aDd we plQera will do tile work. We haft
to oI'teD wortc In 110 maDY thIDp .hleb do IMt
la -rtae SoD&" lD the Duk.. ~ ODe of the e-. demaedl ud wll:lpped.., the work of Joha eo. appeal to our Inte!'l!llta, bec:aUe the IDtensta
c1bla&xes on.. AA DlJ"lflCtor CaJ..ert ft'-
"'all sar t. 110 df'eoethe that one feels l1lDpath, are not In the --n.a.. but &1ft _ b'1Ie
liMned the acton throup the BeeDe!.. th_ for bls Iporaact!:. The Inslnua.t!nfl: I ...,er. In lltAJ1'iea of life, 8OLDet.hinll IDto .hJc:b we UJl
...fth the sip_I. ""Co!"' put tb~ UDder the the bUds of )lr. Voa Bets w. . u..o lin@.. E'very- really thl'llW our beut.a and .ua. aDd ~e
camera', reeordtnc detail, each player . . . ~ one ID tbe play atrill" at the' heart.. The other screoeD will lIot 't't'alIt for ea.nae-t portrayal.! ..
lP1~ with the tenalty of bl. aDd bet' pllrt, companies ID the IItud10 had stopped work ad ADd no doubt thl. t. all true. ADd.-::b
that upoD ~"eraJ oeeuiODlJ after the ea.m.."., ame to watch. 110 at the time. Inc:lud1nc the belq the e:a.M.. an author does Dot feel that. hJs
\ stopped., the wbole eompaay broke do...... "or -extru" !"rom the courtroom 1lCeDea. there mt8lli0Ll; hu bee. In n.ln. Ufe. I repeat. ill
lle'TenJ ..eeka. the artOr'll told me. the atol"'J' were poMlbl, a hundred IDterelJtecl tIPect&tOra. around ' " ~whfOre _d t.eemlq wtlll ~
bad WeD tbe talk of the studio and wbeo t!:le but .ever o~ did the llittor. I . - thili hold late~ storls. and were tIley mON pleDU-
tbDe (SIDe for tbelr portrayal of iL the)' ..~ OD Mdr1't'lq the IItorJ home. M Dor Dfftd.or CaJ tull,. submlrted I. o1'icmaJ photodramaa. pro-
ISO 11lIhlaed witll It. _t1m_t that eTffJ' act ...erf. hla pip upga dId_t prochxiac. Mr. duorn would neYer haTe to ReI!: ftICOlIU'R to
&ad tboucht they put halo their work -u CaJ~ tDlormed me that ID wac the th~ pllbliabed DQ't'~t. or staKed d.ram.-..
barlelt aDd real. In the ODe - . e wherein ~ at a time.. It had beeD h.b; idea to The .bo",p are fraCuleau.ry ImpreaUoaa as
- AAcda." eo oqulalUly playl!'d by Gen:la _d hold ht. compan" wlthcnrt the broll- recei't'ed la the prodocttoa of thla ODe play.
Holmes.. . . . fouod to be bUDd. the tean ot inc la of time. la JIdt ~b ~ty of spl1'it but the, abow the tremendoaa poMlbtUty for
HeteD DuDbar. the mother, RJclIard C. Tn.'ferll" and acdac .. they we~ 1I0W porttayiq. AU bih-c1aM pbotopla,. balJdJac without the in
the .,eetheart. Brya.nt Wubbunt. tbjl> brother thronp their work In thla dramL the company truslon of sordid melodramL aDd ma.t of all.
and Charles Hltcbeoelr.. tbe phystdall. were told me. It was the underlyiDK pa:,ehol~ea.l the keea r;raUflc:a.tJon whIch mat nat1lnl1,. be
n'JILI....blle Mig Holme. elided the ~I!' iJI Irt.TaID-iJr IdeaJiun of th~ IIOD of the IIttll' e1Pf'nen~ h1 aD author, who In feetl.q all
b1lMlt of hysteria. makinA' It Impoeslble for the bOud bird aa It ralaecl Ule tnced,. from Its Th _ emotion. in the wnUnK of a
"'aDleTa to p Oll for IIOtlU! time. Apill. till tbe Impetldlnc BOrTOW1I., wbleb touched their emo- play. lUI I dJd. to tlnd them In tnnl. ta1r:_ up
tlD&le ~. tn her ow. - . In the dark. at tion. . . they eo-.Id not erpretllL ~rd.a Holmea.. aDd atleorbed by both director aDd -=ton.
the p1lDd piaDo. ~ Holme. Ioet c:GQtTol _ho 't'lbnts with the delJeate IleDtim_t of the whoee nJID~lned don. ba"'e made the Wlhed
of lter emotloaa. Uld at the eud..lac cUck ot the I'tory all the ...,. thl"'OQCh, l'eIa1@d how after dnma a thinK of beauty aud of art.
....en.. tlIrew herwlf . ~ the plUo. ID the the !M!COD.d day of work. .tie w-.t to bed at So. per~ ID bdq hDJDaD-aad fediDs
qlllftrlq ~(:'t! of IIt:rNmlq e,ea. while .a o'doelt and slept lPXha.utecI for fovt.een ha.maa. are .~r aU the OII1y recl.aiaitea of
f'4tton. dI~ .Dd .uthor stood wakhl.D& houn.. lUcbard C. Tn....era. who had. 110 mach the reaJ beartlnt~ play. for such beinc the
~, 1IlQ't'ed.. Oae eoald Dot help bat 1w better opport"U!lft:7 III one of the write:r'. caM', technique in preIJII'!Iltadon wtlJ M!ad11,f
th1'iUed by tlIt. "'ef'1 human oatbunl of ff'eJ.. eariJer playa. "'The Pa,.~Toa-ED.ter KaD.~ In ta1r:e can! of lmeiL 1 D~er write a pla, but
Iq. Wb_ the blnl-'t'eeder eomn with bls which be did e%Cept10D&1 wort.. did aCllt ha't'e once, _d wnte rapldl,.. but my PrJ Is fuJly
...~c of papn' flower. ... d la taken to lhp 80 creat ODe hi tht... bat ID the taader and -.iKDall.ect as 1 bow It .1Il appMr OD the
boudoir of the bUDd r1rl .Dd b:l. bdoM! b~ l<J'lDpatheotic foil for A.ncelas renllDciatlcm of 8Cftl!'D fa ttl! _hole dl"1llllatlc compcE.le. before
--ehe rupnlUI hpr hands o",,,,r hili h...d .nd Mm. he att.aJns much IJtreneth In character .po. I .ttempt to tranM'rtbe It 10 paper.

Idealll aDd reacb . . . ide circle by dolD. 80 In

Constance Crawley motion pictures _d from thllt time to thilll
we have pu~ on lIOIIle tine claaaleaJ subjectB
aDd done moat ot them our own wa, and
we are atIU stTITID& to impro't'e IlpoD each
ba"e to bllra ("ol~e In !be pL~~ of wood plaulte aDd pra.l8e--1 have a 't'err ... arm pla~l!' oue and belleTe we are maklD& eoo.aiderabte
alrotlot In my IItlle spirit lamp. OafO thin I in my heart for them all. ~ pl"OIJ"!SIL eert-ial,. we take pains _oap aDd
ranembf'r disllllc-tJy .nd was the ~pear. The art:Iatlc alde----.hall we ea.lI It Lbe Impnu:- I think you wm aree that we CD about our
ilDC"@ of TODlPlY Atkin. at Lbe eod of the war. (teal Ilide--of Coll5U.Dee Cn_Iey. ebanrtpr wort!: wltb . . moc:b lntelU~uee . . ~e..
He had _ .whal tilbe t:rylq to appot'ar dean w. . redted with mac:h warmth aDd with cen- We chOOlle our acton _d aetre1lR8 to apprv-
and orderl,. aDd I( t. a tact lb.t .ome of the ulae deUpl. H~ are hn own wonbl all nt;ar- pmtel! It their part!! and I ...ould IIlte to say
!;Oldlen patdt~ their trougen _Ith tLD laien I,. .. 1 UJl remember Ulem. beM! th.t I bell"e that It Is abItolutel, es-
f _ caD&, It belne the mO!lt a ..allable Ulltlf; "The mGeit eaptlvatiu.c LbJUK that Yr_ Maude sential that _bt'll pattin, on play that one
to . . . for soc:b ~,. aDd my.elf I!'t'~ dId .... .beD an .unt of IIbouhl b.'t'e a proper k!lo ...'ledlll;l!' of periods and
Tea. :VI. Cnwley hu a dillltind Teln of mlDe left me quite a Dlee little IIUID ot money blld.ory, that I. If ODe ia produclac claaaic:aJ or
humor. that creat pv1ac cn. wlt.h many of .nd we decided to thorouply eDjo,. It la the M'rloUII play_pia,.. with a puf'POR.
UL I would h ....e 1I1tP.d to haTe bellnl more or w.,. ...e m06t loved. We weat to Chle:aeo aDd It IB appal1tDc to _ 80me of the plays ~ro
her SouUl Atric:aD ellpo!rlenCetl but IIlle paseecI leased a theatre and p't'e 8'e11ea of cta.lcal dueed _itb tuJ'D1ttlft of eGme otbn period than
OIl to otber Mattera and I knew bfOttl'r thaD. perlormaneea . . we felt they sboald be ~"'en. ..hat Is dexa_ded b, tbe play aDd wbat Ia
to la~Pl her tra.ln of tboqhL "Wl!' produeed 'PeUeaa and Yel11l&Dde' by more. turn.tture of two or three distinct periodll
~.&:tter the war 1 NJt umed to Loadon and :\Iaunct!: Ibeterllnclt. 'Gla.eond. hy D' AJlnUD- Ln oae holl. .uc:b th1ap aboutd Dot 1w and
~ CO."tt'1i MjrU:a S,It4"~11 hi "The Da. 'Hedda Ga.bbln' hy lIMeD.. 'As Toa Uke t wm Dot per1Illt them In playa Ia which I
Gl'8t aub,.- at the Drury LaDe neatre. TMn It' uld otbn plaY1l and put them 011 eorTeet.I,. appear. The aune arcament appUes to COB-
I .... He_ ID t.Ilat Cl"e&l pia, "'T1Ie ~
Cit," . . . .e pla;yed all o't'er the Br1tisb lsks.
a:lII to eoatuIDe and appointment.
moM! .e Cftated the 1'ipt atmosphere ta the
all' what la tumea. too. aDd I 4eldp botll tunJt1lre aad eoa-
lume. .. well aa tile appolatm_ta tor the
I ~ Loa4Ioa of eoane, It wu the cnat Theatre by apedaJ IIpUq. erpeDSIn acents ape..rlJD&ta. 1 ~lt:'fe ID the atm-' MeIlt,
it e _ _ of tt.l Ume _d It .... willie w:lt.lI aDd WI!' P're t!o_rs to the .udlenee and Ob: to pe1'ioda: ud to trDth la go. ese taHmuJ aad It
til.. e-PIDY that CharH's Frohmaa _d a- we did othn lovel,. thlDt;8 wbleb were ~ _YODe tella 101:1 It til ImpolllJ!b1e. 'ou UJl be
Greet approK.hed lIle to eIlact tile put. of
,.;~. la tllla c:oaatr.y.
.Ith ,OU I dJd DOt want to do It. _t
T. 1w .a1te c:aJlcIW

J'~l4led to ~rsnadoa aDd aID "'("I"}' dad I did..


"We -.n.ect _tth 'Et'eI")'lIlaD' at . . J'raa..

"I't'e but we l"eapef tbe prUIae of the crtda
and sot the MJ11. of a.udJf'DCOM wbo _ere thor
OUKhly ~reel1lt.Ive but we 10IJt our money of
<'OQl'1le, That .... IlmoM Int!'lP1table but we
will neither of lUI @'Ver foF'f;'P.t It and the pl~
. ...-."
IIU~ It ia beeaDlll! that pel"llOn baa not the rictal
art:Istlc 1le'Il*! or does Dot take the b'Oable to

Constance Craw"'" I. m05l thoroqtlty la

earnest aDd ber Ytews are Indeed her Ufe.
"\.8eo aDd toolt in all the hi efti bet'llfeeu 1If'P _lit 11....1'1 with U!I.. I hllTe never ~ e d there ill riO sham about It. it ill all ..-ita! to
Iltel'P. aDd P1tubvrc and the tour lJI"l!'M. IL" her. She haa dODe remarkable .ortt ID m.aliy
~ueoeIIII la e,'fOry w.y. "I am Intereated to ellaC'tly what mlde noted photopla,.s now, Ineludla& the followlD:
-On oae oec:aaIon ....e pl.a.)'e4 'Everyman' I. JOU try motion plcturetJ: I . .ked her. "Pelleaa and Meltaa.ade." ~"o"entl_ Tf'aC'led.,.:'
tbe mins left b,. the San Fruad.eo lI-.-l -1n tbl!' tint place we came to t..o. AJl~lea -B1'"k!e of Lammf!l"Dioor." ~Mary lIacdaJ_e,-
..lIjoyed that upe1'i~ too. Oa ..-.her oe-
....._ la tIe aame city we pla;yed 'A )ljd- Xtcbt. 1>'r'Mm' hi the Greek TbeaLre
at BerRIe, k(Oft _ ~ .f 1ft thOP-
OQ the OrIlbeum CIrcuit
A Florentine 1'raed,' by
wbell. se p~nt.ed Wilde.. We
",I.a,ed .wblli!' to reat after a loa&: period of
worlt _d WfO"" ~bed b1 the Ual't'ena.!
fTom the pen of Arthur Maude: "1-." and
other pla)'1l too numeroua to me.Uou..
She Ia 1Du-a..1, foDd of little
Is her ~ t ee-apeulOll" aDd 1crfta an _1-

IIBld ~ tbt. W1lS cmlIer the me-ap-f!B.t CmBpany to play In IIO~ c:.....e:aI prod.etton tDa1s" aDd laleDd.a to baYe a uumber of aePi
of AJ1ll.r llaude ...,. .yeelL It all . forliCT'll'!'eB~ lhad~~tetd~ in her PJ'd- .. t1IIIe 10" oa... SIte Ia tODd
~ I ae""f:r forset-it a woada' Iq tllU aa4 beUt:'fed I eooJd _ tbe ,,-,blU OIl etlildrea. too. aad hopes to &In iLi&D7 of
f.1 ~t tbe . . . ~ I _8' It.ed. Un of ~ p t 1 q _ . . . . . . aot th. . ~ b y _ o f ~ ~
, q
eII'fldaU1 I. ceT1aI.
s.-. ....
Baa" ,
~1 u.telII .. .uaerka
__ ~ befoft .. we IIeCWei to at
. . . 07. . . 1lade" J. f"arrodJ. W we 7
lit. C
' _ Crawley
- . k wUdl,
lD Iter"

aM:. aJ_,..
~ 0rJea.aII _

~ ....
illiltaace--tia aD
. . . . ." ~ ~ the IMbUe .... t-.e aitb
UlJ wUlI ~ ~
pill _ .~

M8GtII iii. 1Ilf.ade . . . .

..... IMt we ~.. wen
.... MelIiaaade.
well .....
INt .-e of Otlr
~ u . ad u.-
a-Ical 'IIi1aP are
~... I ... __ bepe te be h1"riw.. tw I
Pow 1 wiD tMs be ,.."..t at art:l.x a-t:a.


. NEW., 01' 'ntE ~
' . . : - .
..... 77 R-'
-'''st,.iJ _,__ ~ $T_~,-dto
L P. lIkGewaa of tIile E . . - _ '
II)' - WiJIio trJDc to ,....~ .-..e
A.Il&B. . J ~ .......... - pI"OIDi.
L Bat La tbe ~
IeM1q ......... the po--.. be tbP
en.-" a-..
n.e ~ la tlIat
_. r - . t ~ ~
IIeGow:aa a. hr. -..ay
bU:t.eIL b.aDda aIMl anDII aad be U. to ,.,. t.o
.bo an ....etiaI: ..uo. at tM ., tillie,
1"'ls1U to Mr, Doc:tor to bave the bites eau-
aDd. wJr.o "ope to start m..ak1aa r-nre piet1lns
t .......

i Do two . . . . . tIlDe. .l'N4eriek 't"toem ill also
c-oaaeeted wttIl. tiae DeW eom...,-. .....
Georp Holt, 1U1l1or. becIlme au. actor wb_ ~II'_..-..cr_

0- Heuy ~ laTaded the _ . . 011. a two mODtha old (quite reeeatly). He t. now
latoWll _ the WetItenI. VltacmPb ID.faat.. Is
___ "_e-u...
~ 00IM:iU'D. at But. lIafaeI wbile _
~ 8eDfar, proud! Awf1IJI,.!
a ~ ..... aad, I'm III ...... pat
or the pe,ortiInDen throqIa em- ~ &ad
tree ~ ~ 'ne UTI-.I of tlHl )lOItee

W. E. ~ the pubUcit)' maD at the Yu.

Tar ,....,lIr, ;".
1'1 ;. .m._. Mr. E. F.
Marpily-. Di~ '" "ne A-:i.-d MGItio.
~ the fact that lDopp's pa .... IIOl: tuJ .uadb is dobac aoIDe be WW'k tor the Picftare Sdloola" ~ .. dte poiaIt: "I bel die
Rellazlee-lfajeltlc-GrUlltb eombtJlatloa. Keefe t-t ~1eM: for .,........ ~ q.... _
loaded. bat be wu bulIed ~ to da'aaoe nle
all the same. III lID old ~ and bo... the lMIal priee 1)11 200 copin." ~ W"wdlntp Sup..
oess fTom A to Z. ....dtorily _ ,a.-play wri-....,..: "Wr.Pt.illipe'
~ RI'C" .pplic:abW 10 me pbolltplay 10
Tbomaa B. Nuh who w1th w. N. BellI' tAw ictiM ....,....
faJ' . . . ~ ;rears wH _ a:aaaacer P'ra..D.II: )font.somerY of t!lIe Kalem bad t!lIe
of the llldea4&le -..dIoa. bu 0I"PIlmed die aupreme d ~ 01 boidlDs up an tra6:
betwll!ll!!ll VeJI.t1IJ'a ardr.. ~ ,..
....Ub )latin Pktwe Compuy wtth . . . . Ilea . . . . . . . . . . .
near t.o. AJIpIeL "BfA' Otto, ~ the wild aJlimal h.-n "Ilea IdiI Ids ute Pt 1ItucIl:. ta tile ......
tralaer. . . 'eeeet-ted with the eoms-a,y _d Wa.ttl.Dc sad e-u.s dd.T.en of ..tttaa _
featuJ'e uimaJ photoplays _del' the dtreettoa
of HardIe JDrkJand aN to be prod1lC'ell... Tbe
eblDea bunted Q mules. ud 1lnaI17 Jloaty
and lbe othera weDt on theIr me!'T1 way. TYPE" RITER
flnt picture iii well 1I!lder _y.
S E:"\ ... \ 1 10:"\:
When. tbe Sma.lleya leave tbe UnJ'f"eraal to
It la Dot on..
that . . aet:ree. CILB Roe benelt take up thell'" dnttea with Bos:wortb IDe.. Ru-
in two dItrel'ellt plctul'M at t!le -=ae tb-.tre
I nODe evenJns. Adele Laae of 8eIf'w did t:JLI:s
pert. Jullua. wbo did lueh ~ wortt: with
PbJUlpa 8al.:aJI.,- Lob Weber. wUI beIId
recently. aad her won .. a ..oM,' dr! aDd the ILm CoI:IqIury- J:Iaie .lue W1IBoe will
tben II eoUDtry ctrl who tnduall,. beeoaIes _ be lliIr te.rIbI& WOIaaIL 10e d@ an.- will
outcut, .... very lDt.eI' probUly dtred: them.

At the Reliance atudlOll JobJI AdoUI til pro- Iil4. Brady IUde a 'Ver-y popalar toutmaater
dUctu ~Blue Pete's ~pe" by Georp Ru- at tbe Jut Pbotoplayen' Club ftltper. Ed.
dolph Chester with s.m de GrasM'. W. H- IWl8' a __ ra&" time . . . written by hLmllelt
LanA". Frank 8f>uDett. aud BnUe West In the and eom~ by Harry KeCo,. who accom- CbestE'r's storie. are admirably sutted: panied him. It wu a c:apltal dinner.
for 8C~ purpo!le1'l..
Clara wnua.a ot the Kay 8e@ Ie the latoerJt
Buell CODDon of the AlbuqD~ue Company act:re!al to be robbed and It happeoed on ber
"'U hurt by II bone st~IDA' 011 lab &D.kle. birthday, too! Lost. lots of p~ th1Ilp he-
Buck feU 0 II broocho for eomed,. pu.~ Itdea aome money. However, lIhe received
aDd sa,.. that the Den time be comes off a IJOme nlee blrthday preerno to belp her oo.t.
bue!l:er It will be beeau_ h~ ean't help It.
Charles Dudle,. at the Balboa CompallY. who
Lolita Robertson la ownto~ np to wearl.n. has done aome excellent c:aricat:o.fts. baa re-
her .-ecldin" MaS 10 lIOme of the earlier eel'f"ed a eommlMlon to draw a aeries ot the
MCeOefl In '"The Man on lbe BoL" On the promiD.en.t motion plctur@ people for a toea]
lesttimate stqe she call eover them .-Ith publteation.
IItrtpll of flesh colorPd plaaWr. bat one caDDot
do thb III front of a eam.en. IIDII Cd away Loulll Da.n.lel FIts-Roy ha! arrived to
with It. bricbteo lbe bome at t.o.dae J"Us-Roy, tbe
ehu'aeter actor and b1a ehano.iJl& wife. LooII.
J. W ~ Ken1p.o la dlrert1q bill O'WD Seatar. lB l.nan1rerablf! at preRll.t. Mama and
pla~ with lbe _ i ~ of .luq1J:e8 .laell:ard. !l:lddJe are dolD" oleel.y, thank you:
Tbt. t. JaeIt'lI Int attempt at produel-r: ud
It .-In be lIlt~ to note wbat aaeee. he
CharlIe Bart.l@"_ the tair bairN hllDdBome
has alon th_ lluf!!!I. He la aetln~ too, of
YOUlA' maD 'with Frank M"ODQl;Omf!l'"y at the
~""'" Kalem. bas a Dew aotomobU@. Chal'"lIe I. a
c:aftttr.1 driver and r:ets lOU ot enjoyment oot
Alu:andra PhJlJlpa Fahntoey, the ""ell known at hla machine aod JQlJt lovetl to enwl uuder-
pbotoplay writer and aetrna. lIaY1l tbat If a neath It.
writer can teacb lIOmelbln wbleb will do IIOme
actual ~ once In a doseD plaYll lbat the ef- The Lorimer JObDaOD eoacern ""The SaJ:lta
forta bave been well spent. Barbara FIlm Co.... II now ~Dlf lu com
P&D:t aDd II prepar!q to .tart bUlIlDetI1l. The
The new aeries featurin Cleo Kad'- and IItaIdlOfJ are very eompl~ and ....ell loea.ted..
helD produeed by Wilfred Laeu at lbe Unl- ~re lImA wlll be n:,tde.
\'"eraal II entitled ""The Trey- at Rearts." In
fbla le-r1ea Cleo appears . . a motller R.Dd as Ceo:"t! De M"tu@ ot Lullry'. studio. ~ e r
the twlna. a treble eharacterlzatioa. 1V1th Robert Edeaon and eompan,. accompauJed
by the WTlter Stewart EdW'lll"d W'htte are in
CourteD..,. P'oote, late of the VItaraPb _d Bear Valley tl1m.l.n ""The Call of the North,"
~lIance bas beeIl ensqoed b,. the Robaft !toe- A Nucleoo Bay t.nd1q po5t baa ~ built b,.
'll'ortb Comrcny, IDe.. for whteb. both lIldeli lIN' the .....
to be conratulated.. ~ and band_e
Myrtle wtl~ ma.ll:e a ftne Noaa Dartr.teather baa ydo aaotber ear, a
two -uJd raII::iatl "Llsard.- all I. 1rilJte with
Mary H. D'COD.Dar, wbo did lueb 1'004 w011l brilllaD.t blmPII _d wttb her e W11:t 1m'Ke
'II'1th the Wester:D. VIf:aC1'pb both _ writer _ tbe tn..t. It baa _ dooI'II .... Iu
aH ~ 8Ittrea. fa rep. I I he GI . , . III a:ldew1l1s. bat It t. nry at:tJ'IIet1Ye aad odd
waJ Dterary qoeats lIDd ta 1laMlIq' -.fe-
b,. fUD01IlI aadlon tor ~ .......... ...
and a erowd _ colleets where ever It palla
- Jt'he-~. :rIiiGacJti
Jol1J 11. m~

(t "t-~..n ~
wat tile
e-e ... ,. __ -.w.ean .e .....
~ 'Rid: it .......
Be .-it a ala, . . . _ ....'t _ _ ~
to . . ?

wtdI.e.. I
-.0. yet wMtlM!' tILat . . .
_ .......... ~ . . if ..
~ t. C!I!IM 'I{ItJl -.e I ..
, ....11 ~!'"' ... .-14. _ he 1ookM.
throa;cIr tAe .
I -IJ' 11.
ART IN -)laM-",- ,..- lIolJ"e." _ ..... 1lIIftJ::r. sy_
. . .'t . ........-yo..
Sbod ~J' NarraIioD . . l- ...."t. I ~ te a ~'Md-
--'tbt~ __.
- . atber . ~ ~ tOf'
. . -=X-...cJI , . . ....Hu-a.-t I ~_I .....

...- .....
Iar""-"--"" It;. d6ed. ] ~ . . . -dea 1

~ wfdI _
...m.".3IIlrort3wy Il ... }eokI!lI at ._perf Ia die a:t-. ~ I .~
~ ~
tbt it tb;e ~ lk!dIII."to" tIrIIt~.ue
.:;.~'= ~=...:.=:.:=~
tw-.: .... _!
. . look._. ~ 4W; wlaat ....w
I taIIi7 ~. to tJl,e~' R
tbe t:at.a"ltRIf
.. WattM.

.~"-*: -...~
---" ... _
ar-_ dlot..,. "_ .,,IWtIa--.rt.
~ II!r 1t~ to . . . .er. . . . tIIft: "!Co!
~ 'De_IooU--_.-.. ..........

lie! No! .. [ crIft. I u.e

~ ~ tlar ....
. - .-.. . . . ILba . . ~ . . I t1IrMlI- .-.yo 1ln..
~ . . . .....-ttJ1IC t.r me.
a.... '7" cds -==-~_ ""I."D waft utfI - - . " .lie ..... ""U J_

CUI't RttJe tllia. or .Ih'e . .-'a:~
- . . to .100
__ lUU WEElD.Y
_ C:
.. _ -...n-._
. . - - . ,...'11 ~ .. take Y-Mr ~..
I-eIt..t. ~e."""""'I
met ...... eft;,so n!bd: ~ c:aae. ,
weu bKk. eoa.te!l. UreI wttll: ~
I bad lle9'eI' felt. lI7 bnJ. wu ~ Bat
I ..... f"MIlI7. I .uU .... '_,. I"OlD. I eoaId
PI then aDd tu1I _ ~.... I aUpped lMo
the utd tried .. let ta "Y' room dIeIIt-
Iy. &t abe lleard me. Before I . . . Ie my
room abe was at the door.
MJ'Te ~e to ~ read,..M I laJeI. dully. HI
aIlu't be 10Il~ H

MHfl'@1 a I~r. a relJl!l~nod letter,N Ihe

said. Yaybe tb~re will be 800d DeWI, N

I took the letter, lJllJl dued. It wu froID a

firm ot lawyers. In HarooroUlth, For I
minute I stared It It. Then I o~ed It. Tbe
wordl'l daDCed before my eyel, but I made thP.lO
o.u :l1.uu:u-;
~ All attornl!"Y.,II for your late tathf.'r, lIT.
David ),[OrpJl. It hI our $ld dUly to Ihtorm
~-ou that bf.' died on lh 9tb Inflt...

New Idea in Watches

sit ne...
..... ;, d ~ It~
!lufferlu~ lIOme weeu before-. a paTalytie
8t1"l1lj;f.':, He did oot repln eO!ult:loWlneu
artp.r tbe stroke. A will. leaYln@: all bl.
~..te to .arlous eharlll". ... . madf.':. but

'. -
5 not ,"pf'd. owth". to th.. Budden nature
r .. ,.....-.. .. ' lie J .,. "F"" z .... 01 bl!! IIID_ aDd bl' lncaplt'lty, kI the

,..."...,. . . . 'a. 80Ie be4r-at.... yOlI will. therefore, 1"e-
t'ei'l'e biB entfre estate, .tt"r bl' detIU 1ft'

-- --
pald_ Tbla win amount. rouebly, to
abin:lt slJ: budrM aDd flny thOO8&Jld dol-
Jan. I ~ _ we fOUDd, aDlon.a bb
..-. -- ..... -.-.
.......... ..... .s.t.
... -A . . . . . . . . . . De...J:ilIe.
~ '-A
pa,.."', _ IIltOpflIIfld 1etter'1Tem J-' of
~ t ~_ brdIatlq that y_ are, or
Weft. Ih IM!fJd of ,..... we take the Uberty
of etH'J<-lq a draft _ Xew Tort for _e

tho~d dolJan.
, We aW1Llt y_r lam---
01-.".. - ,,~ ~,.,..,
_ ,..11-'. l~ -.#l .i:.. l' II
wu siped by Battle aDd Xardban. liar-
leadtac Iawyen.
J-'" _ f W b ~ _. . .
--. - _ _ IIide . . .
.... ~

~_theGtberIllillk o - ~
fill y.-r Iodp _ _, o6Irr

..... A New Star


"OLD JOE DOW SET:' a s:rb;:&led aDd pro-

taae ~tc of a clay tbat has WaDiP.d. _d
withal the IJI-' ~Iebrated _d plcturoe-erUl!:
DJ~ber of the old ~rd of CaliforDla', 8la&e
drl"h, craft. hu jotaed t be rnotioo ptdu",
profl!'ft!llOQ.. HI, adT~t lalo thla oew IPbP.l"f'
of Ht:hlty Is dift'lCtJy ~barseable to the In''lj
able ~aJ of ~eral )laa~r. AJeJ: E. Be-yta_,
of tbe California )lotion Picture Corporatloo
aDd his produda. aldn for correct detail lu
their feature films.. "Old JO\"" I. at Pre8P.'Dt
actin .. understudy tor Andrew Rot.on who

plays the part of the 8tqe driver In tbe Com
palIJ', adaptaUoa of MSaJomJ Jane. M Downey
has drivea ~ for O'l'f.':r fifty yean aDd In
i.ha1 time- hae cu""" bl. Iabortooa . q up
PlacticaJJy f!'feTJ' .o.alalD P'ade that Uea be-
_._----- nr_D Cala'l'ertu CoaDq aDd tbe Orecou Ihle.
GOSSIP or 11IE PL\YERS 1NNe:~ 1VM I . ~.:..
---. _-
---... _ .....
,..,-..T '

_ 8h

ElCJlT II.&LL&JrS ~ ,.. tlae ~ Charles ... s.,y. dInd.or
H . . Wi.
5 ) np.. el
52 2 """'4 IlltrG' ....
Ia tlae ...
_ _ plc:tans at Coae7
I:edlerM wttb by ~
til' tIt.b
ee.t - - - - . .. FE
Udatt7 fit
~ --..
S - at
I'lL. I I . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .
et a ~
peMlIlI ..,. 1M
that had beM
fa tIM JIk:tve. M bad CJtiqe . . ~ ....
- - , . IItUata. fa a
d.e- _rkelI like aack. .&.a.

... euL
' ..... 'I'M

EJtJ... .... Iar-eI . . tIte

..... a rake _ _d _y ...........
tluftIa. roDlDC ta tile dirt, aM lit. . . . . . . . . . ~

. . ..........-.---=...
W. . . iNG

~ e-IW ".. akIa ftJeb

~ IteIt tItIIII la cnnI . . . , . t!IIe erowd .. aat: apId:m'e eoaId tie ~- lD
the--. - e . . . . pblee.. ~ FralIa_t.
. . . wbt pat eftt'J' lilt .t
eIleI'U fDlo bb "'roqIt. aa4 t1IaIbW" wer1l
-..u.. ..........
...--_ --.
CbIldIiII Ode for RanT _ " t ~ .....,. ..-IIS ttIIlI. . . . he

............ _ .. 'Ie rw:e bet--. . . . todo It cmer ...... l a ~ ~ be-
~ ~ . . . a-Ie l.-n. . . . . . . fore ~ camera. Ie-' ' N. . . . .

~ tWr . . . an. ..... an Oft tItlI -.e
... _&1 _
...... ~ " " ~
IIr. Ph1Up LoDerpa., James Crae. Bo1'tI ........ ='-=ii:C.=.t::
aD. SWae:r ~ -.rt. a lew
........ . . . . -- "---~--
57 . . . . . .

WltII tIM ~ OIl h _ .-..e u.:. .. vi. tM a ~ dill _ tile on-.

tabeII, IiLtII _etlIoa ot pc , i tIM race Wl!ft . . . . . . . . . . . 'fte It ,.

tar rn. I M ~ . 1.-.1 e( t" i ~ ~
tIM w.e ..-Ir. a.
~ tM: fit
_bd-e_t8aIa~ __ ....
.r ... ... _ . . . . . . . , .... _ ....

.... ~ .. 'lee ~

PrIa. ~ ....
, . . . fII. e-. ,...,. mrr ...... u.ed aft! a .u "_ _ ..
... ~.att.t~ . .,..., t fill .....,. .-a Ia !'lew . . . . . .
..ttaItIe ........ tM ...

. -- I
Kutel 0IItzk:M. . . . . . ...,. cr ~ Klac ............... _ _ tna ... 1
...... u. a-c ...,.. a '-
be-. b . . . tIM . . . .
daIlcft' . . . e.p-'W'Ia.- of tile nat
en. Belbre the IIIk had faIrb' pet-. coW: _
. ~...
~ fw by TIllIII_'"
1NU'W a ....... PIJ' .e::r.II: Ia ... . . . . - - _

. . en.. ' ~ daM: _ ..

alP at Jl.eamr'a me . . . . . , . w1tll . . . . . . .
0-. at tM New Tori: Ilool.
. . . lately ull:ed to Ildd hb IIlpat:w:n:
coIIeetfoa. W1Iat he ..-ne. .....
"J.e. IDq BIaDt."

Marc ~ aDd EdIwari O'e:-.-. Harry C. Knn ~ m.w. _ . .

Cor .ome ~ ~ . . 'te .. of the beM; oat1rrell .".. N _ ~
ltul Edt.-.nMllo. J-. wtl1 tMJ' .... )JIUNd. It-. He ltYed up to bb i cpu ,.,.. ~ ".
oJ( t.Qpther .. the .,...,.. ~ It atcIlt lie
. . . . at the lAbID beotJt . . . ...... .....,..
becaaee of the ~ la ~ -.e- t!l!a that cam. aloa rr... a faa . . a . . . .
DenDatt: I..- ~IC _ ~ ~ ..
exactl7 the f'e'l'ede. m. ~ ~
..1l.I1eo wa.ltiq for .. eaIl to tlae ........ ta IIatrt
~, Sll'etCh b.1Juelf Dan IeqtIa.. fa
I!:llI'Irart I!:larie b M'W ~ the _ .t I
be6 ~ ....m.- the r ~ .....
the ~ of this pu:adia. taD .... t!Iat tMlr _ t ea-.iIt .a.ce tile ~
lIot:1ty Ka:re of the by ..... G1W1l __
of the lid.'- -pkUre ~ HaM of ~."
hora IIDOI"'eL MarC wutt"a Gab' renee .. to la u.e ~ role, Mr. Earic . . . the ......,..
lLu'e oae of the ..... t
P&1uc O"Conaor wMa. 1M
..uJ. _ vi. befall a . . . . .Jad: ... pel."'" ....
at IIlDytq ltetPta. rrc.. ........ _ .....
.. ~ awsb tID bear IlLIDRl! caIW. aDd t1Itap fa the hl1.IIlmeat of the.e ~
Wltb .-tao- of . . Iatu1ated Gnld.w. ae-- Ida _-=:tee ttPe..-I &ad ' * - - _ .... tIlal
. . . rults oat aM. ....... II..: .. o-a- .. It w.k ~ . . , . at e. bic t8 lIrftc ~ . . ....uac. ..
~ "-d to a.Jp ,....... ~ ~Iu...
Jotlpoa A.D~ tbe v-.aJar Tb....
' __
\.ae--. . . . . . pet --.b7 ".. ~ ... RanT Cue7, ...ho plan tbe ~ 1a -n.
plaDo. A lIbort. time qa. after lOpe.. .....
____ c:n.cumaa.... bad the dDa.btfaJ
"ater\a!aed a croup ", ~ willa .. few OIl. da lq: ..-Ith . . . . . .r rep1ar, ~
eeIect1oas. ~lIourt." the 1IIO&bJ"..... auow.d the-- '"boboll" ID order to put reaU_ fa
to _trlb~ his u..u.e at the ~

.eeDe that rept"eIIeIltll!ld ILlm as tnmp. It
_hleh be did m-. DObIy. Wltll a tnae . . . . toot to pt them to qree to be
of tulle and time the little fellow ~o...ty Pta:red pb~ed bIlt after w1aD.lq: tbelr ee.t-
fe... meuuret 01. ""This '- tIM Life." d'!tlee the dl~r lNnroed that they .....-e tile
!'f!&I thl~ &II hutlDetln batred of
Robert Edeeoa. .oc:ca~led '" Stuart. IDiI-
"&rd White u.d tILtJty-8Te ~ hu . . .
to lloo.e J"Ktory. ea-da. to Kart . . the .... If CraIle Wllbu ~ Dot o.e 06 the plack.
I....aab prodac:tknL "'The CaD of Ute NorUL" let acton 111 the Pathe K1Id.lo. be woUd DOt
ha_ DYed thl"'l:'ll&!l the pat epf.aoM of the

TIte _traet betweea the I..aky people &lid
. ~.. ~_ He bas bca k:DodtelI :lit-
Mr. Ede.oD W reprded u the peealIar
tIlat bu yet beeII. made III Ute ........ I'!ODl:klaL br'all'l!d aad ba~ bat .. wtID ..

Tt coatat- aIJowmees en' I'f!IIlt!IIIIe. ,.. ftft7

KClcleet that eouId ~ l y ba&JiIJft to JlI"'8"
Tent the eomPletiOD til the picture.. . . for Pari Whlte-sbe taows . . fear. Rf'I'
pat ~fSCa ....0... tl!al Me b u-ItJteIy
Jolla lhalla,y Is tbe _ _ ~. .... ~ at It'S load pIetarc Is Deeded:
UPP7. pop11lu..... ahrq's tbt _ ad tl!h .. Dot 1IlC1r. GIl Jwlpaat. either. for
'rap til pen:ptntJ_ . . MeIaolb' .... !lite oaIy Dftded. . . awabll.... to 11ft' rilkl
'"- a rat ~ ....,. CM . . ~ It whee IIbe 1Lad he'!' artiiS ttulDed
IIIt:at-ua. "owblc . . . wD tbt ~ d..- to the f'Ibo.- fa Oft pIetare. wileD ...
_De. un bI!!aIIM 4IIdt8 a popduo ....-,.. Nt l'Pt of ItaJn fa aHtlter. ud
.... aIIDMt c::anted 0IId to . . fa a
....... fa a.em late- ~ Her oIlJf!d: t. to
enIIIta tkrUIIacrea,JBa . . . . me sterJ' call
... It.

ne Auj.... lime'

Magazine H. ..... L. CHIC.I.QO" lu.I...'C_la.U!ntnr
JI"ruId:s X. BuIuu.a u. aIrMQ . . . - . . . .
r-r-uT 1lae.La..q" TOG wID .... It lit tIM!
Jab'..... Crue WUlMtr will. prabUIJ' _ . .
The latest issue of the _
~ar. R.. l.---Chet WItbe7 111
with the "meaD Coal...,-. o.r
ten1_ed l.JII aD. early t-e..

C L.. IL. CU.u:LDlro~. 80uTB C .......1U

livest magazine of the lut reeord of him dio'" that be was appeu'-
Inc I. n-IDO pletu.- made by the New Tork -yeB, Pear1 ~.11I I... real c1rt-Sbe U8ed f..-
lIotloD PIcture Corporadoa out In Cauroro.ta. be a _aarto writer for the Sid Olcvtt e--
movies. It contains a ](a. B. G. R.. J"'~\"lI.LL wl~.-ne ~other
paa.y, but DO" la ckvotJac most of ber time te
Uterary ..orll: for T1u )(onz P!C"I'Om,u, . . .
complete novelette by JDa.D"I. N-.or'a ~ A JI'laab lu tJ1e Darlt" wu
E. J. Brad,.. T~ you we", npt ....t WaI-
other pu.bUeati.... T es. we quite qree witll
you that Kudlo notes c1riac t'I!!&l '"tDsI4e lJt.
Robert Kerr ~ ~d aDd Dorotlly Dan1lport. formatl_" to the pletuft tau la IJlo~
tt lfi'l'ea them .. DeW IlUIldlt iJ:Ito the wblm,

"The Only Son"

XlAA V..... G. S,,, l"Lun~"O. C.u.U'OL"'U-
90TTy but we haYeD'! any ~ or Ole cut hi
that Lllbla IUm you mendon.. It bo'We'Ter'. you
fada and peculLa.rlU..,. of th~,. (avorltl' ~

wUl write lIr. D' ArQr. publicity maaacer ot C"n:t: J~ ),I~LL At...UI.\)u-FloreoC'f' Law.
the Lublu Xuufacoturiq C~pe.Il". PtIlladd- re~ .. lOll&" aM 'I'&rl~ experience on the
a gripping story of how phiL PL. be .t11 bl! Pad DO doubt to Dot _I,.
p1aee thia actor Ifor you but ahIo to rlIvpJ,. bill
lesitlmator .tare before ftlterins the pld:lu'e
srndtOll and bft' InIt "orll: .... done for Edt-
a young man and his pbot~b for a small aam. 801l.. Pauline B~ was a1Jlo a lJtock and 1eP-
Umate IItaf;e ta'l'ortte before bedlUlllllf Iter
~~:"Cn;!II" Pu.c;T--Y~ ~SQo,~ ..-u )Iar. JlIct1are c:aree!". She . . . a m~ber of tlae
mother face a cnsJS. perlte Sou.'. ~t Dame UDtlJ Ilbe manied BeI&!M'O Stoc:.II: of Loll AOll"elea and Ve Ubforty
JUDe- Cnae-l'"cnr of eo~ It'. Jln. eru-. Stod of Oak..laDd befo"" iolnlDlI:" ~fI'IytDlf
Tbe sant-er 10 1'11" JIoMo B~ of .J..~ortes" A" Compaay trom .. hlt'b IIhe cam~ to tbe
'bJ~) wu Coartfonay Foot!!'. Sa~ly Wf" lntvf"r.o:aJ.
wtll be Clad to U1IWl"!r your qUestlODlI. geGd
IDLa wie.a with '!!'m aJo1lC. 5:o;0".c.u';. F.,:-<. CIIW,U'..-It seemll 10 U.
you are a bll urlTf'uonable about dem.a.ndlulf
F1Dmta InBqdie V"'u:'\' R., JI'T. W,t,T:,\,E, I:ofTll,t,:of.\-Kalbll"eD ans.. e" to your qUI!llt.loDIL Tbe 1I.IIm!! querlea
Kempa alat~ or
the 'popular WarreD Ker ..."re ""plied to In former IlIlIul!lI of Tn" lion.
.Addr l.tJM rtPll, played that !'Ole ID -SamIOD." Sbl! wa,l
I5pedaJI,. enpced for that ODe product1on and
PTnum.u. IIId DO" you 8f!nd them In -.:aln.
You ean"t expoed: UII to Inll...r your qu..rI_
JlqpdeFtJDly doel Dot recula.rI,. IIl~ ID UDlvenaJ no- tbfl! day they an! rece:lvl"d-or at lea!rt to ~
lea-. SM.b! You mustll"t . .II: lIuch qUest.lOllIl Ib" I.DJJWef1l that quick. TItF. ),I.. np.: Plnuaul.
&boat enl,.1e B1IIcll:wel1. utd Wilbur. ~ to pt"ellll many Wef"U of It.l!I date
em-&lntz~ 1Jm"t It lot uleff to;:lul'! th~ both .lncll'~ of publll:.lttOD aDd 110 tht' matter "'"e are 1I"Tl1.
Both thl!' QIlIWen .h.l.:.b &pp"'ared ID back Inl: DOW probabl,. ......Dt appeal" In tTl"" for a
Li1litm Walku rlum~f1I of Tae ~ PU."Tnm..\L ..ere eo~ fp ..... _1tL 8f' pat:'"lIt a.nd look ove:r th~ ba('k

Wil1ia1II Wudsiwrth the Il"Wt _.'l"!r

Allce Joyce .... 111_1,. ~ at thl' time
Ippeu-ed.. ud wb_ the lIe('ODd
ODe _eDt to prel!lll abe .... marrll!'d. No cba.rce
DumM~ of Ihls poblh:atlon and ... e Ihlnk you
..lIl dl--"f"t" f"Yf"ry ODP nf rour quP111"'11 has
bef'o ar:t"...II"t"'Pd.
lIDeHotdq I. madl!' for au.a.erIll&" quest.lOD& 1IO It .m
be U D ~ to WDd aD,. I'f'1DlttaDce of aDJ' GL.tDT!O T.. S"MIM'II.l.'_ T, ..E- n"
II:lnd wb _ _ blDltUnc questiOliA.
All of them big Movie Sws eompleu c:&!It of n-bou-r,. "Wbf"ft the
W'bl!"els or Justtc-e O ~ - I,. :u follo...,,:-
--<JIleS yw want to Imow. Y. a )I .. CHlr,t,GO. I.u..a:-<Ol_The maR ~ TOIIt-Boyd lIanb.aJ1: Sell- lIayre Ibn;
Jim. NeD'. taUler--M"r. )(urray: the lIberlCf-
C'f'D.t picture In .blcb KathIYJll WUllama lPO
pe:aJ"IP!'d .... ""'!'be Loeopud'I P'oUlldll1lC'" .bJch JobD Lebll;~: )(aDDe!. a three abell
abe WT'Ohl aad prodaeed bfnelt. Write the pmbler-Jlr. Raraa: and Pat.. the t:..rUDder-
sells' Polywcope Compu.y, Raadotph IItreet. Yr. Sberwood. Tbe "Jim ~ - of Bl'1nIcbo.
Look for the Cover C!l:tc:aco, for nat til Ilm..a In ..blch Ibe fa; at.a.r'ftd! are baDdftolb of th~ aDd the list
"'Tbe WlIa:rf R.atJI~ ".11 fll'tW'h.n lIa,..n.

.ould be far too JODlf to reprodace bft'e.. We're C1J,muA C. ST. Pr.Tu. lIP""F-sl'T\-Tllf'l
h'. a dandy-and !he rest e:leeedlDsly rtad to aote that YOD 1I11:e THlt t'LDch owner'lt Ife In EclaJr'lI ''Tb" Blun
of !he book is just as good. M'OVT1l: PlC'TOa.AI. Ind IIUcb J'"-t~ .. TOG" are
ery _eovrasfDj!:. WI' hope to ma.Il:e 7VU litre
d"ret"'1 Work" Ludf" K. VlIIa. aDd the
DI_ ...1UI playrd by Edna PaYl)e.

n.- "'"' loads of snappy UII bet:t~ . . d bPtter all t1me cues CJD.
JOH:of:fY B1'1.1_ '''UU:f ...l'OLIS. I:'I"UUlf.\-To'l
are riPt and your trJ_d..-ro1l&-
stories-and 100 pictures. K.. B. S_ )(n.....ulU:lt. WUKX'lfllll'l-We .ould
like to . ~ that you .-rite ... f. . _pie On:en WIll bora In E:utland . . d I. DOt aD

eop,. of TH. P'lrOTOPl.Jt.Y ~ ...o .bl.:.b I. de- AttBtralian. WbUe adll a bab,. Coxn WI!J
votrd l'IOle:ly to thl!' "'rltlnl: or IIIr.enarl_ ror b!'OuPt by btl pare!lta to America and bis
motloD plct1aft'l IIId tvea WTlten dYke OIl clIUdIlood WUI apeDt Ill; San FranMaco.
Bag the A UfU>I ......./ Photo- ... be~ to place theJr M'T'lpta _d bow to Oft'!'-
eome th~,. faults. Don't. bell"e you'd ha~ A1.aF.aT R.. D,t,l..l.AfI. To.-Tbe tnm mallu,
much cbaD~ to ~ a.!I a pbotoplay aec:r- tarl1m!n dOD"t like to m.a.tre publiC' thf" rnearul
1>0 you'd ~ Ith'" up that IdM.. Tb"", I"'" by ..blch lO1De of tllelr mOllt !lU.rtlinc etrl'd"
0. sale JaIy 10th alt"I'Sdy hUDd1"'l!ds of applleI.Dt!I alIeoad or yon ani ~ 1M we bope ,.OD ..til pard-Otl ua
af sn,. studio to ...hlrh you mlidlt apply ror for aut 1'l!'plytDJ,: to your qttf'.ry. we
"'ork. Il1O you lee you'd be a1mOllt eertaln to I). thlnll: a lot of the dlanD of the: plctuJ'N ...ould

PHOTOPLAY disappointed. be 10llt for you.. If you new exactJy how e'l'ery
t11ck WI!J aecompllabed. Wh,. spon the 1110-
aloa. Admire the result .. mnc:b .. you
MAGAZINE ,\..... Int-... ST. 1.oH"". ltl"'.....r - V..... thO' no-
port seem. to be troe that ~.,.,. FuI1e:r I. pleue. but aoa't try to ~ "bow the
..111__ pi nMlDd."
lea-.lna: EdIROtl for t:'al'l'f"rsal CaD"t tell 1'01'1
1100_ ...... yft. "'hat brand of f111lul !lbe wll1 apPf!'U' ID.
P'e.rhapll .. ne. and special hll!!,. brand .1I1 CuDooa. W..-n:aoo, tow.a.-No, Flora FInch
CHICAGO. u.L. be ~atM lUI done .... ben Pont Stern.... Is Ht lin. hila a-1lY. BUlla,. 1ft man1ed
bat bls ..161 Uppeas to be . . altoeetber 4.f
and Albll Ike ere acquired by the C....
ren.t W7 tIaaa Jilt. r1rtch.
fresh from the press that will teD you
-how to write strong, red-blooded scenarios
that laugh at the rejection slip.
-how to express your photoplay ideas in
that crisp, clean-cut, magnetic English that
makes your scenario speak action-that's
what the editors want.
-how to become the editor's friend and
always know just what and when the
different sorts of ideas are wanted.
Above an Else this Book is Practicable
For could any advice be more practical than that coming from men who have been doing
every day for years the very things they tell about? Could any advice be more practical
than that which comes from the editon; and writen; who have earned hundreds of dollan;
through doing the very things, schemes and ideas this book now offen; you? Could any
advice be more dependable, more reliable, than that which is being used by hundreds of
photopl;lywrights with success? For here are the very success secrets of photoplay writing
that have netted its compilen; hundreds of dollan; throu~h the sale of scenarios. This
book is a plain, easily unden;tood volume; the best book for individual study, and is in
advance of any other work on the subject.
Contains Twenty-Fm
This Book is a School Within Itself Coo"I oLete . Articles
The object of this book is to give, in the easiest under- There isn'r another book
extant which contains the
stood form, the information necessary for the proper instruc- full and camf-Jete informa-
tion on how to write photoplays that sell-photoplays that tion as does I How [0 Write
Photoplays That Sell."
contain the big vital punches and dramatic situations that the There are twenty-five
editon; demand. It is good for old timer as well as beginner. complete .articles, as follows:
The Amateur Photo Pb,...ncht;

COSTS BUT ONE DOLLAR Experien of an AmatC'W'; Gnm-

mar and SpcllinR; Photoplay T etms;
Phoropl:ay Distincrions j Cbssi&:a-
The price for $100.00 worth of knowledge is but ONE rion of Photoplays: Phocopla, Ideas:
Grtrine: the ~ of the Id~; What
DOLLAR. The book isn't bound in limp leather and deckled to Avoid: Camcn and Studio Con-
edge-it is just a plain dollar value. ditions: P hot 0 p I a y Limitations;
Economical Considentiom; Photo-
W rap a dollar bill in your letter, together with your name pla~' Construction; Building a Photo-
pla~'; Thle PlOt; Originaliry; Atmo-
and address and send your order today-no need to get a sphlere and 8"; The Synopsis;
money order-send an ordinary dollar bill at our risk. The An Apptoved CompleTed ScleDuio;
Submitting thc: Manuscript; ScleDvio
book will be sent you the same day the order is received. Procedure at the: Studio; Ten ThinllS
I Would TeO a Bqinoer; About
Don't put this off until tomorrow, but do it today, while the ~bnubcnan:n; A Few ParTic-
ular Points.
you have the dollar and the subject is on your mind.

The Enterprise Publishing Co., 3348 Lowe Av~ Chicago

.... _---
Price 10 Cents July 18, 1914

ITrailing the Million with William J. Bums

A SpectRe
Prod elton "-
/SjJtdaculaT-because no other film production
equals it in size-46 reels.
SjJtdaculaT-because no other film production
equals it in costliness-$l,OOO,OOO.OO.
Bpedacuhu-becauSe no other film production
equals it in stars. settings, photography ~d dramatic climaxes.
Bpedacuhu- because no other film production
is the motion picture version of a story by Harold MacGrath
DOW appearing in 200 lcading newspapers.


.,.Z un S 5

_ 7 [l's I . ' 11 PldlUPaI' II

The first five episodes of this startling production are now being
s h o w ~theatres throughout Amcnca. Each episode is in 2 rcc~
r-~JcJ each wed< for 23 wttb. The story iI by Harold MacGnth-lCeuario by Uoyd
~ The -p-' . fiIIIIl Cca, . dlc pc , u s,--......e fila Ccw. . die ..... ,

-- Some booking dates are still open-but you must act quickly!
The million PoIIar Mystery is an indcy helen' rcIcasc and may be obaincd
regardless of the regular prognm being UKd
. SYlUKAn: fUll atm IUn..
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WaaId You Pay
COIIT&JlTS Detectm:?
O)VD JIIIO'IOGa&PB lIyttIe S.. ,

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A AM i1.flV1: IIILUOl'I DOUAll IDE " ..,. ...... ,..wja
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PIIl1I'OPIAT fEA'ItJU r.oDUCl'IOl'IS $10,000.00
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. . rhe_ . . . . m.a-
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TIlE R&UWST WOImED IlAI'i . . . . . . . , .. 1. 19Le " '" _
STAll UGm. TIlE S'BAJQ) AIm &NEE nllY . K '
IInau: STIlDII.&l'I
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taiaed to IlIIiol , . ..Is '"

A S."i&AJr'l'
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D, rOn
~ Wow ?he
drea. He ~
?he I'
1"" ?he
ol ?he *-y
EASTEa!'I STUDIO NEWS ad. 'I" ol bia wodd- wide
e'l e iallJlhiDctbe.,..,.

5" __
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Daa"t .... a ioate will cII!IbIin _
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ao-. .. wio ...
__ NOW ....
s..- ' -is .... 01

The Movie'Fictorial sm )hdIw f. $1.00

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8 So. DearborD Sb_t. Ch' IfG s-d.p.- , a .....

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The First Part of an Exceptional Article Entitled
. ED
.., ......... _has!

n.~_,,"nr ."....
HTbe Moriog Picture Game".
. . . . . . . . ,.." . ." . . j
PerilliD for Pa.uline
The riM Stnry rtf 1. K.i. Td1a. _ _ aaJ mil. of Pnrl Wh*
.... ~,...,

Winifred Greenwood and Maurice Costello

.~/fD The M Hie PJct.iaI
TIoe 4th In-nment of Wm. J. Burns' s.. D' . - , OIICACO
Ii Helps to the Sohatioa of "The Million Dollar Mystery"


Harald M.:Gratb'. New It aud Gre.tnt No,el
Atbacti~"" II f ill dada

"The Adventures of Katblyn"

Send us $I.SO for a year's subscription to "Photo-
play Magazine;" OR for afou'r months' subscription
to "Photoplay Magazine" and our special six-months'
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. weeldy;-"Movie Pictorial;"
AND we will send you by return mail postpaid and
absolutely without charge, a handsome doth-bound
copy of this great new book which is just off the
press-"The Adventures of Kathlyn "-profusely
illustrated from the wonderful $140.000
c.. COUPON Selig photoplay by Harold
. MacGrath.
as..D .... !L.c ,a s..I _ , - . __ "s" _
" ' Q:
E.dorei oIe-M W $l.!iO 1rr ..... ,R.o ..... __
" ,
M .
_."no.\ooI .....
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II........................................... ClOUD PUBUSIDNG COMPANY

T .-J 8,~ .' : .
L ...:;I::::.::"::,.:::::'~'D::z::n:::CL~.,....:;:::~,.,.,.:::::~ .11

w ... B,-.
. -

1&'&.37'."7" 3 ' 7 3 "LM

.1 .
. ..,.
twta . .

It _ " ' t . .!" . . .

'IMI wall tile' ea-t UlI ~
. tblap-J"ou Dn.. the. "ft'1 da,!"
Dr. s:ta.kJ. , " w deu'elL
"Yea. 1 eu. s---." be 1:7- wT. .
-are . . _ -.lJ~. IIfto lIMQa ....
a cr-t ... tftdlDle ~ to Hr......
cr-t a .. f:Id. tbt It ...uw ... ~

~ aIaraaIt, TbiIIII)'. Her taee.
....' , - - . J!ftUJ ~e ~ ... ~lW\'l!' IDe . . . . .1'" a.ft. Y" -. New. ~ 11M Ia. e -..~ . a
~_ ~ t ~ that :rOll an: tidIbIIc o.e t:nIIk. ["'"t ~ . . . . . . Me . . . . ~ ' ........
.--e. a. ~ laM talIea' 011 .u.n.; u ~ to lJa7 1OW: were rtPt--or ~ lifL..... 'I1ltft . J-t . . daaMe Iller..
rttt.c......... lIftIl ~ ':'aee she It ~ . . JUtIler~ nat is . . . deae I tteIJne tMt. _1IcMe -.. ~ ~
.... ~ t ......... with. It.. your hd:1Ire 1 . . . . lIIiIeftL.. IIllPt ~ bel' reu.. ... meN .....
-Well!'" .- reo 1M after ~ If It
...ere ~ ..
,._ ....t!'" ~. het' . . . . .
"'I'IeuIe try to na- ter'lJ abee-. ..
erat.a. tJuit I .hwl ber eI. ...
wbll ta 1M: triftad~. ....ters ~
A Hallett,. .._kI be I)eUer ..e:
Id 1-be ...... ~l 2a to ~nU'. far tkft

_w re....
a cIoctor. for .-e weUlbe_ . . . . .
Uda .. : I am old dlate Wll.-.
~wbey ...
I ,.08 [ laM. _
lather. tor ....oter~.. I"r&d. ."
"Loot iI~Pa "Toa me .....
ItTaJPL Get tbat!'" you'd Yaat ..
_HI;;irL Doe pnt.eed to be ...
aft his 100I: . . . . , .cllterr ....
..... oat fJl dNr . . . . . . .tbl ....
qN. MTlD kN- uhd tbe .......
. . . that'. all riIM. Ex.et1J'~
toe.. r. .......
.. tt, ~ C



Bat-" .....lac ~
"'I Gat. ..,.

eftII."'O . . . . .
I1rL. . . . . . . - - - .. ntW'II _ _ .aD
~ hIsey
-I . . Ded.- et--
ley, - tky ..,.
.... e t.w. y I doli. tat .........



:I . . .
T.. wen
... l:iMlr .....

... . . . . . .'t . . W-
~.tbe~ ..[ wID ~
eaa." -.w.

tlae a. J r tUt ,...
lntIler. . . a.e- Staa.III!'. u
p!W't:r. . . . . . . . . . . . yO'! faD. ..
..s-. ~ T.. seod wID Mea

. . IteIIleiI' ... ..
tu. ro1t1t.rle..-t

u.. a6cdIIa

1_ baTt ... 11.I-. or _

t. . ,...!" Tle aid p n a haN little ......
acee llaIlri... a.
hara wiD Iaaft . . .

It.... 1 will - . e
bK;k tcHDorro. . . ad.. I.t , . . . , . . . . " . -.y
--y. . ....-~ a. atrL wT......... .......,.! .. aIte
"'t IIaate I ...... lean tbfs ,.aace at.eL 1 Mft to
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~WQ'~ PO . . It .,.er ...... or I'll e-.e .. tlM: etHr
Be. . . ~ ,._: to t-.ieII wtGI aD elf "'lll..
.,. ........ ~ ...-rIeI_,.
tJa:Dc. _ tile. rt'l'fl'!"
... dliaJt 1HlIt." Itt ..... *'dIiI.eI7~ ".Au.. I
the ~ JOB
...-Wbe ..
w. ....
tG~. . . tbat
_ ' ! I ' . ' IM' .........0.1 ~ wllJ'!
Be . . . . , ..uwr-. ~ ,..... BtIlr. eaa oeer J'O'l a dlawle. Tow: an ~ I It --e ~ uau 9taaII:J ~

.. ~.,al-... .....-e. lfb.J' [ .... tMwI .eM tor be t. ...ta tIM lid fteI' . . IlilI ....,
-no. ..., ... y.....-r 1',," tIM mY, ~ .,... s tit. ttiaJda&. IIlIIt be I I .... tIM MSl
.. ~ ilia tie . . .! 1 had. tie UTe,. ....'1 ....e. "U J'O'I ft'I"e tab _ fit' tile _ I"'M dQ." tM ..... ~,n."'''tIM _ _ _ _
l! 0'-1
.-e - .
. . dWIMe! I ClRIII - . . - . aeft rt a.w! Bat. ,.. ..."t

. - ! . .O

10'11'f'Ie ~ yell . . . . . wtM tID m..

"I: ....
-I will ...-.-" be..w:. "r

,.. e-. . - . e.-'t 70'1-! If _ _ "" at- .. Fetti

lib ......

.,. ,... .... -we ....1. . MIl -..:. ""I . ."t


.. be --.t ... with

a . . Ill!. ~ I . .I't ~ Gat. . . Q'
. . tM

..Idi Mr
... ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . &...-.. . .
wtt:Jl kIa:.

., ......



J~!1 III. I!n-l

. -..
was ~.' .
. . . . . . tIile' 1 CEN50~RSIlIP ....'at .....
........... Pdl . . . tel' bII, . . Ia'
.. ~e.waa.-..

. . . .leI ....

...... ....
fawwIlI' ......,. .. lab . . .1. -.It. Tbeft bill
.-.. ,... dr!. . . .... , fa .....
-- ; 1q' ..,. . , life. tile u.e
' ' see.eI .. ~.,.. ~ ...
_-..-of' .... both, eI t:MiL
lira. 1bdUr.. -wq,.
. . . . . . . . . . wtda tklr . _ wtaat ...........
............ lIMe to roe- ............. 1IIaaIe7
....-,.Iaer ........ too. . _ It, . . . _ ..
.,. ~ ...-ck'e. to lIPtelh IIefon! Aaa. f!'#ft
dl8ct wdl ~ .. .........tbe~!. . .-
.. . . 'Werle I.,. ~: It. AM'"
...,.~ N J'ct:ves bad . . dodtL ~
., tM -.... ctrl. too. aD lie )mew ot. .a-'.
. . . . It tiI.I)o to MICI!S- ~ofbt!l" ......
t..m tM i t'e=m 1Je- meat. be . . . fill.
t ~ ~ ; eM'taIa h...
. . . . . . . . t.eri. . . . tit- Bat Aaa. .~
abe .....
e . - It. --W be
..,. . . MeriIIe to dtaac

.......... ......,. .... t ~
~ .&ed
.. __ waIblI with ....
fa tbe ....... e(
8laeIaIr 11_ abe
_ w:tdII ua. 8IM:iUr
, . . . , . . . . .......t
-. "W'bo w tbal!"' sbe
1bIdl, tbdUr IIIfit dae erteC.. ..-w.c _t bel'
. . . .;lle . . . ~ ..... t o ~.
.. tbe of Ilel' la the _nbber7' . .
~ _ phJSidaa . . . tr1ftuL He w. . "We ba"e do8e welI, little ctrt... uJd. the qIy. eril bee bad ........
...... ~ to ....1:7 Aaa witll all ...u
fit ......... 6eta1Ia. that . . . . . -.ble bel' to
-...I: 5.
Ilo make talk. .... ~ .
_.tIl&, ...
doctor, wltea the ~ bad I.uted tor
Ills. there ..-eI. _ farther daa-
cer 01. t.Uare. ..y_ laaq ~ Jour part
"Ooa't be ~ JOaa." said Its 0W1teS'.
"['a ..,. tile __ sr-.."
He . . . . . . . . ~ AM. AAD. Mdt at
ta . . . q the kIadJ,. 4eeept1oL Aaa Jlenelf, "'Irabb' aDd I thiaII: It has beta po4 for heart, retlred to Iaer _ _ _ttll bMdaebe.
~....... to _tel' bato Ole ..,trlt of !:be :r-. toG. By the ....,.. Jou will ha'Ye to meet J'or the faee . . bed. -.ell ..... that or BaJI
~ Wlaat 8taaJey told. bel' of the test. RaJpb JlolItoer.' I. comiD-O; for a rlsIL R.acPrtY, the balt' brot!lft' _be bad driTa Iler
1tftI ol aetHr ... daqIltrer broqIlt tean Y_ lIlut IuMnr of him_ He . . . lato ertme-!
.. ... ~ . . . tJl&a -ee. oaI7 _ba abe ..... UttSe Dlon tbaa ~. Baaert:i, 1IIdeell. bad tnclu!JlI ber doW'lL
""Bow [ wtU [ Iuwl DYed fib that!" ... a.t be is tM _ .c ,..... ...........-..t lin. That 1dcht, w1tftl abe 'YetlttU'ed late the PI"
..... .-ee. willtblUy. "It I bait Ifnld that way. aa-:IaIr'....-.o..... ~ 1 wtU tell y_ 4f'Il.. to lIad a foqottf!Il wrap. he roee bewlde
I tklak-I aldlt han bees pod!" --ell of lila .. eany '"- ~ . as .-c:b her
...,. -dear," -W StaD.k1. ~. "'Do oae .. I kMw myeelt la taet... "Ia soft.. aia't 7Qll!"' be jeeored.. "Welt my
..... " , ' . . . . . I do. Is . . . to ilia-. ,._ De -a..- .,...... ~ ........
the drt. _ am l! I doD't ao... the pme. bat It
,.. w... tUt are the faaIt ., ~ _nroa_
. . . . T...IaM . . chaDee. 1IIlIt __ ~ aft
~ peU. ctaaace fa .Aaa'. lUe..
fore laM'
r ... fa aa7 wQ. 8be
"'er tIM!7 blew yo. . . . _:,.-
queer" eIl<T'
IIIIIter I pea It'd be
tID an ebaee--tt fa _ yola' to .ue tile "r. Bet J .... stat-!ft sbe erIed, tuie-Iy.
. . . at it. ...,. tIlllle- w_ID.w butll' ... ,....
laM' IearelI tIaea; u.-..;
....,.. fill. CMlneo laM lll!a!
1M! . ~ .. '

. . I haTe . . . . dMs euIer., [0 tIl.laIL .u. _ . . . ,......_: a.e""~",, "Ir ~:'" "I, e - 1M'.
~ [ lIII.a.Il ... my ntIilodt:T to ~teI . . . tIlM.unM1 . . . . . . . . . . ., . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . , . ' __ If i, I kIIow! ow.
-.s. 8mcIaIr to -.e ...,..
T. . will take .p ~~.""""'~"",. ...,... ~ t. - 'ftIiI.b ,..~ ~ a.pter~
TOW lite wftb Iwr. If the ...-atJ- ill ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .' . , 7 . . -:.~ bill ...... wt!II' ~ Get . . .
. ttd. la' .-r:e
wMre both Iile . . . YOlI aft)~.
bewL IIfte-It ..... b e . . 'tL ~e
'" ~ MIt take all tboM kH.. of poOr
a.tIt'. deull late _r -adesaee. Some..e
~ MODer or later, betray tlle.eeret. Bwl
Ia that way It eaa 1M ~ ..
IIIIttIl!nI feU n t .. the .ector predicted. Kr.L
m.cwr.. ~ 1l:HC!'nr_t tile sllPt ..-..
u... wh1dl _... fa ao ~ dS . . . . aI-
TIM r-It.
Its ~ was blply . . . . . . . Hep"
---'er......trt_ _ IDr ___
Iq. AM. wlwew. abe ~~ tlle ....
~ . - ?U--i.aa-wbia . . ~
...,.fti!7, .. 11_ duPtet'! AU reeoIleett.. <IIf
the ~ .... lltel'dtall,. ~ q Mr. Her"- ~ of the '"tIlIap
. . . . . . . . . . _eft
tb& ........ be'-e tile aIteek ., .......
ter". *-til lIbe ~; tIlat. howeTft, ~
etWYthtac .u.eq.... q It. was ~~17
~ froM 11_ mIH. Told _,.-daM
aile bad\

lIeN Ill, Me )'iekled readily q 81taa1eJ"a .....
to DI.,.e to ...u eoaatr,.- ..... wilen be
hil lf 1lIld o...nfld IRImlDer b01l8e . . . ~

"I llball ~ Dear ,.OU thc!t'e." be sal4. "1'Te

- - . I.a harae. loD eDOOh- U's tilDe for me
to ftt1ft. A few daya III to..... DOW . . . tJlftlo
win be an I aeecL"
. e bad
Ma'. ure
ODe Or quiet
slBc:e Iller chUdhood. clr.eaaelI
", .-ell ~aDd CDlafort . . were . _ 11_
......y pordoa. Sbe tIIl"01'e _del- the stI .
. , . . . Her tlft1lty 1W!caBte more marbcI. ...
... lIIIftned .-k:k1,._. 11te hard. . . tlaat Iuld
o , 2 8taaleJ _ilia Ite Uld lIM'Il ber la

tM . . . . . _Oft"-: It ~.,..
...a-. ~ .,. her It _ .. aeeea-
....,. . . .q HI' r... tk ~ ' . .JdI
...... aM. ae ..-..e sI.rt. . .
.................' -Iiq; ,..
..;. . . . . . . Iler ,.... ....... - ft . . ...,. .. ~ :~ _ ft
...., ~ ... 1,. . . . . 1Ilr-
. . . II: """'" I ~ " . was
'-e! "I"''t~a)'''''~_
""'1'" .. aW. ..W1Iat . . :r- ---.!
T_ . . . ... FU M'tft'
. let , . . nit t.IdlI

"'011. Y-. " . wiD!'" be..w.. ".u.I. ..-t'.

. . . . IIIdI: .a.ter. lft11 bftp 1M! Or n
. , . .., ~ I peel tJuIt .,0- ,.....
~ . . . . ." _ t ~ Tal' . . after ......
. . . t:aIIl: wtdl.e! Or the ... Wy. dt1Ierr-
-y.... MWI' iIu'e!'" sIle saw..
wUII a . . .
-0-" tJlIU. It!.. Iae
..lnat . . I Oft fiIr~!
..w. ILls t-.e dIacIIIc-
11ft ,._ .-.a,y
fer tIM! t-. fill. .. If I ...."t thJaIl T. p.t ~
lQ' ..a..c,.,.. LIlIts. Tm fa a II1U'T]". toe. T. alPt. __ tbe ....... 01. tJte ,.nw
..,a. Bee! 1 eaa eradl; the safe. eHJ'. T_

.. -
. . .e tM ~ ..,a."
Be ca..- .. wrist aM twisted. U. UDtll the
pa.1a . . . - - . . . .wanlile.
...WID,....! Or w1J1 I ~he tbe p.IDe ...,.r'"

""OIl. rea. 1 ... ~lbe

-.bbia&. wW! .. Me uJd..
~ bel' wr*. Be
ehuckJell _1M . . . after her.'"
be tun . . be aJP,t han .eeJl the Apre fit
tbe c:ar*Mr. IItaIIda& ........... ~ Ili_
1lI0.... Yltla --.JeT'" .tl.,......,..
Xor til BlaD, Dot bdac . . . . f'NIift' . .
pert what tbe saNner Gel. _KIa JM. lae
-.ect what be _ TIle . . . aetM ~ .
1,.-1. . a ~ I"w. tile lint ~ ~

w_ ... '- ..
M ...-. _ _ ......

""'I'1l-e . . . . are tr1-* .,. ,.r'.. I tab '-elL be'. CMbiI . . . a - ... tile ,.... pru-...e ~ rUi. . r:r.. Ute: . . . . . . .
It!" he..... .....ell. Tn

"Yoa'N deteetln! What are

:r- tIata, t!wL..
AM be ........ E.flI m4lt&l . . . .
"T_'re Uar!""
la afIler tM ... ....,...

b l " " to" It.

bel'; be
)IPl"P!" aMelI l"cMter.
~ I ...-orIr: for the ~ that 1Mb aI'tft' lite
"!IaDII..-e- "''1: Il.n. ra
MW' tbe...... -I'ft _ Ole . thnL,..
t ~ sir.
......ait, air," said the 6ettI.e. .. Better to
catdi. them botJL Tbe "..... ladT. __ .,
_,. ablr~ k. Bac:p!rt}' I want. Hes...-.e
. . . lie taW. ot Ule boW 011 ber. " . that ... m make .e the
~ ~ be had hanIer 011 b1Dl!"
...eFt .. The "'I~ was pod.. To 'tt'&Jt dle 0IlI,..
"'TItft!e'. .-.e b.... tblac to do. ADd so, that aiPt. hUe the
riIlIie . . . .! .. c:r1ed hoar _pt, J'OIIter ad dle detectl.e waited.

. . te _
re.tft. ~ft:I,..
The)' were fa thc h.n that led to the puior
bd Oehtlwl nanaln. ..bew. a soft tooute fell
_!cIlt. ,.... the at.Jz~ Do... came Anlll', c.... III
........' tlile~ iN!CII&ee of tlmy wblte. 810...-1)" lIbe crept to

1ft. "If 1M! __ tiL the ......... ; ooe-ed It. Tbea sbe IItD'telI baek.
. .'0' be ....,.. rd aDd. rooter.. leaalq JICf'II.-ly out. so that de-

"'~""llyoa teeu- MeiDell lamtable. ..... ber ~ Iter

.bu.. to ber Mart Haglerty sUHed 1a. No
. . . tie ~ roster.
un.c _
D r. ~ . wbo

UlI' .... ...,.. roe-

Footer 1it:raIDed acaJDSt tbe deteetJft. _ _
"Wait! I ....t him r!'d huded." .... tIie

'I'IH!:J 'tt'&1W. T'Il.roqb the atI.I:J.-. I:M'e

1-..1 tM . . . . . .,.. nme a wllirriac .....: H.ttcaerty . . . tI"J1ac
~ be Ute tuaWe!'ll of the little .... 11 -.tie. T1tIeJ' .
. . . . . . $

....... lin. 8Iadatr baN the aib1.laut ruM or hla ~dt. _ the
~ "s-!...... tM lIetectl-.
a raac
'-Dodior.- tIte ....
"I bew tM tratIl!
n I ; lid ... Ian
AM la, that ~ t
cried Aaa. "'1 lIel"8m e&.
fie ca-.llt
... u..- lIIft la . aM tbe deted:ln ...ft'e at ~
fa _ taIItaat. AM ,........ eya ~ . .
. . ~ . . . . . . . . !~
r.ater. --.nac as be . _ ......t abe bad -.e. . . MIl _
.e.r''''' ~ Be ....-at:Ic NToh'cr. kTeDelI at R b
t - . . I ...ute filote to -"'T_

- _!- -.adell 1IIIaert7.

~ .... _ lie
..... 9taaIet"a ~ "rn tIpIIt _ yoa-nI tdI tMIa wM , . . are. ~
"Bitt-I be.- a1:rMlI:1!'" crW JI:n. ........
..It . . .
tIM .-Jy

. . . lira. 8taaIor'J." 1M!

..... "]I,. dear. y_ at"f! iIGt .,. ~ . W ~
IIohaD lie. ....... _ I caa aiIlIIIIt ~! ..
ADa cI-e to her. . . . . ai as BaaerV ...
.......... lie bad takes; . . .,..
tIM ua ~. "'Sk Jln.. SiDdall' lookN .t Jl.aJJ,h. What ...
.... ~ . e ..".. .... I. hili e)'M aat1dN Iter. Geatl,. IIbe . . .

. . aM
... _


t'appd. A.a......L EYn ...-e ~tl,. aIHt

pOlobed bff ....)"--to....... The a1.11 who ~

UiIM .... ~ .........

........................ _ _ _. . 0....-
1:er!" erW. JI:n. SIa-
clair. ~ . Luck7
ELl..DiGJ"OIlD. . . dtn _
..,...-t ...,.

...... ..w. tIM - . ". wIlDe -.e lit ~.-es"'" 1 . . . . '-1 ..... tile .....,.. ., tt.e t'aJ'f'ftIiII -* ~ ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 11: GOlI _ _ b n . .t Mr to _ tie ~ ...-. (caL) ,.. .....
. . . ~ CNIIl ' IIaIPrt7 tMt ..,., tIM - . that _ f'IP6 fa...,. III
..... ~ It. --. . . r.ter'.. bewllll( 1M ikCiad:Ift .... 55 Qy ...-dI~ IIf'I*II'I!'d Ie . . .
_ 'tIl,e........., ... ....' _ _ ._....,. - ....,. . , leu. sue..... mr efta ..... _
............ ' eIee. I .... It'it be rr.e! If. fw _ _ . . - . JIIUt; 1& '0 ~ ... ~ ~
it I ' ' ' ' _ tit ll._ F. caIdl rH haMo!L IlH W be I. IMpe wttll tIlIiI TtIJala aa.- ~'. life JIU't.

II THE: MOVIE PI.CTOlnJiL Jal, 111; 111.1

'!'k ~
~ ..... ~
...cAft' (. ~ '.,
r:aI ~
_ n.- .-....:
oe.a." .
-'J ...
kjlIft . .
b cae "...".. k1t.
C . . . . . . . . 6,. ...... ..., ..~
. .,. til taIII . . . . . . ~ ,
7 's' . " d H I _ . . . . .

He-. Tedl aD tM
he . . . . _ _ et.
__ Ia

J..a.,....... ' tM'" .

_ it atIIwart . . . . . . . . . . . . la ~ wita
a-. -.-.r:. ~ ..... ........ -r:n-e" ~

........... ~ ~ ..oekw CM ~ lilt tIM:

.... ....,,. ,
'4kf'''' ....
bas ...
~ u..

~ e(
fIItII,er. .....
t - I s l t ........ dle
-e. ...
-, ~drIe~ _......,.a _

ri6III _ .. aBft. 'fte (aM DiII7
. , . . . . . ..
jIatJ.~ IMft ~
I.... .'-ea, w'" .... .,... _ ... JilIt .....

~ ~
.&11 ." -=It. - - - - . .
WIJ'. __ IIaran&ft
ji.CWW' ..., . . .

.. ft'!IiDrift _
--. .. f
~ - - . I Ia . .,
...... 4. tM m-taaI _ "
-..tF .. tM . .
'I'1lb _jIct
late ..,. r..- te
pia ~
Ia-.u. .... _ . . ..,. tMt.

are- . . . teKNeatM.......... lie b-e te _ ilia . . . . . . . . . . . .
ftwt~ ~ 0lIIJIII; a-sz-.n _ ...--. ...,~

Let _ eM _ _ t!lb ...,~~_ .... ~ .....,.tr-

~ ~ne~e.
." _ .. Ck~ettk aIdtt wak 0lIt: berfGrller~ He . . . _ Eta
, . . . . .,....,. ldietUt' ., _ Orl& . . I-If P...arp'4lla'4'~ . . . fttVM!lI _ t.Iaat ....., l'tille Ilb M'1ItlantL R .. -w .. _ a few
B~'" ea.t

rae '.Uer _i,at

1~ a..aer~


I~ .. _ tIlat I
.un jat . . . . tor
.....". . . I.e.
...... ,....~: liar-

-ee) . . ,
,., UMU ok . . aetf
ae,. 4eeo.
......., ll~
~rea" Il:M

0IIa w:ldl th
lIMtr . .


.. 1__

ciCa w:.... -.k ..t.eT .........n ~
fdl i. 5Dc7e. It __ -.e.
........... otthe
l l ~
~ baTe bad
~ . ,. . ~ t h tlWtr ........1..... I
~o/t.k tN... . . . . . 01' the roepor-
.kwWW'r. .s.
4~"'lltri tel' . . . . . . . baTe
~ . , . _ IlCiUl tAe caIlW, to dt.taat
..... k ~ t o ...... for IDr~
....-r'f0.... N....... tioa repnllq. OIp.'
i . tk -.-t'.~.", . . . f'IllCOI'da. Bat It
,.ectiM,f tk rrr.ce- ..... aot carpn.e

"4 Krl~ kr ... t I o _ - . e
.,..te.eJlta ',. edk. ' . . . . . . . alklae
CII4 iW: ~ to aIOac the trail of
.." Ut.e '. cep-
ten... w:~~ le.e.Nort.oe or01'
ftk~_ IfarP-,n...111 be
.ftI.~, e~ ~ tH tall'
i-. th' t1t~ feu.- Prt~ wtUa tIIetr
... ~ae ."., ~

................... _..... -....

~tkaAi.-' u.e.
_ _tlle apt ...w. aot
~ _ t t

" .....rdI'a ae-.e.

Tk~_'''' ~
_till_far ........
'f"ik4 . . ~ ... Let _,.,... little
..... .nta
to ~ it

i. . . . . eo ;
...... ,.., Jle
MotT .
..., tok ICiJrL x..,.,.. M ~
tAe ~. to tw.rrj . .t C'O"rtoi. ~ot. itwOle-
lIno:T'i.,.. 01 tk
.-co. .....-e .nUl _ . .
..": wf~ _ _,.,.

Ite . . . . . . , .
_ _".",
f. . . . .,

.. kUllt tile
'fte . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ~
. . . . .t tile

. . ftIlOI'teIl _


~Geft . . . . . . ~ .......

rt eIlIIMt _ ....,.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie ~ Mc:a-. It M
atmadoM tie


~ w: _~. 0,..,.. ~ !-If Ute __ ..... 1Iar'II"-."-~ tie aJPt Ita" ~_ fall . . . . . . Mta.e. ...........
_~ to
it tAe ~ .......... w:wa ill ~ tor tH .....,. _ a of IlOt1t:Jiac tlI~ .. ~ . _ _ . . .....,. _ _..
,. _re. itiJtf ir..~. n.- ~ e r tu. J't1118 of his I'ettlfL ..... th~." ~ ....
AIIfTW to tW B.~r:f! Ao.... t)l~.u. J:-U Rarcz-ye ..... ~ ... did . . ella. . . . . . . . . . . llaaft ttia _ -..=..
. .NoN: .. nor--.
.... w:'" toW tk .".,
_.AI lerl.a I"'. tU e:-p- 4rUIt. to, I"l* Ills ak 1& .-rt. be ewId baTe tift tleIIE..
0 . . .. __
' &.
.l'or1M __ tw,.AI COI"!'QC:elI tile eqta1a to IeWft' .... au a t

...mel lIre-ftoU to'tab tlia to _ _ odH!r ~

i., eo



.f II.
. ."". ~...
Ifw _. tM ~ .... ~. .~ w:ilUat
o.t l~

,....,...,.~ '
"''aa Loa&: blaM.
JiU"i!'Wtly, . . .~
fa . . . . . . . . . . .
nn rr- ~ . .
to _
8lJ' _ _ fill ~ ~ (. . . .,
....,.. ....
fII..-.u. iii

~ ' . lJrai_. rri4H tho c.rd .. . . eltIaft' ,. .m _ .... pIuaMlI7. tJile

;;eee """ ~ widell. .. . . . . . " ~
-..-e ......
~ "'f~, ht tile ~kY ~ ,
."... t.,
_.., rM .n ..., ....ilK' .ell. f'k!fIJJe4.
~. T'1lal It IlGt ~ ~ .... fit.
0cateI by tlis IIMt7 d~ after tJile
deek1q of tbe ...... _ well .. by Ills ......
I Jiaq _ _ toM
. . . . . . J.:k'"
__' _ J-t
".. BnJ_'. _.. ~

u.etr .........
__ ftPJ'd.IJl&' tile f/IIlir:atl.aa e( tile wInIiea

LOOD tIft,. ~ ~ . ~e
. . . .HIM . . . O"ft'-tipe feM.i
tloa ..n
wbat we ~ of BnJ.e . . .
-f-It the maa wlto ~ .... Ule ~
be may ba"e bto... wbat aarv-,.. .......
. . . . . . tWr ~
au. uw a -""1 e '
1"UlI!I7 -.IJ'a It. .... __ titer tIMl . . . nId-
hee...... ....... ert-..

Ol&a fa t.IUs tIlini eplMtdfo. IMIt tbe mowt eM' 1M! . .,. ba"-e tIOIle ."..,. wttIt. !Iu'p'ea... ~ .... ,....~ ... tIM!:J'_ .. ~
I... -II pk!ce of aews .. t.h.b: 'nIe~ The latter """"Uoa Is ..... 111' 1Ib"k..,.
Ita ~
., oe
~ Wf!ft belated III pttIq to ~e Rtpper SortoG .... aU. . . . with ~ tIM' ~. ~

of. truDP.~. BnJIle t. M~ of hae.t..~ bad to say. 4. . . 1 . . _a ....

u... all ert-J
... riPt
Ills u.e
arrtn. to g .
tile IlucraYe
Is La tile uct F .,..
5-lf Rarpw,.-e 1'l!t1Ined.. be .-m __ to
P'n! ~ 01. tbt. fact... a.t - l a c ...-t
. . . lite we.sMd eard'a1l.T IefIt we .u.taIte ~
01. ~)
S 1loIIlI:_a ...... .,
s "

bi~ t.-tr bow"
ri.,at.. ,.. _

~ the wareboae ......_tare tcares - . e r of Baqrea.... tor tIM . . . . .~ Y. . . . . oe.m tIe t. u ,.. --.

.. oe dee! fIIf tile Ullnl ~ . t IbaU III,.. it t--HM 1IaI"'pean n!tU'aet, 1M ..,. ban' .aeIt..,~ ~
. . . . 1 .,. Let . . . . _ tMttptM tIM! .... that !Con-. e:an1ell . . . ,... f - . . --.II , Iia . . ......-
t.a:r, tile. tUt " . . . N--. ...e . . eaIy wttIt. tile .Jd Or tIM sktJ9ft', Ohaals . . die ., daM ...' ...... .,t - ~. p ...
~ ta.~.,dle ~ ......... . . . . . . . . . . tw:t-.-ttl. ..
-.. thf!7 tte ~ _ .r 1- Harcn-'" walked d.... tM ~.k IIdIt . . . . . . - . . , , ' , tie n-
................. _ - .......... ,...'
. _.. _---. . ......
....... ..
_........ .. ....
. . . . .,. . . . . . . . 4
., '
~ __ 6a ......


....... .... _..........

.,.. " ' - dIM., tile .....

...... _ . . _ftII.-lfll!. .... w--. 'WW7 ~,...A ~

~ --..


. . . tMt . . . . . .
- . ~ 7
WnQ'~ )iIIII -.
. . . . . . . . . . . . aIllt
............. _


.. _ _
JIJa ffte
,.n. 1M-
tkIlt. - . . - .. . Ib-. It
_ _ ~ t b t . . . . . Uft. . . . . . . . . .
U - ...
. . . Della'

Let _
~ ~

. . . lei*:
_ ' . ' ", ..,.. .. tile
:r-' ...
taeUe eM:Il __ . . . .

- .

'I-.e '" 5 ot tIlIIIt ....,. ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " - " . . . . "I"Mft Is . . ~ 0 ( . au tar ..
tM& ~ fa tIM IIarpoaft ....... .-:IlelI ....1tJa 1IarpoM.. .; It .."....
..... tIIlIt IMIeatlI! Ute . . . . . . ., Ib .... Jds u.r .. It
-. ............ that
'r1It. ........
It ...

rau.. ...,.

--=-e a little MhWr.

lII:terab sat- ...,.
. . . . . . . . JInIM., 0Ia aM their coMrta.
".. UIe __ ., - . aU -.en.
IDOft ~
_ tbe
I. . . .

he .... or
-..mer'" __ ...
....... tJIe_'

---'q ..

tIM . . . ~ eI"IMb. .. lion ~ r...

. . . . . . . tIM'
Ci!FF I' 7
eutte..,.l!I"'Aft. It Is
Ittde ~ wlU... WID
... ,...,.e.raW
the aereutlt. That isa . . . . . . . .

TJte 1IIielI. ~ fa ...
W-eft. ~ TW:r
~ ( Ia Il..... fa . . . . 01. .... ~ ~ 6Dft, . . 1treak . . eM .....
... cram ) ' - - e ~ aoqIl . . ch':e . . . . .,. U7 - - . 'I'M ..
_ad.-tUtls 7 1 t ' ! .ua..uerfll. tta- .. ~ Iter . . . . . . .
~ . . ~u.-....wd. . bl.,.. 1 - . ....... tiPt" _ 1M ,.,. . . ..
__ rtPt . . left. Be laM Mea ~
~ M UlI 1UII . . . . fldl ~
wIdl s , . . . ftft7 U . J" he "- _ _,,'b Iter tbaa eMft'l.
' . _ a .-ldI ., taa-..... We .....
JQ caa"t W. bta liMe..
fa1rl:J' ... widl ~ ~
....eIItU'e .. Ia
IQ'IIIbery uu.. ,...
. . ............. 4 . . . . . . _ ....
Is _ teIIIac .... it wt1I 101M _..... . . . . ......... I .....
toU7 . . . . Is .. __ eet'tbII -.ek aM ,..... tIM7~- . . . - ........
"""" 1IiI1iiMs . , ~ . . waadIe4 we laue 1M ~ wdJ Ie .....! n. ~ fa3l .. t.M eutIa. . . it J'lIw.
is wUil Is . . . . . . . 1eI..... -.ay MlU"itMn .. . . . .. ~dIle w1tba
the hu'dL Wen it .. MQ' _ all ~ ..... p-.t I&lIta'al ....
wby all tHw tG ~e! 0- ........ The _ wJMt talb little. tMd ... b.
~ wiD be ft'-Clf'l'talaty. I'taa _ -.e. . . a ..... a sr-t .... Is . .
mlpt. we eaaJUIIt be ~ ODe la . . . . . _ ..,. au to fatbom. s.dl. ~
alTaId tAt k a loa fa . . lIIt1n't.c .. - .. hMs. Be 111 .. secretin .. a daa.
ries of ad...eetvel. bat for: au that 1 feel .-tile ..t' 7d: t.o.. eurtb" aIPt be
N!l"taiD tllat lk. Bmlae I. u.tJaed to . . . . . WJOI"th tea thouu4 MUan to ,... tio 1M
many dl.. . . . . .tmeata uortl,.: ~ _ ~ ~ TMt I. wh,. we . . . toIlow Ole
..m reeGVn f1'Gm. tbeIa., we mUt waft . ' IeIn:. a8JII"Ilboat eoune of the . . , . to _ to
This MI1l of ui tortaae is ptlq to . ' _ fit . . 1lGitu.a . , the tarts IaeId Ia the boI
two thlBp for 8ratDe; It wW Mock IlbI ..... Jew 01 OM . . . . . baDd1 It ia reaJ1J" ,...
Illto ea.m- ud c:aref1Il jl.uuU.q. . . lit ~ t we mullt bave patiftlee. w
..,111 ~quer h1JD e.t~. I . . . . ptMr fa eacll fJlCWem . . .
_,. that I bope the lattft' reAIt _ tM JIU't ot OU' ban-est. To _ .. tile paIa
auwe!'. I am , . . I ~ ., tUt . . . _ _ Ute huMI1.lIIa: of . . ~
Nbop!.W beeaue Y" IRQ rao lata tea . . . . . . . el stn......... chaL 'De.~
I. tIH! 0I"'di.-ry abfn ot 1l1li. . . . .. ...,. . . . . . of the ailU_ lioUan Ia .-e bnd
~ a d ~ . To Ute lIdII!diq It Is fJI. enla Ia tIIitt tJ'ftD~ ~
.. ~ .. -..c
Kric:Irft~'" J ........
)'OUr hope t. ....... :r- ...w _ wi , Z7
fJI. "eDt&. The ~ tJaIIt w1D _.
IIdl tJae ~ Is . . &IOiac to _ f'eClIIJ:.
the moa aptJlU't'llt tilt d--. ~....... aiaeII ri&ltt aWa::J n a If ,... . . . It. n.t
b,' . . . It -...y)oeD, T1Je er. tIlat
will .-at ~ to the ~ of
tills Malaa: _yatery w1Il be ..-eatM.
ta ...-ft'al way&. It ....ID ee.De Ia tnc-
-ettaJ'y wa,. So mattft' 11 poeM. ow
~ ma,. be. we mat .,..oe the
-.uoa. ad that . . . . that _ . - . t
btop wate:blJlc for e.dI DeW sIt1Iat.Jea.
a. ' Aput &om the reward ItwIf, tbere 111 tIllfi
r-eoa wby we sh..w keep ricbt _ 1ooIl-
na aft
r.... Tbie)<
new of otber tkl.... WUt euatlac des do
_tit .. .
tate the rtcbt nt. but
dear Inc tor the marka that ...111 lead tO~: The
story Ia IJlteuelr laterelltiac. ~ itt DOt a
dan momeat Ia IL A.Ad It I. 1Dweh more en
'" fIiee! Could.-e ~ odter dtaa Ha",
~ un eKapM ID the ~_! ~ It ...... joyable: 10 ban eome.blq fI"'' ' "'fI
roepoet that the fourth ~I" I. aot I. my
to follow. t
. . . . tlaat !I.u'lP'M:Ye t. hi4lac I. tbe -..au_!
. . . . . . Barp"MYe ba...e ~ otber yet-a:
haads uu. 1lIOiIIeut.. But It wiD be----eoc.-ln
0Ite BtOre WH1t!
...... eome . . . pMe as ilia . . . . .tI!r. wblle
-me l'ftl l'lorMce fa _ bel' ...,. .. ~ 41. (If"im.. J . "".' _e:rl d't"l!'_ett. . . . . ~
~ .... ! W . . ~5. WieatI~ ot sa",
..Wi. . Doll"" 11,.t"p tt:ilJ ,.~ ia b-
..,....e ~plet~, . . '*
Je-n the raP aJJUoa
aIft . . . Ram--"'e die rattIl1aI ~ ! I
ue 0/ Jill, 1;;.)

~ tb~ startllq NMtw.., as qu......G 1lJs early ~ . Geoqe

,...,.b1lkks. but ~ to . . . Jela . . . ad
TbaWe It is u. . . rlTel. J'WI' . . . . . . -~
D of the Vlracrapb C.....,.,
with a TPPertou. <'OID...,- tbat
D. Baker,
ILard _
n.e 0( ~Iaa: ..til y..
an ,...uiu that the ror.ks ot llllalldal .b.lpWI'Kk. It wall b...
J'" Aft _ C1~ rt;bot,.tJL. TakiIaI& aaJ' ...-'--.
dutY to olIc.a1a 8Mr flM' ...-e. _ 1lIAttft' . . . .
~ . .,. ~ntd. a dt&bl .t. neata . . . woak!
.. I ith OU' ~ ~ I3HMaId
_Ioac .. be dW DOt uk for~. llr. BIlker
wasa~~ tIld
the atw ..,. Unt
~ts tbt ~ f.II w1tIl .at. M . . _ell.
..e ..,. red ..... aft _ a. rIcIlt tnek.
-= bally ~.-ey. After. MdIII .....
. - t . be . . . c:arer.u,. e.att4 . . _ _ _
~ dUef ~ we .ell twUt ....................... tb: _ _ ---
. . . . . ~tIM: ...........els __ . . 7 5 d"-tola ' $ Be ...... JIr. .-I
tlaat ..,. r-. n.t. It. Is Tel']' e.J' ... tile aNd tH . . .t. tJto'~,. e tabtb" .......
__ lta"" .......' "

~ I.No.1: ,~... 4

_ . _ . . . . . 4, . . ...~ tile TaIH .t. . . . . tnJtb. Very tIlatter ea3Dea clw:aeocl ..It.h tbe' pute . . . . .
Ie THE' MOVIE PtCTORIAL hit! 111. 191.1

The Hardest Worked M n

The Motion Pictul"e Director'
--, 8 Assistant
_by arNo'1. tbeN! t:h!qJl __ to; (W &Ol!S pow JODN I be ~
ar..,.J aM .....thaI. :m. De 8atytJte ~ to ~ lie-
c:a-. ~ 1au bee-. )tat t. bt!T ~ to ~ wtdl 118:......
briI ~ ~ it 1IHl .e'l'et . . . . . . . . . . If _. - .s-
,.clAft Ole "fMlp.aat 1M}' &lid bau. up the 1D&IUe-er . . . aftft'
.. -sa-t ~ I. p.... d l - .. him to aBo.. bha U _ J
te 1M. -.e ~)~ for the blTader.
Wllew! tIiKIl to the ~ "H~. J~ _bat t. aU tllU! 1AN.
at tbaI. kMa TUe alICI th-e. !"CM:Loe'a dlatn. An! t:be7 .......
te rich ....... ~ ~ What fa tbat eh.., ctu-...... _ Ott

ars-e-t _to _e
wall!'" de.. etle. J_a butaa to -re -'b ~ tMt a...
tlliaCII aft ~tnl"Y to ~Aead_
~ mea &Del
UCft a;pi.opbaUd IWl director's rtpthll ~ ~ tea. At

lut tIM _ _ is 1'elMi,. .ad the acton . . . ~ are r.-....

-r ...

...-0 a f t _ .u... ~ .. '" .....,. 1l1a. .....

atftr . . . . . . . to be toa.d j H -.0,. .-Ie up by tlte ~
" - . ." ~ ~ - . . . . . tors..utaaL
.,.e-. . . . . . . . _a-JIic J-. ~ -.. 01 the JlId-d.

.... -. ~-a
...... ..
,,-------:-~..- ------------------__,lr
dl-.~ tAt be --.1ac
p\JlI is
tbat Ule 4kt :\"01'
I ~ --=-e. 1nT
oa earth .....'t J_ ..,. ....~
IbJ~ J_"--tb.tsanpil,.rr..

EllE aft tots of bani
wortiac ~ .. the th~ 4Ureetor. J_~ wMJd Dile
~pIetuoe' ea-e- The aTer- to IIt:ate be .......
baay d8ewhere
ace dlreetAM" recbas bat It would DOt do _,. pod.
tllal &beNt kis -.Iy 1elMIN U - 1. . . . . be bUttl up the traaa-
is tile ttae wiUt his bf'IId 1..-tat10ll bead to mall.. Are
1M a.mow: ~ __ do IIQt tbat the three r-obt~ .... u
..-11,. II""" t.bdr work wb8 be ready wilea the -Iulde-
. tIle:r leU'" Ute . . .1_ of . . e'!e- ~ are blflbed. He Is ttl~
.... aad-wen. to tact. u..e ---lffi'ijt.ed by hiipatleDt eall. or
..... aft~tlll t. motloa ~ -J_ee-JO,SJl:S---.,JONI!:S- aa4
t1lftII,. .~ IIl&tter wbat ,..w.-. b1llTlft 1ft aula. -Where the
tJtey bold.. wcwlr. k10ad Ole u.. dle:llea. bave yoa beea loae..
Its lind b1 labor comm' ' aever arouDd wllew. Y01l

\be ua.lO.L or tlte 1I'eCil, .aated. COIIIIPlaJ. . U1e dlrilc-
tor. '-rve mlabid my ~pt.
"t--t.llere I. oae ...... bC*! wbft'e. :r_n!"" .lODe. l)U'ts
..__ ia NEVE1l doae. I refer to wlOa bla Krlpt whld. l.a COY'
dile dlrf!etor'. . . . . . .t. n'eII with DOtes tQr 111.. -0....
There ia,. tlrector'a . . . . .t Phlutoe aDd III aIIoat to MID cd:
. . . . . ...a.taat 41reetw. &ad te 1baJi:e MIlle turtlteT IU'TU~
tIiteft ue. me ~ ne
lot metltll .._It ell )(r. Dt~tor a11.
of u.e t'onDtt t!J UnIer tIlaa ~ eaIb !lIm '-:k. -sa,.:
at. Ute Iattft'. tor the . . . . . tJaat BrIll' bo,. is .0 pod w bat-
aM director .-11 bel,. tile dl eYer .. the omoe ~.
f.ed. dlNet.. . . . . . . nJe 8C:tII 1-. 1'0 . . . m.ake . . tortItlt
me.. ........ u.e~ ... JIU't- lIIaft .p w1t1l a tall
- -*alit baa UtJea t. . .~ . -..... too. .. I waat ,... at
-.Ilkll aft ....... te ~ MI' ..a:e 'lltra.lPt' 1iIUee. aM.
wltJdl _ tiD mel'" aaytb"~ ... ~ lIllke II..,.,. ...
. . . . wttll ~ .......
Nat -""ac _ wb..e u.e b
J-. yt wiD eall ilia .s-
... UtHn! . . . . . . . .
J__ -'-tlIIII: llInctor. ..,. be IMIt:e tIaat
..e . . . . _ " lila Ia .W .. _ _ ..,.
~ wUdl ..,. llart 1lla th'e . . . .
s... n.. .eut:r-...ery
aIlb' . . . ..
~ ~tor
earl,.. __
lie . . .

Il-. nr:r late Ute aIcIlt

w-a:fut _ Is ...nell. wit. tIte IlaIf
~ o.r-.

tMIIPt tIaat tJw:roe Is flOIDe tkotaIl ., tJl,e ~

.~ tbM be ..,. un rCll"Ptta. ...
tor the Itt:itUt. ttae be ~ oyer Ilia a-c 1IIt
of "Ul.ap ta ~_ber." Be b.a at Us
~ ~ aM Ilt.ea ilia IlaIf (M
..,. -e ~ : f of th_ aU:t
~ . . MIt u .... ..,. 1"t!tahs _
_ _ _ til tJiIe ...uoa.
tbl ",.J ...

"".hi... u-. lie . . . . t.bat the .:ne to k

. . . . . . . ."Idl aItoUI be -.: . . tile Int Waa.
Is . . e't"ft lItlU"ted.. ~Ibly Me ~ _
Is . . . . . J--. ILu tiD caJole. 1N1l:r aM Me ..
- . tIM .uer .....,erty an ... ~ .u.n
...... _ ~ set. 'ne .-taq,. 11M . . . . . .
..-e: ~ 6etaI1 aM 11M ........
_ ~ ...,. rr- kls wen to ~ ~

...-.,.. ne ....................,. ...

....... ~. wIwfoit an th ~ ...
~ ."' titer an ~ ... eettI.~ .-..lie 1qt.

.. _
y.- aft
~ _ aD waltlac... So.1GMS b-.
t M ~ ~ , .....
-.t.! _1lIiIIII; . . . . . . . . . e6II7 r..
. . . . . . . .' ...-11ft wtMtMr ...,. . e eIIIe
tile ~ _ c..-e tG ILia

'IridI ~
w:tdl _
.,. -.'
, .. ....a:. tr.-ll7" ... ,.
lAdle_ . . .'
.... t11 'tr

ew..:. ~ ......

aJab tIM7 aft ~

_ lids. IbeI
... a
_ Mu .. tWI
' De daIIcbIc ., eenea. . . .
..'" ... --.
-.roo .......,
. . . . . . . . nIer

-- -_
..... tIile ~ _ ..-t ~



'De u.e ~ .. tile ~ to Dr.t . - e efta be ..

. . . . . . . . . ~ . . . tIle 'Duare
wIlidI are ........
be .,
be ..
,.. ..u t
..-t7 ....

tile " ,
"_~""q"_"-"-,,, 'I'M
....... . - n ... .--.. TIM7 __
ne""" ..

........ -.......
........ If...,....u tt. , . . . nd7 . .
~ baM: . . . _ It ..w tM 8It .. tIile _reel.te . . . .
.... 'ftea.J.n ~ tile .edit u- -.til -* ~
n..- 'tt1tIl ~ lie . . . . . , . . lite

., ...
~ ~ e:dJ'M; wiD . .
...... * - ,....trei. die. T1lIlI Wr8

u.e. " - .. ~ - V ftlC'ftM 117
tile -=-w . . . u - ,. ..,.... ___
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a:IiN 5 . _


n 7

. . .

J'~ .J-.e. III -.til,.

_ tMa. . . tItlI pes
.. _...,... ..~ 1
. . . .. .
; ;.Jilt- _ .....
."t - -
tile ...... I
. . waIb . . u.t tIIIlIIa7. [e18-
. . eee te e.w, ' .... ,.. ..... Married Again
. . 17 tile ...,. .,.... , . . try
. . tIdt tile
-.e tlalPt. t;Mn'
.... Y_ UTft't pt *QthIq
elM . . . .! ...
tJeI. I..... ..
~ ... aa.cI""""a
kIiIe," ~ Qnee IliIInMM.

w:tdl ~ IIeIIa 0..-
(. . . . . . . . ,
trle c.dIac u- wtO a
lit tIM
~tIM~ ... rial..- Me ataaeo)
~ un ..,. ... IMtWII!ft '"I .t-t at. ewI I _ all
IIIaYIi Mt . . _ I - . Be ....... 0\'~ .... 1t _ .....
at Nttlq )liable tile m. -ee~""""'~
~ ...11' able.. #II t8d. . th 1aet
.. t1D late at aJPt,
77 (....--
_ ""CaJ'
lroa with a . . . .eMt ..... _ I
111 JOlla eugerat.ed! Ia ~ "What Is the ue of evUac m,.
..-I~,. .,. TftT. ftI')' DUlL haIr OIl da,. like tIlta. . .,....,.,.
J'~ ...m ~I r-. aot at alL Wh, tIrida.I nil will ener It . . ao I allan
. . . lAo It! lie .... Mea jut aaJte a lie_ eDt" ..,..... ..,.
capable but Ht .. k1Waat aer.-. _d h!t: Ute -.ell of .,. hMll
H lau aever foroed. bbuelt Tf!rJ alone." f a-t-. of WTaPPI.. baJr
..ach _or ad.erttaeI .... be 110ft .~d the hot I...... )
MIt , . . . the phy"'- .. tile AJtd .hDe aada 'iX!!"p ..-_
pod loeb wblclt . . to tile -u- pdq GO ..-Ith abort e ~
a. of lNdJ.......... theftfOft bla from thl. rtatac :roue peraoa. of the
-.Jary eu :De'I'eT be ftl"7 Iaqe . . 1itOtIoa ,ietu'e ~ __ It pt.b-
aa actor. He hall ben .mp. et"ed that Gawoe Dai'1DoM. Ilora
- - a u ' of W"'en1 IItIec:k ~. . . IJI Tonato, cauda, J-t ~
Mos, . . . kao.... tile ~ tIMr- .Jean ap. ot . . ItaUa.. father aDd
ncb!)' .... be Ioob ,..".,.. to _ lriab Aad ~ Is

~ Greet ~ ..,.~", TIle cbaniilq 1IlU. of fec1abllt7. com-
~. . wto. J-e. is tUt 1M .. ........ tM ...... tralc:. daara.c-
.ot Tel'}' ......,....... 1M walt:. ,.. tertatk:. ot Itft" ,..--tal .......

......... _.-. -.......

........... J:/Iu--.I IuMl ept :ran' ex

1l 1IIIIIl .... ~_ MtIl die ~tDaate . . . .
~ ~ Itefore - - . to
&ad I.
tk !IelJ&" e-,-,. lITe ...u ....
ao tItat tM art ., .ctIq S
Doe" W Itft".
"Bat I )at t:aied ~ ..ark om
of~.-4 _.~ "lUke It lots
better thaa tile ~ wort... f ~ of
toudlIq' 1iP the U,. ..-itll red ~)---1IlOft
'" liked .,. pan la Ute tJtJl! role of "EdltlI.
Bva'Iar," . . tileD, .JO"I Jt.o..-, U at ~ _
taJ.aJy . . . beat thb tn.'Il!Ua&" all
to ~ )lCJtMr aDd I kel!II u.e ~ la
t~ . . . . . . little .."..-t:Iiiftt _ ~ aT_ _,
..1thJa edJ' 'W".&Iktq: ~ of Ute IlhdJo.
l~ of add..C a tnoee ot. bIadt r;reaw
pajat to the. eyebro_) " . . . . . . . . . ill AIlW.
J...aii&: gy.eo GO the ~ d1"'eUlt for ~
timt!', aDd had a aUlllbel' of otbcr ~ b
with I5toek. etc:.. But of an the ..-ork I eft'l' dlJ I
tblak I prefer pirtu'eL I . . . . am....st7 .......
prl8Cd at tbe nr...tIUty I had to nah:i.ue ..-lIIe
I first came IIlto this...... It . t. _ ~
dl.ftat P""cty 1I'eeIt.. S-ert-e. I . . . . . . . .
to he s ~0Cl'i tittle 1Id. ..... , ty. _eo-
rililCIJ , elope, " . . , & 01 a b 1Mut.
hut the thl.iic I . . . - t one. I. tet he a WIlIe....
}III. na,............
h. . . .artou ~
In her "1Il .n1aeea." !hit KlII .... 1DaITIe. ......
and .r.1.a~

J. R. Walling-Movie Mag
VI-The ~tic Dollars
...-., ..,-

&&..6. . . . . . . . . . . .. I . -
Labllla ...... . ,

L!da 1fIIl.

"I: . . . It ..... DIO:J' ..........
"'IAIa _ _

wWl .u. tbt. MIll ...

.. .............. jIIIIt

.-rlI1 at aIL lie

bIIc:k ~ apia,
to ..........
WaIIbI& .. 1 ' iiIOt


Pew wIlo IeId: the . - - ~ _ No. lie ... : : : . . . . . BaIt

. . . . . . .-----. M 7 " ....,.

u ....... Il.-.eIt . . el tM
mJre a f.aUue . . . .... 0t.Mn ta uu. . - e r ; "OIa.
wttIl . . ,..,....ed aabttl-. to aab T_~ ..,."....
-.""Hew ... , . eTft" ~ t.o
caI"4IN: tie . .
wtJl __ .,., _ Mar
. . . . to Oicap!"'" he .-rW of . . . . . . , at tM 'bwju.!-
Or, aa wan--e 1M-. . . .
""'Ca. 1 ~ to tie .. JDOrie .,., Ia-6o , . . , . . . , . II
~.. non,. 1"lI!totUd t...tqty. . . . . . ." I'aUt, eM aa..- ...
H ........ r -..Mr el tbe _JIIcte. aM. ......,. ~ . . J1IDe tile
. . . '" tlIe a e- ' ro-. e-. ......... rr-. ......,. It
...-J'. r. to
"It I.a _ aero- . . - ..-..-, I t ...
.... _ tMpluela .. aM. Daq;:a. ~ Ida ...
caIdl dft, ~ 1Mrd-. ... .w. tlIlqa, ~ weat:lrIer . . JiIa7elI
. . . . . to I'eIC-. - . ..... we're to

-NeT_ .. ...,. -~
talUq: ttl ...,.
. . . ....,. trleb fa Ita u.e.
.as ao .-,p (
Is ao ~. . )
the w.-dler f ........
It powa .....,. .,

IItlM. ... 1a tbe air! nell be

N "'OIl.!" lad ~ . . . 1le lIelt ~ ......-e. nat ~ wQ' s..Ia7 ~
. . . . to feel tlaat Doll,.. MMed watcblq "ft'. aJN.t r-r .-Dt:r~ As tM Un ...... 011 . . the ...-. .... el the 1"8 bllt 4!'na
.... b.Ilt dMlK iaaated J_1t .. ltll the Import- bow:eftr, W'aIIIIIc' tuad a weleolM at tM tile -'-ther will Mcome tired at Its ...-a.
aar:e ., the IDt.ioIl.. "BeRdeL" be added.. aa- Ewtac 1lOiie. hJs Jteut ClM88IIFliariq a . . . . ~ - tile ttnt WeH;:
~. a 8nD. pip oa eoura&e.
aotaa D lB ... aerouIaDe at alL
Ill" "ycnl're iaot
U then'.
or CINI'Oe, Doll1' did laaye other ea.-
teUo~ ta. the ge d...'
Dorpa .... WaD tUt th~ were . .
of tile .k:Ilel price wttJa et prodt of . . . .

to '" anJ1.b1ac up .. the air. rID. It. rID ac- m.. aM &R adY~ . . . or t.o, .11_ tlaaa two 1IuDllret IIoIIan. Tbe "TN..." . .
c.-..e4 to It. rn befta la Uu!I aJr a '-c. . . . . . , . . . . . liter. &be liked neceaiJful me.. wonbqr oat Ita 0W1l alYatioa . . . Wall.....
- . ....ue.. Gee. Doily. bat It _ _ .. 'I'Ua tnIdl abe ~ fa Wa11la& &ad at III-
. .. 1Mpa
_ .,.ear
to.-11: M __ Ia. tIIaefIll
Deily. ~
tltcM&P th_ an u-. h . . . . . . . tIaat her I"If'Jl'OOe la Chi-

ia Sew Tork mat
beN I .ome etltft' Ute.... c-.. . . tie ~ kia , . . a Uttk tbe7 dlarted IIa-=lt. at _ _
6'ftr ".a-to_
. . . . . t.ItftI. . . . . tile Ia-.dry ~ ilia . . . . . . . . . . . . ta -.all ~ No- eaIe, .... thebnr lItUo ol ~ . . .
_ . laM ..... Yatc:b..lq Ute . . wttII ita . . , . I4ee. tM 8u .. )lOwer . . :reut. Mt ~ 1 ' the, aePeeset . . . NortIL SWot r-..
cMdIy nwe .,pft"t:ialq plot 60ntaUJac late It Is tI!eft J-t - . Ncr . . . ..,. . . -.aat. aM '..... n.IIJ' ........
'-is ~ -11'. . . eorker!- Ute .1rt11at el ...-:t tJile ... W. . . . . it fa , . . . . . . . ~ trWl tile S , a''''' e-.a-.
u.. eoI..... cIl~ -nat ... _ ...." ~ OM a 8Iftr ..u.r ... ..ue.ce. ... ~ ........... .,
...... ...
neue ~ I .... _ -.d- fa ~ ocrt ~ Jt rwiIIIi ..............~ .. ..m.a e--tenn_
tM I..ab View Gar:N:8- c-.....'t J'M rn-e
ta drnJar flIeIIlII-. _ ,.. _ tliIdl:
'-ell rr-. the eeNIIIL TMl
til Wi; f\!oct, aM.a.
~ . . . . . tIt.tlt. ....!""

~ -.....-
]a tM tu'Il , . ., eM .,.,........ WaIUac: _
. . . . . . . . ., . . . Ewaa"a wUIDc -........-
..... t1M
caa - . ~
-.etIYe... 'z ., ~~ U ..
to I'0Il '-'=It _ ,.....,. ia ....... _ ....
. . . tIe.lad:,
. , Ilft MIl
_ . . . toM ~ -.l:1 ....,. ... u..o-!'. Be -. ~ wiD ..... tMIr wttIl-.
tIM ~'. " " - Uke _ f!eM
. . . . . . . . MaJtteiI tUl ... c.-..
~ aQtIdItc ~ tIM acni____.
~~_...,. el...u . . . .
...-ec. ... --.eJ _ a ..aide tor tbe _
ft:J'&MC: el deil' tMePt. fa a tk1a& tAl
ooerto Dwpa
............. 0tI!0en.,
to - . . - . . , . . . . . .

to l-u.w.e tat. ~ . - 4 . abilImc 'redDa ......- . ...................., . . .

1DiII' .. daalbI:. . . . . . , _
1Ua IaaIf 1&
nIL nq pn
"Ift;J.ea;,"' _
_ me- el ...
faItIl ta ~ ~ tbetr . ~ ...... ........ S ' , .

........ ......
. ~ , . . . , . .ell ( were MI.J.p!d ta rift t1Ml tnt llak, he eG4I14I eoa...ert Ute "'TN..."

....... ........
ll ~ tile ..,.
... IIt:NIt c.n!) _ _ . . . .erdtaU,.
1DM ....... u.'n y_ e1'er ...
. . . _~ . . . . ad keep It aned. nea
s...,ooe, _ Uwt MeODd Uak, IHl ~ Make
MMI ~ aa-. 'fte Int ef _
I -.,-..
I, .... eoIIater ....u ..t l 1Ietkt- III ~ l 1Ita mOf1e adYert:IiIIIlc pIaa . .,. Apla,...::e. ' ~ '
,...u wiOl UM lie or IIp8d ac. he . . . free rr- the ......... d.ue. of the
_ I wIIIlIiII _ . . . . . . . . It,..:



Neelye aItoc:lr. tILat oke ,_r .....,. to '"'T'Tojaa," .111' ea-Wa't he "cr-." ~-er. ltae, _ ... t t '_-.
~ . . . . WHll a __ 01";'" ,WDC( has r.r 1IUe; that ... MIN . . tWr ~ ...... ., P eIMa'ftII
........ , . .
W te tM ~
I:a .......,. toMs, -ola~
tMt! ..! 'I'1M.-.a. _
ptt:lq hlp-ebla feKves
tilt.. cn'ft' to ~ at a
tMa, twa
! PreU:7 . . .
_. ., .........
7 . . .' ~ _

to _ _ 1'" feel ....... - . p ... fttelIII tile .611
.....,. ~ ........ aM J'C* rMlStie4 . .
tkIa ..-w. Je.t ... *' _.... ., t:a9lIlry. . . dloeeltN __
...,. tM wtUa ~J' --.eJ'..... - - . 'Of c:I!&t. ., tJteMIow, . . . aD ., ~ I ~

all :r- ' I' He Mwdary .tate. T_ ol "'tile ~ .. ..,. ~,. tIIw. . . . . . ~' ~

....... -
....... ....................
. . . . . all ola . . . . . _ '. ~ tlq ....' .... ........................ _~W'...
WallIa'a rm- Dersu bllablI

,...- ......
,.. aD ... ,..... 'nat ~ .. __ .......... TIIle . . . . ._ ..

u-._wa........ ....
olaIM. Be ~...,. it .... ~tIte~ Mt ~
M Dwpa _th. ... ... tI!e~ " ...

. . , . . 1M -W -.e fwl tIte: ell _ tM . , . . , tile ... . . .T~~."
;; .._ -.- _ '-"".. L_

... ,. .................
a Nil ., ~ pc ~ 1. ':"
~ .. Mrt
................ -..e

..... ..... .,
~. . . . . .~

......................... . .
!lew T~

tile ~
_ :r--
I tI.. ..
............ I t .
....,.,.,. at tile
k,.' DwT ~ two>
. .'
. , ~.
... .---.
.... --.,.....



' ,.-
...... -..--.

...... .-.:.--. ~
~--_ ~

..., .... -- ..

JIIdI . . . . .' . . . . - . . . - . , 'Be _-..r ......... _ ~ _
.... -.y . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . ...,. ~ ~~.-
.bltlactt... 0 . l ~ ~
n._ ..
!it' ..I!-:

.. ...-... ........ - ' ~ ~

........ "'I~' ~ ..,.,., b1C. M'.
p,up 'n.. rca.......... . , . .'.'Ia ~ . . iIIIIIl u...
au $ ._~: ... Twwa. lid' IIIIIlIIIat'" . . . . " "'8IelI' o.ra-!" "aIIIIIc p!MItlIt ~

~ M f t - . e _ .. -.rt .
-. ....... ,.. .-.rt
.. ,. .,..... a. ~
... ,.... tt
aIl~ ............ tt._
at. tile '!IIeI1IlWtl!lRnl' til. aft!eI'MeL" 'Dlte'"
' f t f t te ... bdu D 7' e-. It . I t JIU't e' tile ..!IT-.G.. . . . . . . ~ WJ'ty...a II.......
. . eM
'De .. ~' . . - - wtUl .....,...
. . . . tJMI
7 , Gee. II-.
,. Ie ..-e. "'__
"'OC tw ~ ~ el tM ' ".
Dall." 'De "N.dJl~
tM ~
'I""" ...,...
~ "PIi!T ..
"'JIll; 1VUe Tw-.
SQ .u.ts. tia I . . til
.&. -..e strMt
~_ _
' :r-,r
' ..........
........... .eIl . . . . . . . ua.--I . . . . .
. . . ~ el aD . . reeehet &110ft tIlat
....... nIiI left tl,4tI Pa......
~ tMa. """s . " . . ~.. ~ ~ ~ . . "-lIlt . . n-pa'w IWf '- tM
~ .. ""De TaittJer," tM ~ . . . . . . . tt .......... ..,...... _tuM. III!ft, . .

;:r....;.:: ~ "'..
... ......,. willie's . .
tMa "'Cwtew~.. .... - ......

Ill t M ~

tt : . : . : . :
. . Pwtice ~ "
~ wily
u.en ca.e _
---.. n. t-.
.w. o.e ..,......,.. DNa

~. . . .
........ tMt

ae ....
.............. _

........... ~ a ~ ~ m . t_ _

a ........ ae

. . . . . . . . tIlec:-. .. ~ t'd ~_tM

u.-." ApI:a ..-e ___ Be ... a.t . . . . . it ,.,....

..u.e,.......... ' ....

"weuy .. tMft .... 40
ma..s"W = ' ...... ae

Odll c.n. .... It te. tM ~ ~ n. _.,'* ..

-..a. "'Ca*w." 'J"Wa mt --.w ....... W. flaetJ'
7 IIIibel ....., ..... DIII7,
____ Iin'~ tIdII
II-. 1M .
. . . . Ole . . . , ...nee.. . _..... "'i. aa't ~ tt It It _ ' l -.k. ... ....
- - , .Be tt _ ' \. __ . ~fII.
........ ..,. a.e.n IUa ~ . . . . . . . . . . MlM:.~2t_ .,........ It~
w..... .... _ '-IF. atn.. ~ ~1'" _ fait at tnt . . __ ot ~ _.aIL Let. aD _ It . . . . . DIIIb"
........ _ , . . . , . . O"-' ...IM . . . . . . ... ta ... IPPt _ It Is: ,..-aa ....aN 1M ......,. .. !lew Ten..
wta. ~ tie . . " - ~ IftIaalI _ . ___ tt. . . .~ .. ~ a Qdt ...... Jad: felt a ~ ..... tIanK .....,. t:IiIIIe
u-. .....,. ...... ".. .. ~ . . . . . . JlaWl5
fII. NIIiIf . . _ ftIIIiaeI
T1Ia ~ -.......uaa . . T-. . . .
. - t 4. ' , "'WM'tuw.. Wwea tlle "'s.a . . . . . . Wt.M ,......tM ~"""~-'t. 1t
9&lIr'" ~ U. .. --...-in... .",......, ... ..... .~"..r
~ I'e-
be ewne..
aItI'adfft . . . . . . . ' f t f t ~ - - . . Goa ........ t-.e.eIL '"!
u-e-.'.-c:. el ~ .... __ ~ .. Nertk . . . . ....... a .. . . . ~ fII. ~ BiIII7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . tIw "~..-.." - - . . .-..:i, ~'~. au. _ ! .. Ia eTil!'I'y cast tMt Jwr te .........
tIIIM. (be u.e ..~ ............' ... ~ .. -.....! .. r:.- tM ..-..n! el ~ _ .....
: ., tills .-c.. ..,. It ....''t .ad." Ute e-. ~ .. Ite ser't" .,. ....

era's" eaa8et.. 'Ik At"e"a-.e . . . . . e&n'J' tIM dPt
-s-ua ao6IpteIl ~ ~ It ... III!ft 11. ~ C)ck:."XY ~ 't It. a.t tIlJa .~ It ... lie: It .J.ek
.. a~ ...... _ ... tMu-e.. laI.'t w..

..... to 1ria
~te" ...' . '
----beUtlbd ........ 1leu'Uc tJM ..-e. "NolO
t1D~"'" IUdLloft')" ~ , bat this PJ' . . to
WallIac l
~ .....w e'ftI' MIt bbL
No . . . . . . .
It ~ tie _ tIMl
Star.- pnriIW tMt bldf ~ _ the . . . . .- ..... .. MtlLIac. lion .. ilia
... ~ nNia&. T1NI "'Northwetltenl" . .- J-=It u.tA!'MlI lato tbeatre aM. <:ailed: aIae1r1 To ttUlD . . . to JC 1ebWskiIl ., a
medJaldy ..~ tItat It _OUI pn &WQ- UD Dorpa, wtattaa: lbe cue ct.d:J. :AM. Der- . . . . . t:beatI"e like IndIa& bIoot ......
poaIU~el,. frft: of coet tIteIIlD!ll ..... pa calJetlI 'liD To. . Ha1I wtatt_ aDd uked .,.-er a a-JI that famlptet...
Tb~ ~ .... - . JftIDtaIIUI .. ~ )I'WTaH to han a . . . . . . Ith his "Before Christmas.," be . . . te DoDy _
otta &II twlee a w_1t. The tb~ wen maa.. ne lIft'PlUlt ~ tIM oAdoa. 1Din. DOM . . tlH!y" ate luadl a IlttJe , . . . . . .
rua.Jall!: aeek.....-c:II: I. atto"~ ..hleb loa., aDd WalU... ~ eu6er. oat _ J..rKyle. "111 ow-. two other II---.
,.,. quite _taral aJl!!!~ty Th~ be U'W' -.ore breakers ahMd. "Char- They'D be far eIIOGCb a'W'a)' r:r-. _ aaotIIer
.t th4:'lr procram- aDd 1"'"11 uma. JIeI;Ids, Ie:y,~ be said ~oaIJ', add~q the metl- _ t!lIey 'W'OD't com)lete. I'll _ the . . .
Walllll&" qmb! .UUact,. tuned Ncll "ftY 8eIlI\':r, ")t's ltD to lUI to let that qdfl hed ..."ft"tislaC Idea. for aD 01 tb~, IIfIDDlY clwlc-
peDDy of De.t ~ beea-e H .... keepbac I. the Dext In:ee. .bt.ulea. Ho'W' caa 'W'e do lac the name 011. the clrn1anl . . . poRen.
boob to sbow how aaMlft"h b~ had beeI. hi It!'" Tbe other lat&Ped la the &iH 01 bl. &lee .." nl bue a 11-. or two la till.
bu1ldtq- up die ba:Uae8a. trhaap. "Jt"''t . . . h!a'.. Say. r . . beld Loop. Aad tbell--'
Vella aJk4 amootIlly eaoqb \mill the hro ~ jobll jat _ Jtldda' ~ tw - AaI thea." Doll)' . ~ . '" c:aU-boy
, t ~ 01 the tIllft week. Tbe feat1:uoeo the frltI: 10'. the o..-n '. _ bOla. 'W'tD th_D at your deor ad tell yo- that It'.
'1I1D8 W~ u~1y II'OOll. aad 8U'Mt~ What ~ hu & eo" cot . . . . . . aame like time te pot .... ! ..
MlJen ...eft 111)'1... ~ _ .Ilkll ibam bad. that! ~ 1 .......'t naa1a' DO forty......o -11Hleed! WeD, Dolly, ,-Mre .-.c
to tell welItorY Int .. Ita ....... .~ mI.... J ~ my D ' ter. alHll nt you p1ItI---. trt.... abMt . . aM tire ......
s.ddeD.17 ..,. ...eM . . to th ..Sorth Star.. ~ t.bI~. Ute belt I ....e! .. to MY 'I be'W' IlJm a.dl ow. Am.~ ..
bos ..-ee ... u . . . . . Wam... ..Y. . . . . . . TM .oath 8aaJ1y . . . . . . . "-It ~ ADd age ... ltetI be . . . .t. II'IIt. 07.' ..
~'. ~ hi' .......!.. '\VaDJac WarnwK bepII tAt . .'ft'rtl. bla....... Be hH [)GUy ",... ~ peMI.. _ & few
tile momstul .ow. Tbb b die
...ay ODe of bl. am rard:

A 5oC_t HoUR, takI..q ta

.US Weekly. at PNIt fill.
Uk at YOC'B. OWN' ptlCE.
Come ~f!r'1 aJ&Irt for 1 'W'fltd:
-:tad Uftl Bid! D-.'t
illTetltIp!e' If 1 " cu."!. ~
CA.SIL Tbe liI4.caftt tlleatJoe
1:tarI:aba I. Cbk:ap. l d h e ~ ~
.... ~ap. . . at tbe "Xordl .......
aM four at tile .. ~ ...flIIItft'L"
At tM Nit fill. tM .... 'W'ftIt. t.IItlt
..~ Star" ~ a Ht fII.
~... "'Uie-~~"
usa.... .....
_ ~ .. teIIdoln
pl..-..t wanl...
~et . .
asaIut iIH! lIth~ At tM Tft")' el Ute bI6OJtc, 1M: ......
ftrJ' am... .... ..w. "OeIItIe-
--.Iledthatl . . ~a
mJwtab .. edL" .Jut at. daat
J--dlln'. . . exdtel rrwu.aa
raMe4 ~ t.he .... e( tIM:
"NonIl . , . . aM nielS, aasI. . .
)Y, "Be , . . Ute fel1ft' _ taIbiI te
1H~! I~ ..
....en. I t to Mu ~ tIMQtIer
---I'Icht What'. bW! 'ftIrt:r.
t1N II...,.! MI -..b It t:IltrtP.


ret.erteIL .. MI,

., me tIlMn
.. fut.!
It ~ e
b"'ret.- TIte Irhhaaa ~
7MI' ...
_ u-e laIM! ....-.
~of 1'."
9r' w:ItIl aM )llCl"'_t


til tile fad. tMt It f

.Jar:k, Me . .so un ,.....
tift' ~ p"" tet aU B~---
II:IiSIlI 1M '**--
., tM eMe tbat: m~ Ia8ll tae' .~
f,OWft' til My. .-. ., 0--
~1 ~ to t.!U y '-S ...,. a' _ ~

tUDe .... aid Dolly. wltll tMIdI


of ......,. ta her 1'Oiee, ""tIlat I

t.~ all .,. .... fa.beritaaee I. 8e U. . eJ FIlm oqe,lntk-
I . . . c:oatIreL I am p.tti.q' I'1dI _
.,. '.' ._.
........... m.w-"_ .-..

tItW. ,... y
'fte ~
~ ~

-.Ie tr..
rut. I -."tk.o.. _hat tID do with
.n Ute _oaey. I ......~ I.t
,._ ....'t .....t paJ"tDft'---
o.tahIe of the restaaraat. thm
. . . . Mmotloa.. The elder. auto
. . . . . . eM~
ef 0.'
ct.- III
., .. .,.,1.
'fte . . . .


fIp(Id.. by tnt. &lUI. thea the. bow- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illth

eart aad the bre-eqta.e. Wall'" 4iIIt ef ... . . . . dIdneI IlIe
pUd, thII-deck hutlly, &ad Uley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eDRt daat M
Wfft MOIl mJ.D.PIaI' .IUl tJw ... c--. .. tIM faee e( eIUr, ae
om.c. Otlter COIIlvaaiel of Ire- . . . . . . . . . . . . . e'ftI'
. .' it. e:IiIGIee _
mea Wft'e coaiaA:. &ad tbe air . -
..... wlt.Il 1M Itoane. treuy ~ ., kis
of aH u.e c.laaclQ" ...... ..... ea.-.
su-tb'. Wa.I.J.I..q . . . t1IlI
bpt ctrt 1M fill ~ .w. eIiItJaft

*If wttJI tbe ~ ~ A _ . - - . . ... ~ c;e1e
r- Woc.u rr.a t1I~ 'rut TOI_ . . . . . . . . ..,. .... rr..
0( - u wfte mtl.q the -.0
air. n - UN7 -w. Bee tH red
. . . . . 0( tJM bIDes. aad 1Ieu:.
.,........ .,. ... . . - . r .....,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . tt.e
tJM ...ild... Itt the .ump&. . . . . . '"'-lIlt ...... tile ....
'he:J ..
k __
naailla __ 1M!c:8_

tIM,' -.loll . . the lMdJ~
re.e ~ ., a.-
'fte........... ..... ":==r~'~
"'Olar ..-n--t
hue! . . . ...
___ ... .... .,. esdtI8lI ee.era
fMt_ tMt

~ ..... tbe ImpotnieJ 01
leu' IIdaM. 11. UaJ1la& . . . at.- ... -.I ..,. tIIIe . .' JI&I'l ., the
lac trca II IIIde. He.... r8C'N. .fUI ~
Qu'MI&tI the )lOIIee u-. ... ...
-..u... th__ dl the _eke. The
JJ:wtq . . . .wi
. . . qde
1M _ace par-
U"I'PqlIIlI to
taItlt pIM:e tro. tlte . . . e(
rro. til. WON of It. Wall'" dJ4 Iarp ..... ..e-r,- at We ...,.
IlOt reMo.. _Ity he took the c.baaee. New hrwf. 'Be' _ _ fill th
nere are tl_es wh_ sometblq 0( ..... ~~~bJ
8aer aatve sugplaftta thOll&1lt. tM = .... of ....eraI
Be wu at the Jaadia& _ the ~ ' ...-,.. . et tlte e.t-
. . . . &ad he InuiH. blm~lt aQ1ut IlI'Q apoa the
tile..... It
~ It ........ ud aplL
a little. Thea be
pier Ute "de UoA
......... ifn1Ae . . . . Its
. . ia wltll It. Swirls of _ o b JI-.. tat. tile rlftIt. BIIt the
_ c:IeIila&' IlJs eyn aM be ea.era __ ~ fa ~ . , :
....... Waw 1M ftIarM. be'. .. ~ -.- S- kis IMP .-.w ..
tiM ~
~ Be ~ .. fMt. Mt . , rWer .... .... t . - tite e.I or
. . . . . la- , , iIItUdliIeiI eftI' ~ tile cr-. )IJwr l. all ~ . k-. .m." tile pier lib ~ &ad ~1l1'
*--DeD:1"o _oUter. .I M. Bat tILrolIP tile tUt ~ kis ~ -.etN tU e t' . , tile eeeH.

way . . . . tile c::reakiac. Pln. lle ~ ~ Wall1a& tM cad. A Rri~ aec::hkat eenrftd '-Ha ) [ I . Grace

kM'W. . . tIile a..nts
. . . . . . . . . wtdt.
. . . . . . . . . . . . lila.,.,
............. WW . . .
~ UPt

ua.t.~.I ....
"'T_ I
~ .-bat ~ we'n cot ~l!- hf:

tilat 1M! . . . . . .H...

.......owd. nile tM poIIal .-eft tleatI.q IIIed
tM _ _ 7 ' to we tile . . . .-Ito
KeHadl of le47 of tbe (:010..
.....,. liItoIWlI:J'. aM. tMa tdl u - t q ..... . . . . ~.,....."..... 0... (:er
the rem:1,a .-ttll tft',....-t
~ - _

Jat~ ~
fIII . .
,. .
~ ~

a ......r. .... ........ the.... laeirft pd'. -.tller. .ad. . . . . 'tNft _ -'. ...
- - . W"hft' " - .....
.. -bic u.e ~J-, t.Ut IIIIMok Ite-
................ ~ ....... o.Ib'
-rHre. J--. ,.. .-let IMft _ ,.t .... t.,...
(f'k tIeZf ......... tria ~ r i.. t k ef . . . . . Oft th . . . . _kIac tIMa .....

~ ~ e..J
4 .....' the JIIIIIr bad " ...

P....-tIoIL wtll tb. .,..~ tatft"e8t ...

Art in the Movies
~~-- .. It . . . . . . ~ trite ta~ tIaat ......
~ . . fa tMlr ~.... .,. __ ea-

,...... . . l2n:wtq: lis. N--. fttWpi; ,Ow
H_E N1a&Ia& 01 a mllll_ pe...-. 41reet. K __ _ _ ..,.
~ tM~tIla

11' lata ..... ...uo &ad

to watdl -.e at .- ...
~ ....-uu_
call,.,., _ tve_ u.e h ~~
. . . .' art .. u.JW ..,. ~ tale . .-
... Ku'tllq Ul", .-.... Ita . . . ........ .. t--. __ . . - . tt.. n.. Ita
~ ... " ! eL AM. tIlea _ilft tills
.uu- ~ Is jeiaeI It)" etJwr .u........
werWI a.ay ted fa&" - . . . thocll Pte _Itoho
:::::';.~_:~_=$I"IIIIIlIft" thaa eaa ..
. . , . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . I .... _
of ..-.uac
a tawte for art, the
be .-IWlIUft ~ aU ot.ber I t . . - t.ftS-
tlM .ewln . . . cal-
1a1ll: . . . . . . . ....-:~t
. . . . . . . . . . - f I I I _ ......
" ~ wttIt .,. .d
t.... r .. ....tM
e t

t1ou. OM: ftaws, kt _ .,. Cl"W' . . . . .

r P'Ml ...-tee. ne
be b ..... lB !II ..-eutae way, Rt it Is
~ ..,
. . . ' . . . . . .'
' .........
Ja ..... .-ttIl

........ aIlcht .-Itn the ~ )MctaN" ~ JiIlIk_ .. ~ ~~
u-.. .-ttll IL Tk - - - . ,Actan . . . . It

. . . . . . . . .I ~(OW

~ t e ..... t a t h . . . , . . t M . . - ...... eo -. ~ wwIl ~ .,.

tJlrMP widdt Ule ant-t . . . 1& uri:". . PIt
tM.....-.~ ft'-~w . . .'fte......
.... _ , ... W'WII:__' . .th>C
. . '" ilia .....
... ~

~ d $ ' rr~
_lie ~,,, ~ , _ ..'

Star Light.
The S~lImd And Renee Kelly
ONPON-wttll tM ..... "W"N' Eft DaT-.ewt--'--"
twiIIPt 01. a . . . EqlIah y. . ~,,, ..-.k fa a-'eal
~ fa lab! )lay drift- ~!----a.e to'Me . . . . . . .
lac 0Tft' T1'afaIPr ~ ...... ~r elf: ... t.aU:7:. Wc'"
aM ~ 011 all tM 1I'~_.iJl&" wlR- la the DlOC'D.iD&, . . . .' 01. at aooa! 1.aDcbeoa au Ea&U* .., ' IrlIIIr. .,. to" ....
. . . . 01. _ St::r...a. a city 01 .....Ift JDO"f'etDe:U. ia tile Dlldd.le ot. _ ..,.... JiIItIe tea< breII, we ezre Da...-rt __ OM fit oar
.r ~ tIPta. fJ/I. DlaDY raees 01. mea. of Aft tIlf'OQ&b ear:ty _ ark ...,. JdRftJy ~ b1ftIlIL ' al....,.\ .... rn.. tM:
. . . . . . . . 01. ric:Il-. ot aehinemf'Dt;. city to dla-r at aiPt! - tillle ....INS I' ' JU:tJe 1IrI' _ _ la' ....
. . . . . . . ~ aD ~f' roads of the mo.en. "We UTe ....... _
......... dt7- 'Wboee .mIkt of '"Th..._ Q!'" j - . atten mtalllM .... rr- tbe . . . . . 1Ieft,"
I:rriq Pull: 1IroDleYard., laM that 1 vqId: to, ..' ".tltII&'e- Bat I
dl"'t thIak . . . . .,.tt. ..w dLtIi u.. ....,
-n.........! ... M:tJeI tor all time the tM:e IIbe 1rat _ 'W1t:Il tH, .-1ft ef a dlBd.
.f the ~ 01. Uae It. ...... to &!Te ......' h-ee. "aIMJ ~ . . . . IlreU1ut at
she aIDe.
more ~
'Fbe...... ~ ~
OM . . . .t. Rt 1lt:tJe -.oft thaa two yan aco. MTftI la the JIlGnIlas.. ' dIaMr .-: IeTl!'II. at '(')oc.1ltioa' ~, ~. I- I t ~
m .-,. t:rIa.-w tAl the artistry of .. uee- AJMl ...beIt,.ate -.t:apl' I .,.,.
der Ib1 ...tth ~ bI_ ~ea, peM:h.
~ dteeb, ad T1t1a1H'ed hail',
Bat m,. fatIter ...., tJaat H
Teall,. .....t .., to p: TbeIl !:ft

ctrl wllo ball' slillPed .u.ooW1l

t!teMre ill the IIbdow ot' Nelaoll's
iato a be.,.. be
yOU nmembeT
Nety O'BlJ_
wJt1l ~!""-
_ .__at altd who eame to the fool said that tJlft'e _ ......... 'Kr~
Uchb at tile ead of the pbiy to I"eeeh'e Goodwill's e . t :r. ...' t1I:at It he
tlle p1a1lllllta of tJM! . . . fMbloaablf' eod1 1ft: It tel' me. ~...... after
~ of the P'MtIeIt city of all m~

'DIe Prt. BeBee ~. frilhtaed kMc

HIt . . . afIlerwvlI tMt l r-d.
little, UDaRd .. Uttle IIICIlI'I! by Mr out ho... wen old' Neil' ..... c:arw fit
.... tJortae, 1 I hd to the bnT08 me." TJleI:oe . . . .. UttJe ~ Ia
wtdt.. lite belli....... 01. ~ ........ IteaM' KdlTs lIDTel' 1'Okle . . . . . W8t
eqed ce" tile t:atia& of eut&Ia OIl.. "He p t tile JIUt ,.. -e. Be"taacbt
calla. &be t::r'W ' ..,eedl...- me bow to ~iIt:ud,.. He Upt .'
the . . . ....tadIed tate .. ....- ~J-.: ..... of me aD' tile tt.e.
that IlIte 1aaIt Me . . . . . Re taqIIt 1M _bltioL ..... aD tM
.-r * 1I&Ids to tM .-m&aatly
......' .............. ' t .'--.
time he kept ..".,. rz.... _ ~.
tJllq" that JBicht: han dIaeN a,.
wlto . . cI'#S Iter tbetr JftIee. -oil. dec:1aba &boa . .yIac _ IIt.qe..
it'. . . ftI'7 to _ au.e!" . . -.i4. Nl!!U's lkad. ........ ~ I
8M ..... It bat a few ..,... . . . thiak that hAa ~ ..mas m.ell
18 .ettfac far r:r... ~ .. tile . to eTe&":J JIl&Il aM' "'omaII wttIl ~
brtPt . . . . . at the ~ of die 8eU& hAa ...ork. broa!:bt him ta ~ dial
PoI~ ComJr&Q .. Chk:aIa. die be caB' DeTer be qmte".-e ...lIlIe e.e
pftt. yellow balWtac oat _ tile of 1111 IIT..
prairies Mar lUTentew. The two "Xell pTe me tbe letter to M.asiM
yean betw'eeIl daat 'IlJcht at the ~. Elliott that broqht lite a place III ber
tel" _ the Straad. . . . .' abe blued compaDy after I had left JIr~ Qood..
IlIto tbe -tn_ph of t:..o.dcnI . . . . wia'L J wbIII. that I mlcbt .,. ....

with tJwt OBI,. ~ pla)r of that
.up 01. .. e.ledy ealkd
.......... han ~ Baee Idly from
teath of ... bat I feel &boat ~ El-
liott,.. she declared. ... Ith qul;ekeJac
teM"Gr. HeT fIlee lldlted with tMo be
.,'E obKmity brto reeoptdoa
. . eM .r the DlOIIt lapartUt fw::t:on
hi Oie eamed1 drama 0(.. the fDtuoe. ba.
tbey ba~ aet c:huced '!Ie freU. bI
r- . . _ ..
........... _'t
1'10... of appred.attoo that daaraetll!r-
bee ber trlndalUpe. "'"Sbc's OIM of
tbe ftRest: "'0IDeR ... bo net' 1ITed," the
cfrl lutstecl. "'I met her 1a ~
~ of ber' aor hft' s..II: . . . . . . . . &ad cave bel' the 1ettft'. She~' It
Tt't"WI bafen-t I. ~ that qak:kJy. _Wac cnoet' NeD's JoDJ"
~ wttIda th r-.e ot her ..... wordIi to III. Tb-. abe eaae ~
bI_ ey-.. 1VItII. tile p q ' . . . eI. tlIe r - . tlIreIl ..,. t.Iloce bet-. Iaer
CIUcap raJa, vtTtac tbe . . . _AaDda. ......... at IDe atnIPt la
lIa-. . - taa:eI pIlJ . , ~ -Ute eTa 'T0CI'1'e a . . . UttIie Prl!~
_ Qid, IilIl!r Ua1: IIPW _w abe ..w.. rt ...u ber ....... of
tM"O-' ~ trleD.dabJ. to - .
..... daIIt .-Iy Pes: ,,) .. -I ..... fa ber ~. . .,. wtteIt. we
1Mr'. aa &I"' rr-.
TraIaIipr . . . W~ marrlell. Mr. AJJett .... L r ..
. . JIMtIa". bl tile P'lflh to North IDC!It Kr. AJlea Ia OM a-t'lrla ~.
W ~ ...a-e . . . . tar CI:Y. 1Nt pUy. . . II:IBott ..... -.eI]" te - .
. . . . K.eIIJ" t:ra~ It ...itJl tile J-y did e 1 ' ~ til ...a:e _ ted I!lat.
or l!Jbao lee ~ . . . tlle "'e bM a ,... fairy... err .Aad.
. . ta Ito1ac' tJaat ..... re'leuM la e1'ft'l' a.1&bL ADd I do .U the cookfac. .Aad. after lhink abe I'MIly . . . J-t tIUIt tel' a..
eIllaap eI. IMor tMe.. & - r ...e sit La tile . . . . . . . . . . .)' .......d "We'n never beea ~ . . . . . ...,.
8M a-. bite ~ 11:&_ of .......... J w .... Or. It tile aIPt .. be. we prc!OpIf! of the slap -un to be. '1'"_ ...hile
a ~ aat ..,. &MtIler IItU' ot tIM
.....-.. . . . . .' . . - - . tile deetac ~ play
........ to the Jalte. . . . . . . . . aer.- tlLst
,110ftarae-. .... &alit fit s-.. our
I ..... la tile CJlleqa Ilepertel~
Jean &CO DIy .......... Ilfte, too. Wc lib
c:om...,. three

tIlat . . *rted Yltll . . . . . . . . . . that ~ ~, &!rl. J-t tJar.. .-.. YltIl' . , . . _ pla,Jiq the aame . - t of pia,... &ILd W'beII we
...w.-t ....-. &lie bd bea plQiac tIM
MNIaI: of 11ae ~ that JIa7
""'1 mocher . .' .-y
'1CadaaIL The ..ay
..mer, Ilaek fa
.... ILPe .. tbt. r-....
rla:r oppoIJ,te eac. Cl't.ber. ...Il,..
...ork's J-a

wIlidl the attks .....f :dy bat she ... 't ...ttll . . . . "'e Hpe .m be be- -ET_ la tile Chieap ~ CClIIl..-y!"
_Ilidl ...... to w.t. 8Ile

la lbe ..u. pktare won.

fa it eertaIlI elftteBa dlat tIM

. to rn OTeI' to . . her. Ob.....
!eft Tf!I')' t.c: We.,. ....... tab .. MUU,.
It .... JumI to tIlJak tAat tills pdr ......... t
"'OIl, IODle of the ....,.,. ...ers't
ReDee Kelly 1a1lCllelL -r'beft
~Ie OM. .... tIuIt .... so awflLl tILat tlI.
GIlly __

. . . . . . . . . . . . . '5 ' SIte

. . la ~ of ber stb. . . . . . . . . . . . .
tlle-. 1eM -ere tbaa ~ .... tile arlItJMr . , the .eton w-w..'t .,. ~ t the U.. tile
d"'" '-II)' ef tIM ~ S . 1M ~ed ..1'aaatiIt .... liT" We .... tb reo
~ ,Iet1lre _ork, Ylth Rdl Jdik, . . IIIte lIedanrt, of ~ _maa .... ppe. oa
the day
ae taIbd ~ltJl tllat u,aJsIte EasUN. at!- more yean til-. IM'U JooIl: Ia' Ilraefo. the . . . told _ that Ute
e.t Uult eoId.,nat will ~et' ftII" ... "Fa a ftter:UIo" 'I!be ~ ,.. rl'e ....w. be bIftlIIl!U. We beY tbat 1M .
.... _ !be . . . . wtoa the , . . eIiI..u.ers. I ...- - . We ~ _ " - - k'I
..~ aftft Ylth UJTf!I')' laqb tbt -.e-
..... ........ the dter.ry wdau'da of J[e.t..
Her 111..--." Hytt.. A.1IeIlo -iaa-adel' Ia
weIIt ....tdl !'bit G-I..... .. .......
o-ntII.-lIb- tit ..... ).
Nat tb-ae rr.. tIM
e ~, the
w n ~ we ....,
tile ~ ...tth IilIl!r thoe7 . . . . . . . . , tIle~! 1"_ ~ I ....I't ...... _Y tIM II--. We.w ""'" Ia tIM!
_ 7-.w .... Jaal tn. ... te .. _ ~ , alalt ef all, ta ... _ ~, ..... ewt'" are .......
........ . . - . ,....., .,. IMr ~ ..... ad. I la' ~ . . T....... c.are "-k. ~ .. IIttllt, .....
. .' . . . . . . . .' kia' .. __ IteI' .. u.e Iir _ : ., ~ _laaft , .....
. . . . . ., it.....,. .. II&ft .. ~ ~ ..its ,wb
........ ~!" Ih.w......,. ....... "T-. I eaJW it .-,:....... 1M' ......... ( _ -... . .tl

And Convicts and Canons and Cabins
W:::f .... ea.e
tate.,..-ce:It w:u Uke alil6c' :r-aat Ile ..
c _ _ ... lto&-aaI .. aa-c- _.,....,.

ftT'..oe _ ~
~ At Int sIUce
Mr alll!


&QiIew. I JaM )lib

1 . . . . . 11M. ~ ......-.. I
.,.... 1irI.,.. Ie "-- G7 ta tIN! IIJIIII. wlUdt ~ -..Ie aM. .,. ., Mil _ ...-07.
. .,. ~ ..... were ..-ewIaat hi. 3 7 ~ __ tAe ..-atfe..... I . . . . . . for
nktl .ate t. ~ Nt tJaat. 81M . . btc 1aI. ~ .,. qIee' aIoee. ,.. r..r ,..... M

t1tD of r.a ... o.e 1Ibe..-aI. t,ridL, . . . . . til J'O'I . . . . . TOR . . ........-e!""
cal Toice. yH bow :r-.. are ta1klq to a cr-t JaeartM I 1Ier. .
...- - . full of JoJ' ., Uvlq. tbOlqil 1 ..Dvtac -.y eebooI ~ lnlea. I, . . tweI".
am . . . . IlU"dal g'lII:* -.....a! I I ... kt y..-s oW [ til . . . . . . . . wtui tM ........,.
... aaIJ' OM fa aaQ' t ' 7 a.-a ~ fa CIlIc:al'lt. ......,. '
WItea tile ~ . . 7 aIIer
.,. Ckaoe GoWn. R. It. ~ .....,.
....... "[ wu. It m. 1fIIa-, . . I D qL!Jtj ~ wttIa _ - . . a 7 if I ....-..
.-re.- TIlls .. IIer riPtb'. I UII.......,. ~ tile ~te-
wlliclt. 1riU lie _ ...
1 aaI7 'W"t*,a.a~, wI. ...
__ tliIi ~ ."
w. .
"e/ . . . .
Hr, e t.

... ....
. . . . tM
.e.t ...
. . . . .t
CUIib. lb' tlle WQ
,.....en ,. taIIta !or cuQ' . . - - "
I lltill
"BaftD."t . . _1..... ~ ~
"I . . . . . . . eekJItc rw
U7." tltIs wtdl t;J.
b.,'p' !tot lbe Inteet.loe. of Iller eatb ........... she "I ...U plac to add. tbK tMn an! da-. I
taJkN of the biS oat door. of eoa"tcta. I bad c:aa.uu tMtJI tllat aUt c.dJ'. it tMt.N. I.
bani .Job to set ber ,. froID theta to lbe
UI_ ...,.., ~ toM dlocolate ~ I
t ~ or e't'ell tG the KI'fta ud I eoaN dOfJe
.... tal . . . . OM ~ all rouM. . . ke"e
my 4!:Jf!tI DOW &Bd aJma.t -ee Utoee c.o&cwado tM~taltM"""
bU" _d-bat fbi. I. I!;O ....,. to Kart . . tater- ""I'M ~ ~ are au .-.... 1 Yd-
...k .... RftIll. ~ MSt!'"
.AM. 9teUwt aUl'Uell.
"'Tea. slr. my ts K}'T'tJe 9t.eCI.aa. 4Uite "1Iy fatMr ~ .l.a -.iaIaa:
~ aDd I .... bon. I. ClIlea&o aM wbat is
_on 1 . _ edwc:ated~. . , father ..... . . . we aD e4. tal BIadt Ha...1I,. UlUe .fa.
......~ IIIU ud . . old.....k!r . . . -.tJttor
.. c....-. _MUta .......
..... -'-Ita! aIacft'_ 1 IAHrltelI Iler Teke. tal c:MlIa eiPt au. . . wttlI
.... .., always aaJ4 aJ_ adI ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it wttIlrM -.....e
. . . y-. blow ...Iaat aot:hfft aft. Totl! Be- . . . . . . . . . . . It .... ' tlIIilQ' MIl . - .
lWeI I MiiI tile adTaatap et ptIfac _1IIIieaJ .......... all ..-er tile..... I er
JhrelI tUt I ........ .-e _ a Itft-
e4..u. . . . 1 ......e4 ~ TOke-...
t1Ift. I JaaT'e ~ ~
urtt.ebL. ~ ~....

................ IN ~ ..-JIy a- ~ ; ~ 1Actl.; we 'W!'e'n . . - - . a ~

...,.. ...~I.opL 1 t1te~ . . . ~ . . . t.I *:atI-.. toe. tea ~ feet ~ ...

o .... a-.t."
~ .. _
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fIIl.~ . . . .
.-a: ' __

-. nCd.I' toe ~ . . . eettIeII'.
............. t:IIH .. .n- ....
tic ..-k . . . . . . . . JeIMlI tIM ~
. .'
lib he . . ..w
......... e-...a.t . . . . . . .
e-.... . . tMa. I ...
M'J' o,.e.r. ~J' . . . . . oOeL I

pri-. ~ ta . . . . ....set:r
'rie'w fII. a.r Cre8k ~ wttII Ita ~ of puts Mtta t. ee.Ie t9l!ft
................ fa . . . . .un
u., . . t:M aM. _aieal ~. .. . . - - .
...... wttIl tile c:It7 fill. o..w Ia tIM far lit. 'QJ1s ....... _ me --.ert.~

. . . . . . . 1Ir1atfto weN .. . . I . . drN fill tile b'.aWIIDc (It
__ .... lit u.e.
_ rI e t waIk_
wllk:lL c:a.e ..
. . aD to-. . . . dtte. aM ......
~ .... -.J._I 18dl ~
ftIy ...,.. Ia tIrIe .Jadt ~ ~ .... _ _ .t. the ~ III -...c be
.m 0. .... caWa haYe ~ I ' -e .. Otis Tw'a!r ...
taeft _ iIQ' I te . . liIlck aM. . . . ,7 _tM"'~
MriIelI .a:II'ts . . riM eu-1t au .. e-.-J". . . 'IWwIr __

..,....-ro. ~ 1 __ . . -7 ... ..... t:HW. "'-tl act d6a. _ I
. . . r. JIINdiee .. Ute -.a aM [ ttfts __ . . . . . . eIiItaIM!It tIM ~ ...
.. _ tIIIe7 ~ . . . . . . . . ....,.. . . . . ~ I . . . .
tile tIiletr &tter tile 6ay" ~ . . . . . . . saW tanweII -.en ...
OIl! J taDt . . . . t:be ~ &II . . ...... tlMacna ,... . . .
.......,. ] 8dIfit la ' -n.e
- . eeoI 1." I ....aM ber. . . . . ..-ce ia
IIa.iI8I _ .... .w t.n tM craak ad ....
--.e JlNen"< u.e
Je-e l.-es cwat:ry la ~ . . .
~ tIM " . . . Peak to-'Wlleftr lr t tiultl . . . :h MDyRif
..".. wiD 81: ~ .-eat. ..... ~ to -.n. . . wttIL I . . .
"'We tie ........ tbftoe .-tte ... w1tII. seua. _ :r-n fa _
. . . wren..l ~ I. t . dM!ft. ...... !'~ta~ ~
.... if y-. wiD . . . _ .. c.a.. ( ..... I ~) ttw.
CIt7 .. ~ r wat _ anriaI oeea- fa rre.c.t. ~ Ilftoe. [ ..
_ _ ......... tIM: c.:'t1d:li
at tI.. . - ' 7 ,. T_
II:aew 6eJ' a..e
.., _lid elJet WU"o

City wh 0

pub ttie am _ dleI:r eets tIM-. wadl _ tho!

J"OML Tbe -.ea
kIa','" lie alWQII ~ .,.
TbIQ ~ .e .. taIIl te . - e of 1M IHL I . . . . . toW. I bur a sm.a : h' ner: t:e ~ W~
blo.e- I_ ..... W1teIl ..-n. ...e are . - r t - l _ taka ".. ~ otaer aDd
~ wbN tlle7
.....teI ae to

~ tIleIr ' ' ' ' '

_ ...
tM:7 aI..,.s
-n.e ..,.
Cltr ... wlLat ~
wItIl~~~taeeL It
I. QM; ~ we acted.....

'"AM after selic's!" I ~

We are ere-

aI_WlIn brtap tile tan til .,. ~ . . til tM ~ ail ~ '"I met HoIIart 8oI;wortb . . . JKk ~ by ........
of.,.~ .... 1 . . . . . . tH-. . . IM'Yer . . . . . r.M':IlL Jlr. I..oDdoD. ~.~ I .... lite WM1 su-
I'ore . . a! . . . wtM!!II. tIte7 aD ,..... ta tile ~ "Nearer
)I) e.t te
recall Ne> OM; caa
It was 1M . . . ~ e .apt 1 cu.
SM ~e ...,. ail the-. met are
. . .red him 1 eooW aDd 1 w. ea..-
r. . tile Valley of the )1_' If I eoUd Kt.. ),tr. S-wwtb
dpt t.lteft."
All. 80 we mat ~Te ut. 6elIcIdhJ Prl of u.e opeoa
tIM, !My ~ that'. an. I kMw, be- -ab')', but DOt wttll Ow! _~ tbat sbe b bey. . .
~ 1 ....e taJkeI .. - - . . . 1 haTe ...-e ...,. ... lata
SJae a ....~ . _ _ . . . 1R8 tIlIac:t.. . .
a ~ pieorl. . , . . . . . . .,. 1M ....,.. ~ ail tM . . . loVe. the IILllIa aM the IM!~ teo. Aad ~
"ida . . . . - . . ,.. .e . e .t tIilea p f t .e a ..,. she wID ~ bel' tbreat of pl... bIlck to
that ~ Joe cable at the foot of stately
~ AI
-'I thftI_"
teI ...~ ~ ~ Be
. S _ Pook.

- - - -,
,. ear and "Far
A Pictorial
D i g e s t of
Curl ent Events


--.-. ..
__ .. aa. '1---. ....

. -- _ -.-


A Sweetheart f
And Her Name
the Movies is Lottie Briscoe
_ -
I .............-
N tM ktJ-

r __
few'" _ _

... to tM eIIe cd.....
-x. Itd1a. I c:aa .. ~ JO"
!tel' at Ole Itos~. RIUUliJI..

... ~ aM JII'OOMllIell to ....le ) l I . lIayer
eo ...natk::alb' u.M. Jolla W. ~rtoll, thea the
....... eo It b.QpeaM that ... h-. }(d[ft .....
kia .-as we~ fa "faia ... a suitable dl.IW. te
ponny tllie role flIl ArUlu ta Ilia p ~ of
1be Ibma....y Wife." llr. Nortoa ~

....... -. botlM . .DaCft', ~ : lltM Brtacoe IUId r!co .......ded hft' for the

.... ,.ute ... -I have ~ an ~ ner al..Dee." uya
........ ut- ),11. Brteeoe. l.D ~ of tlle.e md-
tie .. 4eBb _bleb marked the eotIlIDeD~,t of
bel' tJteatrlc:al c:arft'r.
of the
La bl D.

who I. aI...,..
Artb_J. . . . .".'JU't. tAl the
dl.coDlJlt1lre of iIIn-
dud. of plaut
IIwaiu . . . . . . . . . . .
b ,. ~
I ~ tIl:IIt I feU II Tie-
tta g Hr daanla the Int
tt.e -u ere futfteII . . . be!'
fa II ICftft ,..,. tIIlM. ....
IJWI' three ,..... ae ... 1.D thOlle ""'a there WeT'e 110 l"bl)'
. . . . .,. _fttIteUt e't'fS' ~ aM. dfta'. liodeli" fa JI'Olest: . . . . . ebLld
tIten an ...,.......,. ~ ..1M feel ~ . . . for ~ Jeu" "Unle
u.e ..-e ...,.
.,MtbeU't 01. ue _ _
tGw.... Iller. SlIt: t:a a l.-:tlt: .. pia"," dliW puts ill maD,.. of the
..... ~ of tHee ..,...
-Y. . . . UTe ...-tel )IftttJ , . . . . . . I Sooa atle' 1tft' ~ as PlIek ill "A
"fttla'ft. wllft, ,.trod-=ell to bet' ~tJ::f. lIIdsu1.mer Xtpt. D!'Ma" Ute ~ 8odet:r .,..
~Tft,," Me ~ "I e-oe- ye. woOl eall r-M.. ... tbe IDdi...W.... who were the IDOrlaI
roar ,..,.. )Ill"ett:Y y-e. woU4a't yoa! That *PIrits ta tIlb orpabatMe took It . . . ~ f t too
.......-..en. Y" doa"t wtsb me to coete- how JIlaDy ~ X . :art.eoe rro- the perils flIl staee Ufe. lb.
:r-n that ..... do yoo!'" Gerr7 . . . a peraoaaJ visit to the tJleatre to pre..-eat
No. 1 ItClIl. Alul. It .bD~J d.lo"t lUke . .,. .It ""UtUe Lottie" from .ppeart... I. perM &Dee To
~ fa the wortd. > ~ ft'. 1 ~ .. ~ ealLDot pc-. ~ her, be..-ted the eb'" ~ ..Wi a teD dollar
"lWy be dl ~er tWftltJ'.) wbat ~ aoe. it lOkI piece, oal,.. to baTe the ...-e:r IhaaC' bis fat'e aad
.ue ..h~er II ~ t. .cu at rowr or
ferty. M 1-. . . she 111 wortbJ' of It! ArId
BrttM:Ol' tao
WlteD eml,. foul' yean old abe .Ppell~
bear !tel' !'ftIlaI'1I.:
"ToD old Smart Alee. you eaa't st09 me. Why
I'd ratb_ pla1 )lr. PlIcll thaa baTt!' aU your old
mOlley," aDd lIbe lIaId It I .-eh as to
I. "'The Ru "".,. Wife." 'll'hl~b .... <'OlII"f1Dee that wt!'11 t.tentJODed SeDtJem.n tbat
.....aced I. C'lnclnurt by McKee RaD- sbt!' lIIesat t!'very word .tie sald.
kbL . _ BrbIcoe . . . med the role of 1I~ nut t!'flPCIeIDfllt ... as as Dlclt qa "TlIe
AJ'thar. II boy. and It is Mid that T ...o L1ttJe V........... Thea followed ber
.rtet' ~IIC hft' part eovple of appearaD.C't!' In Georce 8erIIard Shaw'. play.
times. abe tlIned.t.o ),I.". Ra.a1ll:1a a.d -n.e [)e"U. Dtlldple." In .bleb abe ..... Ihe
flfrt]y ~rkN: orlclaaJ alt!'. ,.. . lbl'ft yean abe IIbrftd
""'ft't'. I thlD.t that ..til
be , . . rtcbt ,.. UMlipL"
do. 1'1 III ~Edlth&'. BurI1ar" ud .1.ftAoT that erMted
tht!' prlaelpaJ r ~ pIIJ"t III RUlIS Wbyta.l.
llr. R.aIIktD was coet_t to k!t the "For P'alr V1.J"&iaIa." 1a thb .abe attracted
.-bUd w-*" ba"e her ...,. tbCHlP the atteatioll of tH late Rkbanl lI.aaAeN
1te fm a1tptJy d.biCMIS about lift' ~ who eut hft' . . the PrlBee or Wales '- ~
I... ..,.. rl.Pt.- nat nell I... bo..- prolIurtto. flIl ~ UL lIiM an:.:- __
",..t!'!". ~ more tbaa pro't'ed tile eorT'ed.. p.nh bft" KP&'! !at with lI.r. lIa.Ddeld . .
M-. of 'aft' ~ __
the . . . . p~t . e ot ~ arftf'. aDd tJaat
.A.-.-...n. d-. WoN 01'- _.~ K_ pft.t" ~or deIn1be4 bft' . . 11.1. ".-e aDd _I,.
Brt~ I.a e.w:a...,. with bff pa~ta at pri--
t-*'d a ~t'e of -Romeo . . . Dvtac the .umlller Ion t:!lr'ee l'"ean qo :au..

Janet" lI..a at the GraM Otera ~ .... lad'" to -.e-e a IJktu"e ~

...--., ......
H.-e '- 9t.. ~ lIaJ'pftt)bye!' ...-ItIa Ute m. ~ . lain' site ........ ia
... ...-dac la lite dtle role.. It . . .
"1M! ..,. .... J*7 ""LIttle Lotde.. MlI:
. . . . . 0 _ far. SIIe
..,. ) I t . 1f.Q'era .1l11kt.
tlJ bB...-d
r.uo_lac tllie per-
)IaJMde ~ Tbft felIOwelI HI' ItIc: ~
t .... . , ~ . . . . . . laliy- ...,..tte Anhu .1_ _ la

"I . . . . . ."t do . .~ dee If I COllId.," aqII )(1_

......... "line p6etuoe ac:tlq. It is .,. ...,.. tbe . . . .1 ~ tM to tile Toft ~ to eeIect a ~.r~ ..,...
. . . . .....

.." ~ ce, ~ .' 1IIelIeN'. . . . . . . ....... ~J , ' ,... x.;, IdI:f!I":JrIto aft ?" "e et dle sIrI
_ .-11:'"'1
~. __ .,.u. It u.e . . . . . ., ......,..: . - . ' tile .e ....."...:
. . .; 111 _ t..q
wa-.., ne
at.e-'t1IlIlt -..' warF
... .-.-' .......-e Iller ..n _It ...-., tIM -..II' . ._d

_.,....'aa........ .... TIilB!Ie ~ el ,..... -..Mdl.' _Iecbua

wf)l'.1Iue . , . . _ , ....... , ....
tr ' aD ......, aJa: Mlleb.. . - : ............ ~ J. J'Iac&.
bud. ., ae. rr-, Iller ~ t'I'..- aU .......,w,~, .......
m.,. WIDI:-. L

can6IIl ....-~.
I ....
ca.era. .. ...... .,.'WGdd.
... tNlMB!e eftI'Y Iift,.. ~ ate.. "'Tbey
.1. . . . e:::-- Po.,..... $iii4!,. . . . . . . . . . . . .
..... Co .&&. aaa.t. -0, u.-. U'tbb.
~ .,. u.e III an UIe ~ _ betas~ . .... ~ _ ~ ....,. 'CF we of
......... ~ ' --. ' tile ..n: of other wILtdI -ekt to be _ _ I. tbelf. I t!Mt . . . . . . . ~ _ t M WI,_
I '
1IIetuoe - - - . . ~ after ba
II ' a78dt a '
trJ'to ...nte'aH u.-II:
Iltt1e dfb:. 'De JIl!'Ot!Ie I
frkolIU'for tbetr
..,. . .,. atteI-
pb . . ., - . 1 ,
.....' .,. alIIItIaK, I 1IIle ~ tloa to aft u..e who wrtt:e Yes, N.w _ . ' . . ~..-. . . Is jat
. . .1 .,. ' ' ' ' r u : p : ' aDd (, averap of ~ rr-, _. he felt, __ ' til' ....... u. .,.....
" I . . I l . ~.. UtoWll; 11'l!'I' amtoC tIftI:J' ~ ~ of a ..aIiJ., Iialr w:1lIdtI iii .-..: ..-.:
.... ..-.e ~' ....... LabIa the. tbdr pietDfts too ,...... trom Iler .. JIPt; ~ W'1tII a_ - . . .
.....' tar ..." 5 iii,., - . JtoDe.lIb did!' It pb' It Is _ titeJ' an! ~ . -.II Me'. . . . . . . .. . - r.. iiiWt . .

j)IMle _ T., .......'t bow It

a.,~, ....tIq -.e . e to ....,.,. tJaem. ~ d.-ttre""" , ' : y:
__ a ......... . - - . . - told you.
Til a receDt coat8t coMaeted by thE Se... No woo. . . . . Is a ........eart fIl'tIIe -.lies.

"Make-Up" and
Carlton King
&II well _ nde. but It lUis aJ
waya beea a ~ of ~
to _e that fOlUIC __ tilJd.q
. . tILls ..-k with tM ..... ttl.
eareer ta IDOYiIlc ~
dev~ ... little time to thbi

~ ID _r
"et'7 importaat faetAw or IAIe:
He tooIr. up a ~ ttl. tiI:t:r-
broW1i kMtklDII . . . . paiat.
&all,. badD&:- -...dMII tile eoN
C1'EUtl to bia UJtmc, ~ ~
MIUlIII'iIlll his . . . wltIi the
1ltIek.. 11111 taJldas of wluit I
am told Is his ~. . . . . .

la &I...,..
up," aDd as it i. a ~ that
feeela tI I to tile
1.,..... , ahll..l.,. .at . . . It.
taeI .. I W1te:belI' ilia ua.-
rona 1lI-.e1t tro.l. _ lrft.
.... I.Ny~",' =
fit ~ to 1aak:7~'
Ind.... e.u-et" patata .ad
deeoJ'lltlert!. ,)
""Lib any ~r ~OD.
tJte art 01 malll:e-q; ~,;;
fIIDdamelltally upon the tools.
If I may be &lIQwed to ue that
exp~loll"(I rettiniecl polttel7
that be mjpt) "t.b.U 0 _ _
to woril;' with. Stace &lid JPlcture makt'-ul~ He I1aIted, a bit embarTaaMML aad .. id. rotl lifOr
,....). widely, 10a bo..... n .....'t, but I aJ lIhamefacedly.
kn.. ed. bllD to th1ak 1 did). "ror lUatradoD: "PleasE' es.cou8f' me for ....._1... IIlJ' tollll'U~
Before the toot-lIdlts. liIollo... enHu are IIUf!(( to rull away ... It..h me. Jl* ~ aDd It there
out by applytq the lIh...." of red III the deeper iM a.y qaC!1d:lO!i "Qu'd Uke to aM. pieue slplty
IIpOtL NQ... red pbotolP:&Pba dark. or black. rour IDte:ltlOD by rial..."
eo tbe effect in pld:U"t'li: ta ezaoetly the ~ "Well. yell:' I hesitated. "'TIiet'e Is ODe qu_
On the .c:aee.
lilac ta ued to mt'tleD ......' U_ 11_ rd lUte to uk."
bid ~ abcMrt the J'es. ....1.., Ia Ilk- "Go to It!" be ~
tures. blue ~ II dead wbite. . . .' ..... "Well, thes:' 1 lIUt. ""It'a u,bl. wIw:!re -
the eyes 1Ml1A:Ia"""'J:aDCe. ~ ~ ....eft - J'OIi - born and-- ~ - were - y_ -
C!Gltar thlall u-t lDootIoa pkture la cd...... ! Wh:ll - are . y_r ~ ...... -
the' faet. tMt tIie II&iiIE t1eUi tlat 40es .... bow ~. bave . ,.. . . 1Mlea . iii - motloa pie-
~ the AiDe _ diff~t rae.. -.....e tUrelI! Do you like It - bd.ter thaa tbe
of -.... ,.lllt tbat I bay. ,.... tJM; . - t lltap aM - -
aahftl _ my r.ce, 1 oaee -.t, _ tbe faoee of ..Bel be moaaed, feebly, "OW J"C* .,. ODe
a y. . . . mall w1iGm , _ ........ To b .. q !"'
IJI"8It lI1sma)', tie toUild . . .. IP.- weeb ~ I paiIIIEd. _d at waitiac. with eqMlctallt
that lit. ball p,"at
J , "l' tar an. .-etI. .. wllh daecIDc ~ M . . . . . . . .~-

..If.".....,. too clark for the ;art be . . . ~ ~ ia&' tINt ..-.c:t- m tile tI&at die,. .e~
I m - . adaIt t1lat' tile - - - . eaneIt look Pweli. ad IIIJ' ~,bit lap.
tteEIIicd "ftY mitdi eMIt of the ...,.... -at. w.Ia, Mo.. ~ ' Ii, t.m~ BilhIeatell
4III:I_ned. laDll)'-IlaI:red ~ ' .. tbeT'e hi ,."lIe ~ aa..ea't.-y, 1...
toe ...,. J.- 1I'riq. Ia pktves at-. .&.. . . . .
a-'I!Io6f, IaAIa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ..........
ioo" __ ~
IKMIr tefwe
director ..... beea CuitGa
ebarad:er __ m..- _~'~
_ ... 111.; ant ...IUi eM 8eUa. .... tIaea la ~
s-tb .1aeu-YUIe~. 1, ,try. lttJ. I ,...., ~ 8eeIl Mn eft!'

.. MA.KE-lJP:'
saJd CmtoD K1ac. . . lie
Yiproualy applied cold tteaiD to
IDe tor -.e time to _
..... IiJII ..... bt be
til )lis IlobbJ' eo .:Ia, t!Iat I
a ....: ill:. lit_
''''t tIte 1tesl'1.
Ne'II:. befoft ,...' ..... u.e w
~ . . . ut., _

' &IMltItft'
ru ..,. tIaat
taftCitJe . .~ III .iItJoIlIC: aDd paIat-
ills. either _ or botJL...
, bis luD. pod-bumored vlsaae.-hl .. bttn1t b.illi, 'ban a ten.- feeIIq for
_co or the moet ml
lbl.... in the picture pmc. I d,~II't iitMa ttl
t "oentoc Iltm., tor , ba_ a bobby wtddi. I eeeMlouJl,.
--at to tIi~ ...... of .,. frieII.dL s.t tills
T'Ileft ca.te a en f.::r "!Jr. E"!n1:-)lr. KIIII""
. . . 1 t'O$e ~ 10' ...ith a I're:!t deal of
make a c:omparisoa. t ....r I con.ider them odi_ ta e.a:- If[Iq'a atoI'J'. rel>~t,

.,...7'......... ., . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
C'7 r _


JI r . Cffrt~r.
Jolt". bel' &On "Laddle"
qed 11 Echri'lA Clark
qed 31 BeD Wu-.
Piol.'t Jlered,it,Il. . .~ellJe Grant
Mr. Jll'rd~ bel' falher JO&ePh !IlaILDJq
1'aol!' lA~ WUliam Wellt
1'k Baner. . .. Bury BaI:eS
T1t~ rld; ', 1Ucha.rd Neill
lIr. lowee.. . Edward Ea.rk
!II ra. JO'lCf'. . Elizabeth )fillet'


~ ..
__ a..-"."'t"".

"A Mexican SP7

in AlDerica"

T\\'~REEL un B1SOS PJL.)(


eM. ~ u. S. A. 08kff Ra de a-Ut

PWwl s. ..-,. hbl _ . . ............. Val Paul

hla daqbt JIarIe Waleuap
Cli6orC. Karle'. 8aJtce, U. S. A.......
.. .. .. .. .. . .. . 1VlII1aJa CJUIonI
C.-, ntz. a IleDeaa ~
..~ GoIn.....
~ ~
. .. LUe WlU'l"atoa

," ~~
....... _" ::

l~ __ __
. ;.,J.

- c.,
THE MOVlE PICTOalAL JfIIt1 I', 111.1

UMilHon Dollar M"lIter7'

7 $I Pice..-
PI: ' ...
, ..u
Sj4.. ~" Her,,,",;,,. Ute mIDIOBll.Ift ... Alfred Xort_
FPo,....~ Om,_ ~"e. haDteI' .
. . . . . . . . . . . . P'I01'OP1lCle LaBad.~
J - - . Harpene". MIler SWMy 8nfty
e.. d .... Ol IIWIIlWr 0( the B1aeIt H . . . . . . . .
.. __ ._ ~e &.ow
IIrci_. kadft' of tbe HtlD4rM; ..
.................. _._ P'raak J'arrl~
,fi. Xorto ~_per reporter .. 1aaa er.-
1Ii.. 8 FtlTroll:. FJoftaee'. tMclleor .... _
.......... U1a Chester

RE aen mOTe of the ~Blaclr. ~ to try
"'*" toe
~ tato
by a
ealLq the 1"f!... ad fa -e of tIM
1lilI; GIIleI
.laidl..,-.: NP'loreIIee--Tbe Il.Wfa&" ~ is .I, aE4..
Il\!':atoTe It to _0I'e ~ spot at S. R." ......
-ee Mows thb to Joan. the "tier..... at JtJs . .~.
to tile C__ ~ Olea ... anera1 other ~ ~
lac to be mwcb perph!:Ked _e+ ..bat abe is
willie .em.ben ., the MB1aek au""''' _ watda fa
11-.- to'"
b__ aa- the way. diaeoYer loa" aliq bo~
tIlU"blI. S. H. f'r'om hiflJ..q pIaoe . . . . . the lIoor of . .
~ roGIL They attempt to ~eet . . ~ Im-
medlatel, but JODe. ~ a""*Y_ TIley set tnck of ILl.
tb.1l"CMICb Bratae aad a ...tld cha_ ..,. mot_ boat tol-
10.......bkII s a ..-ttll J..e. ~ tbfr bn i-.o ~
".l~ OIl tbe So_d.. tb._ tw.nJac . . . . . . . . . . tb~
fbe pMtIlAe taIlk ot the eoa. .t.raton' 1toU. aM 8l!ttlac
It _ 1ft.. ..IoDeti Pts 1IM:k to tbe 80. . . . )f1Wlft7 I.
:; t.1ae to w-rre dla.aer. Ht tile eo-pJ.raun are left
t;:~:::;-..:.::::;::::.:::::.::::::::::;.;:::::::",,,.::::::::::::;;;::='.; !ltnIA'Uq IJI tbe ...-.ter.
"'A Wo 'eD
Lav-'''. -
...... C

e _ IIioo-

c-. ICat.hJya WUU-

r.-q lDitwta WaI*k
DaritI .. . . . .. . . C1aad8 Cluy
lkoett .......-Rarry ~If!

T- 18 'He te ~ .. .-e ~ w_ _
I .... tIM_

..-.c_ .. ~....,.
fIlL I.-t.. a
..... ., -.. --=- .. fIl WaC Darid.
!He for
Ills CIua ffta. It wttIa & JAP. ... JOIatI Old. tllat
it Daril ~ 1a ~ . . . tMft: ..uJ the po.Uce
UTtTe. tIIoe ta }etten _ o.e .... ...m lM:rlm.lAaU
hi-. _ well .. lIer-1f. DanA leta her p. Thf"
JIOIke lII8ccn'er tllat ~ eIiIctJ'oc1lted wbe. tvr'D.
fa _ _ dectz1c tea kettJe. "bidl " . . " ~
fbr.eqtl _ ~ fa po~ boue. naT'"
IftkltIc ~ - - . . . aeata Clara ~
bill die. Be .... btor ~ g 8eott. .. J'-e eD-
liaeer. blIt all tile tlae ~ . _ .. love d'alr with

&Dll te:.
b,. [~,'rill. ax: t="
......tQ ,.......... IUs

tiler , . . w
abe a.dla. kt t.. _
~ .r
IOI't fIlL
Me Is __M. ....
' d ' a.--d
.tae I&. Apia

CUll" lwoltea wc.aa.

.........-- -....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ....


The Intimate ConCessions or Mollie Morgan
r J

OR .m.te I jut
~ aaa leU to tH
........ JIkbi

It q.
at UIoe ~~

De Duced at
aM it tuc:iM itaelt .-tte _drOPOlI&. I
...." . . to tM
. . . HUt. . . . I
at aIL A. .... HteI hM
tIaat aQ' taIeput . .-
- I by .......
tllroG&Il too .aclJ Dot till waat tie aake tI!Jacs
,.. . __ 11&__ ssIt tI'eatM . .
\ tt---1Ilie
__ IIidelIt .. I
t lid tMt!
lee tM
I:Ya .. lac ua-. to _ _
bes ~
. . lor lIIe lull
tar -. Iateial
.. tM

.,. .......
,...:pd,I . . . . .

_ ~ .I..M . . . . . PIIPiac RIte. ao.eft!'. I 't..,.,.. l!uld' .... ;

_ tt ... to ... ......... ... ct'ca'17. tar' tUt t aJoJ'eI aQ'''' " .,.) -.
-e- :rw. . . tUt Ql;laed r.. ae. Kn. IIoIlJ- n8"J" ~ tbt I hal. to WGITJ' ........................ rr- Bow
trM!'" [-..w, .. ~ .. it I Moll beN. ~ ~ I t ...... . .! ~

..... Iaal
... t"'~ .. tIIle.-t. '"Tll-.. JOII .e. I 117 .......
fa ~ Ibt tbM.
wWl tbe ~
to Ilea I'" .... ..,...... aIiIeII .,. ~ ; I , . . _ . - n ' ~
fa OM w..J. tUa J ~ waItIac
"'Ut.. tMre'. _

wdl ~ It
., waaw t

AaI t-.. . . - . . . .. crt. . . . I . . to cam-
twt ....... teD It . . all riPt! It ..
I ...
,...u. ... baTe
Oftr to ae. r
.ala ta. aaIlJ'
~ tMJ' hneA ~

of .7 tat.W". 1NUtIL
Wqs; rtPt at tile
1rIMa the pule
at tile ...........

..C . . . ~
fur ae. lie
~ _ _ act:re& J'

. . . . . lUr7. , . . tM ~ AM.,
aen ~ r-v ..
~ .,. u-
of b1JD
wttlrMIt .......... ..,adec, . . Ile ,.-taW
Il~. or . . tee ..-aD7 feolblL 1 baft ..... ~Ile __ ~ . . . left caN.! 1fIIea J 1 .......
. . . . . . , ~ . . . tbt; t a ~ 1 ..... tM7 .... at. tWr .......... . . . . . u..'7 ...n
..... I . . . . . . . an-...,.
fa a.t,..... ..... I ..-.eNI Baa_ ssIt tM,' . . ar...I7 tt ri. . . ae. ~..w tM7 .....

JI7 tlIiIIle'a traJamc ...., . . . . ~ netla .... tIe..-. uw. .. Jbewof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..,... tI!MIIII. of - - - . I . . .
.,..,. ... .ena. ...... .. ....-u. I ~ . . t:Ut u ....e ~ tMa. .&=f tM:1 to
. . . . Wt. _
.,. . . - . . . IIdlet tM
.-. - .

I .m ....... tMl I ...... laaft t1InelI It _

If tMt W:tler .... . . ~
I weat lM:e
n. I ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . atdMI . . Jet.
..-.e ..... '1
at .-ell _ __
u...1eIt~of. .
mn. ... _ . __
_ _ ... _
A.a:r-t~ ....
wee tll:i

e.-e to ....,.. .. aeDeIt aD. .-ta et. . .

I t- ....
a..u.e .,
tIW: UM: .-e,.. J aJak 'I'M
oil ia u..
pot ....,.
pb rbeolI. . . . . . . .
ridl. ~
.....,. taw - . t . It ... ~ .....a tUI: ..... JItIf.rl7 - a wee _ _ trw of Mea. IIlftW ~ to ~
I,. adaltt.- ~ ... _1 __ dMI eIIe . tile ..... of dte...... 8eftnl, tI!e la.,..en
et tM . . I ~ . , tILbtcs tMt blI . . ........ere . . . . . tIIe7 ...........-attbc
.. a:rwtJ,.-.,.~ ...
tile a:tamor of tile . . . . i"deetell. ~ u...p.
~ It .....

e.-e .. _y aiM for J"MI'L .,. ~ tID taM .. '1-')(7 fatlter. I . u 0Db' ....te aetre.. that attracted
I triM. to i

e t1IlIl . . . . . 01. Illy .&.ad. ..-ella.. I eotida't . . It. A.a

o:pIaIMIA, Iaad alwan

",.alit pI,.._t aad If It ..... Dol fortbo*
I.ulaItreiI .... them. I .... UlItie to u.e.t.;
O'8.ture. to be undJed. &Ad dlMeCted. I ~
IIOI't of

_erwhehD.... I. . . . of .p-at1e:-k. eI. ~ ID&, had taIlea I_medl.~ letraI 1ltf!1JS to 1M!- J'PN'Uff'llf romaDee to the youD!'f'r &iri. UDODa:
__ toward .hlm. IIlUter'ed me. The lawyers
....1"Ote tbat there bad beea wtn.
wID be Iaad.
Jlel alped. Then . . . the IllDt that Iw! hM.
IMIUt to l i p .wa,.
h1ll DlCII84!7. to ue, me
rr- sharlq Ia it. Bat-I eoulda't qalte be-
line tbat. I be.....Im teo ..elL U he had
~ to tile eM fa Ilb hatred of me. I.
lIil1 lktermtaatl_ to , me. be .-w. ban
tlef8tM ..... ttRlt to ban Ills ....,.. Be
_.aId ba"e lIIpe4 tILat will!
It . . better. - . ClOBlfortiq, w tIlJak
thM.. ..... be tk _ . 1M .... ft-
8.... BIiI ed. pbloc:MlI ute.
It i8 wen ~ to _,. that Ii . . U. ....
tad. . . it .....'t. It . . U. _.I~ftt
tbI: -..Ie Ill. u.e maa be waa. Chaneter, . . :,
it ""doDa. the ~ I tJUak. of _ 1IWU
r ~ tMt til a __ "'~oIl7 .........

r.- his ..... ~ ~Iac t. .ae. T
had learat that. ,... -.e. 8aat.e. . . . aM. DIem...
RY. . . . the ...ortd Ia anent. beN. a:h'lq

"t''bal pief t felt at t h ~ fattier'.

4eatb...... aot. ot ClMlne. 4De to ..,. pertlOD&I
eeDee of.... 1"bt'ft bad .ner beeD. per.
- . J relatioa betweea _ that eoakl procl~
that -.ort. 01 piet. ...d I allould be hnocrltlcal
IQ pretead that there bad. been. I ~Iored.
rlltber....bat mlpt Iia"e been. I lllQUmed tQr
the father I h-ad Jte\'et' bad: tor the parent be
aII_1d tLan been. Aad I cou.kl DOt help that
MlJu 01 a:n-tltude. of thank1'uhtea He bad
gYM IDe . . the~': He h.d pla,.ed fath~
. .rt. tlMs. at Jeut..
A.a. bow I thanked God. that I bad bad the
nHlnp to A,. ItO to Drmpw,. bl!fore the let-
ter came! (ml;"ht ba't'e saJd yea. &ad bftII
.ned.. pb,.akall,l. toy the ~ I t .ou14 h....e
~ I. time. But u:I,. splrtt ..oalet baye ~ am! the propert,. oa _hkh !.he __ . . . a!ade. thc.e wbo IIOGPt me out; the mea. I SQ~
~ n_ tton;11 my bod,. ltad blon k~ T1tft'e. ho.ner. I put my foot 4oW'll. J paR. had st:IU _other klea. I am afraid t
..bole. I ..oakt alW'&YS baTe 11:_... that I taM
,.IPlded; that at tbe eroes f"OIld. I bad iak_
the wroac tvnal.a~
look" tato eT~r.Y loaa of that Mrt 1a, aM
r ..... eroed the trkb by ..hkb my tatbe-r Ud
_adf!d Uae la... apJaat _ry. Wb~~"er I
4bappoIated. few 01 tbem bitterly. I wnt
UNI it ..... w1~ kla& deeop aI&h
of ~Uef that t I:a&1tJ' lOt _ the traia n a
,. Inc. iJDp\ll~ after I had reaJ.bed that felt t.l!at too bard barpJa had bMa drtTt'lll I bad laisbecl III,. ~ wtth the la'W'JB"L
Ute IIb'&b; UHI the aasiet:J were _er ........ I c:&ItCeIJfld the lou! eadRi,..: I.. eYPT'J' caM , tOlQad that I haUJd the pI:aoe .. mucll .. enr.
to ....! l.-..nted to ha e a UtlJe ps104 ot 'W'Mre . . ~. . . . . asll:ed. J it. Alld I beUeYe J ..._ . . a:W to - . .....,. _ I
~ .... ot lax ..,.. I wuted to - . . . . . ._.liT ..-.IJusted file terms of the louL. bad ~xpeetJed to be ... ~ J . . . ..,. ~..
..,. ~ Xew York. rtz.t of all of -ne. I coaWa't bear to thlDi of Ute ..-t of anhappl neape .Ith Gewae CoaTene.
t1tad to 1'0 to~ Tbat ..... ratlM!r
... ,... J ~ Ulat t _ hft'ellM..
a~ Ute lac.k at _ _,. ea.~ I eould."!
w1pe It CNt.: r hew that. ),1..,. of thf"H peo-
One till. . . . . "'enlI
Harboroqta. At leut ~ ~Ie b.M.
at! eIIIf!daIb ta

SI"P!' . , tl. . 1be tow. bad ~ ~ pie. I . .~, ...., ~e ."Dlpath,.. But come to ae with ~ f . tbe 1.....~
aIt,,. Ia~; tlte~-, bad ~ boca .... ..-t. tile,. lot It rr- 7Ie abY caae. I bad ~ of m,. .. oee,.. The eI......
of the pailk: ~
iIIIr.-_: 7
. .~ ~ . . It
.. ua. ...,.
~ .,. ~
'...-u-r . . _ _
--s- ,
Il.lPer Mrt of e t ~

.AM .. 'f _t. ....' .,.

It Is
.o~ true tJ&aa

,. ....
~(h>d.. The tII.ue opNed . . .
10M for Wf'ie'I:' moatJuL BIt
dIa8cI fer ,.. other, iup u..tre ta . .
mere .... _
dIj.; tIIiIr~ tldeIl eqIIilbI . . I, ' -'-'t. ~, ....." 1 Jet ~ .ap~! '
........._ _ el . . ~ a . t ' I ' ... ~~ [ ' die . . . . . . . aM' I, . . , . . to I hM td-a of my 0W'a CODC!>eftiac ~
all c . . . . to ..,. .teeD aM. ..... of ........ . . it. 1-. Iaow. 1 dIda't Itao... :s'or tid Jt tIoa. r.-. ADd. ..belli the ehaJa of tbeItNI
,-aI. at ..etli \0_ prieeIi . . to 1...-re a yteW !III!!ftII to 1IUIn:- 't'ft'Y cr-U7. Tbe fIIct lbelf .... well atart.ed. I taraed tD that. Q:uietI7
.... --elL I bad a I ~ with certaJ adMn tD IIeeU'e rr-
. . . Tt8IoL I thlat. th~ DeW' playw for the alma, deWnDiaed to
"eD. theL that It lPUte aD (':xperlmeat. Tbeir pia,.. ..ere at _

....1' ..... 'lIf.-'t. . . . . to be at- Int III the pletaree; tbo.e th.t ..on the cr-t-
1ataetGr7.,.et. It ftt popalarit,. I ~ard )M'Qd0C>l!d 011 Ute
...... x """ had t. b ... Jeatt1aale ~ ADd th.1 roved to be tile
Bat I ewW! walt. . I_I" expected. vall1ly _ p t 1cIe. that tbe
AJId.....bIIit 1 ..alted. le~1D&te ~ Deeded to .. ve It l'nmJ. tile
I bad to oenpy
1eIt. I ....; .....
lC"Miftc compet!t1ClCl of U1e m(lv!es.
It .... a1mplt!: eooqp ...ben It '1I'U thoapt
croeat atroIrlr of hlek. oat. TIle movies tallen .....,. f~er the
So ... e bow. Illthoap old theatrical .udlencetl. The,. will DfOver IoIIe
...Baritoro.cb had
blowa all about me.
tbelr bold. 1 .Impl,. _""ee1 the oldest ria
clple til' the tb-fO.tre: th.t it III Dot IIOTelty.
the IItorY h& da'l
lIIJII"'!M- 1 ..... lIeU'eeIy
bat what t. bO"II. tbat .ttrac:l:..
that If mlUloas of people bad aeetIIi Ia,.
I ~

~ .few that.. But ,,11eatl,. artred.. b,. pla,.ers dlIey Ime... ad Uked.
it . . . . . I bad e-e tlte7. or & JarsIe ~ qI them. "....
'-ek to & New' Tortr. ......t. Iater., to aee the _ e ~,.. with ~
that Ipored me .. 1lDe*,. aetoN. by the Mme players. TIle I. . . . t
comph!te.l,. .. It had lRICCe8A of the idea Pr'OlI'ed that 1 .... rlPt.
doII.e ...hile Dempeey So-. I added mad~ ~ to .,. dIlaIa.
aDd Saatelmaa "('f1! III. eTft'Y dty. A:ad la tII-e tile! . . . ~
p - . . l q me, and U1e ~ I of the pietlllre pia,... W'et"e JII"O'll-d-
hqte beut of at)' I .m aDtlc.tpat1aC m,.. atory III teUa. dllL
was belptQ tbfOftl to I mcrved 1110... 1,., of CCMlrBe. 8aeb_~
8~ me. I eol1kt ... ~re ROt of mUlJhroom P'OW'th:. Bat I U. ~
Ia-eb .t It DO". for I Ide.. b'om the becbudas. I bad bad _ _ _
new. But that 'lIf&ll III tbe clays of m,. IItr'DgIe tltMda 1 bad M1nlr
.11 the dI.~reaee. T dlln!d to bope tor their rallaatIOIl.. ADd the
bad beea amid of tbe time I !fl)I!Ilt ia ...orkhac oat m,. ideas 8Ued
ne....,.pen. of lIotor my Ufe. aDd robtM!od my '-ell..- of lIOIIIe of
tl"1y, But T b.d h - ltil tetTors. J had 110 t1m(' to brood aDd tIlJllk.
eaped th.t. Thf!l'e were whole da.~'lJ. "elL wben Charlie
And. the r.ct that 110 Hemmtnc'ay wa.. drh'eD f'atlrety tram my
oae be.. of th~ lJtart mla'"
nil&" d1aIl'e ID my ADd. III the end. after 11111 my pluul aDlil
eolldltlon lIlade ...b.t thou~ht.<l eollCff'tllu~ him. hf' ume back iDto
1 d~ldeei to do eu~' my IIff' b~ pure ch.nCE'. by Uu~ wildest of .c:.
for me to aeeomp118b. c1dents.
of ..even or ell:'ht per eeDL But I ~up~ I 1 had that Illhertted buzhll~ ta.tIDcl. aome- It ......rter my flr'IIt stucUo bad beeD opeDt'd.
h..d lIOUIe IDberltaD~ from my rter bow. aad 1 waated to be buy. to make moue)'. uptown In ~e'" York. I 1M!JI::an pf'Odnc:iDC on
all. I luIow I wanted to lody that problem t.e. bec:auR 1 waDted the _ey. I thlllk. a .maIl lIC&Ie. beeauW" thf' work .... to boo
for myself. I meant to beeome rlcber, "eill. tbaa to pt'O'te 'that I did haTe aome IIOrt of expertmeD.lal ID tbe ~hUlin~ And for my I If I could. But, above aU. I 1if&Qted
lIlu.. capaelty. ADd I t1Iraed. rather IDfl'ritably. to director. t tblll Ttllle. I bad LaDe WlIaoa.
IOOmethJq to keqt me buy. the movies.. There ..... tile Idd I bew. -"bom I bad (ound 1111 tbe reeDit of IOII~
While I ..... in HarboroU&"h I had IKI IlIaDY There. moreover..... the aelll ID ...bkb I b.d __arch. He b.d tM,.pn _"lnt:: AJi Ilta~ mana
tblnp to do that I had uWe t1J:ne to t.hiIlJt. .et out to WiD IJlIICCfI8S,. J'ate bad trleked. me. ~M" of a sman t1lullil'lIl eonw'dy hou.... In Chl-
Bat, oace I sot back to Ne.. York, ancl had had bP-aten me. aDd 1"Obbecl mC) of the saeeetIK CQ;O. aDd J had been raacln.ted... bUe ...tch-
taJtea room. l.a II 'Iniet apartment hotel. ..bJch that bad. at I('Ul t ...tee. oaee I. ln~ performance tl,..rfO, by e,tdpllee!I of
, to make my headquarters, I bep.a to aDd onee III Cuba. ~D within Ill,. I!"UP. But remarkable ortKtllallt~ .ad N!'lIOureefulDeM In
reaJ.lae bow much I needed OttUpatlon. My no, I eould defy tate. The t __ refIt,@d ...ith the producer. "'lUI utterly In.dequate lila
dllef BeUsatiOIl 18 tlIOIM! tint day. of ldJea_ me. terIaI be bad lIutteedfOd In fllltttll! on SOIDf'-
. . . oae of IlIlIIle1l8e loDelhtMII and, emptiness. )(oreo\'n. the &eDeral ee.dltloa that ra"ored thins elltlrely D.('''. I foand that Lane WUfIOn
1 bad ItO trteada. )(7 life had 4eprlved me of UJ'oae like m)'.elt. with mOllt!J'. applied to the was U1e mall responsible: I _~ee1 blm IIf
ODC!e. .t a ..Iary. as !lP fra.nltly told me. tw1cp
the cbaaee. to make tr1eedll that come to mOllt
"r u", ~D~. y_,. .....
mo-.1Jlc pt~ 6e1d.. .. wen .. -.ber forms of
the oae !hID&" that "all . . jn'e&t . " be had p\'l!r expected to eanL
YIIIII !lt0!'"PD!'"' liP Mid. . .bpa I
And. thoocb I tried to do It. I could Dot lIlI'p!'Dtly lleeded. I It't. to ..orIr. Tery I'OOD "PtctUreIl,
drhe the pletare of CharUe H ~ &f'ter I f'@'(lU'Ded. to New York. ud ..lthlll a for him. -u)Ml~ I d011't kno.. aaythillc
from my mind. I bad Dot IleaI"d from. htm meatIl 1 b.aII. boacIrt. ~.,. or lhroucb .bout tbat POle!"
.... I .... left . . . La e:::.t.; be . . . IItiU c:r.te4 -.nta. MUi,. & .eGft of thil!atftL I "That'.... by r wlII.Dl you." I told him.
abroad., for an I new. ADd yet. tltoqIa be laM .eIieeted. ~ w1t..b wbat afterward ,"",ee1 ADd I weDt o. to e:lpIaJ. _ e of .,. 1dM&.
had crilatl7 tails. side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to be pod. jIIoQmesat; they eaaItled me to I ..... that he ...... lDtA!I'eated; wltllJa . . boar
cleIe1'ted me. I kIlew. aad -.dattted. to mywlt. maIle hJpl,. raTO'I"able term. for the mowiq ...e bad cliMed our bU'pJD.. And I bad made
t. .-eats 01 tna~ that there ecNId of 1M btl" featDl"e lima th.t bepa. aboat !bat 110 mltK.ake. ror,e..-er aaeeeM I baTP
M!'t'tI'I' be . . . to take hia ~ tor me.. I tt-e. to ....~ the eo_tf"J'. The old allialleN aehltITed be 1FaII alw.,.. ~ tJIaa IlaIf 1"f'-
....W llim.. lIore th... -.ce I __ oa tile IlL the IDdutry 'Wen! breaItt....
doW'B; tade- apoaaIble. A.Bd. tram tbe . . . . . .i.C 1 ___
po(at of tJuoowtac 1111' pride to the ""'11 "'d- . . . .ts. JM'Oll.eera aDd exlllblton .lIke. stood able to trust blm Impllelt!,.. To al..c: "err
ine _t wllere he .... aad IOfAc to hlal. I a \ettft cbaoee ua-. tITer Wan., _ e_ III the orpalaat~ r MDt up t .y.
dMPUel Iltm: bat [ took .-er aad . ~ 'I'1lat "&8 the Int ~ I. .,. campa1p. tldf was, fop & loDe time.. _b,,-. Be b_

''Omfort. neD. lD m,. coatftDpt tor hillL !'or I oqaaiRd a com...,. to baDdJe m,. c:haIa of rr- the be1;11Ul.1a that I wu tJle bead or the
I f~lt that th~ mODey that had C':OIIle to me ~ aDd I pt IOOd . _ to do tile detail. ..boh! eat.erprI.e. aDd he De'Tef betJ'ayf'CI nly
"CMdIl ..... It ~Ie for me to baTe 1lbIl: roatJae WOI It. t myRIf did Dot . . . . .r; that
that It ..ould temPt blm lMdktePU" to ma.II:e .... a simple ~ to ~ Bat I bad Aft:~l' the atlIdto wsa ~ed Ie Ne... York
him lr7 to f~ tile thlap be bact beard m,. IIi.cff oa . . of the t'IItft'pI'be m- ...e b.d coaference every ~_ta&. .Alld. at
;t bo-.t me.. and the thJ... I had felt obllpd thti start. AM I bad boaht .t aadl lave
10 tell ilia abo-.t .,..It.
W~ea do feel that 'Wa7. th-.ta te... of tlIiem
tbat .,. roeta beAa to ptle . . fIooIIII the
.tart... After the parclla8e of tb_ fInt tbea
cntfI of these eonfereaeew. be almott thre... me
ott' my ba1&Dce.
'Tve p t to Ire Covtney.- be said. MH@
"'III __ It It. ~ I ..oUda't. If trea 1 boucbt _ IlHJI'e. X,. De... poUcy ..... to 1roa't do. No IIf_ _ he llllaD be kDo".
Bat the tJme for that baD't. ~e,.- J-. baiW.. I bepa to aatidpUi!- the mOTemeIlt>l It all So I've sot to set De... ju,._lle lead.
oow It is e - P that tt is... I wanted hllD. of popalatJo. in the ~ cities. Ia Sew A.Bd t tblnk l've lot the m.aJL He'. been
Tort:. _ ~ I deeI4ed that tlIe .-IDA: abI'oacI-be's p t lbeir teebaJq.e. Hem.millj(
y... - . I wuted him OG any tenD&. That Is
M!S ludact. the flaDdamelltal tbllLl" that baa of a DonI' Alb .,.. wbleb. .... to oee1lI' w1thfa ....,.-th.t. the ehap. KlLow hi.. !"" .
tItOTed tIUl raee " 6 .Deethe best-alae of
time.. It _'t. the maD ..... cII~ his . . . .;
two or throw y
W'oaId me.D lIew CftItJ'oe
W1- fa tile extreme ar-x. 1 boecbt
"1-1 lbtalt 110." 1 "d.. after time. "Yes.
be- GaPt to . "
It I_'t. the ala1e. I ..,. tona of Ufe.. ft. laM. Ilne It daeap: ..... _.thll before "All riPt." Wi..... liookt.p; at Die
tile ...- - . Loal" ... tItat .... ~ ; u.e sr-d brokeD r- the ant of DeW' cuioIIaty. "ru
try II" ... thea.. Be'. u
~ _ It .ta.t -.ell to be . . ~ .r ~ 1l0Ull!&, IlMI' tbe ......., pfIII8I~ I dllall: . ' . worth hat Ile ......
81It AAd. DO.... Wtae. we are ...-ell. ...... ,bl:: ............ tar a lJMoMft of lie UIIM!d the , ~
i.nC- ~ ..ltat _ .re p4eoMed to eall & . . . . . . . ~ to wllieb an tIlat I bVJt Iatft (e ._ _1

Uncle Salll's Movi s

NCLE lLUl ... my"'"
...., edn'8I the
6dlI . . . Mdt.
B- ~ s. c. WILLARD IDiIStII wW be iac:ak1&IabIe. n.e
......... of tMM pktuw a1WQS
of Ute GewftUDdt at is lk: aM that .. ..... y.. waal tAl de h
1Itrirtq: fa ~ its work fa pkt--. nw nft'}' . e . . tile proIIlIea . . . . . . tAl tILt:ak
8ecfttar7 et ~ .... eete H f b d a _
U . pIctue ........,.. f.1ly epj. . . . for the
taki-e. ..-klac ... ahJ_ltiac of pK.t1U'ft. 11 is
. . . . it . . . tlIat fa what . - - . ~ are

..... of. u.e ..... iII8t:rfts aM. . . . -.a.h

the J'lII'1I'OM of ~ Hou8t_ til ftt a hM Mea he to tJIle ~ oC tM.... It fa
~ 1MLI..u.c for thb pan:inIar IdlI ot Illy ~ tAl bYe tIM .... I . . ,-tbIc ...
...-'.. wkida ..w ~I*" faT"""" willi. - y fore u.e .-ue _~:aalty 1'1 _ ,n
., tile !up madaa pkh.fto prod-m- piaau.. ~ t:bat tile}' wiD. _t:ft't:aia well ..
Tbia .. . . . , . Ue tiffttu. aDd ...,....J super- .-.
....... lDtereKl.q: . .jeet . . . ta p Hoe
fa ~ to ...-J ....,edaIIJ .. 1M ~

~. ItwiD . . . . tIM~fIIl . . . . .
eo'fft'M. of bIIIU1.q: tJIe water
of ~ _ tbe ~ oC the Jao-e c::J.a. It.

wiD aI80 4t!pid. ~ tile . . . . ot tile

---~ , ~-'-'
.... bfnme b aM. lite
simple RQ:IMlt1ou f.. I I ' "
it wiD ~
1l.RIfte tbal
wiD 1le wt.Wa tile r - d ; . , ner:yoee. We."
besb wttll tile bome to ..... tile foundation
or. bea.lthfal com.murUty."
ptht'rUtc ~1auI dt!plct1q eoodltloaa ID. all parts
of the eooatty. )ly leW. utesda from eout to lfI
00Mt. ad lilY aujeeb aft llaJUMa.
.. AJ~ tile m.a 6tp1e:tlq th@ wlllll'klqa of Getting Re~.Dl
lIle Bdy loUlk here has made DUll" wO::\'DEB. It the ac..ora reali, say . .,thlq
f:QD .....ft'ta fa the proper feedlq of t:afaats aDd
.. ~DI" of lata:atJJe mortaJlty. T'h@ ......:Iut'
I thdr 11,. mO't"e! It 100b like a
"..a.IItt! of eIler'C7 It the, do. ~
of ~tl~~ pth....... Ihroup. these @~. Thla l't!D.lark l.s ottea beard at motioD pie-
turt! abo..... Tb<r: a . .wer Is that the acton do
"'ltliOD of Wl..u.ftf!ld Srott Clime aDd ~~e l!~k. aDd the eDern' la not wut.ed. It
Geoq;e........ Ith all .b~ corps of a&6lstanta. Any la mu('b eaaler to esPrefMJ <r:motJoo throar;b tht!
tU .... I.lon or bU,,"u of tbe DepartmeDt of A1'i- f~tu~"~ I. the teebnJeaJ word u8ed
culture hu 00.1\' to clll1 upon lI1'. CUmt: _d be ID fUm prodaet1ou-lf ODe 1lSfS word. that
I. tbe~ ,,'llb hll'l camen to take tbe lubjeort COIlvey the thouPt 110 that voice, (eatuf't!ll aDd.
'~Irecl. be It at llome or abroad. &Ht\lJ't!ti barmonJR.
Some of the 0111..1' departmeau ha"e con- A momt'D.t'. thouc:bt ,-III .~o ..... that thla la
tracted with ,rt\"ate t'Orporat.lo.a tor the mak- true, lUId It I. Dot DI!C8lNU')' to &'0 IDto the
ba: of motJoa pkl1lN'lJ of their work. This psycholOS}' or the matter either. Oae t. IMl
.. especlaJb' tnli! of the Public Health 8en'1~. au8tomed to "'attinc tb~ actioa to the wOl"d"
..bleb I. UJJlac the Colontal FUm Com...,. of that. oae UllCOlllICloaaly ...lUDftI tbe propeor fa-
W.... ID~OD. WIlder tbe supe"lsloD of S1&- da1 expt't!AJoa .heIL a11lnc word. tb&t d@D.Gte
Boernfllela. for tbis pVJ""POH'. Othe" 4eput- auser. ('!1U' urprt* or OllIe!' t'!DotIoa.
mOlts l"OOpente with ..ell KUhllabed modoc 50 W"@U la thta bO.D to dlrerton t.ha:t
pkt1lf\e laibon!tort8 as tbf'lr DfttU demaa4. "'hea an actor or ~ I. filmed talldq O't"e!'
All thl. CO" to abo.. that at 1ut ('Dde' sam
hu fully f'ftIt.d the tftmn.dou pcnreor 01 Ute
JlnieIJ _d It lie ..tahft to be up willi tbe tmaft
JM, mut p III the movM' bual.DftL Already
tlM CO,"entlDelit oena.. Ildmtt marked LD-
............ .... ~ ~
a t<r:leophoo@, It Is Dot Ul1UtlW to ba"~ lOme OM
at. the othrr eDd of the lloe acruJlJ eal'T)1:a&
on the ot.her part of the eG::1\'t'natlOa,

CI"II!!Ue La tb@ popvlartty of their ....ork. tar

&f"!IAlf'r thaD ..... POMJ,bk! t.hrou&h tlI@ iEulq
fill baJietias a.a4. 1lM lk-U... mq of lnIrn. ""~
wh_ IIJuM:n.tfld wltb RUeopotkoa m-.
Old Scouts Meet Again
At their ..

IFTT.():\E Jean
, ap. Coated the ......... ~
ft"att! _ t lay ~ '" tH war. "br-
~ t:a
{"Dioa llat!s.
....tehilll: the
.A. T ...
tee _dael
him ........ ~
I.r, 0-' , _

~ cnek. " - . .

to aboot If t:ltt!. Coaled- tk baalk. IlW aD _

ft'ale lIlCJTt!d.. It ..... fa t!I@ .......... water
a bat.tJt! o( 1If@ .... ....tJq rOlf alPL lie
ddth. ball.)' ~ wttIIl
.A. meed_ that lat. . . . . . . _
'Thidly broqIll bKlr. Ite coaJd catller.

the thnlll:ac day. of C r ... t' fa Geaeral
ue elyll war &ad ...... lIIeade'.~, ...
tln.1a.f"l,. dlls hair- trolled t:ltt! .....a: all
AM1fJtarll SUr&"f'OD ~ft"ral Wlmam C. RUC'l;;
,.,.. of t.b@ ~ of Publ~ H_'1lb, I~ quite an In {h@ lDOVie ~ld. "Tb~ t. JtOlh.
1-.: Ilk.. II:' b~ d_larM, hIt', tbt! best pub-
ralatDK IDC'l~t. 'II"lIft.
IMY Wt!n! _f'lDieI . . .
fOuPt eecb OllIei' for
l,be l!=lory of tb@ bllH!
Ul'.....t1_ fOlf ..
alcbt or the: . .7 Ite

Both hIld bee.

... _-
lIetty mlUl, tht! belJt p..- llCftlt. tbe best. meaas or l,be P'Y oec1lr1"N: fer tilt! . . . .
.f makhl': the people hslt up lUId !1k@ DOtke~ 8t!'It!ral ..,.. ap 'II"1tftI e-.paIIJ' r.. tweIft
tb&1 tM world b. . bOWL J Te:alU'@ IG . y Seolrt W. R. Taytor lIl. .th. . . . . . . . M'Qr
tbar I .ull Itt! able, tbroach tM QM of ~ aad D. R. CrarH! I0Il' \:) ag" TQlor ia ...
pktllreJ.. to ro.ake more ~1Il_1tl.. rean. tht! 1l.~ eac:h OIhe!' _ a IIloJ'ed .. .. a1UtarJ

...a1... of bMlOl .... byaS<r:lle aDd .1. . . . aeoe- mlml~ lIattIt!6l!W at
tIdoaBly to pal ~ Ilroe ~ taq!lt tIl<r: I:IlIy8'al .,1Im at U.I~ CItJ, ....
fBI _ year t.!t.MI local ~ ~ 1la_ __ .~ .. e-. cn.e .. _~at
.... abllp I. ~. . I. ...... lIecaH,
,nl. til what J eM. lO do &ad .. tht. _d I am
. . .y'. t'aIld . . , .
~ CaB"""a. ~H.IJJ. . .
8uttt. ItuDx, who. Mace It. aaarriap. ....
........ WaiaIlI tJae tOClt.1lPts al 'Yft'}' .....
I Ii IIIte ta -rile
~ Gb'L..

o.anc- 8n.L"
. . daIlnil.l.a ...n.
Ile'tft'to be: forptta tor
111. "Little Be,. 81__" Mt
. . . ftIOeIItI:F tell. ~
to DIa Capl4. . . .

. . ._ aIL abe is daDe ..ltIl the ata&e r-
. . _.,.

. Qcs EIL._ tAe EacUab ea.ter ala&ier.

_lo -...e a ~ u.-p IIrief. toar of tht.
H me...
&ItOLD JU:LTZER.. ... of
CUrls 0 F. ...IUCIL&.-T. 1M
. - ' . . . . . . 1ItIaer

~ arnnJ. 7f!:U'S ....

Na..... B...-aI, late ..itll KJtty ~ fa

..... u.
&-7 ., tM .... be", ~ ea.. Me tau beft.
~ tM~ . a.n. __ "'~Ia~JIe.
fII. Teft . . . ~ - - . . . . . .. tIlJiI
~.tM.--t_ J.-_
.. _efme ....... Patk
... Ills eI&tatJ'..-e-
. . ~ , ..-e .-er til MA..IlCA.R.ET lLL1XGTO:oo
. . . . . . . . . . . . te tIae r.e fa
...... PIQ.R . . bQortaat pie-
-. ~ ltrcn::lr...~. ...... ~
...... oaIJ' i"Mll!&tJ,.
a lLI&hb' proatabte --.

lue,.....-.ur .. _ ~ _ . . lIary ia -Wlth-
u.e eIeftr ~ aecre..
we aIa&U a.c rw:aD ~. .-ttIt. spedal

ta tbe 1.&..... a IlUJ' fa wlllcll.

.......'W'Sa Y...-, ~ til . . .-:-t:in ..n ta u.e wIcIa&l
~ la -ell F ""'ne c.a:q h fI6 "'LIUIe ...,. 8lR." me '- .. e..U-- rot' a ~
7 . .
~.. - ...... ., 1I.u'Tarll." -ne M.-
et. die a-r," ~ o.w- of ~ . " . . .
CLue a.t.._"". fw . . . . . tilDe bu . . .
no-n.T ~ the .......
w-tIAM. witlt. the role 01 Bid La .. Ew'ft')'.
~. . . . . " . . . . -.0. a -.Iter of ~ lac 1II-.IcaI e-.ed.y ra"lJrIte,
CoIaalal n . I f t Steck. CleYea-.L , . . . . . fa ......,. ~ -e-.e:uJaBtfttt.:t
D.llS1' ll.t.u: ........ Ute ~ Loedaa ~
IlunI BeLT Becnc,t.nT.......... tor ~ . . . . . . - - espedally -'1)' IlIaeM ba -rtle
t!-. . . . . . . . . . .
....-t.. ......-c
ia J&arp.ftt: ~'.
ta tbe '
toIft. ....ell . . ""GrfttI 9todd.acs
Wb::oiIn.ere'. ha."
wbo ....-..rN Ia tbIs e.atr'7 W'fe!1l Tan
qa. with Sir CIt.aries WndJLaa &ad 31&,.,

J. H..t..lI "'0"". D,ulZt'. wbo play. jaT-.iie aDd

a- .......
a--r Ba.'U"L brotiIer of U-..el AUee
aM. Da1ay BebIlon!. aD wd-bo.... I.a tbeatri.
Ucbt eomf!olly roIN ia Itodt. beta ~Iy
ee-raI stace J . .:001 R.uaa~crm"". wbo .... .ea I:a ~
. . . . . . . .cJ( ST.L'\"Jlun. d.lncr.or pcIIIllI.Iar with Brookln tbee' aw: .. wbeft be
YIlIe ia Bertha ltalleb' ......-t. aad .... aDo
aM JlIa7 prMlICeI' tor me LaeWer e-...,.. was loa,," .t the Tb-.troe.
Kr:Trr W ........ u.e det'er ~ W'ftl for J __
with Ed.aa Goodrieb fa the abort-U'Yeli

reus 1a ~ Ia tile Rpport of bet'

eDter tt.e leW. or

Ha.rry C1a::r BIaaeJ'. .... .tao ..
~ Ia &er-nber.
Lt;C'1UA SrL.:ooICT, the fonaer atoc;lI: lMdlll
........ .bo ana01laced ber reUf'e1Ile:at rro.
the ~ted' ~ aetor. ....,.-.Uy. It.u Mft the
IItap La fa,..
01. p6c:tves, hav
the ~ aholrt ,.ea.. allto.
pl. . . .t1,. r cd .IUlI BlaDdIe lUac fa

lac ~ tor onr a ,.ear J ....

"The Wall Street GIrl" &ad "W!la C1audJa
WA I...oa. C"'"TO~. of the Cohaa ad Harrt.
.... La ....,. i:Dportaat EdJ
. . . ~ two of her recf!.t M ARC lfc:DEIUIOTT,
I.a E4Iaon
t1lmll haA
~ bet. . -rbe Adve. _lvea him &II ..aell.puled ~d
ro~ aDd who 1a apeclally ret1Iled I. the
urt&tul prodaetiOD or "'Get 1Uc:t1 Qa.kt W&l- tue of the )(w.!q Lepcy" "rsbJp aJDOIl. our lICT'f!ea lftars,
llactemL.. . . . ""Oa u.e HelPb." the m_eat betOlil" raotabl,.

H.A.uT Kn..ucu.. who. uae bq dner mother. CH.Al':>it.:n 0I.cen. tbe ooe ami: oaly, ""ho lJUeceutal til the toeMes elf'
bo.... a pecu.lI.arl,y tBd..lTtdual .....U_ &moq: "The M.. Wbo DlMppea~.
Qaeeaie V--.r. baa appearN ia. DUmeTVGS
Broadw.y maalcal proCaeuo.a, '10' lriab Kellar UPta, !au. nblde Iut MUG. III whlcb be does ex~cmall)'
beta '"Sbameea Dba." be worlt..
Qua:~n: lzIGI'ITOl'. thaa whom there are few
lIAr D"\L'\"....,. 81''''0(''' daachter 01 GLu'E MntaJTT, late llta.. of "Wbe:a K.!1htht.
IM'Uet' noWll Loadoa maalcal ball a.rtt-... aad
WUlIam Seymour &ad. .Ieee ot tbP. late Faa.y hood Wu ia Flow.... ~ aDd ""The Blue YOUIM'",-
.'bo. as "prtDdpaJ bo,," bola au almCMt _.
Dan'aport. wbo., after eomparatJ"el,. abort but wbo b. . 1I1aO! mar:1Pd aDd f'ol"tll'f'd from
MTaled record I. plUlItc.ltlDft, d.rlaC the put
tea yean ha'riq appeared 1111 "'The White cat. ~ Ia8e ~r. 1DUTtH. . .d lett the 1If!\en.1 the~

''Claid6ella,'' ""SID-Md." ''Good,. Two Shoes." ,'ears &&0. C. J.\Y WIU.I.\)I,.. ",'hOtfe chanad... r ...ork hllJi!l
>tIld DO le. thaD three 41t1'if'ftat .eNOftIi of C. Anuty.T S!IIITI'l. no I.-. ltN*)1l . . . lead 1I'OD ~t.Ioa In maay EdlllOn pictures and
dDk:1r: WhlttlMtoe_" iac ID&D with )laude A4aa1a. 1Ip1.S' e~OD.I wbo n.tIU foremOfl1. .mnnlt th.. df'\'''~ of
I)' pod ...o.. k In '"Tbe Lepa,( ot L..i!oaora.- 01U' IIC:t'tle:I prod ut"ff'll.
J_ .. JIL'l:"'IF. D art. fonaerl,. wf'IIII:.ow. la Fu_:ooIn: BI:"nl.ET. thO! fOnDU meloclnlll.u.

EA.1ll' XEWCOllBE, latdy mwal ('Gmed)'. bat. 80W the wife of Jowpb sta... wbo bas lately appea:oed 10 "..\el'lll ~
seeD 18 "Little III
JIroW1l." aad _lao data eomlq
_ hi to be promID-.t1,.
C. Fa~. the st:ae dli'f!Ctor. a.d Ioll a~

Go-.,r: K. fk.'l:DT. tor .eYer'll I yeen a mt!m-

dal staT f~tu~ fllm prod-.cdoofl.
WIU.I.\~ GII~...I(T'TI'~ _be .. retumlnlt to the
llt:::aee lu Oc:tober'. .ppeu1alt uadf'l' Chari...
cut iD ""TCMIay_.. her or Cohan . .d HarrI.' f ~ ~:1nlt 011 I"roblltaa la the p;peelal staM'f!v1Tal of
1!:Uo" aT "'~ ho .... _ oa tOU' I.- ~ I. . .Broad...y Joaf!ll,." "Dlplotnaq. ~
. . . Iut pU.ylq the Ea.'\"t:l<T R.. B.u..t.. tbe -a: ..:1t"" who hu Cll~lT'TT. Hr::n. few maa,. rears leadillC
title role ia oae of the TUi_ lately ~ playtac fa ,..tld~. appeariJlc I. ...._ . . of the lltol".k coal".", at Bo_doh,
"""- o' My Heart"" eompaajeL ~ with bls wife, )laMe Lambert. Squre Tb~. Bol'toa., bat wbe b.aA DOt ....
8L.A..~cmE H...u.. .ho . . . aa.. .eea . . tolU' BoMa Ylutll.. who for the ..-t R"'"e!1I Ilea- pMI"l!d prot__ oaaJly aI_ ber m.aniapo.
laTta Uu! tWe role fa _
o' )(y Heart"'" ~
01 Ute __ u. bef':l p!a7lac dnmatk llbU:bes I. aboat a
"flU' or IlO lip.
KI:ooI ~D.l., late .ith .. ~ .....
GCJIl WIl~..J"".xIl.. the I.a.Ia1ta1l1e DlItda CClIDe- a-:u WlTIlDIl'r-"". .b-e MmlnbIe Walk... . . .d ....U IllOl"e ~tly with A.aaJto
d~ .!to hu _tertaiIIed _r Ta....-uJe au- Tocal taieats ban .... blJa ....,. 8dmJren fa a - I I Ia ber renTals of Old Ealitllsb eom
cal-.cs th_ IDUJ' yean. Iladl lbe ~ &ad craM Gpft1I. IeId... edles.. beta ~ y pOll . . Joeepb s.rr""",
H. eoon:..euYnt. .. ho .ID be: loaI ~ LnTu:: TIC"H. the EaaIbh liIaste ball artIlIl. I. -rhe 8c':booI f . 8eluMIaI:"
bered for IU on: La "E'reTyw0man... aDd .ho .... ,a bl1ef . .d ratAft' _ t U J .... Aun: .be has ~ iIlaa.)'
IUt _ ~ brie8y La "A TboUUld ____ beft -.e year. ..... Mt ~ 8'r'-.I. .y ma.ical ...,.., tbe _GIlt t'I!e'li!St bP-
Years Ap.. .. aIartt)\ C"OBtIa_ WldIJaI.abbH. I. bls _tin Iq -rhe Utt:Je C1fe." at the Ne..
W1UI(I:ooI D....T. ho last _ _ played a aam
IJer 01. ch&rKter J:-rts with the Harry DaTis
Stodt. Plt:tabars. .Ith .Ilkh eompall3' he .til
~ f! aaat!tft' Te&r.
hTU.J1I. 8 __.._ . who pTe e-stdft'a.bk
--" J __

0 Y :00 E. did bIPI,.
y,t("l-A.T. the music:a.l comed.)' C'OIa' we .... l:u:t _
of the lfo...-Iell."
I. "'I"he Q-.

Cu:urro~ abc'Y. . .bo Ia.d a IDOR ~


prombe . . aa i~a~ ~ bat wbe 1D&r- elhctIn --': this .... __ _ of It. appea:1q at the ~ Tbednt
c!u.rf. . the aD - - . ' ..- . , ......ea 1te7s _
ried . .d left til., staee ~ ~ .....
C1:"IIRDG.. .hOllll
at the Gamek Tbeure, .tth .Jolla
"e Ia.t ..
.... . . the INc'be- of .....
wid: La ""Lad,.. 1Vl.ade:-.en!'.
La the .......-t of llar-
CTwmJ no tor Ute pMIt thf'M :r-
E. J[el~La -rhe GoTenaor'. ao-.... baa beI!a kleaUIed with "'Tbe Tran of lite
"--w.1. J'rn;.Au.It"". . . . . played the aame vm....~ K.l.n1~.
the pmty Loa--e P!De.- R:ppOrtiq CIlariatte Walb1'.
part fa "lIadame X" . . too.r. bat ..ho bas 1 . . - . ~ . lut ___ AaTBTa tor ..-e tl.e b ...

not appearN bebh'd the footllchts lately. 8Ieft fa -rhe ~ Game" aDd -r"be CaJl heee pIaytac .....-m-t
i"eIes la mlam
P",n Aanlua. the Am~c:aa actor wbo .... 0( TOUb." aDd. .... .. ..Dder t'OIlt:i'act. to A.- ra,.enbam ....-t. both I. "'The anct
loDe ~ m I:qtaad . .d wb_ ......-.. R. Woecb to -.ev La -rtle Hlch ColIt of Ute Malll! t _ _ I'eYInla..
'-'-. Oaaer Jtru[c, .110 . . . na t_r Ihl .,.. _ .
siODal work." DOW' .holly eGIla..ed to .Job.

the r...-.
lIft"Io-eomk. ..Ito
witll 1IIask: han

Anwn Jf.UTL.L~ .'-t . . . ReIl thf' put

. . . . . witll I::M.-rey 0Ie0tt fa "Shameen
011. . . . . . __ w1Il Mft tIM! comt.~ rear
_ I."A a-a.e. ot tbe U. .~ ..
B.\J'u. Rn. ._'O.. 01. tM ltf!'t:'o[lCllitaa ~
R-. ~ wHft be! 11M ..... ~ n y
pano-ll la her hOlllle COIIIIatry. I:a -ne Tetlow 11ebt... feM' wven..f-.

..uau-. ... it CU'I1elI .......... tM .....
18, 111.1

Renee Kelbr ... pa" C!tCe Jt'.c aU JIIDe_ ~ tW.

. . aiPt. aD tIM: IIIcI* ~ .
1 r.tM~ .
we bad out Ulf' IID~. and lIbe ""aII IlO _IUd Mft te tIM: -..
perfl!dly dLa.rmla" thai QO ODe of _ lIad dWe 4!'lJeQ aJPt til. _ tItJdt _ ......
the _ r a p to ~IJ bl!1' Lb" t:rue rea-. ~ f.., ... to Re . , DUDe theN la dec:trk:
-Do yoo like ~I.~:
"Vft")' mllCb.- abe Mid. "I Ulte the
_ietI (or UI" lIilUUf! ~ chaDe of play
I~ at tILat eoraer of Ute 8tI'aCIi. . . . . .
ID.,RIr to aa.te .... r-1Iy
Kelly. ,
~ '"~ ,-_It.
It ,ro...
IlO dan to kHP OIl play
I., the U!D. role 1I'"et>k art",,, week. eea- after
"It ~ neD IDOre Uft
...... . . . 'WeIlt GIL "'Tba.t.'. _e of tile

_ a - a U but 'Aua: I'm silly about ADD. J qlleer thIa&a &boat the older ~ P'Ia7-
nppollf'. Abe acrknowkd,ed. "bat an"t y-ou lac for the .... aeeaa to ~ .... to.
faaC':y wbat ADn mt'SU!! to mf'~ Rt'r To1~ yell after yM;'n seN )'MneIf t. die Ilk-
P ' " a bit Pftlah'e a.nd bel' ,,~." looked far tares. The pictures aft tJle ~ ......
lW:road ~ ("l:lI~ pnrolnf'll U !!-he weal bark ..-."t the,! But aU tILat'. kft of tile ...,.
to tlIe Loadoa daYL Y"~ Rea tc is Tour procraa . . . renew.
w'\\'e'd C"O_ to lAadon like OtC'k WhlWa.: _d ~ea. .&ad th-. ~ , . . p.e ..,
10D. my baabuld and 1.- "hop mll8l!d. "'but aot !IO _ . . to Ute I.he.tre. To. lin ,..... ~
~f'ft _ of lbe tea million rats of LoadoD told dcHy, aad ,.oar real b.-e Ute. aDd all Ute Ut-
us to k~ CIa ~ the BMd~. Wop ...~t to de thIa3a YOII me to do. Wb,., the bat r..
m~ aJtri maDqt'r. &lid nJUDJ GIl mana- we"Ye f'Ter had. m,. h . . . . . . . . 1. Is _ ORr
llf!'nl III Load_ is ID4allf!ly WOrM' thaD 6adJDl!", Sallmlay af't:eraoo. . ~ "e"n beea witlrl the
tbela. in A~rka. Tb..,- are 80 (ol""Dlal. 80 Sell people.. "~e b.lab oat beft at IlOO&, aDd
. ~ In. We pl"Obabl~' ...ould1l"t haTe fOWld we KG do...toW1l. (or l1Uld1eoa, . . . tiles "e do
1.bem at all If DIy bl18band hadn"t boPfl1 kDoW1l.. a UtOe blt of abOPPIa& &Dd thea we p to the
They made hi... den. but be woaldD"t play tbealft. &:Dd we pa,. our ~ . - e J - D O
..Ithoat me ... bl~ Ib"l"!! "'lUI ('~ of otlr s--s!-ud we say Just. ... bat we pleue to
~iJla r ~..r. n .. ~ would say. 'We NCb otber about Ute abow. hd thea we drop
lntow your ,ort. but we dou'l tno,... your la _ a 1DO'f1e, aDd-bold ha.JlIda iu the da.Tk.
.Iff". work at all II! I'Jlp Am.. riall ~ F1.. a1ly aDd w_der bo.. ..e'll loolr. on the 11m.. and
_ ....... ~ tokl hi .., 10 br1.. ~ me In. I "PIlt. b.Te a party dtllner before we 10 tt-e."
The ","alt ..... AD...' It muaded like bulr. dert,'. Ideal of a
"no YOQ bow ,... bf'n! th.. Crltt'rion 8bul.lh III baaIl: boUch,., thls pfaa tor nPrJ S&ttU"da,.
Lolldoa, tlaa1 <'OnIer wh~. t.bPY I'&J'. all tbf' that the pwlae clrt of the Tlu--cokl ..,.Ir
...Id ~ , the~ oa the Smad wb",,"!! ;211 aad the comaower ltIae eyes ouUIMJd. Tbe
the omalba- rwsb by. and the fto....r fleD"", London that bad. made ber a lQIIII..,-, ')f lbe
IltaDd aroUDd the baM' of the )Iollumeill. and
Ihe l!itr-t nuuJ dowlI to Pa.rUawf'nl! h,.. t It ' ..... ..... th~trlc:a.l ..oriel ..ould baTe raiIled eyebrow.
o\"et" It implldtJ; bat theft .. as a ;-:eam of
..Impl, lItu~OQ." that remer! Tou f~1 t.hat
11. III tbe ""I~",- lltatloa for til(' t"ltlf'tl of t.hl!
""orld. Somft.haes It thrU~1I ~'ou to eftort.
~ptjmPlJ It <:l"1I1lobea you doW'll. Tbe momlll~
I C'ame out from the ftnrt ffhearNIl I felt t.hat
~ -.
____ . ~
~ -- J happtaPf!ll In tbooe eyes that n~u the nower
~Ilera around the ba.e or the "onumcut b.d
lIot IIPftl tibere _ the "enlae wbPll the r:trT
had felt the thrill of LoudOll... Capfbla or tbe
...orld abiDe beueatll the JIow fill ~nment
1 waM a ft)O{Jab atom 10 be MaI.1D~ al)l' ..tllP sun. But tbe"" are otbers a n that .blne Loradoo. I felt that ".:-0 for a ."H:k. '':In 1:1\'" 1.0 Iltp IIlIU' ur ""Ollllln .'hn ha.a !lOme- bl~er thaD the balbB o"er the tb~tres on the
Tb_ onp "",III~" julOt t ...o a1shta bPfore t.h(' t.hluS 1.0 clTf' London. StnLDd. aDd Rertee KelT,., motloa picture
ft"" Pt'rlol"1Daa~ 1 came out lato the n,U1pt. -n.t feelln~ ...eftt willi me tbrouh Ibe Jut actreM, who .Its at home In the nelliap Em-
and fpll th.t ~ t tbriTl of clory t.hat _ ,1aee fO:"heafll&ls, and tbroo-.;h the nrtfl DIbL It WlUI brotdmn~ daJuty <:Iothea for a chubb,. little
ia tbe ..-orld but .tu" that ('Orner of the StnDd London'" ~1'1 to bf'f pllmm~, that lJPur of In ,drl In En:-;lud . .- - . DO..... their USbl.

Movie Accidents The Cross Roads

'C......... ,....-...,.l
ISSl'RAXCE adjWiUra be..... f"I!~ H~ il!i a Charlie must bave doue well .bro.d.. But I

appoiuted .pot tu a IDOMt carefree, natural w.y.
IIdrl w!HI -.Ilft Iller UTI~ by belq Iutoc::ked Fear tiDIes both ~ . .d cUaa-r roe- acreed---of eoane! And.. few weeD late'.
. . . . b,. a.t-.btw.. tallble ta tr-t 01 Dn'- baned the uWe draaa. lU-. Dc Ita:r alW&7S alter I hael be!ea beuiJt elowiue J"'IlIIIOI'tS t r -
r.c b'a.I_ . . . bel... rolled b)" lbe f8den fIl tUpplq bide at the erttical lDomeDt to let the WI. . . . &lid. 1a4eed. a1'tet' I bad .-daiIell .,-
IIU'Ht earL s.e ~ how to taU betw-. ear roar.... o.le pIItroDa . . . .t re&llsm self that CbarlIe .... IIIlakblc pod. Melded
th "L- platt.... with .. tJ'aJD thulKleriq tty, -......,.., . . . . aIt.boQtI ... 1_ De Kay taew to ta.b b.aad ayaell
..1tIt I'NI'-. that fools PTeD the tic:ll:et , aIiIe was taklq .. dlaaoe. aile ~ the "rID oat. of ~ with the lIt1ItIe, x..e."
daadl!V to pm. _ au
lb. power be tlOIUl. aDd told 1V1JIIoa.. "r waat .)nb. nl ea.e ......
Hoer Da-.e is JeaD de 1\..11)", .... she 18 _ tr1I8t
te L to ber that eT~Jq tlIraed _t all t.cHacIn'ow &ltd , . . cae bJ"" .e. TI-.t me
-lac ~ aetn.. Sbe riab II..,. It._ lIb ~ of the othen. jat &:in _ Uttle puta,.
. . . U~ . . . . . . . .1,. ~tbe . . . . . naan,. the director &DYe Ute ........ aad . . . , . . kBow."
. . . .1In! ~1IU-I8 til ~ Tan. ..Ito "",&iff
__tTy Y-C ..- - . to . . tlle lDucIa~Nd
De Kay _d the cbdev llaef . . _ tItelr

... "''t bow u - t tIrla.t..... be .w... .. I"'ft
JOl& -eltt te be 1ItUTlq. BlIt-weD.
mara With. wue of IIlfa
bat lIr. ~ p"e
. . . . of
.-...e ._beI' ..
.....a- lato tbdr Jlktllft.
kaow-. to "1 _DdIo 6-
,........ .. tHdt:J' _. Itft' ~ t book. . .
~ GpaJ to Ute d&aa&ov . . tIM IIt:nlet, . . .
...-e .. .-tet ..ord to lilt. De K.a7.
SIowl,. th~ drl ~ owl IIlIto the at:r'ftot.
yoc're tJlie
tid It.
pu1lI ~
wn-....r t..Iu'oiqIl . - r
a -oe. .... I ren tam Ute old
to tH tlDae Me jolaed the Rtl!:I~ stadto .r The ella. ...,. took the aeuoe. at Mr ..... ~ eat .. irMUac ,.... w1~ ~
1be lhnaJ " . . CorporatJoa . . a ~t tiatq aD his po__ be I"IlClt!II ..... tIM aTS-. otIlier _CIJ1a, ud I aItaJI 1te'Ter f'OrI'd: tIM UuiU
-e-b .r tIrloe lItodl: t'Ompuay, .... n-am1Ded Aa be whirled put. J-ek Noble. tile dIn!ctGr witll whidt. I walked _del' the a:tu1-e IIP-ta
willa ~ . _ ~ to htal to ......... BdJre Ite e-ld ... ~ to face lbe eamera... .A.a: ....... I
""""tfteb' f~arte.. )0(1. De K~y r_tl)l' do ... bewner. tIrle -aeddMt" ~ JIiaa heanl .,. . . . ume.. It was CharlIe.
.... relI_lsltloo@d to tmper"MHUte' '"Oar )(nuJ J)p Kay jumped tate tbe air . . .oe at:nEIr. "'lIoOle!"" be -.ld, &ltd bl. f1looe .... worll:
c...,rr fa _ ~ .. wbkb roeq1lJred bPr to "" and laadPd filII 011. the mad I1IU'd. tit ... III. ""wtt.eroe Iila..e 1M heft!'"
)l1toc::ll:@d dow_ .ltd tbroWli b, a radq car. I~ p l q 1lIIder the wbftla. ""Wll,.-It'. Charlie Hec:LmI.....,.! . . . aid
__ De kay ".lltall:P11 to Slxty-8rw m'Mt The im~ null b", . . to OIW _ til. eaII,.. I held eel .,. to bla "f'Ye
aM "nb u"_ l!erly III tbf' m....IJI.&. aad l!iidewalk.. Hen the d1~or'l 1teI' ..... bftoB an ript, Charlie. I'm U.lac at Ute Bel-
I~ by D1rect... J~1l; :Soble lu the put "eDt astral'. Xt. De Ka,. atnte:1r. the c.n ... th~!-
Me .... to pis,. It. ~ ..... marll:" _ tbe fpIl halr _ the sidewalk aM Ilalf ta the IItJ'eet.. I a.. h1m ..l.aee.. He eould ~ m, aJ..
......-.t to potnt oat to bGtb Ute cha.u__r of Beyoad a ....Pre shaklali' . . . . . -.e web' uy-L .. PIa7er or the amaJle:It parts. .. be
tile radq f'IIr a.od to the ~ the lJfOl ..heft

n. rwtq au- w.
tlte -accWeat" . . . to OC'CU".
pIaeed abotat bwaboed
br1lbN. abe apparnd, !lad .-tal.. . . W
deeta or Iller " .._teTe
OIl the wa,. bM':1l: to the Itcd.lo. bo.."",", aile
&lid Re
nt La.
ae bHliPt.- I aid hutll,._
,..... rr- the .".. aM Umll'd 110 tltat It wooJd (TO _ CO".. C L ~ . )
~berade"'~""of. . . . . . .
bk )1_ De u, .t Ute eud . . . - . t site 1M.'" ,.. tJle t":U" twn~ l.lIe ar-dwa)' at
N8dIelI u... "'nt creed tqIJOL It .... ....u.ed Se'rftl~tlll ItIftt. II_ De h7 rcJ.t.I .... ~ Rut of the kay Bee" prodac:l~
., ewrw. tMt tt 11M t1Inted &ltd ~
. . . . . Hr.w 1:11 rr-t fill tlte .......... Ute
. ~ . . . . . . f1dM,t. 111. De 1taJ', ~
.... to be . . . , . rr... !be
A u.ti~

. . . . . . . . aI'ter tISIlal~ , . . . tMt t:M

1M . .. wdN atGr7la .... Ich tbe well ~ Japa,
Hae ~ .... IlIl:tr.- taA lite )lU'tlI fill IadIutI.
It Is eaIW: -ne .,.... 'NeItIl lite ..... ad
t-.e _ fill ~.....,.. tI1dl ~

.......... ~ . . to 100II:
~ . wttb IH!r ~ ftJ'aJl!lt
te tJte .....
,r.dy . . . . . . ~ . . . ~ . . . . . . . . ~

.au..etc .......

....... ............... .....

Wf:Sf COJIJ'T-SIUOIO JO~GS I AI. ' 5 _.......... ,. S' , ...

: ~~--.,

I . .Maa.--...-.l_
.. ........
.,_Ikr, SI.MJ-I60 ,qu
M,t,......w. .....

B y _ WiIIio eo.t... blItJt" ta ' . . ., 1M ~. blI:n ...... _ __ 1 . . . llGlM_ ....

eae:acM. Ed~ ...,.
...... Botll. ~
. . U.... to Vkk7
- ..... fdt I ......... D...... =:.=::"-=-'-::""IL'!
......... -..-. "'_"7'..

&. . . 1bu-.
L&lNJrl STERNE. Ute wiJlaer of the bic 0 ........_" An....... ~.

E s.a-vtt:acrqb prbe II; & aember of the

PbotopIaJ .bthon whJeb was
quite -.0,. Uoat It . . V1ck7 .-tdtly rea.

AJ"ed h.bD abe blew the report did not c:omt!

lItarted ta t.a. A.qdes. 'I'M P. A. L. IMIDch are

del1&lltel aad ~ 1lI_ Stenae. WhJ.l8t ~ 1D. "A _ _ of the sa...du.t
IUDc" a bic dreu pk:t1lft pat ~ by Raymood
TaIDJDaa,. ToUl&' of tJle BdIaace, wbo wu B. We.t. 01. the ~ Ed.. H:a..nJ-.s horae be-
aanled. ~,.. left bia wife I. New York
to . . . . . . tile la-.d:rJ" that be pn her _ a
came triab-teaed by a we
bbd. beU' aDd thre...
It. rkkT. Ed.. aatatMll a fI'aet1aI'e ot. the left FOR PHlJI'OI'IAYWmGHIS
--eddIac ....-e-t. ann bat. I.a doiac aicely. TM ,.k.1lr/ U,.
....,.,.. ou.:..
~ 'hi "'
01 n.e ~, Mobo.
E... r . .....
It .... tall)' two years -eo
that RaJ l17en Pretty Utt.le Ella Ba.JI. .bo cl.i4II soeb IIOOd ~ SdIooh. ~ .. die ,.a..:: I . . tile.
plQed the 1.cI III -rbe JIaa. Tbe-y 9oonled" work with the 8ID.a.JJe)':s. Is DOW ~ 1adJ" .... ~Ieott fer..,.....
CdlCIly CfOl*-
pri<e _ 200 ......... ~ .... . - .......
at the ItQ' Bee aDd. Jet letter ~ to
'1'be . . . 'I"be7 8eorDed.," t.o. Aaseles. ....
t1elh'eTed to him f'fJIlt]y.
with Bob ~ ot the UJLlnnai. a-et has left C:OIIl,.a:r. _ _ _""'laywria-e.~:
audIority_ _ applicablt'. dtc Ur.PIli p""""" _..
dw . . . . ....,.. .
WlllluD CU."" retarDed trom HOIlOlul. jut
Herbert IlawUaoa, WU1lam WOC"thfIlctoD
&ltd Little aft all " ' e r l q b'OIIl lRUI'
La. timto to be bllXDf' tor tile arri w of a .toW
baby prl. be ......ot Ul boar too IIOOU. That
bu'Ded teet and anaa. They Weft ..earlq makes two DOW. woa."t T. R.. be plMeed!
Q.Da.t. aDd. tIow1IIc wac. fa "'DuDOD. aDd
PytIliaa'"' at the Ual~ ua4 Old Sol ia DO Edwt. Aqat bas reeetTed ~ Iette!' from a
~ fill the WomaJl old.... his &ltt1ee repr41... what dalek"
ella to rear! Thia beea... he hu a ebiekeD.
Harry Spe:an ~tJJ died hl!"re a raac:h. Nf'J:t. thlq:; BUly Gu'wood _ttl be ubd
fiOIDcwbat Iblprta.c maea. Poor- 1h:rry kept to lec:t1Ire ou OD.loa ralstas.
at his work .. ~ as be ooald and .... for
a Ioac time .tap IIl.aJlaPI' tor tbe ~ c ~LuelUe Lon~ Is a.talled and Fraac:is J'ord
rompan,.. He .... well ImOWD. . . . technical Is off to PortlUld. to ,., hJa tolks and
director 00 the ler;1t1mate .tap. Grac:e Cunard IOf'II to New Yon: _ a Ub er"
rand.. They are expected bec-k with bls. tat
Ilarie Wak:amP. who reeetltly returned from eontI'actJI In ::II moath's time.
RODOIula ..lUI. HeILI'1 Ikllae'. eoIDpl.D.J'. _ys
that abe recel:ved. D. Ie. tlIaa atteea p ~ Adele LaDe. the SellS actrelliI. paJd the 8"
of marrtap hom the __ of well to do pellllf'll ot aD operat.!oa. apoD her maid rec:eatly.

Ka:waJlana. SlIe UTI the IslaDda are creat

In "'The Lone Feud.... belq produced. by

Gf!orp Osborne at the Kay Bee c:uaP. Rhea
Commend mto to the ~ every time for 8"ood
h ............

Tom Mts. I. dtreetlDIl: We.tern atorles at Bu.r-

toD KbI's lltu.dlos at GIetldak. He hu Leo
KJtebeil had the dellptfltJ npertftlCe of betq Kat0De1 (late ot Ka.lem I. Ro,. War-.. BarDey
~ from quJcbaads .. beD abe bad -...111: to 1I'1l1'e)' and Gokfie Colwell with him...
ber diD. Dea lIa.Y!I that reall_ Is all ript
bat It eIUl P too tv.

The Dew Hobart ~ o r t h stadl... are

UII f:ut ud the eompaay, Ineladlq cba1'Dllns
_q What a lot ot J-Io..,. there; ill the prote.-
alon! At the Uiliversal l'MtaaI1mt Ker!"lPJl'lI
CoUle ~Pard- ud Be. K~'II ~
tried to chew e.eb allier np, &ad at IlUllal
Myrtle Sted:mu. and" other d~er people will studiO&. DOll. ... II:IacIbb baD terrier. be_S-
work tbe!'e la two or tbf'M w~lI:,,' thlll!. I... to JIae JIanh., caned DOI'oth,. Glsh', atr-
date an IulptAeeat caDhlto . . the atr ..... tau
RoID. S. ~ Is bacll at his bfoloved of hair. TIlt! tat! the bow WOWlll are . . bad
VI~ stadk.- alul prodtlore a IdTeD a the hDlDaM.
number of spedal f-.tat'8 eacb Yea!'. RI.
lJtoek eumpaa,. will be a .mall oae and be ..-tll Gertrude Sbort., the devll!"l' Uttte aet::l"e-.. wbo
pld: '"types.. for bb pia,... hu appeared ia . . . . .,. 81m .riea. is J'IeC:OV.
erial rr- a brokea _.Ide. Gerth aad her
Tel uatber aD!mal f8tve eompaay. the hrotiler haYe a ~ _4 ......trtm looks
"luDIe" COIICft'tl Is eQPP!d UpoD. the IIl&Idq after bis ~'. __t. all the ti-..
of aaUDa.I plet1ll'N not .. lItoDe'a throw rr-. tM
seliC Aatmal Farm. They han eompleted oae G. W. Bitler. that tamo.I CUDf'I'a 1IIaIl. .._
photoplay u.der the direetlOil of Paul KM:.b- oae" OIl Darid W. GrttBth wIl_ be tm'1ted tile
ette. wllo III a11kt actIllC- Carl Voa SCbllkr la crank . . tbf' btc prodaeer . . . taIkIa&" to - e
with them. The heacb of this company are Pu:edeu. ~ Mr. Grtatb did aot f"I"N
Edwan aDd Itoaut aDd the m ~ e Is a Itt know 0( it . .til he . . . the . . . --. tAea be
_L raa ~9" BIber.

Witzel. the man wbo photoerapba the movtf' Mu l"t1f;lDUl. at Pf"Mf'IIt t-tvt with the
"tan, abowed up uaexpeetedly at bls studlOll Luky Compaa,.. tel.. how be aboat to
and exblbl~ a brolt_ arm la spllata.. He appear ID ple:turel oaee bet__ & . . . about
limite It wbllllt ft.bhl~ .bl"l'f' aDd bo_ we do to malr:e a.rTUl~enl:l; with J'nad. Bossa of
not care to filly. but It III IIOIDto bl8' &ell story 8f'llp when he heard that Dons bad beeII
he told tbe boy. Ililled by .. Japa.aeee .... he returaecl to New
Yon. IIlIltead. He bas beoeD. ballJ' eTer lIlace.
""" .... 5J2!\E~-!:!I"l!o:~~
Burton KinA" ot tbe l"lIOaa bu blabed aD
unique ndnA" l"tIotopla.y "Wo'a In the Stl"eteh..
tbe ac:e1lell of, whieb were ta.IleD. at a Gf'p
R. B. Warner Is at LaJIk:r'lI aDd bas .u.rted OIl
"The GbOlJt 8z'oea.ker." Jl'red 1rteJ' the ~IIUJe of f.;;;;~~~~.~L;.~_; .-----..
Durfee', radJlS IItIIblea. real race..- uul joek eTery1..bluc~ _d &.II ~ r at Lully.
..ys ftpre In this excltl... playa!! ...en a a kf'f;~ ... the jamp aU the time and how he

I=: : : : : : : :~:: : =: : : :,= : : : : : :~- -I

Thomaa .yer. IIl&&a8 to keep 110 ecMU'teoall Is a matter of
Harry Pollud aDd Ka..rp,rlta n.eur ot. the
8eutJ" 111... -.otorM to Loa A.a&eIM 1ut IlIIaa um- of tile U.''''e-J i. betIlc fea"
SahNa.:J to aee'~ ttl. tJwir ow. rn.-. ...

tvet at lbe heM .t her ~. R.aJ'
to ~ tMir Wa ear. Of _ _ Ner tile ~ will ...,. aM Lloyd
Great. tIM J:qtteb. balw.e.. ~ aa-c tee. b p a b a will' dlrec:t. ~-........ ...................................... 1Il_.J.... " .

VWtlDg'b7 mhD

. . . . . . . . .' _
...... ~!
TOll' 'l'tI'EDD ..
JIIctue ., tile . . . . .
(wttJa tM
lie! FU
.bJdl. bIlII
PM et
_. "Ie
7 $

eatc:b) -oed. eMIt rro.

Ie. IiIeI'JMS. tbe . .~ . . . . witIl . .
... ~ aIr t.Ure wlUda ..-lie the *'1'
. . . . . . . Mt ad cae wkJdl
tile ~ ...wtAw left _ die

tIIIYer Ita ,tn:T ~ tatAt the ~
as' ~ roca 01. lira. . . - 1"1IeIIer.
-_. ,;:::::===~

. . . . . tbt IIllb . . wait:tac ell . . . . . . . . . . to

neeIft tM aIIer _ JII"OQ'.
. . .1


_,1' Slwal Sbj NanaIiaa

.,-.. ....... cam. ~ bII'OQ! WIaat a ~
..... witIl ....IlId' to .... o.e -.:Ial
tM U.... CJa--. No klqer wID

.. .
'l or
......... ...,....u
. -. _ __ _ ~
, , -..eII ... t ~ W auad die ... tM JIn. ....,.
. . . . ....,..CBI'CD.,.
~~"'.',I .:.~--,;:,~=
.......... s.r, a ..........
....... ..-.. tar ntIMr be
tIM p6dioriaI".",
tat'- 01. Iln.. . . . , . .
..-eticII ... ~ .... _ tile U.... sa.. w:lU her . . . . tIM

WE Iu.Pn F OI8.Y 'IHt: 8EST ...::::.-:s=:--:--.-..... ..~

............=.:t:" ,.......... _
8Id1Iy te&l .... WaIr; _1Idl ..-e ..,.
WiD . . . . -Ja7 tile kt-W ~ It .. aJ.

PIII1roPIAY IIOOC5 ...........F _ .,PlIdIa:-.n:. ... .are to JIIlIlI$IMQ' tIIat tJM weid:Iler wt1I
- - . n. ~....u.m ....... - - ....
_ .. __ -. _ ~e am.-. .. ---.... to ..ute ~
Bo.Il. well wriu.. by __ wile know ... __ _ . . . . ._

pIIotopIaywript _ _ ftftM:I-. .. UIe tIoU'th... ' ......


.... _ -*'eW
. . . . will be 80 poUte c:a....enadoL Bow 1ltoe

"rille .... =-,:a fa ~ ':';L:::' 1-

I .-. .-.
a-..r 9' 1 -==.....
lin. ..L teeIa tJaat abe . . . eatertata. Not

-_.. ....
fer t.r6er iIII~.

1_........... ~ Ia;,;;...... W:.i_

1OOWE&&LV;r- ..::
_ _ .. K..~
that ge waaa to s ~ bat tbt .u reels
that -=ilI!t7 wiD IlOt 0ftI100k not belq Ia....ted.
to _etll1q ... bldl It .... aot ....t to at:teDd..
Bat DO'" ILow simple. SIte If.... a party aDd
lantes 1Ift7 ~ 1'on:1-tl1.De ot tbe DQ11lber
Iil!Dd-ao. DOt their ~ r lima. JI:acb

Earn ~ Rocker Easily

ill anayed iA her ...ery belt. The other e-t
atteDds la penon uul lilt. ... Ith )I.... A.. bl ber
pi"Ojectloa parlor, ...bile lobe proJerta; bl!i' ~.
ADd bo... coD...-I_t a sltDatlOD. tor I&I'tOrtaI
comm_L Eacb pest as she PU1IeS ID . .e
cllarad:eristlc bit ot buslDess at"1'OM the caD......

Sell 2S Boxes hi 1JtrlPP!d ot her 1btl!i'J' ( ...erbaJly, 'yunder-

lItaDd ).
While IIbe bI slmDA' at home nd talUq
of This Soa~_and ot the spits doc. teeUDA' the wbtle that sbe hi

Earn This FIDe 1iI&lI:1n a far better ImpreniOil ...ith her tl1ID
that abe eovJd In pel'lJOn, her boste8ll ill aaylac
juat. ...bat lIhe thtilks OJr the cut ot b4!:r d~ nd
Upholstered bel' pt:rrIIODaJ cba~. Ho... satillfactor,-l

ROCKER Just News


__ ! I Eve.., "'ed; the 1"'1I1D0l' spreadll that Cub"le
B1a.ckwel) III rewrntDc to Loe ADpI_ Wen.
bl. lIe'\l"t'n ~r ear ..... shipped to New
Tork f't'('f'ntJy. DonD't. 10010. like all Immed1at.e

Henry Otto. the secretai'y of the Photoplayen

ClDb ot Loa ~ . uul the producer ot A M

wm O the Wlep.M baa left the Balboa ranb aud

III taklq a rest. He a&,J1I he nl!e'lb ODe.

~rtIl t1"GII1 the Balboa camp IItate that

WIUIam. D. 1'a:J'1or'. ant three reeler ..... a
poeat IIQ~ aDd that be ...m pf'Od1lC'l! hi. Own.
IJtorlea from _ ... on with pi"KtJ' :"i"'ll Gerber
," (Delores) all his toil.

No....Jld Vco.a1d. late or EsaaaaY. 1& p~

doeill3 for Tom. Naab'1I featUl"@ com...,-, He
baa the DaDie tor beille lUl artistic aad paJltIItaII:"
lac dJreet.or.
Jobn AdoUli is tQMlinc out 80me pippillJ
stories at the )lutuaJ aDd hill kOD. the Border,"
a MexJca.aa .at" story. I. said to be a hUlD11leT.
Irene Hunt., Jl'rauk Be'DDett. Euene Pallette ud
SaIl1 de GJ'aUt' an ftcure prominently In tbi..

The beu;h st'QdlOli of the Kalem company at

Suata IIODlea are to be opened once more ODder
the manapment nd dJrertiOD ot Albert W.
Hale and -'one reel comedies featuriQ Johll E.
... " u.E n-. COUI"OfIlI---~"":;'~ Brennn w1J1 be PQt OD. stal'tJnc at 0Il~ JlaDy
aIICJI"n. BID co~ ~ ",",n. ~ people ...m be .err,.- to see the parUlenblp
""'- .mp to 1m'..tnrn.:!S""8 A_oHI s..p -.d ~ So. between BftDAU nd Roth Roland broken up.
Ii.... I.~ to wll 1M Soap and ........ l""U 11%.50 withift 3lI da)'" i
),11M RoIaDd ... m stay ... ith MarshaU Sielsn at
i Hollywood,

_ I

If c.Il Au: 5 ' " Wer
, ,

_c.Il.. --
Asked Bess MeredJ't,h how ahe ..... the otheT
day. MBIDe, ...cry blue," she anllwered. Moue of
my ebl1d.t"-. is ta the h~lta1 ha"tac her ears:
C'IIL" After a SUP or two I remembered tbat
Be-. aJ.... ya f'If'f'en to 1ter . . . .. her ebll-
1 .......


Gt'6SiP1IE~ liNe 'A 2 Ld LW

LDID .. ca..aL.8TOK. IAIWa ~ * JD:rlaa Xe.llttt JIa:re MeeD &Utt re-

L ....... ~ . . . It . . . IIIt7 tMl
...... ptp
~ U. a wILlIe ia a
~. ~ W'&'e ........

-- -.-
. , &till . . . . . . . . . . wID _
I,.. _ ....'Ii" .,.

tM car ........ pc
ca. . . . . . .

fez IIItnr:k _

ij .....-
......... p fJI""'TIIe . . . . .
..... wUdl IIloI .. __ GftdIIIc. ia wtidl. u..Il . . !IeIIWIt1"IIIl\IIIhl:: . . . . . aD rt-. ~----;
JIad: au. tM . . . . JIU'l ....... tM .,... ct-. . - . ." u.e ta)ay
PIiIrs . . ~ e-.-,.. . . -- tMt aIPt ~ --. __ lIeIMtt . . . . . . .,....
u...te.I ~ ... ,..,. ~
f . t . , tIMt CMt ta ~
1M . . . . . . . . . . . . b 6%1
.... 7
. . _ _ OIl tM trac-ta ." tIile ct-

'DJe .w _ "- Int osee ....... LeU ~ _lao 1lIa::r- OM ttl. ~ ...-c
_ _ . . W. tlelIifw ...,.. ~ ... _ _ _
para YttIl Aaaette KelIenlaa t.. "~'.
I1bl ft'tIft:a 1leIIft tM =
a' By fa
dile . . . . . . . . t..ckIIy. ~ . Ills ........
laM -.ei ~ . ~.-. ~

pay 1rItb ..~ _e
Dl:.qll.tler.- .... ~ to the V l ~ eoID,.
repa:atI_ . . . P 01 the lead.laa: eDlotloDal
!t Itft' t

te lata thI'M wl!ll!b' .Mer ~

,--. ~ I. ...toIIlae.. A..aotber ot. Hr D&
taItIe ~ rr- the U.h'ft'U.1 rmp IItncUo
...... with K1a~ ~ la ~.u.lDUle..-
0rmJ aawJq b.M lau-ebed. bendf beIUad
bel' c:Iaancts' Ia """niIl IIlIU'r" . . . ddes l4ar'y PkkIoni _ _ $lpbatlca11)' deaieII t1lp
tIte . . . . . . . . _ ~~
...... that bu bPs dl"l':D1&tet to lite etl'.-ct
sao... e.cert:I.. Ia tact. aD .eial f'actI-..s
are . . the tabdf' _ ... her ~ bd.aa' ..-t that abe Is to lean the J'a:Dou; Pb.1f:1"& C'OID-
paay to -0..... iJl Ualnnal plct1ll"eL )lore-
reItea.nbIc' ber .on tor the BII:St ..,.. DMaOI' cn'et'. :IlJM Pt('kt~ .tales that .he b beltlJ,:
Ii:. Barty, wbo appean 1.11 tJ:Ie _ e prodaetloa.. olrered. aausual opport1llllty &zld mat~rtaJ tor
hi foDo_lac niL til.. Haw}eJ "- playtq the bet' artistic ability lD ....._ . P'laYel"ll' TV'-
1f!a4 opp"!te A.a.d~.. lladL . le&IM!S &ad hu ao lat~t1oa or dfl,dre of If'lIT.
In~ them.
Lottie Brt.eoe .. the b_orary prealdeDt of
:abo.t twetaty...lae ..Lottio BrUcol! C1:abs" Pearl W'bltp'. mapetle attrac1loa for dan
...bk:b are ~poMd of ud orp.aiRd by bel' cers 1.1 by no meUlIJ coa4aM to "The Pertl. of
...mea aad datklrn. 1.11. ADlerica and PauJ1.D.e. ~ WhUp a perfectly laaGeent .peoru
Ead&Ad. Aa the Mb_orary" pr"l'!Sidftlt llu. tor at the Pat1l~EdI..a. ball p.m~ lately a f.:nll
BrWc:oe __ wen Iuc:b aD eaonllOUll amount of
ball a:1aD~ la ber dJrertlOIL Her nnn'O" ('lO-
eorroe.poad_ee that abe ta I'Mlly the M<* ae- cape made ber _I.ely _ t a ute posltloD rrom
UTe omce,1ft the orpabat:1ous lMJt ahe dGeM ""'bleb to ....tch the ~matnder or t.he pme.
it .nthoa murmu..-.ea I'f'ta.l~ to allow """bh::b happeaed to be In tile eat' ot the EdOOr.
_y ot bel' rrt..-Dd. to bell' her. dlreetor. ~t"I'e Leuey. ...h~re tJbe had tor
t"Ompany, V.,. Abbe:)". J~I~ St~\_.. &ad
Rh::bard Tucker blhl complet.ed hlff Ant Mathl1d:1 R31rlnllt...11 "f&.nll:
~'~'. d1"Cult with tile Edboa. players.. Dick.
.. hls Kudio trteads call him. hU l1aDdJed
Lomond RJcaJ.r.oa.. ..n of tUt' ",xpl~r. James
IIOme ot the moet Importlmt roles I,D reeeet
RIcan-OIL died )(ay %it at Sa.lrobL Brltlall East
Edt.oD feuurea, oat! of whleb mtcbt be ~em
AfrIca. _be~ be ud hi. ~er bad pae to
beftd . . '"The SOUthe....-.... He" onf' of the
take ptrtutn for the Ed..boa c:omplUlY. Belq
, ~ kad..lq _ea la l)JmcSc.l. aDd ..... ID.
a....,- tbrft' J"I!'U'S, they had plaaned rt't1l.rDlq
tbe CGlDpa.D.1 picked to ~ lhe ... Ialer la
to this C'OUDtry la October. Upoa ht. retDra
JaeboDTiUe, na..
ud Charle.toD... S. C~ ud
trom a b_tiq trip yOQq RlcaltOQ eoatrac1.ed
played. promJaellt parta la DtUy (tf lb.. beau
~ ~ . .d dlfld two _eeks latrr.
l!fat pktD.ra takea lh_.
The barlal . . . at SairobL
Sall)' Cnlte ~ the proM o_au of a f"eCfttly
p~ ~ e at. 8lMad &e.::IL. _
I..-. r.-.. 8oaD4. AaIde rr- beT -=:I"\!IeIl
taint tM ......,. Ed.... ~ ~ . . ..u..
of . . . . . . . . .lIty wltIII the . - aM . . . . .

Hea Baill.cie1. the Tbaaboaer "'kidIet.- ls

IJU"tkU;u &boat maklq f'r1eads.. DO ebaaee
.., Ib-e- beiq -.11M a,...
l.f be _ _ Id
be _ taaIl1aJ' . . to caJl bft' by bl'Y' ar.t ....e..
~ tIMl bo_"ft'. H ~ '- t.Iw _t-
...Mat faTWIte &ltd "eryMdT.
fr'IftIL lIauice C~Do ~ the Tid... or two pop-
lllarit,- c.oat:e.ts _bkb _ere Hld . . . . . . . .
or ... bleb be _ou by 1u&'e aaJortty. b
CbarIts RJcluD.aa wiD . . . be ~ 011. UP
~ ia
RJdIaaa.. 1at8t aace , . fa .. ~ w..t ....-
trt.... ...
oM of the I.-ky ':N"Od...w... llr.
la tbe
",lebrattOlL V.ariee ...111 t:akIe tlb
famtly out for lltUe ~~,,- ta bis bic'
t-.i1aF: car,
bls . . . . . . . - before the ~ be 1rIU . .
s.-e tile .... fa
Rammft"'lltAela. bta: ~
ltobert 8l'o..Pr of the Ed'-
HW a _ _MOe. nIa b I.....
dQd.l-. ""T'be ~-
eordaDce with bls ~ fw Xr.
V10Ia Daaa aM . . . . . . . PhUU,. aano.. ly
.mo- taJu'J rr- faD.lac eta-
"'WeI" ls &'Nerally MIN . . . bulk ~
..... a
reeeatb. . .belt.
eI. up.~ m-act. a -.e
a .arI...
fa ridl. taUter .,. .UllouJl'le ~ : la . . . ~
to ClIIlactIlk with
by a-. x.
u.. ..
8sy. . . . . t..n. ~ lie-
ftltabl' t ,

-...11. ftid tIte1 ~ ..octiac: fa a _ _ Coy. aM otben: It will 1M - - - . r y fer bm. to

for "1Iy fti-.I rr-. 1-.11&.- 'Be Ilea.,. n1a n i l lit. 0 . . . -..dI1w.
eaae ia. . . . ,....... eft'I"Y . . . . OIl
lOf'ttIac ~ - . . . . . .- ICt-.eI BarTymor-. wiD . . . be MI"ft la tbe
new lleahl'le wrltta ~ IMt' by .be'-
Vera iliad: . . Mea . . . . . . .,. tile Ramo
~ te ...,. ~ a-n.. .... fIl
. . . Tb--. ""I'H Ntptl
~ _tlkt ls
- .. the .....
tile AJI Star'.
EIaI-. .. tMIr __ ....... ..".. C ,
. . . . . . . . . .

m........... ~

......... - - .
n "._fIlUte T
t. ......-t.,
. . . . . . . 1M pIctwe . . . - ' -



1 ) j

The A4U1t .....


Magazine ~ L.. LccCOL'. Naa.u1U-Va DJ'U
BNC . . . ."... :o.rt.a.. 1& ~'. -n.e .
J:uq; W ..
ta tIM
. . . .-T1Ie

The latest. of the

livest mag .;..... of the
~ ., ".,.... '11M . . . . . fa tM eMIt 'ftft::
Jadl ~ ~ : IIQ - . . .
...... r
. - . Jt..a:ta-.&alIen a-wt;
""-llr. KeaIaII. T_ tile
WQ . .
........... KaebT
. . _u-e.l .. aaJ' ~
y-. ,...... tM

t I"llIPIartJ ,.. will

, . . . . wtidl 7lR .,. ~ 'Yb- 1AnR L., ftr. lAma. Mo.-If _ ~

~ It cootains a ~ ~ .,.a-tca. .u
DIIa' tM . . . . .8j
mads ....... fill QoIII ,.. _ JI-*.
~ __ .... ....... JUi:lM ..
complete noftlette by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

'Y'IIIrcnI*'. . . . ~

.. !'lew y .... 0I:r-

... eMil!r. , .
...... fa tIM: cr-t
tile ." ..,.... ~
~ t..e, . .

Robert Kerr r-e.c ta ~ aD --.tI7~ ....

X. T. s.. P'rnsKa. Pn"'ULUlft..~
..... y.,. . . . te tell ill wwII:Iac ..
. . . . . . ..weIl c:.- we ~ ... U. . . . .
.1IInIlII"". . tile . . . .... ta Po
~ he . . . . . . .
0tJ'. wIlIdL ill . . . I.e Cal.
"The Only Soli IDiI7tM
...... ~~

BaRI - . . . -
. &:11".&
iII . .
...nee. ~ o-..--uIII:a .....
I'I!t ~ _
.... on.... -
'11M t6er II-. , . . ..... . . .! ..Left. 1Adt 0
agrippingstolyofbow .. .. ItaI7 . . . . . 1aaft _ eIIIt
..... ., tiIIIt ~ . JIM I
8t 1M ." tile T I ~

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

01. .a.ertca, wtidIl ill JiM:ateII fa BroI*In. . .

a young man and his Tid.
I"luI: .J,..~. DE'noJT. )(Jc.lG...:c-T8, the
mother face a ClJSI5. DIIIJ" I.-tdII .... ......... ..
_ _ _ .. tile _ _, ~ Latia .. lao . . .
rr-a. 8:'1~-cam:. ru. C_IC.MJG. bL.-AJI ~
QOI!!IIt1-. haTe rut ...
.. lie ~ We"''t kaow the ~ were ~ . . ,.. 't <U:I*t a
... ~.. rna
OM ~ tAt the
reply I.a Tat ..... ~ tJM Tft7 ......

'3 ... willa w. ...".. DoeI tt ,,""y . .tt

~ er. c.. 1k;n'.u..o. Naw Te-a-RlIea

_yway' foIIowiDC tile . . ta wIIJdI ,._
U - . for t.tat
that 1'-. IIon& Plcnau ill aD
_ the pre.. ........
_ ....
fa tJM r.t
ot Ita
Flaea:t lAb- JII:tJeMII . . Naa RopkiM t. DIablo.. "r- appean.DC:e _ the............ We eaa~ tell
Ule mils" ..d lite role of It. Bop. yoa where lI'.da-a De Is 8t the ~
AlldeLtDte M-. .-.:tel by Ooeorp o.bol'De.. Nnei'
..... ., dIle tIOter ~ 100 _ftdOL Are
time. ~rtt& n.eb e I ......
Dot FI'aaIer. Katlllf'l J'lee:1ter I. aot . . .
pw . . . . . . . . . ledlq ..0. . . of that ~
IfqwIrF. . c1atJP,t:er, but bn- aleee. llarperlte Sao ...
;.y. James Cruze wm be latert'lew", ID TID Ilona
au- Ed1ItI JIj,i*_ WIUoUX ... JIn,... Amt'a, WllMlOWaD-We
Plc-romAL aooa.. bat we eaa't. bope to pUtIbiII
laten-Ie......Ith aD "oar ra, .t oace.. . .
NallY e:u.'t 8Q iii.,. bAP tbat ItI'WP .... the membM' IIllIJlI!body et.e III ..klac for otbe' I.
Lillj_ Wallu ~ b'.-. til that Sella' IIIIll. 1m. terTtews Just .. 'ou are. All la due dlDe.
we'ft It ~ to liTe a rea)
Wil1iaJII W.. r orth tIlrlIl tie tlN pkt:ue. No. tHre __ aathtac c. C. Co ELJtTO~. N. T.-Ulllaa GlsIl caa . .
""fabJII"" aboIIt tIaat .tft--It .... t!le raJ thlq racl1H b, addrftalac ber care Ute h i " "
JIM HtItdtg . . . . . . . . .iftI were -ed. !lotioa P1et11re C......,.. BoU,....ood.. t.o. Aa
~ Calltonlla. . . N.anh t. aid to be
AD 01 them big MoYie s... ~. -..c:
D_ 8PoIt.a.1'I& W~:l' lII!"eu~ ,ean of ace.

---.-s you want to bow. 81M . . . . wttll k.aJftI Wore '"Ct:lU.n.- D",,o...,.. lA..-T1lat was Alb
....... th ~ ~Jbce .. ..J. HoIUstn- _d TolD. lIocre la Ital~. "'T1M
. . . Ia ,.. T_wm~ PTIaittn JIaa. ~
bnr III~ of bl bq ~ No. be bas
.. ano- .. ~ t a ~ ~
. . . . . . tba *"ftI' . . . . tIM ....
8lITH F ~ IAe,a, Cu..-Ed_ Pa)"M
..... "Kadp" Ie EcJaIJ"s -Wb_
God fIatk
Look for1beCover ..~ ...1II~ pIct1II'8 olh.'r. loUted. R The fatlron- fa tlroe _ e plet1lre ....
fIaI WIl8Oll..
ItOs a d...dy-aod the rest c..,...-lQ: B.. ~ s......,. Ow-tro-
ne ~ of the . . . . , . . . . fer are lAn1: K.. SPu.."I'GnZUl. ILL.-I'Q ~ ....
01 the book is just as good. _ foIIeowII; ~Nnr KodtdIe., N- "tJttle DorIa" I........... "A Girl of tM: Cda."
Yes, the Glaaq..WkIte 80s World Tou ~
T.: Uah'erIU-U.tnnal otJ, I". ~
lbe.e .., Ioods 01 mappy CaUhraJa: SeUs-L.- .&apIea. CaIIfwtia:
aft I"I!Ial. b ta C ' , pletves ot tJM .....
IlaD teula. lakeu wbDe _ the tcnrr fill tM ......
K1ItWd-L.- ~ CaDf. . . .: mn--
skI!ies-aod I00 Onap. N. J.; D:taIr-r-t Lee. Ji(. J. wlUcla the7 made Iut ""ater. Csa't c:I.. ,..
Ute uae of the M:tor ..... played "Mr......
We thOQCht be . . . IOO'll. dJda't , . . ,
Eum 0_ Paoot1Dc'ra. Ibl... 1sI...As-Tbe

Bag lite A..,... ...... QI p~

tII!aah JIOIIt:ift1 _ _ la mu-'. ""W'bft tlae
Vea Left TOW1I~ was ua:te e-wa:r.
. . . . . . . . _ II.a'k . . . . . . . b,
ne pIQ
KITTY JLu. 8IlooCLJ":l'. NR'W Toaa........-...,
Bracy of the Thaah~ CompaaJ' q 1a&I'1'ieI
..........,. reeeatJ, tbcnaP. Hq wIte q . . ~
""M~tIi_.-nJ e.t::rf1IIatft to EdI$OlL aad 1neII to be I. tlle _ e _ . . . , . _ ....
b....... wbeu be ..... nppot"tiac Nat Goell--
OD ale JaIy 10th .... H. W. K.. Coc.mdCa. omo-La1IIIa" WIL

"TIte Boue of Dar";lU!_R was ~ ~ the

foDowtq cut: lob CoIll...-.Joba 8ra.Uey:
DL,vDn~ 0&.,'.... CoL-y..... 1" Wft'e
rtpL IlarTJ V_ ..... of tlroe ..rIytq A"
PHOTOPLAY 1Iftlr'J CoIIlu--.JOR1lII 8at~; 1f1cb. the
~Wllliam H. TvHr: btIl (I , . . . .
e-...,. .... ""lIC:atelI fa lJIe .cbooIa ." 70lIl'
dty. ae.Jdell au.e.4I:ac Ute .....Ie wdlools
MAGAZINE eld)-Eleanor Dtl.a; 'Rwth 01 rears oW)-
I_tid Huti': nd ",lIIp D'AI'cr~
Ueft Ile aIM took lJPedaJ coane .t the 8dMeI
ot DraaatJe Mt, ~acted b,- Jlra. JIMb".
t . . . ....,.... c '[
Elmft'. We ba,.ea't. the east lIIteel . . the
otbn- pldun! TO. .sUn bat I.f yeN ...m
aother of ...... 1'eaI,..
tlroe TIaaab. . . . . . . .
..-rIte a ktte"r !'@questlac tbe _ e . . . . . . . . IldL B.., ~... P ..- J . . . . D.
CHICAGO. JU.. or tIM .-bltdty Iff the Jtaa- 0-...,. 8u'aeII tJile ".hila of PrI_' '"1Ds
_ are yea wl1l _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---.,. y Mi' ' ..
... aeto.. _pi! ... ntIJ:. were -...w. 0Itrk::M _ nIt.aIL
.... m- tile" pI'! II tIaat will td JOU
bow to write strong. red-blooded scenarios
that laugh at the rejection slip.
bow to express your photoplay ideas in
that crisp~ clean-cut. magnetic EogIish that
makes your scenario speak action-that's
what the editors want.
-bow to become the editor's friend and
always know just what and when the
different sorts of ideas are wanted.
Above d Else this Book is PradicahIe
For could any adritt be IIIOI'C practical than that coming from men who b:ne been doin
eta)" day for yean the ~ things they td1 about? QIuld any adYicc be more practical
than t!Iat which comes from the cditnn and writen .ho bave camcd bUtidreds of doIIan
"tbrou~ doin the ~ things. scbemes and idas this book DOW offen you? Could any
adrice be more dcpcndable, IIIOI'C reliable, than that which is being used by bUtidreds of
pbotop\a}'Wrights with 1lUCCCSlI? For bcrc arc the very IlUCCCSlI ICCicts of pbotop\ay writing
that have octml its oompi\cn bUtidreds of doIlan through the salc of scmarioa. This
book is a plain. casi\y undctstood voIumc; the best book for individual study, and is in
advance of any other work OIl the subject. .'
c- . , ,T.Ai,',)-F"ne ,
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doe taJn.. aI dw ~ Twi... MarilM aad Maadrli_ Fairbulb.. .0\_ iDcluc&ed i. tM e-t
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NE1JS AND VIE1I'll . - ALL OVlJl THE 1I'ORLD 18 wiI help JOUwia
19 $10,000.00
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%3 .. n.e wcrId~;s , I ddec-
-ne 4ldift T....- 24 liee DDt wboie *1 ~;,. is

I, poI'.:J - a _ who "-

S".a.J .--...
1I'BO 11'AJnS TIlE CENSOIISBIP- :; be.. _ """"" ill ,d
TIlE OLD WVB 8 iaC ILe ~. J.AiR aiaaes-
MAllUCE cosn:u.o . 9 Ibe '.. 01 wl.aoe _
.... 'n. T..-... ., .. ....,...
n. .... ~ . , ..... ~ I.t iae Sy- I' ....... ILe _<:sped'" . I
- . - Ihis' IIIaIU . . ...... IE-
1r.m- ]. __ 1% taiIaed to asi.t ILe ....lea 01
n.e Morie P'octoaiaI ill ."..,.
JIAIlGUEllJTE SN01l' M.I>d e-doa 16 !his peat mystery.
~~-~ ..
..... .-.M GfteaWOl'lOll. "nriac .,..
....1 . . . . . . . . . . .1. _ _

.,..,.. ....
~ r~Jte-q

'tfIw:. 'noeire 1'nIiIIiat ....iW A.i..JI!! for Pio'1"",--

will follow ILe plot 01 ILe stouy
PLAHJIS' BlIlTIIDAY CALENDAIl JoIo-_ 30 ,sp....l ILe.1e" 1 xplaill
"EST COAST snJDIO JOTI1NGS Ilidaard Willis 31 ~ He will z"e you ILe
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fer .. _ _ .,. . . .-
~ ~.t.'\rcaIoIu..
~ a...I
Each-., wiI 0lIII:IIi0 !his
~ ..-,.

~ ~~ ot ""-
.. " " will JIDnII
_ ..... D.
3." ~.....,:
gIElIt detec:tifE's artides.
-.e* - ~.. ~-_---..
Ter-: ,... .. ~: tIlfte iI1l 'I'd JIoQe ~ ............ a*-'. ...
_ ...... IL.; ~. to -u;..-.. pro=-w h
.La.,.... ('MU .. )'eU "'cs..J; ........ JC..-. r - . . . . . W ' ~ IIIIUIoc" . . by . . . . 'I' ...
wUt .. &tMtIIt~__ ..... .,
'Kw..,... .... ...... tt-d,. . . . ._ I _b)l!<'tll rr- ~ ..
_~ ~

I. 1-" _...-. II: _ _ ttlU ~ ... p h M .... _ . . . . . . . . . . . .,

~~ ~ wltII 6at - - . . . T, ~. . . . .thor ant aeee.puIJ' ..-do ~
,-"1 a
_a' y..- _ ~
1M - . t at _ _
~ roe- tDcraI*. .Itkb
~ to -.ace.
be ~
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n- aut . no Mom. PidaoioI ir iI:.
""barrilIftlI.MII ~ d.... ., ... . . . wbetber or .oe ~ ........... ~
prl!"II'lOIIIII:r .... hi wllat ~bn8U-
.-Ion the bert cli-:e 10 wia ....
.tto.1d 1_ the
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Who 'Wants the Censorship?

-, aO .-cIaI ~ Ill . . . 1'IIer'e are tbnle _..u. ~ MIC.b........ I

cated ~ are tIont. wiG -.ore IM'aiu ....
. fa U"'-':-" d"'.17 tbem. _: ........ ~ (tIl-e are Iaer INIIa8II tba tbe ~ .f . . . _ ....

'" .
..... ~ e-.n- CNIIte a fMeraI ee.iiIir-
.....'."wIaidl . . . aaaDe ............ ft4lE7
. . . . . ,iebrre - . . . . . t:lley are ~ . ceuonbip

pol!ddaDll are too rew.

.tty im.-eaat-

jaba for..

......tIeiliaa. Tbe pc it 1-.1 retonlen . . . Ule

too ..a: to be
I m.:m.
.... ttaI:aed ............... ~ . . , .
IMlt It .-w lIII&ft'l fa Ute . . . . of ...... __
iaaClBatlve ~ ., 1ln.rll' a
eIeetrk: ofteIa . . . . . fa t.Net aI. Ball
'"pert1ectIy 1dJJJac"" lItGrY of how ~ . .

. . 88e it la the theHres of their

_ .. all.
...u-nca! en .... jaba poUtlda.a ad tlIe ,.utidau' of ber maJ.... a reeeet lmmip'ant..... "'You
trIoeM:L Tbat I:a all they care 'UCNt. Bat the ae-." abe ftmaded. w1leD abe . . PI: iw:r
Raq the 'YOtiera of uu IItate tD the Dola
superlor penoDS are lmportult. Tbey.... Del"" 1Uach. .'t!tae people do-."t teel thtap tile way alJlcrere LD thejr belief that they are we do. M
JIan.y mueb m~ !!ymprat1letlc ~
. . . . tJtat eftI'7 -..1. . P1ctut'e 11m be ex-
...u.etl'" k:Iared maoe- tty & Iitate board rea:t they
deal bettft' thaa you. and me. 1Ddeed,
are perfec:t1}' slDeere 1a belJn1Jlc that
thaa thIa . - . . . fJIld that aImoet "eI'7 b......
of ~ Wore It ill penDit:tA!d to be ....... ~ thftD8dva--" at the aeft:J' 0'
you aDd I ...... weak. "110 h4hlJr auae-dble," aD,. M~OIl~ that lit "ered. In lIooIt. a
.. the tII.uee of their taU!
110 lporult that we Deed tJt.elr proteetioa. piQ, or a 81m. They Ilave JIat. ~ til Wn.k
NOt at aD. A.Dd before you 1aaP at t.bJJl attftude of the that the Abject ot neui7 all the llteratal"l! of
Han the dtbi!lul of ChJ.caco. or any ClIlber saperior peraoIl. IItop and _k yOW"lleIt If you the aps fa tbe wroq-dobt&. the ert'OI'. the tolIy
dty, ID meedill&' aeembled fit by petitloa dr- doa't ot'tell fed that _y. You may be cWIldent, of ms _d womeD. They aft IMIre that 4t lM.'t
0l1ated 01' in ..,. other m&IUlft' ~ the or exct'Ptloually boaest with YOllneIf; you may safe" to permit mOl'lq plrtllre theaten to
_yor of their dtJ to &IIVOUat eeuon wbo 8baU admit that there aft ~II who caD. do thJnp abow ertme. or l'lolence. or Illlcit love t '"e
eumtae and dec:.lare pare aD:J' 1DO.1q plc:ture that you can't do; bat wbC!ll It comes rtpt "everybodyM co- to the movies a.nd "every-
11m. before It ill permitted to be .hown In the doWD to It ill there aDY penoa you 110 implicitly bodT' ill likely to SO out of the theater with
tIleatfts of. their dt7! t:r"at u YOII~ or COW'IIe not. TOil would the intention of dotq the thinp he baa jut
Not at all 1lOt be a IlOf"ID&1 buman betllS It you did not MeD. doDe 011 the flCreeD.
.&.ad yet. althoqh IS per C'eIl.t of IlII the
..... on uhibltlOll III the .UDJted 8tat~ at the
...-eut m_eat haft beeD. uamiIled aIId ap-
feel that tn lOftle .tty Important matters you
Wel"l! Just a little IIder tha.D. _ybody
tbe face of the earth.. Everybody l& .. IJUpeMor
e_ OD.
Clerumen. Y. ),t_ C. A. aee~ ..cIa1
worken. pre8ldents of ...omen!! dabe--&ll __
RI"e WI that ...e mug malte It the ba:allu!e8 of
JII"OftId by the Tol_ta:IY Nati-..J. Board of cea per-. tn h. owe private mbld.. Tbe durer: pnoerameDt to see that 'the lanoran.t m.a8RlI
- - . t p of JIGriIIC Pk:t1IftII wllJdl .... to.aded. eDCe between YOU &lid the avo.wedly nperior are DOt contamJnated. or IDclted to erbDe. or
penon ill that be lDsbIts 011. ~as bfa teeUns aadn1:r exelted by the movlqylcture theater.

.. ,....-
..., the People'. IDstitatoe ta. New York db' Ive
Jean aco. there !:II IlO'W a bm before ecnacre- of nperiorlt7 to your CODdaet wbn~ yo...-hn ,..,. eaJI the mO"lq plet-11ft theater "the pe0-
DI"O"id!a&" few oIk:1al federal eeuonbtp of men'- l q a IIe'Il8e 01. hm:.o:p : '..a decree of tolenmee ple'. tbeater..- .... hkh hi aD uaet statemst or
lac pietvea. ADd tour ItateI have alread,' tor the tnlltl_ of d-are willlq to lftt the tact----.l then they proceed to lIlP1y
c:reated dbItlDCt oadaJ. boards III eeuonbtp. l!ItUlIIards of eelUlOrabJp to It that tbey .oald
.hd Cbkaao. Ub lDG.t oi lbe otIler Iarp dtSa Now for w~ does th~ ...,erlor ~ w. .t anel' dftaat of applytac to tbeat.:rel wbe!'e the
I. the COQIItry. bu aD cdda1 board of eeaeor- tIIe~! Does he .....t it r. . hb:a.elt bMt . . , . COlt: $!.' It III . . It they belIeftd
Mlp. II IIlftltl-. Chicap ~ beeaae . . . ~ be ~ to be bbI kfad.! cen:abl.b' that .,... wllJeb they bow perfectly weD do
....e Cbleqo CftdIOI"SbJp ia tile ..oK IItrfII:1-e e::l[. IIOt. TIle lltIter day tile . . . . . of a Clttcap tb8D . . banD in the U theatre Wfte t.iEITfbly
. .pie lD. the eat1re coaab'J' of ~ dti dlveh ~ trolIIi tile 1Iou'll of ~ . a daft ou til people In tile b\t _d tell entt
_ _ _ _lttiJI.. to ~ n .eo 8erielI:" ..eaw.ta............,.-ts '" Ilmll tbat 11M theaU'\t. They act _ It t:Iley '""' .-teedY
beeIl rdeetled ......... for' aIlIbttI_ ..,.
f t f t that the7 ...... DOt be h!t . . . . C'C!T'bia that tile : 1 01. U ad tile will
tbe ~ . . u.e. _ tile ~ ,.. the
f 7

toIented. ..,...Ilere eta fa tltoe dTlu.-d ). taa:neaa to '1IpeDd It were pcvte:t:lta .......
beM8t of ILbI .... tie j1IlIt til bat daqlcn that would laev~ nba the ~
No'e croq of d'l
a aaJority of 't'~ ..,....1left .-b4 for ....rt
let .-e
~ wodI: the ~
.ee uyt:.IlIq tuny fa tut. He tIl.....t
wac. Be In. ......._ 0' ten cetlta . . . tbe wIIllape!ll:
~Ip. Tet la .wIUoa to t1IlI! . . ..fttab.
....... It.
that it .... ~ to Nt oat ACh ~ T1le, are honest aIMIIIIt It. But tbq
Jw.e ~ BoanI. '" e-. we a.IreMJ' . be treeb' IIboweI Il& 0 . . . . . . . . tor tile be:D.~ han bit ...... aD tate:p of tbe ___
.....e e:t"II:8OnIllp fa tov . . . . . ~ t p peM- .eIt SIa......
of the ""Iponat fa 8iMItJI C!lk::ap. 1M _ ' . 1IiINiJIer'.'~ wbidl w..w
. . . . til
las III tweaty otIlers. ~ .... to be . . tbe ...... Nonr. . . . . . . 8 .at _ .::1l too .erioa to
eo.cre-. ~p _ _ n 1& :I OIl'
of the be ,...,. If It Wft'it

-.eDed. by
fa . . . . . . of .cabl~t In e'#eI"Y dty of
NOIrdlWftt .we. .. tJle ~ of. ttae be. iPCIlbicaattIU'. -". . wily It fa _.nau
GIletto. It .....y ft"'er ocnnoed to hJa that I UIOdaer artide. ad. fa tile . . .~
Gie Dn!tIed. 8taIa.
u..e.AIma, wIllcll. he 1lelIeved. to be "a. ro_ time I tUt tIM! ...... secret ~ tIM!
biat tbill coaatry a l'$ubUc! Is demClCf'ael' ~ ~ . . to .... people. eoaJ4 be ~p ac:ltatte- .. the :uaftM 8It:at.. tile
tab! <l&a:guou to I d_ And _ a ...t- pial_ lIttJe fact that QIalas tIlla hw b
W1IAt does It all mea.! Why tbla .-.ue . tll!r fill fkt I 't they dhl hi. ~ run.I~ thlas, .. t:!lat aI.-t .abeIwl h _
or ce'uanbJp fa eountry wbolle ~ t ~ cut- the ll.arm. weH.!tells 1f1lJdl. , . . _ . . . . tie 1IIelIe'nI 1M ..
pu'Ueee. foft'rer the rlPt ca( tree speech ad !hit yow. lee the potat. CeallOnblp III Im- Jat a nttle bettm' til-. b.. aelPJlMr. TI&at
fI:ee _ b l y ! Who W&Ilb the oeuonbtp! ID' JM*d by the .elf-eoare.e:l nperior per- oa beUel does . . banD. Ia tile a'ftl'a&'ll: 1Mh'
. . . . ta~ Is eeellOnlltp! wut Is the the reat of 1IL ~ la aJ~ for the RatMr It . . . It cI'reI ILl-. the
eriPn ca(thbl apparmt d. . . . . for eeaonIlJp! other reuo.-wbo ~'t had eoI.... edac. 8elt~ be to tH wodd.
Well, there aft few ~ wbo waat ~ or .1lG ala with .... bife, 01' w1lG ean't a.t In thoee ~ wIIO!Ie poa:ltlon fa Ufe
oAdal eeellOnhlp of D.J;orlnc pletveL Roqhly ..,eaIl: E:qibIIl very well-the fello_ wbo . . . . baa clvca tIM!:Il a POWft> efti' otJIer JlNIIIIe
~ I ab01lJd tilly that tIlen bI ODe in to be pI"Oteet!ed troal aeeiBc pletu'lel that .eft It Met bara It . . . . tJt.em 40 ....,.. th....

3boat nony 1.608,", or the H ........ penoIUI torbDate . . . . . . .y !lee witboat tile leut t. the auM! fill. I.~. . . .. . . . - t:.Iltap
ta thew Dalted States. or &boat te fa all. , daJa'er. CeaonbJp la the lav_tto. ot the few tD the e of ......Ity. aDd qty til.... fa
e JIlaIlqftI to coant a a - wbo ban JMlb- tor the bul:ettt. or the many-or _ the t4!W In the e., bt::J..
lleIy ~re.ed fa 1'.:1.. . . ca( lddaJ J'.at It .. -..kIac tM:a, th 1..... 01' ....
ceaoraIll, . . . I ....... tIleft . a t _ lee 'ne idea . . . -.:k to tH Un wbea every- or actJft17 ~ penou. c:reate a Q'IltIea
. . . . ~ . Blat Jet tIo body belk'ftiI tkat tile mlad:a aM --.n. of the ~ wlLldl.~. _ tbeIr 1. . .

..... arpIIHlIt, Oat tMh are 1 ~ . . ..,. 1Nft ~ ~ to tile BIiIIda ~ I tM: " _
fa til.. eoa.try wllo waat.-elal ~ th ... ~ ;t tM . . . . ~ TIM ..pentt. ... ... . . . ~ew..flftUt~
.-.u0ll I "0 are they! . . . that ~ ~ fill ...atQ 01' "!PI)' e.r. -aa Dee iii. tile . . . . . Jk't:ft\t ~


It is An Unusual Debt and It

" Paid in An :Un'l.. .t W87 , ~

ELIlN DESMOND: .IJ.klq dliM: ...
llluiak1Jlc. from the Iler~ ' Mr~ . . . .

"'~ idea of Ute _

'-.p. IlM .wI wel-

the (l( _Tlq .....,.~ . ' . . . a.-.
.LLfTSr .... r.o~s r .....#,- . . . . . . . to ....... t I l r l I - r

eom.ed with wlaat w.. really ea-
J[qe.I1D&D's " ' 6 cal
. . -sr..-eat l.a the c:boru of hI. suamer by IP"aeII! ofaa o8ee boy ..ho bew that ht" trteb of tbe
orden Me lIeU ~.-:II. weIIk;
IIbe ~ 11ft; m. tw. til.
ataee tM ~
a..teal abow, "'The PuvIe Parrot. III tratb...
M emJllo:ra' I1Ired Mpod. &ookIq dames. P !Nt JIapIe wall to ~ tIaat. o.e
\8M bad te take tbe ~_ Ball tkn. beeIl &Ily ....,. eQIl!ri~ yole!r!" 8uoPed the IliPt. .. &ella left de ..........
dIeIce. bat aM Item. able tD eua .-eJ' fa ~. . . . . . . eateecL t:M . . . . . . . . . , . ~ I i&IeIt.
1Ifte'.'_ ......
..,. other _y, .... WOlIJd bu"e takea the ...... halt DO ' IIbe lltaIIl.-red.
.... 0--d0-1te ......
daaDce. ho.ner a1111L Bat If.r'b; wbo ba",e beeB .., lune a fair volee---et leat. ('Te beea. told ....... ...... to 1DiMlt".... Mr. e5 . . . .

broabt 111' wtth the idea tb&t w ~ .a.-Id 0 - - 4 ... 81M ...... ~ wtta. ~.
DeftlI'work, wiles the:r ant eaatrc.ted . . . . .-
Iy. wtt1l ~ that tJMy aut work, wtleI:Jl
or 1M. aft DOt lIkdy to lad _ wide Wd of
" H'a--face aD rillit.
Kat pipe ua..:rev
8tuId ~'.
tor lela. ruaIlirt:a---it YJMI at.o:t
take _ daaDce _
........... -u
wM bat al......, IIOddelI to . . . . . . . til _

"Tft _ ear npt bere," he ..... "W."t

cbolce eDN tD tIlIe-. 1-.!-M ,.. . two PrIa e.-e r.r a . . . aM' &. ~ fII.
...... ~ Ha-'s fadter, .... beea _
...eaItiIT m-. IbII he died.. 8ft ~ .-z1Ier
SIIe..... ..... .. ~ . . tIloqld: he
... -.aue II; !Nt u.e. ~ -....e bel'
-.per ."e!'" "-
.... taaIr. ,......... Belie&. ..-...u:r aM
aM 7' tteat dIU - . ~ . . . . . . . . ___ He 1 .
be ...... bft left hIa wI.tlIl ..... lit. two . . . . .
ta's at --.r: ~1 well" Bat fa tile
___ ....... NaG_
. . ~ of Ids 1lfle . . 1talIlaI "'aGre after
~ t. willda be
be ...... JIlIftI,....
.. be ..-ed. . . . . . ~b
er"b ,
"y . ; tIaat

"Is tIIat z;;scawe,!" aile -*ed. blaalllq.


tile tIQ IrieII ..
. . . bdu: ad RmlM to...-oer. bis ____ Be l4bred at 1Ii"'J" eanoa.Iy. -u..."strUe-I wa.t ~to'" ~ ..
~ fa fact. ILut:eIleiI ilia diMtlL ~ .. be aJ" "Ill thae sbows tt _11ft
.tat ~ !:be md came, . . . the . . . . . bad the book or the muaic that wl...-lt. 1(I1'f'.
It'a aD rtcbt ........ yow; ...-t . .' wtdt
maa aJoae. MQbe IIOC:let7 strta ...... ~
1N'" _ ..
bieeIt. tbIaI1y .et'lJed, tile .wow . . her _ _-
ten ta.d to r.ce tftTiwe facta. I_ead of the
l'orta-e wtlteh enr,._ nDPOMd Jeha DelJ.
race.-aad their .... M

MAD rlPt. M he uhf a lIII_eat 1atf!!'. ~'U

do. MI pve ,... thJrtT-he _ weelt-I iJ...:r-
tIHt W&J' we ba. . to. _
baq ~ &'OlMI time.
of . . t,o.dIaaer ~

..... woaId leaye.. they load t h ~ pay c:bGrWl etrts better thaa " y _ f!ltIe.. ~ ".-nelt..-
~ of _ small eouatry bmne, aever ......

wtlUe be . . . au"e, EYer:rthlq

80W to DaY hIa debt-. Theft . . . 00 _ODey:
e_had beea .'s bec:a_ t waDt the .-11 looten.
AU Relf!a De.moaa beeame a dlGras
pn. Her mother wevt at the De".; Belea
M ADd, att.!r poet deal of $
made HeleD. pl'OUlb>e to 10. BeIea. _ aatter
ot tact. l00ced for lI01ae reIaDt1aL She .....
! . .

oaIy the Uttle b~. aDd lu htnaltul"e.. They
to U"'e III tIlIe boaR; bad they sow. It the
~ would Ilot have kept them ev('o a
henelt toa.nd It a1IIla.t Impoulble., at 8nt.,
to bear the bowledp that lIbe ..... e~1l
her penoo for blre. bat that reellq wore eM(
YOUJlC: ber deai~ tor pleasure
UId h-.Jthy ODe. .&ad
..,ofa.tecI. The dl.Imer
IlCIt dmao-
dell.chtfaI ODe; abe
,-- III time.. Use accustoms us to~,,-~most uy-
a.t, to U"'e. "en In tIletr own boa.e. f"e- thlll~ And. after aU, abe w_ mal)' ODe or a
sat Den to Appleby. uui fOUlld- hbD a SJ1II1IIlL-
th~ u.teDet'. She dnak DO . . . . t.IIo-eIl
qcIftd 1IIOIlio', lin. DI!aloD4. who bad beea crowd. that m.ade It ('uter. It ..... banter to the others did. aDd he lH:'eIDecl to apDr'O'f"e or
a III"". ~ yean. coU:l 40 ItOIt1ItllC- Hft' bear the other phueIi of the life. She hated her..-t1lleuce. Sbe foaDd henelt c:oaAdJq I d.aadlter. Elsie. was . . 01. NOU&b the taJk la the d1'f!llldllC r.oom; ollly _e of Mm. Without at aU latftdJq to do !MI. _e
to ... ~ 1IOI'flO1'et'. lira. o.e.... roe- the I(frl. who abared. the bill room appealed told Illm. of ber Wail,. ....... ot pte ~ t Deed.
t!a:tnd. ~t c:&n! . . . ~ O L Azul to ber at all That .... Ilapte Belle. . . she that had drt"ea her apoll me lItlap.
it ~ for Rein. tAl 8M _ e WOI"L .... . , . called. OD. the pcop mm_!lay o.ovan. That 1lIPt. ""'- .... 1'MICIt._Hr ro-. . .
ta aoIDf! JDUlaft'. to. Pt"OYide the ....,. dlat .. site Ilad beee. bowa at Iaoee. m..te two ~ OM . . . . . IIIlIaI ...
.......atet,. aeeded.. ........... PfttlJ': aile was aIM, ~ UYery 1ett:ft' from. B:JDa. ttiIIac ber tbt dM
PrIde bpt th ne.-n.. froa. . . . . . . . . to dlaa dtf! odI4!I'!L 8m: HeIf!a's real ~ for dedDr l.fIbbed . . . . . . I.......,. opet"atI_ to
the tr1~ ~ ltlietr .._ her motber"a

-.....- .....
III 0 r e )lII"OlIIJIeI' life.
d a J s . PrIde---cad ..It wiD take about
.t h e ff!elIq t a t. tit...,,, WNte ~
afIlror all, . . . ...
~mldLtbe'" eaa't be pot 0. or.
tIlaa . . . . . . IIeIft an. --."t DUIh
weat to S~ T.-k. &Q' eb:rp t.. 1M-
Sile alcbt haTe ...-rIO&. but we
f'-.d e I D ~ fa . ' t U'f! tll,at
.. store. Sbe..... _ . . . . . u1't JOG ~
a -.tter of brt. re- It.~r

....... ...... .... -.......
eftn oess. Bat tile H.I ~
,.... u.t W8'e fIA w:Mt.~
'ere. a.t,
,. ....- ~ . . JIkbI .. ~

.u.e.'" ~ .. tile ,.... btu. tMt

. . . _ _ IIf!r aatfJ.
.~ INI to_


..... _
!lft'~ 11M
~, II: ae...
tIeNlI ~ IlUI-
"'ao..ral~ . . . . . . ..,. !
~lIb"""" JW a - - . ...

... ......
JIb .. b4w.JtI&&. ......... 0.-. . .

AM _ . . IaIIl -.

7 7 ......
..-t. . . b1ed tAl . . . . laaft . . . .
It ...

_ -...e
.... it
ETa tIleft, . .-
e9W': _ .......

e::;c:: '
.. ...,. Is

....,.. Blat ..
...! l.'Io---4l. . . .
. . . Iter ..-.n-.

.-a.. ......'..,
......... .~ n 7

. . . . . JfdiI willi -.I:.
_ _ fa Uft.
. . eMe.... .~


"'_~_'t-.-_, ..... _ft. . . . .

__ tile ....,. to

. . . 1<_

- ........

wllea aIM! .......

. It was
~ _.
..... 5 ViC

tJLmp,... . . .

.. 1lIiIIiI'L" -
. . . . . .~ '-co ~, MtII'e . . bII
~ ...... wac. tie ..-r'J' Hr4 -rile,...,
... PuNt'" bed . . . . ~ _ -.wT
....., . . It8 eaf'IIlft' . . MU'Iy Oftr. . . . . .e
..... ae-4
...... ave eta.,.p, ... lYe ,._ .-r,M IlIIe
.... "T. .OW ...-L I-eet-aa wtII
. . ,.., ... -.e ~ 1'aD.... . . tkre
. . . . . . ~ I:J: Nt 0& -.rI7 ...u:..

T.... _ _ to k~ . . . . . .u1q: tbL . . ,

~ . . . bid _,.... OM PliU QulIaer

___ "lo--lIn.. Pilac.
.. . ~
Lea It'.
JftT7 OIL, ...._

~!"" .... - BeteL car'-I,.. -I -"

... If . ' . tM GanI~ wb. , . . .1Id: a Pftl
........ of .,. latner'.'"
-lied. III Me. He'll be 1Md toaI&bt."
-.-n.d . . . . .
ReIea 8P'Mil. aM Il taraed om. this
. . . . . . . tJ:re aIDe PIiW, Gantaer ., . " -
... .tta. IteanI lift' .....u:..-k. Be
.. at .. bat. alae: toN. lit.. et Mr
baIITa taudaI . . . . . . . .
":.y . . . dUld.! .. lie adaJ..... "T. . IIboUd

~ ~ tilt me st~!
....... rn RM ".. dHdt t'w a ~
I:Yft . .w-lt"a IWit

Biat. IJda ebeckel Ilia. A.ftft' M' ~

rimce wtdl .......,. . . . . tete! .... IWit

......,....... .AM tM. it " .

tIleMft. Nt. .. 1M .....,. IIttJe
., ....
k ro..d Iter. To I:Ja Me m" lie eboru
sid. M!ltHr better . . . . . . . .... Bdea bad
. . . ta the dl.-a ~ ~ . - . .e
tie tab: . . - , . t r - ~ a.r: _
_ ~ .111,.
'rltati-. lor tbe n"bIe. It........
tJae . - , . . . .-w etIIerwIa lui. . _ an
to Ioc:II: after Hnelf . . . . . to I:eI' -etkr.
aIM! . . . . . MIt aecrtt tM ta-

wtdl tM tbat be . . . ~ ...a::IalJ . . . . . to Wak to 8M tIM taJIe .-it!-. .. SUD .... bftttat.ed. n.aJIy .rote to ber
. . 1aer __ .un ~ Iae'I' . . . . . ftId: Iibe ....' allowed benell to lie ~ I. BiGtber'. ~ ller IIdnee. . . . EWe . . . .eret.
_bell. aM JaI-lI .... M!' . . . . to W. Iter ..c:Iler. ..._ _ aya lhal _!uate'ftr JIr. ~ ....
"'BeIIo," ..... be. . -;Veil. r.
~ J . . .'t Samebow' abe e-W. coa6Ie Itl ao OIH!: COG- vfees . . . _ aU rtabt. ........ m.a. WI"OR.
thJaII: .-.2 ., th. ~ To..'. KUer let . . em:.b:c AHIeI:7 aM IlJ:I TWt. E't'e:, to J&c. "'Sbe tIliab tile enalM wUl . . ,... ..... atti!!r
tab . . ~ far 70&'" .. Ide abe 61. ac:t-dand . . . lDdeed-teU tlloe you baTe worked . . bard for . . fa all Itol
She ItaftId at Ili. Mt ...... ~ lnltIL. BIle.w ac:t eftD. write 1I_e. It .... weatlta' she MY. . . . . n..s ~
""Come, ee.e." aid be,. thea. 1"", tIMer- a ~ to lie bpt bretweea thea:. Aa4 Ap- peat . , liIr. Caord-er."
staJld well ~ my' ...,.! You took m, pleby. abe . . . ave. .ocaJd a,. aotbt.... For .&ad . , HftnI. ~ IUId star1:JelI wltJ:. ..
SaddeDJ,. ue ...
la ha &I'1Q. ~
the Itor')' to I'l't aboat .....Id .a:.d:ie IIJIIl
JaqI:J.q stodt fa that 4eIect:abIe IIOdet7 that
.erry party 011 G&rd..... JaCIlt. She, p n
bendt 1IV troo: the bt'claa-IlIlC to the I.... of
&be beat Illm 0; Iter ow. ~ w-w. tIada Its dlief p ~ tD. UlUuce with the pttlIIc .. ~ete rest, ot. ftlasatloe f'l'OI:l the
lItJ'lLIa of UdleeUtoIiIed .ort abe lib. ller
Den.. hue ~ t.bat, bU. wbe. lie fCMlBd site
tadift of the ebCiMIII DMM'e eocD.plaJul:t tJuu:.
meaDt It. that abe . . . Doc. pla,.l.......tIl bla e,.a ~ , . , theftfoft, to .me th..~
be treed her at _l'.'e. ~ &10 1oIqft' botltered liei', IlOI' ~ that t,eedM to worry 11ft". She did ac:t like
-Bow 4ue yW! what do ,._ meaa!'" her La allY way. 81. I I..ea. ..11_ -.e a .. t.he 4itber me of tIM JUt1 ad the d ~

cried. 8be . . . PUttac; beT breath came 10
1"ou. little turJ! .. ., saJd. T1teL IUDUl.qly
him., a lI1leerbl& ~_ ~ lato lils ~ :

.ace he IpOIte
t.h.l lin. Jen')' Lee'. . . . . . . . .as M&iq IU'r

lie 1a8Ped.. -I ....' Walt yoa Wft'e Ute ..-t

to weleb-to take mOllIe," aM aot tllII ,.,....
"Pay! .. Ilbe cried.. -De ,.. tIlJd: I _ " t 'e ......
--. --"
-I was the

JI&7! Doa't ~ k - . tluIt rn ..-k _,. b -Wlle. JIr..
.....t _

eers to the ~ to ..,. , . . 1Ieek!'"
IDs ....... _ be . . . .erei Mr, . aloae tell
-rtlere was ..,. _ way ... :r- to ,.,. ..
~.aN.. "'OIl. . . ."t td:1I! It .. ~ ! It

. . .'t .ett I 'Oll fooled ID--..d t . . . y.a-ft
aayoae .-w: .,. it -.e rf&tlL r. .e.. T. . . . .
. .' .. ~ to -.ree: wkJt. too." it.-
Betanell ....

.. -
......aIt,.. .-ae cdel. ..[ 't laaft It. r'...'t lJ' _. 5
laan ,.. ~ ae . . nat.-e:J . . - .. II a t '
. . . . . . . to ~ I it and 1D"'a .e.aL _
tile. . . . I __ . . crate"""""" ....... un

... - . . 0 -
be.... . [
,.,. ..,..n aD by ac:tf.a5 _! 0It-"'

-., .... 1frI." td. , . . tMt tI TI:..
:roe haft ~ ae fa1rI7:. ~ . ., t:r'J' tn:tJ: ~ tIlait
to .--. alI tIMe pla.yed . . t . . . . . . . . , . . aa
tIltak of'! nat Uc:k ~ tUlle iii _ ... ofhla. ......
_ tile 8p&aWl prt-er . . !:be . . ftClaeer!
-.u. . - f t r that,
after that. lids fdt that
of . . . -

11M Itated 1IlIett-eJI IlIn! ...... . - ~
tk ~ _"fe 10r .bida ~ - W H"tl!r
eoadaet ...
b n Ilad to e-dllre MJ terrttaIe aM .. ' .
t. _ a~ Tbe. t.hoqlrt of Mw be
..,." ......
"[ eoal.
had abJ8dcM: bel' 1ler with

llaTe Ilk
Uame. .... the more _be ~ the more n- IIJIII so welL
e1I8e __ I . . . 1M blm. Alter all. H be- abe aid. -

aot.bJac' abcMrt ber. W.. It UbI7 tMt be fdry. to ....
....... MIlne ber to be
aot to awIc::'
dollar ....,! .&all
ad the
~ ..
GIlt Aft1
~ tl:e
tI, ellt .,
t.e WQ' II
........ ., ae- tt! .... ~ - I

$ . ,

Atter p tll.aclt ~
laa.....,. Iat. .... tI:I:t ..
J..ase her _.,. bJ t1H! '",." .. . . . .
.... ..-_


. Ii"=====================================================;;=========jr, ._... iII... _
JJ!t itS,

............... ....'.
~I '-

-- .. ......, ......
_ _ _ _ -,tIae.-t1


--........ -....
.............. tI~ -
....... ..... tk __
............. ae

...... ...,.,. ....

..., t.Ilat it _
...... wtddl_ ......

.......... -

_ ...
. . . .. tIiM! are eI lila' -_ _--~,.,
,......... fI1MI. 8M
.... _kaeoIt ..... ~
u... ACt::uIb'. it ...... ....-.
I ..... ......,... . . . , . .
tIM ..... A IIrI ~
r.e.,t1t.r..-.._ ...... .;r
= ....... .... 1


.......... -_ --- -- ..
........ at.-e . . . . . ~ I~

.., ...
....wte: t.lH!M ~ _ . . . . . . tIf ~I_ ..... ~
".Ita yaebt .'eft aotonCNL
Yet It wu aot -.tU tlleY
bM ,.UN tar _tJa . . .

k 1. . _

- ._. . . . .. .


;., h
1n!"f'I! olf tbe coast of 'n.,- " ~ t
"-"ilia 'that H~ tHad I ~.-- -! ............... M
bet' ,.qae uneaslneflll
I _ __ S
t.~ to M:8D lie a1arIIl.
A" tbetL. at ~
- . a!'pt. tJae lItonn II
-....e' .......
horoIre- AU 1M others
bad beftI drlaklq; r.,.
tM tnt dat!! Hftell was

dn.ldltc t.-.....
afraW Uwl1 Ud _ _
,.,. .... ..-:_-
-.lit . . ,... ......
.... ,... .......... M ....

..... a.-~l
ber.elf h.I4 take. .. ~,.M. T..-
aotILlaa to lIrtU..; tIIa1 ..-r t.w me ..
..... 1Mr"~ Tale n-t.ed G&rd:M'r. I dW
_1lk:Ia . . to __ ..... foeM Iler to e.lIare ,. a .uddeD ~ of ~r a..Aeso ~ Dot friPita ber---Mt I be_ abe IIlJPt .. wen

...,. a tItOe ped teuD&- . . .ow 110. sIH! bad bfta trappeo4. SomeIM. abe treed In.t & BapJ t:1cft'! A.Dd.. t euDe---to be
Gu'lbn' 11ft" 4JaMr ,.naer. tu'IlelI beneU., .... wttll ~ YUe Wacs near If TOU alloaJd Deed me! Heka, eaa :roa
lIia ,.. Mr. a.a.r 1IM!r. lei to tM -.::k. Be... at biP!" fO'l'lPve _!'"

~ .,. be ...uIIk.~ be

.AM w:ItMlIt .....-Ia& lie tIlft.. Ilia _ _ . . .-..eel

heeIL Ae t-.ed'
B.t Ipre
tel}' to taee bim.
...-sJ}' aM Gardaer. with
Nit aeeaa tbal I am aJw:a.p to be I. your
debt.,- abe said. ~. "Ro.. am [ tAl repay

- .... -
staePred 1IlKk . . a IlOwer1u1 .ut Joa ban doae t-..lht! ADd I IJtln owe
. . . bel' . . KfteIo u....
to lila' blo. reeebed b... dwlK. J'01II 1Ift:7 dottar.- M

be Aid.. Ntbere caD be _ laLIt of

t!'TtaI: te t.w tIM 6 _ tier ..elL wBdea-J-p ~ quiek17!" ttied. "HfteIL, M

ae ... 'tM~attM""""'_ .eII ~ Yolce. S h e " " I.DM:.aatl:J';

fa t ..-1mm1q uul . . . Do-.
~aymeat bet.een __ But-If JOG eaa love
me---be my .Ife--w
....,.,.. tlMI ..... PIlll, ~ crt. JilaPe. HI cut A.poIeIty her. 0Ilee apJ.a lobe .... I. bl..- arma.. But tht..
bf!!' _tIGanl.fw ~~ e pt to . . Ole l'ftL "T-.!" . . eried; t1JIW' "Ie did Dot leO to froM benet!.
AM. It11 ~ 11 f@. . . . .b. I'm ......_t talIl rve.ll. boat bere. Y~rl -e....):., ,torlt ~ ...tit,W MFf,.,.UglI, n...l1
tireI of 1ler .. lIM'lb' y!N I ea.e to III!'t you utI_. be .fd. -SO. R~
i' (HIt" 01 U'Cf'priortnl Irtt~t.

}'elIon ..Wa Ule ~ ~
B. Vlalthall
.. ~ .. . . . . . tIile a.-e of Ita
......... .-rd7
........... u.
'* .. ' - t tut he
JlU"b .btdt


maMlIr ' - . . . . . . . . . .tp. . . .

......... . . . . . wUtIl ~ en.
g piA' " bis
ft&I 'PO

U. . . . . . . . lead&. KJo. Waj_

thaD lIba peel ehararter puts
betIer ~ _,. othen. Nbe-
~ tMJ' .-er aucb _ 111.16-
MI::I.q ...-uautJ' .. (l(lIIlJi&ftd
wtQ. oN1IIarJ' 1eadA," be . ) ' "
Nc ....... be had (:haa~
.... . - . t UBd.IapJaed . .
Selaa a..-.I. Pa,.., the eom-
~. Ia ....... S1IJ'fll!t Reme."
. . . tIile JllIIlIIe 4Iaeovered. .bat
. . cae '...,- ~ au be
... i t . . . . _ lbe ....tiy LJI-
1_ GIICL. BId wllea be ....
. . . . fer llat of !aU faTOll'itc!
NIa. It "t laceh._ tbt of
~ __ .....,. _. . as
1 7
Pa,--. bat la--
rt M

...e. die
. . . . . . . . . ot tMt I.-

................... ....- .....

'711'" --....,. .... . . .. ~.. u. -.-,."
H ..
~ Ila
!. ..... c.........- ...
-.'- ~ Bolo-

_ _ . . ",J.tItJL..

..... .......ts= n .....
.... nta ......... _ -. __ tIlat


. . tIfta. laM . . . . . . . . . . IMdl:

~ .. U. _II I 'w IItaIe. . . tIaal Co===z'~
. n-..
.. _
2 ................
,..u,. to tbe r.ct tat
8 M b-. ~er

JIIk'tuM _ lie tIM

siTe ~ b.Ja.


And -the Troubles of a Director
.. _ _
. . .-t:

: ...,...,

. . . &'-- NIIIIlI ., tlle
. . . . . . . - - - . ,.. . . . . . . _ _

n'- ~

~ e( the

- - - - . It

. . . . . . . tile JlI'ftaII-
__ .,
. . . , . . . _dI lecia a1
.enwI witII ~
...... __ tbtr
bia ~
aD afnW to tell.......... wttIl
til; ~ IudL 'nle laP _ _ ..

Be ~~,..~
~uJ ..."

'" ...,....
!boll ., ......,.. 1117," . . lIec:IanIl. "As tat
'e ..

. -'I;..

... . . ...1 J c.. ~ ' . mrtItok:J tIuIt ~ .. It hap-
tdla. _ te lIle e""e!'7 tItlM!I' :r-r ....
n . . . , . .

., ~ ....... .-...r: J t tJae r.tMr ., 1l.b e.-.tz7 ca-.

....... ~ . . .... lata u.e ~ my . . . . . c:aJled
tI!MIIlI8L Be & -e x-rt.ce oe.p WIIlIIaJqtoa
........ .....,., $....
bed: III 1M

. , MIl e.teIJa. r.tIIer r:aIaeI' . . to be
j.-tDbW. .
_ -.etM~
. . . . . tUt cMn'y~ ~ .. ~
able ~ cnnnIelI e!!I'aIq lytac. That'. .11,. y-,..
wttJt. ftI1:IeaI _ wID ( rm-.t . . Ac:JI ...... tfJDe ta _y Ute.. . . . . ae...
. . . . . . . . wttIl two aJJk ~ the W ~ . . . - k e . "I eotlWtd. M'ftr
w:m6nr IIIIL IIaab e.teIIe fa a - lIe."
lac. ~ ~'''' wile ~ "Are aetbac aM. Ute tnllll taec.....tlbIe!"
at . . . . . . .t lib OM . , the 1:ItcI1*... ..It'. aot ~ .. lte.-ert.e4. .. Actfq' . . .
~ fa . . tw. . . . . . tIlL lit. TOke. ..... bell cal..... I .....' Dew that wtlea I Gil
ftft', wltftt lie ,ll'", cr-tbtc .... aIQ'Wac IMd: let ad. I ~ tMa DIll . . . . .
I:IIcB*- Ia fKt. Jut Iaada't talked he IDUUltoel ~..-k. I ~ .... tIa8t ..
bdare _ .... laW era. __ the tart tllat be simple diM. play. Jni ~ tat .. Ute

Ute..... my...,..............
. . . ."t Eq!WL .-It. . . tJult'a pttbac . . . . et
-n.e ...,. fill. .y liter 1te .....ed. UPtlq: ~ I . . Jat
lilt the as- tUt h adft' 1iIorD. . . . . . . . . . .'tbe ..~ . . . . . .
~ ~ wMeIt th tr&Iu of tile ,.n
['Ye.t-Ped _er to the d~ Let'.
~ roM that ..._ " , . 8I'ookln IIrilIp
to Colley IaluuI WftOe oeeut..w.l,. ..
alwa,.. a1lllU1tle. "'This w a . . . da,. tor a Ute
tat.. .... ...... &0 bM:k to ~ "
It PItbbv&'h that ~ tile ...... '!"
"1 e1alID. ~" .... Mr. CoIlteDo. ".,.
-..y. I"t'e a CNOdL. m. bldeou. ~h." father eame tbeft fr'OIIl IftIa8d. Botll ..,.
He wa...ed . . dae -.ertloa that .ach a lIIfttaJ father _d lIlCIIlJler .... ~ . . . .... ntII8d er. the CoIambIa. . . . tile Gotham. ~
c.4ltlOD. .... "rt'ly lmPMdble to him. "Of I.a IrelaJld.. ]I,. father'. f.atHr came of the fa BrooklYIl. tile YOI'ttTtBe La New Yon. CIt:-.
ewne, tea tb~ weather." be added, 1Htt. enD SpaaiaII IItock who -u.Jed _ th~ w_ Coat. aad with - .__ -.oc.k ~ e s I_ WalII-
at tUt. tt'. a bM day tor aatoblocrapby." He Bla mother . . . . . . . of tile F I ~ ud _CfllId.. New Jeney~ aDd. J'aIJ Rlnr. 11--. Thea
eoaWllftli the root a mOlllSt. -I sappoee 1 the Flt.I:praIda weft OM of the ..... daas I came to the V1~"
_ the tale of -.lata ....-'8eboIus." lOW. . that whea , . . . tl'oables bepa r Be
"1Uqa!" bad bricbtftled 10 'Y"iIAb .. he bad talked dud:
..ltetDeIDberiac 1Il7 cr )er,.. .ud . . . It ...... sbaIae to tIl.nIa tM ~ fill. kl.

rlc:e, "'I aboaW ..,. tW all tM nhn ." Ire- 1lIaiek .... ~ 1MIt tile raIa __ .

...... ... !awl bad. beeIl.-e-. 117 -.r ..cJler lac _ the roet. ~_r Be ....

-- r.rpttes tbea -NeftI' wttll u.e

. . . . . . e-"q,. weft aan1elI la ~ ~ .-t _ )lie-
Cub -. alter a ..ue tIile " - ' ell: rlb&ft'- hN Ktiq,- he ~ ~ ...,.
aid ~ HTeI I:a Ptl -.. JIy w~ tile ttrectIa&. . . . tba.t. .. ~ ...,..
r.tIter tiM willa I .... -.17 two J-.n ..... .. ..adler *WJ."
I 1lPe tftI aIaten. I waf: . . wwdt t '"DIll :r- ... tJae - - - . ~ KtIa& at
... eIeYa ~ lie . . . witIl ~ an . . . .tr
.,..we. "'I t....-.e -U J1MI reraD 1M eu1J' . . 0( - - - . .6c-
.. Idlool ..uJ tIaIlt tt.e. t . - r .... aa-.,.. Kr. e-teUe e at "J-'D~ .
cII:uce to . . to eeIIep. . . na to UP KMoI. . . . tIl&t tile cr.- ~ __
t te I'-.t .. tile .-ee. wt.ere t dam. fill. lib:
die .,. .,
:r-n ... .adf-e
. &PM ~
1 ~ t tIlJak. tJult ca-.e late
u.c. ~ .. tt.e u.s ...-. t ...-'t _ ....... "ne adt.c ..... tIerrIItI:J ..ut,
tile na. 1 waateI to Yrtbl. t tHlIiIIIt tbt
.mtbI& ..... tile . . . wac .. tINt worN.. AM
I be- tUt to .. able to write t 1La....
JerQ", . . . . '
.... U!e

~ It . . . ~
u-e tMt I .w ,.
..... tie ~ _-=II.. t dNa't ~w . katr_ J -.c: 7 ' " If I lOre
~ ... I .... t:ratIac to 1Kt: to u.e tut dl1'.,.p. die :r-n tIIaIt r ~
. ..-..: rro. tbe dI.d.... 1A.-:k. I .... _ ~ .,. fIIaUy
1fJIy ... ,... pn _. tile idea!" '11te7 were .--'to
~ -.a 1 ..... abom sbt_ Jean! t ..... ~...,.a:ta O' ......
pqII 0-...,. _ __ ' ...
.... 1 1Ir!pa to ~ La aaatnr atertala-
-.eats. t JIa)'elI La a baIt____ ....--r I .... '1. ~ -..dl ~ 0. 'ell: tIM
...... ." tIt_ tor d1arda abl.n. TheIl . . . - . .!hIt J IuIb' tIIaIt . . . .
~ -.e aM! tI!at 1 aJPt -. aa ~ - . - a t . " die .........
. . . . . .todt. J..,&Ied to Ute Da.... _ _ tile ~ e-.eta. . ,... . . ~ I 1

... tI!e7 tooll:...

~ J
e-.-". .t Pltt:l!llcrP- To.,. joy &ad ___
tItere r.. th,.
a. _ lord. Ge CU'-
. . . it.. 1Bftl the JIktue ......... _ trial
the ..aaapr __ fer... t - t . tI!IaIda&"
tbat, ..... tie b q . i_'" bt-
riap waJta' roles, wt~ the 1mda. trodaced tlM:....,.. nat ...
"""ed e.a) U....W ".,. ..,. t. elI:"
_ .....
tAl oW mea. the WQ . , tbeMi1ea1 ' TW".
-fa twe ~ J ..... '-Ie ~ wl!eft I ......,.... tIM
.......... _ ..-,.t ~ tIaat IIIGt.t.. )IIebl:I-. fte ~ ~
_ ... u.tiI 'nelS' ., ..... ae twr ant ....... - . , I"N ....

... Daftt~- _ . . .. ...... tItIia .... E't'W 1IIMe."
........... 2.' ,0. ~~!"
.,..-tIl:. ... ....
--~ "'OaJy. 1. tM lJM

. . me-- ~ liDs IliKIl . .~ "
___ ...,. . , . . . I'
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fIt _ well
_ ......... ~ It " 7 ~

... .....
. . . . IIIM
10..-. . . . _ . ,
...-.I tM......

'ReN'. rt ... ta tIM

. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , eftr. . . . . fIl tM .....

t.ItDe t:r'Ia-!

eta. . . tUt adiIe _ No ODe . . .
Nt t1ftct8r_ a.t, oil. tile trw'" of .. 41-

. . . . .... tMJ!'"
Mr. 00iItleU0 MttIed Mek fa bla ehaJ.r. ad-
j . . . . U. -*de,. Md IIIIttIell Ill.IaeIf' wtdI.. Ute
air fIl ........ wbo .. . . " t
tbe.e ~ to h.. bMrt. "If ,-.
u.w ~ lite." be prefacell. ~, caa
' p l. . . . toM

1&&" ao Idea' fII6 the d'.... 1Hee that ll1ftc:tlw
.... to t. Tbe aetoI' 1a ~.... ...,.
lor III L 11' be 4oe. wortL. tJIe c:reat
.~s too hi&. [f be doM wort:. H al-
waya bIaaIftl Uae 1Itl"eCt. Acton es:peet ~.
f'EC:t:Or.. to be r-tams 01 l....ftItillItII . . .
c:uer- ot ayJllllldh,.. Ilaaacen npec:t dll'l!C-
ton to be ~ or PearTa."
- AGd they're GIll,. b. . . . !'"
~We don't . . a etaaa"e ~ be b JIr.
C'oMlI!Ilo ~ .....ed bTe to be . . . .
h _ _ to !ItaM it loa&" If we 4iU.'t ~
I.e .... SOOlI
the W1d.. Aaf'" of tbe r-t of
yo. do
that. ,".,.'re Jowen.C yoarwlr." be .aid
"Now It w . . Ga.1,. tbla 1IlOnliAc." be . . . . . .
that I came do. . bene ia u.e
bat or -.u-ttJll
aad fo_4 InllurT'C!lCtloa.. A lad,. bad coae .ilI- plqiq lD. tbe ~ : tbeUre ..
,. .t.. She w-w.'t pia,. the role [ ..... lUI- b"',1t ~ do_ to eartll. 80 I to let
I I I ' " her In the ...,. t WUIIl!llI it ~ Tb~ ber &0-"
rftIeIltOll ...u tIl4! Jut M:eM! fa ~ aets of "P'!'om tile eom. ,.!'"
..lanai' 1mport.. y~ _ . the lad,. bad ~. (e _~ ... 1

Perilling for Pauline

The Real Perils of Pearl White
"':ARL WHIT": .... In
daacer qala. Sbe wu B7 KATHERINE SYNON all.... ~ aa1d euaa1Iy. '1MIt
youli haTe to De tile same roc:k.
naa..... llOYD tile ~
won't you! Aa:J dJ.JreI"ea.ce I.a
roe. of btu pu'-"-' by
wbJe:b bad fulJt ben ~1!IlMlCI
.., sUe wOUld Ilhow in the pU:tare,
from ItlJ moorllllP by Ute ~
WoaWD"t It!""" The alowly eatlMriac
~ of ftye mea aDd wlth:ll , . .
,,;roap of camera mea.. &Dd eoaaten.
skJpptq. .... taIIptD, &ltd It-'tattq. .... acton aareed with the dlftdAII'
aN maxixjn with the din aDd .-tn.. that the dllference would certainl,. be
,,"eal~ In the p1eta'e It another roc:k
De. of UU! CutJe. aDd the 'DeYtL
.~ aubl5t.ltllted ror the edlttll&.l por-
Eftry otber 8eCODd Ute l'Oeil tlJ~
_ _ to pat PMJ1 ott the IDaIt witll auer or Peut. Tbey all weat otl Ia-
.1.... unqae lUtdereat:. ETff'Y otlIer dlaq and wtttt.. tG ~ the
~ harl 11-.1 to elide ~ y moria& or the derrIdr: tbat aIloald 11ft
OUt of tb.. ja ... of d~~ Aa the rodr: t:Ite rock a.ek to Ita ortctaaJ poIat or
. . . . to IJocmd like Kedcaa fump- ~ ~ . . la the abde of
I... ~ P.rl ~D to _tic: like a sIleJtertq- maple tI"'ee. "S-. ru
lty el1tdblK a ....tter So swiftly did IlaTe . . hoarl reat. ~ lIbe obee""N

Ute rorlr: caTon dow. the hUlfltch that ~.
ttle ""alll& ~h1 alMlert.ook lIer'i" of ".&:.roe y.a p t q to do 1I allover
leaPi t.hat oU'tC'--elI tbOlR of tbe
ra.oo.. FfftIry of the lea family. EYe. ......,. . .!"""
to 41ftoctnr tt .1IM. baTe bP.eB evldellt or ~. ..bell a Itt" h-. bees
ttl. Pftrt Wllite .... fa du~ apia. . . . . r. ".. Pt!dls or ~ .. r...
lhdd_ly botb. the etrl aDd the rod: ......' _ y i q th_ ~It
came to aDd"~. TbIP lin ...... tut baetop~
......... to -e . . . :tat la time to I. ...,. to ' 1M beu"b alii! ~
_TeN bdaI: the oeatJll!r of llll.-et 1M!- ,Jaw tbe .....,.
tweN Ole gennUq IItloae dill billtlt u.t !:be Pathe J'roefts rUm ~
~.t of lbe PalisadftI of tbe H....... . . . Hr.nadtq ~* rwdt __
SIte IICiDod . . . . . tree:. broeatll teM. __ a lark. ParI 1P'SIbt. .. 110 .. ta.
!MIt!e't:. wtdte IItdl.. braT" Pad-.e ., the ~ ~ .. tIId*
ea.e raIt1q ..... Ute bill. aboud_ Ge ~ . ' -*:InI:r part: ." .....
wiN erte. tIaat
. 1 _ ba?tl ben Jar.-- . . . . WWII: that aM . . . . to ....
pnotelI . . ettber ~ Of' blame. The tilea -.Iy --,. ~
dlr'l!Jet, ~D.II with them. did . . _ _ .fa , ,..1 .....'
lea.e tM t..- I. doubt.. MBally. . . ..,. . . . 1..," aile . .
_nr." bem@d_analy. ~1."'H dIanll. (~
t.Iaoa . . . ])rArtap-.
tile . ..,.

bft' hair (NIt (If her .eye.. ~But ~
eaaua dkhl't lJ'ft ODe of tbOlle '-PIt tM "'-e a..-l' ~w"

-_ ---.,.-
J-t Tlpt:. rm Mlrt. lIfl_ Wblte." be

~ .... It ....' .. __ -that

..... . . .'ba

adlIed t. UI.t eoanq nrie..- dln!d:on _ ~ _

~ tor tlle art of .-tJIblc the artt.

.... --- ..... -- .......... .

.de ~ or

............ _
perf-.en, :
..... ..... r- tIM- -..: ~1'.~,_\I
JIU't ef. Gat ,... _ _ '!'" .... _ a...:
.... ...... _fIiIII'......ety. "Met at rn. ..., ~
--. IilI*

.- "-.-
_' ..... .........

. . . . . . ~.tMt ......
. . . . . . . . 'fiQIQ' ..' . . -

.............. --
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I tIM-.e

I-. WIt ., . . . wwk'



....... tile
. . . . . . . aet
a.t ...

, . . l1li late ,It.......

~I wttJt. tile
rrera .......
7 '...

PIltIIe ~,.
tIw!7~ta .. __ . .1
'* I-t
'fteJ tIoIdt . .
lire P'aIIIa.e, aMi I
...., ttiU. YeI'7 -.ell! . . .
. .t bfttD . .,
~I..w: ,. .....' _
4u.eerea.n..-.e U[0 . . . .
l......-e. DId. yw. II:aow tbt.
the M:eIdeIlt ~ ~

...'.... ~.....
1$ . . . ~ IliP Ji"!!E-
oa tile rbb ., ~ ~
she Wftt
! Doal't,.. . tiliak,...
tbt )III"ftt:t It.
plOd. ..-t tIaat we reaI.1:f ..
., -..' tIldJU-e" .. ~ WIlieh tUoIIaII . . tJl1q:I we . . . . .' tJle 1IIu! T _ come d01VU riabt ...,.." (Her ~ wlilleMd
_ _ . . . . to ." ......... kaew. _ .,....&e tIlIak . .
~ ..
a IIUJe fa --= ....
ee of dati ~ tIlIlt
........... T
. . . . _ _ ., MIl Ie'
..,....,...r ..
ftJdl R- . . . die
tu. tIaIIt . . . . ~..-...:.
It you
haC adtaI. New Tod..) "Tbt... a IGq-
Me 1Ifttac . . . . . . . . . . . tile ....... . . . to .. ~ ......... u.tlfll~p -n.e balIoc. riebt o.t ..... tile dver.
. . . . . . . . . "..,. ~ tat I . lido _ t - . - aM teD diem.
~ [ -w. look . . . . _ the fen1ela. ut4 Ute 1itleUIl-

~ , ., ........ ute. Pi Pte a.t :r- . . . . . . . . . ~ ,..'N

a ao- en, . . . .the lIale ....... ad fer fey ......
rr- ~ .. d-. pIet'u<! aetre& lIi'Q. tbere". aotlliaI: .Ita It ..-ed aerteetJ,. ..andJd. T1tf!a
...,. . . . . " , t
"UIle s..q 1M: et 1a tM......... It. ,.. frtcIU;e aD. . . . to ...-.1ft' _ I . . c:.-e to the otbeT -...e
dlrIIk Peut: tIM ~ . . ~..udWr. &"111 r-. a wa::r J. . wlaeft 1Itrike.

. . . . tuDe
_fa wIdcIII

SMteI _
rn:- ~

Uae ........
at7 BelPta.
.,. tM ~ ~ :F4'L We'n: ..... rUb". Me
of her Mw.-'

J-t uwe
wIleft the PatM
"There YU duueh -.ue DOt fu cr-.
1'Ul7..tath .a-t tllat . . . . . awtalb' duM as
tbe MUooa lOt iD put: tile river aDd ....t
..wac richt cner v . . b=.... 1 th-atat
~ abDoIt I'Mdl do... te it. Thea Gat
~ r.ree. ~ fa tMIr IItiIdIo the per:lb; . . . me tbJAk that . .~ IIDIre tM tip
tJaat are to tile -.....- _ bl!I' . . . . oil . . of the ,",neU JDicId: Krlb tile cas
t.hroaP ute to' Peu1" White. wile- bM-- ... ol tile r.lJoon that [ IIIIoaW. . . Ia
doae -.ore dlII1ac UIaa NeWe lily . . ...... riPt _ It. That waa't ..,. akie tllD&
S)'l.. ta PukbUllt, Ioobd Ub a UUJe CIrl . - .... tIabai aboat, aacI _ 1 trW to tlIlak that "e
O'ltt of boaI'll1Iac llebool I.D. W'Jw.e JII'I!tt7 . - t b micht .mit ~rulb ..... _ top of ..e or
batter woUIa't..!lt. De .... ...,. . . . . . the trel!s Ia CeDtral Park.. a.t the ....... c:aae
haJr. uul ....e . . a peuI'ft -ne. Me fNm. the .... &ad _ "e Yellt aai1la& rtp,t
baa wWf1lJ 't1oIet ~ fa the ticRrilll&" . .
BhiDe that Ulfted. ttll-P the .m,. .......
leaYeS oil the ...,Ie. .tie Ioobd. Ia
lDeu-. ~e aDd the wIc tIuIt IIbe hal dI.-
canIed daria& the watt. lib a ~ JIaad
of Ilft'
over Ceatral Park. TItet'e CUIle a c::r.- f:U'.

~ .ee ar-d_,. .....

~t lIOIIM! ..hftoe that Mat IDe rlpt aortIL.
belo.. aDd I CllN1d
see.. bic ,.el1o.. sip that I ne" aid, 'See PerU. of PaD1lD.e!' fOl' rd aeeD that sip

Jr. .taer. d.reIIIdq: of the Jadp. 0IaI7 the IillIIUCI ia the monUllC befon I "eIIl cner to the
or the lad-.trioa derrlck I'eIIltaded ~ ,..,. . . . . I ~ . . . . . .'. . . . .
stocllo. I bepa to Jauch. for It ~ me . .
l:hat PelarI bad at!ter ~ to e.ecMIIIter before I ~ taaay that people M ...... to .ee tile
Ibe eMId caD the 4Ia7 .... plctare& i. wqo tIMKre at the 'ftr'J'
""IHda"t ~ t:Ja.Iak tJaat the red; aiPt lilt laaPed. "aDd they tell: .e that I am. t:lme tbat PulIae Ia ~ perU. riPt ..
,.OIIlr ... ., the watttac --..en --.t 1Ier. wttll the ~ etC ~ few a laMn. the .... tbetJ' h.... I tal' -.p, thoqIl II}'
... 4Wa't tlLtDk aIlolIt II at an..
11M ..... ... . . ~ riaIl fa ... U .... that tmae that I eoaIda't . . aa,.b0d:7, e't'M It
.., .... t:DIJq: .,. . . . . . . the a.ft"a ~ 'Tor, ,... ~." ... ~u.a.IIl. "tIIIlt tile tlte}' ..eft look.lAc.
aM. tIuIt .... aD CllNIlI aIak . , .tat a.e.... _ e . _ put. et tile oftn ~
... j-.t:.uw _YD la the bubt ..... I
It}' tile rUe. of ~ art. PelarI Wli.1tie .................. Do~~ .... tIlat the C1II'ftIlt fit au. ..... VU!tt-e .e
.............. Mea e, I ' the teMe leu' tile pkDrw, ..-.ere Paallae p e l . . fa tbe au: teware tbe oceaa. [triell to Ipre . . II
of the ruu.e w1Io baa to ra. tile .-.uet .f
the r-.Jq: roeII: fa . . . . ., ...,.e to. the
IDdIaa IriIllI th8t 11M III ..-Dy tile ... ~
tIIey 1teIIeft ller. It}' the _ _ of rre.da art.
.......! WelI, of ~ tIaat IiItob ~
aM. JlIlriJroa eae.p, tNt lite picture . . . .'t
allow ..bat reaUl' he.. ..
didItr _IIeeoIIeet.t. Gat JIIU'tic:Uar
~ Moat a....
Ole IlbItiD people . . . . . . . . . . . to _ _ ~

bapI tIle}". teIepba.e . . ~

e.- ..... tlte7 ...... I
I GRPt tIIat fft'"
peril IDIlde _ lIIdW _ ofeseItiac _ ..,..
......... ....... Wllite . . . rlPt la f t ~ . . . . . . . . . that t:h7. - . ~ te.e. I
IDC the IImitatiOlUl of her lIledhull ratber thaa I. tlI.... ooakL PIla1bte .rUted . . iato tile dIM!r
at Gee et the pii,. solacleal
meata of Iter Il.biC:orJ' J-t t.
tl.e to ...... - . .ia8ter UId
........U,. ,.. fa t1... to ID..
't'fte HoOter. "W1I_t hap.
"'Well," .aid the ImpertW
OM, -uey toet tJte baJlooII . .
eqeet:iq' fa I"CI9II! it fa.
.... ..-etII.bIc Uppea4'Jt. to the
f'OI'II!. aJltll blaaI:! I .... ~ ........
the Had... We'd ~ ..ork
lac just a UttJe ...,. be,c.d
hnoe-" JIbe pobated aorthwud
4ewt the PaJjaadee- ......
..Itftl I telt that I ... 101-

-- . -=
. . 1 .... tor a IIIII.ute the fa.
__'-- - U _ YOU eo.d. 1m
IIidM. WhJ, It .... .cI q-eer!
It .... J-t tlIe "_7 y_ fi!el
:-"':-::1' ~t'.. ...:. ~=
WIWa ,..,. au.
at tbe tOIl of _ .....- '"that Fa _ ..... t . , , , ,
" , t ., .ta1n ad . . . . , .
a .....
.. .ttlro tbe
kIM_"" ~ tMt I
..0lIJlIII't .. at _
...... AI' ,.., tUd:
rt ~ tIl!It I

. . . . . .10. a til... B.t r ...."t te" ' _ ~_l

a ...... the
SOlution of The Million Dollar e"Ji7
I ...,_ .

....... s . - :
B7' WILLIAM J. BURNS .......
.... ~-='

........-__ .. .....
....-.e. ....... tdleII
p' ....

_r ma'.....,. ...-.
_ ~

tk~.,.~.~'" C ~:r.I""
a. _' ..
. , .......
....,. f'I-'Ie:.-
.e ... ,....-.


... AU c P" . . . . ...,.. toe _ ..., . . . . . f1u1Mr. Let._ ~ . . . . . W'MIA.

1 ~


- a ...... dol!ftk tMIe Ole ...... dtat. It _ .. -.t&eI" ~ ~

. , '

! . ,,.....


r. ' f . . .
~ me "...., is '-It .. MIl, _ it
_ tile -...-.ell _ . dIa.t. m ....... _ ~

. . . JIll.,., ., ,... ~....,.".

~ tc, _ _ ...
......... ....-.frt:*~

k_ _ _ _ walIr. . . . . ...
.. aN" nit. i Nfc. ..... t M ~ ~

--"-..q "-..--

..... ~
aae,.......... N
...., cae _ or 'e
....--fdl . . .....,,...
Gel ...
~ .-eatII
wItIl. J'.!I
Mil ~ __
W. eea ...,. ~ ....... are ~
..-..t 11
..... _ _ ...,.,... ,.., ti,

Ie k m.t --ee ..... Pi it _ rr-.t',.. . . st.IT

daM -.e. 1 _ _.

~ Nt ~ tk ferl tNt tie' -rea,. ....,. .. JUtt _ ..
...,.,., ..,.,...., . . . ~_ N..... I_..,. .. ~ .....
~-- .,
~ cq-a ...., tk Cocat- .... .... a - r .
'" ..
-- _
..... _
~ .nu..e", -.apiriIU
.or, .., ......... ...
_ ~
We . . tltID. 1IIlI'sr-_ ill

...... . . ....
.creea ...u. ...... f tAu aIIft.. 0rtII. ~
1'k iCea. 47Wirtt- Fes .,. _ tIile _ aa-.
..., m.. ...... to ~ _ ~ , ~ I,
..,... .,

~ kr
aer ,.JuT.......u .,.r'JNt'"f:i... to eo-u tr-
rwt_lli., k r to fll:e _ _
IdIIs . . a.e.
iJlto k r
f ~
" . . OM

el tda.. . .torka.
COIl~. ~aI

~tJl. "ory.
to tk 4 ~ " " tlne r _ _..
~ 0,.,. ~l,.
_nt' 4i'f!fT"'"" ktlDa rk
("8_ , .

".e. .,
kL-. . . . . . . It ...,,,..
Jr _ . . . . . . . MIt __
_ ~ _ ~

. . . .. 1M'
-.e ....

P, --.,.
", ti..~ i ....~ . t ~ VtCf"'l'1l _ .. Rt:- ...... ~ ...
ri~".. CI"" tJlle " 1 tftb- for ,",at", tkt ........... a.n . . tIIeN,.. _ - - . .
JIO ..-.r tk "...t..,.... aU r.o rv'fJd t104'' ~ .... lIltM IIa.dt a .-rdwt-....
1M"" ~ J rJaet -.i,IlI. 4nri_ toN: I . . . . . .,. tbt It abu8lbtc,.,.
_ tile JUt at ttUs cwp'..H- to _ _ dlat
floe aoU ,. tk B.T#~ loaae. cttac~....
it to
~ ' . """"_ 1l:J1il-Il U t1l-,.,.., iato
(rite ~, ... dI .,
r-If.'i", to lite roof erN reina, ~1toCe.
1ciJMfiO"'. ~"'Il A,," .u,..
tk letter.'
.i. ....-.e.ce ~~ .. "ell
ne,- ....... be wUcIllaa it ai&M: ad ..,...
... [ ~ thT 1Ia" -.e .. 4l'ft'I' IIbMle
1Iataa'a_ ... 1 ...
I'or . . IastIlaL

by . . . . . fa
, . ., tk. d4JM7 .""..-nrt"ff ct 'lo- Iotw. tboe cafe. 'l"!lIlI _ _ tbt il tba . . . , . ill
lJll4 fa ~. lo,,~. ('(II'" writJl fJ Ii,A1. ~ fa tbe IMNM (..:!Il . . . . ..-e
M;"ka. !A'f!' otMr /lilf'tfl 0" .._ktl._ After_ be..,. for Joaft
tIl!lel'et l"OO-.), It w1II Dot
,,uff ('Ortfere'AN!, fa" oUI.I"r ..... I'ft or t1loM ....a.t1aa hlal to aab 'way with
1~., aM I!. tilt. !_rtl".. ~ar .. ~ , It. U lIIe tu bnl ~ the' batter . .,.
8"..1.__ areNt/'ll Ai. lU -Httrgrra"f!," ,., Jlrt'tl.'N to , witb It. . . IRIdl . .
t.~ !dle'" .trwrl: .Ira;.,. tt A"'ttf;. '10'" o.U act buIIeate that be had tt ..
"11'' . ~pill' i . . . Motor...",.. (rk P'- "l!:'r~It.
,Ikttfl tk . . . 'lJ
k -8tl"'l':........ tJI.e ad"".'. TOll aJPt atak that It ...... be TftT
Tk .en et7eai.... Tlore_ 1iflllt~ ml

tIOi., aNrC.
.......... tor J _ to ealI fa the pol""
i ~Cf!. eN loftn - . ... u:"e a ........z teae'l'M, adil!:'r

.. --_ ..............
can, te _ _ . , . , . ~ Tee.
i. . ,., tAe ~, .~ nccpe4.
~ fIw of .. fI4._rea . . QrMlf!
If:~ Gnlaf'e fa ro....".,,.j
IICG ~ . . B.. ~
t HI'
10f"" ti.t>

...,. eora t1l.lILk It . . ~
.,., at Reb l'e.Oftl e't'S if tM
or dial "ere -.t7. ... tMt If
/fef:oftt:d Mr. ortkri-Il, Mr t8 r t cae -.o-y ttUs ~ *-e, . . It ~ .....
,. ~ l.ia. ~ otkr . ~ ~ n.cfq title ~ tbt It 1Iftt-
i. _ . .~ f'N&. ~ ~ . k 1IarpM.,",- llarpw,n ha..e be- u~ t1le7 ...w. .. tM& ' - t be ~ .......
_ trw....,c. Nt ~ ,.,.. 7'0 au. ar-r - e Jl"!ttJ" di. . .,. wItIl. tile
-"1. .... _ faICe . . . ~ . tile!" are
_ tiLat'" .... 1ler ... n
eo atter Haraa-_
.... tM7 .......
__... b u.-
ffeaUTd,. . . . . . k . u t f"OIU'dt otkra. Su
,~ tk ~ : tkr -"-" Ioort~: ,., .i~
~ tile ..-nt at ..-..en! l!"f'l'I". 8o~_~ ~t1w7
'1Itft-..'" . . . . . q, tile ....-uu Ie __
tPU t . . Al, ti.e ~ te rUt: .. ;'MP.
R'd'uw.itt... ~ ~tb'4 'ut .u crite tor-
t~ ...-.---.., de ~ tu' i.e crik U-
dGdCeIlJ" tIile .. ~
~ UllI it M .... ~ e.IsiIt .. 1IIuraa'a~
tIue ant
mon fa tile
tJt,e . . . . . .
at . . . aiIIII-.""'"
T. . an
At tt-es
~tIIlst,...U'LMIl_. . ~ ...

Mittn.t' Be ~ . _ (tA, ,id1!rn dotr be w-.Id 8CUeeIJ" .. ~ .. ~ at tMt 0Isa .......... tbt dMJ' a.w. 'ftJ' .......
~ ken... 0' At. la1M' kant,_ t..- _ .

,~ ~ t. tNrl: i.i.....
. . . NlNri... a w::~If!. ....:e.& ... Nt'af#!4-
to BfI~p>.
......,. Itou'. ba.e J - . ~ fa _ ...

~~ wttb the __ at ~ to . . Gnft stnet.......
Ilow lime t:M7 ..-J!:J" . . . . "" _ _ .......

~ .. ~ ~ tat. ...... wIMft tb..

'ftll!J" 5 If

I'Ntea. (A ~ - . -..N' _ ,.rt .f tA.. I tblu oar best d-e I. tJab luta.lmIeat is IIOl . . . , . ill ~ . . ....".u,- .....,
~_ ) ~1l~tk toU.. ta:shiouued annmd that - - . . Mt --. ee.IlI . . tdL It ~ e.. ~
r-.r utA.
.... fA
cae .u-
.. b; foaM Ie Yr. )bcQrath'. story ratN- tbaa
Ie tJtto 1Uma. Ld lIS CO tIM pond .t tut
atorT : "00"etK'@.
'-!Ik'rlq tIte Iet:tft' til . . fIooaI
ber ...., 1Ier. u.. ~ ~ _ .. Tn
Baa rr-. ..... eenr
J - . . . . . . . . . . ..-IlM
T. . .. _ w:IIJ" [ . . . _
- IIIrot
bl!:'r fathft'. alid feu1ac that H ...w. -.MIt 1U'fth ~ tD
KJUIIT ....... .,. ~eats - taJary if abe were-to ~ h i s " - - " ' - ~ ..... tM I.w.a tile _ e _.

I ......
dliII r-rtb
_~tbtlt~.,t_ tlouu., puahf'd Tell . . ltlto tIM! . . ., .. ~ ........... ~rw-w ......
_... tameae. __ aad- Itptf'CI: It. hoke Mcu 111 Iato . . . _ JIttIII . . . . tM *'-ade". ta"'".,
___ tIae...... fa tM piet1Ira, tH
'GMaar.r-_ ....... _ ~
bft'. . . . raceci til""""
the room,,- JotlfS relaUiil bta er
tile lIoe. tAU 1M. t:Ile
1ft. Thl...... _ .....U -.attI!'r. c..a.u,-. If
........ U ~ . tIM ....,.
.. drI"." 7 . . - .

. . .- tM....... Mr. JIacGratJa WTitlM . . . . . ...."ct.a. a , ... tt

... =:. t.,' ::..... : B:...N.

,..-. . 0rtL.. _ _ - - a l i t . 'Dft.e 18 e-- J_ea. aa. the tMdler ~ ..-ce
~ .. _ _ IM!ft. U Orb Is oa1, _ ea- or w .... liley ecMUW. ban' foeM It eM1b" --:':

. . . . ." - - - - . tIMa eJrt:- is -.tll . ~ at "",,d_, I.ateI t:IlaD at tIta ."
tMa u.e aer-aat Tbat eaaes .. ta -."ed ...,
.... ..,... _ .....-tAiaf 0' .......
.......-: U lie .. -ntJery. ....... a~MrdW I ....


. . . . ww
" - ' ., tile
,e ...war
lI'l1te Ubi, u.e __ .. 1110

..... ..1aM.,...e
_ If tM......
......... _ .....
fa ~
6II1an ..,. __
_ _ nt:J _
1l_ee. J:lUIer IlarpeaTe . . tM ......
tit ltalte.. 3...t . .

1. . .leI~ ., ,....
........................ -...t
.:==:.. =
~ ~._
lIIseIr. . . It

TIde II , . It
..e . .,.
af-,.. Bet~" """"" .... ...... ....e: j
to tM ~ aen1tor, aM JIr. IIMOnittI .... . . . . . . . . . . *r.... " .
.. ~ . W .,....,:~ ~ '** eM Mder nsbet . . . . . _ _ _ ...... _ .....'.... ~ . . ...-n"-
tMI.t ~I ,. . .' . Of - - - . we . . _ ta.t .....e- _ eaaMt _ ray .. UPt .. tIM! . . . . . .
~ _ a,r CINft.u.t a~ , ,~ . . tl .. wtIl ....e- .... 1M ......... aanatin antM dMa.
'!o"'!"""'!l'- ....., ..1.-1:_.-.
~ ~ I:a
....,. tM . . . . . . . .
- . , - . _'tMt tIlii iIii'" -OM ..
JI6dd:iIc _
~.... .r
rro. _ ....
. . . . to-. . . . , _ .. " ..
...eaa . .aer. aM fa _ ., ~ at .., ~ .r cb Or .. Gat cINe IiM'"
ca-." .... .. t..w.r .........
. . . . . . . _ tF

O' - lIltM~el ..
. . latiI -=II. ~ ..... u.t f/ Bar ,'" .. ~
....-:~~ ..,. aM .a-. a!I:ft . . . ~. M wIJ1 e:-e tate ~ -.on! . .
'I'M rA.iab aIMNt Abject aM
. . . . . . . . . ., lie! ~ It-. )'e.r fw tUIt. ala, en. tboqb ~ tIM iIeIaik, tM dearer ~ Ute
...... _ .... .,~ 1M ., tt...., aadI:r fa Uu.t. --...r. JMataI ~ jCZ I,'... to tM .... ject. People

_-_ .-.... --
. . . , ~ . .t 'I'Mt .... We eM lan'ft' tdL tIM ..,n..I ~- ..... -'ot.e all tIletr u.. ... ~ to a
...... ~ . . . . . -.....: . . 't1c:d-. elf tM AM ~ It III tile Mln!IIt ..,. of ____ __ acla to Pttr

..... -.e ., tile Yal..we tIlJw,U CUt . . tiD
5 _ _ . .

fa it. ~ .....a tM 88eI"et
_ _ _ tM faIlrie el U. T'I:7 tiD . . ,
............ ~ tIM: ~

da--." ~"tM""
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

...,.. ..... . . ' - ............... ~ tM..,.,.... ot e-eII. I ....... :r-.-UMa. to tAiaI: .............

........... ~1t,.. 7 el~WW

- la ....-aa& tile . . . . ., ~ .
.e ~ ~ 7 --....
] . . IIblb" ....... ~ . . ~ta. me eeaM, , . . _ Ute 6I!ltIed1n if_oM
a.. .,. ..... ~ tM twta ., - - - - . . It . . . . t. ......... .,.. t ' I lite
. . -a..ft6._.....-t ...,. t:IlniIIlIIa _ el . . .W &bin, f!"Iftla. ~...-k"~_ C 5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ee-- ____ . . tIiIMI'IN. aM eM . - t ..

~ wiD eaae: 7 " w ~ ,..
nr. . . . . . . lliII . . ~ tnd. Mft .... tMft. n. ...... tUt t-d do - . . . _ tile ICJ'IHS . . nM. Ia -*-7-
................. S! ......... ' - ' - tile --.e nIattaa toe . _ ~ tbt AM. I ~ tills _ tIaIlt we ....

.. ...,. _

...... ~ u.e . . a-! .... "-n ........ T1M: .... IIwta 2 ... .wJl reM ne. IIeMw we a l i 6II:IIMiI
u. .
. . Jw; wIl:r _ 't aW .....

... ........ R w't

$ $ - ..
la ~ Wiu ,... I tile MIl
k '
.. ,..... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tI"IIa
die ~ law i
tMl ,...,rtiIl
~ ft'4! ...,.... _! It wID ~!

... --.

,.. . . .

'fte JIIiI.
.-.a- .. ~ wttIl ~ ~ta. Is of

TJt.e End
-w. ha'Wc u.o.p.t
. . . 0.... . . . . Wrt::r ,.,.. -eo tJaat tJM
u.-. 1tUel, Jtaatenkill. krdles!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .e."7 .........
aD ., tIilee tIIJacI; . . MIt _ _ I"l'9er IIteaIDer . ~ repatatlen
tiaDJ tblnr ..,. lI&Itt _ . . r.. GoM tJliap wille. .. to
tIaat we 'WtIIl Barazue.
..u ... ar.t.<lau ..u kDoW1l
to u.-.
. . . . .bo vo7&C'Jd, . . bel' ap
........ el Ute ~ . . . ..... tbe lonIly H . . . . .
........ aM tw-ee ~ _ far
. . . . . came to be' ea4 .. tbe
. . . . _ ... oa~ ...
IIta&e apo. .bleb ..ollld be -'- &
IIibtIItIeII " ' - tile we moriq plctlU'e! A morlq jk-
Il&..e ....~ ..... taft! Wby. at tbat compantl'ftly
1t,n"'tMt~"_ eui, day Dot even tb~ "U'Wta~
..... of ~ft., . . . . . . ~. p1ct1lrell" bad ~ Inveated. by
...... t G ~ t M . . ., the Klralty. and a mall wbo
Norc- rr- tIM ~ ., Ear- w4Mlld have bad the DeM'e to
crean! W1lat ~ J-a la propb~y that the dme .oaJ~
JCNtJl. be ID&keI . . lie .. a- ~ wben the world mlcbt we
~ W1lat sa ~
1t:M!lf ID motJ_ upon a 1Cl"eeII.
espl!I'1ftce, 1Ioe . . . . . . . . . . wCNld have been df!l!med lJt
"at ..
V\e.ed du..... ?till aubjeet (or a Nlnlta.rlum. Bat

ettllier . . __
tile -.e thillc
caaeat. tMa.1t ~ WQ . . .
if tlM7 are
wrJ' . . .
u.e ..-r
adtq ta
lJtraaCe. woadroua thlnp caa hap-
PftI La t.hirty yean---ol". IJa tbtrtyo
two yean, to be uaet: that belD~
fbe qe of the K_tent.lIL
ADd ~bly the tll--.." of
ae.Il to ~ . tJIe _ ~
CatakllIta. aIIId ~deat:l of the
tbe edter. ucett .. we tee _ _
___ we aft ...... s.- . ,' ..bole Cat:IkIlI aou.ata.lD ud S_-
8011 .alley -.:tIOIl ..01 leu"a wIth
~.aD. ~ of the ,...1... of u.ta
-, t ..tu$
.n"'"" I ....
... _
. statd:J. eomfortUle alwaya, a-I-
wOl'tll, rtnl' ,.e.e,L o-w they
t i u - to k. .. baft tJlidr ......, lIIe tie R-
. . . . ,.... eaIIeIl . . " - . . . ~ wltlLill _e

barbor. to
~~~ an ...
ry ... _
~ --.u
. . . . . . . . a,.,....; ~ .
_ . _
. ._
. ._
. ._ ,,_pwee 57 7
tMlt c:u._

. . . .
.... 11ft' Un wi"' th#
_ aM . . . fuhJ...-.e cnA

IoMIt . . . . . _
. . . . tale rI'ftI' _Mn1 ~ -w.
tlle&. .... _
.e-er tIte waten ot
4!'ft'I' . . , .
~ _ If,.. u.e S ..,. 4ItIler IItreaal,
..... ~ It _ ...... tMt ~,"_ . . . ta
o.e .-ue
w~ traftllq had
&rMtft' __ " L .. ..~.

__ twBtJ' e.t. ...

. . . . ~ s..". -' . . . . . . . ......., . . . . . III . . . . s.. .at awlY t. - . .
.ee- -"-7
. .: . . . . . . - . f J I . ......

die _t w~ a .....~ 1& 'I'1Ie ~ DIIHu'~. we aaue. ~

..... t:IWy u.n ~
dOll alUet .. aats- ..

_ ~ m ~ " ...
. . . . . . . we ~ tnlIt ~ ... tM - . sUata ot r-r fad.
tIle~ .,~...,.. _It
'''3'.... tkB
~ ~ Its
.. tM JlI"tMSt week, we will
tH . . . ., Ute can-t
Aad ... 'W'tQ tM .......
ltutei H" JIQ Hr
......... fill haiti eft!' tM ____ ~ .......... e . ~ .. ~ .. aMes ,... Ia pMICle!
... ..iIety to Ieu'a lt8 ~ .. ~ .'nat ~ wily It fa _ ~ ....... WlU.ta week tile T. S. JIu'ftI ~
. . . . . . . . . . fill ........,. dIM IInqIIt . . ., ..... _ 'iN: caa ..... a. cn-t.aI'l - - . . _OrbMW, w1II ~ tM (' '.... fit tM
~to~ . . . . -.u. ~ one . . - - .. HI. ~tt:Iq: ...-,. g t:emtm nidi . . . lMlUt at ~ t"Irt,".
RI"e t:fgt I"'~ ... aat f _ 'OU aD tIw u.e. Be . .y u.n !Ian ...Its he 101ft two years aco-

_ . . . . palat. " . . ~ .be wtas that tftI ~".".q. ....
. . - - t . We'" ~
IIhbM 1Iel....... Ia ~ ae. ... WlIIara
~ A PhOtophantaa7
Ilt tM
WIan fa ""'"' . . . . to reIaL That
...... wiD euee tbe fldI-e ot ua.e wlHl pet'-
.. _ tG J_ hUe their
~ .....t, . . . . . d.e Is coIac
.1.... aItJMecIl hill . ~ Is ~ Tk o-at~
~ 0Ip ill reM ., .,...,

lIteM. ~ u.o.p iIh

jewela, adte-
e-. G mDRGE TEaWU:.LlGEa _h. jut fthned
rr.. 8t. ~
rlierNa.. w:ttIl tnlIpe
~ .. a ., 111M! ....,..
tit ..a- JO'I un eftI'J lacWftt of Labia " ' " "
play ..Wdl. _ eftIT i1...,eft
, . .-
~ bI , . . .m fall to ~ It wttIl I lie . . tIodI; tUit .J-. . - - at t I - .

...................... ..,(-
drai:w:ta It ....
~~ "!iat nat" tbe WQ .-...p 'We laa-n'" "1m _I, .. Ute_teat.
w:rttt-. ...... .,. ~ JIeCIaeIbpJ:. 1ta:J-
tile d-. . . el'b!a....... It . . . . wtteIly ~.-z,:.
~ - - . . . .0
..... H
$ .. . ,

. . . . . trfTlallthl ~
. . . . . ......., 0 . . ~ta tut ....... ~,
lAMa 00 ,... .. tIlIiI "ft
.~.. 7 _

. . la' tnt) . . . . . . . . . -..cA tIaal tafI:J'" . . . TenrJJIte- ........ fa bI! JIUU.

.-.ny~,t h.~"'''
JrJ, '!ii. "'' -1
~heDa~ of RealiSQl':;M~'es
s ...-... ...... .....- - c '0,.1
t a .. ~
87 Neil G. eawarel It. cuae to atm-
. - . of laclbe~'t.
tM oklee dan baa ~v_ ...,. to the mod &ell howe'ter. trlc:kery __ reeort.ed
era Uaitell tralIl.. .. tJa,e c:aadle by wtllda OW' to.. . . oeitIIer playen DOt' ~
'w.... ~ wx: , to reM. . . beftl; ..ere wUU... to rbik tbelr U,-a by ac-
~ .,. tIM moen. M.uiIa I1Ilt. ~ lull)' ~ 110 e'-e to tM . . . . .
........m ., the put baa bees teII by Iq-'L
me r-at&IIl pea _d Ole ~ ., UtI! 0. bic tabie I. the -..dJo w.-
~ fII6u.e _oti_
. . . . . . _ u n the faiR., awIe. ~ e
~ ......
wkidl __
er:ted. ot pqNer madle. .....-
cr-ad Idc!mical wltll the .-e at tH
...... ...,.ue aDd tIuilJ Ule ""fau" of Y8" poUt _!left the- players ..... . . . .
~. Mea ~ ItJ' Ute real aM. troe- -~JlC, TIte bU", tbe raM...,.. u.e
J Is tl_,1 team crt tile pr8eU ..,.. row of teIeCnPiI )lOIea.. the t:noeb ....
...... ... .. few ,.... .... J'CMlI were .-tJ. tile ~ at. the rail.,... c - .
... widl .iaJt:ad,M. ~ M 1IrI"eCb, 1DJd4ir lac _~ all uactly dupllc:ad la .Ia-
......... of tosr aeroplailes., tbe RaJdq of iataft. Thea day tGJ' ~. 1QjI

pIaoM - . lite tnek, at a poiat , . .
_ ___ .."......-
....'.. .. ... Maciac cu.,...
tile ,.mteiI
c:nIlIeIy 01 u-
.-: el ~ ., tbe eaaen.'. ~
I ....-et to ~ tIM: Jlecb tia7. h'.. c.-ta1a1ac toUe
....... ....
---_to =......- ..........

" ,_ or the Tea" .. r.-

..... -
~ ~

a . . _ _ ....
9bIte meet. guy :r- are
tal 6Mb:
of tIM:
the .eo
of tbe ri1LaiII' ldo. Ule alPt
la a realaer I " " tile ~ph!ote
Wl"BCIIrbIc of a N&I ~ ---..u..
wtic:Il ~ die . _ . . . ~ til" ...
.. were tM fIay-
ere Ia tbe .....
. . SE ...
_ _ !i..

ca-.a ad.

-- ....
ot doRan. aIMI tbe' _ ol l*atlcal tNIdE a, at a_pola"
~ ea1JeIlI fOf' by the _t.bor'a _.-ertllt-
I. oUter wont&, reaJlty bM .-coeedflCl the -.aft. .. Il e mta.iah:ft ., 1l!";t
beU-eo aDd the ahll !Ita" today aN re&lly nsll nl1"",d ~.It
I... tIletl' 11.,8, wbeT"l!: ta the put the
...W J ~ of a 41111lID". duJ'1as a
_ _at W'Jw., the cameTa . . . . IlItOpped..
"Ted Ute ...uN mua ...,. bamPB In
brwJ8e8 wkidl mlpt ....Te resaJI:.ed
r.- Ilia atl-..ptlq- to per.
fora lbe t-u called tor by tItl!

J-.t b,. ..., of the ~

benreea the metbods of today wttJI
t.h-e of yean coae b,. oae ml~t.eUe
.. few Illfllaae:e. of the
trteb performed by
dl~or" III the put
... -
::I!WIL. ...

.. II dthf'n me-t.lO'lll
Male of th,. roeaJ.l,. ~.,.~~
IIUlrTelou f8U of the ........ :u..
~t da,.. S~y

n'ery '"'pktIl,.... ~r
4 ........
na rtnIl.1 recall a . - . . 'DilIl'"
~ plctne, ft-
kiMed . . . .ft' tJn_
yean ap. I. wllieb the ~- eoa-
. . . . ot Ute auTOW ~ of a .-rtT
ta aa utoaa.Ue. wllOe ~aa: nll-
JlMd tnck bat a few y:antlI 1a MY&ItCl!i
et a UJIlJted tra.bI. All of the __Nl
~ . . to the ~. . et the tnt"l
lbetf W'fft real. aad aetul1J'
~ of a real ranre.I tnldt. Ileal
~ .etet .at tIte .toIr7 _d oe-
,...,... die ~ w1lIdl da8IteI at
~ IIIIIf'ed ta~nI t1tfoo ral1..-d

r.=~--:--::----~ ....

~ . . . tIM~ lAM'. 'o"~' ~hut or _ eltber

. . . . . . . . . eI. Ute .... eL 1M taMit, ...... tile ~ .....
esact P ,.....". ~ tM tnldllI . . .

.......... -
tiuc ., tIlIIt '
ae-1atIl _ tIM

dMtriew .. . . " It ....
tIM _ ." tIiII: re.I 'fte tMtae . . _ ~ . , __
.. __ ...

........ ... _
- -_..... .............. _
-=-t eI. .,


--..,. ........ -
. . . . . . ., _ __ * - - l -..ct.

, .,. . . _ .....-. , . ......,. - . It


~~~ .. _-~
-....... ...........
.. '- I.,. ........ '
........ . . - - . . . "'Iadr' . . . , . . . .
'hlIQ........ ..., _

..,_ ..

7 . . . . .


...... ,.n: at
., ... ." ...-Ie
P _It .. -.Ip--..-,. ...... .ell
aa:a.PIr .....
tile Gnat e-a .,
..... p..... 7 't>iIIb _ . . ~ 7 ~
. . . . . . Ia
_ ~Ia ., ..... _ _ _ c .. .,..,..... .
...... TIile..t.le dt7 ~ .." ....
~ ",,'tt. _ . _ tIlIIt It _ far _ . . . . . . 1M a..-.
mba all
_'--.m-.,~- ........ . . <IIItJaer enf't WISe '-'NIl rr- tM
7 _ . ~ tIM! . . . tUt . . . to euee


TaDdac ell
4 !If dle
"" tIM " 0
...-IE ..-tl7 ArtIlu B. ~
t . . w l ~. . ,
e--a .. wU::b tbe ~. """eoa
...m.. 'Da Ule . . . . . . . . _I... w~ b _
-.e to
..ena ...-Je&; 6eRrIw, . . . . . . . .. . . , . . of ,..... 1a V.etJaa . .
a recem: .Jadt'" tile' ...... ~eet. . . . . . W8'e taIIa .... after taelaa --*

r==~:::---.. -..... tJle w.p auecl

_1Udt . . . . . . ~ Ia ca'" . ......tII.J'. were IoMeI acata .. the ...,.
taID. pIetve tbft bela&" tabL Be watIeft lift!' wbidl t1H7 eece . . . aJ Ed 0,
DIOftII. I.-ded wlUl. ....... . , "-.en." . . .
of ~ aee. ...... -.e-tble . . . . wan1ora'" aUJora of QtMUo tM
of ~pllU.-t. T'Hft .. _ ye.da .-: r.rtla ..... to ...~ . tIile..TBb
'. ..... u.e --. tt-eTer If at. u.e WiIM ., cnr-.
J~ . . . dIab a cro'llll"illc 1rree
tlLe beuIltaIk _ _ ., reaIb' dIabed..
nr .&aatIIer ....wac .- db ~ ta
. . . . . . . . . . ~ be . . . . Ia_ Uan...r.
To tIesia wt..-. .. Mried. _ artlIdaI -ITaaIMe" wllldl. ..... taka ta ad ..... the
~ . . . . Wrt1 fleet loq Ia ..... C8IIItIes fa wtidl Sir 'Walter 8catt". r . -
. . . Ia tile .,.... ad pad.uIb' M'ftI .. 1aill, Jtue-'. IaJBortal ...,. . , ""'I.-.e
...-.: It . . t.rlIIIItIe ....m. ..w. it JIaIIcIer tile 0-." " . m.ed la Nauetb.
~ Ib fld ~ 'TIM!a r- u.e ..... t I~ aM the odW!r ~
~ . . 7 ' ZeMt:ra.ketl . . . . . Ia Ule ure of CbdIIt were taka at .,.
tree. ., tM ~ . . . - . _ 1M YeI'7 Mar the .s.aJ .,... . . wtidl ~ tnas-
. . . . . .' k . . . . . . . . . . . . it .oad.tJ .. ptnC. 0tJter tutaacetl, too eroa to -ell-
Re' MIe. 'ne camera tic.. ....t . . . be doted tbeJ wtIl 1M! n-
:: .... fIIl

' .....
~ . fer the .-bIk Itwlf la Ilclaalac to
re&lla tbat ~ . . . . ap ot nsI.... net for
eu-. Wo tie ClaM'. ~ Ia tM
air. _ -.e ' - t ..... . . . . , lInWI
tbem. . . .~ .
etl' ~Iaaft .....
'Be T l ~ .-nee .. & raI nnr.d
7 7
W'f"IIek . . . . . ap at 1Il11tAnra,. llIew Ier-
1Ir - - - . tbt it tM ~ RY, ~ ot tM WAe.t IeatI tUt ... enr
cal. . . . wIddl JcIt - . e llua- '-a .,......81 . . tG tlLls tt.e. A' Hie
.... ~ .......... tM,.... ... ... tUee ~ were jll'l!dftt:atell &
eQIIIIIIt . . ant ,......... forty t.t e=be=tzn-t -'
~. ea&ic:kIIIc are. tG.... 'ne
~ ~ . I:ftIaa, ...
to " . . . . . Ule traia ,... . . , . . It ~ . .
' P;
Jitdel Jato tk ~
~.,~la ..........
tala til laaYe to na at tile rue of ~
.... tea .. aftA!s IIl1Jl!e . . hear, ~ It

..... til the ,&cta:re .. ....... It were . . .

lit & -.eed III at 1eut lIIxt7.lIes.. Tb8'e were
tweI'ie eaIIM!ft. mea OD the job t&kIq Dlc:tu-

rr- e"Vft'J UC \be CIa....,. w_'t .....r;
1C' _-.-_)

__ -.1lIIt
.. -

. ..


JedIell . .




em.,.... .....
. . . . elWt. . . . . . . - - . .

la lite ~.,...~ ".. _ _ . . . . . . lit

tbae ..... ....,. '"': I. ~

rn. p ..


..... _....,. ...... :

. . t-.

...... - . -
_ .. --..... TIM:.-u-

. . . . . . witIa
-=-- .,. tIaJ' ..,
tile bq . . .
~lftft , ... ~el . .
tJllJ' - . ~ _ . . . . . . . 1uIq
b, wll'ell ,.... a .ock. wIlJdl,.,
latft to be ' .,. ........
lUll of Ute 4Jftd.or tIwt ...u.. pk
tv;re ea8M!n. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . .
PMt ereeteI at eM III4e et tIwt M:Il e.taIJI-
l . . t I t e ~ " ' t M_ _ ~
4f'J8tt1l1M. Aa ekctrIe faa. ad: 1lp at eM
aide et the tad. ad: ripples to ~
aer.- tile ~ .t tJle ...,.. u.e. .........
%J lac g tile ~ lib 'wp ......
.At tIM . . . . rn-. tM "rectIW u.e ........

len ., . . .., . . " were ,..
....... 1':IIII6dr. tae ~ ..
.......... .aldtrn-. ....
c..- th . . . .- tM ca-. IIIller .......

Marguerite Sno~
Otherwise Known As "Peggy"

HE is J- -~ ....neee el

S U"" W _ftYOM
... at iH T"ba.
. . . . . . . . . . fa New IlGdleUe. to tile ~- Sobolt7 tIMa to _ _ _ .....,. . . . . . . . .. r* ~

__ -w. ...w tIult , . . M-r can. t.r 0IdMa. ... for .... cWJtea. Ia~ p'IIIIlt . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . deetl-. __ JIaI'&'wri~ Sbow. of tbe ..... aM. t. Iter aataral t~ ..
.blI. 1M II "'~IJ' aM . . . . . . te . . . . . . . . . . til ....
t.bat . . . . world. ~ daat is 11ft' I. . . . . . the tnt of that aamlter .....,. _ ""tIM! belt
~ .e:reftl~'" a.t
to tile IIt1MIIo folk she is laqhlac.
......aldq: Pqp. a.d: of the luP
-11;.41 0' the l'1uL, "ell
tb~ .. ho eaJl her ~ . are et
the b.....tlDetIlI or m_Df!!' that is
ben t.b~tlJ' and DOt by riPt. of .e.
T_'Te .ee:a ber 110. l.D ~EaJIt Ly_e.~
I. MA W . . . .'. Loyalty." 111. -rbe JIarlIe
Heart" aad , " ' n aJ.o eajoyed ber q1teftl-
11_ . . ".Jna.- as ""SIIe.- as "C....e."
.. ""Tbe W--. I. Wbl~." . . "lAdle."
To-'Te toUowed ~ n.rrtac 1DOOlIlI _
tM1 mcbaaW or ~Jed I. ber ....
tra.1a.I ~- aM of "Dora 'I"boIw&"
.&.ad act. :r-'" eaJoJiac lIer .. Ute
CO-ta. 0Ip fa -n.e XUJ'-. DoIIu"
JIIJ'111ter7.oo De is ~ _ . . . 0:-
~; I. t:JUa. ~ role of tile
bItriI1daa . . . qala _ _ ate. I.
wbt .. ~ the ......a..Dtei ",
. . . of tk 617. .A. fGrt:1"'][ cbqiber
.... aOftlDM. by BaroN ~
aM . .t mto RftIan. ,.. ..,. ~
r. I.-erpa. that.. "'.-n...-
....... etltur, .. bo .... ,......,.,. WI'It-
tft. ~ ~ _ thaa U)"lMe et.
I. tile worW... It bM _1tIl.",
IM'ftlI iIad an... atnadau. ot .....
derb1 latertor .w..- ad fill
.-..e'. . . . . ~ . fill ,104, . . .

-....- -
~ter'-f;1ot. AM. let _
IMt .-Jt r.tve t1Lat
~ tM l - . t . . . . . .
u- ." lite re.t._ - . -~
ltoen. Its qriety . . .

iaJ.. to.
"'lteneIt.. .... fatla l to
tIM . .
. . kr
dlltY." .. ilia. S-W'. ~.... . . _ a - .
tkL -a.tltM ....kMe 1...1 ~.,""
alit)'. e..-_ ~ t 7 at tUlea, _ . ..
_7 DOt d.... to the __ ~ ......
~!' W'be. I .... pta:vtac _ Ute 'ecltl

maLe 1IItaee. _,. -.NroIte ...........
.-.,,~ _tlIl .,. ~ . . .,. 1J_.:

It ...... ~ . ., biiiiiiIt

--. ...

_ of
...., .' ,_ u.ey -e.! IMtt. MI

tell ~ ...... t.ut ttte
~ tIlat ~ ClMIat _ _


..~ ~ t:MT to Ile of Ute
tile .t-
.r tIM
Mt t.bat . . ,
dIle IIieW'eIt ~ tbt
. . . . ...... ",rt .,

~ I - . Y-. . .

es' ....
tllat .. "'01.~""""'"",,
....... ,-.a.- ....
.el.-.- .....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .! ..

.. ......
. ' _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . .' twtlII ..
. . . . . . . . . . . .' Ii1tIek ......,. _

~- -~' ~-
Mit aMWeI!ell rro. tM tiaJ' ~ porda.. MAlI Nk __"'-e.

i'-' ! -.!-- -. - ..... _ tut . . ~

:r-. ~~, ~ .. I.D bel' eJlil.aeee te .e-la ' wed. l ' __, ......
2 ..... tM W- et: tae ~ w.-k Raee J a . . ; JIttIiIo a
. . . . . et very , . . . . Prt I ' wttb .,. WJter fer

~ tIult. . . . . . ttl
~ ......... ear ~ 1m ~ ..!lite Ye&rIi . . . tba kept _ . . . . . ~ I aID
~ redIaelI fa the
JeatMr ,mew. ol tIM
lU..-. ad' <tOiW
"'w. . . In Wash'.
...u.c womaa at u.e
D, c.. w!Mft I was
~ tIl-.ek.
aahra1I,. the eoannadOli drifted to tbat of ..... 'OW Rd. FC' "Tbe CIu1Ida.'
~ tbe roles I 1lIIeC'....
AN ..Pt:cu'.. -.eM the bigeBt put of her
~-boar .. ~ ,.. _ a-
. . . . . p ~ . . a I.~ . ..:. ....!._'" ave
. . . . . .t me 1II.1adl ............. ~ . . .u.Ied
I... tlIie world ., . - . . . . . ~ _ _ the tG retunl tAl" tM I 1'1' . . . . 1Nt
IiteIt of ..bat tlM!J' haft, _ ..eter wIult that to ~tID_ .. the ..n. thlIt ... GCt1IP6eI lilY
IIl&y be.. Sbe tIIIwed' ..........": s c4 . . . O\'er time tor-I .DeTe, It'. tIu'ee JftIS. I -.e It
the 111ft rlcJaM-. of tIM:: 111& die _bile _ dht- for 80 IDUJ' tblap-fllr Ita ......taiIbI& va-
cu.ed ~ Wap. riety. tOl' Its IaW'ett tar tJae. ~ t
SIte told how . - .... ant e-e to tlIie ~ ban per:.-a1ly .,.ol~.. i
ad how"'er)' ccf , , dle camUas laM Meu. ml&ht far the ~ to futher
[ t wall .. beg IIbe .... ~... -nte"" :oIWse
WI,..,." laacfM .. 1III"tIaette collep ....... !
m,. lItlaii,. of CJot;b-.olou~"
The coa- ... ttttlac-la of eo1on aM.
lhat tJaat'. . .tiM: -.e aM 11]" jeeb ta a.e tlIQ' 8I:ow qutaeIlt. teIltlAei to
.. IleIaa . . tIae . , . oaly W aapaat'. doee kao9Wp aIM fill. ~
. . . . . .'t:IiIIIl ....! ... ...,.. 1'01' her qutIDftt Int . . . . - . tb!:!
DeU' die e'-e"" be' _ ... dtle "home." A..ft:ft' that ,._ !'NIelDbel' tat It
abo Is _ ap&r"UIleat.
Aa . . . ., Is the: c:oIor ,._ tblall: cir
1DOIIt Ie ~ to )(Jaa s.ow.........
ill aJao tile key-aote ell the toile .." tiIlt
of the SIlo.. &pu'tmeBt;boIDe. Thet"e
are .tt r'fttfuI poeeu . . . d1ab of
briPt ......... too; bat JV8 euT7 a.a,.
, u_
wftll ,.... _ Imlll'-'_ of ridDl:!8& of
tbat: "... to .......
"It' ...,. favorlw color I He It
.. ~I.q"",,":ao. . . .
. . . . . . abe 1U'OI;. a--e t:Mo ......
........ her IIlaoe robe ~ ita wetPt
. . . . . . ~ . . e r the np tiIat
~ tIM! JOUtibeII' . . . . wttb ane.c...

or b)' ad4.1D& .....d l . e -

melt or .. platt 01' a . . .-
to .. bIoaR or Itir.t dlat
. . . otbenriee . . . . . &lid
..= "L
. ""I, a-e It iB the eIIaaclq Iill&ftII Ia
dM faD----.ud. I me It Illest for Ill" tan
- . " abe :with a IaqIL.
~ n1deIltl,. tble eMor lo...etIo till.. a .....
. . ~ t 011. It, for Jt tiata lIer bir
...' eau-e. her e,._ aDd .eta . . tho~
~ of ber aktD wtth a

. . .,. of clothes! W1ly. ,.. tIlM- pftII ber the bMt ript I.a th..

abe . . . . .de4 ~. -.14 tID DaIIte It her color.
h wu aome dme after you. ...-le the
.&ad. yea qreed. wtdt Iler.-
C'iKIt hy! Itt6!red. why
= :.". .cquinraaee of "I'\ecc"

_.. -
.. iB Iter bome tbat you

U )fu. 8IIow bad . . IIeea ~ apiII met her. It .....
. . . . . . ~ I_ IIl1or1'iLcwI....
site proIIiab17 ....wI
.. i:-n. _tha. aDd the "'Pegy"
of ttl!:!1l . . . the ~ ~.. ot
DOt luIve Jool"ed aa no'e, .ee:med to ba"'e takea
011 Dew.ea of _ e
Ity that was
ha.rd to deflae.
VO:' I!&W hfl'

til. ro u.1&
w... Iulew ~
at tlMTbdi~"""

..... how . . . t....tteA-
....... yhdtlac party t.
_atdI ~ . plays I. tbe

~Ilalt.t _.
"1 WM 8Cl l.. t ~ aD I
cow"d lad to .,. was W. . . .rtul! ~ !
. . Ol. at j-.t .... BMw kIoIdq rem"""t. "'T1Ma
tb.t lIIt.~ _ebedJ" -a.-d,0'I'" bere " " . . . . . . . .

.....1 . .e1lad . . ....... AM._~~~w~,
upeeted co. ~ how I .... _ _ it .... INrir I woUt MIt If ay
IIIlPt'GlDpba .-n nft' euDe te .....1 _ tJHo
,JI )'. either.
C p.ay. t. ~ 'I'J:l_.
real A~.c:aIH . .

me I. . . after tNNIl the c:oOIIPQ:7 . .
~ tbe far. worll: fot tbem. So I len the
..... w,.. .... ~ _d eame.

... _-
~I It eatire!y dJ.erat
. . wltea _ of fJ'om tlte wwk or the -.e.
t lu "'Mal'''_~ hM tID . . . . . . . ~11l& . .
. . . . . . ealIielA ... ..... tJIlIt tile staae t:neft.t
tie tIile ,,-. ... tJI:e art of pIc.WrIa-
~ from Ie eatIftIy .~
liM&. 80 -.-:J' )lle09Ie do WIt
"'PIaJ':. _"toe _ -
I. . . . . .l" ...., ...
~ tlo rean. gta. Bat tt'.



--- -
.=:;- ~nc'.~


.:~ ..
Even.ts .

10 Pi ures-~

~-:::=::eL;- ...- a=- fto.-..&



The Uappiest Git-I

WiDifrecl Greenwood of uFbing AU
~ AJMl t alPt be , tMtbter tJlia; 'Iery mIaIIte;-
oa.l7 r tJuar. r ....-It I laada't W . . .
eanDc ay ItYIac ~ I .
ItW. I"'t..-e tit tell 7 " y--e .' . . .
. . . . I . . aJ' ant 'faIIlIeriDe
!Nt I ~ ~ aQ t.Iult I . . . . . Y--e tIIIlt
I . . . ~ UIIIad _ _ e t ~ ..

. .: aM f_Ill, aDd HaIUL.

.. ~."'a~_

ute nUb~"

..... P d ~......'!
. . . tM ....

-. all t:-.e .....

.... . . - . _ tM
t.atJ'. tile dI.aDc:8 ....
mat ay "7 ordhauy
....... - . Her a - d q .... ..nW.

~ .........
..-e .. Wlaitrell
~er ltaq 'Pl't aeroea.'"
~HoId .-!.. erted G. P.

wa't It!.
Is lira.
-I ea't . . . . for a.7-
lhlac UU.... 1IJ' ......
---this ~ to m..
Geerce ndd.. Gf?A ...--,- mal
4He'. tM kiM of ft:lIetDMr that :r-- an
III. . . . , - . .t-t low-_ _ "t lie!) .... .M taIk!q- aboct .ay wife" I

!lew. I un"'"
KIilooI ~ as y_ b e.
~. pre,.........
. . . . . te tie aebool tMC:Ur. H..-t . . 4IIi.!

J"K 1IJe.
I. . . daat . , Y1te DeTer ...

...,. .-......r, dudac or .'DC'
~ to ., .. e.. at:r en!' tile yft"l' -e.

"'BIlt J.
,.-e .. De't'et' ....

.... et .. n:~ attnd:In GeoqIe." uW. qWd],.....
_ .. :au. G.-wood ~ ~ b.... ae .. ~ l w u ~
....,. I feel tM 1m. . . to r1aI! 'w t!lelr de- .earl, "Oat

tfue. a.t I __ 't! Af'b!r an. [ b~'t
n.ere! I tokI Jaow
YOlIa&" I~"
u-r. ~:m.. en-.... =:::.. ~I ~ tlald. I ....'t ~
l:a }f~ ~ . . . . . .
We .,..
. - - at .JM A-~'.
_ _ Gr-wood '- Ioakhac .tterI,. dlara-
"P1yiq A" -..uo. .... y_ ....... -ee 7'_ lIaaee ......
y_ weN ~wIaftIy.-
-~ 'It!I'J' :rwa&." . . Go r ..
.... fa "trY smart frodt wlUdl ..,. aot _ida 4lpttJ'. .,.. tbft'e .... adterL
lie I'UUt. A,,_ _ bat nidi. iii ct'I"tabl.l,. Pari&. AMI Briac . . 70U ~ ~ ....
tM ~ ,.... .. dlaraIq' tIDe. 1t .eII we'D .aJe tIWI Ut:tle polat as to .bethft'
lUre tIoIIdolr.. wffil ita IiUIlft . . . . . . . ta Jlic' ,.. were "Ie,., ordI.Iaary' sha&er ...
t - . . . . ttl! bet. h' N' ~ . . Ita _
...,. HlIo.. chair. r.. I. lite aM JII. Greeawood. .... 6iiIId): ~
nnaeenecl abOU wbt I wtn .,. ....
III evIell . . _ tIloe.eoacb _d Qeoqe WIeW,
b Iaurctac trJ1a& to "'tir

Jw:or. ~ --"
~. . . . .betlaer you were _

o.t . . . dae
_ .we
...,.". eNIury atqer

~ aCJt;1cft after &OOlI ...: of

SIle . . . . . .
MIeOI'lIIac to
tJa-.. Bat she eQIaIaeI It by ~ ...
~ __ et .......... that "e't'erJ'0Iae . . . . _ kIM to .

..........., ra..
te __
alwap Ub te ~
wHN: tMtr ta...-t:ta were ...... I .....

-W . .wet'. G. r.__"D
aet.n *e
..... ..Arter
tla1U t.Iult "
ua. ...-.w
to . ,
-.rt I
..ortiq' IaanI. " a6aac
' ......ta. _
I ... tw lIaree :rean. I CliI'Ot
tJf!" _ tIM

Ge.ra I'Wll. Q. I'~ it lie' t.eer-
:::=.- aJteI,. __ I dJ4R't t l4. 1-. . . .
"It" ...ny
Uoe7"N . ~ ..
"" .tJHoy
.... wlteno 1 Hlof ......
~ tIile '1m. I . . a cia..- _ tJae ,...
I......... ~.. ...u... ~ ..., aad-diftIdJMI
,en." ... lID-. GrM:II trwb'. ~I Ily tIM: "elIt __ fa the _rid. . . .
......... ~ n. . . . . . tIM had of _e of tbe .....
......... ~ Jfttftd that I .... ~ . . . ~ e s fa tbe -..w,
_ tIlftoe. .. r .... ~ la .... ~~ 1. x.-dy. 1 _e .-e toe
~ New T..-k. .-.1,. et )11:'. It-.elIy tJaaa I . . to ~

....... .,.
~ ~ .AMI
..... .... _fore
oIer nJ..
et.e .. dae ,...w ~ .,. r.u..
. . . . . . . traqJel wtt2a t:Iilt.
-*' lib ,......
...,.. .-t 0( -*-

. . . . cIK:c' 2 ' _bI-
st. . . . . ~ Ball ..,. tw aD a.
" . . . 7'R g'l. it. - " - ....
..,. ... _ _ dae ., . .
~ .... Re.-,... .... It".tne.)

......... --- -... ............r. -

..... ~ ..... l III' ...- l~_ ..
ae til ..,.~ .c-Id! . . . . . . . . ._ -:L ...
..... , --.-
I ....
u... TIdII th_
, . . . .. . . _ D7 _ . wille
..,;IlIac 6111 tit ~ t --.e

. . .I . . . . ., ~ . . . . .
_ . .' . . _Jew _
ea.e liIKIt,
.. " ,..
. . . . _ ~ .a.I' . . . .

... ,.., a-.~~ .... a ' dIa-.e ., ... ..,.. 0. a:. n.",. ....
...a.t __ tn.I. elf . .' .. __
,....-...-t ..
~,'" ~

- .
. .
a-. 1 ...... c...... .....'1'Ie-
_ _ _ .......,,~.,.... Fa
.... -.
_ ... _
. . . . .,.

"t . . . .
.,... .. IIIlIIIIIf . . ,...
~ fill - - - . . . . . .
. . ~~
e-... ..... ---. . .'I

- ... ....

.,.laq __ a
. . . . WfIIf ~ '
............ rr-. aM. I
IIItIie IllIt to fa tIte '7lJ'ta&: .."...' he


_.- ben Iroft'l! for :rear. Aef-.

.....,.et ...
let'. all tadl:.oo 8M

&0 -.ell
..... b 5 INje .".
aD .elt . . . . ~

r.owN _ tH ....' eI. UN! At

U -...:.x
__ r.r- wa.e
oee.a. t h~ few

Ia tH Mew

..tlI, . . . . . . .
,.... - , . waiItdUq' ~,.
eftM a . . tw.u.e.-n
....... _ _ ., tH . . . - - .
,......u.. .... 1a tut c.- ,....
baYe .. let -e .,. aytII.tac . . . . . . . . . . . bUe tbe . . . . .
J"_tUltl - ....... tMIr JIft7 rr.. aIIllr
... tidak e-Id ~ ilia ...... e1-....-a...........
__'to YM!"" she . . . . . ., Go r ..
~y NOCIP tID 8CU'e tile
'I"IMa ,..,..ed battle
111-' --.. bMrtJIII laterria ...
a.t G. r. ea.e to tQ' ~ ....
___..1 b7
- . , 'fte two "-.M
~ ey" of
__ wttIl:
. . . . . . . . . .titer _Ida _We . . .
"Ne, . . . . 't. ..... M w:rtt. . . . . . . , . . . . . aM teartq at
,.. - , - ~ tIaIIt ...
BftIlB' M
.m.cltft- rtaaUy tIw . . MIl
............. -.u. w.w .....
rell 11._ me tvtIM!r .....,. . , , . . .

"a.. tt reLlly is 1.-:11 u.e 1

--..r --'oN. .tartelI tG ......
a.t. die tnIiIIMy

alii. reaa,-
.wr.u, 1lwaet7." ...
A du'k. torm .... tla..-p
tJae waller. tIM Ipre of _-
ti.e _ ..... ~
-W.-II: Won eMiq, .... G. r.

sterab'. ...' u.e." .. t::araeI to .e . . e:QW....

'-Po Dife la
IM"4I't:t Iro.w.lf
.Il' 1ctR7. ~ ,..' ...." aA'adel by Illy _ -.ten. 80)"
refftTtaa to at. _..... I Jeq to talk IMIt It Is .... IIIaarIt met: I. U...
~ .'WflII. 1lart .. talk . . . . ..-elt' uel_h'eol.Y. Xo It r- . . . . . . .....
. . . . . jlIIK let .e - - - . . . _ -...n-r... Pfttt1 _
_ _ _ .,. _ ..eta for w.-ea. or eo.." . . C a U ~ the k.las fill tbe ~
....... l-.e at
wMltMr. r lieIi... Ute 4uk tiproo.
1'_ . ., taIIl ~ y-. ......... I asattrecl . . the~. with
.~. .~.~ot
".&JJ rIPt.. n.e t.Illa&" I ......t to talk about I... )Us bite. a@l the
to . . y-. ..
"'T1Ila is ftl'7 _ - . I pc '1- . . . I ...... '" lob..
_er. 1liIa...
..,... . . ~ to la.teniew . . I_tef'o lac tM , . Ja _ ....ta

viewer. ~ ....,.!-". ... tIM! tit,
"Do ,... I ewJ' ,. wllole lot," "..c;Il Iltndt ......_
be Yely. .. YIt7." abe tH4!Il .... -..I .... tbO!
wnt _ wtdMC waIt1alr ..,.

~ ~ YItaL It __ UtI'
~ fNa taL ..W ,...
............ t:Iloe. ' . .&D tIlIlI tbM 'Co 1.. ~
tf:ae1trW. .. 'W'l:itIe_t:Iloe. fill . . T eoqftt ........
... I ~ __ &QtIabc ~

feR ..,.
DCIItkbIlI . . .. ... I 5 t Utue eabaIJ' tile ...... et
...... ~~f.
.... . . . . -.e tIa-. I eaa ..... I Wli n ...
1D.~ - [ MYel' ....... ooe- fa .y . . . . . tIIIIe. tile el
lite.- ~ , ~ WUIIMI8ea_
"OW ~ .,.. e.- W1"fte OMIr .... " ~ T.. ~ttle
uhlI " '1', ~._ . . . . . .,. tMD fIlIIMr.
1'-.'., --.
~.-etr7. _ ~
~e t:rieI ..
ClIIl't . . it..
o...e .. W1
a..e:. -.......
- ' : J.

u.e ., ..................

R..,. . . . ,... n . . . . . _ lIN. - - . tile _ _
~!"" I 1ICIdJT.
"'1R7 r ~. ~ .
lift L Z. ra.I~ . . . . . . . . tM . . . .
lUll II'lIIU7 .....,. ,.. IlMd7 at.e
,.~ ' - l'f&Id. _ . . twe . . tIuee . . . T-.: '" eM ,..... __ waJ
a.I -.e t&7 0 ..... tIa.t r 't a f t ..
~ .... I...-.-.~ ........ : : - IlII;: . : : - : - :...... ,.
or"lenor~ ...,.-.e-,- 1"'_ rn. .........

r_.__.. ",.. ....'.-.

F ..
... . . . . . . - . - .

.tlIIK. 1C.,.,rell.. tile al.l1lou.lft .... Alfred NortoIa

Grw Barpeaq'. daIIcbter..........

- .: - ~~

~ _ :'fe _ .. SNae111ntJ1!J'
!'1M e-ue.. ~ ~ at tbe m.dI: H ........
..- - ~
......." ~'of the Blaek HuadI'ed ...........

a.w , per~ .lames Cr.-
. . . . . . . . . 'UfGw:. ~'. ehaper-... Lila CbiNtft'

..... IJIGt
IleNe tbuIa the Coat-. aDd BntM.
tbeIr repeated faJ1IIfts &ad -waIq
apiaIIt J"IareDee. The eo..t.e.. la......
. . . . . . . ~ witJI lot of eoer ~le. to CD . .
a ~ put)'...... u b 1 - . to 10 with tb-. to
8eI"N dNl1lmdL. .1_ Nortoa . . . . . tM ~. ~
a ....... tan. . . . foIIInrs dlsa.. Be __ .1.-. to
taIDe Wa'" .. aao:tn: waItft. OM of tbe ~
~ . . & fGNi&a D h' . . ..Tits to IIlI
wU:Il ..... atteI' ~ & . . . . at '. ' . of toM
's ' ...-ta. ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8MI'dltac. IDrbil ..
a.~ W&7~ .,... .
tIaIIt _ .-.t..-.e.1iM ' ___
. . .' '.~ ..,.. ~aft
5 ..' '...-.. tIM w ....
".,"'1 _ ,
......'. . ~
.e ~ .AphI . .

..-....: ..
n . - ...' ~
aM u..
. . . . . . . . . ILaft

.~-:-;:.; - -:--.-.':;;i\"==-=:-I

-- ........... .....-

"The Stull That Dreasn.

Are Made or"


)JdIif! Dam. .. _. . G....11I H1IIetIIe

.~~..... -... . lIarr7 ~
~........ . e- wtJU-.
1-. s..
tJ;iu. . a.tcIaaN TtIdIIr
,..,. Vm.iIKM... .. .~ JIeOe'
n.r V"ilki. _.. _. .
r.Ue_ _ pedftII'r-iatu.. f'tc.
l n U " III!'dIftl

~ .-.e. sen. mer. Joe

IT 0........ bft'
~ -tit . . . . tile dQ bt ewa tItdr .... 0.. . . duIt cn.IIlIM - - . "lie" a ebfw;tq Prl to ..-.-

. . ~ ..-.uY left.....0 tile ft'M1t daat

". .. * ...... kMdt l i t . . . . . . ...... tINs. tile
~ t....a V1IJIIJa. tt.~ t . ~ ....
"a~ ....... ts5 ) i a . . . . wtt.IlJ__
_ 1IIM.'t..... W'1tea!'lJdlle." S- . . tit tIte
.~ rw a tM 'YUIaIlI. Qualt& tile
7 h '-l...--- 1M -.en. 1A-..he
. .~ ICeIIIe . . ..n. ..-. '- .. He I .,.
tM WIIdMIL ..... trIeI tit -.tMr ~ tie . . . . Ia
.tII.., tIN.. . . it's MeIIIoe .. ~ ~ , . . fa U - !
.ApiII z.e ..... rr- Ilft'..... aM' cUbet ta tM JIMJl
~~-,o _"=,, .
flit _ ~ traiL JCeIIIe arrt..- ,.. ...
1Juoe....... __u.. ......
~-':'~~:~;~ tile ~ wt~ Mr
J'Il!hIIe .. 1& .-ell:
bdla'CbtJ.,. till
wttII,'ae ~ 'I"Ite TUIaIa'S tJ-tt.
~ 'Ms .)
eM t:r-a. ...,. .. be 1WIeI,.
'Ie'. . . . . . air ~
! .bd
a \.:.. -=:&.a.:= -
....... .,...
~ ...... tIlere_ .. ~ ....
i~ t"'-: .......,. liIftrs. NeUte ! :=:.:.=.-::::::::d1

"The Other Train"

.... U-..-.lS--, . . . . . , _ ........... lDc7



. - . Bcu:to:r. . ... _.. lIIaqartt& Phcber

~ J . . . Gordo_. . Ha:rr7 I"'lJDud
...... ~... . .,..., Rani.
,.,..,. 1IUfH!._.. . Pred
J'k ae.tio ..-.t PftTy Bub
. ~ 0' tAt' dn:lla Fraalr ~

I :scutta
the opelliq Ka8 of th.. lDO'rinc ~ lIat-
rt.eIler ~ the JUt: of fraU old lady wile
ILu , . . bel woN. tbt . . la to bt to ~ I0OI"- ~e
It-.e. At Ute nLI.IrolMI ...u.. the ..-* .... ller tilt a
Rat aM
I'!OrftI' ~ to eall ber .. ti.e for 11ft'
trafa. be he 6wpta to do.... As the eld lady _ _
'-ck, ...nJy, wltll d-ed \!Yea. a TisI-. fill ber life iii
thro. . . . the ~ berwlt.. ....,. BU:te-.
diMaJallll' th "'e of J~ 1idabIter. Jolla ~
... _Ttq lIIer New J!:Il&'taIId -....e to CO . . tile -..e.
SIIe IMdJ.q 1adj' or ' ............... taIItlelI
the nreets of ~ tor tbae. Joil. GorlIoa, . . . .
bet' pk:h;re .........e w..-e.t _ 1lAIIbGard. M!eb 111ft'
o.t aM bep bel' to fttG... . . . aarry . . . .... Me
~ .&ad CI'lId1ld,. lIIae 10Iee ller J'OII"IIu1ty _til
Me is .-b~ to bold n a a ..... JIIU't .. Ute ~
aort fit theatre. n a Ole pIetuoe *lfta. 8Ile .. '-':
I. tile ....--:t.......... tmactae- tIlM: hila a-.-
1MlI::dq HI' to CO wit), lata . . . __ ............ lato
~ Mr traIa ~ aM tIae ~ _ tIo walle IleI' he .... tlaat lIbe .... "taIu!Il ~\
tIM etItft' tJ'afa." """"".===..
__. .
_---tMt f- was- utWer I-..m. i

Snow ....... daattae

lie I.-c: ...... CIC:r.
......... [ 't~~


'" wbe -.kbt& ... IIt.bI r- to _ _ ' .eIl

of _
that jut * aae eu.c~
roof . . a ' ~ wIft.. WI!'Il.

................ latlMtT' ..
. . . . . ~ . . . . . tM~O(fNIIl _ lib tile e.c.
fill. a ..... aa7M -I4N ~ _ ...... -.rltJu. a
.... <lit kIPt My .. m-e . . at 1M as. rr-.
ttIe 01. a ~ _ . Iat of ,..... aMI,-. au .....


. Jl
s III. eM
cIdI* ...,.
~ caUed

la aeat1J' Itttq
.ut . . . . . . . . . bat. Her ......
. . . . . . .1
eHlt . . .
'"nat', it! ~ - . . . tile aatacbe!
PwIect! . . tile qe-kvws-the7 aboUd lie
.-ootber! Ab! rOiW Ieok Ute ItiJD. euctlr,
They did a .eoe tbM wu Dot putIeu1arly
lac at
buket.." aaid Ptarl.
..What .id
aM Mk1q' -.e ....lIere r. e-e
t.rom... JI7. bu . . . . . elM to eel . .t of that

,.ou do tbea!"'
"A. .......... bo - . al tJle ro&d I ID.OtC'r
.... Ia ....uetd MY.. sSIaQ 0( pW., Ud ~ . . . . . at aD ~ Yet tt car teok ae till LoIuc' CttJ'. eat to
ttle .,. dMr "7tra'" ~ 1M . . rr-. ~,. taTOh-ed.. It G'q ...-e aM ~elt j tbe to . .It
. . . ."' dIId: .. . . . jut . . . , tM UdJie ....... _ wllidl. dte ~ If thC!1" waaRd. ... to c-.e Iuedt that
it _
--e tIIle dPt . . .
7'wttIl ...
... ...,. ill . - c .... It,.. . . of Ute
....,. . . . . . . _ tM t1-. ud the p a t t _
Slue .... It tb ~ A.perb et.'...... of
. . . IIaMit Mr _ Ia tbl ., die Pd. .... aI~~tbe~. ~ She drlfted ,.. .ue. eoftI' rtnn
UIII c:a.DeI ~. tiler .. ""TUt will be aD. .... 8M... Aa....,. for . . . creat dtJ'. I . . . . - of1udac ~ CMUt
tM I_li_ tUt rr- tlle . . . . toe the ~: dMw. ru --e. ,... _ Ute ... 0( . .r- - . ...1LiJe . . . rro. tlle . . . . . . . . Ilea
. . . . tk &frU*. .......-c. r. ttec
1'ery . . . Ilr. a--L" __ s-w ~
. . . . . . . . die ran aM. tbe cUttIa&: ~
fnadealJy tdepboaiac . . . kIq: , IC ell'
CIlCiIlC .__ IIo&ta . . . aInIli.. for " - I'ft-
~PeiIlD'.".AM. it _ _ ~ '0 'Me to ~ ...... It walked wttll. , . to e.e. wILlie New Tort aew , ~ Weft heM
...odate . . . wWL ~ lIIarperUie who tbe 00...... _!b bel' apartaeIlt ~ bel' pIlpt. . . . ret . . Iu..t e.M ~_.
... an " aIlp' au ....- lloue ~e. tD .nJl oal,. .... th the u...ebt that her cia,.'.
altJ. . . IleI' tria waJkiq' -.It aM .-art hat
aeemed to -.are tbetr WMftr . . . . . . k
It is a ba'l'_ ot ftat wtt.b a rCMU'-O'doc:k ot
terl-e tit tea eab for lbe .eary, that
..ort .... DOt dOllI!'~
roo. are ah'aId of!"'
tberoe uyt.ll.lq

.\ad tben wen ao aeept. tH ItrUd aputru till! onere, b-oUa1lt)' III "No." flbe .... maalasly. Then 'be Ia'l'e ..
0( hair dn_ 1liiie 0( bel' . . . eatllNlled. aM OIweae-e!". I. the . . . . .ord little aenAIUl., jamplllC to bel' feel. OIUP. H

beM. 1M UIt of. .. that au Ute . . . . ~ bo. abe cr-aed- "Dtd.t,.. . . . . tbat aphIer'!' I
brta. wWl ., .... .....,.. tM ..... 1 ol tile ....T_ tea e-- [ am atraJ. ot eome tlllap. flbe ad 02

~ If'lIIL S . ~ .r
IIl!I"I'tat __ due cr-.tac tab&e . . . 11M reipa aItted. "Sptden.... lIlief'. aM. the feeUq
piak _ _ tIIalt . . tile -.e-. .,bel
it _
b)' rlPt of a ~'I''' pl't... of pl.. . ." Aall thea u.e ~ Ia~
toM 0 .&M. Ia lis ~ n-lI- . . . 01 aD 0IPea:ri~ I u'I'e toW. YOD of PaaIIae bKt to tile tot ut tile ILiII to
.... KIa felt wWl kr wIUt8 ...... ..... I nmn. te tM _4l til tile b I _ ot __ ..- the paatIet of tile . .r. .l q rodt oell:'e
baM. ... ~ po lie . . . . . . w1tIl tt. ......,. ~ ~ with tH C1Ii_ e-broiMry -.e. It tlue old ....,. fill __ a ."eu..
4ated tM . . fII. Mor .-e ... c:ILta. IldIre
tM ""Ilalb!- ..... e:a-e r- 1ter to "lID
.. the ~ 0Ip. la _ e troa ""T"Ie
.00 that wdPtftI It do. . .
ftM, . . . tIM ~ of th4l ridl bro__ aDd
the c:re-s ..... the .........-wIllle I1lau
aew 8Ort. 0( Xaeeu, nt .... UI~ leN.
e-rtwJ of the IalIect that c:rawW
...",- aloaf!: the Jft'lIIf!f PaI~

XllUaa n.u.r
JbIt,Jer}'." 0( . . . . . . _ . "'C j Aa4 It W&lI Ibe
~ ......... t1le llIrector 0I"6erell reb..... ,.~ that ..-Jed. late th4l ....... of the- ~
.............,.. __ s.o.. . - t tato tile e-+' I 1Il... &lid. the awbjeet of Cloth_
work wtt.Il tile -.e amOllllt of ......t I . tIIat ....,. aiMt J'O'I dedded that of all the Realisln in Movies
maJ1tM IM!r "*-'-1 of the - .
~Tes. Te.r"" Me told the DIU at. the mlM"Olr' w~.~ w_
'OIl hII4 1IIet at Thaallou-er-rllle. THAT
qultf' the DieMt H~.~
(e I~~"I
to MIll the ri81r: ot Dot settillA' all the plelu.r.!1
It m.J.cbt waat. Some of them atoo4 .. e~ t<I
th. tracka that It -..ed ~rta.Ia the,. would
setful ot the raJll. ot the lP"Oaeb. ot lbe dl
Maurice Costello
(C." ' ~ ~,.,
~ ~ "Caa't 10'" just _ th~
be lILjured br IyIDC tim.ttera or 8a'aIlI8 ot Heel.
but eTel'Toae e-ped without a .erateh.
two 7....-.n wrttiac tJaat!" be dem.auded. &eptoae .aetUft hay!!. time .... ap.!n.
"Jut froal _1-.. OllIe of the pod thUip "They UTO fa ut;lle to.......1 aM b)' the ad lobo.... the aeemlaai,. ImpoaRble aceompllM&
aNa. u.e b&c ~,..Ift,," be aal.
"la talrt,.. dna. IIaow tH7 __t . . fa the to
o.e of the ..c. f'eCftltl,. ~PIeted tlu'IlII!'t"s
t:Ut . . 41Nd:or u. ...
tM ..... 0( .tther wrlt& Uae,. eopIe4 It Ia acMeI UtC!1" ~ tt1e wuatioaal. M:'eae lUaatrated by
hlrlac" . . artac UJ' . . rre. t h ~ -...a __ ..... ~ .... e It!"e-
ODe of the balftoD8 that M!OOIDp:uI)' thJa ar
It . . . JlI'WI!"f' tILat ..-Ill _ ....,. . . . . It at.ds dile tIIiJIp I - . I to do .bew; I tide. A. baadcar is MIa at tall apeN .to
tM ladJTWal .... tL or e-ne. it . - - J ~t waateII to lie wrttl!f'." lie ~~.
rapldlr rtaJac eaD.tlk"I'l;!' brfdse aM JI-~
~ ~ .ttll tlM ~ ot . . .e- MnlL OIJ. . kI"! I _tab I ("OlIN bke It.. for oyer tbe eclce J-t .. b-.,r:e ateel Rnleblre
lM' . . ., . . ~ tile ~...,. ~ MiIIB I ~_ Iu lIIappoiatM tbfO:J'rf) ~ to boo
~ 8 Ita lltPeat ....L The nJl..-d CQaI
tAIo the",...., s.r. tile IIcton let 1Ma It - e l l "-cIL. But nl make It all _ , . ...,. demuuh!lll tI!at tbey ~ the ear,
(air . . . .,. ~ ~ . It tbeTd oa], b'M.t . . I eauu.. ~ He '-"=k tit cbdellliac O'ffr th~ P'It . . . 4epoaIt to e-er " r damaCe to tbe
\.be tired;on Uttle better for it!" -.tld ~ of u.e draaL brilI&'e, Uld qrM~ te nJ.. the ear froIUl lbe
..t. tbat a1l~ "110ft tNlIblet"!'" He Iua4 dJTM IDto th~ lied ot tile riTei'. tlaIIowtll&' It'. IIlplli'l'4l . . tIM
..t..'t it --eb~ He dlYed do.... lato t:nlaJt tor otber ae-art... Laq:bb!'r ran C!dce or the ~ . &It oth,.......11te It . I p t be-
lnair. tItat ~ tIPft aM!' to ILl.. "But lbat', tbrowch lIiJ1 era. OID1l11D't JOG kao. ~ b~ ..Id. c:ome IDft.aee to tn6:. Tbe JreywtJIee pe0-
Dot aIL u n Wi reM. au lite t.It.M. '"tIuat aD Irl uo.bletl nf'ver Ia&t IoD~ ple t'MdU,. acreed to an of tbe . . . . . ,.. tb#,.
..... _ fa to UTe to re<rWe ~ Ib_ tbe tl!'lIIll1' of lb~!"" reaIbed the mu-e-e _ t i n ftIdu MIdI a
__ .. IlW'ft -ea bM. Mea ~ "~ c:aue 1I1lft ~
W"'I'ttIIIiI'~_yan cetlaall t(I _ pletlll'e ~ aD eI' the -.trJ.
tM IIlIIata fII. ~ .. . , ...utac tIIa:t th 1. "Captala A.I'r&I"N'" ocean aDatMt' Ilk 0(
f:lredw 11M to . . . . . . t. we . . 11_ Perilling Cor Pauline
"C- d . . . . nl
~ ~ tIIat talt'l7 aakes " . . IUP tor lftMll..
~ a -.It lI1rec:t:eI to ae ...-b!d tor It is the ridlq- of a ..... at ~ ~
,. __ tMit .-e ~ ~ .... tJley aIoq .. D.UT'OW k"Wp u..t .......... ~ .
tIle7 .-rly &I...,. un ....
_ r.-..
"I _.. baatP'"J'. borrlItI,. tl-erT. I I t . RIlolI the: . . . . . . . . . . aIacIe .u-.-. _ -
f.- _lsb.Iq that Ilad ........k:b.. Thea I ~t bled e-r so aliPdr. IlatJl tile _ _ Ita
_ _ lie to reM with a.bMt cake. tltGadtt of all Ule kIab et rider .-Id ha'l'e IuC!'euu. .... ~ to 4MlIu. y
Ute ~ tMit -.I:J' . . eetor caa JMd. . . . cUe tItat [ cotIlI ~ . T'bft p t lIalMlreds of feet below. s-e hIM. of the
. . . . . . . . ---... _I I C Gad tbiaktac ...... aIIore ,I..,.. .Aa4. ~t Jtft"re aDd 4arIq .......... tor tJue aaeee-tlul
-.Ib ....... _ ~ weal - . ~ I. .~ter 'bOM ~ _d c:l&as. aM. erUt.. _Wall perlOU'1D&ftC'e ot till. teat mar, ~ be
MdIIIloW . . tate 1Uw C!1"8 . . . -erraa lato hb d..a _ _ to look lib . . food.. taI-.1 trow 1ooIti-e acata at tJM 1U1IIItratioa
'rOIelI!.. ar.t 8cutt... 110 ,.w. ...
4ldD."t kBo....' "AboRt that time I deeNed t.Itat Ilad to _lIleb aceompa.aJea tills litcM"y. TIle " - I.
tIIJI; .... faaT.'- tblalr: ahoat other thl..... The wiDd wu NeB ero.tDC tbe brWp at r.l1 pl~ aDd.
ra.y it ~,. .... TII~ -arlo. dri ae toward tile IIlMt Rh'ft' Hpa trom. tile pec1l1Iar aqIe t1'OaI 1I1da thl.. 1I1~
~ fa ~ . _ MUIelI ~. wu Ute to acata tbat _ _ .. tare . . . p b ~ " It til... brid~
~ fill. t-. '"'"
aM ....-leI tMIr
~e del' te.,
., wUi a ~
. . . . . . . It t:aaIC wttJu a IIIPJ), ......1 ~
.-e ~ .,
..Ills I k.e. u..t If
UfeUM. er-..I tIile
't P .....

Ubb' tlt pt ....

_t!' ""' ......
IooIt: alaOat Uk~ nJtle that tIM hne I, ..,.,ro-

"De perIJ.a luJdl "~- IIa~.- ""La

H .....

"-t t!M . . . . ., ~ r-.. lib J _ ta tile eeeu. aM tILat. w-w. lie tIile ftIi fill. tM die lA'n!" " " . . . . Gray~ ........-
J _ _ due T fa m - r L ...... of . . . . .! :n.- I ~ tMit It derpiac U.. all Ma ,.,. .,erlla.
TU !leN
.,. wttIl. 1 _
~ ta DId -r-wu.
. . . . ..". let tIN! air . . ., tile . . . the
dial &u7 ....... ~-.n.- ..... p ~ _ _ all --e.
AM tH . . Me MIt:ret IuMa ~ DowM..
~ fa tM ,.... .. ee-e __ tIurlIIa . . . ---

....... ~ ... Gftr IRrctJL Th . . of , . , . daalt 't b e . aQttaIac . . . . ~ wiD IlI'ftn ~ Ute atte.t
tI.-~""fa...,.~ ..nM . . . .
Mit I . . . . Wi try a.- all !'IIIImc _ fill. t..-.. ut ~ aM tarlq: .w
tM . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . ..,.... ""!'IIew. _ _ u.e. to ae.a lItde . . . . _ be~"'tIN..nes",~ 1rin ..
~!- ~'1Ib a ftfmIL . . . . . M " tIaait I let tMt. -.e after eM _ _ nn .......,. aIIIdl .
eo-. fill. tIIle 1' JIurIee r t:rW :ew ..eft. Wio _ tIWm I ~ 0' . . . ...,.,. to . . earetal or \My ".1
CeMeIle .,., 'iIttIl!rtr ... .. un Utde S.ecftL ~ . Uttle 1r1UIe I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!
THE; MOVIE PICTORIAL JrJ., eli, ltll~.


The Intimate Confessions of Mollie Morgan-

liZ,. . . . ",,,.
J _

WD"T ~ _ltJl the ........,. 01 the IDe that
ataaUac m,. Ute. I had _ver

I IiIek fa Qariie'. eye- w IIeep ae eom-

~. I .~ wbd!ter
~ AM-I . ~
..... -.u- to C'C*le! 1 11M. pat Ill.- to a
beet. to - - . Irla.
hall ~ 1aKk' iato 1Il1' Ule, I ~
to , -.., .-:e aM 6n' au.
tllat Ite

111 ..Iiat ~
_e were to IItaad to Be aa-e
. . . . ...; . . -.atalr - . too. No matt.ft' eoPI kW tM Ion I .un telt for 1IDl; Mt
... -....a,. btl: bad me. bad I the riPt felt Ite ~ ... It "er:r eMtlJ. ~ ....
. . . . t21aC! U be tlsMPt W of :De _ _ beeD u-. .. I llan wlta 1 waatft.
....... taUt
ritIelI It: I
It bat m, ... ! I Ia-
DOt. . . I had heeD before. the
bila 011. aDY ter..; beI r un eut
'rictl.- et d ~ eq-.u,. with him-
eeIf. ........_ Wac had be- made pial_ to mI!-
It ~ . ~ _I, ~ look lato law eyd to ae . . that be still earf'd f_ 8Ie; that
... u.d DOt forcottca tb_ fb,. I. Cab&.
Pstaa,. be bad tried to forJ;el them.: per-
~ JUs teeU_. was .rill :baapd. -tl.reI7.
_ It bd beea I. the ten1b1e bour .!an. I
UlI to te:U b.1al m,-.ory. That 1 co-w. MIt
tell; ~ woaJd _1.1 be rneaJed .111_ we
.et u.e. bee to
I llftMelI fa mood that mat aIJDo.t JaaTe
~ ~ my l1l&I4. NotlllIlC-.tteIl
-e: aett.ber . , IaaIr. _bleb I ....u,. .......
. . . tlM ...... Me llelected, _e a1'tft' .-:Iter.
Aa a rUe Iter troab," bad ben. of uotlter
~ Aa-ue tooIt tar mM\! pride lD. .e ad
. , ~ thu I ner had.; 1 nppoee lIbe
I' a4 that It "... I. _me meaaare. a
~ . . . . ber If I d.W DOt 100II: . . . .ell
.. ,..tbh!. I had .....e.. sult.('d ber. beea.alll!
tM!ft .... DO ~ for me to e&J"e how I
~ ne~ Idd befoIl 110 maD!
Tbh Is a coateulon. Other.-IIIe, t BUppcMM!.
1 woaW DeV" bue d..-ed to admit that. 111-
4eed. utJi that D~bt .'ht"D I .as ...aJtlns for
Charlie IkmmlJlp"i,., t tid Dev~r believed It.
I ad ~ e d the old c.bal1;:e that wometl
. . . - to attnld mea a. a ratber a1NRu'd libel.
a.t I to.... CllIt tllat b:l m,. OW'll c:alIl! It wu a prIde, aD. the ~ reatralDta of aex. to picture ..e J"''OCI~c..d He . . . a plaJWricht
tne c:~ Sttn. I .... At1sfIed at tut: or. the wlad.. aD. ..ooed. MDt .. traakl:r .. Dl,. ot lolls ~ee; 1ackJ... tbe tI~ spark ot
n I wu .ot ldIaW I realIsed tbat AD.D~te earUett ancen.or mla:ht have ....e. Blat wbl!p ceaJW'I., be still ..... IDU ot ertraonUaar,.
&ad: art had "011 all they eoald for me. Wbat I bim that .... at . . etld.. ADd ao .alt.f!d. IikUl. aDd the tedlDiq1te of the dra..m.a. .Ileal
.... IIt1I1 IadtIq .... due to aatu:". watehlDc the era.lIq: of the b.aD.. . lIP01l \hI! or spoileD. 1leJd. DO ~ from him. Pra.tae
r UTe III m,. ~ If wbat I han cloek, bOW'Iq: that the b_ra that WII!ft COID- frnm bllD wd praiee IDdeed; aDd be ~ lbe
toW. . . tar _ aat IPn.. _011 aade~a Lq: ..CMl1d dtJler IIJU . . obaeMIOIl, or bri.D Iut . . . to try to tatter me.
. , tIM Ia~ '-eJt- of Ill}' Ute.. That _e .. 1Lapp1lle. .ada . . . IlM 100& allIft IPnD -. " ' t bo.-I, .ee.... 1 toid bla ~
~ . . . ~ .,. _bole c:afteI'. It MrIa& to MIte I mlpt .me tim. eajoy. plet1l.n! to-da:r . . . JaM: .. n:per1Jaeat: t
... btTft .e I:ato the ..... of tH ant maD )(y ..ork . . . latere.t.ed me; Itl ~ . . .ted to .ee .hat It fett lille to be I.a. rr-t
..... ~ -eo .. C.U- to eIICaI" t'l'oe It; DOW beI1all[q to be ~ of a ~ apia.'"
.... bsIt . . to .,. ......- of wfuJa at. Bat It tabs .. aIad to plD a "rn p,.e "00 _ ~ _.til :r_ ~~ ..
~ .. ~ ...,. or de.- ~ JaOriq c.omII'Ide .... ~ ..u.tac.tI_ rn. ev_ he -.14. IaqllJacty. "AM ra ~t
JIkt--. I t . . . ~ to mab: it ~ for Ute a:reate:-t aaRrial trI_JIk. No "0'" c:aa maa. xt. ..........

.... -
. . . faD la 1cn'e ..Ith die __ b ' ~ I be wttolI,. ~ la..n.. Nataft bad. FO- Mnl tll1ak It W'Ter." 1 -creed-
fa tile . .
watW. ( b t atcItt. after Aa-u.e . . . hbIted 't1de11 . . . . . . tbat.. We . . . ._ are the mot.lloen t.-ee die bell el Ute rr.-t tam&-
of the rwe: I. _ tbere . . lID.....teII _ ~ I,., I beu'll Aa-ue to ...-er it.
.AMI It that _011 ~ tlaat Ud .,. t1lat aotlllq c:aa ",te root It 0lIt., the -can me ap.b:l ~..-r. 1'ft'7 ...,. , . .
'lett tIM aad the . - o r y 01 h1a .. dft'UJ SIIf'&:lac 6l"a:Ire ... the btJ.AJID_t of the __. llr. Goodhae. T_ . . . Goott-
fnlIl* la .,...... X:r werIt 11M. lleIpM _ -.m:r aat1lJ'oe 1lMc ...ned . . for ... We 0...
r. ahre my ~"-; It . . . acar6el:r al- ~ It aomettmetl; lIeD,. It: ~le &piD!'It I til. . . . u.e ftlCdnr. . . . ta"aed.. bartie
~ k. I . . . made ao rMJ triead&. I It. BDt, it ia tbere. aadI _ e d _ It .to take ..... tMI'e fa tile ..... : ~ ilia .a.a.
. . 6ltJ ' _:r_1f.. I .... afraid te form ita toll ette. HIlIIq" tbe ~ tor to ....
trIoMII*l... Uf~. alter .It Ilad IP"'- .e a
.... ...,. . .eta. I had .eft- u.- I UIIf'd
Saddeal,.. _ .ailed. the t e ~ _ I'&JlI:
oat.. IIhup .... aIl1"lil I c:a.acbt -:r bft&th; ,.....
"raw:. R~,.." abe .....

b n . . . . . -e.. flqft' bellen" ot _b.atn"" m:r 1LaJI. _eat to m:r heart. ... a . . .lIeD t"lISb '1loUIe!- be wttb a Ieree lIWe Qtc.1I.
~ ~ r.. -.:J' of ate. ..... t-U:r or aD- of blttft'D-. I crted oct; ~He la'l ~C~ III bis "Dice.. doea tbis meu.! Thls
~. t . ._ felt that the frieBd. t . I p t T .-eat to the 1.-r'1I1Il_t. ud c.auPt it Dp p~! Oft--eoor~!"
.... --w: _~e me _I:r for ..hat' bfofore AJutette. ber ",.8 tlll1 wfth read,. ". " ' t _ _ I taM.." -.Id.. 1Vlaal .......N
eouiI lie for t.Irteal. "tbet' tll.u for ally qaaJ- t-..a of sY1Dtl"d-b:r. coul. . . . .fl'. o.t it ~ It mt!UI~
1d81 . . . . . . . Dot Charlie. It.... Goodtn.e. oae of the th1"ee Ml_..1t4"a ..... :rOIl laM--:r_ bad ~ "
1I:r Uk. boecIaalq wit'" ny t.olated IDf'Q .bo shared the Dl!!CI'et of DI,. ~trOJ of he ~ CNL ~ AM. ..... -dlJs hIxu'y! TIlls
n.1WIMoII., t:e.cled to _.111..' m.. ahaona.aJl,. the buJaeM I ..... bv.nd.l~ ... boteI-it ls kDo... tlH! worN! T _ _, . .
..-ttJft tIIDI._ I .... , . tlribuled the "MI. lIIorpD! ~ be Rkl. exdtedl,.. -rn eaa't ~ -oacIl~ -.ell pan. .. :r-
co)~ .-it.t! ,.. ,l.-t! I 1'\" I .. ell ~ In i1nlt ReD the tllm lbat . . . tak_ to-da:r---t.he p1Qell t04a,.. WIlY. 1JMl .oM. hlPJy ....
fiartlorolld If' f~1I1 "r III , t1. Instead of to plct.1lftll yea "~re tal Wll,. Ila"e ,._ beeB Iltar e...-er pIay"- bdOft .. euaera eotIN
"-'7 lath r'. ,u:l~.l.rtty. , . . . _we. I SlIp- keeplq yoaraelf Dader CPU lb.l. way! E1'eD UN.Iy Uve .. yoa aft . . . . . .! ..
.-... r Wb rt;;bt. E'l't'D tb .. I .... I.~ If :r-i'" rkb _ _ ,.0. ba...-e DO riPt to I .....tered it be ~ beu' the beatlq of
Ii,,@, -.1IW.. la a .,.,. ttl.. ,,,,,' . .tttb8ls of k~ :r- ta)ea;1 to ,.-.rwIr. To.... ~ ..Ith m,. beat. lII,. JI'ltift ..e.N tIu'obbIa& .. If
a diN 1H!iah1l,. ID .Iad aDd bco:I,._ Aa4 it ,..... Hemmlucwa,. aft tbe beat _"'011 evfl' t.1Ile.J' .ere ......t to bunt. t. a .oq,p. "n..1
. . . tM 1MU"ri1'al of tJIat old IW'll"'lll"e_ t.Iiat. .....! W_'t yo. )et _ r-tw:re you 10 a H .. tift a:.JtatJoa. He earet! He wu . . .iM'tq:
........... te b"Mt Cha1"lle Ilf-ulIllJaewa,. _ Jtkta:re! r...-e JOt. jut tbe IJIU't tor ,...1"" . IloIWeIIt.
be .... p i
tIaat thJ'Mdt; ~,-. tracm_t of tbe
I . . . . . . JIU"d,. rn., aIleer ftlkf. JIU"lI,.
. . . ...., . . . . . . . . ...

... ~ r
fw It, too.
",nak rrom 1Ii.1. e.-,Iq. r
He lIi.d edt' & llIleU cn'U
l'rota ~ GeoGt_ .... .,. ~ o
edtt:.r; dtfl m. . wbo ..-N. tI_n,.. Ot.l n t r ) '
"'Raft ,... tile rJPtt
ub4. "T_ . .,.ed MIll. . Ia
.,.~~ ~ .AM. _ ,.. ,............ it ' . . ,... toe c:dIIL, lie - . . ' .

...... QIII.!"
walt! w _
............... a-.

. . . -.-,... y

,.. ~
..... ... - W UTe _ _ n.tU. toe ~ T. .
J . - : ... "'I-.Iit-

..... [, mIIIiIl
te ~ ,.. yw..!"
.... .-....

te-J - . . l .r

" . . tr-.JI
e1111tat1. .
IQ bis ere!;
- - . .

f...-t e-e

... tatM
Be talII -.e 1a Ills
! 1


~ T~
.-e . . . .

c-.... ... J WIll , - . . , . .e.I7. I ...
. . IliII-e ,..: Mt-..... riItlt
. . . . . . . -e! 1nat bu .,. ute to
,-. toe
u.a. ..... wu.r .........
..... r.m.. _
~ _
u.-. ~

t.enAIe crrtaiatl'.
tJl~ ~
For a ~ r cI-.: to IIl.Ja.
'"Ok. tUa GM'!- I erieIL
. . . _ , . - . ! .. ~'u.. 2
~ alter tIUIt!"' . . . . . . !~ - . ap.I.a. W_t y_ te ............... ~ , 1_
-u... te _.- be HJ. yoice kad tell -e! Wa't you ftIllIaJa! All tJlb-.hat lICIt ~ I ball UW tM .....
~ : It tM ....,. _ I t. dIJak el II!' aM 1 .......... &ad _ 1Il.M... ""'CMrtie!- .
it _ _ lie t'iIM ae. fa tM . . . . , "'OIa. ,_ n'_ l..w. He bad ~ the ...w.. .w ~ .un '1--4Wa'l

..... Wl_.,
lIQa tAl ~ .e. WHIl
...... . . . . eI all . . . to banlea ~ qaia. ~What.
aloe yM to tlliak ~ It! TUft ia ~ __ "
U. toe , - .
m,...... . . . I lilt 7Wo 6ecehe
.&II till" is .me, ~ . lnIlJ"
'"'1:_ _"l ..... 1 ~ Mw

. . . . . . . . . . . . toe ~
............ e - y
..... ~
~ t:Iliak!

Y_ Iaa,.e Dn'ft' ph
will "..... ay! 1Del. will
W1aM.m _1' . . . ~
.... ,.Mnt'lf a _ t .
_! ai.JIe--aIIlI. 1'0lIl"'..'
ADd tMa, wttb bb . . . . . .
Uwo..-,.. toW 111m fill ~
-.e. I .........
. - . . eI. .,. trial
. . . . . tM

..AM. ,-.
tUt _ _
--- lie to -.::ry.
_ _ _ _ waals to be tile _otIter .t. llb

~'t --.. tM tMIlPL

............ ~ t ~
--.!.. I e.t ta. .. It. _ _, ...-.Il l.a uaea-
..u-. ~ It _ . . -7 u.t kept
ha,.e y_! To. IaIllI .. walt ..w ,.-.. ~
~ be . , ' , oUl ~ _W c.-e tAl ~
aa:1 u-D lIIe thai. ,.M bad IIl.Il6P. kOOd.! I ~
, . . . , . . - - .. . ~ 01( .~!
.... III.iPt ~ te me! Il __
.ait, . . tJaa , .... Jdde IIIlc1al W ~!
Aall u.-. :J_ - e ..
ae tAl

,_....... wttll ,.....

III tr.cJe

"1, _ banI,"'~.

tJUac, fer all

It -eaat . . - . -
tbat I

ta.t e-.
7'" fill tIM!:
...eli .,. lUie.
"1 t:MII&M ,... ~ Ukle toM odtfta... I .....
JI7 1Ue _ ...
, . . I diIIlIIIM
... ~

. . tr.. ~ te yw. ,! I t _ " t ....... ,. . . ~ttac of my lime aad oC ben! to-Ud!l, '- . . ,.__ .. ta.l a.wftII: tIIIt!
~ tUt I laM dteated! 11 I Ud wbt I Iaa,.e ~!- CtLarUe. eaa ,._ '-liM ...!"
. . . . ,-. ,._ life. wtaat would you 1'_ caa"t er!~ he crlecl. fllrtCHlal:'i". "'7orP"e ,...!.. lie ertel. ILia ..... _
haft~! _ ,..r 's ~. -Y_'re _ by Tour 0 ......onb!"

a ." : tM " fill tM ..,. I IIl.M.
tift filii. ,... wtIiI. ..a---w !"' 'I _ _ 't _ Ute. yet.' 1 -w..
... ~ ta~ taCllta.
"'Caa't , . . _ _1 t d!'" W criet ....... Iy. ..-. I -.u. 1 ..... 1IeU ,._ ..... AM~,..-._
n.ere .... _ - - . _ fIIlMelUe
to watt;
~~:;::-_';' C:'t~74~
peDell. l~'"

AM I . . . . I WIll hi. 0( . .,. _ _ u of _aa-e._"'_~ _~

..,.Ir _ the _ _ e-_ 1 toi4 ....... 01( my .... _ _ _ o-e.. .... C I l ~ -

my! CIa... ,..,..... dlat -

meet. .-cb l'e'WeIiIIItIIIa wltJt tutDets ... . . . . . te ~w y,.n. Uld of my r-tUe RJU'eb - - . .. be': IIl.e let ae IIta.J" . . Ute
e. . . . . . MIt ...ttll ..... I IrMw , . . 'ftIr'Ie ...... T_...,. , .... I fa
bluDeae. .~ I laM dae ... tMM.: I ...... "'I talII ~ to _ _ 1 __ ,.. . _." I ~: _ 011 ,... ..,.. -.s un fa
tIM . . . - . - ta ale
to PI do_ _ .,. k.-. tAl ,... . . . -.: t.r
)'_r r.rat.. ~! .&.I,...-e...,e.-
..... ""0 ...
Ute U - fer you..

. . . . . ,... Wft"e MIt ~ AM' tMre ...- ..Ilea. . . . . . . . . 1 ban Ia' eGlft'
-y_ kM'w wkTe , . . eMW . . . ~ T_ taa: ., tUit. .. ..-eb talk tUt t .... Ute tJaaa ,.t Bat of ~ tIlere are
co.wl ~ wrtt:lIa .. .e." ............ ~ wac .--.. 1M wtJu.,: - ~ is tM Datloo. IIOIDll _
............ waIt... lie bl a . . ~ ...,. ., ~ - . ! I to ............. Ae. .&all Haw7 bIllI that. ..u.
.. 1 . . . . . ., . . ~tD,... ~tMit t I ...... ., ba tty Me.-e I tIMlIiPt ,..v Me _~. A.Dcl ~Y. cert:aiiaJy. t ha,.fOI
u ',.. ' .. WJ ..... c-.e r.a."' _ _ siaee ..,. ute e-MIll to tAl 401... or
1 taW tu-' tJaa b M ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' '

hollbe for ~
~ &aM,..._ ....
-.l .. ,..,. tNiIIIlIN.

.... for tbIIt I MIt to watt..

blm of 3
9 .'. borTtlille o~, ....
1 taht
I....... to othertl beside m1lJelf. a,. bust.nd
..t__ta, c:!1LJ4rP.Q.

To . ~ ..-tL1 ..t ....... ~ -nat . . . wtllK b ,,, I uW. ..W'bat (Till. &:\"1')
""l"ff. h-.L . . I ~w tiIat I e-W. -til.. ,.,. 1 t o " ! U ............ !Iie! If ......... 10
UTe . . Ha_,.... the n.tal to bIia-e - .

to 11;'1 ... 1..... yoa!"
..-ttac _
1& bill u-D./
'I __ --e,- be .w.. tftUU.. ... . . t Spotlight B_king
'1".'. . . . . . DeYer c.-d.. Moille. (-..-~ aD~! I
.. 'WIr:r" ~er !IreaaelIl tbat _ coa'" boo Rdl beubI ........... c...-

-that they -W b - . . 1 - _! h t -~
ElJ.NG aMeli to teU ba. It fM-" to be a
He ..... lItarIu ...-.. hla .......
"s.r thls!- ~ crle4.. "T!lls IllXary! Had B mone acUIr ftmfa4a DIe Corc:IbI,. ot 1:IIle
.._ to ba"'e ttl"! T_ ..-Jt oC IltartatJ_. ... a_ fa lilY old to. . la ~bIcIt1 wbo ...
But tIlU!" baai.- witJa ea.eera I. Baapr. Jle" .1I1c:1l
I .-eli at blm. Tb~ 1 eat 01", d tltood ~.... I. ftt1lra for .... to ......... tile
te.tor a ~ t-=-e..
.....e . .,. lie other (ew the 1IllIt The tnuItIq: It_tacklaa .eat _ Ills ....
time.- 'I tIltak ...e aft. 1t is a tIaro
Cor -=rt.. . . . . toM...... IIel:UM'l ( .... a
..ooma. I __ iIdfta ta the walL I ~ wUt
8ac:Jl eaaae a fora Iettft" telU..... IIl.Ja tJlat tis
had. beea ta~ fa tbe stoek of ...
otJteor ~ . .4 that aD Ite 11-.1 to ...
'fOG an' ~ 'n..Iak It! J w1II. *-Y let sit aM .ait for tile !lI~
~l'Ithill&"! T_ ..,. ,... .wi
-.-tUt 1- B~ at aited aatll ~ foraell jut

. . ___
...... of bb hip pocII;~ n- be ..-nook:
_ _ '-*:-aat
,... .... . . la...~ aM sIlOlrt!J" ~ be _ _

~ the followill t ~ to his 01"1..... CM'Tt!-

~ .......... -.e:
........ ,... .,.!
Well. ~b:

' . . a r-a)t of a1lo.lac ,._ to
I am _ . Moltl!.. Row IIIllIJl I act!'"
my bI.....
T . . . . . . MIre. ~ c:uae the . . . .er. coIIeet:

........... _IIIIIIII1
. . . . . . . ,.a1a.--
.. ,.
..Act IaIe ,... ..ere bNIEe.'
T. tile becilliter I._ill ay ua.t .tta __
~ ta bemK a eo.te .a:- It ~ Yell ~ to
lie _ _ -=tor . . . Jet It p at tIlat. IN!caa
by II... tlte eea.ter of lobe pIctare. I
. . . . . . tIiat aU tIte ber pert--en .. ta . . .

a ?" ' - ........
"T ~ . . te . . tla be pl!"IW.ttteil to ...... fa Ute sa.
dIoeae. T_ ..... wtda ae -..w. tab Ute ~ -u-e
ld_~_.!"'" I' cu as _obtnIsI ...e ... I I _
-a.-!" 1 c:rW.
Tbe . . . . _ .. ~.......,. I IIIade a paUtt of ~ r l q tIlal _,.

e..- . . -..:tc )Iietve . . . . . be feabn!d . . aD .....~

f..-& .... Utli: e '...... taer prlatell aaattrr aM
_a.- ..... tIIat _y _ _ ....... apJMIU' fa ietUnI . . . . .
tMa elPteea lKit. blp aM CGC I '1ac1Y
o f " " " I . ay
...... . . " . . ia Uta. -.-
tit _ ! I ....e toW.
, . . "6) 2 1
__,..a! I
S dlK
bill ~
Jk. Cobb'.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ftClnIt.
fa ...,... . . . . . . Old'"
LeI!" a _ . .M actor . . .

. ,... tIIat , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIl.Ia .....
JlOrt to etaup!"'"
..... ..... be
tbe .,dMI_. N...- PIaJII'IIIs.,

With -the Van .AJnbergs

When The",'re Training Wild
Animals for Motion Pictures
..- ....
Ambers Is

He tra-.eb1 ..ith the

He SUpt; lIlto tb,e UOD"S den
et1l moti-. p6ctwe
_-eert- 0Iat theft; bat rlP:t ~ tM &.d.
'Crt ' t:IMU'

AM. tl!1IlI JOa all he bo.... IIOIl bWIl 0.. H ........... ~ t b

He puts hill .... 111 the 1Io.'s mouth. IItr'eet, New York. ia tbc! I'on Lee . . . . wilen
AM keep8 It ~ awhile, for ytSn Ware -llis trap: death Paal IIcMIr-
ADd tItea be taka It oat apia.. &'MIS ... WI trat. the denbeu ~ the
Aftd t1Inl.I a.roaDd to Allie."
Bec:aae of. Its .w.aa:
the J"ort Lee ..a.
for tile t:raUUaa: .t wild ....... b.u .... OM

VERY lIIet1lber 01 the ADd_t _d Hoaorable
SOclet)' of llecoJlec:tDrs .be ..em to the v . .
of the _ _ ~ _ _ of -..ti-. JIIc-
Am~ SIlo.,.. Ia his yCMlt.b ...-.-benI V. . tuN prod1letloa fa tiM COlI:Dtr7. .1_ 0IIt:8IdlI!
Amber'&: .....U,e the cz-t-t ... e( IUs eeQ- the riliap fill. I'on Lee. a tbet . . . .'t
eratfon and OlIe wboee feats more lha.a juti~ the -.0 to ba.e procre-ed . . . . Its u.e
ot I. ' =ee .. JIeoqb.
tiOUl'J' ..,.. IIII'aIld. a ....
veat. a ' ....._, .-cet.:t
~ ~ ., bJ&h walIII e'ftr
nidi e e
_ er-
lib days the

. -e by .bleb he ill alii ..-oclal.aed

eTS om..i4e the circa warid. Pft'.
~ Va Amber&" ... the. D' A..rtapa.n
.... tile 8el'ew. of lit. tiJDe: . . . en,. eoetelllpOt"arieB wbo Kill IRU"rln an!
wma.a to admit that there Is today
......a t of m-.-uul fe. . . . . ._ -
. . . . nery-dQ deeda of una&; make the
pel faa ...... ", the' oId-dDle t:rUacr look
Uke a eaIIIllIe ItMr caJc:I.... .... tltew
folk are tbfe tralllt'n .ho ta.IDe wild ""'1"
QIr ...... la JDDtl_ pkt1lft ~ ad
their adtieYeanb. staadla ~t1ft"
_ the I'elHl1ts or their
.on. raUteI' thaD OD the IOaDda of _aie. tbe . . . c..,
~perroa '''eeo' rtppU-.. IUteIy 8IU-
it, bTe Ites . I ~ b, ee tIaat mnlt
-.JJ.Il-. of people th.roop aItb ' wttb CODV-.ta. Aa4 rtPt ...,.
.... ~e world ... bo ~er Ute e..-t walla, fa the Ileut et a . . . . . . . . .

dlaPiR of the
allover. the world
lite . . of a auTOW path tbat "....... to
IMd. tile I'onIlt of Ardn.. Is tbe ~ ....,
.........,. INIIdIq ...ttere ~ WIed
the wen .r tTalal1lC t ~ wn a-tlaee ... eolU'ql! Oftr the tntaIac
.... ~ aad lloDa, ud of "Prtac-... tile tlcB'. ..- . ...
..-then. nd woh'e.. ad tile l1oIt. aDd lIaaillredll ot. odler r.--
........... other IDO~ . . . . . bat ~ Ierce l'DarrootIelI aetorL
feNdoa ulma1ll for Ute mO" 1"beft .... utOtber UttJe Fr-.I!.... fa tile
tac .tct1lftll Ioet on. Tb~ stHio tb4! othff day ... ho had taIla -0 _ e
an aaimaJ stadt_ in ..dill. of 8oa.qMis'....orIL TIle II_a. aa4 ttcen.
aM BrttWI. EaIJt Atr1c:a. and .... ,..then. &ad leopards. . .d the _ lyu:
fa Upada, aDd. 1111 ~. that the Weft all ~ be-
Genau,. _d A88Uia. Bu it i~
.. * Called 8t.alft that tbe 1araItt
hlJld bian.. .. tbft'e ao plctare KIleduled
JllU't 01 Ute work of . . I.... trallliq
Is ~ Race It b. . _ _ ro..d berated . . . . . the . . eftU'"
for tJlat 1D0I"Il1JlC, TIN! 1"III&ft of die tellUta mer-
8Iaarta, bub, wtld
1.nP11pet1ap., yelp&. r...-e ~ ~ dtolll nmt-
Itet:Rr .. lIILID the .114 aaIaalI to Wlac. .'De t:I'aiM'r ~ that tM ....... __
Pia eRIIItr7 aM ba.e ~ tra1MIlI -.IJ' b..apy, He wtB , '......
.... ~ iii. tile .-e- wIMft t:M ..a. _ a.r...- aI""711 wu.e ~
'. . . . . . . . . t:aa:... CaIIfwraia lit ~ . . . . IUe ., eut..- _ Ilte daaqieII
. . . . . . . . u.e..w._ ..-

-eJ1 . . JlU"tk-IIuty I ' . . . peIltII_ b1M
...... - ~"""'P . ~ ~
_.t.., _.......
_ e.r'" ..
tile ~
_ -.e; ~ 1IiP.k-....... AU . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7 ~ ..., . , . .

.............. one ~ e-. ..... - " ''r''

'ft,e _.



. . wItIl

...-... ..
' ftlI!r

.. eIl . . _~tM7eftr
'n.~~_ ..
tM:J were cqecW. n . t . . .
......... ,T. . . ._-........
. ..
IIiIr ---.n, . .
11.- . . . . _

ft)t:. WIle. It
_'-ta ia~ F ~' ........ c....~tk .,tMtr Is i 2 at
,.. It _ ~ tMt _ ell tIM e..- tIM p.... .,.... TW
........... u:aa-. ., . . ..:.L.-dr ~ GotJ' . . . . . . . . . tIM . . . a.eIP
....... u.ia r.ra _ _ ~tkat d
1Ie ofdle~ I.tme
.......... ilia tis 0..'. cap. ftIt of tM wMIr -.....e: m..
tM .......t.
_ _ _ 2aIlII2 tatt.. tM JIMt ., . - . ~ . . . tnaIft, .......1 rz-, e-II' . . :.-ta~
~ _ ~ aear ~ IIIIIIIe ~ an- __ ~ , . tAt
"'1lIIalI to. . . . tl'idr.oI. .-...
n p. ....
........ tM ..,..... . . . eare of * IM!'W-
aalstMitM2aIlII2 kao-. taPUs
tM -..Ir;:Iaa of tM . . . M ..-IIi .. . . . .
TIle.......... 7 . . . . . . . . . ne
set la tbe IItMIo,
-t. w....,..
la ..... to do tM put
t:M . . . . . . . . .-
d:rlcIatet rietDI fill
1M 2aIlII2 to . . . .
7" railNMs~,.
1., tile w:ttII
ret....:. to
tM I:ra'-'
2 W:e tM
te' . . . . .
_ (lip
_ _ JUs OW1l doaaiaaat...--utJ. Now. ~ wat tor jMIney tIIat well: ept _711 ,.
....Ut, 111 -e of tbe ~ . - t s la 11011

~iq. b Ills proper ~
.....nea w-w un wI(4
the u.. .t-.I,. by IlJa ....
~. for
~ 1l1. welL
B:It 2lb role . .

.a:-. Tbe II_

_ ole a

tblil! tnJaft'. ___ that
I a Il.
~ t. tile
t h t a e r

m a a

Ia _ _

Kat.Iab:L" It

4enteod that

_- -
Il e r aIlOIt1
w ld 1M

~ tb

.. -

to the

--....- .............
'De Kath-
1,-. JIict1tI'ell.
de IIlP
............. 4 ..-. .r
__ .t~_,... ~e ......... a t..t

--. - ...
of ..-.a.. _ tIult tile 9dlc . . I_

. e of tbe t-"""t I'Ut& of tbe
C:aIlfJDnLia .-aL O'TnF OJ

.........'-' .. =

.hM ~ with her c:Iaaqes.
are is alwan _ the alert r.. the
z-.~-=.~_ 4 . ~ Mt lIbe ""ocata ..-
~ ... k I " ' - I. the taatac
10..- poIell. e:: tato the alC''. of the aaJmaiL 1'. . CD. _ the
l"ftClliaI' ta.
Boaa ..... aM the pbtoI' . . . . N-
The U_ IIt:Ul .. tM:
aItbMP tile ~ 01. .....
. . . . eqIaIae4 that 1le t. _ . . . .
....... .AM""
aron," . 0 1Jelll>ye.. "DeTer . . thll
reoaJts baTe btoen
1MItaItIe. aJtIleiIP Iler faIDe bh
. . . . tIM ", owet~ . beN. rftt:dd:IOII _b' to the nab
. . I r.k t. of - - - . . . . or ber Iter 0W1I J!f'O"
...... ' - ' _ wkat tIIti ..... ..,. Ie _ .,
do." be ..w. witll tIult ..
.. u... m.-
tIaat ~ '*
~...,. tile .,..
r....-. He poi_tel2. . . . .~ "
wbe baa _ _ fa the .-ee for ~
y. . . . . . wtMleeb_ . . . .

.. -.
_bea utili. ~

"Sbe bfte.b 0lIt

It .. tILia ...,&11:7 fill _ d

t2ult _ _ tile; _ :
rtf-e ..

I .......
It tM trabd.Itc of aeJ.-.II . . . . wWt. tk
ttrwt a.Jac the taaIl: - W _ . . ~
b'eIIPt wtdt. tba II; tM wwtl: ell.

.. ---., .. --....-...
........ Rdl:I=c -.cM. a.t tIM . . .
dM:iII: fill U - ...,. 2Ireek . . an. ,.,..

~ IttL .&ad. It t. a F
-.ey . . . . . . . tbe . . . . . I1*fIIl_ ......

tW: .. ,. .-rIy ....,. ttIe .... -.nee ef

the e..- wIto aLta the u.r. fill ~ .........

t' ..... ~. .~
. =
- ....... ia-tlle..,..-t elf
e... .. :u...
..-.. e" WM . . .' .......
....... ]. ..
'JI:s~ .. _ ~ ..
iafla b .... tM-..e ..........
Da. Dw: Wma. I'IIaIDelI _ .......,. . . . .
Hdea "aft .. ..". ~ ae.p . . . . ..

'-' tk ~ actor. tIIo
Ba.&.& D.Ar. .
. _ . . . - . - 1aa
o.e ~
wftJl I'aaaIe W...
la . . . . . . Pr-w-.~ .... JaHaa atiaIIe la
fa ""'!'be SIca ., tile -.w" ... CItIiI 8It:Iaa!r ta

JUT'll: h:Ju.Doa. ~e ~er Jl:acIWl eIIandIer
acu....u ......... I. . . . . . . . . . . . .
~ F

~ ~ wek:aale re- -ne CrIIlolbte GIrl."

t.n. .. tM V I ~ fOl'CeL fUaT W"'.TNll. Ja.. of the t - . of B~
wlM!nl w bad beea veatlJ aad Wu-a.. ~ b-.lJbten. -.d happily 'TlBGINIA ClUOVEI<ET.
...... o.e 01. Ilia . - . ~ nocalIed I. YUi_ ZI~ "ToWeL" wi.. QIMlU'M wttIl (be
eeDt ~ bdac 1-. ~](r. JOIL"I )f.o\Y. ador aM .race ~. laM: M-u ~ .. - - . la
B I. a: 1 e ' . lIe1edrama. ~ the ___ appeart~ . . ,.... I. ""T1te BlI.~ "'Let'. GG A~" .....
KJ"eUIIlqIy hlaaJ' ~ 0< VImoe-" . . . haa d-.e occamaaal ~
...' a cut"Sl at tbe Vllqrapla Than-e. e-;.; . B...... KcCtTrauloll, . . . . . "Tel daI featare ala work., 1IObbl,.
u-- .lto dedafts b*-lf hil!'U'tily -Brewllte'r'. .11JIoIla." hu beN aatabIy sue- f\Dr tbe )(l~Bro".hen.
r t - ... t'1I: MO$n~cnu:aT,
~ of ~ uu. tJar-P kis acrer- .....r.l. both la . . . . . . . . ICNI!Il r-.
abie c::p:a'enee la ~ Ilagled Earl." _ re- Pu... : ,.,.......... the yeceraa EacUsb actor, la JlriYale llfe is Jba. GeoiIrP
.A..rlba. ud .Iao LuI: _ I"'etanIed to tbe
. a-tq ]Jk:tvM by tile PGptlIar PIa,. bd f tw_ty4e'Yf!"D ~llt'ClSthe :rears .
PIQftoa. e-...,. _ _ber of SIr Be.ry 1rYtac". ....
~..., staee. ~ IoCImor abenee. nppol"t:lq ber b ...
_bo. sbace tbe lIeatIa of that actor. tau ..-ted bud ill "I>IsrwlL"
~ V.L~"', Ute ~y 15OU-
_lao lately wtu.drew froom Ute east of
hIDes ., Ult."
N.n C. GooDwL"Ii. _Iilo rectIltJy reQraet to
eJllt:hudyely la the SD-pport of Ills .... H. a.
-"""'''1 W"'J..L.A'""L wbo ..... b amaas tbe best
ru..... &:ccL&L tAe daID.t;J Uacer. ho. for
_ e n!MOD or otIaer, h-. BOt appeared III pab-
lie for _ e time. ~,. tw'a.Iq 11ft" talftlta f.o
aetiTe pral.uGul IlaraMa,. ...-nac ..
to.r of ~ stocII: com. . .,. lead.las' - .
s..n. T~Jf hcae ....el, "lIoaAlevr
la -Nner Sal' Ok," ..... IlI&W7 ~ J __
J'&A.."Ii1l .....T ~ w".
certaIal, kelI .. ftI"J
~~ t. __ to be . . . III ~ fonD,

~ '" it. ......... fa . . ae. tba

th.rM ~ .. ~.. "'TIle 'I'aaIJy rw>,NA..LD CB.lSP. of tH Mu
LI ta&l torce.. ..,.. -..11
wftIl JUIea It. IIeebtt la the title role..

Ho-amn... 1I.wwn: 110 bas
atack. ' p t.
ia ...,. of oar
""ed . UIIIeI'-
~ ... -ne a-.-"_ -."
IlacDo~.u.a . . . . . . . . .
9a7 taatucbta 11M len I.
IIolI .............
ftICNt weir. be-
la a.eua.ce ... ~ J6e-
t:aI"e. Ilu IIna Ilia e.t1Mt
Iy ~aI"'u. ___
~ ~

...,oany """.... tbroe;aclloGt New

IlA.wX.L"I. ~ of tile BaJDe1"OUII

D ~ tM ra- Jlr'P'leI'r ... the ac:reea ...... lateI,. Iac ~ of tUt prol1tc ...... at Te1"JIUcbOf'll!Ul
..... rr-kly ~ ~ .. fa.... ~. to lit ,. ae- artiIats. OM Pw.y Ballet.
., "c:tvoea
an __ tID . . _
...,.. ..,. . u.e ..... ~pI"'eau. Vm.a. 9rowE, wM, lib ~ . . . . .....f&.
lac ,..... JIa.Jrrer 1IIeIItad . . Ute ~

Cri ~
..... V .....~ . tbe
.......... ~ .... ~ _be. for the .. db ..... -.c::rtna-.,. ~t.

.. ~ ..Ida J~ l.-Il::r. tbe of
wbidll .m ..
"'Tbe a- .,
tIIle .. tt.e bel... at )eat, I .u:tq IIer -..e ta
RoT ~ TucY. wll ...-nrt tot .. wb.Ue . . . t..o.da-.. .~ IlIle t. follo.l.. bel' Jltet'ar)'
___ I. the Apport ., Robert HlDlard I. ~ w.
-ne Arule CMe... ~ 1"<tIIn:a PL"'TT. tbaa wb_ we .'We M
TEBS. who hu
V_.l'U TL:T. the ~ a.tbor of DO bl!tterblo. . . lay prod.cer, klil!DtI8ed .Ith stp&Il,. ~ 1 Id.
lhe New TboMIft d.m... Ita ~ , _ _

__,. IItories ., IIItqlp folk, 1t.Pt.c pbaM' ber 'taI1et7 of st:r--e ehanlcter
kaoWWp at .... bud.. Iadac .-t1:J ...-Jar ..Ilea be 11M _ _ uaodat.ecI with Wlathrop I JOrIes' with the 1MbIa com...,. .
~ f bMllUI the fOOC.llpq at __ tIlDe. with .Ilkll abe bu !teeD IdeD"
e...uu. JI..u-. two ., nOR ....... TDJLy the pr1m.a ........
SU"''T''I'tU:1Il.. tll\ed for .....e tilDe.
bJOOiood .... t. Flower"
of a.... Hall," baTe 1ItqIe ....
d1ndea ber time aowadas. betw_ qad~'t111e
.A1..:aT PaaT. wtt.D ..e f'II!!IeeatJ,. . . . wlUl
B ~ $ GUT J'tSIl&. tbe
tbeM:rk:aI prodtteer. bo ..til
be ~ ad:1ft tIl~ ~ ..... _ . otIerla

1>1: Ln, alrtbor of till!' 1ItI11d...,: IIotJI .,.. . . . . . .... Lydia Lopokcrn. ill .ew
.IQ. ..J........ .. idl
. . .teII bft'e . .era]
San.b Bn1lI.lJantt PI"!"
,.ear. ....
WUIIaID Collier I" "'"Tbe Dtetator" ad B<eIeD
l...owe:U la -Next... a.a4 wbo baa beea for a loa
tt.e w-tlAed with "A Bird of ParMhIe."
p""" aDd' Ile wiD ~ y .eIId ~~et" . .

ee.a..u.....("001l"'U. bo . . lDar E-t ..............E. .Il.e t - . haft twlakJed b", 8...uDI....... for the put thlft -ea-

Jut _ .. JlMi:It"I I. "J.epII _d

WIULUl C. Dll Ktu..&. tbe pa"Wf"i&hL t_o

At. t.be8e maa,. yean I. the ra.b of t.Ite Pw.,.
~ 9 811):'1.. wh.. IN ..._.. upt
_ _ .... 1Ieel JIQtac JeMI.... parts with the
fJleI b II.arU 8tedt ~fIUlift. of .bleb IwT
b.-...l,. Ira Rara, t. JU"l ...-r.
., ilia ....... dta ~ ~ .... . " . c:llftft' eat abort IlJ Daa 0IpW ..,-.. WILLU_ E. BoJf)fft. tk emeeu-t ebanetu
""nle W ~ of vtrdaJ;a... Ute ant of .Ilidl eraI yan ace. for abe left the ~ at the .nor. tilt. - . e r a ~ ., tM Poll Stock.
.........,. kaowlI _. . tile ~ wilDe the tl-e: 0' IIer ~.. aa-. e-a.
at New
____ .. la" ~ - J __ o.o-a. ....... rn.d ~
J.A.a r. C-e. at tIM .elJ.boW1l ~ ~ ., wta.. ...,. b '.ted taro
tJeuI ., Cooll .... ~ _!to bue lIeUPtM
_ t.ItoNP . . .,. lSI'S. M A B. GAR E T
wt.c.e aoethe
..,. ~ Dot dte . . . ~ of ....teb
... -nte JIIIl1oII."
W. R. GIJ.,M-. _ of 0.1' .c.t ~ J __

.... Deft 11ft: . . -tile RJIPOrt of
ClIp .aaapn, Joac willi IInde .wa.u.. ... Adl . . . . . . Beu7 MIner,
J"I!Ieeet..),. -ea .. -We .&re geTea....
Ax.....- B.r.Mi.. t1Ie
..... thaa boIoU his
~ ....
tM Dr -
BertIla GalIaad.. 1AlIJa; .lames.
J"rederk:II; Warde. ~ O'NeIl. H. s. SORTB:aUP, no ILu ~

........t tlIe lIfet:ropoIttu ()pen & - .

..... Patric:k ~ E. H. recard of riUUa ad diane--
80IItbenL Jau. lIarIowe. AI'- t. ....UaberM VIta-
CIer . . . . .
~ BItno., the ~. . . . . . . . . wsk:aI

aoW Dal,.. Wrtpt l.Mtater. , crae>b JlIrtves.
Me of Ilia ~
1I1~. wbo II. . 1Ieel .-odatM. with . . .,.
of . . . _ t~, J _prodact1oe-.
WlIIlaa P'aft'l"allaal., aad s-r, Jewett. eat ILIa betac .. the l..-dlal!:
Jl.AaT A."IIQlIIQJf.. "'Oa.r JIar7." of ~ Xaa la "Xl'. 8lIacIe'. lido-
I'tap fame, .ho. dtsptte ~ t ....... to
IIIlt:ftIlte ~
the daiaty
. . . Ilu
the,., wlU pQlIIdyel,. BeTS' a..-r tw-
bi_ the footllPta apj.
.. J.lJlRll !l-,~. 110 win DOt
. . . be foraott-. for Ills el"eetlwe .....- OD
beeB m-. _ tll.. EvGlt... c O'1lm:tKE. wbo had a Wer'J" ~k
,.....r; tom' ta ......s Da1'L"

h~_ I. 100 any _ of It. appearlq .ftb He," Ware .. ~ l.Iz. ror-tny so cbannla&' I wid@'
e-L- -Wlthia the t ...." YaJioety of ~ _ parts. bat wbo llL&t'T"ied
WIU..UJIf Ra.",.ll WElOT. IlAaIc 1...ntI.. th@' .~tul y_q Load. ud ~red. rr- the IIta&e .ennJ Jean ap.
who h..
do_ most aotabl. aett'8B, wbo. . . ~ b.. IL Is to appear ta J .. L C. CL.t.lUr&. the yetena dramatbt, au'
~nrlt til .uunbet' of c:banIt- lhIs ecNIItr)' But --.a, _dft" CIaarIes J'rob. thor of .-eb ~tuI pIa,. . . ""or So... h:
thr ",leA with the Kate- COIII- m_'s .1ftd:l0D. Priace CharUe." wltII Jail. .IIlulo..e; "'The
...,.. ~ . . to the f01"l! I. their tw~l pic-- J. T. CU.AIu.E, "e __ . . 8r'oedway P'InIt VloUa." witll JUebard IlaadeId; "Her
tWftll., II" work betas ~Ia.lll ~worthJ .. m.... I"tlt'ftIU,. .. Cbl..... la Da'rid ~ , " .Ith Grace Gep; Nt..d)' GodIYL"
-ne ~ "ds
aocl ""8b___ of the Be\UtO'. prodact1011 0' '""Tbe . . . I..we.... wltIIl Suab ~ ~ Priece ., lad"'''

"""'. ..... l"".
L.ft WlJfllnD.a. ".lao III IIOW ta lite __I _ of 8n~ . r ~ elite of ~_'. IlOP"
- ...,..... 8u.o\w. wh-.e ..-e eertabl- OM . , tbe ~e.t - . . . - s t a ., HI- pro. ~ .bo .... __ !left
Jy . . . . . _ lat:nlhd.l_ w~ .... ,.,. f ~ eaI"iI!ft. betItc .. "1Utt)' JbeItay," at .-e J.-n . . . fa It. 8. Willard'. . . . . . .
!'P, Ittt .. will M ~ Hf'e till.. ~- tlte o-M,. fteMft. ~ ~ BInIbn I. -nte ......
S-,. C .A, . . . . . ..-e baa fer

WEfT COJIn sfuDmc-JoTTmG::f

~S--CJFr"l'HE' : _au ' r
U..30UTHB_ C A L l F O _

By _WiIIio
ACK O'BIlIIill'o; '- ptdq' - e lMdIy ehetII
....,. a-t ., the PIlI:IIIe.~_ . .
....... dprette fa . . . . . . tie, a

J fa -m. ~ of the HW. Imap" at

tIIle aea-ce....... A .'U"der _-,.ten"
~ tbbI ....
at the ....... edce. for. It p n the Ktors _
oppcJI"toitT of P'UbtIIc lIiM PenJ' t. tM
ill aalftt.,. little RI.... o.t la- .. IlO't'd . . .
water .. or6er to Jut tIM: In: lrl:L
.... 1l...L WaIR doeI; capf;tal work ta. tblL

It 111 "Cleo Jfacli8oD. 1U&ht"' at tbe lU'dba de

WbU. waWq ill . . . .tomobll........ to...
Duaee" MlI:t . . . .,. aa4 a late tt nee ill reoeatb"1 Heft o-ber 011 WUliaa D. Ta7....

", bIc fa.....

. . . . . . for the de't'er Ut:t1e UDtnnal atar Is
BIle wttll her INetor 1rur:rM
s.o.a CIllGlIIUlY.
WOI'br tar baTlJlc so
w-.. ~ by
1Il1ldl pdat OD
'Whea the otWr adGn arrt.ed the )My
her .....

~ . . . tile "'TreJ' of Reu1:s" ecmlpalQ' uve

jut retanled from .a-e1UI_ tbae In th~
~ the Grat. Harry Pouanr. . . . .
a ~ phoc:.
)(u. " . . . . ... DO"
baIWiIrc. jam,. tato lot '.1 ...... HIu. fa
player, '"TIM! IIaa _ the Bozo. ........ beee lab thtDk:1Dc be ..... 8PI'blIIblc to some aics
cc.rpleted at tile Laky.mdioL Robert Ede-
- . ... aIM throaP wt~ '"The Call ot the
Sortb" aDd H. B. WUDer ... clft, la ""Thr
Gh.... ~ . . They are _ the job n"et')'
mLaate af I..aMT1.
dry spot. hter spoiled seeae ud . . . ntr"
reprlJa:aded. He bates to be laaped nt. ~

Aa IlOOII the raJ.Dy . . . . ill over at PaD-

lima the seucCOIIlpaRJ will RDd the "Ne'er
Do Well"" COIlQIUlJ' dOWll there to take . e -
OD. the llpot... Lanier Butktt baa pat the KOI')'
iaw photoplay form _d baa beea penonaJly
CODCJ'IItlIl&ted bll Rex Beacb upon hb he Prominent 11m stan are a p ~ at the
....orlt. Uttle Theatre of Ul eTeIlilIc ta *!rim et I
e~ aa4 well bowa pIap. ~ I
La "'&' R1U'&J RoIII.&DCe' Cam.pbe]l of II.alIde eM ' en",.,. _4 Drwclu Gel'--
the ltay Bee. made & t:erri4e d.lp In aD auto f'&rd 01 the K.aJem eomDAll7 Aft ad:iIlc fa -rile
for tully aixty !eft. be did not lDtud to (1,:0 ~ ... ~l"1l. TanQUfOTa,....
~ f&r. but could DOt . . . the ca:r la time.. 011
1be jo'CU'DeJ' Ile eruIled. throuch a f_ce. For Arcllie McKacklD.. formerly with the Ell-
tI:nauly he ~ 110 lnjartell. UD&3'. is DO'" COlr.ed.1es tor the Al-
buquerque COIIlp&Dy .t the Nuh ~OII I.
AileD. Wydut4' 18 _~_t of the Loe AA&'eleL The DULl. Albwluet"qQe comPlUU
lAU:y 1aborator1s. W ~ IlliJII. the saae are spen4iq lI:J1pe tim>! at~... talr:lutr: sea,
poRtioa ..-IUl the Albuquerque Compaay &Dd.. pleturetL
_put from beiac aJl upert meebaietaJl aad
cbetDbt, he ... mOM. eqIIIble actor aDd all HeD.r)' Otto. late of Balboa, aad sotnc to '
rouDd reliable fellow. SUta Bu1Iua to direct tor tlle AJDedeaa. bu
beeD made IDembet' of the J"rtarL HeIlrJ' I
llaclr. 8eB.Dett. tte nateqrr1sitlc bead of the .... eaIIed. 11'-' to eelebrate at the Pbotoplar I
Keyaooe CamPUY. ril 10 to New York
lhortJy. A Uttle btl'd wtu.pen tJlat he win
en' Club. !
lieD ... _ . !leW lIt&n wbJlst there... o.e Ed.a& IIa.1-. bas beeD presetlted "'Ith .,. ,
thiDc is oertaill, be wtll a:Jt allow at_e,. to bEut1tuI El:ntiu tcu'qaolJJe llee:kJaee "'1'
.c:aDd t. the w.y 01 bM obtaiaiDc bi. ~ . rt1lll by u II:Mtera admirer. The cost . . .
- 0 . . - -.;, !"'yt..IlIaII,... __ 01 Cltia Tm'Mr".
ha.e been very tr:reat and It III seat . . a M , I
.... pc...... .... ... aIlihItlBll ,. to
ot sratltwJe tor pktlRN ~T_ OD. the ~..
The _4ft' is & real -.!mlrer tor be does Dot
....t . . ~~atCI ~ ev_ Itatle his aame 01' addresa.
t. . . It I woeclerfU . . . . . . , tbe ___
CfI the. priacl..... Wuu.. ' 1* Clee
JUdI-. IIeI1Iert B.a~ Aa.aa UttJe .... llabelle ~ WTItn rro. DIep s..
that .be t. ~ 4elae bft' ta....te be '"
J'mak LIoJ'd is ~ 8tMtlmc 8etII . . . parts. IacUaaa. _4 tbK ~ter J:lIabetb is
.... ftI&1b" 61:1 .... " .,. camera won by a180 u.w wttIJ. Hr at tlJ:e IItaT ~ ,
BUly rc.ter arabs up . . ~ y fiDe re-
Tom. N.... wt..D eooa 1M: _ bfa war .....
Ba.rry R.atl:.eDbur,- of the se.- York with bill "Jr(~ . . ec: ~
e-...,. ..... with Ute ~ lit Baa PMro ucl t.t:1"elH'\!lIel
"'bJcb tAt daa:Ie New York
recna.Uy. HarTy weIPa UltJe lIftI' Utree
b-eed poaDds ad is bic' wftJI. u..
espedallJ d:lde .... Il.b ~ ETer70M Is cW lit
NUIIl the waf-. ODe. Be ....ell to tIHt tIloeeI Yr. NaIdI'a~
_Itere be ... __ ~ to .... wb. . . .
his IleIt Ud berm 10lIad .... tJIe . . . - ~ Eddie DlUoa is prodDd... farce caIIeI
t.dt. "'Caa"t fI. . . . .,. belt bat thft'e is & btll MLeave It . 8IIailer." Ia It t!tMtrted ea.-
t::rwalr: atTap ID yoar room.."
pau,. are ~ . . . ~ bow tD _
1D~ltt'~~tIe_ . . ol . . . .
nere prodaeen .t tile ..... Aa-
Aft IM!'YH. JIllNIe san tUt TOIl ~ Baldy K4-
&&- kaacll 8dIc ~ ..w. Colla
tile . - t . . . . . . ~ to ..,. MtbJac .i
CuqbIID . . j..t WU &....eIl reeler
JI"a,. TIJadler. all act . . .t ut1IftIlY tIle7
.... _ Row.... &ad CIUlord'. We .... Cd: bM:tt by staUq that ICddle Dew
u--. ..,.. a-:,..- ItadlJp. 1JtJ1.a.aL _bat It all ID. . . . b,- M. capable lllredIoa ol
CIIarln Clary . . . ....eeter o.t::aaa are III the the dl~ lKIdftta.
-. .... _ _ tn. ............ tt:at a._I
.&. F
t.. .......
Ieent flna of real
Aft _ _ ~
Il-ant r.-. & twat:r~ fIMt
Il..u... ,_ 8ul IIle-l bIIud.
.... W. .,. _ _
_ ....... JIcbu'-. ,..,.
-..n.iI: ttle ~
he th ~
eecvr'8II . . ~ . . w.e
reierla Il.b .......... - - . I,;
fill the A.-rIcaa com....".


van A*aherg.
_ _ . . - - ......"
, ..... ~ . ,
vn ...
. . . 0tIe ~ eI. l1u.erM.I'.
e.w-" ~
'"'!'lJ ell tile
' ,ertel ......
. . aM....- -....:17 ~ wit.II
.... ...wac.
....... were...

. . . . . . . . taka a r-t
TIe. aM
u.... eI. were tuMII fa
ta ~ eM . , .. . . el Jk. T1Inwr'.
~."",,,,,.u.eLade .....
Mrt aaer u.- ta .
......-e. 'I"Ut bat fraqIIt wtdl _ _ _
,.. _ . . . pwbHm
bt .bo were aIIItwoId .. title
....p' -....:. BlIt: -a. ..-J' _ .t'

wiIIIIt tile ' ~
....... Dr~2'_
: .i __. m..
tbe ~ft'S --.t .... tJt.e
....... eftbel'

~ u.. ta-.. _
't Hm or
..... "'tJt.e



'!lie, 'F, . . i ' ., ....

H -..-,... Is . . . ., tbe . . . . . . . ~ ...

CLouD. ... m....

Wrig __ "f'wdM!rh

. . . . . . . . . . .a.:MJD
u.. t::ultq.
~ Ipft. . . . Ita~
e.aployea. ill
lib . - . ,
-...eI .. ~ ..... dPt
taee of the tnle tbt . . . . . .,. nIIroM
,~ . . .
l'lIIPM . . ~
ThJa Is ~ .. lite We
caae wJaere JI'\ora .-0. ...... aned
11ft Q _ _ of ....~ ,..altrs aM

~yWriten! ;YouCan rvpa WHa Plan ~ tbe ....,.. tM

r..e ill Hptell by -.eau of tft 1I&tterJ'. TIM!
~ ., Ire wbJeta It tlIraws tr1cbte811 Ute
u-e.. Whe. IAe taKa away the . . . ." Is

Get This Oliver !lPewriter! ~ toward her _Ith upw fueoe . .til
abe eowen La ClOnler. Tb"- tIM! tza.IJlft' _.
ten tbe eaee. bokllJls lI&bted taee I.a his
baad. aad lhe III wtthdrawa. '!"be

:<! ~ On tr'ablenI always eatT}' loaded ~oI"'en tor 'Ul!

I. caM the f1Iwe tau. to eow...... J'Iora
bolU the I'eCOI'd tor attaeb OD Iter keeopers.
&lUI ..w. the plul of the dUlDlD1' . . . the fuM
.... lle't't.ed for her. IIbe had the better ot the
lS1t. .tIoa.. She has come haJr.

~th or cw.lq bumaa 't'ictIa:I eeore
or t:fmea.
Ve1""b _lmal tuoen ~ her
the wont 1IODe. I. capt:lotlt}'. ~
ber .. "'bM..~ b . IIla&Je - . . . Q8 eft'er
3t feet of I7'OQIlll. uid. eIte 1eqJI with t.credI1tae
swm.-, Be-. tt.e aco she dlar&ed

TRIAL! t:ra1.oer rn- ~ or 10 feet. TIle tnfaer

till . . bne tbM to - . t:!u'ottcb
whftoe Ite' IItood Wcwe Ute U - .... w. . .
* .......,.

kla. UUI 1M wu _"'ed
from death -.11' .,. the
.-ttbl8a 0( other tnlaen I. e-iac to Ilia
No IIM_'tYy o-.!
c Noe' I .! 0 . t.-..ce fit wkN . . aa.Jaal . . . . . the
--.ttaa crt eeftr&I ~ wu wiles -SUnr-
. . . . . .3 No'" eat e::.-.-! 1IIds." Ute f a - . Gre, Wolf .A tlte UaJftnaJ
~ ........-. u ftPPDI_t to tab care
crt Utter et lib: faT:r woIf-w1tell- wtta 0tM
J3 CEllI'S A DAY AIID IT*S YOURS I TvMr weat te IIeCVe Ilft' IIl'I"t'ieeI ...........
Jta7. T1M eoa...,. "..
, .... reKy aM: ~
INt ..Doetor'"" ltlrla7. tile dUet ~ . ~
' . . . . Ute . . ot Ole .... wolf. Be ~
Ilt. f t r - I !ateI' I:a the "1' to wtlfred IAeu.
_ho . . . Ia th ..-e predlc::a...t wftIl T'U'-
1Ier., '!"be ref'WIa1 m~t tile 1-. or O't'ft' tIlov-
. . . . Hlian to tbe eoIIlpUI,... the eomJlUin
ewW aot . . Iato ether playL
~ Ia tile fuD-. woU' m IIII~
~ plc.taria 81M eaptU'eIl a ,..,.. ...
fa Ute faNl.-t;k a..- Ba7~. ;. ~
or raw .-t. with ~ IlUteli
Iaft'. 'nle ., kIIIbC Iler. ai,
. . . . . . HI' left Ilft -.a to ~ .A
tnRter Ilft . . . bonrtac tbt IIle . . .
~ ulaille aIb'e tIluI . . . . ~ 1Mr aad . . . her. . . . ~ IIle . . takeII

to tile ~ lit C'1l1~ aty. . . . roe-
....... to ~ ,."my. ~ tt.e t:r1ck
ot...-naate~.. ~""""''''''

.", '
TIle Uafftnal . . . JIIltk fIl ~ ......
T1M t::rablen ~ tbt tile ~ to

5.- ...... tnJ:aJac . - e ~ tM- ..,. wtW aJ.
..... ~ bM 'eteD' ,."
TRIAL wtW: w1W ..-..J.... _ 'Y_ ~

aaDU . . . to.,. .......

. . . . . ... tle "..

~. ,
tJIIle.....,...~ .
tJle IIttIII ..,.
A a . . . . . . .
. ' w1Ww ..........
5IIIIT _ _ cr1IElIAIIm
.................. ,..

_..... _----,_ ..-........

NOIUIA...........- to _ _

........ .. -
-_ -...... ............ ...
T R.p

... _- _
!NaY __ ..... etae~ -'Ir. ~ ..

.... ~ 11. lID. . . . . . au.- _' ..

............. .-.
' . ' _ . , tM ....
Ia,., fa ,

....... ., ....
. . . ' - t .. z.-. ta
., .,..
. . . . . JIlI:.. . .

.... a.r...,. ...
. .'

.... ...e-t


h ...

to ... y'''!''''~

CI'7IitIII . . el at r .....ia.~
. . . . lie . . . . . . . ~ 1BIIe",
wttIl ... IIlt&w e-a-
ce ra ._",~I __" abe . . . . . . . Sarah ~ . . a ~

ar:e ., "'CudIIe'" ...:k '...... to ..
Upoa bel' retVIl te .a-tea 3q .... 1. an. rI8IlIac. .......... ..-k cm
. . . paftItfac U"t ~ 11.1. ra-ritlt ___ olitalaIlIl ........ v= t fa . . . . . -.eQ ....
.... fa De .,......, wtlk:Il. -at to IIlqtuoI tJo
IJII"Olhee ooc- Ow'ft" !Ifte... 1IIade . . . . Lew
J'IdIs . . . ~ carli! are t:IaNe lIIlan w1tJI,
_bca Kl-. PIllm,. a ~ aM & lItIJe ~
I REl'iE old w". ..ate
. Nt tlLI'ee OM IIaIf tbaa a year .... abe la, IteUaace
with Da. McCarth,.
.... ~
................ .,
ta .".. P'rWe et

bel' fIIdillw . . . . . . . . .
11m&. As tiae _
1M ,... . . . . . .
fm.-:taat JlII'b aM IIer creat
aaan,. c:ame _be.. abe wu dloeea m aaet ~
.r "Karpftt.~ tb.-
Faa .... riWI'W'LAT

.......,.,.... .... ..
tzoe-e_tau.. __ put h@l"Olae of "Oar )(uhal . . . .1IaIie. . . . .
ol". . . ~ ..... __ : Or"'_
_eI ita kia4. ..,. it . , .

a..ouo f t '

W1lJJII .wI fa Iter ~AlIY.""HiD
L BE lIQRA...X. the cbeoct"'hll '"T1~" of th4!'

-_ . '= -:'Ch':'~ ..:

l"':~~ ~cal
wtt1l a 8toek ~

at PwtJaall . . . ~ _
the rwI' wttk_
.... ant .S -=
..... fncUn . . 1ia
, . . . ,..
trae ...
BI elle
twoe 1lttIe . .
.... Ill" ...... ..=:=:==...=
or fa .....,. C&lItoraIa
. poeiq' for the lima.
t - eI:IU:bled:

I.MI.lwt~ -rile GoWea


ten 1& 1IaadeId.'. ..1tIdlarC ... n.mI"" .... GIrr ...... =-~._!:U:t
aftlea a . . . . . . . plaJ>ed Ule _ _ ...-t wttIL ......

- --~--
tkie . . ..,. " ...
~ lIIdftfl. J"oIIIowbac 1leI' ~. -.dL m- ....tta a-q ......".
__ . . eaIW .wa,. "
H'" weB tat. TUderiDe wttIl IIer . . . . kt
IIer ~ _ _ _
fa A1ae PrIMII: e(
alPL' Bto:..-
....a- .......
laJv1 fa are.. m.. ~ ~ cal~_.eS
__ .. -r:M GII't ..
~ fill . . . tIIt:Ia ftk:II. , . . ~ .... Iiler
~ ...-.N MdJ' Rt h e IIlaft .-w th~ la
was tr.ek lit ~ Ia lJU __ ~ -.- Ull be tM
baa til IIIbMr r-. wttIl -.....ce.
~. CbuDp-' I'datr . . .
later ro... her tt.clI: fa IIeIIuee ~ IMlIIq
~ I'oothaU is his ta......u. ..orL 1

1"'018. Sb4!' hal; darlr: bro... ...,.. IP'J' eyes aad

a ..(tnd~ny clear coalplexf_.
H EoVRT a; W.u.TfLU.L - -
c...", ~ .. 11M
la fIIMD,,.
enDM In pb~ work for he bID yean.
Be Is fIMt ...-es
G EORGE LARJilN. the ...... t.dles I ..

--- ...
............ fa~ .. -ctPs - .......
I'Q(tn _orit4ld au&b' . . . thl1"t7-8ft' ..-....
.~ . . fa tM Ilk- He ~t 8I!!'\"ft , . . . .
_ tile lestt+eete
__ tIM .... te e-- . . . . -.ellft ' I!,
...". m 1H7. '-t _wit ~ tile c:ua.
1& lJl _ PMIte era, ~ wttll
IItu7 JIIDcr'" __

...... ~r.~ prct A:.acIIL &Iwwtr:
.... ...
...~ bs cJai-.ed
............. 1
Idea . . . . . . 1te is "Vi? .. r0u.-

...... ter ..

wttII Ulliftnal
.uw ....
tI-. . . .......~ _r'" He et.*

.....* ...
of atltkdm Of. all ~
w 5""'!lQ' o.a:, t.anm.
ea:I'l'faI *'-t'. '-d

', ........
lUle. ..
NIa. ..............
..... - . . . , . , 1Ir~ Wattllalll
at. 8IlIIIras* .. ' I
.. Wf'ft'&I e( 1M lOll...... D'

lilt. wtA!. R4!'''''''' 1DOIIt tt c ttt ."...etJe . . . . . Gft IlJebIc ~ ... wtidl ......,.
ct- ...HI,..... , . . ~tI,.. bet... releued.
~--_ .. ~

ARDS TOQOEsrDti~PI.l15."
~. a.. L'\' ~.APOU&, b ..-"'IIarie" fa 1.euI W.. Tc.oJ(1D, O:'lT_ CAJI......-"'CIiIaa-
the 1'1 _ _ -ne Natioa'. P\!rlr . . . ... IDaw . . . ~ fIIIIItve - .
IiIQeI. bJ' JIarie WalcaIIIp. ~ ~ It '..,. tM ~ o..u,. ...
... _ IoIlcer wtth UuivenaL Haym't Ileanl ot JUtI fII. It h N taka ta tat ~
Ua joIabac aDOther emapa.ay. .. c:u"t ..,. bot1I. - . . IDa 1 B:r:Iaqw.
w1lere be lIJ ..odl1q _cnr. ~ be', tak1Ils ..... are ~ I 7

a .... awaJWd vaeatlGll. .. tile fill: tM . . , . W ......

. . . w1tIt Jbtal., Ia' aat ,..
P'...,;::c1' ........ 8LA,:(CIla R... ~ P .....-The u.o.pc. . . It ..
IIdOr _d the p1a.J'wrtPt fa PDwes' -.....-. tal tIaat It ' . . til . . IiIItq
GIorT' ..ere W1Iu- W ~ ad rraak
~ Ella BaD . . . Ute Iaces_
eome4y "'The Career ot Waterloo Petenoa...
lD. .... IIa _.-.
. . . . . foil. ~ It . . J-t tile .oter

a..-..t:1'. New T-.: en-i:.~ BUIll Is

~.:'{. Nnr OIrLE.A:'I'(II. LA.-Itua....... DO . . . . . w1tJl U ~ . . nem!b' ......
GreeM ..... "Jjeh.iD. 8aaaden ta. LUbl:. ""TIle e.traet to.....,. III vttacrqIa..... T-.
CbaaceUAc." That draDl& .... wrtttea by WlIIlaa SIlea . . "BlUY WrtPr .. tile IJDP
t..~ S. 1IcC1ofI1le,.. DOt EpeI WlBthrop ~ ~Lo""'e &ad a ~ '!"IdDeL"

.. ~..
11l;(:",uPOLls. lIJ:c,...-J'. LbadIeJ'
OL1'IIPIc. CalCMIO. ILL.-TtI .... -nte
CUiIdaD." is the 0Illy reIeued b7 tile
P'lJJPI; wu the _ I. KaIem'. "'Tbe Box Car Vltapapb~ e-pu,J" we ....-e
Bride" and the _'a nreetheut .... BIIUe othen ..,. be ~ fa tile . - r fataft.
IlbodeL Wallace krr1p.a does .ot pIQ ill We eu. "t tell you fa , . . what JDcaIlt:r tile ...
tala tao! ba __
pietvet; replu'ly. althoap IICf!IleII of "'TIM! CIlrtstJaa.. weft T_
~ 011 the ~ eta ODe or two ~ _tcltt write the pabUdty eIIt: of eM
..beD a.other "S1I~" W'U Deeded. VltacraPb Com...,. of .&meric:a. ~
New Ton. &lid periaapI JO:& ...... RanL . . .
liaR. T. J. L.. SPOC":'!. W"'SB..-Hdea & . . .ped e:a~ tor reply. .
Halma I, still witb .KaJem. or was at Ieat
Ute last we knew. It sbe hu left tbeB It 1I1lUt AanIIT~ B........ooa. JIa.-B.1rdl. ~ J6d:u'e'
ba,..e been receatJy. Daa.'t bellen: tIloee haa a1I"eIldy ben . . . . _ & Clfter et or- . . .
IItories about J'obJI Bua.,. or ~ o Bl1I7 be- Plcnm.A1:. Yoo _aat ba.....e 1IliaMd the
__ wJUdl It appeared. U,.. wtJI . . . c..
las.... They.reD't tTne. aDd- Jet t1te7 Rem
to M .priapDC up allover the eoaatI"J. eeats ta lltampll, we aIla.lI be dad. .. IIS4 It to
YOL Rapley BolIDes fa with tJIe ......,. 0-.-
X. Y. z.. D.u..L..tii. TDA~.-The com.pIete cut paay 80.. ad ..orldq la the ClUcaco __10
ot Lubin', "Cl&1m. Number Three.~ wu .. tol-

lo..a: DorotJlr Brotfl"---DoUy Larldn; LAte

Brotll-eeof"l'l! Roth; Joll. cutto--L. C.
Bbam......y aDd Dit-,t Clittolt-l"rallk B~
011 that eoDeeMl.

a..:-ra G.. PB:c:amx. AaIzo.....-lldwvd en.

bee . . . eat: u the P'b,.U1Ipbao dllet' fa J[aIem'.
We believe It .... lint ~1il!'Ull!d tbe ~ '"The Qa1e....da.- ~. bfa plrture !La . . . .
,,\!ell: In JUDe. Can't tell wbl!ll It .as Int peared la PlIO'IQOU,T YARUL'tt., but probably
shO"D ID 3'OUT city, but prollabl,. aItoat tlaat will I. a aeu- IMue.
WAAIlUGTO:lI. D. C.-11lllt bow u..t
It.nBLllll.:lI R.. L1:l'COl.:":, Xn..-Yea. botIl ~~. pee.uI1U' deet was abtaJDeII. fa a t:radII 88Cftt
aDd ~lJto ID Bro'aebo's ~A Trqedy et tbe wbidl It wCNJd be ar:areeI7 fair to nmiaL oa..'t:
Ori_t" were real laps. aDd Dot .a...ericIIa .,.- JOU thlD.1r it fa JIl1lcll be- to be eatert:alMd
en made.... Iiee-o. . . . . Taut AllIED aa4
ICfIto . u S8lnte Hayaltawa.
aad. paded u to jaM h .. this .. tUt ~
..... eiIt&l-.d. ntlter tIlaa to . '
t1l~ . . . be watdltac few t:rIeker,-
h.u:L T ~ ll!L..... t:'1tZE" It"''''.-'I'be ~ ttae! Half tile daanI. 01 Ute . . . . . . . beN ....
cut 011 ThaDli.CMUIU'. "'Oot of the Sbado.... ill toatdJK:e_ . . . . . . . n ....

u follo... :-Barter Vente-Imq c...lap; ~ IlGw sbQly ..-e of tbe ehd::a were
A _ Lct.te--Vlokt, Stewart; D a ' ~ proOceI. oa..'t tI7 ...... n t ~ ~
eIlft! La8ldi~: ~J _ _ ,er-JabD jaat sit t.eII: ... ftlJo!" thnL
1ldIlh.ard; State . ' . . eJ -.1. . . . D. 1I:arIls;
BaU tor-KG,. Haaek aDd Mr. V_cInocJkr-
Artbar Ba.1M!r. Gertrude Bambrtd: WUI the
the ~
tow....-.1. . . K1In"a7
V~ Cu..TrOllf.
of ....,... .. n.,' .-rk
111'1 I. Biocnpb'. '"As It llipt Ran Beea.... 8trUecJ of eo.ItIetw 7IC"" . . . we I(tllte acr-
with ,.-. diat It lIldn!BeIy tuay ~
CLU:K:lIl"l: W~ Ba)l.J:lIGUAlL AL.\.--caa't ... t!CIy. Tbe - - - . , . Le1ad Beaba. _ .,' your le-tter fa thl. del)llrtm~at. SeDd WI
"'ped aad .dd~ eanlGpl! aDd "'e ..ill
B.arry!leDlaa-.. Va . . *
.weetbeut at IlaIIlert l.-:ari 1a tIMt Ita eat--
mail y_ .oclI . It. _ you uIl for. 5eeu..r:l0II eQ -ne J'olir6 ~ ..
shoald al.... y. be Iype..-rft;tea.
~ZIP'". 1.Exl.llf01'Ollf. Ky.-Walter Ed ..
Ct.omT.... ~nr R..t.'''J::lI. CO:ll:ll".-PauliDe Busta "T1'aIIcojw" la KAy Bee'. ""Oa. et tM JacItt....
I l l . Ida Lewis . . the DeI&Ilbar III. ~..
bu Dot lett.
OD brI~r
tb~ Uahena!.
She bas beea ....y
vaeatJou ,,'hleb pe:rhapa .ee-.ts
few ""CaIaIIlIty Aaae.
Lne AJI'aIr." _ _ Lewta Is
your aot. bavtq seeD. h~r la ptcta.n!II J'e::eD.tIy. a aateII '"dlanlcb!r "0IIaUI" aDd la, we ...-r-
but t. baet no". IN) you. CUI shortly look for wtaIId. wbortJ,y to be featuoeA la &e'ftI"&I .....erI
bft' fa the cunoeat rdeases. ean. m.a. Watdl tor tJIi-.

HL"l:.T K~ I>ltnmT. Y.l('"1I.-Tbe tlrst of the U ......T .\:lI"D R...u.ra K... CBJC.4OO, Iu... 8n"B B..
Allee Joyce Rrln ''&fl '"Nlaa of the Tbeatre.. DL'O"a, co.... . . . .n GLut"'1I s.. Dmtml., 110-:'1.-
rei e'lt'oa JUDe 8th. Yeti. "'e uDdentuld e.:b 0Dee man! we"ll ba.... to r e a - f t J"'" ~
. . .ber of the aeries Is to be two reds t.
JiI!oa&t)l. Both Allee Joyce and T_ Moore w1l1
...... I_ 8cll nbjeet..
d""" _.....
I... hila Ihnuly. ItealtlL I . . Ia aIIft--4e.
we eu"t ......,. .....-e wIten:
tbe ~ tbt . . Is . . . . . . . fna R'ardry

J"1Vl"~ p .. WU:IIU..... JU:lI".-Enlest ateld.

weak . . . . Gat we ""t
1ltMr rr-. &eOft
. . . . . . tW; - , . Is . . . . . . akIa& JIIiI1::In-
..... the bay aad Loat.e GraIITtIle the elrI I. .... ....... 1IIIb~ WU'ft!Il J[.-rIpa UII:
the 101r4!'l' ~y ""Ibelr V........ a..
Jlj~1ey ..... the ~. . . . . .tft
...... ...., .........
...,. PIeaIiIlII aft . . . . fa .,.
. . .' _ ~ ....,....... . . all . . -.1 .....
fresh r.... tIae
pn:aa that wiD tell you
bow to write strong. red-blooded scenariOs
that laugh at the rejection slip.
bow to express your photoplay ideas in
that crisp, clean-cut, magnetic English that
makes your scenario speak. action-that's
.hat the editors want.
-bow to become the editor's friend and
always know just what and when the
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Above aD Else this Book is Practicable
For could any advice be more practical than that coming from men who have bttn doing
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C..;. T. ',_rift
This Book is a School Within Itself C ,
' t Aatides
There iso't another book
The object of this book. is to give, in the easiest under- eXUDt which contain. the
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RFI ~.. pal '"- to 1100 ....... ,.-... witM.t ~ if, "' the W1Ut:tl e.-
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joU 1..eWM:ra; ......... w-...
--...,.. -.-. a. -ne .'_ ..... -..-
A "1'dI~ac --.d ~ bri-ci-c -.t dlc -v-
ti-.J .a.. eI Har:rJ .~ F.. .a-rb., Ikk. Badc~. bari. Furiaet- aad R_ Farnac--
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%5 tiie DIIe wI.:.: p." 2" cJ.t..,.

who has
S,.a.l AI r!
. . .
-.....e IL I j La
I,.,... _
ing the _
'io..!' a _
- i wi. ill ....d-
t.a.. hi -
".... a SiI&Ik _ 6t ""S'"
A VIVACI()()S nDI& DONNA. . IIetnt Ly Y I h ir 12 the n...... cl wT.a.e . -
.... ., s... ........ Y. T_ lAM T_ o.,!""
~ ....... the _ezpert./ . J
lIIUlUI:L OF TIll: JIOVD:S . . . J........ _ 17
SI. ...._ .. s... 0...- ... Ad aU _ tIN. s-e Part start - this ...... bas I,.,... JOe-
UNClE SAJI'S JIOVD:S . . . S. C. Villud 26 taiDr:d to asist the Jeadas cl
T--'" F - . ..--.... . . . . _ .
TIle R _ .c Dr-o.: Taleat
Ralp10 J. Ma,.- 27 The Mmie PictuiaI ill sohinc
this gmIl mystery.
THE KAUl'iG OF AN ACJ'Il1:S5 . . a-. Deaa c....,. s
V.m-J.Boon. 10 a-I.I . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . .
J. atJnJS YAlllNG-JIOVII: MAGNATE Ridaard J. & .......06 1'" ..... . '~JIIre-q

~ 5Iti-Bi Moo' . ~ a Fly c.p

will follow the plot cl the sklIy
JIOVII:NI:YS . . 23 ~ the <Haa, zplaill
PLAYIJIS" BDn'IIDAY CA1DiDAa JoImeoIl Bri8eoe 30 <i.... He will ~ the
IlidIaN 'WiUis 31
33 ~ w'~wide
INFOIlIlATION 34 -tohiDctbew,..,.
ell"''"- e
Dna, .... a =&' __

......... _-_....
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AJJr,SI ....... ................. 1 '5_ & a-=AGO
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The Making of an
Actress ~L:H~~~~~I<~~~......CURRY
c aLL

doaIy, r.n at. bIa 0W1:. 1eU: _ ..._

ISS BBATRlCE BIlJI:W'8TBIl .. ... ~,JoftIb'. ..l"ta4 & aoo--alker-
.... tbe . . l t ua.t ..... CII'''' OOY-."re S-UliIIDaa rr-...
JIW - . . e-Ip B.rrett wItb ""00 ph ,..'m & pal IIPOI"t. bRt abel1 aiD.'t ,.....!"' Ile iIIlp:Ired, wtth w1aat he . . . . . - .
.~ .. ltr7 ... ~ sbe :r- the rude Vera. to be . . . . . tare. -aT. :r- c:aa ....
~ late . . . . . .; me 11M

...., ..
tile tr1dl 01. &lWQ1I to 'lie _ the ~
h.-' wab . . .
Bany....... A pad ...,. pecJlte wODdered
.., *-"l C:&N! I lib worry, -now! It
dle7 l!lrell neI'7 atrl that ... & kidl ~
acam-. them theYd han to lIhut up abop
prett;y .,..! ..
that drt that .... rr.b to Iler pit. tM .......
rnt bad .,. en __ her tor -.e time,
YeIlt a Wtle btl too tar wltsl aile pt P1'
with III-. Brew~. She'. 1IIIIitain cettiIl&' ber

fa jut wbt relatiilIa he .toot to her. Be . . . lI'Gnter micht or mi&ht D.ot ha_ otleyecl. time ItOw. Sa,y-JIlaa Bre..~'. aa-"
4Inetot at. the Bntu <:roDlIIUlY whIdl bad tile s.t It d1aIlced that jut tb-. & ftoorWaIker ap- "Ob. 10 to bell!" Forster ~ aD. tU':D.el1
~ aI. r.tviJI.I' __; be pIaJeII peared.. Be "0Il't ~ III t11111 . . , . apia, OIl b.ia heel, le&vtac the 800nralker PPIac.
'-dille JIU"b. too. tbDeL A.1toU halt the 1IU. 1Jl his OIle ~ 1M ....... & Il"onter walbd 1UleertaiDJ,. buk to the __
~ laW. be 8lppd to the .ar; the pod .1IlM1........ mac:b. that t.hf:ft .,.obably traIlce. He ....oadered ... bat the IPrl woatd do.
other IlaIf ..w. be ,.w. .u-Uon to IleI' ~ .. ~'t haTe beeIL &IlJ" IItorY except tor him.. She . . . probably depeadeD.t OIl ber job; lIbe
ID&ttler of ......- . OD. lb. put:IeaIaz' da:J be Be 1rU & thta.., a.aaemte. IDsip1ftcant MJI"t 01 misht Dot eet aDother nr,.. 800L ADd be ball
..... e-taJaly lit. h.. ClQID.DIID.J' . . lMIafD-. IIlaI III&Il. wbo IookelI u If be lUted to wear a troeIt liked the def!aDce In her lIl&D.Der, wbich had. had to ...,. pnrB tor & aew UleWre; coat, aDd be had the 1IIIl&lt. meaD. eyes that Dot berea buKJleDce at alL OlD & lRId4M1 ~
Itec::ut8e it _.. a eo.tuDe part rc:....ter came marked bbl IImlntims A.18o. be had tried to be InqaJred where f!Dlployees came oat, aDd.
alOIlC. to help 111 the .electioD OIl materIaIa. ldu Vera OIloe, aDd beeIL rebIdIed. lII'lth more thea besttatlDsl:1 "alked towari tt, 1D the aide
It was T8'7 hot day. Tbe eoa.t:rast bets"eeD Tt&or thau poUteDeu. AIao-aDd this the street ott the &"enue.
Ne"f York aDd the cool studlo IIlP the H _ _ calmtnattns ODe or & lIf!ries ot trUIea--he & Forster, it may be weU to mentioa. here, wac
...bere mOllt of the work was &.Ie hl the opea IIIme faD. Be bad f'f!CO&'1IUed Mias Bre ster lIot ~ to his 1eadlnS- wotll&ll. Nor did
air. w. . .ery marked. ~ . a aharp dlt- . . IIOOU 8JJ abe bad <:ome tDto the store. and be partlC1I1aUY W&at to be. Be w.. Ia & recep-
tere:aee ot opl.DiOD. ~ ben.. _ JelISlI hta scemlnSly ehaace 1nt:rus10Il ot Ven:s aisle. tin, lIpeC:l:llatbe mood... (CoaCf!f"D1n ber, that
l\rew!Jtel' aad Fonter 0'ftI' the matoer1aJ that where he dIdD't belODC at all, had been fa.) He dtdn't quite bow whether be ....ted,
wu to be boat;ht. Altoether. by the time most plaDned tJlat he Dlight Ket a cloeer new ot a to marry ber or uot, but tbOl:l&bt it rather Ultely
or the abopplnS ..... deDe, Beatrice Brew~r lady he bad 1II'orshlpPP.'! from alar for & Ion.g that he would.. 800Der or later. He wa.'t
wu In a temper to 1'eIM!Dt aD-l1htas' and to looiI: tim~ spec:l.all,. &D.J:Ioaa to be married., aD,J'lIow. That
tor troQble. I(IQ Bre1ll'sU!r ftxed thlll noor1ll'allier wltll would Imply, rather, the end at a eertabl tree-
-rrtmmill.p!'" fJ&1d lloorwa.lller ',..ho was
tryinc to be a1f&ble In stiff 0CJ1Ia;r. frocll o:..t.
_d alDety.fOUJ' deer- l.D the Ahade. "Yea.
her falnOWI f!J'f!II.
-rhbt---per-.-baa been Dl08t iDaoIent to
lIIe!" ahe ded&ftd.. ADd. with aatta.ble eJDbel
Be w_
dom that be had tQUlld dtatlllc:tly eajoyable.
no libertine; dOD't let me dft too
bad an Idea ot him. But he had It.ed. . . &
. .'am. Three able. to the rtpt. two to the lleh_ts abe red.ted her E'n.Dce.. The coocl II1&DJ' meu do liTe. ADd. ..-bile I ba,.. DO
rear, ODe to the lett. two to the ~." lloorwaIker Mlbbed bta banda, looked at .. tab to p&1at him & ralte. woald Dot be j1a.-
Yet they toaa. tile trimmbl eomlter. aDd.. Vera aa & eat ma,. be suppoeed to look at & tl1Ie4, either, 111 lettiq It be belieftd lha.t be
preUdtDc 0ftI' it. Vera Ha.,.es. who ..... &l.eo mOlUMl that can't CE't &1IIa.1 waa mO"ed by PQ.t"f!l,. altnlUItic Ideas whe be
bot. a.t. beea.-.e there ..... so maeh ' - of ""Report. at the omoe. Miu Bayea." be II&Id. walked. toward the employees eln..ace ot
.1IIer to be hot. .tie looked better and felt better Theil be tarDed to the actrelIa. "I'm so IIOM"T ~ aDd Bartlett..
th.. IImI that thlll alIoa1d h&"e b.appeDed., KiM Brew. Vera Ba7--whoee n!'Y D.UDe he diIlD't
"'Here'. where I aho... e.erythlq 011 the ~." be 1I&Id, In a toile that made J'orlJter 1II"&Dt DOW-'W'U a drt. he had tboacbt wb_ be bad
uel-. Gert... abe -.ld. lD ... aaide, to the to Iddt blm.. "I ea.a ~ :row. that the mat- f1nt aotJeed her, who mlcht well be ~ .
aut I1rl, already ...aitin 011. a eutomer. ter 'rill be tak_ up, The &'irl baa & bad ree- thOlllCb. as Yet. abe _ ' t . It IIIictlt be clothes;
"Gee---tfD't it my 11lclr: to dn:.- the lemoaa. ord; tblll wm lDaare her d1amiMal.... it ..... more likely to be IacIl -ol proper toad
thoqhl" "'OIl, cw:-e." II&Id ranter. "KIQ Brewster .... l'@Derally 4ecea.t Ilriq coadidGla. Be
Ven.'. proph'C7 hit the marlL Then .... DO .....'t .......t &a7tb1q Uke that-.. wOllder'ed. If she woalclD't be C1'1tef'lll to & _ _
pIeulq ]fIM Brew.ter 1II'lth trbmntup. "I, eee DO rea- ..hy I shoald blterfere,'" who pnt ber a chaDce.. Be badn't mad. . .
" ~ ! ' " .he lI&1d., flD.al1,. "r eall tt aD .sd I(IM Brewster, '"The elri waa 1IlMIlerIt- hili mbad as lie .......ked U'Oand. with 'Yq1Ie
ou~ IIton! that ta _ppoeed. to han & IIbe probiaIIb" bowa the MIles of the store., Ide&, meet1nc her, belt be .... thillkJDc. A.D.d
f'eIMlt.atlc.! I ..OlIiIdII't be _ III aD1 ot thoee aDd. the peu.lt7 abe III Ukel,. to hue to pay tor !beD, quite lI1Iddeal,. be ab:aaet nul mto her.
thlllp!'" 1IId.tclDc bl aach & hwlr,.... She .... h-.rrr:rUac' ~ bea4; dOW'll, aDd ber
..It 1OU'd 01111 let 'f!ID bow wh_ th~ .... "Yea, Indeed., ]fi. Bre'lPl'" said the ftoor- baDdkerdliet ..... balled. . . fa her haDd. u
lIIakbaC them!'" said Vera. with aD all'ec:tatioIl .......ker. a JltUe be10ad hta d"Plh- abe dabbed. tD.rtoaaJ,. with tt, ftnt at c:.. eye,
of d~ sympath,.. ""'a:a.k you.... II&Id 10M Brewster. with dl thea at the other.
Jl' eboked al.IcbU,; Beltrlce eoIOI"ed. alty. "'Come. BarTy-there is uotbill.C more "Ob. eome," he 11&14. ""It isn't as bad as all
"'Wbat do yoa 111_: she uked idl,.. tor lUI to do here. If,.ea ..,111 pat me tn & ta1t that, fa it!'"
""'ey make the.e trlDu:alnt;S lIP tor ontID&J'Y 111 10 OIl." &be crUuled. u abe recoca.lad him; criBaed
laIIIea. ma'am. yoa see," persll!lted Vera. "'Or J1"onter obe,.ed., II_tl,.. f!'P1UlkJly, arad wltll wbat BeelDed to be reeocat-
coune, It they'd Do.-a you . . . eomlnc ..[ thillk yog. -cht to _ that LlJ&t kid U!.n't t10a of his frieullID. . . . . well . . ot htm..
alOftI' they could ha' d~slped -.metbiu' nred," he said. "It mut be pretty hard- ""Gee! Bow'd you. abake hf!'r!'" ahe asked..
""'at .. 01 do. ,.QIIlIl&' .~.. II&Id M1_
Brewater. "RarTy-ftad & l!loorwaJltel"'-1 0Il<:Je.
....orlWlc ill & bot bole like that oa & day Uke

IkIt JIbB Bl'eW'Bter oal,. abat her Il)MI and

"Ne""er lIIiD,," he said.. "You. were c::I'J'tae.
werea't yog..! OW they l!lre yon:
"'OlI. are." abe said. "But-ob. well-[
1 shall report tb.1II &'lrI l " tcaored bill .....-u-- But, U abe e-e- tn. be all rtcbt! rn land U!other job."
"Ob. toqet It. BeatrIce." said J"cJratrr,
tro-Wecl "'TOIl'ft atqa her & lot 01. work-
. . . It'
her taalt tItey 4Wa"t haft ..bat
w... '
had lODe. II" w_t hack tIIe-.on..

s-t ~ aad 'til.... Ile .w

Be r-ad Vera'. coa:ter at'ter & - . . aDd dOl
Ule ftoonrallter,
DOW that be .w
"I'm ..,.,.... be 1I&Iet" p'TeI,.. He realbe4,
her 1D the apeD air. bow
~ . . . . . . . Not more tb&D lI.IDetenl or
~:","I... with a sIrt wbo taM aat beea there twaa.t:J', he lIIoqbt. ... tried to atop It, tJlif:ft
...,.,.. .. ItO . . . . tor her ~...... ~ The -.teu.' OIl. - . . . to hila 0lIl. III the.... Ir that freab l!loonralbr baO.'t
41 .TH~ 'MOVIEPIGTOItIAL Aagul I, 19/~


ail ........... . .

-_ .....
..... --*
.... y

J ''lilt,..
"'l 't~

... _-
. . . . ..-t. ~.
...... a ......
LAR' -- .. - _ Lacion Cuy _ _ IDs betiof _
. . . . . ,; ,.. of die ript of free spc:eda wIIidl the , .....
ea . . . tek " . "
1:1--. un--!" de- .... aldie 0 _ _ ....... to em- a l _ """""y. tM trieb lib . .
~ V.... wtlh ....
Nat __ .. tabs up IDs cudcd apiR. :r.-'" U7Ga-.a
......,. Is 1Ir. Cuy ript?
C ship of ..,. m.d is a Joc:aJ - - .
. . . . . . the .-It.
..... ..,.. :r-'ft ..
&be bd l\U.D.Jl3ed
to take J'onter 1IUer- I ADd tile . . . .. J j 'S foe caa-.lllqliip .. -.y --.,

_. --
17 1IT.-rprbe. She locality ;. die aldie ~ _ a l d i e - . . . . . 'I'ab . . tIiIItt
...wac __ AId
baTecaJao. o'clock inJa .. tM

Thiapower-" tIIe .... boob ay. tbejDhuca.t ript of. '"
..... to atoaJah hJIIl. I to paform. sadl 00
fcrt.baJdI, sofdy _
' J r....'
..-ala al die ........
_ ~ " , to die CCJID- GrUld o-tnl' rn
.... a.,. ... . . . .
..... I 1r:ao'W ..
I I:'- . . . . . ,.....
'-:~-". .t
:aidL... ,, .
T1Iia pareIy , .-ttItt, &:e claaiac tbc . . , . fraal
-S pi' ) 7 . C die c.aD'J"'iac: of COD-
,.. ...
-.L ..... - . the
rae. ud the 8pre--
ata't abe a q _ . . .
eaJed. i
WoaidIl"_ ,5,be aboat as ca......._t as a aatiaaal ............
T_ ....r abe

.......... ...
tnt h.

~tq .mt. daCMCb spoodlaw lor '] 1 7

-~ e-! .... 1-.', _ ' \ die _ _ dfdf<_,",'. ..,_,. al a _ al";-- "'gep-['d ta. tID- . .
alwan the
. .'t ...,. a
.be'. , . . ~
! She
-t- Ltsa 5"
t..t it:
...... tbey..e?
.5 " of the ~ wtIic:b. maka ~
TUla . . . .

., ...

lookl. cr-t ... gO'd , poooiIIiol ell Ill.! .........
pUla' '" _ tba:t! ...t it ' 5 of __ . ~ ...!!.'!P-_.... wtIidl makes us ~I_

New, U 1 . . . . . __ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ a l _ opirit al ;;'1'

lit ......
tut r. . . . , . _

u - rd ....,t to Ix It
. ' . Ji'8OOIe 'd forpt .... W! Ill . . . . .
. . ' t:IUak of 1
.... ....-.toa.--
tM wa.T ...,. Pk:kflw'd
...,. dear Prl!-
dW:D't 009' qatte ... bat tte ball
= ~ ..
to do.
to haft .-e......
b-. u..o.p.t . . . . thea _ .........
. . tv u.. ...uo till_Loa
I teD 7OlI. w1Iat
lifted Ilia hat. .. _
n -.
a.IPt ILue
t.a. .... Tea. ~ , . . . . .
Iter wt6t
fa a

a.e ddJd.

__ lte btew &OW that he ~ 't . , IIhe yaa a try oK. I ea.'t 7OlI. ~ IDle ad.. '_..... No fthi116..
.It. ud that be __ let to. . . . t::haa _ ! t!lJq. bat U :row. CllIDe yaa'U . . pdt e.oqh doa. abe tID .. the.::r.b. t Prl
""T. . ~ . . . thea!'" to aaake it worth :rou hDe to ~ the dar. wtao to JIIVft , . _ ba' ahWI;r
~ d :roa.',.. some actor! OIl. r .. . . . If Joa abow ..,.. of aaIdDc aood. tit tab caN 0( HnelL HtW ~ "... tz:aPe;
tte.. ~ fa eTer .LDc:e I cot ra1aed to I thtDk there" . . a Iltead;r Job b:l It tar ~- b .....boIe..... $ of atter ........
. . . . . .

as. ftn.:r .......! I be&l come twIm ....... "I WOIl_ If :roa.'". OIl r
th. leftl .abe mUMd, DeL s.t tIuIt look ClUU lAto her ey_ 0DIy
tor a :rear, u' I PeN r ... - . all the cood l.ooId.a&: btlll .tn4:bt ID the e)'e. ""Oh-weU- J"ar the IIlCIIIIIet abe had .... ~
ru try &IlYthiDc OUCl!! Addreu. pleue! ADd r. b...u" aad v--.little _ abe reallY Dew.
- ADd yoa. dOlD't U1LDk moc:h of Beat-ll1u ah.aU 1 . . . .,..U C, O. D.!" tlD4entood well eaoack that to be IlOlTY for
Brew~!'" They both laqhed at th:l.L ADd Foratn put Ollellelf .. a perDou tb.JD.&. hI. .. lDoaulIlt abe
"No-I dOD't thInk mud!. 01. Beat-Kiu his b.aad ... hla pocket. t.oaM. ber bead; ~ CD; paued. apecoaIa.
Brewster." abe mJmicked.. "AIlcJU balf the "I wu' ClID.l7 kiddlq then." sbe aa.ld. "Tbc~ tlTCb' betof'e a palace that diapeued cooltac
tbDe Me'. loolda' lItra!cbt lato the eamcra. pd4 me 04---balt a week'. pay the,. banded drinlta, u4 lee eruIIl.........d__eat ta!
""........-.11 DGthLD.. bllt a buleh of &GOd looka, me. I cot eaQ8&b !ex' carfare. Sa.~---ma,ybe I "ru tair.e a cbUlCI!!- . . ooaJIded to benelL
llU'b." ..w.
futtber ~ bT
that _41 ClUlI't ...,. dlaz'actet'
1'ontoI!'r, too MrDrl.ed to be IItfll

the tact that be ':\'u

eaa. make cood. OD. this Job-&a' maybe I eaa.L
Bat It'. a IUOl1 tb.1Ila' :roa doD't eet oot them
t&I.lWII pktareL rTC lu! bad a chucc to
"AaybO'llP"_lat rYe
cood__ aic:Itel
It wu ~
DOW" "'0Il't
wc..'t matter."
0( tbe drl that
lIat ~ tOl'WUll
at all eerbuly to the
.e.. .
to .e aa:r

act.allyd~ work J"ontcr had 0('

the merib ttl a fa. tered ber. She me:mt
m-a ~ with. tv co; she cotUlted.
Prl bad. J" . . . . htlll to the ex
__ ~b,.a
tat 01 eaoqb to Jl&7
d.,art.e.t store ber r.r the trip aad &
from a .t.x I.IIId a b.n tla7'a -.acatbL. That
dollar joIa! Bat thCD ..... all It cam. ta. fa
be c:a.aebt hl.m.K'IL ber ....4. She . . .
"'Loot bere." be welLt ROt the mrt to ba:l1d
'-.. "TlD-1'1Il IIOr'l'Y haTlly OIl neb -. l.-
. . . thbJ tnN.ble.. I e:w-t. It WU lIlaN
ca.e ~ bere to tell Ubb.. t o ~
yw ~ Ad I'd ltke tile wild that . .
to bel, OIIt-- ailht
.u-.. _ a IItOrie
&be aarprlJted hI.-
-eaJ.aby tte ID.... tao cood to lie tr-..
taaeou chaa~ ~ Il .... that fflol!'l.iaa Oft!' her bee. that tel tor the
.. a . . - t . b...... lack 01 _ t h a t -

_ her pud, alert. w1tIl wbJdl aile bad
watdltac a:d hi her neel~ the dJrectar'a
aw; __ ttlt e

eyes th~ __ .. half
fteroe. ball frlPt~ ball c.lT
kaowa It. had _ _ _
" 'Nlx _ that... abe
........ wtth blm.
""Say-I may be 811. MIl ....... lila

~ aad ell tli.llt.
"at rYe bad my Ia V..... ahtd
dUet the
to her

cbUlca to eel helD.
We p i them. fa a -. If the ....
.tan.. No tb.a.D.b. Ilr.
Jr'onter. rn rU aloq tIlat .........
...,.. ' - _
.... to _ _
""BoW. -." be ....

- - .. ."TN
Italf .. _

m. _ .. _1NI'tl

,... ........
... 1 t b.

111 . . .T. . . . . , . .....
..-.fI6.. ..
y .... IlIrW G

.... ....-.-
... -......


. . . . . . . . . ftlIIt
--.-. _
- ... .

. ,. u-.,.... ....
Ua' - .


IIhe . . tIM
rft . . to
-.e::r ,...... . .


~ this 1& '7

....... .......,
... -.IeIR
..,. ....
....... aetn. . . . .....-1 '

t7JrI: fldI'b' .....

keep. drl ....
_ _'t w-':ta."
"'Gee! Ir. pod . ,
, . 110
that .,.

...... totIM . . . nat'. paid tiIl~..
..... Vera. ".A.a' Ja.
---rD.- _

. . . .oUl'e . . . . . . . . , W'Or'J7 . . . .
...; .. tM abDaIt
_ cn.fNe ....t ., job all rtPt. r - t ...
Vera-'a dolac ..ell I"Ye . . the . . ot
eoOllCb to lIMene .. . . . ..... If I.u..

fartber trial. abe
woald . . ,...,.
..... I"la . . . . to
ha.. a t:ry CJd to-
will,.., rm
w.. .-row. Sa::r - ......
It _ ,
to Ven.
make .. apt.
that de-
~. I

"TO. lIbow ber ..... Kr OBrt
she ..,.u..l ber- _the~
Rl!. Bbe bad re.cbell "'rYe a:t... yo.
that ace t:a. her -.vahI&." abe .....
tbOlICbb aIloa. tbe AM. Hpute4, Yitb.
-eJI'T'OW ..he. . . oC hanac dteenlI
_ 1lI0arder . .

drasa:e' beneI1
warQ:y . . the . . .
of. IM!r tloar.t.a:
-..e _. --.k. bat. -....
fer tbu. enr. V. . .

Uftd ........ , ' draabt&: lu r a elf

_thew.. laa ...nt:r 110 the . .
_to bGwwftr. tbl, 1Incet... ..
ette . . . . . Sbe-W
. . . ., her a-d-
1edy _ the .tafn.
It. The
Jol-, IDled,
that -.i:r u-r. w1ih
of tile

_d la .. "'c.Deot those were co-

Mr.,O'Brle. lac __..,. far . . . .
kaoc:ked at ber door. tioIuI. stba1dated ber.

"I thoqbt 1 bew'd Alld ..beB, at ber
,.,. cca.e 1Il." aald d .H-ID abe . . .
the laacllall7. bope. a ear, Ita chad
~. "'WIlat"a a -.tter! 8ldl:!'"
"No-I &ill, ddr:-I
Tbe ..a.aa ~ ~ .
lInd." sUd Vera.
. . 110 _ ,

., alia blew y-. W'a.ld ~'re so fresh." thrlDeO.

abe _ . . . . . . . "'Gat aaot!ler Job!", lIt&rted tal' the 1lIIlck door, so'. to be Are to a:et .. ~ Hayea!'" be..... "iii'. ll"anter _ t
"'OIl. .......... tile drl. . . h ny. " " ' . their eden ta ant." Jlle ror)'OL ~. . . ta, ........"
It . . . " . . . that 1lIey" let _ CJd Mr. ~ ""WIIII1---7O'l c:aa ....,. tnt s.t.rda7 D.1Cht- She felt that bel' a:r-.t adwstU"e ball ....
aDd Mr. Waaamabr . . 1Ir. or rn make It Smlday aidlt,.. aai4 Krs. PJL Now-tt . . . . . to ber!
(To Be COtltfa-a Nert Wed.. }

The Movies-Past and Present

the..-t..,. B .... DAVID BELASCO
m~ pIctvoe palace ..ttIl the
ptctare theatre of few yean qoae,
.pl.n.Ker Ju.t as abe is about to
be dlspoaeseed. by a eI'1H'l laad
OD. aeeds bIlt f'IeIIletllber of the Barbar)o Cout Tbe IoIIIt7 of this houe .... a Iar1Il&" ...... Tbree IDddeDb 01 adte!Deat ill z.eoe feet
"'hoaq talk"_ _ ie hall and beer prd_ IJtrat10D of the c:nadJty at both the emibitor ad of wortllJeea ala.
eam.btJled-.. hlc:b existed til Saa J'raIld.eo the prodacer, UlI' .. bile there ..ere TU10IIa The ..u-oe ..bleb .......... "Tb. Dwarf of
tweaty-ftYe yean qo. ..orthy MlbJec:ts aimed, the creat majority ..ere Blood," wbidl .... so bJPJ:r recomJIIIeDded to
I . . . arlit approached three ,ean &CO and medloere to the pamt of repala!ftD-.. ~d ehildreD by the enlbttor. wu COllI

ofI'ered coodly I5lUD to I!IIokr the motloa pie- ODe bap pofier UlItIoaaced that "Tbe Dwarf poMd chiefly of WOIIleD UlId dlUdrm.
tllre tldd. 1 prcmlRd the ..ho .~ at Blood." __ thrllltllS J'OIIlUCle fa two parts, .... At _oll,er theatre the chief teetare or tile
proaehed me that I .ouId look over the tid.. eb _ ..bat ..<Ml1d pt.... YOIU'1M!U. your wife UlId
ju&t day'. procramme w.. a two-reel nbject called
_ d 11 moYies impressed me I woel4 etadl'T eater "JotaiJlc the ~.." b..roe eam.edy with
bLto _ ~eat wbereby my playw ..OG1d be Heft is a .eeaario 0( "Tbe Dwarf or Blood": "1aqh nery mlattte"-to q-ate the ~
..nable fev SO'f!eD prodactloa.. Elltel' badl'-ck. Slab aUe betwet!'ll aboal OIl the b'oIlt of th. theatre ..ere . . . . . . .
With MTen.l rrien" 1 Tislted .-.rtoas pk:tare del' blades of dderly spbLster. GlowerlJaa:ly Uthaa:raPhic pictllrea 0( a JIllaIl mOUlted. em
boaaea. and the JD-e I at the _ d l ' " of doata cm!r ClOd. spots OD c:a.J"peL aau.cb coat _d a IIpIPa: the top of the plet1lrelI ..u
a:aotJoa ph::tlln:tl the leg I
the tadustry, _ _ mdlrectly.
ladlned to eater I"OClIIL, seeaftS pone of cold _d jewela
aD' lhe title oa strips cl t:na.....-t PII'er' prfated
La enIde mil. 1etterL Sbowbac thraaa:b the
Within stone'. thro.. of B~way _ . Ell1ft' driecth'e with macaUYlac cr.a.. atad bea.rtD& the Utle were the ..ards ..EIlri!t"a Bock
Porty-tl@COlnd .creet I wit:a.e.ed au hOlU"a per- lea liIoolI spots, UlI" st:aaclia& erect. ..-eft Beer." The ftt.erJc"laiac msaacer ball 0:..
form.a.Dee IQ the dirtiest, foal l:D:lell1Jl& d.aacer (fa _b-dtle) -ne Dwarf 4Id this" ad en" TertelI the ......ery adTer'tUJeme.t IIIto pktoriaI
'bole of th_tJoe th.t It b. . eTeI' beea .,. at. _ tJ':I.D. or "the Dwuf."
" _ shftb" for his "'a-t redUe,
fOlr'bule to 1!IIote'r. 0Iarlaa: my rort)'tlTe JIltilu. Dwarf ..en _ tomll"iq farmer UlI' his The JIktu'e b ..,.. left 'to the dim aad d.lataat
fa this pbee . . sttadu.t neceeded m -.aIrt ..Ue la . . oatbiac hamlet. ApIa a:toab cn-er ..... A.n.7 - . e D t is UUleceeAry'. The lJtbo.
l q eaoqh _ppoeet perfuoed aterilldRa: aDd Wool ad ap.ta detectl... dedDCta that cn.Ils toW. the tale. The pk:tve compared
lato my eyes to ~ t my ~ &IIJ' worUl:1 Dwarf fa the cs1pr1t. f:a~ wttb the JoIl,1lIy .~, ad lb. IoIlby
~ The pncr"UIUDe at thbl he-- ..... ~ dtaphet .. wiDdow c:IIIlaAer. watch . . . la !belf .. won of art. A dlmlaatt. . a:trt
_PGMd or tI. . f"'8If!U ot dnmatk pictu'eL ex bac~. 8ees hndltladl.. FolIe.... him d~ ticll:ea fJuD IMhIad a .sWCII'It ot
the _tire tlYe QO two _ _ d. . .nar. ad the to 1"eDdenoa fll c:rimiJLala . . . after a ~ "c:hlc:kee coop" .. The t:Iekets wen III1a'T
baM of .ell OllIe W'U . , m-.eb slike that the
baI IKIeIIM euUd ha'Ye beea awltcbed froB. OllIe
haad to Ua' tlPt. ill ..bldl th. b..ebtlM:lr. Is
fatally .omaded. the Weetlft poblta to bls 0W1l .....
aDd soDed . .d t!'YW.eIltb" bad . . . . . . . . . . . . --.

tim to . .otb...... ....w. haft ...... wttb the 1IIooit . . . deU?ft'S .CW'a1.
TM ~ . . . coW are rehrDed to tM
R.erue .... pDed bee blP
( '- -)

With a Sidelight on the uS--


WIIIl . . .

.. ~_


......... .................
tMP..- . . . . .

....... 117 TtsU to "ow.
-. ~ .. ..


'IIle _ _ ..,. ~

_ .. u..-.w--_'. Mt.II.Iq . '. . .......

...... _ ~BUIT"
MiI' . . . . . . . _ .....

..... CIIf ,-..~ ~_ ..... ~.-b

'I'M tbeatre ~ . . . . . . . 2M ...
............ .. all 1M an. ...,. . . 1ItW" -. . ....
__ _...-r ..
_Cllf __ tMt

..., ., ...
......... .. ~~.=

. _
~ f I I .

.... _ ............ -.r.- .. ....r.~ ~._

.... Aa- _

. ..7 .. ~ .... __
...... 7 7 . . _ . . _ .... ~ . .


-..-ale. .. ..,.

'B. .-c to

.... -.1.77
1Il _ _ ............
'')'' ..
~ ...... .....................
__ -.; ..11I:.-. ............
. . . . . ._. . _ _ ~ "'KIt e . - ' "

---"'. --_..........
THE Amerlcaa yoath. the 01' ....- - . - .
bole b.u lcii its ehanIl .. ~
with the lllU'll of the 1IlO't1_ t 'en,.
"Brcacho BUb"'"' mone., the oft ,..

peated ~ "'Coale c.. ilL, tell
be!R baa _ _ alIul4aed for ODe vi.
the """a

-e- _ aI-e. ~ theT'N ~. a

-..-ao BIII:J'" ~er!- .. the aewe-., ....

... _.
....... ..u.r.l ~ .-e ~ PIerpoat: . . . . . .
.. be fa..... his .-enl ~iaM If.
~ the euatac- 01. eea.'. Ieny ~
Is .. sweet _ . tooth e w1tb. -.:tw

............... __ ..
........... -.--- -..
nat"a "'IIraMbo BlOT" ,..-
be'. a tn'l* all ~ ......
_ oowMy CIIf 11M _ _ t!lat wwn.
lie CIIIl ride tIM w1WeIt ~ ....
. . . . . Il1a'l tblI 1arW .. It . . .
..... harW. . . ...,. 11.. . . .
..-.c. ........,.
t a 57 ~_ ..,wtt!l . . .
t7' ..,.. ...
lIr-.k ~ tbaa C9'W .,.
...,. p t-Q" ~ .. tM a,p
..a. _ .. w...
- oI.Uae
,.. ... .,.~
BIIl7!"" -.lac tbt JW. waat ..
. . . . 01. tM _ le!Llad the . - .
......ho la.- _ M. ...,. tato tblt
- JIi.U.tia .c cc__ ~

. . 0. walt-lle ra.....
of <IIUaen,. _ W\tIl _.."... ...
. . - .... ~ Notr.c 1
~ .. 01..~""'"
tbat watdMd. a "'BrcadIe BIII:r""
. . . lka&a, W1th to AM. rn aT, It ..
.As I
,...._ ...
,...,.. . . 01. tba a-tN
_ oW. per
01. Ibtr

..,.. Ie __ Ute ltd... T-. .....

BIUT" .. ..... ta..-u. wtdl all 01. .... folks dida't thtIlJr. be wCMl1d ner
...... _ _ "nltell:r-wbo aIDOUlt. to lIuicb.. be . . . lJac:b a wild
MIL 1 .r ...... ~ ... ... tn*al spec:fmea of tile IILU'IlIe-

IIat _ ace
~ ~ attMdet Jk:bu'e JIIq'iac, . ."t-waat~wortt, ~
. . lot . . . . . . . . BlOT" JIk:tue . . . . . . IDcarrtc1bIe bo7L Be llkad to
_ t I l e ~ . . . . . . . aa;the c::arTY til ~ parade that
~ taMIi ebe . . UIIUq all u..t tbe w. . pUled all ID tLta bcaDe town. 00
matter what.. the aat.:anI of the ...
~ ql tIle~" aM ~ -.bowed. f1lde. Wbea... rep8rt.oIre ClB.JI&AJ"
IIlIkrw caDell "Brcacbo BIIl7.' c:uae to tow1l till' .. week', ..., be
. . . . . . . . ~ had. -.cb a
...." 7

Be . . . _ e-eraLl1' a boob betweee

peaIj:u' . . pol ~ tbat I Ubd hbD. lie- the acta, or ItO1&. So it . . .
tore the Jk:bu"e . . IaaIt throqIL He JIQ8I aatanJ. that be aaao.Jd want to be
the put of. ' ado wbo re:tonMd. ~ . . ector at _ ..-t---dtber In ..
01. a PrI ... til-. . . . bel' to a fellow wbo halt ~ or 011. the stap.
belpell to boW. . . UIe .c:.p -m. Be toaIt ILIII 1rlats t h e " 't:r pre:MIlted
IIlfllIlk:bIe _ well that I thtak I'll Me tile .en itMlf be joUaed Khool 01 ac::da&,
pk:t:ve ..... tIL.. . . . aftI!I' pwludoa ...,.. 4rltte4
. . . tItM.. the WQ "1Jn:-.dl.o BIIlT" has wca to New York., wbenl be became a
Ilia ~ tLta work. JIy mother mudaa pictare pAyer qaIt.e by &CId-
. . . CIIL17 a ca-.J. )l6ct:u'e paba:l Won -me d_<
tile ~ .tae told . . &boat. Now-weD. Edw1a s. Porter, the ..... ptetare
yu. CIIa't keep ber aWQ' wbe- thq a 4 ~ JIIa7 director em.pIoJed tty the Edt-
"JII,ac:b,o BIll:r." _ ~ . . . . pr-.ed. tot ....
1D ~ life, GIIkrt II.. ....- - - . a dtD!Ia ttl dmt people to ..act ""l'be ar-t
NDa, ~ rr-kJ,y acbow. . . . . . . . . tile Tn.ia RoWlery." the ant th. . . . .
.... w1Ilo . . Ul.rUl til thrWer &ad "'IInJDdto foat 4ba prod.MelI m (be Ullited
BIDT" ta modua ~ TIl. tnt: motIoa State&, aM d1_b 01' came . . .
pk:t:aN ner laMe JIQr1:I'a7ID& cowb07 ute til tile AJuI~ ad ~ bbD. AD
Wat ..... wnu.. ... dIrecte4 ..,. G ~ II.. old. toIIcnren at tile pk:t:aN; JrI&J' will
Aller-... ABa, u ....,. the leedta&" nile. r-n the wbere tile . . .
That . . . a little tbaa IIe"reD 18US aco. ~ were 1Jael ... oC::slcle of tile
aDd be', bee. the aiDe tIllD&: ner dIlce, traiD. ad the roIaIIers were reUeriac
makbac _ aew . . . . tor eTeI"J' week them at their nlaaIlIea. Oae of the
In tile ~cIar year Ur1Ia& all th.b while. ~ attempted to etJCaPe A.

!'ObIter turned aJld l!red a phstol 10 lbe dtrec:t!on

at the l!ee1Ds Indlri.u.L He;ot hla I:D&JI.. The
~ teu to the CJ"OUDcI. The OIle who
dropped w_ GUbert K. ADderaoa--our "Bron-
cbo Blll,y."
Naturany q1dcll:wlt:ted, the idea of a laD
IItory l!lm appealed to ADdenlXl., ad. he YiattecI
tile d11rerent IIlCJt.Ic. ptc:tlu'e stud~ thea. opf!D-
IDe fa aad aroaIUI New York aDd .".0I"Cld.
Interest the ~ til Pf"Oduc:illc .. pk:t1art!

atmflar to ~'. -rbe G~ Tra1D. RobberY."

Be thoa&ht out a KorJ'. _ . 8uaUy came apoa.
J. Staart Black:toIa of the Company of

Americ:a, to wbom. he oatllDed bb plaa for a
l!Im at oae thOQ.ADd feet t-cth, OIlly to
,cr~ <4' _ ~ .... ,

a-IlY. tbere --wa't . . U7 . .

....,. -.cmac ~ tDlIQ' . . .
there ~ ""BrladIo BUI,J"." I'ar6a.
_ _I .ra-w .,. QIlbert . . ~

. . . tltcJqh the two _ _ are

S7B~ Be" the _ w~

.... the ..... ta -...:r.

...bkb .. cotDeiI rn- tile ant ieUers
of two cUIf~t m 3 aIIld
Aa~ or ""S. utd A.." Now eeU
It lUte it ........ _ . , . haft b-
AIl&7, .. wanl ~t:atn. ttl'Ute
.... there .. til -.odoa ,Actare art.
or the DU:te aM tbe . . .
Mclr. of it, I wiD Iaa........ to .,.
later. J'or the ...-t. ".. may
bow hfIlII . . GObert . . Aa~',
JIISI ta the 1DQIlj_ pleure . . . ., . .
He has beea . . ner Dee 1M7 wh_
Ute ~ , rua J I a a ~
Com....,. . . . orpabe4 ~ theM
.... m~
Gm.ert II. the of
~ MddelI to _
IletoI' wb_ .wI a ....,. .
He Ubd _. H"ftlI' at.ed
......... 'aeatb tIM . .t ' " ' ".... be
Ud flaOeI to .... Ute Jolt of faI"I'7-
.... water to the ' I t lkEe
10 THE MOVIE PICTORIAL Aug...t 1. 191-1

Helps to the
Solution of Million Dollar
~ J-a
0# nrm a.-:.
--.e .-rd 01 tic
.... WILLIAM J. BURNS .Da7aC7,Da
t. w1lat 9taLleJ' IIM'pw.ft ....
.-thed'" to Ida~.
abe prt. tt! o.rta& aD. a.a

~.~,~tkJn ,--n of bet ~ .. the

Kboal, b.. UuNPtI bd. _ _
~ FIorn.ce Uill ~
.-trick ~- d__
J __
_ .. t,...~,. ot:u
tIu'1Ied COIUtIaltly to'lnrd . .
fath. . . .bCIIII abe lwd .noer . . . . ...-,t _ _
tJu:t~ to the aecrec::r or IlIaD wbo t. as ca.utlous as the
.".", ~ revellln'. Tu. butler_ Be M.etII the lItap"-waabi the B1adl tDf:aat. Wba Ji'tan!Ilce l"'etletnd tbat . . .
l . ~ to ae ,.,..,e. k proc:tU'd t k HlIT- Handred -sJIes to _ .. hat t. hebaa' dtxle. He rna the order. teIl1Ilc ber to CO to the G~
~ car. . . . ~ to t k ar..e Bt. ~ pes ia10 nOl'ellCle'. rvcJID., uul ~ b:id*It &trMt .wre- &ad lDeet ber fatIl......... tab
jaat _ n.race . . ..ode kr ~ J _ bUtoas ia the ...u. reoreab seeret 0llIIQJIU't- ao eme futo tift' eoa.1IlIeace laC. ~ - . t
~ "- . . -.on!' ;o,aaa wer tk tk'- meat. aDd thea wtthd.n.. . & 1IIcm beaz't-.. B.u- ...-tt.b: harm, abe to the pIoctBre. It _ _
Jj~ . . . ~ Ileea til' ~ 4aqAkr. sreaTe. Dame. 'nlt. h1dbac .,... t. clireetI,. like the ftST ..,uit and penaaalitJ' 01 8taaIe7
rau ~ u ....... 0- tk 6n1iw.c ~ or Harcrea'q'. ~ BIIt lie 4Id Dot Ha.rcr-ve t::rJ1Aa' to taUt to . .d proteet bla
at4 tk C-..ku., ~ ..... tIrdr lkfeat. tab the crclIDatT pc rt'.. of dn.wta&" the <hIlL
~ e. -..err _


~ ~
-. .. Me . , tIW ~.
~ tNt

to IM1
c1aatb" ._ted
sb:.adea. He cUd keev the ~ clark. Be en-
MJme at the teIoas to _
WIth the bm: ta b:aad, be -.rted fJar tile reu
Oll'uoe 1IItGn!: W'1l-. P10reace . . . JrI"'lIIlU"'e to
depart . . tIM Qnnie IIIt:l'-.t ~. . . .
Ilchted ftII til tile ~ Jaa_ ,......,. m
- . e .feT ~ lt _ -a. e-- or the Il:l.&Uica, &Dd aatuwII7. BraIae . . the 1. to decenRtae the c:aJI.e el til.
kn 0( 1M B.IGc:a B ~..... fer' to reltla W'eRI tIl,...,..a WliloIsI JoeM ~ smoke. It IoabIlI at that tmte .. thoqh the
_ _krJ tk H ~ ~ _
tk f _ of0l9ft
tk that ho:s: lata Ute . . . it . . . eMe to !bI:IIte7 mip.t lie 1UlWa t:hent---fMt ...--tl7
_-.elIWd, ~ that tile c:haIac. of . . ~ weft tile . . . . taaded that tile ea.e ta th.
. t ~ ~ ~

rolled to _ ~ ., ~ ..,. remote, be. IUIIl 1m,

..... woUd 1Ihtft, . . . tile _
37 ~ the
. . . . .1. ~ ..u-. to ~ a-
Ur tAe ~, &.- ..w be-. befon tbe7 o-N. ~ ~ .........
~ atoat tk .m! 't .-e U .lG4l" uever be r-.t. or at&ttt um.p ThIs til aD. .-ew1Mre, J-.t _ ..
lor tk _Ie rdW'I& of kr ~ " .u tilf IlCCideat. or tIM dteIt aI&tlt .. rw:Dftftd by the tact that .Ioaes tool!: the ..... rn.. ~
b o ~ -0 /.qp8I. ~ of ........ t k MI- divers.' tNt eY-. til.... bI. ....-:s-- meat bM:Ir: ~ this I.a noreeoe' ..-.
CIJK'e of rAe Ha.rvr-e twn-a. .. ., ~ Pf'OV"

a... I am qa.tte rw47 to ...... that It .... a .-beD, be made b.. III.&oi mt for the . . . _
a" 'M __ .1M I I ~ t~ ~ and Ihtak Brabte wDI ~ that tnoop bt. ~ ~ .... to tJleroe1I7 ~
t &ere __ 0' ....., '12,.l1lI ia a. -.ecub.. be . . . d..... U th. . . . . ~ tba w-b,. their att:elI:ltloe tram. this ~ He ....telI the
tG:a.A: ia Joru:" ~ Nortoa celLed.. 4ad tk ab:oald Jema & oertalII rlak Uld at:IJ'ac" axu;pIraton to kDcnr. Jat.r _ at leut, tha.t
Coaaten kft
tdltag l.i. to
.trt:,(liter. ~ FeUoa 4Ild
lUt f"1C oa Jo-a. Ta.e fUlt-
the a:u.t1oa ot the ClOIdptraton as be II, Q
doW'll tbe ......1' F o r . ~ ~ Uaaa
FloreDCle'. room wOGJd be the maR ImprobUole
pUce for the ~ of the ..mica. ..... that
lcor toe1Jt to Flo~. r'OO_. 11M ret'eGlU1.9 " to au-pt to dWtract tIM .u.dla of the the par1:J'aJt. cal7 ..... MItiM. "b:idl
,,,,,,UOR 0' tk .,.u., tr.UUn,01O II lHJz. lloetuiJID Bladt a-dred rra. the ~ ru-e. ttl... of _ .... 1lIlWIa.
HClrgrettvc", ..a_e. Tlte- /0-" '-'It IAe ~ .... Tbla ..... ant. to keep the ....... doUan I CUI. _ ~ fM:t aa- ..... ...-uaa to
rnlr toG.. ,-thll!loed over t k IDGll and d4rted UDder eonr; ...... to ~ ~ ~ that . . tb'e. tlw ~ W"W ....
40ll1a ta.e .fred. udft" O'lfC toM ~ tJI; 11. Uem to I'loreaoa uuI the other ~ ot lodcal thaD that the tbaIt liar-
ca~1I4 .. ~Ul'l17 Bro.'_.tclko cu.tcd lone. for the) Ir! creave. ,." to his ~ the
a .. ate" Beeo_t_17 .... ptdou. Fdtoa nJft9 Now, I
t&Dce,. _ _ tID
to 1--. Mdt _
ia ...,.,.. ......... .w
Ilia- C1UftSlC'Y cu..... . .
tile t!dI fnIID.&
tile ~u CUlil tol4 8uIl. U .._ut let" 10rt"" at work at the !
O~. 8-..0.. r("porr.-d tut .lor:. _ w.ot i.a. lead. . . tID Y1Ult I haTe .. -.....: To-. will N- It nar-.c. .Iu ~_
F~It_ tkfI toe1lt to tk rem- 01 t k Ilo . eall., Ia the fti7 tnt tba& ~ " that Is. taU
.1I'l' tA.t' ~" .to.rted t.. p..r ...U.
8.-.riM:. II-IId tkr' foUolCt:d JOt&'.. to tA..t' 1Oa.Ur-
Ht' ," t
did aot haw . , . -= ol ~ aw'Q
of oauIder'UIe ItI&a. . . . be ...
the sate. or tile llatndt. or ns. or . . , of the
~ . _ . . . . . . . ora ....... 8be-.ld.
1roret.. .cri..,. ,lit. lrcI,,o.....,. t .. II la.Il""'ll.. Hfn.. , la the - . . - . That b. 1laoIl . - , . . I do IIOt tab ....tth her tIW cr-e-t ~ bI. that t.A.q A.cU'~ ttft(';f' A.i... Jb4U. ov..,,-
~ A.f.M.. otter (J. tHli. osttt'W~t to "aT")' tk
,~t 0,," 4" wttul4. wae- /kwl.4JIdtag l.u ..,.. It!
qaeKlml; tbt ... lea: tile am-. MIWIlL ill
mQft n-....-n di4 be lUcIe
maBIIIaa vi. . . . . . . . , _ , ltez~. fa"'-
~t---dle ..,.. J6d:ue . . laM. vi.
Do aat ~ tbt tMn . . . . aat .,
rl"1l4er. tAq I",.. I~ tAdr putoU 4t Jo..a. 4"" W' tIM ant uu.c J _ til. wheu be ~ behb:ld the cu.--. a - of the IIiIItn
lU tA..t' llatleT Uf'kd. AU ...... ~ lt~ t .... eoa~ a.aa b.-. ~ the IDaY have of tIM ~ . heat]'
!tor fa tA..t' - . Tr)'iag to ~ ~ tAq IGIMT.-d raJIwa;:r .-. "" the - - . . . or th~ _ _ tID $1 zet ol
tlrir' _ ~.... aad Jo"e. '-rntJ II ,.utol aMe! .lot sode! Be t:ooIr. tit-. to n . . - ' s ~ . . . them --W _ ~ ilaa
~ f ~ ~ of tA.rlr laa....... .tdtUlg fa... IJo,U there fa the Jtr* of JIr. liar- dred Uw. ~ . , , . . . - ! It......
..~,.t'_ Jo-a e_red- l1-li4 rAe fdo_ V'.,..,-.. obliffl"'d P'fI&ve. J - . to It. . . . tIIW ~ DO lID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ tD *Wd that
to pl .."Vi" tllto ta. If"lJt"r 11,,41 ..-i. . . .1.0"". that tht. .... "1HJr raater's ~~ ftIa ~ UlUllber, -.17!
I kDow'.-u~
that. _ tIM evi-
.ur r;ulq to tell

I ,.00 ol
place to look
cood d c e

,fat' that -.n. trait wCJlll1d be the
lloa lIoIIan. It ~ ..,. tnt thbl& I
aot ..bat tbe 11th would DOW eumLDe..
...- I l a . . - . . ......

raUl. . what It ........ . . . . . Babral.1'l
aa4 I ka... _ _
1IarlI . . ~at
tnctioa tID ~ 0:-.
deatIT far , . . tIlJ. tr.tars. 'I'be7

ba...... -=areelJ' "*

~ of thtac. ...
c:a.- I haft .... .,.
~ _ t1le bfltlaa It
_ _",'a bl
_ UMtr

II'lam. aad ..-.hi. p It tIM tt.e _ e , k

.uaIaht to IttID 0:-' WVUdbe . . . . . . ol
IIrm_~1IIIJ' bet _. - e of

Bl&t -----

plaia IIIIJ' ...... 1 . .

...... to IIbow ,--
.-1Lat . . . . . . . . . to
tbeIr pac LD . . .-

T b. t woaId bel.!
J'i(ll'ft(ll ..o-.Id IlOt
btta'fere ..Ith It-
bat . . loeK .. abe
th-. _ tIaat :r- tool!: It with ber,
t b _ ber

-....... - -...
...,. tnee ttIe w 0 I .. be seeere.
mllll ..,.

w1t!Iotlt &DY -..eeA of

fa ua.
..,. ,..
mil ....
ldatfty _d .....
b r

.. . .
.... ,. ..
,.mbd wab . . a.
......... - " - U ...
kjde .
.............. bw U. ran- wItb ........ aad ..... ~ to Ml:V'8 the ~ f t car
u.. tM . . . . . ...,. . . ..w. "- fa
. . . . . . . . . . . tn. lillie tile erideDce al the
OUr IIboUd -..e WUq t!'ridaCIe M . -
_tel to -. ....... _ _ tile ".,.-traIl . . 01.
I IIDd tal-, her. TheJL" j~ betore lea...... be
thrut tato s-a'. haM. a rnol't'eJ', with ~
ror ber to &boot -yboct:Y wbo ..... a.tam1Itar to
ber. aDd wbo pJued or demaa4et _traDce to
the bome., the story relates. JODeS -..t to ~
CMU' aJaa. Netthft':rc- DOl' I caa look IatIO
the fId,:are &ad toret.eIl aD. tile btc:Weata tItat wiD.
<oceW. We ban to M pWelI . . "F ..........
Rt ..e ..... Rlect rn-. the
...s.e.... ud r-'. thc.e that ~
II ~ ~ce; lIbe
nOll rno't"ed by lei
.... . ~ Be
leet that bOlQe frum ID..cIen. Be .... aot
cooe. He ....
01 8el.f-pr_'t' tkW'; be
tmbaecl ..ith the . .
thoapt or shtddlilc that bome from the ca-
Ia_L slaacbts of the PJlC. ADotber sylJteiD&tjc
s.t I am. aot t.broacb. I am. -=m .ady. .....-ch. _d they mJcbt lAd the 1II.fi1Ica! TIle7
ill&: the esaet . . . . of JOML II&Pe It Is ..Oa1CI lM:&n:d:y lOok fa the AIDe places tbey
time "e ..ere d. . witlI ..~ ....,. ~ IDftSticated befOf'e. They ..oUd b_t Dew cor-
aD4 spedal1J' .bell ..e rmd Ia the fbIr7 thai Den, and I(TaSp at . . , straw that pi"CD.i8elI til
the oouptratora aJ4 be bad beeR wUh liar- poIilt lD tile d.I~ of IRICCIeM. They
poe&'t'e foRrtee:D. yean; ta. oth.. warda, be e't'eD alaab the ~'t'f! portrajt, . . weU . .
came two or three y.... after ~ee 1aad otber ptct1u'es iD the room&.
beeD ta.II:_ to Ilba lI"arlow'. Kbool. TbeT til Neithu "Oftilce ilOJ' SIlAD has leanled aDY
Dot blow thiL Had they beeD oertaia 01. tbt. or the iDnermo.t 1teCt'et:s of that ~ Thls
~eDt. thea yean 11&0 tb.,. woU4 ha_ .. Yft7 erideDt. They U'l!l . . lporaat ot the
located 1Iarpoea~ They . . . . . . . it......,.... kea1iOD at. the mfUiOll, or or llarl:raft. .. _ tDq1l1r7--1tkely _ h.,...;y ~ to they were the day they e&IDe. NcJI1:e-, . . . aot
dee.l_ thfD..
Wh_ J__ a.h_ ap Ia the
tut .. JI'SoreDee bad -.ed ~
tM GI'Oft
IuIow ..bere the iDOIIIey is htddea. Be is stUl
. . oH:sider. -. tar .. Joaes u caaceraed. s.t
J - . tI4Q t:_. aad the tra7 he cu.rU tlMI
stJ'el!It ~ he .... I e aIII7 NIInoet maaaloa.., _d I..n his plot. . . . . . . . ~
--vembUq ill hta thaaUct....-tae. 1 - . .. that we U'l!l OIl the npt trafI ..ul _rlbiaC
~ iIlteNBtecl lD P\clraee. aI8t7. IDa' ......tiD.c ~t nt....ce arIaes to . .
tead:D.... tor her ItM beeD . . . .
all tIIDeL Had bets h.ia ~ ~ . be
- - a ... ....... ov mba" frta these el-.
AD 01 oar acratbl)' of Norte.. 0Ip.. Braiae
c:oUd aot ha't'e beeD. more~! I"' . . aad the other COIlIe6erates, ca OllIe side or the
say this is the caR. That . . . . . . . . aIcId: other, hu broq:bt lUI aothlac 6Mlafte.. 0IlJ:y
be tar-tetcbed.. I do say howe-.-. tbal: ILls . . th!l caD ot steTeu h.aa ~ to lUI that
tachmeltt is mag ~e---1Bd it is r.a.-. ~'ft _d &J"f! reeJIy Ia u-:b with
ly; Dot the a.ttelIItioD of a krn:r to his sweet- _e _ather. Bilt Joae. rItIes as a factor oC
heart; Dot lbe obedieDce of a Ier't'U.t to Ills API"'CIIle tmportlUlee, _d JI'kJnoace's roam holds
employer'. 4a.acbter. JClDes is ewer _ tile OU' atteiltloo. as a foc:aJ-poiDt tor the soIutioD
lookoat the Prl. welfare, bid tbere is .mJ. of the 1ocs.lioo. of the mUUOIlI!
oae tact we m..t ferret aU. I t ' this: We Toa. will tlild that. III reTiewiD& each episode.
ue toIcI that Olea .... lbe ClClGAiD. of ~'. JOII wiD. !eel that c;.r,rta.lD e't'eats are tmport;aDt
mother. Harcrea't'e.oald ha't'e kDowa thb- ..beg lD reality tJle," are aot. Yoa ..m belle't'e
tNt Joae. llMDl. to be _certaba . . to ..bat that d .... 1VUI lead to aomHhiD bulpble.
pomtiCID Olea Tbat ts. b. at leut wb.ea they slmply tray out _d lea't'e us.. But
a ~ to he QIIc:ertaiD-bat nppoee that he . . "e procreaa, tJleo the epiaodes that ha't'fl
kDew; what thf!D! Would he dare breU.b.e a come before, beJ;111 to .bo... themsel't'e11 111 their
,,,,ord to aDY oae! W<Mlld he Dot haft! to D)lne oatl1Des iD their perspec::tl't'e. and we mu~t
his bowleqe _d p.-etead IporaDce! What CUTJ this story til mlDd trum cllaptei' to chap-
I am. lIMdhl&: ,..,. to fa thu: U Barp<a:n ter, because that la the ..ay plota nul; An la
...... the -er't'aDt. _4 JOIles the D1&8ter, theD. dcIent ID. tbe beJ;tnDIIlC broaderuI oat later Oft.
aU CJU' plaDDiD.c "oald CO amlsL U Joaes Some _eats CdIlIe llP and fade. aDd Dn'@J' ~
had _ _ the redWle &Dd had taltf!D ill hi. for. Jooe. eY1Ule. all que&tiOllI Florence b..a!I peat them.ael't'em, or 1P.&d to aDythlD elae. But
tr1salI. ~n. to play the part of the m.u. asked bim rela.ti"'e to ber father. He does Dot to eYft7 story. u to nery Ufe,. the-e la oat!
of IDJ1IIoa&. ..e ..oaId aJ~ be looktILc ID . y ber tatber b dead-bcrt IDttmates that be _brokeg thread. that Ie:ads -errtDdJ from
tbe ~ 4irec:lJoB from the aae ..e sbosld ls aJlTe aD4 ...eli. Jooes does Dot apeak Bar start to blah. ADd ID T!le JlDHOlli Dollar ..~
look. This. a theory. parely. It IIlQ' Ita_ P'e&'t'f!'. . . . . e. He is -.tts.tIed with the sima- tery, the plot 1M:ciD.s ..Ith the ...,~ 01
DO tomI'
He fa fact. B1IIt-keep it Ia JIlbId! tioa.. Be Kb like a man who b..a!I the ~ ~ Gray," _d the monc. is hWdf!D
for bet cood- Tb.... yoa haft! a reaow. fOf'

How _d th_ dectloa --=ll . . Jc.aes 4t. haDd _d now. It. Uke wbo does Dot
~ toWa.rd n(lftllCll!, is met with l-. ..... worry aboat ecmmancb trma _ _ oDe '"b~er ~ Ule mGley where it wfIl be a't'ailallM
Ute. 0rdtaar1Iy. the -.eera of a ar tar her . . . ID a ..... Der tIlat. w1Il a slt7'act
emplOJ'M more basiD~lke. _d t.ett. t!te That the mODey b lIti1l lD the h~ __ aa4ae a.ttelIItIoIL, or 8't'1!Il IRlGftl to thoee who
~ 1Ib_ 01 _I::imeat that Jc.aes m - ~e. R~ b aDoth", polat that 1""" ~t.e be- that the cr-t fortD:ile Is aI...,.s
toward the Iirl Wbal _ \deal sltaatIca it . . to this coad~oa; F1~Cle bad coae til lI'"ithiD. euy re:actr.! Keep JOU' eye _ the
w-ad ... wIUI lil. real muter ta c:barp of Gro"t'e lItn!et _d Jc.ea bad f(MlJlld the leaer flarcn!a't'e port:rtJt!
his hOG8e, aD. th~ JlI"'!tadell m.aster bWJac
a ..ay to -,.ut" _ the ~ Ta.. lIIlQ
. , . that BnJDe recapatMld 1Iarpea_ Ia the
cate. s.t I do DGt reeaII that 0Ip i
hla. or
wrr eertaIa u - t hlm. aJtboqll

a tll"iIt CllJIlDbt 01 R.arpoea_'. . .ire.

Mar 1Iarci'ea_ tAdle:ate o;a.plete reeocat-
Uoa of BnJDe OJ' Olea. BralDe" oeNiD. aJ-
th-eb _ e dcbteeD Yeu'll ha't'e .... siD.ce T Hlll V liD_then iIlUtertU
........ _ --
th...,..-t fnma.
teJld the Ipat.tef Bal1, Bel_e makes prepa....
liGIS to carry oat the ta.llI.Umat d tlle nl
Il.m.t pIot:tjap, &D4 is , . . _ De potat of
theY met WOf'e. ta that time Dl&DY ebailces ...,. ~ Heai':Y 8a~ "lIy oedaI Wlte,"
CIa tak. pl-. IIDd partk:uI.arI,y ..bell JOIIIlC
m_ Ci'OW' Q to the ma1:Drtty 01 maabood...
J __ b Dot the ordiDary type of lIeJ"'t'aDt. He
ba wbich Clara ItbDbaIl Y-., -..arte4 bY
_ aD Iltar cut or Vlt:aer'allli P'ta7en Is . e ..,. .......
-plUhlllc ber deGpa wh. . aM .. foUe4

twice daUT. I t . . . - t ia.cl1cIUou .. a Bel_e. lD cr-t tear of her Ute. fadaces a

Is .-k:Il ol thCNCht-&1ert, d:artD&. Be . . ertt.t-.. "II)" 0IBdal Wlfe, ~ wm \Ie . . aD _ _ H,..1aD llobleau.a to ..... with bet. Itat. tbe
aer attnct.ioa at the ~ ' s ~...,.

playelI his real qll&!ftles .. beD be raa to lile
_d lag 110 tiDH! ta pttiq iDto the
ear to follow F1oraac:e to the Grvn
Tbe&tft. Ia......., to the ~
-.or,. ot the drama. 'Tade BIIl." a th...-...rt
poUce ba't'1ilc dl8c::o'ft!red her hlelltIt:Y. tTac:e tbe
elopers to a pr1't'ate yadat, order Ita destnctloa
aDd a R.-i&D torpedo boat Il.krws the p l ~
stJoeet hOlDe. Thb"'" tbe won:: of a ma.ter; ..eIolIruaatie flln:le. opeu lile pracna 01 r.- c:raft. to au.aa ta __ of the mc.t thriDlilc
the lid of a ..... ~ e d to haft! taUicJUIM". _ e s iD tllmd-.
nae pod. ~ t ls ~ e d to ~--to "Jb" 0I8cIa1 Wife" .... wrttta the . . . . ""Uade BUI"" .. ~ o:atrMt to t!te
e&n7' - t cwdenI; Dot to ortctaate orders. a dec8de acu. m &I...,.. . . . . . Mea.- 4rama,. tteiD.c cae 0( d1i_ --.are ee.edte.
T_ 'WID J"i8CJ1 that 1I@fore Non. ea.Paeeftd d Its . . . . . II. ~ CoIcJut . . . rna the ~ 01 ~ a.tadl. ~
that .......... meld_t. be _ _ tell Jaa__ I.aaos. b" ~ . . . . . . . _Iy .... "I'iete with
'nIererore. the tmportallee of the ..~ 4id.
aot IlJa.&e ca lile Wf!JIttty or the ~ who
at the fraDuer.
c:aIW. to a:..Ia, _lClRaten

for wboa aD. Ute

Marie. . . . . fill the
JOUee fill
7 e'ft!r:Y _ . of ..htdl Is 8
I' L til fa.. Uada BIll Is bl..u.l te
. . . r-e.ed at --. rt w. . ~ a aattft' of .......... Ia -.rdL &be . . . . . . . Ute wife Tisft Ill. ~ ..~ be Iau .eft!' _
~ lbe --.lraton. ... _tnpotac 01 DIcIt 0.--. tIM ce&.eI'. oW W . . Nat eD:II!IIl bY........... &1.....--,..
to ~
tit-. Ir.-.we. That is ..bat , . . - ~ rrs-4, . . pta Il_ til tab her . , . . . the dt:Y . . . eh a. wll.ldl he" .....
'* .......

to _ Be. aa.u-. te . . dt-. ~ rr-tier _to a-ta. .. his wilL o.a. .. at. iad_ hIa to d1i_ . . e-Ia
late Ute c1.u:t.. 01 Ute law, with ..tkieat ..n- ~ ~ . jotu be' aIIlD.~ rr-.. IbIdobIL c....,. ~ kW 01. __
dell. of thetr pIIt to . . . . - them. . . eIe- _d th.,. JoIot tD . . . . . . . . Ute Car. -.... treWa,. 1tI...n- lilt. .. ~ - . a . .
~ of Uapr or to _ tbea . . . . . . . . . . lac .,. da..- m. '..,.. JIIiIIa.- .. tD .". ......ta aatIl tw ~ ....
THE MOVIE PICTORIAL .dagut 1. 191.1

A Vivacious Prima Donna

She Whistles: uWhadda Ya Mean You Lost Your Dogt"


.. ab:tare! ProIIUly Joa . . . . . . . . aJ' we- re:bearal ~. the bt& u a 0"t"eI'tleM. bepa to
r8dt;J. Well. ya Ila.... 't . . _ _ MocCoJ' .. ..-ner .... e:t'IIC:k. TIle ....M---the ta:t.riar oil
yS.. .u ftlPI'dII ~ JIGIMn. W. Cbaa&Iten .. ~.ldce-.... ~ ~ ....
~ e:- ~ ~ : -rMn.,...'t
&Il7 - * cIrlIo!" Ap.Ia I "'.-701&
ba_ . .
to ........ taDl with tbe Jrim& ..... of JWi. Ute
blabIb-wbite UPt. ~ ...,. ..... e9IIi.
aD. tile ~.....
d ..11 sileDCIII tbe _ _
_ pIcitm'e JIQ1L Tc.'U c:Iuaap :r-r ...... era to c:lk:k rt '7 . . tile adb.
~ I aIW. at tbe 1IIc d.- ..... __ faWltaIl::r l"eCIlIrdell r. the 01.
. . . . . . ....,. . . Ia tbe Broas. lfetr T~ Ute JDO'f1e &as ~ o u tbe wadlL DId it . . .
cGer ...,. I r . - __ ~ ~ .. .-J.! U TOlIl WUlt to U.... r. _ Ilou or _ ..
roo: ,

--.e far Ie.. tJlree.put ~ the abDOQIlere 01 the c..beI1..ud --.t:daa.
. . . . ~_""TM. . . .

. . . . Tree.'" 1a the role
ot wild. ....-taJa '--Ie.
... POW."

... ...- ....
belle I
... _

:':::: :.- ! ,I , ....................
. . . 11IIII: . . . . . . . . .


HER.EI l8 no rule
tor ~ . . . .
mOTte ~ To
_ e at the pla,y.
II!I'S it comes alter leas
&f"lIDOClS eadeaTO!'; to .. be ,Are to Me the pletare.
fortulate l'ew the rame ot Ya., c:aa't belp lMt acree
.. CI!Iebrtl:7 caDes as euIb' with . . tbat :au.. 1IclCo7, l.D
. . 40 tortUles to the chU- .... ltte, is the c:haracter of
. , . of the rich; It MleIIUI the play.
to be the bertt:ae of ll"ate. 'Ta .xTY to .haTe Itept
ror m.taace, three y..,.. yoa waltlac. lIbe 0.. M

-eo au. Gertruille Jlecoy ,... daJaaed aa Idle came for-

1rM ....-rf.Il&" .... cboru
ward. with & bop, aktp _d
etrI ta that IaTtUlI,y stqeIl a ~p. Mrye lot to do
III.aak:a.I comedy. -rbe Ga.J' lIOIIIe lJtIUI.~ l.D another
WhJte 'W.,..-
_d iDdiTtd....,.. .ceDe ID & f_ mla.tea.
but CUDe to m.,. ......
. . . ."t neD notteed. tb..,.p
_ e ol lIlY readen w1Il ~
I.D.&" room. U'. _
ably reeaU that cwe-s be-ry noby her&. The M

of ~ _ J'0QlI.&" . . . . .- . . proserty mea. bad

ybo really made the prod.ctklL comm.eac:ed te:a.rtac
No. 1I.t. Gertnde l8 Pft"ChiJl& dowa the and
_other __ beiA
~tuU,. oa the top run&: of
tlItI ladder of au<:eeU. without .. placed IDto .-Itba

q-.llD . . \0 the su.bUJty of h~ a ata&'e hlrtber

do_ ID the ....10
poaltkJa. She is jut. tnabbllD ':'":;':'

.,.-er with the joy of UYiac. aDd ~

rom,. thl"'OGCb he.- n.rtous

pan.---lIItUIlla.- llbe eaJl. tbem
MNow... bat eaa (
ten YOII. that ..CMl1d
- .....tlI the d~tabt of a d1Ud
t1U'1lled 1 _ I.D a room wIth a
buTeI vi new to,... u the stU"
........ "
be iDtef'efJttac~ .he
aaked. &ad waited a
lecoad to uIt hrther.
0( m08l 0( the &U_ proline- -Want to bow about m.y-
t1~ Idle has Clmle to be 1l1l0"l"ll whe~ .U~
eTer the m ~ an! Ihow... aDd ahe b "Yes.. M I UIJ1U"elI hl!!!'.
juR . . hie a faYor!t.. 10 Japaa or M To haTe found & pe~ IIlor!!
.-l1IIa . . abe I. I.D the Uolted. St:a1ell. r'elIlpolD..8lTe, more alIYe to -.-fble
Be.- re~tolt pe.-.mallty lIeYft' f.:aJla _TenatJOD. tbou.c:h to
to eaten.a.lD. aDd a mUTm1lT of _tid I5Ud:l & d~ ..oo.Id ILue been
p&tioa .weeps oyer lbe Uldleuce the Impoulble--bat Itstd. to KbIs )(c:Coy"l brt~
momellt .he appean u.poa the ~ .....tal.
Xl. Mceo,. fa lUte the ~I __ boru la GeorP&. and eame to New

amazl.q ,.oaIlC berolDes York wbea .m yery ~ I doa't f'BDember

we J"t*I about lD the R.-. just bow ~ and DO oae b. . ~ told me..
en. W, Chambers 0O"re!a. Wbea thblp 1IIepII to 1'0 from bad to w..-
Sbe baa ,.oath. be&atJ. w1tlt lIlY tamO,y I looked arovad tor MJalethtae
_d ~ - . _d fa & to do, &ad beIac 01. & f'OIDaDtic t'clnI of m.lDd-1, & M:bolar _d _ c.- that', wbat It I IooIted. for _ .
w,.ttat. Now laza't that thtllc to do oa the ace.
Jl"tnt 1 __ & ehorua
ctrL Tb_ I ...-red ta 'JIIle. KUc:bJef.' ..... the erst ODe. It .... ID a cblldish aen.wl DOl", Etc.
with Edd~ ,I'OJ c.e - . th_ tuum to "I _ Iota of thae," Me said.. Mlt b from whleb im't
...-.IeriIle.. Plctarell eame Den. That . . . UWe crippled boy," She read the letter throu&"h, atratD. at alJ-
almOllt three :r-n -eo- Yes. I'm thell handed. It to me. UJia, "He has a I1We jtl8t tune.
now," slster he hopes ""01 ,;row up and be like me. And thIs
A 1e&dill&" lady blurt:1D out ber ace! It ..... He alao wants me to write ber a letter." She vlv.elous
a ne..... 1IeIlUtl0lL TbeD the coaTerAtioD. ahitted lII'U a1read.y encaaed III opeaiq the next letter, &plrtt ta the
to the <ordea1lJ ot' worlt. IMrt she didD'l read very tar nnW a laub ea.u.eed key to
"Oh, of coane it'. work, bIlt ths It'. Aeb me to . . .der. "'Tht. is tJu:n farmer out in Gertn>d.
tan. Do:r.auf;, ! Wen. I S1lPPl*l 1 do, bat Kansaa. He'. cot ftve ehUdren and thtnks I'd Me CoY'I
I dOD't 10ee any aleep bIlruill&" the IIlidnicbt ofI... make just the proper fIOrt at a mother to care lIueeeS!l.
When a per-. kno...... be or ahe caD do a !or them."
thine, and cIeeIt:ll!!a bow it mut be doae, "'What do you. do wttb letters UlIe that:
that eIlda it. Do yoa call that 1IbIdyIuc! Theil "Burn 'em," .he uJd. "I &"et lots ot that
I peg 1 sbMly... Her _th1lldaml ..... de- 1r..1Dd, too. 1 dOlI. 't maw much about men, but
"'The ODe thiac I like aboat pktve ac:t;iq b
they sarely mUIll be queer creatllrea to think a
cfrl would alt richt dowD aud accept them by
tila! It per:mita me to play Ill) maIlY dtaereDt letter."
Aad . . our am:versatioa ah1fted trmo topic
to topic ahe happened to dance at "B1&" BeD. ..
A bruIteD. ~t abowed all over her taoe.
TvaiRc. abe .....U"Iled me to pt oat.
"I dOll't dare 10 oa.t . . the .treet lookJDc like
thta." .he amIled.
I had hardly d.led the d ~ ~ me when
I heard her beciD. wbJst11l The ~ did
ya..,.! "Whadd& Ya Wean. You've tA.t Your

-. -.
flt . . . . . . . .


~ it's all just ...

part ot ber natura'"
I dcxl.'t haYe to be doiac the same
partlI., Gertrude McCoy
thiq over and over apJa LIlte the st:aee makdi an Inat.all-
aet:I'efI8elI do. Today rm just what yaa t n''e., 0 u a appeal
eee." She lrtood. 110 to Ihow me the boles throul!:'h ber per-
lui ber dress and the ~ h-inp 00 the eooal beauty but her
bottom of the skirt. She .... to:riD with tlnal eh.rm Ilea in
a blue and white calico bonnet u alH' the deep 8lneerily
talked "'Tomorrow I'm coin&: wlt.h ""bleb she
to pl.y weet I(irl &ndQate, plaYll every pan
and be man1ed beside:&." She ba.s taken prom-
The eaU boy knocked on th.. Inent parts In many
door. It .as her cue to "do multiple reel tea-
some stunts" lu the llCCDe she turefJ, . . In "The
had told me was to tollo.... Wltness at tbe Wlll

"JUBt lJtay right bere, and and "Peg 0' the

smoke It you wish., but be very lIovle!l," but 18 per-
e;.refuL TIle studio burned up bap8 at ber best In
the other day, you kno...," and such delll!:btful com-
...Ith thiB reminder Mn~u 1n my ean\, she e die 1 . . uNora's
""as cone, addlu, Mt11 be baclI: In a jury." Boarden" and "Tbe
A little later, abe was baclr. ~D.. The StoleD Modell." She
drelllltnc-room door bunt opeD aud ~rtrude t. colL8ClenljoUll
literally Me..... In. 1I'0rker, lItrlVID&" al-
"Now what ebe caD I tell ....ya for the best ID
you: she asked aJmoet ~ everythlnl!: she at-
fore sbe ... as seated. templa, and her abil-
"JWJt coatlnue to talk about
Youraelf. please," I 11~ ..hereupon she
heatbted, fleemed to pout just a little. and
IItud1ed. Thta was tollo",'ed by a lal1h,
-.-. ......
... aa.--.;
. . . . . Y...u.. a-..q., Ity has put ber Into
. tbe c1&5JJ of a"'I\,
ftlm playen.
eotlre motion ph'-

and even now rd ~ve pretty ture e][~r1el1ee bail

penny to Imow just what ...a.s WTOI1l1; been pine'<! In tbe EdtlJOn Company, "'bleh
wtth my qUe!ltloa.. She retuaed to sbe joIned &e"eral yea... ao, and tod.y ahe
teU me. ranks .monl!: the prime tavorltes ot tbe
"Wbat l.B my hobby! Why, anto- motion picture ~n. Her pleulnS peor-
mohillng. Say, ['ve sut the euteat eon.llty .nd ~auty &Nl wlnnln her manr
little roadster )'OU ever 1Ia."-(Note .dmlre.....moD thMtl .... bo delt&"bt In the
that she speak!'! ot her car a.s thoul!:h hlltrlonlc films.
It .'e"" an animal ot some eort.l- Allide from tbe keen lntereat ahe taku
"and N.r. Oltle, .. ho Is oae ot UU~ In her work betore the camera, MIIIII Mrl:oy
acton bere, ha.s &.fTUlC'l!d a raee ht-- 18 a scenario writer, havlns written 11;'1,
t ..... eeD Mis!! Learn and mYRlt_ MiSll ~;dlson dram... a.s 'United In Daner" and

Learn ta an EdtllQD ac:tresa and drlves her

OWll car alBo. 1 meaa it-wc're l!:Olng to
race.. Doa. 'l you thmk that will be
" .
"KittY'. Hold-up," in both of which
she pl.yed the Ieadtns role,
Her pleuln penonallty and lIin~
eerlty ot act:Ion make a wlauln&" com-
There .... a Imoell: c. the dresll-In blnatlO1l.
l'<IaDdoor &Ild a boy banded ID a btlOch She has ~ly made only be~n
ot lettent-tweaty Dr more. IItsa Me- In her wonderful career, And
Coy _died the lot. u thoacb looktD. I am .OIre we wlah her all the cood
tor -.De JIIU"tIcalu' letter, th-. QPeDed 11lek In tile 1II'orld..
THE MOVIE PICTORI:AL .,j"g,.,t 1. 19U

J. R. Walling-Movie.Magnate
VII-SoUle Ski-Hi Advertising and a Fly Cop
VEN tboq-b the emerald
B,..RICHARDJ. HENDERSON that J"adt waw.e thri.-l best. in

E tb&&'es of jealOUJJ" over the

att.entiOtla. showered
otber mea 011 Doll,. EwlD&.
r&tbeI'. pertarbed Jack Walli.Dc at
'LLI7Sr . . . r . u ar J.
an at:m.capber'l!l fII. aaeertataty. AI-.
_bile we are 011. the ....jeet., a Ter7
wlBe fOUl&" female penca. 'Reb ..
DollY. that It t. beI:Uir be-
u-. he felt much .. a hone ~t blc an tdoI thaIl It is to became
tell ..hea. saddealy tnAamdell. back-door parft7OI' of bouehold _d
rr-. a,. diet. to a wealth
I tJther aetchborhood . . . .

at iIICIWea oat&. S8.C;b ..... the eeet I Bat the Cl!IUCW. Col. 8terD. wu
ol1dl .eww" pr"OIJPerll:7. 0.....+=.0,. p-.y-tool:iac OB the trafL ADd

W.amc Dot 8Qt'fI that be ..ur-I ~ be . _ tIIat Ute ......Wall-

aie. tIl.e at:l"eet"'eTfIl; hia teet . . . lac ClaW- bad. tuS fa _ _

~ apob qoJte Ibcrnt &be ..... IDOB with the 9 ttc=e' J'IbD.

clId ~d be IDbalecl . . . . . .

The Ewtq.WallIq SndJcete 01.

tbe&t:r'es . . . . ~ _ The . . .
\ CODcera. the Cola.el .......1eeeI7 IIle-
PIl to poUU. his at.- ... look
for Ila.WL Be
apUtaM a&
a -...tU
Be c.ud.
.. u.- .. tile

eu.rtler t.aed at SpriDdeid fICO" -.I re-.e
c:su.ecl to m.ealdlld that the .... ~ vi. tbe I1Bl&. ...
p-'uH" ..... DOW l"t!JClCCDtMllI. _ e-. ill tile' au, _ tIM
'ColoDeI'. la.tIdtica. We. tba all
C1l II1.1Dota OOC pol' H....
-.ember of the mutrtoas fUdl7
with DoI1:J"
Ewtac. her mother. _d Jack Wall
ea.e. he &1orW I:a -riac .....
A7 IUlkiad til.... ~ Ilia. OIl.
1uC .. tile ID.corpcwa.t.ors. diJ'eeton the w1laIe. bia ..... r.r..... ,. .;;1....
_d . . . . . spIrit:L The capital and _II-. that d ~ toeueI. . . . , . .
..... l&I.eoo---..
maet recIr.leaa 'fIT'" the lithe, trtppbac, IIID.Ilblc ..... 01 DaI17
E..-me. he breathed. deeplJ' aad .ellpe_V,.
to attnet the c:orpora.tioa tas. sc:ru.
tiuY at. ~ea.t _d CommOtl- aDd aaSd. "Ha!"
wealth. a.t that the amouut The parUca!ar three-reel --.daa that
ot mOlle}' paid. ID.. eob,. bide that U"OGl!Jell his wntb.. ~ Doll,. maIdac l1er
importult fact beneath haze or eee:ape from barDtnc balldbl&, ...ith 110 other
JuaUnc of par and book 'ValUelI! raimll!lDt thaD. pajamas. by IIlId1ac d.owIl rope.
Tbia, bo...ever. Is Dot wboU,. She had forcotteD to tie the abo-..d!.J'oatded
tale ot a.Dbrokea triumpb. The wardrobe at the aether ~ttieL Hence, the
flUle~ ..-taace of the c:enllOr enters. paJamas crept lIP to the Ulees-aDd the fUa
. . 40es al80 moet barro.."'1D ctr w......
CUlldtauce.. Sl.D.lster shadows c:roa "It "-OQ"t do:- CoL Stern cried in tluab-taced
the path ot thia Itvel,. pa.U- ot put. aD.IIer. "It',. 1ICUldaI--tbat'....hat It Ui!"
aen-or corporate omcWs. it ,.0-. "Pooh!" retcted. WaJ1I.a&, iD tit of impa-
tience that he rued rreq. .tly tbenatter.
wUL fOf' Doll,. .... secretary . .d
u-aurer. _d wallin .... Doth.lq "Didn't people e.c:a.p tram. the Emprea ot lre-
bU presideDt. &Dd "the baDd. that l:md without that" m1ld:J. OIl! Why .fII'etft
wields the check-book Is the haIId yoa 011 b.aDd., Db prood emsor, to _ d them
that deal... the cards." back I~ public monla be Oeoded!""
The TruiaD up Oll Belmoat A~ '"Cut it out, cut It oat!" the Coloael roared.
DGe. the scene or Jack'. tint reo ~tl:r, .ot lnteD.el1D& a&.anc. bat referrt.&,
D.ewa.I ot crip oa 5UceeB8 ill Chicaco. to the pajama lIt":eIle. "Do,.08 sappoee I'el let
IIti11 pla;yed. to tbe penplrtq eII- m,. _ ri~w the shamel~ er-t::lU'e ID th.t

thaaiasts. who made eaeh evee.1D.c. unatt1re! No air! Ten mlIl!oa llC*. LDeleed..
_d eTerY matinee.. look llIr.e the the ""bole blamed. film reeks with ~
area.a aeene from Quo V.... ! It is ~yeutaa ill Its elepru1ty. Doa't
It was the Loop Thatre that you. auppoee It's to have ~ eseape.
a::-ated.. Tbia "boroed ID. ~ wtthiD without lntrocluciD.&, an,. Garclen at Eclen
.woe'. throw ot Ule ~ lIOImelJ! h
"thNfl iDiti.r drcutt that had al- ~el rr-om that mOlDea.t OD. the SeD.satioDal
rady made State Street Its boaded Film _d the STDdJeate were
ala~d that had aoonped oil the
~ of Jladi_ and. Randolph __"",,,"...,,,,,~;;-r,,,,~y
IItreels. Still the Doll,. Theatre.
uoe1uc- baa.&'-up to Ule shoppiDI:: db-
trict had cune--let us Dot. sa,. to
5t:a.Y. beealUle we are not. propbets.
We are certain tilat It arrived..
Ullder the baD.. The,. cou.ldn't brM.the withoat
a penult. &ad destrucUoa. bepn to stare them
In the f:Ioce---eqaarel7. wtth ....tery eyes &ad
much di8da1n. _el &lao lMml.e hauteur. wbich Is
alw.,.s Tet'T bad.
It was perfectly cood achert1a.t~ oa the
other b_cl. bec:aUM! Dobod,. IOTed the coloael;
TheM'! "'u another hoU8fl III Ba- that I:a. apart [rom b.1s drde ot rrtena _d bill
m_rille. and oae I.D Ravens...ood. lmmed.1ate famU,.. Whatever Col. Stera said
and a fifth ID. Rotters PaTIl-i.nd everyone. or ...lto had divorced all his wivea _d supported "'as "'roaa. the publie madl,. clealred to Tlew-
coa.rfM'!, ..... featurluc Doll,. FUms tram tile nOlle at bis ehUdreD.. and perhape. the ColOtlei ~ a lJeDee of hu
5eDaaUOIlal., MJa E ..'inc's yery own film VeII- "The laatern. jawed OSprin&' of mt.ery!" mor beneath It all. Some pe~1I have lIach
Walllq hiaMld-and the billa ..... jut . . &'ood
tIlre. CbiC&&'tr-aDd otl;er clties u ...ell-bad
becun to took for DoUy'a &auey, IIvel,.. smil as _,. that ever ... afted aeroea the fDat.Uchb
tq features. aDd ern...D of .ub1lrIl tM!fIIM!a, and from the eca~ UPfI of dan., 6eep-4,yed
It w..
weird eonceptlOtlIl ot a joke!
IIkel,. the KOad of the oenaor th.t
prompted Walltq- to eeue his hlch~1Il&
applaud rowadl,. ....heaever ahe appeared on vtlLabl. Bat. to be sure. the bD.portaIlt Doll,. _el Cd- do...... to e:a.rth---Ol:l.!.y to tlpre oa Ket
lbe acreen___and bachelors with marble domes hadD't eloped.. The D ~ were abDpiy tin&' tar &bon the earth acatn. I.D both literal
had alread,. learned how tq sleb _d ..,.- reeor"'d1Dc the m.....lded. rom.usee of somebody _d tlprat1.... -.e.
u Is tbeir wacrammattca1 woet-"'s ber.~ else. _d the m. Ewtn&' eaGeen.ed taraed oat That dPlaID. wh,. all Chleqo bliIlked hard.
wneo'!Ver Doll,. watted IIlto dowD-towu care. to be qaJte _other itrt ot that aame. Benor:. as the folla-Iac aDIloaDcemea.t made Ita m:r--
Some of tbe mart1ed meo. swallowed tbe btt Jack took Dew &riP oa ute. _d COIlteD.ted terious appearaace ID the Sand.,. papen:
ter pU1 at marital eerritatle ao' beld their hlmeeJ.f witll baTtac a TlIrIr.1ab. bUb .t
11Je tlrm "'hUe lbetr eye. cJ,uelI. . . they added.
to tiIle OUola.qhtlo OD Noah Wet.ter. be!Jt teac:b.
tap, 117 matteria&. "I _
&c- ~ ~ e ~ c : r material
tea.claDt Mallo the chariey~ oat ot bU ricttt

ca11'-caued. by his mad nee to bd his put-

IIAIi t:bey ..,. a - _d _

eI"IIIIIt lato the . . . . 01 the Chkap .....-.en. thia tllrlll.....a:eriaJ _ _t
marr1ed, all
-w.t. blat Drolly
1100 U You. CaD. Tell
B.m Dac:k
PIan.eel ODe JlUe AboTe ChJcaco!
. . . OM . . , . Ia T_ ~ a eaaed Wall.Iaa Itaew tMt a.,..tlBet ' fit. a .
to . . . . . _ Ills IliroBath, au. __ bJiI Ut. .... ~ aIPt __ b 'otic ... WUdl b' bUD at I;SO ....... ~ .
~ wlMa Ute
. . . . . . . . ...... wtt.Il "'R
u-.I tut Dolb' . . . oI.a
7 ilia . . . .... u.. o.l _
a - - - - . 81M ,... .... lie...
the ItIa tut. ".. 'W1l&leII-tMlt". Illl
towtaa. nw.
THa".l1 bow ....
....... 'WtIo . . a '--tYal-thtrt ....... TL ~Z' ..' t ...........
o.c. an 01. <::IIJr::qo bill' WT7 lie- WIlic:b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ta n p." .... ua.t her ~ "'--t1ftd IMrW hat.
_.........,. tlaalt.u..e .... ""The l' t. ..-..c." WaIIIq- rr-. the . - t . . ~ .... OIl tbe
_ tM _ 01. .. e.tUa tIaat Wi ....
~"be I' .hillu... ..... "... II.7*a. theN . . . a ...... 01. 'rIPt of
tbe ...,. roof 01. -.11...... liIIIld- Idas hua"t . . . . . . . . . . . . . tIM: ~ rtb.. 1' tha1--.ttM_.~ .....
lac. The.....,...
PI"O'ftIlI tID . . the .,.......
_ a . . . . . lIpn at ~ CIlIapt had
. . ,...
.....-e uWhat 11 dleJ". cdlIde ta
we heW. _ _ftII'tisbt&"
_ tiM
( ua- iDto tel. tlaoaaad IIItan that .atted . . . .
tbroacb the aa.o.pb_ like aD early fall til.
__ it tar ~ -0. . . . .ew lab, the cdcers ot tile ta ...-r ta ~ e:U.wer =-ow_
.. Ute ~ wily tM Mde ............ aM. .....41 tbdr .ttecft_t _ tIM TIM!B the Dw::Ir. to u.ertbe beutIN.
....'t I,y. ~ coUI ~ . . It p l. ..-..,..- ~ ae-ee. the 8IIuwke of the bit-
tt.a ~ to tab 'W1ac. re......-. .... Both Dolly . . WaJUac bad - - . the enft .... ~ fewer Ie.e .nftaDt. The
bM that ClJatou'
aaI::ilaaI bird. th-. tbe birdibdt woUd
OIl 01. the -..ay dart tro. the pu'It,
t:be7' 1rUeIlet It e - * - ita ~ ..........
aD. . . IDOe1ttq tte pUIIdt;y featben.
The i of ft!i'7 tIlta., 1aroued
ba_ Ilea DOt ~ thaa thlrtJ' feet tan! It drew Dearer to tile o.a.. eud.board ...ere 1' to eett1e lato tbe
Jat ...... to;r. . . . the IIUJIIt dowa- W. . . ~ an.
the f:aI:tIJhI Jeakbu laM became eqer IlD&ers of. tbi! u.o.aalb &ad
~ will ~ frettiaa'Uolat rat-4a7 (thb .. - - - - . rI. that, be ..........- to~tol"Ol:llsol"""""aadu.-at
the rail...,. tnJdte __
lIIpI!ediac' a.c:bee _
~ ~ . . . realty ..-.t:a!); . . . taa to ...-ta&: the ~ -..atka 01. the 1Idft!r'-
a-n. ...-..c
tAm. ..w to that 1IIow at the ,.utk: . . . .
tka the lare 01. -.ey. aDd lbe tbDe-dodr.
~ _o--c:belL
DoI1y &Itt Jad!: eoUd tmactae the determ1Jlecl
IIl.bUoD. 01 the . . . . . . . . . ~ces abc.tlq:
..... ut4 the u-.__ of.

ADd tb.ta .. the meeup Mdt. ..... 01 1Ilcau'd


DIU'tac the week. other COTeM..... h boane cmo.maalb t:b.nM&b a meppb-. ..bicb 0Ja. ...eyelll:
. . . the a..m- o..dt were pUUabecL Rt -elJ;t to ..-r ..,. IItrdmaa to ac:tb.. ... stII1
nflClecteil to . . . . at what poUlt be .-w. . . S tarnod.
in Ilia appearaaee.. At 1 ; JO Sa.t:uUJ af'ter- He d1rec:t1y O'RI' Craat Partl DOW. _d
. - . Graat Pull
taI:r ~ of. ..
aU aloe& the
tr-. the SoGh Chk:aco .a-l .lIIa to the Na.......
_Oft. the other plaM .... daR!' to blm 4l"I'el"J'
_ t . IIaybe the n.ek'. lIIachbu!::ry .....
c:kJc&M.! Pwhape; a tha.a.D.d ya.r'lb til roed. ~
TraiIWl&' Statila. tJIere were wUcIlen be1cad . . . bad 1lIecDIIte staAded. la bie -etas! That
eouItbac. for oItrioaal::f the a.....
IMcII: . . . was DoUy". put 01 the .du!!lDe, &ayW'Q.
to lie . . aTtator fa a hydro Wi r" d "U thc:.e ~ ban beee the ClUIM of aIl7
tale wny had a CIJIIlpld.e llst ol e'I"~ lJI troUll!," Wallbac th~ed. "TIl bold It
eeued. aTiatal' bt the wortd.. ,.oa.. sure .. fate. ..
Wal1.hlc hall Deeleet.ed OllIe D-.r'7 lIetail. ~ ADd if th4l'1 are to ~ Dolly replW
.tlidl led to w1Id ramon that IJ1ell IlIm with wtt!toU erideDee of crief. u.e.e people wID
The list was to the Sndicate'.
dreM. -.d made the ~ of the polke tbiak the bouee,. 1Ieaa:M the S ~ ....tH to . . .
is .,..Wlca1 of. a ~ ta alJ-
aWmlq to ...... Uaery tIl_ wW. _ tile ~ et:luDpelII! t h ~ the _ _ Pi
tboee ow Ia ChJaco,
Prmaptly at the spedJJed t:lme. the .tap to tile -.e-ellt .&.ft1M' -=atterIa&' UoIIt ut:r thOU&lld of. u..e
bat. . . . .! Thal
or the atr-eratt were Ti.tble oU Dear the Car- ~ me. that d..t tIdIacs . . . .-tmra. tile n.cII: tanaed ..-tJl.
~ of. .Jae .. to tie
ter ~ b:lt&ll:e crib, aD4 the a1J'.boU: .... deU'\"II!!r'fId thi:e atter-..
_4. .-rarded. tile '4'1cIb of. tboee ta the
.-.uac city-ward., bedec:ked witll. r1IIbau at. -n._ tb.,. CO!" Wallbac cried. .. ddictlt. JIU'b _4. a1c.c the hoaleYU'da.

ratabaw hae.. aod armored. wtth MftI'&l 1'& ..ttb04lt ~ .. m1ldl. . . hearlDe' DOli,.'. raT- AJuI wher'eftr the n.cII: tooIl wtac. the
f1eetora that eaqbt the sUat 0( the aoc--4a:J' poIJce-cra1't. folio .. e ..
__ (it _0111. haft! beea. a traced,. w1Ut aD bat It ..... Uke attempt-
tbb ~ had the ...,. ~ ~!). ill&' to strap a pat. lor
110 tha.t it the ariator pluuled 1Ul:rthJa&, it Jeakiu .... a d .......
wOll1ci be .. coadden.ble task to .ee bill ~t
..."er H ... throuch that or u.tJt aDd ~~
btrd-u be han
beea to c:a1ID. . . .
""~. collect.ed Ie that ft
To caJTY oat Ole ftre-eale accom.p&D.tmeats of llattertac rlbbou.
IItilI better. the Duck tooted .. hgp bb-horu. _d aalid lbe blute rI.
.hleb mtcbt haTe c:aa*'ll lOIDe of the more the blatant ll.b-bonL.
..ertoa.e-mtnded. to auodate the pertorm.auee Whs the dletrlbll-
with .. eertalD BOlo that has beeD btlled for tIoa of thte Ski-Hi ed-
G&brtel durtD~ ,,"era! ...ertt.tnc .... cuapletm.
expec:taDt centurle:t. J_IdD. ee1m1,. poIatH
Up c-. the roof of a / the prow of his byUv
CUl~leDt aky..craper, lak.ewanl. . .d cUd DOt
Jad!: Wa1ltD~ aDd Dolly laad _til he .... 011
~1Dc watcbecl tJroe&th. the trleaa41y cout 01
1-'.,., with m ~ ... hleb wae
bepinc thftIII b:l.fOl"llted be,.c-.d the utllortty at.
about the mO'Jem_ts 01 CbJceco omdale, mach
the police. The e:olor- to thetr c::taacrbL .....
llCbeme mt!t with their lhe poIioe "t
~ : that ta, with
bon. was
the bb
accordJ.D&' to
. ..,..
of the w~ooted. ...

The Depertmst of
eebf!lllDJl!, bat there w. . PoUoe .... J-lJt t:rUIe
eamethlDc dee Dot OIl J1f!'"'f!II
tn'er the metbocl.
the procrallune - aD Wallla&' bad employed.
aerial poUeemaa., uul to tlYtdeoee Its d.l&-
IDc thl"OaCb ~ to pleuare. toola WalUa..-
~e the ant .erial
warrant. Tb.a1 ..... be-
aDd Doll,.. ill
made them po8t boocb

C&IUII! of the o . ~ for thefr appe..ralU~

pennlL YOilday mOf'"lliac. wbkll
Ibe first replar fly 1"I!AJ.ted. Ie CIODtIDO-
cop I I!'I'f!I' ...w,.. waU- utcee elm.. .llho~lI
~ ~ed with a f"Dd. TbIJl ..... qalte . .
eb.ekle that bad a dt.
cord In It. -still. It JesI-
.... d _ ' ..lnd .....
8elr blowloe that
blamed borD, be mlctlt J,C

~~._ _~
J~1a.bad plaaDed and
hopedfor, ltec:aue il
them plei:lty of
&a't"'tl reiut:1q'
~f!I' 1l"ttb their new
_ the daD~ ill time . t , _DouteeDeata. st.ati.DJl:
aDd do the work ef that the "Aerial Delee-
fec:tbd,. before It is too lin" .... ba.t 0Il~ of
late. ~ ~ or lhnle &lid
"Wbat a crand .~t.,~ tCMll"-r'fld prodac:ttons
Doll,. breathed raptur- lhat bad met with the
0WiJ,.. "J~ to think wboleeome eancdoal of
of a maD belac ~ ..0 ~ a COD.1IolJleeu' OIl
for -veedl.n~ .p .eLf' mOTte morals th_ Col.
the doada. Ftnt th'-c Sten., whc.e pU.eraal
..'e know. OU' J.arc'e CI1'e w. . eTer ableldbl
cilles wUl keep white- lbe weak _4. recept1n
wblp bl the lIky to rrc. tIM naettl~
n:eep the atma.phere-- of ..... PMIIeetDIS
~f11I1 ..... _ . . . . . . . toblhb "'DoIl7". DUlY," WD-. hb ~ .." haft their fldl ~ _ Wamec.
. . . tbea dill _ two-etep. KIa ta.tIa _- '"BF the c.a...l!" be . . . . _ be ,......
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the tne 01 feIIaow to pWieb" . . . . . . . . . . . . . kaobd _- the _ OIl ~. "'4J---'"
.tal' - . . u.. ee..a-I beUet. 'l"here.....-fIIcl17 c:t.I' ~ Iu:!pa, 110 nU Wii ...... tMt
. . . IlOt ...u.u tile J'--e a1tboqb be at DoI.1T. witb a.m. Jr_ amJJ..b!c at tur tr... b i . . . . . . bbL "
............ at J.s-a or oIiIC:&tJLtDc tIM faZ'tIIoer ..... ot. ea1e taIlIe. This.... !be "'t.Med. _l" Dally poU:e&. _ ~ .aM
r-, nidi. .... jut .. llUle too ~ wbeR lea-4 '--tIL the ~ : ...... enter to . . . . _'1= OIl tile _ _ . . .
a __ to taII:ma 1IIaer'tia w1Ul ~ -. . DoI.1T h1ac. the IaMU:ltal . . . taieaW flJ' oa: tit .... F '1= 5

fa . . . tUa two weeks. the 8 ~ bad S-a.H....' FUm. ..::t:re. Cud blddeata117 In ~ feeUap haft _ _ ~ ......
~ aaatber u.:.c.
theaIN. aM. . . IIOl"e ta ca.tnII. at tbat e.cena. .. well .. tile htaa- root!'" 1M . . . . IRON - ........,..
...... ParIt-ad tII_ til........... a . _ WaD.Iq' ~ ) Ilu ot. . . . ""U foot Is ifck ~ uw. UB7 ....
....... "1Il.l grpall" tJtat . . a . . ~ d . . . . . . . . '" 0Iprp D. - - . Jr !be at- Is II) . . 1UU' w-.
lis It Piltr ....
wIaat ..,. or the atben: II.M. , 00IIl~ _ _ sbowa tIl_ tluItr .-.a-

Ew1q: I'CaI'ted. ~ .... ~ tad::k:lI
It . . . .t;:r1e4. "DaIly'a DaIIF." ~ .,.. .. lar . . . . . . ~ ' TM ....... are OIl tu:Iec t1MI . . . . . ...,. -ro.eL

. . . . twice --*17--- ~ at nay ba7 '."'.. wtLat the ~ wiD. . . _ ""Yes. ~ rtPt... .bell......... ""11:"
..,. btUre cddal opIajou at the ra- DoII7 ........ to lie. Tbt .. an-J-t . . . . . . to
....... oaabLiIII:IIC ---.I . . . . ~ . . . .! .. . . ~ t:IIeI'w . . . . . " . _ eat. - .
F 7 h to ClD8, it had ml:1lllate ~ "Bad lldTft"t1atAcl" Wal1bll' ~ -vDIaIa- .... dW: ..-t at lb.iftC. Bowonw. let !be _

~ theIr,.-
. . c:ta...- fII. :rar
...,. ea-e I aa-c.

....... ,-
u..a. WaIIJII&: Ie- .... ~tota.r~
t2aJec' ... p _ _
csret a clneI' repor.

-- --
rw -.y ' ..

. . to c::ar- for thls
-Well, J-t ......
lin. raat. u ..,...


ball ".l11ac
(II' r

to . .Isb _
..- _
lb.e.tre thaa . . __
'. a.
_lIentood - with ..
. . . . . iD il! &t- acrw. Is It!"
W1lIIt poor ..,.. I "I . . . 't follow ~
u-a't! WaDJec ..w. eft8I__
_ or WbSeTer
IoeaI IX' ...,
Uoaal Dote ......,.eel
at _,. of the SJlldJ ,ca .............
yoa. lUd,

cat.e'. theatrea. and cr-t IIII&IIr doUan te

~ f'8CXlCIIlIIed. that ca.W.are." Ilia; P&l"tIU!'T
~ . . . . "'iater- replied. WU'IlI1:r. "Be-
Tlewed," _d _hat be sFda, It Ia 11K flIIaqb
or abe tb-ellt or m~ meetloD.tDc Mrs. Foote
tioa ptc:tares ta sea e'nlrJ' week, wlthoU
era!. or the pro- ...,.lq that ber b_
buld b__ theatre or
cramm. I. partJCIlI....
was printed fa "001 hi. ow.. &ad Iadmat-
ITa DaD,.... ~. bl that lIbe mr:ea ll.nt-
of staadlq l.D eaeb nul ad: bence. doeII
ClDDlUlllty were d. Dot J)&trcm_ the fam-
ell m_Uoa-DoC' ID Ily nlm boue. But.

licbt or Ilppaat te1'ma.
with e-uille dlK-
11.117. &lid 111&117 who
that . .'t the wont. of
it, ladt WaIlblc_
0'JnI It"_~th. of

11M. yeanaecl tor yean lbe .tock La th18 bat-

to shiue 1'flIIPl_ _ t Deaa, aDd It. I. m,.
ba the MJdety coIUIlQ.B ,.,.. t.b.t .. et.
or lb. 4ally Dew..... wcr8ted. If ..e __ a
.en (aud ;re&r'Ded I.D.
.ua). c:c.Id .ow _
t.betr _ _ 1a priat
-PI..... "0lIn:-
pleue, telt
III. aU ~ it. _4
e....... O,. _ aere- rrw....

omit the Wall
17 _ ....
.a- at the box~ of tlM Syndicate" ous! Addblc lIwult to lDjvy! 1Vh&t lD thf! "It 15 ri&ht bere lu th. la8t ...... Jack Wall
world ..-m Drolly eToer came to, if abe keeps Inc. Just ~ It t.or J'(IIU'Idl. aDd 8M bow
H ere .,.. _pls 01 theee loc:aI tt.em.e: up these sta.ata!" ,.ou'd like It if It ~ e d III J'OU' boaa-
"'JIr. _d lira. Joha Jacolt JbJscier. of llIIl..aa Jack W'U _ _ III tan. ~ to the 1101....
Me. Went petits of the 00I.lJ' TlLeure "'4&7 Ew1Ilc bome wtthoU resRlt_ _d rr- there lui;: aecrpteI the pape!' with milrl'lriap..
~ that Americ:aD .-0- to ~ other plaeea, sud! .. the s.-Hga.' 8lace ~ the a-b-llcbt of DoU7 aed "tbe
eiet7 folk aboU to lIIttlate the E1IropellD FDa plut. wbere Dolb' 1IlJ&ht be fou.d.. Bo.t."t' tftlo..... be .... .-.ry_
\dea ot u'riac .eJt:Jc. J\I6CtJU'eI. taka at their the 1IlON _ _eIItl7 be ..-relIed. the brther As be reM. be limned _ Iltue, ud p.lped _
tn.~ PJUIac. ~tJac &ad i S ' h . 110 that _way abe IIeeIDell to be, aDd _ Det-wark at _. IIW. more. This ..... the lum;
pu't 01 eadl b ~ _tert:abtaeat ....ut be 10Tel:T fuTo. . bad. becD.D to take 1lP resldeJce -lin. Elbert T. Fouta, wife of the ~
the abowtIl&" or th_ 1l1a:l&. with little tlLlks by U"lJIlIId b" eyea u4 forebead. 01. Foote'. GokIea B.ale Mone boae. Is ,. nIP-
-.:It . - - ~ e 4 ._ ~ three bCMU'S 01. fnrlUe. ead. . . . . aDd lar attea.. . . l at the BIrd!..ood. ...d. ....
"'lin.. ... J_ . .d ) I t . Da1Q' IIaIul1D&. of %UI _ ~ _ the meteor of thirt7-two dol b-". to -.:r laR ~ 'U I ..ere the die-
Sb~ ac.d. were latft'eRedl apedaton at the lan' worth at r1d.blc, WalltDc C&IIUl to _ mCMU"D- tator at tb.llI Foote tamitT. I wooaWa't Iaa_ the
JIftf_ _ c:e at the North Shon W, f!!J stop before the T1'ojaa. wbk:h a1wa:ra ap- richt Foote _ DUDbel' twel", aM. the leIll'oate

. .4 INth 1adIeI bJchl7 oompllm_teIl the m&Zlo- pealed to blm wbea thblp weat ~ A.D.d a .UDbeI' three.. Elbert--the left ..... 01. dMl
aee--l c. lbe deuuaea of the lUaa
atteatl_ _ of _b~ aDd other lbeatJ'e em
the aD. IICa.J"C'elT had . . allchted. aDd Uqllldated the
tarilh OIl tn. $ u em thaa Drolly daabet ap
Foote ca:a~---w. _"' oa' aD. U be
..-ad I"ml lb_ fater. at _ _ Ute . . . . . . . .
la ber ~ 1'1......... _ perleetlT ~ they .....,. at ttle BlrdnrOOll, lut.eai4 01. A... D.
n ... ..... Mtabllahed _ .art of wbo,-
. . . wb_ _ few Tean bKk. _ _e wa.ld &ble law.. '1= at ~ee. udteBteat. ..-.eral weeb later.' ..
-It'. _ .-dw." abe -..,.m. "that yoa. "Tha1 .... Smithers. the reporter!" WaIlIiq
Ia.a_ tJIi-ebt of ""I.e' , I_c" the .loriea. it "WOII.IdP't . . . for a feUcrw! I ha. . beta fol- P'OI.Jl..... "I . . It _ . Tan aco. tM .....
. . . . IIOOa Ia ~ &lUI other tb.~ bepII lowta&' yoa. lor three loP&" bOllI'S, ..... ClCMlIdJI't eat Mrs. Foote .... eapcet to 1Il.U'I'1' IIJaa.. 11m
q.tte rtcbtlJ' cil.aII&'eI .buI__ ..,. _ _
to ,utoer WaIltac". th_d_bk:b. be ..... qalte
wUUac ~ SobMl... .,.t tt, -If _
c:a:teb . . wttb TOG. aDd I ha. . bapartaDt
be atarecI at
m.a:r--. be attem.pted. to keep aIMed 01. ~
_ tt, that w-.ld be Sob.....
. . . . . . . . . . tI'aU aDd ao mle @be e'RI' ~
So ka& _ ber

lIetl!er jaw . . . . . _
F bly a D d ~ . U be ClCMlId
dll!tlller1e. ta the aa1tIer of CllUlIIa$ldCl&. to
SIIriakle b.. ~ A.a.. _ be'. pttiaa:
I eaa be the .-,theadoer, I bope 0........ will 0II1J' aake DoIl7 . . ure .. be DW It. wbat a ~ at poor Elbert ........ ElIl8t at ___

lMrdaI l
6:IlIow "ere I . . ._ I.." _ w. . atte ~
d1 .........l wtth caD-
beaatltll1 YUrt. Il ..oaF.d be. But be ClCMlIdJIL
ODe OIl ber clef W- OIl aport ...... ba.ltlac him.
&ad be iIl~ cam. OQt _ d best ill the
that ta, yoa.~ ru ha. . bI:aa IIIiIebIt
.p to _ madwall.. _ . shot tor thl8. _
Bat a;pedal .ell.-ery letter, ......h ....
It OOCU'S aM thea that . . Ia.-tor ..... ....-L 8a.lthet's' i 5 .tj(e aDd e iec ua.t 1M
recta '.hl' . . u. aot "'"'" -. &ad
t.II!&t ....... W.u
ra .. 1uF, .. _f..
to bis ....,..
tilIhJd .0lIIll cae
-WeD. what'. OM .ew.!" be queried bope-

-W. are to . . .-d. for alaaderl ~ aed

aq" _
. . - - p I . . . . . .OrUI the price,
11M job:
"He IDiPt ban at I . . .....
~ ...-

~ lie __ ~ the latest ' - e fill Dally to ,enDlt the t.errtble _~_ to (.C '. _ ~.nI'

Muriel of the Movies

Sh.e Wants to Sing. Dance and Act All in the SaDle Part

n amet.hyat ria&" ..... loat! She had

4roppell 11 ..... the wute-plpe ot the
el&"hLeeD yean. "I eertlLI.Illy do "'a.nt to appear
_ the profeMklGaJ. Rap, bat. D.ot j1IIIl yet. YeN

batb-l'Oalll wub-staad. Bat did thU yoane!t haTe bee:!. cuod enoqb to bltbaate
~ .
Wl'0I"I"J' 1I1U1el! It 4.1d bot! What is a that 1 haTe been IIIUlClMatul as a motIoa JI6el:an!
mere Jeweled. buLble to a faTorite at 6IJDdma!
~l aboIIW. 1Vorry." were, iDdeed, ber 'ft!I'Y

Wb.-. I ani.ecl at Miu o.trlehe'. apartmeot

player. Wen. I W&Ilt to be ner eo more
~tnl thaD. I am. I ......t my Dame and
my ae:tiIl& to be kDo9;u eTerywbere. to be
DoWU and Ulr.ed.. Thera, Jet _ lI&7 two or
_ WIIPft' lla'.-dwa::r. the place ..u fajrlJ' all" t.II.ree yean heaOl!., I Uoald lUte to try aad. !lee
wWa b1adII aDd reI.tITea,. all IIeekbI&" to ftP,iD. ...hat 1 001II14 do ca the stap."
the mt.blc" tI"eUIU"e---- BaTe )(1U'leL She -rowanb what ..,edaI line 01 actia& 40 yOU'
th.. ftI'7 least cmlcenled., aot beIac amblt1caa lie! What ...oaJd you lUte to~
cra4-.te p1._beI' IIl7Rlt. tller"8 . - - l to be the .upr
Utt1e r--. for 11M! to plance the Jew4ll "'OIl, e~" w.. t1.le sweeplac. cath
rrac:aa, 110 II1eB OIItricbe &lUi I 8QIIIICht qaiet ~ "'I wat tID lie 80 _ t a J 1
of the IITtac-f'OOBl' tor .. bU Of o:m....... caa 6emutd. the ..-t 01 role I thbLk I -lib. . .
She fa an
~ y 70mlC CI"l!StU'8. oh. ~
ttted for."
".&ad ... hat ~ 01 raIe .. that!""
tar yoaDCer thaa 7011 ....a.Id. ....... III . . . , .
.eelua her gpoa. the -=reea. abe qatte ....
armed OIl. .lth her 1oatht'al t.acea~
uul C&Ild.or. It _eel ....,. t.bat t1Us sid.
wboee d.reaRa haTe probably GIll,.- _ _ leRctb-
eed. a abort while. sboald h&Te aame ....
........ -..-_

.. ~- ................
~~ .... ~a.tlowill'"

lUte muleal CllM.ed.,.. at leut I doa't illte

repa:t:at:ioa wberewer motb. pIct:laftII .... Ihowa tbe ...uu
01 it, aa4 we. I am ilL a DC*Itbl

----.I that means the world Pel'. It lIIleIDM. to pt the 80rt 01 pu"ts I' want, I aba'll'!. SO OIl
aIJDc*. as thoach bleb acl:J.ooI. uuI. aat .. ~ tbe -.e
at aIL" The blamed. old U&'e eaa
tlOD pict1ll'e stodio, Moold be oceQ7tDc her worry a1oD.S' wlthoat me, eeemed to be her
tlme 1lOW.
"'Why, Do., 1 can't _y I feet ItO ftlI"J' JQIIIlC. ""Yet., I am told that you. at' oae of our Iead-
rye beeD. til ptetarea tor three yean _
I becaa wbeD I . . . 1Itt.een... TbiB
..-Ith au the pride Iu the world~ refre.",
sdd .....
lac UIu:Je a:poaeats"-u. iIldee4, I bad IJeea

She opeued ber eyes wide with ...eIl sbD.

youth. .hich alaa.e can d'cwd IRIdI can.... lat.ecl ...... meat, -wb,., coald haft told
Yet, small woader, at. ber ~ that abe ClLD. y_ neb. a thillS'! or 0lMlI"lIe, I like dandq
alford. to be traDlt &boat It! She a.ppeuoed lint TeI'Y mKh. but I doa'!. belle'nl rm remarkably
with BtacraPb tor a T~ abort while. . . . deTer at it."
then with Eclair for .. term.., followed. by All ell- The ....q mbu, to try aDd dec@ln me ID
~eIlt ...Ith Rel.1aDce. whUe ber au.t . .
this maDDer. for It W18 oaly ITe miDute& later.
fa _ adjotDlDK romD., that ber pateraal par-
table pictare work has beeD with the ThaD-
boaeer C9Dpany. ~ ~ In the apoedaJ. Prill- eat ...... proudly abo_iIlK me D.O 1_ thaa four
celI8 bnnd or pletlu"ea. beud1faI sUTer tI'opbies, wbleb JlI..S8 0IIt.r1ebf!
1Ia.Te yOQ Devl"!!' beeD lIpo1l the Jltacer I bad w_ at TaI10Ui dandq ccmtests. A.Dd a

ukecl, tor It seemed almost. inered1ble that abe IftJI prI.ze. bestowed 1lpoIl ber by DO 1_ a
had not been e:lDlll by the tooUlPu' Iare. danctac authority thaD lIae Murray. . . . at

'"No., I'Te bad no nperienee al all llpcm the

1 eeemed to detect a proad D.ate in ber '"*'e

that JIIGIIlSt at the jewelers tor the parpoee: of

"s-40es It feel to be tamoaII r leelDed

-eould Il be that abe telt the ~ MIt to me to be a fair query troal whJdl. to aped.
pod eaoqh for ber!-. 1 penIste4, ..... at Ieul a dlvert1llc reply, Ya. - . I I ' - 0.-
surely. J'OIIl baTe ambltkal; tow..... a IItap triebe 1s 80 Kf!11lI.iDdy 1AceDuoa. that abe ~
lC!IIdII oae __
eareer. ba..-elD'!. JOU!""
Ab. 1 bu. toac:hed. a re-
. . . .Te ebord, after all '"Wh,.. rm Dot tame:-. DOl' aaythblc' lUr.e
"YeB. ladem., I baTe." lIbe a:d.a.lmed. with aD It. U r'nl lRIcoeeded It 1s ~ rm a hard
the _th""'" that KOM haJld ta. haad with ....ortI:er. I appear NIK'IIarl7 til cae Dew
each -week. and that ...... ~ wortL"
..A.D.d reel work." I lrIIthel7 .......

.... w:-.:::.=. r:.;.-:z:." II . . "But It's all TeI'Y IIeI1ou, I CUL teIll'O''' .tle
<'OOtlaaed. "Yoa!lee, I UTe here at boID.e fa
New York and make the trip eTft'Y BlOI'Dbl.c ..
She b _ wbat sbe .--ted., make DO lilt. to the Th_bOGeer . .to al New Rochelle., U'-
tab aboRt that. eT'eD. thoqh it .... rather a rh1ac tber-e at nine o'doc:k. ADd if" .,. aB7
~ order. "WbY. I waat to sinS' and eb_re. I am a few mlaatA!:s late, oil. what
Uace &ll.d act, alI In the put." scoldJnK I c-et- Th_ I rvely pt b.c.De at
"'Good II'*dou. child," the phraee slipped. Dl3ht before seveD. eo that ct.oe.I1; t . f t 'ftI"Y
from. my m_th 'IUIC:OIlKIouiy. -pam like that much time for aaftbiDc el.IIe. I am e-enI1l'
are Dot ...-r1tteIL" 80 tired oat that I CO tID bed jut . . _ _ . .
"'Yes. they are." retorted. "Murlel of the ~Ible.." (Sbades 01 tho. daileIDa' tropb_l I
Korie:s"-yoa Me, she haa KiTen this subject Then eune the tr1lly t.lllable waD., .. A.D.d I
_ e thOllCht- "I meaD the lIOrt of part: like never haTe time to do _y shoppl.D.c!-
rr-e I'eawlek played bl 'Tbe Il'amily ~ I cannot make It too em.phade here, the' Sbe did aD thoee thtDp, abe fIUl&' and youthtaJ prliMD" ot .... o.t:rk:be. a quI-
~~ and aeted.. Oh, "'"'_'t abe KT&Dd In tty too e-a1Ddy appuat to be Idm.......
Certa.laJ.y neeea baa Dot tanlecl ber '--d-

"But thal ...... an exceptionaJ part," I . .ured

"Well.. I m-.n to be an eueptIoaal aea-."

and a preUJ'. coldea-brown erop of b.atr taD-
t~at leTd b..... See1Ilc ber am.tat a .....,.
domatk: ~ d . . with Dcae of the ~
she "'Ired me. maatle damoa:r of a 1It1Idio lletttac, abe . . . . .
Upcm the ~ r y of .,. eqatllbrtmD. after fast like aDY Dormal you.c I1rl of elPteeD.
this sbot, she ambled ... til ber eIlPCba&ly Illmple, ..... , aad dellebtf'ally ..,. to sit

. .......
................... I I ~ _
yoUhtnl ...ay, "ETeryIlody ~ that . , . forte
til mukal ~ . that .... bea I adopt the foot-
lleba 1 mat ........,. fa that fWd. Bat I
abolat aDd dlat with. To all
mlcht baTe blawa -ell ~ IDr :r-n ......
of . . ttc.r.
18 THE MOVIE PICTORIAL Aagrut 1. 191.1

Watchful Waiting

I n Ulster

-a.--I-.. .. _ ..... ~ ........ a._ ......... _ ...... -.-

A Pictorial Revie'f! of Current

Events and People in
the Public Eye

.. --,-~,.,......
..... W"- . . ~ _ . a . .

~ .. .....
---.aD~ ... _ ftII.
__ ..
THE MOVIE plCTORIAL .&gul 1. llU

-~P;:a~a:-:a~i~o~n~_-1IIlra'n e a 0 n I y toG i v e P I ace to L 0 ve
tree fJ.- qa1aa. ...... uae..
IVOItCIl is taka
_ .. aatter fIl ~ . . .,. .......-c ~ the tnna-

.~ that tile 0Ie_,

........ cavt .".. .... So It . . . wttll tile IIarteaL Ela.
u.. . . ot. ta. loft JUtdl_; . . . IIIle bep,a ~ ~ o.e rift
~ f a r . I U Q ~....., frocla the - e D t wb_ be . . . . Ilis
Ia the 1'" ea.W MIt
IDOIDISt . . . . It bepa te u.u .......
. . . . . . . ...,. ....... It ill
\tIult ...... an ~ ~ rr..- Uft
, ete'" ....... be bIld tbe . . . ~ .wI ~ e:-W IIbe ....... c:a.e. Tet It

_... -......'.
........ tbtthe . .
..... _
ol.---. ......
tbea lh1q'.,.n. It tIa, ......
to PeIIIIe.
lbat tIIloMe two
,.... it _ ianIt.M
n.e,- hal nw'J"
.... cs1a1a u.t tM eIIt ~ . . . . . kr
......... aM. 1Il8wdr . . at.I8I. QIIt,.

......,.. _ .. fIl fMt. tItat wreeb tJaIq ia - - - . ; Uke lib ....... ~ tM:r IItiD. . . . . .; . . . . . ~ 61. . .

_ -
.......'tr'! nat EIther OM - - . too ~ _ o b&c

-..... I ; It', can'el .-: aD. Ia tiM: ant Y..-.. ~
.-.:r ....... like .. JIIUMos~ It Is Ute IlIB'.al
..h.... ..
_ tbe ~: eb2ler OM
t:MIr tr'-'b -w. _ ..chaiT
11&" baI9J' _ tM7 bA . . . . tMre Ud . . . ~
~ Two I ' nte IlJP. u-e . . . .
wll kIdl were
:Jwac. A. ...... of
-eIIt_ ~1"-

10-11. _~ "'- Tet

them. They were Ia
ioft wlth cae aa left ..

Gtber almoet at lint
8IPt; their c:out- fa ilia beIIt aDd Ulp!I'

_ - ...
. . .... _ a
fill. the ~.,.. 1Ibe . . .
......,. . . . aIIIe t.
_ -eer"'--
. . . . . . . . . coW.

he. bis
to ...
..... .-: tM r'eClOI-

l tlll~
_ tIMir

Iteart 8d. . . . . 'r : &I.a

the atta.iaJDeIlt of . . wtdl _ es

"jecl_ ...
_Ject. wbether daat
b _ '....,. .......
- . tlIlI the f:w:t that

er .. b ta

Staplarty dlrKt
be ..... Me!
bel'"; that he

.. Ilia metboda. be IIft"Wl&c .... JDeD-

b I III""ed. Ild-a
_ "_ h-
. . ~tOthe Ilh . . . . . . . Be

walth 111-. ....
--.. He b.-I taHr-
Itet fna 1UIi tatber


_ts daere bad cc.e
kith ......

him Ute caW ...

~ after aDOtber
that IsM ..",-Ted at-
tau.. to Hr. No
. . . 01. u.- ~ 011
..,. weldat or fill
J(&"t:Uee Ia tbeU: it
... the cca......

- ....e1 w1t!I Ute
, ete tare
--lI!icbt ot tbeaI. tbat
1lore eo b_~ . . .
tat ...... lata to As alwan. .l;aa
lrIU are kbac

- - .-y-
til.... to Ilia d-u-, wetcbed. tIllrrpt)Ier ia
that aarkell hbD eNt the lIalaaero. the _e

ae- ....-. ta -.table
Toar 01 bot _d
I'l,,; aot eun,.
aarrlaI'e ta IIadl . . uteIIl . . to make Its
. . . . aItocether ~ Topther .a
Is the ..-:. trt.....
that taI'1lS the -=ale
011 all. A 1Ktter lpUftl
haed. oat . . ~ be reM. hb
..-net. ~ Mt aJaIea. It . . . . . . . .... ~ !be other'. force tlIlI .-e es pqea1~

that. like JIart.Jl!s.. be has tile power of llltea.e t-L .&ad. .. the:r wen -..arrW.. their '"o.'t be ....... a..rr 1M: ..... '"T.
eGlCf'Iltn.tklL That ......bat.-de him ..... ..w IooU4 -. ~ that )mow that r-. WI7 . . . , _ _ [ . . .
uu.. at ~ . . a ~ tIaat Jut: -.t.dI. . . . . tt.e I caa far tIM ....... rr
1rbm. be met El-. I'eMlGa. 1M: ...... stili .. OM that ...w wt1UtaalI lite trtaIs '"T .e.-w . . -.tdl titre tt.e ~ ...rr
7OU&' . . . . . . H had. had. abwd:r apft"l. that cc-.e tit aD who take c:haaee ia 1M abe retortelI. Jolla., It . .'t tIUlI u-e! T.
-.eM ~ to m .. &TeraP I1fe t1ae. Twa cr-t lotter7. - are ~ .unty .......... tlIlI .ae. T.
~ Mlore Ile had e-e ~ as It ~ a tbDe, ~ . tb .....-e.c:e ..-et et... _ rv rt' 'b __ 01. ,.... u.e. T.
- - - . to .. f-.rfal bRalll_ -aSh. He bad ia DO ~ vi. 1IJeIilI' ' ..... tiJM .t:Q .WQ' tor ...... half titre tJ-.: . . .
....... ~ . 1N.t 011.1,. beclwae his c::rMJ- IIarta _do II:l-. .-ell other with a :r- are Itere :r- 11.....,. ~ Ute to
ton telt tbat to force him to that l"e*II't wOllld crowtaI' aDd. eftI' c:baa&tac delldal. TIteIr triet . . tI'M to uta' tit .............. an:erw.n..
. . udf:a. The,' tooIr. hla 1IDeec::ared Dotes, cot&rt.ab..tJI bad left IllaIQ' tbtap for ..cb to ... Toe. &e"I'er CO oat with Ole u.7 __ Toe.
tMlbl& that they _oa1d DeYer K'!t their DU.l.e,.. ~ a.bcRIl the other: tho.,. .ere u.orbed. ID 1.... me to'mab: . , . W"a:J . - . . or w1tb. . , .
ht ....Ulm. to harus him tor the at. th. task. The 1ttrtb of tIletr ehUd Illed them . - t : [ CIa pt-or em. tlIlI . . , at ~ !
two or three ceata oa the aonar. ,..bleb ..... all with a wUd .e1.l.cht: its death., toIlowbaC 'i'ery Am. I tbe ~ of .oaaaa to be a-w. ..?""
that the CIMrtI ooaJd ba~ MTM for them. ..... drnr tIteID ft!'Y doee tcJpther. ID the tie Sbe r-.e tbea. Sbe was tre-ed . . . 1Ic7.
tra. the wredr. of bis [on-es., ela ~ _ pie(. ftlJDy 11.-. ~; abe hM .eTW an- .. Yt't. by the time be 1IIet the ctrl .ho AlII! the JaecI.aafac of the the praetke 0( ~ for Jlia -.rty "'-k-
. . . to becmDe bl. wife be had accDDpllabed troUIIe that _ _ t i l - . Tbere Ie "tut. to see' that 111. ..... Jf"OPeI"b' IenlIll. ao
u.e ~1IIe. He bad ~ b.blUelt. Be .aa:r of' P1aero'.. -oed ""JIld-.CbaIu" U aaatter bow late .... Dleht be ~ tIM
~ '7 ao 111. . . . nlPiaed all be Ud lolk. 1Nt . . . w1tIl. the m. ... the Ut. 0( m.arrkd ~ .tahl. AM aow Gteft.
. . - . . faee tll Grid 'tI'1t.III the Imow~ ClQIqIIe; ~ lroe.ctll-. '7 ao ~ ~ tbe 8Ja:y praeat ~ ntber til-. - . .
. . . eftt'l' eeat of tbe debts that Ud IItood _ ... '7 .ne. vi. the _ _ trtaIaI' t:hbIp. """d- ClNlblc, IIer ~ a...t::r. ...,. __ atdIl
1M nib 01. hb tan ,.w: he W'&II , . . . , . .. eqUJa Il. tide, tile ~ teD, of ba c::e-.IIt Ilia tw-..tJl Ia ~ JIeh:N
far a I be bad. . . . . It. . . - fa lite ...... 0( the I:qlmta ChaDDel. 1Ibe .m, wItk ~
. . . . a re.JaIa. -t.eI'JIUt tJI IlIIuett., he '!'h ...-,p WweM. Daoftr aDd. C& fa 0( Ute aetNa Iter, nen .......
.... '7..... He ..-ed. to ber to Mm .iIJtIDrioa for tta ........tlMa. _ _ ~ ."'.... ataOIIt. ~ : _ _ fill
.-r7 ell. ~ that abe bM dter- .... -.IdE fa ita kief 00lftftIe tbaa ta a ~ ~tbat"Ud~""'"
~ lIl.~:tt. . . a ..ero.e tbe.A.tlulde. ..... _til the,- ..-c:h .......,. a . . . . . "'- -.arTtace. lIIlt .......
'bllUt 01. _ ....... Cl8I'taIa ..,t., ....,. at ."~el, tbe7 are 1--.1 Il.. b " ~u,..
"Ta a . . . - - - . .,. :r-' ... dII& ...... . . - -
p.-t 7 7 lie5 .,.~
.................. .r
, . . . .......... It~,.. . . . . . . . . .... -.t. . . ' _ ex
..... ,... T_ a -.L Jra aa..c ........

~ . . . . - - to pft It "... . . . ~ at u.. ....
.,. e.a." -
. . . . . . . . . . Mr'foat'
"'IMa"t tab ~ .. tat
~ ....
-at 7 "

Mao" ""'IT. ."... we . . .
. . -n.A ,.. ' .. he ill , . tbt Ibe aIPt laaw
....' IliI . .
. . . 1M ar--ltil-.
,.. y..,.
UlI. IIIIL To-. . . ricb tka -...-. :
~ ~ ........ _
Won , . . ' - t ,... .....,.

I ... -...c:r"
....,.. . . ... ttaIIf. _
.... Ilat Wi ,..,. , I bow . . . . . . . . . . . . . tt . . .
Uut. .Ad. Jet. w.-.... .. . - t -
.. ...,....-r....,.., ....

~laa""''''''''''''''' a-e-. at ....

wUlt.. It t. .......... . - - . . ~
"'It''. aot _ ae:-e at aII." lie I"IIII-e. _ ~ It;
too. Be . . . . . at JUa watdl,. alit _ ................ ..u ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . wtac8L . , . . . .
....... D.L T. .'re . . _
:r-. _ , ..a _ ... tbat
r.e fain....== ..
kass 7 7 IliI ~

............... ..............
7' . . . . . .

pt .,. ..... fa ... -t.l ill . .; I _ .. c ~

u.. far 1aIlIaaee." c::rIIII& au. tIlGIIIII ... .....
t.c. ...... ad. ....... 8M tlIIl
tIM Int t:bM.
. . . . . . 811& waa lib .. dlIW".

fit ber. 8lwI ~~ ~ . . ...-y . . , fill
bel' beIac; IIbe ~


a: ... ..............
....... '::~::r.:
-....- -.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . that ..
sf'" 'h.bD. the euac. to t::red lie . . . u... ...
ttred. at ller-weD. &ad PIlL Be ..... eM" 7 . .

that . . . . . . . . . , , ~u.t
t 77 but .....
"coUlwlll!llltlo~ .... taiIl ~ t:nIIL
Steel ad ateeI 11M. dMMll .. that _ _ _ JIII; w1aJdl . . .
tel' tlet1r.. thea 1'be that . . . -..u . . . . . . . . ' 7 5 ofll.ll
Udltel .. "!rtac Are . . a.'.
1IlbI" Her aew ran-. the ~
...... . . . . . ' pte aatanl ~te4 what of tbeR; It shoe Ilia
.... 4eeale4 _ taUt: her .bole to- .... 'n... poattka ta the
ward ute ehaaceiL She Iuld 1Iem ~ ai- wbea It . . .
au:-t ~ , blto . . . .-:II. a nit .. that ~ .&ad. It b.aIgeDed that
I.D wbic:b her b. . . .d wu tn.'ftl.Iac. Now. certaIa labor IMden. ........
ho..-enr. abe'bepa to eh.aap. She bad. alWa,yJI his plUL&, had d.etamiD.ed to
4boovapd., entl with _ tadJc*t:1oD. the 8dze the PQ"Cbolocieal lIlCllDeat tor m.a.IdDI" d~ A .uIb w... th.reatened.; he told the Labor
attat1oD. 01. other aieL NOW' abe welee.ed. ID&Dda that bad loDe beeJ:l Ia their mIIldL They mea to ID ahead. uuI call it.
them. She cct .......tly: the bel that felt that it _oald be 4UIIea1t tor JlarteB to "I W'U1 Dot be beld Q," he aaid. lI.ereely.
M.a.rteD. tar tr'OIIl 1"eM!IltJaC wbat abe dill. 4W retue; a ltrUte woald -.daDpr hw larpr "I t.b.b COIIlIac: l baTe takeA the . . . .
at eTa aotlce It. e-Jy ~ ber ow-. Jtaaa. aIld Ite ~t euIly :tiel.. to.&T06d that to protect: my taterfsta. A lItriJte wW Dol tie aAd relIeIItDI_t. periL 80 the,. reuoaect; bat the,. ~ JlOl ap my ....t tor stq1e d.a,:r. I will aot be

w.eb: Jleaty. too, to h'"

There were platy to aotIce the ....-tdeaJac
to lD&.Ir:e It rider
t h ~ blow... their For Kart-. an-
tici,.ted their 1ItntI!:I:7. exceUeat t:hcNP k
IIlOft spedk tbaa that.
.1011. ...w. Mat ~'ftL"
&t-U.1_ mike

.un.. EJ.. heard ~ 01. her b . . . .d. Be

4laed oftea. at P7 ~ts. abe he&nl.. Be

The tlemucb "'en! made; he ~ tbem.

SmaD . . .4. th-. with Ada IIlaatIan.
r.eID.c hIa. that Ib..rtea tlW DOt . . . . .
jut his ladur~ to da1n at b-e.. lite
_Icht hue aplaIaed his w-w. to his wUe:
that . . . Ia tbetr reIat:kma. bowt*'. had
puaelI. Be ao 1acer ........ aacb t:b..Iap
wUIl her. ADd . . JCJ..-. lcDored.. and ~t
lac It ....tterIY. tlrlfted. lato a tlaaprou ehaa-
.... She bad. a kI'Cle .art ot pride. aIld ....

had to -uar:y benelt that. it her h. . . . .
her. it ...... Dot ~ ..,. faalt . ,
HI' OWD., Dot tram ...,. 'WUliac 0( ber chanaL
There 'Was oal,. . .e ......,. to do that. rrc..
IporbIc aDd ~ the atteatlou of
otber mea .be 1M!pA to accept them. e.-. to
tIlTtle thea. A.Dd It . . . act lmac _fIIft tbe
."'taNe tblq came aboU. Oae . . . Mpa
to tIlterellt her .ore thaa otben. She 4ill MIt
loft bJ&., ba.t as his -tteenc. crew - .
......... .be ltepa to esaa.ble benelt. AM.
oued that the ~ t of .rteItlbac

.... d
to ttala ..... P'n.a.k Cruer. W'U aat. after an.
tIlIIIa to be pat awa,y "'lebHe
tter aD-ber b........ tired of her.
SIte 1rU bis ....Ue _Iy fa; abe . . . .t DO
~ to him tb.aa the Rl"TaDt .bo swept IUs
~ Wb,.. thea, IhCRlld lIbe aIkIIr him. to
*-Jute ber Ute! He had eeued to pft btl!'
aayth.... of btmRlf: bad. be tbe riPt to e:act
Iter Ia.Talt7. bel' ra.tthr.1a~! Her ~
....-erecI that be bad aot.
Cruer' 7 the s1tut:t. welL IUdt..
_ idler. . . . . . . til Ole - . . t I q 0( ~
arua-p be hIIll aeftr -.rrted. ce'ft'r
~ tlII, be ~ _ "'billwas __
AM. .. far _ 7t ..... ~ far bJa to tJe.
be . . . til wttIl Ela JbrteL. Be.stred.
!Mr. _ : be aatb6ed. tberefan. Iter t..
IIItadtft: era...... to feel tIlat . e .....
...... ted. ,.,...,. TIle
IItlenal ..a.tIaer t. . . . . . A.
e!IJW. UTe u.tIded J:Ia ~; ....
cIlfld ......
Aad. at laat, t!lwe cute Ute u.. w1lea
..... ....

_ _--
.. - ' . tile Dr. 1M
tIiIIt '-er
...."t ..
........... tIliI Is

....~ 000lI ""-"
~ ..

. . , . . .,. l:fIl

...,....... -
IDqw t:U"IIlI Mr.

-n. .... .-.....
.aq etI. tMIr ___

If 1M: ~
It;ltlle ...

....... ..
. . . . . t . r .....

itm:tIMa . . . . . . .

1le.tID. blei~ .... , ete . a e e r

a-W.. ~ e ~ It. Bbe
...... Bllt.U1ae1d.tM wat to the . . .
.,. . . . . . .
_ _ eenaJa to . .
It ...-e. " o r . tIe'w
_ t a .... lIIIJOke
tIlat Ile woUil de ~ to <::r.eL ~ me
-.e ..... kAo ... ~ ....,. tbe l1Je
__ . . . She bad
.......... abe ....
-.It ....tate to do tt. ..,..,. to meet him
Tbe strike __ wtthta two hOlV'lL
c:aJW two da7lt be- &b. __ sam.. to
_ _ berh......d.
t _ t . ' &IUl.I'nlr
..,.,.. J..r.d.. 1I'ltll ue Bat Wore aile

anac 0111 ot his ...
....... the meau Ile
. . .t
aIM hall
meIelt that
a" to 40-
BIle 4..ntcPd ber ...
... ~taapt l-etut feet
1M IItriU. Be . . . -'.. to 'os that
cODlI hla wonl: opel'" -.tabletl *-De tf'e:u.
adaas were aot. . . 1IftIIII memeatoeL
~ for . . . sc.e. abe fdt, abe
1 f a 4&7. ror . . . tab; ~k:a ot

-- ........
aeareel, had . . . the ...,. that IIad
ablfl }eft the ,laat ...... Sbe . . . . ber
wbea .a1.lLe ~. dtoIce.. Thea. colD&:
en took their place. lata her 0.... roam
to dreaa. abe auak
pards. ~ bad lUI lato .. ehair betol-e
1l:is well: . . the tire. la the lame
. .1m hia threats the
.en ...ere by
01'" lK'll!!DetI
to the apin. ADd
nrpr1Be. ADd at oaee a crtm aDd ~ _
feeIlq made ItHlf maaite.t. Theft ...eft
tft' able to re:aeb. ,M It TOI& try \0 CO buk!"" th. . nd4a11. a ahadow fdl KJ'OM bft' bauds.
She looked... Bft' bubuld ..... beside bft',
He shMlCPd IUa abOl&1den.
tIlreaU of vloleuee: enD. -eat__ hit; ~ ~lt'a all iD. the day'....ork," be uJd. bold.... CRJ1 IUa ......
threats ...ere made.. aDd be ........araed Dot to She looked at btm. The t.hoacht that be "V.'n cot CMlt lhe-ltttle ebap's thlnp!"' he
idpoee .bl_1t to the tury of the mea. wbo ...ere ..... la daaeer aol'teDed ber. Her pride lett dertac!,. "Eba. cirI-t"we beea ..
Apt:1D.c him.
He ~ at he plant for the tint two u:!'!1
bft' for aD. 1JultaIIt:
"Joba-cl" It UD!" she c:rted. "Do '00.
brute! r pqbed 'Ol ulde for bwdoeae!
BU. l-rTe come back. r n I'IftII, tD----t1le
. f the strUr.e. alHDlq there.. and taklac all hIs bow that thb is OQT _al.,enary'!' DoD't CO strike'. oil.. A1'ter aJI-1 had to ban ,oa!-
meals. But _ ~ moraJq of the thlJ'l1 da" badr.----stay with me!~ She leaped &P, ~ him. She.ta.l'ed
wbleb thdr analTenary. be apDMJ'ed sud- hd lobe had. .""om to evt o.t her at him with wide eyes, 4fiatel1 with borror.
4_b hile Elu. w.. at breakf... He looked nt.ber thaD. remind him. ..JohD.!" abe cried... "'Oh-,ou-,ou Ioye lIIe
tJred ...on. "Caa't help tt." be aaJd. mille. Be weDt ----after aU-AD... I-~
~ru ba_ *JaIe coerce.- be -Jove-- laf4 the balL ...u there.. hold1D.c To coaCM1 her t.aalt a~ occu.rT'ed to hft'.
they're la . . qI, moe'" r.e cot to I;Q Ibek; oat bia bat _d atlck. Stm boldtaa him .way abe told hbD_ Aud-
just eame to Kel a ehaace of dotheL ~ "T_ put the '- tD. the," be uJd.. be luPeL
~ba't It daJ:lP!I"O'U'!"" 1-. aalted.. ""Hanat "JollJI!~ &aid D-.. "Cl_ It uD-yleid to '"Wbat of it'!"" be er1ed. ~1I:laa-.e_ come
~, t.hreateDed you.! And woo't they be bet- them.! For 111'!" ~ e r aptD! A1Id thia tbrJe-..e stay~-


ICHOLAS OCNAEW....ho h::. (or the Dwlaew bel.te.ea that the motloo pfcturetl t=lity at Ibaaiaa aoldJen to coaYieta, onlencI
N . . . al% m(lQlba beeD wery adJwe la the
stsdIoa of the Vltap'apb ComplLll' iD
l:Il&D~ La thb c:ooatry to port:r-....,. R. .
lIiaD. Ufe. ...Ith the eu:ept{0Il of a fe... wtaldl
them to beat the ~ thereby tardac
them. to the cn-4 .... Ietttac the. ..-.La
~ la the capactj,. 01 adAx' _d d ~ .
_d ...ho la hia 0""11 eoa.ntry. R_ta.. Is abo
b ~ . . an aet.or-matlacer-prodaett, ODIe ta
this ClOlIDtry with the ~e ta~tJoa of produe:
IDe the worb of Rusata.D. celoebr1Uea tD. moUOQ
ba_ receiYed expert direcUOIl, are fac:oa&r&-

~la l:UoIIt ea.ea these tllaur; are l:Il&D-.t:a.ctared

by millor coa~ WhOM ~e object is to eel
a balf.-pleted plctare uad.. ...Ith tbe belp
there to ~ the aieht. Of -ne.. the ~
meat that the -.'Ftc:t 1"eIClIdY. fa rs1 lIfe at
the baads 01. the a-taa parU ill _ _ tIao
..-Ue. bIrt. It ia nat .. bGrrIbie . . that.. .......
Oft the aereeIL This b: caly -..u butaaee
pk:nr..res. aad. perhape., to make tlIe Uaited ol a ~ pI~ PIIt It oat OIl the mar- of the eT? U tlce of Ra-.1aD. 11:mtI . . . . ._
States bia fumre bOUle. kt't. and eel it off their bands.. It ia Dot. to be ~ In thfa -.-try. BD.t ~oat the
Ia bla 0W1l coa.Dtry, Dua.aew d&ima be ClI.D- d.ou.bted that aue:b a nlm wut brtnc motley to film. . . bldlridll&! acqa:ab:roted. with aa-ta _d
aot produee bl. pla,.. wlL'tOllt pollee Interfer-- the prodDeer for a abort lime: but bI lbe ead ODe baa UftolIl t:!let'e for the creater JIU'l
_ee. Art- beiq: baafabed be wuadered abou.t It aJDOQl1U to aot.hLn~ A crest deal ol _eru. of bis Ute &ad made It apeeial ~t to amdy
the c:apIW. of Coatla_tal EIIl"OJ)t! In pannllt thae aad moaey hu beM. espea.ded tD. an al- blllm&D aatare from abac.t e\'ft'Y RaDdDOiat..
of oceuD&UQQ la bia own I.lne th:L.l would terl,. useleu l:Il&D.Iler. Near dlrect.on. wboee rully feda lutmlliatell that neb aa Impra..
Jl""e both a !ur:ratl.e aad art1atle: achie~ ODIy kDowledi;e 01 Ruuia b Dflrh~ obta1aed. aIoa aboald be lllade ap<m. buadreda 01. mO'f-
m_C throa.,.-h book whie:!t tbe, m::lY ba.e re.d on Inc pk:tu.R p&traIta ... bo are Dot .....eD. TU"lIed
la tact. aot.. looe &0 in the Od_ that. tnlbjeet., or from recoUeetle-. ot a trip e:tl the coa~tie-. that preT&il t1Irot1&bCNt that
Tllealre la Pari&, DuDae1l' prnented a play of ..broad. are bardly Ilkel,. \0 brtac aboa.t the ,"""try,
.ia owa entitled -rwo NaUoa.all.ttea, ~ wb.tcll richt result&.. Th_ tllmB. 1I'bea abOWll 1qOD "'Tbia fa aot caly true of the morlDc pletu.Tes,
was roe-ri_ed by a profeuloaal audlenee :utd the ac:reftI.. are almost at.:rodoua: ~ey smadt bat the lblac oeean bt the laat.aaCll: of
attested to be one at the tte.t f'e'YoIut1orJary wlt~ a ruhDen that will be ~ted .. ftl&1tt::f aoyelist, ... bo. wrltloe with ...ilt
plan of flll iliad. But re.oInUooary pl:r.!,s and from. the lJl:Lrt. pea. dl:18 Dot pa.ue to eoa.lder det:a.Ua -.d
pla.ya deallae ..'Ith the brut.aJltletl at tbe RU!r ~A eeruiD tllm DLaDDta$.re<l ta Ulis coaD- tbfll'eby k - . a CT'ftl deal 01 ftaesae in order
.laD. arlatoc:raq al)OD the peuant clamI In R~ try ~e:l to ahow a .ceDe at a cannel to c:arry bia polaL EWeDlIlall, the ~ im-
.Ia held the atteaUon of the Parlata.D. aallleac:ea mareh ea roote to SIberia. It qopean from p"'!oa that thfa Inm 1D&ltell fa obllt:.erated, bat
tor a .-,. Mort time ladeed. aad It WU Dot the amOWlt of lIDOW oa the C"MUId that the thea apJa It til worth ... bUe lIIeDtiODta.c that
10ac bef_ 0 . . -... boarded the lIteuDer St. _ e w. . l:l.ken la the lle.d of ... tater. _d the 11111 b tak_ aaperldaJly. like moM thtap
QodlJa fr'OIII. Sa,," fDr A.lDerk:a. lI:e dtreetor. III order to em.Dbufse the brD- that are trh1a1 tD thb ...orld....

> --

"Million Dollar M:ysterY'



SMt_" BtJrgrC(fVf:. the IUIIUoaatre Alfred NortAXl

""Or-ellCe' Ural'. Rarcreave'. claacbter .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Floreac:e te
Jo.u'. HarI~U'e. buUer ShIa.,- Bnc.7
TIl.e Co.".l~ .. Olga. member of the Bladt HtaUlred.
........ . Jlarpertte 8IIow
Bnn-. leader ot lhe Blsclt Buclftd .
lI'raDk J'arrtactoD.
J_ Norto... De.~r 1"eJl(lI'ter ... lUIIs Crae
JUGa ruto... nor-c:e Gray'. dlapena.Llla ~

IBItCI:B . . . Iereer beoclms Ute stnIKle of the

F m.:Il: IID4relI to c:aptuoe J1or'ftI.c:e GraT .... terce
Iller to . . . . . . tbe wbereabM.ta of the .nuc. tilanL
'nae7 _ _ to ~ all the Wi i d'.C c:aatrJ'
...... 1M "Auo Bua4tts... TJM7 ~
~ ta tJle baWl of J1dIq' ~ .........
~~~~~ -.J:y _ ber sr-.. OM ~ the,.
IaIIow 1M twa,. tM ~ Is ...... Mdr. to the .t:aIlles b,.
a " " ...... fill an ... "...... ridM; _ ....... She
. . . . . - . ..,....., l7mc ta tIHt r--. ,.... .. ber
.111. ......fIIl_
. . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . ts ,.....,. . . . . . . 111.. .-

- .. _.....
~Mr .. . ,

r::;e=~~ ......................to_
..... kIa . . . Ila . . the IlDbNe. ..
..... to .. ,..... . . to ..a. . . JJa' ___
...... ea... tit ~ att.r .-rRH ~ te.IIr ~_

~totIM~ ." .'- ~~

~ ~

. . . IatIIII 'nle 8lMk R follow ilia

0' ~
It._-==:;;=::: ::::::::;.:.;::::::;:===:-.::=::::::~
fa _1lIdl . . . . wttll tIM wiN
''''''''_ __""_",_",,_,,J1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIrtiIp.
, 17"

~ ........... U. S. A... Henert . . . . .

I'rof_ JJcrtoH wuu.. w~
Ba.rt:olr. Macbter Aaaa UttIe
~... Dre.,a ..................... JI"raDi ~

. . . . . IT"
. .. tbe
BalM el _
ltaIIaa Menlt ~
taU. a . . . . . . . w1uI U. D' cM,. ~ tIMIr
-..It:r. BartolI ..... to . . . . . to ~ wttIl ~
......ter. He &; att:M:h(, . . _ be ..
- - . . ill ~ .,. e.taIa .........
A. ~ later tilt. e...a-
-.....en of a . . .dhIJ. ltallaa cb1 ..boa H meet. _
to ...,.
tJae m-q at New York, aM ~ Iter to _ u.e
u.p.ter at the [tallaa wbo.e ute he Iuloi......
P-- Ilia ber fathe". ~ A Ie. . . 1atoIr. Raw

*-..... t lit. -.otb to lance ButaII to JIQ" at

. . . , Iter . . . . . . . . . to ~ ilMlPter ta t2ae
..................... u- 1M ~ tbe __
riI:atiaa ~ . . to
-.e _ .....- _
. . . . to.&alta to ...... 1II.fa to
arC wtt!l

. . . ~ It to tbat 01.
ftr after & fMrfal IIIt:nate.
dt-... ... ,.
.... :0 the ~ _ _ . . u.. c::an..ltttIe ~
dIat . . . . . . of "C'IrdIt IT" Ila ""*- tato the a.-
to tnlllIt her ad to .-e.e


UA Five Hundred
Dollar Kiss"
lDlde:. Jlcc..."t.taJw. , . . "".~tio.
of. FUrt


Vid"" 8tti.t: .. R.eaee Kelly

T_ .. ~eU SLrpu,t
.. Rarold v--..p
._mltoD AlI_

[V1.A.N SWIFT t. a very bea.autll1.. very r1ch. Ter7

V PGPUar, _4 very mueb apoUed .acletJ' IPrl. a .....
t.atiou, 0llICIaett1sb.. DclLle penoe wbo becca_ the
aCl*M:toa object ot .. wacer at .. CllIIIIBUy dalt.. T-.
DIck. ad'Y. J-t t.dr. from Evope are the o.lI,.
~ _ fa the"J' wbo ha_"t iD~ Vl'riaJI _d
tallea a TktbD. to bel' c:hanu. u4 thea .... tu1Ied.
..... 1'Ile7"1&7 a wacer with the ather __ tbt each
. . fa .. week'. time, wm be .... to ki8I her. Tom's
tu'1t _ ant. IlIIt lt7 lbe eIIlI 01. the week be haa
to adait that be bas faDell. Dk:k Iula ao ~ Re-
ee.. 1IarTY..-- other t:aeI:ia with the ctrt. pre-
tadIac ~ "'-ft'ellee. alB .... Is drtTft to
......-c ilia Aa a ~ be tan. e-m-tJ' .. }me with
1l' . . .tt. 1M .... the tt.-wItb the ~ hWlq:
. . . . . . . ...e. _ 'rltIIi be Is Mh.-ed 0( the
n.t. lite _ q a d ' ~ vtriaa _ the
...... i

Uncle Sant's Movies

Teaching Farmers Business and System
T 87 S. C. WILLARD ~t.
HEBJIl is DO indUlltry 80, 80 proftt- to the JIQDIUter ... fIUQ' ill
aIlIe, 110 bDport&Dt to the natioa uad yet
110 lIlddac ta baJllDese metboU aDd ap
*'-atIe recorda . . is fMmtac. The u-
...,.. ia
a - . tor . . . . . . . 1aU It
WIs Ita .....
~ fanDer' wW c:omplaiD tb&t bill crop8 an aay Ume a NCllI"lI of the aIIUIt;:r at tile 1a-
. . aDd haneIt:Ia& is below Ute pre"riou year; tJaren, ...,. lie T&l:aaIIIe Ia fIItare wclt
that eut1nt1oa. is more expeaa!ft and labor reqalrel. It __ o6n itT oil weed-
-.rce; Rt wheD be ia piBued dOWll to ~ lac GIlt the _coaraciDc the
to the actIu.l proftt of each proeese of ead:l crop
lIIe ta at - . He has kept DO spedtlc I'8lXIria.
Tbe tanaen baft IihowD ..... iatenlt ia

DO WTitUIa account. Be caD m.aJr.e & ceoeral thiII t of the au' ....t to
~ t . . to the Illl&Ddal CDUtlt10a of tile Iafae Jri;Pd" .. ~ TbeT
- . . but be hu DO deftaite MlOOQ.Dt . . to
_bleb operatioa h. . beea the eaaae of the proet
are CMaa n.b" *" while the pktuo--
..... at a.Ir .-.u ... the newtac 01. their
~l_ r"fJIIIdb .... tIMIM fIl their te baa c:nM:et

Usaa1I.J the farmer ..-tth the iJDmeIl8e aer-ee a b.atlly - ...., wbkb. will br1Ilc om: the
and r- cr6pB is able to . . . ."er ftau.daI qMlI- ' - t rr- tIIce dBea 01. the .....

,. ...... ~ 4 ..-.-.
latlllresttq" .taI7 fIl this fruit to Its .entac _
om- owa t:aIIIe&. .
A. ........ ..,.. that is Intere.tlac is tbe
lItrk:t accoa.t that fa kept of the quatiQ' fIl
fndt dellftnlll bJ' eul1 pick... A.a a pIcUr
tu:u In bft' trQ to the ~ of the .......-t-
tile teat. DOte ta aade la ..,ecUk: ........ f1I.
tbe q....ut7- WIthout walt:bac b' tbJII to "-
emptied.. abe .. ci--. &II. t!IIlJlIt7 tJ'a.T 110 . . to
retara at CJIlOel to tbe leAd.. Mach time Is . . .
la th.. ID&IlIU!:l" far both CfVWfft aDd 1dIar-

-- ... """"'''
tlons ,et1s"'dcril,.. But It is just . . eeeeatlal
that the JDaA with the smaJl t.arm aboald keep
MlDQIU.ts aDd abould make his 1:a1Mw'a aDd ORt
la:7 reap their JIe1I'"anl" . . hill IIlClI"fl basIIle.-
like lar&'er prodUc:eT.
The --
~.. In tbeee film stories ciTe .ctal
01. pr.alIt ...d w.. _ that the ...-:taton
-aT 1La.... IIIPedGc data. Mt.are them.. The eo-
~ IIbIIIaeDt iD refrtpretor can fm'ther
With a riew 01. ereattu.. &II Inceati-.e tor " , t . = the .....e. ead of. stn.wtlJerT:r eal-
~ accoa.nt.I.Dcy the Uatted St:at.eII De- -.
It is the IDteat:lml. til the FTerD-
partmeut of Ariculture ia uhlbttJnl{ a aeries
ot motice picture fttm. 011 ClD-ClIpeI'&tiTe tum- _ t to lIfIleel certam er"llpI, 01' lD.dastrles to
In<< and marltetbl& aeeeat..t1Da: the tMlaIDeBI make m ~ pletlares of them from 8tart to
aide of the operat1C11l&. Thrwp the etrorts at tatah. The time COIlAIDed and the Imctb or
co..-erameat fteld. experts. the farmen 1D _ , . ~ lU'J f1Il -.ell -.eqaeoCle, 110 the deft-
-etiou baTe <:oaHI to realize that by eomblD- .... ~ at. IIen1Ilc the farmen .iII &OXlIIl-
..... their etl'ortB aDd prochlc:t:J In cert:.aJa In- ,uabed. III tm!I"7 but:eaee aceoaJltanc:r aad
--=.- -:-=. 'C' - ... -
staD.ceII & IIIlreI' martlet retunI 1Ila;y be ~ 'a. ,.... '- Q t ,He..-oeed1U'fl 'rill be acemtaatell. The
bt thia ....,. t:l.m.e aDd labor creatI:r re- Departmeot of. ~. wtsbes to make ba&-
.ced. aDd lD. the c:ue ot' pertaha.ble CQIIUtIodt- enL AI the price paid 'Teraces M'"!a eeota ~ De. IDea oRt. of CIa' tumen; to let them Il:Dow
u-. produta' are r"eJedYM b:I. the otles lD the or lad c.t wberebl U. the Ieakap til the

p.l.h:.... IMftOIUI _
may_eaJ'Il a cood.l:r IAUIl d1U"lD&'
the stn.wberry
I - . _.. to aabt ua- realt.e that ......,.
.Amc:ac the ftf"llt of thJa P'OlIP of mot1G:l. pie- bother new of ., t ,He .-taae::r ta ~ort . . CJUIQ .aao.w. a ..ttaIlIe ntvL
aan. . . . . to the I"LIIlk hi that of straw- that at. P&7iDc vii the had&. Eadt 1aIIorer .u the . - t . . . .t "..,. fIl ae.
berry e.Iblre. Becbmtq with the Mtthlc of rece.l'rft M, canI for the qaaatlty of beIT'ts -.umtlle tbill -... u.e ~ pictaoe . . .
the plaata the lla tells eumpnh-.tTe IUld or tlle DambeT of bCJllll"S. wbleb bI deliTWed.

bDpan:uot . . *-Ie f1Il om' tbeau.,. .At dtII

The Feature Picture Play u.. .e were .-.ow_ fna tOU' to m.
nieI. 01.
p6c:I:m's at Mdl . . ruaaaace., .......-teb.. . . .
w..- the ada. We _ _ . .. . u . t JIU"CIe-
87 MARCUS LOEW alar JiktU:l'A, ..... tlte:r- . . . _ . . . . . draw-
tile card., DlfII"eIy Ilelptac to en aU tbe .-.ow.
OUR :rears the t ~ photo pla.y _ e e l to thlDlI: that .... enoacb to draw pat4

A.t the . . . . .t tIae .e are mo-tac til 0lIJ'
.... pncUca.Ily . .)mo.... &lid tocIQ it bI roa.ace. Cheap aeton .._ -.d. the pbatoK- New Yan. th-a- Rdl .ear. .. JIuT PIdI:.
almaM. the Mle euaM of Ule reoeat _or- rapta:r .... detectl'ft, the IIItorilM poorlJ' writ- tOIlI. wbo draw. ....,."b...; "The Pert of
m<MlS iDcreaM fa the b:lten!llt til 1II0ti0a tell ead the aceaari~ ~ ' " m.Iac _ . ." Ed..... .&.bela til " .

ptet:u'eL It h. . lined the lIlot1oa. plet1U'e fad_ CftLl:r the 'Gllder at. the pkt1lre the DOT- JID1Iau," WaIlaee IIdlI.Iqw ........
tr:r (JuD ..-l.q amuemeat 01. the lower due elty ot' the tblJlc them a 1JUccesa.. .....wa:r east ia "TIM G...r. ~ d Roll-
of theatre-eoen. aaable to Pll7 tor bieber "or .-nJ :reare. altl:lpt.ber too ...... thJs '-7." Bnce Me!lM ba ""T1I.e IUac aDd the
~ of _tert:aiD.meat. to leTel .Ith the beet CUlItiD.-Iz _to cnd-ur the CDD~ ...
1ecIttau.e dramaa. _d b_ w-. 0TeI' to the tweflll 11m. proiu:en Mc:ame 110 areal .... the So eoa8deIlt are we 01 the el r.c.r.
.... 01. 1II0tt0a. plearre. all da--. of peop&e, proftu lcdl:ed ... _ Iir.r'ply. that the best at fboItD pIQe that ..e are arraactac _ to . . .
iDdad.... thoee who e&Il dclrd the btcb_ prit::Ied the produeen hepa to bit . . . . ae....... to . . . a weeIr. 0'nlI' om- ~ cIrCsIt .........
OII.tertaIIL:ID_t. The ~ t a - . . bl the d'-Pc- of tbl!tr pk:tDres. tnt ID New Yan.. .. ~ to om- ~
D. . . . . ot' th-.trel lhmlte4 deb' to the 0 We were abcnriac motIoD. pIc:t1ars esd._~ . . . . It wID be aIIIIoI1Itely the .... we . . .
pIoItadoa. . . . ubibltloa ot. pbotopl.a:rs . . . . . Ia ..-e of 0lIJ' tbeab'el at that tilDe, aad _ ..,.. .1liCII we wW tr:r before it e - Old, . . .
...,. to the teataN pk:taN.. u.. plt::tars _.. .......eTIIle lD otb..... able wm __ fa -.::II cIt7 Int. It 1lM ~
...... Yn. .... '441Il
...... .,. tnt IItU'bld to a:hfIItt -.atioa
tU'M the ,.... all mCll"t, kw. " aay . . . .
the abort I"IIIfIIs Ww_ the acta. At Iret .e
. . . KtII . . a Telle( rr-the - - - . , . 01.
. . . . . ~ wllJdl . . . . at..- __ ...
a _
7 ,

.... MlfeIIC
TMr . . . _ _ . .
.-Itject. . .
4 .............
-.rd7 _
~ .... u.. ......., . . wm.
.. t-. NlIl - . , _ tbt YU1et:7
t , ~
4n.. . . ~ . . 1ftilIaIIJ". _ tIM 01.
................ tIwll . . . . . . ~ _ tIM".wJe ~ -. _ t I M _ .........,

The Birthplace of Dramatic Talent
N TBIl ~"... 'are
B7 RALPH J. MAYNARD th_ m&I"ftla of an fa tile


... .
_ ._
. .aN
. . . . . . wIlIdt,.
Me ...-r-
o.e &eI'riklc7 10 .
bit..,. u.t to. ........
ot ... _ ot.aa.efl;
Is the IIUJtIoa. ' b it
whT -.ell. -. fill MY ...... IIl&r'n!IcJu that tile ~ of h ~ . _ _ rr-a Call-
fGnJ&. 8t11tWitw ... tile . . . tart;y ~ _ ........ tIl a"""en'_
caI1tGnU& Iaaow . . . =d life . . .
tha. ~
abow that.C:alJfonia ~
IIUII"ebJP. 1IDde., 7~ .....
frma atb.-
.... thU:
b 11: ~
Iaa... 1M .......
&D:1" otIler tea ........... fac:It whielt _ new. the"

baa Iie-.....,. bow-. lac ol. life Ia ......-.:at'
aM widell .wam. ~ utu'e ta Ja-.d1" aD ot. U.
~. 01._8- IUII7 ecrMtlre- ol. the
~ It reaaIaed fix ~ ~ a

the '-IIac WT of
otter the _o. t

h b .'


. . . . . . .t ~
aJq-., .... at ibe aD:tar~'
- - u.e. -aiIi7. _
Ail. t....-..uJ'
fM:t I!aat
. . . . .n.Ue .....
. . . . lor tIIJ:I, re-

the ' ' . 01. life

IIlUbIliIe . .. dM ~

Ia a reDI!Ilt .....
....... m.ou.a.
at ee tal

danlIl that the . . .
...,. '" eaw.nua
Able tor thJs eaadI-
aid :
tar u Ifrla

"'BetDre t b ..
clrl. are
ia ........ to G-
..,.. that III-. GUt-
pIaaetila of CaWar
tu well-
ra.a4ed... It ia bqe

..m to IIChool. thq

qllelltiga that U1e lit-
~ __ at
are ~t bow to ridII
a bone. By the. tilDe taDpta . . ....-eI'. ead
they cradaat.e. til.,. ClUl the sIaIIllIdb" &lUI lU-
rid. ~ tUt has reeba_ 01. ber ldeu
IOU' fI!et _d wean ha1r. tDdIe&teu a tar better
Badllq: pu1:ies all the feu' uade. edhlc of We tbu. ber
U'OIIII4 IDeUUI that ~ 111 yoath w.........pte A.Jul ecr-
like ~ ctrJ Imo'"s slderbrc tltMI t:M:ta, it hardly
how. A Iiri', ant rille la. aD. fIeeID8 ~ that lit. Qlb.
aat.oIaobQe til the oeqaica OIl ber tint - . at etcbteea. iI; the Itar of the - .
~ fa h_d1IDc' the car. s.wae
& Mat important braadl ot ODe fit the m-. bIi
01' hauUla. & motor craft an two tb.tDcs pcrtaat motlaa pIetare ecrCIer'U ID the
that the 111._ alWQ1I . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 1rOri4. !lIu Glb8oa. 1D.beJ1tt. a creat
the attla. CuDolq ta the ta' deal of the pooalarlt,- of her parents.
. . . . 1IeU-reliuloe ad. D&tu'al1:T they wbo were both proteusloD.a1 ellter-
lean bO'IW. to lIIloat. bIl . . . ~ it... ta1Den of DO _man tame; WheD
'l'hJoowtac Iart&t t. eqaI1T _ b=rl=e d , . . . . Wlthlll t1rea.ty mUM of u. AJl&'eles DOW' caD. abe ...... bat twelTe yean of ace abe m&de ber
teDIlia. Golf la. DO w:aT Ia . . . . . - to the .~ be fow:ad all the year an.aIId, au well au the tint appeu"UIce OIl the ~ fa DeaTer, C0lo-
CIMIIltr,. hfka Dule:fq. m. . . bridce ... aD . . . . lnJplcaI.apCatIoL No ..... la. all the rado. Before she lFU t1fteea yean aid, JIar-
other MH:aIIell Pris' ama-ta. are taml1lar world. caD. beaut at -eh a wODdertul TaI'iet:y lit caret pl.ayiDc acea.- roles fa a stodt
to the 1uUeII of Cal1fonU&. m it IGOb . . if the dlJBate, Kaery aad a.dWou. Arid. cIeeeI'b, compaqy fD. Colorado Spriup aDd Ia 111% did
wNtenl dd paenUy ~ the ~bb be&at:tt1lI 1II0G1lta1D.a, dlmaal uw:a.alJI*', m.apt8- her Ant worlt before the lIlOttoa ptctare
meats ttl. both the mea uul "'QIDlI!D 01. other Ol!:'1lt toresta, WODde!'tIlI rtTen ... waterf:aIIa, the camera., _d, after few 1DOIltha, wau D'la7taI:
..Aa4; . . C&lltor:aJa ODe otteD cc.._ fa euD-
- . at ita best, the IDOR raaerl aatual ....ery
t.D. the world-e1l are to be touad lD cawonata.
leMa. Ber r1ae hau beeD
m t c Ie _t that It b well deMrTed It. ahOW1l
tact w1th l1lhabttIID.a tn.a the Orteat Bbltlooa. A..Dd lItI'aI:lCeet or all b the tact. that mO.t of by ber P!"l!:RIIt popa.1arIty.
J..--. Ctdaae aad the ~ ..-t.UlcIn
trc-. t!le J:ut,all ~ dtetr attnet::bla _d
chao' 5 7 the CalIllclnJa PrL IIOI:IIlc
. . . .

tbem at .,.. bu.d. utllr'aIIy ........... -..:b

two.Ier 'riew of the. people thaD. the drl who
Ile'l'el' jRii 'b' _ UI-. IIa:Ic:aaa of all
Back of the Footlights
ct-. ..... rr... e-tnJ. _d America.,
UQ" oGler
an ..
pa.e:e ...
IIaIa.n ... all
protuIoe thaD til
the 1"be real
...u of M ISS
Gtri." star at the m-.,;y
cncetaJ daacer, WU the ~
RUTH STONBlHOUSE. -rile Colorado

AJDerteu. lJtdIau. .-dl .. _e oft-.. reUs aboat. duw-y at the reclf8t . . . . . . of the aew tJl-..
bid: . . . . . . . . . t. ofteIl Mea fa the W-.. III tre de toe, The PIua, ba n-ftt, her b.-e
addtUoa to aD tb. . mterwt!ll& folk. ta.babUaati clty. Illat StoDeb.oue' ....., ill . . . . .
rn.. e'n!'r'T CllJlllDtry _iler the IAUl Cl:De to 10 tbtu theatre cn!IUed DO little utIr .. it ......
Calltar-lta to-..e tb . . . . . . . ~ ~ . her tint ~ ID. ~ work .... the
eautonlta iI; the atOIIt ' ..... teITttorT of sipal boaOf' of baTtq the c:barmIIac U"tIP'.
ttII . . . fa the _tire worW.. b It ~ ~ ret:QrD to the dt:r of bel' birth to '--ell. thtu
that the IIrIIi of CaIlfanda ha... ~ 'riew1I new theatJoe whleb embolle:u the bleber ideuIa
of ute. Iletter . . . . of 1I.1ImUlttr' fa . . . . . ead of the sUet art .... lIICCOI'd:ed this . . . . -e-
a ....... bow\edaIII of the ett= h ee.tal of ~'. JIC!IDPIe fit the aereIa.
ilia 9tuc I 8I'I'tftI. tD 0-.'1'8" _ the
ot ua- tr.- fIIlnICa aa-. ",.
oI. . . . . . . ~e 7 7 Iw
u.. .......
~otber "_"""
b.-drells fit 11...- MaJrws ad. ...... ~
"QIIIIIImIa IbuIf tJM who ~ bel' b wi ee1; ~ to t!lI8
uUject. It t. th ...-,: ~. tt.e ........ dty 01. . . . 1lbtIt.

Bunn Helpless Land Sold b7Movies Hard Luck
JOIIlf BUNNY of the ~ ~ .. ~mm:---. _ 0 6 .... TE1U.NT8 01. the: . . . . aM. 10Cl ~
. Ilt 1foi Welt J"art:r-attb .,..., Mew T.-k,
c.t_~.~t""""" 1I7 C.
~. . . . ~ to . . . . a'" Ulf _ _
. . Iota .. tIM
w_ ,....." 01. .l1IIaJ'.
_ _ 01. tIM Pew
T x.
'II lAM. e-.-.T.

n.-t t
' t ' i ..,. the r....-ta that tile " "
t,.....tbe ........ ~
. . . . . . ta 1rw'aIter Mc:aae ot tile ~
ot a .-rtcC*e 01. ~ ' - . sr-t
trto.d at IoIaa B. DaIb'. - - . . . . vi. tIM rtta:.
'-Po Natkaals. aad .baa u.. ",.... ...,.
ntdl . . . . . . . . . tbe tllJwUIte 01. Pew:

TeIa:tt laaa bad ~ tabs at Ute

b.IPl7 ..
tor tile
at ...,. IJa ~
tHe -.odr.. .. tIM

Mldla __
'W'1tk dadr

r.:aer.t . . .u:W:r ..a.raD7

... ..
New YortE BrooItln is the ~ 01. Pu: "tnct aM at Hortb .......
. . . for .u .... ... ........ eo. ~ fCIIIda. .... ill tile . . . . 01. .-h fIl Ute ,. ca.-
Prior to the ...-t PtttU.qb.B:roakln. ... ~~ a. ..... ~ ~ tile . . - . aItboqh c::anhI
rle. the ~ aae ~ to 1LuIlI aM . . Ule trW ~ 1ntIl Jlt.; tyo .. h &a ..... 110 ~ 0( tile aewa
tIa7 or the 4lIIJlMIac came ~ .. JtJlI Un7 ~t~_ 1M wm tou tbe IIIII:ML bait ,...... )up ....... at tile IaIData.

TIle ........ ......,. .. ratei _ ~
to p t throIIcb bJa won. at. Ole iii. tDle XL TetIaIt ~ tUt ...-ecta rer- to
to ... tile sa- ~ta11:7
.......,.. . . U.e ae--. .&.
tM 'It ol
haa4 r.-,t
. . . . 'W"it:bod
.. '
Iaa..... __
it aM Jaa~
tbe dlanet.w at tJIle ea.a.try ....
aM tile ~ ... ~ -.u..t Mldla_lbe
pu"t ol tile n n n.-1'UU.t b at tbe
1M .... ad MeI:ac c::b.uae to ..... 1UlI Ira aaaat . . . . . to tab tIile to .1ar&'e fIl ~ .. . . . aadlletarloM

r.Dow of Ittm-u., ~ w1tb KftI'.al ot eo. BaT. it Mc:IlIe4 to tab the ea.a.try to ... b bl New T.-k. Pb"eclelpbb
his lIellow craf't:amea to ... tbe pate .t 8luua.T. tlIe p. e 'h_ parchuen 'ria tb. IDClItIoa ~
". bl . - - - . Is a Tft'1tabIe a .
Ia the pk:t:llre lD. whJc:h the pstal ClClIDelI.taD. - "*'" t-tue . . COMIIII'1lL Ie addWoa it ta the
was WCll"k:tq be . . . req1l1recl to ~ IlbD- ~ at tbe Dna&tIe 1Ilrror. J"&meII"t-
.elt bl .. d1llD.bwa.lter ad be haaIed .., . . . Gerhart Hauptmann ......,. ".... laaa IItPdIo tIlere . .d the De
tltt.eeD. teet throap .. duate. Wb_ bait way lODe ~ _ _ GIlt ca1.J' a short wbUe
ap. the Kap hud ~ who were opel'- in the Movies qo. Georp a.- _. IIax 1. LaadaP are
&ttac the @lentoi'. ~ it, tied the rope _do THEare aame -.d tame at Gerhart BptmU n
bowa. tbe wodd to IDea at IKe
aa-e the m..aaacen ha~ cdcelI there. ne:
left. for the pme. Ie-TiD&: B1UlD.}' IMlellr'dy tu- 0ftII' Broed....,. lIak ComIUlT. the loe JIorrla
~ ... ta his Il&JTOW q1lU"terL ten Ul4 10ftn of the bnt ... ~ Thta IIaIe ~ &lid tbe EIlter'Jrille Mule Com-
Neeae. to Kate, Bluuly ..._ releued., bat ~ed. Germul b.u prvTe4 btmeelt ....,. are UIlOIl&' UIIe other taut&.
.ot aW be !lad time to tb.iDlr. 'lp ~ bu- __J'..m thor. ~ the bnt 8e:tJce
came tram the pea or Gerhart
Illred ~t Ir.bub 01 torture to be meted GIlt
to Ute ee.urplraton Ih~d be bly h&Dds 011..
.-ir. that
ta '''A.Uaat!a,.. a IlOTe1 ot ~
Uceal iItftIlCtb _. power, wbleb hu receD.tly
Acting Hippos
JEALOUS o( the tame p..taed. .,. other cde1ll1-
- - . doIle tala m ~ plcbtre:l at eofJI: or tIee., the three. Park blppoa, _ _
$75.000. Jlarpby, & 3.lOO-poa.d tncen_e; C&l1Db l1., fa
I~unction Suit It the elemeata at beart ID.terelIt. hea....,. parta, &lid tJuoee..meethHlld ta
traTei &ad "Mtl...~t, tadad1q the bUy roles, eaterell the IDOYie 8e1. ad the
A OOPYJUCBT blj-c:tjga ..... reoeatb'
1I1ed. ill the UllIted s:t:a.i.e. Dt.strict slIlkiIIc of Put T'raa-.AtIaatie III mid- mntl'?'ttt 01. IC~ BW Sayder bet.ore
to restnJa the sn-dwa;:r
P1c:tllJ'.e Red.1ICtiG:a
oceuL. Herr He."",e.. ta sa the DeDitb ot
I>ta poYer. He wee the 540.000 Nobel prize
y .....
ennr'at the Cea.traI Putt Zoo, N_
ee-paay _d the Eacle !"eat:u'e FUm Com-
...,. frca ,....-e:lac .. pb~ eatitlecl '"The ta Utennue with the ...,. ot .. A.tlaatla" . .d Wtth !om' moriq 'etve cameru toaa.ed.
TnJl of the 1.cIIleICB.e Pble." wbicb .. .ud. wbea. the Great Nthena ntza Coal....,. pro- . . th-. tbe:r ...... thetr detat ee a pac-
tD No pattenlel after the - - ' . ot. that aame ...... to thta .-.ter 01. 4naaatie detaD that
the ...,. 1Ile ..... P ..... tor ~ by III'"
pIaak IIeiIt rrc- tbetr """'te:r
q-nen to the
opeII., where they c:aa ...... aao.t
~ lIT Joha Jl'cm. Jr'. The .......wr:. an
JIr. 1'0:&. the aath_ of tile booIt: CharIeII 8crOI-
aft" . . .s.-a. the "uu.b.en. ... KJa... aDd
,.ErIaacer. who .-..~ .. dramathed ~
at mariq plctues he rabed . 0 - - . objee-
BdIlc .... of' Ietten.. wtthOllt kaowle4p!
w1th _

deUcha Ill.

er wbJc:IlI. Is ..... to
-.Joy tbe tor"rii ..-tIl.
the ...-t a It! _

of the aOftl. of the taJl:pJte ~ at modena ......

craft" b. c:oU4 aot 1lIr1ac' bllDRlt to 1lieDeTe
that the aIak:iq ot tbe _ _ er, Rolaad, tor One Reel a DIl7
Engines Crash tutaaee., eoald. be f'M U""'T1,.
depkted by DA.VlD HOIlSLErS -"CIIUICl!at!!at tbat ...
I:D.C fit thrllls
~ ~tb'
fcc' the
. _ the JDak-
lDone. at Wla.a:rtoR.
III~ 01. BlO9tac plctare _era&. There were
other ~ wbld! be c.sktered. lDsanDoou.t-
wiD . , . . _ . . - . oae-reel. ~ -.c:a
week ud 4!It:riIlIde ua- ~ tweatJ'. . .
aIlU. 1Ia.t the md be . . . c. .:rl~eed . .d Dot especiaD:.J' orpaJaeI ~ ~ the u.....
N. J. Two eae:ta_ collided. -. tJ"elItIe &boat oaJy p bls wmlJ!& ~t, 1Ia.t bls .ee-
tty teel ~ the cr-JlcL ClIle of the -etDes Stats, ea-da.. .......... s-tb . . . . . . .
derfal taeeaattY ta ~Te ..,.. ID&I'b . . . bD..,ortaat ' ~ t ta tile
_u bodl:eIl Ute tndt. Wb_ it IItMtck
the cr-ad there ....... apIoalce wbicb COID~ w0rt4 at-...:sc. ~
-rhe r.aa.-tal rea- tor the ....
JleUIJ' W'f"eC:ked it.
TIle -ebtea were old cees. owaed by the
H. A. Jones in Fibns ~ of tbe JDClIIioa JIIetuoe ahow. -.n .

ARTHUR JONES. the Horsley. . . . . . tb. m-pae. at ..... , ' ...
Wbart-. lroa. ..' Steel Coalpall,..
Half a ...,. man. mea aad _ _ fSaCted JJl&1'w'rlcbt wbo .u..- lato York ~ the TUiet:J' _. _ _ t d!aII&'e 01 pi . . .
the thriller. wbldl ..... to ea. with the ool.Itaoa. lIeTft"&l d&,.J"S &CO. .... ~ to haTe bb ~ to tile people .ho 'jut . " .
The ~es were IItartelI 80 that tbt!'J' wOllld ~ 4cae ta thta ~ fa JD,~ pletves, taO DOW . i tbeIL. .... aboge all, to the dlII-
1Dflf!t fa the eeIltre 01 the tnlRJe. The-etaeen and, ba....... mi, the rlcbta to bota dramu, 1riII dJ'lI!IL. OaDdbood.... be M:rYed.. The UUIoI
I>&il tor bClDe toda,y _ the Ot7mptc:. DulJel 011'" ba 1Lble . . . - OIlt of tea. ktac' the ....
Jtmped. 011 1Il tbDe to a90ld belu 1Ilju'ed.
io"nabmaa,. wbo at. ee_ tbDe ~troIled the dr.!.- 011'" who IaaIlJ' 1IecoIDe 'taaL' The sh~
matte rtp,a to alI 01. 1Ir. Je..' ....,.. III this wbo taUs to reekee with the: klddl. ta 0ft!I'r.
A New Studio eoaDtrJ'. . . . wbo Ia aow tbe m.aaaetac .trec:tor
of the J"u:aou P'la..J'ton nt.m ee-P&AJ'. made
lookiD& his cae bnt
"WIth the oae-reel ccwaed,. pl&a, I am. bmW-
~ Wtltlam A. Brad,. ptct1lre ~ Cor- tb. UTaJ:!p.mmts tor the film rlcbts ..1th tbe IDe for the!re .. wen .. tbe JII"I!*!IlL ea...
poratlaa DOW ~'es Ita a_I,. oompIeted. druaatlllt yeaterd.aJ'. edles hue alw&1' heeD Ia creat .-.-d, ...
...uo at Port Lee. N_ J_ e ot the ~ ud Mr. lee... with Mr. J'roluu. . . . . Adolph tbe .....,. has aeTeI' bee!!. M1eq.ue .......
..... t.lJy eqUpped manac plct1lre pa.a ta %uor, P'residftlt or the hmoa P\a,yen ee-. 80 few at the m& ha
the.arW.. A.t the ~ 01.
1eMeII 'W1D . . IMlpa at tIM ..... of.
Ia e.dl
....y .llpeDt _ . time fa
at a mOTte _ e ot
the ID&ktIlc
the 8ceDea,.. a
proIlIlem of prodactic.
MJIy aew ..... are aIreM:r _

....tIL. .,. tilt. . . . . . . ww ..iD~ .. pla,y 01 theatrical W. 117 . . . . . . . 11&)'0. III the: the work of JI'OlIw:daa . . . . . ' "
\1M. - " . . . . . . . t o perfect ......tq II-. 01. wllIidl JkrT P1ddord wUl play weII _ . . . ...,.. aM tile ant r--.. . .
..-. the I rok. be . . . . Ia til. euV faIL"
on an _ _ ~ ~ ct WGI'II: _ ~

OF ESSANAY . . . wILk::Il . . . ftritaIlIe 1aII1rIada ol .........

u.. .. Pi .. _e-h 7 ....,.
(C ',.,.-,....1 ~-aIc U'tide .1lIdl ~ .....,. ' - ....
Ie. tbc at JIIIc:tIa'e e.::Il _ .. Me
. . rIlBmIiIII. ... h ............... c:Qndltkwp . . . . .ed. The ~ it .... place. at wttIlIe. . . . . . . . .
. . .&.-... . . . . . ~ JIIIIIId. . . . . . . . . . . to . . he h....... IcIlt Ie. ...... IlOtioL " . . . II; a - . . . . . 1IPtIItc _ _

, . . . . ....
..,.&~.......... 7" BIMIdlIa...,...",

.... .... eM lInaM 01 _
rr-. -.rt eM W
tbeir ott r 01. eM
IIPII.jccta. . . . .
a - a fmtae. ... wtl.Il!*
f. . . . . . . . . . _ ; ; ;
. . . JIINiIta, the d1rec:tor _ 84eU'e 1IPl Ja u::r

tnIIIIl......,. e-.-::r
"at eM
...,.-. ... w1I:Il t:MIr . . . . . . eM euwIIa:r Ie. aD 1IT aM . . . . . . $be, ... u:"
1La. MY

...... _
....-._..-a ....

....... .... ...... .......
......... arac:u.4P
o.l:J' _

.As............ . _ ..... JIIIIIIk. PIcterc ~


u.. ..... _of~aa...-.....

................ .,.--. .. Ill...

Ge ~tM,..,.. ... w1Mt .......,.
S oltllrllflid.tbt1dll __ __ ....


Ie c--. _ ., ~
lilt. Jt. . . .

......... ..tIL

. . . . . . . . . _tlae~
Ida ,......1IIIl:r,
_ , jIIIIIl
-... ~ ' - - t -':J' ta
,...eQ" _ writJa&. .....-. tbeIr _ . ,...._ . u.t .......

die ~ willa ~
.-...:t .. cab' _ 0.-. tIlct e- ...

~.~. Il -a-.n- ... a.t r. ---. ...... of ~ ..,.. .......~1e. 5 _ J.

.H" , ..... A.fIw ~ W...e.n. ,... .,.".. a ...~_tlde~~

. . . . . . . ~.uIII to

...... . . . t _

9IoDr . .;~
. . alu.-.
a-.. K.. wM


...,. ~....,.. ... 1IIIl_ ~ H e _

t:I'W. eM ~
R 'J--e'" ...............
~.,.... 'I'M

~ ... Qe


'ftlIF" ........... " ' - t _

. ~ Ia ~ Putt. IIIIIIaIL ..........., tM: rtsilt .n 01. W&"k. ....,..tM~
_.ri'z _..w
T!UII ~ _
to ~ 11" 18'D. . . . .
- . at a -'lit . . . . u..a

nee -= ..
. . . . . . . . IJlIao6&. . . .
tile ...-r
5 7'"m- ~ at
.... '

..... _filii. tbc...t~

...,. ....

ta eM wtIoIe
.... ~
.... oI.

ma.. ClIII6w- s.e- ... GIIIIert . . ~

. . . . . . . .-,. are __ to
........ 'I'M ..... wIlidt.


,.,... '-7tac ~ tit--. aM. It . . . . . . Two_...... o f ~ - . I t ~ to ~ ad -........., It Ie eMIr daAa

towa tIaat _ . . . . IliII __
Ulti; . . .,..... tboI ........ BIII7"" ~ . . . . ......,. that tIle:r are 1ltfII. 1IIIlt _ a ........
ute __ 7-tlIs a( aaWdaa, M:!wd .... ter- ~. .naaed acaIe, wttIl-. ~ aM
rible pSalt;:r to Ilta, . . It .... wD. .. sIP of J"or' tM r.-r T-.n Gilbert K. ~ IDOI'8 ~ bee- WMn -.ay Uft
relief that be IIta.r1llIlI to ...-It IDr tIM Borth has wr:IUea. proUcct the aaJodtJ' 01 all Iat tlM:k Ja - ' a r t Ie. watdltq' thlt
W-.era Il.ailI"oM. W1I_ be . . . . . . . t u - the - . . . , . ~ :J'u'ther laM reRlts of tbelr early e6Irta, tb_ two . . . .
yean of lIP- BIs t1ee wtt.Il data aa was 7 PIa7e1. the leMlq' role la . . . . . . ..ery ...... ~ l.D.lU:ri4............. '..... the ...
Dot a pbell~ ODe. 1lwt Wore 1M left be u-. ~ . . , tU - . . . , . ~ sIace Rsht tbeJ' IUd wb_ ct.eI'tq the are
held .. bJrl,. CQOlI po.ttb. fa the , . . . . . . _ lJ67. ilia dnma .e:uda oct Ie a WIll' tbat strtTia.&: u-anta . . . . . ,tt.,,_t tb.aa thai:
part:mest. It alDlCllt aD -.beu'd of til.... ~ ~ pcc:III1.larIJ' ...... OWL HIlI wklle tbl!J' ha," alread,J' reaetted.
for a boJ" of bta to ~ a tit ..,. .-woa UIDpIe. haTe .un4nmadc nJ._ &ad. 01. a The)" are bIaIlden-t:heM two plet::ar-.q. .
men---baild. . 01 lbe lDoc::Ila pk::tare . . . ._ _
lb. cdee were bIab_
at that time. Wllea. hI..- ll1It.iM at
for the ...,.. Spoor tooII:
bieber tltaDdard thaR IDwt of the aIJeseid,
em phot.eplan. wbtdL. . . a naIe.
tal -.a- ....... art. .... Ule7 haft lteea
deUpt .. ~
to .....
Althoqh tbb

the ,..,. at 1116.

a.bcIU the frelcht

~ a
E. H. 4am' laTeDtoI' &lUI '-'lder or
ad 1Il~
be 4WD't - - . to ha. . the

a.-- 1Ir.
l.D. chaIw:tI!lr ad reT-.I the ~ 01 the
lItorY alm08t b:l the CIIl*lb:lc..... Eftry.&..D..
~ ......,. prod.actioa. bI IB&I'bd. ..,. Ihe17
act:Imt, u4 pl-.Q' of t.hrlIls. ~ it . . a cc..
edy. ladd.tal17. be bI . . cood. OlIIIlell::r ~
d. . . . . CIIIl .. toaad.
rU8ecl to tOl"bme . .d aolel7 t:bI'oach
IMU"Aiac tb.ts polley.
Thl!J' are ClOIlRr1lcthJllbta. and they coatl.D.
to enet. NBroa.cbo BIlJ,J''' _d his p&1 ..ill bear

me&" ' Ammet 1uld a &'DOd tIl.tac----hb W'U To l"8ClOI"i that a pk:tve ....,., ball Iuld 1DaDY tfI
to project. ~ ~ ... IlUTOW from ~ . . . . . llke ~ .
qUte . . _~eIlt 0ftI' tM II:dt.a lIII'OJec- lac' a ~at. NeYeI"tbea-.........-. or SubDlarine Movies
tor ttl that ,ertod........... 8pcxw. wttIl t!ul IIlCIIle7 "BnJacbo BIl17," .. 7CIIlI prefet', hall wet . .e
be .... _nIII ...lU1e ~ fbaaaeeIl the ..-ne ft!"'J l:J'Yiec .R~ ....... iutaaeIMR THETh_b
aalqu at Carl enso.T at the
Pi $ h 7 n ... th-. t:bat . . . . . . . . dartnc the proclactloa. of "'Broa.cho BIlly'. Com...,. ill w.aklJw: IDOriea
maaatactmiac Ihort IBIcth ~ tn- B..... 1lQder the _ _ is the RIa:tect of a NIU't 01
nr~-hie to . . h...,... Aft7 feet ta The d.bD.u. at the pktare dellwulied the ...... the u. S. Coasal at N. . . . . . the Balt.aa.a&.
lib. JIr. WIllIam. F. Doty, om' CoBRI at N.-..,
leqt2l. . . . . . . to
q1lfte a ,eo 'etJce Tbe . . ClIIl be
t'ftIa ~ o BIll,..
tI':'a7tDa of tbri1lI.q baD.d~4 ~ . -
u4 the Til1afa--I'red.
eridI: Cb a.rda. 011. tile ftI"7 edee of a preet..tce.
h. . ~ reported. the ~ ~ of
a . . . . . . . lDodoD p1ctve e&lDer& ~
.CJItled "" ItI ~ 01. little
~ . . . pr"OftIA -. ,.. rebec.neiI a ....... of u.. iaft'Bted ..,. u Am~ ~~ No
JDM:hiae rrwrioaalY iaYl!lllltell bu . . . . ..-o-t

- p'
Two ~ It I. Bell ...,. .... ........ "lIinacbo" Iaad .aauc..d
pUatll!ld. .. hat blowa . . the ..,
al-o projecC:lq' -.ehtae u4 . . . . _ ~
_eo tboI ~ -.entor ~ the n...tea: m-
fa . . . . . . . . . .-w- tor' the 0( the
at a I of IDOn!I thaa two CII' tllree
teet, . . . wttIl thl:s ...,.,.. _a-arte..

_ t Oftr aa.Jthtac .... ..,. )Ik:ta"e ~ tues haft takea Ja NaiIcu. llartMw sbow
Apia ... Ilt. . . . , . .. __ .... w1tll sr-t de&nle. the ..,.... ~
T'tHl eaIItft'a bepe to srtDd &ad. the two . -
~ ~

taia t:bJac, . . 1Ie hit. the aaB . . tilII 1leM. a bepa their ~ A.1'beIr ~ fa. u.. bIl 01 ~ ..-arieties,. old W!"eCb w1tb 1Df--.
dlIeat of dbar1abla Ute TIII&Ie, "1IroMIlo" "ClI'kIa& ....-c th-. . .chon at Ilkopth 01.
ot... rlPta .. the --*Jae. ~ with IlbL ne ~ - ea1W. ,.. b_Ued tat _II the aOftlDeS.t:a of Mlarb
s,.r ,
~ ~
be, ,. ~ --=Idae . . -.0- a qUcII.: IlreU CIa tlae YefT edp 01. the ~
ia wtidl Wh __ -.nactlM:k ,.. ...........
sad other ~
u-. .. tile ~ Or-
-.elL thea cBac::b...-m.."Braac:IW' can.n. _
The ~ CIlIIlSbt:s of Iu.tIIIIe PW!taIIIe
eldt. -..a7 other ......-me ~ .. tde. twm.ty mchel fa ~ of
dmlnii. ."k:Il tid .at a:-Dct w1tIl. ...... &r'- the ~ w1LIIIl ILls beck .... to the , .. . . . . a aeries of -.Ita CII' -eee:s-a
01. O '....K
~ l wftb. the ~ I l - . 'nil dL-. Bat:Il __ biM:k, tiMe tbc TiDda h. . . . . . ta ftI1:ic&l ~ ~ the
tabe ...,. be tRI:tIPeD'" at U,J'" 4.aNll ___
t JlIl"O"ll to '- a ll
JII"Qfta naaIq' . . . Ills . . . . .
eeb M ' t_ .
- . tile: ....
IbI. e:RUap fa _d 1Nlpa to UI..1l: be blI aItoU ~
~ witt lMm'orat ~ . . .'
- . bIl ":ril"., . . . ..-..-.. ...... UN _ _
01 tile rrcelI*e. Cbuell, the 'I'II1aIa, fIIIt eat
aM ....... on-' lato the, u.. ......
The ...-roe of tboI ...... ' - * Ute jalats
ia""" _4 ~ the 1l.Iq8a to faD
WV'd; tb_ the welcbt .. Iaia z ......

Well . . au the afla_ 06 __ ~_

MoB: tor JaJ", tor' ,. cA::a itee u..-at. _t .ctIau are . . , . ~ ....
__ a-tJIlIIt oltbed .. ~_ .'1=117 wile eM
tU oo-t .. b6enca CUlM ....
Stoor to ao teto the __ ~ . . - - . . _ . . . ~."Ufe ~ ... ae.t or bIrp dcrN roc:bd .., tlIe
-.-k.- ....
,..'0. . . . .
~ ~
tbe .-e:J rn *'
aD tIM
_tenJl. . . _
.-.e-I7 to it .. ~ m
.......,. '!'be
IdI -.n:r
t... the 5w:&J' . .til. ......... ..a. IIt:r.-C nali?ler Cll.YftI"bac ~.... tIM
tee 1m............ waller."
acr-at th_ . . . tIten. nNe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ............ . , . . w.... CIlV'dl The rtc:tu- aN taba en. a .............
& - . - blI _r'd
itill Irit '
s-tIt ~ It
a T4III8ll to ""Broac:bo" to IHlW. . . _to. a r..-
COldlI lie ~ u4 .,. the _ -
mtaal c:II&ID'"
ofttaaIT .m . ' _Ie _.Jttc:e.
at tiM Jai4rer .ad. 01 the tak
Joabd. 1DIe
&00II UIat

twe _
~ __ _ _ to M:tica. tIM7 NIle. ta1aed ..,. ae.m. .... .... ..a. bIe-
M ____
r.t-,_ lit a.IIad twIiIIIIM. It. Ids ul lis feet (to - " ' UN ..,... ,....
tIM .,. . .
Dartl7 .... '
.a.. ",. ~ ~."
... tIUc _
-.n:r tJ-. .. ....,.. It eM au- tor worII) Ie. 01. ~ ea-e
,...... etftlli .... .. ~ til tile ~ , wttIl a
~ to IWlI. - . , . . I t _
_ ..
The - - . " . .
"OIte W..-m.e
...-at!Il. CIt
teatu'e ~
IC'IiIk'" are JIII'Oho;ll
.-t . . ... -..baIt tIIebe. tbkk ct
tIHt 1aqer ( - ' - ) ' " Da1ec'........,...,..
Il&:bt art16cIal IIP& kM . . . . . . . ~ . . . .
W 7

tIM IMu't 01 tIM Weel , . . . . _ _ . . P ' . dM ..0. 1AIDc.......... tfIreel

...". to _ .... IIIctaw:

. . .

....... _

....,. .. t - .

_. _. _
~tmnIIIIc -..-
................. fa~ ...
JIIa7eIa . . . . . *-lid. ... ...-al - .

fa a
PHILLIps., wbo
of hft'06e . . . H~Dll~::' .
PIo" 5 '
..., . . . . . """'neH
_ ..
_ roles b.u made tece .tto. afte' ~~ Iq' ta ~ pc: tile ~ "'Tell-
5 ..

aaIIM' (or Il1mR.U wlU; follow IIbJp 111 Y'&I"ioa Bdueo dnIua, Iq' J'atJIIer,- fa wItidI ............... 1AwtI; _
en of &41aoa .k:tvrea. .. r:aII . . 1Uldentady. made mmetJllq <ar.
_II! 01 lib f'tlel!Ilt etreetiTe of a bit Jut _ .. the
B.. B. lD'13Q, the ~ _ fJI. a fa.
....on. la ncb pic:t1lftS . . "'Seon- berotae In "Tbe IIao IalIIde....
moa~~to. ., ' . . . . Wk . . .
phtaa Lowe'," M)toUy. Lraa. T nc.81L\.. tile B.~
tile Dn..autIer Doy.N &ad "'The ~ no Lut _ _ IealIed.
of the AtlaatIc. OM el. Ilia roee...t ~ ....
IJaI' "tbe Gn.I 8eIpev."
Two Doc:ton. N

)(AJJCU.n Tlun:u&, wbo has laU:ly ddlPt.ed

the Am' don The8tr'e. Loodoa. "ere ....e
produced -JlIJe. na.~ -r Lcn"e TOIl, ~ "At. Daqb- Dla::lr... _ "'0I.ft.
tM rad.Iut
, . ~ . wM r-atu ....,.. ta __ ftter.
.ace ...,. .,
_ all .". be.- won. III the W eslera COIDpIIJI1 of ter of Fraac:e." aad " 1tareaJ.aa.-
""Snea Ken to Baldpate," preeedJ.q wblda .........CUI BTL.. &. wlloee I:l&IDe Is to. be fouDd m ~ to ........ the -.e.
-.ak1aI' Iter
Me wu Iee'Il ill "1~ _d Hb ~ .. Upoll a aro.d....,. Pf'OKI'UD ~ -.:h. . .
home tM.e ..,.. ta Spabt..
8.AaY ~IC'" .-e of au' lImt-oow:. &ock IIOL his ..... .etabIe receat ,.ortr: b8ac 111 ""T1Ie W &LTD JOnll. of ~ -so,- XbIe" fIlme.
~ wftJl au etttJntlJiutk: followtac fa dtles Coaspincy~ aad '"T1le lbLle oK nne.- aDd IDllft ~.J . . . 111 ~ ta ""I1te
lib o-daaat1. St. Loab aa4 Itaaaa Ctt}. A.. . :na; A. AIIAXa. whoee immortal &me- will Third P'ut7."
JP'Loa.'rcs ~ wbo wV. ab.1JtiII&' lidlt rest upoa the I'aet tJaat abe fa the lDCIItber of Xu:ut 1I.I.:I:lrGtUl'I. wbo l'l!a!D.t1.J ea.d.ted two
fa A.aa.Ie a-U'. c:omP&DJ 1Ut - . play- Ilaude Adama" &ad wbo now Uyes 111 aem.I-t'etlre- ~ fa the role 01 lin. BeuaiU fa the aelo-
La& Lady SoeerwdJ ill -ne School for m~t 111 9aIt Lake Cit]'. OB1y appeartq Tery, "'TIle WltJp."
8cuAIal." atlenru'd appoear1q briefly I.a -rhe rareI,. nowada.n behlDd the !ootJIcbt&. E. T.;s. Jut _ e:ace
aaaapr of
BUa4a~ 01 Vlrtlae."
a. V. f'IuI.,upa, ODe! of the fortuaate IICton
wbo . . . ~tJAed _Ith the Nfl.. York eompany
1.Iu. Iblooa. the IlImble-footed wife of the
cJenr Charles 1tJnc. and wbo III ~era.n,- to be
fOCDd bl the ..-e cut as ber b d. aotabl:r
~ AqI1D.'. caaa...,. 111 her Shab-
.JoR::Iow &.u'JI.&JIJ. wbo .. BOW" ta the IIlilbt ot
or '"W1thla the La.... In "The LIttle MIIIIOIl&1re.... a.ft"7 ......". ' p p m , Ia "'The DuD.m.,," at
(;&acs ea.
.-oll. wbo baa mOl5t loyal .et of BlU.1" V. V ........ wbo. wtth the BMV"'-t Bt.- the ~ n.u-e.
adall'l!" I. the Sew of n.ud_IUe aDd 1Dttalc:a.l len. makes IIIerTJ" 111 oar Yari-. YUIlIkt1lle
IlmcuuJ Own. wbo ...,.. ""eatJe l'Oles I.
!kA.lflZT G. Woon. wbo play. juv"mlle role "'~-
UILI.\:'I' Drx. the eharKter ~ wb.e
YVIo_ 100'" ~ &eeIl there reeeaUy 111
~ A P!aee Ia the Baa," "Where the BalliboW'
fa IItock &ad who baa dpred: 1ft DUmerouJ!l most receIIt wort hu been. in the cut of "Little Eada~ and"At. Sod&l S ~..
..,au r.tare lU... rr- time to time. Wcaen. "
s.u..a.. BaooJtlt. the popub.r Loadolll actresa. Cu.aIlln.U NILSfIO:'I". the tamOIU crud opera
lately MleD III the Britt. . apia] fa 1"be GreeD sill&ft'. who retJred the.e lD.Uy yean -eo cd
Codtatoa." at the VIUlMriIIe Tbeatre. wbo now realdes 111 GenItaD,..
JI~w. . Jl. THOll&, the the&trlw producer. J.\C Tunola, the male end of the variety team JANET DUNBAR, wbo fa DOW
wb_ name wID e'lft' ~ UMdated .... th that ot William. &ad TUdter, ud wbo t. OllIe of our looked. u.poa . . the laclt:ie.t
barleeqtle ~ of yeetenla,.. "Wille, Woman ~ low comed,. htDmakera. of actreaea. ha..-tq been _
&ad Saq." . ILu 801'10:'1"11. the puk:brltudlDoUII abo,. &in lected by Bel....,. eo..
to pla:r
Wt:!llU'a:D ExaT. wtle ot the wceesatul Lon- beaut,., who bu adorned Dl&Dy a Broadway the title 1'016 In "The Sala-
. . actor. C)Tl1 Ilaode. aDd WbORe DOU.....ppeu- mualcal productl_ In ber dlllf:. maDder."
ace here bI her buAaad'. support I&&t _ _ Cl-UA E. LAt:cmu:'I", utbor of the popular luu.a..... L'EII'TL'..'C<;&,. eeeD

".. the eaa-e for seaeral f'eltT"&- We, "FeUdty," ,.bleb h. . m_y tllDell been lPost recea.tI,J In "'The Tello,.

J. H. GILMoc-. the .aeee.tuJ leadlq maD of reported . . beinl" In proceu of dramatt.a.thm., ~ aDd. wbo Is to appear
~ , BOW retired ud .. lDember of the ALA.:. I. RoLUMJl, of eallfonla lItoc1l tralIlID, thia IIeUOIl ill. .. lJuloeeut."
IItIJ( of the C!lleap If_teal CoII~~. &.Dd wbo bu appeared 1ft tile Eut in 'urlous
V1IlIllL'I'U E.uc.. the 111Iuleal comed,. IU:r of
. . . WtU.I", of the TaIIlk'rIlle team of Wll- traYellnl" eompaDIes. uotabl,. "ETerywomaD.."
Il:I'fl&t ~t]', bat Whom we do DOt .ee be:-
Ualld . . . Tae.kft', of the tamortaJ "'SklnnY'1i hind the tootl1cbta .. otka ... We IUJfld to.

_........ -,
A.uu::D Kc,"-at., wbca we reeaD. III the .....
WALTER HALE, the wdl- port of IIl11a. Karlowe, _d Iut bere, the -.on
of 1510-11. with Julla. NeJ.boa &.Dd ~ Terr:r.
ILLLUI NORTON, who noWD leeIUmate actor
W receatly ~adeIl the "'hose features are tamillar to
th.roacb hla por-
H..a..zu. IIu..a. of atodll: eompany reao...... for
_ e time a member of the Poll forc:ea. pla,yinll: fe8t ot ~ fa two ..::reeD paU'oaa
~f!I"eOt pta,.. at ODe and the trayal ot Btadt Michael in -rile
AIDe tllne, theM! belnc ~Wlth18 ~ft' of Zenda" aDd u
th~ Law~ _d "Cnder,- TaUyn.nd In "The upmLnc
whld! were MUlIllq In Bo-.oa. Coadactor."
at the )(aJeIJde _d PI:rm01lth ~A Bu<."'L ,.ho ball
Tbeatres., respectlnly. played ~ In cou.nt.Jeu Lubin re.1~ betDll:
to the fore In both ")(Jebad St:rooir &.Dd "The
BILLIE BURKE. ... bo Is to
cuatiD_ 1Ulder ChaJ'le.
H.a.&.. . 1'. COu....... the talented mother of the Frohmu's manq;ement. ofl"er.
only ~ M... _d wbo III alway. to be lIeeD Greater" I.ulI: -1f!rT7." a1tft' ,.Il.k:b abe III
l.n the prpport of ber _ . most I"l!CCDtly apo a.... 1" l..\t;TIDl, tlIe ...orIdfamous Scot.eb 10 baTe a DeW play, before the
pt'ar1.DK In ~Broadw.y Jon_" a1~ &JId wb~ Ttaace Is not unlDloW1l. to tlIe 1le&IIOQ'. cud.
ca.A"," GIU.I""".nll1 hu nVo)-ed ~t l!CftCD. as ~I tbe "HarT"f Lauder Tallr.1II1l: Lew Dooi.IJTAnliS, the min-
popularity In "audel'llle ID the IIkf' "WI"l'lJ Pirt1lrea." whleb are no,. bil"b ID faTor. IIO'e:I Ir.itI& whom we an IIOGD to
of lbe RJa..- In ..-bleb be wtll conlinue another EnITU: COOK ..-bOllfl T~tillty b. . bcMoa pat see ID the plttarea In the ClyU
~a to the teat times ...Ithout bumber Ib ThlUt- WaT pta,.. "Dan." aa oa:ered by the AllStar
I>Eu...I. P'kl:'n;;~ the repertoire ..-hOPe houser ftlma, wltll ,.bleb company sbe has been FeatUft Corpon.tJOD.
name I. a bou~hold "'oMl with theat.rell:oen in Idealifted for the past three! yearL
TJUXJOOU: Y-"uro"...bOllfl name beeds DO In'
our Wetltena IItates. W..u.~ Tuo)lAll. ...ho bas ap~red III "mous
troduttloa to duotees of Vltap"a.pb alma. with
ST. CLAra B.\Tna.... of the Georlte ArUM special re.leaJteS at dltriM't'ut time- and ... bo, no ...hleb c:ompan,. be haa been ideDtJfted for lOme
alumni. h."inll: for four yean appeared ...Ith matter ,.hat: elllC be may eyer do behind the Ume.
that actOT In "Olllrarll:' footllll:bta. wtll aJ.....,.. be be-. remembered III
~Seeret Serrice." . F'ltEDnfoc A. TUO)l80lf_ late ...Ith vtt:anph.
y-" AIQtT l..\ ,,-u,,("'It. tbe pretl r In::eDue ac-
t-. ell renu~m~red la the ori1Dal prodUf> LOIS "-':"I"CP"fl; the Inlmllably clever
rbaneler artreq, ... bo ...... amulllnll: last
and aow oDe of t..b! I5ta.r prodocen for the
Famous: I"tayen Compaa,..
U_ of ""Over :'oOllI:bt." bnt ...ho maJTIed _d
left the ~ about tbree Yea" &0. IIe&8OD In the -.pport of Elsie Fe~!lOu In ""The
En. nay...... wbo. &I_I" ... Ith FAith Store,..
JI'oItaaIT RotlI:'l'I'lO". fte"~r to be fo~t_ for St:raltlI:e "'om_.~ was oae of the YOUDl:8ten I. "Rebecca of
B)';M""UA&l1 OWKDl"Ol'". la1el,. lIeeD. In vandt>- Sunn,.brook lU1d ,.bo now play. uetc.bes
bill telUnl actln In "Tbe Fortune Hunter."
.Ieee "beD be b... appeared la ""The Master of \IIIe. lU1d mOllt qreeably recalled in the orlelnal In Yaudeville.
the Rotule" lU1d "'The Smouldertnllt Flame: procluetloa of ''The M"idIlJl{ht Son.... G~I! T. VDtCn_ who tately oolleladed bJa:

CtJ.aA RcnOUNl S)lI,"" ,.ho does bldll,. em llA1" )(A('KIt:'l'J:IP:, the ~rtl!l:"htly .aubrettc!, of eeuon In the support of DoDaJd Brtaa ID "The

dent work In Tariou eharacter lU1d KRnd dame

WUJIoOI'f B. RolJa. ,.bo , . . for BOme Ume ..

bappy Weber _d "eld8 memory. but ,.bo bllll
DOW retired. rrom the .t:ae, devotllll henelf to
D e ~ work.
loRlOf W. 1l..t.:'I"IIO:'I"R. wbo Is to t&f'fl forth apJn
I.n bt. luimita.ble CI"'e&1JOD of Ham! WapiI!!' In
member of o.."d Deluco'. foreet. BlU.1" Noarolf, wbo alllO lIl!'ems to bave len. "The PrInce of P1leea."



1 1 ) ' _ WiIIio I. Azthur Nell!Icm. of the U. ~ ee-pan,.. operat-

.... at . . DIqo. called . . be DUMd ~ pletuoe _afaetaren an all rr- tbe Eut aDd 011 tats - 7 Mdl: ..~e ..
_ happy . . . the &I"tbIts 1D. tItdr ~
f_ Ute weather t. __ ply perfIIet. 1Iricht
aM. aIaowed me h1l!I dDtzibation COIltractL Be
RMIliJIy ...,. wttb-t beIDc _ hat. 'nw!7 eaa
is taD. of ea.thuaiaam as repnIa the future .t.
hb ~ to .... hicb be ill pUac to add.
..a IlOdlIiac bet1ler. t paid a brief 't"Wt to the w. out to Bee the IlobbIu people. Thq are'
8elIc ZOO the other day, aDd I iIDa&t-e tbt htllltlblc In put abape. aad. aiDce leaee a.-
A.. . . . wW &boat Me the ~ ae.... WId- bt-. returned trom the Eut with a thJ'ee..&eeII:
tap. - ....... II--. Ute ~ wall caUract fa bis P8'CRt. both be &Dd bis ridIt-
~kted. aDd fa all lilY tra-....l'ls t bve ~
__ a more eomoIete or be&utital lIDO. AztIl1rr
11-.1 .... J'red Dawe., have be-. kept bav.
........ lOt __ a DO't'el l!ItUt fa a f\!IICIIIat ...
Ike"'" _110 deUped tlIe 111. .__ IDa at IUTer-
llide. .. the aroeUtIfCt for tbe mt.t_ wan.
tve. He ~ed the entire cboru of .
-..IcaI comedy 1Iho. In to... to PI to the
wb.idl wtlI . . . . . . this hqlle ..-ee. aad [ Jean. .ndlo in a aamber or aatoll alter the abo. &ad
that the weD~ cll'C'ID - - . Joba C. Itobbi- t!ll!ft" with bt. ..,eda.I llpt1ns ~ be
- . will be Ia ebaqie of :ue.-.. UoIl, '1'1&8' took tMm aD fa IJrtc baDrooa ~ It . .
aade--Y. a cle't'er bit at baslnea

wttb _41
8U1,. Garwood wu do... f..-
MW&. Wllllaa
look at his oai_ tum.
Po" pod. ~
er to llue a ~ K7en neatly retanael from ~ K1U8r
IlaDch. at B1bf. Oklahom&, andbe me
of It .... of the t:lther aad aatIler Dn Gat be ha apbl )aIDed the K. Y. . . P.
there. Guwoad. Is .De of tile -.aT _ Ccapul,. and wfIl ...-r tD. ~.Bee-
bl tlle morie"arid. Be.,.. that Beuy l:ltbt ar-c. I I - . Bq witll u.e. Wwe.
hM IIIT1nd to take oYer . . of tJae A.-edeIuI OIl. ~ wta . . . . faIIIei *-t
............' for New Ted: a.- _ Jdnt,e
ecnapaa!ea, wbn. Thomas IUdaetb . . . . . ..... lCilwta left _ _ ............
the AmericIu:I.'. ar. bl&: ~ feet!! t Iw ..... ~ Ilekiadl Ilia wbo MJe .. __ ua. '-d:
me the pU'tk::lalar:a alut the -me. pft
IDY wont DOt to 1Il~ It !at ,.. ... ..... - . bestdes that .... t tHi! wUl be
keep Wth. SydDey Ayres is ~ ___ eatcllbl&' cold in ~
special photoplays to featuft G&nrood, tOl'
which we will all be clad. aDd IIan7 Pollard It ... "Capta.lll Al'VU'eZ" IlJ3ht at Wood.iey'II
with Marprl.ta I'1acher hu just eomDleted. a Tbeaa. _ the tt.b. and wunam D. Taylor.
ebarmlq ~ . uA llidfJv.mmer't Lcn'e Tu- no ill d1reet:lDc with the Balboa Compul7
de.~ ,,"tb Uttle Kathie Ftaeher 4p.rtns 1arKelJ' 1.oIl&' Beuh. and .bo wu the C&ptain Al'l'"U'et;
111. It. Kathie Is plD to a ~ fJehooi aDd La. the bic Vftacrapb. picture. r ~ If j -
it. crowm.. lD beiPt. c:le'terDl!* aDd. ....~
He. lIJoreo'er. told me that Georse FIeld _d
aDd bad to BI&ke a ~ BlUy
~ and p n an escellent Uttle l!IpeElCb.
Mt a '*
Winifred GreeDwood were really very badly All the VibcraPb bunch were there. eU . .
shaJr._ up III their mot.ercyele accident, and ID.aIlY aeton and act1"eAea tram ot!Mlr ...
that Gc!orp was oat. but that bla e1eyer wife No.. we are IookIq forward to IIfleiIl Ca:rl)'le

, ...CMlId be cotUIaed to the bouse tor some da~


Little Ka.! lfal'Rb was tn my oftk:e today. and

I5be III lIuch an unspoiled. deupt;taJ 81r1---o.o
dfeetat1011 at all She IJI)eab eo aleel,. of ber
Blal:kwell In -rile Splt1lre."

RectaaW Barker or the Kay-Bee haa just roe-

t1u'Ded r.-. the Graad Cuoo. w1If'!f"e a Bambel'
of . , . . . were taken tor the Important a....
ccapailiollS at the aeUaaee ~otl. and _,.. reel r.ture ptetllre In ..bich W. S. Hart III
that LJUlaIl Gillb. and indeed ber lIister ~ r.tved.. Bart is the actor .ho . . . La. the
th,..~. are lI..eet 81rlL It ill quite a treat to
bear her speak of all her' "rlnJs," aDd lIhe .-..
ortct-J productjOllll of "Tbe Squa. Maa" as.
"'The nrctataa... Charlte J'reach .. back with
Dot do it for effect., either. Mae JiIanh la taldD.S the Kay Bee. and Cha.r1a Ray, .ho [ met a
the part of a f_rteeayeu-old strl in "The .bJle aco. ..,.. that his 4Iftc:tor is puttiDc _
CtanamaD." ..hlch III bela.. produced by tIW. a' play In ..bfeb he will pia,. ..ea.k-wUW.
setrlu. David W. Gritltth. and Henry Walthall. y01lltPter opposite Glad,.. Brockwell. By the
Robert Hanvn, UDlaa Glllh asd lIary Al*n ......,.. Chartle ~ the reelpletlt or a haad. . . . . . .
all have btl' parts In this fine photop1a:f- portrait of hlmaelt. aent b,. a "Gall 1ad7 fa
Ambletoll. WiBCOnsln. ~aDle. p l _ !
They are eoDRi_tious artJsts at the Mutual.
for hall reduoed hi. ..elebt. DouJd
It ill Rl'J)rtaiac ho.. popular T1u: MOl'll: Pro-
Crf:8Ii ba -...-.J. hi. head and Jf.ary A.I4ea b
TOa.U. is .roand tJl.e studJOll, .ben 01Ul CODaiden
weut.... pads tD. ber ao.trl18 to belp the ran.m the IIIIt time it ball beea ia existence, aad . .
of "The C1aJltnDaD." The,. all do- it eo cheer--
fall,.. too. ud ..lthOtlt Itlil belue ~ to
I 10 rr-. at1Idlo to stadio the arttlltl!l ~ me

"""". atd ..,.. ")(lad JOU pat In lKIIIlethlnc aboRt

The 01; lIWdlOl!1 are very late1"eStlDI' to rialt at
thiJI t.ime. asd ODe can almO&t lm.-s!Dl! that CI'III! B,. a contract.. recenll,. t.erm.lnated ..ith the
I. la fatrylaDd. At. PftWDt they are bully OIl LJebler Compaay. the Ca11tonlla JIodoa pte..
tbe "Pal:c;b..orlt Girl" P'n!d Wood..'&J"d. . .ho ture Corporation hu M!CUrecI the exclusive mo-
.... for l!IO lo1l with P'raD_ Baum la hill pro- lion-picture ri&hb to "1lrL Wi&P of the cab-
dactloaa. is aGe of the IIlOIIt Intel'ftt!DS actors t.e Patch... .Ilidl, tb!"011Sh ita pathOl!l ....
there. and It is up to him to pro...e that he CUl bamor. hall deUcbW both .. a ntn'el aIld . .
"pt bt. aetJOIUJ <WeT," eTeIl 11 be ill COIIIlpJetely tderill& OIl the l"Cftfzn.t.e.tap. Allee Bee-.
ecn'ered up .Ith!! urlmal. Mia He appean Rice, wrotIl the book &ad collaborated. _
to be dotac It. too. Little Karle WaYlle. ..ho the play. ill no. ranked. tJtroaP. strea&th or It.
is the "'Gl.npr'" la the .. Patdlwortl:: GIrl." takes . . ODe of the foremost of Amerieaa wrttera.
naturall,. to the mo... tes. ud l!Ict1IaJI,. caacelled . Her ad'ric:e and crltlebma bave been aD laval
COIlt.I'.cta In Loedoa to 1'0 with .... Baum.. She able ~ In the prepu-atjon of the motl_-
-an It. is awf1lUy pod to be able to bave her picture l!ICeDario.
e'l'fJBiap to benell
1. P. McGowan of the K.alem ~ hu
[ ' - " tIaat Botlart Bc.wortII is ...,. . . . a
~, . . . of 1lb aM a.t
lIhand his b " , Of coune he loeb llb a
eoeTiet; tHT all . . wItea thJ are tILatil..,.. -------
..... T..,. ....... .
Il7TtJI - . . - . __ lien ~ . . . . RdeIl IhIaes .....-ed: that thq , . 011
fa -n.. 0( tM " . . . . . ___ coaYiet ~ .. CORnet .....,. is .... fa the

THE MOVIE PICTORIAL .4"f1U1 1, 11114

The Movies
(C TI ~,

. . . . wllidl t:NlIoII:r rr..-.

~ tMa . . . . .
PBPMED"''Iou crq,b I"8IIteC . . 1M -tr .....

- ...
'WOU'I'O IlIAKE-..SHOW tIaia ... w1uIt .. _ _ 17 & ""a:IIII-

. .A M "


....,. a.-.. I riIIItell ...,. '" til-. . . . ,
- . - p 01. a.e ..... ...,..
ne 8tra4 TMatre UIIll7 ~ . ,
. . . .' .... It ~ .. or.t8'
. . . 7 ~ ...... ,,:~ New Y..-IL 1fUl " .... ran.lclat.
c--. ....utPut ~!
e-.-....- -.~-
~ tM""'" tM - - .
'. ..

_...- -----

5 ..

~. It to tile ebltctchn 01.

.. ----
tbe tateriar tbe IIeuItr at. e=
Y... ... _ _ e.-. ill tn6L I - . t:Iu'M at 1M . . . . .

-.eatr" tna. tbe.,.... ad
-.tin P4I -me nnt cgae .. ...,.. t.a:r' ...
tuevl. . . . . ~ . . . . vl.1lIII ~
ebarad:erL It ..... rut ud faa,- ~ ol
ita kfad; . - - ao..,-tlalar ~ - - .

W ..... nI1eQ' to tbe bIlL " . . eI.e tile

tatkal reriew. . . . . . ol tbe iII'e'rioa . . . .
I' t biiA.. Actul _ vi. bItAlnIIt aj.
SCENAaJO WRITEaS ..... ~rrc..tM
. . . . ,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ProaIpt wtthta . . . . *""~
I .....
..-x ...,

N' .. of 110 _ aIIWI7 ta.. .".. . . . . .
) ... r

ad. ........ ar-e.

....... wttIl tile
Sa JUa roIII .. tUt.JIa,J'.
IXR-FDAT. PAGE a: ~AKY Tr.I::r. tIM fIl ' ph.,. rr- 1111
~CiIT . . -.t " -.' to Ute ~ fa..ub' wttIl the an- fill
tJPtIq" rr...tM eIIaGe to the 4!ied::rtc .ap.
-rbe the th.Ird t..k1" _


t:II:n to 0 - . aT..... I Ud __ ..
ccamaJc:atkla w1tJl . t.-,.. !'Ix' . . . . u.e.
. . . _ . . . . . - . . wti:Ja Ida ~ did 1 ~


that we IIuII.1" ~ tar the ~ tJI.

The .atiaa ~ .eeds 110....... u..

........ --..n.
.......... P-.,. "' c.-.....C -. F_. " - - A.- - . . . - . - New a-. ........ ":aIldac 1M. lItridea, lhe7 .,.. ~

-..-.- -_
T.e-o. c..-.. .... their ow-. c:Uoeatde. their __..... the
mea, ~ aa4 cbUdreD. who ...,.art them-


-* - . T_
..d wbeIL .. ClJIIUDodlty or artlde t. tb 0W1l
spoIUIOI' aDd -.tUfIea. 110 otb.. . mode of ~ott&
tlOD.tsll~ .

J~<!- ~!!!,
ahoat coa.t. or-....
"A.a4. ~'d ta.aca at thU OGtraee ...bea my
moae,. is at stake!" DoU:1 wbJ.mpered.., d.abbl.q
a lure ot. Iaee at ber 1MLbbllll eyes.
"11 is" Jack acreed__ be pa....ed 011.
portjcIaa "'of the apeda.l ddJ y~ _ TeIope _d
uaa:red. to look TetT Rrlo:u.. ..At &laY rue."
he added. ""Elbert. root.e had ODe ot hD Foote
feet fa tile a-adal 1P1Te. He .... cly1a& ..,.
IadLs-uul bad the tolIclu!st time keeplDc lb.
three ~ or .................ely bis wife., blm8elf
&lUI bLtaDt-!a _8 yud-"
DollT'a pe.tkooe had ~ed the IIDaPPiD&
me ~u 11M. !lapeL
polIlt, . . .
"[t's t.aay. too, Wal1tlll: eaatbl_ed. . . be ....
tic:ate4 the remaaats ot. the eaYdope. ".1" Ta-
tena.J'. [ took . . optila _ Foote'. t . b ~
ud if that optIoa Iaa"t tak-. ap. slow IIItar'I.-
ue. faces bbL n.,. haTe I'ooU _ the na-
ad [11 bet a tall Orlord apIILst a bleb beel
that he aettle. lb" OlIt ol cout----dUT. Dalb'.
we JIIut be earehll u.o.t oar p~ heoce- .-u
forth. U the con. lD. SmJthen' hide had -.I,.
bel!Il _ Foote'. foot_ M

......! M DoI17 -a_eale4. ""What baTe I to 40

w1th it, an,....ay!"'"

....... ~
...... ~ .. _ ~
4 ~~_
_-"--" -....- .-..-.
iI __
.--... ........
~ - . . .
-- '"Nothq more than y~ hue to do with yc.r
Sttn.. Jr.'"
"'Oh." the I1ri replied, ~tth smiles _qaer-
i!l& the 'elUnc~. "1 fore 10 tdl you
QUICK!!!! CIII:AP~!!!!!:!CC*I"LETI: COua:lIOR that the J'OIIIIIC e--tlemaa .. a .ember of oar
troape, [thlD.k that .. wby 1 haTe beea oea-
m-.c:b ollate. AIId be

~d ~_
IT. . . . :.,~-'==:-:....:._~ ":.t:::.=::~~t w - b_ the kJTelleK uwe wif~ perfect type 01

d ~ .. __ lInmette--tlDd .ec::retlY be b.&ta bloDd~
w. _ ,... c..,a..

......__----. ---
,.. -.1-.,. ... red hair."
Ir-.l-.ta c , ' .... ""Sa::r." WaJ.ltDc lD.telT'wpted. _ b.ta chest bepa

~_ ~' n , ~
---.---- ~ . .__ .F c.--.... ..__....... to fab.te. "'I bow bow to Illake I'ooU ..... b.ta

....... J_ . - I _ ... toe. [will ........... apolacy ...,. b.ta th~
with .eora~tha 01 YOU' aoaey----..d ...-at
..... - - - _ _

lEl'or~ __ S1'.-..s. ...-.


.""...... .,.. u.A


_4_ . . .

co... 140

sA %.11. T.
h.iJD. with two jwIpD_t . . . . I tto.p:t rn:.. 1lIa
CftIIiltan. Be ba8 .. borrar of ..........
__ --
... .. ' h.. at that, the _bole I"oote t.afl7 ha....
Tb.,. .... alwan kidtIaa! ..
(t'k 1tUf W..w.,. 8Cofy IC'UI ~ til tAe
.... . . . .t IS -..e.)
fiOSi5iP (f'" fLtIY:f..1lS 1t"'1~ iU-iaa
=- ......~~.~7~7~\~"~.~.~~.~7~"'~
. ....." . . . . . 87'- . .
, 7' .. ,.:.
.-: _
REf "'-- I I '
. . . wttIl_~~
go. aa-:N

_ .............,. tM . . . aiPt. It
...u,y ....
~ all .......

aDmr 6eIIcIUtU
.Job E. Iaee., the LabIa aet.elrd1nlctor, baa

w1tIl. nilreMa _
01 tz:aflil--iwt d - . . thea .. & _ _
a __
of ~
oJI. Ute at!Hr ....,..
.... 7

..... ., ~ ."tM ...... 1nJIe _ IlJiI ".,. bI BetswoelI, 1Me', car .....
. . . . &lid he staI1:ed. _ & 'W'1W. to caCiCIl ~
., ~
-n.DR ~ . " e( wUdl
...-.e fa tIIle '*
.t. ~ tta.lJa wlLlck maaill &hrM ~ lei
0n.T. tIIle . , ' m.. La the 1IDeOII.troIIaWe fill & iwwd be Jr.I,.
. . . . Mweftr, bII lICIt ..... aIIowuce tor. ..-rt be ria lato &lid fndt . . . . . tor
.u.n. .... ,.teet1_ were u.e
-me aa4 wWdl. he . . . taIIa to eovt, tJuoow.. late a
4lac7 cell ID. a poD. Katloa:.
tJaeIr ~ from h-.e ~baa: eui1er:
tw, ..... ..naJ at the u..t:re; . . . . . . the tor
cHIcle ~ --.uac .. tM ..u. so. ...
ba...... &all 1aqbelI. .-:
tried. to "'pu cn-er" & . . . , aboat
..... IlJiI P1lrIJe Is ...... hUQ" tq cetdl & traIL

~ t o " ' ~ M " " ' ~ ___

. . . . . Ia . . pIIery. u..I ... reT. . . . Ilo!r

tile . . . . . . . . .
~ tile,... . . . . - ..... lace Ud
_ wait Qt!J ai4 .... IIlIIeVIIIl late 1a tIM aDler-
1Is." aet _
., tbe "y- type . . ~.Iler- ...... tbe repa1r allot to hUTJ" wU:Il IUe car,
~ , . . . . . waa to

_ he waUda't tnIR hlmR:U to try to catdl

. . wttIl a ~ 'rie'W tra. Ute pIIery.
bsbo - - - .
~ P!LDIJ.- ... ...... witJt. the UIll-
.enal tMI ....,. JeM- fa tIIle I-. ~ .... Ch.arteI Ode. w witb tbe tlialTenal e-.
tM ~ of rruk. c:r..e. __ ~ ,..,.. ".. for tile ~ , JII*'tked
... fIar..s.T . . . . - - . Ia ......,. re- ........ _ t _ tIte 'I'!M ~
I - . ... wm. .. r'e!IIle.llft.I. belt for Iler wtJda ....... ~ ta lIIiI~ ~
~ fIl. lIoIeIt7 .. ~ " ... tar IUe eb'oq' pa "lQ"'" tile YenatIIIt:r
f . . .Hr ..-II: wft1l Hary . . Dbey ~ ebowa lD. bJs ~
J..... PL..

J'~ W. s.ner had a ~ _ 1-. BartIan. Teaaaat. wba a dliId, ..,. IIlIaclJM.
eoe....ts-a11t7 by . . . . . . . .
11. ad ".. . . . rrc- earl7 .onIaI' till lata Fta "DE. ...,i"*"-'T 1nI1'D
at aJ&':t t"eClIIh1q' lift&, ~ . . MOcntr. a pietve '-dI:
'natak1aI' ~...,. wtth
IIItow_ lD.tbe ~ . . 1K!r
_ u~_...
U - . la tile ....e.Jac a ~ JIU"t7 waa
heW. ~ .. cadet-. acdaa _ tl tr at teo. of the --d.lD.c" Me l'llICIIlftt rr- ....... 11IE PHOTOPLAY SCENARIO
.... ,...... ~ tM -u._ _ tor doiac sodl. . . udJpdld t:.JaD&. TIle.en the bat: 6tde boola . . die oa!J"
time elie ..... .enlII!II . . , . . . . m New T.-k ODe ot its bDlL Bay it at allY
of die t.-.ta, 8IDUe7 attn a ~ .IlaIw after . . b4 a 1l&IDIl!I for IIeneIf _ a.. .... 7 Or write to the
Itte before hl.m... The delldoa delJcadelI
IIen"ed weft ~IJ' PNPU"I't ..,.. Ills bride JcltJm.ate IteCL A. friead t.t.ce4 Iler . . Q..(XD p i - arne ~AIIY.""AQ)
lD. aad lIee a pla,. lD. whldl. . . , . ~ "..
of a te'llt' "eea. LlIUe Le.Ue. .taI'Tiq:. 8trac:t by the bates Pi etadoll of
"LlWe 1Iary'." ablllt7 ad the r.I ........
Viola Da&a. who played the lM4' la -rbe

tDa.ltj~ of m.otIoa. plctus. . . T. . . . .
Poor LIttle Itidl GtJi... mMe ber photoplay
eborUy afterward aIc:Md a caatnIet wttIl th
debld. I.A ~'. "1loIl7. tJM DnuDmer BoT," Ed:atr nbD C~pe.ay, bl wbOM.erTtCll abe/b. .
... Is .w:ta ~ ...... p&ct:aree beooaie .., wdJ 1r.IacnrL
aM. ua. ....... _~ la -1tJdl, tM
Ia. sl'.~

pDJen wa-k. .W1lea ill aut aeedoelt at tIM!! . ._ I ......

..-_IlOl _.

GordGa De llalae. ~ _ _ . . tIM &:1:
. . . . . . .... MIt ~:. . to report. tar weft

_.-- 1
_ .....
---& llOYd aperleaee a1'tft' tbe '-c . . . of CIlIIior e-a-a.J, Ua "'reel"" catafUl ~
_ortt I. the Broadway _ bt nidi. lIbe ~_....,.~tau.. _el -=:.,:,::,,=:
-nutTeD fIl ........ Ia ...... te .....
ta prt-. _ -.ell , . . . . . . ..... ~---
Jam. ~ a bc'aItIMr . ,.-ut- 1Ac:ka.Te. ~ te bear CIa a New' T.-li: GA::Ial. ad
~_tly De liI.a.LD.e dauled. a IIIlit ot. m-Ipes
u4 . . ol tM: bIc ~ - . at tM vtta.
~ IhdIG, liM IaaMlI bl IIJII ""'p...... EO aM. leanaed the "'loebtep map. ~ Be ew..
that Ina. .&a . . true ~ . ~ taM .., be madill ..eral biads ...-c tile 'nCaIu:L"

~ WI role .. ~ .... ..,....n,. tbt
ot tile . . . at ..boN apeaa tile ta.&tls - -

IIattJ Roabert I. to be 1a the _ ..

~OaJTerAl 80,.- .ertfS, ..hid!. w1Il ......e a ~
1~ eYery other week aDder a.. lap braacl.
A. compaa,. bell4ed: by rtOf'lCBee l"W1"CIICle . . .
Matt 11_ of the l~V1etor U ~
e-paay spea.t ......u .... -. the . . . fill
Wl1lialll. H. Ru-.ell, a 1D.1lUeaa1n of A ' ood.
Cl~ N. 1~ d ........ the Ma&t-. of a twoo.reel
r'OlDUitie meloclramL "or ~ ~ die

"'. ...-
TIloqlt . .,. ...... J'eaJ"S old. Kaa:;:,. 1l.u ~ sroaads of theee R adeoa Rber . . . .tOllll baYe
la pI~ fer "l!'I' f'oar yean. Not oaI,. la be
OM of \be e1everetlt cblld playen 011 thll M:reftl.
but a1M oae of' the UTeU__ Wbea It I. time A1bert C. Froome. _ new addltioD to the Tha.a-
for a see.IIe, thoacIL. his ID.bclUeYMW Joel_- bODRr fol"CCS.. aDd I'r& ~ ODe or
d . . ~ &lid 1M ls .. 1IIw:h IDtere.Ked. the "old reJ.labIee. ~ p1l1 a Uu1D la ooe of the
ID the sac:eees of' the I1lItU" .. the po............ 1lI1UOD. Dolla:r K)'St.ei'y" K'eIlf!II late:ly wb_
they 8et radq boat ... are uuI tho jaaped
Boyd Karshalr. onJy tault, ac:cord.1Jlc to ooe oat, their clothes all abIue. J-. before it _.
of Lbe Thaah_ _ d1rec:tors. ls that be sa..... ploded- LJfer1a&rd8 aad ~ --...en bepa
~4eraIlb _ the . u ~ I l & ~ " At eIpa.l1ac, aM ~ the Amerk:ea C'IlI' Wader.
ft~ tbft'e ..... & IlUle hsttuq '-'t &triac ""Vaaftle, ~ stood. ready to etTe her ..utaaee
Boyd. adlledc r'OIeI Is wblda be said be -w. oW Director II.auel ..-ed. the won( that It
perf'-. .......e.. or ... Uwe." bat upa' wua'\ a ~. acddeD.t. bat a pnl&J'TeapJd
~ t the Clnlct.oYs that wbew, Boyd euuJly
u1d be c:oo.N ...un ......e"'" or riCe ... Ut:tle....
baw- 18 1 The IlCtor's - .
ea-t ",I\ef of tile spectat.on.
ately to the

==..... ..
be llleaat that that W1UI the thlq be . . . _ _ oIiI-*_ _ ~ _ .....
::"z;':- ii;:i:I '==- ~ ~
- ..
ODe WOClkl DfJftl' for ID.Ja1ile ~ the
IIuy PIckford aox.loal,y _t tllroq:It. the __ .Alee B. P'ruac:t. ...-.0 plan tile role of the ow.
DlPt el ~ J:acIe'. MaW' at tIM ~ .. _oeIIIl&Iter I. EcleJr's "'1'b.e ~ of TbeeP. M

I' - - ' 11.- ,.U C 7 FaEE

willa . . . . . . pIQw tile aDd, .... wttIa tH taiL ~ .... ta f .. 11
-=.w:::;;a!J' 1 .filer .:::;
. . . . atb!t' tM par
New T..-. JIee( wttIl IIU't7 wbk:ll ~
Own. .......... otMr RNeIl . . . . . . .
.. ~ .... I'"." Ia Alee B. rra.ets .-
ae.-.. ~ Ifr. rn.dII Ia bowa ..
IIetq w...... _ ....... fa ~ roIea.
o n wr
ClIrrr. Tm


a..u.u p~ ~ Ik.-G.lad.n JDap- A.trmca,. Itr. I..oma. JIo.-lV.arIM!r". r.tvea

bary was !In. W'UftIl III the BaRt7 meue. does ... bQ ~ Kea&doL It .. ~
"'Her ~... We acree ~ ,-. tJmt tJals
~ ia a IItnaC ~ JM.a. at.
tUtles Pt'O'ft tItat the ~ uye daoe maeh
l y a ~ a e - q _ . . . . . . . . ot
ffata:n . . .... B. P. 8c:l......
IIClSUio 8111.. fII. tJt,e . . . . . . . I'tQen rum.
to......-d w1p~ _t the aIoooa. Ce-paa,. aM. caa be re.eUd. by ..wre.Iac
!lim m West !Ct!a st.. New Tort. OtT.
R.&aa,. C7H.. CBJC.uao. Iu..-Edward )(ortJ-
mer PIIt7ed MDUe Soria" l.a the ..Nept1me'. Euna H., Da ....... Iow.a..-DoDaId. Criap
n..pter'" p1etue. wIlk:b 70D ..... T-. tbe was the raItdl foremaa, aM. Ji.aJl* Lewis the
)Ik:tare Wall ~ t:a.II:a la Bermada ad the oatI&_ fa JI.ajerItic'. ""I'U ~ MaL"
INUlIIq . . . _ the JII..IIlce fa the IJID is Ia ~ Clary . . . u.e
rIP1 . . . .. 8c!lIIc"II
Can You reaUty ~ _ t HoaR. "SIJ...... I'mpn." .., T. QenIa HOI-. ad

RapIeJ- a--. are nIa&ed . . . lla'ft . . . . JIIaJ".
Write? -EDmo:t .......... ~ P -BIIaI JlU.
ford .. the IIenUe of ~ ' r.atUn
rr-c. l.-see." .. :r-. _ :row triad . . . ~ t
lq' .. ......,. ~ for

EuuaihJL Orr"'.... A, 1t.L.--rbe JI1'ste'r7 of

.-,. . . p d . - ....... ~ , . . 1Rft: the OM . . . wu ~ the . . . . IIaU" .. ~ ~ reae- ef
...,. It. Write tile .-rest 1Inada of the GeD-
. .. tW of jooot wLot wood
:'r_? . O. J'. D.. OM........ MD.-Both the mlaak'r. enI ra- ~ f'8lIU'" it oct yoa eu
... the bII-.I k'otber pu1:a ba ItaIl!IIl'. -nae 110 bted1,. oIItabI nIbble booltlns.

.How-la .... do,.._ JiIUteI'

ford.'" were takeD by Geo~ lIel-
T!u:lJruJf. LnTu: B.oc~ A.a:..-WM Dot
~ of wLot "1aJ'~
JI'uiey ill DOW IMetIac: wcaaa or the Alboqaer.
lI..uG.uln 1 .. D.uLA&, T'n.u.-A. plct1U'e of 41IIt nJa . . .1If.rlc:tuia.C Compaa,J aDd Ule
It, - I .. , it) Kt. LoaJa J'UeDda ~ bl the KardL, ilia .. _JUdI. Me appears are betac ftleued.
DUn " - - of PIlotoplay Ilapatae aad if JOII ~ WarDeI"'. I'eU:1Ires, 1Dc... Mr. G. P.
w111 fonranl 15 eats to Ute .........._ a CO'Pl' IIutfIt:.c.. ta her d1ncto.r we 1UIdentaltd..
n.- two boob.

of tIlat _ _ wiD be _t}"O'Q.. :nnt try YOUT

Ccwnd FngIi... local llIe1ndf'Sle!'. PIlGGT W ~ ~GTO:I". 1lIca.-1(1Irld Ostrlc:h.

hu 1Jeea blternewed. "'" PlrOT'Ol'LAY 1l.AcIAZUE.
.. A. B.c.. 8olJTO~. ~-Tolllr DOIt-de-plume Tou mast ".e IIlt.ed the ilardi. DUllber III
r_hub ... of a eertaIa ~ of IDl!lllIatcln. Which th. article appeareet.
""The Ccw.ect WanI bvt the Dolb' Lartda aow appeariD& Ia FroaUe:r

I.IIu is the MIlle Dolly. t.rk1. wbo aed to be FuDA G., L~UJIIAJ'Of.UI. In.---Georp Holt
lie the bat We " e oua , . -er . . . with Labi.. JI'lortoe G&riaIld 111 the other ctrl w.. the lawyer III Vltq:raph'. '"TIle Lout WI11"
... boat yo. . . .ell abo..t. od Sir WIllIam ..... Otto Leden:r.
.. ~ lie by- , ,,.
T _ cI .... " ' - GWL'!:-.x.JJ(& .,~ 8&:lr ~ C&L-Tbe roJe ., PA~ 11, Wl':'\':'I"r::a.AQO, JlI~:"'.--8tel1a I'>Hm0Dcl,
......... _~e.- .... Beary VIII .. tbe 1Det_1Idt.- re.tare. Ole abow I1r1 Ia K.aII!m'. -rhe SIlow GIrf'.
".bae 8oIeyB"...... tabtl by . . .&..DIert riecoear CIoTe.." ...... A.ltee 1lbIBater. We d._'t tJlIa1t Ute
- ,.J _
.... ~iOIU SJJj _ _
,., Hl- of die 8anla BenahaI'dt Tbt!!&ler. Pu1.&. ChIst ~ bM e-.ted: Ute 'WVtea ~
I. lU ~ ~ J"l't. Ttl. coaat ataI"lII
.-... ~a
GLA.on L, DALl...&&, TEu&.-Ven. sa- ....
.. ForM Ia the Vk:tar drama "'The CaD ...
after the fttes are all'" Glad yoa U1te the

IKVE5T NOW! Back." tJttJe Billy .I. . . . . . . Ute boy . . tile

SterUac comedy ""PQa'. BoT"'. Fa..'!:.B.. 8.A.... . ru....CPK'O. CAL.-TK, Harold
a.ouo PUBLISHING co. ru.."C'D R., bDLUl'.-oLD, bnt..-DaTe Wall
Loekwoo4 .... the ~ who appeareet oppo8t,e
IbrT P'Iek1ord fa tile Ilma J"O'I --.t1aL K.r.
11............ OWCU;O . . . th ~ .. tbe.....,. fII. tM U'dl. ~ ............ with a ....ber or other
. . . . . . tM ~rw--rIte ......... . . aD ., lab I"eCeIIt wOrk ball beea
Pwt ., 'ne ~ 1IIed;. ' - e wttIl ....... P'Ia7era. aM. UM.. ~
cr...- ....,.
of tM K - . . , au. ...u.. wa'e ~ lit ~. eautonda . . . . .
JIdm'e .& ~ e-rt. u.e Lab- at t:Ite ....... ~ e-...-Y. Be aM. ....,.

H eI CoMIud .... ~eloe..-o-w. Pa

' F
__ " " " " " t t . t I i
.... Pidfonl are BOW' 1a New Tad:, 1acnreftr.

: %.~.......
...... s...s.r.- ..................
........ ~ t M
iIttac Nt--. .,.. GeUI
b:F ""a
.&noW Dlab, tile
.....ctl-. ""I1le CU"II. 1IbrpL" ..L. K...,
ea.t . , n-me'....... lleBe
t'oIInN: rch;..,""".Aot::t;..t..-tto
fill. ow. I

. . . Bl'odnNl1; roe., _ _ Hanb ; I ' -


"S_oan- c..
B'D"I"IS, ~~...,. wail 1IVe.leR, J"ru.k --.e; ....
7 Mr.
~~ lbe Br.~ BUTia at the two reel [qaJao T......
..... "'the~~
ea-m B" Cl.zqu..-. Omo.-T. . ~
~~ ....m-elL, N. T.-W. K. Rtt:.cM7 111 Panette . . . "'1'_ ~ fa ~ ' . " .
etTa creItt for the pIcUft _titled "Blotted. B __ WraaPer," . . . . . . ~ no JIIQeI

.......:a=; o.t," ~ by Labia .ery !'ftII!atJy. hJ:8 wife ..... lrCriam Cooper. LDd Dot J'r'uloeUa

-- ... -
T. . .
-. a.--..
EX1L s...
Xn:. ACla&, wu~-rrnllC e--
mtap, ~ ~ pktla:nt won., ... a
-.etor. ...-rtac _
ja'ft&ile with .e..-enJ .todt ewD~
til,.... VA.'!:
-.Iete ea.t
a.. O':U"'o...... CnT. OIU..a..-TIM
eoID.elIJ", 70LcMt b7
fill tile Ila
HaIr," 111 . . toUoWII; Tk rt:~ .uor. PIdJ..

otlt the Ualted Sta.ts aDd we beUeft be ..... 11. . 8IDaUe7; ...,~ loe Itt. .: a .....
.u..- ~
for IIe""fft1 weeb at.....
eoaaeeted with lbe DaTicboD. Stock of yoar db'
~ that ..
~ ,ui, Lota Wdtel'; ot~ . . .tUr ,ilrll:. II:Da
Ba.l1. Bettl.e Sebd.e, .... a-trice Vu. TIle:
appearM. ta -ruu," "'Way Dowa Eat. . . . . eMt . . . . . . IIOt 11ft the aame 01 the actor
T_"""'" -ne ... '" tile""" ...... apparN . . 0. eflebrated usor.

-.- ---
tIM Boar"' _ BIII.-
.... eaaac'p'rt ..... _ ~"IMdl... __
~ UIIba a....n La "Wlldre." IbI:a....- J[. W~ JI'T. lVem'1l., 1'D..Aa.-JIUIer
BNtMn ~ an . . . . lit eMIr 1~
one J*:bW-
... ..,.Ie __ LAG_ New ~.. L.L-ra- . . . __ (J'h)

. - Y . sr-......,~

................ _ n. pT
tIile ~ d."~" 7

-"""'" ........ _-ar" tIle .......... -'Irt:r

. . . . . . . ., . . . r......- . . - u e . l
QtIM . . . . .,.... b--. . . dtJ'.
1be 00ft1' ( I ' .;

a beupliWy wltnd
.q ;, l
Mary Pickford.
1be ,."dette .... i.ue
is "The Mao OIl :be.Bcm"
and :be other st..ri .re
all Palm from :be DewCIt
and most popular 6lms.

ben".'IIIO'Iie the fuIuw...

wiEh __

E_ _ Wootlruff
C,."., Wil6ar
MtUy P'tclifunl
William GtmJJooJ
Helen LinthvIJ,
JamtI Cruze
Dwodtg FarItty

Confessions of a
Ie , T. . . . .
r-fiat" , a' J
T. . ..,. . . . . . .

Scenario Editor
Laura l,....nI
Heart Specialia.t

An Art Sedioa cE p....

~J"'ISand 100 P'tdma.

0. . . ., A..- I"
. _--.-
For You

_ _ ..... ~ -
- " ' , -

-r_... ..........._
....... ....-~

...... ~-~ ............_1--


... _--- ....... _-.--


..... o-., _ _ ._
.-.... --=--

" -- _1_"0_
... ...,~'"'_
...._ .. 1
_-- _


.. -~


... _- .. ,

~ _----~

-----------_ ..
... ....................
Pria lOCDm

Read this Burns' Installment

........ ..,

"Y_'ve set the Pace"

We quote from one of thousands of conimendatory
Icttrn rttti.ed by us ICioting to THE MILUON DOLLAR MYSTERY:
"Yo...'n let the pace in film prodaetio... with THE MILLION OOLLA.R
MYSTERY. Certainly JO" ban brouciit to liCbt the 6..._ pbotocnpby, the ......t
beaatifaI settinp, the bnt balanced c_ of cbanctc:n I ban ever ICen in any
pbotopLay. Tbe exceptioaalJy cood- That this movie ..ill .... bli.b a
Dew record for i. a forelOlle conclusion.."

1" W.dsl
.- .1I.l.1O.
LLA 1" W.hl

., ..
z _ _....
-, !('S 7 7- ftdat Pi , 7

THE MILUON DOLLAR MYSTERY is bmlg reIeued in 2-rttI Episodes once

ncb week.. The entire production tak.. ~ reels. Episode No.7 b.. just been released.
Booltinp for all Episod.. can be arranged by applyiog at ooce. THE MILLION DOLLAR
MYSTERY is aa indcpc: f t rdeaae ad may be ~ ~ til the rcpbr ~ bciDr: acd.. Apply to


71 Wat . . SII \ New Y.. HI WatW DR 2S S2I s,OS 2'
.. _ ~ Ccapw cc ..,...... .. _ ..... _-ee:-6L
. . . ..... . . . .UA--WEEII
A..nIMr - - . .
....... --.~~-..L
e-, La.-.... F_ ~
l..on,.a-ia_rerho. !'onrayH tty
-..-, - w.a --.- AcleNr*-." 1i&~~F_.
M.yn: 1bJl. J- S. -.n,... __ ...-u Lcwia.

.... _ _-:coaPOIIA'DON,New
fIUI . - . ....
.~ ....... ...
__ - . . . . . . No Y
~ --",.~~
~ c . ~

_ ... ...,s-sl

The world', a'..-st clekC z

tin, cloid of the aiaJsry WiJ~

...... J. Banu lmuaatioal
Duecti.e A....,- aad ntIloc
CO.T".TS .. dae reaadtahIe Kria no-

COVD I'IIOI'OG&AI'II tided "Hd" t. 1M $Mw" f
IW MiIIio. n.o.r MJUn'7"
JIZ, ,
,... $ .. c' " ....... ..",
DOW appeariol iD eacb iliac
of dae Movie Pictorial, io ....a

="~~ 'T.U:::n
...... _-

. 19
to the .e. .t of tIUs capoint-

iaa ...,-rycl~so... to ....
clowa the t b will Iacl

"""'rI. . . . BIlk .,.,.,.- -. 2t ... oobotioa '.. tbia' -,._
'''H' """lJ.

......... ., ......
'; 5

CllTET' AT CLOSE aIi.l'IGE. . J-.. _

IlEUS TO TIll: SOUJ'l'I()N 01" "TJII) IIJU.IO!'( IlOlL&a .\StU ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . .?
n. ...... Cid
I--. 15
.......... ' d i 16
z _


AT TIll: LASJ[T S'IlJDIOS He IdI that he d 10 -.I c.-e

r_ ... ., r"..'..' ri.....~.
A -... .' I J'd: d ..... nay pUce
rdan:d to ill TIle Ili5.. DoD:.
s.n.z. Mpury 1Ip to tiIis a.c.. He:...-aes
THE IlOVING PlCTU&E GIi.lIE . .. tJa.: lie willIG ~ tJac llwpeaoc
I'Id ~At FeftJ 1 n.- ., ....... tile . . . . d Ie'e t:Ite L-f-wil
THE IlAUNG 01" AN Acru:ss look ill at the pnae- - r i c:-.. Oft!'
the ..u - _.iI co throqlt the 1iIlcwy.

o,-tmub receptioa haD., ~'. ' - - ' - 0 -

_iDe Ute ~..... ail .. to tIte
IlOVlE!'IE1rs .' . . . iIJ.ud _Itere Joees ! c4 to . . . ,
J -.._
_ _ WiI60 31 the .,stu'"
the aM ,
chcR-wiI CO tttr-P
.... die Ilien
EASI'Ell1'I snJDiO l'IQi'ES 33 wlilere tile ~ -=-:r '
riI ... s-..' ~-ri1 .me

iato noery _ _ .... c::nmry u. ,..

_... _- _--
lane . . . . . . . tM kJ'a:L




_ .. _
~. .


_.... ,-........ "----

wa.&JAa __
. . _ *e llOYD J'E'I"OaJAL . . . . . . .
'lAf: . . . . . . , -
DOl..lAtI_ alii

. . . . .,-.y. 'ne'" Iftick

...,j." ...... ..

The Movie Pictorial

ant.,-. MOVD I'lCTOalAl."
. - . n. ....... ~ ..
~ ..,' '- .....
8 So. DeartJona SS.c.rbe=ett, CIdeaco
,...-- 51 CIAL

Th<o Life Story of Carl La=lmle- Figbt~r

_OIIE . .'
Impressions of Lubin's Ilctzwood P1aDt-
'Wh~~ East Mttts Wnt" ...... .............-
..,.. ,.,. . .1'" ...,. ....

nellOVIE PIC lomAL

An Inrq,ic.. with John BttDllOD-
The IWem Comedian
And ADothcr J. "Rufus" Walling Story
............ _....
................ ...
....--. So.. p ' (C:wo
n _



HuoId MacGratb'. New II aDd e.-' l Novel
Atbadi.eIy" I .. cIado

"The Adventures .of Kathlyn"

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play Magazine;" OR for a four months' subscription
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EacJ.eiI ~ W $LSO ......hidl pIe.e __
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Se..l u. yow 0WIl '
tllatof_of.,-fJ * __
, - ClIpJ' of .... and IiOaIl NOW

... fog
-.A tlor dot~ ...... _ .. "Tloc .u...m.... 0/
ItadlIya. ..
N ~ . ~-----
T $t." "'~"""""""'" _.. _...
L__ ~l1:.:'IL:::Sf~,~,;:.=z:r:.~aPC=~M'o:!O:"...;,_.J

The Moving Picture Game ~

At FQrO' I Throw My Hat into the Ring

.......... .... B7 Frank M. Wiltei mood ........ Ia,,..
a mIN ttl !..
...0 .......,._ ---- ....
,. ..
r ... '-IIF. . .

......,. 1JIIIt ar a. ~_.dlat._ r..

. ..
JlI& & .. " .
-tr r

.... _
...c. ---- . ..-_-
T. . ~ .A.

tit. .,. '--t.
...... -...a.
.... ~
Ia ......
""OIl. ,..... If , .
:r- cItIW... I - - - .

It ..

_. ., . .

. . . tW."n .
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r.-...,......,. ........
1 ..... or - . r.-. ~ liaIb' t . ..,

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--,..... -na
. t:rJ'-.r


... -e ... wIliIIW. at . . WOI'IL
at .cit. ea.,..... ,
...-... .. ..m
.., ~
....,. ....

Aft!r . .


he' _

u...1MtI_ .....
tIM ...... aM tut*.
It II. nreetJMut. 1 .,.-
u. aD. I ~ tttat. ....
. . . . ., _ fMC. tUt Mow.---.. Ma I a - . .,... _ ...... _
...r.t- .... Ulat,.. I
-,._ ..,. _ . . . . .
. . - . . of . . . . . ~ (If WCII1t _ ......... ......... , . . tM atNIt ...
. . . . edItar. 4naatie erItk. ... e.tve W'I'ttI8r. ... _ ...... carl*. nt ' 11 a.-- _ t!Ie ~ Ia tile _ontac. wm a-
......... aot -eaMJ' 01. ..,. ..-t tIaat I tN _tIWl -wrot IIarIea TM _ '-lI. , . lib T-e ~ r
-w. Ill. I
..,.. daD_
Mea 0-. of _ ~ t
tt.e!aarpf .,. __ fII. tIM!
t .... ndeI.7 .
J::r Yftl~ Ute aU .-eItY
....... cr-a4 ~"".-.Ie

Aaaa sad I ..... It tapoaaDlIe to

_ atrodou
tIM .
"1'JotILIa& Wter 1steI'.N Stella _ _-wed
p.Uy. . . . . . _ ab-.L
A.f't Stella IlM 10M to sleet that ..... t _
k:1ded17 w00deli stlxT WTItt-. .,. ttl. u-Mes. .. we sat tII_ bad to. 1I. .d. 1Mt c:o-etI: ta ow ....u. .latq.rooam, bAa aa4 t
tl:Ie aiPt edttGr. I U4, of - . - . aot ' - - Stella ..... aqoJ"ft' with dellPt.. _umy ..... weat "to tIM U'riDe ..-. MUI d..-. the . . .
of tbe ~.. wll_ I )1 . . til ..-eDed
the be writiII& aDd 0It the ~ 40wa to M:tuI
_ _ _ _ of the ahcJrtoDmJaca of ... bldl _e n'o
were _ SiCU:eb' .ware.
aDftJ7 ... _ aot to . - - . beI'. -.t ' " " '
~te _ u. tbe ... I'MdJac taIIle . . . I .w
...... The Depb_ bad _ . . . . . . tID his .-de W1Hs It Per sad we _ _ oat __ the
at _at that Me IlM _hi.... ft1'7 .ertou to
uu.t I ... 4-.It __ c:neIb' wtUa his literary d6nnalIl .Aaaa kJuked u. ..e _d ~ : .,.. '!'bill U4I eome . . .,. thIIea .vbIc .... -a-
~ aM lb. UIlN ........ bad o-.e --rite wont I 8'ft'r aw _7111'11_ _" tile all. ~ ,.... of -.arrted lite, --. 01 fnaIt _ .

....-.tlJ' lBto 11I.7' Ilaada. fClrtbt1cllt c:ut:Iac ... of _ t a to ... _t

At tile door' of Ute . . - I called. h - - a u - "Let'. 1I.ot talk aloIrt It __ .~ I ~ie4: MOtJI. .... wtaere we lItooll. "
~ fa Harlem ~ b ~ W1Ic tacb'. "Let'. CO ....e. Stel1a oqht to 1MI tD. "'I . . . . . Idea," abe _ _ Ci"8ft1y......
... "-&tlter, tbelatter Pi of I!IfteLos. rahc!od bed at alii. o'dodl; ~ _.lPt. Sad! boa,.. !'or p l _ lie pod 1~_" _.
doa' JatJerrqit
to IIteet ae. w1th wttJa ~_
1' q Sonl mraaDtUwP-
ra.-. 0.. daDCII at nrc ot an. rw ,..
.,.tace .........
to -.TIaCle l II
~I . . . . . . . _ _
...a 40IIan
the - . , .

_ 4aa.,,,-,
)eft . ,
:r- ....

... _--
. - . h 1 , '-at wile. tM ~ w1aL It

..._ ..
I ..... tMa. . . .

--- --
~.tbat-ow t.Ia.t.a - . aD ....
..... W~. _ ....... w1II .....

--- ...
laM toW. _ tUt 1M
n. ...

.... - . tit aakII
~ _

~ " 1'
..... at.-. . . Ute _~,.. . . . . IIL
. . _ .. oIIer_.

tnt daaacle. tIM7 ....
tWr .ure ~. ~-aa"", -.


. . . pi t lei to \Ie.
-. -.-.. wr.- :r-'"
r.l'. T..'N .tlil
..... .&.aaa..,. trlfe.

........... ..
1ICIacIY- 8 I...
kJe,f ot..,.
_ _ 1 ,,~,.
.t.e _,.

..... _a7 ....

. ...
tIlIi-e lib tut ......,. ..", , I'"
aIPt -.tll, w-.. ...m."

........, ......
tIaat It
__ .till -aeI r
"'K-. it
-.aa ..
~ ~
,....,.. I

.. '.1'1
,.... ....
__ .. ~ ~ .. r --..... ...
,..-a7,.,. ...


_ ....
6 8,111.'

4alI 1
't ba........
, Iaa_ _
-W: ,

Thoughtless Ce~80rship
_ ..' . . . . .-IL.:""

..' _ . WIi-

...... --.....,.. ..... ............'.r: '>-It

.... _ '
...... It to... It's thIL W1Q'
. .It ~ write - - . . . .


.... ..-.- - ......

................. .......
- . " Of

........ ,

c.N . . . .! I~,.._
_ taaJcbt. [ 0 - , . . _
do ...... dat.p tta-. ,......
.......... all til-. ~ ~


~ ......
aD thIa t:t.e. ...
'.... ....


__ ..t'aI-


alwan . . . ..
. . . . t:1ltbe
na- an
JOlt .. ,...

7a. ta
.... ....... -.-r ....

----_ .. ..
MIII.twoa., . . ~ ...

. . . . . . . . . . . of t:MIr __
..- - . MIt. IaJM,er J9lIL .AaI ...
_. . . . work tb.,. ba... ...-. ta
...... , . . . ~ ... :r-
.-It. lBT ...'t:r-n.Il_IfIl _ de art: f I l _
' r" .&.l
a.t_ . . . . .
0.'" ..... ...,... ........--'
.-ctIItc - .

___. ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -..e.t ... ~t-. ~t

' tr ..._US ...,.. _


.... TIle tIlIIN , 1 .....
the '-d:!'" flO ..... _ . . wtI:Il' ...-ald air ' .. 1M . . . . . . ' ' ......
I ..... " '''"'OT. _ wIaat .,. . . ,..ftc" - . ~ I Te- ~.
... -at tID .. u._ ......... au tile . . ...... w1dl _ _ ........'ot 1 .... . . . I .aIlNiI at . . . . . . 1M - . l . . .
.... .,. 1btIla , . IfteIa ~ ~ . . _ ......,. __ 1M rr-t ...
-u che .. aD
I.-c w.M..
it we _
- - . daM: 1Dt_
Ah.. ......-..-..
_ .......t_
.... ...

"WUt aIar7
' dI. _

IdI: . . . .

tw. _
t:MIr IaIIl
...... ..-m." I - . . . . _MnflT. ".a-. u 1 JlQl:r- to work __ .....' kIIIdF tIIle ....
1 baft _ W. . tao. TIM" I I - IIlIr ...... d-," .... -' ..;
.-. _~_
" 7.
~ Ole ... dlaace, ia't to -. ro.M. Mn . . . . . . . . . . few - . . . 10abll at bla _ _.. _ 1M

.. 1'1..- yon. Tben ant too....,. rath.. II 'tall,.. au. : ,
haft &1- _ ...,.. ~ -o.t Ia&o,ta.t
tq tar JoIt& r ... IsM ~ to . . . W&Ta - - - ' . . . . . eM _ .. eIcbt .... .... tMre p, . . to tbe ~ 'hIl
daM... BU-th. . the ~. c.u,. ~ to _ UlIrtJ tIoIIan week Ia tbe ...,. a-.a... tbe - . r i o ' " tr !l
. tcwaIa! Aad fbere'. the 1IIir etaa.oL Let'. tab ..... ......-.. Tbe . . 0( U......- b btP. I u..t Wit , . .. CO to ..-ll . . a . . . . . . .
It. If I eaa't set wurII: . . . . . . . . e-t u... I waat to CD ... wark , &ad 111 _ft It &'8 . . . , . .......
caD. _ .-ethtq eI-. I . . ClUDAdeat at that. to,. wbat.......,. I _ to pLM (Wte4,"Hy ~ balo Ule _ _ ear; ..,..-
Let's.1bn an. .... pI'"' B.aaaeiIJ' P" ...,. ataaCll &ad ....... .......... _ aM. w--. ellabell ta. ...
. . .&D.II.a deIIuln'e4. "'WhY Bot at l-.t try au..: .....eIl.:r- w "t. u:veet . . to III.... U l e ~ . . . . . tbe ........ wWa
. . . w ...... _ awUtly _
tbe - t r T .....
. . . . of tbe here bL the eUt. ber- .... ya. that _ t o w"':roe! That'. wtLat :roe
art_r ..... - . ta , . bat wOliwd at Iillr 7-.n Iillr fDU' _Ilea u... tJuvqb a .......
""n:r are cloIa&" Yery lIWA! at. t.hb time of _d YOIl CIIIa't. _ pU:iq t:btrty . . . . . . . tile at lMIt .. a .....
tbe JeU'. I Itaow. fat rYe t:a1II:ed with 1IlO't1q:
Jktve KtonI wbo _ ta the ed1tG11a1 I"OOmII
for ......... l' 1OlI"-'"t blnr aaytIUq:
aboat. ru.tart:r- _ S%5 & . . . . . if , .
......... r r -
allcbW ...
rr- time to tt.e. fa the .later 1UlIII17 all of w_t t!te jolt. Do yoa_?'" IooblI III the MIIdIap. &Tat ~ daIa
tbe _ . . . . . warIr: ill the . - , _bere tile . . "Yea. ru tab it." t .....end qaldt17. "'Wh-. t21at .......,. at ~ wtth .,. ......
IIIlIaea. 1'IltaIt fll It. Aau. _bere the _ _ .tart ta?'" r.l of !be faIrT .uac- w-w. _
1Ibm., I DMl . . tbCMlCh I hada't _ _ the . . .
for .. year. Let'. draw the -.c.ey <Nt. .. . . . h_t . . .p: nt _ow
.'Show . . 1I.-e tom~ aoratac at o'dock
:roa :roa
. . . Ia. tile
.......ce CIa tIotII
of .a k
fa 11M!
01. Ute ~ the tower
tato _ . . ._.trike
try. . . rn lac" ...... -

. . r.
_ a JM oat tUn 1. . . . . . . to tM
aad Ieano the . . . . -u.. tbe ...J'.~
rr- A to a. .bod.
_"h "'.a
........ GIlt

............... .
t.b-.. it _
w. .IIM:It."
. .t
0.17 .. tew ......

WeD. it 1 .....'t
the ~ of wife tIIat hM: IlftIftlI, ...

Aaa& . . I .....-e '
that that taUt lit aid-

............. -
alcbt .,.... bue ',m ' .....
~ to IMIItbtac. Bat
.\.aU. b a 1tridr.. She to . . . . . . ....m.c
JBaIIe . . her IIlIad
that aleht. aDd abe .. 1lJIl . . . . . . fit.
a.yeT ebaaced. the YaIIey. _ _
Bftrythlllc weD. t up . . . kaodtait _
with rab, aDd th ..,._ n.. ...
week later. DlfnA:a.- . . . . . . flt.r.t .

~ .. it 1D&J'_ die. t!te ....

--- ...
to :r- .... mlraca ~ t ...
' - .. It --.e4 to _1I7' . . ot ...
... _ WeN alma.t
lMIItUed__ d were aI

Tead,. feIUac . t
.. ome-ID raT- . . . . . . . . . .fty~
Illllbed ClClttap III Lo8 <at ........ 1lII ...
.-y ItaIr ~ ....

_ .......
I . . . . IaqD.Irii!s .. ...-:r. ..-.wtaat
.. to tltt Ioed:Ioa of '
the ....... _otIoG
~ )Ilaata.
~ Iafanu..
aD' balr teet fIl .......
u- bat . . . tIC'- . . . . . . ~fIl
...,.. ..m.I r...u.
. . . . . fit. WWIl: . .
!'~taeM,,- l __ I ~M
p7C ......
., ...
we_ -. !"
'....., ,
Y_ _ tlIiId
" ~
_tC~~"" ~
o - . . . . . ' to ""[ ~a.t
&tIa .-tl. ..... ,.. ~ ..u.
t-. tIc .,...,.~ _ . . . " ~ . .; ..
~~ ,. a.- t.- I _ ..,. a ~ Wl'fIMr. . . . . . tfIl
t. ~ tM -
...,. " ' - . 1D tIIIiI: " - - . . . . . . tilt.
tM ~ Ia 1 _...-..-.. . . 1-.1.
.u.. _
lilt 1M
n. .r
of '"


.. tIIIiI: el

-.Ib'~""" 0. -.-,._ ...

~ aI- ~_.--. _ Qd

. . . ,......t,
..... on.e
..,. ... 1lt7 ~
tM w.. '
...,. ...... ., . . "'- tMt., _
- - .

-ar -. tII-.

__ ~
_ ..
tMre ...
... tIIIiI:

., tIiIe

_ _ .,

.. ...-b'

_ .....

e.-. II
., die ~ ; GIl ......
--. a- " - ., -.r.Q,...;
tIaIII. ~ ,.....,.,. ..
-'- W-.. dII..-.. ..
..-._ o. ..-._ a... . .
-.1 ..-., _ ..
......... ,......;
........ T M - . . 1
--- .a" .....
wdiIr"II.,.. . . . . . .-.' ~
.--.. . . - . . 1aIrt7..
<IIWk .. De air

pa~""" ~
~ .. _
...-.. _
., . .
...... fldIJ .,.. Iridl:a -.
... --. .,tIIIiI:
. . tdt . . .
iI ......, bltet._a-r
tIaa........... .....-. ,.....-ur'"
t ~

... bit fII.. . . . . . , . . . . . . ilia _...-...r ..
. . . . , 111111 ~ to c-. ...,. ., aM ara. tIM a-t
'. . == b alii..:
...... _ - . lIMIt to tile __
fill. Ute _
_ t6I!r ...,.
...-u.e .... ~......
....,.. ......dy
1 .._
C. . . .~ tM ~:

.-...n....... ,... _
IIJI; . . . . . I
~ _ _!.I tM
_ ., ""1nat.tIa
-aM _~
,..r : """l'ILK
, u-a.. The ~ aN arrh'- '~.. .. a _er fa a peat db'. 1 _ to
............... - - - - - ....-.......... tac. Bee that - - . . . . . fill. I'Iar tM JI&rt" a IeM til t:!l.t
aoeaario .... F"tr tr I ",WI a.... lato tlMi 7Vd. . . . . . that _c tirt:r . . . . . . if It MIt that 1 aeM tIM
......... 1M : , . the..., . . tIJII. -.e. ~ .bo lIeIIPt .. UUlb'...... -er. 1 ..-taIaJy ao- ...cher IIetIL
..-. ~ to me . . . .lPt. tr7 tID It _teD U:r ~ _
t 1-1-"
the w. wrltierr .-tJlIlt. tItowe yet . . . . . . . . . . fill. Hie ~ .... e.t - . t ., a ~e.t rrc. Ute
"I I -.:'" .......,. toW ... a tIUIt t:Ite:r woner ~ Greetor, a ...... _ to .bat ~ . .
1'_ _ 0... tbetr - . 'I'JM7 Ita......... .., cain l e - - . . _ .........,
IIueI:t-. _ a dIaIt'" e- or cu.t: tIM7
..r. a ~ ftIdIl 1M IIIet 1rIdl aft - . 11._
. . . . . . . . at . . . ~ It wftJl. III'st ftlDIo ~ DIa't
ent:t.L n . 1M IlIaeeIt _ ...... .. a .......
. . . . . . to teD _~I ~.rra.. _: "" a . . .
Ilat Wi. 1 - . . . . .Ilat ~ ....
UIr& lie n.-ec

Iater.t _til 1 taN ilia tIJII. .,. p e a t " " ' "
tIl-."""'" .,. Co
ror .-tr'7.. far 1M .....,. ot u- of ? . . . . diIap GIlt
aD .,. ~ that ~ _ _. .... qie ar&tIr:
ot EJli' Be .....a.1Iicl:J rr- ~ tIJII. ilia
u.e ..'
'-Ir. . . t:t.a.
t.IbiA... ~ to r. .
IIt.clI98II be""" ...
..... 10ft toIlIeaIa.
A-e tbe _ 1 ' til.... tie . . . Ia tIM ..,. fJI. I ' " that I
adTtoa, tJte toIIow'bIc" w01 .. ~ "" ~ lI.a ~
tI r.e ~ .,.

"'1'_ an _.. tba"'"
tIJII. . .ap- ' ...
ut. Bera __ atact:uw ..-y tI:a:J
talk-laa: to.
e II 0 r .:r
lite aDea .u. fill aatka ~ . . . tMt !toMI7'."
-.opt ta.trw:t tIle:JOl.'lC'" 01' Ia --"7 '"Nat at.o.: ...
aU Ute Iup: ~ . . . dtls of tile wartL ..... : I llb to
1fhat 1"'Od_ lien 1JJ _ . , tIJII. Ilear :JQa tell . .
.,... I . , . tlala to .,.... . . . .
tba .... ...ue.c. .hldl. .e r-.dl ~
Ute.odd.. Work banl. "'1'
ata:ht _ . Ca7 _to :JQa haft -....tenll It hJly.
. . . tIa_ .~ :r-r ~ are .....-.eI
uu..... ...
:r-r'" fJI. 1'01.!' _~
t:iGaa, tor t!te:r
are alae..
.&H __ . . . .
ar- .. bow
:JQa CU 1M-. Mdt fa ,.... dLalr ... tratIlflaD.1' .... tit 10 ......
A7 to ~ t . "T_ aIl1IGlII ., ~ . . . . .,. Mre
J:a...- tweatJr. or e"'l'!G UtlrtJr mm.... are"Wac .. 1eP"Idac tIM
fSlt.ft'tlll.laflll wtt.b. Ute 1"'Od-=b Of my tmactaa- leduaiqH 0r
tklL Thlak 01 IL Im't It 1D&r'l'e1_ tit _ . _ ............
~!'" u.. ,tctore
""Tell, :ra.w t .....tred Cl_k:kIy, cbanDed "" CnIu&"
1118 ,...,. low ol...-ctL Be r..Ut lit. ~ tooIl: B a *
1 t
are....Ilura.aad.eat_: ...... a ...
"'T_ . . . , .r .-etJ":J h.... to It 1'_ for .... re-
, . . .-ell .orIt ... writlac' --no.. WUt. the : 'Tor tJM:
.orId 1teMa, _ . .bat putkoaIart1' *--d eeI&: or ta
..... Ie a aIwIy Iaadaatlft.... N_. ~ :JQa Ud
t!MI Raft :JQIa p t It! r t - tJM 1MIttIer pC. ill
tact taM: ~ .-rIUiea JOetr:J. I ..... . - , ~ u.e .... "" _ .' _alI. P.D z.....-. ..

Bow Wall7 Van Does Bate that Namel

.................. $ bI . . ~.u..
B7 JOIUfSON BRISCOE _11Ia_ . . . . ~ . . . . . . .
"'OM ot tile tILIap . - t I
for I _

'"r. u....,
ft!IT . . . , . la )I6ctu'e
at t.Il.Iap.
-on. far .....
u.. .....
to ..,. lIaIW
be ....,. 8. .ell
.... .. .,. ' - ' t .. tMt ,.. _ , . . , - _
.... .. ,a",
. . . . . ftk:Ill
the cr-e-t
----. . . alwQs III Die
.. ..

to tIllt . . . . .
.. to" _ ..,. - - - . ~ . . . , . _
. . tIllt ,
Ia tIM nar .. ....,. JU't or tIM eMU.iI> ......
TIl..., It ....w' 11&" bees to
... ...... ,.

T BUllS ...... to 1leUoeft
tIulI: Wally Va Ita .........
fa ~ for t1rwat:J .......
tor there I. lICU'Cely a e fa
" . . . . . Wter bo-. til-. btL certaIaI::1
QO _ 11M a D..aIDe . . . i e; He
I. Ie. u-. To ~ dori to ~
tUb. the 't'ft'Y 1l.m pictue ia _h.lctt be eRr
appeaftll( .... "Caley _4 tbe Tw...... wUcb
.. reoeatb' .. ......,t.lIu....
~ 10ft
ot &
to thJa the dtle ot ~ laM ==:s:...
tnde man. 1I1Ut Ida. IMeeC.~__
ill al-.t aU the pktwoes Ia ... ~
_blcla ... Iaaa ~ be ba
flp,rM -.der th-.t aame, -V_~
...4 ~ briq: ~
. ~ Aael, . . _e 1Ilicht
~ ot sw:h 't'1riIe. a
ft'Pdc:. belItb,.-lldaded Y-e
1n&B. ... Ilates lbe title.
... baTe . ~ Kted tor ..,.
_paay ."e the VltaenlllL.
_d I ba_'t the 1e.t ......
to &IIIMIII' with au,. otber." ..
the ....,. be ,.ts
It. -nte ClIdMI'
OOIDpaU. ..,. be aD rlPt. ra
!lot ~ they an: DOt, 1tat . .
tor lillie Wally Va.. _en.
flulte Mtldled _here he .....
He I. ~ eutlrel:1 at - . 110
1:lCJI"oIlCbI,. at bome before the

.. _.
~amera that It ill i a ~ to

dl_er be haa 1leTft' . . . . . . .
upoa. the lett1mate ~
"No. I han 11.~ acted. . . . . a.III. . . . . . . . - ........... ~
the .race. ~ 1Ia ~
... _ a..... .. ~ L.II:.
prote-kBal -..e. a1th-eta I

e~ce. ~ , .......
hue had a I0OIII. . . ot amatftr

-no ,...
.1Irlac 1Il3'
think,.. woaJd care
. . . ...-I b1 abIIClluel7 . .
. . . . . . ..bile tile
lUre _ t fit tlMI
uwe ~
to ftatu'e ... appearaaee ... trk:t;. . . ...udItc. tUt I . . .
hlad the tCllllt11chts!'" .eemed. 57 ... trtriaI. 11&.... ....
lodcal q'Gf!lltioa. INI*eI. w1tIl ~ al ..
'"WIly, 7ft," be ~ -r .u a ..u. at fact it ..
_etiDlIe. lblnk I 1Ib~ like It eM UtUe ~ t!Ie utt.dc.
"ery m1ldl.. Jta. .. _ uP ......
'_., ...." , . . . . tIaat Jar.
j1Ut to IIee .. bat I eoaJ4 do. At V_ GlIIIII&. &. _ to .....
that.. I doe.'t bo..- that t ......
q.:.,t to ..... : it Ill' ~.
..,... ....
....... ,.. ..... ---.--.
_=:':_:;'::::~::F ., ...

~ .....
... -tIII
Wb' ..

~ .. w
__ ....

.,-..-. ...
.. ...
e-.-r. ... _ a- ..,.. ..... aa.-t

... --
_ T .,. .... ~.,
-... .,
~1Ir1 _ . -.It, IiIIIIIIt all
c-. . . ~ :r-"
Td. I _ ~ ~ ____
.. .. ' " t'
&.. -....... . . . . . ~ 'I't-*

. . . . . . . ., tIIc .......,.
fill. ""'fte . . . . .
- - " " "'I'lat ..
~ I

........ .........



r.II,," -r . .... .. ~ ......... n.UMr eIel:btc WQ . ,

r .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dIu 2 . .

.........rt tI7 . . . . . . the..... Tr-. ....

== . . . . .,." -rile ..... alllur7 . . . . ,. , tIl.~
Clltcll Ia- ...... 5 ,.._~~tJle __
~ ______ It. .. UPb' ....... UIat . . . . . .
. . ._ 1 ,. .. e.WJ . . . . _ aIeI't. ectf. . ruuo. a . _
-~ wlr .. taI:Ib toe , . . . . bealtIl. ntalJ\y . . . .cr-._
.......... .".. -,-el.tM f'Mq7. .... aD tIl.t. .. .-ked wttJIJa a rr...
...... 0," ""1' lac
1 0 -me a.. teet. he _ e-balt blebeI ta
__ ...... W ow ot . . . Yet he u.. thll -a. at II. . . . .
- - - - - - . . . . . . . . . '"'TIt. ... ~-tov . . . . tht. .,...m.-t, II 01
. . . . . . . .11. Mr, .., ..... a.IL
Prlaoe.... AD. actor "'Tbe .uea 01. Ill)' worll: _ . II - .

hu to 1Ml . . . . _ GIl atbIiatic traialac k-.. lIIe hi trIa...
Ul.aa .ere ... it; Ute WQ' M e:qIala tL That)lr. V_ t&IteI,.... to~ Il.IIueIt
..... blow
~. Ter,.
IIIrloul7 (_4 4.. ~
who 4ld. _at'!') _
II _ _ . . . . . .,.
t.befUf_tebr , ........ ta refCft'lletl to _II ph. . 01 bit; worII:

~ . . rtcb
be ..,..:
"'l1Ie ~ ill II YU7 ...-c. to
per1'llII'a ~ . . . u-e It '- ....

i.' . .
... V tatler I~ ......-.1ft IIlIt It 6etlec:m me .up....
~ 'or .. cIlat. He faalb m ~ or III. . . . . . . . . ~ the . . . .
r.ew .......

Iloa ill
~-~ wltetber pOll . . w.,

., __ ....... I-t",


., ' - - ......
...... ...
TMid: QdI ..... tIoL 1 u .

lot u - t 'PY--
tq: part'
..,.- _ Ch

-.17 till
.... 1_
_+w . . .

...... .... Wlllla ...

- -
'pT' WfoN Ute

wIddIt 1M


ta . . . . . . . . . . UtI_
,.-t b:e

til d.O

-.:II . . . . . . . . . . . .

........... - ....
~ tnidIrc ...
_ . . - . we a-'"
ieWlteMy weD, . . '-
eqert . . . . tIM
!klIIda _ _ wIUI _
... o.ou-." ""'Idl.
' " tIM ....,.. J ~ IiOIISt wllJda ........
_ _ .. tbe -.kIlIc
e . . . . l t . . JIRTJ'
tMa -.y JIIIcta'e ta
""_t. u...
.......4 ........

'W1lkIt I u..... ......,.....

,." bOT. t1l.1. .... Wi"tt8 _ .....
'-7. ~ :rv-c "'-..-y ., tIM ...
. . . III wiliell-"

..... o t . ~ .............. w ......
- . , __ ... cIde.
. . . reilari. for U.
_ ----.
.... ...,.. ta tIM " - ., " "
. . . ""... futJlY d ...

. ......
. UtI rr-...
. . .1tMwa _

--- ...
.,~ . . . cqcI-

.,n ...
e-OL GaI7 r--a _ o-tea _ . - V_
~ ...
yea w-. W:Rr ....,.. _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - - _ . . 4 .......
THE ~.OVIE P1CTOItI~J; A.,.., '.1'1-1
H e . to the
Solutio. o~ The- ~MillioD ;:D~Uar--~Mnte&'
., _._ t

.................... ....

-= B7"WlLLIAM J. BURNS ::";.:-..:.':.._
..,..c,.... ......
IIImKw _ 8IDII: ~

.,.. ill au
,.. -.e
life, _-.e ., &."1

,.... -."-'1
dIMr ~
.. ... .. .
........ - - ......".-. /8Ce. ..,

...... _ ! 1 __
,...... ... 4I.fIc"'l " ...-M lie ..
. . . t&e _ _ ct.. . ......,...
~ ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flIltDt ........
.--.. ~., ~
....,. _ _ .....".....
_ ...
_ NiM _ ~~...-t. ~ .. ~ tH CIl.!ba ...... I IIcI GIll ~.a-t __ . . . . . _j..t&~ _ _ tIIMc
...... t. Joe,I; . . , Of .., .-.c:e ~ t.aa Jt
_ _ .....IL
_ _ ~ ; 7ft _ ...
_ a.o ... Iteea . . _:ba:ewt
~ 'I'Ile dIM . . . . . . . ., ,. b7 r.r Ita
~ nos c-*-' lie
JI'-oII . . . . . . . ~., W. _ .. ~ ... nltlNdee . , & ...
IidcIL It _ _ . . . - _
- . J . .

~ keti _ .. ill It,.. aD'"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w.edloM ~ . - . -
tk -"Yr _jed ...... ..... - . ' we. 1 . . . . . . . . 1lIIIIt tIIe ~., ~ .. _
---., ., ~ 1FI4IlI ta- __ ia :r-.. .... ...... a; _d ..... It
~ . , e.-.
...... lit cift ,.. tile . . . . . ..-r-o.t _d r ~UMn_

~ N . . . . __ at t _ J$lIt _
_b-oe ~ ~ .., ,.... ' " . ... ., a:I tmIaeiI
__ .c..FFr arectlac
IIIIdtJ Ia~ .. ~ t
e.- .......
& .... .,tt.. ! "..
~. ...t _ .. ....... ktt ~
. ' Ii! ( . ' b") - . ~
tAe.Ike:. _ .... Ped a.. ......
.. tk.-z...
tk .,.
!'k,...,. __
bee..u... ,......., .. .., .....
eaa- . _ , ... J-.
.." ".
u-aI .boll. t . . . . -
, - . -.:II . . IIIrUt . . . . die tn8. .,
1IiJ: . . . . . . . . u . . ~ , . .
_ tMaiert to IMk ~ .. _
_.... 111_.......
_1 CJIro---.-.. ...
__ ~ ' !
., . . dlatr . . .
lee., . . Jleto.t
DN. .......... __
~ 'Ditacr UI _-..oe: Gdr . . . __ "~"tr-. ., --. ~
_ _ -n - ' : ......
~ eM.,.. ~ "'OM ......


---' ', till'- .. _ .... _ JcoIDc&

~ , . . . ta;S - . ~ ... y-. -a7 Mn!Ir . . . ~ ~

........ N.-toa ~ " ......... . , . . . ea. ' '... S! TIloI7aa! .1IIcI* ....
,... JIIl""IU!eI. QIIIlM:.....a:. a _
~ .... ~'~''''~
..-.-... aJa _ ~ & dicw _ . . . .
~ ..-.e rro- to tk ~ ~
et I eM ... tUt
...,.. sa
- .-.e _ tile III aIL GIlt iii: it_

r - . ~, ~ t .... ".,rt, &r'riMC. ~11la~Ht __ . . . . . . . . It _
__ U __ . . . . . . a.e-
*- ~ - - .. ~'':.~=
fwe . . . .,..... ~
_ f _ ., tk .aa.rl'; tW....,. . . . . . . eau.

E,..,... ,... _ rae

.. ~i;
. . . . Ida tile IIMbt. . ,
- ......
. _laM
tte~ ~_
. . . . . . . . IMk tUc Bar-
...............t _ _ ~'. tacc. '!'bat ....
....... e - . . otUlo
.. rAe .. t'tHIat"' got I'Jor. ' - k wItIl tM ao.ey.
mll':C __ t~~""
lie ..... aIIIliIIIIII: lato OU'
-..t~ ..t
Narc. eIloo
a" tMcc.,.
.... IlJa _ _
y- 1DlreI7 recaU
tnd t..-o.,.
t:k k'Cf"ef.
~ _. . . . . Ae a" au.,.. .. -..r-I
.1..,. , . . . . . . IItaJJar
~ _ johl8
XI. after feU_
e,__ d
_ 1 1nat ...
nIak tt Mow. 7lR
'''' to #d.~.
Afkr ."uttd ~~. ... ...... to~, ..J'_ _
~,~_"'1for ... a-ar-.. an
.,_ ~ .u TraI.J:. It . . . . tIaat ...,.
,.Iot __ fru- - . . . wtilc ~. .

............. , ..
. . . IIItID ...........
. . . . . . - - - . tM

W HENI...-
to WTfte
Yle_ _ n.e

JIllIloo DoIIu
T-. ....,.
tt , . . wttIl
oaIy eM YI'""II'Otat: T.

....... & . . ~
, ......
cc.M . . _ _ '-d: _

..... ., -
~ y.-
that are !nee tH Wap
_ ofta __
-.IL ....
... _t " t o . . a)' - dllitu-,
skID f_ y_ t. bdtq
d - . . . ~..a.t tIlenct.
. . . - . . . 1 .......
1'"' fa you' ...-at of
Ute _eted __

_1'l!f7'~ ....-
ten to RC&ftt to :r--
. .d 1 .... fa tollow-
lac the tllNM _ tJal.
~ TIlIll tl-.I taa1'e

.. ....
. . . . tr-.e, . . , . . . .
. . . . . . IItaIn
- ...."'_ _~
.&.fter s..
u.. ....... Ubly ..
Iltory. jut _ fa -m- ~ la_-..
lac tor the 1IObld_ ., _ , I t , . . . . . ...,. ...
_ Ie...y fa Ute, that . . . . . - ! .... alI tW,
"'l!r)' o ~ / k T ~ ioIIk Iato tIM e:r- .,
I....e uaa.plred-e tie- .1--. -'7ac IlJa . . .
cia to _ t!le ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If
' - - ' _d 1fbat wu 0MlI! ... a.tarM aft IlOt ....
oIIec've beeaales dear. liar to . . . otMo per..
1a tlle -.ta, thb .an.. _Os!
~ tb",... "'eI'l" lItUe lItia, . . . . . . . . . . . . .
_ liPt _ adr &
"'jed. . . tIlJa 1QWtery.
-t::ne'a)eC . . It ..
...... ortt. .....
tt;t-. It tau. ov .....
r,..,.. ....-
- - . . It

., . .
11IIIIct;J' ClWtaIa tlaIll JIar.

sra... ~ late tMt.



-_..-- --. .... -- ..

_..... .... ... -
................ -~

............ 811M
.... aa: .. , . . ...

-.... --
....,. tIlaIt
1 _ _ ..... . . -
. . . . . . tra W' . .
lb'. . . .' ~.

. . 1IlIIII."_c

-..b" tlII
....... tMn='
......,. et ea.........
fill .....

c::w-a.. ..

.-nt! 01' -.nddlIlIbIU alit.. 1ne

...... .
--_ '-
... a..

: ...
' - w:IleN
"-- -..a-pea.-.

.................... -
~_-.t. tn. ! 'I'k:J..,. ..
__ IR~ ~~ .. Jo-M7 1lIlr .,.

. r tlII !d'. .'.D

. -
..... a . . . . . . .
wee. . . ta.t
..... a.. .. a. __

:' 1 ., -..e-- - ..tIIait ........ ,.
.. ,.... ... ,
~.,. dIe _ _..

- is II .4.
... 4 $ r81.y
,... to ~ ,.,

............... U tt


-.- ..
. . . tM - . UI!eK .,
...... _s.. .. OIM.T ...
-. ... tIiIIIt _.~

MIa ................ IIM&Ilt. Ile M'ftI' -*"

. . . . . ~ .-e'J' rr-

......., -....

~ w. tM . . . . eo.W lane a.
___ e

e-~ tKec:tfftSo . .
eV't!4S tIte ~ of
tk 1lOIb. ... --"t
. . . . . . . . . . e tbe. 'nt,. te ,..
~ .........-ce- t:Iee. Bait .. tile eM ~elr
...... w. _ .. _ ~~W-W1W
. . . . . . . . . .1_ .... -,M. aM u.ey w_hI

- - . . fUaIIIl tile ,....., Ite rr.ta _ tab tnt\. re-
. . III enr WIIIIddld. IeldoNl . . . l&etenIl.fI'd
ftW~ . " ' " ..... to atop at .othba-
y_ call see. IUI till.
__ t.teDeet. ., ......

upJaaatfOli. wb',
_ _
....,. c:aIDIn. ~
~ . . , . l t e 1 l l l

tIaJ t.Iua tile 1llJm_ _

"ai_'''!~ wby Ute mUlioD Is a
u"-ide to ~ ......
J'. . . . b ' tier JleI'IIIWl_t Jlf'OI.:-

... - - . -
. . . . . . ".. JOIIIea DI&- u-. Aad If I_a 1au

dIandler UW:

.. a-sr-Te. ..
..... ~
far ..
Uft 1MJI!II able tMt . .
...Ital La~ My'"
... tile
or a rattllr.t. loyal
-._t.. tHIl kt tbe clrl
Ite . . . . .
la tile 1aaIaace aM _ If
~ the~.
be dOM . . 1l...ta .. Oe
&'irt. aM let tbe _Im_
....... - OM Y-.JaIb"'~ -. -- _-- uut t.. tt.elt!
..~ M blowa. Y_ J_ tbe atUt. eJtI:MrIe,
1nJt .tD M to we_w~"_""
.,~ ~ ~ is~"""'"
. . . . 1te too 1aMQ'. 1fHeoter Ile ~
...q." . . ! ~ ~ ta ~ .. tile
III ..
tile .... f'labon.tlt p ~ to ~jt f'd.
tc. t. _ Ia_ take that ~ rr-. a ~
III 1wftJI tJae B.aqrea. . latl!lftta.
?? ~ _ *- ... die _..e eIderb ~t '-d. of tbe Harar-.... JlOI"trajL a-
..,. . . tile - . a t . ~ .be - "ta epd .,~ for ~ eu well b. has ~ e d will Ite kilo... It lite

:::a~ =. =~-7. r:.: ~~

tile Rusr-q ~ tJle )ooka.t at
twe - : :
two __ h
-tla;-~.~~ ~
hM. . . . . . fa ~
m.c:" H ....redI beef_ te attewapt to ftC'O'I'er tile
laos.; aad . . - tf tbe Harpoea...e _II 4o<-a -.l
f,r. to J"eIc:'O'I4'er tt~ to COBti.... to . . Jt ..
u.. _ w.a
8IIdr: R.......
plea . . . _ _~ of tJIIe

. . . . . . IaaTtq 1 ' - . . . . ....:

he tJte e.-teW aput.-
_1Pt ~ It
ert .~

~ it .lo.el .. "...
eaee'. ratber. o..e _

aJcIlt 40 It--..r-t-
b" __ .. _t.,
a~. u , , ~ b u ~ I.tll.......
tlle tIM ..unoa (.....
J .un feel . . , }ale b.Wdeta fa Ute ,,.. _
........ . . a WN puty~ pl"OIllabI:f .eek. t-e Il.buelf to Ute ....... at . . U.e .. Ibr- poruaIt). u.- 1M: I. _ _ the to .uII __
... tie ~ ~tJed _Iter of tlte creaTe, _ . at aaotIIer tt.e . . "-ea. FJoftacoe aft at the .-e tt.e w . . .e tile __
~ . . . II8e1Ift Iatedi.atl_ II"IIt I . . colac to watdl ClIJemU,. to . . If Ulie to IU-ke aw., with the ~ of tile IIIadt
. . . th IOIIk! tftttm' to the BlKk BUD- Black SDCCeed I. c::qqrlq nw-ee. RIlad.tM,
..... - . SIt_hi tbe)' take ber o1It of tbe dU. '..-Id I lteUe't'e tr.. an the eYtdelKe that 1IU'-
n. m.:Jt B1UMIftd mat be ' - for-wlped "oan follow . . . . . . 1M! did t. tIH!I e-at-' J:reaYe (reoJ. . . ktJtiea) iii allft. Bat w1aft'e k Au . . ~
Itope .. reorpllflatt_. e-ehlq Party! Woa)d be deIert tIM _ _ _ I. be! Wll,- hao be 1"efued tAt 1Ib.w 1IJa ~!
~ tta.. wm th.. TtcB-ce fa the ~ Y e
euIf reIU; oaly thea wID Ha1'lreue hi_If
e.-e . . or IlJdlJll'--for we .till dee.! wltb Mar.
III wbich we beU"e the mUn_ t. bW6eL . . .
riM the 1Il0ftJ' for the ..u of the ctrr ....
teeUOIl! 11"_ I. the taUter, _d lJHoftfore
How lotie wID lite coati to
b:tdl.,.... .1 Wlly does "_ftI
a. .we- ner)'
purpooe of ~Ye~ Wlty abe1tkl Ute .'~f
~1a I. tile

~'ft . . _ _tlty, &ad mu.t ., eoIItl.. _. tlft- OW'll. the moaey, he has tal! 0'..... forf.,utl! at iff' t __ ~ _m to c:ome _l'I"I'Iq:ly rro-
til we are nre that be te a myth. " .. bac-k.......t,be three or four mll1l_ III Mearl- Joaa!
To .bat IeIctII: w_hI a Rr'I'&Ilt.. sacb u ties to wbleb rer-c:e wo made ta 0.. lru. lIa.,. hlclllnta to the . . . b..... klped. . .
" . _ &'0 to gnt:eet b.bI employer'. daqb~! c:bapter. Aad c:oasJderlnl the lMIny ~ fubl_ "1' ....t. . ~ thb 1IIIJ'IIUtrJ
....... he .'t'e tile plaee wbeft tile mUllon of '.o..n., tb... alul "~(q . . tlle aad 80 will ~tD"' "eats either MM to ..
..uan .. llld4l!!l (ud lI""-b1y wlUl the 1111- h~. bow c:aa JOIIes f~ at eM!!! wltll . . _er 1.l'Xt rr- eMU' ded~..... lb.. r -......
.... 'blc tII.t H .. to ba\'e hla reward O1It twel ...e t b _ d dollars III tbe , ..... We 1111"- .......... to Iool all... We_
.r tt If . . ~ J"IoreDee .... tile m-:r).
. . ...... h iIt:Q .. tIle~! W1lat tI1. . or
eoatnd 1IJs Rr'I'Iee! If tile Blec:k H ...
. . . . . . . ...,. wItII ~ . wDI , , _ be
........ ~1aC. .. ill 1M: tile . . . -...u-r!
... b .. eomm_d! ODe mcne m t ~ .....
mOft thaa thl.. for wh~ either sWe- ItrUIea.
It strikes with t.e.lIIq fo1'c:e---uId ~. ,nitS
up c:oIJt. We IIllctat l'MdJly ~ e tJaat tM
objed. of wlUldrawi.lJ that 1III1m_ rre. the
not see wbat Is &'Olac to
~ u.t hItIlft ~ wDI aN. _

~..... little .earer

U JIarcrea.. COBtbi. . . . ~ - - .
.m. ...
bot _ . .

.. " . . . . .!
--* .. tile
.. ttl.. - , .
& ~ .....
Or--ve ~ hria 1IntJMon
I S hely . . Rupoeaft
blab ..... to pro...tde """*Jf -.0.... te brin,.
u - t the total .teorp.al_tl_ fill the ,aDI-
R~ye lIIay ha"f' 1_.. ...,.ec:tfod tb.' tbe
thea " . . . .'WflI
,ortnt tbaa , -
Bas.... ...... ...... -.
taa. tIM $lIilIt'e .,

~TheMa-'ing of an
Actress' . . . .1. .. 1
. er AM c &&

n._............ ...
[=_~:M;;~:'~_~~:_: ---.-..... npdiIII-'*
~~. ... nMIIIIII ~ .. --. ..
an-ua ..
B..,s. deI'* .r. . Ne- r... ....
"'VeI'J' .................

......-....r. ---. _.
'" ,.., ., tk ~ . , " , . .......... -*. ."'-'11.'"
--- .........

,.... ...
~~ak"'~ " fN*~"''''....et7~ ....... Ile&....-: III ..,

.. ........
_ =-l'd'''' ~ ................ , Z ~....- ~
., tk ."u- ru. c ..." fII. dI* .-t
y.t. ....
.. ..-....
y."..,.. kr
," ' .....
~. ~ .....
rhW . . __
......- , .~
.,-ea ""' ~"..,. .... -.e. ,..., . . . ~
~ "_"'tM:~;-b'UL'"
tk wirl ct tk "'~' ~ . Ute P n, '8MIr. ...... ..... _...a.-t. lIM . . . . IIIIa dIoI ..........
~#' w" ., .,en-, CIt ..~;

...... -..
ad. an--- tk ...., . . . . . til JIIl,r r.a.- __
tft'wu. Be ae-n tatn- a-.

... ... .
tt.,- ....
met u. kr. ~ . cka to .....-: WIIat .......
ak . ~ tt.t de a:-c.
.uu.e ., ~ ...... r-.
~ ..=..~=~
. . . . tiQ. ak ~ ~
~,~."-kr aJeM to try
",.. .., .. _:tre:D ttIU t.- __ --.
tk .pI&s' _ . . . . . . Tk ~ tM:
ow. .......

IIa't 4iq eA.e .... ,. tok aIPt
8-,.ta: ".flI. . , tk B~

tar - - - - . wUIl. 1lII '-It-
....,... ..-..

I ' ... &1 . . . . . . .

BIIl_. . . . . . . 1aIIIac
;;;;. ...ra ODee
w1lUe the a-.
ill '** ... tbe car. tM ......
d8aa . . IIl::Iiktac e...-
.-.en .... . - . vi Ute : u.dItc It. wttIl .....
fad that ..-e oil. . . . . . tU.e Ii.- 01. Ute _ ..
iIIoIdelI fa ute. bM riMeD. the 01. t!te ..-etL. ....
for- tbe Int u..
fa _ . . . tell tJaat UM w..w. ... II-.
-..oe.. Ikt thenl lU'e th. .- IIIsare aC It .... ~
..a fill . . . .e. 1DeIl _d ~t. Now'" ad._.
. - . . wbo, lUte Vera. ha'ft tlu'e that that ....
..,.. riddell ill _ _ ~o-
with I'onter ~
IIO-.t fOl' 1MIt of the will taW tDak . . tIM of
to . . 110, bill 1m' the sheer a,Ie. . . . . . . _
a ..... ee at. ~lt:r. thfec ua.t aIPt ch-..
~. .!
s.t that ... 't a ....
Ira too .........,..
lU'e aU
......, ..Aa..--.,.
._, Ie.
aJnocw bll . . . _ , "

Tllt, t1l-eta

... Cle!" the .-JnIq' " ,
ts.ial7 _ __ ta
o. ....

wur. tIIat ride till to ... iter: k-. _ _ ..
f_ Ven,. tIlen .. pls.tT .. 0 Joekiac. .Aai _
to slreM.T Ia
&trL w.

....... til.
t _ _ of

.... -
~ a raI& W. __'
____ . . _ tutaat tile F . I ' . *-"
,..,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . to-
t:rt'I'IIil 1M:IMat.a7 _
__ lI...-. 1M II.- __ TUt. .. aM b' all
tM adiIL It _ ...
........... ' , q/ ....... F' ....--,

_. __ .... fill'"
- . tta.t tIM , . . . a.uIIIl ..-&.
. . . . . tM
iii . . . . . . we
--. --.
GOlen"" __
.,.., ~

.....thst what a&1' . . . .

ltytlle~ . . _ . l o . L It_ .
_ ....
. . - - . t ia rr-t ol tbe . ' ..
~ .. _.a7 Ul.Iac" - e . _. to _ u.. ~ .... __ m' .I _ . . - . ..

Be It: V tIM '%

.. IM
~ 1IMIr.
_ . - w1IIl
_ _
'net &$ nn. - . . te '-da . . aenw . ~a.-. .. __ ..
. . . - . k .... tM..a.~fIIl .&ai u.... u.-. w tM w1lIIIt how IiIr ... wwdl tM:r . . Ill ....
tM~ TM~",, 1ler r1IIIlea ol ,.... lIMil -. . . . . . . . . . . _ _ .. t:M w...._
~ _

. . . . am.t . . . . . . . . . .
... 1M c:I.edl Ite mr.eI .. ~
"TIle tnIII. _ u-. ....... ........ ""It 7.
I:_J ......... ~_

ol - - - . -..r.I.~: . . . . . .

_Uft! lID.. .
. . . . ol "
.. ~

.. _
~ efta. r.-........-.: .. iii .....
...... oa.. ...
~ _

ftl.U- _ _ totab

,..1Jb ___ eatr.. ........ n.e ..
..... J
_ _ M:rtIt ., a.I. .u.dI: iii

,-. ... tM tile ' - - . . , . ........ ..... It";' pail
,-. 1tttSe ol tile .-tIT?'"
',' u.....
. ...-.....
Tbe ~ tIlt.c u... .... V. .' . _
tal attibde to Ute cb..-r~. Be ........,
tIaat ~
ol BuUoItt
et.Il III. l"'e . .
C cut ~
...... .,.....,.
J'w 1M ~ tt.e
to Iller, tile _


M '

a * - - .

.................. ..-.
......~ .... - ...

o.t.~ ~ ~ ~ - - . 11 - - . I k:a ..
~ _~

.,. V. .'. JINItT": -.11M . .... tIaat ~ _ ollt. . ... "..~'lIr ...

...... .
~.. l"'e ~ : IiiI*Ilr , ... ....~ ~t.:rM*. .

. . _ _ ... !Ia.....,W
. ' .... 'M bta ..... ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '-It~ aI._
. . _ v...... _
~ ..-et ......
-.. . .
~!"""'.~~~_~ ..t*: .,...

........ ,..
dIM:.'" cn-k".,.
............. 1eIIIIIc ol
rIiIM ....' ..


........'tId. . .
-.. . . . _
- . .. t
u.. __

"'a:nd_~1t. "~ol"'~ ill the 1Mt ,.."

...-ell 01. tM CK. Be IaaIll
r.... to tIriac Vea to

far _ to ~ Uul
. . . . . . . . .tIIe
_ . . . . . . aMI tID ~ tIlalIP

... ..-t IooIdac rru.,. Ilia . . - . - .... or. ... ride. Sbe b.alI ,...... u.t It
tM daaaf c:-. of s.trtoe, ber ~
-. to CIllm'Sp, that bad.
laM ~ it ...,.
01. that _MrtId

Iloet' c:rttI
her ..w.e
ilia Ad .tie bad

_ a_ 'Ile~ Ule -..eo ttMlt. ddG .... to a Bae .... stick to I t -

fa IIIId -. - - - . tut be Ilu *-e .&.ad. tha, ~ , .. bta, for the _ t t Ute tbM, at IeMt. lSI r.ct. aM IlM. Ma-

_. -- He....... ......
.. dlIII&- It.... all .. _ ...,. 1Ml aot looIdq, be Ileanl Ute roar of u.e to act alnM7__ Ilia '-eIt. Who tt
TIM sid . . . . . . . . . . . .; 11M. . . . . . ilia. ...... ,..... to 1WI teet. .......,. lie . . . that.- cr-t ~ 111..,.. . . . Iter .....
.................. ~.r1Wl .... .... to Ute c\cIlw.......... _ t1Ml ,.a. .-r- b. . . . . . . . . . . aetm&. 6Ir _ ..a-ce of

. . . . . . . . . . . .... _ ol ~. aIWQS lac III Ute Ia&I1 LlPt tit tile Pi .... raMI . . . . . . - - - . . . dlat c.e .. _ . , !'Co aau..

!alb ill Iter.-t. 8 'h UftJNI __ . . . ""C:eW teet! I b!.. aile...... "tb-
c--. ~ fill ~ ... tile ; 1M tile . , tile - - - . ~ .... I'onta--rw tlIIlakma iUs
~ ....., wItIt t:ra.te

~ b ber ....... .&aI-r. to YOlI"
to tId:fIac.
. . . . . . . . Dew It n
't; woeIL a.t be
"'8o-7c* -eo ... ,..r b ....... J"QW .-n-ctft _ Ute a-ee.. TbeIa It1l . .
Be Ioc*et at her~. Hilt tnt ...... . . to ----..I ~ IItUlr to . . ay ...... aD
. . . .. . . . . - - . .........Dy we ~ . . . . . . . tU1 . . . . . ~ efta tua 1le ......t, aU: r1Pt-..
~ ~ tIaat 1M ' . . . . . cr-t 111M t!aoq:lt; 1WI ~ Oat thbI _ ' t tIM: ........,..... ~ til-. ill tItat
. . . tll.Rdl--.n ~_h dd' ., the Rore, Ule ctrt 01. tbe ....' " ....
;';;;"';"L AM It Ilal
__ tbIIt tIlb lid b4 __ tJlat. n W
... ....... I"'" ~ the ctrl 01. the ..., tIt;r-.t at aI1!
11M ..,...... the rille, the . . air. IaaIll
iet. Itta. be felt __. . . be t:holIcht It Oft!'. to "B7 OM-l . . . . . .'t ...-4 it yow ..-w..l"
0'. 7 etc ....
...arbd. Oelr Uttle -.Inde, , . . - . . . . ~
c.t IMr baH ~ _ be...... ....fIII-I1l ~ ,.. with a -.n .-rt
lie ItM1r .. ut .... to - . Sbe WGU4
. . . . . . ~ ; be felt .... of that. A.M.
........ '" Pwt:r. &. .~ I e 'Me He
-Y.-I"Te - . " abe said.. WYoa
I woUb.'t!"
"'l-Git:a't bO'I'," be ..... ~tb" ~ ....,. tile _
".at ..
ill tIIilI ~ we'n - . t t q tilt. - . I q : .
YOlI',. to . . a ! ..... ,..,. .
b .... too . . tMsIL T.,.
. . . . . . . . .' i !"!!!"~~~ Bem1cle aM tafvtatell 1I7 Ilia eoaf1IIIka QoeII _ ! ... ' ... - . - ,.... Ia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr; u... w-w. ... '-.e.. lie . . ~ Be ftIIIIIClIef . - .... .,.... .AM" tile'. . , . . . . a

TIlenI .... .-tiler ill 1lh ~ _ tter wv,.at. 111M: --. to ... It .......... fII u.---yo;I aeeb't bow
He , . . . . . . . . tIuIt It 1aal . . . fa )up
. . . . . .1 Ill.. irrttatila at BeMrioe'. ~ t
of tbe cb't daat .... W. II" iaIo t2Ie ~
BeatrIoI: . . . aqerellllta.
be .... I[IDeC, _"".....cIT
oaa tit;
ebaoe to .aib
IliM:II: at Iter. .b4 U. . - - had ' - .........
wItJl .. t *4; tbt be -W Me ~
w1tIa the - . . . t
..... Herbal_
, .. .-

~ t .. tr1dt of-tlQle that u.. ~ prt

01.' 1ter -t. ea ' .... to 1lad
'IfltJl - ' " _e Gtbw Prt .. tile
~ 01. Pula. ..,.. . . - n !
. . It . . JUt-.

__ _.

U......,., ....
..... tIaat HW. tMIIP--"
"1no's .,. Ba. . . . r

"m. Ble . . . . ,.," be . . . . . . t:l1h:

Slle ea""t the ~ lIat Ibe _I,. tawcbel at

DOW. lie . . . . . . . Ilta.eIf . . . to rtdIede; ..

. . . . . tIaat, .. IIMUice wielded it, d-.Ib'
Uae tQ1es;
Utat . -.." wllo .so. to~ _ "tile
the . . " ' ~.....
".&.II t1ctIt." sbe..... ""eU-'"
"'Very ...eIl, tba_ _ to t1te"
Nt ~ftI:J".1te are.ded. aIIDc* - .
m. ..bole reIatioD wWt BeU:r1oe ..... ~
eN)'. ...... aeft!I'' .... tilt ..... WOIlIIa at ertt:Ia-
. . the ,...,. the ...--. 1ieGIlieI'; .............
be...... ..,._
w_"t .. aeedell r1ctlt away~
0lIt of tboI WQ, keep 7OlII' ~
. . . peealkr: th_ Ufa!r .... Rre to -.u- ........ to . _ _ tile r.t tIasIt . . . ..,.. T_ _ ~ that WQ',
cate 11 fUther. &be Iuld _ e l l . . air 01 Ute7 weN tile fMbIaL TIlts ltd. HW If ,..'re .. deftr .. [ tIltaJr. ,.. tbaa it
iNopalutuilhtp ~ b.Ia. ... be Iuld __ -Hi bad CI:IIIt, at a !DIeral .... 1 ~ ...... eqI...... to 101- Y_"ll lla.u
drawa, DOt uactly ac:am-. his wtI1, bat ctrbda- hqIs aM w-tWI!. 0( wbat. a.t:rtce Brew. . . to '-ra ..hat 1 _ wbea I ctn ~ _

Iy withc.t lIInld: dstre c.. lIis )IU"t. Iato .. ..... _ a . . . . - . e r &'OWL ..... )lIlt.tte to recbter dHfereat UlbIp--t'ear, hatred..
f'lllatlc-. with ber that
to . . -e:acemeat. Be
&I-.t eqainliat
.,. tlO .....
.... sa aU. Uld. ow"
It to. ~ ~ t1lat
a.tr1et, with b.. ..-:I, it: ,.. .... her
. . - a t , ~..
"1 _ ,..... slIe taterT1lpte4. '"8&7-l'u rea.d
that be did. DOt . - t to IBU'TJ' bet'; wbat be GIl. . . . . .t, ........ Ipn., anti!' qate .eMieftoL . . . -. the mode -..pdeee, , . . 0 _ - 1
kJlow .... that he .-telI to be ~ tree ..-to 'Tm dM. ".~ c..e," he after' .- . . .ta't aItocetbft' _pty b ..
to make 1118 dlolee. . . . fMhJoa. Aad be .... m_ra ...... 111 ...hkb he bel' .. Be slI~ Ills ab-Wen, d led the 11''7
ID d&acft' ot beIq ~ to ber. AI. her __ "I u.-etat ~ ,..'d to the 8l1I4Jo. TbC!f'e lie ta~1KI!ld ber to the
read,. .. Dote bad bee-. Rndt lD. tbeir ~ . p t oaId reet... acton aI....,. _1lIeL The Jlktve to tie
Bbl, that made ber dominaDt. It wu that that Vera bad ~ thillktac. too. She had come made ....11 a eomf'dy, ..ltb .. Clall caiIt. There
be 1'eRDte4, haU _- were DO dtra people
"",""""", . aboat: Fonter . . .
The Cr-oqm be hea-e uta.. oalJr replar
...... 01. taahtoaed. memben of bla st..e1I:
III t 0 D, 1lPad0'la, _DUlJ', They Ioailed
dtplftecl. The SyUtu at ber, . . Ibe ..... ta
Compaa,. h.d left tt t.:rod1Ieecl., with aDd
.. It ...; It wu too au_lty_ s.t they
....haable.~ sal4 IlttJlI!'. &ad _ M
for Jtlctu'e' to SooU to GPlICt Ilttla m:-
or 4II:ftcu'e
wQ. AlII . ,
u,. her_ I. a stodr. _ .
DUll' IDle the 8)'atu
wide pordl sUll 1Itood. _ r.- .... tittle
.ith porte cocbere. _ I . . the. .-e

to wbtch Ule wla.iDe that tbez'
. . . . . . .CII!I
drhe"'Q trom the are to tie pu t
1D.Lia road led. 1Ju.lde add.It:t... to tJw, ea..
the hea-e b.t betlII aI
tend., 01. ClOVR, . . .
~d the ~JtIwl
of tta fonDer OWIIerL
paay. lD. ....... fteI'Y
are req1llrft, _4 _
~ tor Ita-..ll-
0Gk::ellI OCCQfed the t . . . . . . . s.triee
wbole lint ftoor; Brewster had .ot yet
abo't'e were .tore UTI....
rooms. COIbIme I'OOIIl*. l o.,tte ber RIt ...
Some UttJe 4t8t&Dce Hneoe. Vera ..
aWQ, til the Cf'OQ!Ida,
were the ttaelb them-
1Ie1't'S, tyo creat etas,
all the
~ of that. Her e.-
tldMot. ~t lllloot
I"I!ftIt 01. wtII . . . . ._
It ....... rtiW to her
puaohenl.-Ua of the to _ allIe to ...,..
mO't'ie a.uo. There benelf to lb. . . . .

the .etors ..... the b. fore a~terIec
atn. .....e _- 8eItrIct. ra ..,.,
Met. -me to til. .... w aeet tbe

boae -tt to ~ .... y ...
or wb I'or.t.r a.e._~"
.. ell uae. to IMW. ..-.II . .
hia . . . ~.t cr .--.

the ~ -. the
-.. "J: .................. ~ .... ~ .............. ,..,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ AM tt.. .........
, "
came Ul. She IlI"Mted Ute Gtb.. m.-.-.en 01.
mu. ..... ~. .At .... J"oniI:IIr ... :r-r ,. tIllt

.... !

u.e - . - : J ' ~ ; ~tb' abe dill . . ............. 'l ..-..u:

- - . . . . tb.-. ia ber d - . Her ~ fen CID "AD reM7r lie .w.. "Pkt:Ue! .... CWce'..... . ~

V. .; ~ tben ~t. puaMII. V. . e--!" ......... aacrY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

lookaI .traIPt tJuooaP IMI'; . . . n&bc &fad. 8Gq to ta1l Ilia c::raak; nrUtI7. wtth
CID the whole. that ~ bad .ot blstaatly a b= that MUPtM Vera. '"IIan7!" abe ealW.,~. Seq hat , . .
~. . ._~. b... nea BeUrlce ta.r1lIed. 1O r.-
.wr _d ....e to him., la krw tCIDlI, t .
---.t. ICIIOktq at Yen. He __ wend ber;
. . IIilnaM ber aboalftr.
"AJMl BOW wel1 eec.
to work," he aa1d. ....eN
tile .cton .-.t tJlrolIiIIl the aee.e.
"BreM..!- _ rr- r..ter_
Tbe . . . hat ' - - . . . .!

_ w-w be ttuIltae.
How euy! . . .
~ 6flUPtaIl-to tbJak tUt w1lat abe hat
before It_
.... _ job!
)'-.teI' _
W1a.It .. tbJa
"III tIl!a ~

"'l e:qialeed that, BMtrice...... J'ontef'.

patIeD.~, -sM'. p I q to . . Ia tIl!a pkt;Qoe.'
C ' II

'-le already.- dreiU_ tt

... - ....... -r_ .,. ~ Iu. 1 _ ! .. aaW. v.... -U.-
Vera. wau:bta&: _d u.tea.1a&. ....bIDef iDto She .at ttl--. &IleaI1leL ~ caW Ie. _ toib . . . . ~ that tbe7 enIt .,.
.-oDII ot .ua- ... She Ute - e . u... _ ~ ta whk:ll., tor ..-a1 daaaee!"
au-d,. __ T1loea Font. tIL baalI. --. ~ .-t 01. the orr. ....... Uaal! It aIteroelI -.a:rtce
. . . 011 c:b.aU". _d e:auet u.- wbo .ere ill twre. Uoat the -.00: taaD7 wbole..... .& that . . -w ..... _ 11M
YOITed IJI the ac:doa tor tbe Irst tceIIe. Be
~ e d e:uctb what tbey .ere to 40; tbey
abe _ _
-r.. _
~V ....
:r- .,... 1 tIlteJt. l i t . ~.
hat - . : to ~ C
dIa. Sbe hat to Met IMI' ~
Vera'. I.eeIbIat ~
" I I thnMCb the aetk- C1alecly,~. Be abeVera'. ill .-nee
..... __ t - ..-t-aa..-'t
_ the l.r Her ~ }eft
made ~ t a aDd -= ....
ill .".. telae.
Two or three times mare they rt!beaneIl the p ......
cIa_ _
tf tt hM. . . .u-b - .
. . . .t.
eeUiell CID Vera'. t...
"We wID ..... abe eeI4, 'nQ" ~ .

_eo AllII while tIIey 4ld tt Sora. the camera coaWtc. J'vnter, ctaadec 0 - ' , klGbII -uo.a. ('f'. l k C ~ Bat IF<<&)

The Making of a Pritna Donna

HE .biqaUou eye
B,.. Walter AnthOn7 _.Wl........
at tile !DO- ..uo bee beea to IAqIlln

T dGa ~ ee-era bar Bud

_ liIIIabl cue ..- tbe tecttl
. . . . t:Jt.a-e, hall I.,.. a l u p
w-n 01. Ita ....Ue rr- CII'Cb-u. _d
at tnt ILaalI the ~ 01 . . .
8Mb1a'". deeec:tIaa frwe u.. raeb OIl
the too ~
_lbeatlc crUllI
H.te fat"
bal~ i CRt i '10-. _d bar -.tied Mlra - . ....,.... eaill ~
lte p.ller1tla. It baa .-rdl:ed. _t OIl' Klchel--., . . . - . . ba the ~ _ Ute
ItnalCe ClOI'1!enI or the world uut ha>l little hel'OtDe _ lbe .wry _ oae at
Jl"'Nflllted them to a ....,.....~ pe0- the r:e-- ~ .....t tbere'. 81-
ple.. It hae faeclu.ted. with Ita .....,. wa,ya mua witb a bl_ paid] to be
llcbt maBJ' at Uie I'f'fI&teat playua who tOlQld, .e ru tell YCID how tt ba-
f_ yean -eo woa.ld baft ...,.ell peoed.. BeU4ee." abe added, .. OIle
the Ben:l.h&rdt. for ClDe doea _hea .eterrtq to _ fII!teIllbbed
____d an army ot IlPte at the
~. Not coatellt with l(inac lbf'
theatre the T'fI&telit ft.-bt for u1ate:lef'
aDd ~ aathorit,-. "'illy tather

"Yoa. eee."
llbe becaD, "the Brst pro-
.mOP tile {'o"ea.atllei's kUled. Stuart da~ of the Com.pauy are to be
klDl:, the l'lodOft plc:tilre pIlery Is deTOletI to .'dely aeparate4 themea
steaJtlll" the theatre', Wellt . . well .. foIId nbjeeta. Th~ are to be '8eJomy
lte p.b1Ic: -.all the createst producers J_ee' of We.teru f'OIII&Dce. pam-
.ho ft"e years qo were 1NIy, like pa'fIII beUea ot ertra:npnt dn.wln~
Charlea Frohman. pladq drama and romae aDli operatic: herola. at q s
eomedy IJI Bnh _II blood .poIl. th@ put. Where -rd l(IrI wItll am-
IIla'e are MlfIhlq b:!to mot1011 pietuf1" blUoae to ab1J:le 011 the lIloden \)Tfea1
eaterprt-. -.xIous to r;rup MillIe of ,8ta&'!' And Reb a nrlety of pauto-
the prolltl ot lUll f'rIIlwhlle lpored. or mimic pnc::t1Qe . . 111 tb_ roIM!
despllM!d: art. With Chartea B. Hall- Th11l11: of lbe 8m Harte herobl.e . .-
ford" whoee P"t.-..rlo _d wh~ In.&" the roM &l(S.t. 'Say mbte', wllat'e
BnI'" are Iutlq portra.!ta at heroic yom' aame'! aDli Goethe'. fori. .
0ItatiI~ .-odated with motkJa pk:t1ln! Uttle ereatanl. prbll::e. perb~ or
prodaetklaa, .. player . . . lec:tver. etIIe:r, .tcbllla tor ebl....m:.u 10ftI'
w1tb BlaIlebe Walali. I. It. ~ _d or 'that ...eel IaDIi wbere lbe oraap
hoat at oUler artbte at. .,.. _d flower crow-'! ...... teD _ w~

_ d Importulee OC! the AmerIcaD

at:aee lteedbac the hypaoUc: eye at the
'fer.tOe leu, the pablk'. &IIIIf'Oftl at
I e-I4 lbuI better plaee ta whldl
to .....-c:b crtlat 0. . . . . .
calle 'tbe ~ e at dnaa....,.,to-
lIlodClll plcBns . . . blP for.IIIl. 01. U. ~ ill won 01 thls.n W'bere
matic: art Is jUttBed: the Iaet lItaaoIII 1rlIlNe )1otid to actkJD!
ot ,"""Jadk:e boni of lcD.araace of "la my tather>. clay -=t1q" _d

~ ......
_perdJlOUllly_telped seper1ortty, baa

Pa1lae- the lIloat a.u....... ~

opera .ere Bot the tw1.a ebtera that
they ba.. 1JecDme ia 1U0lIent. opera.
T1loe Qp!r .btl woaJd . .ceeed _ the
to tile ut-<!M ot the motkJa ~
_ _ _ . . 06 .. - - . _ _ . . . . 06 .. _ - - . l7rie . . . . _ totlay m" .. _

~Io Is )(1. Beatrb Kldroel--. or etae w1II lbuI alealler ~ . .d

claqhter of FerulUlldo Ilidielee.a. lD~t ~eIIta. n.)'OlIaC
AJIKIq" the ftnrt to be reen1teA by _ _ wbo ~ . Ute
motiClll plChLre prodacera. thm! the opera .tap _d Is eqaJpped wiUt YOIce
ieCtt1Mate ~. were ~ aDd ~ IJI anall opera when It ,..'IIlIred ao IIIretdt of . . . actia& eIt:IIl Is the YQC!DII woataa .bo wUI
who h.cI Imt theb' "OIcee _4 wbo foa:ai III the 'm.ct=='1= to faecy ber ........ bladl_ -.ceed... Toa w1l1 l('!!t what I meaa tf ,.... reeaJJ
the ~ ot modOD plct:iu'e ebuUo ,.-ert- eyed. ..nadoa C!U1aeI. At ~ abe 1l'U IIu7 G&rd-. 111 ~' or 'fA Joadev de
table ~ d a home. .... ~ wWl the the yocuapet prbaa . . . . CID_ tIMI . . . . aad ~Dame' -roeea' or -rbaJe,.' II am
eyftI of MadOlllla, the ~ at babe, the l.oaJ"eoll .u.riea ba ""Pea:J' rr- Pari&.' 1ftlb for .d1nc ~ her _dleace wltII e:r-ee rI~
form of. Veil'" the _Ue at a armph _d the the _ _ T1-e:lt7 _Ilk:tt. ~ her a:poa her f!YC!B I.D 'I.e Joqleer'a' ~.. ac:t
crace ot PROe mtcbt baft lbe "OIee of .istft"a etap ~ _ _ Bee.trta'. wbere lbe _II: wbo fa poet, the - ' : no
"Ob Ie ...-.... ta reap. power. ~ _

peap11l . .d -cet by" bl motiaa pk:twra. Ie pa.In.~. lbe IIlClll.II: 11'110 fa _d
Alld that', what ae.kea Uie ad_t _ ) I t . ae.: yet abe hae }eft It .. tM aOeaee at tb. the IIICID.It Who fa m ....dUII are tulete1ly qau
:Yldieteaa 011 the motiOll "Icta:N b ~ . . mol:loa pk:tafoe _II bar ........ _tnlct -ttb ~ O'fti!r" l(itbt are the 1Ilc.l acoept:ahIe

Kkbeteli&'. tather .... two d-.tea
the _17 ~ e.ut.aia IIcJtte. Pktue
Cow..... '1= .. tbeb' Iadtac ...,.,
to tUtr LMy,
"la abort,.. aaJd lllsa IIldlelma, ClC&la Clout
qo, OIle of the ~ teIlora CID the p - . I Re.nac .t.wIIelI the a10a art _?OCal. . wttb tee Iller father .. lUlIthority put ~ .
opera .tace. _d to his 4aq!I~ be hall .... &CO that ttae nae .......
ea-thed YOfoa _d lIlet,hall. .hId! .u-b
haft pIaceI her C2"edltahly bef_ the ,..bIIe Ia
the 1 at JI"O"Iac It. . . . Iaa"
, 01. 1l'tte.e.taa lb. ... ' J _t at
lite, I ..... my deMt oa tile l(I'&Dd OJ'"'
ataee r .....-e b . . . . actree. .. ~ . . .
slepr aed whe. t!teee ~ are ;ctt CID the
Ucht open. aM whk:b. ..... Ilia ClllUIa.... tier _-r .... 1 _ t _ to . . JtataeI- ~ I all.aII dt ill rn.t. aa4, l(OGIIb.- en-
~~. _ ..... It w.. bdinell. to , . ber _ re. "0.,..,. . . me ' b_ lb. WI( dCMA, how I ahaII c:rttle* ~ ..

~at Are the 'Censors Doing?

E 1D my ez. artk:k
W CARY tkticcd.. 1IIOaea., of tAt: I!'~ll,.
that ~ ~ l p
of m ~ pk:bln!s b
LUCIAN _ t i L er a'
/PI,. _
Bat f&t' B()4f'ff ~ tcU
of c~
tlroe ~IUoa of tile ''fJ''''f'''NlI;.o. ft. Olloe 01 UW co.-
f_ to pn:JteCt tile troW,,. oti_ 110""
_1'. a plaa already .'T1&lagit.. tAe fort.
partly ex~ try ""it',. r~ .
hleb the MnpertOr'" __Of: yr .~d ", r.....
few shall ...,. .bat total all.,i.."n\' i.
tile Mtnferlor'" many ('-, ""Et' ,,~ U ." 01 ,...lld,....
",ball or shall Dot _ ".off'" .ur,.,.... ~
111 the motton plctllre

But of COline tile

Mr. HoYe m.t.II!lI
lb1s point .. If It
'dmltted of .0 arwu
dodon and m1nt. m~t. Bill the propo-
len ...4 IIOclaJ worll:- ",IUoll that 1IIOtioII
eM! who have thu pletllN ~Ip
Ir.1I1I:17 COllr~ abOGJd be coadacted
that they do not III the I.~ of
lnut either the In amaIl d ... of pnal-
tel~ or the ble ~ . I. . . h'!e-
monJ !Ibre of the qClelltl,. made that
people of Ole V_IUd perilaPII I eqbt to
statl!s are not. with ...,. that the ))I'OpOlII1
rare eseept!ODII, the to do thl, 1II pro-
aetuaJ eenJIOl"II nn pou..I to nfl. the mo-
ploym In the daily UOD. pleture th~
t .. III: <1l vlewlas for the P'flII _
alma for the pllrJl'Olll! ot Ilitell~t and
of dectdlq wbicb deeerat dURDJI I.
"han and ... bleb lIbaJl order LO tit It to thO'
lIot be exhibited. IIIDI1J n1Ullbf"r ot III:-
The actual work of noraat .lId morbid
<'eDM)rW!.fp - .her- t:lti-... It I. eerI
eyer It III olBdal-llI 0Wi1)' ~ 011
dODe by blred e!D-
ploYe:IL The polIitiOD
II1de. that be-
numtMer of
of MoftJcW ceDfIOr M
men and .ome1l 'r'f'
I, 1I0W rapidly lxo ..motlonally weall or
c:omtn., .. J'Ielllar morbid nothlDIl mUSI
dvll Iter-lee job ID be pen:ultted In tll..

AmeriQJ1 clUes u motion plrtuf'e whld.
well u at the lltate _oold be to
eapltaJa. But 111 onl@!'
to mUI! den the
..!la.ncler of ofllelal
, ~Il~ e"n to tb..
.-.-e.c.I8d most.
morbid penoa.' ID
~nblp It fa ..e. the comma.lty
.-.u.ry to eooaId",
lbe unomet,1 eeDlMlr-

IIIOV' "l"W",>
That Is litre propos.-
I... th.t bolJdl.II.P
moroe thaa two ItO-
The ~"' of tbp rift hlp be prohib-
Satlooal Board of Ited by l,w " ' - _
CeRlIOnbJp of Mo- "et'Y _ III
lloa P1cturel1. bkb wblte _ e ens']'

i... 'Ioluat&ry orp.n- mill thl"OW' blm~r
la.ttoa with DO lepl no. e . - a-Uy a - - ill ... ~ T _ m - .... m.c. ~ _ e--... no e-loooI _ from the top Itory
staDdln what.eYer. III order to eommll
~--- lIuldde!
reeetve DO salaTI~.
There are more thaD [adeed. that arwu
a bl1Udred of them They vol_~ to work the record at the ChICll;o board or eenlOnblp IDf"Dt Itl tlie one "'hleh II. . produee4 thfl ~ t
aD eertaJu clays of the JDouth ID &!'Oups of UDder Kajar Full_houeer would eomJ)&N with of ollldal CftIlIOl"&blp. TIle NatloaaJ
from Ave to teD 80 that 110 du.le per8QII hu thia <me! Of late It baa OftflD oolldemned owl- Board has proceeded on the theory that whl!D In
\'' 1l:1\1~h to do. All of their dedsloas are rtcht u man,. as three or four film. III _fl doubt It Mould .Ithhold III hand. It no.'.
Iluhject to revlsloD by the GII!'IIeral Committee d.Y-Dearly .. m.ny .. the N.UonaJ RoaN thanD 10 Mr. Ho.e. the real d.n.~ of Cf"III.
of the Board. whleb 1fI eoml)OlJed of "'P~r. colldemDed III month. ADd 98 ~r c:ent of the IIOr'Iblp. It realbN that the rI,_
of too IIII!-
th'es of _ell orpnlEatlOllS as the T. M. C. A.. 81m1l viewed by the CbICl.O or any other 0&111 vere et"naorahlp I, al y, IIId e"ef"Y"bere
lhe Charity Orpnlu.Uoll Sodety. the Federatloll board ot Cf"III.lOrlIblp b,vf" already bH.D pGncd ~Ur th.n the rill_ of , too If''Dlf''Ut eoeDtor
or Churehes. the Chlldl"ll!ll', Aid SQelety. the by the ~,tlon,1 Board of u.oaldal ttttIIOra! lIhlp. A, Yr. Bo,,"'e put It:
Y W. C. A.. the ~Ie's IDStltute. and the The Natlon.aJ Board h.. n!OI"DUy IMoed ~lI,,.,,,,.tI"'r ,.,... 1l",'i4f<"'01 Jlld,.",.J 01 JHlr-
~ .... York City FNera.tloll of WOftlell's Clubs. bulletin outllnlnl!." Its theory of cenlOMllllp and ''''''/flr 111"" or t ...... ..,TO,., i" 0,,1.;0. q '0
t:IoetIn't It 80uud u If JDost. of theJD .ere pro- lfr. Howe bas .uflplemented thll lItatemellt by W"l4t ,b.'4 !w ,MH'II. 110.'" 01 ,,. ..... '", .-di-
reMlonal monJlsta'!' It doea. But .. & matter an article whleb ...111 published In the '"0111- Il'" or t"",porory .,,.iI. ,.....H"a,..'
of tact they conduct.ecl eeneonhlp .hleh loo_~ 110 June !O. 1914. Mr. How", 111.,.. that II"ltli tll.. do.,rr to t".
nr! it""1 lro", 'IV C1 ..
I.. compar.tively unobjectionable. I cen90Mlblp
belIlde wbleb the omelll ce'080l"Ihlp In ChICll;O
the Board pl"Oblbttll (11 obtM:enlty In all form .. ;
1!1 vulprlty ... beD II 'l"ef'8"el 0. Indeee.ney uu'
...00"., 01 CI PO'''' 01 WW- II"lIkll H"od4 .t,jI..
"r ,II,..,,,,.,, to ".jI.". ,...... ,,'"
01 tlli. illHl..-
il' ID~redlbly stupid. The re:uon I" to be roond leflll an adequate! moral pu~ Is ser-ved: (31 '''JI.If tI . i.l"1"<)r 01 til .. "v"r,,-dn, ""'. It.."..., IUId
In the chancter of the Chairman of the Na- retlretPDtatlOml of crime ID Imeh Ii. dgalled ...ay ...pinrtio... of , .... "..op'''. Fo,. til.' ....110 .
1I0nai Board of CeIl80Mlhlp. Mr. FrederiC' C. .. m.y teach the lJIethod~ of commlttl.r; aime. '111,..' .110'" i. "ot Oil.'. d.... oor'''"'. '11.'0' ,
Ho... e.. eJ:cept ... hen tbC' rPPre8I"ntallon IIoII!rvetli II if a '''''01 "".,-alio"",' nUf'."". ".d I' .. 'IU'JI
Mr. HO"'e undeT!ltaDda the dsn~ra of -UllOr warnlnl!." toUlClwhol.. publJc: (41 JDorbld_etII '0 lIor<'tl II propc!1"'''dil/t n' " .." ,,,, .
l'hlp. He has uerclaed all hili pel"8ua..~lvell~ at crime. _h". tbe only value or tlle ~'" I' J'O',i',lil~..
lO prevent thfl NatloDal Board from ullnl!t" II. III morbidity or er1mln..1 ,ppc!lJ: (5) the But to t1l!"ll tJ"OlD the proOOU-nM-m..nOl of til<'"
powe.r .Ith reclillen Iltupldlty. And 80 far he UDDeeotlIllITJ" elaboration or prolODptJ01lI IIIf Board .-aIded by , min ... h_ deAl,...
has IUtteedM'l to IU 8JrtouDdbl8 dejO'll!t!. In 1lCeDe.s or llufl'erlDJ;. brutality. l'ulprlty. vi..... It 1II to _ thl" mot.lon plrtoT'l! the.atre .. rr-
Janu.ary of this yf"lr. tbe Bolrd pa.IIIOed au 53:! l.. n~ or erlme: .nd II d~ldea aome other mat- . . the MRUp"riOr~ people III tb.. C':Ommunlty
IIlml (801 reela ID aln. Of thefle 53! only 5 tera not wpec:Ulally Induded lien! ae.conllD~ .i11 Jl""fUIt. to the prOlloun~m"nt. of otftclll
"'ere condemDed outnl!."ht. ID 111 OUlf"nI ellrn- to ItII judgm~t at the ID~nt -.d rP.llult of the boardR lr:Ulded by pollee oftla!r ,n:.tloul III
in~OlUI or cl1a.n1:" were required. n i t meanll
tll.t M4 out of 53! fllmll w~ ,..ed .Itbout
an}' quelltlou or C'b.n~... Ho. do you 1U))l)I)8II!
IJrodu~r'll f"fI'ort.

l:.:rd. .4".'I,. lroM fll ..

But Ur. Howl!' ID~jecta:
..:\'..",,.'11 ...1....' ,.... Bon.,." .'fI flt ,,,,,,,., tulf"
,t"."JI'GC"t 01 cAUdrca. 01
...... I recorcf Te like tnnalDl: from IIpt to
, _ .
__..... _ _ . . I

116 THE' MOVIE PICTORIAL Aagan 8, 1914

The Railroad Girl
a famou eaetae drl~. and hIa It.oker .... I I craft.. 01' _ _ I ha d_ cit.-
w __ IIaI.- r-. ..... the _ 01 aorla& w1th :.r. JkGcrw'aD that I Bat ba_ . . .
tra!aa aa4 .... ~ to JIeGowaa's ra- w1th ..,. other dlndur 1M II: .... ___
"'pidt...... 01 I I ' - a...r- _ be leu.elI fJ:llr'w1Iri to -V Ikat I . . tba _ _ ~ . c r - be ~
rn- a ntIidI7 ....... e'1"'er bat I do nerytktac I . . aDell
ua.t. ad eucbt JMor .. v..- to JerlonD. .... Uts I am ~ ba
IIhe , . .ped towvda htm hel", hia wrlte (be . . . I baft ~
-..eraa ~ aU. I like that tIlo. s-e 0( Ute
bldd_b . , the deaert are ~ ad:aal ue.--
lap .. m,. 0W1I ute yoa 0 - . ~
I dld tlot bow blat I 1IatIlraIb' uked
ber to tell me _ethta& ot ber deRrt
life _d wbat preceded It.
Hf ~ . . well Cln! 1011 the ,..hole
thlq bl IIflQUeDce. ~ abe.
~or elM ,.a. wUl keev at me
_tU yoa. _ IL Do ya. know
..hy It .. that I take ao aabI-
rail,. .. n.ilr-.I . . . . . . . .
...h,. It la that I _ -. &0 . .en
w1th all the -.k-ya ot. a
rafir"OM.! I feel. AnI that It
q I .... ban
bl a ranro.d cu. 11.7
tatber . . . _ oCIdaI
c. the I..-In1IIe aa4
Saah...ule aallroad
Ccm~ aDd I
. . ban La hq
pri..u.e car 011 a
side U1lCIL All tbe
ral.lrc.d p e 0 p I If!
b~t kDo.
thla. _d haTe ae-
cept.ed me . .
011" of th..m-

ELEN BOLKES. dilld 01 tlle railroad..
daacbter of the ~ Doe!' of cla.rblc ~
deeD, 1dol of A.rtlstL How doe- that for the .cart of. .... b1tl!1'Tiew!
Well ..... 8el_ .. aD'eIIt1q youac lad,..
I . , . YlMUlC adTt8ed.J.y tor abe u apo~lq ber
tWftltieth btrthday. abe is IIOl the YOIIJlPl'llMd-
I q lalIJ' Ia tbe bIu1D---ut_ an! _ , . of
them appaUlRcI,. YOUII&. bat abe is atter alL a

IDft"e alJp 01. c1ri-yQWlCer "en t.haa her

from where she stood. I ClOm1DeDted .poa the
~_d abeuid:
telYd &ad we _
tak.i.D..c traJa
tome _c.derftll tadlldea for
plctlU'ea . . you Un! beeD able to
tDdCe for ,.oanelt toda,y. lIy bat I wish I
,.ean &CD J. P. Kc:Gowaa 01. lbe KaJem lICXlestly. I 4oa'l. feel that I nm . .y creat
ClIIIDJIUlJ' .... .eDt _est _d . . . told to prod.OCll! rta.. I am .tnJa& aa4 ~ _d I ha" ClOClld relate _e prot_klaal fa1eI; bat I CUI'l..
..-e ~ Be had ItO _pan,.
f_d It oampuatlTel,. e&lIJ' to aet capUle lot
btrt: be the cr-test ccaadeace i.D. Jlr. ~ U L It. I Un!cl i.D. Cblequ for maA,. ,.eua
a Iad.7 dDpped. _ til the aaoeet . .d aaW to me:
-.e ...,.
me:.t1y a q 011 Dt!I"ft.. Be at!"n!l' alta . .
of aetGn ~er. Haw_ bea It eame to to do ..hat he eNId IIOt do b.bDaelt &ad hIa 'Yoa. baft a .-.derbll _plene.. dLDd aad
.eeartDs a leadlq Womall wbo .oolcl suit him )Dt!'I"Te DeTer him... Be aI"an CI.a me a Ulnl :rou- bead_yes, 1O'll wOllld. be jut
be fomId blmRlf.mdL HbI qll~ to -sllr- e:baace to retue to do the thlq be ....ts 6ooe. lbe model for a plcblrl! I am pa.iatlD:C: She
uta were aboat as follows: but I han! _ ~ add DO to htm yet. ~ Poft znlt! bf'!f eanl &.Dd uked me to thlak It
MAre 1(R1 a cood rider. aDd do "oct miucl taU- Whea uked a.boat her early drullat1e e:qJe1- OYer. So I talked It OTer at bome _d decided
lila- all yOU" b _ DOW aDd tbal~ eftI'J' day et:lClea lllaa Holmes .... 'ftt7 frUl.k. ""Let me to CO to hf'!f. Sbe . . . eleUPtecl .hea I Ulnled
or two! Cul yoa swim aDd are yoa .WlDe to ad'rlM: y08 Dot to'riew me" abe told me. DP. &.Del wd I . . . a pod model _d tldq foad
be thl"l)Wll all brIdps or~! CaD 700 board ~I am really a m" _tat.ereR:blc ~ la at plcttlrea _d .-mttac I acloptal It . . a prO.
m~1l& tn.iD! Do yoa object to Jamplnc aD. the ant I haTe DO 4ramatle experieaea to feDIoa &.Dd I ha" sat .. model for a Dum....
to aJI en.,toe trum aD 11Itc;mobUe! Are Toa talk abuDt or to refer to. I .... De-rer c. the of .en 1Ul01l"D .-mtblp &Dd elrawblp. I_as
.enou .h~ eIXlfroftted b1 lions or l ~ or staee &lid do Dot uped. to CO c.. i.D. fact I Dner the model for the 'SaDta Fe Girl.: the Rrl8
..... JOG read,. to cu op to crtnty _d idap bim did a thlll" Ia this Uae Il.DtO I .eDt fDto mOTblr; of pdDUIlp luaed by the SaDta Fe RanI"O&d
oa the Ilc.e!" plctllrea .Ith Mr. McGo"&II. &Ild [ 111'' the met &!lel IJtIlI DlII!Id h,. them. I tt.ed to earD quite a
N()'II\'. 1 do 1Iol uwear that lhette I.ft! the "er'Y aurprtaed Clrl ID the ..orld when he said he lot of mouey at thla work &.Del met lIOme de-
<luestloal that Mc:GoWUl put to Helen Rolm". ,.ouId try me out. Here Is one thlaS I WUlt you IIcbttul people. many of whom h...e followed
hill I will ewear that they are J1l3t abo.t what to ... y-tf you ...y U1ythlllc about me at all- m,. eareer as a motloa picture a ~ and oft.en
he ulted. ber when sbe applied to him tor the U1d that I. that I o..e e"Jerythlas to my director. ... r1te to me."
~tloD of .bat Dl.1:t' be tenDed lea.dtll.& 1&4,.. I expected him to be c:rou _d roUCh. he t. so "Wbat about thoee delleM. ell:perleDee!I~ I
-.crobat to Mr. Mc:Gow&D. She...,.' that abe bll; and It.reDuoua you lUlo.. ; bat be la alway. . .ked her.
..... far more t'r1.chteDed of the camera Uld of calUe with WO!l1eD &.Dd be ,.... 80 paUent _d MI. Holmes llas IIIIt!llt tor awhile Uld f1uaUy
a dln!ctor thUi abe ..... of lIOme of the lhtnp IdDd .Ith me that I _ 10lIl my DerTowmea h&llded me a portralt of ,.OUDl( m&!l. I eouJd
be asked If sbe could do. MeGowa.ft b. . told &ad my ODJ,. thou.cbt . . . to do m,. Tery best _d _ at oace be W'&II her brother &!ld remarked 011
me that the moment be met ber that be felt to be .. n.aturaJ .. ~lble i.D. order to p l _ the lIkeaea..
Urat beft . . . the irl that he had. been looktq &Ild repay him for Sh1uC '!De a chalice. I . . . wYt!Il," sbe aid.. "that . . . zn,. brothf'!f. &lid he
for. M be tried b~ out fD a plct1ln! Uld enP&ed. pretty hard up at the time I jolaed the K.a1e= ..... lbe ca.ll!If! of our coluc to the deeen. &lid of
b~. ClXIlpaay. &.Dd It ......ery D ~ that I 1RIe- lIOUIe of the mOfJt deltcbttul lima I eTer had _d
( I(Ot lilY fD~n1ew piecemeal. for I acam:lpaD- ceed. at a job of some ktad." I ulr.ed her _ of illXDe of my wont momenta too. Be cot ..ery
k!d McCowUl Uld his axDpaDy to s ~ - . e time la.ter-many thtnp had h.qlpened Ia be- sick _d lbe doctor ad~ that be CO to the
mUes ~ of Loa ~es, Dear - . e ranro.d hree:l---bO'1l' abe liked znotioD plctllft3 &ad dt!'IIflrt wb~ It _ . . city &lid there . . . Dobody
yanla .bere -.ea from a r.Uroad ItOr)' .~ whether abe w. . . . _ aeb'eaa. to CO with bltu eltcept me. We WeDt to Shoabaae
to . . t:Uea d.u1D&: the cb:t'. -Yea ladeed. I 10Te my wCX"k. I DeYII!'I' 41d ..hlch ts"1ull a cr-!- way frDIIl Death VaDey_d
We tslked 4utq the i.D.~ .be. Hdea &.DJ1,hLa.c halt .. blteretlttac before. I mut .~ th_ for e-o yeara. Dlui.D.c that tim I
~ . . . IIOt aetmc. Uld we .... c. tJ'ft:lJes ha... CllD.Kaat c:baap to bJep me IIat!ded &ad put wele my w _ _ ', QoCJlblc _d .on! 0'Tef'
_4 ba bas" an Uld .e ate our hmdt 'With qlllte motira pk:tv'e actfq r;twa me tllIe nriet:y that al~ lind top ltoota. RauJ_ _ D 1 l 1 D - , &ltd
_I GIla ~! MIlbe""..... c:baap bls dmtrt b _ for tbe best I&1aCe fa ~t7 to ..... &D4 ia '9ety aataralud 4ad:q:
uab' ! T-. eM. . . 1 fill aot u.. worl4. Be p f t )('- Bol.- two ....,. . . . abe
,.u Mr ..boie beaz't Iato t i t wodt.
UlJak . . hi _ ..... _ ....
.-.It to w1tJI IIlJm. I t:Iae -.J:r ..... ~ aDd -r~" .. ~ 1lw. . . . tllIJ"-
,...~. - , - . . .. . - . I ..._t u.-e. ate aacl .. coOle _d Ut_ . . . athfr aaDIlIII8 . "efJ:J''' tUt hi . . - J . ill tJIe . . . .
- ' - 1 WUll to WI J'QI& that - e s t aU the baTe e:tlIIlftable qaaz1:2n lit ber mea'" car- lac ~ fII. .. - . . a 7 1kGow_ ~
1ILiaen . . . F . . . . tile few whtte . - de. wbere Tooopah aDd ber buUdoc q-.n'el that b e b u _ bad _ _~fa.u

. . . tbe bait ad 1II4!aas M:attered aIIoU tor ber a.t:teaUoa. aDd wbere the eoyotes ~(JW his e:s;perieDee. She is cae 01 the t_ aeu-
the ItDlw the eltwert, I met with IDCII'e c:ov- their crat1tade tor th_ Mme at.teDtte.a -, wbo do the . . . . . . . . sbulta . . . . . . .
teQ'" aDd kbubteaw thaa I ba'ge e"ft' uperieaced bltbl.c" be!' wbeaner they bne the d1aDee. Sbe to ber. _d who De'9ft' aI1Dw. a "4oablo." to do
Ie _:r dty. hu ber ta'9oartte bone there, too. aDd be lion thna for ber.
"'We bad ~ ...el rode aDd -.Jked
mDew _ . . SametJ_.e ~
maD, Dot P Btale for Ule w ... t of eserd8e. :au.
Holmea Ia a1JIo dcmJt.e4 to ber rac:iq utomo-
There I beao ot ~ ahead of Belell.
Holmes tt.fltofoe abe c:arT'ia eNt that th,.... to
VaDe:r aDd stopped at. I"aaace Creek. that ....- bUe and wheD. wor1r. b _ lJbe uu. to . . . ber KG bac:k to the dflllert _d wear overalls apiJL.
ferhl c:reeIr. wlaidt n- richt fa VaDe:r.
den ow.....
nc..r. .....,. ... UHs slab trom m. lD the
barro l7ta&: ' - t the
011 _ jopuey we IIaW a
azul our retvD
onnlb ...d p [or spill a1dl& Ule w..". wbkh
IlJ"e JIlore or 1_ deserted ...d where she can
"let ber ao."
She Ia teIlRly ilItereat1q to talk to. traak
Amercan Films
It . . . aearl7 buied.. 1 4 sat frieIldIy
with a BUDber fillJuUaas aDd - e . o t the old
...d aAafl'eeted, .. Ibe la, and maD, are the
stories abe c:aa tell of lbe studio. at ramo.. MIL SAJlUEL GOLDFISH. of the Je-e 1..
~ ue4 to IIt.op at oar camp tor 'riwlts ~ ...4 ot bappenillp OD lbe deflert or ill Laaky Fe&ta:re Play Com. . .,. tau re-
_d _ always Iookell !ward to their ~ Death Vall.,. tlInIed. from E1lrope with cemtracb wltb Walker.
"'Oae old. . . . . . . . Tf:rJ" weD ed.aeat.ed. bat be She w... c::aUed the "White Squ.w~ by _ aI LoadOQ; DaaeorIdort', at Germaay. _d utller
had llIe .s-t tnero. _d ba4 ...... then tor the ot the 1Jld.lI..Iu wbUe abe Uveel bl the ~ aDd E1lnIpblI dlMrlbaters ot motk'e pJc:t1U'e lUm.
10 dtstribvte flbmI 01 hla eumpu.,. ...d al the
.... put of hia life.. Now _II ap.ia be to8ad

othen aamed ber Ta-...wl&-a.a-me wbJeb IlleaIUJ
10m_ cood aaike tMIt be .nero belli OIl, tat IIOlII "the ~ ~ of SUD at daWll." She the FunOQ Play~ FUm Cclmpaa, _d Bo....orth.
to for .. -e. speIlt the _flY lit lOme COIIliIlc ot __enJ lIew 1IL1Jl~ CUIIPlI lAc:l.adlac IDe.. ~ The lllau IlJ"e Dot to be aold to the
d..n toW1II _4 thea orted oat ap.ia. He bad the enraord1Jlar1 MlSb to Greenwater wbere forelp ~t:atl'Ve8. but leued to l1'flm for
alW1lYS had the I... that _ ..,. be woaJd the ..rtace ltrIkea of copper aroued the whole
maIr.e the IIIIgst "mike" erer made._cl that m1ILJaa world _4 where ill tew U7S' time Tbe prod~ CIJIIlpo&e the yearly fJUlINt ot
Idea wtU be with bba. _to be dies. Ifbe hi lUll IIL_ were IPt1a for loc:atloaa &Ild faIMIIou the Param_t Piet::uoea Corporadoa....hlctt .....
aU~ Do 1OG. know that I wOCl1d like to ao
t.dI: to the deRrt lOme time _d pat _ _
prices were D&Jd tor mere ~ Wbere
tCX"llllecl ee'9eraJ .'eeIUI ~

two t.<nnu lIP"'IUIa: .p tD a lew Ilan. ~ e ~~

alb _d waUt the saD" _4 the !DQCUltabP! Oae ot th.., dan I -.rill., for at. the
aDd telecra&lb Uaes were 1&14
I!Itarted. Wbere machinery
4 a ._......,.
earted Ie ud
~--. ./

de.ert to'lI'1I of Am.arcosa m,. mother. P'D4 a mtU bUlt Wore lA' real ore w. . f_d In
mdther aDd a1.6ter ba'ge .. nnc:b wblc:b they Uke ClIlIIlDlerdal qa&lltidea _d from wbk:h n...n
. . well . . I 40. I bad ..--trlp there recell.t1)' _d left _e by cae. brakeD ud lit.
went 011. to Gol.d8eld azul Mr. )(c:Gow_ hi c0t..- beart.atecl. wbere two promta,eat
to take the ooalllUlY to that put ot the c:oaDtr)' m..bLlIIc ma blew ~elr bra.J.u oat
to malte _ e raIlr..-d storl_ 1.114 ~ beeaue the,. eouJd not. bee the dl
some raJ mlDlDC_-.

MiBlII Holmes' brother

died despite ber _eelt
Ish _d IoriIlc care. He
Is burled wh@'l'l!
the IIet.ttq lIUn

expanse Into a I!Iell at col" aDd "'bere ill the eIItl10 that they had
lIPriJlc time there are more beautftul wild flow IDdllced to pat
en III m&8lIelI 01 color th_ Ie almOlrt an,. utller all their mODe,.
place ill the world.. I Imow beeawe I. too, ba~ ilIto their Pro&-
Uved 011 the de.ert. peets with th",
"u ,..u after tht. that I eame to Los AIledea promise ot e!lor
where I trted. to ~ work .. an artists model. MOUJI retDnl.S I.IId
but there .u DO ~d. and that. Ia wh,. I where flDalI,. the
turned to motloo plc:turea. I ba'ge been with the towas w fl r e lett
Kalem compan, for two ,ean DOW ...d hope to and ODe man
be with them for a 1011" time to come.. ~ stayed. beea.uM! he
Whe!l ooe looks at Helea Holmes and lIolelJ laved the lpat-
the e:l:tnme bu.uty of be!' com.plwoo. enbancecl he was there be-
b, wealth ot 4ar1I: browu bair and by .-real tOf'!! all the excite-
hazel e,ea ooe t. far more IDdlDed to auoc:iate me!lt c:ame--Pan-
Iler with artlstJI tb&D wlUl the desert, bat when DamJnt Tom.
OIIe watches ber dolnlr lIllIIDe partlcularl, ~ Helen HoImet!
stunt lD the pteturea or _ b~ arrayed lit wm Dot say m .ch
overana. thea the _dentul.dbla" CIJIIle& . . to abou.t ber 111~
how aDd wby abe 1~ the roach and free OQt 011 the acreen. but
door life.
0I:a ~ recen.t riat to Death Valley aDd Ib
vidDlty lIbe met _ old trleftd iD PaDaamiDt
Tom who bI; t&ba'-ly old aDd wbo wGllld aot
her 4Jrector ... d
tt1e beads ot the
She ha5
...... . - -
.-n.o..t .............

Expert Advice on TenniS


OYer the

.Il$'''' ..
'~~ ~~ ..........
, c

o.-~ . . . -..-. ...........

..r._ _
... --s:.-="=':::r-'--. . . .
.....--. CI _ _ . _

:..:.. c

At t'he Lasky S'tudios

.A Morning Visit with the Celebrities


~ ...... -
.... .. aon
eo 1IIacIt tb_
CIr' Ie-. faa- RICHARD WILLIS ..........................
lac took fIIaDe.

1lJI; . . . aM' . . . tID

'De h. . . . . .

lCew T.n
...... wtIbiIl ~ wldicb
with .. Utt1e

JI"llIU7. _ ...tter ...MIlI ~ walk

can. ............ wlMre be WM . .' IUer

. . . . . . . . . . . cqMaI IUr7 .........

for ......

_ tton........ _ tbattt . . . . . at. roe.b .... J a . _ " , ... w-. .. cr-t fa..-r-
-'17 tIaat wWa _ ~. to '--t7 . . lte wtlh .....,.. ... ttae -.....: Iii ~ fa
. . tab tJLk )IU't.IcaIU' Older . . . , JIIIU* It _ lb. htu'e al 1M . . . tbca 17......
.. Mt. ....... _ _ .. ..m..
JkDn _ ' . . wa:tcbed tbetr ~ wtUa cr-t .......
10cIbll It 0ftJ'. tbeIL he ~ it ..... I .... .-*1 to e.te:b ILoIIIeI't at the
the ~ blto omce. ...' ~ .... .....pIet'a- of. tM pk:t:ve "'Tbe c.u.
of the
a --.n cap at the '-'cIt. EYa~ the N<rUt... fur the _ ~ bd .... u.-t liar
_ _ _ _ sot batue:ltet et.wbere .... u... the major pII't of tbe u.. tJae Petu'I .... beIq
anind from lbe east a .n-..
__ -.1th .. lFeaJtb of uperieaee vi. a ~
Yoaa&' Iiol:*tIIc prod...... Be aM. Stewart Dh..... W1lJte . . . .
haflq' Uttle CUIIalI ~ onr the proCao-
-nre WlIad hba... He took bla tlme IoaidaI" t:tc. w,b.k:tI .... of t.r- 1Ir. Wblt.e'.
tbe dbaUca OYer, for he., too, waated to pit .. book. }II the _ of. the e e . ~ JIr. Ilde-
...... aDd tor qa.1te a ~e CdlC'eI'1lo too. _ bd IOOd ....... Oftl' Iette' be b..s re-
on. YOIIIIC IooIda& m.aa . . . Cecil B. De lODe cet..ed fI'cm hili _ ID N'e.- York. Ncnr Robert
. . . llt. - . . . : J ' ..... lbe J-.e 1.. t..aU3' Edftaa .. Dot cal)" be actor 1ald: be is u.
...,~. Be tbelloOTtrood~ Pod RaIIIIe. ....... U. ....... sr-t p n p
. . . . .. $
~ all.
tl. . . . . . . . took It. J'thwlth
1IIdld.lqs _4 tH' ram-
is n_ .. lmpoatDc daJr with
Ia the IIle'tropoUa to ..,. utJlJac at. BeTenJ !IICItaI'
.........d D1IIIlber ttl. toutac ean.. aDd tbJs
pn,p: Is bl c:har&e or bis - . The ~ q-
. . . . . . . u-lac~ 1nnDeI 1:4__ that two ot Ute meclLaD.tdaaI;
I KroIJed bato the sbIiIIo I"eUD.tly and darbtc bad aut IDU'rleC and t:b&t aaother cme .....
0... -aac met .-tte .. fonII.hIaIM UttIie .,......L Tbe Jetter GDtabe. ... with. "Now I
. . . . . . . . vi. eddlrtt1el. LooIt at the JIIkba'e . . aGt RJ'e .. hat 1 am I"'alaiDc. a pnce or a
...... , . . wDl llrad Robert l!'AeIoIl., 8brwvt J:d, ~ tNreau... AJ1 of ..bleb IIbcnrl that
ward. White, Dasda J'arDUl, JiIu I"Iplu. m.s-a. S-kr ~ _ e of the bumor
.lame. NeU. Theodore &obert:s . . . 1'JloIU- ot~Sslor.
R-. wllIIst. Mated IlJ'e CecIl B. De JImI .... .... uu. the p1c:b&re pille. It Kin.
o.c.r ApW. Reau lUul .. meetblc at .. New b.IIII. t1dl .cope f his atbJel1e abWt1elJ _d lob
yon. Draaat:Ie Club. 4oee't it! Yet here tbcJ of freU. aU &lUI. he is dad that he .m reblra
_ aD. tDpther fa a Hol1Tft'ood JIatioa PIe- to u.
Aaples late!' em to qpear 1D _other
tue ...uo. ....,. ow! ba Callfor1ia. of. hili tam._ PlU"b--wh.leb OIl" Is not yet fully
IIu: J"Icau. had. jut had. h.bI ant pictwre
1& til -rbe II&a OIl the Box" . . . . . lD taIktac aIlou.t the B:!ar Valley tr1.D .here
.ot ~ to .,. that the work blteeIteI hIa 1II&D3' ot tbe,lCeDe. Ia "The Call of the NtJl:~
. . .-:b . . it 4Id bJs wt!e, Lolita P taw.. were taba.. Kr. E4efIoIa called attentioa to the

ia .. Jktu'e _e ,.ean
Be tIIIIll_ ~ lUlU' be bad. ClDe to .........
t.c:Il rtcht hfll"e
.tnace ~ aIt1bId.e Yill pla,. ~ dlffereat
people aDd. to JIl'OWe hla poblt rec:owIIted the
It . . . fa l"thtak, that lie .... here .s.-
the shoat1Dc at.
. - p that U 1le laM. __
....... ha
Mr. SeUc ta the _
_4 he
' t t t he
.. that ldcle wltea Ule shoot-
ftcht be wttb. IfIlt BroWll.. MDt Brcnrn b
a btllP ........ .trclB&' withal., aDd be u. be.-
a champ'" eowbo1 _d h.. appeared w1tb. _
laC .. "'The Old CluioGty Sbop" wbee he met
lIlIaHr BcIaa. til-. . eral mot1oD pictve
cel' far the eompaaJelt from tbDe
8eUII~Com to time, d .....
...,. at &aeIulaIe the N. Y P. ee--
1. Bocca bad PADY. 8eUca. tbe UD.i-
Tera! _d r....kT..

~ e d the aabjeet
do .. plc:bIre "We were . . _ alt!-
w1tIl. -nae Old cut no at. 1.000 filet. M

. . . , 8bGp" . . . ~ .... Ed-. ....d It
hide til whleb to 0 ' . . ~ere that MUt

..... .....
TIte latter tboqbt

..... IUtter U'-

.... ~ t bait the
.... apt wbleh
. . . . . til tbe~_
Ncrw .-der ord.iaary
1'-eed to meet Mr. elre.lIlstaD.ees
8eUc ..belli. be U'- 1tI'owa.,' wbo .etPs
rlftlll frG:a Cbleaco a .... r two b u ' "
_ rrIda:J'. "... ' - " ' U l d b .. _
lac be eolIId Dot meet _w~-Wtle
t 11 e appe6almal _ . . ill 1lO tbae. ...
..... lit the ...... tile alt1twft da:teI
...., 1tGIIr be tde-
.... _.....
111m badly ad It
....... to BacP to
tell bbD. be . . . em
~me . .
_ mat that to""
!lis ...,. om. Mr. I bally ~ blm
rt,._.a dIsUDctIy be lit -. hard; thK 1M
. . almost ad..
tlreI' . . . . Prl, IUd
Oft!' the wboe,

..... be
W1Ma tol4 to start ta

--- ........
tblac UM4fal Is craw.e. 'Goo.
" p taK,'" ....

....... the recehw.

-- ............ ........
It ~

........... ....
... 1Itutell~ Iar tM dDt 1Ile'_

..... _ '&._
.."-Ill ..

"~fII.'" -"-.
..... ~
........... -.:
_ . .:-... ~- -'" .:.
__ --.
-. ~

. 'LA
-_. .

..... _
. . . . . . . y--.,

........... -- '.-
. . Jt .. Md' .. _
....... _ _

_ --- ..........
_ ..

-.. ..... n

--. ~
-- - ..
.,....,. . . . ~




n S It


.... _ . '
fIl"'_" -...1IiIL


--.. .. .. tM~
n . .

.. . . . . . . . . . .-liI:
"'T. . . . . . eII
to . . ~a-

CIIIIlI., u..... P- ,..., . . . . . . .

~... WIUti. _ _ ... ~ .

_e11Ik ..... -....rt . . . ~ ~
.... - - . k . ..-.. ..
,.., ........ M!III Dt . . . _ ........ .. auw. ,... .-.
. . . . . . w1Ul air to aJ"
ta ,tlI . . . ~ 1iI. _ _ ., . . . . . ~ I __ to_a ...
thcJ' _

.. ..
.. .......,. .... .......... ..,.1

. . . , eli
_ _

fa tIlII

j.;. ;..o.;~

..... -a
..... tt ..
...... 1

....,-, . - . . '
.... a _ _

Iq"" a

a-T....,. ..,..
11. . .

to I..u Taboe ... tbe
YWI. u...
tiN ..,.
be w1Il
u... ....... u...arc-
leMr ....... twe_ _

...m nIt:U'a . . . ~ melfs:nt1cn of tile '!loW u - t It!' .AD
_...w. tM.- _ _ ...., I!IM"
'I'Ma ...... -.-

..... -
_ til lit. otMr Ia tM
plod' ....-k. ... .... . . - . . . . _ _ T.a..,1' a-. ,... ..
b.etu""c to Msree ead. .. _ ~ ... tar :r- tIIIIQ" rr- De
' I' .....

I Mit. cUt
eetma __
. . . GndW . .

lUT, &t
_.t. . ......... _.,
- .. ~
--...c ~

l-*r . . . .
re- ......

1 . . ....,.

-n. ItIiIIIlt .. " ' , "

* .._

lie _ _ tbt

- 'W'Q". -
* ftidl .'. . . . . . . . ta .,....

_be Us Ute . . el ......... , - .

flX'"_tl-._ ......*'- .....
Ute "'CIA el ... x-tIl- ... ........ o.etI De o..r
ert~ "'k-.~'" .AIlM r.r ... ...,. to t.IJl . .
_ _ fill. tar .......
Ud- =.~ tMJ' n::.--::e..- =:
...... ......
~ ~ lefJan _ --*- til fIIIA-{ wiD. _ _ t.Ik ..... ~

the ..... ..... ..... tM:J aN tweo fill. t!le . . .
..-I7_ o-Iel ...... ~
_ ... _lIr;'~ .
Nell ..
7lt . . . U't:Ieitk-
tM ....
JIQa'" tIdab
that the ~
IUnb _4 tile .....,.-
Iq"' Mit tt hU .faDea tato,
look to it. r:iIM..
. . xa.e.-
' tMt -
l a t . bMt7 .... ~ *- the 110,., A-.. r-.. ..
IlIh DutIIl ran- wbo wID _ _
Pvw'" or eel toe lItaW. ~
.... e-e 1IIc Iarir. to J'anlIDl
althoqb he pats aU he ao.r. lata
tb-. He ~ that he to
tbIt F

....... -..
No ..

uraap for.
_ . . . . . . . -.I ~ "'J'ICb,
., ......,. _ _~-
taM: De

nef~," ~
II1II a "-"
tali.e IDC\If .-tka ~ u.e ' t f t o l t l l e ......
In&, _4 ..m ...wt ~ aU! othft' E ~ the footUcbb &lUI the ~ . . . CUUiot .---. _ _ OIl tt-e at tbe . . . . .
po(a~ 1III.t ""tlle;' caa't . . rid. fIl 1M, rn "- '-dr. ..-dIe .......t to ~ tM lecft:Iaate for tbe7 _ 1lttIie u-. -""'.';";;,0;';
~'lth Mlle . - be...... Be reeetYN ~ lItap altopolIMr. on- a- Is 01 the ~ aiIIIt7 ~ ..
_4 fill tr..- .... ......... lDoIt _e the l.-IE:y aetcnI ~ ~ the Ylett- nI.,. !
...alullle tl1ID. wtUIi hbD ' _ t to Ne_
y ....
I IIIlIlI ...... to . . t dIM.
ac:tcw.~"""fNeIla- .. ~
IIIterlI-.c old Dow "The Christian" Was rdJaecl
I. JlII; ~ .ulII:!i ""I'IIe . . . el . . . .- o BE1TEIl _ ~ 01. tile ...
~ kaowato ~ ........
... b.Jdl"fa~~.
the ...... lie . . . . Itt.

_ ...., N
ill . . aaa:w 01 detaJIa
fa the ~ 01 - - . ~ "--
c:.etIq" n....
to a-- ...,. .-: ..-...
..-eII ...
io "'"I.'IIa caD fit the lCortIl ~ he ..m ___ tb.aa fa -n.e ~ - tile ~ GIor7 ~ ....,. .,..-

~ ..kidi .. _

week OIl ..

n wW he
~ . . . tIM iICD:Ji

. - .... at tile ~ ~

_derfal . - . . . . , lob
that w1tea a.u CallIe'

~ ..... Int ...-teI Wore the foGtUI1l.t:I;

Viola AIls _Ill
c:r-tJed two 11 1IreathlIlc mar
. . . GIerJ"

Ia. tb_ nlee

. __



.......,a ..

aIJtT ad
' ... .-Ill. a tMIl:.


hieb1aaic MCIIQ
' .M"
. . - .......



' ....
SF .....
. . . . . . . . tuIt -..lIz to he r.sou-. VW& ,......Maaa to VIaIa ...,

Al1eII'. G\ory Q;IaIe .... I a ~ . . . . . . _ ..... BtiiN7 Ie au.. ....
the 1Ilbi"
acrrel sa
til.u.Ui_ .t!.o .... r-.I Ute
tile JIIa7. _bBe Jolla
cu.e wttea
.-tb.0I1. ,..,
...,. ~ '-t

$ . ,

Storm w-pt tel lite wftIl. aU 01 tIM . . . 01 the roIlt - . , . Ie a .......

DIe f~ of c:hanIcter _ . elaeerttr 01
1M late JIr, ....... n. i t t .. ae a:.&or of the . . of
Glory QaJ,e bl10 we .--... of all loba _ -. ~ tJlis
fIl the __1llerftIl a "h;:r ell . . ,act. wIlIdl ~ . . UablI..- tIM . . . .
AJls. . . . lIbwIai Jolla _ .-. el &an. 1f1IUaaa,
01. aU 01 tM . . . ! ! t r 0( . . . cndar, . , - - . , ." JiQw ........
.... A.alI . . c..- two m. ~
'I'M ,, 7 ... _ LiIlIilIer

,.-u.I to tile . . . . . . ", ~ ... - - . .... h tlMIr 1 W
r..-.'-"'C .. tIMoIr cr-.tan .... . . . . . . ..... e11 _ - . a 7 ......
5 . . .

...... ~ e I I ~ ~ wU*,.
W1MJl Ute ..,...... 1M ......... ...... ... _ ..,.. al:I1aIMa
-..aT ~ a _'b.U- . . .......,. , - 'l(l - n . ~ " ...
1lIdac ida :: _ .......,. ...
....,. ...... .....-.
..._._~..... .. tile CideIe . . , .
1M . . . . . . . . . . . ~ tM aD tuat IIld. ........................... fIIl.tlMea-.
that the' diJef' ~ ta tile ....,. _ ..u.

.JI~ .. ,,-

Two Jteel
8eUc' J'an:e

_.. _. Wheeler 0aIaD.azl

CNC . . . CJcri:, WI1Ue.. tatber J"Nd a-u,.
J _ Fe.UI.erl". WUlle' o.tnde II;yaa
014 M_ F ~ ~ fattier.....
.. . . . . .. . .. 0-&'8 BenI.&Il.del

Jf-. RtIC.ter........:J' a.rJt

WUUe lbaaIl7 )IIw:b .,. ~ eaoach

YY to uk Old .... ~ fur the beIrt uuI baDd
of h.llJ beu:t1hl ~ter 1....__4 thb ",ltIl lane',
ee--t-Jlr. :re.thmi7 abD:&Ib' luPa at ~
him ttl_tty that he W&Il.ta 1m Uqhter to IIIUT7 a--...
"maa" blsteM: of a "'WUUe boy." K.eb dejected.
Wmle eves home.. Be 1!I.D.d. there J1m Rader, .. cndl'.
heasv. 1<*11 '9'oieed Te%:u cattlemaa c.. a TlaIt to hili
father. who Dearly 'tVJiacs his haDe! dI. bl toll. flI. pod.
wm. bel thea a brtIJ.1aDt ide& 1Itr1ll:e. WUUe. He lie-
ddes to .... lim RlIcker tor job! Both WlUte',
father and .rim aN m1tCb takeR with til......; they
haTe 'rlBloae of m.u:1ac man cl Wmle. an4 ,lim IItarts
back bome with ba tow. A.8 WDl1e wan mOll-
ode, tuhloaahle cloth.. iii TefT 8aIc:Q' aboU - . t
fa his bath _d ea.rrleI a stlP017 ot totlet arttda that
would malte a leadfq' ladY bluah. lite OR the raDdl. dOi!s
Dot 1'""t1 euy. In tae:t. the oowtloys> ba_ lRlc:h
Cloriou time that there is DO YOIir. doDo at an. E't"eory
old trick for tortaJ'iIlc" the talle-foot fa broqbt Into
pnetlee.. Bat there .. pod. ~ bl wmte ... the cow
paDdlers wake 1lp . . day to the fact that wmle 18
.. browu. _d .. rvqh.Iy daoI. _d as broad: 8b.-J'l!I"ed
........_--_._,. .. the befit cl tbelll---Wt GIlly after WU1le hu UcJted
th-. to a __ .. the bone U'oqh. A.Dd the tlIIeiP'am
that Jl1Il :a.dter . . . . 014 __ CIadl ,.... th. .: "Tlloe
n.~J'.t ,,-,-,-. r'...,.~
....................... ...... 1.:.i kid. .. O. It. Be baa lIeked ftW JIlIIIdNr oa tile nacb';
he hall ~e4 4IDCIIqb JIlCIat!7' fI'ODl lite te bQ"
:'.; .....
h_4re4 had of eattle aad
....,.,. the drl- Doa't keep ilia -.r.
' lOW tD
1:1m oat

"The MlDloD DoJIar
T . . .........
,.. ..



~ SU,retU1e. Ute a.UlIouJn... IfNt ~

~.-... Harcna_'. ttmIer __ _.. SWD~ BraceJ'
~ 0 ..... Bar'cr-..... ~tler. _
..............................."..... ~
!"Ji"e e-ar- 0IfI&. __ ..,....... . . . .
~~ _.~er-
s-. nor-ce ~
-J 'LIIa
tbetr ,.....,. raa.... at nor-
A rrEB.
Gn:t. tM
tbl It III
~ __
n-. --..... t:M _. rr
&nM to filet
It 7 7

tID rn.traw ~ .. ....,.....
De tIlJ:q: tID . . ill to . . dll
are '
-.t' all tiI.a. alit

tIIcJ' baII,y 1tJt . . . . tM ..... .,.,....... ~

-.we to howL n .. _ ..,. ....
*-:.tIIII. ~ to tndt n-. _ 6Idl ....
.... ~ . . . latotlte_. . . . It _ ...
tMIr 8dae-e -W ~ . . . J:IIa II
~ -.I ...
n.-t that tM ' ern raa. on. ___
. . . . Uaat n-. Il:bnMt 11k . . It II. . . . UIa
. . . tile Id_ .I ~ It ' OL III' II-. .. ctw
.-y f.wt2Mr alii to Ciiiilb 2 . . t-.
-.-... -
ta.u., liter ..
Ila' .-...n-t
,...... tIM e.-...

....... n.-_~ e-e-" ........
~c.. ...... a...r"~ ~ ... _ n.. ~ tbe ~ ta ....
............ _ _ til . . 1M

- - . .tie tuu . . . . . . . .
.L~-~....._..~--_.--'--,""i~;:.-"!'~ =~

aM IIIIIt.c .u.rIT


b. aD Iler faftb"1D

The Od noy Coat.
It Plays an Important Part in Two Lives
I: .. III
.A.U B "
.... B". Vivian Barrington ...... -... ~ . . . .....
_ -,~


...... I

.u-._ ..... ____


P' ~ ~

....... 1 - - ... - - . . . . . . . . .1

..... .....-:aa M ~~l _ . - ...

~ ..........
_ ........ ~ a_-. n. _ f I t . . a-.w. ___ ~ ' h. "'IMIIlr

.......... 7 C . _ ~ ...-.a:~ _ ./ --..,... II *-- ..

. . . . . . . ,.,. . . _ ",.. _ _ 111. .

............... ~I ..
..................... __ ;p.-" ar

.,-- . 1M .... ... 1 .j~_"""'1

. _1_- .
_ . GiIIt __ UiIa' - ., . . . . . . . ., . . _.... I


Ow' F _ ., _ ,... "'OIa.





_ _ .,

_...- . .
... ,... ...........

......". _k!-


s ..


Larw. ,..

......... IDiI '-k WQ' ....-.;
wID'" __.aa._ ' ~ I e--

---. ... ....... ,.

'DIe . . . , . . ..... flIIl ~

........_U. ..... -- ....

~cun.c-.............. ""-!"" ....... _1 n I ........
"'lAroFr -n.t _ . . . . . . . . . . . "~J"III. ... I rr-. _ _ ........
....! y---r _

ben w1Ul7OL

-.oar x-Dr'," -.IiI tbe sid. .,..


.. -..

-...r .... .AZIae _
~. -y. . . . .
..... " . - b


. - . ... wIlIdl ... IaGiar . . .,. . . . . . .

1 WIIIIIl .....-k. *""'"I

.r ...-.I~

t:Im-. ". .._"1: t-.,... *!"" 1 _ ...... _ t I l u I _ U._

-,.. _............. ,.._,.......,.,... ta.. . . . I---.A, 1 Uift! ' .
~~ ~
...... eMF .!".. .. - a _ .....
-y ,.,..,...u:b7. .,. . . . . . . . . . -..~ ~ ,..... . . .
tM aQar. ntIter....,.. .,........... _ ,..: _ . _' ~ dda .... .-117 "
nwy ft;y! 00II IDdl6lI ......,........ -r $ _ I 7

-.,. -.,tJLIq tID ay d-.l1lnOer'. - . ! - . ,...
tJ-. [ r.r I u,..
' - . - - . . . . tb.t

. . . . .t 1M: .11'1l t
haft tar"1leA ..t or
r ~

twa u.t.ed ........tlj'.
""nola ,... ...... !"

"'I .......... " '

DelL "Y_ aN Mai'-
. . Ute alP1!"
MI-t . .'t .R
fenllltb'! .a. wutreI
- a l" .........4 "111..,
. is the aaly
~ be

U.,... 1Ir ...... ~ .
It I.."."
maa wbo aJ'
IlaIIMI - It .m dJe ..,. ..... Mae .....
riUI. lIba!R ,.. u.t. ...
..-.- eM - . . .

... "'I . . . .

_ ......
otller ~._
--~ ~"
u....... ..u.- ....

. ..,. . .
~ a-tb"
lo _IdIa
...t..wr" .....-.
_'1: m. .... fIIIr
. . . . 11'-.
yet 1'
'-"riIM.- tut :r-

.. .... -- ......
. . . . . . . . 0IIIIr

_ _ _ _ IIIIlR.;

"'I '"'"

..... Bat .......
.. =.-~~-!"

...... "'11


. . u. .....
1. .1l
... . . -.....&:

....... ..-.' .. ---
l1li __ . . --e. ~_

.... ............
. . . . . . . tit ....

,... ..... ................
... ...
<lit ..

....., .....
m..,.. ~
_.M ,...
-a.: ...

u-..r. ...
.. .....
~ ~

IDIIIIIIl..! --..-.- . . . ..... .A.

-... ...-
~ a- ilia:; .A.lle ..
til.. ....,.. u . ~ ~.
.... rr.rn. ...
...-.ell lalltla
- :r- __ "T_ ......

....... _ , , .
........ ataW.,.
I ... .....

. . . .

. . . :.- tile I


... ....
..... ~--,. ....'!
:m. r.-t ~ ~
left tIM ~ . . . Ute!
Ia tile tlrIIIIiIat _ , .r-
UM rwUaIl
........... to
R r . .

. . . . to fri're Iatu tile . . . .
~ tIl. Ida . . . Ul.IlI . . .
. . . '-'

"'lIT Qoll!" be ...... "ra

. . Ie ~l' 1Bcre .. Gilt

Ia-.I, lilt ... ,.,.
...... I..eroy ~ ...
tIit . . lIIitIQ ___
tIWIIIiB bta; be re)a6alIII . . ....._~ aw..
UllI . . . . . . 1dtIl .... _
, . . . , _ _ ..Idle 1M......-l. .
, _ . . . . . Ilaw
_ . . ., Ida-""

....' --. lib Ilaa, .
111ft. tM vi. ttt.I .... ~. lIla~be ....
u.I _ tIleIr lMt t-.aIlao~
_ .. j -.
. . . . . . . . .AM..... .&a. _ a ~ IIHbewtUt

. . . . tolllll,..... IaUlen- ... IlIiI " F . . . . 1M'oJ

....... ~IpreI....,.. ..... . . IMIitUe tG IQ
~ _ MIt .. hIe:.-rdl r.
. . tIIlq bad II-. It't7 ,...
~ til u.e WU'' tbII w:BF; wl&I be . . . IMIIt
toM S ' Imrs esaItIM. . - 1OIIIdIIc" ....... It IUD the

. . . . . . . . . . the - * 01. _ _ ,.cUt fII. tile ... ac.t.
~ w . . pIaJed. . . 'III"IIItt1 .' ..... 0.- a ery - - .
Put bl the ~ til. tbiI ~ ... ~ It . . .

J:-.- after the ~ aad-

.AlIc8 retanl.M. to the oW
. ... P
bIIa; abe
bo=- 8be hw to
at _Cllt that 1M!
a IIt:I'oDI Oil _
11-. h .-tid Il1spo8ei to IIClI't. n.. ... aothlac Ibe
taD: _ u-t U7a. - W do; Ibe aped from the
Stle bad 1CMH him..
~ wb_ be spoke of the

...... ; abe Iul_ Itltle, bIfted.

1:&_ _'. h - . All"
---. 1ooItIaI' toward Doctor
. . Mle clW. eo. ber C1ee were

ot tbe I'fJIaticm ~ them. baited .".. what the,. RW at

Bat __ aile emktldeaed the' wbldow of the room til
to uk btm q Uaro,
_eertabt of their recepUoa..
..I'ft orte. wOllCkred. aboat
S!te .w
wbld!. lite had lett Leroy,
him loU the ol~
pey coU fn:m the ....blllow;
the oW ecat fa the attIc." amu.t till the AIDe mamtlllt
l<be 1IllJd. uVoa keep It theft lIbe ..... a trIlap., l7bIc CIa the
-yet yoa ael'e!' _ Itr cr-d. -.e it. Be made 011
NBriIlc It dOWll,M be told with it at _ce. BlIt. thoacb
her. "I haTe heea wroac. 1 Ibe new that her wbole
lIu.ppo1Je, til. lteeptDc thblp flIbIre depea.de4 CIa the wU1
frooal yoa that yoa haTe a that .... fa it. poeket, lb.
r1cht to DOW." ... Rot b_tate. She flew CIa,
"No-,ao!" she saiel. "P1_ tcrwaI'd tile doctor" b-.
dOD"t thiIlk that rTe ever had Wha Ibe returned with him
B1ICb _ ldet.!.. the major .... deecl.
Bat Ibe obeyed. him. .. abe The major had beeD dead a
al~ IUd. _4 WISt to ~ year. Stamllier had CUDe'

the ca.t. W h a " retDnle4,
he __ IooIt:tDs at _
~ manoed by

"'GIn me lbe cou,.. be aJd.

apID; Allee CIa the porc:b at.
the tanDb_ wb~ lIbe
bl.nle4..... talk:laa" to Jolla
Staatoll,. the lawyer wbo heel
dra... the maP". w1U.
"AA4... R-. biddt!'ll . - . . the (uleb of we ..'eat ....,.. I .......t to tell )'OU IIOIDMblac MI'1'tl tried ~ Allee," Stutoa md.
Ute dIIth. tbere Is .. poeket. No ODe. I tbbLk. my~. I ba1'tl chaapd lIlY wUL rn-. the de.jec:tedb". "I - . tried to bid him----ed.....
....t Jt.ow of It .aI_ the!'. were toId-I de- , 'a h C,.OI. ....... to . . . lIlY torUae with to Be wc.l"'t I ~ we
........ ~ to Ii.. lIIIeI"eCY._,lu1 to keep
...bat I pIMlIed. m It ate. :From . . ordtltuy
1lJ.ID-iaow Ill:f _tire tlItate .. to,p to
Tbe wOl ta b _ 1 _ t CDr It the athS' ...,. to
,.oa. caa't ~ wtll, &ad that be', beir at
law. He Sa. too! I"ft d!ereA r'tlWU'ds for that
podret thblp mJcll:t wen 'De Ic.t. FnJaa this It look it O1'er. lD the monablc - ' " _ Staat:al:l ~ . . . for Ute nrllInl of the coU-tt IeelIU
....... . . ft!rT bud.. .,. 4tIar. It 'Wall this -be had better ba. . It. M to ba. . dJIappearet fon1'er."
adaIatve that I kept tD that pocItet. VOlt eua- A..Uee PI'Qtated. BlIt it w.. III 1'&bl. WIleD -It ~'t WGIT7 ..... laid Al1ce.. NJ'm hap.
1lGt ~ the taee DOW......-t tbat 1lJ bec:aa8e IIbe ..... aIoDe Ibe IlIbed. She di4 DOt UIte py b-. I aWl . , . worll:---.a. I Uke to teadl
.. blaUet Rnidr: It, .. lMlIkt. that wt;Ml1d haTe l.eroy. bat, aftI8r an. be ...... the ~ _ ud the ~ 1 . . .'1 _....,. Le!'vy &Q'Ul.bac. I
kfIIed me. had the mlDl&tare aot beeD. tMft. M lbe blood relatl.. . of the major, while Ibe . . . am oalJ" ...". that Ute ~ wIIh -.ld aot
She took It tram him, patb', aGd looked at It. act ftIatod to blm til aay 'W'a7. It aeemed be i 4 t I I fell that I .... DOt eelhlL-
'"SoIne ..,. it wW be ycNJ"&," he uid... Mit 115 WI'OIl& to ber. She thoacht at. hIa., . . be heel "Selbb-,..!.. eried. _ _ta. "OIl. Alk.e-
yoar mother'. plebzre. She p:q it to me boe- beeIl fa the ..,.. or his ba7tlood,. aDd slcbed I'm ~ tit ~ ~ acam! Ib' dtlU"---Cll3me to
f _ the wv." He w.. ldlat for a m .....t. -eabt- An4 Jut th... .-ldeaJy. be .... with m--..rT7 _! I ~ yoa_N
thlakfae. "'bl thc:.e 4a,.. We-----WI were colD&: bw. '"I woa't!" Me aa.Id.. 1'011 baTtl a lIIother ...4
to lie DLUTled.. &t then thb:Ip came ltetw_ the major. Alios!" he Mi4, abarpI:y. tovo IlsterI to care for. I woa't . . . alLCllther
... After the w.... 101lC etter. she DLUTled
yOU' fsOI_ _ fiDe If'!l1tlemaa, lilY dear, . . I
MJ'w; cut to Ietl hbn--.1Ikk! ~. . . fa DO bvdea to th_ that are ~,""'t JOIU'
end ot. a bole! I loR a )at of mOlley at ~ lleek. tf--tf-lf l----Ioftd yoa---eYeII-1 w..... "t
pDaat ndJer. He Wall ..ort:htf!r of her thaD L they made IDe paJ" rtcht aWQ'. I p _ a dtedl: do It-"
All. thea-be had Dlbforbme. ud he dJe4. - i t Is DO pod! I"Ttl eat to . . the moaey to "rm COIIl1ilc back, IPIa aad 1Pia," said
AlIef wbea your mother . . . dyiq .be _ t for meet It-or I IDQ' be U'1'tlllted-" Sbuatoll,. crbab'- "TOIl'. be 11.0 burd_--7UIl'4
me---uad "'e lIlIde QP to me for the llOM"OW lIbe HLeroy!M She paled.. "'Oh, Lei"a:1-,.0IiI mQl:D't lasplre iIle! Bat 1_'1 take ao---tor _ t1me
heel had to caaae lIIe by d'W1D.c yoa to me. to try to _ h1m. Let me do wbat I ClI:I-llI belp YOIl U'tl lObI&: to!"
care for ud to keep. In ber lItead... YOG, lOmebow! Bat It woul. 1dJl him to _ Alb', C1eB were wet wbs he ..... a-e.
Tbere W1llI sUence betw-. them for a time. YO'll DOW-" There bad . . . ~ ACh _til. Be bad
"So that iii the story of the 01. ctI&l, he said.
M Be swore beaeath b" ~ I~ her, lib. thoqht. tl1'ftI till the ~ Irel'CIft
qaletl;". "'I thiDk I WUl I_Ttl the l'tllIt of the "Look here, be aJ4. "I h .... what w . . aid
M the aajor died, H. had declared II.IIuIIf ..
lItorT to yoar bnactDatlan. Ill:f dear. 1 am 1'tlI"J" aJIoat his wtI1 jut DOW! YOII'Ttl eat :rov way, . . . _ It -am that the Ii.. of tile 1t'UJ
tfn!d... I am ITVWtnc nry old._ _ d It l2UlY be , . . little'Ttl aecotIlI'IlIbed wbat - . t tbat IIIl1ft b' blll"ltllf. Befun-
that I . . . . UWe too -..::UTtl .t the -\DL I :roa"1'e beeD after! B1tt It WCla'! do ,-- aay .... 1iiIPt -...... bJIIL sa-tr . . - .
............waIk.......,.. u.e Ute,.,-try
IIhaII tet-.d ta.1r.e thiJlp """ q.~ _til
the weather ~ tllXIle!'."
Be b:raeil to IV; ~ he IItcWeI.
"oz.dt. teIIa _ I....,- ....... h-." be 8&i4.
1lIIi t:Me.... ... wtII IlOt 8M bJa. Alice. r
pod-nt bd the wm_d rn--tear It to

;'~!M Ibe erled apia.. Be .......

Mr, Ibe beud him CO to bb! -ete', ,...,
There _ 8 to ber ears the _ d of '""-
ed;,. ..... . .
~ ... 1II.....u. .
e-J tbat rr-
. . . . . . . . . . . .:
110 . . aWQ'


. . . . hearcl thbtp--to e.p what be l!.id Wen ra!1lN ID~. bel ....lIeDl' abe bad all alael that tie lib. . . . . . . . . . It. AaI. tJlcMI!l
--... . -.--_

. ....;)


. . . . . . . . . !Mi

,J!a.'-'!'" ~

_ _ It . .' . . . .
. ---..
............ ---..
........... .,..... . -.
......... -.NIIiIlt

aiI: ' ...

.. 7 ....

.'.. . ' ~
~~~~ :. c L
"U". . . . . . _

=--.....~ ..
.As til
_ke:.-6e ......-~-.
Ute _ _ JIOflbt: ..

Hra -'! _ - - - .

.r- .. - - . _ _
a - e : the . . .
Tile '

..... -.--
t . . . . ".' SIte _ ....... an. ...

~ _tt '!'be,..... ..
l1li ~ acare. a
r..I...... of. ...
th. _
. . allkt;
wb'o, ..... e". a 1aalI WI: 1M CIMll . .
IIbo1ltell fualelItIy to ..... n ... - - .
ber. 8Ia. . . . . . ...a&IIIiI r. a ......
-.rflJ"; ua.. ..
labe O'OW. . . . _1le . . .
heart tile oar . . .
abe t.nlet. UI4 ..
..-It..- . t tor SC-.

that It tc. at OIloe.. AM.
her. .... rejed. .
O" a.trlJed aow that abe . . .
~ I"k:b. abe tdIl ilia.
to her; YIth PIll ab7t7. W - abe told
of abe him. cI t2le 8adJaI' of
.... Le"oy the wtD.. tut abe 1uMl
Rolllo"ta.L &be
be'W, pethape by lasUILcl, tha be hall .... bJa ~ dIat the tar.. w~ -r ..w ..,...,. ~ wll ~ lUte. -.y
4rtUtq. ~ abe Ioobd ...... tor a rer..e. . . bM ~
. . . . . . . dliI87
__.... tMn-a .adr.
of. _ oW. COM. w.Ittl. .......
__.- 11M..... "Now---t.oa~

0Ilb' OIle _ _ l~; lplc:kl)' IiIle faa m- ~ It _ . . _til am, WM his wile that
Ule roM lllto tbe field at It. aide. .... 1lW. be- 15l.,. NUt a bMtered bat. .., ........ th.wm...

Facing Death with a Camera

OR.A.CE V'llfTON. marie
H By William Lord Wright t&l~ cha.rcIac. The upen..
actor. author. eacl4lrectar. ~oe 11earlJ" caet R.abley Ills l1te.
haD O\'er tile telecraPb He w.. fa d1Ullp ot .,...
tu.t:rumeDt that dattered fa the 1~ of the R.ahley m&Rapd. to oIItaiB _ether .... of mOo ...jUt hie c::amaa wll... lbe bWlaI_ CP.Cbt. Iicll.l
Hotel Aator. He wu ~ wattlDc' tor tIaa p6c:t1lrM whOe _ Ilia recllIlt eqetitloIL of. b..Im.. altb.cNcb they were tulU,. !M JVU
_ _ word .. to the fate of Ills IIIOtIml ~ TIle Mrl-e. abow herd. of th,.. h_clred. bar &w.,.. TIl.,. tluuadered. toward. hta _w t.Ile:r
_era man.. Vbltoo. h.e4 ..,.,. -rbe ran of W_ wltlLla flfteeIt yarU. wll... Uley Ad~
tile A..lamo" III Tau for dlII aofteL TIle U'oa. Y.nd. UOiUl4 _d dI.arpd. fa -.ather 4JJoec:dGa.
b1e III Jluieo CftW" . . . _d 1ILON aeiioaa. A. cloth ..:neD held _ the ~

Vlat.oa WeDt to Ne.. Tarir. C!tJ'.to ~waIt iknIop- bicht-._ them 0. a.l. Ute,- .ot ,.__ u.e
- . t s _4 ht. cameta _ ..-t ta~ JIUlco.. IIIUQ'" WODId ha.. bea tnmJoled. to 4eat.Il.
P'or. dal. films of ~ ~ ..... ~ 1'lII_ an Mid. to be tIM oal7 pl~ of a
ceJ.'fec1 I"!IP1uV by V1:atal. Be eoW. h&--mm:. chardaa herd of wU4 ~ fa ~
to tha _bDated ~ that .....,. ~ the YOII. ha. . eaJoJ"ed. tile ~ e ~
etl'TS.t e"f'ellU of the world. at ilia __ pr1iae. DOW *' ........ CIa tbe IIIGtka pk:tiU'e ~ !
He . . . the camera mell ~ ..... til-. Dl4 ~ bow thtI1 th. cr-t Uapr lD ma.Idtic
_ _ ttme wb_ DO wonl . . . ao IIID. c:ame tbe ptcUre ple,p wltb w1W -.lmab .. adws
l'r-ca Kaklo.. Vbl.toa. te:lecnm- ~eI' _. Is that the cue. baa to d.eteacI ....
auweret.. "or 4aya be b1ell 'ftfDJ:y to _ tato tell' po L WheD. the lira.. herolae Ia
a-:It. ....itJl the CUllen. _ . who . . . . . . . Iato tndleI throqIl th. J-de by the Uoa, the
~ Is fNq_tIy ,

border. .....'D
!la:Sco. It Is al:.r: mOlltha . . . . thq c::r-.d tbe
eel :roa _ nd~ ~..

th.,. wtred Vhtoa. TIl. . CIaUlft _ _ haft

ID cI the
tM ~ _ . the ~ 01. a1U. cI tile
...... tra!Der.
det ___

.,..........."1' tbl... pM
u ..... retm'Bed... U.d. .MedI,. t1l..,. ant deed. ~ c.a,L ~ac:k Voatrit&. adJq: Ia _ '&at
a_tmc "... came wtth the aO'ria ee.aere. Is ... ~ .. ,.... "'"
- V IlWeI letore 1IIeiaI' ___
a wtW beNt ....
said to be far mont udUq: thea hutlitc wttJi:
II rUle.. Pull~. RaID..,..
the Cle'ftlaad. mfIlIia- ftlI ador wbe .......... ta ... aaiaal . .

atn. S&7S Ml. a. retvDed recmltlJ" afta- a ~ 1"erJ" on.. take. hb llfil Ia hie lWMa.
year'. eo lD Eut: .&.fricL lie ..... aow. uaet1y wILd tile Uoaa uti tbe
3eftnJ. yean qo RabLey peBflI:nted. the u.-a.,.. ....... to do. a. _ oal7 tI'..- _ .
Atr1cua Jucle _II. ....
by a eaa
ThIa time he tooIt ilia cnra IIlC\Itila Whllil mad/; .... _ _ wrlt:ta . . . prblted.
pk:tveL ""Tbe ma.t ~ e ktu'e [ _ aaa.t tu ~ ot aeta, ae-
c:eede4. ta II'fII:tiq . . . a ~ lb.- adiI t r - . , .............. fa Jid:ara .-.
1tatatI;r. ~ caqIat him 011. the mm. 1M _ t daetSDaa,. ltt.tIa hae _ _ tile tuuDllle at
he .......' 0IIt _ a d C1f bIallh. 1tf'b' yarde ......... ~-uaJ. ...... at ..,.
.. _
III fill the &ad. . . he dlaqed.' me 1Il:lIti-. ~ U.... IlIaI kaoir\aIIp

I haft ~
Ibot ..... .,. IIaraII
_at. 'eftI"J' 1110.
I _ai-he
1111' _.....-.. sm.
. . . 8kIDi
t:.a . . , .
_ of..,. ~

t_t!tiia ~,...... ta rr.t aI Ute . . . . .

.......................... , =:.AJl .... Ule ..w. n- wtll 1M _ tediIrc
"!'be . . . . .,..,..,. BID.

-.ett:. tra.WMt . . ~.,

Ila..e . . . _ta ....... ~..
1ItriIdr;' ttie 1Iiaa ..
-................... '
6,e. - ' " - - . 'Dle:r
. . YIDa ...... . . - . ;
.,.M& 7
- . .


Shorter Reels
- e wJddl
t 'b rt
......... tile . . . .
to JrO"rlde we
h.,.. __ Ia . . . . . . 111'. JlU'wel1 ~ . . - . -
aacea at ec.~ Gar6Ila . . . ha4 ~_~'~_.

7 _ t

~ . . tM ...... wm.lIII wWl the JC:qUIIIl . .wht,," whldl Ilt. ira ....
N eleded ~at-ofnem
.L " .... --
the JIGtIaa
............... "
. ~ Ia "Mew TarIL ~ p:" oIIt the .........
Plcmre I.-.- at It. ea.._tka at ~ ~ batniI . . . . . . ..a17 ~ tIla tUt tbe IlIr1WiIat ICqIJah ~ , Cp1l
ObJo. aft . . A.. NeIIr w:IUldnw _ ..... fr..-. the ar.-wicIl VIIIiIp -=tbL, .u..I8t 8catt. w~ worb are ~ 1aecomIJI.c ~
date to a'ftl't .ut - . . the ......... tile ....9", widell . . . . . . . tIM ..,...... til tIWI .-trJ'. wm TbIt AIIIerica aal - . .
ou.- . . . .: J'Int rim ~ til. lin. .lob. B. . , . . . lin. ~ II. s-ry, eoaIaIlac his &II9tIU'&Ilce. howl!Ta', ~ to
deDI. T. P. l"bulepIl.. D&Daa. Te1; ~ Tb . . . B.oItert UJaderwooit .1 the Jltn'. Dr. dra"lffDc.riJam work.
.......t. :II. Il. CoI'Q". . .; cr-- Dr. ~ 8Ikbc1

IIowaI'd ~ the
ue .J-.. n.tndt; 1Iea'et:aIT. w. R. wu. Gnat aM - . . Pull lo11ut1ate. Pull ParIa-
. . . 0" 0- 4a:ter ad QIrnIaH.... Half of the m.- oK&.. in the Movies
~ t NeIIr III his ~ upd IIborter
mm. ... Uolltka ol f1'f'&oCmt edzn' ,
ebU"Ie III faYOl' of teD. _tao The IIlUt fQI-
flIII.tIoD. wfIl lie beld at Su. J"nDdMlo.
. . ~ wtlk:b 11&....... ~ .. nit-
A CCORDING to Il"IC!It pi--., .&.ucat 8 wW
_ ... Impartaat addJliml to the la!'p
IIIaOIIJ-. )Ik:tue th~ at. New Yon. That
HelU"7 Ford -uI Sho'lr ia the date . . ..,. 0Ic:IU' ~ !or' the
. . - - of his ae-' opera b _ In ~
Pictures . _ - . betweea 50th 'aut 611t Ib"eeta. J&ot.u.
InCT'eaaing Thrift
A NOVEL method of ~ tIu1ft ~ T oHeIU"J'
BOOST Detnltt Ia JDOtlOD. plet1&re
B'ord'. 1at8t _krtTk'n s _d to
ia ~ wD1 be the priD.dpIl .ttractlan for _

badel!DIte period 1D uu. latat la!'p theatre..

th. me4l1llll of IIlO'riq pic:tllrelJ .... de- uu. ad be baa .tallIbb. la!'p adIo til hk 1Ir_ 1IaIImulrCeb:l'. oricbaal iateu.tuIIla, . . be
ddeit at aeeu.cof a d _ PI"CIIZl1aeat en' t & , . . t , wheN of bltereKlac ~ced. them at the Ume, Wt!l"tl to preMlIlt
LoI bulb:n" lClA u ... the -.uq
_ ...-w.
a-tftadoaa-of the db'. at. - . t DUlIlItr
0'Mr by I. r. Sutari III the Be-
_ _ Ia th. db' wtD. lie em:-cl -.t weekl:r.
J'U'tT Detrott mot1ca Dkt1ml ~ 11&...
alrady CCIlltnded !or' the feat1ll'e, aut It ia the
:.etJ: Ut..
cnad open. III II:Dclbh at the new hoaae.. The
Opera CompI.Q:J broaPt IUit to
Ift'ftiIlt th1a _d _ere sutaJned. by the eou-t
eIII1t7 Tnlat aDd Ba't1Dp 8aDk. plaa of the tom""e ~ to _d tile becaue of & CCIlltract s1ped. by the impresario
Wttll. all their butae. u.pd.t7. the t.abr1I mm. to ..-roandluc state&. fa ltlO, In .bleb be acreed Dot to produce ~
Dluut. the atilbatkm of the flIckertq IICI'e8l RIt 111 Dot 1Ir_ Ford'. idea to reatve the Ford. 0DtII'& Ia lAY at. the la!'p dtlel or thta cou.ntIT
.... ae-CJ' to d.1rec::t the thoaPt vi Ute a&Il" plaat In the pt.ctares. R atd A.. B. Jewett. wbo ia for tea yean. The nit baa beeD appealed.
...- . - ad cbBd who makM lip the tJpicaI III ~ or the llIm pIa.D.. "Of ~ that KeaatIale, the stet ba m t wfU ClOD.Iist d.
&DdIeDce of. the lIlotita pk:tve tbeatN tawU'4 bldutrY, .. cae at the mc.t w1del7 bOWD. III ~ ~ Intm"lperaed with .cnU!1I ad
thrift. aDd by tIlu vsiD&" QUa. the people the db', bu .. krclUmate aew. nJ._ til the ~ from craad opera.. The lytle or ll1IIIa
of LoI AIl&eles tlle tdea of _Tire. tb~ Ill- ID:ma. but _ boDe rat!u!I' to make the lIIma that will be &bOWl!. baa Dot been 4et!DJtely de-
c:reue the .'rlrap acocMlDts in lbe1J' l'eQl!di... record of atpiIk:aDt ~tI 111 DetroIt, whidl cided yet, bat they wOl prubably be of the feata~
1IlIDb, hence beD.efItiD& their OW'D butD_ aM will make the dt:1 at:tnd1n ad ., ~ n.rlet:y, to be shown for "'~k or more at a
the people . . wen. that ~ 111 otbIr cltliiII of Ilk:hJ&u. _d t1m~
-- other IQ.t.eI will be teIq4:ed tp CIlIIDe here. R
Movie Facts
'llrtrr. TEw YORK boub of 1.%00 Dl(Wle tbt!lll!r'ea. .13.000 to Make FUDl N a Business DepressioD
to WUllam. 1.. Sht0.rT7 at. New
1"t RIo de Janeiro b. . . miUtoa doUaT pto.
.~ A N ENGINlIl dBw1Da' fov CiOM:ba at
rnJla ... how rtICeII.tl7 c:ruhed blto ... opea
York there II DO depnaloa 111 the IUm . . .
people a.D.D1l&I1,. Utend the mOTte. awttch at IIIIIt.owD, New 1~, ULd IViled doWD JlMI,,dtber . . Proe!I1d._t WD-
La. the UD1ted State&. _ terma It, or real, . . the 1tepDWc:aD calamtt:r
tIlirt1-lhe foot ... "I"....- t while Ib: mone howlers, tor poUtlQI ~ woa.ld ha_ _
"The SepIa.. MaD" ..... the dr&t lDOTte ill the operaton .mot. .,. ad mr-d the c:raab til.
<::aULIJaaI blud. ~ their c:ameru. No _ wu hut. . . there .... bellne. 1Ir. Sherry 111 malr1Il.c" trip throqIl
St. Lo81a spends annuaIb" -me DO cae ca the traba bat the -.meer, who the .tate aud he I&1S that be tlDda stpa til.
th.......... tmDpId whfle the .... til . . . . . , ~b' GI nery haad.. TbJa ia erldeaced "'"
New York'. Stra.D.d Theatre p1&yed to 10.000 the fact that the exhibitor fa ....ul.IDc to Jl&7 more
The can 1IaIW; 1Ilto tIame wh_ theJ had
J)IIIrlt! In <me week with "The 0Illy Scm... ~ tluDhIed. to the llattam of. the 1, the .IDOD.ey for ilia tI1IIIa fa CIl'der to eel better qui-
cablria requ1l'ed three yean to complete. eDCfne 1lIew ... au. thellta:at .-::h a ~
U7 _ . . . . . by the tIl~ til ..m- wbleb. t.
Chteap hu m photoplay th~
ntteeo !nit dalIlI Ne_ York thtlUrtls are DOW
PIIleralb" that the VItaeraIJrb ComJlUl7 CCJllRd,.
e-ed the es.:peudtbu-e of SU,GOO pod faTMt-
lit. 8bTy CCIlltnU the pa04: eN_.
sradaaIb' becom1JIa deet1.e all OYer the Itate.
JI'amoa Players ee-. . .,. fa New Yon &tate
of UIa
~t Plc:tllns Corporatloll. h .. QIlttal aDd baa receatl,y aWed IlbIuIelf with the Pua.
of tweaQ'-<JDe mJIItOll doUan.. IDOIQlt ComDUlY, Dew Wi pea Hca formed 117
Oft!' f15O,OOO,OOO l.n.-m b1 mmte:B LD Grand Operas to be _Hr of thrM of the btQeIt f-wn
Amen~ tI.lm ....... p l - 1D: the worid. the I'amou Play-
A morie of the worJdq of fly'a eye . . .
FilDled era. 1 _ L. I...ak7 aDd. BoIworth _paDlea. It
..... --...
recentl,y shOWD..
New York', bla'at ptcmre houe ee.t $%.000-

"Brewster', Jmll(ll1BR llet:D. by ll,OOO,OOO In

opera fa the moriel 111 0IDbac IlUl.
aec:ord1ac to Geor:p IIa%weI1,. .ADulrIcu.
reprweIl.t&ttte d. G. It.klwdf CIlIID-
IIIOIl17 bcnnt .. the It:a11.ID. opera ~ who
an1ftl1 111 New Y __ a IIrw da7a -eo atteT t:r1p
la ca1Y 7eIr aDd a half ablee 1Ir. Sbf!r'T]' ...
came I n ~ 111 the tI.lm baatD-. bat dvtac
that time he hal tIItabllabed b.buelf .. cae of
the hAc IDS 111 the bld1lllt:ry.
two moatha.
~ tbOllZalld people <'!Ulployed fD New York
!DoYle hoallel.
That the moYIa are rea11T becoal1q: -.I'ftII'Sal
Kr. Sberry ...,.. the prodactloa: or ~
wtll be the II4c _d of the tI.lm bMln_ rr- . .
OIL The d.... H. . of boob _d popa1.U' . . . .
tD. their ~ uut that thl87 will be loobd to _ lato KreeD pi.,-. h.. htt the ,.1IIie
In the f1ItDn wtth r.a.r
lIlore ~ UlIm I'.u.ey, aDd JItIOIJle al'tI wt1UDc to pa,y - . to _
Churches to Form Movie they 11&_ beeR 111 1IIdtcated by 1Ir_ 1Ia%weD'. them thaD. lb.e atacte _d dotlbIe reel I"elIeu-.
news that IMmlI"&l of the operu ~ by Tbe PanmOllDt ee-DUlY ...,.. 1Ir. SbtrrY. wm
p'LLOWING _ ahlbWOD. of motiOD. pt~
the JIJcordta an to be pU tDto the
fOI'IIUld wtth thetr or1c1DaJ 1Ilwste.
IIIl4 ..... rer.. two r....tlU'eI -= -.ek, ubtc the . . .
matertal ULd the hlch_ price( Itan fa GIl
_der the d1reetIaa or the Chan'h ,Eater-
t.ata--.t bI. the old J'lnt ~ Ch1U"dl.,
"J'raadIietl:1'. 'OermuJa' wD1 be pal ca at
the 8tna4 Tta.tre, 111 New York," laid MJ'. JIU.
world.. ODe theatn ... eM:b. towD,. p i ' N7
. . . . . aad ~ he will 11& un. ...n.
lI"t1tb. . - . . aut Twelfth .a-t. Nft' York. wen. later' ad oIhm'a. We. ad...ftIl7 altboqIa It wm fuc:::r ......
_ . " , . . . headed by the Jtew. Dr. G.. H. lo1m-'
- . til. Br'OoIdn. ......... to ClOUId.- tb
11& ~ta wItIa the SaTOta ~
...,. bt Tu1a. far t:b-.e II-. Of ..,.
A. caner
. . . . ...
lIaIIan. 1M -u-. wm lIII
-.-.:J". TM
....NWeee' or dreIdt vt dl1D'dL 1IICIIdca are act te be . . . by _ _ IIqera, . . ..,. . . . ........-- will . . B.. "'TM 1AlIIt
......... au the dtr. 'I'Ite..,.. c:t.t ItaI.tu. -se acton." ~tolle_S. , bt.
What Are the Ceo.ora Doing?
'De PliJce ~. UII
... - . . . te

- - * i t '- . . . eel
tile _
', .. Q.k:Ip.....,.
a . . IlI1.~
. . . ...,...
18'; _
_ _ ...-;
Jao-l ~;
title '
~ fNa c:ulae':;
41:&. . .; __
~ '-a; ...
edtel' nat: pUt1q ~ft
Jm:o ~ eeII:; --. -unac ~



. . . . . ~ ...... Ia . . ..... ~ .... _ - 7 JIUtI c. wtidl. ~ een .-u.JL pa.;: ~ IIlIaUaI' ,.nee .....
~ JI-n til at. .tMr... Ill...... ~ -1IIlltJ' ... _ _ of
te ~ s-.. Ute ~ _ tIM: a. ., 'J leel:
' = Un _ It. ~ w:Ut tM ~ aft . . . . . eRlePl
MPbwJt ~ . . . . . pk:t:aoe: ~ . .
.. _ _
- . . . .; tIaat. III
, ' .. "* n.. ILI...
)Ikt...- tJaaa t M ' "
n.... ....
~ tM tafb' .... ., ~ aM nt-
tile c::.:.:...o T-.clllL
_ J ' ~ .......
lice ~ fa - . . . wit).
.... O " ~
.t er.ab.
tUtw. ....
. . . . . . . . . . _ MIaaIf ell tIM ,..... ell _
~ t M ~. . i
1M -ftJ !na tM eriI oL tIte.....
' nl
" ' ' __ et..,.
~ d u . . " . . . WIef bl .. , . . ~
.... ! n..'t ...~ ~w It . . - *
Mt aI. a ~ to .... tIM 4lpIt7 ell . . . . .
Jkb:n a..a.. EftIT u.. lie leta ~ '- . . W"IlierIIT':a:t:c: Ben . . . . . ~ r_ tUt .... qq UttJe dlpIt;y .. _ ! It

t. wtlJdt. . - .
.. " . . . .
Ia It ~ ~ tat
u...-0:,. ' (
eaDIIII IS ... t8 ~ tM eme:- ~ . ,
tie 'W"I1t1q tUt _ ~.".

lie..... ta rn.t of _ J - t It WM IdaW::.

tMt_ is lilt _ t.oIatM -...c..
tlie " " ' : " E ~ lite faI:t
n.. .......
u.t ~

taw 7 ! ".. . . . . . . . ' , .. ~_ - ~ ~ .u If It -we _

~ . . . JUt1aI of ... . . . . . . . . . . - - . "" Ole _ . ' ' - - * - I I I .......
I tM"'-- el tile ~ ~
... ~ 1IlIIt M'ft . . . . - . .. ~ . . ~ .. tIte cItJ' MIl:: lib tIie ww r-,'" tile . . . . . . . . . tile
~ wD . . . r ',
~ tIlal JI..&lW:TlO1'QI ~
~ _ ......-ttJ'M
It _ _ III'ft1a&.
.... J6ctue .-.. .... rr- lI.abaIeI
_ 'H e-rict a -oo ( . . .. . , . . . , . PI:ralt
~ ~

~ - . l . -rite Ikarlet I..etbr," _

OW to. tile
't:I'. . . . . r-k-
eIlJeet to"'" 8cadft

_UIlkn. _

attM:k _


n,. 4ld tIM tRa4en etl ~ ~ wr:tte
lag tIl.e I h- of ~ U.rtel _
tQt m- w1lldt e-na_ frM~! OW
LeUier." .At atIl I & wlw I .un b t eI. ;;;'~;";;; tMJ .... tIuIt ..-:Ii . . . . . M DooR ~
If" ilia CftlIIt tt ........ . , . ~ -ne a.. of T. . . . ~ - (a. wbel; It ~ _ _-*-ted 1UItJMirttJ':'
aiara. :a.t It , . tit .. . . ",.s na-e- n.
PenlJt,..... _ _ _ ~ Mt. n .... tWr ftJJIId;al . . . , . . ..
-rIM: lIc:adIt lAt:tiW'" IIeIa& pi " ' ) I I I c t u e ,.rtra7II ,.ue. ~ la - . - pratect ,... that ~ of epeedl., W1lJdl Utey ....
he M:tlIlL Of _
male fila
Seariet Leder"

aD. tile ww

wwk et _ ~
,.... ..
Ulat ""!'be
witIl e-c el erMIl:a. wWl ~ tIte7
to - - . I t c:r1aM . . . . . . . _ _ tIIem
Ia tJile - " - t o
~ eaa.
r. .. - u . J to Ute tIft"J' ute et Ute ~k.
-.t1a1M! to uIIt wttll. . Ute
l'roeeIt ~ (Ii ~ ot . . . . . . . . . ~
....u.r .u. i HJlty had. MftI' lletare ""Seadl. tM SdatiAe D rthl!!~ (81. d-. .&.ad yet tile ..ectal ~ .t .-me
boeea u. ....... craP'). PenUt ~ Mea.- It ...._ p ~ ~ fa CIl1Qp, Mt la aOl'

Bat wtaIlt if 0. of -roM 8cu1et lAt- & poIir,) omcer ~ _ & bk-' __" dtJee _d' fa f..,. ea.tJ to
~ WTtter! No witll -.ltonD. - . 1Il~ drtlllac ..d
OM _ _
F 7 ' - , ..-Jd . . 8eTl!ftI other o l I ~ _ _
""jed wllab!ftr they ~ to rejeet.
Not e"'S tbe ....peiior" peopIlt w". __
t lhe
haft t..a eli: ,....... CUiWI'S. oA::IaI -.-.hIp- w-W defeU 1ft mrt of
pqss _:ft .............. ridieaIe_ MP'or aa-'. Salte" (81op-apb). J..,ab. -.-rstllil _ an aet-U,. III!ttlq If tHy ~
,.,........................ IDC .....Te. tlle troUk til t.q1iire Lato IL ........ an ate
0.. 01. Ge daW - - - . .t.o. ~ I , ""Tbe G.-t 8tr'Oke~ IWorkI J"Ua). real of _who ae"'ft' -'eel _ cIeItftId t4Id&I
lies .. tIiII ..-r 5 'HIlt7 fit - . y . Joe u.e SIlane. bolb pmbUalJ ~ to . . . .; C@Ii. . . . . . ..-..oia&: to do about It!

~ a.ppea.I to all Iloeholdere, ~ -'d HuI!!I-

The Moving Picture Game lD&.Ir.e a
toIL M Altb-p ma4e, . . ,... M!f!, La nallt
..... It wUI ...... aactI7 .. if atmed at ald
, f'\'.- - . . 71
aipL I t..1I.III.k that ~ P!
~ 01. 117 1 Dl&de btl tOif I "DIo.-l,'" COl.... don wbkh epeclalhed \Xl do aot 11" ilba prod.een tv.U endlt for the
..,. ...--.. th. P - . etl wild _bDaI dnmaa. I lIleDUoe IU lb.. at tbll
t1Ift. . . . ........,.
"Get til tbwe, CarTatb--. the 41rectar ... R
the Itne-
tIM dkel:t4r'I 6IL "'t ta m,. aarratl" to aort of eIltabIlI.b I
'-datiaa tor f'U't!lft' ~t!Dt au J(cRa!le.
au.rwAou rsalts atta1aed La tJl~ lad..,.,..
emile, let.IPi OTer there La that 11"0" of lZ'eI!!I
ud ba" I cllat. ~ an ,.. . pU1q al. . .
.......... lilt . . _ )ww . . . JOII caa look HI p " me a b'c' __ latff oa _d _Il~ I La ,..... a.dy (Ii this . . . .!'"
lib a ....... CarrwtMn _ ..... tato the
R _ e to that epdade the l'Mder ..ut Wldent&ad "I"aJrly -ell. ~ I ~ "\lIt If yoa .......
. . . . . . . . _ his 1IM:k, cIaMIII WIt ~ .... tJdI .u.en-tYe ~ tell lIle of ,.ou metboU ta WTit1q: IilIc ,kt1uoe
q. . . . rtpI. ItIIat . .
~ tell a ~
'....&. ...
ODe ""abt tllllUlbla,. .f'tn'-.~ _eI'J daTIl . , . . ( wOltld t&Ir:e
ILIad lad _
I'ftD&I1ta dow. La ....ort-
th-. .. pJ41a& ~ -
after I - . . . warit . . pb,oteo"'- Ibldeat.
~ at .u- ...
of tIl.I ardl ad BaaeltaIl., UHl 1DMlft' -.aria wrtter. -.Jd to,. Ba&el:toa . . . wUl.lllc-I .....
M .........

ftuIteII dotra um.ata the .... wttIl a till., '"Let . . takI wal.II: .,....,. the )JlaDt _d ~ it---to l1... e away aU
waD .unw, e.t1a&' the m.....thoI n'Iedioa
t'lID _ Qle ....... _ ' . fMe.
watdI Uli. C1nleton aa.kI _
W. ItnIlW aka&' the raM rr- tbI-.ario
--." IlIC:I't'tI.. ..... bt!lt W. bad -.tled
I IJ\patk oak. I cot 1 _
"""\'8 .-der
. . . . (Ii ~ .
ooc-a,- IIIlodet tJle ~ ~ to the - . . . of Ulie raadl . . . 8aMlltoa aharpeiIft m,. peodl rrote . . b. talked..
. . . . . . . .- _.... til. --. ~ eaIIed IIl7 attaatlaa to UN warit (Ii -e ot the Well that . . . a p--.t taJlI! It I ...... to
tbI a--It f1l ILla IIUIChIIM.. t wUdl.. the JIft'" 4Iraetan. ar-t. ta ~ I _ . ~ t the tRc tlilap that uYe _ _ ~
"CXlW.D.t . .
,_ _ -.edT. for It .... tIMI .,.. U - I lac the troIlt of Old Trlalt;p" Cbud! ta Ne_ IllWe for Ill" - - . I ail-W PlIt tbt ~
bad nft' _ a -tac ~ . . . . '!'be Toril _ ~ atc!lt. BrMt . . . ", _ La the erst naalL w"-, It .... _ .
. . . . .R ... Ibck til tate th . . . . beantq a ctrI. a ...u of the K:rIftI" la I drew I loll.&: Wea..tll. 1b0'l'ed m,. aoteMolt "to
...... hi. loltr __17 fa t2te wat8' aM _ wtten lb. . . . to - ' : abel1M' ~ the Ill" JlOCbt. lad laq:bed..
p f t a -..t J"NIJstIe eect etl a -.... Iaatiac ~ _ the ItepI: of the tamou edtIce.. ...... BueItoL ~ I -.hl "tr' .., . . ~ to
ma Its a.dl: Ia the c::&.UeWll7 _ 1IHt- MI Yrute tbJI -.erie ~~ -.w: Baa"!U:... ..,. 'Ul.aaIt ,.-..' B1lt I cae .,. ~ 1 _

ropolJtaa dt7. Whea the __ hal. .a.telI tor- ....d this ICtkIa at ow. Trta1tJ' ta ~ to ...... to..-4. T. .n ...... _tile .....
r"" ~ teet, Dlf'Id.or J(dQae lUI; "'StGp;
that"1 a '-D7 pk:tan... Carnlthen erawled au
t&Ir:. plaoe at aU4a.lcbt. lteaee the ~ ......
(Ii the 81JIl, atler "eIac prtatell, .... . . . .-
AM. wlla r. at tbe toll 01. tJte 1a66M', , . . _
....t to me . . . .,.. '1 . . . . tUt .........
at the fit aDd raa to a u-tac ~ I ~
(or - . I pdq' wTUa adIaIrIltbI. at
lbe artIItrY ... ~ of Ua. _
cnat:ed RcIa a ~ "eet
'W'bo bel
wlQa 10 UWe
lDerwed la I taaJt 01. JIII&Ia . . ber ...,. to _ _
tIM!m to rep~t tbI dare (Ii ItrMt Ucbtl .....

'nla Ites- lAd waDl ill rr-t at tbe dlud!

,...11 .. teIlIq: Ute l1tftaI tI'UIL
1f1t-. I cot ~ that _ ~

dUrerll!Dt tlmDeeamJ:ac rr- u..e I ,..........

fa New yorlt-AaQ, &ad 8teUa ate( me II. tJte
I W.,.
eltpelQl to the _ ' - y " 1 eu-..- --.. .u I hIlII .... J&I'l17 ~ wtUli -.It. to ......-t d_.
___ Near tile allale
-.Iked Iwq rr-. th. . . . . 1 ~t to ~ Wb_ I relU'Iled to the IblUo an:r. _ _ lac.
~ ~ _ e - I

that bent . . . I _ . that woaW . .t.taJa aD- l.rep! U wltll 1PJUl7...cll halfhlU (Ii _kite Ha-ltoa ~ me IllUI"'dIaI17 .......: -y_
I~ fa New Ton. Qk:Ilco. ~ .... cad!tti, _d . . . . tll.row1q: lLIau.ll of Ute Ila... toW _ that JOII _ell -.tied ~ . . .
oOlft' worI4 -.tua. .AJuI 1 ~ that ....,. bib tato Ute aaUt air. A _ _ . . . the art of ~ I,...,. . . . I UJl. - .
_ of ..... -W ....... that the JIio-
IiCUaIIY taba fa _ . __ dt7 RWa'
ltIow1q: lad anied. th. caatetU
blto ~ . . . ._ tb. <aIDer.
u.a ...-
II eopy at ~ ' . ~ . _kIdi
wid ,... --w ...,. ,... two _ til..- _ _
an" w-w. ..- - .
rorll f1l tile _
at the . . . . . . ~
Ia euIaI" d--. tato I iItJ'eet
cr-ad. "OIIe. two three, p!M
Ute aeIJ'ea tmJ5
IHn. tbe . . - . . . . ....,
. .d t1loM lIl&ke I 1lIi~ --. (Ii UioI .....
R_ a1Io .. I - . f t o ..kIdi wOI . . . .
caaaI to _ the IIIIl. Ilowb' ~ .. to the ~ . . . l1li a Hw 1M _ _ saIitlUeI an . _...... o.t
I IMt 1IcBaa, .....,. ~ aft.ft'wanl. Be Il..-ed. tbe caalew ....."U. wb.llalac 1lft' ou la the
*"'"' ..-r the t7.- . . .

..... abort _d 1toIIt. had I tIriIIl, IIlPCIac air
....... aU'ted ..ltIa a - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rtl
CQ7 aau. his life 1Ib'a.. haL Be
t-.. W1tea Ute - . . . . __ hIlII f'Mled . .
e8-eh 10m to 8rft.t tile !..aU mo-tlN,
--naat. oat.- tile ~ aroM lad til, .,eDe
n.albe tbe
~...,.fI~ . n-.
_ _ ~ Mre ... .-rtte _t tJtl"f!llH"eel
&ftw .......

11M ..... lite 01. t.IleIItdaI; .,.......,. play, 'Enacan-.'"

~ ~ III tIl.I IOIat ...... ""Wllea that adioa .. 1b0Wll oa tIleater
wOl1.I. aM for , . . . . . . . . . . lIIndor _ _ It wiD . . _ . .dertlID,. ,..,as.t!c ...
(To . . eouta....
,, Ile.d. - - ' : )
_ ..
nmuu> ........ _ _

tract1ft ~
!r."OYES. \be do
~ _
., tM ' - t ~
aD.~_ . .

ma.- J6&
Kula I...aLm. "'M lias
Mttft fill w..
. . . fl/l.o.~t._.
..........t ... u-- if'
......... Uae two 111& . . . . . .
"Mr. _ _ 01. New YClI"k'" ...
'"Cadit 1IIII." ta whldl.. he
. . . . . tM tide ftlIe.
wttJa o..a...,.
tov 1aIt - . I'Ia)1:q Aaie A.rU."~"
t...ndl bt. ""W'ItJlb, lite ~...." Ia
. . . . .ot ...,. r-a Ida ft.-scs X rwaJW. Ia --nae .....
~ ....
-..aY h-seI ~

JlcL'n"RL of U-
lib- -..ell to tile . . . . . LIfe"
... -rILe Bnr Qdaat liar-
... -ne ~ QId."
ua.t. _ _ ta ""T'be c:..Q
"--,, G ~ . tM ~ ~
wlto k to tov

. .,....1I
. . . . . . . . . . .bo ....,. nt-

tlI.M::Il:-rac. teaa tblt, two ~ .tt.e ....,.. ""11te FqW'ft"" . . .
aDd thaa
of M:clat7N
w" _ ....,. ildq. ~ fit the
1'Ia7, "A.m-
-n.. ..... ...w~ ..
prod.-d beN this

_ _ DO 1lette' UOWll artUta la their ~

~ Buu.. the m..scal crmed:J" raTOrite.

bItIaa... ~ pr'OII
B..-d....,. ..01 . . ~ .
' - - : K. W - . tIM Genua ~ of
to.r . . . . .hkb Il:DlTB ~ the prima doau.
able memory In HH.a~"
ud "'The RoM
_ 1Mt. _ _ 1D. ""8arl," lD. _bleb be wm
na-tal W. . . . . . . ntHa
-u,. -D
r..e. ... wlo . .
cada-. for aaother ,.r'- tIlat he .... um.cta for all tfI
. . - ~__ ..,. r -
to tbe
Jaw.... .uuxs. reeaIled. la 'ftrloas IIIUicII
u4 .. bo loob
~ 01. Ute ..... lll':lDe
tilDe with Ute M:tb&" _. of hie .....- - .
dnoI:Iac bbuelf Jt-a.r to .... ' C ta1)". Versatile Miss
a&ain oil ld_ "We. tile lDIdea-YDleId Lll1.I.aII
Oo:lll::nl: . . . . . tM ~ GaIetY ~
-. faTa'ita, I 'ad _ DraM....,. fJlIr ber
..~ ... -rIM SbOf' Girl." -rbe Glr1 8ebtIII Ute UNCELU. BILLINGTON, who plays
Jbu;:l"A BLUl. who l&u qpMftIll CIa aro.d-
'WQ ill . ~ prod-=tioaa, beiq lIPedaU:J
C'ouater,- -r'be ~ .. aad -rbe GIrl oa
F . . . . I.a the aeu- lIu-.I lIone., .....

lbe nIIII...- att:abtelI ~ .a H1U:7 fa "e!'
N,;..._ .... ill the RIl'PGI't of E.
H. Sothen.. W AL't'lla SILL.'OIO:lII. . .ho lately retv1I.ed fraD ~ yean. la IlIlNIt:io-. to he!' ~ty to ....
D,j.'fJD auT, .. bo ataa.l. nm hls tal_ta to au enea.a1T1l toar of th. Bntiab .ute balla, tn.,.COIDel17 .. -tI .. ......,...1 roIea, abe cu.

~ more ottea.. bill ..-tl' effort. "'Gal. he ...d Beatrtce Jlad[e!lde 08'eftId Ta' take het bel at tile camera. toea It . . . tvIII
....... "'1 .,trY happy memory. r10UIJ mlllllcal aketebes.

L YDIA DICKSOS. .110 hal

playet lD&'eD-1le role.
..ho ......... thaa .....
ill be- I:tJDe, ber _ _ ~
lac ...-tl&l bl ""0ger NJdlt'"
~ bela& Ia the ___ . . . ~ lie QaIck.- .....tID
this _ .... 8D_ ' to
eut 01. -nne I"m.tben." aad
appeal' La the PI'OcI.ctloa of
who wtlJ aot _ be r ~
"Apartmeat R:-1%," but ..Ilo . . .
for b~ drectJ_ ...ork ill
m~na froID tlJe cut u~ tIM
'"CbeeU'n" and "A TeDII
Steer." Sew TOI"k premier.
Auc& ruoo:::'IQ., .bo raab with the tIeR of PAI-U'<II: FkEDI:JlIc~ of "l.eph aa.d Ria Breth-
ern~ fame., _d .. bo t.bJ.. hu Ute leM I.
~ KodI: eomllUlJ' l~ WOUleD uul who
receat1y ee-daded 1-.tb7 term .tth the A. H. Woods' pl'OduetiOll of "1Iuaocealt."
CaDcu. Dc Iln.LL ..ho _ _ to ta. _ .etor
Baker Tbstre foaoc:ea, Port1&D.d, O!'e-
blJluelf, bat who .......,. baa ca.Pt tIM 1we
~.uruf Cau'D;. wbo -.lcbt. hul_d, be
of 11IDd.0ID, belq prooI_ for IIlaBJ' -. the
eaDed ""!'be Jtalph mee 01. the RaP _d plal- .... ftl&t1U'es II1tlde by the Je.e Laa:7 __
fcJnR." for he. tao, is ..,.ed&Il7 ~ for b.w
impu -Hoe'" ~ tJacolD. .1lIdl be
-..VIVU." T~. Ute taleatell dLild .u-. .. ho

1l.- . . . . f . _ , . yean . . . Iya!IUD -~
..... _
of Three."
to esoen-t "YU.!ap fa -rbe bJe

~ MAll' _m:-
aame has Ildomed Ute lI.An a-n. RDc1l:iI.dft, Ute ..thor, wllme
~ til. IIlaBJ' a 1Daka! pla,y, espedall:r stol7, "SeTea Dan." hu _ _ tOIIM IliPJ:r
~ for ..hJdI Rldlard Carle has IItood.
&CCC; eW_ - . prod.~ Iatber'IIII by
..JCa..Ea1aJl&er CIlQlaIa.aIIoD.

the B
h.L"fK E. J.,UII80:<l. the c:hual*r' actOr, eeen
PIIIUI' CUl'1'ITII1LUlt, who""""'" Jut - .
latel7 1D "'The Coantry Boy" ud -Wlthla the _ at the Globlt Theatre. l4ld-. fa tIoth

t ...... -y.... of ~ .. ad "PeovIe Like ()ar.
P.nL Kn.LT. the talmted boy -.etor, _bo h..
~ III lI1Ul1eroat1 Broadw.,. prodUc:tioaL lIl.uIO:T LoL"f'L ..h_ ..e _w 1IridJ' Jut ....


a.lly ..
E. j'RTeDile

_in to tbe fonl III
_Tenl NCeIl.t ~
who plQ'I
- . at 1Ilu:lD.e BIlIott'. Theatn ID. "o..>t
Weakea." ..hleb bM a ""rIm" of 1_ thUl a

EAN KU'1lDOCH, the yoaq

JlODe lItIr II
a.c:treM ..ho ~ quite.
...... _...
the UUlk .. Ith the IItJU aDd preclalOl1 of aD old
Uooa. DotahI,. -rbe Woman" few _ _ a -eo by operator.
aDd -rtIe GoTernor'. La.dy." st.epplalf dtrec:tly fJ'om. the Her IDterest In pbot.oeraphy. whleb takell 111)
SALl.JK FIIOIIf.:.. the mualc:a1
amateur lJtaee toto Laurette moo;t of ber spare time aDd consIderable of bel'
eomedy taTOnl.e, wbo for the Taylor'. sh~ In 'Se.ea Sl&- money, ..... rea:ponalble for her It'lU"Ilin& to
p&IIt year OJ' so baa deTOted her

ten,.. SIllOfl when Ibe hu been operate a motJoo plnun! came..... She Dot only
taJenta uclualTety to nudeTtlle.. chIefly tdentlfted ..ltlJ ..noua haDdles the camera, but abe hu a d:lrlt-room lIt
EDW'uo Pu1.L the fort-.te dr'Q!l.atist, IJtoet CG:IlpallieL her hOlDI!' abe de'fetops her nept1'fes aDd
UIUlor at "'Tbe Pr1ce Chap" aDd -rbe LlUJeIt Ex.JU E..uu:&. the P'Uld opera prima dOl1D.a. makes ber o..n prlllia. It ..... a a.atunJ stl!'P
Rebel," aDd ..ho wW DOW make .. ~l..bed .. ho now deTOtes all he!' time nclaalmy to from the 1It.I1I a1mtTa 10 tbe motiOli pl~
fort:DDe ttvm the proceecls of his ..ork. the emIotrt staee.
.... PaIr of S1nL" Ban KDcIIJl. rec:aI1ed het"!! 10 '1"be Shala W. . BII1~c.I bepD beT e&n!er ... a moTl..
T. K:. HL'T1I. th .. olbe!' halt at the teaID of mIte," aDd IIOW appe&I"Iq to Loadc.l. at the act...- aa the result of a jolle.. She qtpoea.r"M
)(cIJl.~ aDd Heath.. ..ho will emItilltle to stU' ao,..J.ty Theatre, In ....,. I..dT. ~ " ID minor roles with a sma.ll COD~ 111 CalI-
t.bJs der JohI:l eon'. dlf'edjc.l_
Fu:Tr.tJI J~""T. who b. . played jUTenlle tornia .. bere she eb.aDeed to be lM!eII by a ~
. ~ HoudonK.. ..ho baa a 10yaJ and roles 111 the IlUpport of stan Ilke NaJ'&:U"l!t f"eSoeDtulve of thl!' Tha..obOUller CompallY. . . ho
ftToted foll_blc .tth IDWeal 'eaml'llb' AndlIt aDd Edith W71llle Katlbt-. I:&IlM!d ber to be ~ ArteT a ltay ..Ith tlle
patraas. eapedally oat ChlClO W.,., lnlt who J:'I'K eo-:o......:'I'... bo Ia Cl!Derally cut In one abe .... t:ra.I1aferred to the JIa-
..... at Late beaa pla,ytq III Tau4ntlle..
A1.. L.I. Jl.u. .. ho these _ y yean hu beeIa a
or William A.. Brad'" attracttoaa, like jstIe aDG lateI' to the Reliance. .... klDd to Vias BI1U~u aDd shl!'

"Mother" or Gnes Georp's n:pport.
~ with the oaJ,. GaJritl. appMI'- GmKI: A. 8cm:u.d. the lDuIeal c:omedy to pi.,. romaaUe ~eL
.... lllIll'IftIIU)' IIlUDded
.... wtUI hlID ta YUioa 1D..saJ ~ . . . bTOrftr~ late wtUa "'Jb4am Sben'J"," "'ne WUe &be Ia laD _d U~e . . . Ia bO'Wll aa '"'The
R_t~ aad "AD for tile LM.tea,.. B-.lIt7 of Ute Sc:rea."

wen CbJtrI;:-sriJDIO
liEw3~ GP TfW; La...,

lit 3007 _ _ CALIPOIU'IIA

......-._-*'7.. . . . At'"
G ...... -
.. - ..__._-- _
n..w. c::adIIo .. ..--: _
. . , . aIIM -n.

I ...... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

............ -
. . ._ ~-'- . .a..
~~ ..-.~ ',"-' ~ p'4IIt 'fte..,-,
_____ ........ c. " " x.-.. .. t.7 m... BuftI. ... well ~ L
............... t.I::tI:~lICewT .
~... . . o.-lil M'" ~ riIIt. .,.. It ....

work......--* ..
..... a ................ ill &l1li . ' .. '-CIt .-:
11&1. 0 . . - .
1aIa'"~ aN
t. t:Jle
'fte aI'''
____ tM, t - .
"..-.L &t. . . . . _
..t ~


kaD_ J"M:Ir: 1. ~ - - , . ~
_ ........... ~ u.
_ ( fII. ~) . . 't'WiIt RiIIta. 0-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ _ '. . . twe
eUI _ ~ ~ . . . . . . _ ... _ _ _ tINa . . . . .' ~ -...ut
_____ e ....
..... a.l II. _ tile ...... . . - . et tttt

_lit -
a- ...... r

,..~ ....... . . . .,tM l.-. ~ __
__ ...,. _ Stile ..... w.-n.
..-.: _ __ ~ . . .-t ~ ..... ..-'-'
. . . . . l1li. -Dol tbI . .... ....... W'IddI. -'- ., tIiIIIIao 1_ TI.eiUU " ....
r_ _ =

'M Cit

_ _ fIl . . _ _ _
- ........
. . eIIIw

<Nt a.a-. ..., u... aN t-.

ab&--"- .....................

'W'IU: 1flD:a... D.. TqW tM..... 'Be IMler

_ ...,

is "'The Man OIl
aDd the
the Box-
~ sIJ .ies are
.... . . . . , . _
. . . . . . ..
~ _
. . ._
~ . . u.t--
. . I.-eIt
. , - ......
. ..
.. ~.&Sfe
III . . ...,. wtidl
to. . . . . . . aD tMm fum the .. west
fit u.e
II. Do Rcd bz fa lI:lIrope
".,. ... _ a..t ...... ~ fII.. 1M at lite ~ tt-. and most popular 'lens.
.......................... nn~ [ . . . r-. ~.&a.t Bale wUIl . . . . . .ta
~ tItr-. s. ...... Illaka ~
an.... _ dlW ~ fa: ....._ 1'1N:7eIek:IJ
wttk aIwa7a .JoIIla
u.. .. .-... _ ......
__ .. Gill
...... . , . _

.. r-.
_ _ GIM.
_~ ...
..... Cftri fDIIewtw.& u.- ~ . . tH
...... - . .. tIl.IIak- diM. tIIrre-, ... ~ _
I 2 news we the fuLwiwc
IMIIIra ~ aa1- pIQa r..
tHlr -.eetaJ. . .~ ... .n- ....ie_ -
..., wta a-IIII ca.ry fa. . . w!tIl. ... _ _ taIleL
............ cw.:-.
ta e.-Ic -r'le
' ....
I R.M>ert ftonlJ., b.1II
at Vealm tM atbet' 4&7.... _ BIb
01 -..a,. Miriam NaY
- . - _ ~ evw-I.
tile .......... At _
0IIbl ~ ill
IIIt.a. 1.
.... a t q a :a.laIatU'e railroad .. b.1II play lb. Harry NOitJuup
babes weI'e uYiq the b8t of time.. Tborab,.
~ ..
c:QIbl - - . ,
", . . . . JaM;

rtd 0IIIt lit til. tar-.

- ~_ to , . . wIl..IIt .e
no... bow tie Madle dlJJdrea ad caa maIDI
was.. th_ to. n -
no t:hblk It 11 euy to put 011 tid ~ ....
Marg Piclr.fotJ
..... .r.-e fill _ t' .rae!_
better trJ' It: they wlll alt:e:" tlletr m.I.IIb
Helm LiIrtbeIIJ
1 _ ....,. .... t. -.r ~ Pu1fM .... t. . . . . W,.... .. tM Orpbeua .-w a ...t .. G-..,HoIl
to 1lIlIIrwtG. ~ . . . ~ lit u..'fCU. a t.o. ~ sndIdaaA . . . . . . pkb:nt "'toeIr'"
1_ ~ . . 1.- CIlaoe7 wtII ... Ia U- eut 41th er - . ) ( ~ to-w1t. . . . J-Cnue

~ J .. 0. ~ will e.t. W:ra- w-..I ... to loaIt at ... _ _
~ . . . . . . . . tIIIIIJ'IiIM .,. t &ad to ~ Iler tM littler Be. taM ht" ~ D itt F.,/q
. . . ~ -'to .&.t,JIlII_ [ ..... kIM ... TU'I-. abIIa .,....,. . . baII7 ...
tIlIll JII"lIItt7 1IttJe r.-... ca.. lIM, .-tte ... .-tckb' 10* at tile - - .- . . .
UI ... _~_-.t e-.t7-'t lila w,...
til wlla ... , . . . CM 1'00 s.c-I .' ....._ <I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-k. tridr: De ~ .. ..... 111M JlenilIJtIt.
_-..,.....m be ..- . . . . . . . iII!rrtWII ~ ~.
c---. _ ....,.!

et ~ tile .,.,.,. fII. ~
~ Cart:rle IIbdI:wtII 41n tie
.at. t - ......... wtdl._~fa.... Coafeuioas of a
-_e -'_nI
..... _ _ "...,. . . . . . "-F . . podi.;JIIt. by iJaa u.. QJs .. t. Jrbt- He ....
,........-. .. __
-e. ., .......
tac_ ... ~~tepla:r
_ _ liM . . Jet _ owl. CubIlt
Rt ...
w!II . . Scenario Editor
011 .... fINlDr
Wft'e ~ BIte ~
...,. ~t
tIIoe "'f*!or
1I1Q t1Ioe ~ that tJIe -... "oIIe7'" wM lett
rr-II: -teo-erJ u. bam "'er Ute
W1!IatIler. bat is ...-ad _ _ --e. . . . Dadr
ollt., . . . ~ .
1. ArtJIar ~ IUlIe . . . c:aD f'roIIII SaD
feather b.u ~ ............ tM ~ ""
makl:l& m_ IMlaa ~ til . . . . . La.a
Dtep. wben be ..,.. tIM' U. a. _ ...., 11 ... am.d7 1aqI: .......... Heart Specialist
"iJIIIJ... aJoac t:DeIy. !ArTy ~ 11 IMlIq' A maul I::l Colondo 8prlaaa . . . . .....
featuell of ~'. owa ...... ..".. that ~ wrw.....
I. ~ Iota fill a
wbld!. wtII be rae..d 1rJ w.,.. d ~ at that . ' - a t . - t w1tIl kiI ....

"" +,.,__
nen ~ _ aD 01 thll .,..,paT's pro. wslena prod.::UoQ fa 011. of wIlIdIi Ile . . . . An Art 5ertinn of p......
dQd:l-. will be. TIle U. 8. -.-:r __ ....
Nd ~ . . . ....-t
~ __tb. ~
lib: b1Utdred peopk. R..... be ..... UTe t .
YelPed .... fill tIM :-n.tL
1100 Pii' ...
8111.. .. Wnlac
nu.,- .~ tM
out .-e tMn-, Kariea.
--a.r to . . .
, ,.... H.....,- WaltllaB bM:III: at tM IIltltaal.
Pow WallY ~ WI' ta tIaII ~
Tep,. ctrla. . . . Btarttaa IS iIISU'i"Iet . . .
receaU,. at tI&ai. fte lsdJ""s _
a . - ....... aebI at t1IIe X"" .......
0.._ Ih" ..
wttk 8tI!rUa&
_ lIIndt..-
.,.. . .
Oa . . "'_..._ _
"- 1"
aM .... .-tt. ...... u. .. Ata'" _kiI Comedy.,..,,..,..
too.a-c J"IIlt, MIt
tt.e.. Sterll&& wtlJdl .....
for 1l.-ft Is _ of 1M _ ~ fa ...
PU't .. ""'fte C!c
1Itr ....... I
Mter ~
.. DPW. 0I't8Jl...

u.-:_ a ..
.-... Wi._
o.t P'arieJ'
... _
~ _
........ aa:a.c ~ ~ roek .... tM _ at C:Il&iIIIIIa Her
A ~ tt:.t
~r-. ~

................ - ' - _ . . . . )alit.

., CM
.. ...................

tindW. Q.
. . . tlIIt
P. B_'..

..., fa
.. 11. . . . , F.... cjwrMD


,, Do1Jar M~'
. . - .. _.
... _.( .u-._
~ ..... laUle' du..
A-U-~~ be Is ~ - - . a q It !lito ~ . . . . . .
....,dteRu . . . _~"r-F
e ft. to.. w. __ ...... waDI: . .

. . . . . . ..,.CLAT~ .. tbe~""""bIk.. s....b
aot ~ _ _ 8IaIae
'DE PbO(OPIAY scENARIo . . . 0Ip. ' Nan.-. at 0lId! m-
. . . . .1 ~.tUI. cMadw Is tMa It
_ it ...,
Or-*: . . .
.. ~
.....OJ. ..
WJl _ - , .1".- far_

......... Be wtD'.uo , ~ fa

ft.lI . . . . . . . . Die-
~. tMa:. ens at ....
bdw ~ ~ wiD -ua.e tD

, ...
IIlftat. TIle ~

TIM: a..IreII

u.. fill ~ abIIItT~
WID act wtioIIJ"
ban taba-t.n nlCIlIIPf-
He" IIrt "'""'- by tb_

_ .. _ Be" beI:IIc watdIe4 aad .....

lei. A JtiGa of. t:Wr ~ .. IIIheete4
. . . . . . M-. W'1aaItrter IlId Iae ...,. tao the
~ S. _ . til 'lie ~ to tINm. Be
_ . act wttIl ~; .....
1 ..,. .... toU.~ b1sr&-

:~:!=~~;:::::::::::::::::::~~::: ~
. . . . . . . . . . ~ . 1IltI!rwbI wUl sder.
. J _ _ teaIt7 .. ~ will be 1DaDlte.te4
with _ rr-reacUa nor-
.. the.:
.ethe if be . . " . that epf-
... ~ an ... ...-. He Is nre to nspeet
it . . . . . '-Co ad' let _ .ee how he acta if

Every Man and Wornan- ....... be kMws tJle tnd:IL nat wiD ct~ 118 OIl.
mON Bilk I. the data 01 tile lIvtIer'. lmpor-

Every Father and Mother With all theee .u-pta to pba S

JI'Ioreace, It .. i He tID ~ that. _
or late, the B1aclt Ihabed. will me wUh
'aa. of

_ e decree of . - - . aDd thea we eau Ita47

E~ pel5OI1 in whoee heart exists a cornp 'Nl for strug- J _ troaa . . - ...Ie e. caa _
m..e:h lDdl_ to 8el"TUJt:y. Without HaJo..

gling bllrnanity~ toeccape the tentacles of a terrific, cr-.1'e before _with .ot mach .. & tall-
ctble ... ..... .. to Ilia locatIon--J'CIIlM be-
aD graoping, ~..pcnmfullife devouring
"~' .
enemy should read eome- far IDOre lmpoll"tuat to ... 0.... one epl-
IMIde tct PIle aezt. We - . abI qtite D.lcely
without Barpoean. Not.!l.tq: Un.. tar hal 00-
etU'l"ell to' 1DclIcate "heft be mlpt ~ d If

'The Girl Who be iii aUTe. _aid he Dot be direetlnc open..

Uou! Womd Dot -.:De e"I'ldeaee be 41.,la""
to thow that a c:abIecTam bi reeeh'ecl. 01' tbat

Disappeared" pat.ernal love clra. . Harpoeuill toward. the maD-

,100 t4 _ a I1Impee of Fl_ec!, the 4aaP-
ter be ball Ih1elded t:Imllldt .n th_
yean or ~eri. .! Why d08 a-ot llODle work.
or deed. or word. thow ua that Ha.rpoeaTtl',
a.IFFORD G. ROE says: mid bi the eou:uemq ia-tellec:t badt of an
"Over 200,000 girls aetlOll.!
There '-' llOIII~ ebe to tor. aDd

disappear every year." that bi ..hat beeom.e- of the boE that 1011.1IllJ
dropped lato the - . WID the Bbdr: H_4Joed
&0 after It! U they kUt"I'e It bi uJaable" they
certabLI,. wfll. ShaD we _ 1 _ or Norto1l
He ougbt to koow hen"... be or s ~ or .-.ebod.,. elM! eouecte4 with
Harpoeaftl uul 1--. atW:mpt t4 rep1a pM-
bas made the _ nbarntT,e .-.lOll of It! U they do . . would it Dot be
pW'ely to mJlIIMd their ea.enJIIlII ruther!
.....tiptiom the world has eve' WUI 1~ sUD permit 0Ip to call OD Flor-
b>own cooceming how they go ea-ee! AI a taltbtul ~t. be lIhoGld. .eek
to let 1 ' 1 _ mow that Olp '-' d,e c: OaL
ood where they go. AI the _Cer tII.lttL be wUl not Yolee th_
,~idoDs, ba.t win eneourace Olp to walk lato
The resullsoE IUs investigations a traP- E:acll act, tberetOl"'l!. 'binces oa. the 1oea-
t10n ot the moaey . .d the ideatib' of lODe.-
be is DOW gimg to the public IODIIllJ the m,-.terioa.--J'ons the 1'fJlIOureeta.l-
Ions the maa wbo bolds the key to nery
for the r..t time. in the a-test Rerf!t 'Jon ..owd .ecue relatiftl to The MU-
mystey book oE the <lay. lioD D61la:r Vystery'.
I wut t4 shoe yon the beueM of m,. upert-
1Il1l~ wben t ~n you t4 1Ol!tcA ./or!'. Stad,.
TRU1HFUL him in nl!ll'J' ......y. Look bltently Into bl! tace
AMAZING 1HRIU.ING ...ben he mO..-1IllI toward yon oD the sereen.. LooII:
to IIeIIl wbat he d~ as IlIIl'W' emercencJelI lUUe.
See It he d\!'JllllDcb on Harpoe&Tt. or on anyone
el8e. wheB it eoallllll to ort,u.cti_, Idea aIld
earrylac them t4 eoaclaiODll. AIld thea 'JOn
witt be la Ie. du.cer of belq decelnd by
the pt"IIlttJ' display of COKllins pPtlell _d sbD-
lla:r Iide-ilIa3'a. t!ult may bear on tile "atioa
la the Ill. . lIlbaor putlculan, or fa. lID maDDer
at 011.
. . . En_~...
_~ lIt.
wuc. Jo~1
.,.. Jknl', IIa:t mide teilJ 1I~ ia tJM50
Wilt' of .L1!#Uf 15.
.' aMP .11&""'_ ...
-...-.. ~i~
plld.tII.lD.lIe. '
....... _~-

=... BeleIl
... ~ '

oIit ~ tD, - . . - . ...,..


P'VWft qr. aat r.IIInnr . . . . . __ edci-
__ __ Ol't-. lII:dit _ ..
.. I':=:=~'.
- - -

- _

eclIto.. ... ......." tat tl _ , . . . . . . . ___ ' tile tr..t JIOftl:t ~ .....
CJ"III*. .-:: .....aI.-. It .. ~ . . _ ........... ,,'.berta' , __

.mile .-t. aM ' T-. ,..,. .-=110 to tbe _ . . . . .t III: tile .-p._
It i
.....-... ' , _'..,.-.-t- -..

-. ~ ..,..,.... . . . .-t: 8e:a'rT CYIIeof'e., the Iaf:r.I1OlIe Octcnu' ill

,.. ~ of ~ .., tile ......... tH' Wectlft een. at tbet .........
I"Ur ~ tor i'PC , fa Itri Art W1qa t:ba ~ ..
..... tJD t:eb. ~ et Ue h.., ....
aida, Mew Ton. RIll ..... tar t2le fldve an

aer. ~
_c r-
!.1ary Pk:Itfcrcl, 011. the .creta, '- the .....
E1oy.aIlIe Pd tbal
.-.D7 ,...a.,
IleE. IIU:7 ...t..........
aut pi: _ C I I I , lid be w1D
. . . .. the nab .. ~ber ~ a
_+-' as

. - to _ . . . ttl JaW 0Wll' at

an..t...,. tb..tnt abe mr-
aad . . . . . ~ tile . . . rz-.. _
tilt ..,. . . . . , .
bt QertnI6e 1Ic:lCO!'. ttl lbe ~ lor-. hell
tIlrlDIq: rtdiI1MelJ' _ . . eIle no8lI .ntb .. ttaIa
dder': .,.at GIl 'riew. Ne ~ ~ .. . . . . ta ""I'M ~. 811ede1." !be
..................... '-""Il*a
...oQI erWc:I-. or try to
..artt . . . M'I'ent
r-lt wItJl JI&rT':
.tNl . . . 11. . laaW'
_ _ JkO::an, . . .
~ . . . . Ole ~
1M '*_h_
eavried .. the .tnet.
that da (:or . . -wfthoiIIt rc..d.ttc= .~
1IIWt .w1Ma ..
Katherine La s.Lle., wbo p\a78l1 oaf: of Ule
,..... et heedlilac aariow CIIIWa-
paa,y': iDa. -n. QI., C....
priDc:lpd ~ fa U. LIfe P'bcIto ~
ie:a tar try . . . . wh!dl her the dlo6ce. hMl Ib"

Euope to ..-:al . . . . ~ the-
. . . . . to lea. . It, al .--aIac lata the tf'IIIeoI
rondp_ mods at ~ ...
~ OIIe dde QI' Jato the 4ltc:h 011 the otht'!r.
I'ftclIa . . t .
d~ ta ..... to ,.t cokw .....
a-rt ill 1JllI aade:r-
----- ... m=
~ Jim ~

l~ of ~ v _ at !IIIIIW-. 1bD."

.., ...
~ _ .. -rb.. Buatar .... the t..d:7,w
hi _bleb 11m .tie will ...... to ~bft'.
.-so. I::::

.hJcb Is ..... D:I:ftIle at the 8ladle 00Il- t~
Octuia BaDdworth', -.are tlme., f:'I'eulDp,
.... of'ilClItIl.tnc ~ 11M Wft1' tJlraqh
.-ua.. =-
III ~ JIla7tII&" acoaaJJII,D.lIIlata tar the !::It-
.. llrk:k ...-t,y
by the toNe al t2M ...,. whkI:I.
,bocIted . . . .
_t -="iie:::u::
~lsIor q..n:et at. the ~ . _ e o ~ the...-c. .n-. _ _ of
home at Lake Pladd. N. T. W1lf!II tl'Je ..cer-
at thUi -..utal ~ doel Dot peraLlt the 1lII:ttwbIc. -.&:....-t
" ' CIilI-tt.e .tbw ....... veaee . . . . the
tbe'1Iee4p ~ed

.- - . -
una! ~ of ....lmalblC. boatID&. uus be 'ftIT _pII.'ke",. staW that he ........
t1.sbtllc. tile eompll.DY eltlertabled. ly a Pf'O- a!Uiows tor .. "'r'etake...
~ eo.poIIel1 ell.t:lNb' 01. the JIa7e'a. the
prlac:lfal .a:mben OIl. _bJdl are tlle ~
by the.aartet. A. -.Jete orebelltra Ita a1IIIt
Some time ap Gooo'_...-
Walab, of JIusa.
ehaeetta. wallted Iato a lICboolroom la the Prt_
beeD. U1~ bat this ill ~ tor ~ SebooI III &.toa. aaad. thoacht to tat. thAI dLD.- 5eDd_,..,..~ ~

n.... __
~t(llJa. dr:eD.'. 1ln.owledp of pUUc: a!bJn . . . . . . .e
~ ~ ;.
yaitide-. Sri pa:
by uIttIlc U an:J" of. the clWd...- i
5 7 ' . .

I " hllll.. " _ _flU

Prior to DalIlei )(U:erwlko', appearuce 1rI o.e boy bowoeed Q aM clowa 011 b1s ftMt aU.
pictuns with the Labia players b. tu.'ed aD clilarned the air with baDd _tU It ceme
oyer R.-ia ba ~.. aa4 I:LU the _.... hill tlin. to c-. "beD; h. ,.elIed.. "'K1q Bq-
t1nctloa crt ha..... ...-red maay times We- cd- The OW"'Q.erMtD of the ~ent Is u-t

the CIU' fa tbat DIa7 wbJdl hu Qac a draw, ... they are both at the top ot the led",
1Dl.~ . . tlle R:a.Iaa ra.. .....
~ o . twtIIf;J' ~ ~ _ the Ben WU- 1s a prac:ticaJ. b u t . - _ ...
Rll8Iiu .tap ha.... belpeiI ~ to ...en .. .. "'n' .etor aDd 41nc:toc'. Aa the
hrlq him b1to the lIlotloa lIIIetaN UmeUa:Ilt in boldw of 500 ~ ot. IItodt . . . . . . . . . . .t1J'

hi" ~ of Rustaa ebaneb!ra. made 41nIctGI' of tile ..t1u Tbatre Carpan..
~ IraIl wh1dl w1U wet ....
h_dred plc:tlu'III thMtrell thl'OllCb_t the Catted
Ruth DoIlDellY. the lately acq1ltred. m.
ID.C lad7. Is pa
hi! ~ with Ieebjq: ~ ~ . ~
deeer1IMI4 ..... cr:ece-
Albert Il.oceanli, of the V \ ~ Jlla,J"en.
roq atoCb. ... a weeItb. al ........ bek.. W
1UlI4erwent eeriGa ~ lately tar _
Po .n,.. UtI. Ie eo, 1lIel _ the ec:r..- IDee
..,...,. NI:IeI"", ~ty-4b: ,...... ep ...bUie _
~ loob lib ftQth.IBc rra. a "'8tQ- M2"aIIetie .-a-tIIda T1te ,.........
r>Ut~ tID a ~ ~ ctd. accwd- wlee ...... ....-l:Iac III _ at lite . . . . .
l q to . . . . . 'tr1eMe role. ~ ba1'1ac
;<~ . . , . . . . . . , . . a few 1m rei---.
V" o..eo:,- tat ... be. tile aIlO
.... """,p'etel. .1'.
1Mlt be ea-eIJ' ~ at -en: am tile . . .
II.oeearG .. Ute
u.. __ entliebla pdr of ~ fa . . . . .
II,. 11ft Jlq -..I fd 'Ity to
mUll! heneIf ....,.. witll t!I. sa re.u.. . . . . . . . -.. ba ...... the ~ of " '. .7"'
~ ot. the4r ...-._ _

Jamee Klrtnrood'. ftfty red hatr aDd telll..p J".UI. 8olU'lle, ~ ~ ....
"re .-rca of llft"I'er .tnc trGldIIe to lliID ehancter - - . UDI&1Da ber ~ ......
~ a ...,., .. Ile fteUlrIIlT . . - ..,. JOe- ... u.. theKriocal .w. Is tbat Aft u." ...
IDU1l::e ee.t et eltMr. Ifow
cokIr . . . Jtt. , _
~ fIIIa:y
hie .......
t u,ft ....,... _
~ 0...,.
. . . . . . It ...... _,. JIftI'Ualar ~
8ft'.....wtIea aa- ......
~KhooI..... tob"aftl._.. to
h. ""'1 11ft ' IIaIr eO _ It, 11M jaItud tbe&tricIII -...7_ IIattaa f6c.
AI; ...-..t . .~ 01: .,.. ......... u-., . . . . . . . '.....
h... t!Ile- _ _ 'W'IUi,....,.

tJuil Me .. ttiIl:, . . . . - . . . .'"t II'N . .
tIaIiI. JIIkDn1e he u.e .... ~ llJIe eM- & " . . . . .
dt~ _ b ~
~ .. tie . . . "11dIIIUe" . . Is:
.,..~ .. ' to .. . . - t

t Co B. ~ 7", N. y.-Kan:I_~~"''!'U . . . . . . .'.ell:.-t ., t.w. ~ . . .

' . . . . . . . . . . . . lit d ' " ""I'M . . _.g.~ an. It' .. ,.
.......r ....". .... _ Dow JW'
.... '
:r-.- ....
, tIiIIt
K.p hIIi!rr . . 1eft
. . ........

. ................
'li.r:-n.i-t ....... ""p .M~'_ '
. , . . . . . . la'tIaIUIIIlI.'tUt title - . . ~ ............. ,... _If ,..,~'t aIdt.eo

' Ie tne. ae ....;~w -=-e llIII ..-dceL

~ ..
"".-e Im!I" to UU....h.~."'L
~ JtI.a. ~-ne ..........
.... Z. L.. WDInU 8,,-., N. c._T\~~t-.~
I'Ba Cae
aan Nclt JUq.~"
. , . slmDat klM
lIM twtc:.
1. . . , .
~ ~
:.:...'::c:. ~~ ~
...... PIItbe. BeUc. Vl~
o-p IDeIae .. _ IMl-
.,. otMr . " . p e . 'l1le -.ry ,." ~ a ~ of c::::bIcIIa
CanYou tbe .&:Ilea .... 'do woUd. ~ do
ja :r-r ,.rt CJf tie
ta ~
a... f tac~of~.
___ 1&. kIel.e hn a a.. 11m be c:aDs it
Write? c....- bca&I* .-w
. . . we ~ 6IIIIIlt .....
r.tiIiiI tta 1iiIIIq. . . . . .
bay neb. .. - . r i o If It "m .-.ret. to
.. IWPe.CftIe ODe. JJroM tbat ~ 7O'l tID __
If..., . De ~
uar.p the GeIIera1 nJm e-pu,._
does DOt

1ltIL TIle' Jriee Gf TBI: .wan. Pre- See.__ ~ T ~ . . a KenIpa

;" - .-y ..pd - ....... TOG.AL is J4 Del' J1!U'. fa ~ c:bat. lie .... bIten:lewe4 tbenl lle't'eral times.
- ..... ofjoot .....
:'r_? :K1U L. Eo s..
Dn ...... N. ~.-.e rear JOG
han beeR .tet"M't'_ .. to the W7 , . aleIl-
tile l&tst lIIterriew Wq 111 tile Ka,., - - .
n-:mn A., Bqf'1IA. N. T.-No. tlIe Jady yea
tl How adl ..... do yva-_ tl-. belq ArtbIlU' .1--". wife. uk . . . hu IUI'f8' ~ III plc:tueL
""Crcnnte." 111 BrwtcIlo.
"'8bor.t::1 l!l8ca," 1IatJ'I-
;" ..... of what .. .., ~ ~ .. CII:rc.-, Iu..-We ClID't tell you
moay." 'WU Thomu ~
Jtt8t where uwe 8.llaa lIolIIa is appeuiac 110.,
.. h'l -I" , _'tit~ We last beard or ber with R.eUaDce, bat me . . . ~ Jl.. WI1oIE8 BAUE, P.&.,,-Your eoatllll-
Dot beat _ ill ..,. of the nlCleDt B.el1aIlee tioD Ia aata1r. for we haTe IleTer -.d.
tl Theoe _ booIts. dram... CaD aD"~ teD "'Che.ter" what be ...s.ed IIIJbody tD staY out or tile pletanl caee

waDe. to bow! Yes. there .... aD Ht.IItor1c:a1 th:roaCb jeUouy. We have. time _d qaIa.
-Cot.ect EngJisb" nlm Campu,y ill Chicap. bat It hM Bot re- adTtMd :f01lD&' people who _ aDXIoua to ...

"The Conect Wonl"

_ tbe bat 5aIe.... cua,.. Cftr_.
lea.ed ..,. 11m. to CMl!' Imo.ledce. U la & DeW
eoJloe'nl and probably ~n hi. lbe proota of for..

c:u.a... F. E.. Bt:'&U..'(OTO::l. VT.-BlaDche Sweet

.... Id.U. in BJocraPb'. MJ"adlth of Betlnilla."
IUl4 Bury Wa.thall PlaYed Holof~ Pr0b-
0llIIDl! motioa pJet1U'e ~ 01' sd:rel8eI to cITe
av their p~ for the I'I!lUO:Il that pndlc:ally
ner'J" atudlo I. the _ b y al~ baa a 'W"I1t--
IDe lbt of bundredli sad the chaD~ that. OBe
totan,. without aperieace wODld be t'LkeD 011-,
eTeIl f01' a trial., Ia Ie. thaD one III a b_dre4.

--.....--- --
There ue tho. . . . of people with kQ or G-
. . 11w:y_
T_ b,.J
_01 .... _
ta aD early _ue.
ably &II. interTt_ with lila 8tor'e1 will qpear
aDd It 18 DOt at aD lIJllD:ely
perlea~ oa the waltiJlc 11m already. 80 what
POIIIlble bope eoaJd we clTI! -.e Ukl! youneIf'
..daiIia .. ~ c.-r ia this that .ome ot th_ 4aya tIl1.I popalar at1r"I plc- ..111 be aaed. . . C01'er ot Tmc K _ PIc-
who II .'Itbout experience.
TOaAl,.. Awtally aJ.a4 you liked tlle Bunny T. A.. B.. 8 .....,. 1f'aA:oICl8CO. CAL.-The sd~ Of
-tIJId */riu U '-"j IU 1M. eoTef'. Ot.hen halOe told 1illII'thl!)' ~ It. too. the LoDdCIB I'Um Company, l.U:DJted. Ia I i Gel'-
- .,..,.., 1. W.,.~ L.uu..~ PAtt.-We d_"t quite UD
clentaD4 .hat you meaD. by YOUJ' query. '"What
Street w.. Loodoa. EqIaad. We are eorry,
we eaDIlCIt ctTe you the _
In "The B _ of Tempt!l'ley." haTblc DO
of the play-

INVEST NOWI bn.Dd are Keptooe. ~I'" tmder!'" KtT- cut sheet ot that .procIllc:thm. W01l1d. ~

Ito!le 11; the Dame fIl a bnaiL U you meaD your wrltinc to tbe Lo1tdoa FUm ComplLDy to!'
a.ouD PUIIUSHING CO. tIlroqb what Pf'OCnUD ue ~1eue4. we win
~ KIItUL We DeTtt beard of that Cu-
that lDformat1011-
nw:H'!O cade I111III you _ti_-for that matt8. we E. B. G., SroK.L'ft. W.u:u.--eharles ChapllD II
d_'t bow aaythill&" about the Cucade FUm the KeyatoDe camedl&D to wbom. you refer. Be',
Call1plLDy. IlO tt must 1IIdeed. be a "Dew _e." Dl1Pty cood. la.'t be! The ct.rt oppostte LamI.r
WIleftl cUd you _ a ~ exhibited! JoIUJ.sbme 111 that ~ e 'WU FraDcella BIIl-

Betel CwUeriud tact-.. Sorry. but we baven't a cut .beet OD

The A.poIIo Campull' ued to ~I _ _ e ll.lm
a week 111 "hlch J'nId. Kace . . . f ~ but KeyCone'. " Batbtnc Bl!&Dty," 10 CUI't _y
110 1oap:r I. f'e1e:Ubl&. Camero T&rY .cnne- wbo tlIe clrl ,.011 uk about.
what .. to price. lnIt you e&D be IIOUre It wlll
A.-O:I~'" GQE~8M)11O. N. C.-Ethel GnadiD
fOIIt ~eral btDIdftd dallan.
wi q . . . . . . Sb.IIl NEW Ta.E aDd her h11lbaDd .re to head the Smallwood
........ 3t.~~-.lDt. . . . . . . . !luy J~ BL.... IOB,..I.XYO:oI. N. Y.-WI! creatly FUm Corporatloa aDd. of eotll'll!. Ethel wID be
feat1ll"ecl I.D the 1"ll1_ of the Dew CODeern.

far you wIn Ill!yer be ~'Il1 III eeUlq

-- --- TOW' photopla7s tDItlJ you haTe pod dn) Wbether they YlU waDt ~OII or Dot t.

m_ ~ thaa "e should Jadp you pos. _ethlnl' we C&D't tl!lI you jut at thll dme.
i'ltI A-. Can frum - . l , that lL If we eu. tell aaytIl.1Ilc at all Wltdl JII'. Tbomu' department 111 Tlu PIIfto.
rr... your letter. SeenarlOli unataIJI ay1IopsiII PU.Y Scz...uuo. IIId be "Ill doubU_ ~U J01I
at llCtloa alODe. sad dlalocue WOD't help you._y . . 10011 . . they lUI.lloaJ:ee their dellre to l'l!-
_____ ill " - ' I. eeIlt.q them. J'olb CO to picture abo... to ee1'Ve ac:rIpta 00 appronJ.

_ actJon. lIot to roead. lone bill of C<!DVf"TB&tiOD

~~.u.. W.I.IIUl:'l'tn'O:oI. D. C.-Really. we
thro1J1l on the IIO"eeD.. Write lIS for a eGDY of

II-. doo't believe A.nJta Stewart, LUUan. W~ or
T1B PnOTOPL.\T &1.......10. and thea let llr.
Vlvllll RJch would ClU'll to baTe u teO rIPt oat
Thom.. eritletae .ame of Y01U' ecrtpts. You'lI

loud whether they are 1DIl'rIed or Dot.. Jua CO
IlOOQ lean!; what TOU lleed to )mow. &lid then

alonl' ImactllJDI' them all ,lqle. It'U be a lot

you esn try Y01U' IItttfr on some .eeDarlo l!'dltor.
~ ... 0rieIltaI Gurz C. (hu.~ Nn.-The ]"t:N4 of Powers'
H. G. U.. El.:'I'lIro~. lLL---$etl &DIIwer to Ibry

''The :r-ter;r Of Wleltham Rall" Is 8eltric:e
T_ . . . . . . . . . . S_ &bove. .... esmeraman. III partieuJar. mut
Van.. IIr,. Bleb I.D the Joker eoaaedy eDtiUecl
haTe had yean of eJ:perleDoe before be _ CO
"WIllie Walraa, Det.f!etln." 11; IIutha M.ttox.
to 1JOI'tt 1Jttll a ll.lm 1Iftma~. Itlilt' ~IU.
PBn.o H. H., HuSDALIt, lu..-U, tD today b_ eoItJ,. It w~d be to prodDOll a ,'l& IJUI
(J1Ule SOth) tbel'\!! hue beeD elcbt egModes of e:r;pl!ll.atve proUet1-. oaI7 to ~ ~ th
s-l/a''''''''' . fU.... TU ~ that the .... bebld. the
"'The PerUa of PaaJ1Jle" releued.. DoIl.t belteve
IIADY P. ST1lI9CIN. F....- wide . . . . . . . . . . .
the .a..wer ... c:aa tell you esaet1y bow m.ay camera ....mec. t1lat aD til tM ....
........ v....... , $ -
DUb t!tere wl.U be 0( th .naI. naallouen dYe nblllll. T1le JIIktan -w.'tIlel
~ DoDar.~ to be ta twat7...u ha,.. to be retaba ~ eoK -.ey.
.... &a. . . pi' ..... tel ,..
how to write strong. red-b~d scenarios
that laugh at the rejection slip.
" how to ex~ your photoplay ideas in
that crisp, cfean-cut. magnetic English that
make. your scenario speak action-that's
.hat the editors want. -
-how"to become the editor's frie"od and
alway, know: just .hat and when the
different sorts oi ideas are wanted.
"~d Else this Book. PradicabIe
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throop doing the .ery thines. .. Iv me s mel ideas this book DOW often you? Could anT. -,
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The object of this rbook is to give, in the ca It undei-- There ...t . - " " book
atIJI, .bicb COGtaiou ihe
stood form, the ~ ilO sury 1m the ptopu u..oc- fuJI lUld ~ illfo.......
tion OIl how to write pboulplays that lIdl plwotllpla,s that boa cloet l'How to Write
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~-...... ......-

'The MaKing of an Actress" By Williant Curry
.- -

... .......

_z p. pc S S

1I-II.-I'''_Ir'':5 _ I" III rac-C fll' III

Eight episodes of the Million Dollar Mystery have

already been released and are now appearing throughout the
country. Each episode ineludes two full reefs. . The entire production will take 46
reels. :r.u ~ '4 OR . ' ~ . . . bttiIIg ,,' , r:tIIUJ - * .

This spectacular motion picture production has awakened all

America to the wonderful possibilities of the film drama. Remarkable interpretation
of each part by a cast of stars, exceptional1y beautiful settings and genuine thrills cb-ancterize
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MacGrath simultaneously with the appearance of the films. '";~'
l .."'.
A REMINDER: $10,000.00 in cash will be paid by the
Thtm1Iouso Film Cm'/KRation/OTbest !()()..U1OTd solution O/tM mystoy.
This powerlul attraction is drawjQll!..hig crowds everywhere~ Exhibi-
" tors can arrange bookings at once by llppTYi~g to the Syndicate Film Corporation.
The Million Dollar Mystery is an independent release and may be obtained re;ardless of
the regular program being used.


71 West DlA SInd" New V8lt< --tu. s s. w' n A . _ D r
_ s n .- ew.. .~ .Ii"AIq ..... p S" _ u.IIeA . . . . . - . I "'c._a.

-" .... _ t1UI ......... N. Y.
....... ----- ....
.-. __ c.--..
~ ......
. . . . . . 61
........;' ,--I
The world'. greatesf dctcc-
riTe, chief of the mighty Wil-
liam J. ltu.rDI International
Detective Agency and aathor
C 0 !f 'F-..E. !f T S of the rcmarb.blc series CD
titled ..Belps to 'Iu S.I.';' f
It ",.f4q S,.,.. &lUi , . . , . , .
,Iu Milli.. Do/kiT M,"...,"
DOW appearing in each iliac

AT_. -'...
~ iq .. die s...drwe.t
. H-Id S. Ilunmond :!2
of the Movie Pictorial, is ...... g
to the lCeDeI of this' captiYat-
SIDELIGIITS 01'1 THE GD:A.T Y All . 19 iDg mJltcry draou. 10 u to run
- .. .&.B . . , . . M ' %7 down the cines that will lead
.." . ~ 0.0- .,.-y" 28 to IOlntion of this haflljng
S~A_ myuety.
JOHN E. BllE1'il'lAN. . 5
.& D ' ....... ~ oLtAw. M-,.~ W"- '
FIUWOJI'S F AJious nGllTlJl . J Sdwya A. Sud F! 10 1M ~ ......
c.I~ . . . . . . . .tu--.. 7 _ . _ - . , ...


V _ J . Bono 12 _1iiIiiIIioo-1ioi " ' - '
CAPrAJN LESLIE T. PA.COCXE . II.-e . . K", j 'e 16 Be tell .. daat lie wi! 10 . . . c-.e
AalI WMt Be'lW.b it .. s... '- 1M I' ".,. u 'tceted )'d r i mit eft!"J pUce
BETZYOOD-YBEaE EAST IIEETS WEST rdared to ill The Millioa DaIbr
-. Mystery lIP to thiI time. He .......
.. that he wiD CO t.broucb t.bc ~
J. 1L Y AU..Il'iG-IIOVIE 1lIACl'lET RXhonl J. Heudenooa 7
'VlIl. ,..., P" Ii .,...., m 'l a .iD tee t.t.e Rnrer a-.l-wiII.
THE lInING OF AN ACI'BESS look in at t.bc pace - will cJiIBb 0lrCJ'
. tile ...u - .ill .. -<11_ _ tile Iibn<y.
IL De..........,.
~ Sed! s.-e Sic
rea:ptioa ball, f1oft:occ'. ft*D-c:Il-
Hat"lfU"e --..aI CO to tlac
~ __ 30 island. where looes " cod to INry
PLAYElIS BlBTHDAT CAUNDAIl the: mystaioaa chest - wi( CO tbreq:h
Ri<hud Yillio 31
34 _-wiI
the wvehoeae aad. aroaad. the picn
_here t..bc tt.-p ateMDer . . dockiN-
wiD ,.;,;, - . . " .me

_ .... _... _--

iato C"aJ' . . . aad cnna, that ,.:
U. me screen..

0' _ _ ...

...... .............
110 _,_ .. _ _ ,


w&.UAM.L _ _ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Let 11M lletp"..

DOllAIS .. c.Il
. . . . ..,..".. T\e
Iliac ill die MOVIE ncroalAL -=IIi ....
- - " . .. . . . . . . . ;

die TEll 1

""* ...... D
c::JNer J-" MOnE PlCTO&IAL ill
..m.z. n. ..
The Movie Pictorial ~....aci
.. br ..... ~ ."
~ .....
8 So. Dearborn Street, CbieaCo r--SPEOAL
NEXT WEEK _ (_ W-w,. _>
_ . . DOIINI,
Filming A Big European War
.. Youthful Expttieoces" By Mary Fuller .......................
5lill1l " . , . . . /116 ..........

The Duties at a W~ Lady in a Studio ne

."D ' .'AI.
.. The MaI<inIt of An Actre8a". Fourth Insral)menl ...
1'11.. . ,....,

.Harold Mac~s
Newest 'and' Greatest
\~- .

.,. ~7Spagesofdaring,absQrbing
fiction, thrilling. with love,
romance and adventureo
PJofusely m..hated
Hand.-.e, CIotb-ho.liid Cova.

You Can &ewe This Wonderful Novel Free '

Sead U. $1.50 foe F;tber FourMontha'sw. .ipIiootoPbuto-
One Year'. Su" :ip6oa
PI........,. Mapziae
'!fapzioe aud ~ MOIl~'
to Mane Pictorial
And we will send you by return mail postpaid
and absolutely without charge, this great book,

"The Adventures of Kat;blyn"

1 Y.L I
" "1
is a weekly mOfJi"g pictllre maga-
zi"e-tke greatest, lroest magazi"e
of its li"d-Drimful of pictures 'kroDDi"g stories a"d tke most
fasci"ati"g a"d i"timate "ews of mOfJi"g picturedom.
ff I II,
J Burns ~ke world'~ p-eatest detectiv~,
IS "OW wrrtlllg for tke MOfJte
Pictorial. He is explai"i"g eack weel kow ke would solve Tlte
Million Dollar Mystery. $10,000 will De give" to tke perso"
selldi"g i" tke Dest /oo-word solution of tkis mystery.

Sead .. your
, OWD""" iptima or that of oae of your f.' h

ChqI Pub&sbing Company 110:: ~ Chicago .


Humorous Descendent ofuBold Brennan ofthe Moor"
HY b it that ambttiolat ......... -...e IlmCh . - e r " ' - I
tid. ~ he toW me. '"I

W IaTal1altl7 -'eel fw bo7 jolt fa

lite tar wllldl he baa _ 1IkbIa!
.&:Jul wh,- fa it tIa&t _ _ &1....,
na ..,. UlrM times . . . eM:Il u.e I . . .
euIIbt jut ..~ 1 I . . . are &ad
taa:-. ~ apia. Aftft' the ~ tIaae tJloq
deI:::IdeiI that .-eb ~ c e MaUd . . _

to 40 that their DU'ftta dca"\ ap-
...... of! ....... &ad th. . it .... that the Ioa..
Jolla 8ftBulul ..... oae of th.e __ Uld _lIoot-"
bla...-b . . . IlJa ~ta wen _
til ~ pu"l!Ilta. 1'Ite7 waated ilia tID
..Aa4 the ItaCe tou.d tIt;az." [ " I

... ~! ~J
pUpIl, ea' ' .. U. ten rr-. II I "
other CartatJlbaa, .... Ji
'1_.. .......cb' to
_heN I
. . . . ._~t:olll7
~ tbe
-r.b.Jak ..!"' BreRaaa ....
.. 8pc ......
2 "

JII'fJIldl: to a ~ UoIIt tile tit Its
.-I.! Celdd neD eb.~ of u... ".,. tar _ .t.,. ...-. . .

lMll--. Pvttuas to wb_ ~ .... 1Il7&t 2 ' ~-elt_
tat. Getr

.elI........ hill terTUlc ....... _ _ . . " . ' .......t_ta..
craTU7! I *"-lIt it. I 4i:Jdt 11' tIM. . . . . . . lrilIil ni.i. aM' .....
of wbJdl they wen . . . . . . ..-.era wlllda sa- .. .,.

... .-...
reaiJlt Job." Brea
..... _fT peU_

Bat lollD,'. puetl

hU DO ncb. aatJaL
They 4ld Dot _
thelr_ ~
GI1fleil oa the facet
of tbouaalb d
they 1I.k1 blDt . .
the tather of ftodl
'Who looked to ba

far ~ cUI
aaca Tbe r a It
.................,....... -.............-.
. . . '"
.... . . . . .
_ _ ... --......, ..

-tt_ _
__ that J'" na
,a....,. - ..... thua

"'Ill .,.
ow-. w:a:r I ....
_ _ , '01 tM..
TH.E 1I0VR PICTORIAL 4. ' ~.~ ".14

',....-.-rl.... ..... _
... ~

. ..,.
_I&,tIiIl& . .
M _ _ ..........

... ,..
................. ,

.. _

..... 2
'ftIiI ~

"ftIIIIn till


........ ~ ~It..n.l __
~"-r- I ...
....... - - . t .. .,. I ....
.,. . . . . . . t :ut:s _ ....

.. _..,.. .., . ...

............. .,. a.I: tw-tr 1IIIIIt

.a.. ..... l .... .-.tM~

....-- ..

..-.----..... --...
... Kat I tdeI aT tit . . .

........ . . - - . ..... 1--.. .. _ ...

. . . . . . . Ie ..,.. 1 fouId t2IIlt

_ ate - . ftiak
......... diIlIwa III Ute Me dr-
_ are ....ay fIauLJ'. a.t
. . . . . . __ ILu the __


_ _ .. bblt be aI'W'aJ' . . . . .
. . aad ill beuC of after.
dIiI. daac::btc ~ ma.
-,.. b Cllml!NIlI .-ite . . -
. - t CIf Ute t -.w.. ~
1l1li _ .Dart"I of the -....
........... -nat e:eae afte' the
-::, drea. t jomed r-.
.... =..-:. erWn -.-.:t' - It

.... - - - 'hdIa
.' .. we ... _
. - Ole l!:UMI
V ~
tall ...



otbft' .eial

~ tD ~ ...,. 1 . . .

--....._ ......

11M lull tbDe I at

to uYe cu-e ..-ttb
clred. Ia C. . . . . . . . . . - - . I apia _
I . . Unll
u.-.I far
_ ... alee...,.,
~ ... IoabiI
cUace to .. _ tlIe . . . .
....... w_~U.e~
e::.-a. 1 " to . . . . . . thlr-
clle . . . . -..
ty"''' .,. -.. ... did .. ~ -=t wWl.
daadq" 1let--. tbe.aa. Tea. _....-eU II,.
nrietr fill JIa7a W

. . . . aM ~ ran.. u.. WCIIill. t:beY ta_~. I ..... ~et __ ....,. til. ~ - - . o.tIa .......
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anlb . . 0 . u-. ...
W_ .....,.. __
' lac'" wIaat to H ... III tIIe~. -.. .....
- . . 4W. the aee:-I IItart
""I -.Ie .ay eatr7
~ . few [
..... ...wa ur.e BaftItF ~ IIlaIltnl
........ era..... wtUt. aU __ Ute _ _
wha Ole
u.e... t
the W&J' of

tile - . . . . 4
' .....
_41 of their . 4 - .

mother . . '

__ . . . . .

tile eRne til _..-ttaa 1 leuMi& . . .

, rna u-w

a ~ t'MIIa. Tbta __ ~ _ WCII1telI, too. ~ u,ya, 0' " ........
t::ry .......
...-.t .. N't' ~ I ..... Rt
a . . . . . . I --.t tato Tariet7. thlQ' call
..... w1tIl tile ~ tranllac, P hIa ~ aaeMton. Hb
!'rI:a . . . . . . . - of tile
tatMr"r .,- ....
tIlIIJI; . . . . . . . ....,. . . . . _

~ _ ( 0 . . . " " & tr.- ell ...... .........., ne r ~ . . . . . . . . hb. .......

d' .. Jc*a'. ~) . . . . _ tI'aftIoIlI ~ 1 ..... 1 c:II'ca ..... tIllI!'" ~ ~ kJs ratJter ..w:
a-.... __ ....-c
~ tile N.- Eactaa4.... lenT'"
BIlla OIleD. of tM f'Du' Cobaas wen with the
. . . t IIboI. da...-, _ I traTelet b' three
........ wttb. . . . .'. Cln:u .. tbeIt Jriac:IpIl ~;
...,. .... the
the7" _wan ., -.-.. ~
. . . . 1. ... weD . . . . . . people no
. . . . _ _ tile . . . . later. Tb_ I cut the
dDwL Bk:Ide of ~ ~ Wat.- . . _
til the ~ at: tbe u-.. t tIa7et tM 8UN
tamII,y 0 -
J'obt E..
came'" far
ar-..a II; .. ....,.
~ ........ ~ "-ebaD 41l1ia&" the
___ - . I ~ tor Holyoke
u.. ... lie ~ Ute ClOr"MIIt .. Ute 0I'dulma,
too.. We 4Jd lab of doablI.Dc fa til. . - - .
"e Is -a.toad.. JoD:1. ~ ..
vi. u. baII::r . 4 fabtIIl . . .

. . . pl.Qell tile ,.woe for ~ d . . . nery _ IuliI to .. man thaa . . . tJlIaa denr At his waft. Be til JIIItJ7 ~ fIl ~
. . . 1 boW. ~ too. to ....... hb J!*. n Is ~ _ , 8DecIalb- , .-d if _ ~ta .. pod - - . . .
"Aa I Ba, BreIt- _ ' _ , . . _ptmonbowletp . . .
lac Is tbe tIa1aI' toh7.

.a.. . . . . _ .................... .....

_' ;rerwlll ... ot __ lie
aD ..... "Do " . k..- tlUIt t . . more ,... QIIeri- _ tia .,. ~ _ ---. At ..
. . . . . .) 1. -.....ufaa! W1l7. I woUI _-=ttaa _ ~ I ' " et ~ elee
thaa _ ' rt He . - ' ' .,. twe
..... a I u.t to. 1 _ JIU'tIal I eYW tiA-! Ir... bet.. I to __ fa.-7 ... . . . . . at tile tMetre ..,. ....
to tIabtIr. . . __ - - V all Ute u-. I .....'1 . . . . .. II*. if t -w. caD
~'t. 1 _ . . . . .,.. 1hIIIt ....., Be 1ln1IIIIt . . . . . 1 _ . . . . , . ....

VID-The Disappearance of J)olb-

T. ..... -. S ..... laM _
, bon ta.t eall' tM kIM of _laD .. tIM.....,- -.ell
"'--. - r ' tut .m
"'take..... _ . til. :r-.: ~ 9tre-.
1M ......... IMiIr ot t-d

-.uf'lIl w-. n-. dlh 8 8 ii, aM rrt.6I ot

.... __
alr74~ II&Q tJle~ ~

........ '-alii to aM. ta ~ the mirror the pod oW. TI'Ojaa to whldl be a1wQS t.noell ward. to _ ... te .. a
-ut." a-.. ..
ba .-.a-, ~ fOlr rl " wllea . . . . . . ~ ILIa- . . . . . ~ rio Ia~ taten&
..... N DaIl7 J:wtac. -etI he to ... at IlU e:rea &ad. i..a.k w.-rlb The tlUed toretp. . . . . , . ba tIM - ' -
iIlIID dM taP of. rn.t-ice paIlUc:Ity. lato a -.t: lIed.Ie a Wall, ..lUte fIIClllll utile ~ of -Dolly Dall.Is ,.D c..w..-
n-. ... ~...flo JteaS oblturiel _
ia the U4~." qdpt &lUI. ~
1VWl Jadt wam.c. _wtIlIq - - t . it
widow wll_ ~ _ _ r.u 01 ~ tor

TIle III!S1 -.onaJq lack 'ph_ _ to .vn. Bw

.. ~ lolIa7.
"I _ _ ~ fJI. .bJm!M -aUlae .~

. . . . . . . . that DoII7 ... In dlu.ppear. ETe:a ~ IMI:t the ~ had leanIed. her part wdL "['0 . . }1ft. Ewtq.- u.t DraIIT. aetJMlr
the CIliet aot to recan. the plaa .. a No, Do1b" ... MIt ~ aut .... ~ bliatel at IllaW:er thb;p-h---' _wei.
m" -or, be Wt Jut UHl leut bit all aJP,t. 8trUp . . it ID&J" - . WaWac's lIIl:.aIl< ~1Iled, _d Oe fear .. WaIIIIc'.
..,.,. ,.. ~ DoII7 Oftl" that airAtp YCIIicIIl . . . . tID a-IIle. a1th-.t:; Ids owa IIlIDd b8U"t crew. It..... the. be decWed to .,..J:

..~ ~ WaJ1Ia&
bad 1Il.brcI'tiap, b" _eei:n.ld thb lI!I&ame Ileb-.",. an. be tID the Chief. That wortJly ..oed . . . . .
. . . . . . .Ita DoIb' .... &bleat. lY. NfUed. tID take Jadl ~ ,
U. ...-ate lqpd.. IIeIl let ........... ILIa _ tblI ' - k la
- a ' that ..,. aIIoU pm __
Ada a frieadI,y "r.-'" - . e r
. . . tit. . . . . Utere are .......CM that W ~ ~ . . . r-r.
..lieN It coatlaI.Mll _Itbou abiI:te- ~-eant kiIIIM ntIIerI. !lilt
. . . . tar T-.n--ar -w. the Ill w:am.. Qae _ tIM CIders
ticted )IIa1r ~ hold.....
$ ,

-.c:a:.. with a ..-..-.

dIrecI:GnI -.4 oeew. III the . - . . ..... what ~ 1.-.1
fD&trimoIlW ow .... t!e
m.. ...
botb 1oftI1' . . . 1m-
me thrl~ . . the ...
mtratloa . . . 8atUIr7 wtdeb came
*' fnelJ' to her. It CJd --.d more
8tnI.....=t.. loob'

to BadM .. DIUl1.
n _ w.. aot . . . .
M'. h-.t br. . . . . It h .....

IIiaoM'e the WQ' .lad: TokeIl 11,

Iatenated. apeeta!or at tile ~ .
bat . . . . . 8IeII _flo an too alit- lY aN TnJjaa that ~ tIaaa
oere f:arpt the ta&7 siih aI. Wamq. TbI! -=oM 01
thbtp. _d ctn. like to Iaqh. [ f DaOT. IDOIt f'elll!SIt ~ . . .
thq cu.'t Lucb with reu-. ----.I the .eb_ rio It tID
the:( 1uIcb at hiD:l. The llttJoe ~ wbat 1Mame 01 DoI1)".
yellow 4eTU 01. COlIaet.rJ' ...... rid. &ftataall:J the ~ _ t 01 Ute
Iq' htc:h in Dolly'. mtad.. It flIat'uoe . . . . . . &ad. a - .
1I1&IlIfe.ted iteelt in the cIb&p. UUIe .Idow dInct.l1 t.dl: til. Wal-
pe&I'&IlCll plot.
I..bac aIItte4 wll_ __ tile
"'Of coane, Dolly, I lI1aat bow lira. . fellow - . '-w ...
wheN! 1lMl CO whm )'00 '9aIlJah," . . . his "hi'dI1ef _ _ U. . , .
Wa1UAc iDabted. Then w. . DoU7 u.eI. .. . . , . .
"'Oh. l1o!" Jllaa Ewtq repl1ed. Uaa, ........e ber a . . wttIt a
u abe ~ed him aeriouly. "1 1II..ode. on....,.pc I .... :

caD'! do that.-iDdeed I CUI't! ~ 8tnaceleIP &; IIiID..ft..
You see. J-=k. you mut be jut
&I mystlfted. . . _,. ODe. Tb~ U
t s wttb DoIl:1'. &ea..,. ..

....... "
...W make DerleetJ.,. lorel,.

The mon" m.&neI 1P'O"1ed.

~ l:aowa UU4t a d _
-me..s:r- eaa Ihnc her .......
Enry time Ilia OWe pal dhbl't len ...d look 'R4"Y llU1e . d
CI01Ult him in OD. aecrets. _eo lMI,pIaa li; a c::n.b;. JIuy a ~
rtap IJcmee bad at'CQtlatM
thJD.&" at the pit ot his lItoaIadl
became l.e&d.eD. It m&:1 haTe beea
bill eolar' ptexU&, _d It may have
AMW- . . . . . . . . . . _ .. l,..a-..u. _ _
. . lea;;
faJlded DoU7 w..
RIlable croaad- s.t Jack
too Da1waIIy
beea lDdJc-tioa. bat It . . .
lIOZIlethluc. He _u certa1D.l,. Dot hbl;ulelL
"1 m&3' _d you ptetvre ~.. Doll,.
had acda1me4. It . . a IDUtI!i' stroke. Wben
ner & ~ wlalJee to _ & . . . . . . . tor k18Ied ber.
coy to be act1q.
tbl!il~e tWeiI b7Poerite
_aIlliIc lII. .ed.
ADd u.s!-
81........ Iler
'!be UWe
acreed. all she tnlTTeYed the 4rooplq eornef'S of almUar pIaaa, tile wOll1d bl!ttef' borrow a ctrl. _idow bKIl or h.... alcb.ed _teiltedl,y, JIQ.
Jadr.'. mouth.. &Del DOt take ilia ow.. bec:a.ue he mJct;t be .. be Ilbe ..... rio dQa or ywe. No mat
"Oh. 80 yoo'f"Ie IrOlq out nf town, are YOD!'" !liI..b&ppy . . JaeIt Wal.J.1iI.&" ro-d bimal!l.f.. ter bow me41oc:R a mill a w__ III.a:t 1D&IT)'.
-YOlJt oertaUlly. delU' boy. D1d you think t Tb'" _t.oid.tnc CiI. the myster)' 1o'YOl'Yed thl! she ls Ukl!ly to PDt a halo aroaad bla lI4.l..-ahIe
woald disappear ri&ht here in Chtcaco?" ea.Ui.D& liP by 'pb_e of the poUoe u. the boe- bead . .d ea.U 111m her beI'o. 'WalUq ~ t
-But D1J' llebeme wu to ba~ people t:ry to Il.II.J pttals. hut Wa.J.J.lac's beart _ ' 1 10 tL Hill or thls an' looked aJ"OI4liIId. ~ ile'ril!~ Ite
you. ~ WalliP..~. Dolly. hO"', aUenced .olee weak _d racked by nppllc:aUoolJ. hl.ed. in I'fteIl,tmeIIlt. tllinklq _ ..... a1IcNt
bls ne...... It aot ~ and a.lllll!i"tlYI!- The tire ..all the late luileated. Deaptte 1l.iJuel.r. thbl
-Now. tomorro".. 1'lIOMlIII.C: she cautlooed. out of It _d the craJ" . .II of fear w.. III It. St:ranaelelcb pe..- . .pealed to Wall.l.q ..
''you must (1!t udted. and look ror me. Call NOlIe bad heard eYeD the remotest nuIlor about quite lJdod.-lool:1q----ba.t tlnu::h oldl!i' tba Dolly.
up U1e polIce StatiOOIl and b08pltahl. Alao re- Dolly. aDd appreheJlll.loa a mU" loac. a mile A man ean _eel'" at a bomelY rhal---tlat DOt at
member that molher dear wOl belp do the whll! and fort:l" yards deep __k 10 'POD WaI
a b. .lbome oae. That uath chIDed WalUD,,'S
screuniDfj:. No. ahe ilm't to !mo... Yuu Bee. I Itq and smothered him in Ita bWJJld falda.
-.m to be euctly like a little Cbost_ _ IJtt bat "Maybe abe'. eloped!" be m-.aed. "It laut
I"fJC1Ila.r for a ctrl to do anytblq 01 thls . Just before the eud at the eecoa4 reori Lord
rem.a1niD& unseen: kno....illc. but betnc ltD St.raqtielch _4 DoU7 fUDped lato the bukM.
ture.. l' nen Mn. E_toa iIID't 80 of a twJl304l _d saUed _ _ b ~ _ to
"F'l.De!M hI' responded witb a faJlle show of I'D' oerta1n aboat tbe prL What a blitbet1Ja& . .
!lars. At _y ratl!. that ..... the dlaappearuull!'
Aud then. with a .a~ of hl!r hand and a
I am!-
There wu oab' a Short _ d - . . . e ....,. b:I aaeae, uoand .bid; the plot hane. A.a.
w. . ao ead or tbe p _ at the aad1l!o.oe. 80Iue

la.ub, DoUy "'IUI cone. It was a .I!t']' .ell......d eme of the e'Yenlnc papel"S.. The edItor ..........
plot. but Jack ....iJJhe4 liia toI1pe bad !JooEeD the prded it aak.aaee. He __ ted pun . ...,.ey IOeIlUld the adept aIWoad . . . ~ aamt: otlJ'
day be propoeed it. Be dlJ lIoot know Just ... hy ~ork. and e'Yer ItDe:te d.lmpled dari.... fa the en Wert! eqllalJ.y mdloed to ~ that Dolly
Doily ..... wi1llnl: to 'iaqIpear.
Sbe ltDew. Sbl! "J'rl.oloaa FoUles" bad. .PUMled Illm, till.- _I lIIat b1! elOPed with tlle Brtttaber. 1hlltoa
~~ thiq ~. . . . . .ta:: U DoI.b' _
bad. .. pu.rpoee other thu ..d:.. ~ e . tor waYl!i"l!d boetwl!l!D loY!! and dt.d.aiD of thl!
thlq tar tram alfa1nl ClQIDmerc:lal ethIDC CUIlil baCk. );e ...-I. "l1li'7 _ abe
that eftIl bft" motller .id Dot aupect. The De1t mornin, Til .. B....-.J4 had It oil m." I. the film pluL Sbe eodd;a,"l KIt tiler-
WalUac 1NsIeI IlJmedf ....ith Oe 8)'Ddteate there Weft aWJJI!!rOUII details In L'le ]'U'Il th.t III!If ., eat1ftly .....t pdtlq _ ~
tbf!&t:fW; that alPt. _. wtu!lll. b. l'1.e'wed DoUT. I!ft!II. Jack bad ItOt r - . . Tile ~ rad eaeacla& au-ee IMdb&' __ ~

lImiUq feu:.n. 011 the ~ of the TnJiaD- paracrq.b that PTe bla; w. . t1It.: the wc.1d blew .otbtIac. aM _.mac ....
......... .lllieltut ......

. .
_.- _..... l ~ ..

_.""- ......

..... ....-.. ....

"- _ IaII tnIL
b: tIM: _ .... k ~

.......... tM7 ..... Ilia ...... ......... 'Dle_ ~

1e7." ~....
waIIt. _ e
t _ Jl.Ia
the .....,.
hall . . . DoIb---e..... tile rI8e
dIM . . -.-..
.... ., JIPt.

a .....
. . . fIIIl of die -.pMe .. ., ..-.e:. a~
New T'- hili -.r- t-I. 7 1aIIMIIIf!
__ tt pt ... ............ _!
..... _ h..-r wtUa a. ...

. . . . . . . . a8KtM .......

..... to ..... tIIat . . ot ... .. tM . .
r:r. rr-. - * -a.

~ ItJI; Jl&l:n*b.- 'fte WI
__ .-tI&J'. Tbat ... all . . ~
Pal: or ".. ~ iIW. till&. .-.....' til Ita I'IdlIt
B.~ ... ~aa4 u.t_~~tIIe
. . . . . . . . . . tllebIL
Nat to . . . . fuIoa, the ......f.. lie ClIIW -....,..
.. . . ~ ......... tMt! I ' - ' w-..
It II; ~ ..a. '" __ K'wt.c '-1 OIL," (! 'hD
dtaIaL ~ _ .. ra-. ........ . . 11l

til-. ..... h taId7...-.

7 .... ~ . . a-M.*'IJan
..... Il_~ ...
t a . I _ ...
-.ate.*! 1 .....
~ _

~ u.a.p. Ol.
--.:. the __ '- Iidft'- a_ tIaIIt " ..,. .
<NtelI. the .-..w dirk biM:r waUIa"t: . . . .
p . - " , tta. ..u
ot ...w .... u......t .......
. ~. '!'IUI-,-"" ell l' .a.:au ftIIIt ...
ol.~"'UlI 1-'- . . . 'not tnt
_ _ IlIidl .... lltnIdl: .....- tt.e It _ raIMlI . . Ute cd-
u.. ~ Ia tbe.,.. ~ . . . r-. . . . . JI&Ir fill . . . .
tJlIaI' flIalWa be 1lad 6cIae
rr-. lMl7Ilood. .. was .....
u.M4. Be ...-W ".-t cae
...... _ ....... A-.I~ ........ ... _
. 5'"
.... t r - - . ...... lfb..
eUbt. rn

.,..... ca ~ .ew.,.,.....,
th:r IV aIloU bt. dowa Ia
M! 1Vbat did
1t:1_1' .JIm
I.a ... ~ ~ rot .-et!llaa b!l ~
iii. tM ... )JOlIoe ~ ...,.. Ie. ~
b - . I w11L"

fit. tM Ytn . . . , .

tIM: .u.w . .
cu.a.en. Oe b" T-' . -a. tM NCiIIlbw ~ _ the IiIooIl:.
:Iwl>er to tlae ....,.
..... ~dellt tII_: ""8ve, I bow .lMIr.
W ....... Be.m e~"""''''
"'It .....'t ...,. to -.ll.1Il7 ..Ith ttt. "..-,"
W ~ tM -rtrr. edm1tted. to ~ . .
... hili tw -, Wll,....
8tJ . . ' ',,, caDhac _ the ... w- ..Ito II'"

etcb~ eaa tor a _C7 ftIR. I . . . . .,. ....u.c. "'It Ie 'ee oa TbIll7 cu.'t t:aDl ..,.eaIn! WIIat waa the -me Cilm ~
I do ~ him!" Aa4 ...bat till ~ Am. )eIDft. l . . - t It Ie .-:kIa& '"'" h - - . ~t aIDlp! w~ .... be, llldl: Wallla&. . -
-.y! Be aid, "lad!: was aI....,.. a 1lIlt ..... "117 . . . _ at tlte COIIIt ot. '"'" be.rt'. ~ , bela _ lIoN. . . to .u.
a '"pot em... 09'a' _
Nt he . . . . . . . . 0ir'4JaarT ...,. 1'0: IlOthlac -"oj. T' Ie a 1MIa--....~ It ie u . . e b _ . . the . . . - '
......."...'.. Th.t hut _ theD the 1eYbll ..ell -e.e..Let. __ ....... rettie. ...ft" TIte dooriMlI.l ..... to aarww h.Ia lIae.t1oa..
........t...,.. It .-...-.. wU& taqIe ~tL" P'Mr at ~ b@ld birD bu:k few mOll:leau..
n-. . . . ~ aIloft bla. ...,.. __ r...
_t ... ~ caiD.fUlY, '
lq- WeIIIac Ud _ Iter. ,n tile ..........
...tao bea~ DoU,.- wttlI
Ute..... De Utt1e----Uoclt DllIIY. abe-
aM .......... _...u;,- ...'t1b' ........ WeJUac
ICJOCIbtel aa.e tMU wItJI, sbow of. lntuwt.
Sa e ,.. $ 'r! StD1, be lIlut tle
IDUt:eblL Sbe .... older tJlaa Don,..
8H ball
sd'end _ - . 011.1,. 1"MlftI,t1)' IleoA uu.
~e ~ of _C7, CII' tl'f'ea CDIILfort;a.
Were uu. aot trM, wb.7 l1li0-1' &he -.naMe 80
OYer the b7w 01 Ute .--! Wh,. bed die etarled
eo late fa ute to -.tb()' 1I.a- pueioa for muk:!
lAKIacttftly Wall1ac -.eetelI that U~
IlIu'1nk1ar willow w1tIl __ mt.ry. 1Iia"-

PIIbe ..... to _ . - . . a d _ a
pkae.tIoe. nte _ .. ~ Ilk
tbe ' - be tltoqIlt of It. 1M .... JrUp- 2-
_ _ T..... .. ~ ... __ -...tF~

lac at etre................ _ _ doee that, bie

J-Ipleat .. eot ~..cIl7.
YelL, tbe edlt!ID~ . . . "")Ic11Ja&.- The c"".,cIIo " . . Qdtor .... ~ to Iea"- J.cII bat be ~ t It . . to "-tare ...........
_ to new Doll,.. _4 to 1uIcb at "'aUlD:. ~ bear bl:el. ~ towaI"lI the ' - ' . He He eaI1elI ..,... Ute mbe. .&."""" thIa, _'ftro
That e:qUlae "b:J' JM:k kept ~ to hie ~ ..w .... iooll: at the . . . . ..,......,.. 'hnlq: .......... _ _.... him.. It . . . . "Jack, kit _
_ 4 aaected ~ Ia ..... to ~ 1M ~ Ute IlPta. H ~ to ... ow-. ..... aDd iJa--qakt.!- Be rmpaaw.__ Dolb" MIftbet
Ji)M!L If tbere .... __ n.c to hie put Utey Mid tt ajar. ID the UIlwQ theft _
lnto'" anee..
baIIa'l fra.J'ed. be ~ '1. a.eme It. l'"et-----tJu, ......,.1aouM ... ~ "OIl. tr. tftrlble, J.ed.... .... W&iled... In
DlftIJ ..... lIalJ.y. It sot Ute c:rowda. So wOI "I teU fCI' 1 cea't. tM __ 87tac. "Ir. .wfII.ll"
mvder. ~ e Io9'e to pee at dried blood. hot- rtakY _ _ It I:a. It be be'. tlW: -o.:.D::r!. he ~ -wllat. ie It! Wb.,. Uk
It ~ oe ... In......... 011' ulee.t tbe tam- e-Iar""t
In-.ecl be _ ....t lIZard"" -..
Into hie .. tbill ....,.!. ..1IIr4 retarD!"
Ja... _ _ au 01 11.-. W1lat dW. be
Whet . . . . It .._ ..... that _e remate '"SU yea -e!lt to!- tile ..._ _ repUe4.. -.z- .,-!" .
~ hftIIII. 1D09M lato the apertmeat d1Nc:tJ.y '-elY. "It'.. ahem&. Tbe.... fellow'. dck ~ Streacfte'lI'h!'" ... aIUDa QIOE'ried Ia .....
..... W~ boner &he ..-. sbe W'&II ower tt _ , &Dd.-Uloe .....,. Ute w. ""' ..~ ~ "'Wb".!Ie _ ' t IiIere. Be ...
ftI.. . . w1t11 Ute that ebe ..... _~
tnleted bl-. Ie terrOlIa... ea1lIIlI' oe thet UtlIe 'W'ilIow ..-aIr:a."
taclIa.... WeIUac eereelI 1Ibe..... Ie . . . . . . Tbea tlMl . . . . 4W to ... ~ apia. '"lie'. a crlIIl.IaeI!" DaIb' CftIIIIIeII. "'Be-pt
tar... fact. It . . . . "oedeI' sb. fib't w.IIIe. aDd Wam.c hew be Ute tarpt tor u... to . . . jell thIe __ate.. Be . . _ . . tao ~
~ Doll)' hal( It was ...w.t
tbt atu"tu.a..-erb.. ...,..... tD 1lle beu't. rt _____ hiM e-t. I ............ ~

....... ............... .m-

.. ...............
'nte but _ Ie ....... 'nH!
"fl. ..--
..... '
1M:kIltc' ..
taL W..m.c
,. DaIl....
_ tel 't th......... I t _
.... 01 b.fa. DB tM ~erdel
~ "..
.., u.., I ar:-el it. Be'" the......,
of J - n _ to ,....

~ " 1t1ud. '-Uer _ " , bl1"e ee-e on!!r w1tll RdI _....... Nor ~beu7,* L.t_ ",,_,
.... cr-.
~ ~ ! ,.,..,._ hMtbere_ _ t Ie_.k ..... . . . . 01 n..!- ....
..-.c W.oIerc" tBI . , . _ ..........
0lk:Ilrp tIaet tJlaa GlI .,.a. _ ~ DeII:J' G'E.d: iii. tt? '
........... , . tIdL He: . . . , ' ewe.,. eb'Ic., ~ tID tM ~ ..

~ _ . . . - . 1Iit-.t
1, .... ...........................
............................. ...,.
_ ' . . . . ,..., ................... .AM lilac. IlIIIt ........ DaRt. . . . . . . . , . . _
r.-' !'"

........ 1 ... ~ tile ~.u:rtN&. .............
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .! ........ ..... , . to tIT . . . . "'".,., .. _ ..,. ....... tis__ ,_
... . . .....-. .r: ..... ell " -...n ... r _ fill a-: .......,..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ia-
. . .r:.. ~ "IW.
... tIU
........ IuId bit
n.. _ _ DIlrlT .....
.. ,.
"'I'Il . . , . . . . . . . . . It! ........

.... 1aIa

___ . . 1 a-w 1M
wa ..... :r-.1lIdI: _ a t---..
DIIl7 ~ "'I
U. .. cc'** __

110 bold ~

IaIit ~ ..,.,

8G ~
_ _..... 1LIIi.,., A. ............
t1lat ndIet
. . t:Ilr.- ktIHIIt
JiIIeIt; _ ka

"T. . be III IIOiac to WI :r-

tM rl:ftr . . . . . YGdL nat . . ~

.... I
b",!" Fa1.
or ... J--.I,. criIIII tJ1 , =efl,.. ........ .....
. . . . tit ..,. .. tJlIlI: be .-t . . -....&: _

_ _ NPQI"tler tIM GIo'Ie. ....

. . . . Gat ~ be a - I ....._ all til u.-..r W........ ... dedi Jeft a w.idDw two
.......'t ~.. .- -. wttIllaIit - 0 dtlldnR----. " " a PI: ....
u..e ta. ...,. . . pia . . . CMiPt . . wtiI till. ..u.

n_ .
. . . . "..... .,. :Fa - - .
.....r _am. ~ ... tbe Ja!J" fill )IIZt #II. tbe.....
.AIMa, ~
W to Ua&
GrMbed _ won 1-. aM. 1M _ ....

DDIb"s nara. aM ., Ute ......... atzoa ......,. on..- ... .......... BIac.
tiel . . . ~ hJa. _ cried. a Utda. .... tit tI $ n
two pc _ ~ ,
. . . . . . . . t:rUIe b;r1ltertical. ad. bdJ" .... eeu ' " dIi&o IIilIt-,. &ad . . . . . _DIe ua.I ..... tile
n.. s.s.-..e...w. ............
"'He a-w ~ ra.-.... ............
IMn8U to
~ at IeqUL '"IIa bew . , . , . . . . Ull ....
. . 12M rtftr ... tarser7 . . . . . Ia Jd. Be
.... eDt fIl tIM w u - that . - t o.I ~
balb" _
up-.d ~~

........ .....,..
"'Lort m
tMIr ~

.JIliCk..- ...... of
1M waibII to th~.oiir.

. .r Ile . . . . JICIlU,el.J bit ~ ..
dlta. wIlDe . . III tlIe ...
ILIa da.J', limt tlJDe ........ *aiae aU
~ "aI.Uq;
lUl'l'er ~ ...- to
....... ia't a lard. RIa..-e _1T7 au._. DaII7. that lui: .,..eIl -a...... Ute ...,.
fIl tM
"'Or-Jeny r ...... r..q
_ _ fIl.a~l. r-.~--'
....... _. L
.. _
&ad w1aat be
akle ... ,....
~ ... taw._
alPt" do. I . . , . . ~ ...

_ .......-
baft tile... . .
Ik. W
0Iab. I
tIaiM ,..

a.aa. . . . s. , r 'fI
the wbDe. lack. lte . . . -*lite te . . tbe Tbe~_.~tut~ __
J'IIa ~ bate ~.
S "
Be ItIreC

110 om' rlT:aIa. tbe W.w
_ . . . .' . . . . . . ' .... w ... Gibeon Wins Prize
oc.a-a:r.... lie . . . . . . _ to b.ilIe,. It __ an bit -.s fnIL TIile ~ ...
.... 1M . . Wl"IIlIM tbe - . d o cal that "DDIt:1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ILIiI lieubIp. ....
~ wtI2l CqId.' . . eo __ ~ ........................ u. .......
_ "'-:It '_ ' 'w . ' . - . . . . . lIrA:
lora' ......... .&ad
.-ta...,. (~"I' .....) liar feU' .

aab ~ . lte bed It M) tbat t~ . . . . .

-11aM:)".fI ~
"'RuT7 awaT!"" W
.t tM" ",!_-,k.e::re.
wtI~ .. tM

N TIIB _ - . I ItIItJlt.c Old'. tiLe

I hnde .... at oe.a Padt"
. . JIiIrpnt 00...
....... ...,. wttIl

Int...,. a"".
........ W:aarcIa ""'~~._

a'..' Aft7 ad
m-. ....
T!le ~ -0;,. ...
~af e-&Hra~ __
..................... -*~walll;
eIdrtIq tbe - - . . . Ia Ute ...
....... _ _ GUlMa ,.... a lt15
...... n.t,.wUCb_tlMb' ' Ute
. . . . . . . . . . . . aaBk _ _ ...
whJIlt, . . . wIlitlI.aIl .....
- - - . TIM .,....n.I . . to
~t DbWp. .u .
tbe-s.a _at ~
_ b e n ot tile kliIp _ &

ftere ..ere i t fa the a-d that

.-atlebed tIM of"""'"
. .W. . .'a-.
. .B. ~
aM IliIlIIe .......
IXI.Io-., __ -

........................... _ ......
. . . . . . . . '-ell, &ad UUO' a UI'lI u.. tit
JtiIl u.. ,... ....

.... ., tut ...

- .
..... _
. ._._
Il-*"d . . .
...._ _

wMdl 1ft MlU'a. ne .....
.. S. at f ... _ .. JIII.'IIIlIIIII ..
10 TIlE 'JIO~I:E ~ICT01tb\L'

Filmdom's F'.nio:us :Flg,fI.~i.t~

. . _. -' . !, j

Carl LaeulInle the Head ofUnivel sal

87 atLWYIf . A. STANHOPE 1 . - 1 1 ..-." . ,.
..... _ _ elata. Is c.ri t:hc".MP t:be7 lraow be.1IM . . . . .' to 1M _
....... - .
. . .1..,
.... ';-
~ __ ttl.Ba

. . . ODe _tle_
,..... of tile ....... lilt' ~ .. tIIIl . . tnIIl
. . . . . . . -.odla ...... . . . . , .. . . . . . .
IIiIIlt tar tile' ' I c, t
factIaa or the ...... JINlI.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
aebh.."inn cIIaatIi: ad. i I alat

UMlr" . . ae .a&- 01. tile ~ tne

.. .....
lUlL 'I'M ..,. GtHr
___ u... u. ...... .-w. ba it..- .. ...,.. tiM ~ . . .
_. ....,. ftIIIIdn .tu1Ie4. It U. aI~ Ole u.--Ie

"'NO dilIr. _
~ to ~ atbdr.
~ aM. .. ~ tIae
0( tile Ilk-

... tIM:....,...,. ...

. . . . . tM .
tare ",'Mh" 01. the UIl1tell
. . . aIiIe to tIae 1are-t IJa
toaT, -..u- al=
. . . . . . . . . lbe

tue .... __ . . ~ ~ u . . . u - .. . . . ~
~ til 4raw lbe dlaap of J'"lCnlIl. II"llrtJler. he 4eha ~

IDlBAPS lbe,ID__ fee'
tM eatlre
Is .mtuac.
tat put !DI'Q_ ,.... 01.
-- r 1 ' ' ' - ' la
JIiebIN ~ toIa7

' . . . .

~ 1_ tMt tall, . . . . . tItB-=ltr ... --.e .

alaM hia' U. tyee.
CIld PIwWe&t ar . . .,........
FII:IIII. : tac CcaJu:7... 1M ...
tr t.blllft ewer ~. lie It ..
b ...,. tID W1"Mt rr- a - ., .....
t~ . . . til-. to aab all ..... . . . - . . .
~ lit wID. ~ 1IIIr all u.. __
m...-- ..
... t:IIc:t:b or CaL
ot tile .otkm J'cWre
taeaIu' .... F
4 . . tIM chief em-. of
...,. be
ta . . r..-

()ywtIer Ba:r bl the .......

- - - - '...'!"""'?

"odd. to make better I1Ju ~ bt.

.... or 110 rat tb_ to the eyhQ"
at . . . . . JII108I.. Be Deft!' ~ . .
.....ue- .ue.
be u-. be riPt.
. . . . . . . . . . beu.DGt~to
IleIl the cr.t!l be fa the . . . . , . .
_ ... .n ~tM

. . . . . . ol tile ~ be
.....v ... rII8III
.. ....
.......... rna

. . . . . . . .'tM..-.,-
'l'Urtr , . n Old ~ - -
~ \

..... . , . . 'T~' CII;r~
..........' ar: _
. _ ... ".... ...,. ." trti.Ia.
......... r
.-..,. ..... -...,

. - I t . NItRa . . Idr
~ . _

...... ... _
7 7~
. . . . S'"
.",. , . . . . . .
'.,.... ..-.' -

..w:.Ia' .......
tba t:w.b'
' diIlIII ....... _
. . . . . . . la'
-..a, _

tile t:r..-

u.-t ta... n - - . t - . . . . ' .. _ ..
... ... --..u. ' 6eeI6IIll to.rIIk ~ - - ,,.....:.,;It;;;;.;. OiIMnl..- e-.-.r.
0( . . -"-P .. .-me ... dl&Ia at a- ~ ... '
ad ... 0!IIt Ia D1.IaDiIlI towas. 0. the TIM JhtlIIII ..... Cw pc t1m til ......_
...,. 4a::r bill
....... to es.e the
. . . far U. tnt
-..e. ,,1tIdt WM to
-. fa CIlkaco. _ . .
the . . ._ a
fit the
. . . . Jktve f!S-
1lDIIltGr 01.
tA!a-Ol!lllt JiI'O"
pr1etor. TJtat WM
etPt ,.... ."0.

Totq Ile a. tile
csar 01. * Ia
tile ~ 01. UN

tJae . .

wltldt aceeU $!S.-

081,.. HIiI,n.-te

~ ... --_
tortDe b

.... _ _


more ..
llIOIely ta _ .-ew
thaD. $1.......
c:apu:Itr" .. 0 r
. , diNe ..... i s e t . .

. . ...........
tllh - e ; ..
wtlIiIiIl. _" t m ~
...... .,-..

blIcItre& ...... _ ~-..a.c
tID . . ' F fill. tile t::rat. ....
boWs fill. lib . - y
... to" --.. tM

bl.i .. JIO'WCS
wUcIl, the
8D a.t . . . . .

sr-tIt fill tile
datr7 that . . . . ,
Uae ell ~
... ...........
_ . .,k. . . . trat 0111
T i l . 'Ualft'f'al
po 11m MaaI&tac:t:D'-
....e...-". .. _e
teaD ~
_ _bu ~ee.
I. tbe Ualted
.-. . ,
there an
...... 1
per -.t


all tMI - - . .
..... .". 01 ~ -.Ie .....
--the o-enl I'Da ~9<-tbe JI:UIial ra.
JIkba'e JIus 'III'tt-
,. . I ~

Ow ... "M- .... the ulliftrliil J'IbB ......

Tbe ant II&IIled .. ~ 01 tat ...
tiDetb' dureftDt com...' " wblm aft! owaed.

...... -
-_. &iPaUc whidl. . . . . . - all . . two fII.
t:be tOlU"teM . . . . .t -. JIus
to be bad ~ the U ~ As

a stacte IDCldua Jk:ttre oqa tJce It '- 01
~ .

.... -
tarc-t bl the -tJOI1d. _. Is aMaIwtJel7 . . . . . . .
::-. eat 0( aU otJMr ~ It operaln Ute _ _
utaeI.. aotIoa pk:t1lre ....t _ . fIbIlIlo

kItow:a to ........ flJa Is Jocat:,ef at LOll
~ CaI.I.tarak. .u-. tIlNe -.oden. ___
-- ....
an . . . .taiMC .. ~ Tortr. 017. aM - .
:n:::_ .... MIac '-'It.
_ _ _ tile ~
Da1iac tile ~ ....

. ~-, ., ......... - . OIl . . a .-MIw


. . .t. . . . . . fIl~
( - . -
tIIIIiI ......
7 t.
1:! Aogut 15. 191.1

Helps to the
Solution of
Ilc\"q;y (W


-..I .-.....e ..u . . ~

. . tAdr _ _
By WILLIAMJ. BURNS ....-.,..
...... to a...
c . a .. Ta IF. a Fa c,., ...

..-... ...,.
'lIIIIIr __
ocAere' .,.,... . . . oQen _ -u. 1'1nt.~s.
... thats. ..... * __ . ~

~. B,..., ~ . - q " ",... ..- '- that" t . . ~ t ...._no

.u_~ ",,. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . T..... .-ll CIIlkaco wM ...
H~""" u...,ltiI"-~ : ........
_ " '.;:...._ 'DeIr fill ..
~ rr-- a "'" ~ v..... ~ ___ _ . . ..,. . . f~latM_

tk wr- . . ~ _ ;'e=" .. . . . . . . ....,. tor ....... ___

" ' " ..... Oil rioer .... Nea ...... ...---. ~ .. tJat. ~ aa-

-u - - . v
_ ddr"" ......
Dc .......-.

......... tr
~ aBet fa tn.t at *be
""'7 i ' 7 ....
~ak~""krrtk _ _ ........ . , . . . . . _
.,''' a ~ ~ .. ,...,..... .,. .. ... to _fer 'W1aI " - "

t~e."fedk""'" t t'd ,.. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . ._ _........... _ ....... 7 Be-.t .. ~ . . .
nor- J eC bLba . . , IliIIII
' ' ' ' ' kr _ _ tlf .. ..,. ...

orilI CAe . . . . ca4 tJt,e
...'-aI ,... frU

. . . . . . " - - 0.-,

-_ --.
..tHI ~ ..... . . It .. J..I:btr ..
'Fr ~ )
~, I,... aq
f~ attae&,.
~~nor- ... ... aru- Ira. til.-
1tJr'f:d k r to -a . . . . S - ...

"- - oW ,...",
Urd.kf __ Ia:kr a CIIIl . . tJae ....
~-.ekNf, - . I d ...,
. . . ib7
_er, tID f"tIIMlft tJle

dlk to tnroil' k r ... aatta' at _ tID

,a- utieln ClIMl
......-..,.,.. .,.~
tM poUoe. U.dzldt..
,~ F I _ t t b. .tmIlu1t:r ".
lat" tGkre t ~_

"I t k MINI _ _d loa....... bMc

_itf.ol',.I.ae_ eltber ~ e d tbe
,i_e. Norl_ ... ct '*tier ~ It, or
'''lIlkC a.t tlfo B car- .... ant..... u _
...... e. aed
,.,~ 1to4 cot re-
taat .....
Bow fU would: [

terael.. Start.,. ba_ tl'aft&ed ...

0" "01117 tle roacI..
I.e no:portcr
/I,rr, J:or,e. ~
.teI t"'" 6etec:tt.. .... [ . "
tty to NIllQPI-. __
UlIS. abO-

t.",.,.., ,..... M>ONt. . . t:lres _ tboqtl.

,,,,, 'i... tJt,.eo ....,. the~ re
.."r.r 01 ,.... ....adU qry c:Ionw' 1 .....
....., ......Idf t.... u .....
_a- to. Motor- a~ . . ttIIM
''T. illtf':llf ... ~ after u.... TIle . .
"" "'0fT.n: .""'...
~Id. N ..._
l"~. tk Jc:t:rr.ItVf a,,1ll
_ llI'rl~ crt t...... at.
tbtl r - of ~ of tlte IJIack H_u-L k1
abe .un taDa tILto tbtdr a.,. .. -.117 _ aIH!
t~. . .bo
of _
- - - - . . 1IIla.c i.JIqIriat . . - , . . . . .
~'. fMtlIna IlJa . . . . oa ., tIaIIt,
CUHf tr1ter _ .-,..c .. Flor- yean race ....
~ ~
did Ia tile ~ Tbe ~ 1ad,J' ~ ~ b. w1D ~ tbat
aeJt.o- Jt,~ ...... 'JlCd iato "" ~f'!. ,...... 1acb the IIlaer . " . . . 01. pc ... . . . UlI. b. _ it, aau:. _bat tlMo c:b c rt'.
,."r D' t k ~ , jUt
V"Jff A.1 ...." koaII
tIItD rig"".
fa tk ,..., t ....
brtDp GIlt _ Importaat pobt:
.ot ftIC:GlPlhe ber fath
n-ce a.14
. . . . . . . . . to 1utMlI at ~ _bat the. ,."eel tip
~ t...-.eC ~ ........ tk Urft
tIN ~ cu. ,... -..cA- ~ . .
0' INIr eadI7 _ ... Ioabd Ia the JlkDrL She
was ~ ~ .,. tIM d-.:r 1IIWr:&4P
JDa7 iIle . . - . - bw . . . Ute ltiIIu..
F"-.ce ~ ~ tlle -...taat ......
JIo/~ ... tk~ __ tllWr"-. of Ute __ . . . 1m ...-t Ia 'I'1Raa .... the "'Htc.n_ at.s-. u_
V.... ~ ht.a tk.acn _I~ the GI:o'N . u . t - . SIte
s--. J _ . . . 0Ip that abe .-lot
ble to ~ JMr OW'&. "-tib', al1hoIIP
tiaa. _
nor-m .. ~ d....
t.uu::7 that abe &'fJIIq to ..... . . to tM .....
ted WIEr.

HlI:II:S _ . pocIdluti;y . . . . i'1oftMe laM; ~
.CIt ..... - - - . .
tbt 1 U . . . . . . ~ fat' ~ Joo u. OW'&. _hUe way. tIaaI. t:ItIeI ~."
0Ip. . .- _ , ~ iook ..-au.. _
tbo __
tla&. I eIt-w. . , . ~ t!lo ~ lM7 .
bo. ._
. tbe
_ ~ &rr'lft. th kteltit:r ..-ld
~ . . . . poor -..c:d~ Sbe 1-=b thtIfr )II-. - . t ber BraIa&. ~ __
uuerly tJaat keelter thaa ~ _ fill ........ I had . . . . tUt ".....,. -W ...... Ia bad aru- ... 01&0 tMre
Tadoa. _ltbOlit wMet! ~ IatUtlTe - . e Ibtd1q' t!lo _11:7 or Ia tlIllIq . . the r-.l per- DO crweat:IIa Ia tbetr a:.t:ula . . to Ute ~ c.
aile t. baM'caPVe" ill tIMI cr-t aa- oL Illde- ...uty .... tadITW:aUtr ol Joa:. n - C-.w. .. pIQ1q.
aad-oeelr luolYM ttl "1be ~ Dollar Jr(y-. thJap f'eIU.Ia . . 1IIaak. _ fU _ Iter .entIaT Now. 1IlIt . . an. to 1--. I am. tID
~.- Fn:.D: tb. 1'l/!"" ant I 11.&" ~ cos. .. at tII..tart. WIllIe u... . . . ~ ,.., poIateI tbe
tbla defld~cy IJl "_ce.
bat II.&Te W'&.It:M
they """'
fA _fthlac llUf_t ...... eiIeI'Y ~ ... '-tier. _ _ ....... na ~t

_fore taId.uc It liP ...tth yoa. . . that I ~d. lIP

.-e of .,. CJ"Il'IQld.
The lion: ~ (&.lid the detectlTe mG'St
tie ..... ...ttb pecIl11aritift o f '
d~ &.IId~) _OIIId .CIt baTe pzed
'He de.
In&. till/! molU are slIIl.Dar_
tveII ....
tJa_ tn-.
n - ... ~ ..
_Ito aN: . .
maIUIert-a -'7 aftw ...........
n ... ~ kJaows

re. .-.*.. *wi......
t.tM.... If.z- ..

..,. . . . _
tr.- ~ ~
~ . . , aD.
. . . lie: . . lab U. ....,. . . . . . - .
a-e ...... tr..
Bow - r ' fIl :r-:r
bat 1 Nortca diapt. me __ tr-.. ..... :rv- tr-.t wtdt . . . . . . .
1'ft"7 10ac tuto thl/! f~ or the BarcreaTe
)IOI"Cnlt tu noreace'. I"OODI ...ttbocrt -tac UlI"
~ rftalbluce t4 JOlla. Bow maa,.
fA .ot fooled. Sbe ~ ~
_ tile ua.- fill ~ l~ ' Ute
aat . . . . . . . . &Q" - . . . . . . . . . - - '
__ ' .. ~at
fIl t:t! u...,.
. . . . .
e...-cr-,... s.
tf1Dea nor-ce tau looItlllll at. thta ptcblre of ber
faUMr, I . . . DOt.,..
w. I&uw _ b"" lItaDd
belore tile pcxtratt .nenl tlmee-d: I 'n:l:I'
featanla of tb.
quitl!! . . 11"'" ;ccrtraIt.
Fa til-. IImttIen at ........
tnc ldeD.tltie& Blat Nortta _ _ . - . ae-.
. . . ~4

:-~.;c,;--. -
WIllI. .. yaa!
Z P '__ ..........
, . -en.t. bId:Iw wid:
w1tIa tba ....... at
tve that abe tau DeTli!r ~ wttbocrt stapd- aM aMentaocf-.d, tIleretan, ~ . . . ".. ..-. . ,...,... tbt " - , . . .
__ ..tile ...
iDa Ia tre:a.t of It &.lid that e.dl -.naJ,q that
IIIctu'e was til. ant obJect .... P'8IJt,ed. Not
OIIce lIu lI!le CQII. to the batJer _d aaId..
What doea Nortoo ltDow aIloU l _ _ ! 1 _
colD&: to traCIe Ute cbaIa 01. facta tar , . . .... .......
....... _ ~
. . ......,. . . flo tIINw tile . . , . ...-~_tD"""'_
II-**l tile tndt. " - - __ . . . Nol ... t.ILIq tbu fu' _ -.-
.... m.
lite ~
a.rwcIl.,. _ ...
IdeIIt:r _ _ t!t.e tITt.c
'WiaclIMl me that tIM .uu.. MU&n ..
IlGt .. the ~.... . . - . nat '"
.,e.." _
the 1IIa.t kIctcal place tor It ..... aM
J _ ~ .. _ ~ to 4:1.1JerC cue--

t " ,.,... tk.-..-. He fid. Uala _ttlI

B~""J_. the ~ w-w tie lla.... t i l - ' . . . 0
Do DCIIl be bMt:J' bl ~ that tbe:r UaI blto tbe _ ! "caW '- baye
are tw.... 0Ip Ilu IHm/!t' t.oI4 BnIM takeD. d1aDeea ot. Mp1flaa . . . . ,
that ~"' bad tIrotJaer -=It ot. the -.e oL that ~ _ 0 tiM
' - twta bntber, ~ Iter Int -u.c-dea ~ . Illm thai. . . . . t
- ' - . . . ~.... wtte! ~ 1 _ a 'hte lI.ia eJcbt at aa:r ~! "...
a -cso.bIe" at ~ _ .. ..,. ~ .. ta the tI-e. 1 reel ..... _ .

B~ _d ~ the doaIlle 40 tbe .m _ _tlaae to f. . _to ~

- . . . . . .. Ute 1IrialDa! tJI.Iac _ 1cIl.preaeI.... tbaa aa:rthfu

To proceIIlIII fvther, I . . ~
_ Ita". _ &118M tID ~ _.,.
that: 0Ip: .tIarp . . the JII"O"t'er1lI .... news. Blat)'OV'........ aM able.
pmt". toat!t---Ilu aot _ Ute ~ . . . . . ~toal~ TM-.
blulo! ~ ~... &ad s-... F . . . .e ~ .. th _ wtlUac
SIte ..
tbe ead at k
" . oil 1--. 'nIat ..

-.ce. that then

U u.-p.t. ....
-tIJd .,
to -.u
IIItntI!L Detedtft.orIl...... __
ern.- .HoI It .. . . . . .

- " t I t:tu:.cta ..-..iaIac "'U&e-

rwe.. bow klq' woU4 tINt BIact a..- .........
w..... well: II _
llred walt to kW-. 1--. ..... ~ aQ' ~

btm tato~! n.,. .. ..,_ n . - ....,..... tlMa ~ will ....

to that depoee.
".,. ... ~
that tbe!)' ~ all ......
be b.u beeD. Ia IIen'ke tor
b:c 1..
a.t thJI; . . . . _

... _ILJ.JII_'-b'
" - wIO. IIap&e rcua.. ~ 10 .-e
.. tMIr
_ . . . . . ta
1M wtU tie
'..... He wUl . . tan'7
NJcllr.. _.
rad.J' 10 ...... the ~
wtt!l -.e:r Ia lI.ia -wr.
_eelY'e U,1'tIlJq ta b.bD ClIl:2lw Gaa - e J . - p to CILk. lila ...... Ute
ta1thflcl --"tor, wbo . . . tc1IIoI .... ..... If _ _ k It.oaN, lie foal-
Bow 4 ~ it to tab tlltap
~ tbr .Im. tJ) . . ~ -.-.r-
te r1aIII: tbe .nu..---to ILI.aeelJ
far ~ted.. Tbe detedf td:e atnatIed. la the t:Me .f _tctat
aothlac tor II'M-ted.. Be ..-. . . . . . . ~ .I... &pre _ tbe ,...wIt,)'
~~e trh1.1 . . . . t a traY'el Eadl.
as _ell .. the 1cIl~ __ . . .wUdl
.wttIl ... _ _e _ _ 117 tile
_ the ~ rracm-te of eri-- 8IM:It H........ -.clI _ _ . . .
c1._ce are like the ~ f1I. _-bls .. ~ StID.. P'lorftee"'-en _ Ja-;Il
protnullac frocD the . . . What I
at I'IIoIlIL Not _ toe. J _ _
w.a bF th. 1e that JoaecI .. bI.aaJtelr' tiGIl Iter to lie ..,. .Ith ~
more d~ thaD the 8Iadl B ~ Uullar~.There..,.. . . two. three or to-r He aeY'el' talb _ , . to ~ b.u Dot
Haur-Y'e (bI! be real or . . . . ta 1__ ) .. "'lI-n:r r ,He tbe COf'- II. . . . . . . 'to tb. t1me. AD 01 ~ Uttl_
the cleTereM. of alL Bat ~ Jtaows. .... rec:t cae ~ to . . (aa' _ to let .ua:r 1lUa f1l eY1df!ll.ClII COIDe to .,. a.e-uta.
Joae. 1II ~fted tJ) han him. bow. Be aeuIa YeO")' daR to it ~ - . 1), . . .un Ilec::Uae It ill ..,. trata.... aad 4.1;)' to MIf dM!IIl
Nortoa_ _d . . 1let'W_ lri#"D'q loaa -.I lllld 1IIa.t JDa.rYeI_ llakblc ~ft' ot. JemfICI aad tOd9" th-. It te eYhteeoe of thte -'11
the reporter, I !eel -.deeed that Hortaa WOClld . .d llarcr'-ft. with . . . . IIl1aattac at ldeatJ thai. will IeaolI 1IlII .-.ret' aad .-.rer to Ole
be the oae to ~lab. Be ~tlI o&jeetive tlt'!llo. or wtth .....e t::Oal_ ce:-.e Iliack or them. cua.I at. AlX@M..
~lI'er, ad the alann the Black H_t1J'ed feel If the!)' are two dlll_t ~ o.t _ow I haYti .umethl... to tdl 1'011-
with n!lat1oa to lOClee . . . .&jecttve. ODe ooaclttiGll ia llamIJlc the Bledc Huulred. .mnetblAc 1 ltaft Ileeu l_yiD.. to tbe ftI'J'
I w1tIb tJ) PTe you ID7 ~ce .. another Tbey are -.oKq - - . That. a . . . thtac. It I.ut ot. tile ~loe _ thla _ t b ep'-te.
pbue of thlll~: I ha... foaDd that IR form of bUa.4D-. DcaI't Jet )"JIIInelf bI! I am cota& OYer Ule crocm4. am cot..- to
~I'J' orpa1laUolll b.u be-d~ maa.,. acamed of JI,elq: _ blteDt _ t:rytq to aeau:e _ , . . bow the H.arcreaye hom. I. .t.t.a1ed-
beach., but o-.e bead. Brdae te the 1'1.... of Ul@
BJ.&eIr HllIIdred. 1r'recIpectln at what OIp
the tell thoa-..d 40Uan Ulat ~
:JOIU'Bt!If to -a-Uoaa.
.m bUu4
I ha.... . . . 7VlII
_hat I'O&dtI a'
Irtrt!fIb lead to aa4 rr- tt-
.bat 1Il1cttt be ooerated in tlte or 1JI"OUl'"
ttltab. BrdDe te Ute domJclatlac ~ !IIaIliY poUl&t1Uw. llhalI &bow )'041 _ Y
I ..,. b,.. am C'Qiq to __ :r -rbe JlUl_
ADd Yet. fa Ole ~ f t _ p .e _ _ to more. That .. III,. bwIb1-.. 111.. . . loaII: bit.. Dollar ~ ant 1laa4, lIecaue 1 u .... tGid
ftlld ' - beact-~'ge aftd Joaf!lL 0./1 Ad.,. ad be cert:a1a oab' .hf!II. tacu Tot MO"I1t P'lCTOlU..u. tJu.t I .~d HI. tta
Oal.,. .Itll Bal': ..-.den ....... UtI.
lI:re ... e oa t .... ~_. it ho
"...a4. llel!Ptaa GIlt ........t 01 ,...we _lU,
at t'Vw. ud JIftWm. ~.""'It
ally dln!d1ll Joae., . . . tnJ:r 11;
_0ll1d It be ~"e -:r-tn7. nat ...
for .I_~ to Ioeea tJ)
do the tbl_IlI_ ..
.b,. ...
atth"", _ C

_tthoRt aet1IaJJ:r de. to CD . . . . Ge kIeaI

iDe IL nill ill .at tty - _UII t
bnpe....We It ill IlOt etaaaee ta tile ~
eyes ~e. ot. ~ . . . . . .
RaqreaY'e e:ll:bt
---1It&7 . . tIle Dow u.e ..... at
or 1_---.,. _Ill _1' 6tpu tea _1M!!
Ute setcb bortIood ,. .. .ow tra.-el.
I _ t 1'1 e redde.u:lt..
~""I""'. It
Aad the ca.l7 .... tJM7 dW, tbe:r -'Pt
taaaIble .eeatI"", we try to fool. _ _
1bl. to thte ~trD for ~ - - .
It7 .. that. It k well . . .,. . . . . I
_'er .e are Dot . . . . . . . . . to . .
penaftted to. e e ...... !
Jc.ea ftaJIltl lato did aot c:are tn

-.De bJddel - - . 1'0 """tare..
Ira_ aaIC7....-
_ I
We 40 DOt _ b.IIII
tIo thlL We" HIt woald_ _
UlaI. be &at
. . ..-......
bid aa:r~_
Ilia . . . Ia __
~ - ...
1M ...
fa lite
". .
h told nor-c. .. I e l l ' 0 .
..,. etlMr _
that ~ IatIter u. .!
Do . . ...,. ~ -...uu. ~

fit tIM IIDlIaa
_ _ _ . . . . . . . . . Bk ..... fI . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~_~:-:.:. l-
u .<lag..t 15, 1914

The Making
Actress 8y WILLIAM
ILL 117""'.""".'. c . . . s_
. . . 1/1 t: o _&'-&

.tore. .. ~ fit tAc . . Y_..r _ ....
oot . . . . to~,.~
....ued. bed 1/IIIIfI.
at-ee 0' Bestrfce B ~ ......" tk S . . . . . aDd waUda't tab c:buam.rtf. . . . .
,,-u., C_~. B..-r7 FfInter. lUredor o,,-IM lQC It . . , . . . . . Y _ . - t to r&
,'0. . . . . . .w ~ to .., ~ to .... mem.ber , . u -'t daIalI UlJ'tIWtc
trice, ~ ta ~ for .,........ F-'J
attroeted . . kr. aee:ta: ~ ~ tk .&on!..
He . . - . to MklJl" kr. _ CAe -....I w.... hi: ;u.
bat talk ,... aM. tIIae, ..-:t7 ......
Wlaat &- aIap 0-. tbII ~ ..
V.... BIte ~ tIaat _ -
.. _ ""1I'n.ecf. . . kr 4cIrIaO' , u. t:i4'W- . . wJUl. a ~ tw:takIe ta .......
~ t&Gt k o'er"' k r trW ~. oc--. ~AreD't ;,ga. . . . . . . ! Now ~'Te
I.. .read. Vt:nJ~. eM ~ ftCA. .,.,. m-.6 . . m.7 tBeI.Jap _ tbat . ,
hide tAat 1M .. ~ . . . - . k r of tk ~....-ta . . tile Job, _, r _ ' t
rtoc.t ootIIpcl_ tAoasr''' " .. ,,.. la.t ,~. be ...... to ad. .ortIl a _t."
~ . . kr doI:l. trit.a.~ T.~ .....ritII tIM ,... of It fa a ~."
pUr _ tole lkfe-rifle lit o-oe. IIt6U ... aaId . . . . . . . . . barriad 04.
flnt W- coacenJUlg -'er. u.t be lett a ~el7 V_ ..mac
beIttad Il.Ia. &be 6elt that Iba taM
~ Ida. wIlDe dut . . . .
.... , .,. DOt to bar .-IIa-

___ w.-
~ Ul,e
had by
bah tJI. Vera'"

Beatrice BnwMer.
that Int

Be bIlII
it eYft' ace Vera Md
1..u7. 1Ibe.
of that ~.

a ctrI ... ta ..,.

tile fa_ or a _

by lataltloD.
of tU tIIap lite lIJIes . . . tbl U
W&7 ~t ~

Ihe . . . . . . . Ibe
Aod _

~ arrtTtd; be Imew s.trice

pgt It, - . . bJm peaatq.
tu' too well to hope that Ni. _M1d
Vera', lira: real test came after the
IUIIt f'eClIIP.bIe U.e Mle.cb1 .. ~ ....
brealr. far laaeh. JI'or a tIII:te af'b!!"
a:I.s-l ... bad csued. .&ad aothlq:
worlr. .... l"l!IaIlIed., IIbe ClIJOt:iD.1Uld to
&boat the ctrl had .tan.Ied h.Im more
tUa tbe ...., lIbe had haacIle4 tbe tal' all aDd W'&It, watehiac. Theil I'onter
mare CQerieD.cecl .tar. as. neue called her, sbarply. to. a loae that
idea._~ 1:16 bepA to tab
- . d at:J"aDCe. appUecl to her.
rOl1lll. Be had. .un little IUltIoIl that tboap he bad ned. It to a d ~
abe mtcbt 4eTe1op Ioto U1 .are.. ba:t e't1lrT m-.ber of the CODlplUI.,. ~
me . . . .ed to him, u a ctrl appeaR lbe m.-plfto:'lDt Beatrioe benelt.
to a m.aa. _ .ad. man. Be looked ~ ! " be c:aIled.. It a 010-
at ber _tn be csU&bt Beatrtee', eye mllftt betore IIhe blew abe wauted..
tlUlCl 1lIUl hJm. . TheD. be knew ADd thea, rea.llsiq that abe . . .
that lIhe _dentood; that lib. had about to 1ft: lato a _ e . abe cot up b.. neue ideu def- aod .allr.ed. toward blm. Her Dee-
inite and ooa~ iDteoUlJG.L 'AJul h. lr.:oocked tQp!tber aa 'be ...allted; there
.... a Uchtellin& ot ber Up&. a 1l&JTtnf. ..aa .- cu.rloD.a IJeIUIlLlioo at the ptt ot
iIlI' of. ber qa.. thai. told hiDl the ber lItcmach that abe had D.enr telt.
eat. in her wu apperm08t. before.. Beatrice. &l_dq at ber.
Be Mook bb bea4 a I1tU. at that; .... aDd ",. . happy. BDt FonIter" did
thea be walkecl oftr. to D.ot aeem to Dotice. In a few c:rlap
V~ .eutezl.cea be told ber tbe ol
-WeU," be -.14. "Cettl.q the hUlC the _e. She nodded . . abe I~ed.
or It! How doM It looltr "Gel me!"" be . .ked. a!ter a UlDd!.
"Oh. pretty fair!" "lie 8U4. MBa. taller exp!ee,t1C1' .. abe rea.l1sed,.
do you ImC1WJ where all JOG ~ tall t.h.aa he bad. telt It. n - . r y to pft
dow.! You. doa.'t take this ~ the othen.
eDouP.! You're aet1Dc. aU the time. "Sare!" She t1ocldflll, perU,..
You. do ewef'Ythtu&: too hard-It'. lUte MAll rlgbt-wallr. t ~ It. You're
the "'&3 the,. ued to do at MiIler'.- aD all:l'1e. fI.nt.--then )lise Brewater
Ob.. II.reaIaIl. . . .e me ch__t1d! . Get CDlDee to. Go to It. M

me! I Doticed how It ..... iD the She telt th.a1 eTerY pair ot eye. to
pieturea. It a1n1. Datural enoach-~ the place . . . taateoed. em. h.- .. abe
Be lu.Kbed. eaterell the IIet. Wherela abe waa
"'That', the ama.teur 14ea," be eaJd. wf'OlDC. Most ot the people 10 .the
~You have to ~ yO'. . lee. studio weren't lotere:llted Ia her at all.
LUte 011 the ~ Y 00. r;et dc.e ap Ooly Beatrice. _el, ot c::ounte. Forau.
to aD &et:i aDd ,.ou.1.I _ her er:e- ere PQ1D& an,- ~ atteotlozl to ber.
bIac:k_ed, _d 10 paiat _d She tdt awkward _d Illll COIUldoD.I
powder that abe loob lUte a f:rI&"hL
Bot it abe went au without It abe'd
look like a &h0Bt trom. the middle ot'
the ordust.ra. JD..It aa It abe spoke fa
. . . . . ~n..
..- _
aa she entarell the neld 011 the c:aJlUr1
lostiac:thelJ" she kJoked tI1WaN It;
tb_ abe Placed. a... l,J". ADd th-..
without , . . , . lr.:o.ow1D& th.a1 abe . . .
a aatD.tal Tolce yca.'. DeYeT hear bK. SAme _ ' t 10 maay thiap to beb them oat aa dolq It, .abe bepa to IIJ1C, rJr r1I.her. to laUD.
way with ee-tureL You'ft ~ to aaa-nte .beD. thq are u' ~'. too. I I At l:a. .... tell more at her _ ; Ia a
th-. too. No., l1 I waa t:a1kblc to :roo.. r . ....... luP_ at lIB lI.ot Qult# _-*' . . 8ICtln&- She torcot en:ry-
jut pm my haDd ou.t llie that. aad yoa'4 _ . . betaM' . . . ., ~ t.hhac bat .bat lJD.~ to IML AJuI
me. blat. 00 the ~ I'd ha to do tt .,." "Kftp _ ~.. Ile ad'ri11e4. "Yoo'J'e. wHD, at J"onUr'a U&IlI call BeatrIce _
~ Wu:t:rat.ed his meaolnc. Bat abe c:ucIlt bit oil. lMd: n-"n at tt lbe ~ WQ'_ til., she bar wttIl. a look ot pert ImDtl4eDce
hJm. . . at ooce. The Udq- tMt aore u..a, &Qtb.tna ~at ft) admirable, aDd per1ec:t:1y
""&Ire. bU tIWI lJJ;n't Uk. the- ~ o t ......... this came 1I lJI8CIIIle .ho QIl< t1lJIaII:__ II.tted ~ dl.ancter. The two ac::bId
esactJ.,....abe Aid.. ~ly_ -rile c:amers'.

10 an,- other came. tor that matter. Ir, e&aJ' oat thetr 1arlef _ _ topther tbea, u4 the
c:lc.e: a~d people are a lot doeer t. ~ .. pic- to set a lot 011 1&7 ae- .ho CUI. . . J " as .aeer . . tM . . . . fII:ce KJ"II. mDI"II _4 .....
tue - . moet ot the tiule. tb&A the,. are I tell tbem---llat tt"a; . . . . . a rea.l .ac:toI" or
to the....... I'.. Plt a bunch that that', .117
a kit 011 people doa't like tIM - - . becuI8e
Ute:r doa't
to tIlJIlk a
real _oqIl. A.a't:!teTft pta.
lot more . . . . t!Iat at the
mOYlel tba: fa the tl:t.tre t _ tb-.
a.c:trea com.. aluac .11.0 call tbbllr. II .eiJ II
a.ct tbat a -.a ..."
"Now , . . , . 1dlIIItq," . . eaJ4, unccmttort-

~ I ..." lI.e..... "'Ira a dam I'lII

"AU rtcht--tJaan1' do be!" said Fonter~
8a.aIb'. .....elI - :....
.bat , . . . .
tha& _
' that. BOY_ .&
butll ol y-. ~
look . . . . . . . .! Ba:ret ~
look ta JQ8.r .,.... . . It , . tib.'t
pa . . . . , . ~ ... tile wodIL" Ume to . . . . C*'tabt ~ tao Iter Wa:J of be It f'Iu:D. _ to _ It. r-. & 1M)'!"
, . . . :0..1 ~," .uI: Vera. ""1'hat". the lh1a&; ba4eed., be had. .......... II.I:lII-'f tb&t U~ .hicb Me . . . . . ~ a1t I:a tM
. . . tMl!~
.... .... tIbat JDa1IdoaI; 10011:: at Beatrlee.
abe *-W. .crft.
MU ~ 10 ,..,. avtow1L, yOG CUt pt here
dtrectIc. of. her ~
tb~tta1 wllea abe reIChed It.
&t abe w...
She 0 -
.bo trabel aap1b'. J'cII'aer 1IU b.b Up; the by b'oUe7," Jut .... .ud.. ~It taka & ....t 1oIlcer. IIoOW. that It had .ot beea. ~ ; that
.tar ...u 1lot ee-tq Gat ~ well, far. bQt It'l ~ . ch~. I e - the prtae _ oae ~)' bad beea llukbac ~ ,
Ven.'. ~ _ _ed to IlleMrt ber .. WOll't bother ,.... atter a wbOe, bat jlUt DOW. _atdIl.D.. Iter rea.n... She..... aot be atraid..
IIbe IIlmrd J'onter'. ~ ""Ile..s:y! 1'1ctue!" ot CIOllnIe. that OORDta.. ~ bu.t abe ahaddeftd a UWe, .. .tie rememb@rod
She wa1JuId lato the t1eld fil the camel"&, aU . Vera had. foaIuI It hard to retraJa !'ram .u. old H.aaard. the K1. dnI.... tlcbUJr Mer bis
...... tIwI befon. . - . me ..... the pert u.-ey ~ bel' .cora at thaL He talked . . U abe ebeek Me., wttberecl _4 yellow..... the erlJ.
to Ute. Ute. Aa he looked. at her J'm"!Iter new wen: adO the pm-erty etrlckea PrJ: at Gadp luattaJ Ileam ba hla ey@S, that Ileldler aetl: 11M
that blstfDct, lllek. or ... ~ had .....If'ed and 8&rt1ett'L Bat Ihe retralued. perhaps be- 1UJl! had been. ablll to abalL He looked IUie a
bb:l1 to try thu &irl. had RrTeCI btm welL She cauae lShe ..... 1M:clnD-iDc to auspect that there YlllbU'e, abe d.eclded. slUlclenly. ~ hba tor

" . . & bora. mtDe. Oa the lecitbDate Race abe Wall not colDC to be so much dUl'eren.cie ~_ the ent t1me. And abe mtaht baTe bee-. a
coa1d b.u'dly haTe au~ed; tor ~ abe ber old ....- Itt:J and 111M' Dew thirtJ. Sbe newly made ~ ; at the tint biDt that abe
plUllbed to be ideaL Her face w. . plutle _d had Il1oI'e. but abe would have to ~d more, .... In tJ"oGble, -tie allpeared, IUle the _ ~
espreMl...., fil emotiOll to a remarQ))le decree; too, Sbe WCMld haTe to keep ap appea.ra.neea.
ber wbole maJlDer had an authority that ..... Her clothes m-' be bella"; abe must. be able M it's all rtcht for me,- abe reftec:t.e4. Ml teU
. . ._llhiDjf. Crude abe c:erta.blly ........ ; there to lIP"rld _ey, DOW aad th-. OD little thtllP In aott-la.a.4ed. on both feet. B.t . .~ 1
1VU maeb ! ber to learn.. But the etmr wae that had been. eatirdy outslde her .ebeme ot hadu't cot this ellanOll and iD the mt4dle ot
I.D ber. Be .... a11120lJt lJOrI'Y. fM, puatTe . . thlnp Ln the daya at the at.ore. But th_ _ e r ! rd han ba4 a .....en ebaDee to latld
Beatrice WU DOW, be new that abe ..... (111)' thlnp abe etimpeed very; faintly; sbe .... too anotber job. They'd ha"'e blad1Uat.e4 m .._
walt1q; thU lShe w.. pthertDt; henel.1 ff)]' O'f'er'Wbelmed by ber cood fortune to o:msldet" Wonder if old Ha&.t.anI Dowa all aboat that-
a auddeD sprtDc M)ODer' or later. LD,- poIII!llble dlftleaJtlea Ln the rature. ltll_ he mUMt-th~ old lIkate.."
There WU Doth She __ t OIl:IL
iD.. mort! tor Vera to Pr"', tor a btte
do that aft.ernooa... ot IUMter deter-
Her IiIl:l&1I part In
the picture WUl a;JID.
mLned to Mt an
W&Dte4, tor OII~.

- ...........
plet.e. For the rest. anel the ~ of tood
ot the tlme lShe sat IIbe lilted, too.
stiU apIA, wateb- AplD abe _ . . COlI
lD&, ab- adoCllI .. ..- &.II
abe ..... oaWde or
that 4mte. ADd Ute tlPrba&' eye.: shl!
wb_ work w. . _ ha4 wa1lted. ODJ,- II
for the da,J" J'onter bloell wbeD old H....
z&r.d. loomed Ill) be.

came to bet".
"Well., did I mU.e Ilde her.
..ood__ taT!"' she "'Good eTl!IDtac...
~ ,,- he -.Jd.. "I---&b-I
"'Yoa clid." be lIILId, learned with 1dD~
lJObert:T. "'I ean bd ~of~~
plenty for )'OIl to do.. dlac:b.N'ee.
bo.eIl _ m.tlDc'I to...."'..
There won't. bemac:b
mone)' tD lt at 1Inll. yoa. lI.t. Vera..-
DoD't. l12ue tbe tal..- " r.... beeP
t.a.lte at thiDlttnc )'0'Il ~ to _ you
know it ali. YO'Il're Arat '. you
c:nlde. aDd )'(Ig'roe wooJdII"t, - Vera Ihot
p-een. aDd that 'btt bKIt at hIm. -say.
yon played to-d.,- ta4~ It - Ta-
waa vade to order m _ - malle a
for you, which moet nolae ltlt:e & bOOD
parts won't be. But and roll away!-
I CILII PDt YOD oa the -rw.h. aaab,- hi!!
pay roll at tht.rt:r a said. ")(y d ear
"eek. If you want to lady, I af)'
take It. - peat' iD the plllll uI.
V era *sped. In trieIlci. I _ialI 1-.
,,.rdly Thirty a h~lp :r 0 " Din,
weE"k ~ with me D_. 1.. 1
"That11 do tD lIa ha"'e a t&11l. I
start with." II h e --.b--llaft 0lJIllIId-
decided. era_Ie Iatl_Clf'
Ven. went home _Itb 1Ir. o.dp. I
that nlc'bt woader- mtcht be able to
In If It could be eeenre JO'U' rel.n-
l.r1Je lUte wu to be Iltatl'mf!ILL"
an artJ"etI&. Bile WLII MAllo' I _~.

to be paid thirty you.d think t h a I

doUan a .eek. a fortune In Itself. for doh, Vera'lI laudlad)' W3.8 ,alttn.c for ber It ..... a bl ra",or~- 1llLid. Vera. ---.taUy. wNh:
... lIat abe would rat.her do than LDyt.hiD lIhe seemed to Vera that the Wom.a.D WlUI IJwaYI on that_' I'm bu:ttnc MY owa eata, tban.Ita!"
hlld e",er "en of beln allowed to do. dolne thaL But be b1ll1C OIl ~.teaUy. Old H.a.uard
N/t,-Ven. Rayee--had. had thlll lItroke of for "Friend of yoan loolrlnlf for you thia after- had memortell of deteats, but the,- _~ t~.,
Inne~ That Wall the incredIble part of IL tll<' noon. dearl~~ sbe AJd.. "Say. au.ybe 1 ..... and tar belw;een, lie wu paUeat; be had IJ
P1lrt she could not reall.t.e.. It 1W<"'lT!.'l! .... If h .... ty the other nl!hL You. can stay as lone . . "ll}'1I been wUlllI.&" to wall, And. few ot the
"Ome other l.rl, lIOIDe Irl Rhe kne... ...ell. had you pay your rent prompt.." Sbe leered mlly. c1rta he had marked tor hl. OW1l ba4 eac:aped.
heard the wOQdertul n_'" Even the crisp (lve "After all. 110 loaA' SA yon beba",e younelf here. Sooner or later the:r bad. been driven to listea
<lollar bUJ abe had. dra...n for her day'a .'ork tt un't none ot my business what you do." to htm. So no... he only 1IID1Jed., and,' thou&h
alI ban1ly ooaTlneinc. W!'m leanll.&" to-morT'OW," wd V~ra. brlefty. he tound tt bud to lleep pe.ce wlth her. he
The Brst thiJJ. Vera had to do. or the IIml ''I'm paid np to SnndllY. 111 make you a p~ "'na not to be .hake'll all.. She turned. on him.
IhLn, 8he "anted to do. at 1<JaIIl, ..-u to mo"'''_ ent of ... bat1I left or the ...eell. Who"'&11 look t1n3..lI,.. In desperatJOII..
There ....ere lil'!veral re:aaonll for thaL Her land In for me?'" "Say, you must ha"'e a bide Illr.c arlit
lady "lUI ODe or them; Vera could not forC1 wA Cr:ntll!m&D. quite LD old ~tl~,- lJOOl!I"OUJl!" ab'!! wd. -I know "'hat ,-00 think
the ..ay she had beba"ed when lIhe had learned the "oman.. "Satd he hadnt _ yoa at the You think J"m do.....n lUId onL and that I can't
that Ven. had lost her jolt. Then there were lltore. Wondered If you .'er'l! IIleIL I told him another.toll. You're "'roue, .. tt happellll,
other re&lMltIL All ahe e'IIterecJ. tbe bOUAe abe you "a.a bouneed. LDd he Aald-" but If yon _u r1&"bt, f'd at.UI ba'l'fl t.o d!.&DoP"A
turned abarply, "arned by lJOme 1UT'f"lnJ at a ..... lot of your bualnt'lla that wu!- _Id to beat :rou! I coald walll oI!I' a d.ock, or I
Ven.. -ao.~ wb~n ! ttef! bow blUlY lIOI'De could walk the 1iItreet.a~ And I'd do either

prlmlthe InlltLnct that sIl:e ..u betn .atdaed;
llure that turtlTe eyes ...ere llpoll her. She toUta la mbulba' other falllA' Ilffalrs I dou't raUtff thaD let :roo. ba"'e your way!"
could Me nQl.b1D&", but ahe
leu, that 8OII.lIe'lfb_ eyftl
lure, Deft'I"th6.
li!r'e spytnjf OIl Iter.
Jl'onter bad told ber that. thoaP ber ~
wOD4ef' tt1ey'n fawn and out!"
"It :r.-i
mea. m~ by them _otd_ - the IlUld-
, "Very pral__ ortlly _Umeat1
you for them." be mumbleod., thoup. boil;
eyes l1pted ap balmily. He h&Il .toot toalf"
I a4lDl .....

woaJd becia at ODoe" abe need uot report the "1 do!~ -.I.
Vera. d~flll.ntly -Wh,.t nbout It~ luhblp before.
( !:n bill thIIe. bu.t be1 lad - . . I I ) '
n"n daJ', He had peM81 that abe .....<N1d Deed There'a a UIIHI for "QIDe'II Ilke you. but tu
THE'.'MOVIE 'p'rCrTO~liAL .A.agut 15, I9IJ

Captain Leslie -'T~' peacocke. ,~:

And What He Thinks is in Stcnoe- Cor the Picture PIa7

NTIRELY too much baa beeG la IItd WTiter tor the Ual..-l

E ...rlttea aDd pllhllabed aItout

the tD....OIl. or tamOWI
aatllon _d .eD~
PIQ'wr1&btlJ l.n the 8eld of tbe pbo-
B;y Monte M. Katterjohn I"Dm

ee. .. a
. . . . tpeterlq
Tboqh he ha ~.opt
'Wl"Ib!r. he Is aut OII&AII-
end. of. Ila. a.dl J.ek to.6-.
toplQ. _d eutlre1y too little about cal(I)er. Bcnrner. the ptuItiapIa7

the me. _ 4 WcDleD. who haft been ~ thaD ODe h_clred dollan a week, DO mauer world 1tDo1n bJIll to be the tCftIDOIIt IIbato
COIItrlba.tors to the art 01. the photo drama bow muel:l. material he prv4acea, Dar how etJod. playwrtcht til. America. He baa a1JDa.t r.-r
moe tbe lDcepti. . at motioD ~ thoacta be is upec:ted to thtDJt ap rov Dew haD4red grodDcet ~ tD UI enat.
ThaI. Jack LoIldOlL, Rex IIeIlch, EleaAor IIUriee et'eI'7 -e.. TIle old play or old &t It mat be remembered be b..U, . . a ....-
GMa. CbarIeI; KJdu.. CJ'nq T ~ d Brady,
Booth ~ LoIat. JClRph V_ee. _d a
h_dftd other . . eq1l&l.l:T IUJted aathora, 1lOftl
tlIb .... IJIia7WriI:hta Ja. . beea eGII't'erted to
the ~ !au beea caaB8 _ mach COIIlJIleIlt
DOftI ktDp a _ equ-leDt to tw1cIl the
sta1t KIeD&no wrt. . . ....,.. be It tJl 0IIle, two.

Plc:ture maD'lItaebuers m. hrtatnecl . . to

fn' mcatb *CO tbat the KeDaI10 "'plqpr"
aried wrltn, oatItrtDPeiI aD the ~ e d
aathon, ~ . . . ~ta. . lie hall
~ : 'b m .. that pbI the moee)".
Bor:D. III ~ lIuU&, l-ml at Ittoa
ad the B.o1al III1.ItaI7 CollIce at Saadhunt.
_4 pc' by beth pre. pPlle. eoa1d.D't at:rDte the arI4e with the tamou au- and. tor eleTeD. J"lU'S 1.11. omcer ta the B::taclbb
Plcture malren are DOW blchl1ctD&" t:a a .Ud thor. AJ..- eame CaaIta!a Lealie T. Peacocke ad Ana,y. Capta1D. Pacocke, . . bia trieD.da bow
1K7am1lle few lItorle. by btc aathon. What lM!t their aodou aIIoU Jbn aDd . . . . topQ'. bJ:al.. h.U ..... a p~_ 1':aI'eer. RIa We
they .eek b a btc lUlme ..... & pre:TIou1,y tuny. He renned thiap b7 writla.I" aa oriel- hal beeD. . . tlID. ot excltiq" blc:idea.tI I.II.d thrlil
..t~ title. ThIll7 u-. wIll1ac to speIld ...... IUJ. - - . JIk:tano 1IIa7. "Nettmle'. DaachUr," blc adYeDtus . . the IIt1rTID& tales be lIClenarlo-
m at mOlll.e!" for literary ~ieces _d tlla . . . . It lato AetIca, ad with both. tu. tor tJ)e pIetuoe -=:reeL
wblcb bue _ their heyday. ac:hIe.... poeaDr thaa Iliaet:f per ceIlt He has - - . . ta Dlaa,' eamp&J:pS bl bella,
The ..... u"' pubed ui4e, or seem. to of aU tile - n e d 1leIt MIllen. To. clecree. OIIle at whidl . . the .ecoD.el ChftnI eq,edW"
haft torsctt-. the pboto ~ t a who taI'!l. IIarpertte Bert.cb &lUI ltlalDe 8terDe, we:-e., throI&Ch that put ot &nIIab at which ibid..
oat .~ . . . thaa ~ picture plot tta:.... pI""_ UtIli iIulle '17 _ yard. ~ . . . . . . ., . . ~ _4 1fl"Ote
eacb week fDr the allece4 eUIIllbbed wrttw. . . . . . . UlIq, t:MN is 8tIll a ....... "Oil Ute IIGM. . ' 1IlID4a1a:r." ~ a member 01
with repata.t:lau. .bill theM ~ e writers
-the)' _ _ ta dedbae _tU the Ilk:-
to the _ at. their ~ II'- Berbeh the I'oftIp ~ ftPtJac wlUt er-
--no. tIor tile vttqrapla 0-. her .... w1tIl ~ . be w. . ~ . _d
tU"e play came UOIlC loll. opeaed 1IP a Dew
is editor tJl
IlUlT of AIDerIea . . . bas ..-rttt... _ ori&tUJ. beIlt .n--er at. StuaboaJ tor --a.
ehuuaeI of 1'eftJI...i. They are lMll1dblc _- .11-1'111lll - . d ) ' _titled ""Uade .JGIdL" .m. . . .ItIlt ............ wbere be .... bJ'
mer homes and bII,ytnc ~ IlL Ca1ltonLIa Sterae. a fra laace photo ~ ~ a TvIt .& Ute t:.-e of bis ~ .Abo. be
..lUI Ute royaIt:J mooey lI*id. thtlm by _ . ..... the QwIaUa4 dollar .n- III tbe ~ _ 5 7 ? .. 'tile ~ ~ ta ctI.Iaa.
iDb' mad DzaIU~ ('J( nlm. tor their s-adD Coatiest with .. ..tdaal - , . _- He "'~~a1I on:r the dYlltUld wodd.
tJtJe4 -rite stu of the 1IotIlen. M .&.ad It k to ..u.,..-" ...
and. w. .
be ..... that ..... dIaa a h1llUll'llltr-'--a - , 7 -.t 8uIpJon . . . . ~ fa
a u ~ aowiIIIb &ad ~ . . . . __
-no. tM 1:7...... ~t--tM o-","'t
peUq. T!le
au. StiwDe are
01 WIl
:u:r _1tJLIa. ;:'7::,M.
' wrltia&
for -rtle c:&I'Mr . aIU-
1.rWl .n.-. M

BU of LeslIe T. ~ e . . . '. .... PttaIl teo be7~ _t anl3' b......p te

tlule'. DuI&tlter_" .A.t tile Glolle Tbeatre, . . . . Id. ' - ...... and bU wr1tteIl _ _ _ _
Yorll: C'ltf, tills photop1Q" lIIItUterl'iecl ID SIe"t'm; . . . . fer -.adoa "'eekl:r poN!e'tjce, re-
reel8 bId.I .-ell to oat1Mt the _ e r mODtha.
IlOtwttbKaadta&' tJle tact that it has ab'eaI.:r
tae. U1lOltte4 for tw_t:r weeks to c:apaclt:y
eft. . . . .me.
Tbe oCIcen _L pt1e tberefor.
their wl't'N of the ~
0I'PIlt.ed a tb.-rk:al eompaa.:r tor their _a
- . . - . ~OOD . . . atcbt-the loaPBt nm ee.terta1IuIteDt. CqtaiD. Pea.c:odte bec:a:me tar
nw ~ oa B...-dwa;r for, a' pbotopla:r. 1lI t.enCeIt .... wn&e ~ of the pIqS DrO'
dtiea 1DJt ChIcacoo ftIIade!pbia, DIla'Rl' aDd daced' which ....:ted. ta bl. beblc made IItap
. . J"I'udIIeo "Neptue'. Daacbtlef" is tlta~ dlred-. &lUI --eer of all prod.1KtIoD&.
..... 111& ad fa the ""ords of well-known Sbl. ~ to the UDtted States Gfteea.
yean aco lui .... uperleaeed all the ape &IIod
d~"'CIt tIteMdeal Ute. Be is the _that at
aumtll'Oall ~ ..etches. Dotalll:J. "The
S:racUcatIa,' "JIfarr1ed by Tel.eptume, ~ -rhe

Boae:ra- . . M "Mr. Plato," and "The
~ l'aaIlJ:.r lie has R!"t"ed . . aet.or 011
stap . . .' AIm, he h.aa d1rec:ted. !DO-

....... ...........
tka pkitlUe ...,. . . w~l .. p1a:rtnc the leads

Receatb'. when )In. l..I.II.ct17 ..... prepariq
to eDte!' ptc:tue wort.: ta a photopla:( ~
tlOill at "fill; Neicbbor'. Wife, ~ .be m.tntded
Daniel FrobmaD to ftDd CaptaiD Peacocke, wbo,
.. she aid, "'wW make an aclmtrUkl ril1&tD.."
There . . . DOth.lnc e1.-e for JIr. FrobmaD. to do
but 1aa1::ttIlUI a eearch for (Apt.da Peacocke.
slzaoe !Ira. LaDctr:r w.. set oa ba."t'btc him. pla7
the lead.blc male roie. Tboqb there is Utt1e

.....orb or ye.ter;rear. It the;r weroe to

do IIOIIIU!thinc new _d ortetual 'iwoW.
Dot be . . bad. but-well, the a11epd
estaIIilJ:Ued. lIn1.ter f'eCLet't'N a lhouuul
doDan for the ptc:tD:re rl&hb to ODe of

bis booka, dre!UaUOD. ODe b1Uulred
thoaud. Tbe pboto pl.a:rwrtpt re-
cell'es IIeftDt:rGn dollarll for _ orlc-

lIla1 ltCeD&I1o of eqWl.l .~ an

Yea _ the film maIlnractlarer h.aa loIt aicht

of the .eeaario writer who caa be . . . . . . . .
.JlGIl to tan. oat thftllI to roar 'fallldIe _ _ _
theatrical ..... "'It 100U
llke It'. coAaa: to tire the
blae-t _e:r'lDaker eftI'_"
Melt _til. for the .... wttb tM.... - - . . 8)' ..,. of IIltrod-=tlaa,
'I'be . . . ---.rIo writer M"t'er ~ . . . . e.,taIa LIIsUe T_ .......
........... -
............. _

- . . DC tie
............ r. 8IIIc _Ole 8eIII' ~
JlNNa ...~

~ . --
laDle 1 IeaI:aeI ...... P'eMIocb

BIll tbJaII: til. ~ lUlt1Ior... *T ~

rt.ero tbat 1 ~ iIle.dew 1Mr .........

to _ hk own play. It ..... et'rtabal)' -.toaDd-

~ " M ' , ' a ... LoI .........
e.tata ~
1nIIbIa . . . . tile
~. . . .
~ w1tb
tar 10q
"".&1tf!r we _ere -fortalllr -red 1 men
Uoaed tIlia r.ct to .,. boet, who ~ D\('
tt.e .....ued __ til. tJte lICeaUIaa ae4 ..,. tIHt there b.-d ItCIt 1IeeIIt a stacie p6eee of
W.... ~ ~ . 1'oIlow". . of the "1IQer'" l..-t .usee the Uti", _I&bt 01
...... at the.....,
w1Il ftleaI1 u.e tDd6tILt of BocP'
til_ . . . . . ..1.... eaapIoyee..
OIl . . . , . ot BocP" martlet'. CaptaIa ~
lhe opealac week.
'1'hia malts lbe IUth time rft at:tad-
ell.. be told me, .....d em 'llqier' ht. emC!".
.... . . t with b.b:u aad called.' at the That ...." the ~b"r; Dt,1lt. -
. . . . . a . . ~ after the crime ..... _ -
.A. few ...,.. -eo 1 .et oat to iDterrie... thl!l
m-.. JlIIab ..,....rtP.t. [made 1lIJ m::J
.... to *n. new. aD. tbe tllt1In til. the
mGtIoa pIoctve, the ~ t 7 01 the
aoriDe who htra to take . . writ-
ill&. bow be _ _ to wrlte "'Neptwae'. DI.aP.
w o" &ad a tbouul.d . . . _ other tbbtp.
_ of th. . fur lIlY ~ kaowWp
_ .cJt tor prlat. 1 toad It ...........y
..-:I'Ie to . . bJIIl dartIla the"". Be ....
Wllddac aD. aaother fe&tve sUject of mal
tiple ~ lenr;th &ltd roetued to .. biter-

Before I eoc&Jd uk b.1m wily be eared to ... to take .......tap 01l.1li ~. aM it juM
rupted by aD,)'OIle. H<nl'eveT. I ma.naced to motiDD. .. ftl&a:J' tim.. Ile _eel happeae4 to .. a)' lot to . . . . . . . -ano
h....e bie IIeC:r"eta.ry an-use l.1li eDPCeDent tar te M!IlM: m:J" mlDd l.1li4 dded. "I coate to .ady .hld!. wCMW. r-tare . . ~ Ia _
that ~ after leanliq: be upec:ted to In:! work ~ that I call r"lellleiy aDy f.aa1ta wtth 8W"l: fit ........... wefrll....,.. ne '--& ana
atteDd the Rleht p e r t _ of ""N~e'lI my teehDtqae. Ob. .110. Dot wttb tilt. play. bw;t 01 cotDddeaCle ~ JIUt. .-oe I bod bet!lI
Daacbter." EYal that .et me to lVOIlder1D. with tuturtl CIIlIf!:L I'm W(lf'~ CIIlI a M Itm"7 t.l\iaJttac of wrttIac a mermaid ....,.. After
.....eraI CllIlf_ _ wtUl ~ ItelIenIl-., the
blat I'll uplaIa later em 1D tIlia artide. 1l0W ud ..,. watc:fltll& thia ptcnnl a;atn. nl
At tile . ,. ." ' " hoe I .... lVaI~ lD. the learJl what _at to do t.oatorrow when I ~ d1rec:tor. _el the he.ds fit th. U.I...-J. I
foyer of the Globe tbeatre _d moaustartb
u:pec:tbac CaptaIa ~ ' . arrhaL Wlille
waltIq I .... acr-blJ' nrprteed. to 1llarD
'-clt to wortr.. ..
Th_ the pb.y becaR. _d d'llrtq the enUre
8e'I"en reeI4 llu-dJy a word pa.aed bet...._ _ _ the
bepa em the IICBlario uuI Wf'Ote it Ia thAe
cla.J" an4 ILicbw alm08t . . .
a few .laor ehalq-.

that the pbotoplay ctra.... the r1dl ...well . .

the poor. People were lD. ~iDc
other tbaIl a few eommenla by the aathOl' as
he Iloted lKUe clt8c:repaaey to plot or t.eel'I.
to .1l1t
~ .-.w... fa BenD.... Ilct
Ute IIl:oIT w. . JJI'OIl~ .. wrIt:teB.
4..-. thiaIt 01 that. to watch motka pie-
tare. Two ~ -eo woald. :roa haTe beUe'I"t!d
tb.4l pId:an ....,. woUI ha_ f!'I"ft' pvw1l lato
The ~ O'l"eJ'. we -ebt Mtdwted
t.aJlIe .. Rector'a, _d betw_ d&:u'tU ..4
11 U. .... to 1M . . . . . . . I am
COCl1d make It a ItU1 letter....,.. BoweTef.
I feel - u - t 'N. . . .'. o-p.ter' . . . pic-

ddl ta_1 4rtaka, I uked ~e to tIeD . . au. pi..,- w:JII .w- ..,. ., tile -.caIIelI
I d'.-'c 0'ftlI' the an1M. til. "'1JtU1I" how he came to wrtte .. N. . . .e'. DaIIcIlter." 8l'oa4w..,- _. feUue aerIap. y_ ....
~t:Utn till .c.a r.- tile II.- when By the way. Ile Is _ bablta&l efc;arft -.oller. ...... of It. u.o.rtl Mr_ ~ tbe tiredGr o
CaiItalD. hMlodIa .......,......... n .... an4 de'l"OlU'S _ aft8' the other. 1 haft beard ~ M_ Kener-a an _tIdeI to ~ . .
arm_ time ... . . . . lui
.a-. ......
to .c:art.. It ..u be keepl 11)10 ClXUItaDt lire .hUe worJl
m1ieb a'W.1t . . ~ TIler. too, _
Urrtar . . to _ fIlIIMdaI17 . . I n .....
Ilia ....,- to
_ _ t f ~ w1lIcb half
"".. 'N~e. o...cttter' w.. wrtttA!'ll til a
bu _ .,. the,..,.' pIlI1e'" Ie
beftI ~ twv . . . . . . . . . we pa-.d bW'T'J", be 1lepa... -nte U.I...- . . waa QuJdl ( '-,.....,




_-_... .. ...
........ Y.M

:--a.:,.... ~


. ----
. . It . . . .

... --

'ft-3:-1;.- ..
........i - _

.~ _ . l- ~. ':.L':"'-:1-'= .~.e..--- .-
=~-= '=.... ._:~ _': '; ~"e:,:.-=

_ ~~
_.... _.....-

=.. . . .
..... ~


.-: ......
- ~ ................... ~-......::. .............

BETZWOOD- Where East .Meets W~sf

ba7 ~ the

wo mUeli from Valley Fc.'P'. I.D. hJllli
.ad. woocls ....4 leTd c:otIDtry .. bere the
~ of WuhlD.PDl'. anD7 napd
throaCb the ten1b1e wlater that thrat.
eDed the tlItve ol AmerlcaD la.depealk!lC'l:, the
_ d battle 01 8IlIlob "as ro.cttt.
..... le. of
tao e


&em_berblc that Valley Force b lIttJe trcmtbe . . . . .
"'a:r trom PhU.adelpbia and that ShUoh . " . _that
la-. _I to
down Ia old . . . . .lpPI. one mtcbt wODder JloW

- "*
the ~ of the famou CUl1tlc:t of the' ru..
Ch1l War had take... place alcac the t.Db of tilDe re.-IeI. .-
the ScbQtkDl RJnr unl_ be rec:a1Ied that.
tile - . . baWe .,.. ODe of the Labb:l. AIm
procluetJou lUId that two mOee trcm VaJley
J'or&e DeB BetnJood. the mOllt elaIIorate. D-




teatril'e. and eI~lI'ITl'! mol1011 picture eettmc

In the ,,'Grid.
~ood l!l the outdoor plant of the
IAbiD Company. It
alM!d 1.0 be tbe pJ'O()'
ert:!' of Bets., 11;.,
PetD1I1' bf'e'ot,.
er. who 1IIl'eDIe4 to
haft __ eli alm08t
. . .nldl of PhllMeI
pbla at ODe time all
Bell Prulklln fOllDd
et. Sk!cl:PUDd La-
1Ibl. who ClIme to and that Sielf'llutld Lo
PhUadelph1& _, t h biD DOW OCCQpleA. It tJ
~ .. bell""" III euU.,. reotJlPlltable ..
..ectal ol. worldly tbe _ e at one of thfl
&ooda as FraakUn lltrtkJlll: plcttl:retl thai
.... N1d who WlUl the Labin'" pre,eat.
Mma. . . . UWe. Uld., perhapa, beca!llOl'
tlc:al lIbop OIl ElPth o f t b I. 1lMOdatIoD.
3C:r"l'Jet wblle tbe . eeeaia to be a perfect
brewezo .... buildllltt
Betswood. b 0 U .. b t
the place coaple of

:ran -eo tor two
SEDae that time be
. . . t!I:J)@'JIded a.D-
-~ d for colOlital
nmlaIICle aDd .dveu

At the etld of the

loar ....-d, beyond the
creal white pte. be-
c1Da the Lobin tarm
Except for two old
IItale coacllell tbal

,r lJtood in a barn. the

lJtabl:e]'anI looked Uk..
one of the 8eQI"eB that
are 10 be fOl1Dd in thlll
Bic HorD COlmtr1'.
CowboT- w_ worililll;
III the eornJ 011 newl1'-
arrtYed poa1e8.. Vial
tora at Betl.ll'ood


other mBlIoa la m.ak1q It ~. tor

U1e mot1oa pic:tllres of the LubiQ company.
So ftried b; the _ e r y of BeUwood that
p ~ of the tar weill. of Al.uka. of the
_th. &lid of EncIlab manor COUIItry haYe bee:a
takea there with ablJoIute The tint
feelbla" of &Il:J' Tt8ttor to Bca"'oocI b; oae of
vttft' at IladlDc a bit of )(OIltaDa bl
the nIIQ' of the BehU)'lklll There 18 tlearl,.
al....,.. & westl:rn picture belDc ~ at the
..... .... a baad of oowboT- is IUJ"e to be
r14bIc ~ the ranee.
Cowtlo,.., mOWl.ted. OQ the Itttle, harIb r&aC'!
poD.ies thai. bore fresh lnarQ of the .....dlDc
1nIIa aDd that shied at the Dol8e of the (epart-
lac tniJl. were dc.e to the lIbticJD. at I etlwoocl
. . the Ioc:al frooIa PhiladelDbJa palled oat. The
riders IIpUITf!d tlIeir DOIlies _W .. traD of ....
markeC tlIelr ~ doW1l the 10Ilc 1'OIld to Ute
pte. 1:D tbe Wcla 0RIl Weft! cn.dac. &Dd in
tlIic:ket of ~ timid .... ...
nr:I1't17 at tile eo.D4 of the dattJI:rlaa 1loaIr.
~ the puUac Ilord... Beyond the sb,:!b-
lIaE._.. ' r-
f!:::1:~;;::=;:;::~:::;::;:::~::==::=::;:;=:;:::::=~;::;~==t!P'~ -_..............,........
.:t. uw. 1iI.. a.e tIM . . . . . . fIl
lid t .!lea drI ia . . .
~ at tMrl dow-. UUSe .,.u.
.... a. '-ted tar . . o-r
the . . . to at IMr 0'W1I ~.
~ me .eat '-cit apta. The . . .e
waUl . . . . . . . . . .,......,. bad .ot tbe
ctrl. 4' aad later _ ..... u.. m-.a
prie. eqlabaed. She ~ ~ Rd.
_ ot tJM J/II"'l!UieIt of lb. 1A.blD '-diu
.-. the .tIe ot .J-. a
LabIa _ U , . . tMa ea
........ ""utother a d War p1Q." War
JIQa aN Il& 'P'daltJ' aM ~ bM jallt
be-. ad!aa Ute .-n ot dI'I. .ho . . . . .

Ute 1*11_ 'ria1aQ of tlWlllUtle ia .lIich bet'

TMn bUlle nctaI" til the c:.ter

Taller tbeD. ~, --...s .....
t...-. IIaIc:aD. ","" aM re
enHIIta. Den: _ k-.t rYlD.c ....

-_.... _. -
Ie aal Y.
............ ....,., at . . . . . r
~..::. ~ IIbarp de-. ia t 0
.,. . . . . . . ..,. . --. t aoUdl,y . . . .
~:::.=:j.}'_ ....... tbal
. . . .~ ~.. w1.tIl aU Ute _ fOf'
IIatdie UU!t VIII ..
. . . . . . . . .eRrM..
TIM :;:ie . . . .
.... tcIatIIlc' _ t.IIHI
ILafti DOl: lbe DO"I" ........... u.e"t-
elty, bowCl"l'er', that Ile or 8h1loII . . .
or1fdtorI; . . the BlI: .......t. tile bat
""'" mop ...... tIe -.e ......
and the eow~ ......... lDtbf!~
kept em. to their . . tIllIt . . . ee1IIIIt-
w.... ... a. ..-rlcea et
The ~ air tw.~ ~.
of act1'11t;J' that per- ... ... ....
,'.ded lb. cre-t ~ tlM U.itlIlI
estate . . . AddeD
11 dJmued ..". th.
bad. . . . . to
..n.e. _. __
men. ~ _
or two
~ Iro.
UOIl plctve IDa
c1llns .,.,4 t1IIl&Iac
".ltUy 40.. the

road. near the cor

ral to ~e thetr "'

. . ~-:--=.::
l<taDd at .hite-

. . . . _ . . loaI!Ioo

"'eahed re.ce.
R1&ht aLter them 0.--.,_ . . . . . . .,
ClII1f! PrI r1d.1ac -,
dow. the road lib
Il .hirlwlncL .,..
in. froID aide L9
"ide. Preutna: ber
Iland to hes- heart.
aDd e:l:blbltlq
.. ~ .ymp-

lama 01 terror that

no I.m~ 011.
either the eow~ or thf! camera oper.
..lora. A. hi&" J:PaL who ...".,.. trom
Do.bere ill. partIcalar, bat who _ _ to
be ~eral ~ 01 the plaaet. .ow that
he bad oame. Po'" e ahoat. -rhat'. all
rl~ht.. photoeraPbes-!" The drl tumbled
off the bone, aDd climbed to the top of the
fence. IaaDtac henelf ~ with
borro.ed lIOmbrero. "It'. bot!" .... ber
nnly comm~ apoll. her .-.k.
"Bqy!' oae of the eowbora called to
~I'mdo1D&" fOlU" p~ toll.a1." abe :;:..
plained. 'Tm a aovthen belle. &lUI .
le:aa ~ aDd e IIOdet7 ~ a
.'lld rider at the plu-."
"W1l7, aIa't YOQ ad_tartac!" h. ull.ed.
and the IlrI taach_ with the otJl.ena,. . . . .
Lbe . , U_ of. nor- Hackett fa Ole
6lJa . . . . . II mate' NT aIDll wItb
bel' ~ at ad_.... ~_a
"r.; neH-=tia.. " lb. apIataed tIDD
FroalI Ole heat at tM tbe . . .
De.. or a 10)'
cry at..,. ~ 1Md:
poe' Ita:" far
,: . . u.. lib'
poU ~ ItMU , . . .......
like tIlk:bt. At ant -..t It k
rrua -.r ~ Oe ' ffIl ..crWo-
Iq. d.Iock'-.r ,....... tile . . .tliat

The Wheat and ,the

A Tale of Love and Adventuring in the
eome rrom be lad of b,q taIr1:b,.

Ill BTILLWE,LL. with & sad
dea start that he COIl1d not
qUltAl oonceaL dropped b.bJ
By lIarold S. lIammond the MItt MMtb.ern - a , . to t!le
arid .-tb~ where t1toee w1UI a
c:anl. w the tabltl. Georp F. wID ta work mlPt bcge 1D ~
Collllul. ImOlVD to him .. a Ibltt7. real ~ rr-. the.... Be Iuwl
d.e---er poker plaJ'er. had J-e: lID- 0XDe well ~ ; a .omuac
tabed dea.l1ll&"; the others I.D the came were "'Hello, Jiml" aid the old 8OUther:a.f!r. "'Glad r:armer. he _16entood tbe art and 8deDce of
lIDld)' their can1a. For a momeDt SUllwell to lee ,.(Ml, bo7! A.,.. . . lacb' I 1tDow ...... acrk:aItu'e. &Ad Illlew wlW; Irriptka IIlIPt do
hesitated; thlm. without Pa!lc:Ul&" at hU cards. ul:tDc ~ 10Il In ~ Jut letter! .. for deeert laItd. WhereflDloe be bad ~ t 1aIlIl

lie bep.n to COUJI.t bill lItaclt ot cbtPlL When
be had done. be puhed them to_VII the
""Gueu 1"11 cash In. Ha.Dlt, ~ he said. lD. hla
.art. lJOUlhern yolee. "I boG&:bt twellty-llTe
.11m hailed; thea. !It:amJDa'IIlc a UWe, be
. .ked the QoeatioD that Ud 1Jeea. . . the tip
of his toile- from. the moment whell he had
ant - . 1A.'t"'lpe.
"'Whea'. Ed.lth eomiDc home. ldr!" he ..ked.
thal ~ a blot vpoa the eutIL AAd 1lOW. tJLuLb
to bls IIdI!:atUle bowledce. It ..... jwltlJ)1q'

Be w. . trleIldb' with . . .,.. tD thq Dew 1aacI.;

hb real trietI4a, bownei', were few. .... dltet
~ y o u owe me about fifty. I recltoa.... "'Some time thb week, .11m," sa14 lA.'t"'lpe, &mODC them. were aid JMlq" 1A.TlcDe. dd_
"'What'. the ~1I1tt1n& 80 MJCXl.!" sald. SID.l1IaC. "'Keep 10V tI7tlII on the stace whell from. bb Ioolst. . . IAIpZ" J1antatIaD .. the b.U
the ~. am1abl7. Be COUDted the ehI~; it com_ bL. She'. q t to . . here 'Inlwt any in tbeDrice of that eommocUt:r. and his u.p.ter.
&beD paabed the eub oyer toward. Stillwell.. time _ . - EdJth. Bietweea him Bclith there ..... &11
"'Y0Ilr OW'll bcml.D~ 1 PeM. but it eeem. M)rl Be IlI.eparted, eb1lCkl~ And a mtJalellt late!' 1lDderstaad1Dc that amu:.t eq1llnleat to
of poor judplml to "'~eIlt. Old
11m wbea the earda JaeqUell, st:ruql1nt;
Is bI"e&k'1q .. well aloD in bb Imprvrl
. . tbq haft beeIl deut way 011 hflJ
for you. 11m." rail e h, aptIl'VTed;
I dOll't Imow."
.... _
Edith henel.t aeemed
OIlJy to .'&it tor him
_ "I e-- 11m'. to a,y the 1IIom And
JudCmenl ill aU he meant to .,. It
8OOIl, DOW; be _Id
r1cbL He b.~
_ b.Ia way to IUIk
~ that be aia't
Ultel7 to IItay ahe.d! l q her to be hflJ

J"Te ~ pleDty with wlfl!.. Wben abe re-
hk k1JuI ot JUc. tuned from \hI",
sa_L They eet all riIIt to her old
thl!!1 caD oat of
htdr;:y atreaJl: _d Ill-
In that _thwest
w~ haft proealnc
ena ClJaUIluuJty ~
eapcemea.b el.~ IIeC"eb . . a IIl&II'II
where wbeD the oth-
deTOtioD. to a ctrI.
and the IItate oJ. ber
en lD tllIl pme
teelfqa In retllrD
..._t a cllaDClI! to set
their moat!']' badL"
are not fIII':CI"et8 at
alL There 1IIer"I': fe.'
Stillwell .heeled who did Dot Iulow
_ h1m. H1a eyell
that a m.a.rrlap! .'.,.
wer-e mapplq wIth

"'Ye .. sub!" he
ILltely to be arn..II.'!d .
lUI the Euc!lfIh ...,.,
between Edith La-
Riel. -1 pea ID7 't'~e and Jim Stili
jadpteat ill cood. welL Some bad BU

-.. that_
tlam.Ded pod! peeled It.. IUdeed. be-
too pod to let me fore thf!' hf&h ec:m.
dt lD PIlle with a tr'ac:t1u par tI e II
themaehel!L ADd OI':T
be aiD't npp0ee4 to taiul,. Georp Collin"
take ClU'\b trom U- w. . llot Ip.Ql'&.Dt.
wbere ucept the top of the deck!" Jim wheeled, In IIUrpI'1lIetI ~. lUI a ha.o.d tell He kft Sttn.ell, 011 tbe ntcht of the qUarn"1
eowa. leaped KrW8 the table. But, Cuick CD. hla Iboulder. He [o1lDd hlmlle1t IItaJ'blc o't'e!' the card bble. determl.rled to ~ th ..
. . be .as l.n drawlD.c hb I"UD, the other pb,y- LDto the ~ taee of Colllna. ud hla re't'~ he had IWOl"Il. to ha.e. ADd, a.II h ..
era were quJcker 8t1U tD ebecltln him. There
. . . 110 ebaIloe for tl'oable. ADd, before CoI-
ha.o.d aew to b.Ia pocket.
MKeep yom' pn. I aIu't aImlo' to make that
walked .W.,.. eertaJa matcbell of the eoo.'t'crs:;,
0011 he had OVf!'rheard between SUUwf!'1I and
Un.I could _ apeak. !.em Bradle,.. who b.d kind of play." wd CoI1ULa. -It rd W'&D.ted to old La'rlpe ran throull hla mlud. And. II"
DOt beea tD the pme at aU. spa_e IlP: Idll yoo I --..d ha' done It euy eD.0Q&b. rm llleir tnJe !lIgnIJlcance came to him. then! canl"
MI doa't aIm to butt tD wbeu there a.iD't nOlle just tookin' tor you to teD you that 110 lIl.D.Il all!O a plan. He 1IIII0le hla bandll ~ther
of lIl" mOlle,. 011 the table. not u rule. ~ be alZl el _111.,. with .bat ,.ou doue to me to- "Got him, by God!" be cried.
-.1d.. MBnt I doI1't lIltDd lII.11n' that I pess 1 u~t and lIot. Un to rep"et it! 1"11 it you fO!' It W&II IItUi early on the next mornlu;:: .'hen
saw juat wbat Jim hen! did. and tha.1 maybe that 11 v.'e both ba't'e to U...e a hundred yean! 1'0Um.a came to the. porcb at tllf!' LavlgIlt.'
that had lJODlethin' to do with my bein OIl An' It 1l10ll't be an,.. _Imple, easy thiUC like house.. Old L.a'rlp;a.e .....a.a slnokln lila altf!'r
the outside lookin l.n. 80 to llpeak. That a.iDt killin' you 11..1 do, either. No. air! nl make breakfa.Bt cl1lf He frowned IIUglltly :at the
110 pme for me to IIet in!" you IWeat blood, and I1J do It 1101..1 you DOW lI~t of Colima. &II be had ood reason. to do.
BIacll with nee. Coutnll slruWed to ~ about it, too!" "S'polM! you're after that monf!'Y I O.f!' you
h1.mJlelf. eualll& the while. But Brndley had StUl.ell laqhed lu hl.a face. on my note," he wei... "I'm a hit pinched-
tllrned the lIClLie ap.itult him. "Oou't ...1Ulte your breath to aeare me, but later---~
""Game's closed, for thill Ilttle ..... hlle," said H
f";:alllo.a. he ad'rlaed.. "00 ;'ou k.Dow wbat you "1 am-for s tact... uJd ColUna. "SorTJ'
the baa.ker. abrupUy. "PB.u over your chlJ1l1., _fet You're a CU'd s.b...p. fOl' oue tht.D.g. And you're IIhcrt--m1hly 1Kl1'T'Y. It'll been l"tlI1IlinI:
eentlem.em.. I'm pa]l'1Dc off." )'>u.'re a coward, tOl' another! The bra.est quite a IlpeJl d, of counoe. It'll a debt of
.t.od SUUweU left the saloon In a buu. of thu:.ll: you'd eTer do ....ould be to s.boot a IIl&II hOllOJ"-1)Okf!'r debt. and aU that. I'U admit I
talk; ...,.uy pled that he IhouId take a driuk. 10 the blt.3. pro'rlded there WIUIUt anyoue h3d lIOrt or counted on etttn It betore thla.
He dedblecl aU the In'rlbtion.. He Uked a around to,_ ,.OU do It! Get out of my w_y- Lf!'_10u cave me a mortaa&e on thla place,
frlf!lld17 pme of poker DOW and theu; wpitlkeJ'. o.ule. YOG W'&D.t to be at.epped ou!" dtdn't you!"
bowner, 41d Dot appeal to him. It, aJ flIrb' And, 'ttttb a 1ulch. he llbook the cambter off. La't'tpe lJt&red at him..
yet. and. tD the .a-t alm08t. the ant maD he &Ild wt!9t about hta busine-.. "You--yoa wou.ldn't SO to torecl(8! on me!'
f!I:leoaDt.ered. . . . JacqUf!ll LaYlpe. the old Lou Ria-,l'I:I1ILDess was to ret:rle't'e the taileD tor- be laid, tJ'oembllllc.
Isianlan. .11m brtPtezled pen:leIlttbl3' at the tnDea 01 hla faml1y. To that end he had !ven "Doa"t _ just. what f!'IM! to do. w satd Col-
al&bt at hJ.m.. up Ilte and the 1.aIld thtt be loved.. and Itna. -J'Ilat a matter 01 1Maa1t:l_. Of conne-

. .....~
. ..a-
_____ ......-t....
011.. __ ..,.
0. n

~ a .......
.,.. ~ ., to:r-L 'r.a.
7 __
_ I -n.a.,.. ..
__ ra-
' tM I ,

_wt.t'--ffIltL 1
_ .....
~ a I s ~

..... __ a - - . ...,.. . _
... ~_s ;_ _ ..........
~ ......... _ ..' tIlIe~

. . . . . . . . _ - . . . . . . . M ...

~ "r ........... ctw- .. .....
IIIlIIIIt a.- u.. ..,. f1l . - - - . It . .
.~ III II: kim a.a) ' . ... ~
.... -.&'
"iIIIIIa" to -.attT ~
. . . . Ida IDle told. blm. toor, Qat aM . . .
........ .. ~ to ber --.... aftw ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tbt . . . . . . tIq.
...... ' r ~ a:IlooL
., ,... WNk "I ..........
r.. _ -.e..t! I
lW--'. tMt , . __
. . . . IL , . . _ tre. pc. ell:! , . . .
__ ~ I cIuaIl lie wait:Iq! n.c 10-
,.. Duo _ -.n'J' .....
-...6- ~ ~ -.u..! tr
, . .,. ~ _-bow r Pt'Q' tMI, _
- - ~- rr-, y-. _ ...... 1OU'
" -*
Ir theft . . . N.7 _1DMat .. _

~ _d

lUe tD 1M.7 ~ . . with ~ 7

rat ---'
1 " ' , f ........... ..:a.r_

til: , . . - . . . .
1..'rIpe. pttt1acly. "'U]"W"n ~ ...._
. . . . . . ---
_ -...... -'
.... ......,......
'.~. . . .
~ .....
.... ...... -
. . . . ~ 'nlaab
........ ~ Boar taItJl.
iIIIIIIt! . . . . . . . . . . . .e
at Go

, to

~ .,. Ide. CIIIL W1uIl -.ttI!t"!

~h--r ... IIlIad to aIIout _ . - . . . . . Il! " - ' . . ~'t
""Ob.. IIO-J'M. - - . , -
~ .:::: _
I __ ~
..... ..-.--~!
... ...,. cra.t Mal. _ 1M . . . . .
....w CcJiUaL ""'I'lltak It~! ra
.'heD the "We la47 ItIQ IM!re.
'IUI ber.

at "'til ~
-:;:-c.., Bat.,... ......
Ufo _
... _
~ Doe....".....,...: tH.,no..
&ad "'e tIlat lie . . .
He U1ULtend ......,.. Dow1I la the tDwa. ""'T_' to tab 1t-7CN''9l! . . to PftJ"'e that _ oW. ~"'-the
u.. to 'W'l1te. Be Iu;t had it, _ . . . c:b.1Y,
be', ~ at the tr:tal. bo7. aJ4 Bndler.
... heft Uae ttaee came ta. be . - UWro allPt:
earn..... b..

....... lbe ~ Mtv_ ber IUld 8WhreIL Ihlt that _ jUllt _.bat StUhrell ooU4 Il.Dt ....t the f1I. U.tq' w1tb
Itut he 01111 mriled. For be hat .ot Dl~ do. J'or the mott,.. that Col1IJla, wttb dnU.Iah bJa b.aIlu bd aJ..aya .~ blla t1'om p-at.
Lhe old man. DOl' Ills daup.ter. .....d he bad euDJLblc. bad ......... _ a t 110 ~ _II 1t')1q it. N_. bo.."et", be ball dae Ia
.. rllteD hls owa Yenloll. fIl the as'aIr to Ole CoI1bd -.c:k .. _ _ erTlDcb' 1111 ... .tory, that a-.d'"
drt: lb. lettfl'. be blew. woalll . . -.Ie!' ber stillwell . . . e."'t"k:Ud. NcJt ol awir4er. Ia-
":rill .tthLa _ baa.'. ~ JIlaa .... DOt
lArlpt!! _ I . tor him Be
ta ; he
to _tea_
deed." of kiIIt.c .. th ~ of III . . . . . .
a.. :r-n
Mrdb' . _ ..
AM tile freU f1I. b is ell t.rcad IeWve .....
t.Ut _ _ . , ~ tbat the ......,. tnt __
.............. ~
_ _ fill . . . . . oC ......
_______ Uade Ebea hta.
r -thattItat. .......
-My b1---f1.h_r''n beea IIl1at:aba. M.ud tJcIltly bad. dodan a. teIUIet that tbe 1liow
lbe old man.. -I tboaPt abe c::&nlI tor. w-w. e-I7 ..... c..aeI __ ill PJOlI ~ rr- _ na- be folIoowelI wftIIl
",,"Uer maa. Oat---1he.,. abe WUlU,... ~ "'_ a ~ ~; tIM ..... OC UIe.u.._~.

rake her." abock .... tfIW ...... tIaTIIlIc .. tb' r t 01 _Mdcwc _ tIH!Y
He held oat Ed.b:!a', ..... to 00rWaa. ...
,,'llIeN . . be . _ the ~ ..... III rt.c __
1Iet' Iblcft'. 'Mtea he ~.-,.. It. . . .
~11ed wtUI ~ . '-t be ~ . . . . . . ~
ADd be .-ted. to ~ UIal ~ Ull toIlI
Lhe u.t1lI nea Me aid that. __ . . a...-
hef mta.; be _ _1M IMlca.- fIl dlat. to _
suu..en ..... be ePIIfe. aDd to ..,. . . . be ....
<f@Cided that bis I a ~ wttJa bIiI ~...
mlUll - - . StIllwell. d:aaJlM.. a-M ,..
I'llom_t !.be blow; Ul_ be blrIted ...,..
NI p e . J _dentu.d. an npt." be .....
.... ~,.. ..bea he beard that E4ttb ea
~ to Col1bul. -r'hat leta me GIlt. N
So fm' CoUtu bad beea backed bJ' fate. u.t
Just ""I.a the pme fletlDed to be -.tlrel,..
Ills owu b.aIlu nddeD. blow chaqe( enrJ"
lhm.. Be .... CXl. bis ..ay to ' " Edith _
attern-. to ma.lte fla.aJ arraapmabl tor thdr
~ A.D.d." be rMCtled I.lle bo-e. be
be&Ml ber . . OUL cr'n aDd apia. He
rubed toward the lICIaJld; . , ll1d at.b. . . . . . . .
them Stfil.. en. ..
bo had been WOI"'kia&' fa
a.e:a.rby lIeld til. his O'W"II. Tllv tOIId UIth
tM!D41ac 0ftI' her t'atber. . .ho la:f...hb ....
><tIU....-tdtle. ...... tor III thla .u-. __ WOOlI
that trimW tnlm III "CRUU1 oa bJlt tantae.L
"'8tnIdl wWl bUt f1I. . . . . . kMlb to..-
..ud ~ BrwIIey. _ at the InC. to r-a u.
_eo ...,..........,... ol4 ~..... ! ra abW.
-be .---"
~ 11aIIteI eow- .. tIult ~
H~ . . . BtW..o.; .... l-. ~ ~
..~cId . . . . ~ _
....... tbt UI ,... . . . . . .tlIfJI . . . . . . . ....... H ~ c.m.. . ...... ,
_ _ at . .;'
. . It'--a
, ..
~ ... _ kapr ~ble.. B1a,.J; _ _ . . . ..... H ft . . . . . 1oliIIE" ..... _~

_Ill Ut8 fad:I 01. ~ bu~t ..ere . . .

1lahed. eTWJ'Wber'e. u 4 IUlmet'OQS pet1tloaa for
AIId t.ber-... SWl-U
tM.. .. 8tIIhNIl
_ _ wat.dM:l' ILia 1IIle _
_ WIlBehe -_
. ....
PlJ"d,c. .._ lM!I1t to the P'""1'_ of the &lid .......-u,y w1tJI ~ .. p i b4 trte.II:r wtul - " - ...

- tM"'"
till c:It-uq tbai eom..
-.te. Bat. bdore the, c:ou.ld be _al4ftoe4. Uaak.. Ncae aatkled that UIillIlIq-.. be . . , . . . - - . . 1lDl
tile booIr. hall "'em h1m h" freedom ill _other . . . .,mel . . Ute ae--; _ ....-:tad that Jlad I/IIL ..... at ......b_
.....,.. _d eme 110 lItU"t.11Ilc _d drama.tle that
It . . . . to b1m bu:red.lble.
For the ID&D wbo had ~ klll~ Jacques
ita ~ CIa 1IJal . . . c.lJ'.-aIMd.. . . . It
wall aat kIq before CoW-. a1ter -me
l!ub a Ilea.,.- rail 01. Ilaak . . . . _ at -.II ........
bel _ _ tD

~ ....... he edd.
~ IlJch, Ile lledded tbat

-1 cot tw_t.Y
~ e hMnl that Stillwell ..... paJ1q for
h .. crime.. D1taa. be _ , , He ...... ........
tUIe aDd . . . . . -= U.etT. *..... )IIM:Ir. tb.-.d *'IlanIl IMn. Caa YOlI eanr
h ~ c:beQ aQort!'"
tramp; L.ncne hall onIered. b.lm dIl ht8
P'OCUIU 1.D. q'4&I'Tel that toUowed a bkJw
had beal 1Itnck. &lid the tramp Ud lIUlde bls ......""-
"'LIb a utUe came. atru,prr
-Dlla't-bie-alblld It-hie-I do." ..wi
be .us.
CoIIbla hellitatied.. 8lI1 the '-1t . . . to.

-nl pat .p Ute deeda till IIIlJ' nuu:h.- be ..w.

- . . . Ba.t Dot _- "Here the:r are. AD,)'
to be reM. ot Still of lJte ..,. wUl teD
well'. b:a.~t 19& It'. WGI"t.III-.
dill he I..... that
Il.. blow Itad beal
fatal __ Now that
thaa that. How'll .e

Ile IlIJuelt ..... _

'"O:Ite I&&IId -
...~ sun...u.
:r-d t.1le ~ 01. a:.m.. II

....hb_t be . . . _ed tDo to

aadoa to tree tbie . . tr... Bat h dea.l1
_Il.ebd.~ the II:IlnI.&. Be tiC DOt
__ Dotk!e SUll-

- -
- - . . . . of well'. eat. ~
..bat ...... Ila" _l le ..... ba
blaak dlabellef. be
-Clft me oae at:aftd at Ute tow
-eee .Ith .hleb
_ '" Fa.
MDlwell IlaI '-tea t1lll boa-.
eea *-eo" Ite MDoR.bIe croeeed!-
~ ,. waatto he ecft!&IIled. ~YOQ
lad the __ ..110 Racked tb_ eanLa _ ben. U be
N&da of thb lie will "Sure did -
_ a ..,......... I
no.-iDa: I'd "ee4
_ t hha to be ....
tailed. I abaa"t ~
lDonI th&Il ,oa
ureIll c. striDe me.-

IlIm-I ClDly _ t add StlDwelL Hla

to make ...... thM YUlee . . . that of
Ile abaa"t CO rz..... etlW eobriet:p. "Hue!-
TIle reqlllelt . . . be cried. "'Lera Bnu:!
cnated... And 8tIU. Ie)". you',.. a dep.
..ell, ilia plaa u17 eberUr! 1'ge pIC.
tormed lD b.. mlDd. a .-arru.t ch.a.rltbut
weat paR h..... to

Collin. here with
the old towa. He perjury. Ta.lte him!"'
relt .ale from recoc Betore Colli""
Il1tioD; two yean of lm...-t-ment ball c:baoaed lD ~

.... ~ No eme ,
..,.L ADd. arrl'f1q la the at:ace.
he uulted at the lIuUJrereace ..U.b w1lklJ be
,..... him. He m.1e
bta .,. to lJIe -.1_: ttlere. .. be ball 81
lve1liA& to Mat. "'I'reae Ollt-bab!"
Tbey becaD to pla,y. !$WI.-en coa.tbJaed to
cI.r1Dk. od at 4nt the 1** l'&Il. ap1A&t him.
Tbea. it TU1ed. II'lrst he -<-;
th. It . . .
coald reach for bta CUD the haDdcutr. were on

A.D.d 110 Jim SHllweU . . . able to c:la1m hi"

bride at. lut, t_ tate had elfeeb&all,. ~
the turD of ColUIl&. CoUlD. did Dot UOable the wbeat ud the t&retl.

Betzwood--Where East Meets West A PassiDg OD Fibll,.

'''__ ~._~''l
WAY baa betD fOWId tor lbe uhfbttora at
Wull.1actaD to ~ the elm that 13
__ aaiform.a, bH the LaWa CumplUl,)' .......... led with water1a1la, .. that the! ct... them-to IIeleet th@{r Pi ... uz_lf th~
bad to ~ D.illIU'i7 MO Gtlih' -.If.anD..I t_ IIlQ' _ .. ao.emar,. 'rbeby lD a role bltI- care to take ......tap of it. nil. Wll,)' WOII.1d
tIte _ _ wbo tooIl the put 01. the e-- ma.tel7 IJtecI wttb thla ...r. of ...... be at cr-t q.l_ 10 tile __ afac:tuere. althoqb
Werat.e _ellen Ia the battle. Tbe prop- A-. the a6lItb.e to Betnrood. slIlc. the at 4nt It IIlIcht ....... to .on. a ~ c.
.t:r __ at the IAbba tana. . . . a baQ' t.Wa Cum.-Y tooIl the place Is the meaaprie them., . . . It.wa.ld el1alIDate Ule ClGIIlIJII.alDt that
time that. "'eek. r.
be bad to proride of e'epb.... lloa.a. Uprs, beus &lid c:a.mela.. Ia m.1e acabuIt Ute eD:!laaee au!... 'nlJa C&D be
1.1.. 01. dotJtb;c r.
a.tame, 400 e-.a that mUeil the ... l"lleeIID.I:Il e-.traI Pan.. The dmle II the ahn.t.tors u. rea1l:t' - . t 1& tbdr
4eetre to .......t the .... ...r. 01. 11m . .d to
&ad earlIIa-. ... ~ _4 ~ teat&, . .
well . . tIII-....s. of 1addeD.tala. Am.... the
iD~tala _ _ two fN:lPt can that coM
IllIreI:ton are DOW arructaa the prodw:tSoa fill.
ptcbre that wm reqDlre the . . 01. t!le
ta a 8CeIle 1&icI ta the Ara!lUa deRrt. _d _.
CIlIa. el.1IIlJIlate aD caIlJli&lDt. Tbe W. . I.e to Ila.... the.
W uIlJD.Pua br&Ilcb 01. t.1le aatIoaal eshlWlon'
SSOO -.:h &ad. .-hicb .en blOWlI. ~ &114 Rt ather that w1ll abow the 1.D.4iaa . . , . wttb orp='ntk= _ the Wuh1Jl&t,oa SereeD Club.
a1lre to stYe ~ to c.e 01. the &eta. -rb.e eleIlhaDta _. t:Jcera. VerD.r. the -.u or lb.e eataltllab b-..lqaartera bII l:1:Ie dowDtowa Illl.etrlct
...,. _be. ShIIob . . . ~.. la .. memorable lIo'1le tD:De , . . aut dOOl' to the all_ at the .."d tIUItaJJ proJecttac mad&fDe _d project
iD the aaaala 01. the Labia CumpulJ' .. the ..,.
of Sbilob Itadt b _~Ie III hlatorJ',
Tben w_ 4&Iait!a crvwiD&" 1lpllII tt1e battle-
n w..
qa.lta llt.eral1,y the qullllt:k- 01. toe
cakea that IItaI'ted Sieem_d Labia oa hta
luc ~ ..bere en:f'J' tUm C&D be aIlOWD U ttl.,...
ta the aUct1te11t abo!It it.
ThIs prqp":IIIL II carried 0lIt." WOIl1d make II
8eId _4er the boob ot the lIe1k:aa b ~ bat canler . . _ ot the poeateIIt reaU.ue pro,. ..-.otte r. u:hIbiton to _ the 11m before'
there . . . DO en- crvwlq oa R't'enJ crat 4acef'11 or mati-. pktare dramu. Ice maM I"f!IIt it. Wlt.h.lD the . . . .eek ClIII1e bJ&' lbeatre
liaId. soots oa the Wd towanI the riTer_ Tbe 8ebwood! TIlen!fcre. It Ia _ matter r. _. lD W ~ C&Dceled Ita reatal ot a 11m t.
cr-t )ll&tcbea 01. 1Iare cro-d _ed cuioualy 4er that BeUwoot baa ... Ice plaDt amoa& ather C&UIt!, the ID&D.IICeI" of the theatre ...- It
.... of pial Ia tt1e midat ot the ~haDla mocIena lm~b. The icle bII ~ ar pro!l~ elRw'taere. be d.edblled to penalt 11
cr-.a_ _w the ~ 01. a property lUber. the q1leIItica of Ic:e. ....... III em. of the beIq aIlowu tD bl.e the&tn!.. It .. Yery Ukdr
. . . . . plant -.polJed the expleD'Hc. ant LabIa plctves. ne pfcbuoe ..... oae of that the ~ of the theatre will be required
en- .., .... btlrDed a...,.
by the _
ot lime '"'ODele Tc;m. Ca.btD.. ~ Elba ..... .-Iac the to pa:)' for thl.e 11m. He ~ to 40.. od
-m the P'O'lUld looked lOte tIIIe a-- 01. Ute kle 011 rIdpa of paper. ~ UT&II,I'II4. 1N.t t.1le price be w11l paJ' _0I1Jd more th&Il PIlI)' tor
~ n ... _ ClUJ' thlq to limalate .&ri. Dot a.beolatety reallKk:. La1ltD the lIPkeep at pro~ f"OCD Mn!n!J b:ra-
_ _ Ia Pallsyhula wbea. the 4lNc:tor hu Im- ~ l:1:Ie 11m c::uer.ill7, ""W1la.t". t.1le 1Utter Ttlere u _ been - . - I ather _ of the _ ..
~"''''ai17, , with that lcer be .....ted to bow, He t_d - ' : wtthlD the . . . t~ of fOlll' _tha. JIaII.
.......... Itowcwer. hu _ m.aa:r &.l.t&I'II1 ad uU.. -oet real ice," be oNeroed. TIle ~ toe ucera of t!leatn!a wbo &1"1 carefal . . to w1lat th~
~ tIaat. GIll&IIl r. tile _ of ...u-. __ wm Dot UYe certaIa m- 01. elm.
bad to .. -=wed. &lid En-. . . . to er.- it.
tIlere 110 . . . . 01. IIhltUaa Ita ~ . Tnb". _ 01. t.1le CcaUae:ltal ....,.,. wbo ow1a& tG the fuel th&t ...,.. of ttl_ lea"'" It
on.. Iup 'It fill. tile 8dIQIkID Jlher . . Illlell .. tJtM'-ne:, 011. ~ ..... _ttrel7 to the ~ . . . . a pI"al:iti(le we
tIM tim put ta: ~ wttb ...... riee b'om t2MIIr r.cau- en... 1& ..,.,... to
taIIa tIlat ahoMdy ~ th
W'!'UIIn fill. 1M ....... ,a-t lato ..-.tIc taIea
~ tbe tIIlpafta.t ,u.. of ure todaF
ill the repUlk tht!'1' ro-pt tG rr-. .........
t!ltak _tIrely . . . . . . . . . _'
.. Me fur u-.
lIh. It ..
to a - fIDdb' .bat wUl
' '., J Picture Game
TIle M ~n8
II - The- Photoplay Student Sets Some Big Scenes
N THII: IaIknrtIla 8adq [ -..utal _ _ ....,... at

O . . . . . . tID tab . . afIBr-

_ _ ,jMIa1 tam t!Ie IaG;r
Ilm. _ UIe dt7.......
l q III meet e.r. I r'OIle to the
By Frank M. Wiltetmood
ILLI7I7'.II: .. ,...D a r . o r . o .. .11
..atIa.7 J'IlIP- ..teHe ow-.
. . . W...... 1"h:al [ ~ De
dlancter till _
till ph.....
lJwte te . . .w:artb:r
f1t the . . . . . . . waIIII8I rr- u.- weree
f'GIS'IfI . . . . . . . .&IIMe
to the -ut. of III ~ w1LIdI. . . . waDed. "'Good [or :ro-.~ auwered Hasel.too.. IIDlilIq .-tLh a dolI8ell &ad deTer C7. a..e--.
bI. by the tDwftiq" Mr' A 1ltvok . . ~. ""00 to it. Walk dowa. to the beriaIJ ~'. blJac::t.kla to asdt to. tM
...... ft8I _ 8: tile ~ 01. the r & ~ ..uo a.e- ... b_t up ~ c.e of the eternal tdaIa&Ie. I "'IITtId IItor)' that .... tM
lAd lip Ute t h ~ I ~ w1Ul III ~ lie .. kIoktac for speebcoJ&r ",,00 bero - " 1M JroerotM _ th.. ~ all tM tI-.
bapvy ll:1I!IU't, eajGJ1q to the tile w:tW nlIII dnaa .... be ...,. Ilb ,..,... Idea. ~ w1Ut u.. pI _ '.0 "
. . . .t;y 01 tile ~ aDd ~ .,.-. ~ 1 fc-.I Mc:RaDe ... wu baY direetiDIJ ~.,.,. TIUaIa, ..... .,. . . . . . . tIII. ...........
8elftbtr.. . . . . . . . _ I . . . o t _ ~ ......... .... ~ e ~Ity C&1Ile and I ~ ~ .to the "''w "'-D7.
be . , . , . ..' pb~t. bad . . furta- ~ bfBt 1ritb: riY&1 aad. .... - - . . . dl.UeI.

nate ~ to oIltab:l eIIQlJIa7mst .. III ~ ~Kr_IIdtaM; I lUll a KadeDt 1tDde- Huel- th. hero. aU Ute Iattw'. . . . . . . . . . .
la the .-arlo ~ t of III ~ lllat
Pn:Iceed_ up the I __ to-a4 1IQ'-

He ....t . . to :roo to r1Iler . . Idea t....

u . - . i patieDtIJr _ttl I CODlplt!tfld

btto a nd:7 Ia the ..u..:a .-rt of
lAMa Waad... The hero. to .ft the . . - - .
pat tIl_ lata ... hie on IIlwcU& aad IIbo-e
1IelI1a V roek:J" pIr'p. OIl eIth. . d6e -.y talk : "'1',.:_cot me tater- it oat _ the callie to the IIlilYh till tile c:ts-..
of Ute t!ae dID . . . . ~ IIQwari. ...... kIac .,.....u or a 4raala to .& ..... tIIl ...,tJt-.~_tM
There ..,. hardb' t'OGIIIl mmqh at the ltottom Itt til. pI-.ce. i _ t to ,.t .. _ A.IDerk:aD.- -. tM wom_ . . . W ~ . . .
of the rubte tor the 1Jruoa: _d roMwQ. ~ . . . ~ &lUI :roa aLldtt be able to ...... .. tile hed h_ten &Il4 the balalti
Puatq to admJre the ....blJ:me 'W'bt& ...... 01 _ Ute w.-.. .. the locale. "S..
,. _d cI_ me a copy 01.
the "Tal of Ute It-.
I fa. . . . tile knsota& alr.eteb with weJth
.... III t!lMcht iIIIltlII'ed my m1Ad tUt perUpB ~ '
~ ~ IIbee eoold be ....... the -.::11;. tt at qawq thlli nea.1:II.&- nt take It or 4etaDa, Rda . . the e.rreel _4 -.n-..
crou4 tor the . . . . at. III teatve
pI1ot,oInm&. hOUle &lUI rail It toaiP~.. 1Ilf!Ilt _ .,.. ApJaaldo, the ~ of
JI&kfBc lIlY ...,. throqIl the . . . tolIa&'e at. I tbaabId Ill-. .... baniecl a...,. to .. ~ Wa1IacIIl ~ the ot lala baaatItoJ
..e dde of the ~ I d_ m ' ud... the .-rIter .. the -no ~ L lib' heut ~ ..-eetheart, t.heIJ' Itcht t1uowcb the
rocks oa the 8Utenl ..df1 of the nJd[y cu.,... of heat raphl1,. . , . ~ f"le _d I ..-.tkred If retlel 1Mder". ten1tGry _d other _ - " . . . ' d-
aDd baited ( 8 III ..-t ot aheIt a!IoIlt lee feet It were ~ t:r-. or all u-m. Was it plott&. Wh_ I b.eC the ~ aeatI7 tned I
Ilbcrft the 1lrook. ""SappoM.- I . . . to IIl7Mlll """1U I . . . . . . . . . to .m.tfI lIlY __ the e:vIlGa cop,..
bat cucbt IIc:Ra.e Jut ..
"'that III wtre aa1IIe were mac
. a - tbJs ........ e I r o r t t i l L ~ ! ' [ w u _ _ be .... _ .... the
rodty aurP futeaud. to ~ . . Cl8. thlIl IIkI8 rat:t1IlIc the tI J at a poeat ntJI, .-t- ~ at Ii o'clock
of the ella . . . that III mIab&" _ lNcket car- llJLlac lao t.tIt ....,. fa _1l1eb _d p.. Il.Ie. the
Mer weroe beld til podtloa . . tile eable -,. III wu.1rM.c:he4 tae ...~ _ or .. oridaal wttll cx.-

"'UUlt the beacbt beld the 11.....

..beeL AIld.....-e." I e-u..-d. mula.&".
01. III phot&
dnma. wbo had -.tit ~~tJ!or then froom bet'
AmerU:aD ~.. Wdlace.. tn lo~ .-lIb the w-t air.
'Tn Jet yo.- bow
doat tbla ~
parsUltc rc-." row," t ....
1 then e:u..mnaed. the IIdlaae. 1lIar.
place IQOre el~ly howfIYW, that Utwa
feell.n& that 1 had at are ZIG IllIaJq JI;aatn
Iut cI.l8eo9'en4 bI. Ul th.. ~ m
&lid eo )'OlU' .....
tbill w1lcl. SIlblbBe
nook of DabIre tbf!
loeal. at IIlJ' tnt
...,. IlOt It.


1itof'Y. I
.p.' 'W&,J' . . . ,.
COOIlra&e fa 11. No
that I eoald ~
mJabIc ta tJroa . .
Me the cr-t IItMI
leda!' [-a.c ae.

e III b I III IItJ'et.dMId ow:t tba.t ...., alPL
~thelDl'P'" At o'dock tMt
1I1lallJ' I ~ neItiq [ _ _ to
homeward. f1I1l of til. JIIIIIIIc 1IIlI:u7
my piau:
_. bt Uta dt7 ...
pond. _ _ boob . .

Tbe unt .....iac. or.c me, far [ .
..t1P.r aottnc that uIl7 ... ItoIIt 01.
H__lton bad. c1euw1 . ._ ..hklro l:oIilI
hl.a clesk of tb. lit- of ..........
OXJmlq let:ters _d u... la l - . (
lDaD1l8Cripta, 1 f!D- CIOI6e4 ..-.
tered the lJllDc:tmD cr..u of Ut .....

_ ........
aDd waited u.ntU the
malrter .ceDarto of the _ _

... r1~r .tpUled a aaHlar of the . . .
. . . _ _ I t - . JoF.
readiDeu to hear

..hat I bad to ..,y:
'"JIr. RueUoa.." I
ta7 I aoqM ow:t
Ilep.n. "1 b..:n toImd

....... -
.. rock,. chuIIl. -.e.
ilia tIM IBIwiwIJ ...
t.'eea two bleb tIeIicL Ra .
tlll1& I belle.e
.tnt cable coa1d be

to lilt att..e ...
pul In Dlace acr- wrl1Ie .. ~fIIl
lhr. ":riDe I.II.d ba'ft --tr-.ln-

au or~.rr,.lDIJ
bucllet to CdIIftY to 11-.1'- . . . . . .
'1ne or more _ _
wttIIaI' t lu
~.pIDI: fNm. _
mlea.. I woo.ld lib It all tMt ...,. . . .
to write a. - - . to
lltthe~" "is the aut.
bad the .......,.

- - - . ,a.-l
) tn-I I
. . . . . . . NtIIIMI

a. .-tIIul ..,. to
.., ..........
CllPJ' ta .,. __
1'taW. IIeRaDe .here the ~
.,.. IoI.telI . . . . . . . . . he woUd .md the
-.. _l8d:rIe
...... '-"--
ta dIaaetw. [

t:raedOIl .,.,.. of. two

a 8IIIt
willi. a
to . . fa drs.......
the . . . . caMe taat alia the . . . ItaIIIl 1Ieea
...... -....... -- . ..
UId8iIll .,.

....._.. *~.,.~~wIIIi:' ..
JIPt. LIttIiIl
tbIiI "

' I __ ~
7 ...

........ Gat
ti " .. .....-: of. __ . . .-

. . . _ _ .elter ..t to the Jocatkm to pIlt the ra.a:.ed tD the polelL ~11q ~ 1t1Ul ... at. $
aaltitll6t wllidl..
-.b" a eI"8WIi to tIM:
eaMe ill . . . . .en:- the c:aIl,7OIl. the ...",. ~ wbere to del1ftI' the . .
I heard _ mcJnI of. lIlY IIOl!D&rio for three c:hblerT. I went home. teel1D& that I ha4 cer- the IIIIlbt&' of . . . . . fa tIaCItJts' aiIItar7
...,.. TbeD meetlB& KeB.aae .. be IItrode t:aIIlIy tackled. a toaeh job to Dl7' 4nt -arlo I enated. TIlt. latter .......,. at a
~ the cr-nu llear the stlldJo lJtac'M. I photoplay a reaUt7. world'. I'ellClI"ll. tta ~ __
~ him _d uked haW thtap _ere lOme. At o'c:loclr: tbe Den monLm. I _ the etcht acted Wore tbe laqeIt _ ptb-
. , peM we wW haTe to tam dOWll yoar Iaboren to won. ~ the pit. f<Jr the two ered tIJCfltber aIlTWbere to. &tt.-d IIIIIl ...1=i"
dram&, for tbne, at leut." lIeRaDe ~ bIa timbers. I atchted &Cr'CI8Io the rariae at aD. lIOeIlea. But I am ptttac ue.d vi -.y stolT,
-rile .... _ e IIf:lter has reported to Mr. air 1eTeI aboa.t 100 feet alIoTe tbe bottom of the ODe or lbe _ I bad wrIt:ta tato the
RaaIledy that the clUlI. qn both aides of the I"Odl:y sorce. ChOO8ln&" shel1-l1ke pl&eeft em the lI'illIJl.l:lo drama eaIledI lor a ~ of. tbe
eaIl:100 are did roel: and thu It bad:et. to abow rUle lIlap atrik-
1D& the ~ of. the -.can1e!'
1IFOlI1d be tm~e to dt the
holee to p1acl! poIJtlJ to hold the &ad 1ea11q maI'b. ILeal bur
~. leta mJ.cht baTe b.armed the ",0
"SoUd rod!!'"' I aJd, bJ.ter- W_fIt III the bIldtet &lid M) I
bI.ct1. "WhY. I dOll'l bow had made two do&e-. make-
aIIoat that. 11) flail the ruble beliPe m.t..Ils at h.-eo I first
...... _4 ftDd oat tOl' ~ M boqIlt a email t!ac sta4. about
lIcB.aAe walked. .,...,.. Ap- OIle ball 1adI. hi. diameter _d
pareatJ,y be b&d resoh'ed to fore- I!I&wed tbJa l.l:lto twentJ'.foar M!e-
CO the ~ of my ambitlou tloD8 aD. Incb. lmlc. I.atler bortuc
cratka IJ:l 1lm-olct1lra K:t' oat the l.l:ltertor or thme .oodea
bead. aaak like eo mach Isd. lIl"P em a t.1InIJDc lathe aD.d
Half-4ue4, halt-mordfted, I rap- I_TiD OIl1y th1a wClOll. . abeU.
id1Jr walked the 8e"'eraI mDes at abape4 like aD. empty rl4e cut-
~ee troIa. the IrtD.dJos to the rWae- a Iarp tallow
rock~d coree _4 once more c:aadle &lid a eb-.k at p-apblte.

that I --.I,
I ~ the elUf& I toaDd
Ileed Il:Imerl pick
to tst the" M)(Jdtt1 of the melt
I melted the candle. mi%ed. In
the 1lladr. minerai D&Uled and
t.hflll. povoed the woodeD lIheUlI
aacI ret:r.ced my IItepe mUt! to 0lU or the bot. eboa.[lquJd.
1Iett1er'1 bOlUle and bo!To...ed 11Vbea the ""1dap"" eooled they
the baplemst n.amecl By uln looked like IoDc rl4e baIIeta thai.
Ute pkIt wben, the poBlJI were to lUld laiD III 8OOt. To the
lie pieced I 4!8olJftred that the muka or the IIhole appear clb-
f'Odl .... DOt' altacether .al1cl. t1II.c:tl:r, I had the ~ smear

that there were rttt. IJ:l the
Mnta _4 that the holes -.ld

J reported my d18COVene. to
MeRaall! the next _4
lbe sid.. of the _aet wlth c:lQ'
mad IUId "beD th1a u:atInc" dried
It reeernbled lroD rut.
""Wbf!rl!'a th08ll take bIaIIebI
you pnxn1lled to make!" sboat.ed
be aid: "'Go aDd ten Ruuled,.. Mc:Raae to me after he had
the ~er&I ~ . that JOQT tllm.ed. lIt!'Verai mIDOf' _ell In
.... r-t1lle, that the rodr. ill the c:azlYOIl. I replied. by tak1q
aot eo 80Ud that the ftppo:x'U the twentJ'foar b1acll-tallow
coald. 11 be placed ad -.:y that

--- ... ..
lIJup out of my coat poc:ket.
P.. r- ..a- ..
I _oald like to ~ the tblallt. n - .. "H-. you be&dhUDters.- yelled
J 10eated RaDaedy. He U..t ~diot~ .... ![~e at the baDd of rulplno
.. --....c ..--.. .....
_ell to IDJ p1aD8 lUld replied:
'"Scott. the be-. I!ICeIlI'! setter.
dla,--" _ , ~
extra plQen. "'load th_ thtnp
Into your blaDlt caJ'1:J1cIcM &lid
told IIlfI It _OGId talte twellty IlbQOt TOW' rlftfllJ wheD I tdI :ron
__ _ t h to d4 thOR boles to. " Tbe heroiDe and her
III tbe rock. We CUl"t dord. to dUeDD& climbed Into the badet
...... the tbDe. 1 . . - 1Ftl ...W let the plan roc:k at either aile of the cl.Ub. I IIet the labor IWd we Uloved It out OIl the eable a short dl&-
...... ICD:ue me. I"D baTe to CO to towD."
..u llaIutedy w&1Ir:ed awQ' a 4etermtDa.tioa to
do _ctbinll d ~ crept inti) Q:lY 1Il.iDd. I
acted at aaee. Otref'ha.u11uc RaDoecb I blarted
owl, "'GITe me 51.x or etcht I ~ aIld 111
acree to haTe them lit&' th.e boleti budde of five
or aU dan. I bow that roclL It haa CI"fl'ricea
en 4tutn ... Ith their ptc:b.. fOlU meD at each

I t WIUl very sllJ"lli" ... orlt. For tift da.:TB I Ufl'V~

aa.w aD.ybod:r CODDec:ted with the COIDP&AY
whic:b I!!mployed m~ for I IIpCDt fl'V1I!TY lIl.iDull'l
Ott the time boIIsluC the toUln.a; men 00 tlie
roc:ky c:l1J'I'a. SUcc:elJll came at last. We put the
tauOll trom. the d.lfl Tbe ...amell. c:rvw:hed
doW1ll In the btc ore-carrler. the tops of
their bata lIhow1D& &boTe the rim.. Mc:Rane
Ilbauled ""fIre!" a.nd oemtlDuoaa fuKilJ&de of
the make-bel1flV"fl bWleta atrucll the tNaet.
~ .. he a lot of ID&I'Its . . OIle ooald
...Ish to lief!. the camera rettha&" all the bladI:

hi. It. I want to won., 1-" polflll In pIaee. fastflDed the ore buc:ket OIl spota as rut aa they appeared CXI the metal.
"'I liTe :roa c:art.e blaDebe on the whole job,- the cable, lItretclied tile latter Into p1ac:e att'OlIlI An.otber lIOeIIe req~ that a h-.lh_ter
RaaDedy shouted bKk at me. ~MeRaDe lilies the n.Tlne and made the ateel rope lUI ttcht &II a shOClld eUmb out GO the eable. b.aJld. 01'eI' haocL
the lJeftlario &lid w&llb to put It 011. It'. tip to
you.. Hln the meD. set the cable and RPerln
teIld the eDt1re pladnlt of the IIet.. Tell Me-
RaDe I atd 80."
fiddle IIItrlnc by maltlnc tr&e:t1oo with tlie cbaJ.n

F rom pole to pole the cUstanc:e acTOllS the

coree ..... tully :!5G feeL We moved the ore-
and attempt to reach the t....o aeu- c:roa.c:h
l.q" b1 tile ore baaet. Th1.ll reuow wu to be
shot CIII. tile 1rirc hy the hfl'l"Obae &lid tan to
the bottom or the coree. Mc:RaDe had tile
Ranaedy qDJekly lett me. I stood stoclr: 5t111 carrier at will with a l-?(l.foot rope fastened to "hM4b._ter" c:lbnb alone the cable to .1thtD. a
&lid wOlldered., ""Coa1d I do It!'" I IIOUCht out the bottom of the bucll:eL 011 tbe eTeniDJI: of few teet of the ...omen. "Stop the c:amen....
McRaDe &lid hoId17 told him that the cable aDd the am day of worit flTeryt:hluc .... In read- YeRaDe yelled. -you lleadhWlter' eet back to
tMlc:ket would be ready for s<:eae-makInC Inaide Inll!llll to Dlake the feature IlCe.UfllJ Ott lily nr'Rt the clUf a.nd put tlle dummy out OD the wire at
a _It. He UllUred me hE' would ~D pbotodram. and 1 hunted up MeRaDe that the place yoo reac:bed."
worll flilnln.a; the other lCeIIetI of the &lid tOld him of my IIU~II- He wd he would Alter t:rurt.enblc III lone 5tnmd of Invtslble
within a few ~ wished me cood lod and drive Into the ClI.Dyon the uext momlnc with plano wire to the "'head.h_ter dumlllY, wh1c:b

promJsed to boost the all he could. five aotomobUea and tlu'ee OIDJIlbu_ laden ..... tied to the c:able 1l1th easDy..tJrolten 1Itrl.n,
I walked to the car l1ne near the lJtDdJo, rod;> .Ith acton. actreIIBeII, Filipino headhunters and MeRaDe bad the heroine rlllfl In tile bac:ket and
loto the dtJ', vbllted &II em.plOytnflDt aenc:r, AmerlCll.D 8OIdie1"ll and 8~ battle _ell ou flre a blank pistol sbot at the appareotly 1Ilar-
told the m.&naer I l'eP1"flfIeDted the film oem- the sidell of the cliffs Ulat ...ould be reeorcled deTOllS FUJplno nea.r bet', Colnddent with the
cerIl _d bb'ed eight hlUlky laborenl" ,'1th piclul in fototllm aJl.Dal. aa the UlOlll lIaIlPJna...,. shot MeRaDe pve the plano wire a jerlt nd the
a.nd IIhlYfeta. and told the men where to find eu.pcement ever kUOll'n from Pocatello to dlUl1lll:t' "headh_ter" dropped otl the cable nd
the n.Tine for work the Den mominJl;. Hurry K>m"'..... pl-eecl bead lYfer heda 100 feet to an. awfUl
1Jlc to the ofIIee of a wire m.anufacturlnc COID- Before 1IUtna: home that Dtcht I mlted tile rate OD the c:nIeI rocIta a1oapl4e the brook.
...,. I reated 300 feet of laeb a.nd a half steel editorial department1l of the mornbl& 4aillea Far two dQ'w Mc:Ran.e and Ms tro-..- "tIbot"
eaIIiIe rope. lJtI'oIl& eD~h to ""bold lip the a.nd handed In ltemll I had. wrlttea. aDIlouudDc _e. hi. lbe eaayoa. the ra.ture &em lM!IIII: a
"orI4." the lJI!!kW ehtef!laid. I also renttd all that the abow would be tree to all apeetatorII -.ewhat ~ ,batUe betweeD the ""head.
0I"e<U'1'Ytac badet lQ'Ce eDoqb to two who wn1lld joIlrDey to the canyon, At. o'c:loc:k h_ters &ad the ~tq Americ:aI:i troop&.
WOllleD, Tbe Meket had a wbeel idlxed to the lieu dQ' the corwe "'1UI crowded with Me:- Bueltal 1JU'!IllY ~ IIlfl 011 JD.J"
bold tt 011 to the cable &lid allow ..,. ID01'flDlflDt Raite'll playflr.l and II1lpertiumeranes &lid "hen ~ Be told me aa.-d:t. the ~ . bad
to and tro. My nat lIl<rVe wu to arraace for the"1Dalt:hl& of the IIQl!DfllJ -'"&11 bec1lD at tit tald I loolted. Hire a "c:omer" 1D ~o Wl1t1D&-
the l"flDtaJ at two poIfllJ whlc:b had been ullf"d o'c:loclI: morE' thau 1.500 Ilpectaton were _ted (TO CO:n1YUD lOfUT WEEI:)

.. THE _-MOVIE PlcroalAL

~_.:.:~-~_. ~.:=-~~""'j~

~-=" -~="cccc"J
,";1\\. . 'flgI)ter ....IO;l""-
;e ..-- t ....

~ . . tJal-.l
- _


, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tIte -
. . . . . . . . tJal--.J. , .....,. .. _ _
Tldil-k . . . . . . . , . fIIII. ........ OUt ~ B7 3 ' 0 1 . lMI dM . . . . - ot lite ..,. ....,. . . . . . . . . ~ tM ...,.

............ . . , . 1lIdt ~ n- 8entoe ..., to .a- - . " - . ~ tM _ h ' t ' .-y

7 . .

......... .. 'ftIrt7 pe_ dIIil WutdrI ~ _ .. tnMtIIt. . . &filer tt.e .. toe '1 ad
......-t -.-. ~ .. m 'h o.u.. Lde -.s' Q' .~ Be Ui1a' _7-
> ' , .. CIb'. ~ W -...z-l 0- ..- -

..... ......
lib Wt _ fill. dear tIl:7. I..-aIf!
......... GIll -.u.c.....-.:
1'leIIta' ....... 8J' tIlh u.e Ute - - . p6duoe ....-r,.
.... _ to IllIIow u. t-'-c7 ......
" - U. c:Il:Ief el U. W 2 1 "'""
~ ......ab ta.t tIM
~ -..
.... bQ. ".... l l u - - l Ib. 1tl .....
Wh ", ne......, .. I' 4 ' " reWW tIlek ......


. . . _1IIe - , . fill c.d~"""'"

Il.II ~ .... " ,
. . . . . . . . It .. . . . . . . , . tbt ~ ~ at.
- . . LUIa. 'f"ItecnI*.
.rr.. _
too _ ..
all u..
~ ................ _
"'T1le w:&7 to aaU - . : F to --.r'.-

..... fa
...,.fII. ar6R Mtt.- to ....... ilia ezet: ~ Ute - . t r y. ~toWUte~ 1cm . . .

~na-I .. ,n.fIIlu..~tou _ .r -.,. ttae:r 1I.all . . . .r, ......
--... ..
. . 5
Me w-w."' ...........
..-. l i b . ~
~ __
__ Dt

f'dDIII to ...,q
. . . . .- ~ 1Ir. t..-lia. "-d
"',JedII' to aD G-
- . Thea 1Ie sbo.-elI t.boeta' tile ...,. to _ . .
~.... "c adl&ap - . uu..p,.at 1M

. . . ill J
5 .. tile trait

c.r-r. Cut
~ #If tH

daUa- ..UIlIl. ..u -*. too u.-. at
tWr __ IpN. "!'bcr.... eYWJ' a1I.JIIIbIr
~ tIM! [JaJte4 8II:&t. ..Ito . . . . tfttr
titaa.t at.&ee eat -.... ~
Oat...... .&. ..1rJM IatJw til.
. . to tile fM:t that. _ OM .... ~ tWr
_We."_ ...

_ to tile uaJW. ""'- '- " . _ _ lIblu IlaT u.- .eekl7 u.c-.. 01 two ~ ... ba. . . . .tl== .".... tMt t - I e
tea J-.n 014. ~ IlJa ;' fa Mew 4aIlan. W1ddl thq Cll:IDeetei ~ w-i. . . . . . . . . . -'-:rier tbaa . . . . . aD. . . .
Yar:k _ _ _ . , . . . lbUteI to CIlicap ..... to . . . laia ......,. 01 _bjeda tJu: ... ......,. u.. be pbIace1 INl - - . n.. ....
. . . . . . . -=-nI . . . _ . . . . . laa~ ....... tIte n. -.......n _ . . raru.-tq. 0llIbul01 tile u;e ~ bMl!L.

- ............ u.--..,

...... ......,. ....
- . t .... ~ t I t e ~ _. . . . . .
the nia; ~ tM:F clabDell. . . . . . "'7&It7 they P'lnrt,. . . Rilt the: ' .. ...uo ... l.-
..,.. - - . aaw nJdl ~ _ _ ~ .. ...,. to uae _ _ ol ra-ta
a f:ua' bad .. tIbI IlaneIt IeWlI of tlM
"'I ,.... tIYIt
. . tile bMla tba
~ JIr. ~

_ __ huller
fill ..,.
fa ftIlAdq dIIa
. .~
_ the
.. J ',C
' VU ... ~ til.,. ...., lb..

"BfIIq Ute
'eeI:'_ -..
all atJter . .. . . . . - '

Fopa:letuo ol tbe lar'P . eI.

ehaap . . . . . . . . . . tbe O.u-l ~ at
ot ..,. _
tJaaal....,... ".. _c
............ pe

"lie will


....,. .......- ....


*ur., .................. ...,...-18 ;tae, I rer...r. to . . - - fill .,. pc cpa tiM few ..... "-t' ttae:r ,...... wn.c. .....
- * 6I.T aM ~ . . . . . .eb tIte ] e-...._tl7 m,. _.r ~ ~ _ ......

........ at .tI: ..doek. it II..t YaI1l . . . --..t:rflll l ..... tollPt r--l tM ~ b tINt
. . . . . . ,......
til-. U7 .u..- war\: I
fIl ....
t:J1eII . . to Qaat
tor .,. ltt&. Two t h - ' . ~ fa tweIlty
~ _ .... tHlr a..rm.. I ___ .-...c __ n.. l . - n e ....
IaClIIId= .r tile Ila JIq.
et.u.r to ~ ~ .,.-r. ................. .." aen
.... -=--
l iar..-

..-e-t -.
~.... IlurlelI Mek .. Ok:co
.-atb. Ia tIM UIpIItc . .
"v tr- .".., ..
Irtaatio-. - . t ~ to ...-y ~ at
tbe d.ure.-t ~ ~ "1'iI:lq
The_- la, aa.Jt1I.Iq too pPatte tw t.h ~ ..
1& the _ '!'
the: .........,., ~
. " ....1I.Jd . . I'7I.Jtt to........

TH'-l ... ~_laa WQ" . . . lb-. I .... _ ~ fa tso. to ....",. - ' - ' a alar7 ............... to th. CIOIII1 et.
ei&tl. . . ~ ..... or-,.,.. _ _t tb-----o.. ~ . . . . IIfty crilaa:ry prod1tdkla&,
I. CIlJcaco _ .,.., ..,..... wMeb tt.e .., . . . to 40 -.tblaa' 4'dck. thoqb my
be wan.d Iw L Beller A ~ c...,........; ebaDc. tor boNlq JQ'" diea.tele were -.Ibn t{'
~ .r.odt...,....; . . . Otto y--. Co T1I.e capUal behiD. ttl. com....... comprtAtDiIl
.. ~ . jewelera,
Nut he Ioc:atecl Ia o.h.koeh. W'--bl. _4
the combtaatioa . . . eIlorzl101Q" _hUe I bM Dn
~ haYblc ~ 11I7 _ . , . .orktaill b~'
Helps to the Solution
became a den fa dlT..... IItonI _"ere he aptm..lq lIP . _ ~ .tth "~ry enn of the Million Dollar
rIQabled _to LtoC ..h_ b. JII"'8JU'8d to ft- dollar that lCIIIDe Ul7 ...,...
caP fa . . . . . rcw 1l....., _ tbe OW1IIer of ~I dUpa.tcbed . . . .ta to EtlJ'QIM., _d eYft')' M".ster7
a ehaJa vi. 11.. . . . *.e-t ...... !orl!1p IlbD .orttl ..bU. .... POl'dl.a8M ILIId
"I _eDt _ to Cbk:aco to ~ the d-.J.." IIblpped to Amerlr::a. TIlia JQ(lYe broIlcbt I..
~ Kr. LMmmJe. ...... __ ra!Ily BJcttt I. IIIIdl flJma . . tile Ml1ILIIo, O.--t NortlH!nl. th~ ~ bl& oaee. I ... ant ~-I .-III
droppelI llllto _ 01. 0 _ h ~ . . u h~.. eiD-. Deatee:l:1, ~ Barker. &ad ltall. lrIfJerrerthepooan' ID ~ TIl. I ......
_ t motte. ptctwe ~ NkS" e I braAeIL ILIId .Il.k:b fa Ua.- day. _ _ far troo. to lira.. the :attef'ed aida ~ teU
lhl.DIl; tbe7 c:an.t u.-. ".. pictJlrM. .....
me taacIl. ~ tbey . . . .,..,. ....aI't _cl
.bal tbt!':f' .... to4ay. ADd La Uf. --.tbD.. I
IMlp.a to make ~ . to p.t tato lh..
J'(Mt tKIIIH!!tblq that _m IIl&ke , . .
npL T_ ..m h", to ~..,. d - . tnldI:
Wi ... *
___~ ad .. lIlT ow_ boolr..
41d a'......,.....
the p r o ~ J-n. I IlkM. them _d _
I u... I1ctlt
__ted to P lato Ute mot:ioa
that I
a..,. ~ -nre ute of CeLeb ,..,...."..,. "'Mre GJ"M.t
Goebtl. Jt1ll"Cl8'.' .... tile ~ pic:t'lft I _
or TIlII Ilona Pin'oau.L__ IlI ~ tIlat
.. ~ bYe ~ pfen:ed the: 11.. . . 0( tIM ....__

&ad atter t!MI ..Iatte . - t 01. brcl.
"?Day picb!'w tIM Gtac.' I .w. to bad to do 1I'ltb 1& EM:III 1I.eacetcrtJl s1I.aD be ptttac
au-IL "Ql;arp u.- 1IIqtL. .,... ThIs .... , . . bel. . Lbe fonD. . . ot UfO' ~..-er the tltea II wUJ. ~
~ waat. to
. . t q IItDJ .,...
TIaa& tatUal rM-
Ute U U - . l ~
_ . _ ~ ~
c:ombiaau-.. .,.. ~C'II! _Itb tblA ..........
Illa7 aided _
..,. u... _ . .
fa aak1Il& Im"
tnd.... ..,
.IIM ..
u.. _ .......
pIDlI ..
011. bow well ,... . eaa pill taeeUler _

U 1 te caD _
1a.... r'M

all the ~ ", th_

_h<. Uft
n'ItIT C&7 ta Ute~. Aa I waIkeI to lay
hoW Oat aiPt ta auc:... I ...... to '-fid
my plaa8. . . . tile ..n C&7 ] .,.... e-!1'-
Ute _btaadoa..

*-terI .aaJJarU u-
~ _
-...- te the
_paaw Ia~
lac to _ _ .0
to 4tr<tct tMa Iawe-Jptf==
lleCieethe .&e-c:r. I

I .......
te ....
t.Ia.Iac I ~ -w . . . tbe ' - I a - . .....-& . . . . all Iddee. _ . _ ... te......- o-t t k ~ _~.., __ ~ It ..
nr- after wa.I:dlJac' ~ fDay )II6e- eata .ere ~ -.oot1lI.Y .. lbolICh .,.. tIaat , . ....w ..... ~ -. ....
~ tILIak ~ .._ . . . . .,. tile ~ IlCIlhiq: .... bappeD", tb .wi laport1aa
-.y __ u..tN. ..Ilkll .... be~tet1l..ta.t:"""'-.e.-I"'_'"
_ ~

....,. oaMaIf ot -.. _Itjecb rr- ~ ... ...,. ~ fit tkbc aD., -
_ 101 cu.aa.- jay It tbaa - . eI
n Ute fill Ute r . - I e ~ pUrl aayth....
""I tIltaIl It . . . tIIle lap e-.,.ay ..Udl lint
IlU ... - . , - to - . tht'
__ Ia actiJac. nr:-.tce L - . ~ .... JIary
sa..tJo' , .......... It .....

It ~ .. rut tIaat It _ , '-& then ..... c:Ilat:a 01 UdulIod-.
twII!D.ty PlSfon. tluUa belped to au. tbe lap ,... w01 &Q' CIt . , ..
___ I l i a ' " pm t b __ as t!MI r - . l e t - . ...,. fill tIM .ow aa._ ........ ..,. - ' d . rr-. tIlh u.e _ ~ ......
_~wto ... w1tIl rt"'_C c:'- Ge ~ .r ,... ...
rn.... 8n"dce .... the .en
".. x-mJ. "'la lIU Ute I a ~ t tnd~ _ _ to u-. DaDar .,.."., . . I . . . - - ....
. . Ia ~ wttb Jt.oliert H. Codu'aae.
r.-s. _ ~ ta OicaCU
ad: ..... tao ~ dl.-r- wttIa aotkJa
ftPt ......
two ~
F.dafr. ~
. . . . . . fa 1111 spill tato
TIl. .
DGt1lta& --w. ULd eM! alii. ~ III ~ ...
t1MI . . . 1QPcaI . . . . . . . I _
_ . . It far ~ . . wr1te _ ...
p1cRJw ~
... trrt.a 1lIt ~ ....... _e
0 . . - 1 . t.3. SIfJWt, 0 - . aU.
o---t _
ta..... ... fanDeII. til.
.......... I t1lIU. W1Il
I wD1 p-.,.. ~ -.,- .W)
of tiM _ wbo to aab dl. _~
Com.llUl3' ot A.mft"lca.... .Ilkll.. ~ tIlat I ~ - . u.e W - 14111 ~ Ia
Sells ra-. 8elIc. abo CIaJ
WIIlJea P. tolIa:r .. t1I.. -..nw roa Cu.. 2 ,... ] ~ .. , . _ . .,.. .. -.0
~ laM .terad u.e prodMDc ..... _d t!l~ "'Tbe et!tft' 1a._Art --..tF. ,.. to to tIM .at twe . . u.r.
~ tIledJoM _ - . & the tint to ~ Pcnnn. a-, C' N ~ ....... ] a.e. tIlat ,..... wUI lie fa tM ....
.... 11." m-. 'nt. e.-.
ad: apia ~ _
--.:r )kb:rea.
t!l-. . . .
... Itl . . . . _ ,...... tile ~ ..,... CIt th 'ridI&aCle -.attte.!
.,.. ~ 0-.-".. AItw . . . . . . . .
DOl' art " th.. _ . . .,.. . . . . . _ . UIe
.. " ..... .a.-teu
~"""'b"" __ be . . . . . . . . Ole
~ larlh'tlhal -ceru IcMac' tItetr 1d_tlt7 N. . .

I'rohm&D. .tar. who h.u l&alb"
I ~ I'
__ .. _ t o
der IDaw aM. IlrI:upr ta "'Car6IIIa
fa wlLlda be .... . . fer a IIrW u.. . .

*Pdac. ... who ..-tb' JI&nd a ..,.cIaI..tenD

I ~
The M 'ngO~&DA
(C IN-"..,.
;poa're ~ .,.~. [ ~ ..... " . ..
. . . wWl. me. t!I:K". aD. Aad., tD Pw _
cbaaoII to ~ ,.... flItuoe...
".w rJchtl" aid v... .-...I7. "TIl ....
wltll 70L W4l11 so III ilere!"
'i' ._

w1tIl the :P'aIIa-. I"la7en ~, .... a

ran. .. nct::Ia to tile IV. GIl aol:aJlly be lilt oreIaarIid:w adD tD. tile role
1'be1" were ,..&lac a reaturaat _ .... apob.
pi ! oW .......... 1IpOIl the a qUlIt placa, bat old aM. ramo.. Vera Ita...
IICftIeIl III -r'he NJchtfacaIe... a
of tbe ..-lUataoaa n.ber JIonte. .. -rbe Bq'JfI"a
Mate... SIQIIlOl"tlDc )(ary PIckford. It 1Iy- ~ 0Il1:Y". And abe .... lIIIlae4 at pIa:y. 1frltteIL lII*!aIlJ' the aIPt fIl the old 1IlU1. He I:IlII!:DbIe4 pNr-
fIIr her ..,. the weD-bcnra
............ Aocu"'" " " - -~ er'SICI! for a laahIer place ~ to tie
reacbed ill t:anc:ab, bat abe .... lInD.
wb.kb '- Ihortl,y to be rti_ _ ' " the Btu.-n ELSIlC J'ERGUBON, the pop-
JI'lIatuoe Coo: pot tim spoIIdIX'S tor lIOIIle of CJU'
__ sacceuhlI feature films.
'Il1v IOaw _d
atar, ~ _ _ . . ill "'Tbe
Straap W-." uul wtaoee
abe w..
"Here aDwhere!" abe aid. dedantly. A.Ild
crtan1Jl& at the thOQ&ht that bad
JK'ODlpte4 her to ~ She w_ted to re-
IIay of -rbe Cit)"" and '"Tbe Waaum" beu"lte a scene. Aud, OIl.Cle they w_ _ted at
aew ftbide wID. !Ie forelp

f:aJDe. afterward ~ lJl "'The IAre." _4 their table. she bepD to act. Old Hu:Eard.
tl'aDRattoa. "'Tbe UIlIIeeD EJp.
more rece!lUy stUl 1D TaadeTille. ~ the pIaInJ.y deU&bted by the abift bt her mood.
uetdl., -rile Watcb Doc-" J. SIUlBDT. of the theatr1c:a1 ftna of
P'a:D A. Brol'E, the asUe

handed ber the c:ard.
"WUl ,.oa order---or wm :rou 1__ it to me!'"

daIlc::er, of the ~ of IIoDt-
. - .. . . . . ~ aad J. J. Sb~ wIIo. lib pnoI>
1'QIDel'Y and Stone. who nu:lJI: aDml&' the mOlJt
ticaII7 aD CJV other tmportaDt manaeen. !La_' 81lOOI!S8t1ll of OIQ' mqlc:al comedy IIt:an, _d Vera oriered. Sbe onIflr'ed wtthoat: looIdDc landed. the motioll pIctve .. ..u.. who will ~ a Dew pl_ this . . - . . 1Dlder at the cud, aDd bf!l' hGllt IUPfIll SbtI .... order-
NEIl: Lo~ wbo hu 1cDc made .. ~t:r of fDc a LlnDer, actu1l:Y, from her IIUlIIlOI"J"
CJ:w.rles Dl1lIJlcbam'a ~
It.lba . . . 8pudsb roles. hi. m.-. reeeat &po ~ IMwI8, Jut _ _ . . wtUl ot macutne lItory abe had ~ Ntd &he bad
peanace beblc til. "'The ThtDp that ComaL..
Adams ill "'Tbe IAlceDd of ~ .. &ad _
1IDder COIltrad to aI/VI!U with PaaltD.e J'red.
enek lD "I!uloeeD.t," mdet A. B. WGOdt:' 4free.
DO Idea of ba. the thiDp Wfll'l!
But &he didn't care. As abe lIdabed abe
the -qIy Ucht bI. old HaDu'd'. en- apJn. .u
to tute.
SABELLE LEE.. whom we
I ba'ft _ 011 ~"a:r ID a tl~
J. HuM.IIlaI DurnT, the t.e!Ilor,
_ . . the wuter, "aIy tmpr....s, bad. COIle.
be leaned towU'lt her.
.-ber of tmportllllt prodae- IJl "'Tbe Roee IIa1d, ~ aDd who wm lIhortly lItaJ't "You'ftI been. ~ me!" he aoeuaed.
tbaa, aotabl7 in the AIPPCIri of QpoIl his 8eClOIld _ _ bt "8art." "'No ctrt that'. DeTft" beeD. OQt _d anJ'IlDd

Soha Drew. ID "Tbe .A.b1n at
AAatol.. aDd iD. ""IIan'ytq

EUD:L N&A80lJ. the PftIlt1 llt

tle ltali!m Itar t1l ~
nnl7 :roa baYa't torsou- her, ..Uh her dan:
V .UGJU~ Tuvoa. wbo baa for .-e time been
a member of the ~ I'\ayers, with whleb
~ 0 I l he baa a:pp!laftllf III the t~
lIlc 0Ile-aet~: "'I"aaC7 J'roee." "An,. N1ht...
"Feu," "Fellce,.. "A PaIr of Wlltte G10yes,"
"The Bride" ~ "Raa:aIa," "Hart-Karl," -rhe Hard
COlIlId orier a dJDDer IIIte that! And 1 abed
,... liP tor a rec-Iar JU-. lIlDoceaoe! Wen. 80
m1lCb the better! We" be cood trleDda. my
&t. ~ hJa .. onIa Wfll'l! CDI'l!IaI, there
.... aamethtnc In his Dl&ADef' that . . . not ill
Ila1r _4 Uft _4 petite 8pre!-kt .. bo mar.

MaD." 'The KiIII!I bt the Dark." aDd "The lI'oon &CICIOrd with th~ He w. . InlI'lIriaed. aDd he
rIed . . . retlre4 -to domMttclt7 _
V-.... ~ who bu bl!ll'!II ~ fa ~e
tlme -eo. taln." all tblJl within leu thaD two ,.ean. ....... too aid to flIljuy the --.tJoa.. KoreoftIr,
be bad mlaJadpd this' ctrt. He had. tmact-d for _ _ time, iD the sketcJt. MBetw_ her cIt1Icalt. I.D.TOITIq the cbue he 1oftIcl, _d
the ltac:a." c. JAY WILLIAMS, ..... bo I.D. her 0 .....11 he fOllDd ber wholl,. aopblllt1eatai. She h&4 f!Il-
ru."CItI'l K1tl'llCEPT, popular In molea! COOl-
edy. e.peda.Ily ill Chfca&o, where ahe 111 now
errecthe, UD08te:D.tat101ll1 wq baa bfleD Uated his In~ IlDder taIae preta:loea.
doloill' any &IIlOU1lt ot admln.b1e work . . a memo OYer the cotree a1pa lie leaned towlU"d her
~ at the r... Sane TheatT'l' In Tt... acaID_ Sbe bad asked for a ~ and
ber of the Edi-. toroea. r;eaerally &1......,.15

~ In tbc.e pl&Yll dIrected by her hlUl- Ucbted it. 1mitat1zl&" euetly the method. of
band, not a few of her ~-lm01VD plctunos Jllaa Beatrlce, . . WaJItTated at the
befDc "Her II'aoe W. . Her F'ortUDe." "'Tbe Ilt!ll- Syntlu stllcUO that att.ernooo.
"Well. m,. dear,~ be, "abollt plans. DO"
aame needl 11.0 tntrodud1oD
~ of the Sun Dial." "A Story 01. a Crime,"
"The 8eaDtifDl Leadtnc I..dY" (shall yoGi fl'Rt You mQ""t lIta.Y CJO at that hDUal! where "011
uul wbo, &ClCCII"'llhI. to the fDrC'!t her work IJl this!), -rbe BaltaD aDd the are now. YOII mllAt I g me make other 8.tT&Il&&"
- . I I TOIce of nalDor. may some Roller SItatea... "A Lady of Spirits." "Wbea the meD~ DOW that we are to btl trleDd&."
cIa7 -.ou appear before the YeD Left Town," "Tbe Buket Habit." -rhe Slie blew cloud of dprette llmoke iD btJi
camera In OIIe 01 ber most nc- Refl!llC'!ful SernDt Girl." aad "QualU'yInC for race, tmmeDeely siad to be rid or It. t1 the
CllIlItu1 role., JIary Tador' iD Lea&." thia, miDd you, beiDa: cmly a part of a truth mUBt be told! Thf!D abe dropped the

"'WIlen KJlJctlthood Wae in record 01. her work for the put sb: mOllth.. flO dpn<t&
l1ower.-1 cInma wblch _oald 111 It any wOllder that ahe has Ionw: bfleD ft- .. LIaten!~ slie aid.. "YOQ bad me rtcbt lint.
MelD to be aao.t tdeaU,. lJUlted to plc:blrt' prded . . OIle of the mOlit able acb'eaelI In old alteecteU! 1 came h_ to-ntebt to IIel! 11
the Edt- told! I maid pDt tt over)'OlL I"'e p)l: a .e.- job,

~ 8I1.'.uD. t!Ie deTer Jewi8h comecl.1a.D. JFI.IA S.\.... ur:!lHOl<. the pretty aad attr:the _ ! Yoa CUI't do a thln tQr me that [ e&Il't
wllo Uda put 414 tar IiDd awa:y the you.oe Charlea Frohman mulcal comedy star. do better for mYMI!. 1 ..anted to try thta
mOllt aotabIe ..ark of Ills eat1re career, thQ1l 1~ly IIfloel:l la "The Snuhlne GirL," and who pme oat. I wanted to _ it [ really . . . lIDJ'
ra.r, beblc PotuIl to "Potash aud Perlmutter," thlJl ae&BOII 111 to appear. with Dunald Brian Mrt ot an aeu-. ADd I p _ I am aame

_.. ..
at Georce 1I..'. Thea.l:n'!. alld J~h Canham II.lI ~ I.D. "The Girl a.cb'eJl/J! it TOIl flYer talk to me qaID ni call
En:"A B.c~a. wbo for ~e yean past ba... rrom Ptah.~ cop, aee?' That ~ I meLD it! Sweet
been leadl.D.S WOlP.aD I.D. the support of Fnncls dreams!"
WUIIOrl, doln l!!:Eeelleut .... ork I.D. "'When He 11'" m1lIDbl!q lD lIeI1t1e race u she cot
Kull"hlR Were Bold" aDd "Till!! Badlelor'K
T. MOREY, wh~
tJi coolltaatly
UI) and nrept out. But he DeW he .... bnateD;
that this cirl, barTInc llOIDe 8U'Oke of a fon1lDe
IlpoD the luCl't!&8e with follow- he could hardly fl:EEN!Ct. 11'11.II II&fe from hlm. All
era of VltaeraPli pictures. for ror Ver&, once she ....... OIltl5ld.e, I5he--laqhed.
our m06t proml.8:ns yoml&
....e ha...e few better pl",era of
beaT}" eharacter roIt"11 than he. ~
actors. especla.11y In cbuaeter doln most eJ:~lent .....ork IJl
lIUeh pleturell . . '"nIe R1ht
UBre~ters Millions"
comedy roles, for tlle past two
tII!llfIOIllI IIeI!II In Ann.!e RllSIlell'lI and the WroDJI: at It.' -rbe AFTER three mouths f1ebt lD the federal
company aud "bo. like man,. ButUe of tlJe Weak:' ILIId ~Dr_ Smith', Baby_~ court of New York State for the ~Ioo
another actor, IlpenclR hllJ /Jom- Recently he added really to hil5 fame throuKb or "Ore.lIter's KUl1OIla," Altred H a m ~ has
mf'r ....catlaa In the picture htJi act1nS lo t-.'o of the VltaeraPh'8 Broadw.y OOea antlOUDCl!ld the rictor 0Tf!I' the Jeaae I...
studios. at the preeent a1temat- Star F'eatutell, &II Brandon In ""Shadows of the Laaky Feature Play Company. and be wtll show
Ins bl.8 time betYoeen the EdIIlOD and Pathe Past" and &II Arthur Bainbridge Leo.nOJl: In the ~ebnUed comed.,. with Edward. Abeles &1
'''lOrlulhops. ba'rios last year appeared III a .um "My OtIIciaI Wife," at the Vltaf'aI)h Theatre, the Zled'eld Picture PlaYboue lor an uteDded
ber of Edisml. releaMs. whlle an,. number at D8 are eacm"l:Y lookine ensacem enL
C.nn.a:l'l CoUGnLl~, the altra.ct1Vl!' younpter rorwlU"d to hlJl appearanOl! . . the GbOllt in The st&r or the pbotodnma tJi the lI&U1e actor
li'bo 1000S aso eaptlIl'ed our ItJ a number 'ElamIet.," ,.,blc:h is DOW ID the ptoaelIlI of mak who ~ IloDte Brewllter e~teeD
of Edl60ll plctul'ell. probably ber mlJllt. IIUcxetI&- inS, _der the dl.reetDnhlp of Jame". Yoa.IIe. times iD the lJtap: prodw:ttoa at this QIIttal
Cui pleee or li'on bet.uS In that dl...f!rttns film, Beq 1Icl~R. IItUI _other well-lmoWll play, and his eellDloid _ adda
"A Foor JI'oo~ Desperado. ~ actor .....110 h. . heeded the c.mera'lI calL . . .d Iavela to his tame.


1'IIEW3 O!P "I'HE PUC.. ...., Every Man and

a- ......
B y _ WiItio

.... bN JIdI-&, _ _
. . . . . . . . . . . . _allale a-
Every FatbeI' ..
1 tbt WIIIIiI-. .,.. ............. 'I'M --... _ ..

. . . . . . . lift a. ,..,.

h ..... .....,
.. .aIII
...... -...-.I

I'IlI:aN ~ , . . . . . . til I ~

r.- ~ ~ .. tIIblrtIIc u.,. ... tkt _ ......
.... .... W1IP 01. tIM cut.c:e ,..... til'-

~ . . ~ ~ _ t M tue ~ _I
' t"'-- B. ..... tbe . . . Ton -.u- pt,o.
. . . . . . . a.-t.
Ewsy penOn in wbe.e heart
o..-fIIl . . . . _
............ olth '
ctu. ...... cMef 01. eM ....,... ~ . Mw 101ft. ...
....... ~ . . . T.t: _ . . . - - ~ It t. . . . t1aat
eDb a CXRf 'II for strug-
...... two t ~ 01.
.......... _ _ oltbe
u.. .-
. . . . . wID - . . - . tile . . . . . ~ _ _
to . .
...,.~ t. ~ "-DuQ at
gling Immanity~ to
ua:u. ~ ill tbe of a ...... ?rtace 01.
jaIaet tM K.7- esapetbetentadesotateiil. ,

-- an 19*iing, an powafG, life

~ . . . . e-.-".. etaart. 0aapUII
TU -...clerN __ ~ ...... eM CUdJe Jbuon.F'" tbe ~ . .
~ at tM a.u.:~.fuw ...,.. ... Nw ref eM ~ __ '-ac:II 01
.....1' ' _ . ne
............ _
*-'7 'W'l'ttta 1IJ'
l.-dl a-. eM "..m.c. to tboI
eXw--jng enemy sbno.ld tead
HIlnW ~ aM DIndw . L ar--. a.IIIIc e-ct" ...
__ .....
JIIIIiU:Iltc _ ... raar..I ...,. .. ftIIII t . e ~ I I I I t ~ . ,

. - l tnIa WNdr; aeu-. a-e." tale _ ....... _~ n.._

w_~_tM u.a-.-.. ~..... ' .. wIQl. u.,. -.u.e
...-tiao CllIiDWla occmftlI,. ,....,.. .. ~ . . . . . - - a - t ~-.b'.
a wire fill U. wnck. tIM - . . a J ' -* til tM . . . ~ - - - . J'Ict,. Be
_laa~tniL a-- .. ---.,.~ ~
At tM
" ~ ....
-....u _
.. Ia wtLI4 aJeUN
1UciIDIMa" .... ...,. aIIM- No
.&.ttM" ,
a. _ _ ....

s.- un_C....,. _ .................. -.tbe ......

-- .....
1Jilta1eed.. IIarry I"aIlari .. ~ _ tIM . . . . . . . )III nar.-l rr-
tM ~ wltIl
- - . ,... fill - . W' ""a 1'Qpt TaadL" AaM .....,.., o - p BaIt. . . , . . . , . ...
w1tb --..nta n.cbK. w1Ql. little KMJdiI GItben: e-wa
Bolt ..,. It ...,. war-.
f'lache' . . . . . llIc fill tM acdq. n .. .. u-. lilt t:bl t:IM7 dae . . .
&1l fU. tID Jt.tlUe 111M .. IL.
BIllY ~... _ en .....~ of &t tba U a l ~ Ute7 .... _ _ dC to
~..uae Q . . ~ . . . ot nItanabtc to th1Ilk 01. ~ to the - . raacIl . . . ~
the botel. The fclrBer .. .at. 11...-.17 _oqta IIlaD3' of the ~ CO til. . to ..on... R.
rl:l" hi&. W.u. WlUiIu:II _ . . or
to ..c:w, Pathe LehnDaa u. ret1lr:II.ed _d wUl make
ll.bI dMtna. .1. . two J'Mft -eo _ the 1I"oIU'tb
or JIl17 the A..metic:aa ee-.1JIUl7 lint
In Suata 8&rtJu'a _ . aau-pt the preM!Ilt
ant_ COUl8dJ. tor the UalnrrW wlLlcb wW "' re-
~ _del' the LCO kaad. W1th tL1m came
BWJe 1Utdde,. a _eaaa en- the LoadOll.
~ Cbidl: lIarrt.. _d leek ~ naderille It--. ... _e wbo Lehrmaa UlIDu
aud .... of the _bo7a wen fa tlIe taltlal part:r. ..m man a .... 1lIt; Hmr:r Bersmaa. a eha.rr
A1lu. DwaD. Jadr. ~ _ . PuJJae Bub acter actor. UttJe fellow who weil't&a oaJ:r
.._ am~ the others.
thl'ee b_4reII aM uu- p-.ada. wltIl pt"OCDJaIlI
DI:rld GrUIUh ~t1y to .u. "The of lac:r...a...; . . . Gertnade Selby. &ll.CIth
l.~" kia Wa:PR ~ I . - . t . t1lb ftadmIle..... I..oeIlTaaa &an. thal Ilia tUm.
lD&a w1U 11" _ ~ be ' w1II ................ _ . aDt .. ~ - &ll.d
Ila7 Ute 4a.J' .. ,..... ~ a . ._ bM 1Dl0lliq Ilia u... fill. wed: 1 .-b Wleft, b.t.m..
alnd:1 iaq u.e ta tIM ~ ... I e - d AL .. '-Jl at wed: apb a.JFFORD R ROE ..yo;
II. . Ny ~ -tac to the _II feel.bIc Mtter thu lie .... tor ..... time.
01 Beary.aWlaD. ~ cA:t
taa.. bee 1IlI.iit. tad....... t -
.A. ftI'7 JOP&1ar _ Is __
"OVer 200,000 girls
_ Eib.a IlaIa-. Is IB&kJq bit wlUl b~ _e
nIl!l . - . . . . . . . Ua7lI IJI&:rUa& &all rra.. disappear every year."

~t1q: ttMi ~ 4a,ys . . ~ t .
N'. C- wllldl .... raIb' ~ ' . .&.. Tv- da . . . Is ~ '-Jl apia " ' 7 _ .
Ila'. wllo tau. the put __ tboI Cu'JIIt Bqpr. .....ether Graca e-anI '- ~ '-:t. abo He ..... k-w boe.- be .... -Ie
IlIld to tIo loI: of m - t q
la hb 'ell_dee ot Ute ..,.t.
what a- ....... wrl_ rr- Bus Diero _d
Ihe IDOIIIt I ',e we " i the wodd
tt .. to be a. _ _ IIocork:e teUa that W1ltr'M I . . - ~
.... ..." bo.... . ' - !bey I"
fJ2 put. eaoa to the r-.J. t2lJa&. s.,. 1M ... &loop . . . cbarterert _ _ ~dl ..d ",ltD. !bey ...
bed ...... --eb! &ll.d that tbe '- to . . raa:met aU. ....
I UIte p I q tD the Os ...... ' It '- lID eo dUo
(~t th.... Th. wbole -....:F . . . tD take
"" the _ that lib. ta to __ aboard.
the aIoup. ae-M ddttac. ~..'"t'~ i:: dte'" ..:. i."",b;;
tbelr work wtth the ~ _ ~ t . Prall- ctLarUe Ra.:r at lbe K...:r Bee attoweI me , ........ ..,..,. book cl dte dor-
abl:T the ~ _ of tile bt '- J"nak BIuIm. . vee llWe check --.t bJIIII. 1I:r a Nlatt.. '-dl
lbe _eraetJC prelicMBt . . . Ute.-rtter at. the Ia the "bam~ Be ta pbac' to . . It all

"The Girl Who


RtorIea. Be" th_ at tddLt _t. Ia ~ lato d ~ .. b. ta ... at. lb. richt:hJ. claim-
Old be G7II oa dgt,y _til tIte ~ will" .... b of lbe ...... u...d. __ Ia t h e ~ "
tJ. IaIowa. wb_ tht17 .n !dllll . . ~ He JI:rrtle 8tJetIaaa at .....-0....
I-., 1& all
..... .'1,. 6Mtcu ... ...a. tbe latriate
1D~l8m _er:teII w1tII. his tJ.u: ........
...eDed . . w1tb II. . . .~ .. the Ilona
Pre It lit. lI7TtIe '- a poeat IIIooater f . Disappeared"
&ll.d ~ aD tbe . . . _ 1NIl. Be N- ""'~""_tM~--'"
IUhaU _ 01. LIaCIOIa J. CU'ta'. wbe" __ mn.. .u. matIlW ffIl tad.. .... at. ~ .....
o f h b ~ a t u . . U ~. . .
Can1e QarIr:
_ . , Uae ~
a IIIaea caa .. .. . - - . ..,..,. &I't:t.t',
v-laa: r - . . . 8IIUIl taet. .
BeIeD. Balaaea ...d . . . . ~ e r . botb
By.... . ..
-.e . . . . . . . . .
~ _ tile tit wttIl. ~ HaW. 01 tlM It&l_ ~ r ..-tI7 ImlI a n a ' "



Ku- - . - : r ' . . a..ta ~ ... tbftr ~ ean __ _ . .t .... _ _ ~ _ _ ood_ ...w ....

- _----
Jaha &. . . . . . . aft pttJ.c ~. aM ~ J. P.~ ftaIt_t- ............. _ ......... _Sood ....
lac ....tIL n.:r aft __ . . -..t _d e-T tM~ ......
batIt taa.. -a.u. r - lib It __ ~d.-tIl.IIIrI' IN- or DlX.U\R ..
0.. .,..,. bean a .... .t.7 III ... I.oI.-IIl:J
tue .. . . , . . , . _
w1t). . . . . _ _
. . . . . . .-..wt - - .

. - . . . .....
'"1..-1". .......
tflII..,....r .........
s-6 D '!L . . . .N';()
1I1lde WQ' . . Ia 1IIdlIpa ....... ..,. --.c. " - a t " ' . " , ,
:eliip"iih~ Le'die T.

~ of mILCh more thUl .... dtTbac. &be

Js a b.labed. aea- bl .....,. 1R,7. . . . I pre-
dkt her earl:T appearaace . . Broad.1R,7 bl a
~ dn.I:DL"
-what, lD. yoar ovilliall. Js the r.tue of. t;he
matbl Dktve JIla.T." I baqUre4 . . ea.taIa
~ 1.I&hted hia fifth cipnlt.
"'Tbere are pbaa' to be two d1Bt1a.d: kiD4a 01.
plod , .. n 00. for the __ dt7 tbeaa- aDd
the ather for the aTenC8 clt7 aaad. tuwu tJl-..
tJoel!,. The first mstioaed wW ot. _
m.ttlD&e reel IAlbjeets of 8... lilt .... MIftD
reel 1eqtb. TJte aTeraP ahDttar reqllJrel;
lIpUt-ftll!l --nee. ... d. __ ...d. two-reeJ Mlb-
Jeeb of either 4raIIIatIc _ melodruaatk: ..are.
Whs the motbl pk:tuoe ~ ~ to
adjut tbeIf to ~ COIDmOll JIUItb.
ods the IIC:IeIlU1o WTltel' Is come to ~ blto
~ 0WIl. The 1I'rlter of oae ...4 two-f"8fJ pIloto-
400 FAVORITES ~ will 1M . . well pUd . . the NIow who
"TIt.- a btc feature subject. ~ of wIlo
TO CHOOSE F1l0~ Jle Ja. Alter. u.. the . . . . o lack LoDdoa
~'s ' ...... wm .ot lItaa4 fOl' _:r more thaD will the _ e
_ _ _ -::r~=
_",, _ _ a
_I _
of lob Doe oe: SbeboypD. W ~ pnmd.
~ John Doe Is e..pable of dell?erblc t!le .......
TIaft.JlJllOmWAll'CD-IIZI ..............Y. That'. the maUl thiq---deUftr the plOda.
"u to the fIlture of modoD. pil::tlu-, that ta,
..... truD. the pla,- ead. I &Ill IlOt In a poRtloa

Our Embroidery Department to.JIP'I!laIt. I haYe a lot of id._ afk)at the-.b-

jeer. of ooarwe. bat t d.0II't w. .t to break IIlto
prlD.t b:r ~ thblp wblch I &Ill ave
UCH a variety of cbax ideas .. at the disposal of Milady this season, that :rov reeders wOQl4 1uIch at. Just lIQ" I
S _ who embroider'":eij. own weanng~ and lrifts. find a double
~ pIeasue which is not
articles an amp!ete There
tciated o r '
joy in
_ Who i>un:baoe these
very ............... of tflis ~ which
thlalt the motloa p1ctve baa ~
. .d let: It CO at that. Keaawhlle. rn OlJIltln_
to 4rMDl my u-ma. ~
It . . . b _ that CqltaiD. Peac:oeke su4dellly
ec:pJais. if oot SIn! the safsfrt"oo of I- 'nl beautiful embroideries. thoqbt of a Abject be baa to.cbt laacer tor
It is DOt I....
' j to have an a:t.eusi:ve knowledge of oeedJecraft before thaD &a.:r"OIIe ~ ba the wbole -.aarto tleld
UIIlIo<t:lking any of the desiaus on this page, as theY are an within the 9Clllpe of ----that. of'd'rilla the aatbOl" c:ndtt n.. hia atory
the .. dimu y _oidei...
but the nearer and more regular the work is, of CXJUr.le, 011 the . . . . . . . welt .. the reeD.
""If I .n a Mort ...,.,.. be 8U4, ""the map-
the prettier and more salis'" "Ky the article will be when completed.
stDe priDe. lIlY tIred:ly _4et' the ttUe.
. . wt!ll . . . . the table of _taat&. Now-.:r
that the stor:r ~ .. 1 D ~ oaeo ...d
that I &180 haTe a ....,. In the Dut. d. that
ame ma,au,blfl. The readers who lIked IDJ'
tlrst stor:r wUl. be IJIU'e to bqy the aat ' - "
Dpoll the ~ d. my Ilamfl. It depeDda
UpoD me to keep them that way. Th~ YOQ
- _. may Dot beUl!ITe It. the 111 true ol the
motioa pkture play. That'. why the a.thor'.

,1-' . . .
, ",
Dame ahOllid be OD the polJW . . wlill . . ftubed
011 the :r'l!IeIl- It would be Uke .-dlD.c R0t.-
ert W. Chaaben' ......e 011 the ClOTeI" or a 1IIq'a-
stDe 1Y1IlC 011. a .~d.. 1h-.tDa1ly the
plctaJ'e patroDa woald learu to bow that JobD


...-- . . -
No. 3706-V ANlI'Y CASE
~ __..,..._ .....
No. 3664----SUEVELE
....... -
5--.1_ . . . _ _ ......
Doe of Bheboyp,D. alw.,.. KOr'l!Id, wblch woald
be or. ad'nllQ.p to the uhtblt. A.a yet oaty
a few of the oompaals ctYe the aathOl' credit
au. the ~ r ......eIl .. OIl the Rl:J'elI"D" but . .
time cue- DD th _ _ dlt1oall wU1 ricbt them-
.... h~-.s.
~f... .. w _-o-_
CCSICJf ..... S7W. ....--.. Idft wloIclo

r.. ~_~.
..m ---' ""
obb>truw....uI;J'_ s.8iIco-t,...
wldloat _
eL m-
_t n-.
or. ~ is_
pI....a _

.bleb ' - _
.t dMo
1IeiTell. l"Ilm. ID&D~ wUl be more thaa
wlUiq. to ct.e the aathOT c:ndtt In all put..
IIdty mattI!r wheD the author baa _'I1Dced
them he Is a d.epea.clable aeeaano Wl"lter.-
~ f...

_=--t "_
_~ .. _
_ _ . . uaba
..-.... tr-te....t
witb _ I >....
k=, ..
TIte troabadoDra of Broad....,. aDd their joy.
oms 0lXDpa.n10IlII takbla' c:baJop of the rea-
ta1U'Ult. Tu.CO . .d ma.d%e ooat.l:a were
.,..tV -..II ~ be st- til......... bJ' _tl\afnlr doe br1JlcIn& oa.t I.OI)I&ue nc:h . . reIldered ruther
-n ~ _ -.dI ..n.r thoi:J ba....... ....-boI

...tId. I:a _ Idin .utdt. do _ delJocue _ _ <tl a .eoa..-enatloa almCMlt tmpoalble. We pPd OW'
...... tD with _ clr-.
cheek. _d wblle walklDc to the ClJI"Ilef' of
ll'ortY-tl! Street, wb_ 0Ilr patha dherced.
..... - - - . " .. S T ~ 5111'"_ Capta1a. Peu:oeke p Ye me a f_ worda of ad
.....,,"'0 1'IIva.m'E '" --...... nee fOl' becbmen.
"So IIlaDY people who try thelr bu.d at'
COUPON RCl!Dulo wrl.ttnc are ehiueIl hearted. A ClMqIIe
<:GU_ .........eL th-. iI......
To -.... . .,. ... lID ..... th.
wfdl ~
A-dOr-- ot rejeet!OIlII _d thelr bopee to aero. They
CAROLINE WASHBURN decide they are Wl1ll'l!llJ . .d thea la,y the blame 1, 305 W. A.I.- St. CIIic.p, DL 011 the editor of aeenarioa. BednDers ab08ld

....... -
3714 rO':lek EJ>d<....t . ..... r. ~ p_-...I Irtad:r pleblrell _d _ bow thblp .... *-e.
,..., r .... ___ .... ~ n II'IdIetomd - . - .

....-.1..... o DIE.SICJ'l N.. ....

The motiOll ~lcturl!I tlleure 111 tIMi best tMcIler
..anable. Of coune 011. mat bow ))Iota.
DESICII sn.. .a....,.......,....a.,..u't
lI>a~ o DE:5ICllI N.. 371.
_d DOW bow to market his _arIOl!1 after
b. baa 1I'rltteD tlll!lll.
"-"'t ~'-
fa _
...... _...,.~"'~a
- ' " _1lOda _ . m
...... lad. . . . . _ _ froa~ - " ...... ll~

,. "....
1 _ II, ... . - .
DE:5ICllI N.. .J7OI;
" ...........ted.1
-rhe Donee OQCht DPer' try writinc two aDd
~ ~ _Ul a1'tft' be baa .aid
IIeftnl 0IIt!'ftlel ~ Ott. tbere'. 110 ...,.
=--:t-~~~!ar ~ __ "- thlDc;a the Il~ oq!lt to bow, tim ........
be mat u'q that .udi:-t04t . . . .~ ~
=~~~-7'""",,~ s.- .l qaaUty, 0Itberw-bl!I1Yt wm. Ile'ft'I' mUe tlle leat
L - _ __~
__- _~_-
__... __ " _'- -'"T"-=:C,''''''''''''''''' ' '"'''''''''''"-::::~'"'"""""""'-oJ kiIUI ot. u......,....


..... -...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . fII.
.. ...tMlll .. _ _

tr- ...

....... . . . . ., tM u-. - . . a 7 g .

rr- _
.... Ila...,._...
. . . . . . . . . - - ,.. ftt.IiII . . - - - . aa4.

., ..s.tF
Olal _
n-. c:r-'.
CIlIILDr fill.
~at . . ft_n
do. ~ to tM ..........
alb . . . . . tab dla.- _ ~ a. ttPt
_ III 1M ..,..
11' . . . . . . . .
.... ~ r r - w . l _ .. ~

.. ~ . . . . . . . ..,. - - . ...,. ata:..

aa- d.'I'IIr .. -rM J.aa. . . ,... a aka b.JcIl.- ..-tt.. . . - ) a ,..,. . . . . . . . . . . . -.n
..1lI* . . _
toe..,.,....... tIIlt
~ ..... __, . .
l1 .. a ~ I ~ ~
........ ,
a '.;-
' .,., .. __ dtF.
- -
at ...... ..--. Hem
til..-p.. tI"IIl.-.. . . - . - t D ' ,
' " - - IIM::lk n- a-- ..
&"llr........ --..
-. - cr-a
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . fII.

one ~ ~


t!M I:IQIre
man 1t'iD

~ .....

alhlaT" ~ ~ .

_ .. U.I'\OIl!f'E
- - . t t:naa. ~ aD Ids . . . . . . . . .

c..u. IDac. ", eM _
CIt7 _ tndl: .& .. ~ LM:IIe ~ will Ia "'TIle a - t __ tM ICtpt --.
aM. .. _ UlJ
-.M tID .... _
....,. -tJ'
..-t ~ - fa wIaIdIl. .... . , . ~..... ~

V1aat ~ _ .. JochJ'
. . . . . . .,. _ _ -..w.J' left
-. .....a.t
_ _ _ . . . . . . , . NeI-
~ Itretdl.,
'tF tD 8ew y--. hb 17 tar PIb e-:atJ'.
........... De . . . . . . "-aII7 __ tJMI --.ery
~ . . . . . . .,
__ a-. tP-. __
.. h
.u.) ..

'-tie _ _ tIIa- tlar .. r--nel I"Mbc .... M1ee IlII' ~
a- IIII!nbrn ...
r-m.. ...... pec. . t!=
lniIe ~
)6rDIw _
tab _ _ . . . .
till ..ucII ........ -a-rt __
., a ..
...... .-::11 wID ___
..... 1'rwaJleDe Ioob .......... ta .. rel rW- t"bpmhh .....
Ia&" ~ ... _
w1lo UI co....RD ta 1'Ww T.-k at 1eMt
01....... Ia fad. b.b

etrorta tD Dlutrate the ~ ....~


for nd ca..-I MaW to rt6I b8r I l - . at . . .-

IIUlCk ~ ta ..... to - . . Uae ' &.
tka. . . . . . tM ark-bli"et -a- ....
ULJ' - . trt.- .. to PaI-.'t1De Ia tile Cld:*JIIII
Ulen .. __ CIllI&of' at leut. It '- to ..,.. will
Dot ..,..,. t. ber co.tuDe..

~"",,(J~ , .....
~ Lbe ...... Ittac...
Il _ _
.." $'.
_O"W ~~

Ida ,_Leo!! Mt . . fill u.- - - . _ . .

OU"'. rer..a
to ~
.....t _
lac Ucbta be
fill it. JIrea-. . . . ..,...".

. . . wltbod
_ ~ tbe lInT
UIM"_ ..... faraat~-

wtdt . . . . . . . . . .
~ -.rataIaW

DIXltplod . . . . iD..
Iet . . . . fiad.~._
5 ,
7 '
<#', . .~

NldJota. DaDaew. .. ...eU-b--. a...-
.. "
the j S _ _
I to
.... A"
actor . .d &alb_. . . . ~ flappd bY c::mDIe.- Yoaac LiDc:oIIl ....,.... to . . . . _

... ...~_ ba . . . .... IlIIIa:N ""IIy
, 7 bat be WAS 1&1 4 y. to -..cae4. &t PIIJt.,
pIQs till
w Ia wlItcII au. KlaIlaIl T. . . .
'roM. Ift'. u--. ~ lea SrxDe_
~ .... _
PAaaD . . . . . -..l HIS
will be ae-e . .
~ ~
., cd Ix' F
~_....,.,-pUP. : r - ' - t - . _. . . . _ ...
7 ~

ill Ulta -.atrT '-t Ills

ot ttlc IIlbuJr PlQ"b of Ulc
~ . . . tan. _

aeuc-. ..,....c-.e-.......
. .. ,..
-I: ' .,... ...
or......... ..,....,..-__
,.... _$- - -
.... . .....:::::
. $'

Saacla,yw _III b~
Sa1l7 CrRte. ~ '-4bac _--. .u-rda
.,. the Un _ .b.icIl 1.- P'"=at"'-y-_-=:'=''Cit.~---.._~~-=.
_-ua..Dt7 .... ~ . 01.
u.u IIlerwlf to tH io7s __
_ _ ....

at ..... a-tl. _ I.-e bIIatL

&tUte . . ., taa'll: . . .
cutl t:Jt-. _ foI'ty . . . . . . . aI - - . t!aIIt
-'lot ~ tbI: _ _ Cndie Dew e "'''
oIth.~ art.

SktDey Drew. _ of the tua-. Drew baln7

&lid .. _ _ be' OIl Ute ~ .met ClDIIlJIU."
. . maI'I'W Itl1y Z5 to 1AdDe MeV.,. at the
CbIl2"'dl __ tJM Trml4.. U- N_ T ~
1IIettItr u-. _ -rtM: LtttSe CkU'dl AnIaD. the
OanIer. w

la prodlldq I1MI NlPt:fapJe.~ bl rilkh

Et:IM!I BuTymore III f~ t2M AD Star ~
pie ro.:u. t!I:at they IH!t!ChllI - . H y that ccal'
act. T!te7 -.n:!ted T-.un., ..b_ thetr
!adIo III toeated., Sa qJa tor Rdl _ -.baaL
"l'1te7" a.- trilIII I't'e1t' Torti: . . . a .... _e
d01t'1I ta u.e lower 1tMt.... 8M: tlere aaot!ter .
~bI"!!Ilt ~ tb-.. _CIDkep an1tGt
..lIowei Sa ......,. tnaIu. 8IItce tM7 ItMlIelI
the mcakeJ' tblII'7 Ia~ to ...... kt. if Utcr
had OD cbart1u' a ..-dal tJ'abi to tab kt. ..,..
"-t tJa.. u:tru:a. . . ) .. I2HI7
fcMlad tlIZI ut.w wtlo _ W tID _ _ a-
trip to Yoallers for tea 6oIIan.
-,.--,-.- --- _.. "
..... ' ..,....

.... ~~I~p~p~7S~
. ....., ..... n ,,., ...
"'?io~ ..5 ...
eua-n c:.r..o..:rt&, aaa, . LooIllUlJ..L PAm. .1, "DO~ MaI.-n-.a.--. WB
1~Ta.L""""" ..-a -.&IIMe ~ ..
aot a ~ _ . . . o.tnlde IIcCo7" ...' tIM: III UIM.
adlDr ~ be baa ........ iii. raIeI .mu- ~ We ba_'t a CMt. ..
GIl tyo or thne ......" '. ___ 1M .bahe ClUIDelb" 1011 \
meD'r t ... boweYer....... .IIIl'tdalt7. ~.
DO. Wh~ IUd 1O'l eel the Idea ~ IUpG:I 1'J1O-.&lI Il., R ~ WOlDI, IuDIQIL-'
And_ ".. the wife cl Go JI. ~ ! b. Illdd:q _ to tMIp , . . to _ a -.-au- ..
Prett7 IIlpaa. .. IIlriouly thtJlk:1q ttl. 1lIW'1'7" _ IIdcr wttll .. _ - . . . , . . 1011 are 1IIIIdac,
IDe _ """"'"'-
the tm ?L It ClIIl'l .. *-eo ~ wItIl
:r-n aod :r-n or J' e
te . . . e '
G. L. D.-rt .. lMrely pou1ble that the Kar1 are ~ aaDcIub' to "pt _" w1th Jric-
Ryan now ~ with & .mdl CllD.paIl3' in t:icall7 nery fI.lIa IIDQUY 01. IlOte ... the 0Dia-
Sal-. x-dluett:a, .. the ume Xary Ryan try. Yoar ODly dlU:u:le. .. _ -ue-r, w-W:
...tto .... to Ia7 ~ Jl.aaaaiAe J'leld.bac,
bat Labia reciI!Iltl:f roe:leuecl a J'leIdJD& 8l1li. ....
III.- an. wu .wi tb-. .. we are btdbled
be to CO after It jut . . 1011 -.-Id atter ULY

to bel1eft that 7'OV KaI7 .. & 4Hrerent 1ad7- I...cwIJJ s.. Nu.zs. !lremo..:.A1I.---see . . . . . to
Thclmu ... aIIowe. 0 - ......... to 1011' .. to
JlI:ae II.. w~ T_~ O~T.uuo. C..L'III.lD..L- forpt tile 4MIre toO becc-.e a Pctue JIa7m'.
Grace C1manI .. of Jl:actbh pareatap .... maD It' ot - V _ tIUY _ it . . . . . . . . . tile

from ,.,. win ~ h8' if 7O'l ~ It III
care 01. the UDJ-.-.l Weet <:aut . . . . . 1..01:.
wOl1r. i8 aQt:Iliq: 1l1li1 tlaI. after :r- clo "lu4."
U 1011 baTe a coo4 ~ ... th~ ...-re
ID-.Ia a dQ. daI't thiaIt fJII. ezcbes;.1... it for
tile aedac ~ -...e. 1011 u:n real
A.I..:ar. 1.. II., IIcuORll:, OIa.&Jm......-W'taI- talent uwI 1IIlUmtWd'.ultIoa...
fred. QroeaWOOll fa DdTate ute .. Mn. Oeorp
FIeld, .ot Iln. Itdwvt Coxa.
- . III tItD1 W1th.....,.. Y_ mut haft .....
G...........,... Zoe Go. 8.L.. A.. .'lQ1'I .... TaAa.-The ant two
pIaJws :PUll ume happea to .. b. . . . . . . .0:1
....... _ ol u.c- receIlt 8I'l:IIlcbo Bm7 wUIe. The third i8 _m.n1ed" aDd Kath1Ta
FOR 1JE .... iQPL.\.Y WIII1ER r e i - . Write to the pIlIlUdtT ~ t fill WID. . . . fa jut: _ -rmc
~ T!lta
the U......... rum ....~ ~ . . . . ber _ d tDarTia8'e.
11IE I'HOTOPIAY SCENARIO Ifeoea ~ New York Cttr. tor a' Pltato f1I.
the . . IitIIe book -.l the oidJ' ItttIe BIlly laeube.. JEUI DtlB. PAollAllC.. .... CALDoL'fU.-Tbe c...
. . of ib taL . , . it lit . . , Qlfe Compaa:, are IlOt . . . . . . . . thruq:Il _y
= ' O r .me tD the IbM If.o8Itu:& R.. NKW:'IA:"I. GaIMILL-1t of the I'l!lPiar procnm.,. hat. ..e _derstand
Q..OID"- C~AIIT."""V.o
"08ld ... m1ldl too loDe a l1IIt. to PQbUab b-.
It yoa W&Ilt to p:t better aoquJDted with the
are II:l&1d.D&" r.tve ~ eltCI'IIldYely and
P"ObaIlt7 fa the DeU" futu.N we c:aa tell yua. ..ho
lIat.1ull ~ watdl botb P'ftlJroIou.T JIMu- i8 till IIIIadle tIteIr~.. We bO"f JlCItb.
un: uul Mons ~ MCb 'Week. Pld W'I"lte inc of tIleir lMdtn&" people _ c:aa't ...,.
the JlatuJ. FUm. Coipor H... of New Yon Clt:J the lea41.q _ _ .... that you sa.... Keystc:me
to ..,4 :roa RftI ute nery -week. I"eIl:ues throacb the )(1ItlzaJ. Pf"OIII'&m. Dam,
ltI.o'. lIt1IllIo is loeated at the _ _ plaut ..bere
Mt8", :'\I. M.. D., MmoI-l:TOl'\', Co:":'<I!'.L"TlCU'f.- Keystc:me. are made. Key_.. Domino.

0 . . Jloof'e did Dot appeu I.a. that "&moua Br'lXI.cho _d Kay Bee IJ"e aU made at the
PIa7era ~~ -0 we caIl't teD 108 ""-bleb OM' plaat of tile New York Mottoa P1ct11re CorJora..
be ...." He D1a7ed. appo81u: Little IIarJ' ill
~ " thoacb. N If JOIl saw that )lkt:are
1011_ rea4U7 i4ertit,r him. vtt:acraPb'. "7he ~lkTnlCG. ~ !b) Al...... NE'W You Crn.-Yea.
Chrbtiaa" .... IUIt ftC'llarl:J reIeued bill IIOId JlarKqerite Claytoa appe&J'l in fUma made at
011. the lltateII ricbt. llUia. It b nIIUI.iDc DOW Nne.. Cal1fonda.. .bere G, JI. ADdfIIwm hN hia
Ia Cblcaco. bat .e _'1 tell you Jut .heg you ~ CcJmpaay. Why bother .. to ... h,-
c:aa . . it ID JOIU' dl:7. Why ROt wrtte the Craae WDbar Ie married or oot!
VttaeraPb Compaay aIld IDqu.tre who bo!qht
the COI1aectlc:a.t rtcbt. Pl. thea learn from. the E. M.. K.. 8.:lOkLT:of. NEW YIR.II..---8ee amnreJ'I
ezhfbttar .be It wW be ahOWD ill MlddJetoD! ci~ abo~ to Thomas . . and Lewta S.

MylU. DAl...E, SA.'i A.'i't<l"'Jn, l"'::u,"'.-We D. S. F" V1l'I(:K:"iJliDl, IlfPL\:ofA. ---cr:r-.tal. Ke::y-
baftll'" a cut sheet for that Solu: productloll. lJtcxl.e I.Il.d )(atul an _clenltood. to p1U'CIl.Qe
bat It yoa. ..ill 'W'T'ite the Sola.:c CQmpu.y lIirec:t lIYQops1a or plots 0Il1y for IDOtiaD pIeC;arelL A
they ..ill probably be Clad to tell you who that acenario fa then pJ"el)U'fllll by Utelr . . . writers
aetn!88 .... IlovD; Pn:rolu..u. woaJd Dot attempt from this plot or lmQ'atIon. MaDy_1MAies
to tell JOIl ao.ythtDc ot the uJarieli recelYed by .m lPlpp!y yoa with a _pie eceaarlo U you
nrioaR photoplayen. That is a matter that wrtte them for one.
COIlleenll only the player and the IUm lnaDu.
G.A.alJ.KL1.L-'iea. Jack KeITtan ..... inter-
rie...ed In the llaJ". IJlt. I8ntI of PlwnlPuT
1k.u1uu: D.. D~ TUA><.-YelI. Henry MMA.%I:"ift. Plctllrell or both Ken1pa _4
Walthall pW,yed the role at Jolin HowU"d Paylle Ka.beJ. Normand II)pear ID the 8ame ~ of
In Sweet Home" (Mu.tu1l. aaz.oId Plloron.A.T. A KerripD lJlory appean ID thb
Lodtwood ..... the actor Y01l meDt:iOII. in ""T_ IlIlJUe 01 MonK PIt..'"TOIUAI_
of the Storm Coa.Dtry." We eaD't ciTe you eaBt
of "Lord C1lu.mley" (KIa.... Erlanlf'l!l' ,
~KlTTY.;\"fl.- O""ElUOaT. IOWA..--JohD E.
HAn:L D. C, L....".01.:f. Nt;llll.\"K.I..-F'Mldericlr.
ChIU'Cb CILD be reac1Ied by addJ'oeeginC letter
MackID ..... the busbuid 10 ~'. ""The Sbow

Girl', Glove.," _d BPTY M1I1.arIlIe
hia w..
to bim in c:are of tbe Unhe:rsal FUm e-JIUl1.
BolJ.y1II.'oocI, LoB A.DceIelS. Callbnla. NIa.L G~ fk. ~ ._ _ ~ .....
........... ..m ........... _

- _...-:.=.".... - . . . .
r ~Gu:...... ~ "J..:n;
!.~~ WIl..I...lAaD F, F . PWl.ADU'KU..
-The leads in the two l'amoas Pla7en I"eMues
&tid: ... 8IInIl a-ntoa iD !ldecde"II . " .
Pearl at the P1uljab." The plet:1u'e ..... .....

II!r the Nhe ~ ...bJC:b ' - d ita _tiN
""'.'4C ? ' r e FIlE.
",'ere Muy Pickford I.Il.d Ihrold I ...........
ae of pIQwII to the &dectIc ~ for
..... 'he Tbe . . . ~ "
o ..t.~-.:.-:.:=
r. c.... lIS
:1'. ......
J. R. 0., Dt;,:o;n:..
is appeartaa in
~.----fhesttt BanlIIltt
Kamic br"uId IIlmll at Ute
of ""TIle Peru. 01 PalIItae...
~ 1KnNftr. _
~ acD"eaa _d
Mahlal Pf'OCT&&. ... &dectSc .....
Hay Fever
HearYe! . .

No matter how chronic your catarrhal troubles, Asthma. Hay Fever,

Cold Deafness, and Head Noises may be we will prQve to you at-our
expa1Se that th<:y may be banished. True, others will tclJ you what' they ha.., dooc, but
who else offers to send a full and complete =tment on f= trial without asking you to
risk a penny until yon are satisfied? Just think what this means I We are .~rs. We
don't know you and you don't know us. We, howeft'r. know the superior merit of this
wonderful ue2tment-thc relief it will give you. And that is why we arc willing to lend tbis mar .
velous Swiss-Amc.. .ican Vaporator 5' .... ..-.I,. for _ on an absolute five days fr-ee trial basis.
It will quick.lY relieve you of tbe suffering, agony, emharrusment and humiliation of these loathsome
and daqerous cliseaes. Remember we leave everythinr to Jou. Y_ Me . . . "';.Iee. "Get relief lint, then PI,,". CMI'
lDOttO.. Mail free coapoa to us today and the full and complttc tJ'eUmCDt .,11 10 to JOU br para{ IM* ~

Complete Treatment
to You for 5 Days
You get this complete =tment-a treatment that will last a lifet:ime---1l =!mMlt that
requires no re-<>rders. no .. come ons" of any kind. no samples. e..,rything goes to you
complete and ready for use. Use it as if it were your own. Prove to yourself at our upt:nse
that the Swiss-American Vaporator treatment will gi.., you the relid that you ....,1<.. Yon
have full five days to decide. '"Ie
Je2ve everything to you. If you are not satisfied after the free trial
tben return the Yapontor treatment to us and that ends it. But if you are satisfied, tben you may
send $1.50 and pay one dollar a month for five months, malting a totd of $6.50 and giving JOG
prxrinUy hali a Yea!" to pay for iL It will ~ you che retid you h....e been iookinl for or hdl; it C'OftlCS to us. We c:oaW . .
doni to make such an anoundinc fTe.e trial otteT unle. we wen:: absoIutdy CeTtlin tbat l;hn r.:markabk: Vapont tre:atmeat wiI.
all for you chat we claim it will Remember there are no re-onkn.. There is nOf:hinl furtheT to buy. This Vapont'OC' with . . . . ,
care wililasc a lifetime and sbould protect you apiast similar atud.s in the: future... Send us your name and addraI-. the coupoa. tolI.r.


S_Auk<1amv _ _ Co.
Dept:. 114. 14. . N. sa A-... n ...
GentkDK-n: You DUI, ICGd me the v ~ Tfta'-
meI1t COInpkte: for 6ft dap' Tee tri.I ia ' wid!
your ad--erti.c::moelU in this papu.

Swiss-American VapOrator Co. N .

Dept. 114 102 N.5th A..... CH1CAGO, ILL.

~ ..... ,.................................
The greatest jewelry offer of the age. Sele~t one'of these dazzling,
eotiieous l.acbnite Gems and 2tt it on ten days free trial Test it out ettry way that you ner
liard about. W_ it to the ...--_ the _ _ ..It G,..... fw _ , . daJ-tbcn decid.-'
whether you want to buy or Dot. Put it alongside a real diamond. H,.,. QII. tel. tile differ.-ce, . . . it . . .
...... U you decide to keep it you may pay for it as JOU can dord-a few cents a day ill enoach. TCI1DS .. n .. 3% ceatJ a"'.
No red' tape.,
~ tile _~
DO DOtesor mortpco--just plain open and aU above board proposition. Your c:redit is pod with the: creat
----ow. ..~ in.ea,1 andr;et our ..,. eaa.kta: no.n.l iII-ooa. of all the ... ~ _
"Gale 01 [ ....' .
jrwdry tIw: , - Iu.ft.1Ida:t ~ Writll u . . r 's.

Marvelous New Discovery

Scieace. hal at last produced. &em .... hOle brilliancy rivals the Sun it'JClf. Genuine Lachnite
e-. 10 c_1y ft:IO:alble aiMd di..-ch that lkillat apertI are often baflled.
Tbey.caod fin: Uld Kid _ &Ad
..iD CIlt,.... Tloc# Kiatillatillit (1oriowI ndianc:el... ~rf". Cd one: olthne uqumrc apaltling ~ _
~ Lor:! it ~ aad .paille from iu ..lid IOld IettinC _d fucinate' ,II wid! .boG you COQM' in COCIIX1.
The most wonderful character impersonations ever
shown in the movies are displayed in Thanhouser's Million Dollar
Motion Pictuie Production-The M"illion DoDar Mystny. An all-star cast bas made
this stupendous production the most successful movie ever brought out.

MYSTE _ .5 . .. i;t(
Nine episodes of this
great serial havt: already been
released. Two red episodes are released
each week. The Story itself is now appear-
inr: in nearly 200 lcadina: nC'~papen..

$10,000.00 will be paid for the

best lOO-word Solution of this mystery.
Bookings now being arranged. The Million
Dollar Mystery ii an independent rdeue and m.... he
obtai~ ~k. allIw ~I... pror;n:m brinK ....t

Syn~FIbn CorporatIon
_ 7l."~~"Y'"
tII.. s.-a ...... A . . . - . ~
Or Syndicate Film Corporation Rept'eSencuive at any
Mutual Exchance in the Uaikd St:ates and Csnada.

Tk 'J1wwkI_er 'I1Ifte-a-Week:
....... . - - . L ",.. Caz.~F-'" A",,~
~ dncetiYe story, bruno&: F. A Kdsl:y. Frult; Rt:nncn
and A E. O'Brien.
-"'--11. "" ...... _8et<I."
titul one-f'ed d.ruru featurina: Morpn
Waite. John Lchnbac. Lydia Mcae!. Ldand Benham aDd
Fan Bourke.

naalloaser FllzI COrporaUOB

New ",IlLY
. . . . Dcz
c.. ........
D 7 ...

Will Td Yau What

He l.euDed at New
CONTENTS Roc} It The 0..-
COVDl PHOTOGIL-\PI! ~~. FuJkr oE The 1),' r
,.. t $ "7 ,storia
.Itd Feat-ras Myil&)
~ -...-. die a-- ... a...o-..l ........._. R.. t-,M.- Unbeknown to anJOD~,
TWO BlTIEJl ENEJOES. . .3 William J. Born., Chid of the
INTEIlESTIJ'iG PHOTOS OF THE 'II' AJI 10 fu:reaching Burnl Intem.a-
PHOTOPlAY FEATIJRE PBODUCTlOl"S tiona] Detective AgeoCJl vis-
.. 'I1Ieir ...,. G..-. . !.5 ited the ICcnes of the tfuilling
~TIte IIilIio-l DoD- M'!Ilery- :'!6 movie epic-The Million
Special Articla Dollar Myllery. With hi.
THE TUlE-THE PL,,"CE-.,-~-n THE K.-\..~ accultomed c1everneSl, be
ne D.:i.t r...-.. K-iof: . . . ia Serria. actually interviewed Florence,
WHAT IlEAU.Y DID HAPI'IJ'i TO ILUll' )Ian Fun.,,. 3 the Counteu, Sraine, Jonel!
y.....,' J.U~T ..__.
NortoD, Sta:un, Vroon and
BELPS TO THE SOUITIO:,< OF -mE lIThLIO:'i DOLLAR lIYSTEB\- otherprincipal...-and lends the
'illiam J. B..... 10
BESS JIEIlEDYTH--DETECTRf_....-:;- Ric:hant 'WiUi$ l~ ?t-iovie Pictorial this message:
'I1Ioe"s...iat Gid ;. CaIiMnoia.
\ llDderbnden F ,-Lea :!2
Itic~ t3
"I am OIl the Trail oE
~ IIu aea- 0- of d.., ... uric". (."".1...... G..-c......,...,... StauIey Hargreave!"
THE IUKJNG OF Ai" .'CTBESS "'illiam CulT)' U LetteN. wire" penGlllll rtle1Ssac'U
TIlE MOVING P1CTUllE G.'lIE Frank lL 'W"ilt.-rmt:M.KI 27
haxe pour.. d into tbe lime Pictorial
Ill. n..e .SeeftariQ St:udeat Srt. . . . ...-M R..... onl... offices from ~\-uy point of the: Con-
tinent, 5ho~inC the keen interest

PL'"YEBS BlIlTHD..o\ Y c..-\.L.E~DAR

DtttparllrUMs .
JohllMHl BriM"Oe 30
aroused by the Barns' artic.ks that
in .eekly dun to tbis absocbiq
WEST COAST SniDlO JOTTINGS Bich.ud ,- ill.. 31 ),Iyster}'.

L~BlIAnON :u Tbe that the Muter Df:t-

T -u; ~ ~ lie _ . . at
all _ . . . . . . . . ,....,.
aWe t_ C" doe . . . . . . . . _
t.... f aBy
_ ..,. ~
~,. _
, will ee-.
dle an.Iar-. _....

~ e - . 1Illf
. . . . . . . . . o-ol
.. c::w.... 1--' _
tin of the ...-orld hu cone in penoD
to ferrd out the bidden bets. i.
sufficient to you deuraUaed
to accept the Moci~ Pictoria.l"s
_ A. D. ao..&. L .. 'Dit........,.;
spl~Ddid offer of 6 moaths' ubsc.r1p--
_IK t .-... t:a.. CGPt' tor ~ ~
l.~ .-rr week, , . . wlU ......... ,.a.a-.,or-. tioo for only one dolb.r-and th1l5
"'0; ,be aap_ -.ow - I ~ ~ I _ . . eaa....-t"'" be enabled to CO personally afber the
Tenia: ".011 ,.u l.a ~; done ..lUi T Mon. PJc1'ulu..t.L lI!IooI" .. 11.00; .......... <'011". 10 _~: , . . . . . pl"Od.- cN6nrlala. Ten Thousand Dollar Rewu-d!
'" ('a_4& s:; ('f'IIU ,.,.r add.ldoul; for'fip S... P l I _ ~T .......Ito.
l~ .. ta~ 'l'!;o ~.
..Ill lie .lad to P"OI"C"PU .r ~r. Burns win help you a.rrive at
1"" 1I1ld _bKrIIIdOli Iol. . . nK~ tI ..... I' or .... _.1 bJ<'oc'tl "" the coDc1usion. He teUs tbinp that
I.. ".. .
f ...... h...
It _u tbat JOlQ' ...... pc h ~ _
t ...
yon would nenr think of. He briDe's
a _II la ,oaf _Mon1ptI_
_,rtlldo' "'. . UlN.....Iu. dlat .... b. To
""'f ""
~ ... _etoer .._
tJIliP'Ipb. .1Ik 1<1 bofo
~ ,

......1 lI!Ioald .. wat et _ ~ hi itt'. Io't

aU his "'ooderlul traininc intoactioll
""..."..........bftI "rOoorialr ~ ., .d.
-c:u. .~ _ ~oot "'. _. for your benefit-for the cood of
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.I DOlI<~ DO"V hoW' it fJtrt.kes you.
0-.," . . . BWy Ile7Dol4s. -0111
It'. my .ottc.. that the'f'e too
~Mn1-"* .....
....... " .......,~ . . , . . . . . . J-era.
It ..... _ . .. , _ ., ..

iIrfat J!IM ,........ ill tAr .....


h.. i" PM':pared for it! Thll
to ~fltt D.ew. llJ _ wu:!. . .,.

d.uILD 1IUUIy lJOId1enI ...4 prfttJ' ~.-. .... f"r '-. _ ...- I uo.. a nl&ht cll1 ~tor 0( a ="lew
thiap lib that lU"Omld th_ pub ~ York __..-er wbo rme .isht bC!'Id a
-*,. ., ...--.
11M. ~
in&" plmD1t to waste! Gee! Oaly tbi8 e-mWlac aa4 ClIIDplalll.lq IbJf 10. I
IDClrDJD&" ....t four 1IlillJ0Il of tMJII ...., ....,-~,.,.",tr-
a.fh!r "ftY bit of won: l!IeftDef M haYe
muc:be4 frcm (lIUI ral1nlU. atatJca to
another. "ds pla}' that that tar it -.iiI ",.,....
.., _ T..,...
_ .. flOC _ ~. r - . l - .
_ -.N
heeD. doae. He traIIlped. . . _d ~'n.
the~. ADd. at two o'dodl Ill. UH!
etnUlted r. ~fDc!-ftap "'.'riDc. lIJonlUl&. .. hea b" reporten were .-out
and the people cheeriJl&. Gee, I u _ flflllill. O ..,..,4fdQ .r to lila,. llim aud PI h-e. tit-. caae th..
sa.. ~ lDte the..,. they ebeeftd!
ADd llClit camera wOll"ldJa&, Dot OD.e!~
"U'. a IUlfl&l wute all riPt, BUb',-
qreed CJea.......Tauart. with iVbl-
~ ............
...... ~ 4f .. nw-t _ - r hr " ' - . . . bvlJetb of a railroad W'ftdt. ... Ilia _
b.'rritolT. In "'bkil _ _ Wft"e kUled.
HIli. ,..per "'13 bOIl", .h,ea4 fill. aU the
~ I.D reportlq It. He bew that wroec::k

NWe'f't paytq lot of per1.ectb' cood extrll pe0- iIOI:IoII bad 1Ill.l4, ''uoth1lll; dolo.. at all-rotten:" "'13 eomiDC: that -.e bill pieee of a_II. .....
ple real ISlQlley to do what th_ eb.~ do tor HPretty 1110... ill rtcttt," a~'CI TaC.lIrt-nd 1tOlJl& to brealI 1ooIIe.
tlte flquhtlll"1rt Of -.bwt etcht Uld halt CftItlI "a.fteeL ' All of "'bleb l, rathf'r befikle Ole polut.
d..,.. OaJy-you want to remember WE'Y keep -You ml&bt MUl OYer to Europe:" _Id Ule bllt Tb-ell It ser1'elI to f'31piaia. In lJOm!" - . . e ,
umles Oft!' here ..fth the tdea at .IJbl&" theJJl,." bolla. MSort oL Intb raca-,,'I,icb mranll 011 the tbe p~ee of n.m Tagart and BlIlJ' Re7.
Reynolds ~ hlil head. He . . . . . camen. Q. T. Get me!"" noldll. in V'--- To aU aopea.ranee. U1ere
maD. and 004 ODe. Be clI4a't aeN an;. NtTh_hllb. aatd T ~ He el __-d hili "p'll
,,'aaD't a cloud 011 Ule EuJ'UII'Il'lIIl Ilk,.. Bllt Ta.-
lnation In his buta-. 80 be dld.'t baTe (De. III tbOll&'bt. NH"m_Ba.!kan!'~ !"'mt'll lIOm.. thilllt nr1. "'lIlll1l: ...orried_ He lIaew the,. ... t!'t"e baa.Jl.
Llkf' all ~nl-. ~het.bU' tbm en.iu impcls dolnc! So do L N In.. ~"mll!'.., below Ul@ hor~, th~ doadJl.
them to ."rlte Cf'&ftd opens or to elllttnte let- They looked at Ofte saoth~, Ilk~ m~a 11'1'0 He bad lelt It in Nf'w \' ork: h@I'@, Ill. the capItal
blce. he 'l'"aJI larcely a ~ of. (lll,e k1ea. In !Ol!Daed lIOIDetJiiac' ~ III Ule air. AIld tll@l" '" AUl'trla he "'all aholOlult>lC\' eo-rtllJn 01 It. ODe
aUly's calle till! Idea .'. . to keep GO worll.iIl tho: h..d. too. I ea.n't IICICOGnt tor it. Ther<!" 1110'1 ot hill DIIUI,. ltlns "'as that of t~.... He apollO!
nmera 8.lI lone as It held an,. tUm and there sa,. for the factl.It,. tJlf~y @s..rcl8ed. F'reacll and 'taUan. all ..'ell .. be dkl
...all any aetlOl1 .dlhlD ranee. Cbarc-lIl&" 1l000a Some men haYe It, that lfl all. They dL'tIt'rvt' DO Enll:llah: be had a lIuJDdelil a<:qualotaoce ...ltll
had tried to Interfere ... Il~ bim ad C&U1Il!I him credit for It. It Is as na.tural. III. uncon.l!lclOU-llly Hu.~iao and _ .. of the minor Sla" dlaltll to
to abandon t.hat Idea; earnest MeDcaA antpen. tI.fled aud developed all Ute !M'118f' or touch IbleU'. iI.. t alOliIl. Alld the hole t~hl.-d hblory of
In Vera Cru~ had become irrttal@d b,. hLs per- Every cood niebt city editor. for "ump.!e. h.. ....uOleaJltern Europo! " 1fODI~'1.h Ing h., had It
Ili,,(ence, and had IdIot lltl hilt run of holM. It. lJi acaDe dfCJ"M-. Or rille ..b,. dot!fl hI!, lIPOD his ftneer tlJ)ll.
Which "'a,; one ~ '11'11,. Clew. TacPort had oeeuloa, sit nervoDllly at his dellll. It1IJllIl'; tairty .. yea. .. he reP<l!'ltt'd, to tlJe b<'..-lldpr'N and
""If!'l:'ted him all Ills" amen. maD _d tnftilDc cood Dew.. boldine sp.&eI'!. boldlnt: lfOOd men III !lOme"'llat Indlpant Billy Rf!'C\'1Uold"" ,,'bo "'as
rompanloD on thl!! trip tu1I of ~ttAc thrill... r-rve. IKI that 'll'ben tb@ eddeD ftlI~cency drellmln~ .bot't :'\'..". York In lnlmm~. sad a
(' I .. m TagpTl. Oft . ,
~"rIQIII a-trl wbu
l!l@ oth~r band. be- IUI\'e.r ~med wbeu
In,;: a mov!n picture Ibl!'Y let the tM.t p
director, had WJE! for do ..o the chllU!fl at
about all UI@ Im...- LUIla Parlt. -riley
Intlon an,. limited kt!ep .1'lllle. ~
human DI I D d Ls ea- h_to . . tile . .
tlUf'd to o::a.rry-a D d Alld that JIU'tinJU
lIhould lIave l)@eD. ~ ot Ute A.. .
clla~ for eJ:ceM trta. .....,. :Fa. . . .
ba&a111 at thaL ..... bebtc .... It
l.zna&iDatIon b.. ",.. k~"'-.a
made the mone tIl- hlblre adjecb rr-
du8tJ"y. A.Dd IKI Clem tUiac- .........
ha4a't eveD. beeD. !RlT- HI. r...-w BI.b-
pr1Bed whea the bIc De- tile ~
-"oftheCIIlDa:z Frau -
J!"UJD Compan,. h a 11 .. W .......
_ t tor hllD tlt.ree heN .
4Qa. if .iliaof_Ul
... e e k. befor-e.. He
"'IUm't In act I v e uade .... 1' . -
eharl(e ot a compan,. aL 117u.e ..ay ....
JUlit thea; be bad tel' ,.ck lip. w ....
be .. n fIlUq In hb I....... UlJlJ ft ...
IInw, IItDee lolnl D_"
do ..'11 to MeJ:.Ico IlId "'Wltft'e far!'" ....
rdnnllnl( from that aey.tlWa, .. t t b a
~ofnew._d .1' . . . . ~ ~
picture llaecoa. t II II! _ot~wa.

occupation at Ve r a
Crus. by maklDr fell._

'"TblDp are pretty


_ _ .... t!aal it ....
II.low, Clem, ~ the Wa Ina lib New T.-It.
~ ~...... T ....... . , . . . . _t!lII't:J";..
~r'!B .... r ..w.
.:r,aaut ~
1IJIb'........... ...,.. It.-.eo
MooIt heM
......... --,~
1Ie . . . . .'......,~
"'TnIaa. Wl!" be.aE.
~ II ' ~ Mt to"""" W.'m

~AJI dPt." ~....... "Tl1 U7 ~ ....

DGt to tab IlQ' traIL

Bd why! 1nly! That"1 what F' lib CD e - .. 6IIIoW - . "
kaoW!" rr.a" JIIIIICbt. .. tJMl1
....,. rr- tile oeater otI. t!HI;.....
~rr:a..: ~ tbent. aad
be~. _ _ .......ed. IIIIt to *'
It... a-.. . . . be _ _ bU:teNI.
. . . . of tlte f'tCkla- Tht. be

k:lacII7- "Abo, becaue I'ft aut hudL".

'nte7 fGIJowed. the ~ Fnaa ~ 4
to tile qWal a.aJaa CQltal. But, aot 1Ielq
"'We're .,.,.... ~,"
ardulu. til the A ~ -.ue. t:be!' ...., he.u4. "'Game"" a bike,

~ Ute trip. 'In.... _ It .. eed ' c . . tlH! ...,."
u.e. -sue. _'Te pt to - . the.
DO ~ It'.:& ~ betw_..,.... ...
fa 0lRIIlt:rte. lib ao.d8., 1a.al_

1lJP....,. roIIJIaer)'. BU, _oe ani..... e'fft. BOb

fUma oat." -.ld ~
"".' M1t:r-." aaIoI Taaart.

-same ......!- be..... "'IIQ. It [ .... the Itt&:

J:x.s rd Jet :& com...,. ... heft! Gee. It', sot
We're pIq to ~ ..JIiWie
we _ , . - . film, . . . . .bere
I-.l _ill7, Uke the klDd I'JII
c:anytq" . . lIlT ~ 1Ielt, w1Il
A.rl&oDa beUa fot' IocaI color!"
~ II. came aboU tIIat . . Amerl_ mcn1e
~t . . . lit 8erajno . . that 4Q .beIl rr.u.
buy a .boIe lot of thblp beside
wbat the7 .ell UI the ......
P'eMlbaaad . . . killed.. The worl' ~ wb..U BWy, t.hJIi thJnc ...."t llbZ"t8I
~ ; bow _ of :& * - 8ertJ taaMk:s, :ret! ...,.. 1IIeUI.&---WaI'! T ll.
detenll.laed. to lIl&7 the __ who .... bel4, aIloTe real t1lblc-1tot a farce like the
aU otIlera. i sINe tor AQlria'. n ~ IIeXicu fila Thl!f'l!ll"_
c:rub..... of the drelIm ol :& rntnJ. ot the old Allatri&D arm:J' oat to deu. 1111
Sertt ew:)IIre.. '<-.n.- tII'e ' - I I ..,.. ~ 'aDd --",-,,-,~tuJ .....
wbat. all ~'
I"naa r~d.. bn." to taalt. moll,. tm8ed
It ......,. rr- blli c:a.niace. Clem Tqprt almOlil aIace '7'l---P...... . . . . dac:ld:q
Q ill r .. a y,'
..-eat . . . . wttll d~t. J'raAce,. J:::aclaud. ltal7, the _bole
....oottq match! Btl1)', rm 10'
"OW 70ll - . it!" 1M .aarieked in the camera
"'8ve!; ow. 7O'l _ bim dnlck:lq;
it .....,. _ tl it . . . a tioIII t.J.I that bad come
lDa bKII: ..ith 80IDe pk:tlars of
t'MJ flPtla&'! Well boi. t h I.
tato hJa tim: ta dle ~ .t the Polo stuJl 111 take a dumce OIl that.
G ~ ! .A!ld. tbe way it e:s:pIoded at1:.tIrw~!"'
ft', cood. bat It _e _ thifl _t
-sare 1 eat It, Cl-. Doa't bII!! ~." we're t:br'IMCb- rm I'OIDI' to
crowIId ~ "'Gee. IIUIl1e 111m! Say. tb1e11 _&It !Dr the bl& dobap!"
be:& 1aMdl.-t!" That _ .. Tagart', btl' iIupka-
..t...d, bllr "It aid Clem, amazed and tloa.. NlD.e m~ out or tIea-
delIP_ at the ~ that, tao the eutte- nlnety-llUle out of a b1llldred.-
...-to, tile paIJce ~ Dot mblde4 to ecmftaeate ...Oll1d haTe 1Iem inteat GII1y CIa
the ~ ......e'll Cltcb lIl11l q:ala be
lea'n!ll the toWII ball."
'I'bey waited. . . Ute ita. vi. Ute drlTe to the
b....... Ad BDly Ile7DoWa. bb ~ ~t
pUIq the IIllI:IUI ~ taIla.
baS CD ~ !hit T'...-rt
.... the Um.ltl_ ~tleII;
bJ.. Dow. . . . of tbti,
~ ....... ~
..-...- . ""-.'_......
-cam- nerythta&, recoried. 011 Ilb Is. enTY tiel of BaIba ~ -.lied
mon: 01 Ute ~ traplIy that rauow-.. Whtle him to r _ the flItare.. A.It4 tae Dew, too. tbe --.ue-01 8ert) ta.epsd_c:e b-.I _e.
eTeIl 'hcPrt. a-.ed .ttII the bOlTOl' of Ute that to attemJt CD __Te Ute ClI*atFy ~ aa:y DOl'- .................. ao 1IeUer thaa baDdtta. cap-
spectade. . . bubutd aad ..-ife tell. Utq. tD mal I'OIIlte ..-w. a1moIt IaIaIlIIIly ~ t .. the tD"lllI u.-. bait tIocftI tbDa. bat Tqprt.
OIle _other's &rIDS. torcot tile c:amen.. BIlb' ....."ee-H.. or the preclOlUI an,. at film that 1I1t2I hta . . . crt ........ _ t.h:roqh.. ftne
work"" All. Tqp.rt c::ame to tf!d the eamers B.e7DoWa ... t.alr.-.. 80 be CnAed ~ . U1II after dleIr - . e rr- BeraJno tttey
UJaD'/J crtp OIl bifl arm.
c:usill& in __ aDd wboDy or1&ta&I ___ er......t the 8wriua 1IIorder'; tweaty-tc*r bOllMI

'"Say, it'/J time to eel away. rye lOt eYer'Y' COUI.tI'y-_h.Idl, ta :a--.II aot at aU tbe I.ater tbq had ~ 8elp'ade..
thm. we'n! sot ~oe to ..... be .w.. . . . . . . uaYelblc' CO'IDIU'!' ta Aaer.lcs Taaart bad . . . . ta the dt:y CIa the bulb of
"'We'll be p1D.c:bed. it we walt. 'I'bey'ft bay or no- ta llalco. the 8&Te betoft. Be ha4 trlIlll. nJ.aJ.y. to .eea.."
dLutac the fellow Who did u.. Let'. bU the Here _ _ 8erW &D4 _ _- - . bat:Iac oae lUI' .. " CD raDow tJle 8er'I'iaa troope tn tJle
D"al1." other, btJbuIlecl by tlle ~ 01 Sen.ft)o. 1l"U' w1Ul 1'ar'bY", _d bad acqll1red oaly a nDe
'"l"-.'re clam.D rtcbt!" aid Taaart. AIII4eDIy 6chUq ~ the cae ~ t ~ kMWledp fIl 8Intaa blatImtlolUl _d of tJle
aHvf' to the Blt:aatioa. '"Coale oa.. It tile ~ A1UItrIa" the other 1\C'Od&lmlq tlIIIt the tiaMJ for . . _ 01. ~ s.r...1aai omdal.L Now
1M .-ttt- . . lM!Uer_ Betl:re leaTta AlDer
k:a,. . . . c-. IhiIt&. be had .eat a reeerYe A.I'PIY
or AlIa to !IlIIrI:nde. _4 thl!l tae DOW ptdtM. .p.
!IIoftlOyer, .e .....
able to cable to the bIc ......
Ia .........,. -*ri1led code. that did aot tooIl
IIIta .u.
that the _ bo .....
~ it 10 ttaroadL A.D.
the re-
Id:." tIlIIt lila be IIlade a trtp to ADthvl
-. ... r, tea........ ~ 1&
~ . . . 6IIIftred hil fl.bI:1 to trk!Dd. of
tM . . - - . wille .... ct1l1ablc ia the Adr1atk,
. . . . wtm.a to u fa tor tbe .... " - '
............ til Ute same d that act....
bJI _ _ dteIr u.u.. Abo. apoa. the ars-.t
_'rice of Taau't. the yadJ,t abanclaBell ttl
c:n.t.e _d ~ as qlltckly u ~Ible to
' "boy
"- tAU. shot Fraaa I'enlt.-.d pelt a
..edt to the rue. w .ud Tagart. wlIaybe 701111
~ I'a ~ taaia tor DIY 0W1l ..a---.
cs.- I waat ttud: IbD st&rteII for Uttle old New
York _ crUdt .. It ClLD be dCDl!. Wen, tlwN',
rttatnc to that. too. But. be1le'1Ie me--t!lere'.
- . . to be war! Y_ ltDow the old cnc:k. J'M:
.-e: _ YeIJ IdIl a mao .. 8CSI'e talm to a.tIl!
. . . . tbat" the b7. EYerY' cowatry ~ ~
am. ... ~ tar war 10 loa that a few _ _
)'eRa of. that ~ of peKe .. m IeaTill 'em 1rItb-
. . -.ey e.oqb to llcbL_ Thill7 4pre I:heJ'
aIiPt .. ...... IItart. .It &ad be 40De wUIro It.
....... t. _ _ to be IlQ' ~ tbaa
1M Ie
AD'.tJwlJ' ..-c to . .!r, . . . . . .

... --- ...

.... 8ftTIa _"t IIbt Autrta-" . . . . ttle

...................,-- ..........
, .

"Sue MIt. Bat how aboU . . . .! &r'I'la"
-.. . . . .
..... ..... .,.....
... _ .-.-fIIl 'I. tKlt.,. .... a...... .... _-.
..............., ---... .....
. . . DIWa,." ""WltIt"a ! .A.
....... a.a. .
-..e_ ..-IJ'
~ _alA tM 1M ~ eanIII tMt:tIII!It to . . - . . .
4 ............... _ . . ,...... .... te... . . ..-a fill. eM I)Irt.a - - . I Ida fIIl __.

...................... ....,
. . . . . . . . - . .a.I . . _

_ _ ___. ..... fIIl_.....n-
l2te --m ....... u dle:r""o... ~
'-attWr~ UtM
.. u- Ill' .-lac
_ G.lIda
0lI. tile - . lIQ '" dill . . . . . ~
~ ~
W "
..,. ..-t:IIIa fill
tM-.-. .....

~ _~
... . - - . ~ ~ Serrla to un. -c.s- r - . o- ~ lire ...
Mir _ ........ .a..tdia '-II: _ _ 1M DIa1Itle. W
roect.I. '"ftlIl'e a It....... , . . at e1"8"l' tell . .
fIIl a.. _ _ fIIltlwtBlM:kM I I
'be 8entIIa 8IIiIIlIIen 01 11.. JIU't:r aaMel. So ~ W.'D tftIIt rtPt &WaY."
_tNr _tlMI~~.....,. tIM!:r ........ tWr ~ talJdac. .. the .ar Be the '-JIf""tIef UrIl . . - .. ba
10 _ 1aer In _ tJM,..-t.. Be ...... ....... tM ~ 1"Ab ~ JiaWJ'. tIM Oftr~'

_.. - .
... ~ ~ 01. wut .,.. ........ to _ bew ..It....t b e . . . . ~ gerrlaa. tJI abo-ldfto. AM at _ .a1p Ite $ ....., . . 1M .,.. ....t7 to . . . u.e

~ - . 11M. ............. the ch..ceI of .aT
a.- ..... aae. b. ClJIU4 tbJaIl: _ the wtUl tM II'..t JO'ftI' ec:r-c. the Dude. Tbe "nabil tbt wbOie ab'!p. J'ut 'I-bidl aaaM
....... fill a ..-.nI""', kAi tlH!II be Wetl-t ...............; .... ~ _tiers II:ltew 'I'" It taa:- _ ~
~ ol tu. to rean.
that T...-rt .... II.eTat'b tlIlilI llia. AIld he .laue. letl!r
n-. .. ~ a ........t~wlt.... rfcIrt. ..... ~ - . ......-.lie
wft)a Utdr be ~ a t a . . .t . . . ~
1M ~ nee
...... . - - . . . . . . Ute
~ . . . . . .wu.-
AU lie
'''e weat
........ _
Tbaab to dtfta Tagart .... Ule to

to" .wfII tH ~ far


__.-t,r ....
Be p:re It . . at ta.t.

tdJIII. Taaut to Ute ..,.!dee. wltere ...... t b ~ - .. . . . . -r ma"t _ It. M .w. Taaart. ..Bat be "-UII
H --..... wIlJl ~ willo MIde 0 - . ..,.. ~ el JII'fmcmaI crue.
Ye"')' ~c.w, ..bat! ne ea.te'nI . . It.
..... tIIdr Ja-a sn-t7 tooIt of roS. U. Ute t6aL 1f U,...-w."t. OI

..... Ia tIIle -.t.. ~ieed. to bat tHy ilia ' 6eriDe - a t . "' _
7 u.e He tMw.eIL In sUeat th. . . . t.
e.Iot. Abo be t. llob aM tile 1Il!!I"'t'- ..bole of .hat .... .-re to 1M tIM a '-ttJe- "'TIl take t:bt l5trip,w be _w. tlllaIly... PwtIh
. . ot. ClflI1abI ,.uiots. who kae'W the lUIb'Y 8eW tJI the war. Dd Wow tkm. ~ tIl.aa kJal'
.... boW to Un fa the Iekl R'e dJda"t . . .t two aIIeI .....,.. DiPt abow'ed tIM dMmfq 0Ile of the SerT.... II!:I'PPM forw'anI.
cl-.y 1lIU'tJ. "'t he .eeded beuerI: aad
....... _ ...... prtC!!, he - . them_ell ..ho
ares of t..-o 8erriaa .rm,. CCII"PL el.chl)' thOll-
. . . _,.. to ebIl th ""-:MIUI
1'_'. . . . . . to jab Ute !JerTtaa arm.::r rlbt
....., aid.. "'J . . . t,... to pC. me ~
tI...... that. If "'aT _eo the1 OOQ.ld IIta,. ..11I1

.d"t'aDee. Ih" nutpoMa .0.... befow to _ cdcer. Caa)'Oll
the Amertcaa for the do tt!""
tiaM be ..-:ifled. and PQhkta nodded.
IItUI eec:qe the di&- "Here, ~"re a 0 t
p-aee of e'Yadlalf ..olal: to lea'Ye me
their mJl1taI'y lIe!"'t'-
lee. n - ..ere pod
- . nuraas tJI t..-o
....... h i l t ....
tHo!N ~ are ,.- r
R e ,.-

!ltp.Uleaat that the1 .... tIaat. W 'rae-
were . . ClIl!I'ta.iD .. p.rt. .~ .. -
"hCPrt tbat t be,. t ""t _ It_ell
..._to . . . t2I.b'll.
So_wattot. He sa_ bla CIIIJ'ftnI
"'lLOe Stn1aII alarm Ia detatL I.
1lT'eW. .ad the aDl:l7 u..
tWG gentM. _ .
IIIUtt.erbIp U f A ....
Irb., ptheriq ~ tbt!n .1t 0 n!IDtlge4
the Sa ... e for ber . . . . thm_.....
" p r I a Co p1erSisted. ~ 'nlere ..
Thea eame SIUI' DO are.t~,.
01.,. "'beta A .at rl a .boat the Ift...e taIt
. - t a w ...... inc th.t In. TIle two A!Deri-
dnn'e the Kiq n d eau .booll baa4a:
lIll the ~ CO"" that all Tat
"r1Imeut p e 11 men Tagart takIaa
fn:Jm; .. bel rilolr. lP'fII.U:r t b a
the dl)' .... delel'tell . .,. be I I . ' e'Yer
h,. aU ..ho eoal41 .aJftI Iileb't. T
I..." tt. aDd tIM fa. pra.dI . . r _,. hi
mOUfJ old ...bite ran. tiae fI6 "aT '- ao
" ..~looII:i.D1: t1wl rt'{et" 1II:Ilt.. .....
and the ~ Jx1dce. /l,t..,._ta_

a fe.. h_.,.
..... m.a-.aed by on.1J'
nle reel of the PI""
try ~ eIeet tID tIIaoot

.nIt a. 41 ctlalIeap
rl_ had "t'aDillbed.. Bat tllera .. a
I n tile Danube. bel_ p.rn.-k1.eace t:bt I
Ihe ~ It,., AulltriaD .n~ ~ .11b tll.
t. tool!::
~IUOll.; their
1q) IlOI"tOt -....ith
...lIIdt 'hc:Iart a w
lI:1UI....~ trained OIl the d.ty. ADd eu1)t Woa "U the,. uC'. ce ...~~ ben!!- Ta'
~hucltle4 mdo...led.. He wlH! IultI
reseIled .. oec:.r

-- .w
da.J moninc a .0001tor 11M. jotaei UleDI. . . 41 prt to ReyaoI'" 1f."d be _tl~ .-ani. .. ~ _ee, au.eM La
Be naIII' ~
~ th.roacb bill ~ bf!r crew qUdr: :JOII CIlIal4a"t Jadlsa,. Rob4~: 8llt

I..Iata. Dd . . . . TacPrt Itla W ~ tilt w.

alMtl tIM .A.aa1c:u _ t ; ....... w1II:t!Ic toe
poiIiahID&' the b~. pas that aaarled t!M!7 ""t~ the,. "'.'t. It I caa -too UMm
rr- ft.tt4Jq _t! GM.. It "'e caD oaJ,. ~ _ t
"""' ..,.1,.
It time for Rey1lolda . . . ilia eam ..bell ...e...... aot the Ilm~M
td;. the ~ ~ tG the
~_t. ....... bInt. . . . - . ILIa
to do their......... 'Ole aPlcl pc(aJpmellt ..... neta came __ ...aitfac. Bill,. Rena"''' ~ to a ClIfI'l:IIa 01 Ule H ' _Iifta . . . .
"",eI,.; aha dl5t:rtbl:lted . . that It ee-lII ..ail>' ball ... 0111: to '0; Taaart ...-tM IIlm that Taaart tid . . tell all I!;e ~ _ ;
~ c:arrlMi; ~I~ for testJq fUm by deYeIop. ...0ll1d ab_ Ute te:rTa.l!l. t.b-eta It ..... ,nctI- IHlt _to IMl ..... '- Ute . . . fI6 Ute t' I:
lII""t In the fte]4. .A.Dd Taaart
...Ith the joy 01 the tec:haIeaI ~ bo _

ca1lJ' 0D1Y &C'tIlic st.'" TII-. tbere "eN tie-
t1tn!S to be had of Serriaa ~ tlIrowlae ap
CftM"*I hbDeal1. a. . . _ "Y .. lao
Is.... ; !lilt etta.- at the ~ . , . . .

..haDC!! to JII"l;"'e bll thec:rfeL He ha4 tel+- @Sttr"eu.chm.eata. Work. that IboIlJd !&a.... dl&aptI tIM ~ fI6 the I8lft'al_ He .... we ytD.
l'eOPlc dnlee, old euoacb In pbot.oeraPh,.. but beea . . . . b:I time of ~ but could Dol u"t'e Ielltly. TIM aut _ t oNen were fI,.lal:.
n~~r lIueceMtull,. applied to mCJ1'i.D picture heeD attempted.. 1iaC!! It d b:I luelf ba"t'e T1teII be tarael _ 'hcPr'L
"..orIL AIld thia be U!M!d for the 1'''' Ume to e1. bet!II a1p.aI tor .ar. Bat. hell thla.n '11"" "'Wb~r be cdetI.. .~. "'Clve me t1Je
.~e ae,-nolda. In Belp-adf'. to taIIe pletul'ell dOlle. there .... .un ..-aitbte. CDtll _e ..,. IInC'. Thl teht . . _ywlMft!M
of the of Ule HWlprlan troope .CJ'OM, IIharp rattle or "ullIlletry broll.e out. ud IoO'OIH ''(I( COUI'III!!." ....T..aart. .... eeU,.. ~8ut.
the o-..b@. the DrlDa lIq. . . .f'OIII 01 Aaarlaa e-ntry ap- u,_ ~ .-eral. M

~ADd ._!M he ....Id. "'beD th.t ...11 dOll". peared. atood _der fire ror few 1l1~b!l, Roa:atl 8ft:t1aa _0, rtdl and raft. Aft . .
~We're OIII'!M ..41 tIleu c:aat:.erell ttL That a1cbt ..ul-. byes IlI-tlaIaUca tIaat Ite UOt --
Tacaart ..__ Id
lu a bela placeI dOQcb of yeiknr smoU "* of tire llIur!d far acr-.I Ute rtl'U': bsTJ Au- .t cae. be ........ UN tafnrma.t14a. C-.dl-
. . . . Belcnde'. 1'l:IOb; lokeUI or tlJf' .ork of trIaa ..-. were t'eeliaa oat the Serriaa u... tJau! -..!
A..-nua IHUs.. Yet Tagart \ ~ 11.. "'-dI Aad ..,. _ tile aeD da;y 1M no . . . . .-"Oe ~ .-II ..... M .141 Tagart. . . . . .
. . tIHl dO that - . . nn: to beu' tIHl ItrlIt faced! __ ~ aao.- Ute ~ Driaa. .... wtutMt.~r
__t til u.e ...... Jl'Ir1ac .... II1...t to Wt Ute .&.-naa He b ' II. WQ'. .a.I ... da..... Ute ~ ...
""The arc raJ ftcbtiD. . . 111 be . . the nae 01 puteJ"I CIOD1d DCIt pt Ute ~ ...... t '
( --~

What Really Did Happen

to Ma""" 01 a
Universal Favorite & .,

tied . . ..rad,. to the ...tap.

RE.lli/ - of Ute . - t eJ:.
Dao.""of Ole MDoI1:1
cWac ~_ -. ...
tbe ~~ wtdl ......
Uaas fill Ute p n C wbeN all tIIle e-.
_ _ _e.-ket ...
l17~ot.......,.~ ...
I had attaIMd IIlJ' traialq la I _ftat1II'eL and mliWc In the bra....., dO'W'"Mt.alrL ~ to be . . . . for De tit Ute ~ ..........
ClIIUG't reme.ber that rt bad ...,. I'tlII1 .... ot,b_ ou. by the taaata of the rea of IIl7 _ - &ad. a 1IddI; Icht .. ~ .,.
I _eat laCo -me pictve
to a&7 _ wheo t
jut aIIaat
....-..ta .....-,.. I .r.....CIld u far . . tbe
!17 ~ ~t . . tM eeaJor III:IdUe:n. . . .
w. P "
.......... "ood1lJ'
IIIl7 _ _ nril. rem'hd1o-' of. .,.
..a ..
r , tII "., n ' h . of that ftMIeI I a ~ . s.t It tid _ ... the dQ'. I _ " t ..... thaa n - .,.
feuftl wcadei'll1 aa..Iaal _..,. YeI"Y earl,. (or alta' that a lIctU ....N La the ball eftr'J' taaIlJ" - e I to the _ b y a.- tben
~ Cap tool!: . . tIIack .. tJae. tbat .~ .fPt,.... we aD u- tb1 -.... ee-ld . . . . . ~ . . poeIt n.tu of : the
haTe .w-. _
...wa .-dl
r.r. ode t ..
la Ute IDoR
~aUsltte1~ 'Be .... that -a. . . . 6:s ' ').!lea ' "
n.t zmat haYit ~ MfoN [ .... br.r proIiIelI tbeaa wflh 1al:U, tIIle ~ U.
Tlte .... hIllI. I til"
a lalr III tbe baD
or tlle 111_ wlM!N I . . . lIana. It ..... lB-
yean 014. far [ bwrw that It .... CIa . , . IlIIut1a
blrtlaU.:f . , matller p _ _ a tricJ"de.. D: "W'U
a *lay Ilteel trk:yde w11Jl a brlsbt red. . . . .
....... the
...... ,
Qle ~ we..-n8 fII.
cuioRt7 to fIl7 u.tK aa4 -.,.It.
TbIl IIen1ea. ..... tnb . . . ~ that ....
r1IIIIe,. t:I' .... [a1mcI.t MIl. . the ~ of ~ coUll pUH!Ir ~ ~ - . W . . . .
..... lute- , . . . . . . 'of the Itridt
bea:r. I
tIl-eh ~~_

IL BUIt..-Je4
laO _e 01. ..
at- IIKII:bl 1rttJl tI'tcJ'c&.. _4 IIl7 ~ CIa
it "CIa the '"'etk- If DOt the ~ til ~
pol. . . . . . . CIa
my ant pdriIJe ~
tile tleat.. nat ........ 1 recall
waDr: asr the ~ rei t!ul
dJd a .-.lftlI wad e-e dlt:IrM
ritJt e:ttr'eme
of aiPts after 117 - . I . ..... at a .:bool ea.~
_ ~

we.t to .... rlJdl I ..... ..tmIttbII .,. TIrtPe ot the tM:t. that _to I ~ _ tatelLse

So tl my . - t tallPt..:bool She taqht _ "'Uttle . . . . . to flRt 1117 .... t.
...e codI !leu fU Bo.~~ _d bel... my !lIOt1ler .e a ~ .wi III the dey.
a...naJ 0-1 . . It llo..~ Kate Gn!lftl&Ta.Y fmelt. 1 srasped UM
<-'1tlft'Plll 6'-. tbe
dwet. TIle. ....
..-w. bear Ute
bNry patWr of
~/a ...
_ _



-.... r .. Lo-I n.. All-

. _ . . . . w _ r...........

lOb..... " - c:roM fa JaY baDCI

II......,. aM at O&l to lb. a.p
..-bere 1 .... t o . - t - . J
lc:lc*ed . , . . at Ute JIIMe ..bftoe
lIIY motber _d lILY ~ weI"e ~ with
pride to b.,. me the wVMIT ~
IU feet _ Ute
'ntea lUi Mow ..... Uq lIat ~ lb_ I a 1arp _d
~ --w.
IIItdU t8'rW IUD . . . Iteuts .. ~ --.ts IIlOIt.ben &ad IMten of
..... bMri it tIlroIIP UM -.tao ball oUter pa Iiac aua. I looked at the oelI-
r1cbt . . . Ute UM.....--. U aa.y or bac aU. t!Ms at IIlJ' teet .. tr I had
~e ql _ bad r&t..' . . . . tn.. _ ~ Ute wner _ ~ pedal ~ 1ie-

! 'e.... wllten....
, " .. ta ~. we f-. lb. bepa to atac. The ant
...OUt haft [ _ a Ja..- cftat:are ---- wat ~ .....tlh.U.T. bet wll. .
fD..lllc tbe baD...,. from I caBle to lbe _ _d I nIa1tIIed tIlat t .'
tefTftIIe ~ Bat _ . . eYer
to 10*. Ov teeUl ~
IQ" III bet
cold With h~ whUe ... CI'Wl1 . . IleutS.-
..... ..,.--
I laM. ..... tbe ~ tut.... til the

~. . . the D p at

paJ'Qts 1&qtI;_ aDd ebatt.ed . . . pl.QW pm-. a chDd. woader. I J:.:;:;;~

At:thM ill II[J' tIest * - t Gat! with
..,tt* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..eo tile . . . . . . . .
alreII died... I IIt1lil&C rellcioUl7. ~
.CIIkIe ealt:aNo -.dI . ~t tat .......aaJd
for...... Fw: ~ etP~
. . . . . . . . . .~ pta. Fw ...,.....
r iet... .,.. ~ ea.e &at -.. tbe.,.,. ba-. . ton.qre .. _ .. ., ta JdUc.. 7'" -.t7 ' r... ....
~ _ a ~ .. '"'1'7 h.... -.
toe a..""dtJ ... dIift' I . . e.te tID It. 111' ...1.
r aa.u,. . . the
Ilea I . . . RYeD,-
The put . . . . . poor ODe, the _paDy
~ el
tile CaItIIII'
tbe ~ ~
_. liar)' ~~

I ~ ~ tit r10Ie It at cace.. I 11'" .. atiaor :::ee. the lIbow "". . lkst1aed to taU- r.. .... .DeIIl' '" "DeIly fII. Ute o-m." ....
_ .. P"OOft'J' ......... [tau4 that two ~ U't.. Blat I dWa't kDow tbat. I bM paae IIar7 CQ1,er et the -ww. R... sl to ...,...
euaot CICeQJ' the _ ...-.oe at the tbIle. th-eb the pta lDto ~ 1.D. the time Rdes. AM r.. . . . Gem an.. ~ lid aM.
The c r - 7 . . . . . . . . . Ute a-ter. I Wt'!Ilt I ~ed . . Ute staae I bad the . - J nUl 01 ...- - . r . . bM to ~!
to tle4 . . . Ute Mc:yde wmt lI.c:k to the r.e- lacIt of u.e ~. coocl abo.......... oow.. Oatakle the matIriaI . .~ tJ1at . - . .
tory fGr f'eII&Ir. ~. I ..... ret.anled. h<ae. bt!cPr abo.'.. thine&. Bat I I_eel the ...0I1r. Jk1 -.It . . . . to
I had a1wQ. bem &0 omatTOf'OQll~.
Boob, pqen, .,.,-todJc:ala. nel')'thfq that came
1tRlf.. a1tboqll 1 came to molt ~ the cc..
dltJoaa that IDtl4e It -0 _eerta1t1. aDd I lftayecl
t Il. ~
t..- _ ..., .~
to my haa4 ..... crbt to the mJIJ.. I , . . with- by ft _to OllIe Cbriamu Eft.. a ~t IMDe.
-.t _,. _..._h!p. Jib' lIlOtber truteI pretty
...ell to lbe (alU!D~ fA. -.- OWl!. lfbra:ry _d to
lbe fact that cbDd..- hne .. fuhloll. of plck-
lbe abow w.
I had plaaDM to SO hmDtl that CbrtltJou ..
~ to be at a town c.1)' .. abort
dUItaDce from ov old plaee. At tbe eleYeatb
of t e .. d J ~-
_1. UHlre .. r II! _4 u1f&.
iDe out oal1' the books that ~ autted to their hOW' the abo... ta.fleI. J - . t a telf:'CI'Ull tbat I tie aduatqeJ
~ and tute. t liked bJ8torIeal' adTeDture
best ot alL Atte:r Rhool I wovJ4 read _ttl
couldn't be b~e. tb~ w~t the
theaLl.':'" aDd ae-des looIdnc lor vo-Ible
of the tW. h a" II r..ot
1IeeII. . . . f t II Q
clark., batlDc _,. e!TUId that aUcbt take me TaC&DCJ'. There.,.. l:Ioae. I YeIIt- back to the empb..aaIzieL The
.....,. haD It. Theil I ...o.rd read at alcbt u bare. loaeeome ~ m tbe>o-mtnc bOlUle., ad
late .. lIlY mother woali let me. I lhJ.a.k that sat 0lIl top of 1113" padled u.D.k, ttytq \0 neve
it .... 1a thOM da:yl that I cot mto the .....,. of oat my fUt1lre. I _ ' t atrald 01. the tlI~,
ImaeIAIac that I ..... the: berolDe ot eaeb book. but J ere" tu10U acata_ the _ . - of efl'on.
some OllIe .... Wi me aIa<ce th.t the test 01. a t.bat w" an ..-eel to be pIItttac lato tdIl11'et1,
su_tlIl IIook b tb aJlWty \0 make eTeIT Idrl Oae of the cIrla c::u:M mte .,.
~ She"'Q
...ho r'MIlb It th1ll.1l .h" Ie the prtacIpIl dlar- .. ~ t!"AIl more ~ tb_ I
aetff. I I l l " ba~ towld _ y ItrIkIacI7 Reo b.~ l!"I'ft' . . . . .

drtbood. ..... IlUed ..1th C"'--a vI...,....

~ 1aoc*L For It ..... to IIH!I~ that m,.

C':haracten ill. the D~" Ad ttie 1Mt cae

... . - . " me ..w.
"ejedecU,.. '"that 111 ha~
Lo PI to tb" - - . Th.,.'J'Il -.cIy, _y__
The morietl!

&1...,.. ttHl IIlOIIt attracti~ ..bether Ibe-

ReIJebb la lnahoe. or the r.ctcwy ItI1. la i.
I hada't e't'ea ~ t 01. them.. !Nt I 1M!p.a
to think .e..,. rapIlII,) . . . wry iIl.~. The
Laura I ea. L I b b y " "
rnmaaoe. Ib dtJill;
.. 'tJt
berobteli . . . . . ~ Ute

....ere t b e ac:re-
0 I
... e I I
m,. taaP-
aadOL Tbe

IDOV1ea 'Il"1lI"8 UJ'IlIII.

tActo ad.-
~ ftlltaps ua- ,..
"RMctlB. ." of elllploymIlIIt. Tbcy_ere
'/ re..--nac
their pofJIllbtUtiea of lU"tiJItk
tht'y played thelr part.I! TIley "'ere ItO dodle .d1I""_t.
that aay tItae maAlI&IlJ' ""oal4 be &:lad to meet "Wbere'. a pod l)1aee!U I laked her.
their ~d.. But If they had. had. - . e of
humor, how they _ould haft bant .. Ith laqhler
at tbe arattiq they bad to ......teb whew I played
~",..hbiladt1iac role&.
I don't no..- "'heD I to thill.k aboat co-
"I beu the ~ Deeds people.- ahe luld

I lJlayed m Ne_ York Ulat Chrlstmaa "eek.

Oa. the clQ alter New Year. I "f!I' to the
FA'- place ill. New Jerwy. I _ . . eqaced to
r-4 L-w.

Inc on the ~ I ~ DeuI,. every etrl pla,y rt!Jll1 parta that day. That w. . he ,.~
a..-.a. w-. __
M ....

b.... e maay etrl tr1eIula,

Qew b.M. ~ to JIQ.1aUet. Bat
Il:~ thl"OG&h that . . . . at de:atre. I dtdu't
all f a - ...b~ I
&CO. SIDe. ~ rft played h_dn!D 0( ~
r've Mea a ....,..ue prt. -'et7 W1e,
'riIl.ap ...eetbeart, a Greek JIrla-. a 11rta-
Jriaefliial -.e tJt
that _
me. '-
tM . . . . . 01 ~
....,. IIaJr ta tJle .-na tJt a J!eK. U
an ~ _ tbe rtIII'du lItIIIie . . . . . . . . . .
d",l~ to !lie lUI aetr'eIa ~ .helt their de- ltolu _ t r y Pr!. a J.aputeM ..-amaa d~.lufld Ie t _ ~
lIel. . to the
Solution of
T. -he Milli~n Dollar
___ 'II' ......:
, .
lUi i
IlZVtlnv "
1broftR' ~ :

... n.-.. ----:
t*i. .........

""" ..,. ... fer....
&. . . . . .
aM __ t:'MZveC .. lie to ..
~I"."'_e-._~Ooo.u:~ ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tn.dl ...
0fIn'II"'" . . eM. fal _"- nreea ........ .n-. ~ cGiiiM
iMlIe' ~ -.Ie . , . . . . . . tut! "It
.-u ...,
atIIt6hItcd ,...
f~~. A.~
lie tIIlt u.t waJ:.
...... lle . . .-r ... .......
~_"""to . . . . . . ....,-tIliq ..
]""'" . , tae" _ . ' ILIlI JIl""II' to tIhIieIll
~~to~ II.- rn.. the DTGa

" r,e . . . r4or r-.:t.1aa tbat ~
.tory ecri .,... ...-rIIlI . . . . 1Id:a&"
"~n'eIf: to k . .! At t:IIDs. It
.,-tdtbe" COIl~'"
tit t.k olf edt. eenaIa u.t .J-.
H . . . . f............. ..,. the ~ fatIter dl
X.rto. ~ J"IionMe. w ....
j ... 1H!C'" ...... ........ f1l IlI8
tOf"<CCll. ~ha . . . . 1t-
'JCUde4 .... MIl. .... t:UiI '-'-1-
tk .......
_ U. J
tIaat 1Iaqna_ Is

.'h~ - tllat 1Iar-

- - .....,.e

rlflU JIIIIIce.


f.zM eeoer. -.t'

_ a::IItL
..,. thia [as. .
Cl8r'taIIIt7. It "t
..,... ta.t - . . at-

Aot~.u .... tJt-.lI. 0. ..
IAe WaeI: Ie- ta tbe IfIut Ute
1t"CdL Tk ...... IaIport:uce of 1--.
~ .tory ~ . . . 40lllI it detrM:t
1UioU'-" _ Nor- rr-. bis wORded..
jU. .
.,ert. ..,. ~
.uc a.t ~ If ~ ba'Ye ee-.
n~ --.we" ctalIIllI t!lal there ..
IIfireI.. c~ __ _~.,..-tbat

flU' 0 relof'bl be .... & 1IQ'tb---that

"j~. t'k dorr coo- " - Is lMltb .JoDe.
rt tier)' fIOO4 --.e .... 1Iarps.~

i" _.eet.... cD ~ well wtth

Jort.t:a . . . Norto..
U. .a6cI. cae htIer
ndtillelJ tIN'
to aee-e erratic
._ ~ ....., .....
J _ .... --..ItteiI
... . , -
..... C
~et!a e

, _
aUch...... Ucree fII.

""d lea ~6ccIl. cUc. - ' I I ..a:e Ai haft Je-aed.. I JDMe ,.ery ~ . . . . . . . NIW brsIt Iletw_ the
Itlore dAtoe .-tY.... Je. JlI:eI, .. ftIcr of tM . . . of 1Ilflter:J', elI Ioftn. T_..,.....,
daIb. that fathers . .
nd1 thIap . . . . .
tb' IIIatUac
i"i.,.., cNactto. or delIO. B - - . ....... rae tile . ' 'pel. Uld ~ arit bI
Jtole NortOil , , ~ lIM _ ..-.rtJ, -tkr _ baa4. I am IIOW JIINIIIIriDc.,. ....... -.I _e '"-k . . matdae. their daqIl. . . .d
J'lootillll' oat of _ ~ 0' 1M ..ur ..... ot .,. ftsd = wfII be IltM'tIIIIc. I t . . at Y-e - . au.
~ JIU'l!:Ilt:l belieYe tbal
H .. IDCII ~ _ _ .-e of Be e-oer ~ cr-t lilt cJt u.e aDd labor u.t I Jell..,.. . . . thelt cIlJWnn an: fer tboee wttIl _"'-
. . . . . , . . ..... ~ G e i b tht:J' ..-. to...... . . fa Dot _ 0l"41Dar7
,.. "'.. ...,.. of IAe . . . f . ~ I:~ ttkre
5 _

lu &oct, - W /leCJ .., N ~ hck q.u.-.ta that this IIlIPtr 6eIJIdh>e ~ eMe. BaJocr-'" u. -.::rlked biluelt tor
r<J iiI" ... It~ B'~ fGlJeI. ~ lAiI &1- u.. 01. OlIn pI..c:ee . . . - . . . I . . el~ elcb-teeD r - tat Us Uqhter 1IUcht be
k"'pt. .1"dIIt!' _ ".., ~ to 01.- 1'Ol"" trnD.1aeI to ....", 110 ~ JUt
. . - - tID -sa :r-. .. fer _ I
..... . , Ale . .d. ~_ TbJI, Is crit:lcal da............
/0 Jlfzoe aer _" lIa4 tie C....un tka pre- lie. aaiT worrta-a . . . . . . . .' ~ wiD certaIab'
J.... 1"tA taGt toN lid to tk BfJlYretlVe laC' at ........... of this J:rd7 ~. Iu"'~.. ..,-1II . . 111r1dD&' daqen ~
fr:.fdeIace kre .ae MearIllI ~ . ~ t
to lItte'lId tae -.era. ta.t e'lfeafatJ. N.,.,..-..
A.. m.t wkOe aco. I taW. ,...
the b..t ... thawbt 01 tile .......
iii hide"
-"'~ .......
1IWte the ~ , . . ilDciDe
n_-.-ell ... tk CoaaleM to k cit Aer oJ'llrl- nt. Is .wl trM. . . Bru- IaIit ~ 'Ilarpoa_ ba tJIe t D n NT Ia the
",..lit tAe 'CUIU ~ to tJ't!.t . . . . -....y. _ d ad. it Ie ..-u to ..,. w1II. _ it. _ e tow1l. or III ~ T " ~ ...lthCNt
I,, _ _ As.4. ..u ~ ekoer
0Ip Ilu talI:eo. up the relae, -.I I Il!I: :r-. It d&riq to apeak. ~ rtpt to rub
-i".., f~ "'k'~
II/fIG tkt tile kdre.. _
dectrie 0'
Glrftlll.. ~ (.to
"'.J ytMl CUI bl:;.qtae & _ d"wlnI - - . tIa-.
the JIat the Coate. tb-aU . . . . . . _ _ _
to :P'loreaee
la a pl)IIoIMUt;:r. I
' Ute.
, . , the bll!ll.eGt of

I .... , . . . . 01". .n:t~ to , .-4 llJ;e to _ a I'QItaJ'e beno-ea ~ .... IIl3' ' ... wbell t ..,. tMt ~ cactiou
",,_ ~ Nortoa ~IU ~ . tea! Do MIt 1ooJI: . . this ~ _ .... abte we aft aft-. oIIlJced. to ~ _ ....
j w JI'Joreace eaterN: . , . . . . nw ~ q1lUftll- It Ie _Onl. It meau t!I!IIt x.t:aa ... .~. pIIrpcN1e.. the l.MU~ b l ~ . . . 1lIiI-
,,,-eaeI to fit u. .kel)' .,u. 01. . ~ beIs )JIlaced. . . hb metUe, . . . tIIat tt-- tilts
1//ory idoat bd1l9 eftl1Gt1ed to M.e _pteriou m ~ t GIl. _ m _ t wID be Ie*: tit tile tryIas BIll the stt-tIoa does not 1tOP . . . .: lfar-
/loa. . t:&ap--ilad r ~ _ lred: tAn aad of ~ .... UUlt elthef' aWe caD. think or, r_ tAla Is alao d01rD~ True. bill retle"e IilI'OI:

to _ .If..
1Jt<"Te. ttU, Floreaoe dOtO~ed cmd rf'fU-
Norfoa ..lea k CfSUeIl. 1. r~
J _ IC'U .,uatetl at lelzrsa., ~ FIor-
the ~ till t:!le other.
The ClIIDLplleattoa:t that I feel are oerta1D to
come CID. in lItaJ'l1hIa v wUl brtnc noat
la p-eat . . . his 1.1 clyuaade. Be
c:aa rid.e Oftl'.-ttY won1ell,. lid utde er-tw
criers. Btlt be wW _ -.maaD.ecl, left ......
pared-mu w:a1II: lato Ute path vi. d.aapr .tal-
","''e lUI4 JiM IDef-e efttlOge4. lUI4 ..,.nted tAst
,r tOlII Ilealaae 0' kr -.-q. lVAea .Ae oll-
,,,ted ~ ew:a .\e aod: . . .taoIDJelige of oc
OIle baport:aDt result:
IeUi be lo~ o..t 0' If
B~_ c:rltts. A"
It there Is & man
""lIom we haft ImOWil all Rarpoee."e. be wUl
Mot thtD.k1Jlc, Non- has alread,. e:a....t the
4eatb or a IUlmber at t!Ioe of the Black
r IhIll_ ~ fortaJt.e_ J _ Itoter'l tltor show hlmBelt iiOOIl! Be caa't help it. Flw- e_clred.. Wb._ lUI atKlt the ~ of tile IN!'"
If.' tOlII fa ~ . . .
,.....Iff ~ aer ""Ataerto ~,
tk forr.__
-..J tAnt tl""e eIlee Is bI a r&.mlly BerT_ state, .. aJlJ"
yOW1fO irl wOlll4 be who hae - . the rosy
. . . . . .te:eoNl e . . the ~ ~l8od.eo aJUl it
pluqe4 lato the riTer. he bec:dle'a.a. opel&. daD-
clreamJI of hel' ant 10.... ~ by .... hat ~e S - eaeat:f 0( !be orpal.&al:ioQ that ft:r7
~ you that

N .... ".... ' - . I la bue u.ebery oa the part 01. her II10aIeaL Vroon .......Tell, &114 _el i:1I(!'1D
I wC*14 ~ ...wt the IItleIlM 01 the lJ1i'eetheart.. TJte state 01. m.1JI.el fa wbJdl th18 NOI'taL. A.D.4 DOW the reporter 18 benl'nppef
Mll1klc DoIW'~. Had. 70'\ talled "..W pl.ece her II lObI&' to lea" her uparded_ ---4uecl 1fT tile ...we. tIU"a or
at.the mala ~ fit the Buu UIItenl&. ~ mtad w1U D&n"OW to .. eoaMaot broocltac. aee4ed hb wJb IlilOl'tI fa hb ur..
UOIUIl Deteet:lTe Apoey ill the Woolworth bWld- aDd .. that coo.4Itb.. &he .... W be the eaalest. The ..,. has tafonDM' . . that
IQ&, New York, laat week, ,.0Il ....oa1d. han been
WId. ...... 8wnla is Bot bI the dtY. No. he ....m
J:ot be bM:k this ... eu.-
~ nat .. aU :roa ...ould
Im.c1-.Ne pre;. of the ~ottiq' B1adr. e_-'
ID thle etcbth eplsode, the onl,. ria.... to the
_~~Ilu"""ed the...,rt-
m_b of Olea. ..... *fled. .,.. Bn.lD.e, .-nd haa
md Nortoll 8eeI"et.l1. Thill lIllme ~ haa
. . . ......,.~

-"~ -
e ,


... ....... ..-


. . . . . . . . - . . . -a.k. .&1
_ ... ~ a-oa."~
11M ~ Wllr"' _ _ ~
~ IIIiII'7
Ute _ ~_ tIl8
-.s a-dn!lI, It .em
hla! W. . It .-:
. . . . tIM JIIIlJ.a
Husrw. !

u.. .et'Y tnt . . . . . .e

. . . . . CIUT7 his u-IIioN

to aarT1
~ ~
to Rarcrea
mUl"-alre", -eo
~ All ot thk . ." ba:~e
W. . It .at

at.ta, it be .. III the 'ridalt:P'.

.uae thea Non-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ a D ...
t - - . , _ . ~ thOM!


aU m
I ds.. t b e ' e
tIM . - N .....,..
tbt.... .......TrW. .
ludI: _
ktIe .".
it Ite
anuae....... ~

~ &lTU&8Il. . . aay DOl han: . . . I haft ~ to lID!. .. tlae

.1IlItI6ed,. Int be relas: bt. ~ _ nor- rauter-mla. 01. tIM 8bdl U--
uee . . . thft'd7 . . - hft' la jeopuQ', Tbb clred. Be....e t:.lsq alp.
I Ilale aot . . a fed. alrMody PJ"O"'~ bat . . taUs Up u.e .on: of ~
_llDceDt .-DlWty w-p.t oIIlt by the un, eece ..tth Lbe otber cauptr-
d~t of th.. etPth ~ ,tan.. HI, plaaA, . . . . Ulaa
U coadltlc.a ..ere . . I ban jllllt ~ , 0lp'1, ..oaI. . . nltjected to
the It is .ot dimcult to see that the aetJoa. of t.~erJ, If there is n - - in
t.he prbIdpala coaeernf!ll (JOliea., :Sortoa. Flor, the raau of the order. But'
.'.ee . ., the a1,.sterlov.. ~ I 1I(0ClId dOTe- ~e slDl~ In.ftDellllCIl bu
laU akel,.. For the ant t1Dle u.- actioG' tlhnrrtnl BraiDe. n.t . . . .
...... aJ"'ClGD4 toWari ee UIJJl.eaee 01 Bar' eeL fa; It a tan:t. t1l. t.c:k ~
r;rene--tow"ard the probability ol bll w-atdl- c.. fartaIlIe alt tu CDU'8I
~ U doIe, I eaau.. "oa.
to . . 'YtcUaat. ttee..-e ~ TtcOaaee . . .- .
aH'rTtqty! fa; It . . . . . . . . .
that - - . . , . ~ BnIM'.
..,.,. 1tOW. &ad rr... thta poIat... BIIt--:U Har, pIaaa,. _ . III ~ ta .....
p s " d_ m.t. tI at _" th:ae .e .e him. tbem.! T_ -.IPt
Lb" IItlII does .ot preclude -the _Plioa that that, .ere tht. trAe. t2lft ... ,
he . . . lCIDei ~" be brotben-t, lrotltft'I. 4Jd S ~ pI 1ato the_
If ,.oa ..Ish. It 4Ol!I "at prvTe abeolatel,. .hleb
of the two ..ould be the father vi. "~ee. lt
does Qat a hc.t of qwnt.lcma that keep
boiIe trap _~
I'WhI. . Nonoa bad Dot bem
apprabed 01 Ole........ It
.... 1'Ii6. IiIttIW.c .. J'~. w. . . . . . . . .
arilliDL I.II.d that aeem to lIet aside our prenoua ..... Rt Into open.tloa . . . . .-
roDclulon.. Som. of th_ lfllI"CJoa' may .., dlll17. eftlI. .. traitor ....., lbe )Ilotten C01Ild 1I.clom& vi BraJ.e ..... bl, JNot&. AD, If lbere
"11__ 1Ip thu: Coa.1' two Harp-ft.,.e hi" had -.II time fa .bkll to 1IJa
I haTe aotM. cr-t pH e that 1IlI
is ....ra a leak. thea .. here .... It en-! Bar-
~_. :SortGa OIl' Jc:rDn may ~ ...... , _
bnKbus Kt1l.aU" ",.e . .d enpp la a plot with- h
01lt U.e ua.-Iedp of OM 8ladI: H_4ftd! the lIIlI.k!a DIiIIUar ~. the Jdadpala art _ _!Iler. OIl' _ _ ua- _II. Or-~"...,.
,'ou.I' the CocDte. bendf "- !hi"" IIltD . . as tbe7 .-W .et til ~....,. ute. W. are ba. . . . . . .,.. ~ .4!akr. hWdM toe-
- u l Ilt..... Be...,. _ _ fill ,...11.
Ilniq that there .... DO ..a relatloaahlp! "ot ~TeIl _ , . Ibqie Wt...w...l ,..tur 1qJB" ~

rOll1. NClrl.mI ba" perled. .orkiq" bmrteqe buman. IIlIad ~er, ~ fII. ~ .... lie, kled "" tIM -...era. 1 _
of 110 _pUcatelt a 11ta.a~ &ad. IItiD Dot .rl"e . . . .ell . . It_itot,... baTe . . . . ....-ell _to the ...,. _ IM!eII JlQ1ac tlte ~ Y I I roie aD
all" ll1pJI ot that ua.-ledce! eo.Jd tben 1te It.ory . . Ute aetke. Xo.... caa foreeaat tbe8e,...,... ,..llll the--* _ Ute iarik ~
a COWI~latJc.. q~te . . JOYf!I1'.u.l _ . n'f!!I'Y 1"8Il1t. Tbe...r ,..,tdrotlll ..... be ea..!ll lac ahaIIe Ill' 6WIl <teItlaiea.
laNueblnc . . the B1acll BUDel. . . . . .d ,..fth DallPla&. .. d that .. Ule ....,. it ,..orItI OClt fa Toa wm recall that ..bM, aarv-"" .. Ith
d~. the mOlley f'I'om the tlea_ _ u.I ..rit~
tile "I,,~e objeet of d ~ C the Bladt B_~ lbt. staT, But 1 am bel'bmlq to brilllYe th,t
dred! {'ould It be poIIIIlbie that Hal"&NUe (It tbe ~ of Blade B_dre4 IDformalloa b.. If!II for n-C!e to ret1Inro h - . be hM
he ell.ll1ll1 bas at. an tlale. beeQ ..'Ithln the been tOJl..,..t. It looll. to ale . , th~b tlwre l.s eri'entl,. ~PUed for Slebt. But be ree-
coullcils of the Blac1l. RUQdre4. b. . had a aome II'IJJ:. 110 matter ba.- _all It mll,. be. osatsed. '"-'btJ Ha.rcn-_ Wl!llt t towa
brolher Of some one el>1ol!' to I.mpl!~te him En..,. CIIIe ot tbe MSaben II after *....,. Tbe,. lUapJeed.. He ma,. .ot ba Ye looked . . III ol.
on the outside! aroe taklD all Lb_ - . ~ (or 1UClIIe)'. ~ meetlap of the BIadI: B"'''''' u....,.
I ...ou1d direct JOIU' thoucbt to Lb_ facti: OBI,. the btcbeat-1llCb as Olp. aad Bn.1De- ba" UlUUIIN _tim,. .ur_t ......
rim.. the major portJcm d. the plottlac that bu ..-Ill 1'M!~he the liaa', Illo....... Ckbera. .. bo take TbilJ II aU oa Ute .-IMltt;,. el Ilk .
booea lDdulpd mt bJ the BladI; B_clred. bu a1Qoeb creuer rlKI thea U.e C - u . .. 8ra.tae" bl& ~f!II III the nab at aD u.ea. We
heoru eToI,.ed. betT_ Olp. a.a' Brabte. aitJI III.....t u- ~ the uOW"~ that they
'rill _ _. . . . . . . lbe .....
caa eTea ID!.Ic1IIe that. w1tJI nar-c. ~
Yrooa ~r- n ,. 18 the. _f8'. ..--... _d mISt .. maklq Iter r--- rr-
PAees. but uuUJ 1b:Dpl:J cany1.q . . . . . . . . . 1atenI.aI :rea.ebay Ia Ute BlM:k BIIDdn!ld rr- tIM a1 M"'"...... vi. Ute 8Iadr. B-.lrell.
Othen lD the oiv.... H .... haTe aot taTal'lallb' ~ 01. the rWd1ft that ha.... e ~" ~I. sbo'lI'f!II, - '
..-oA the PllrpofIII of " plot. bat ba" ....... the .... ...-ted to ... Reb . . the eTerIl.IItlllll: l.hefoeby aet ,bCMrt to """ out lbe . . . . tIaat
had .... e-aeed him all th_ year-. ..u the .....,.
pi tel _ the depth of plot bectDI to _fllW...
:\baJr 1M of ~.ble ....u-. tItut eo
~ th_ _ ITeII- 1';"1I! ara deallq .lllI . . . .
,ud COIilDt~ that ban .of. tIoeft, ~
Into _lac .e4deuIJ. Far ricbteea ,-an tM7
ha'l"ll !tea ahaptq tlIe11Ul11!1--. ..... __ tile
,.,.elu fill ~ kIq:
aroe ......tq: to ., - .
"ean fill th. MttIe el w1b

s:tarthtc ,..1tJl the . . .01 ~ I ~ &0

tdI ~ _ l"ery ....ulac Ulbap. 1'W-'Y
.m I cl1IIot.- that ep~ .. _ .. I __
Till!'lred It, bat I ..111 aI.. tell ~ ...... _
of the fa,eb I lea.nsed. ..-bU. fa N_ ~ .
N. y ~ .. here mOlll fA tbe _ell of tlle -XWIota
Doliai' "J_no M
"'ere ta.1lea. I ..ID lib... ~
~bllItles lbat ..111 startle yoa. I will .r"
roa IltutkJa' bJ thlak . . . .t that _ aot WI'
aW:lq ~. In "oar aMI"eb few ~. . UHf
for the IIIUltc. .oIlan.
1 ha" . . . . _wt.c .,. .... _ .......
llteIB fa pIOIII ....... at Lbis ~ I weat
~ to be nre 10 aot _ _ ...1Lal I ...... to ~

lIeD. week. We aroe ptt1aI' lato U. ger1 ' - r t

cf t:be dur)' _ . . . . . . .ery ie ......
to c1" .. rr-b .uertal to ....-k ...
I caa teU Joa __ that I ba Ute
hOllM of myMay, I U.,.. tll tI'erelIl
room_ba" ....... the .,.,. ot the ....... Ita. .
loot'" iato tbe II.upoMft aale, ha...
,.kced uw.e JOIl _ . . . the !ICI"&IeII.o _ . . .

th.. aeerI't17-
, WaIdl ... tJro. a.IIrodl . . . . . !
- a ertkie ,dO
.... -t A..-c l!t_
~ .. tk

Bess eredyth-"Detec~~
The Sunniest Girl in-

87 R I C ~ ~LLIS_ ~.~._.
1 .... [ tnt that

0 - 01.
_ .................. rar..
......... m 1aiR,..u,y m-.. ~
--......r. tIlia wu

__ tllne _ _ -
IaIlGr yoa __ -'"To. . . _ ~ ....
1 pIa)'Wlll tJae OIPII fa dludt at tIM ... 01. at.e.
-..,.wwk'!""' I .......

_ work at UIe .... MIn. ,-- all aU. "''1 .... tatftn:lit -.e
...... -rt'. tJUL ..w.. ...... Well sir, 1Ielq .. . - . I
. . . . . . . . . . . Utde ... ...... at ~ to lie 'bfw tile
. , . . .... tbe tact tbt I Jo- .cap . . . . . .,. cod- TMn ........
IIIU:Ue . . . - - _ _d .,. faaIJ,y. I . . '!De'
Int . . . . . 1 __ ClIIll Iaally. an- pttIa& my
f:atUr _ aT...... t . . . TeI'Y .tf-..-J.I1eIl IQ
u.- ~b&t". Uaa1 FOIl are .a.tterbJr~
....... I .wI ..... ~ little w111 left.. ~ poet.
- . So I PIt _ ftPP"lllnat _ . La arder III
.. tIatInIb' ortctaaI I made m,.fl.nlt ~ ~
'LItlle Lonl Fu..atleroy: - I broIl:e ill _tit
"'CertablJ,. aOL NGth1a& ao _ _ I
~ yo&. It wu . . Uttle EYa I.a "(Jade

W ... ..
or-,". c..wa.'
after .Ilidl I fiIa7eiI .. _ .
HI:N the tlate c:aae fcJr pU1q my ~ fill dlIW JIU'ta fa .mdl aM CIa thti ~
blte-t1e_ with u.. JaIlT Me ea ftia . . . . . . _ after .. UttIe whUe 1
~- -~I ( .... .,. ....M... ..
_ _ ~ ~ ta the .....0 dab

~ft17 _
f _ _ that I ba4 to tndt bel' .....
to bin' ioUJ' "-&aJow Ia RaIl,......
.... I t.o.AcI. tIM ....-ell .. t!MI
bmIcalow 1DIIIIe ~ the
au dap of. aU - . at-.
~ .
... ......! the uaOIrt 1IIat.
. . . . Haft FOIl . . . beea 011 the ~
No! Willi,. [ e - TOll ha.. ..,.
_ : : : : '" .. ...n JCII"tIga of. .. ~
=...~ ItWW
p..-cbed aMI _ - - . I at the ..... .. --. .. ft17~ p-.
tattq . . to _betb.. 1 ...0 ID fa .. walt bel., ....~ TM::r u-.n pft _ .. __
whlle . . _ t1fo of the iliON ...... 4ap _ I t d __ dlIlL tit.,- ....... with
enoqtl to becta -.uIa& aad ~ u. 1I".l ft e. . wWI. Rdl _ d.ter
~ thelr It . . . . . lien!- aIliMlDoI tJIl..acv _til...... fa
dyth b ~ .,110 came to .,. I'fteQL At tbelr baM. dafIUtc! -eb-! ely.
".- me stood In beT door, la~ ad
ratht"J" -Joy\n& my .u-.ntve.. Tben
aaddnl,. abe clapped ber huilb and
enry OllIe of th~ clop lIaJ:q,ediaUOly
tTulU'fITW! hbl stts. rrmn me tD ber.
.... ---

"Yott bo... I ha.,. 40ae
eIl1t botb u .. pl:uolape
r ~ed lIich of rellf!l. arUA b)' IIIlTRlf &ad .-hlo
'-e-. ud _ Illy doca." .... wtth .. _ pal'tDer. I
called. -rhta la my -..Iaal .... ~ Yery--""
farm. roa !lao_. Jut look at taL ThQ; '"'7 cla7
__ I cotl
1Mt'P_ .u-1.
. ~ r r -

thew c&eI.....
YCMI ...lId aIIod tb_!" -.kblc me tr 1 .... .......,.
Polttel7 I aaaltted that t apia. 1..,..
to &0 bM:Il: to ~_
........--. rMll,. tb. .......
blc little aJta
we- ftrY ...-u.. abowei . .
It the1 oaI::r
woaldJl't CIt _ ~ .... .-ch ..,.
11Dle1L I .... ~tbo!
dn:aft -.ClB w'th t - .
. . n.tcb.ft' . . . . all
adj_. I lookflll at IUUadJwbi 01 ~..~~-~_o;;;. ete It.
dop that U:t. I . - . _d . . . n- Illa7ed ItDdt
to m~ ~ e:ye tbere .. dtIe&. aotat.ty
..,.... _ e beaatiel. .Aad aa.u:r.
"'beu lI_ ~ hM .....

... -
~ that I h.a.I _ .,ery . . .
0118 of Ut-. lei the ..,. '-ciF:
to bel' flUlAY porc:b aad we Uten:o

It to

" } f ~~ ~
to me that thia 111 .. sood
.uap _. tell

.h. ~ like. lD the ~t that

Fo- J

-... _-. -
. . ..... IMo . .

:fOG.. cI@u ~. liD INIl ka_

lief'. ,.oa IIlQ' eteaa rr- the pio-

xt. ~ Is OIl. of
Lb. l"alYeral IItarII _d be.ds ber
0W'1I ca.5MlU'. Sbe 111
hu bem _
tLu U$i
I.. py
Ia . . 1DaD:r dUff'f"ept
. . .-.......-. ben hi aD
Ulem. -
_ . . . . . . . it

Ail' beN .....

tlllnp abe to I
IUUIA&11y . . . - . _ face-Ia we-t.ena. _d ~ m .
de.tJ' plays. .... tIeR of aU. lu ~
It t. her wwtt I:D
eaY\a.ble I
_eel,. tbat tau woo. her
Ho= _ . it is the wortI; me ell
-I I
bona '- BlmbIo
the coocn-t"""" A.
Joyt: m-. t1loq:b Itbe woo."\ admit tilal it. l.arce part at IIl7 dlJId,.
I'-. for...... Jut at ~ Ilbe .. lIpIa& r- hood. .... ..,eat~
tuelII la & .en- 0( caIIell --,.e..
the lbe ~ ot & -,....,0.
nllt to:..."
wlUdIo .n.
It .. a ~t. - a t vi. 011.'1
urk. ens "efor. I -w.
reach the peIal-. with
18-. ~ . . . lID cu.p. .... ..un __ III,. reet. I IIl:adIeA at
wme aake _I' . . . , . u.. daF la theM: the~orM.
.....Ll."tI.... ale of Detroit tOl' a 1-.
' . -: ...~#.-r ~
... . . . . . . w1da tile ......,.. Jlgriie... IIdftIac ' .. SQ .' ,
~' .. I ........... ttIIIi ~ _ ~ * - ....... a.w. tIM'fiIII .-e fII

_.. -
~ .~ .. __ ~ ftelw_......
~ ...... ,....~ , r r--eIJ' . - . . . . .,. t . . ___
""1n'II. I ta-e to oau-..
to 'WaIdI tile ~ ~ -.tiac __ ..,.
r ftIIt aM _ t
-a:r .,. Gt.p ......
fill wan

km IIIIIdMn, .. _ be a
I 0 - ..,.... ~ 01 tbe -..aY..... _~

lit.,...,. rr-
OM: vi u.- mtNlI-s _
~ .. rna. Neow 'f on..
to WlIftoN I . - .
~ 1 -.w.
"So . . r .. be -..wt'ft!lL "Be talkflll ~

f!Il the _ _ d . - f!I

~ owu to krrlIIc ~


to _ . . . pel . . . ." me to tr)' u.- aM J. Yon W1llI _ . , . . . ~ at. to ' - I q

~ that It meaJlt ltte of,

"Ute of letnft! ye Golb aDd Ilttk ......

ul:ca1s wig ..c,1q
brl,. bor
dap.. She _u._
~ ~ I HnI' II!t 1IlOlDf!II.t to mywlf lUI4 18: too lutk ......
.Ired eftIl to u.-eb Illy ~flII ptUo, 1 ba," 8J'GI'U_ ~
ant -.I,. __ K'l1Il.c III '8eM ~ ~ . for at s
aIld 1Il&1l1a1 three or fDa!' c:baaceI da:T ... I
ban __ writia.r Dumbl!r 01. the UD.j~
,ean. Sbe til ~
dl" rI'er, a .....
tealiU"t! p b ~.. aDlona wbldl are IIIGIIt (II
",..Im_ _d *
Ih_ pat gil by WUl"red L _ aDd fatllrtD ddedJ,y reck Ie
neo MadJ_. Thea tb_ an! the bow",ow" molar ea:r 4.rt9t"r.
,,"tto demall. atteatJoa too. Bat I am ~ Lut. ba.t sot Ieut.
-I 'Worlll:ed with the 8tocnIIIb [or awhile _. lit. Jlere.~th.
Ih~ jot.ell the '1m.' CDIlPUI7 wbieh . . to the
11111.-1. thea I . . . fw. while with W .......
Featllr8 IIn'er the 'Veil. .' .....d &ft'
..... " e,,,,
~ witll tIM _ -

tIMJ: ........ aI'III ..

tw.dI: "'Itb Ole (j.I~ .pin. t the Il. . of Ca1IIAlnJa. To
~ are...,. .ch'
tMqa .. tM...w.
t . , . e.a"l taka
~.,. . . t-.e
reWJ.Joa ,. e 11 ...

... ...
. . !J:=:..:-

--- ~

~J . . . . . . . til datltM. ~ abe

IliUl.Itt8I wtt.Il. ....,.. ~
It .. - . . y . e-w. 1M ..,.
Ute ........ fuIl........
aa4 -.wer Ute way the
w-.a'~ ltenelf rioIlniou ' " weuiq;


dcitIteI t.bal are ot\8 -eI,. ... alW&3l11

~. an' \be Ol.bft' ..,... Uiat an! I.".rtabl,. d . . .,. _eI

~-- MNow I Inll1ltt. ftrwt that m,. dotbetI

raul be comfortablf!!. uel _ I l l that
Lhey IIIIlSl. be bec:omlllC- No. tbat t.t
qwu t:r1lIe. I lzi.llt CIa both 01 ~
lillap lint. ADti I h.n fCMUlci that It

Bt-sli )It'reclsth III an euet'd
ch.rmlnlt ,n d ~dle
III IIUIl.@ to aoeompllab them. ~
It may take pI'ClC'~' koun 01 MilIa
HKlllC, She ...... t . .
1I~,.L11' to

1Ul:af!! 011 the M..aft' of the ~:'\atimLaJ
.-lp . he doUl.. Ilbe
W~1r.1J'~ ud ~ ..-rote tin ,,'e.",- Itcn I . .1U"l!!CI
-ton" "'eek., Sbe hu "'rlt- IH!r Uiat It ..... cer
10>11 HDIe at thf!! mOKt 'll~ Wal,. ....u. wllile.
lui p h ~ "tt prodOftd
RalI.J'. 1 cu.'t tftD_
~r.oI I!I panl~I.r1,. c1~f!!r It
boor ... t.- l hawe Ift:D

...........o.a.._ 1N'rlect1J' cI

l~ nr.. ......1IIcI,. It
c........ t - ear I .. rr.-... the wll1telt teolI the ...earet'
.. _ X I
f~. thoee dMr -
1'" bllae .,.
I~ .-..t.h cMeb.

d~lc:aul,. naddy wIO.

bealth. A a'to
taUt to Ita- '- tll
forpe. that .-ell
tlll. . . .u-ble
f!!l:ffJta. He!' bleb
.... I r l t .. her
,,'lloieMlllle opd.
ml .. m .re lID la-
........ a-.
fflrtlm;l. that-well.
1 lhlDlr. I ae,.er
I'rowDM for week
.nft' -tac b~.
A. I departed.
at _ _d

A b.ab'!- ----

HOII. of them.
""T1:lere,. hair
There _ere 11'111

Ik-. lI~red)'lJl a.I.M ..... to

-..etJalac that f_ w ~
wW . . .tt---ud t.b.a.t Is u u
d,.1a& .~ to dothea.
&.to walt a _ t llefw'e yoa
-...-. 'ft'. BU' ~
_ dot.beI
.._u-aL'- .at t. tile leal

THE KOV'IE Ie ORAL ..4"9..t ~, 1914

The Making of'

Actress WILLiAM

STl<'_II': Yen H.-,a. _ ~w .,u12- .... ot their c:out1a&. preferred Iiris .. bo roe- Not thal :roua& people: t1UII.k of -U _ .
.irl". ~ ........
~ 1 t.e Ied:eIl . . . a-etit
tlleIa at ee..e:r talaAd. 1ldoalJ'. 01' em tel". ~ . . .'t., 0 1 - .
'I'be7 are utuaI Ia their ~ aM u..
, ..e.-
i . .~ . , ~
C,..... BfI'Y9,.....,..
~. . . . . . . t k IIp-
.... tile baIIa WoYelI q[ their tid..
It tooil .. cw.taI:a....... 're""" to _
~ 01. T-. It la'fOl...... 4.lRlaet t_ of
the !...e _ _ 'a IL Tbat b..the ..wa. _ .....
tIou ot _hat they are tblakiaa "''1. _ to

......"'ten::"_ Aer. ,.. t!le' , tier. . . HaaanI _d lbeIa. They are ~ UIodeal W1l.k:IrI

,. "Ad,,"
Vera. ..",
AolIr ......('
...,.. _
tlk' . . .a'
5 _

u.- GtMn GIl. ~ La pOll ~ Q1a-

tIJy sbolL with .... Rock!tlp.. "ii_hac It til
t. .. It abcMld ~d .. It . . . wttll. V ....
Sb~ dldll'l aa.a1J"'Ie oertaIa raUlier IIUtle ~
~ ., ~

~ Uld emotioaa. k t 1M
'" ~ ~..,
"'" b.IId. t belL ia Iter
- . of - . : a I . ellnr--
1~ kr triU ... pa meat &all Prett:r .....
....frep bIateIII.. 'Vera.eo ~cebd~

~ ." ~.-.c"
.ptitlwk ,... ak w ft-
her iponDceL
__ rGnlld to ' - com-
Slae bad

.t..,.t._ _ k r .( ~
plete _dentaDdJa&: 01.
the -'de 01. . .; -.he
ia ,..... UNIt F kf'. ill lUIew more th_ ..... cood
~ k r d .mu tor her peace of IIl.Iad
~ ..... Vt:rCI .u coae-alq the . . llfe
_ lk
arw a.rton

lilt tHl .....

.lU 'rt'
. . . d.eslres of mesa lUle
AIld _ 1Ia'l'blc OW
Aft,.,. _ _ r.,... tcflJl. mowledp, _ .. too. hoy
_ "'","",_.crt . bIc - . . . c.aIlIlqly
cra 044 ... a. ""IWI _ .. ~ Ik"I1eI o f _
OItJlO"_u,. ill 11...,. It. .... JItfaIla, the eb...., of
"'incll fT- ,.... .torr. wlLtdl> tIM beea tbe ....
V,.,.., d ~ to __" -*- ~ fur
froM Ar , p rooM. .... un.c. ... the ->'
_ _ dlat au::.rc _eI
1\'. " ' -.t Of!red. aile .....
..... tiIIIId to Fonter.
a .,...,.e ....y, prob- S te .. of his l!ulate

I UlY. Vera ~tzed

Uiat Il1o leaYID.. be-
11.... her lIea.t:a of
p~, at the type at old
~ Ud. atnc:1I. bet'
. the ...,. of hel' ella-
- ' - L Be had. aot beea
.. "e; lbere bad
HDUU'd, ...hom abe bM. beeII relJeTTes . . his 1DaD
-0 ldp&1ly coaloul.ed. at aero He lac:lI.ect the enld-
t II I t mealorabl. 4la..... Ity ud d.lrect bl"ll.t:lUty
111M: _tA!riaI' C(IIIID' of Hua.rd. Blat lIbe
4td Dot allow beneU to
u"yla hldl the daa..-
"ere of She cllert.ll DY
.boat him. Be ... _tell.
.... W.QIIl.U: Ibe ....
_ot tp_ _ t.. tberefDn. or In all probabWty. jut
tbe 11Itef'nt Ib.e had Il1o. ....-bat the H rel.
QI"'" III "lJnter.
AJad ...ted. ......Ii. lboqtl ba
abe . . . WmII&!ll ... bo .... wUllq to pay aoft.
bad IMeII ~ a1III-. aDd to '11feft'at ..
fram hft' dlUdhoo4. to .... not~yto . . .
the ..... or I. . rr-k1J' her aa eq.....
terma. to
~ parwlt at melII. make Arnefa' tlIa1
A bogt ber tho!re bM. . . . .... .. erat .. bera.
aJwaya -.etblq dJmw.. ~~y.
esal: _ethlDc tlIa1 IMid . . Iaad aeTff f ~
bft' aloof from the 0:.' H - ; lobe cU4. Dot

mea nm ot t.boR w . _ tea.:r F~. .....eI
OftM f... G_cIp . . . tMnta la,- her ebiet
p a r l l of ~ It
hilL jlllll. r... that ~
_ _ to lIer that -'te
, hat deaftd tbe aIIO&la;
u.. abe ..... ofi. DOW. ill
. .1M ber. Site ....
prett,.. lI.t abe ....
_<It Pftt:t)' to tb4l GlUtp
_eI 8art..Iett way. 8ba
_ ......... r~ 'bnoI" a--. _

...... tbe opeo - . . .d de-
~ t . . .y . . . . ber
.elf.. WIU. Iter tlltrt1 dol
.. well _ . _
Ian weall: .abe "'-I'taed
e I ~

a-.tll'" . . the pay Ibe hell ~ a1low4Id Ilft' the 4aWoa. l'Ntauaatl of the lob.ler belt.. AM betWelf -.r. en- I.he .... of 1O"'I't7.
to do. hilt it .... _ot Ia 1M ............ ~ the aal:r:t" ... bo _w w1t11 .-da . , . ..... .... -.ttIR" of r.ct. of - - . abe .... aal7 BOW
tuILioa. Sba IlaolI alWS7S ~ _ _ to amleted by .V'P1..........haI ma:t'riaI"e . . Ia ,.,uy to eQl!l'lelta: ~ It .. _ _ tile JJOOI"""
...1Iat bel" IUten (If tbe ~ ... q..uaa... nq I1114bt mlJ'T)". _ Ii-. hilt .... of the ~ wbo r - tlttI . .tea de'
had . . . fooIJaII tI8 _ the 'rid1m _oald Dot ... 'It el'1L of their..... nae ~ ......... for-. fill
.......... that_ '~ ha'l'blc ~ all c:b attelltlau.. Vera po""," Is that fa wlUdl. after UIoe ..,.. . . . . of
rate- tUa dleap lmtb"- .t. IM.-t of. ..... had ~ Il1o IIlMAft. stan"ed.. Sba . . . lI.eI!'plq aUYe are . . . then Is lItda ..-pl....
10'- __ --. . . feetAI;.~
n!I"J" bv.maa 1'1ri; 1 hoYe lIotIe IIlJ" taM. ....-t7. n_ Is De'Yft' qldW _-..a. It .. lIat tbe . .
1laolI, lIat ~. . . . _ ....... -'.t.. to4eed.. It yeN. bYe .at plaed Ulat . . . .t. Mr_ orer. wttII IIU tiaY. 1IIat --..e. wtao ,....
8M ~ r.or -.-. ~ tM...-Ity Wheref_ Ib.e liked. - - . _ . abe lIalI> ~ fatG n l a t b . _ b.o .. jut .... ~
of ~ . . water to Nile- . . . . . wben of au. Tbent til ..x.hIaI' tah_tl:J' _.._-.-.1 011 to t o ~ ~hIe--.

................... - uu. ...

.... _...... t w.a. 1ba'e Ia _0 ~ wb,. ,.~ lid .. a .&ad It YU UIat Vera, . . . W
80 ... MIll. ..." .... _ NI1" .... BlU :t"-w _ _ lIboald Dot th.bLII ol IL ~ U ~lrt7 a week that ' - e d . . bAa: .. Iter
thq do aot. th.ere til _eUl ~ . willi .. Ui,," 11._ 11M .......
c.IIM ~ u..t. baIoI' . . . . . . . ~ tb-. . . a nk '- aothiq" ... V the . . . - . . . ID
feDcrlra. ..,.. _ _ t Uft -ned !Mr. with II&bIra. a.r _ tat.e.t Uea It
~ .... au..- aat. tHwlu.ate that lba ~ 8ILaIl eaatta_ to ~ ..,.
......... ..aIIid ia . . _ . . . . , . , I r . r _
.- -
__ ..... 'w-
_' '
~ ~
11M '~'!
JIIIt . .
...., . .
......,. . . _ _
. . _ ..... -..,.,
.eo tiIIIe ___
. . . tMt

.....' .....

.......... ...,..1IeIIt7 _
die Ute
'-- ..
....-&. _ ....

11M b I ~.llIdl:7 ~ -.It . . . . . 1M'" Eo " . .I tbeestn ....... t:dee, * ' - - I .. "cst ......L t:1te cnIf>
ef tU . . _J .. 'II. ~ .. lit. hlreC .,. Ute ..,.. ~ ter . . . ~ tt.. .... a:.- PvtaIa. ~ . __
1Ier .... ~ _ ~ .... ...-me ~ arr=1 to IileI; wItJl tIloI 1&4_. . .--_ta IIae __
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8IM",",,~.'-t well, ..
... eftM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tUt ~ the
........ eftM~........... ' 'to
""Tbat It1lI
to ae.t:rice.
wCMhta~ c::an.
IUIte: poI." be .....
~ MIt ~ . . . ya.
aft ~ &001I
eooI. .,..
"'i't It!'" -.H. Beatrioa.
! ..
"But,... look
Vera, . . . . . . . . the he *"Dan leeulM' it 11.-. a.t 1M" -.wb.,. ebe--a4 "1. - " .w. Vera. a eoatame
. . . . . jIIIt ...,.Iar the ..w. IIbe em~ The abe dPt.....,.. I.IU: tIl.II et lbe ~ of a _ ..
~ __ -.II -e. t.t . . . .~ TM __ ~ .. da:r lib ~ -.!" 8M ~ . . "",,-tJ,
ha4 . . . . ..... fualt:u'e. ... Vera', ',..,.. u...r "'Ibn:r ..... _tt.
. . . . . . tD her til' .. ,aIatW. J'I'CB. it she laM
a . . . . fit. tile IIU"- rtrer. _. _ her'" a:tabt
-wlQ' IKIt
lean ..Mt ' ......
ef... - . . a 7 tD _ ! .AM
-'dI: It :r-
~~ ..
he4.. "1 .'-''t
fa It. wtddt . . aIIor.:t u bClIt .. Ul1" aJctrt. wall I eenaiaJ)' ,.... 1M ~ tit . . 1M IIeIt .... TM 1Ita:r'. IIl.tIO rue a.t~. '1JllUe
UbI:T to lie. the ~ . . . __ ~ .,. ar..

-_ ....
CUI -.lEe! U alae tID ~.-t ,_ It . . tr- tW"'Teri" ........... _ t ) ' , tl
that: .... beY eate straIItlt troa ~... ft- ba'ft, .... It til .,. aD - . ~ .... .. ..-117.. IIoMtTI>N~.
adttillrber~ wttIl ~ I til-.: t.. -Ca IM!lf. ba" ~t .aUt.... fIf/I._..
J'I'CB. t!l.e of heor lint attA!'alpt to aet de"l"dope>d. of ~ ~ . IOOd tv _ traaII; ta Its Ie; I He.. BDt Ve-a.
before the _ _ _..... to Ute .04-

lae'ritallle.. V e r
d I . II'! aDtlclpete It
en. . . . . .8 01 t:1te 11&II , . . . bel
aDd abe dl-.. hall .........e with
polated tilled. bft'M'lt It e for e .!OJ
with eeI'tlLbl rear II" 1tenII wUUa. t.
wbe she ~ . ~ ~ 1110 ber ~l'
tlcall:r a<Jt.hJ:q" to cIo I.. nit. ADd a..-
for a _Mk. 1'000000000, trioe _ftrlItood II.....
buy with .. flI!lat'Q'e ~Iils. with the ftrM
produetSoa. a ... _. It.hl",. _t:lmeItt ah..
tuU:r ~ of 14" bad tor the ctrl
the tad. that be had alilee ber appeanut""
alrea4,. II~ DV too at the ......10.
m1lC:h tI III e to bet'. "Y abaurll
both aet1Ial1:r _d in dtUd!- lNie a I d.
hi. th-.bu.. ~ th- "YCRIi' eo, I..
tle arteatioa to her. 1'er)' pretty, _tI U'"
TIle I"eSl. of tbe com-
~n,.. too, tbo h
....1', beromla. tA.
:ro-. too. lut ~
dlspo.ed to be ___til. lcaa . .
friellj)y e no h. _ :r- that DO oae
slmvl,. tide't ba,.. el.e t. paylac_,.. at
Lime to bot1Ier 1fith tftIu. UI It....
her. 0nI,. Beatrke Ven. tleaL
Brewster aotkelller. She tryl to d....
Alld there _ ' t 1I'het14er
a.nyt1Jlna eheerlDa or that remar_ .....
InllPlrln. for Vera e.tt1 or lllildl". Altd
ll~t the for Ute ftMlt tlme ah..

her. It w..
that the Itar .... to

mach 11_e the aOll:ice

..... tu two ml.d ..
b _ _ t ror
a cat Ct.. . . caaar]' lthPD .e for tbe way
in a.ntlclpatloa or. I bebaTed at the
"uCC1lll!'ll.t titbit for .lore. h.Te Y0ll1"
din II e r, For at.trlce eat (.
Beatrice, ana:rY and ~""t!lI. nl o"'-n up:
alarmed. had deter It waa the melUl. .t
mlDed 011 ber l.ID.e-of 01101" I e...r did, _d
;oct-loo. She IuId ~ I'd be dr .. ad
dever enoach to _ fally ~ If .
that ope!l bc.tBtt,. But I'm DoL"
would Ber1'e ber bad- "Y_'re aot!" aid
ly. after V e r '
veiled CIllo
"era. 1'."Well.
clllell Dot~
Jf It
tlle flrat da:r fll ller hadll't lMlo!!D for that
ooppun.,uee with !:be - ... here" I be. _ 1
SYlltu: COIIlP&D3"_ In ~lJhl. d.... pod.
fact. Beatrice', de"!" .." 1'II-.t aMp .0 d
"metis, n.thft' than BarUett.!"
rHol talent, bad made "WfJI. It-Y(N're ant
her a Itar. Sbe IOlJrrY, eaa't 'OIl e,
ue",' bow to . .
..very one of ber re-
!IOureea; slle, quite Ute
1i'1l1 .iI,.
1I'h,. rID 80t!

w.,. for
I bebaTed

3JI ,.,tll . . Vera ber- tbat It bU''1lM oat 10

lIelr, sa1l' BOIIIe of ber bea"tltall,.. Bvt
liJultatiOllll IJI a.n aet.n:sa aliI! awrl!'rhlted oleDl. !II",ny "'. y8. BVI ..-ltb a little poIll1b I thLDk th... t. ",.l.Iy I'm lIot lJOfTY. ,. ltear. t belle"!'f!
In that dlllClMU'aC1Dl: wee_, therefore. "era had ~hell do Tery 1I'ell:' ,ouye cot a ""tv", hi Ule plet........ I admit I
plenty ot chance to renect OIl the llt...p she bad Fonter .. Id llUUIet.hloe Ilnder his brMtll. aad ...... catt,. the ft~t day I IllIW yoa h~. bU. at
ta_en. She had liT" liP the eort ot 11'01'_ ahe looked at hl"r, curioul8l,.. He m(l.ed a1l''1 ltbaJt that time I 11''' .-:m hoc.. y~ mad" me l'lIrlou..
_lie... and uderatood. poor &II It ""aI'!, for 1IOIDt- inl" hla head. ARd wbeD be hinted aroaDd. for III the More-l'Ye IUl a -"t ot tf!il1pet'. "OQ
Ihlnl" entirely Dew. But It ""IlS only ""11m sbe lInotller look. h~ ...... SlllrpriM!Cl to _ BeatrtCl! _DOW. 81It-"
allowed her IIlOOlI. of dep~ to eoutrol ber tllaltlna h..-r ....:1' toward VI"ra.. Wh.t pa~ ''Sa)', t wOlld6 It I lot y_ ""I'OaI!" _Id
Ihat that _rled ber. In the end she llQured
lIf'r Ihoalden. much as a boy mJaiJt h....e dOlle.
bo<t",,_ thfflQ ,,'ould lIurpr1lted him stlll
more. He t1uJ1lht be _Jlew BeatriCl! prelty
Ven... "Ma,.. It wu JIUIt tem~d If tkat'.
.n. I'm _1D1a.. to call It off If JOII are! I-"e
"1 ihCJllld Won'l'. an,.how!" Ibe declared to wl"ll. But he "" . . to learn that she Illld ...... !rnt 90ftIe temper 1II,ywJt! 1" De"!'6 botd ..,..
herwlf. with inteDlM!l eaaTietloD. "1 ClMIu't Mlureea II" had neTer StlJlped.ed. thine ~ C1d saY ",be. the,. were bot
lIue &Ot u.otJl;er Job--tKl, ,u.~ Ulls don 1'0 Vt:ra "'u to oome on apm III a lat..r llCt!nt'. llpJnlJt tbem .tter they" eooIlld 04. Bat-wdt.
up the ft_ _111 be whatever tltey''I'"f' paid me to but wlt1Jout a ehance 01. c:oMt,llD1e. So she had !~ _ Idee. yo.a 'ida't lUte -.y c,.1e:. all tho!
the: podl" d ~ telllponrlb. t1J'ed ~t I'nm a btt or 1'1&;- wa,.. .&.ad-well, . .,.be 1'1. better aot _,. that. ..
8be Wl!'II.t 011 t'llo or three tiaan. dnrtllc the Ot'OUl aetlOII, 011 to .. propert:J _ell.
She looked 'Whetr
....ef'k. .. 'fariou; en:nr.-ded _ell; all a c:boru 1I.bPrdJ,. " - a III Ute baUttuc nJt sbe ...t:ior't. aa "Well. 1 tlHJqht yc. -..:yIN Mr.
lI:frl; r_" t ~(l9 drl: OIIele tu .. seene CIllo a llatb- ahe looked ablnJrdl,.. pretty, too, with the btab Forsteor ",-a. t",IlI.C too .lJeb of aa btterf!lllt ..
me. ....' 1 to.,. _ tIlat that'. a.ot ~ 'iaJ,o t!IIe 4ri '., ..... tiwtr bMi _ to "-l .....
rw v_ tiIIeJ --.c.. _
_- a.'s
teWac _
arwllale IGt 1lIIr'"
INt be
that It's talr ~ f1I' what 1 CUI
~ ~
. . . that r1dIq
~, bow
. of, ....
~ of

. . . . . . t--a
~:!I ,;.....
&' ......rtll.. .. ~

ifl ,
~~. II ~ , w1W tIUlt," t:IMl . . . - . 0 ' tbe.......A. t'aIIII; lIpt
Qllae more . . . a..-ew..... ta.P' pealed OGL UlI kDowa .......u of ..w that .wJ h...., _u.. eIlIa ;
Tbat..~ _ a 1IU'Tt-a 01. Ute U7s whea 10 hea Me ball' _ to tIle...alo: AIIIl. fa, tJle ~ uPa ....
lIbe hall dwrbbed hopei: of...-nac ~ henelt' tate t1W tIIIft - - - - . _d w.III'" . . . . .wu cr.-t.._' ....

_ e time
~_ ~ ; M tt hall be-. bao-cr-t:eR.tap ... e-e berMlf . . to'a of Iller w.q ~ aM: .. tJMtr ~,,....,,

.- "-'~'" aha '"Wll7: ........1:, care

tM - t . aotroUIet' .,. ~ of ..hat the - ' - el her ~
....tID; I an I a,,-she lkaaJl: .. the air air like tbe _ _ ot-_ ,_, tile ....
peIIt laeet.
_~ tor wUt; Ik....~tItIIlb of ~ ! that was u t _ oil' taoe ..,. the ~ Ven.1m'eI it-.lL It 11M tile _ ~ dIam

He's ..,.uIl hI8 ............. _IU' . .,I ....

~ l.-..~ SlIt if wt!'re piq" to
f1t the car; ...haa It _d abe _ ... tba.t or cbanu tor ber-tJte dl.antl ol ...... -.lt7.
EftI'1tlltDc lIlIeaded to tntozScete ber: theaOW]'"
be t:rWIda, . .'J br:IIrwec'ft are. let at!.tft' ~ Uf'I'!!'7: tile Ilea....' p.. .u.r; tile
"'anI ot wana~ UIl1e.e ~ taUt aboRt" def~ or the waUen. 8be .
YOU. lie CIlNblI' ~ ~ w:tth. him hfllU"d' J'or:stA!or, bl low ~ ctrilll' bJa ~
_4 tile otIter _ t:JIe ....... yc,.,1rr, She waa luuICr)'. 1ld at ar. It ....... that to
110 froeIIh. _ 'B.......... . ' ~ ttud. ~ aN' eat .,-W . . . . tbe... a.t It tid aot. It
HildY;. rm, ~ to be ted' Ail So; J.-
taM thtII . . It~. _ t . .... 4aa~ ~ people ..... do.e tbe:t" -.em_
...... oaI,. &II IDter-hlde, after alL &lid
to be qatte ab.e; with
b1&cll ClOIII!ee before them. Now the dow or the

ehUlCt to ....... about:rOll. Do you uadeT'

'1IlD.8et bad. fadM. ay, . . . m. the . . . . bI_

" s . - I ~ I do. ~ lUll V-. c:lteerfaII7-
Aa. 111&7'* r. fftIsb. l' e - [.... An.1 Ii
*' ...... ot OIle tatatly. There ....
_ - . ; : tile 0DI:r I1I'bt 0IIbUd0e c:aee rr- the
cu- ra -.polled. c.le -.a:t.:~. !hit u; ............. 1110 the ..ater', &lid the 0Il1,. ~
that aU" ~ . . . . thK 1t . .1t 1tauw whk:lal tJlat ~ .. them ....... that OIf...tlD,. ...ana, rip.
'.,. to tU"D. to 11M o.t. ~ tt!' I ~
th_'tl .. few tI11Dp dlolIt .-,-I>-~'~
&t Dot .-ell aD may. r_aeww WOI"bIII
In 8tOft, did yog! I ~ MIti!'"
1iIec, ~ the 1Ih0lll!. __._here aeu"
"'1'IiIIl:.''-I.r Aid Fonte!', .t IUl, ~


it ... _
.. the U&!- aaid Vera, wttll. siP.
wUiIt&: out 01 etr-a. "It'.
For .. ~ t the 1Itar'a.,. uacrtl7.
aDd I'tItI:rt ill ber ~ _ _ , III- . . . __ ate ...., boueIi rYe beea qed to
be _ her I.IpL &lit Ute diIelIIllIIII tM -..nae. ' - - . ! Gee! laal'lae belDl' .ble to do thtl'l
"I tbMltlt Illhoala ........ ~~ .... .us. "If a8l tM tUDe!..
yOlll 4oa't need the ~ , atldl We'
"T ~tilI.!-. Forster... lin-II!.
: . . . . .,.,rt f1t thi.Dc yOll Deed! It
better," . .
"SIlft, that'. all rlaht. l'S $ ", It. wa. ..-.. IIdIac :r-\ ou----to do all tbi~ atber
,...'ft M!Irer Men. YOll'll _ til-. ....

wd Vera. She tamped '~. ...... th

here'. wbere I C'!l buy Ie-." YOIII,' ~ tbtDc-tbe .... taleat. tnt
She daaced O't'er tow&l'lli the MIt _eo AIICl be ~ ot----.
oaee, _ _ abe WClIl J'onteI:'s IlCldot- lily the ....,. ...' CUlr waIt!.. ui4 Vera. blluftally, "Gee!
abe ....... lata the aplrtt of .taat .... Iletaa. 1-"
dc.e. ~ 41d Dot lJt:II:;,.--to,Wlllldrr-ber: fBte.- Be 1lMrIMrll' _
tbe table toward her. ODe or
."pi : , ~. in hw ....u.t _ _ her .....thla, .. 1It'tJt 'Wora, lu oa the doth .
Jullt befaN tile _ e ....' ~ BiI: ~ It, sIIiM&tb', She eyed blm c1c.el.y,
"Ob. b7 Ute way. Ra:rry," . . ..w:. .......
y. 1IIlIt ItO ..., tree It.
"I doa't feel ""r)' 1Rl1. r. th.IaIr: It W"oa't watt ""WIly ' :r-. ...&it!'" be said.. eaprl.y.
for tb_ Jut _es. Do ' .. elM thb ...,. 't ,... b.a.e It a1I---rtI'bt a.ow-
~ _ , _ ' t YOI'I, and let u..., 1'0 IIlD.tlli
tolDJ"OW! rm coteI' richt mw' ~
It._ ... ~ ~N' ~ _d C&Il it! Wtth.
_ ! u-rt ~ n-- I , ......nd droal ~
the Int:"tt.. 11 ., y_! Woa't,.011 let _r
'"Thoqbt yOll ""eroe dilliq wttb. me!" Aid V_ ,. , " .... look.lq at lW:a. with
Fonter. '1 " t 10 ber e]'eL
"I ....---..but I..-e eb~ my miIld.... "Gee! YOIII"re !- abe aid. ~A.ta't that
She thre.... hlm a smile that was meaut to be tit !' i I'U_ eftr)' &irt that_er
eoicmatie: to show th.t ~e . . . bl &Q. elWTe IlD' reMI:r mllllt ...,. that, u.-p,
mood. Bat if he ootioed It st l1li he did 1lCIt la Ii '~t IIO~! Say, _ ,... ~I,.
_ W!" aot! rYe sot to _
:lOl" ..... y make the abe had expected. _ t:biIIlIeo .... ]'OlI-"
"SofTy," he u.l.d.. ~Look oat f' ~ .
8eatJ1ce. Don't ~ lick t1U we.e natabed ttlta SIIie,~.. me .... Ule look or horror La.
ptctare.. N
hls ~ SIMI'IUU:lI to tDn:l ...-.y-Iest. he _ the
m:Irtb that' lit hM: ___
AIld he tunted. iIomedlaUlY. to the em...d
that ..........alUn&" for him te &1.Ye the word to (To Be ee.tfall@d S~ "'_ILl
best_ -"}
~Plct1lJoe!" be aid. IIh&r'Jll7.
He kept bb eyes alma.t OllIUItaIl.tly 011. Vera
",'hUe the _ e .... betoa lib doabOl
<'<>DeerDm. her ..ere ~ belq 1'elIOI'nld..
Dauntless Anna Luther
At ant his i.oter'Mt ID ber 11M. beeB stealthy:
he had -.idered, alwaYS. ..bat BeatriCl!
thiDk, ..bat she w-W: do. No.. he ...... readl-
Do YOU Ub to hear about cirl ..ho III
IImdl aUn! A Pri -...ho lo"ea to
nrtm aDd 4rh'e a motor! A
She _ _. . . . . . . .' Ia ~ IlDr J6ct:u'e
~"""b . . lIt&:r"IDSt. . . !
She has - , - -..IaIs d _ ber for ..-.mtac:.
1Dc pola.t .. b _ Beatri. mattered little; he in wbo 0lI1dt clue aaythiD~d ...10 out! Sbe ls 'tbe . . - . ' at ..mInl.u--
.... -me to _ I d. . . . . GI' to c:are ..liM
@l!flCt . . with Vera mfcb.t hue 1lPOG her_
"Walt for me alter you'", e-ecL he aid M
A &1.rl of many illite. oae .... 110 MUla the pmut
from .....eetest ~ to tomboy mi8ehht-
"'0"= all Ia Ute _III cl&]'! ADd. 1Prl-
CIlfII ~,_teItL A1tb,.p. ....
e-t ....... clrt. Ibe at. happP.Ita
to'" aD' ~ ' - . (0' fact. abe .... lreeD
to her, ..bea the _ e had beeo mlWle.. "'lI&s ....bOo withal, h.. the face of Sarah Bernhardt! eaUed the best .ma.teur taaco tIuIeer in
Bre........... We'l qait .ny. l...-aat to
_ ]'ou. ec-ae to my olIce."
The _ e poetic moath----tll. half &1.a4. halt .ad
1')'_. the _ e patbeUc woadeM'a1 expn!llllon
-. Sbe b odd mi:rtul'e or sweet _tt..-t....
lib taDe was ml:lnb" ~&1; there eTe nnd the llUDe ...elrd mop at IlDruly red hair. boytab _ _ rtiTt!llt!lla. She 1 _ ber .,on:-ac
platT to hear ..bat 1M aiel, aDlI. be
to &1...... a
tor talk. Bat Vera
People who 10011: .pea Alma Luther predid. ab.e .....a bard, A.a.
ahe ,...,.. bard, too. Her
per-.IIt7 Ie I"ery ~ c:lIt. 011_ - . &aDa
lOt..... dJ.q0!l th.t sbe ....111 beecme a ~t act::t . . . tIlt.
. . . . . ills e]'a rather tbaa h" tulle:: Aod .he e.eD Mtore Melq her ..orlt.. Th. psl_ lace Lath.. b Dne!' ~ S h e " ' - " a
"'f!Il.t to bia omce ...itb. a ~ UWe _De oa deddea th-. 011:. 4are, oae Ume abe ...... 8t7le partlCllla.rl:r hf!l' OWD, l1li4 th_ Ia.'t ..
hes' JI... She had. . .~ tat f1t - . e
IIOrt, bid Dot _ - . StW, Ibe .... pn!panIIll.
nll the way troal N_' TortE. to Briptoa Beacb. ~ ve-t &1.rI ill all phi) , , 'Ie
car I ~ to be low Uttle 4adt til. 11_ _
Wh8ll. the foUowtac "",boat lJoally picked ber
+-ad. ,.. b~ . . !I:alI ~ tlIoabie with up the &1." ...'U alma.t lUI_tIcloaa. They H uUU:ioD b---etmply thl.-to be ....
I Ute. h.. ant ~, she to take the I"llblted ht':r chUled. body ud tDr'CII4 bnuldy be- .-
~ tID atbdt rat.ber tb_ to der-d.. tw_ her bl_ U.... I'taall]' they ~ to set "Not. .. cr-.t ~ ,be ~"1'" CQlIll N

~1'1D to lIriTe moo towD 10 oae of tlle frtIbtned. Thea It .... that AJm& Luther oae. I lulcb aDd' smUe crest deaI--'" JIlIIqo
'e&JS. I'D tab :roill &1...." add ~ , .... hea opeDM. her UGDtl_ a:raY eye.. pie doa't alwaYll tblok that I llID .......
be ...,..., after lib. bad .... waltlq fe.' "I di4I it. 41o't I!'" she uill: B.t [ ua--ftl']' madl.... Aad' all IQ ..
miD...... ....,.
Oil. Ute wq-ehr

-We alPt. Vera qroee4, ooa-tD:llllittaUy.

_4 baYt! diaDer
w.. Sbe hae COO. ap ta IUIo aezooplaa.f1III'bUe .be
It 8t. Aaeuttae, Florida, with the s-th- .
t!r"II. br:uI.eb of the Labbl Com...,.. She baa
iD 10" .,odi:!W
Alter IIeftral mOl1ths wlth the Reltaaoe
paD.,. JIIas Lath came to Ph~ia.tIO wwk
He p1aaed. lilt aid aothu.e. He led. the drtftlll. hi&b'POwer car IA pk:ture----.Dd. IDle..' with the lAhtD people. She .. at ...-t ....
....,. to the ear, tut..d. It .... a htc"h po.... t!!'ed llC:&I'Cl!I..... a tbtac a.bout Its woridrap at t!l.e time. . . . . atee thlap .t thelt PbUadelplaia. 8tttd\o.

T~o Bitter Ene1Dies

Pictures of the
German and
Russian Armies
in the Field


:<.l!"'' ' ' __~


I..:...."" ",.""'""'''''' '''''~=~~,_~.,

ftor __ ~~.. a- .1"~""'.


.......... -.-

... ~

.. fI" '--'t f)'_.'~4

~---"'......_ ...................

The Decision"
Which Involves the Honor and Happiness
of the Woman He Loved
r IT ...... hUe be .... waWlt.c ill ..
r---. ~ Ibtka - a tdb.
.ft, las ,... ,... ~AaIO
~y ...~ "'e uJd. alaloe eoWI:r.
TIle c:aIa-. of 1tlI'r Nfb'. aM la'

I to arrJ' IlbI liIlck tD " ' h _

...... tut Joba TN..... ..,. aleN
r cbaace,. , . . 01. tlM - . I t ~ ROBERT KERR
moIIiIIIt::1 or Hr taee. ....,.... erT fit
....... rna bIa. FW a _ _t " ,
....,... ber -.adeL BIt tor a . - . t
A1lCIe w_ ... 1aI7. bMtaat ..... tee. 11'_

be ...... howfter:. ,... a.)

..,..,. ........ .to . . :
Ie .a-
---.. be c:r1ed.
~1ioce!R "DWIl't ye.
la u.e to tbe . . . . dw n-! Dtda't yu. _ ~ tUt it.
_ca. wtua a ..... . , tolenat..... ~ Ud phh_ woad. . . . . It aeuiy wu ....,. lor . . .at to ..-,Ir. ~,... I . .t
_ t for u.- wba tool!. ~ tIUtq:'" IIIri- at...,...m. It _ _ 01. " ' a:da.a tluaa; .... a~ u.t I -wA't do it. _til 1 . . . _
...,..... sf,aaCllli _ Ute lilt fII r..cuoa. ... _ .... alit to 1M: .... ~ ~ ..,...; .,. 1Pt. _til I - W lay --.JIiq: _ tJaaa
tlle ~ ..-I. that ~ prla.l 01 tbt"'-' while .. pIOIA tIlla&, mlcbt wen ... .,. 10ft at YOU' feet! ..&J~ let _ QJal:
u.- . ~ & I I I - . t a _ _ to lateral.. thtall: :r- w_ted

be..... ~ yu. eaft'4, too! y_ let _

. - , . rMftn. T-. _ _ flI UM: Pd' ppm to 1Mrweftr. to eare .,. ~ )'o.a c:ared whether or
As" be ,... the 1Ir1ef ttea m. ....., .. . - - . . . . . . .1 ~ uti 'IR

fMIe ... ~: u... ....... ot. aap'J' . . . . . . . . . - . wI. Be _ . . . tblI ~ to "'I _ -.T7. SoIua, ~ ......... '9aT .-.tIy. -I
...... _ h.. ~ fDe . .11ft' .,. Ite. U", II. . .lI'e ei ~ tb~ 'eJect" 01 .. tbtd: I Uft 11_-,._ 100II CU8tI to Ute _

.ec tel pMle the ~ to~-. ~
aU I _ ~ fa tIlat

1M bad beea c:al1eA 1 .&Ill. ...,.,., aaC Uaat

y _ tht. tn.. I ..... J'O'D caa _
awbt&: to ... II 11
-..ue-dI.u; fa _ H e IIIt&rt!Jd at Iter
.....-e-t reod.... lila ' .... 1)'
Sob. . bl wtaidl. be Ie- "'T_ .malt .....tIr1.
. . . . . ClJ9aI for thIq, _II. that t. an
Ute raeel'l'er. at .. ~ _ .,........... laar
a1dral . . . . 111 bill ~ are -.T7! .. be
nIIotJaas _tt.b A.Uce crfeII. ~Allee. aID I
...... Blrt-be h.d to IIelieTt that )"OIl.
_ ber the al.tlt are ....t a
Wanta. . . . . . . . . Itrt, that you are tbe
IIIIItUt. aDd' t tl..-r .. ~ to pia, l'ut ead
.... " - aatb. . III. I_!"
lila' attltlllle to lJati
eUIII that . . 414 Dot
hilly _dentaad. For
"You IIlId believe
...hat )'OQ .. 111.~
add. -rbere I. DottI,
_ . )'eara be bad ~ more Ulat 1 <::an
11:. 0 ".. ber rather 1lIIY. I-I am al'T1llcl
wen. ~ ab::lee, bl that tile t.act:a mU~l
bet, they hM. bMD. sveaJt for tile m
dlUdrell taptber, Itl!:ITeS. ADd. bdl~n!
_III doM DetchlJorL me. th~ are ra.c:u-
nat:., .-Uh the _lac faa. that nothlnlf
of _tartly. b 0 l b CIID aJt.n:
bad _ tlftherto _- There ..... In h"r
.~ Ul1Ap iD tooe a dreadfUl IIOrt
ODe _other. netr of finality. He rtI('.
frieDa nzaUed wiRb' ~ that qll&.lU.y.
...bea thl!'lr a_mea AD" ~beIl1lllf flIrt-

..- ..... .........

..._ _tioaed: tile
ouaI)'. h. b.d IItIU 10
_"ok e I t y. bldeed.
looked for the &11.. ~ d.teat. He
I~ ber. alalog hal-
~(lftDea.t of thel,.- ') Ina her. AJld t'lo' ..
eIIpc~ea.l . .d ctJa.Jddered the walclJ &.II made.. t\~U1; nea. til the ~ of th.I1... Uodt da,.. later .tI. w .. .....mI!ll. .Ilddeilly ead "'Itll
Oal,. a KnIpulOOJI _ _ (If 1101101' UM , . be l.aew Utat Ite _-'4 .......Ift the Itiow. Bat ..Nat hute, to Norrill n.cre..
.....iDei T'raTen from akb.I: h" to be hi. wife l.Iaat .tlocII; 11''' It 11''' Ibarp _d bee....,-. n ..... yean of -...n1&ce are eaoach to work
111 lIer~ Her falhlt!' ..... a .-ea1th,. 1Il&II; AM, after the ant ae-eeta VI. ...11e,. be IQ&A7 ehaa&M. .. a rille.. s-etb:D... th.
be 11''' aot p ~ to p ~ to t.(l.. ctrl _to ..... by a cr-t _d IJOWia&" aapr. cbaaps are normal &Ad th_ that ~ ..
be ..... La a PG"itloa to ..PIK'I"t bit!' hi lbe !!OlD- 'me. he IaIId aat detlarM bt..elf bI. 110 ...,. upeda. or. at .... Itopes tor. Blat t. the
Iort to whleb .tI4I 11''' eoutJM.. Tra...en eIl- ....... She wea .at to bta., tedl..akaJJy_ <:&fIe of the o.c:re. this ..... Dot.. Tbey had
)Dyed a -..furtable tIICJOat(': -.foru.ble, thal B-.t, morally. iJI WDder a eertabt oIlItpu.. P'C""I apart. Tbe)' had had few iD~ hi
... fot" a baeb~or. ADd DOW be 11''' CIa lbe to It1ID. .u Ieut, it ..... cnel. tt .... bitterly ~ 111 the; the )'ean hall aot
lbn'tlhOld of bb flnt ",",t opport1lDlty. ne 1Ullalr, fof' ber to an- It 1m to 01 ber draW1l th_ toeether. AlIC!II!. lD~ iD an.
laRe of lhl. ~1 ...PnlI(p ..OtIld dt"ter1llllle hilJ deeIs1ca ta ACb a w&,)'. For Me ba4 1tD__ ; ilt Ul-.1e, iD the hl.cber for'DU of lltentllf'e . .d
flu;an!', at Jea&t fOf _ e yean to conte.. sac &be wGald Bot lie a _oman did !the aot no... ht. tbe drama. focuut hendt cqnpel.led to U..... a
_tlLI. he ...ould ~ at OIleo!! lato tint. plM"I! fiMllJlp aDd It" batra~ aDd did abe Dot dl life mtirei)' buU't1dul
.-..c the 1<NqU laWYeR of Ule dty. It eenl, ilspit. bla; alJea.ce, the ~ a f . bilJ Dacre. hi ~ til re1uatJOIl. l7pUied the
..OlIJd 1IlI~ _ -..ed. pc:ll5lUOIl: _ 111_ that ~ 11w)' 111'""" ~ that 1II'n'tl bcaor- tlred baUa_ m&D.. He fOOD. tat. t
wooPl jut:lt'J Il1ID. la aakla& aD)' ctrl to shaJ"e tL abl.; tlJat macb Ite ltaew. ADd 110 b..... aacTY la f"Dtert:aIalDeDb of the moe prtmithe MIrt.
J"aU1LI"e wOllJd 1tGt paa.b him dowa: It w-rd Itt. &Dp!I' penbt.ed. mOf"l!O't'er. .-hUe ht" He had: ~ matertall)'; ta. w. . beI4 t.o
_ _ 001)' a poM:poa_ftt of hb _ _ made bia way Mck, oa lIlow tnUrla. ud la COG' be Tft")' ric:h tnaIl. And b. It. . -cht dI.......
~ e C'OIlDec:ted with the law. _d with lbe ~ ~rort, to the dt)'. He ..... at . . . . . . . . . .ftj as proet. by bt. If
Jar&ft" .-.atlle _d UII"JJOn.t.e I.D~ of the ...1t1te beat whft be ~hed. Iter Il~e.. H.. ift~ts tile,. eoaId ~ be c:an.t, III
dt:r .-.p.be4 that Joba T'raYen ..... ~ caD- woa~ It abe woaJd _ Itlm-It .... qatte c:ertaI.B thealricaJ t'Il~ bt. tnath. bf'
.... __ - e the )'0ClIlCft' lawyft"5. But he ~e, b. reftede4, that .he woald Dot. BItt c:and little ... bether be PIt Itla; _..,. back.
__tell to tile Aft. .A.J.Ice West . . . a cognp: . . fl _d .. hleb .. e'ftII.. Hb brokerap . . . . . . yielUld. eaor
Tb. trt,. rr- wbleb be 11''' tat retU1Liu: bta OWL Sh. had. ~ f'l:am the fll'lIt. tlIat mOOJl proem; b. -.Id atrord.. .. be .11' It, to
. . . RttJet matten. F"aUiIU'e 11'" I ~ abe m1lllt bCIe TraYe'n: that b. 1II'U fttitled tu I~ maa)' t h _ d a IB the ba.ekiac ot. mmeal
1lO1l'_ R. had Mbed the dlaac:e that bM . . . the -xpIaDaf1ce b. 11'_ sue to d. Anti -ed.::r_ .
.....sdeal.:t laid opea tlefore 111m. aetlq with lIbe ..... aot the ~ to Ilblrlt meettas "or the tIadl:1q 0( ....eb a pf'Olhactio.. p ...e
TIpr . . . . . rM4.III. . to ......e ,.........tI'IJIo- ~..utoe!~ be ..... _b_ _ QUU . . . . . fo It
hla oertaIa r1cbts _d prt....uec-. TIt. rtcbt
~ _ _ wboUy cbanel:erUtk VI. IlJa.. .... be after k-.Iac lit-. . . . . . . , - ' tit.-. __ -.J.a. to _ the ttaee l&oar &ad to tie at. It-. . .
. . . 11'.0 1'f!Wat'I!ed. tor b ...,.. talta ~ ar-. "'Is It tnle! AJ"I roe coAac to ...,.,. It.IialI tbII _ ........ 01 u.-, of - .
1& _ICM hue beesI. badl:r 1IMteD; . . k ..... Daen-!" Aad utOtIH!r ..... tIJe npt to 1leC8r8 plaCll!II tor
.................. Be

- ................
hili ~ .. ... ~wMh . . . . . .
file... 7


,.. ... .. a.A
"w" is few War~ W .....ths the vieW... War.-miglot """" . -
. . - ...... fIIl. ....
p ~ " tIM Weapons gleaming in long WaTiog lines and W.;gIlbecI . . . . . Uult an.&:
. . . llba. _ ...
1"'!Poa WUM t 1Il.
as. ta-
do"" Wrtl1 dealh-and Wealth and Wide dominions Wrested from
. . . IIIow MRIP ...


............ -
him p-aI.J. theW....-
1I_ee. _ ........
cd. M __ cr-t. tbO'
"W'" is for War-d>e Wont and Wcw and Waste. the Wide-
.... n-..~ u.e

."eft tM7 . . .
ptJMi. to nr.. Ilta
aaytJl.J:q .......
spreod W _ devastation that (oUo", io the Woh 01
mard>ing mm-tho: WIidDew of lust ~ h e teeming fidds
made ~ Wan and Wl5ttuleyes o( starTing bllba

t. tI ..


Alb ...
"W'" is (or War---tbe W ...... Wrrl<hed Women _ w_ 'I'ta."""'" Ia lite .....

Dot~otu... a.IItIaIa.r. tIM
Lblap. It...
biro and Wait and Watdl. WithDot bope and W .. pio_'V-rns ....,Q- ..... _ - ftlaIc
~ tll.t abe
AboUd. .... DM::re
60d u _ the \V-mgs of death and Wrappod about in the W .... of
................ latbe Widowbocd-WmIs Wataed by the blood of those they loo-.d-
dt,y. at...",.... at-
tain; hie ~ :
"W'" is for War---tbe womwW, Writhing. Weak. in _y- ,.: II ....
. . . . . . iaM: ........
Ilia -w' .... the 'Vbile the \Vbeding vultures OOdbea<l Watd! in ""'" and nor- 1,.

... - . - -

d~ rT" rowing ardes. Waitiog notil the White oouI of him .-ho died in WiD- trIP ....
..ben. Be ~
ing.J Ii . . to World W.-Iow that W ...t Wrong shall fa Iris
like ......;

faflell tit aab . . .

fill. tIM
}labr and ask "Whv"'-
"w'" is for War'-:"-and for the Worship that must he gi-ren ....., ......,
er of ......... Tn,,
en wttIl lIM .eer eI.

Tn. . . . . . . . . . . .
<Ii IIWw u.- ~ in tile midst Ilf W~en Wllile . - Who Worship Wonder at . . . . . . tetlF_ . .
Ire. ...... u.teMlI .. 0...-:..
to ilia. It ..
the. Wa,.. of God. _ pamiU, upon the earth sud! Wi...... of His 1lJl_: a-IlT. 1I'1l
acblattllli. tUt ..... W nth. the Whic:h is Wo.... than heU_ ~ Ita . . . . . .
at .. lalla Lbe P"M1 __
Ilis r-It. .Alb ... of 1tl7 tau.aud .....
the prt .. tI fit r Ian to ~ U.e
c~ ~ . . . w ' . . at Jibe bqe __ eo That. ... the1' did Dot. ~ La riroo endeaOl! ap.but btm. be spoke.
leadJa&: ; tIee .. ~ caM!ll,.ctaal.J:,. ~ the Of"den their eulom ""NOll' I u- r.. cue. T-' ,._ c:rooIIl - 1M
tlame. fer at til. ~ ~ ....-e .... p-.e u.-.. 'l"be7 1lbDpl,. pabled _ the ~ MleI.. -naa. 1-.'1. _ , . ~otacb l.a tJ,,,e CdlIll
ill tIM dO". ~ ........ AD. . . wtte. theb- c era loa. the States to ..,. ,.-.- _ t . . DM:n.
"Iaee it
..ellt b_YT bU1s to
apeD' "
..... ,..
Ute ~
Bat tbe7 We'l! for
tIMre "'L
Il'f'OIt weat iII.reettl' to the 1NcbIt ab.,. men.
nis: was . . . . . tbtI law: It ..... ~ a
YcMI're erook. T_~. _aUoei. "_',.
loit to f!~ 1m. . . of '_Q. Gel _t of
pu~ made by hiJD. _d deUnred to the crtmta&l..--- of Ute _ _ ......,.. 8ClI't. Bat ZIt,.stctat u ' doa't .,.roadl me ap.iD... 1 bo.-
,,'omea. of the half world. ror'JON" u.e. -c.c wb_ w. . aU .'-1 ~!-
Had .A.IJc:e 1lIee:l ~ to a.ter iIlto bill Ilte, lI1lmberM. hM' tb-.el. . ~ Ule la.... 1. h" ~ DlI.ere .'eat lIome to the ll'tfe
had. abe beft ~,. to aaploJ ncb arb $0 They hM beft .. tlUtuoe with the ~tttt:al nile be had taaaltell _d &buelI. He had _ _
pleue him ... euulI IlJLbU'alb' to the t - that _trolled tbe clt7: --..eaU,. they had t.lllt cn--enac 0( Jlft' teellq. 1101. tor him.
womea who took her pl-.c. Sa b.b life. Dac:re . . . . t . m _ rr-. ~tt.. ltut for t21elr ~ Aacl. be kt_
",lpt ha_ hem., wt!hiD. eertaIa ... ell de1laed Tra--. -..t after o.ere wttl!. joyhtJ _ t , _ oach'. hue ~ to __ t to \be 1 to _ ..
limits, true to her. Bat that .tie -.14 Bot do. He.,.. JtOt . . . . . .t of the ..,. bad htm.elt _ . To hi. 1a.rprUe. he tou.D. Iter
Alld . . "lUI h . 1-.n ttl aarr1ap 1Mlhtad u.teI AUCIe; til. ttaow~ aatuallT. Mded .altlq for 1I.Im.
them. ... b.U. both ...ere .wi J'-a. UlQ' ...ere to ttle . . . . - 1rIG wlLldl b. ~ to MNorria," aU .w.. qlLietJJ'. "J'ou kao.. that
ruQ _4 wife 0Il17 Sa ume. 0IlI,. .lice'. rather _'rid: ktIL AM t a ~.. 1'... aeTeI' laterfaoed with your ba....- . Bat.
"ld fuIlioDed '1'1_ ot IIl&ITIace preftatell a 41- asad ' wftJl Cf"!IM:~ htm -uta there are Itrup about ,._. YcMI _
,-oree. II.artia&'e. ta her ""-. . . . & ..erameaL
To her ttlere ..... a MIl__ m--.tac to
Ule ...orta -nIl 4eath _ . . J&rt."
that.. matter "Ito - . . . . DileN -.I. 1I!Il.
JMo.lac - . e l l of cl.rtlUr.J thlllCL .A.ft u.e,.

""'I"rM!!"" ... c:rW. wS o: It'. aU a

Dac:re. .. lata: put. .....,. ... tn.laC. d1rt:J' lie! IlF ..eml" . . . m-ee to
lhoq!l be had kJIlc ee Unt &.lb. or Ml1. ae.'. aU: All' ><- ...
for ber to reaaI.Il hta: wtfa. SIte . . . tri-.4 lalla Traftn b. . . .allowe4
a protec:tka to him. Be .... aanW; ~ thq'" told He'. aD-
....@T'J'Oa. n_b.. . . married.. hd l q to try to .......
AM be nabeII. _
rraa.lJm.Uy. ab_ _
h...... aIlie. theftCoft. to- . - - ...
Q.TftI'" UIIOILI' wc.aea wtt.Iilo.t 'Ute ~. wWa ..... pl. to ber to . . ber
"'tcht.t ~ of bdq ~ ..-...c. wWl Tranii' .. II" .......,.

or bI-.el&ted tato a 1D&I:I'1ace wID ..e .u ant .... ret'luel 1ltted.1. 8lIt . .
"r fa tJM ed. n..n:_

_to ~
~ wbo
tit _
...,... _
. . . . . UII C7ft . . he .............
know'" that. b........ rr.a. tIaat
., Dow I"ft 1"OttII!Ir!- be
II.. COII1C .ot _Ie IlU ~ lie ......

" tree ~; lie ...... i sINe te ItO .t.L AlD--U r - .... _
.>De. Ot' 10 he ~ L .. n ! I I~
~eaaw"" Tra.ers." well . . n.cre.
..... ....,.~ __ a
had~ He..... ClIO
hrflUaatly bI Ia~ tnt IilIc tbL . . . . . ......,. tile _ &8
h.. I1a4 ~ to. IaIP ~ at u.. w:tddl:. ~ ..
-a.. __
hd ._. Jut
the 1tIO'f .&1klI W
. . ..e;;
........ tnt


rlqoe .........t lalla.. . . __ pc lIIIIe

in..... ,_08 of & poeat ....... 01. ... > 5. b .
torm. to IICClePt . . .
to fIItIoa. . . .~ at-
lorn.,.. He 4W aot tae r:r=..... JnID' ...--_
....... DiItll:rn . . . . .

... __ ........... ~

- ..
lim he took the place " ' - - It
t In!. -.. -t ...
-mel to btm that It .... 1l.ta: . . , to
do 110. There ........c:b .a_ .
....... ... -.-............
.... .. wtIIl

...,. -- . .
"nd ~ fa tile cft1. 01. ....
tICIIWV~..-t.. hd_ol~
fi~ m_
..fiet 11'- eled:iGa,
tw:cu at the
"'I_trW tID . . - .
_ lay l ' the
of tile ~


of Ule ltate, fJI CI!I'ta1a . . . . . . .

Tb.- broken were aot _", e. ...-........- .....-...:
lhemben fit the .tock ~ 'T'IM!7
" .. ~ rM1.l7 operat.laa '-dlet . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &-, . . . . . . . . . . .
.. edc . .' AHIM

Feature Filtn Reviews Reviewed b" Vanderhe7den Y"lee

JUt * -
... he.......
omcial Wife
PIctaa.... __ "" ~
fill ........
_ ...
a-. ., 1M
,......... -.17 UIJec wMdIed.

at. P
. . . . . . . that Ile ..

--'-w. ~.""~"
.. on.. w.-
niIIIhe _

""WtII"" _w ...
.........,. 0;.
'*" - ....._ ~
tkat aot faaIIlat
J'.-.ce" .. tIte

..... nM dl.c

'I"HatJ"e.. ~


of ~ ~
.,. th _
.. '
... "

t be
_ .....
. . ~_tIle

......... Utq

tile _
_.. ..-"-7..........
_ _ tt:tMl . . . . ab.


.., ,1iIIIIIel
....rU.r &ztatn4ve L "OZ. H.any T. !I&an:1 ....... a. tILJaao. . . . . a xam.t. ."
..... rnecnea _ L IlQpn I..FU- _ _ to .~ the _..ser of ber ....... .,. . . . . . . . . . . . to fad tbat __
~ lIVelrldJ' _.......&reV ee.IlM ..,...., at tbe CIar. oft~ ~ tD.
a.c B.Iie ~ n. .... __ of the -...weI, 011 dle ...,.. aM tar ....... It i.a.. dlIqtlll na ~
e-.tcr." WdmJr'
B~ k...
~ .......,.
. .. Clara 1tl.IIlIl&D T. . . .
of tile Jboto-lia7 a 1Id. .. at. ...........
...h1dl Ute CUr aa' CIarlu ba_ IMIcated b_.
do tile aubdlIc.
p * . . lite
I"lttf:ac ltIM* w1:dlIa the
wiu.a.t ..,. taIDIlt at
.. to ... hat ~ t. ~e. . . . .oe.
.r-.n. z.e."o.Il.. . Tafk7' their bltatloB OIl au-4lq:. The 1'flIlIUIt ....
.~t' Kar7~ h..... CJPIMII"btatlJ'. . . lira. Artlnu' BaIil1IrMIe
E-.e-~. . . EIl1aBe , , _ ~0It _ New YorIt, Ute N'lhWst will ba......
0.,.. . . . . . .. LoUIe 8euldet mtry. She Iaallts _ lOlA&. la the lace au'
~k. . . Befell C-.ndb' ch--. at her ball p!W1l, &be coaeeah pistol.
LeIlDu ~ .. lllaeb.. He 1ISaJtelI RJ'e.
T WQm..D ba1't' reqUft!d ~ e l..a&'eau- Caller the p ~ ot Ilia me pIU"JIOeeS
I it1 to maIle ut -.Ja~ pbatopla,r of
...,. 0lIda1 Wtre,M 1be late JUdsU'll a-r,-
1IIariertn& the R. . . . . ~ . TIte AaerI-
eaa ~ Be Iaaow. that upmat will
............ oc for that. to.c MfoN be CIOUI be ~ .hUe ~ .m blftlft htaaelt.
1ul_ ~ oL motfOll.' ta", 4ntma . . tI:te:J' his . . . .t da.!lPla' aad " " bt. will!. A.1JDoR
... tota.:r. re. IlOftb of the 1aJIl balr_b1:r7 at the last _eat. be rec::alla a ftI'l' ......tIro1
_ . for that m.attft". of _y other tlme--ba~ dnaa be bu _ _ tU1ac to iDd_ sleep, ..hleb
...... aetj~ ull ~Llq .. the h.u ~ him ....oe h. rea.I.Ja.til-. vi. the
c.a..eI. book. For his lDve:ltJ.--. be wo pW11a hill olBdal wife baa plaapd !lIa lato.
~ by IIIleiq bi ...,. ............ "'ecI~ for Re 4.taoI....... a IItnIa& ' - ill the eta- of pIUlCil
~ rarc-. tll:utc:aJ. utn.~ aad be haa.da be' alter"'~ She nraJ:Io,q It
az.o.t "ft'Y other' ~ of play. The Knletl
....,. JrOdaeeod by the V l ~ 0......,. b
aD' colJapeeIi aI...c. at Ute foot of the royal
diu, ber .....- '-. ber baa..
~ pod---<l1l1te .p to the an:np---but The 1i1lll-play.....e by ~ Bert~ll.
it ClOUd b.a~ beeIl fl.rty per cmt ~ If the ten. this laterntlq -.or,. hIcW1Y aad with ....... Ditt~ . . . . ., . . . . . . .
~ bad &mae to the eq.eue til. eacactu cood dnm.atlc ellec:t, thoqIl the hmor that
a -..rto-wrtter. ull prod1lCer ......en, of IJehtal.ed and h .......... CoIoDd Sayqe'. av- Edith III the f.alr aad teader CJ'&Ddda1lP~r
I.macblatloa. It reaUy ltl:!eIIU tbaua.. pttle. ratI're---&r1slq chid,. tn:a the eamic: upect of of JIb'. a.-u of R-..eIhme, oae of tha.e atenl
to hlIve wasted lach esceptloa&1 matertal In a CIlIIllDIXIpI-. 1DJddl....-pd AJDerlcaa baa'- old )l4trierdls ... .110 are bora .oIel,. to tJu'D
"nlD. oa.t. film lh.t 13 ~ . . to the uerac p . IIlU pl-eed Iato the ...orte:I: ot roalaaf'l!. female 'I'1rtue trtJm their d ~ b I , . In s
The IIlory fit. "If, omclaI Wife" 1JI bowna t.o &Il&I"Chl' and 1II1U"4_lI whol:l:1 lac:ltJ..q. 1tTI- UlOWtlt.orm. It that ClUl. be U'TUlI'ed.. Altboacb
alm.-t .'I'et7oa.e, m oae fOnD or otber.
Art!nar Batabr1dee Le:anmr. b a nocaahl
deDtl:1 it w" 'e1lberatel,. nolcled. Perha.,. It . - apia. b'adtttoa. tt lIIol be admitted
that Mr. a-n baa ri&bt _ hhl .Ide.. RIA
Mia Bert:1leh thocacht aa,dleaee. "oWd Dot ae-
........rk:aa but..... man of middle ace aud COII- eept sllllWtall-.l,. the bCllT'Or ot Ruaiaa cruad4aqhter hi 'et.enJ:lta.ed to 1It&I"17 P'nnk
_dOD.aI type. yery ~ e to fem!Dine al- lynDJ[J' _d the halllor of aa lICltated phi Dater (a ll.IJe that &11.,. meloclrama ran
h.~t. bat proUac and -.ot uWt.hflal to bl.. laDdcIner in check AiL StIll, she _icbt ha... e tell ber ~ lIup'd_) aud the old
wife. 11Idr 4aqhter bu manied R~1an pUt _e trut bt CoI_eI Saqp. ~ " t . IIIUl _ that be la ..urt.b.I...... Be 41atDherttll
aobI---. Seae JOint bro ocmaec:tloD wlUl .II"" If be DeTer n.ali:ed bIctl .... he 1Ul- ber _d nnaa her IMlt to -.n:b f . Ule lII_t
RtIleBU!!Dt calliI th... Le:anous to aa.t.a. The,. dlabeartellill& p.noet lett ataa4lnc .moe llie
an: fa Parla. At Ule last
feoeb Ul. ber hubaad ~ tile trip aloM.
lira. Ll"aDox
qaeatioDaW,. w.. a put-muter at the art of
IIUJrY teDiDc---'u' be ~ did a .... rtte
OYer the ba4a" of . .,. of ... liD"
da7a of -Un'er the Gu1I&bL EdIth bally
tbe prret _d her h"-'d. b . . the
At Ute troat1er beautihlJ .omaa Ia dimas The IIlOM. MII'iou Mort m s of ")f,J' a-dal .e&rftt ~ eIl1port.... Obe de7, ..b.De roII..iI4I:
. . . . . . to hbD.. She baa 1-': her ~ It Wl1e" as 4cIDe "Y tile VlbcnPh e-.aa:,. Iltl rr- oae a-ta-mW to eaother. JI"raD.k hi
taq.l"ratfq that abe eel to St.. ~
wttboU 'elay. She inb'ollvces berRlf . . tile
lack of
cat ..t
tm-.bera." .&. ~ cooi riews _ -
b.t tar the . . . . put.
lJtnIdr: ..,. & mot.or-ear au' kUle4 (tb_ drh1nc
h _ the ~ that it t. . . . . . 1Dsb tbat Klckll
.lte at aD old triead" Lmaos.. ta her predJca..

1lGIrder _
abe ~ that he take her ~ tile puIPClrt. made oat for hbudf'
J'aaaJea PIabaa.
cotac _ til Kala....,. or
wbat ftIlbIllea what
JRJ&ht ba_ bea & _ _ tke J II-. to ..
to cae ....).
TIte acc:kleDt to Dener IatrolWca the h~
of tIHI ....,.. ~ by Paallk n ....... ho. with
&ad wUe. She w1l1 lea...... him . . _ _ tIle7 a . ot 1'AItb,
~ c'DOlI --. o.ra KIa'-II T-e .... J . . . J"earaIey. the impu
,....,..... Ia the piece ..,. the ....... I"1aYera'
. . lato Ruala.. Leuimr. "-u.; Mt Iaall7 peen . . the Nlh.m.t. _ DOt -.J.J' " " , - t
the w-.. ~ O'I'ft'T'UIe hll o b ~ au' .... 4na&tk 1Nt ftQ' __ 1U1taL BIle . . . . . I'Ua ~ _ '!'be pbOlCJCrQl&y, ' " the way
III . . merl,. pod, _ for this InD.. lfr.
be takes he!' Oftr the '"-tier. ld-.t choice ror tile parL '!'be
I_edlately h ... becom.... that they .n! has ell_t. ....... $'" 11,. aD chandI!r ~ Ute MeADlater' Is: Robert DarTo a ~ la..,.u
other .....-. fa tile -.or,.. eo an tbe otbft' aa.. .Ith & beart that a1IIIoet ~ ~ hill
he..... to '0 hi to In . . ..-ca. A few ftI'J' 'find '-cal.. DarTow takes charp of the 1ajnred
"Ie. . of _ ... kb tradcta.. tItrcNdl the 4rittta& IIIaa, who praeII.tb' esptrea; aad thu be _ell
lSDOWS of Siberia U"lI _Ol*lm-.!y ~ n to DOW 1'AIth.. Also. Edlths cbD.d-for J"O\I
aa' show what 1D~t han beeD. edlieTed. The mol bcnr I.ben! hi a chUa. She hi & mull'
.iIlktaa of the )'&dlt _ .hteb the ed...eIlnu-& &Bpi. _ t from be....en to Wheedle Grua'pa
eeeIl:I to ~ tI'oID R la Is: aboa.t .. t.hrI11bI. Ru.elI . . 4d'Uy . . a sho.'rlrl .Ith bulker'
.. a moaalicbt dUUDO oa the ....ns of .D lee- ebla1eel - . and h... lr. Darro... baa eadeaTOred
ere&III parlor. to reeoncUe 01' R_U aud bll a-raacldaq'hter.
but it II reaD,. nUll" Allee wbo tDr1ta tbe trick.
tfl Sbe kt.ees bim lJOmewhen! betT,._ the _pe of
The Scales of Justice 1Ih1 .edt au' hll b&ldsPOt. aud craadpa III ..
,.tty Ia her h.aad&. It .'0Il1d be tatenstiq: to
A. l...e-reet a'spbt&w of th... 'rama of the _I"
h...... 1II01re ah::Iat little aa&d Alb .bea "e
name by J'otm B.btaehart. Prodoeed by the
P'O"". a ..
~ P!a7ers' JI'Um Ccape.ay. StraDd 11I-.tre. II:dlths tnMlbles &J"e by .0 lllea1l.S _ .
="ew York. G....... hu ford"'" her _d made a 11_ w1lI;
ReWrt .o.n-....... __ ._ ..... Pa.. ... u..... bat two - . reels are ,...... to _ _. W1leB h..
,,,...,. Drutef' ........ _. fIanJId. Laekwooil taraelI Hr rr- ilia doar. the old __ Mopted
1If.u.t:r JUUort ..... , ... Hal aan.6Da W ~ l:UIGtt (Jial ctare-daa). _ of _ old
~ .a-.dl...... . _lIaI1l PI1cle rrs-t. &all ilia heIr_ Mter hie ~.
&Ua Dezt,., J_e ~ eIIIatJ,aa with I:IIttJt tbe .u.aua.. .. JUs
Alioe Dnter... . .cat) ... 1..- wIlL EI1kltt taIb III ..1t1I the 01' ...... wish.:
~ __ . ...lIaI7 m tbt la, that b.Ia daaahter aud ht. adopted _
JI'" Trill' .Beatrloe 3IoftIaud e-...._~d _ -._)
.. , , TIfE.~"MlIE-Pm"'OR'IAL

The Wardrobe Lady

he Has Beco_~ One of the World's Greatest CostuDlers

and r1UI. (Ill tlu! ~ 01' la '

OUR atteDUoa. poll Sir
Y and IIadam., is called to
the title of this artlde-
""!'he Wardrobe Lad,."-
PlIpo:da1.lJ to the word lady. AA. matte!' 06 hlIlY. to ~ ~ . all wen IlJI to daDee
the Botaaica1 GardeDa aM!' h_
b - . ADd ""'eee abe tw.
m-.e to ~ .,. aad h......
hl..Larioa ~ of tae. to be ro.Ho Q" _
(act. all who bow the llWe lad,. , hlft bl m.iDd.
..8 the Rbjed. or tbUi story----.nd mc.t pellIPte l.D
Ute .....,.
h " *

' _d to Rae
h .cllDIlpul-
of tJHl taaIb' all'
takf:II. hea&, rebelilou aU.
hilt . . . I'OIJ' cbeebd..
t hI'! modoa -plc:tve proteuloll 4o-would aata-
.-aU,. _ ttle Yard lady lD. pret'ereftee to the
_ t . SIMI ftt'J' W!r7 pretty fa
rncJe ....,. ..., .....,.. --=II e-tat8ll Yith of
a.t r:a.nift are Yff)'
~ ..... ber ~,.~
st." Amel.La'. Ion!
iIldba&doD... Cl-1lMId
wort' CClII1alOlllJ" 1Ued word. WCJID&Il. her: ...-r ' ..' ... me, which fact t!MI 'faally to --.t ia _ _ a.c:Ia_ .... it
Sup~ we cail her lira. Smith. tor the ll&Ir.e is ftI'7 t . . . . clrta of h d . - were .... "'dW.. tb.t A.tMUa wall . - t to
...r (lOll ~JeDoe. tboach of coone tbat is Dot be!' ~ , Her tatber and moth_. _d IaIiIiI.bIc ....... fair ~ ~ ' to
name. If 1 ... rote dowa the Illustriou _ _
IIhe ..... bon. to. there are _ b e n of her fam
ller'" ~ '.w- _... ftt7 1till.d ....
Yft'7 . . to. . . ._ ~ 411 aot beUne b:l. Aa3'
. . . . . . . . ~ I . . . . . . . . . lhe

vi her . . . . - - . . t ..
Ily. cloee relaUTtlll, wbo mjpt eee thla article d ~ ttl deetkla. .... = tee' at tile u.e. AM it ~e
llDd say; NCJW Amelk SIIllth _ted to ""........ 8M abe __ . . . . . . . . t!IJIJ M:bool tb..t til..
__ted to ~c:ar-.ed u..&' w1tb .... pad iiIMIIdiIlc' - . til the 1-.1 .1 -'- tH
"Ro,., U1l"'ml.eQ' aDDOJiq"! Really
~hoal. be man eareta.l. ODe oC Ul_ W. lIhe
"'Ill be tel1b:Ic eftI'J'liod,y ~ .ho abe ......
dec:Uoa ...... of receL tM ""'etoI'y
aalata with whic:ll tJae taalIy~. __ ....
ttWl tII. . . . . til the d _
oe the lIObooI kettt IJD. her .......

.\1_ ~ . what! The)' Deed ba. . DO

r"ar. hownet'. tor Mn. Smllh lintel! the Yery
""bleb 1lI the rea-
__ at aD Ihe ....ted. to tIq. 1IDw . . e
t.1Je bo~ aDd Jin. who ...~ aIIiDwwl tG na.

At etetu- .... nul. ....,. .... Ith
ID&IlI _d ......n.I' hba---but a1u! IlIiI fMheIr . .

l'.aaIl7.lLIIiI ........
'dlY I woald ~ for
aD)'thlac. 11.. e b e r
" ..' U _ i l l .
fter. - . - . ~

toea'" 1 0 _~
_ _ thelr .....
Sbt! is Dot ... 1m.
poIIUl& ~ t b t. The
the7 . .Ftt
. _ _ cIlII-
l:enUe UU1l!I1a4y. She
lit tUl1 ... frail. and
her u-. tboacb It
_. MiI'tIiIetr '-t.

. t t t .. 1'
................ --..e

--.0.. ,.
is alwap
1" 1IlJUD7 ahabb,.. _ _,1M.,. ......
Her hair ts.aft d
.......,. ... P'Q''''
her 'Yob is M)ft"aU
~ .... II!!II .

her e7eI are pttbac uwe .............

:I little cl1JD-abfl ...,... hr f II,.
ueedl atro ... er . tIte1 . . . b ,uJ..,.
~'- eTft')' ,.ear. . . . . . . , \.bat tIM'Y
T here is. ywttaJ were . . . . . to .._
look aboU. th-. aU tt.r -....cb

Ii "'lsttaI-ne~ for . . . . . r II!! IlTiaa
her~"'_ ~ k t that
aU ... air of rea... tItoI:r . . . . to let
....1bi .. U~

....... .
llIeQI aM t,,_lty'
.... ..w. u.-._

That oa. leldom
III e e t wtt.b JaOW... '~
. . . . . . - . , 1'1
..,. 1''' It .....
"r New lIa.l ............ e

..... ..
"toek. &be . . . bora ...' la
lind ~t . . bl UllIIit' ......

l~ wJl.arelbe of ' of
..... tacIlt to ...-It
a lttde I'r c to .......' H u l l . "
I'm 1InJWeI' t t 0-.." _ ..,"'1IlIIM _-..-.
:'11~[.; " T.II~~~OIE r-p1~}',"Il~AL<._ ,,~':";fl."'~ ."!; m~
. . . . . . . .~ u4 lf1thcar..,."b+4 .-Ute t; _-~~...." So.", 80 ( . .' 7 , 7 ),

.,~........... , -* , ' ' ..

. . ..,..,.~[. . . . . . . ItW ,*t _ ~ AMI .. ' .~ ..-.......& l
!he MWtJ' to."
- - . After ...... .I'
taDM worlr: -.:u
a..UfId eak 'r.,.

d.i . . ..
be DUIe . . . . . . .tIL _

. . - - ............
IlL n. JlIItIiI ~..
~,,,, _ _ ot!te' t!l.bICI a .....
_.1Ir.. ~ J:IIftdlar
7 $
..' ~,,,,
_ _
~ . . til
_IV '
r. ...
wapi., 'It .. tr..e. ... fa ...n' 1Nn .... ~ tJle CIlIIbIae. U - . .. . . , . . . ,
....dtly leara.ed all that her .,..... 1uteW _d
.,... ao.," ~ JlrL BIDtth, ""ttW; wodd
DOt be ,Ute CIlIITed. Y'* bow." ADd lib. JIl'O"
~ It
W1Ili alill! . .'
IlK" - . ...
aI'n,Js.p rIiIIlt
Sbe took the faAc:J' or an ~ tamoaa cee6ed to ttlI tJle -.ea jut what .... npt tell' . . . . .'- It. l.Mt 1Nl!Ik . . . . . . .' .,.
oae t-. wbo told 1ter that ....... 1I'utIaC" b~ thtI )IeI1oll an. 1IIaduld . . iter ~ with. deflk jut of Ute ~ - a - _
tiDle -w:lt!l dJ&ar1 dI . ''''nl" aa4 that hef' book ..... IIeIectet bUD bu
wmt fcIr qaaIat ~ ...GIlIt haft a betta' IIID&U Ubnry.
_.rkf!t wltJl _ the.tricIl ~ &be la the eud.. they lett It all
1iIIIdled. lb. . . . ~ aeuta.. ~ pIMlI tn to ber, whld! . . . jut _bat
8ac:b . . ettatlllahlDeDt ta New Yadr. aa4 afte' MI.. . . . .tet. Thea eoSllllCl a
a whDII took ber alcmc .. maid . . bn' tIQIIIn. 1oa& tatJen:lew wU1l the de-
The 7eKtI drttted oa ..... lin. 8laIth wor1ted ldper after nidi. JIn. s.Jth
nnt with one t:heatr:kaI -...a7 . . . thea an- wem . . . . tow1l and onIered
~ ...t a-.ll7 became _bat .. kDoWU . . . the ~ pods . .d tbe
wanb'<Jbe womaa. Sbe bally til a weD Ilat ...,. the IIewtac
--..., SaD. J'raDdlIoo ~ whk::b .....leIi tbe were ba a y malda&" c~
Wftt coat with CllIIIbI:mes, 1lIId: . . abe Iftw oI4er ~ tor 0TeI' one b_-
~ -..ehdD_ ~ uul bl"r IleWIii& beesme "red atn. J)f'Op]e . . "'eU &II
faaltJo _d abe 11'" ~ Toe proud
to sppl:y to bl"r OWD people she trled
"'flf'YthlDc abe coald tl:lfDk of aud flnally

tool!; to ~Ilnc papers til the sU"ef:t.R to
~ s-ah to eat. It wu ,.-bJ1e at thIs
oeeapatiaa that the actreu who ftnt took
bet' 1lP dl_eroed her, boacht her clollll!ll
_d took her to her- hold. She . . . . Ith
a motloo picture maa1lfactarlD.s CODcern
.ow_be too 1l"Q older _d put leada
_d "'as dotnc ebaracter parts. aDd abe
went to tlle maaqer of UIt~ ccmeen:t Qui
t:okl IlLm that abe UfOW of a little WomaD
"'ho> eoald not OIlly look alter the ward ~
robe but .... bo had a &'!Dlua for d~lpln"
alul WhOllfl educattoa embno!!d ever)' hi.
suJferiuc BODle,,'hat from
opQl1oQ of benelt. due
an lnftatd
to ral8e 1.11
roncal era.. TbIUl It .... that Mn. Smith !I&1uy, wu tenhlc me a 'thlD.c or two.'
fOUld eoa:aparathe rest ud a ha"eu of That'a ... tat they eel tor employUl&' pe0-
f'dlaee ud the motion picture c:oncern ple ..-ho doot )(.now the!!' business.' she
;OaIad a m!U~ "'.. AYirlc to me and at mI!!. 'they OQCht
The eostume dePartment of this particu.1ar to C'l!!l people in here that IJ"I! more up
eompa.ay is fu' more comprehenal...e thaA that to date ud if that dress lan't dODe just
of IliDY th.... trie:al llapply hOtlIle. It C09'f'rlII thl" the ".y I waat It I shall !lpealr. to the
.-enl II1A.D.IC'f!r about IL' lib friend
liItaroed ad althoacb I tried to stop her
abe cue that YODllC pt!rIlOII I pleee or her
mtnd.. 'Wby you. poor amy cllU4, that
1~'---mf!lUllnc me-II. . torplttell more
th_ you ..m ever If!llJ'll aDd t.hat b01l'I-
edee 1.IIdudfll cood maDllera.' By the
"'aJ' the eoatume was fln.tlbed up as the
tor nery nlember ;<"QUn8' IctrellB deDIloded It Bhould be ed wa",
ot the company. broucht to me by the llil$tsta.nt dlrcetor .... ho
The eoet ..... la.rci!. "'IUted to know'" ho the dlekella made It-tbe
or course, but noth period v.-u ....rong: I did nOl. uy anytb.iD.& but
InlI to ..hat It my trll!!nd did "'hell ~he heard at tile tuddeat
would haTe been to "1t I~ afitonlshlnc ho .... much ....e do ta day
hire those !la m e here The "'ork !lta.rt ~ \'ery early in tlle morn-
C06tUmn for the Inc and I am he~ at IIoeven. The coatumea are
period over .'bich /tl\"t~n out evl'ry mornlDII lleeordinC to the rt>-
the ma.k:tnc or the 'Iulrements or eacll company and aa aeeo1lllt of
pbotoplay "'oWd ex e"~ry Item colne out II kept and the COBtumea.
teud _d the htnd etc. are returned every evening aad dlee::ked
oollt:umes .'oald not air. Thill 80Undi but It Is not. It
have bieeIl as sood- la merely a matter of BYl'Itt'm and Slvel time.
It Is in wcll mat Thla morum., tor inst:aDce. "'6 pve out anum
ten . . th_ tbllt ber Of aeIi farlnC C!08tvmca and ae"eraI otIIcen'
the lmpl'OVemftlt in C08tWDes to ODe compaay ,,'110 !lUl.rted 011' for the
the maautact1lJ1.n& boeadt. A:.aother produOl"'r "'sa lupplled with
of filml la ao Bin>' CoIoatal ooet'umea for meD and women.
marked. Not 10 and lUlOlher .... Ith IIlty faney ball COlItumes.
nry ICIl& &CO _ . ..A..dded. to thla tl'tere "'ere IeYl!!l o(her COOl-
paales 1I'eN _~t paaJes wbtch f'f!Cl1l1l'e4 llOIltUmfllJ of one aort (If'
to CO OD h l r t . , anotber _ . aU ot thl'Ul ...m be returned before
top floor of aD enOMDoua bu1ldluc buUt for the the!!' eost'lUlleL Wben OIlfl of the bIc IIrma I te.,ve toIlJchL Yea. It la hard wortt. but I
~ . the 10.'('1' noor beiD.& ulted . . a property IItarted makiq lOIIIe of their 0W1l the city _ lind It ftIT pleauat. As .antrobe ..-oman with
rocm. At ODe end ot Ule top noor, the worll tume hOD.llell were WTathy _d ODe or t1l'0 e.-eD a tra...eU.In.c CDDp&Dy I tound the work tl"'eD
room is IIituated and bel'l!! a dozen men _d retued to lRlpp!y them at uy time _d in 110 more Irdaoaa and ~.,. more unplea!l&D.L"
woms work. ODe man operat.e. an up-t.o-d.aU doiDc they rubled themllf!l't'f!S wlth that ftrm. The lut time I saw IltUe !lira. Smith I took
J)retItIlllI DJaehiDe and uot tar oft fa a modeat For It 11''' decided thflD _d theroe to pat bl Iler bIIItdl of fto...-u:s and aD old enr;raTlq
riesk wbere lIlrI.. Smith bolds her eeatle . ..,., their 01l'll t&iJoriDc ID.d dreeama.klnc depart of the Bad!: Bay dllllriet in Bolrton. It muat
takInc orden from the prD1M!rt1' mea tbroqh DJf!ilti aDd Dot to be dependent upon oUblden have a..used memories tor there were teu'lI
for their .eeea.

their dJreetora. and dlrect.luc the d-.en peDDie lu ber eyea . . abe th_ll:ecl me. I told beT trimd.
under bf!l'. A BPedal de.lpf!l' with his dnwlDc I asked Mn. smith at ODe time bow; Ille ..... the ebancter w.-naa. of the Ineldent and she
boud .... orU llear wtadow aDd bebtDd them treated.. -rbey 8I'Ill a dell&bttul lot or people
aU are TO"'a upon ro"!"B ot ooetumes b ~ 0I:l . . a eeaeral rule." abe aa1d. "'sad I Pt tu better "Don't you worry lbout ?lrs. Smith. Wben
raW from rolIera willch are ~,-4tdeu treataleIlt DOW thu 1 did ..beD 1 was with the &be .uta to retire !ihc "'til DeY"-f "'ant for a
acrou the buJldinc. On ahel't'flll inn.umerablle theat.rM. I flud that wbeD tbef"fl ia;-l'1UIeD_ home tor she abalI come ..'Itb me and I will
are batIl ot enry shape _d I~. boob. aboes lroable tbat It doetl not lXlIDe trum thoee hfch0' be clad to b....e her."
and neD. cloftll---<tbere are Yf!r)' few WlUlta irl- up hut tram the little peGple aDd eapeci&Uy from Bat it loo1ta .. though tile '1itUe. "'ardrobe
d~ whleb CUlIlot be MlPDlied. tbe ~ womeD wbo Sf!f!1Il to thi.a.k that they lady" "'oaJd be able to retire 011 her ova say-
A.. bic tour-red ooetume pla.y W211 about to be Cf'8I.te a i1etter bn.PftSIIIOD if they adopt a nl)f!l'- tnca at the rate ahe's COt.aa Dow-which Is nen
put tin "'hUe I .as taJkllll to Mrs. Smith and dllou all aDd IP8&k radel". No....- take )(fa ulcer wheD you. eoaIe to think of IL
.......... WOliIdbr
. .
. en
,,.... - - ... _._, _'" _ wm--.~
. . . . . - . . . wltL. _. _ __ .1"btIIIl . . .
__ _ .... ...
.~ .. __
_1IanT V. _ _

..... _-_._.-
. . . . 8dI._,",,'
.. -..-. __

:;. ~u;.;
B .......
_ _ _ II

'fte ~
..... _ _

-..w c.. _
...,. .....-.: It _
~ ..........F.

~ - . ~


11.11; ' . . - . . . ......
-.M "_
.... wUa

:r-c ...
Ii..-....,. ~ It iii mar.
w...we "'
.. - _ ..

. . - II"- tUt ~ tM .-n.c: - . l -.c;y

tate the liiUer ~ Ito fna '-
. . . . . waD. ..,.. tile . . . , . M ......
.... It iii tMt BG;r". . . . . -a.I _d=
__ -n.p. If t.a. lIaI . .

.. _

0.-.. ~. ~.,. . '-IlL ....- ....

ae.- tab . . . .
rn.a..._ ~"'a.-.r.

_ ..tile....
................... ~ _ I t ..
a.: _ _ -4IIIt . .
r-a....,.. ....
a..t IIIIl tM
........... .....,Mn_

Cr.:-"~F'''-----''-''----------'-''--'-'''-'--''''''''-''''''' -- ,,~

~. Vj}~~L.,!::.:,,::~::.:~:::!::::,,:~.q ~
"The MUllon Dollar M7sterY'
( ' <; ..
' T ~
.... 000.000
_.fIo. Pkttuw

Epll'Ode IG-Sllanghal<'d
ALL I!T.ut r AST
,<':/"011<:/1 Harurral;~. the mUUonsl", ... Alfred :\'ortoD
norf:J'f! Grall. ill' daachier ..... Florence ~Badle
JOftel, Barp"eaTe" butJ6 .Sldney Bncey
Tile ('o ... t,... OIDn .. :\Iarperlte SOD'"
Br"i~. leader of the Bilek Hundred ..
Frank Farrluton
Jilll. ]"Torton. ne""lJlIllper reporter ..... Jametl Cn:ze
~.nJl Fa.rIOK;. Florence', companion .. Ula C"bester
FTER F1oreoce'. dLsappeara.noe from tlU! Iiteanler
A sail.J.q for Europe, the COIlfIplntoMi mO"'e heaTen
and earth to btl out what has beeome ot her. Membeortl
of their band., cleverly dl~11Ied. anl eeut up aDd down
the eutem eout trytn to &et aome ..,ord of her J'I'!lI(:Ue
or deub. Olber members manap to trap Nortal. beat
him into llDcoollclOU4ll@!lll and he 1uketl up 'board an
old tTamp fioe.teliler--flhall&haled. ODe da,. norenee
_ D1aD strunltn tor 1111 Ufe In tbe IlUrf ud
l'ellOIeB him. Be Pf'OVes to be one of the eonaptn.lm'B.
alU10UP .be, of eourse, dOH not recocnu.e blm.. He
hasten. baek to New York Immediately I.IId reports bill
Hftnd" to BrUne. Dlquilled. aDd posinc .. her r.ther,
BralDe OelI baa to the Ttllqe I.IId trletl to eel the
fisherman "'bo bad l"elICUed F1~0I! to ct"e her up.
Thill be rel'wloelJ to do, but the n~ day Brame and
Vl'OOIl m.anace to carry ber awa:y by maill force. On
boanl the paIatta1 yacht which they hue cllartered.
Flor'UCII bl bel. a prlsoDer. Whe:a they are n'o II..1&hts
.. n ...m ._,'
out lIbe .... \be yaebt OIl lire, uad -.bIe to chedt tbe 1r~'" .....
--c.:::.. "' ... ~. ~ Iuf:"-~,!.I
:: names. au .. brd pat oCr til the Ufebo&ta. Some hOlll'S
later they are plaed up by tnIIlp !lteamer. FlQl'ellce
meebl lim NortoD aD.d Immed1aWly ber I"eUOD t.s re-
store. AIld Nortoo. by lIurprflllIIC Bralne. [1Ilu.qt!S to
b~d IIDd PC blm and lea'"!! him be!pteu fa the eablii.
~, dlslrallJed tn Bralne'. clothes. be and Florence are
put" allhore. are for a Ume at lelllt..

The Moving Picture Game

Ill-The Scenario Student Sets a World"s ReCord

T ...
-..., .. .,.na. . . B,.. Frank M. Wiltennoocl w1t1l . . . . . . . . . . ftInlUIl TaDtaee
...... ror

...................... _- CL....
...~ I .. t!lfI __ to
' ....0CIt"' the IiMltUe - . e s wtt.h

. . -:liII-......, . . - r __
,..,. ... In.
fII. RIIII,I<. . . . .

tM ~ with ..
a .

~w1IIc [ Iud ,....

tJle f;a,ce of the elm . . .. badl

At 11 o'dodt _ tJle 4a:r of the

.. kit
_ a bm.
u.e ---.tblI~
-.. GoIq to DInetw aItUIe J
... ~
... ~
IlIIatt1e, tlwI wide. taMe laIld cr'Mt 01. the d 1ft'
..,..,. a crow. 01 .ore ~ u,oee PfICIfle of
all ......... aad _otitldl, ~ to 'W1t:aeas
the _ _ tIM ..-..ertr _......,.
V1IIIttac of lIlY piau far a -...Ir7 Apt til. the '-t ....r. the -.Idaa of Uroe I1aI.
~ after .,. eQWt ill __ he taW _ be ,nCIIlr to haft _ 'riMt Ilta . . . . . the er"O'WlII OIl tbe c:UIl, tlI1J.y 1.000
ol Ole nIJIIao otlter..-:taten the 1IMdl _ _ DOrUI
tiq 1M _
.-.tbe_ b_Gat , -. ~

....,. ICNIIeI ~_tlle~' i ?i:lU dockbl ... ..aa of UN! . . . 0( the pcw:lpkIe . . .
ld_ ,.. a wMN I to ...... tIM!
~ - . r t8 .,. a.- _ _ _ ...... _.a
tile _ _ I U'ItnlI at1tll
7I IsM. _ ap- e.
after eruw:.:ed . . . . . . . . IlIO lIdtaIae'a cr-t -..ay
fJl ~ ~ ca~'" b - . . thlt
tar ~ a ' .--..ottile ....... ror .. u.. It . . . _...-ftlle to er. _ea.

......-... ... .. ..
WIl_ two of tJae . . . . til .... .til ~ at filii. d6e, Aid M
c.DIIIc .eore of ~ I I ' " bbll., lIdtaDe
R.-. &.ell [ IUTtweI at .. rid.' 4 IIIdbM,. Mw.aW., ab,_1obot ........ aa- to ride the _ _ of
11"- Clm... wben .. Pet d' , ~ . . ~ ----. ... ._ " '_
' ' '_
_ ' _ the _ '-dl -..eted tleU th_
they ttlat
rACllll ~O!lrodr: ...... US r. . . . . the tM ~ ...... 1M, WdIIl I . . ba. . _
~..... ' ~ ~ to tIle _ the d ... aad tba . . G.t of ruae
".. . . t ' t1lI:I ....... of i .. . - "w--..r ~ .... _ til t1le #1/1. ttle ~ n. atraalll . . . IIIa111 ~
h ..-: .,1eftl ,.. air wWt tMtntq: b..t ar-... .. _ ...... ., lite _ _ oUoabn . d JlcRuie Mpa re-
r~ 1M ' &-. Ute . , tIM; 01. ~ _ the dIR to _ tile ~ tM _ t e l l aaldlflra ba Ute _ e s
.-rIIe all u.- du1IIa
"""" . . - ' u.r.. fIMt.....
tWe . . . tIMfld

.....,.....m __ u..e ...... Ute
.. _
~ of flft7 rebel ea~IT'
' at tile
to ~
IIitIb tIte........ ... ..
~ c "_
. - , ' . , I:MMlIr - - - . ne..
tIte7 _ Uta. t:IlI-.
. . Jlod .e.&JI &all at _
lnolftlll III rUle tl&tde..
~ tide _
tIecame d~y

tb_ aboIrt t-o &ad a

In'lll.' .u...r. aWoOe _tte ... UIf. feet __ the atJ'aad wtth a a.arr-.w
p a wttIla fIII. _--_ pic:tIIn&.~ toat d.e 1ID tbe baae of the c:lUl' wbere
a ~""'''at:an

. - _ .,. . . wortl _ a

_....I ....dIM'"
.... JIdHdQ"!""
"W-W it. I Ute
b.iItter tIl._ the other part ot the
_.t .."
lie. allItIcn prtated. ~ tbU the
......... wWIMr Ute ca. ... UMre'!"' ........ lRlrl Jldlaae raced to tro. abOllt
be . . . . _ tilIe ... '..-..:"'OIt a II: ,... repl.k\lI. Me- lq: IlJa tallb'1lft:klDl to the troopen la the
_ ta Da.. 'nliIa. ~ _
to . . tW: ........,. ~ - - . . . . ~
. . . . ~ it... TlI cI_,-. two da.7w to
.ntt the - . r i o tJMa y-. e- IlJp tht!:
~ a halt~ 1"'fItl....-bI fa the . . .
a~ ~ . . . . of -.d' lit tlIIl ~ tMt
ea""'" t.a:1e _ .. the ..-I .....
DIa1actM ,. two ~ I toIIelI rrun
_tl.- tJe-.tbe", __ ~ b i s ~
la a ....... _ tile . .III aortb of tbe dur _ .
La"'" lie .. ...et7 ... tIUit a we"
l<pecbiIIan ~'... ~ tbe c::r...t fII tI!e
2 fII ....,. _ _ . . . . . . . . ~ _ Glat two-
,........ ttlea p:.. it. to . - - .
. . , . . . . the deYioe ao that the lea, ...oaId "_"
. . ...". _III oceaa1llW'd tor a wide . ~
ell. . . . . _ t1lrIIlfac - .. ...... ..... [ tID at ~ tile .t- Ia rr-t 01. Ule JINCIII'ce. .dlaae . .doIled
lnDe retndac m7 ..... . . . . tID - - . . dItc tiDr .,. ~, W'l"ttbtC ~ ItCIties b ~ OIl .. btftwood bos neat' the
llMdl [ wmiAeNd if tbere were &ItT _ _ fer t1Mt IM!'Q of the ,.,... e:amen.-mu. wafbld uw the t..-o bulla at
'-t1Iea III tile ct~ War. Sbenua oertaIab" part fJl .,. labor tbe eIlPCiDa: honemea bad IQtteIl. lDto oppm;lo poIIltloIu to
readttlll tile - . I mued. &ad J!8!"baIa bU _ of a ot carpeIlten to -anact two 1m. ride ou.1 &ad opeD are. nal IIUIJ.tftD4e 011 the
had _ --r. 01 brab .u.h the ~ m _ f'I1uDt!: platform to....en. for the IUfl or dlft' aDd lD the c::&D.yoaD near the predpiee
aJ~ tht!: cout. V1sIthl&" the PllIlUe LRJnry Mdlaae.d b.b _ _ . the RnIctlIf'eI! ...Ited lilatly tor tbt!: ellCOUDter'. pat
Ihe 1Iflrt."".
f.m. . a&Z"eb. aad
I cut Shennau. m~oln ot his betq placed far fHll lD the 0C!IlI.II aDd _elhted Ilia blndl! to hta mouth In ll:leeaPhOlle Kyle.. the
fmurd to lILY de- the haDdle or hia
lib.t that _bell be enulkll1c machmt!:
llnd hls troop_ aDd tbf!ll :MIclla11e
readted the db' 01 bec&o a rapldllre
SaTaaaU, . . . . the fQU1a4e of ,lwa.ts
moab ott Ute riTe!' to the bonel:Df!Il.
of tIUlt . - e , tbe yeilfq;
rebel MJIdJen OIl "W-e ...1-1-1 m..k..
~a", at Port )le- I,,'-C"'G--e-t"... : -
Amater, OIl the O n e T .. 0.
roam Dear Sayu T-ll~! - ~!~
n.h. had Ilbort ('ome 00. ther't!:. J'OIil
ftlht wit h Sher retleIa: ....e lao
malt" mea.. I aleo TOll [l"lItoG.lstI: Be-
fotmd, ta aDoth6 ata 1Irlq:~ - Yc*-
qyU War bt.tory, GI:IulL thro... tIIl1/l
an old woocl-.eut craadf!l~ - Yo ..
l,tetUl'l of Fort Me- 9IaIth, . . t b ere.
lIboot tbe caaa-.:

A I I I , t e r &lid.
l<traJlC'd7 eo I 11 e I. ..... Ncnr. BelL. rWe
d<!llW. the htltorle In aDd IIpt HUe7
.. I 1 f t rnembled "'Itb yOlD' ...... !

lIUIIIt!:What la - FaIr till yOllr
Pf'llt'aDce. the pred..
plee I bad admtred
at C1ll!'toa..
b - - . ~ mt!:1l I
rdl-.ned!" ...
I Immedla.tdy deed ..... tIM battI".
"'rote a r 0 11 .. b- the air filled wltb
~ketdt $y1lope.b of
" two-.... ct~ War ~tbeJl ....

photodrama _ d lq., aptlq eaq,l-
~f1 beh.~ rym. . . . I I C
~thertl I 11 d their Iteells .. the
:':ortbena eaTalry

f'oaaIIl&" ........ til.-

meo lD the "'-It-
"riO... Port lle- are 0-. the 'dIl1l:
Allister. I sapoIe- ~ til till dUt Wh_

--.ta acdoa hal. . . . e:uPt

abe w:IMIa& .....uN
IadatJ JIdI..-,e ... ~

'""8It:ov. tItIoe!" . . . 0. troop-

en CllIUeI tn.c _d rode 111

..-. .........1.
' " ocInn ' , '., _ _ _ ' . . . . .

- ' "

............ '

-.1\ _

to the Mallow .ater at the ____ ant d.-
ta, "" ., ftlI _ . -,.....
shore u.e. The.,.e-m.akiac
..... ee-tlJUtee _tD i : .
o'cllx:k, .hell. ..__ . . bL """ wUllle ~ - - . ' la' the
creat ""'. WClfit." .... )(e- ~--
dIredI:II: _ .. __ au-

......... .
R.ule. after be bad told the
He' at tb.
pI:Qlen that ........ .... -. lithe
dUr were coaapleted _I. that
tbe tI-. &ad. ~ of ...
everybody MId CO home..
WbeD we dbDbed oat of the ..~ .....' . r.tIL. JIIe-
a\1U1moblle at the stud.l_ It tu-. are too hutUy
""... 7:30 O'docL R.annecly, u.. ~ Is aot
the cenenJ manacer 01. the --.cb ..::ieaUk pLus.aia.c be
eaIIeerD..credecl IllII wIth: f ..
"I 4011't ..'ant to baD" yoa " ,. of the worid'. creal
fell(nl'"a anytbtllC roqh after est _d mOlit aJ"tl.uc: Iba re-
your baTd. da7'. work., ba.t I _ have bees ma4e Ja Bu..
you've made IJIlCh a ClCII'klB& rote: I ..oIaateere4, "_d ttlla

IMtCCeSII oat 01 thia drama that fad. bu led. IRe to belJe-.. that
1 dOll"t dare to sb~ the 111m tile fnftJcn'e:n ta
to the New York be&dQU&I"ten q..-loa. took mere time I.Ia
In ~ two reels. It fa tip to pIaaa1aa the 8Of!Il&Iio th_ the
yeRI m dope out _other thoa,. annp .t..m.erlc:a.Ii prod1U:l!l'
sutd feet of film at oace _d ...-w bave doa.2.. M
mUe a three-reel~ ou.t ot thla -ro eel 1IM:It to our ...ork . .
thtnc. M 1Ubn." wd Ruel
ltcRaDe and I both -.reed __ ~I ball. foIpUea IUltll
dl~Y to thia cx.qpllm_t- aD...
to tell TOIl. that I am to
.1')' order and t wea.t home tall;e' '..
vacatioa of RVerul
",,'ttb lIlcllaDe. We tIepD ....feeu
in the eut. Ilene
lIer all.
l..mmed1alel.y after dJD-
kept It ap _W !
o'doek l.a the mond:u&, writ-
'~atP-L Wbile I :l1R
~~ .,. pI"acIIl .wUI. be f1Ue;4
.,. - - . Broa.zel, wbe. the
iDe tblrQ'-l'ITe addltlollal . -....,. Is _dJaC heft. tI'oal
_ to the, GIlA! . Ute' New Yorll ClIIk:e. I'll tell
.of them the ~ of bDl to aUe _ fJI. J"lII& in
nobel tt'oop b'ab:I. ..,. NortbU1l l"eDIllIq the -e:rtpta roeoet..ed
1lClMlta. We pa1led oil thilI rr..-. _tai4e aatbon _d lD
!lCeDe UiO 4a,.. later OIl Ute GIUler roatiIlIe 'Work of the
lIn:D:cb UlQe ra""-\ tndl ~ departJaeDL"
Ilellr Rou.nd Beach, ant plaat t thaued SaRltoa aDd.
tnc lot of powde!' tD
papen IIl!t 0I1t! loot deep III
._'11- .w. that 1 w08l4 tr'7 to aW.
Broaaaet m even' ...,. ~
the dry earth aCl'Ol8 tbe tracll I did .ot . . Rueltoa ac:ahi.
aad alone UDder Ule ecub of 1UltU _ bour betoMl his de-
I.he tietl fot 100 teet. We cot partnroe. We voiced OW'.alk:I-
the 1I1ll!' of an old IocomotJve bide for the weltare of
and four Dill cara, "4acl.ortnc" other and lldd " ~..
tl\4' ~ne with UI oldyle But his jonnleJ ust.Tard ....
..moke stack eovmq made IIOOD @Dded b)' a terTibile .."rec:k
(lut of hI.cit Un .",bich equip- in "'hleh he _d .. acore of
nU'.Dt "'Illl placed. ov~ tbe 1'eJl' olber palI8eDcen ..'en! 1dI1ed.
uiaT limokefJtllck IlDd madll All boaor be to b la memory.
the loc:omotlve look Uke the eng-Ioetl ulled In "Then'! better" clays comloA: io this film- Jlr. WfU.',...ood. bl dJ." .toql or A.u Ul-
("U Wu daYL ma.k1Jl&" art,.. the diiet scenaJ10 writer, Mand ~n.:...,e" u.-tlI k l'O.. tf ed I,.. file lull.(: tlf 4 ...
Au electl"ie:-batter']' ..Ire "':Ioll ruo 150 feet In !'IOIlletime in the future e.en' pbotodrama will at ~I.
1:1004 from tile J)O""d~, to light a IJpark for tJie
'-xaMOliioo. Some old barn'il IlU;Ves and pieoetl of
~IJ v:ere laJd 011 the IP'OUDd over the bidden
po..'deT, the IIat E'll:!1I .'en'! the!! loaded. wIth
Government Expert!; Use Moving Pictures
I<E'vt!!lltJ'ftve rebelllOl.dfeT1l and the locomott.e eD'
Idneer w. . told bl" !IIc:Ruie to move tbe traiD
do.-o the traclr. beJo'oad the po,,der. Wbal thllJ
T HE ld.ea of .. movluc picture &IIOeJ: atnu:k
the ~eut of ~cnIt1ln! omdala
llOGle tlme qo, .... hen the primal IdE'll
his mllchille aod tied. leartllc the bear ln .. IItlltoe
ut lItupined utoalahmeaL
Sen the overator WeDt to Ibe ol all old.,
actiOll bad beet!; performed. !lfc:R.ane IJlpaUed t.o !Jet ph:tDr'I!lI of lJI:l'etebt!ll of road to u,..- III dtgnlfted and sbcwt-temperecl Uoo "'htch ......
to the sctilletr. the iat:t~ broqht the tra:ln 10- deDloostnlttoall. Since thell plcturt!ll have been trylDl: eametJtly to Sleep. The dad ot the mov
ward. the camera with a rush and' the uplOliIOll tak_ of the boy eom po..en, of demonstnl Inc picture maehtne. c:oatinuinC "'Ith lI1A:;ady 10'
rolla.:ed. blo.. lnc liP the IP'OQDd bet1\'een tile ttOllA in CUlOinC and tile lLke, and 110..' th"f 1I1-6tenee. II' aroa8ed him tram hill ,Iesta..
eaIllIera aDd the tra!I1 and m.aId.D&" It appear tbat are prepartnc to talte a picture of a IIE'Ied cerml Sl:J'f!tClllnl; hlmeeU' iaztl)'. he arollll and ....Ith
the eatiTe raUroed equipment bad been de- oatfnc whleb "'W oece:8ldtate the use of the hia A:!'f!at head t1I.roed slJa:hUy Idde..sya au:red
1ltr'O,.ed, alOG&" .'Ith lIE'~ty"'ve unfortv.nate mO'V1e cameraa for 48 bOUl"lL "t~lIy nt tile camera and the mo.le man be-
"'arrion aad _ e!BaiDt!et' _d fln!maIl. The lRea opera.tlD.c the CUIleras are experts. hind. It.
The dtr uewlJPl&Pt!" bad detatled repon.en .ut or them ha..e ......ed previously .Ith till' Uke the polar bear, tht! !too had UO Ulie for
aad photocraphf!f'll to ~l:JOVer~ the caTalr']' debt- bi& film eompa.lliea. and., a8 one otIdaI aa1d of the camera.. He w . . a coo.aervathe lIOtl. Arter
_ ID the Rrl and. the blo"'inC Up of the troop them, "they CUI talr.e .. picture fJIl _ t!lI.rt!l 'I . .htle bill UpIt d.rew back in a creat llDarl, aD.d
tra1D _d the,. did the a1fa..In tUll justIee by
prlnt:lac lOG&" De.'. articles _d foar-oolumn and
live-lilUl!Ul p~ of the -.ea. llIeetia
qWlke and voiCUIo in action at the lIll.IDe ttDI':
and not OIlce torp;et to tum tile eral:lk lit l'IO
m_,. re.oIuuOIls a mLDut.e.... Their l:lene h:lS
lit. mlht)' ela..
ljJ.I.e a rt. .h, be leaped at the mo"le maIl...'lib
outspread. If the mOTie Ulan
i'ad been qulc.k wh@l). he doded the polar bear
~ r Ranuedy with oae ot Ibe Dew~ bceIl tt!IJted. out 011 liIevenJ occaaIona. he ..... Ilke Itchtll.luc uo... Whet! the Uoo
Ja IltI bUill, I wd. to him. aome.' tamlUarily; Sot 1oD& qo. IIQ"II the. WuhID.cton StaT, Ollll thudded bearily apiQllt tile bars ot the cace the

'''8cJIq publldty. ell!"
"DoDt ever Jet kid 10U into Ibe Idea
that it aiDt aome publldtJr.~ RanDed1 re1Ied..
ot the oper&tora d.edded., ID. coaju.aetlOll ..lth
olber work here. to pbotoeraPh ~e ot the
_lmal!I at the Zoo. Hla 1I1'1Jt seleet.Joo .... OIle
morie man ..u aJroead,. lit a IIMfe dilltallce trom
Some daYII la\@r they decld.ed. to c!ve an 0.. wtth a:Jee. ~rve beal t:ry1Ilc to m.a.Ile of the polar bears. PlacID&; h.1.III e&mel"a betwE'E'll hlbltloo uf tile plrtul"t!tl takE"ll at tbtl Zoo fOf' the
the . . rabe IR)' salary &Il.d I think thllJ will the bam, 110 that tb_ w . . aos-reatJ)' oolbtn benefit ot a few omdaJs III the depanmel:lL It
1a.Dd the IDereue. M betw-. bhn _d the a.Dlmal, the operator ..... a IlOrt of f1l"'11t.... i&bt perfOl'1llllDE'f!. Foot
He bgrried oa to hia ot!ce apel. I IllJu&ht out IrtaI'ted to t1lnl the c:raD.k. It toolr: the polar arrer foot of the reel ...... nan ott. ud the oftI
the 1Il.& eonuuio "'rlter, Ba&eJtoIl, aDd . .ked ~ aboa.t 1& eecoallb to deQde tnt be dld It<'t dalll psed with the bored toleraaCle of .. veteran.
bta It he had ttiDe to take _other or OGI' loaA' .._t the a:tarIDc lbIteUcht of pcLblldtJr tanled dramatic critt~
waIIta Jato the bw... Dear the al1llUoL Myoa oa blm. WIth a wtld ..ort 11.. '-Ped in~ the Thea.. ot a BUddeD, they bou.68d o8t 0( tbeIT
w.". .be
of an
. _ _ wlUl Ute
--ee-e ....

aotllen. plOd old. Dame Natllft....

we will cet
_d 1I:bldK1
pool _ . lIepa to .... tm towanl lbe l2JIIlenl.
A.8 - . . . be cot dc.e 1!D0IlCb to p"'e the af
fall' a ~ tlDl'I! tIle camera m&ll crabbed
stricken 8Usce. . They w_
seats. The,. ea-I at oae uotlller ta a_
the amued ...,.:ta.
ton to Doe of the poeattn nature takes ......n
'** .. .,.. . ............
hill ad .... ~ . . . . . , .
eIIa",_wart C. aaat:ber the mow1e au
. . . . . . . , _ om1dl, tM &rrz: ..

till .....,.. ' , '.-1. _.It ~ a __ enIIIl fr..- ..,.... tile .II.DI... ... a..t eodt . . laler ta nsIaa . . .

..we TIllI _ 1IeWII w..-a ' ...... aIlIe lSI' ~ ~ n. ....... staned

...... _'
~! lit ~ 'I"Mn:
- ~
wllleh . . . . to
IDa _ _ ciIa tJlea.
~ _ _ ol '
a "-a. MIr-
tIaIIt is. tJlcJ
til _ tIM ......... be ab..-, . . __~
tuMlli7. tIM _ _ ffI. tile cs-era I - . cupt
the owtrieIl.. I'O"ft..- ~ J"a-..I ut1rn11m
................... ...-r-. aa. ~ ............... ... aM _ -.ncb bas . . . . . tor
. . . . . .I . . .~~ol._-..... a._ btbe ' .,1lIII ~ ~ t!wI ..,.. etMr thl-. ..
..-.:J:. a...,.., - - . .a. Ills
In.& ~...,. _
.-:. ......,.
fill ... ......... 4ll . . ~
thcr abo ..... state4 that tb...
.-r1dI. wm .cit eat.

~411."'" Ilrtidl.-. bot --..' ~ tIM
tw1tlr6l .... ., . . . . . . s,. flU"- aft
at a. - . .
tM -
JIkba'e - - . two ~":"'~~
...... lit:
., ... r-.t--':
IlaI 1M I6Ie
_TIcs to ---.'De'"

... _ ~ ........ ol
... a.-rr- ......... tJaa . . _ CIte . . . . . i ..the 01. ..
raMI ftIdl. t to lie .,..... _ 1M na- w1Io w' , tbe ....-a: ........ cr-t . . ....-tId _ t Ole latter ......
~ .... JiIWieI .... '
NoboI7 ~ ....,. tIIat It
, , '-L.
dan tbwt It
aaI7 ..,. a....- aIrade tbat.
MlIdIIIIL T1te r-r nr-
He tid . . brr7 '-It, eIdML

rr- uana-. . . u... .. tIM au I .,.,.

8GCh at tile ' to Ileep ....en daariat nesn. ...' -.. _ .ute a~. a.t tIM
LIte _
the _ _ .....,.
rr.:-. , . . . . ..t Gl 1M car . .
wbo -
. . . the
. . . . w.....
tr:a.-.oet - . t ' at. t1M dbtaaee '.rtF
TIle _
ra -..rie _ . w _ ~ It.
will . . . . " . . . . ... stirts ....... __
Inc: reM'.-t. b a wIlkh Sw '\1 tile ......,. . . . aIto-a w1tIl ltII .,.,..,............ 'nl:r".IIl tva tile cnaJt
..- _ ' _ _ ... aa:T i H.e 1IettIaa' _ ... r.ndnaatiC " ~_ .... for .. - . . t u... ...
tIl_ "aIt. tor 15 ~
olI'er to 1 he W'OIdlI ~ bJs uck . . . . be ...-c-e- wbo ~~..t.It. tat tar the n - ~ 'it"ID ct.. a te.- _ON: bInla ....
1I1lbbei1 IUs JIktu'e. u.. ..... at it . . . . . . . . . . wont. wW _ _ Mort.....u. TIuaII ... two _ _ . . .
'!'be JIIktia'e Ud ..-ched th. ~ f1l .e tItn!tdl f1l n.d III th Uie tl'1liteI 8tatAIL _*pta tit.,- 'it"ID tIIiJO . .ttl the __ has ~

The Attorney's Decision

--_............... )
What Reall7 Did
Happen to Ma..,.
part 1Il a
' ' ' " - . . . .'1
...,.. .tie bas to bokI
two or t:IlrM - - . Tbe ~ adJ'ea eaQ
it tor

. . . " . . rde to 'II'iiAea.lq . . . allOfe . . .

-- '
......... _ _
n.-..,.to . . . . . . ~

~ poot tb..uieaI _t8rtaU;-
..... J tbIIUp ........ I ....

ex ... ~ ~ ottbe worIt I tIlflLlt

~~.'~ tIOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
... ~ _ ~ u . . .. t ! l e _ o t
__r-r..--.Ia ~ rr-.
kilIp at 0 - - .
........ f ....w . . cu...... tIlJs the - .
, JIU't ., tIte - ' - I haft . . . _ .
dslI. ~.et_..,.t' l' 2

-.I' ,....
1l1P-pe..eret ......
. . . . . . . . . . ~ r - - . l rr- ~
.......... aIUIItc abita. ha. . killed .....
. . . . . . .i, ' , .wtIlt. _ d..-rt islaalla, _ -
. . . . . ...,. t - . at., tiM aU k:1Iula of
...... U t!Mre..
aayt.b.i.q .Ro4raaatk 1
lila. . . . . Jet .... I sbaIl probsIlb- haft to do
'II1:IlIII GIl . a t year. h t I am ....taia
ua.t 6ia ill tbe bDptrbult part at the wOI1L

'DIll: z.a:r t JIU't ill Ute r.ct that tIM
. . . . .' ~._ the..,......
elf..... = ,. M)!.ue.. tor thetlel
'I'Mire u..
wlllP:Q I haTe tbCNPt
., TIle art til. tbe staae
II dIaa tIM art at. aotDl . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . .
.................. -aIJ'iM tIIu ... _
t:Ia ta ~ I ..... t.boqlrt
~ tMt I aiPt. pC. the ~ ~
dGa to ~ ..e: 01. 'It"Crk fa Ute oIoIer art, Mt
.~ ... s.-. ............ f6 ... &-I ... _ ...... I 1Ia. . ...u-l tMt: . . . . ~ .... tile
lupr . . . . _ . - t til. tiler ..w.r.....
" ... ~ _ ..hUe AUoe'" b.-'" There . . . . . aUcht ~mt lteIdad u.-.
I -w. ...,. _ that ..-w. _
~ .. 10
to Tra..... to 10 to Puts wttb __ 1. the caIlu"el
,....-. Daen aupect:lq . . . ....., ..... tDIlcnnld II .
__ ra ... tIlroqb 1rith ~.. be .w.. _tmItJ"= ,....
11111" . . . . . I tIliU: II;al I wOllllll . . . the . . .

Bat Klmt had l<m!!1' 01. her (IWIl, riolbltst.. "I ... ,.. Ilere-la uatller
. . . that _
~ 1DIIil.
a tr:InMr liner! I caa d l _ 111
I h-. trielI cnr:a MlmUioa, . .
. . . . . . . . , . "" u.-. .........
Tom J'enU. ADd I'errU 41 IUed. th. . . . .
PTod. . . 1IftflIr tbiI _ _ dcaal. aM ~ tlIna
lhe t"fVO had mad.. 1D tIJs bu"7 he -.Dell IIImI ,.. tIdI.. jail or ao jail! U ~ hoa4 - .
lira; .... cut h1m elL ADcl t:beIl II " to It Tra I'D tn& ,... bath ~ the 4tYoroe an ie. e., to ..,. ~ I
lhat .A.lke .... told. Alice, K&rt1eIl, CJIIItnIpd. ~!R
bope: ---.e to ...... a JIkhrc __
In' ' ted; abe t-" tbat the stor1 was tnae. ""Da it! .. a1ed .wee. pI'OQCIlJ". paIl.J" f1l .,. .... tbat 1 coald. Ute ...,.
And she lIUlde more ....conrl_ thaA thaL She Bwt ~ . . . far too ....,. _CleI'1led for c:wr. til .,. __ '11'&]'. Tbey alPt .ot -
leuIle4 that Dacre had lied to her; that b. wu bft', DOW ttmt he be.. the tnI:tb or her DlU- lat Gel" ........ ~t. [ _-
tal f1l the ..-.Ie I ....t tit. _ .
fully . . c:rocJiUld . . the ~ apIaR IWD
made IlJm oat to be. A. complete ~ of
~ to be barsh.
'Ttl ct." :FOIl 11111" I1eeUloa at tell o'doc:lr. In ....... r. lib to
. . . . , ...,. It woald
taft. . ~
n .....
ro>d1q O'ftr'ellDle hl!!l'. ADd. 'Ithout ...._ thlAlr. the JDOnllJl&, h. aid. "'Unttl 01_ yo;a are

Inc ot "bat 11 llIlicbt mesa WU'l!I 1111. d1llc:oftftcl, ..ce. r. It a tneer ., )IktlIn,.,.r.... BIIIt thM'
Ilhe w_t to Tn!~ "S1li'e!M meerel. Dacre. MI DOW yOW' ..-t! --. " . , tbe til.... tbat
tn IlIII rocaA lobe broIr.e do.n utterly. Sobbli:I&, YCMll1 OeD :roar ...118 oCf!M I to ..,. _41 til tIte
Mhe ~ eftrJ1Jllq, th. ~ r. hU' ~~ he was ~t.. Tn.nn micht han I!'ftab that ~ ~ .&.ad ..
..-red MID" kr Allee'. IISke. Bat o.en .enr oe.t:sWe the piet;Ift. th.t ..ell ban to . . .
man-taee to ~ IIild th. torture of her Ute
.... the .IIlonUq. Foi', ...... that a1cbt. he the film..
,,101 htm.
"He had Dl7 tathll!f' In bJI power." all. cr1ed. could not U. "wQ" bUD KlmJ. He wmt to
BUlUfT ill eaat.c u. b1elMIa . . .
"He e..ld. haYe ndaed bflll, _d he .e=. . w
Ul.t I ..n,. h1m . . tbe price ot hJs -eF!
th. cabaret; 1'en1a, th. YOUI&" 'I'1ol1aa.t, eeetq
thea. toeetber ...u aiM with JeUOuT. J OlIN
piIt:Iitdur _ accGUt: of
~ M;a . . . .
."-Dd DOW-OOW rn, learaed that he UeI to . . . he . . . armed. Be Irell left .... .....r ............... ....,.
Jol1ll. 1 1l'&D.t YOIl to 10 . . far .. D' to 1YIaa deM. ta the iI1ldat of the tiJl.eet _. siltlet' O\'G!' 7 rr..e. "IteaIb". Job tIIIPt to
put him ID prltIoD! rm throaah , h1m!R he hd 10n4 do -.etIlIq to MIOCe!;R '
-*0; ' '. . .,...,... ......
Players Birthday calendar, ......
...... -
' u.-' .-y' eGlft $ ~- 0.-

.IIiK!r BbY.Jl". . . . . - . : M!rTIea . . . . Da:W.
8IIluT Ia' -ne ....... WQ." -ne c..
Iluc. v..Y&Aa, II f'tlllat recn:It rr- the Beelt:t'"' "'De 8eeNt," .... . . , ......' .....
. . . . to the - ' - ' CJl tM Paate aeU the ~l , ~ ...

F B.ANCL'Q'E &RR . . . . .E
tM )ftt:U iqlea_ acb'e8B.
.,.,..,. - . - : F ,
BartiIaa. .hIdl
tile ar.dIa 01. P. G.
laM ...., . . . ~ at
daIlY u.. eeu..eea .. "OOe:J" c.:diI7 .. "'1JMIe
BIII." .bIIe' at the ~ be is . . . . . . . . at
~ -=-n1 III ""Oftr
N!ItIt~ ad '"The JIaIIter )11M... tbe~"""'at~""'" n ' _TIDe, N. c.. .!lft'e be .. ~ ta
_ . Tho thB . . . . Ia 1:0 . . . _
EIolY WDD.D. tile n - - _......
beft bt IIldI a..-.eaJ' . . . .
.......... ot _ t a f a pict1arelI, . . . . tile
pur In the 8eI.-p.'. ,..od-.e- d ~ of Nell rbaIe7.
la Carte." "The Wbt_ WId_.. _d "'The A.ucK [)oI;n, the ~ U&ht . . . .

tic-. or '"The 8aJuDaader."
Girl c.. the F'tIm." ~ llawJ Ia "The Plait [My," . . who
D"ytU,. i'IoIllU..... the ~ dlYicled 1ut _ _ llletweea "The JIerry ___
fill ~ ~. . .boee
actlrttJ fa the madoa lIkbtt'e ftehl .. 4aUy men tyr" and "The Qaef"'rl or the Mov1f!IL"
aa. more ~ ._ ~ to bJ:Il Mm!r. IIlORGE WOODWAllD, the _e:tDO'WJ char-
_tile e:seeattTe _on .. mepl' director of the G 8de!' actor, who rw ue put three yean
Fam_ PlqenI B"IlJa ee.a...,.. 11_ .... plaJ1q the role of UDeIe BIII7 III -rile Injun.
P'lIED M'~ Ute OIle and -.I.Y... ho . . actor TnJI f1I. tile Loneaoa:le Ptae." .........uae
Chlr FIFTY "heap l)1e lJI.juJl," dad bl wv-pabtt
and. 41rector has eaued laqtas to spred. U"OIIIUI' lotte Walker. and natbe repJJa, deKeD.ded ..... ltbact...

the Clobe _d from wh-. as bead of tbe new
_pol tkJn ....... lbce, Ille.. "'@ . . , . aDKt to
hear lI(IIDe very fDtl!l'P.Jtlll," anDouueemem.OI

F'mIIlI'"JlT Brn'. 01 tilt! Shuben lUUlltea.l comedy

forees, l&tit _ _ &eel!. ... Ith Gaby Deely, bl
C - u EnLn1A c.a.a....... ~te!' ol Geor&e
!IL CoIuul . . . 1l:thel Leve7. Uld who lbis day
It:taiIla her toarteeath 1IUtbda,y, wUh eTWy prob-
abntty that abe .m lIOIDe day fl(I(a a4apt the
profeuloa III wMcb her pareatll bave lIourll1hed
th_ yean put.
New York. bU thetr viait ""'aII I ~ . .e.
The,. coaaUIted of I baDd (If OD_dap, .-ernt-
l.loa 1lulIaIls and "'ere there to participate 111
tltf' Wbartoa 1UO~ln&: plc:tures..
Tbe Ind1aD tribe arrhed. trom Syracuae on I
spectal ~~h Valle7 traiD at Eaat Ithaca and

both '"The UWe Parlalellne" alld '"The Bene JOK.'f T. KJ:u.T. the Ir1JI.h comeclian, of Immor- ...-ere taka. oa. a spectal trolley car to the Wbar-
or Bond Stre." Ial WeIJeT' and Fields reoo,\\n. aad ... bo 00'1'" toa. IltUdlo in upper Eaat State lJtNoet. Tbfl dele-
Grll SoW-J>E., the mUlIlcal comedy prochu:er. pllYII In nndf!'\'"tIIe. p.t1ou included rorty Indian mft and ten
thUi wbom lre haTe te~.. better. and .... ho lately IIflUl"'L
:Ll1IlOUDeed hlll-lnteatJOIl or devol!n hlrDBelr to TIle Indians worked. under ti,e IUD In
LoadOQ prodUrtkJnll tor lIOme lime to come. A%tec vUlace 8Cl!'Ile., .bleb W@ft laid bl the
'(;"R.AJo;CIS CARLYLB. who re-
r _tlY _daded 1lU _ - . Fall Creek wee.. Tbeodorfl ud Leo 1Vbartca
lnlct with Pathe Froerea. wWt .en IJI ch&r1'8 oi *e picture taldJl&. The roeaI
Av.. . . . "" ,..hom be h&s beea doIDI; _,.. In...... "'ere _Isted by I DUlDber ot Cornell
FRJTZ delIchted
W1LL1A:\lS, "'hom
a.n! to apin tM!e
amOWlt of adm1rable work.
cbieJb' bI the role 01. the TIl
studll!ll.ta, IDcludln&: a IUUD.ber of PI
'net alb-
The 1IIetl w~ lIQlDtI1:y lb'eAed lD Indtan
amid cDl&ft.1aI surnJIIlUdblp. ...r coetlUDe, an appropriate .ttlre for the beat
laIDou Hicks. tD "'The PerIls'
belnc ODe 01. the shlnlnc llht>! ot the day.
In the eut _ ~A Pair of Sl.x~: of Puline," lhoach It mDlt uot
at the l..oDpcre Theatre. be 01"U'l.oolted. that be has abo
done *-Ie 1IDIDmael,y de'Vf!'!' work in a nawber
Cu..uus A.. :\I..ILL.... ..LaD. latel ~
_ til "The Tbfnp TIllt of two-noel Pathe films. lIIlcb . . "Vlct:bu of Wall Street in the
YanU;y:' "Tbe Puultea," u . "Wuted Veara."
Cmmt," and n01l' tourw Aufl..
IraJ1&, appeartns: In "Bonehl lIod P:.1d For" anll El>1I"AaD M_u'"KET. the popular jnveDl1e leadlD Movie GaIDe
maa. lately _ La '"Thfl Five Frauldorten." HE millloua 01. penoIlll ""ilo dally pay five
.oUl@r p{ayll.
WIl.U.lJol, T. (".UII..I:1"'''. the n'tel"Ul cornie
slaM ..... bft be h.. heeD dolD. lICJIII.e apedaI pie- T or tel eeatll to co to moms sbow.
"pen. favorite, of the Immortal Carleton Opera
tllre worlt. Dotably with the Famous Playen do not Ndlae that they blve been burtruml!!lLtaI
Film Company. 'll'lth whom be " ... lJee1l . . Ri'Jl. hi opeatac tor Wall Street. new lIeld for 1lIlan-
'<JmPllDY 1'P..tlO'll,n.
AIr'rHl-U R.l1'l:Hlt:, ...ho for "",,\"..T"1LI Summer!!
"rd B.r/Hulk In "Clothefl- and Frederlc.k Au eta. speeIIlattc.. or InTestmftt.
gustus In "The Port of MiMln& ),(etl.. ., Rec::eatl,.. th:ree film companlell. WIUI 1.11. ..ere-
p&lt ball bl-eu a Ielldln.-: m@lnbPr ur tl,t' Colum
hln P1ay~ Wuhin~nD. D. f". T. T ....)lA ...UlTO. the ueeptiODally talemted
OrteDtal actor. yesterda:y well-bown behind the
pte _taUa.t1oD of k.SOO.OOO. were llo&ted by
a Stock Euhaaa:e houe. A few days -eo a

A RTHtJR STA.",roRD. "'110

........... footJ~hta. whUe today be hall a foll_iD& dlll-
tlnet1y hIs 0""8 with patroes of EdillOll plct:sarea.
a. recall tor youne11' bill efl'ectlve aet.I.IlI tD IAICb
l'dncle ....111 lDcorporated ror $:'000.000
-an alUaace between a la,..e nlm fI'Odadnc
COIlet'!1'Q Bllld. lIOIIIe 01. New York'. moet power
hu appeared In COUftt!_ pic:t:larel all "The Price of the Neckl&ee," -rbe tuJ. tbeatrk:al ID.t~ The stoek bBae .as
maldcal productl. .a, but ",'1'0 Doable Croea," "Three KnaVt!ll and a Heathen und~tteD by :Sf''''' York and PhIladel:pb1l
reoeDtly tried hlB band at Cblbee," "Tbe AdTf!IIture ot lhe ~t1l& Les baJlkeI'L About thf' same time there . . . a
,,~t dramatic ...orlt. appear- .~," "A Deal tD Statuary," and "ODe Touch or 15,000,900 mercer 01 three tl1m prodDcIq com
me at the BlacUtooe Theatrl'. N~" pulet, backed. by Ptt"t8barp and SUl I'nad8co
Chk::qo, lD ""ThE. Call of Youth: HA.aT Fl8HEll, ",,h.-e own peculiar brand of eapltaL A $%5,000.000 llIlalpmatlOll .. beta..
Cu:'C'T01,Pu:ln'o:<. 'll.-bo Ilall comeb' m ~ I1lcb an admirallle foil for Georce tal.ked. ot
pla:Jed jQ'Ve!llle roIt!l1 In I num- W. )(onJ'Oe, both th_ tl1Dmaken DO1\" betn The boom IItnlck Load.. lint. There the
Iter 01. Charles Frohman', companiell, and who to the fore In -rhe PuslDa: Sbow or ita," It promodou or mottou plctvoe ftl.teI"prIMs bas
lately tried bill haDd It picture actiD.c. appear- the WlIlter Ganlen. beeD a tes.ture of the eeearttiea aarlr.eb tor ....
Ul lD "The Seats at ti,e lIicbty." the lint. ().n;::< Jf}lP'_~, the dilltDplshed novelist mOlllhL Their bonds. debe!t1I.res and shares
film to be maautactlU"ed by the Dew COIlcer'll. the I.II.d dramatist. wbOlle play. "The Comet." "'IIS are now ren.larly boacht and IlOl11 lD lbe City
C.oloDtal Motion Pleture CorpoI"Idou. whlcb ...1II producwl :lOme time ~ by :o.ladame N.timo~ll. The majortty or th_ Brltlsb COIlC'eI'DlJ" bow
he ~eued *-Ie time tblll Fall. with Woo..1
Barrymore and )(UUc:ent Evau. featured.
H. A.. 01; Sm:CUI:t". the clramat1Jrt, luthor of
......... ,.. e~er, are bap uhibitioa projecta, whDe UI"
American companies are manu1lctnrera g4 III".
tribute" of t11m!l---("{)rpOrlt:lOll!l that haTe ell--
IDNEY DREW. "'lio after
th.-e two aueoeutvJ. tare6. ""The Man from
Mmco" and "My FrIend trom IlId1l:' ,,btcll
S lone IIervlce upon the dra
U1blhil,ed a world,\\ld(' markM...

latter bill beem IIf't before tIle ClImerll by tll!! matlc: stae hu 1I0W beeome an
enthullwtlc picture pia y e r.
J.::"UlKIll compatly
pllllne hili early spun ,,'11I1 A Ne_ CalDera
............. lUJem. "'hlle th_
mOlltl'll past be bas been one of
the (p'U.te8t [a"orttes with to!
O FTE..... called tbe "Pollllb Edt8Oll," K.. de Pro-
uyllsld cave the first demODst:ra.tlOIl of his
new amateur dnem..atelTlph camera at the RoYal
B LA.I'I:CBE BATES. '\\'ho 1lI tn
appear thlll lIM8OI1 all the Io"..en of Vitaa:rq)b releaMll. Pho~phic SocIety. London. TIle II.lm -Will
Couate811 Zlclta lD the Frohman belll& lJI)e' bappy ""here bis tIIlena lU a ulled. not tn I narrow strlP. but tD a tm.d sheet.
stal"-ft"t1va1 of "[)lpIomacJ"." in comedian bave an outlet, III linch plctuN!II 88 and the very smalJ plctun!8 ""'ere Im.,--t
...blcb lIhe wUl share the oetl- "Goodness GrtlcloUS," "A Mod,,1 YOUDI MaD.~ upon It, 16 to tile Une. bIock..&J"d and forward .
I,U 01. the IItaCe "'Ith wUUam "Ne\"er "&aln:' "lnoocent But A"'k~:' and 'f!rY much al'I ID I sheet of lY'P'eWTitteD t:natter.
GlUette and Marie Doro. "Too llaDy Husbands." About I foot leut-n ot thfos film, IIIId Mr. Pro-
lIlcltDOl:1t J. ~'QC"'IJUE. of F'Ko'EI..... DolR. the Irterlln&: old character szynll!d. \\"8.11 equal to-l00 feet at ordtnary cbIe-
lhe t'IIJverW fOl"Ce!l. WbORe player, who recentl,. tried his haDd at the mo- matop':aph tllm, and ..... hereu we cost of 100 teet
work 1lI attracttnc DO eDd of attent\,oD tllelle tion picture came, with surprtabla:Jy blppy roe- or ord1J:lary film. lutln.. for little more tb&a 011"
~ as actor, prod.u.eer I.II.d _ a r ' J 'writer, I sn.ltA, appeutD. with Arnold Daly In ""The Port ruluute 00 projection, micbt be &beNt $5, the
few of h" b. . . . . 1"eC't!lt tri'llmllhll beln& in of MIIlSbla: Mea:' .. prodaeed by the Famous COf5t of I &heet 01. the . . . ftlm bearlac the
. ~ .. wbenl be cUd RneT to be for&QtteD ~ P'Um Com~Y, and one enthaalaatlc same Dumber of p ~ wClG1d nab" be 11 _ts.
work bl the title role; bt -rbe Embeu:l." tum. hal thIa to ..,. Of him.. "In. Ule AmoD.. the 1'tlClII't. show-. ClIl a....u. lICI"eft .as
""The JI:J1Iter7 01. Whtspertac e.-k." "'The tltd aetbI&' all bOIl" CO to Frederick BodI: as the the onb" cID~ picture ever pennJttf!d
Cobbkor." ad ""The Rope 0( BllJld Alley." a.ced I:1I'ODU'dl. He was eattrely ruUstic f'Vf'!'y to be made f1I. Pa~
......................... - .

:West Coast Studio Jottings

.............. ~ ~.r ...
__.,... r . e.,

.......fill.............. ......
. . ftiWe . . .. _ _ ..
.-..--. ~

~n J' .. , IE .
o.t at GiIIIr JII"IIIIU7 BIlII)'weM ....
~ ~
,.... tM~ a lilt
_ " ~ ~ta ...
..... fIIII..'-" L. ft.-Il _ ..... 7 c - . a . .. ~.,... ..
T Ha& .. -"-l:r . . . . . . . -
.......... ' tliatu.
.. . . . fIIII._Qll:~ta_ _ .. _

.............. _--.,_ ......

.-t .. .,... CMI " . . a ~ ..
.... .....-r" .r . . ~ 'WrIMr . . . . -.....: _

~t feeler
a.IL. 'I'IIliwe . . _ _
....".. . . . . 1MIttll.
... 'Ies

t..ben &i -..r:Il

tile tIDIIDw _ "
C.".. tM ~'. a .
Carb1a ----.0. laM U"dwII . . .
'-de _ ..

_ a . . ..

.. W:IIl
.... fIIII.~ ...
etI. . . . . . . .

.At ... ~

...... .........,
. . . . . . NIil

. .
e..-::r oa.r.e
,.., 5

........ a - t . Ita.F
_ .. ~
..... _
-a.. .. tww ......
~ ..
crt _

~ ~
tIM .Itq

--., dell. .......

~ ... w"a be ...-J'- . . . _ . . , . . . , . . - at eM &--. 0-- ~ IIIIpIl

At lIM JleUua

haD "'nit A. C


crt...,. ....
,...., ba-

.. . . . . .
.r ..... .a.s
.-J'. ~ . _
.... fIIII._
~ 1


_ _ Md ...... aM tIult W1IIIIIIa . . .

. . . tat......
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tww ~


lIeIe 1 - .

11l tbe:..,..,...
fa dais J I q . . . , . U. _ . .
Danl ~
-n.e a--..~ ..0 . . r.n
-ua- wttb
~ of. . .
tIDa . . t1II.'IIIIIlt -..n ..
UtIle. a&7--.P." W_ fill De ' n . - ....
~ ..u.- . . ..........
......... __

......... rar.
'._ rn.
__ . . . .
a.eua-~ _..... la ~ tile t..-. ..tal .. 8M . , u.. few - . - . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fa "C. D~~. Meed"....,..
E4Ju.~ Wq dIreeteiI '" P. .&.. ~ CIiI.-"e
....f t . . . . qa1te fill. lad-
dean. ~ Ibat IMr -...x:r
an u.. .. tIM . .
&lW1q" . . . . _ _
ot frelcbt car, _CIIthtr car took ' "
tobe~_atn. ... r.Il._ ... tHell
mobile . . . . .

ruheI hm. to tM
pktuoe ..



d.Ule~~i8~. . .....
1eM: _ tID _.. .. -r. ....
nw Jut u.e be the a...tator _ r-
at tIM ~ of tIM -...a3' ' .......
cl-.17 _ tile Jt-... of Ute d1NcIIIr, _
maD et ., that tU7 aD. d-.ud., W1tII.
out pUiac ..... d111<tiet a - . Nor-
maM,' Peniaa fat ... _
It .... pC . . . . . . , . . . . .,
actIa& ....

s.:-e pot d _ _. . were talala aa4 ..-Y . . .

tJM .
the ~l" _ ~t .ho d.W ... _ _ tile fig,.

Aallrey ...... " 0 . . . ..uI ~UT .........

Ult 4tred.olo to .a.L It. CIuiatie. tile ..u taowa
dollarJ fur one pnotoplay
Nestor o-edr t.lftc:talo, laM take. . . . tIbatIar
PQGtioD with PIlWt,. a..I1e7 ... Lola Wetler
at the 9on'onIa ee-,.ay. "_We,
II the

F"or4e of OM
the D b ~ 'W'l"Uwa
fat.bes- or VIcII7 . . . . . . . 11.

toe or the Val.......... ~ ~ ...,.. after

to .......
I..,. Day-
A few sbort bourl of tbe most pleuant work broucbt in this neat
littlesum. Of coune it is hardlypoaible that tbcrcwill be anotber
such chance to win 10 much IDODey, but there is chaace to win a
llol&bJq . . "AJbIJ [bOo . . . , . , . lluTy lid.
.&.f"Ih . .4 ~
reel II.e iuld. wrItteD.
m-.. It . . . tJM ""-th
~ nie"
of Il!
51! dy IDe,W'E f..... $25 to $100 EftI'Y Week
R--u E. EDith oL tbe _ ..... TOV - . L .AU..C:JW US TO . . . . . TOIJ
~ cIraIu ~ert.c Ie t.cII. ....... ~ to You caa do thil wodt:. It. DOt: tItc Y _ Ja-dw::~ ...6" ..... ha9C
.rue ..-.rIo& fIor tea SaD _
&ift 01 aaau. I t . DOt work tIw: thq4 Y_ Ilaft: dw:: De. aDd ~
at lbe _ _ JI"llIAc tM !
'W'llu. at tile ....,. ...a I rr-. ....... ipeaaJ: ecbIaIioa. It i I . . Y _ Ilaft: tile . ia :r-r daily
11teo6an a...rt. IilIIIWIq: ~ .....n: 0 . call lor tIte dons 01 ~ &Ie n. 8r'e wei ~ papc:taatiac: _d
low t*- Ill" tM '-b _ ... tally 5 ....... . . tta. riI . . . . couadcaa ~
wu c'*'a: to ta c.u. '-"'C S-t-. lnoF_C n..lnKIo.
" . . L. ...., liM U1'twlI ..
w111 ..-II
oW ~ CedI 0. MIlle. 'nMn
t . ....
.... 0.. Di
are J1*I' ooIy requiremam to wia: .-::e:e.
Y. . . . n

? Y.........
aDd '-c. Y_ ca ... it with our Itdp. Our
. . . . . tbDe UuI7 ahra7s _ t a..-y
Y _ cae r-r a-e ~ ....... c-.-" I' , writia& is dte -.Jr
acton:'" o:e or:d
1rH-bes- to .r.oot &ad . . . . . to torpt thatrbI pill
wontea. ~ .. deUditM. W1tII 1lJ8 . . . . . of people. y_ ca a.- r - __ ~C:i a.~

Lbt!lr ....,.
at Ute ....-J M:tfTtt7. IIu
I.dIta P twa wOI _ .. _
to . . te tile ~ e-c:ta.
~ af
bec-= wei
I e.ried _ t ..,
a.-... You r i
y _ wiI .aa..

,.. to
5 3 ...-- _
We Ibw:
W1If to pick up dtis
to tJaelr . . . _ ' - at Onat Ner*., I-a
will adtinc fart;aee aM,... ~.-tY,"''' let - W,p ,.. ~
JI)TtJe aa...- of 1M a...tII me..
f ,_
Il-.a .. that UJa of .&.D
wiI adtinoc IiIICCaL t..eau after letter ':iaa ....
TItiI iI DOt a ase ..heft ,.. 8CtUDy ~ ia. 5' A St1IdeBt alta'
Iut tMtaa" tile , . . . . Ia
HoIIut ~ ' ......-....: of ~ ..
wlllim ~ anIet lbe _ ' . a.-on w1Ul
e--:, J"ootll . . . _1lktI *""7' .-121
Ia:aft: to wark hard to ad ~ --...
product. n.e
S~ aad li:irecMn . . ;.: WIIitiq
~dIe""""'4 m.c
wei P=fiaa
lor ,.. to
pi f '
or Iiler dons. It
c..e wir:h
ep tel t.ha

...,.. .......r. OIl ~ aJpt MmIe ...... __ ... ........... T1letoe iI as we ca :rc- tile ...,.
"cIcJaM&lI" .,. at lbe MteI V1rPIIa at. .., limit to tile 01 -r that D..'t pm: it'" Sit ...... ridtt ....
r.-. BaM:Il 111M . . . . to tIM . . . . . WU yo- aa ara. . . write lor au atIIIoc. It is wd
trelI e-.-". . . atW taJtIq' Il'e- M~ aM WOIDCQ riPl: toD:y wIto laM 3' - , aM hintl to the:
~ fill ""TM ~ ttl ~.. lit a-. IJ6acv
DOt dare ft:rJ wd b.e tab:a to writ:i:q ...uer ..., Wt"L It ia _ ...,.
... t - .. II'IIttIa& ~ til tIM wwIl - . ~ , . a rqcdw pc ( oWirprcs r-. . . ae:M .. for it. l.eek
q _ _ far _ '" u......... Be" .on:-

............. --...
i q . . , aM ~ . . tUt
oI. . . . . . . . u. ......... H.

. . . . U.............. wtieIl
. . . . . . . . . IilIIL 0... at tM


T1tcy 1ft eanriq fat -.c: ..-cy than
au" . . . it~iD~,r-.


. . . . . . . . . . . .0
it ower -.Ida" ~ t . . . . . . . .
e-I_., Y.. ,.ca. "''''-Wi-
. . . . . . . . .*GOILL
tca.H 1Jtd& 0aNu. ~ ilia .....
~'-'"" .,., -;"'" 1 :~,..-:o.('';'~.l~,;..:.. ~:". ,'t,~.
. . . ft. J'J4
," .~~ ~-

The n. e' The PlaCe

".iltl~~e Man
-( . ' ,~"..,-,.)
I.q the SerriUa. willa BIlly ~ . tusIq"
hU cru.:k tIOtaIlI tIlftlo &II the A ~
wbo had :t-t 1lrtdPd.' the rail Dr1aa at
place ~ . . I e He. ad ~ UteDl
badr.. The camera had . . . . Rt IIIO"mat
that the aer.tu. ~ bad Gia " ; or,c.
cart'. ee.. ~ bad _Tell the 8erriaa- U1II.J"
rn.a llebac :llu.ked. by toree "lie Ita . .m-
bft'. bel ht. coadJtloD. ltad beoea craaW. that
he sbRld baTt the llI1T11e1e of recontIq' tlle
1Ir'St real lattle of the war!
Late that attemooa the e-eraI _ t for Ta-
p.rt. He threw hbl-armt; .boat hill Deck.
~t cnre I:llY victory to "ou!" he cried... "You
shall see that Serrla b ~ how to be crater.I'
t Ii". YlIIll au eeeort to Ntah. Thence Y<MI c:aD
~ s.d1aftlIt aDd the - . aDd 10 _ 70ar
ftlllUl b - . And I lltudl . . . . . Jettft" to my
KIJa&. 1lIeablc him to P'Ult au,. reqHflt that
you Dl&1' Diake. You aCOXDpany Ute Serw-
1_ IIt:a1t. Wb_ Kuala _de her trooplI to aid
WI fO'l ahall tU:1! lIuc:h attle pic:taret u you
\\t8h. you. &Joae!"
ul hope be mean'll It. said Taqart. cynically,

Ih'e hOllrll I.atf:or. wben the joarney to the !tea had

bevn. MBut ,,"<:,11 ~. Bll1"-1\'e11 !tee!"

The Scales of Justice
I C _. . . . . ~ __ "l

~hou.ld ma"", Elliott liall pmbled and 10lIl

hea'riJy: and as RUIIo8elI'Il 8eCf"etar'Y, be hall
robbed him and doctored his acaJ'IUl.t1 ODe
neutrlB:. durin Plil"ty, Yo'hich doeI not apDe&r
to be either at ~ox or at NeWJlOrt. RU8IlelI
IIDd YOUIIS DaTTO. examiDe the ~ and db-
cover EUlatt', duplicity. A little later. _bUe
the old maD. siu 011. the vertllu aDd ramJuateli
011. ~ aDd lJlcratitude. a b.alad ~II
tbroach the raUiJI. aDd' plances a bUe lilt"
him. It4ith ia aecued and UTe8ted, ehle1ly bt,
C&IlIIfl she b.a.s beeIa - . .It.b a qUe. _hieh
actually she tntended atkkJq lDto ber OWII
heart. tor reallOGS best kDo.'U to benet.t.
A Ion. trtaJ-fl(!eDe foIlml'lI.. Darrow 18 the d~
met attonley. The _flII of hill polttlca1 cam
paip hll\'l!! supplied the belJt. plcta1'ell of the
play. Be retllplI rlIItlief than prOlJflC1lte EdJlh
and send her to ..hat -.nil tne'ritable death.
Bul aneel .-\llce once more comes to the ~
Her great-sraadtather havln. o:ptred. the chl"l
had to have lJOJDe one to coddle. 80 lIl'le lighted
on a hone thief. Alice WlUi for practtclnc her
arts on aU kiDdli. Every day IIlle took food to
the horse thief tn hl8 cell. Thl8 eo aof'teDed. hill
mlsulded. beart olathen he felt the pl.a:y had
run 1011&" enoUl;h. he aecured & temporuy NJ-
lealle fJoum jaU. hurrlell to tll. ecnutroom, . .ore
~hat be "..u pa.sIItl1c the "'era.DU _d . _ the
murder. aIld pointed the t1qer of I'.ate at ICJUolL
ThUll ia nUmy OOIlfoa.nded. virtu. trium
phant. ..hUe we are tuned towanI bome Tith
the ('Omtorttnlf reH.Jectton that. tn aDy _ ,
we did renH'mJ:Mor to _d thmp bome tOf
Burns' Official Pho-
ILLLAM J. BCa....S. the .OTld, ~I
the readera
who t, beeumJ.a.a "'ell DO_ to
at at
TillE; )10\1 Ptt."'RIU-U. _ _
hia untlrlq .-ork bl aldin&" them to eol..,. the
ba.IItlu&" "!l11lioa Dollar !lly-stery," has aD oftIdaJ
phottnpher If\-e otbel' Dotables. He is 1'Nd.-
erick ~. Stein ot Xew York City. lIr. SteIn
makefl all or Yr. Bnru' pbotop-apba. ud., aJ!I
thl!Y are the only aut.borlRd 'pholOCTll-~. at. the
creat detective. lIe eopYT'i&bbl them.. We. used a
ph~ph at Mr. Barns no a receut 00Ter of
TJU; MonE Ptt.-ro.l.\L and In tlle r'ltllb or
tbe color plat.efl made. tbe enShvera omitted the
IUIWlI CODYriaht DOUce. aDd In our blllTJ fA) eel:
tile mquble prlnted oa time. the omtutc. WaJ!I
ove-looked.. Mr. St~n called oar atteD.doa to
the matteJ' ud "..e are vel"]' ctad to Ilet the pub-
He rlpt aJ!I to the Identlty of )fr. BurDs' omctal
Eastern Studio
Cr 1."~"""Aaa -d
T ~ eMerhJ.

~ JIU'b' atN& tM ~
tIab't;J' . , . . ~ ....
~ .. &.lit Onap. ...

~ ~
la t:M I1mt &-.

Ute CIITYfac fII.

~ fII. Mil
toe ~-c.;.o
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...,..
T.m. __

.Iob; . . alnY Oat

...,. .-Ill
wUtIl II
x.J ,....... ... ~ , 'lee

tpltli:ll' . . tbttt ....
tJlrftP It rn. laip to ~ ~ t:tIeIIa _ ~ IlIJt rr.t II
MIl .&.t aT n&l!, . . ~ wIaII* II
.a. ........_
~ kI* ~
... -..'hIe.-.... ..
Hany EJu.,p

. . . . _tddIl. . . . . . . . . . . tIMl 7
Ban7 L1a-
te ...
.,...,. ta ~ ..,. fII Ute . . . ._ It: fII-atr
...,., . . . ~ WMa lib; ,.rt ~
ta .-Mac ... ......,.. ..... tIlctka ft. a --.
. . . . . . . ta.Quat Urtac an--ue btq .. tile
e._worth_ ..... bet - . a-tJ'. ~ t - - . for IIlJa rt!fMaI

tII_ ne......-.
......... 5

... -.da ...... l i t ...... 1M to II a ant:er'7_

1M! Illlc
~ 8noe Ua left tile PatH 8t. ~
~ . . . . . , . . . will ...-.a-
'ftd: npIiaro
~ 1Ia&b Ute New ~ I:Fa.. ....... - . . a J ' III tM . . . . . . . . . III
""GIk*at," a ~ wIIIt. tM .1enIi:F CItY.
l!an.-l ~ tit .....,. til a _ _ .,
. . . . . _lieIa will .,.
,... ~ .. to
,....wm .......... __
...... --* ..,.~Ilt.~_
at 1M bQ .......
__ 01.-.";..
O F ' _
DlnIdar F . .&.. KeIee7 01 tM a.u- 11M -.>
eeeIeI fa .-u. a - . I W ., ..u- . .
, , _ fII QaW" . . . . , . . . . . . ,

. . . _ JUt fill u....,.. will JIar

........................... lAwta. 0 - _
. . . . a 1tIuN aIIIIual1lteI,. JlII&k m1cIIa lilt dlie
leMs~.. II........... 7'I!t C 11 ... IIlOt of raWe - . b aU. ttl ....,.. .. lilt
.... ~ ku at ,.,.... t) u.. Ia-
~ tb-erbl
n.......... sI_
_ .,...
wm_ __
... ~ . . . . , _Ilkta _ _ ...
r.b' ..... _ ... 01. tIMl ...
ta*'" ~ at _n_b . 01.
_ _ ...............
u.. _ _ til Ute

Ethd Cl.&7toa bM apia forpd. to the froe.'

""' t. ~ t 7 _t.ta, ber I.ate.t 'ridorJ
belq: - . pn. b:l the 0Il7x Qu'. PbcJt,o.
pl.aJ ra....u. cciate.t. lit-. ~ Sa ~
uaJb' I-n1a& 11_ D1Ul)' _ ...... bcrw
&lid like 11_ th&a abe lboqbt bAd __ beaN
of ber. tills Mtac Ule fout!l du eoatMt fa
"bid! 11_ Claytc. hu been eotered . . . b.u
rpe~h_ tltlber ftMll or -=oDd prha

TIle nutllh 01 ""'e Wla._'u! Wido. a.l8o
tDealit the flftiall of 1Ii&lite P"feetlY pod
atraw haL. Wb_ be cot '-:It to ~ after
plQWc the ...... r . . - ...
..(NJd dMl7 un tnded bill boaon liar clrT
.... 01. datb-. aa4 a lJtUe ~ .. to
geta& the ~ or ....1mmlq eb. .p ...
ablp "'08 til Seot1aIu.d &IIId bel. then tor foar
_bet laM . . . ., u.a.ptf'llJ: _ to plIt that 1IIlz: ,....., Pat.; .... ntCJeatl:1 ~ Ute
8I.iee fa u.. erowtI or 11111 hat. taa.or til taDIq rr- tM ~ 01 _ aW
. . . lato tJle 1lriQ . . . _ . tw1;y fiIat ...
loW. la JII'OlI.c:tac t1Ie pk\tlIuft to ... JlidI, OM'
~ 8aake .. '-c.1Il. &l ~ nau .aLI.,
_ e ~ -eM the RIP s-,- J"I'aU
aM _ New a.dloeUe cae co Mdt to Ueeo. Craae. Imp ~ . vi wtlidt ....,.. . . .
~ 14-fual ,)'tJl0lL. .... . . - - . . ..,. 1M _ _ _ ..... 1tcuaIN for ............. _ . .
"),(yster'J''' cut _ tile beUd tllat 111~ wu pe!'. -t::koae. rat.-tafeateul Alp _ _ t1I.
teet.b' U N . . . . . . . . . he t1U'1ted . . tAl slutk: )Ilr'CIIJIft"t _ _ -.t"ed tor tIM ~

boP & tI'aap iJutea4. Be ~ Isls wkket Soaf! OIl the piuera "'en 1teanI to . . . . _y
baabt 11_ _ e ttlDe . . . . . . . w . . tM ~
~ wfteul Ute t:brtf! ClUI'lf! to lea" rw ~
of ..... WOITY I. tile tow:a tU be reoelltb
tu",~ Q tew 4a7s .... appG'ftUUy La
of ~ _ t . .&.fter arou:I.q cood btt ... PecK:r Bo.Tke. _e ....-beaT is workJq ..
that HrYOa ~t::r. ~ Uioll: ~ fa tile r-ebt _ Not that .be ofJ:jec:ta to a aU
:tower pnleu of a - Hall Uta~. oa the '-;er n _ ~ at t1Ie n t

ODeol~~~ ~letor
atadlo If ....eltertac ta ttl. tH:!at ... Ilk:ll. tM .sa-
Stn'e's ~ TM IIDab orictaJI,. la- root ""1_ to 1. CIa cool ~ Ml _
If'MI~ to be .... la _ of tlle ae'"'- pk:t-.
callie It her weu1q: ~ ......

but MCapBt hefon hi d-. aad &111- pen willell hu. t1Ie h~,.. r.e.lty . , .....,..
ot.Iter aaate bad boeeII obt:a1aeI _bRIt1ute.
~ a ~ t o d e a t b ... ~ .......
lItreet .... , . tAl . . . h'oaa the IlllCll...
Ed....... J. Pdr. fal'orlte aecupatioL ae:rt
tAlplQlq leIlcb la LalaIa Ibn.. .. plU1q: .....
an. a.dedafta then ...... a.Jt.h,.. adte-
mat la OM ea- tIaaa la ....,. I:pDrl.,
bani _eo Mr. Petr .,.,.. u.a. .
1 aD..-t.tbe ~ .
ttl_ _ a ~ of . . .,tIlie -'-'-
uu. fill tile W-.
Is. . . _
speMa . P'Mt deal . , 1st. deh1q tnt
boob fW lar-au- ~ e. ..........
nntqe 10 the ad~eBt of dte tiOeIIt " " - -
. :!J'B-E- HOVlB lOT:
- - - - - ------ -
- -
Iqforlludron DeJ.....'i1ltent I

DO You Know Aaaw_ to

:0" 1'0_ ~t :~ ..~ .... _~'...
"The -em Who )bay
L.. Nzw
''Tbe Wa1t""
bai"ea'l eul sheel
o..un. LA..o:...'DIIr IIldectie
takea '. . . . . . . . . we
who - 7 of the
~ . . Jl.uo~ ~. I..:-Y-..-:::.. __
that ~ Due .. til
u "CJIkoer ..... aU
~ ~
'I'1def"' fa . ~
Disappeared"? plaJ'ft'S _eft-

Auia.."I"O'lt B~ llo:'l'nL\L. CA.."{j,J)A..-m. IJ"l!De

Hwrt took the part 01. Doq1u wunam.' ..eeot-
....Ith AmerteU. piay~ ~ tJae- .......
roles. We caB't tell you, til..... ,.. . . . .
they will be ftoleuedl Tmr:'JIon& ~ ..
SlU"e to C'lOIDUJleat _~ ....he. tbe7 are'roeMy
She went [he Port of ~is5ing
[0 hean In ~1aIlce'. -rbe IIoaatala Jlat... The for . .blte: nblbltloa. _U YCRl waldi .....
~lortals-aDd hoW tfte-WeM, and plrtue . . . . . . . . . . . u.e
~ of ~ , . wm nd(llll~,. lan, ' tM7
.J. . . K1rkWGOlI. aDd DOt DavldW. GrUlth ~
why,aft<iwb=,an facton tbtot bave you th01tltbl.
been woven together with a master- cedi De IlUle, with R. R WIU'1tl!f'. I. ~
hand-by [be man who knows- "1'R.E 1'\\"1:'1'8:' Ll:'l'C(JL:'I'. Xf1-The Than- a I"ftSt DJct1lre of "The Gb. . ~ . . . .
houser 1'.1_ &n! 1lariOD. uul Madeline .Jim Nefl aa4 Robert Ed.lwa are dJreetb.c'
Clifford G. Roe-who is author- .~ the nail Dhides. toI'dller ... the
ity for [he mos[ remarkable revel-
bub aad Mrore heclan!n!" their worlt at the
Thauhollllt'T studl. were at the Xe- Tbeater
ID New York City aDd wttb the WInthrop Amell
popular 1LoIJ,e-rt. 11 bel... M

featuroed of - .
)lax "'eman lUId Lolita Robertsoll are ~
alions ever made in America. Cmnpan}' at the Little Theater. Tbey are about 10 l5lart III. GIl -'Wb.t. Hia' troIQ the
a. near alilte as twt.. ever .... ere. and eac:h !ltory by Georce 8a.rr :\tcCutcbeon.
Fathers- welchl Sl!l'etIt}'(our tlOUDdfl. each I.fI four feet.
tell Inches tall. alld eacb has Upt browll. curley Blily Wolbert aud Jack P1'elleO'tt have ~
Motheas- baJr. darll hazel eyell aud a faJr eompleslon. lll'1nc the De:rtto-natDn' life at Catalliaa for
two weeb now. and My t.b~ I.fI nothtll.&' like
O. l'". S .. VD:'l;O~. N"E'I'.--Q. A.. C. Lund ...... II.. 80th are tannf'C! and 10011 like red lndl....
IkothCiS- the JlfJ.: .. of EclaJr'f1 "At tbe CroalDc'" lUId
Sisters- pretty BaTban TennllDt ,.'~ the d.aucbter of th ...
.Ju~ III tbe KIlme picture., We can't ftm! any d~
E. B. 1... G........n R.Ar!J)IO.
to Richard. Tr....
Jette!' ad
erse ,,m
read! bim If
addreMl!d. of the EMaDay lItudJo. Al'ole
TOU should read a.ll about "The Girl fft:Ord of thl'! othn tllm you melltioll.. Are you
lure It was a "'Iu.&nllh! Street. Ch1caco, DIinoll'. and Allee .Joyce .... Ill
\Vbo Disappund '"-the eirl who was get ber letlet' If :!"'u _ d It care or the Ka1eJn
swallowed up by the storm. of the crowds, Fwu::'I'l'""1': B. F.uaFQ:;l..D. X. J.-Yf'lI Wlnltred Company. !Si West TWf'ntythITd Sb'eet. Ne...
and who went to IiYe in the Xameless Green....ood of the American Company Is mar York City.
Strt-et, in the Metropolis of tbe Missiue-. rlee!. In printl! life Ihe Is '-In. Georce Fleldl.
"I~n:Jc!<TEI> Rl-: Jlt:lil: GItI:E:o<nr.LI>. I.\.-:'io ar-

PAT~T. R..u.."'TEl' STKEET. CUlCAGO. h.J_-Yel!I ran!"eml!nt b.. been made to have "The Star of
Ule BriU'S ...hom the "Yutual Girl" viSited II the VW" dOlte ID motion piCTUres. b"t It I. poB-
~ibll!. of COtU"8I!. that .IIOlIle IBm man"tacturer
the ll&DJe BrlKP wbo dra...1 eanool1Jl for the
CH.Il'".\..... TillIe\"!: and "'orld famoUl! for h I!I ..m ....ant to use the IItory In that way. Slletcbeto
"WbeD a Feller Xeed!l a Frlt'nd" I'e-rl!1l of of the plaYE'ri JOU lIlentlon wUl probably ap-
Iketehl!!L pear In f"ture numbers of THE lIonll: P'IM'OltL\L.
Yes. tlll!)' .-m undoubtedl}' rour let.ttml
'-baY T . lhL"U-"Dt,. wu<.-Hl!rben Ra..- it JOU write to them In carl! of the studloa In
Un.llOD ...... "Larry Dua'y" In Gold SeaI'll "One .... hleh they Ilrl! employed. Wallace Reid .. DOW
of the Bral'l!lIl.. YI!'lI. llr. Ra .... Un.llOD ....8JII at one .-orkJDC In Mutual ftlDa aDd Dorothy DaTen-
time wllb Ute Sell!" PolyllCOpc! CompaDY. Thl! port. w. understand. Is restlull:. :'110, uaere la tm
U.IIODa brand of fllmll bu not beeI1 shown In limit to the nnmtH!r of qUl!lltlollll you can ull at
the mlddle ...elJt to our kno ....lecfe. Tbey are one timl!, only }'ou must not tH! 8l!.lftsb-lea'ge
mAde In Callfornla and probably before long II. little room fot lIOmt> or the othf't answers that
....e lIhall see IOml! of Ibern. must be pl'en.
JO,"I:I'III:'<E 0 .. DF_q :\101."1""1<. b.-:-Oo. F10N':D<:e
.JA~J; W _ XF.'\'C" Y<H'-: CITT.-M:IIllI ValentJne! III not marrlf!d '0 the man "'ho played
Grant II. we ulldel'"'lltal:ld.. the leadlna: ....oman
oppoliite ber In tbat piCTUre. Why belll'!'Ve that
.-Il.h Ihe Olcott Feature P1ayen. 10 .-e a.
~he III manied at a"~
.ume lIbe the lea.!lulJ feminine role In
the dnuna you r.1l'DtIOll. althou,:b "'e ba~'ell't EL~IP.: G.. TA".....,.'>;. 11".-."ddrl!Mfl Rnben
a east Iheet or th.t rE'leaJll! and IHI ('an't 1liiy Leonard. care or the Re. Company. l'nl'gel"'Ull
po!Iltlvely. Film Studio. I..o!I Angt>lell. CaJlforni...
.." MA.8.!IHALLTO....... I",,' ,.-Y"!I
"1:'l;Qt:'lflITln~ E. C. K... J ."""","'II.U"_ Fl. ...-yell. Jacll Rich.
Irvine Cummillp 'aDd lllgaou AJldI!T'!tOIl. both ardllOn and Loul"", LeSler arf' wa.rrled. a. yOll
or tbl! Th.D.boWler Comp.ny. 8rE' enplJed and ImaJ:lned from ...h;lt ~ou TPad-lt oDly bap-
lOOn 1.0 be roarTled. pl'ned recently. Ed. COXl!U II the husbud of
thf' ldrl !ll'!f'n .....a8l0n.lly ID t1lmll ... 1.11_
P1'ZZU~tl, Bau,.Il C.RD:Jl, P .....-Yetl. Kathie Burrill. and WIDIfN'd Gn-en....ood In private lire
M,lItei"P........Tnrtb Filleber III related to :\(argarita Fillebcr. Thi.'
popular Beauty .u.r Is lItth' K.athh'M aUD'
la '-frs. Geor~ Field.
that will e-rip your hea,rt~trings, and H.Ilrry Pollard. It llaturally folio,,,!! tber..tol"f'. I~ C. K. F_. P,'t\":'\"EE CITT. X':II.-Addrea Ro-
help you understand-blended together Kathle'll unde by IIlaTTlue. for )ou know lie III mona La..u.lI;ley. care I'nl\"f'r!<lll Fllm StudJo. Loll
in the most amazing. most umark'"<Lble. MI_ FlflCber'l hUlIband In rf'aJ life. Anl:f'l~. CaIUornla.

most thrillin::- tale of th .. pre-sent c .. ntuT)-. :\1_ Il.. BII"""I.T:'\". X. "i .-Xc~er of the
l:'<I\T.I!IlALITF_ Gil.......". OUln.-JaC'k X""'...n
The d~'mand for this book ha... . been "all X.'fl. the ,,oodsman. in Vietor', "Tbe LlIOe "Iudlo )OU lUention. but would advIIlI'! yOD not to
phenom.. naL It has rea.::hed into th., Man carrier." Leah Baird 11< no 10nlJer with lel\l!t!t lID)' mouey learnlDll: to be a mo't"l:na pie-
borne'S, and is today pointing its moral the Imp Company. She hllll baell to the ture actor at anybody'l IIehool. Replu Ibn
and shi.. ldingothe-r girls who may be on ..tudlo ID ""hleb sue bepn' her ,,n-k-Vl1.1l lJt udi08 do 1I0t ae<:urc tbelr IItarII ID I bat fashion.
tbe en-ning of th... ir own '-anishing __ lTapb. Lon Chaney appeared 1111 Pa"Ir.,, Hull'.
:\lARD.. J. I.. GlTE.Ar BE:'<D. K.u.-:"oleva Gerbt'r
where a little sympath). a little assist- ......1'" III thal RI!.1 picture. "Thc End of 111<' ...a. the man of my.c.e!"J"s daull:llter III. K.aJem.
ance, and a little- confid .. nce would ke..p Feud. M
':'oln.. ~ytOIl'1I Pearl.. M AclelaJde Wise .... the
tbem free from the h;"rrowinK a.dnn- BETTT X.. '-1l:'<'<F._ LII'l. '-1l"l":'<.-~lIe Adair. IMK'"lety ...oman. Mr. P"111DPC. In the IIII.mC' 111m.
tunrs that pursued and o,-ertook this
tbe Eclair leadlnll; oman. ,,'aa OD the lItage In VIIlGI:'\"1-A W .. P'ITTsaraGtI. P.\.-Yel!I, Urat lacfy
other little girl.
- - ' - _
' 7
' _ , .....
"Tbe Fuclnatlnll: Widow" before Ilhe bepn h..r
plctllre work. For llI'!yeraJ yean prevloWl to
her Dlullical comedy eDp&ement she .ppeared
on tile "blll: time" vaudeytlle rlrculta. 110 It la
Wall \V arTetI Kl!rTlpn. IIlster.- but abe I. aot
IItl!adUy III. the I!ltIploy of the UnJTenaJ_u
lII)I!(:1ally ~ for t.bat one pIcrure.. Write
AI... Ken1pD.. care of the CUi'geruJ'l Pacllc
IXW' " .....,~
~ :t,IIOW.
poaali,le IIbe played at IIOme of the theatres In
your ..Ity.
conal stllcDo.

Roaar I[., PJrnat:"alOB.. P.a.. --80rTy. b.t ....e

N"ELUC MeG . Lr.."'oL:'C. Nr.:a.-Your q~e!"J" I. ha't"eII't a cut llleet for that particttlar ~
s...dt. D St. ,.,.......... 0 acb a foollllh one that ....e can't beUn. YCRl ft~ T-. Charles CbapUn -.01 UDdoabtedb'
lie tat:el"riewel fa _ _ fUtuft Dumber of TJm
~ hen..-e ...e bope you ....tIl permit ua to
...'1lIOft' It. -=~.t.
&.It (J.... the press that wiD tell yoa
,... to write strong. red-blooded scenarios.
that laugh at the rejection slip.
how' to--express your photoplay ideas in
.that crisp, clean-cut. magnetic English that
makes your scenario speak action-that's
what the editors want.
-bow to become the editor's friend and
ahrays know just what and' when the
diHerent sorts of ideas are wanted.
Above aD Else this Book is Practic:able
~or could any advice be more practical tb2n that coming from '!.'tD who have been doiDc
I every day for years the very things they tell abouf? Could any adricc be more practical
.han that which comes from the editors and writers who have earned hundretls of dollars
through doing the very things, schemes and ideas this book now ofkrs you? Could any
.dvice be more dependable, more reliable, than that which is being used by hundreds oi
.hotoplaywrights with success? For here are the very success seaets of photoPlay writinc
hat have netted its compilers hundreds of dollars through the sale of scenarios. This
>ook is a plain, easily understood volume; the best book for individual study, and is in.
,dvance of any other work on the subject.
c.....- T. ',.F....
This Book is a School WIthin Itself C - , L k Artidea
, The object of this book is to give. in the easiest under- There do't anQthcr book
extant ,.bicb contains the
,tood fOT' the infonnation necessary for the proper instruc- full and camp-Iete iDforma- ,
, on on how to write photoplays that sell-photoplays that tion as doe. How to Write
Photoplays Thai Sell...
()fltain the big vital punches 'and dramatic situations that the There arc twenty-five
,ditors demand. It is good for old timer as well as beginner. complete articles, as fonows:
The Amateur Photo P'by-w:richt;

COSTS BUT ONE OOlLAR Lperience of aft Amateur. Or:--
mar and Spellinc; PhotOPlaY T CI'IIII;
Photopia, DistinctiOQl; a 'S
~ The price for $100.00 worth of knowledge is but ONE tion of photoplays; Photoplay Idea;
Gcttinc the Germ 01 the Idea:; _ _ ,
I )OLLAR. The book isn't bound in limp leather and deckJed to Avoid; < anei Smdiio C--
t -dge-it is just a plain dollar value. dirions; P hot 0 P11 y Limttaoe-.; :

Wrap a dollar bill in your letter, together with your name pia, e-ttuerion, 1luiIdUoc._
Economical Consider:arioas j ~

play; The I'to<; <Jrio;aaIUy, " -

tnd address and send your order totlay-no need to get a .........d E,cu; The s,..,.;.;
noney order~nd an ordinary dollar bill at our risk. The As Appro.ed ('.om , ted Scmario;
S......ittint; the MaaUlCript; Scm.ui-
oook will be sent you the same day the order is received. Procedure at the: StocIio; Tea T ' "
1 WouJd T dl BcPmer; About
Don't put this off until tomorrow. but do it totlay, while the M:.aa~; A Few P..x-
alar PoillttL
i'OU ha~ the dollar and the subject is on your mind.

The Enterprise PubIishiDg Co.. 334i Lowe Av~'

,....-_---- I
D ..........

.......... .
D at .
. . . . . .A
Y_ _ do

Chicago and NDIJ York

Can Lau Mu Hands "-_.."


The startling story by Harold

MacGrath, the exceptional motion-pic-
tures, the all-star cast: enacting this play, th~ $10,000.00
offer for the best 100 word solution-these things are responsible for
the public's kern interet in TIle Million 'DoI.lar Mystery. The =ult is PACKED
HOUSES everywhere on .. Million Dollar Mys=y Ni~t."

SIary tty

D ...... r'S

'1 M Sa" S~ _rID

I.', U Pltlae PrtGidi.

It7 ~ I 2

10 two-reel episodes have already been

released. The entire production will take 23 episodes.
One episode released each week. Many great thrills are still coming.
The Million Dollar Mystery is an independent release and may be obtained regardless
of the regular program being used. Bookings may be arranged by applying at once to

n w_.... .,
New 'Yw
. . . ewpw
. ..
_ Ul" I S. _ _ A,v_ a
"_~ c.-...
au 5

T ~ C S - A - ' . . . . '" ...... lin. '-riac lrriIIc C..-iap,

Mit:-~ r.m.p.. Eotw.nI N. Bo,-t, Eucc- M.--c. Jr. E.. C. War4 lIf. S.......
~. "-'-" -~ - A ~ -..m ~ ..,.. MIIari... V'II;
....,... t.,.tt. . . . . , . a-tb D. _ _ aM lh. Cr:aDr..

-.._..-_s .-.~a.-.... . ......
".J N. Y.
n ..... _.-...- . , , . . . . . , . . .. . . . . , ~

n.w..... c.
has turned his attentioo to
the Black HUOOItd, having
found rertain dues that lead
him to bl;Iieve that startling
CONTENTS developments are about to
be disclosed. He says:
s-ias.,.., F _
"Hargreave-not co-
A 5I-y 1M a . . IlichanI Dale
,;. Tw.
5 incidence-thwarts
HOW THE YAK EFFECI'S AIttIl1cANs 11 the Black Hundred"
PIlOIIINENT E1llI.Ol'EAN Y AllIIOIlS 19 The Chief of the Mighty Bums
PII01'OPLA Y FEATUBE PIlODUCTIONS InlEmational Detective Agency
.". ..-- - - . . %" has taken so great a per.IltIa1
-n. MiD-. D.Dar it,...,..,:' %5
interest in the solution of the


Million Dollar
'"EXTIlA.S". .
1Villio. J. _ 10
IlichanI Willia 1%
n. ~ ... dire . . . . Pac:r-e 5Iqe.
WlIEJlE TIIA. VEL FILMS F A.JL IIobc:rt G. Fona ZO be has UDCO,aed many clues
_ indicated in the films - but
that dovetail perfectIywith wbat
IlidIud J4 lkaduaoa .'"
IX. ..... P i ' it, ae.s-. has aetuaDy been shown!
THE 1l0000N PICTUIlE GAIlE Fnak II. W ~ 26
Step by step, be is leading you
1'1Ie A - . 5 .. s.- Scripta. nearer to the Iogica1 situations
upon whiI:h the SnIution may
IlOVIENEWS be roostructed..
-ra. ...".~


.,. II!P=
~ ~


-. -

........... ......-.1 --._-
_ _ ~ ~ .

." - - . .. - .
........ e-.a.
........ o.-
b _ e-.-
. . .

await the person who fiDdII the
point 01. Ioast i " 1M e upon
=-::.:.= :W~-::
_ .&. D. c:a..4
which the lIDIutioo must be
boa u.. aaa:ulM
-.u.. 'L";
,_ CaaMa U _

Ie ~.;
: ~
,.... ....UauJ; . . . . .
... ora. .....
K-. P .
.a..-....n. ......
wusb ....ted. It is highly _
sary that you keop in intimate

........ It...a.,.ar. wUI.~"e.-..._ ., touch with futtbcrcning Bums
...... ,... boll. _~ "'" ~ ~'~_~
:.... tt- --... _

._.... ..
I. J'ODJ' ......... II _ 0.. r-r
~ . . n:pIftoII -'til ~ . . .W.
_ I .a.-:Jd "" _ t at _
,..,. ....

~ ~
MMrlpd_ -nw
- . . . tie
_~ .,
-..t - . . . , . ..s ....
OCt> .... -u:a..
--..c __
Artic\es, that appear -.kIy in

-.--_ .
lJoIt.rrlbft'll . ~ *r1.Il c1.. _ ." ...
_ .. ~ __
~ -..Id lit tbe al4 . . _ I dIoe _ PlI1llIe!>e<I ~, ta t ...,._
"'~"""" .. an"""""
.......... "._.............
add..-. t rw. . . . . .... _ r t t r
dapw bdo.. the dIa_ .,... 1M de. aotI>ft . . b1. . . . . . .
To be certain of not missing a
single number, send _ 00 this
The Movie Pictorial SPECIAL OFFER
8 So. Dearborn Street, Chicaao
MOYie Pictorial 6 M dN
1m- Only $ .00
In_ $1 aDd broodeD your c!IaDoos
of witming the $1O,!IOO.llIl PRIZE!
Another Story of tbe Movie Men in Europe by the AoWt-. . . . fl. AT ~,
Author of uThe Time--lhe Place--and the Ma.a." Which
Intensely Interesting Story App~ued in the Ioltte nf August 22. n.e MOVIE PICTORIAL
The Secnnd Stnry ..ill be Even Bettet 1'h.on the Fin<. -.;,; 1
4 "'<HCM:O,u..
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The Movie Heroine Whose Experiences You Followed
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Harold MacGrath

375 Pages of Gripping Romance-
fully illustrated-beautifully bound:
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.Just Off the Press

The compl~ story of beautiful, daring Kathlyn
-made famous by the great feature films. This
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you in its entirety. One volume from the master-
ful pen of Harold MacGrath I You will prize
this nmd as one of your most treasured literary
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What $1.50 Will Do-If You Send Right Now!
For JOur PROMPT ACCEPTANCE, this offer i. made to you; Seod

jwt $1.50, and
receive EITHER of the following subscriptions:
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YEAH with"~ AdveD_ of - - _" "~ AdveD_ of
Ka~ FREE Katbl7n" FREE.
Ia KDdiq )'OW" $LSO. tdI bow you wisb your subscription crcdit:cd. "~ou may ret PHOTOPLAY
FOR. A YEAlt.---or you may cet PHOTOPLAY for .. Moaths ad MOVIE PICTORIAL for 6 Moot:b.--aad
with . . . . su.bscriptioa ,ou rec:eiu a Ene copJ of tbis book I Whiclt suits you best 1 The br-.i. seat F S id
Write at ooce. EDc:IoIe. pll office or c:xpraI mOIler order, baa.k draft .. c::erti&d. c:heck. for SLSO--tdJ .Ilich
subictiptioo you desire-tdl us to send K'*Ira ~ d at oaed We adme: you to anmd to this RiIM N.w!

Cloud Publishing Company,

noo ";"'..... Chicago

VOl.llME I 0IlCAG0. AUGUST 29. 1914 NIDftIEJt 17

Mystery of the Sleeping

A StOry of the Re-incarnation
Death of TW'o Indian.Lovers
boiIi8. at Ute _ a t of .'-at we
D'OB.l I oeD. tH .....,. of .... b bn'e, to _ _
..bat b.q;
..... Mit dow
to me I
blnc til lIIJIlrtt.
tbe ..,. .. to _
... tJtey aN \0
aboU ~ U Is IJkeIy ILL",r... r,o.-, ' . . . . r "'~ ... ILJ#I. , ~ ~. . . . .
that I man ..... Wkw'ed Ia U7 .... ,e. Jorc. _. bow. '-Jl ftI. u.-..
cue; It Is o-lY _ fatnl-. .bo tIIY are. ,..,. Ute w
theroefclre, to ~ . . . tAlI ~.
_ _ del:III:r
~oeraed tI;laD t. t.c.I_
lie - - - . ad tIM
are to JIIdt
that I ..,oald make a Wlel u,- _ . It we are to belte.e tlle ~d.
p',n'tk-L lie UDdel' lh~ 5toaeB -.led by U:ae eentmes th~ hotits are ~ 1JeIeatIro tbe . . . . . . . .
La tlle tint pIacle. thea. IIU Is Cay th&t fu,n",-"" Au' yet--th~ ani ~
to he. Dot dead, but sleetili.Dc. Tbey Io.ed, loq
fair. Q perfect. .. ca the _ _ beD they """,",
~ I . . . I ~ what Is called a placed
member or the letnn m... TUt'"
ta1Db' haft moaq cooqtl to make it r1d..Ies1OU
I O!I'- _ca. in dlahODor and they weT"ll ca.acbL So
they ...ere ~ed ID deep, bypaotk tn.DC@.
He told it wen. _WI. toW:b of that belief
that __ ...ho the tor IDJ' leDCth ol tt.e i.D UI..
far me to try to eana _,. more.. a1fatn hd there their bodl~ lie... Tbefr -u. the mnter1cJu Ea haft wbela they .,lrak of It...
U 0CII:IlP7 lIlT time <DUUt chie4J' ill QDf'O'ria& I~d ..,... ....Dder I,. other bodleL .\ad ODc:e :nyste1ea. BU. I ..... trab from the ...... uti
whal m,. aeeotll do. I OWD & p-eat deal of real ill eTel'J' hamtred ye-n tile bodiel that _taLn I~atbfm..
estate; I ha" tried to _ to It that It la prop. their _ I . meet--but the)' Dner tu"" ttl AI, '"AU ~t." be lJlIJd. pod uat1lrelll,.. -Laqb
er'" manap4. J ban alw.,p 1D.aleted. tor In ,'aTS. 80 run. the tale. Oley lean thdr mundane If YOU Ulte.. But, my - . t!lef'e are more lhJnp
lItaDC2, th., DO .art of tll1dt lnut.D._
8b.1I be 4c:JIIa \II _,. b _ OWllecl b,
bl be-yea d HJ't.b thu .... d,..mecl
ot la yocu phUOlIOIlh,., We _ to uo,,
me. even tboach. at nrtO'd tfmell, ",ery I.. here. KlpUq kDo.. I........d be', DO
be ...,. rents were olfued by tb<*l who myM.1c:. ao dreamer. He'. ftI. the earth.
1I/&Dteel to _ the propert;7 fa web a eart:hJ'_d 110 am L AlI.QC:ft 110 n
way. Aud wbaa teD&ata, booestl:r lD joo. And ya-I tell 7011. traU:ly. r
dUftea.ltles, han It hard to pllT. t aeltJlfto 1ldleft . . . dkiWlhe..ell taJf!lI,
hu. I.D.3tsted that the7 Ihoald be al f simpl,. admIt that I ~'t how__ d
r let It CO at tbat. e - ... _''Ie
lowed plenty of tbDe to catc:b lip.
But this b.. Dot take. q much t1mf!,
of CCNJ'lIl!.. 1 han a1~ beecl !emd at
~ _4 sa-; 1 am rat.ed. I be-
'ff"altell . . ea.oq:b.
cOOll ~ fa the pollef'. a r. .
Be'll cI_ .. ttftIt:l. M
nere. _

lleft, tair polo Jla7ft'; I haft _ - W"b..1 the memory 0( that Yt.It to
plJMell re. oo.c- Ia otJlet' IIPlJI'tL obecIlre BJada temple.. fa III ..-not TfI.
ADd t hu. . . . . cr-Il .... of traftl- lqe tJt.8t . . . ~ ina a ,.....
iJlc. ed bl "t!&aI; - - - . tblD& dt:r. abodlI 11&.. DJ"IIII . . . ... I
- e 1Ip oa.,. ..... r ... ta 1Il41a. til to.'t t..w. n Is _ et ~ tIl.btp
l11li...... 01 .1lIda I haft 1atfIl1 bee:a. I . . . . . . . to tIeD for wUdt. I _ ....
reatJ:a4e(,, tit ttle tbDe, I at- PI"e\ltIl' to - . L BlI1 11..... ~
taehflII _ ..,.1'=..... to It. ~ I . . bome: apia. .. ~ T-':.
II . . . . . . . . . . yean . . . . .. . . - _ pIQiq; . . r-c- l.MaDd. u.e
t r a ~ wtua ,...... !':ad l , . - . . _ the - - . that Iecftl CIII ...
U'1IlJ' ClGka'. wtt.h _tto. .,. polo had. So I am ~ t to t!Hl ~
the _ t i l that ba. . . . caw'" laY
ioed . . to It:I'1b . . . ~

-.w. "II!
..bole Ufe. I ba.,.. trW to -.It. it JIlaIa
that I am D ~ I!'IDOdoaaI __ ~
...,.. wlus w. _
""lIT the W&J'. ~.. btl
J1lIJac ~
"'See that teIQIe! It".
cal; that I am 4edde417 . . . . ...-.L
To lIclda. Uta..
a relic 01. tile sIor"- 0( tJLiI; pIacL I .... 1It~ all dOGe. I:a the I.Iln.r7
LoDe ap" _fori u.. E:qt.1aII came. of m,. fa Loq: I al.aU. flew ......
lb. . . . a cr-t dtJ', n . . Ute ~ aco.. It ..... ~ b-te; aD tile ~
of a -eI1tbJ' proriaclL h t Old'. aU _ fa \eel.. I "as ~ . . _ _
__ . . . . that bad Jut _ _ rr-
that'. left. Ir. ~ .. ~ , .
holy, . . . I tIl.1aJi:: tbeJ"U haft to let as Eadaad that i.D~ted me ~
1M the dllef crtl bltereL~ ... r ...... bW:Il of Ute ~ B.a tt

u.lib bIJI-eIIClI
the prh!:ItI to -.ply to
eD~ to ..._

kIa req.-tL
place _Ilen
.... .-n: ehaDee.. If ,.... caN . . cUI k
that, that DUde It ~
I'teu _ Ut1Je Dc:Ue Old
"t _
two taalbl _en IaI4 lide ~ Iide. I km&. . . the pordt.
og1 U-n,. I'd
d-."t bow wla:1. _t. .. I IookM al ba.e ~ .-lid aJeep . . ~ euUer.
them. I hM a ftI'T maace __ 'ke X_. Ilecaaae I was awab. r Ia...u-
I felt . . It I _ _ IacIitIac at laY __ ptf!4.. til eou.e. I tilIa "t 110 to Ute
craTe! It . . . . . . . .-.Ider. for _ door, wbere tile '0". . . . . : I ~
meal. BIlt I . . --:r matter of r.ct- ~CI the sl4e of the b - .
AM _leat to the aiM wI __
aot !atan taactaatI~ I .tloalr. olf
bl a _ t o
...".... a ~ ftI.~.. laid laY
tM~. "T_ _ u..e tIM
Jut Ia tbDe to . . drI.
podlcot 1utllIPt. ~ '-- tM I t - .
tIl"..p _ ~ OM

rre.dl. ........~
taIlIIII til _ . . . . _ - . TIley tl ...-k'~ .... ' d t!le ~tI7. I
...-a! I _ _Ill . . . . . . . .
..... J . . . ~ o.
__ ftIIn' . .

_!. ..

.. .......,. _
...... _
..... I
I 7 ,.u


;, ~
..- -
.. I


1, a ~I I_-.r:
..,. 1.-. .,. f!dIIM. . . .
....... .a.. r..m.r; .i.) .....

on.-a_ c;c " tDtIIDr to

_ .. 'a I ba_~ hi
... I Ia Il:IM. D at ..,. I
- . l te bow- 'd.:r I .... tIMN. .... tUt I
...... ta:.~or_nobad __
___ .,.. 1It"..... I .... iIIdRw aa-.
. . . . . . wM -..r. ..,. .,..

...,. 'I - . ... we . . . 1lIl . . . .
.a.I.,.,..- _ I_a-.. _~.

tItv be _ to MpIa ill nltu'a

_Wit ..
I . _ b ar. _
It Alpkball __
called; the7 4IZtoIIed

Iter fatber.
At _ I bew bill'. 8tID..,. t 1Mdr
utd tJllrth.. [rem...bered......tJlere .. _ other
wonl.-thIDp that laM. ut 7C be. .'" 'DIe
~ 1D7 triel:l.d the J!!nct""'me n . . . . tIDId me
CUIle bKII: to me. I ....... at the &ieIaple. .AD
the tbae I mcrnld. ID. IlIae" .. tl to me,
lib _ uleep. Aad yet Bl]' feeUDc aot
that 0( IIlUl til ..,.... Ov eyes met: I
. . . her start. .. ~ lad 1I0Ile. A.rld her b-ow1I
Yl1Ilkled. .. tho.att dte were tl"y1nc to ,..

Later [ .w
. alale. Or -0 we
Slle . . . ~ed.. to
IIaa,y tiDlea.
1IL7 1II.Uter. who .0aJ4 e.-. .. be 1117 1IUlIIter
laap.ed... A.f'tao &II, a c1rl ".. IlOthIq: to tie daa't '-nr au maN t1auI. [ dW ~ oa the ...,. be toe*" Iter ~ IIIIII' father. I
atraId at. [lIlIwet tlIldt. ... lato 1M ..... We . . . . . . f.aIJ..Iac. [ 10IIt tb.a. It lONlI Iter. There . . . . flIw . . . . . betwfll!lIl - .
...... [WUlted to e.tdl her. Bat [ 't. 1 ...... tID _ tJaat. Jat ............ w1Ia me met. 1Iel:nltb". III the -npt. We

ClDb' . . . . &be ... away. qUick _ 11M ..... bo8r IID-... BE tbt ....,. aot Dew. W1l 01. that we ...... Mdh with
8aIIL. [c::U8IlI b lIbe . . too qaIdt Iar .. _ .All [ _ CJf .. tbIIt [ f8lt, ..... "er7 ....u.c; cand IItClIl:hIq for that.
IIU--hlld too I l l " at a .tart to si.. 1M half .. cr...a ~ .,..... ~ a.-. tao. a 'I'Ilere .... tItM lietweea _ .. we told 08. _-

[ . . 8I&tlt of her, t!loqb. Slut".. naaJq:

abI& Ute raM, ..tlk:b. .... JII"IItt7 .en ........
Ulen. Ia IpItJt at the r.ct that. th_ are qa1ta a
few JloueI" _d [ .... a c:uqIe at n:MP. 1ooIl.
I:q dlapI Jam oM _d .u. hr. BIte aiel
IIItnaIe eIl;aqe . . . . onr m:r attfbade.
I .un r_ ' eel. 4Imly. TaC'IIIIb'. that. [ . . .
GII;r ~ cl New Tan.. Tc: u.. ~
....... .... th aatbIq
........ ~.,.. l
tz--. ... _ cut
, . . ....
,,+ Ia
wariq' . . . .
....- It.......,.
otIler. that laM clraWB the ... to the other.
We bad b<nna bt that tnt _eat wh-. oar

W1tIl bel' I
~lMred IlClItIlbt&. tboqht or
wh_ I left Iter that I
bad tbat eI..tft IIleIDOIT of tllfo&l; tbt _
.t. u.-p [ - * . ' t b.... _bat . . . . . . . -.l ~ ... ~~fI_. . aIl_ IItUl to h...-. ~ . - . With ... 1
........ f I I - . ~ ......- ; : : ; ; ; : ; ;

pota" 1IMft 1IJWvd the houe.. [~_ aw- t:l.oqIlt ~ 01. dill . . . . . . . ._t. of ov
lac. aad tbs .-...Iy. _ of tbeal hit bft. _
tile . . . .! Tbat wall a 1ttt too Dmdl.; [ J-Ded
................. _....t., .
........... _ c l ......... t . . . r-.._
!- '_ krft. . . . . . . . . . . OU' III!IuIa, at: ~ to Ib'.
. . . aot waUl we . . ~ tw a day, ....
torwanL [ ~ a JGllee _u.ue; ttl-. [ .... were aeu1lac aae Ibeltw lIlT ow-. P8GIIIe _ I d
_u.ofo.em. ad_fJl.~ ..
bOly-[ thialt
ULd It'. mtctaty
that. wlW: the
~n. aayIunr~
thIa&" .. eaIIed.
I ..--t
.,.. .... oU--..we Ute drl.
Ncnr tedaa Ute ab'u.p put at the lItory. I
weat ..... aDd. 0Illt. [ ~d Yet. [ GclD.'t.
~.,. IInIa ..... II t .tn~ adJ":
("Te _ _ kDoc:bd out ~ ofteD. - ." I
ued to 10 til tor bmdq a 1tit. A.a4 ... bea.
yoa',.. 1taocbId oat b7 a dean blow. . . a roe.
~ dGa't 1mow a&7tbblc. Thla time [d.IL [
r.aembered It &II, rfdlt up to the poblt w......
I ..... bit. Aad for a MC:OQd I ha4 a oduh of
tbe drl. too. Thea I btipA to t.all. I fell
t.hroaCb mila 01. apace. It _ _ to me. _4
thezoe ...ere c10ada _4 .ran an aboat. And I
oonld . . the Clrl _4 remember that abe ......
the oae had tried to rub ~ d yet abe
........."t the ame drl. except for ber featunl:a.
EftrTthIDc elM 4lfrerellL
Rer taoe clark, _d ber e10tha were
c:haDpd.. She earltq- a mc-, ... bite robe.
_d .be ...... ~ed.. _d ...ore .. IP'eat 1tlaQ,.
_ t a . ropea of pearl.a. and other jewela 1D
quJat _d 'b&rtl&r1e RttlD.p.. There ...ere crat
eurtaca. too, of peu1.I. _4. .. I looked at her
...bDe we fell 12I.roach thoee mRa of &I*'e. I
. _ that ber face ehazlc1nc. too. _Ill had
became e-tJe. an4 eet. It had 10IIt the ahu'p-
n. . that ~ e d the facie of the cirl
had t:r1ed to rotl ID3' boue. TheN ...... noble
dlptty &boat ber that atirTtld meDlGr1ea that
mast haft laIIl deep til m:r ....... d , tar
--bow l-e! Lord bowa!
Now, of -ne. I er.a. try to eQlaIa .... of

t=.... l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U
1D7 c.KIoa aeI1; 1D7 r l 5 W....t1t7
..... Ia _tr'ol There . . tat. IIooIIa -'oat that
..-t CJf t:IIJac,
that---t!lat U ,-. aae t b.
1moc:k to.lookbad~...
.. I
Ila. . r..t tbeaL alL tills ' t ''-''
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ k= It_tbe
............... - . p t .
............... rn.tMant. ..
~!!"~. tile tndI. ..
. . It __ tMe. NGl
...... 'I'M......-c: ~ CIlIIeI It;
~ "... .... _ 1' rsfe. I
.... ~ ...,-. I S lItde of ...
.. .. I ~ U. 'ricblII ~ ...
t!M __ tM7 .. IGoket at
au.. Be. teo. Iter; . . . . . . . .-.oe.
~ u... .. Jato tile - . - . . . . I
u-. ~ .... ~
. . . . . . . tile Ant _y
ICIt&U* rr-. ..... JIII*teI.... I A.,
. . . cdIlI ue.L BId. the. ta _ . - - t , I
tiUIget tat. _
tnMlL . .
Raw . . . It ..... I ..,. .at ~ StrueI
. . . . . -net .,. r.t. at ""*- tawnaIL
nr- ta ..1lJdl I . . . tile BacU* e..c; ta
wticII. I fcNItl.t .. aI&1&tr ...... _ .. _
.... IlOW . . \he alber. Ia.cll. * ' - I . . .
RaD ce. ADd., .. OC' U,. ..en a1toat to
meet. lIbe faded _W&7 uuI the deat1l
c:lamMld ce - - . ODoe i _ er....aac
sweeper tile .c:reeb of Pwb, lIbe _
lady of tile lDq"a a.rt. Her c:aI'1"t.p .......
_ _e., c:r'WIIII..Iaa IDe, aU! lib Jato droe
. . . . . . . MatOftr __
mJae I Get .
.&.ad tile-. . . .....,.. ID _ I ....-.s
to . . au ot. the UTtac ~ I _ IIIM'Ie
wIl_ tor tile tnt daM I -w: ~
.....: Wen, sbICIII _ 1aid
aWQ'. II..t I tIlat.. AM tlH!I odar

01. _ h-.ttal; cartloUe 8doI, ltat. I .
bMrded ttta _ t}Irllaa . . - . . hilt x~._
... ~ . . 'IIIW. . . . _ _
~ Be e to ae. ill lli'lIa. aM I _ _ et'elI
~d tbe atM:n stare. Be, teo. ....
. . . . . . . . . Bat b .uet _ ...ttlt. h. wi _ thee ...... .,. ~ ! " ........ Her u.- d-a to Sbe fIoeell ~ . . .
~I do _at _ h r . u ' 1 0IlI7 bow t!aat 1 Il.a" leaaelI lladt .. ~ ~ to at .e.
AM I beU'd Il.Ja tuw tile atbera, to eM doc
. . . . . 1M _ - - .
Itor7 fit. the . . . - . I
......-u.e Ilec'eM I bd ~ IMq.
~ .. DtctWt. the
tbe aid tnt-
...aitM-..4 ha........ . , . . , . to th........ _
maQ ti aIy to loee thee .....! ..
I held 0IIlt .,. . . . . tel Jtet'. AM U!l!!II. ta I
'"I ,
. to!- ...AJa.,..,
_l I

...........aat'a . . . alL I thbtJI llte rae- _ .

TheIl be .... . . - - tllem aD &WQ', pIlUy, trlee, abII c:Il.aapd acat-. _d It&rtei '-k. d....... Be loobll 'I8'J' IMIretI wbftl the ~
~ &nIlb'. Oace _ be ..... to 1M, apla ""Why! Why!" abe ..... "YOIa," tlte . . . they ton taIkM ~ . , . . . - - . Ud Ite I
ID Unla. triM. to ..u me rob-- - - ' to &ban a &IeCftC.. tJu~ wbe&. be e
"Now!" he ..... _d Ilb 'f'Oice . . . teaM w1th ( IDOU acata ta UN'" AD. she CIB1y . . , . . to . . ta the UnI_ be .-ret ate I lid ......
eD:ltem_t, "N_! TIl7 Ilc.r h.. comll, c b _ It me. bdIe4, trJ"ba& to lUIdentalul, IW!dlbl& to stoolI bel. . . I . . . . ItOt m.~_d sy1IaIl.Ie
01. thll Bta4.;ods! . . . . wbat ... of It Is ID be d.i.mly ....... dUaL But DOW', lor the ant tbDo, ___d _ettbft etlldC a:r wife.
thy power-It b.U ~ _4 ..01 aeTer _0 I wu 40ubly eoDaClouL Her.torT! Yes, there I. "II.
ap1D! Ch_ ute aM UroII hIl&lmeat 01 th,. MWbat. 1t aU alIooat; ahe Rhl.. "'1-" &be Cl1ItdI of ~ee--lI'!It. .. CRU' tne.d
destbl.Y__ ... tJte tDlnb!~ pa.ed. her baa4 before be- ey-. "I _ to JDltrl'-& ....d 117. thal'. qtafUo _ClUte' ...,..
1 tDDled, to MIll til. prtlefon me. I tler remember y_---lookID' dur_t-- Y'OIa kDO'W_ I da't ~ . to _ d ~. . . 1.0
...... ta het' ~ cIGt:!ls. tile cb1 who had Mit _ - . . thIa!" I aid, aered:Y. I IIdZIfId bet apIaia. 1hlt---there are ~ tbtnp fa Ma_
t:rieII. to raIt .,. b - . Bat the r- ... the ID IIIJ' U1Ila, _d eat' II.,. mrt. "NO'W. do ,.. . _. II!lU'tJl u... aU' JhIlDellllh,. ba8 t:aeltt . .
bee of Raa_ Alld ahe creeted lIIe I_ UN" audl!nbUld!'" )IF IllqUslI trielt. . . . . rta"t-thult Cell!

lbe )ow prtoa cbareed at the IIIO't"iDc "kl.",

Thompson Defends Movies the&ln U. ~ ~ Ute eN laIIlib drde
fa Ute theatre. No drI Is cubac to ,.,. !tI
ettlb aolI cUIaIt . . two tll&hc. .. bea f.... ~
.... eaa .n lII e jertkellJ" d_a the on:ftstTa
rae. maMe"
~ III euod cb----.tbe . . .
. . ~ Ute Iti&. f"OCUl4. roIy-pob. ~
fit. ~c: art &ad. .....
look a.bovt It, _d the red eater Yat., PIId'
I.q tllrooaCh . . 0fII!'II: coat. i<l!Ilt ,... tbe .......
tolIda 0( eoIar. Pft1aapai It ..... lata sra7 ablrt,
stale .t ~ UIeatn.. .... ~Ilo too. tII_
-.ria tJteatres aft .-tl be ~ to r-e. t..
.,111.. lbat is _ !:aadeq1l&tll ~~ of WU op!'I at the thrc.t, th.a1 PTe bJm the 100II: of V. . ~ 1Ift'&arlI Shaw -.Y that cbuela
I'l&Ie uul be&rq _ c:apt:aJ.a..

1.i.&IIl H. ~ dlarac:ter actor. .... Ute ftI'J' . . . . . . - in wbk::ll to relit IIHI
SlD.ehow or otJter It ~ .. II wmlam -W1a.t Pft"l<l!Iltap ot. th_ maauer1pts of ibiD... Oae eeta the _ _ ded In the lllO'Iie
B. ns-..... raIJ:r ~ ta Ute quatut._- ..ould" pl.aywr1atl.b _ ID.J" merlt at aU!'"
mer <*tae'II at BlucoDaet.. the reporter ..... uk lbe ae:t.or Lk:ked the WUllam R. T1KIalpeoa seem. to act OQt
sUckum . . _ ea~
Oftr the .oor frame me read the eottaP
_ I I , -rhe CaptahI... CdIa..." The door looked
lib the 400r ot. _ ablp'. cablD. tlec:aue _1,.
"'One pl!t' cent II bl&" be laqtH:d.. "Wh,., It
is Lmpollllible to .......c:et.,e bow b1Ull&D betup
~I.a& be ta1b aboltlt.
teU.1.q abollt the p"l COl
lbe mone tb_trII bill Of" bk
While bl!! ....
the able I.
the part of
half of It--UIe I_er ball'-.... doeed. caD ..Ttte the 1ItlI!f that tbey da." lbe Pl'l. He.-ed the pit ", a wom_ sa
I..ookIac" IDto the hie. comlortable U..lns- He bep.Ja to pace back and forth ~ the he waJltei ac::r-.. lbe lloor. His apre-laa .....
room oae coaJd _ the ad.or baa,. "rltia& .t mom, talktn& as he ...Uted. that oK ~ who felt that he ...... ~_e
his den 0Ter at ..e aide. "''Th_ coU~ craduau-." he COIlthaOfl4. pumplll... ~ He ket'PlI OIle 10 a pl. or "'qbt,r
"'Good monatac, air!" ..rllAl about It-aO'l'.... pk:tun _d aU the time..
Tbe Iri& h __ tu1Ied quk:k!y. A mr.Ue came. out of ~ 18 they cet ..e tUea by acddeat. "People DOWada,.. are tlrft of 1I....l!'a. . .: he
Ilr.. ~ . . . - to his feet _d came for Tb@il t2n'J' Immed'ately thJa.k Uroe7 '-11- .... ~ "'The,. IIk.e lbe aet.laa or t.'Hl
want with ~ e d b.aII.~ IP'4!&t hi&. th!d.eed playwrlchts. I . . . . fill the ...... _ _ _d the IIOOlhh... muate: th.t 1'0" .tOt
dd ta I I I , . . . . . fit. baalL wbo A1[er froID Reb thlJlkla&, tb~ They"''t CO to leanII &llJ'1htDlI:. Tb..,.

~ to IlIea.I.JI tel _ yoa." be poeeted ta MI Il.a_'t the lteart to ........ a.- Uaat the .._t to ... IUDIlMld. ~
a llosna ftIic:Ie. ooc-e ......" ()pa .._t the . . . . . f'OIttftl. _ I tlwlk UI_ ftI'J' ~ y for -Do yoa tbta.k the mowid h" klllf'CI the
iower bait 01 the *-'_ "'Tab.~". tbet.r dt!'lll!!r little _l8Criflt ... ntara It wlUl dnuaa!""'
~ ! ' iad: _ et tIl_ ..... J'Cft'l&. Tb_.~ it .n~ ~ .,. ~.. bere ''BaTeD't ItDled it.- be aa..-et"'N. __ t I.M:r
_~ T_bow ~ .... tbe7 )lDOb"'ll'OOb _ . _ .. _Ybaa IQ' IeaIer haft dc.e thetr ..... bl. _ i lauriee It.
me _aerfJQ to ,..., III t2lftII are la the taee or __ -..ap!r, f:rY, 'Weo..
~ VetrT DUe art la ~ fa the 1ectL' Aa~
_ .Iaat Ttl lUau fit. It! . . . . . - . . . ~ . . . 4oUu1a1:t.. ~
RIll ......
..-::L... RIlI
cr-t ..-- !Mle ctn- coler to lals
lbe.,. ~ eftI"J.
1 of Ute -.riel _ l aca.
WlLa1 iIo Y'OIa ~ fit. ~
.... **
CIl-.: _
of Ute .~ llillt"-".... 'fft (
fII. tIM eM lJ'1le ol ,-".
~ ..,.., ~ __ t ' tbat "Ob. u.r .. e-." .. ~ -n.~ . . . . _ . . . . . r.:ut.ks &h_ Ole .....
dItIe: ......, ...... _ taI ..
. . . . . ....,.
".,..,... taRa
N.,. . . fII.
fa ....... W1IIIaa R.
m. ~ ~
&IU. kalI ~.....
...... ...-... ~ Ira ~ ad tlte7
ha . . . . . . - aM GIl: 0 - to feel
the thttII ., . . . . . . . . . I _ .,. tUt that
.. _ a .. - - . to
tM . . . . . . . . . . . .,~u-a.

An Actress of a Viking -Land /

Gerda Hohnes of Essana".

A =:':-"'::"..."': B7 KATHElUIJ,E SYNON ."...,. 1_.__
. . .__ or ~

at aD like _ r
pfc:tuw fIl _
....... ~ ..

fIl .. te.IdI- ~ _ tile' . - . . , ......-rat YoIce. ...... Ch' tJaal . . . . lib ~ pu,y-

............................... .. -
M liUD4 aIap!r; c:dtk:al' . , ..... .".. _ ...... DM:k"' . . .,. . . . _.......,.. "Bbe _ ' t ~ ....te ~5O ..w. GtIrda
.~ 41r.ecton. -...... ... .................. -.r- tJalIt u. ~ erel7- 1Iorie ~ aN &I..,..
....'......'.... - ....... ~
~ tlMt twa; a
t.liIIIIIa at Utoe dIaU.
. . . alJtp '-:It
, --*
tile lid''': ~
__ If . . ., . . . .
fIl ~'!"
...... ~o.Ia'_ ...
fill tM......
' ",. attlftlll. TIlei' an .. the

. . . . . toU
s.t tile -=cre.e. 'Wtlo pia,- u.-.
wlla. . ~ .......
aIiIIiI&: t.t!l ~ ~. _fIl ,fIl . robes. TUl'1 Il,. I Iaan! ~ aUWOIl

_. -
a mu.c .. .a..::a- ta~ _ ~

7 7 ~ .......
t. mgt' .' da-.pten..5O
.... " - , _ . .r. eM -...t ~
"'Nat ~,
...-.....' ............ 24.
tIIlat. and IIIIIoaq fIl . . _
. .\ . . . . . . III . . . .' e.Iia,
r.-,y ~ .. p ,.""
1IrdII'r., ....
til! ...
. . . . . . . fIl dile _ ,
........-er. . ~.......
__. ' tile
., tile

III the pI!IIIt

tlN*' 'WIlJdl tbe . - .
tile 4ad-blred. ..!t'a _
. she admItud.. '"Sla&:Ia&'.

" s - 4Id ,.OU _ I I tato the movlar

atAIrT." ..... .w.. She !let &lide
........ lid iii .-D7 tIliiI _ _ of. INQ the to tell It. Aa aile t.aD8I Iter ......
til. _ ....' . - - . srowa..... dlIJdrol!lIl fIl the e7'lI ~ .... Ith the Ire. 01. lIle&OI"ia. of
, $' , .. - * ..ubb' ftJle
. . . ' hopes, of amhltl...... Gc!fta Holmes hu til
..aIUq GIoelr caDiI . , -.k. It,... hen that ..-t fill l!euIt7 that napc!Il4s to Iler ever,- SIlGo"
.... . . . . . at... '.. t1ul other t10L ~ . rather aeri-. Ia. ~ &l1DOIIt
~ wtlJJe a -..- CI'O'Wd. ol nlP1 l.a -.-er, Ibe becom_ .. she ta.Ib of
YUdlea - . . , " atlnT her we &lid her work vivid ani. brUIlaatl,.
........... 1lIiIbc ef
ta1IeIl her. 'l1le.....
til. tile
II"OaI' weai witJl th-. wIM!Il Oetr ealI came
tILat til- el....
.IJl., iIL~ tale tb&t lIbe
)eft 0!It _ . 01. the most
putIs. She eIaded. pw:etan,. her

aDd they had. to _Te Gerda Holme. to the _ t i c IILUri&P 'W1t1l ItapIey Holm......I!.o
-uae that die CQ'17 termed her OWll deR:nie-

"'I bate te _." .----.ced

tNakly, "'tnrt
mm. u4 . ~
Is .. well 00_ tw lib roI_ bl tH m.aaay
to Ilel' I!.u btIm
-.It,Ject fill tbe.. ~ lPMti-. HIs lib.
wUI: aa I II. If I baTe to be .. ricIl IdI'i bl 11m ~, Ills........ or Ills wiler BIle'.
all Ute ~ r lib ..u..Ull lie.. ao( ~ . . . . . . . he loob
"'Do. IicIl III"- u .... to _ r
~ . . .-l1,. aM t:r.lT rid atrt.
. ." --- to JIIieIt tlleIr been .title tile)'
lD. IBaa7 01. t:I!.e puts Gat 1IltI ~; .........
t'= of tU . . . . . . . tI!.M. DOhod,. loTes
Dlt - . . Wldl _ c.taIa ...~ n-
stq no 80ac of. the SIltrt.' .. me .". I RrVe. boweftr. h.Ia ..u.
bow tAat ~ ~ ....,. r1dl. . . . . . . . 1l wttIt _
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fNeb;
.............. trocb fer ~ ,... OWl
"'to 0..
~ - - . I _ _ - . the
taIbIl treII:Y. tl!IIIlaC
...... ttae
aeu- .-etIata b&I te aaII:ir ...... r..
. IeI1. I. 1ft nero
'e!"- pU_et_~

QaU. Bel-. _ . . . 1& CIlII:aco _e-

Bee_~ ...,.. thJIIC tIlaa ~ MIl ~ tUa nr-o-
tq old 1ft,.,.. BIr- .......... _ _ .. tile
'dr t UIl1tel rr-.-..a J"w an :r-n
... U..... ta ~ 'I'll-. ~ fa:UMIio . . .
....... ~ to t1lelr ..un Iaad. taIdq
tile Uttle Aaedcaa clrI w1tll tbeDL ....
ele'feD ~ they Uft4 fa De:amark. lD that

You ...ho ha
-s ~ A. 80Dc Ia
the Dark'" ....m
remember tb II
fa "hJdl
thll bUild ctrt.
played by Ge rd a
Holme., becIa-I to
able. You mlPt
Uni cue-ed from
the 1IIaUDer lit .... hJch abe
hold8 her bead. that &he
bu IIIUte'red lbll foml
that i.I OIle of thll charact.eri.Itlca of
a COOd ~; or. It ma,. btl, tJaa1
you thoq!rt: her .. ~oaaJ Ia
the actlDc of that I'l)le . . abe i.I la .0 _ , .
others that ..... bu p1a:J'ed.. Bat If. at lIOIDtI
public perform.ace of the tUm: the ....", T01ce
lIbaUI ec:bo ~ the theater. u.. ad1eace
_bo heard' It eoald HTer e L ' ~
Ub the thrUI of IIlU'DriM tbt wed ~
thll _1141-. at the IIaau7 trfal' t!leUer wt...
oer.a Helm. 1MpIl to aIJI&. TIl.,. bad. bowa
.Ii"- _ .. eta _ UJ::qIt1ouJ. - . . . tile
. . . . . . . ~ ao ... !MIt the ...
net. no ..... tIl& ~ 4'$1 tal bewa
a.. ~ ......... .,.,.
~' ... a&ti'tel*.........
elf tIM! . . . . . ~ eltlM
., WId&II _ _ pwa,.
clalI ia
lib ..

DIIdIIl........ ....
~., . . . .s ~ T.-.... ~ lit JIb

....... r

. . . . . . . . . . ".g
2 tile


-. n.
... 4 __

It .... filii. . . . -.Il!ra
DediAu. . . . .
Ea--. tM IfttcUt
........... t.ata u........... "'I .... til r-.l1," 1M .......
. . . . . tM IlI.-Ia til . . ~..... ."... 1ritll. rqbft. -rMn'. " ...
. . . . . . '-dI: .. . a - k a . . tile . . . ., tb-
............ 7 1MIr CIftft'. ae
. . . . . . . to .......
a. u. ... el tUt
~~..'~I'.. tMt -.nw kr
.... bt ....
ant ,..,.... tb . . . . , . . u.- ai-
.-IY ....... Ita - - - .

~ .........Her....,.
_..;..~_~06":._ .......
., ....

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nr.-L
l.MiIr. wItIt ... , . I f " , Ua.t
~ tnbafc ~ lie tam.
......... tt ... ' '...
. . . ~ ..-n." a .
11M ~ role ef lDtM
ta ""DIe ..
'DIe ,.rt aJIelI for tJle
dIIIt;r to 11k Gerda ~
4Wa't ena to _
_ ...... wt.ea tto
. . ant r t -.J
n ill dl.u'-

_ -
~ et .... 1Io'weftr. that
. . . . . . . . . . dl.~tbe
...... ~ kid t1c'lL :a.

...-- -.
fGn t!Ml Irat I

ri_ .. it

loq .. tlme

...... r

_ ". r

pr. . . . t
., ..-
lq" Is ttl..
' - t ..-t ., tralalq'
u..t...,. ..
ha.... _ .-s
of &BY . . . . . . . aid. .. rt .. a .......
art et It., t. . . ..,. tee 0 aay
Gt.IH:r art. ... Wac .. art, It . . . .at.lInIlr
II!aJ'idl the MJ1U/Iet U'IDL I ttlJak,.. 11M _
Ua--s. ""that all th taJIl . . . . ~
.orIl iajviq: eUloer t:taa ol art .. '-p-
~ - 111M ...... ft'U' U. _
...... rtfn _ ~ .
~ ~ tile r.t tMt 1M: tile
tialtell Stat.- rr- Dnmart ~ .......
of . . mctae __ ol U. J:acUU 1 .......
tJaIIt . . ...,. Ut&t .... 1It1D Creuls of latta.
... -..u.c.
tD . . - - .
tile _ _
tM JUt. ia tKt. __

wItIt the naHI..... ~ y

Int put 1a a. ....
feel of the
~ tIM
.,,, _bel. ,-.
TbU. -e . .taee ...,. e:QJlIa1a QII!n1a BoIaeII
ItII!r dud: IIIacfte ..ortl La U7
euicbea tile ~ tbat
toe . . ~ --* 1a ..,.
., art
eM Ie ..... u.a.
.................... laM..... a-d.. M SMile-
dIIna Jt .. ..,. _pI8e ,...n.... _~
to SG I ' ... 'De '-Hate ., ,..,er tlaal
~elI to tJw tId?W . , ear _ ~ tile
0-" :r- tJdaIl tbl alaoere Kalt7
-.Ill a W1"fter ..Ito- b4 tdeiI 1
.....- ~ Ill ........ rr- die neat _ _ ~ tlI.aa: ~ til tile ~ _110
... _ .. tale - - . , e-.-". ...._ ""TH ~ ..... "-.w\:gtM...,.f~
bMtIb'. .., caa"
" . . . tilettu.u-,"
abide t.b..aL nat"a _
. . . . . . . . . . . I)arr . . . . . . . ~ ~
. . .,... a.n.t.Il. PteJwk. W _ .... er _aICa1
'** B..-e.
II; ~ toe tIM: ~ . . .
-.w-.~fGr~~ ~ .... ..
ttl.bIir ..... ~ pkt1Inoa," . . . . . . . . wtta.
.,.rict:IoL ~ ares"t aaa7 #I' or
r , lateK. !.-oM. 1lIIele., ..... low. ~ 0.. - . tIta'e aft .tlo'w PrilL .....,.... ,
"'I . . ." wily I _ to na late .. .... eaI:J _ Ute ...,.... wWa ... .... ~ Ihrt th WW'k'. . . . . . . tw u..
leal ..--... atter ~ ...... . . . Iato wwt: ...... Iter call _ til ..... 6WCJen. Ad rm PM eI It."

.-.-... Gil r.cta OIl 1Mr ute. , . . . . . dud: tJM &1fl of ._.M: fw . . Joobot lib _ _ ........ aM . . . . .
__ .,.
.... _ r....-..

. . . w1tlIt
.. ~

.aical dial

ectiIa fa
th'won. ....
~ toe ~
rr- rn.
Is ~
La ..,. ...-r.
.aa14 take Iter to Iter . . .t.
-.dea _ It ~
nct:.J _ aM ..... walt1II& f . . tile c:aD tIIM.
I ....

...'_ -" __
taIIlIIlI . . . _1II6e Ita ~ to . . . . . tbt wiD p-.. Mr ~ da&nd:.II!r Gerda Bel-. 10 tIult. It Sa tM J6ct_ .,
........ r... ,--weI Y1dl . . . . .,,_ zrc.. n;._~ .. . , . ~ --... a't1d ol Iler Uaat ,...... ~ p La _ , . - . . y.

...,. ...t!tllJ at ..,. u..
a-e.. ......
. . .

... GdII ..
. . . . , 01 ....,. tbl ta-

lea fJ/l .-Ie

dlJlIel ..

tIle .......
...~ ~ ................. c. ...... 1:.Mv. .-.w-.
. . . . _ _ ,~._~--

.,....... ~

.. .. .....
. . . . . . . qa
...... wwt ~ r .. d
U b _ ...... .,
.-..: _
., uu.ue
_ _ ' - ' : tla'


~ ~, ":-"'iijio"-iiiii.~
. . . . . ~ _ !

_ .. n ~ a. .... .. ~.Jn8lI~ ha~

ta.t _ _ "-".,......
....... ~:'l:i

sOl.UOn of
T. he MnlionDouar M~ste;;'
~ ,"

---~ By WILLIAM J. BURNS "_,,,,_,,',1 ..._

"""" IIpeN .. - :_

2'a. To
amt JilMe ...
",-.. ...,

.'3 C T.,-r ,..C-rl ... _ aa-. ...
BJitfI ...
e, . . . tIleN .....,. -*ra ." . . .8Ise.t
OIWdIMDU"' _ _

lIIiIIedlft: .. I
-. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1'" ...... eaters .... ..,._

W1rleN _
~!a. ....,. __f'"
' ,
........... ---.........-. ...... 1Irtac to Uc!rt
......................... =1 .t..- _ I l o t wttIt ,- .. t:ndIl Ua . . . . .
.ra.r-c..-II k , . , . . . _ _ ~
w t d l ~ ~..,......, a._ ~ BlIt at 2da ----. t1wI7' b l : _
. . . . .....,to .... - . wlt:It D O ' - . hIDl a.e aU. .....-. . . . . ilia welt. ~ 011.

. . __
kr 7 _

~ J'k~ ' ~ tIHt:r bow ~ _ ! 11M. tber .... _

~ 4duUI ..., ___ ................. on.- ... _ who IIlfC:trt ......... ~ ' . ~
"",..". .P'= ~t. BE lIIr.. Brw:II7 had connd IlIII a - .
.-~ ~.-.--
tDAo, ~ &Ildr rAG
. . . . . hla ~ _ ....en . . fa th. ae:.d.Io.
,..... eHI" . , . . . . . . ~ B...,.--,&. !'k
..... elM uu. dod Ck' ~ . , If.-toa
_c~ ~ ~
. . . . . . . . . whDe
IM:o tM
. . . . . .' I n k ' Dt
. .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . luld Mea 1Iarcr'a..... The _ _ tMr
. . . . .' . . the JIlOI'Il _?bleed. I tI:uI& But-
~ with the . , . . , . . . . . '........ _ 2bed-that he at ~

-='., .." ..r.:-::

tAe7 .ew ta' tk~. .. "'"
,,..,J.-. ' tIMta -.It, ...... tIuIIi' FZ .' a.r _ _ _ 1Iarpea_ wa1tIq r. the I I I ~
---.".tMIr ' ~ ...

til" .,.. tao.
ol tile _ al
. . Ita... ..,.,.. .. ~
tit NIt:u1I:. U then
at ~
ua.-.......-: ~ -.II ehteldell IdII ~ bl. the pic-
_ ..-...
DO ltaowledp of ~
tha BaclIJ" YaW 'ftI'Y _

... 0aaIitaa; . . . . . . die ~ : s-. tIM e.. * - a eYeII. , . hb enr)'' ' ' ' aJraIra. That
f th _ ~
. . . . . . .; tk de ae.t .........
Nono.. :rk p J'JoreIM:e. ,eel : , .....-: ~ the udt 1 :tar; . , . . . , - ... ...-J.. ~ aDCULD.y. BlIt.ut! At
...11._: _ tn,.. Bte re- die laqed be . . . . .: Vrooa, . . . . .' . . tile or a-.e ~ -.oe elM IIIlPt u:tst.
....." aM tlId
. . . . . , . _ -.terelJ. ,
that Ita aa-dy beeII
.-..e. ...
tAre ~
~ to _ bl. tbe
B~ t. mJr7 01 ... the 1UIlIa.
... ~., kr. What bub ha_ [
. . . . . . . tae '-ecJ'
..wler ___
. tor beIkriq: bI. Bar:
craft'. extstslc.!
n. the Wrd ep. . . .
1iIM:r. 1111ef1l k r COl'- at tile tim e Cit. til.
4Woa_tll"~ lI"U'ebGUe raid, ...!tea
.-.. .........,.-
to at! tcu. drMll.
N~ ,....."ed
lead tile Bleck H_
.atde' ~ Got dred lato a trap., then
tk . . , toOtIW .... aappeared. a mat.
shadow Cit.

- ....
___ to tk ~
~ Of N_~ fIIe----ep.1D8t the DU""
taU. or Gt Ieat ..,.,. tltJGI 01 door. T b t
aM tMt dPt tfoIe I:f 4l8ttad to eaae
oat or
ker atGt--.. tit . . . ._ . . . to
... ~ a. U1e-tdt rwa towud the IIPUt.
...... kr.~ wtIl BraIlle acDaI1J'"

II. b.
au. tk - . UIMlOa- ..... H=.

~ k _ ~ ..... ra.I~ ... . . . . . . . . . . k ,
CPt4 ~ to UtUe 1Ie . . . ~ t b t
.-.c __
ll'u kr
No:aJ;. 1l1 1f
.....' . . tbt .........~
4M .k -uered ApIa. at Tarlo
cIotcIa to tAe
JlI.c . . . . the plot.
,". to r-a
~ eatIoa wtth _e ~

-, - -
.. ~
t. lIeD. ...
NLT tDdd.ea _ _ to Jo "

WI>' .... I
make mea-
- ' nat
lI'or - . ... bDe,
1ooblI.' .. tboq:h
ml .... t .. the _ _
__ r.t tbt ......
aII8B:J' fa6eIl ....,. III 'I1ew el _ _ ~
bQcIItu.t t.aca ... It an ~ caatta.... the Gthen rre.. tit-. I ~ [ fuIlJoDed my
duiq . . . of the Bbdl:: 'RIIMNIL 0W'1l patterD.. . . . ....-. . "It .......... to 1.1 M ~ bl. tile' .. ' taft ....
W1&at I am II'CIlaC to IIID yc. !a 0Js: I c.a ...
_ ..
I _
.. I'taJer B~1
t c.l7 bl ttak ~
tnac to lIPt tile __ who ... .n- die
tadal ~1liDoIs tI Barpoea---o.e . . . . . .
that laM llIl'blI til Ute
wbom . . haft ~t.
t tIle_

..ntJ' tbeN _
Let . .
the )IIiIIt . . [ b _ limit it bL ~. aIBd_ [
baN ...... " . tnet tit ~ - . - ~
cr-- III tit
e:.y. 1le
Now. It S - Dew

lawa of the a - ott. ~

~ Barran
worid ott the )b-.
b.bD. u--. tile . . . . . _ _ t:1ae
oat . . tile

. . . ~ I - . .... ~

ttl. ~ - - - - . .....,.
blow . . . tt. ~
r II . . tile

to ~........ 'lbcre1Dn, If.,. . . -

' b till.!
Tbere, 1uD.7, I...... ~ d-.. 1 _

~J' 1M _ thaa ' - who JaIrIr: M) ~ 1Ietw_ t1ae TIt_ _ ~ u..~daat~... ._
m " like loaM! ...b. . tit. actor-1loIIr: an W'eat tIO..... h a.t .mlbLtbe . . . . . . . ." 1 ....
Tea ..m .,. that [ ba.... _ ~~ W<*Id 1Ir. Bnee7 teQ..bat be 0.,..1 8CareeI:f. tIae ID oree ~ be __ tM
ha.... talked with blm---b.... ~ IIbu- Howeft!l', a . . . teIla thlap w1tIItoat the -.- 0IlfIIl to proteet u... . . Wbca h ......
hflll .,. the haa4. Do.ot" too Jautr. [t t. ploy=ea.t ot. WOI'da;. b ttIDa UH!m with . . . . . . . ., tIIm:h ad eo toaa.
~ to btotcl that . . . . GIG w1thoIIt MI&- tJu:ow&P f:tdal u:a;c ' m _ _d ,. a ta..a.... ttfI1, [ ... -vfa&' tb&: I-ea It . .
lDC bJal; to lean. ...ben u 1:1 bJdlll& w1tJlc.t oUter oM little WQ:l that [ bYe ..u it .,. the ~ Haqrea..... [ . . fbrlIiI7 two
caDlDC . . 1LI1ll.: to del_ bLte hi. mt:bDate hJ&. bRtlD.. . to cbarsdltn Ia Uut u.tnct, _ al 1:1
tory wit:boU l D ~ IIJm. With YOIIJ' Woald. Dot IIr Alf'roe4 NOI"bca, DIaYtD&' the oowa .. .,.... act tile c:JtbiR al ~ Is
)ll&t1eD.oe, tlterefol'e, 1 . . . . ~ the ~ 1 ~_ part., wt _ emotenIIle! But kaoWa .. ~ u.- .....
_CIOTa'tIIl fa IIl7 mtt to lWIr B.oebel1e, N. Y., ...... Jfr Norte! ETery _ protealef,' ttDl QIOlBI'atII aad. oo-oventa a.
....... _ _ of the IlceMS of the IIIIIIaa tDoUar tcD.oraac.! IInte'7 was t b ~ 1-.1 tIIld: -*J.tiIs, ao Il2l tlte ~ ......
II78terY an ...... . I bamaa IN!blI' .. RnJI,y . . It .... Wi 'hel' Yc* wlII' -.y', "I! JIu'I'r-'" It tItIn IlIlw.iwhY
BOW'~ a~ ~bcrw1l. a d1ancter . . the ~ Nobo4y woUl tell 40eI be aot CIIIIIlft ltadtr Or-......' , . ....
ater tIte .,...,. . . . . wtdloH ilia ~ &Qthblc" . . . . tKe ... 'Who> JI2a7ed the- Bar- ......r ThIs [ ClUl aot.,.. 1 -..MIt . .
beIq~! n.. ~ failtri4.ul. _- fwward.: aot pIetve _ _ _ _ MIt
am;1oaIl: _ . . - - alDte ..J:::;
~ ft -;=b~

.ebooleI ill tbe an. of . . . . . . 10Gb tor the 8I41Iey ~ [aerel7 bow tbt tUN 1:1... ' 7

_ two _ til-.
tJMat:rtc.l "!Wl:JI ~ to precede 1~ Itadt of the Harpoea... tal:m be . . . .-t
Ute ~ of.. ............ BlIt the lIlOII.em two ( ~ "'l'-rl ..-tau.t ~ .. of thia cc.eI aatHr IIItarUIIla ...
.. .. ..
...:,:::,::--:::,,:: '
.. __ n
...,. .

_ t..

.. ..........
7 7 ,

.,... .
........ ~ r .,


_ _ _ .- .

. .......",

... ---....,....

., _-
................ .,.IIiIu'-

__1'1. _
cr-.... 811t .. ....,.....,. . . .
UI _ ~
fI:!M ,... u.
. . . . . . . . . MIt De IIiIr-
&NPL Be.-w.......,. fa&.

. . . . . .' U .... _ ..... ... ..... _ nra. .. J"IfIIIdq

~ . . . . Jfr. ....,. ta.l:.
e--. til r ' " JaIe,
......-r JUt. ~
~ .-w_

............ ...,. ......

7 ' " , tID . . Re .., _ t .. ..,-It ...
T1le .. aD. .. UlIa ~
.-.. ~
Bw _.. .-I,
, . , . .... "
.......... IWIlI7,.. . . _
eatItoraIa. Do,.. MIt . .
. . . . tba~ . . . . . . ~
. . teMII
. . ... trIIIIII to
-, =

5 [


- - 1IeIaI:

Ia~tt . . . . . . .t
, . . .. Ilaft: IQ"
c ura-a
a..r-ft .....

ra,....... .....1a I _ ~ ... a-sa-...
................. ,..-
tM 1'11!1"7 .nr-. of 1M

- u a I tD ~~

. . . . ue.t Ute . . . . . . .

..... Ntm1. L....,. ... tbt I
. . . . . . . ~trlMll&e
. . . . . IQ .,. ..... _ tJaat
~ -.
. . . .IIo
.&.Ilot-~ tIIat,.
"to~~_fu'. --w. ""W1l7... tAM
Ute. p..t ~ tIlat r...-. _~r
rrc. . . .to ClOMt, . . . rr- U a.r:ar-.. 1La aI-an
NcIrtbI!n. e.-.Ia to Mako
_ MIll. au. ~.
'* . . . . . . . . . . attu
IhMrwI. 0.- _ -4 a.." c
there weN u.- .. tJM ~ __ a.a _ , tf-.a ...... ct
lIamoail fit . . ~ _
... ~ lU...a! U Har-
wbo ~ that ~'" er-" ta.. -.eYer ~
Uftlll-w_ "'tudell.. that tkJ' IliIt __ n....... ia tlIat '-4
UiI_~ Mt tlIat ~ oftn
- . . "..,. ..... _ Ill ..
_ _ CII' 110. . . tM7 m,... be ...,. ba
at .I--. tM '.tIer. _.
tM ..,..
tJ:6I4!TlMIr ....t or ...... t allr. .. 1IIIIItmw _ _ UI
... ,.. a lIt:I&I ..-.r-t rr-
.... .... __ tIM IibIIlIow ~! l ... .at..,. QIe u.
1M "....,.. _ tM ..~ ....... u ..
...tIIle-. _ I t ...
tile -..uo.e:tJap. Net neD. the JDc.t lDqalllJ becG-~ .,.
,... . . . ~ _ _ .. ~ Nclr- tb. fa New ItoebeIJe ClI*l4 ba_ aD3' IIIlOft die- .pIot~~ ~ ....
. . . . . . . __ _ D t l ~. . .
........ ~O.-. .... haft. ~ re-
IIPIllt to w1lerc , . . nA6L LoIt:JlI!r't!I'W _ _ .. m,~ ......i~"""""''''
............ b fill tbe ~ eMIt
GII't:da ~ tD tile Tb,gJro. . . . .w.t. bat ".,.
'tea! 'I'H~ _ ,
. . . ~1tMwCll'_ Mwltwm ... -.t7-haD1e11. TbiIJ" are ao-l- ... d atGU'..-, ...
. . . 'De7 ........... tM tnal It. .... ot .... faeb ItlIl ~ __ 'n 50 ~t..Ith_ .. ' hila
,...,. _ IlICIt a... Irr. t - . - .. ~ U [U!I ra..t4 OM wbo _ ot tut ........
bn'. ad. _ ..,.~ .... ..... ha_ .... ~.. tile .a-"s. tll. w1Ia. ta~

tile... "
[ ......
a lad .....,. _ .. w" .. .......... wto.t . . JiIIIIJIIie ... n- u.. u.e .....
1I.1I ~ . . . . . . . . . . fIla. ..... wttIl~. . . .... ~ faDr. _ ba_ lei. to 1JII,d
folk. T-. . . . . b I I _ ~
1.&1'1 . . . . III . . tnt ...... 'Dle7

the...... 811t'"
ride lIB to die ~., ~
t-dt to
tut. ...,. bw . . .
II 't
. . . ~.

law! 'T!Ie7.....
-* ...
~ t2MlJ" 1UIlI
_ .....
. . . . Ute haM or tile
.ptery _ , frOM. tadr
fa t k It1MUNl
a .......... ....,.. tile BblcI: a........ ........
to _'ft7 ilia.,.. _ _ ~ Ge . -
Bow ~ alPt be aat Ilc __ at ta.e-.
' 11lIlt~! . . .

wItJ:I,o;d. t!leIr ,
bill III tile . . . . . '[ wItIa aol4Iac e- ,.. -. ClU"eftIII7 JIatted . . . BnJM IIilt ~ oaJ,y a ~ bow IlJa-
tu: IIlIe ... ~ a-. [ .... ~ that .tary tIIaa line ~ ~ b'-' fit. _ ... that tile m.k B ~ 1loQ'. Ie . - . .
b_ II; a ~ ' "II; "eIac 1INiI.., ~ pial that IloaeiI bt wUll .. moc:b ~- (~- -)
TBE::.MOY1 r.ICTORIAL 4 , d'''~ l'J:.J

1-:'T h~ -SUPeS" Qf'Qie

Mqtion Picture Stage
_ .....
........ ., 7


. . . .

.............. ...,.--.......
' '~
. . . . . . . . Ilpe ' -

-. '0.....,.
. . ., 1t'D' til tile . . .
....... ' "'Iteut
... _ _ u.e '_
II( ate'
" ..-.a:-

:r.~. . . .!"".. _
.... _ '
I' r - t - - .
7 bTe
............".. tlMi u.e .... Uu!7 _
. . . - - . to _ _ tIM! - - . . . of tbe . . . . .
. .. .........' r rw wwIt. At tile' -...ce
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dI8N . . . ....,. . . . . . . .
. - . . ....... "'edz'a'"' ~ .u ..,. '-:
r b Iathe ....,. . . . . . . .'
1frIa'" lit tile
_ _ _ _ we

to .uett,..

,........,. do . . . . wed:

Tbe ~ .,
_ .. terl:JbIc,lftMlsto ..
.a .. .bdu:
'DC' to......
~. ~
wbotl7to __
.. .-.
.... C .-.&0;: ......
. ..a.~
-_... pc r 'tsal iImtno

~!;;;;;::~~~~ .. - -
m-r.t2le_ ......
waats..... I-

work . . . aot teo
.-=Il fII. it, ~
tlMlvonrD1" -': of

... --.. atrt-

by the ".,n. - ' :
wlloo Insb' 1lelhml
that sD th7 'waf:

~ ""the d l - ' " to
BlUe ~ UId

M ...
til. pc _r
OTION tee:a1l aeek wll.
,, let .,. will to ..,. ....
tIlb:a' to .
. . . . e. .......ornr. ...
i- ...... wlto 9iIl to
UbtlM .,
. . oIiII-UIh .
..... .-n ....
u_ ~
. . . e'feT ...
be -
, . .-
*-, u.. crowda
. . . '-N the IDO-
__ pIebaoe 1t1IdI0IJ

~ tile eoaat:rT ..
..-n: . . . . .
5 . . RpII'a....n. fa JItCIti-.

Ub~...,..... tJae -u... an aI:nJII w:ttIl

' AIuI.- Db the dic:Il _ fit
... ~~fll.o.e-.
............ Uqbty -dIIIIilbI. fill. t:!aetr'
- lite ~ .a:tt.Ie of t21e
of aD ....0 ........ the _t-

.... e:rori . . ~ tor lbe DUJ"PC*l

,~ fa aap ute that tbe

..... " i tor aU the oppn:t-
. . .,.. .."..... Iau auadled to
.. 'Thaoe t. .. well>
.... tD tile w. S per world thIlt
....... at J u=e fa at the root
..a' c:IIMselIl the ae-.

. . . . . . Is a eerta1DtJ' Is
, that the Mutra~ Is
",Ma" o_lI~

.......... ...
. . . . . . . optaioa 0(
.....' ~ the *'-lac
....... - * .
Ilaft char
:Iewel c:-..
- . .th..-tel'


. _...., .; ,..-......~7;' ~,.~ .. _' t-

..... -..r...-... . ..,. .....

........ '

... __ ...,.
adte ~'tI Jft:1
~ .e.e..
All . , Iud . . .
~ . ,
. . .7 btl _ta.. .....

. . . . .' . , tIIIIia. ~ are ~

~..,. .. Ute.u.c ....
,..,...~ . . . aIl ' . . __
~, . . ...oa.I-.:.... naere fa . . eN . . . .
a . . . IiMItIq . . . w1tJIl cr-t ~ ., bIr
... a Toke . . . . .110 MIl
' re Be ..- .
........... u.. 1MIIl~_.
~._ to wu a h n ; p _
., - . t fa 101 u.e. Jill;
isM _ ill tbt
ef Ilia nIIUWtJ'.tIIat
., elaa. ..... _ .'. .........
is _ of tbe . . . IIDaGrtaat e e ...
......... bl IIa YOrk. Ills da7s .. ~ ..
a1llllo an IIaltJrII..
oil tMoN8:lac .&:ad'."
tMt ~_ ..
_ IX' poIIIil _ t:lle:J tIM . . .
TIlere an a ., .... aa.. ...
~ ...... tab "enn," ..-n. for . . ~
_ wIIateftr t:Iaaa tIte tact ttlat ~ b:fe . .
the "'set vp'" to .. JINIII!ri7 after 7
pold.tI-. TM7 are ~telt to Mt ,.. ......
",. u.e daY. to ..
their wot'1l wttJloat
lIOa.l or a m ~ . _ d
te JwI arwad tIMl .....
lu4IoL s...,
them -.JdI: tllII . .
=-., ..

_ tIo6I ...

. . . .........

lIt1Idfo . . . otIten
drift fr'DBI _ to
UMlther. J
Thea theN are Ute
lIll!'1lor_ o
euulO'l cs a ,.
job boecaJIee tkJ are
typeL Tben"_
"ery IlW. . . . . .
I. deldrable for cer-
taI. pu1:tI wIlidl do
aot ha-poell a.Ioa&
"ery oftea . . . __ aU an toIenbI7 lure
other 'II'1to t. 'ftI'l' otpttlaslat-.OI'"
tan and tilt-. ~ three
Ca.7w - .
.uited to oae lIM of
.,01'': &lid DOt pod.
eaoqh to
be a ee--
baa _
rea_ kerp tJMo:tr -.d-


,;eaae of bumor
..Yf!1'. Theft! are
oftn. _ . .

..14m,. .. d lU'II! all _hJ-at

btl; elderly WOllleD UIIlet!.
S,..patll,. I t -

_ ........
.-Ilea It _ to Ute
c..-atlek . . .
..-. ~ by,
",er. T1ler'l!I I... eer-
ta.Ia dUs of ,.....
_.-be *-I.a
lull,. style bo
bonoe_ treeI7'", 1lts
.~. dotIw&.
wbo et:enaD7 ___
dpreu. . . . .1110
I. tM lu:1 te . . _.Y-
thIq d-. He ~f~n to N It. . . . . _
.......... prodajm. the fad. kHadJ,. _ Ute
e - ... ta the .-loooll he froelI-u whea
....... tile priee. , . . . If!Il4!nI nile " I
.... . . . . . eao..... lnlt lie will ..-r be
. . . . . . . . a87lJalq BKJre 01_ _ t.
a ~ . . tab _ " ' 1 JU1 "lIidl d_
oot caD for ~ or ......
I tMw .. IlttJe Ialot .f t.II8e ..,.. .ho
.... au .... Ule same buIld _d wll. I.~f'
eMap ~ ~ ud 11ft _ eKb'.
eandap. T_ c:aaeCllt ~ them. The,.
are aI.~ ~I .... ~t &Jul are
M74a111 lUte "'*:Ill of. . . .nee. 11Iq
apeM au tJMtr m-:r _
rut _ Ute,. et It
.... ~ , . -.)0,. tbfmwl.... but tHy
... L.&.Z1' .Ill aner ... ..,-ttl... but
.bat Ute1 ; poor _iMlben of~. It
!a u.- ~ IDea .1110 ~ ea_ ~
...... a -"10.. TJte:r....
____ ~ tJIe Ute I. tile . . . . . .
.... tIle7 aJ...,. .
. . . . . . . . . .IIl.It te ..
. . . , . . ..... ftelr __ ~
at u.. INt eftMI tMF an ....." . . .
~ ~~ ~
s as I-.'!dI' -.
I .
1 -,

J.' R. Walling~Movie':'Magnate
IX-When Popu}ariiT Beckons
EKIl ~ .
.-.b" __ 1& TweIftIl lIItnIlt. B7 RICHARD J. HEN,DERSON II1lde woUIlIe
.&CK. W~ wa1Dd. 'd- was tile Idea..:

J ....... u.u-I7 at tIM m.tto.

ttar.p. ....' ' I _

a all1tltllde 01. u...n. tW;---'. fa ' " .. .. ,I r a. r _ r J. C&'.~

uad the aDde woaJd be
llQ tbJa:
W1LK 15td IIay _
MIa ~

to rn.Ir:
7 ..

.... Jltm. aDd ' ...,

rr-Ilb.... ~
. . . fte7 . . a-e.t!l . . orr-t
M .... UbI,- .. _ _

~ -n..

. 0 - Wonl of t1Ie AaPrs' lIB wm

. . . . . 1riM!Il ..", ' . . . . . fa EKIl ~ fill lee
.... Up at UIIII rutIInr1Iqr _ :
......... JiIM' ,
tIdIIiIIe. wttIl

5 .4
-'...-n.. IIaa4 III tile cornet . . . . . .

. -.
Adl~ _ _' . - . - . . . - : 'W"ldda _ week ~. . 5
Be ..... ~ cood f . aaJ" at ~,
oU7 ~ ' - . . ~
.... enri fill _=et:r' 7) .....
lIltoa a-e-t - . - . ...' ,..... Every .."I&ilalM aen:haIlt fa tM
. . ....,..
JobIed u.-. fa tMtt k - . IldcILbodlood was ta _ the plu.: the
.... ' ~ He' --* at . . . ~..-....L bdza, the &r--. the butc:ben. u.e
ill ~ rabble, uul tt wCRIl4 be e ddln' abclrpl, . . . the eaad:r ....
Uaoa&Il the
- . 0 Jlg
Tbe lI.hM
01. tIM un
u.e to
Iup!Q" of tbe daI'e-4ntl
....H ery atoreL ~
wen thIa: "JIary aid, 'Jolla. 1 ca.Ued
yGa. . . ." 'h- th.ta mornhtc-' Tb1a
the npl.J

W8Itena type. erowded. WIth _ t .. IiIltr Rateaee was printed oa Rripe or col-
~ lAd1au . . . tile lib; the ..,. ored. ~ azul thm It .aa CGt.
ID&DDer of ptctures tbat -w: ....c: ....... to up late ..ords, and sets 0( the COID-
tM 10Idh of the Ghetto. wtth I" reit1Te ~ plt!te _ ~ ..ere baadild. to the JIler-
. . . ita pelllIU1. Ita lack of onort-lt7. &Ad c:bata. who tn.ert.ed. "onla l.D padt-
Ita .tereotne4 escltemea.t. .... No d:la.rp . . ma4e tor ~.
M'ter the third reel bd bear Uow1l. a alIde . . . . . . the 4eaJen permitted Wall-
" . lulled 011. the aunt)' ~ [ t I - e e l:q te . . up ~ Ia their . . . .
_ 1D Hebrew ~ tal: ....... _
. . .' ...... III tbetr ..1..a4o....
tJaoqb cae them . . by--"" ~ .. pnct1ca.Uy every .....
. . _'s b...r. ebat m -.ell nefpJtorbood ..
'!'be c:bUdraL . . . . to cheer. . . . tile eMertIlc ~ fa thIa . q._ ot th-.t2l1
ead1ll"8d unW the slide wall w1tWta:. ... Itat . . .~ Beal4M, Wal1Iq:
tor _ e momnltll afterwuoollL . . . .' tItIIit tbe avsap cornlCt. &IlIIW"
...,.. 4Jd. it aa,y!" Wa.lIlDc . . . . of tIM ..-.- ~ aader tt!B .-dI ..eek, uul the
IlIl7ed. boy .en to h1m... . . . . . 4ftJ' t1eketa, or !lve doUan.
"'&'w, you a-!" tbtI J ' ~ 1"I!Pliet' . . . It ..... tM yO1m&' lto~ aDd clrll bUlQ'.
terfa&tT... thoacb he n-.ected )aq . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1HIDer the:t ..ere, the _
pIlQt of & jeR. 'No. I dcm't. ~ 7 .... they beeuD.. to aot ~ a
WaIllac aMW"ed him.. "Tell me ..... the prig o&n miPt
w.blat It uid." ....... _e rtebt atb!'r another. or
..It ~ that Shelr:els '"' 1 _ ~ "etY _ d or thJz:d. IL.IchL
_L" one UO!ItalntJ" of It foatsoed TIc-
"Wbo'. I~!" 0-.
"8bebJa." lbe boy retur1led ~ . To w:lD. .. pria it w:u ~

"OIlJy, It doa.'t 40 you DO COOd 1t :r- . .'1 tbt tile ..... be puted toptber, so
...ed your coapou. Then If :JO& . . . IdIa. ,.. tIYIt tM -u.ce .... com.plete: _d
set tweD.lJ' ticket&. cood aJl7 u-."
Once w twke aDd oeeaaJcaaD7 tIn'M u.s
-_.Illy. the People's Theatre ~ tbe
r..ct. that Shekels ..... ab~ tNt . . . . . _
WaIIIq .... ea.ftfal to write MBteDoBa
.. tbt tIley could be put. tveether wttb

8u'tler _d uehan~ ..... Rt ap In

DDP the ume ~ t.11Ce' Ia 1M tIaat _ of the old aplrit or triumvb the a ~ azul the boy 1I'1tb too many
He _Illd --..Ik aiD.... ev~ sa-t fill. tbe QWto thK DolIT B1I':Iq had OOetl maalre.ted. lwt "tha" ..-Jd tz:ade the bo,. ..ho Ud too
0_ ."y fa the earlY ene' . . . tile tUft!. to u.e ebb .... wu wau.J.q rapidb'. lUAy '-u," waUl the av~ ...... to
Int ba)' Gr clrl .bo aDProacbed blm and lIlI1d. 001 --.t :r- to b~ me ...-k om idea oat cltmb. eae
weell;'. - ' ba Ddatlall _
"You aN Shekela.. _d eou.Id prodaee the eur- to .. t!OIIcl........ WalI.J.q lU'Pld. ilion to take bh.. paper, tile MZt _ ....
f1lIlt. eo..- lI.aDded out to every ticket pur- ~ , or _

ebuM'. . . . ctiUed to t1I't!Uty t1"et! tleket:L

Coo WMtb', OD. the eveainp ..hen Shekel.
DoIJ.y". 1Il.lalI from bn bnodIIlc. aM' )lilt Ute
roee-tfab . . . lato her paDhl ell..... She
loc*ed amaIIIlr thaa ever. . .' bel' . . . . . . . .
.... tile
~ ~ lie pth1e

a.a, . . . t8 i"-tit,y

strolled at larp. every m&II stopped by dra1nl. _d her eye. lacked. tIIeIr r_er 1..- TIlm wIlIdI. .....
the Uebrt-mad. yoUll,pl.en.. It manileM:lY tl'e. It u aI'Wa,7S that WlI.J' ..b_ _ ablIIter ....... fCII'tM~ U_tHe:-.-t
.. IUII8utee that lIboald have beea a u ~ ~ dec:lde. to Wamtn. tile fateriGr of r- WaIIIaI" JiCi . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
bat It bpt the aaale or the People'. 'nledn! DIle'. ~. --. - bel' 0( . . . of ~.. ~ 1'DdetY
GO. every youthM _cae 1Ilu.t ot the time, "I can't tlda.k o f ~ " Ill-. Bw1q cu.- or ~ WUll. e.c.
tkket be
...s caged th_ to watA::h for C1;I!ll.I.IlC bUla..
That __ adYertildac.
feMed" , 'b'. ool"J:lL 1IlllIt to thlD.k, em- _ piece ol a ~ tile ' .....
~. Oab'. I . . . . .' dlat a Kbt!lDe to . . .' _ ~ . . a 40lio _ ft'S
WallIq had ott.. thoupt about a "blddt!U ........ 1D. cnae ea.-t. tbenl .aatd: be IIrty
~ ~ Pl'ODlMltlon; that. I.. bldt.D3" a am
ot IIICXley, or .. doe-bt1l ror the moDt!)'o til _ e
could. be . . . . . . . .
Is _ onIIaarT...... It
~".,.. ..
7 lib thJt;: Here
ta Ute
eertaIa dlu-
. . . . . . . pu1lI
... _ two ..a. tM lwilJ' '
park 01' III .:lUIIe aetchbcrboocL, but that t!IldaD- acter ..,. at _ ltv-. time! WIaat ~ . . - - thrl _ _ 0-. . . . .
e-ed aide1l'a1.b. 1a1l'D8 and trees. for .beD did y tIdaIr:. . . . at _ eertabt TIaIIl!I7 laM to tab wbat tIMa,
there 1.1 ~ or value to die tor, eb1klreD. ........ dlUII. ...
polat ia the lrieta'e! 1n7 ~'t yoa aaIriI
aN aut articular .here they do thm diAtac- that the mywter'J. aM' :r-r ~ t:rab fII, _ _, tan ~ 1IICa. aU
Oat of the Ida or Sbekt!.la. . . . eYol,.ed. the OD the eorftel 1 T_ 't ~ .-. _.r ....
Wa.IJ.lq ~O!I of tI1ak1n&" any !11m a ~ It Ia .-.en; ,.. "t!Il _ c:treUan of ~ ~ .....,. dIf)I, ~ Ie _ .

tel')' pla)'-aad or lDcldee.tall1' atIrriq ap In-
~ lD tile ae1dLborllood _d belplq frteDtlJy
m-.dumb &lid. lD ret1lr1i reeet'riq tb,.. de&I-

... was his ..GIrt, Jaek Wa1ll.D& talked the


or ..

~ ,...-w, ~
w. . . . . . .' W't'q lIP tile . . . -
with a ~ of - . . . a PM:b&e or -au

tII-eIIt ......atr _fCII' ..


pIete a t . . w1tJlIa week after 1Ilat - .
~ ................

...... Mt It
be ,f" ,

' sA:
........ lIII1
matter oYer ..Ith DoU7. who .... ever .. de- t'wotl; ... tIiiiIa ~ ~ , , 07 tat ...' .... ~ '_.-.r....

.... pI!IlfUlIlt ~ daA. aIAce the bopa
. . . . . . - . ba4 .~
Mr ~
~ '" ber ....
-..-... DO
=:.~ ~iE~.::'-:' ~- ..
Ia . . . . . . alit "
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tJle
a'WlQ' rr- It.-
.&II tile an, won u.e.
DaIb' ~ ..

....... 'tritil ' _ ... ......WaIllas .triac OIl ~e CIa revt...... aile ..... ptaaaIac _ . . . CIa-
...,. YIt8IL hdt. W.iIIIIq ..... ...., tfl.Ila ~ tv bon ;:"'f"I1"""'" .... .....tUwPtheS .......... e-.-r.
..... ~ . . eodI ..,. ..... " . . ~ ........ too _ ftftrT fa a ...... "It CI-.teII ~my ... ~ .......~ ~) .
adallill.'. r It_~ . . . .t 7 *_fIltae lac dl1tdrled to DoIb'. MWe M"M!r' u.w 'ftat
. . . .1 . . . --...* . .. wIiI'''''' __ of tkbte at
.. ae ...... eew.-e ... Cl't'ta&" tile
u.e. .... ftieM8 1N are to _ .-Jaer _til - . .
. . . . -"t......a
aet-. rr-. 40. ' te
J .-e
pJca,. . . the
tieIIID .. ~
DIII7 ...' W..maa-
fa tJletr .......
te alWQS 11&," a
. . " . . . . . . 'lit lite . . . . . of .. be l.a the
. . . . . . . . "M . . tIM! IarpIt foDe1t'lq."
"I ..-....,. __ ...u.. for _ .
. . . . . _ !

, . , . . . eI it .... tILI:II: . . . . . . . . . . . . .& -.ell_ tbt dl..e who ....... it 1 eaa't ~"
.As .. dlDI, DoIb' baoI Iler P1aP"" I e ~.. - W M able
1II'IeMII' .. '"'aab: tile DIU)- IIIcbM t1y. 1Ddeed.,.aM! iq
........ trie7de ...... to7--..e. &. ...... to _ e ~ fa tile lIaIlJ' flIItfft .... fa tile fa tile Qbco ..u-aJ
7 - a ' Ialb'. 11M Ud jewelry. AI:. sn"f fa ftWJ' zepa ted a lItUe c::ard was ~ tile popllJu1ty 1lIM. taaUy
alder, fa tile ..... site ow.ed a ...,. IMer .... ti4
teet.te. nJ.
tIIte -....c
w.- ef 1M: 1eadIItc' e.-
to tItetr Dam"
~ ba-. 81M __ ted to " " - a t " "
.. t'le obJecU .... WaIlbc .....tell to lee Iter wta, ahboacIl MOl
- - . weN to lie actaaII7 ... fa Gilt .... IIII6ftrd throap .... ~ I. tIl,e e.tnlet that 110 . e _-
Dt1!el:ed 1dttl the See-""I rum Co. ..m tile
dYa .. prUs Ia .. II'ed ~ -tnt.
Olea toan ........... the? N
&ad lDdacllq. of eoant. the E ......WaDIq
!.,.... ....'
fOl' trt-
It) aD tkIr U"ea,
-n.- articles . .ft"\!!f
M e:dUMteI at tlroe thMb'ee BndteaR. 01' wt1b aay boa.,
..-.laC" ute -,"toe, "aid .enn a JriR.
strtac of ~ ,,1LJc:b DOW em_._ ....... ~ .. _ tile -.e. Otlt .. Wlbr, '!"Iltten! Is on:auy a perl'" fa ..,. _ ft
1-. ~ ..e Ja lfihruka! .... tUM 1a am 7 'lr ~ __ ..aU&. or dlalu.. " ' e 1ate'8t..... lut 1t'lI.y tIlb be
DCII'tIIIenl IMIu:a towIIL WaIIIq , . . ..t:ldlIe of the 'J'W)jq 110, . . _ . e&B ...,. dd.a1te1:r. ~nft, it II

TIM - u . t .... to Cln'ft' .. ~ 8lJ: .or OM - - .~ JIU1;7 0( 't'ote-h.-tfts came t.W --.y 1t'1t1l 1"II!f-. &ad It Is tW. "4.)' ...ftll
. . . . . . aDd "eT7 theatre putk:I..,.......
to .-beerIbe for .. ddlaJu: 8tniee dartac tbt
Ume. ~1l.C folden aDd poRen '_--nBC
.................. tile ~ '!'ben! Weft
tldb' IIrt7 fIl tItem. ad tJaoey pa
to _
h t tIM tJc:II:eb aD bad
1t'1t1l1a . . . . . u-. 01' their
e-ar-. ....y
DOt wttll ..."aIarit:r
W1aate'ra- ~i-.d to ...- Q: Of'
.... l'eIIOi'tM tel. The C .......

the euateIt. . .d .eevrlq Idea fO!' adlftl'tUillC pn.t8I ~ _d tblrt)' ., ea.eevtlve atn
It, aJtd puIllq It thI'oach TU'lo1IS ~elL
TbIa CIIat'.st .... t.MIll _ 't'at.e:s. To MC1l
ticket pu1'Cll..ueod th~ was attadl.eI .. - . - .
...._ c..till a:bt; tIW:
~ gl tIltelr TOt:Dc pcnrer.
Dot beIIIII '-e, . . . taa.U1eI -w ha~ . .
1t'tth tile
Had tbis _ 11....,. "otft. TIle
tbe tIcItl!ts at tbe bo.~
.41. .r
woo.W -mJe the 01ll'1tet' to lve tkkebl _d
P"'I ~

the loeaI tht'--

"'e.dl~~b~tobe ........ WItIl. tidriIIb for .-lila after t1ae ~ ft'rotelll couider'able ~ te tall!:-
...... ODe coaId be cut for tile .oR ...-Jar coateC eso.eA. .. oae.a-.
OAt IJalt for _ lac u.-t the theatrea tile _ ~ d
raatb' ID the DetPbonood. _.tlU!!1' .... the .... tw9 1t'8tb; fa ~ etbtr pIaeea, ODe fa retIlnl Ute theatft maD'1 !lIta pat. . . . .
m_ popular maa. alii aaotbf!l' for the 1DOK _to. the ,..en for ""n'tBbaC" 'I*'il!.

popIl1ar hcnI:IIewlle, od aaother for the "'oR
popVIu' yoaq: Jad.y. . .4 . .other . . the m08t
To ItfallIIIte tM Iat.ereR.. eM..... , IotlI

'De..,. ..
ot "ottaa ~ ..ere a1t'al"del tor .,.edaJ
.,nieeL Clrl WH ~ bUIA
. . . tilts
deei4ed hally t1lat DoJly

of the b _ nauJq the ~ ,
played gp witJl; Ute ~ .,

TIle taIIlIb" polUq: the IU&S DmlbeI' of tho _OIl faJtllbID.J' W'CMlId r'@CI!"I"e bIocb ot trIUD.,ete .... the ftasb of laup ut:lMicnrlle..
't'oee. fa aQ' ---Jb' ....
to reoI!"IYe .. pleee ~ .. e..: Up ..... 'pets . .~ DoU7 . . I. two _ t h s tre."dllIC. aMI _
of fIlrait1ll'e. with .. cholee of Dum_ uti- theoe eoapU _ 1t"lUl th~.r ..-. &reetelI wiUl . ~ ~ . . well as
eJes, Rda . . daTftlPOll"ta. ttra. beda;: TOCkera. Miltl"lllw broad "'8 t:1 tJIea 1& the dual- by tile ~rto.a. ...b. ..-teII. to _tIle
dlDlq I'OOIIIl hraltJare. ete. ' f t e ' " popCl1ar tied col...... s- tr.aded. tb_ tor nrIous b~ of the SeDeat.lOaaJ ....... fa Ute .....

_ ......
maD . . . . to aa,. one at .. RJectj_ of
~Te artIclet. ad otIlren . . . thea tor pay!D& boya It waft tlrt. . jaJult. Inrt it bi'oaPt the UltJe
a d - . .we Deee.ltlea. -.:h .. 'W'Udtft" aDd ctrla f .. naablc ~ These vott. . aeu- btto tout.b ...Ith the I"lblk, _d
- . nit e:ua. ete. TIle boaewtte bad !l~ adJ1lacts CIt Ute ftC1lIu' tiekets QlUe LDto pcrwer mU. nery - . . - ... ho had - . bel' fe.r:1 that
IIItleetka ot f'\Ira, }eweI!'7 . . . the Ulr:e. T CNaC ncb . . . .ampua bad. dODe fa the 11ld~ daya.. u tat a trt~ lInftT to tile h9l"ts of
l.-d.Js hM thdr dolce ct. )eweJ.ry. )ewe-'--
lun' her I't!qIlb.IteL The dl11d wll. _
~ Dumber of 1'Vtes was to nICeIye a bMu-
They ..ere ~ . . befac ..orth a eerta1a
II1lDl or mODey. the Talue varyfJl&" at dllff!ftllt
pertoda, becaue .obody Im_ wbetllu the wtD-
~ed more euily UlJOI'
1Ie:::a_ th~ Weft d ~ vf!rY
titul doo-fOl' .. airJ; er .. ~ tor .. boy. Il1Jlc 'rOte. 1t'-ad Prell bite tbe milll.... tIlou sn.... ...1 t 4f~1I tll-all ber 41..
Tbe actu.l. CItlIt LD eKb. DftcIl.lMR1tooI to ..... haDdreda. It aa)'tb.fBc ner nul tile ~ 11ft'". Wultby youas m~ witJI. teaa-
total about 'l00--tDd theft were t:haD paat of a ~ft marItet, thea It was tile blp towari tlttlatrteaJ ladIft _tPt raa fa love
ODe bUlldr'ed theatrelt 1Rl*rl..... , to the RI"I'- vot1lL& 't'aI_ fJII. tIleIe eo...... wIth a &lrl of DoDy's t}"JH! ..... aay cb.y-
k:e. But bl!y'" all th_ pn-, the famUy
",oe:l:riIlC the hi&hest Dumber of ...018 lD. the
TIle .-.aaIIer ., tlckeU ..w. ....
~ of ..uas eapM:lty, bat .. Its pride l.a
always In . . . maa:J of t1IlVll did. u" tIleIr a.tter:r
brvucbt ta.eII: m1idl of the fUll of U......
COUllttl' w. . to ha~ U ....UlmobUe; the ma.a In the baIaace. ean!lI for ~ ! LoIlc eliveJopea. perfumed mieaI-n!I4" tfol@-
reeehiu the createllt Damber of TOtes la the" ~I'DI four th........ ahead ot Uute,M Wal1J1l.'; cnm.a. eowen. eaDdy ud beavea 1m0Wl wb.t
eoaDttl' .... to be et...en nJlw&1 aad PuUmu heard ODe :r-& lady ... blllJlft' to h_ ~ . Dot, poured IDto her olBee toT a moath .i'tf!r
fare aDpbel'e 011 the eoatl_t 1Ult aeeed.lq "ud abe', &I........ a ptaJ'Q' tomorro... aleht. and bel' retunl. T'tH're
two milfs for the roaDd trip. The In:t1te4 nuybedy except me. No.., I 1"II!a.I1)' were a...owaIe at 1;1"
m-r popular ho_wlfe 1.11 the eoaJlU7 W&I to (lldll't abcnr.t be8t1n& her. but ....uh m .. dY!D& IO'te. aMI _ e

~ aay make of eewtac mad:lLDe 8I1e _ed. from tIllI time _!" retber lll t ....
The most popular yo1UlC bId:r W&I to be pre- .... ClItber'I iei,,~
_ted with a on~ _lItalre rtD&': aDd' to bnlaJt up ."~'l
the m-r popular ehnd w. . to ~he a Shd
land poDy. it .... weald ~_t
The tot&J oatlay for the PreRlltll wu to to tlrodr,..."..n.
ruD O'tft' twel~ thOtlA.Dd dollan.. aDd theft W1IftI a Clrt ReI .11
would be tea Lutall- IlWeI 0( 11.. . . . . ft.
IDStll 01 two-reel ture, abe lOItes a Ill.
DoDy Alma duriq: tle of Ita ~ .
the Rt'Tioe. The a'" tile JItOf'e Ute
marc1a lett for the ...... f. . . aooIIlI
Sea.atIonaJ rUm Co. _t othfte ...-<II In
was liberal. aDd the b_ d1reetl_. the

objeet wu to keep - . . . .be adwIln:d
nery lIUblIcrIblq n- Jaelt WaHtDc. ... be
hlbltor', hone tined bd beee bI-.I
dtlJ"lDC the lIbmoDth wltb ~ to 1M A4!r
.-ell: .. ~ York
Tbe YOtlD& at the ..lie. la fOr
f!Dd of that time wal ~ aM ttl"""
to be t:hroub the "411' 0 pretty
p ~ of turauuc: ta ~tlD_eff80

tile coapoas, ud llIl- daanel.& a ~.

1.11& I.D the Dames of After an. It ill to
the per.oaa Toted ~""""us
fOl', with the Dam- dlat 1N ewe I,be
~ of TOU!I written poeat8l dftI& 'De

- ........
after each aame. ~ lIl.t ambition set- ...".u.ers ..
tJed Upoll ..,. boue- tM kDoI tW ..

..--.14 ..-....
wife 01' tamuy, or
m-. .. maid 01' AIl4 0. tIlet
ell.Ud. ttt_ tJte race ....... ~tM
....... aM the
upirUltll I r . d
teattl aM daw to

" _t~

btoek - twr rtnlI. ..or 7

aM ' ... 7 _t
Some or ttlit' ea-
=:::5_ ..... ...,. ..
"'I . . . . . . . . . . .

,,,_ ....JIr; ..
t1Mr UYe acqllired

~ ...
. . . . an: oo!~...
-. . . . . . et...
...... .
. - .pboto-

1II --...,:
~~ ..
.... _

'I'M total 1UIIIlbet" wm.' aMIIt;" ,..,._

of . . . cat ill the ....,.tnIlt. . . . .
l . . ~ ...... the _tD"*~-
~t1 sernee- . . . . 0(l1li . . . . . .

..rn -'do.'"
eonrlaC .. Jeiod. of
... -. ;-=--
_ ... .......
u.aoau.---- 51,-
a .... TIlb_ ..... a--*-- M
lia~ot . . . ti*.... atIlIr . . '-M.
..-at ..
1IlDItca to tllliltGe
alii tJle TOtiC ex-- ~ , No

,... 11_ ...,._ Iadt7
. . . . . lY ". .... at h.kl...
_WIllIana- ...... &dt7. [1I:alnr_ BId
~. DoH,..
om ..
ua. UIltI . . . oN
rde thIlt wrclIIIa'> u..
. . . . . tiIat .... ,...
eM t MOd th.1Ic t!Ib eIII:ate. , . . . to
r ... ce4L _ _ to ~'tbe--.u
&boat U7S.00e for a-. uuI the filet

the mOllt popular

. . . , . tIleatroe" 1Itlb-
:!I!~~~::~;;i~~~ eat
that co-IlIdt
tu .....
tbat . . . . . all am.
~ fGr the .en--
tee ... eleareel "'), ::::. ~_.,.1lUt
tbIlt ""' . . . . . _.
cr-t- pra8b: by ..
......... t!laD. ... ..--. ftI& a--.t ..... ........
1Ie We. . .may

&r . , . IIbD..lIar pe-
rW. ... CIle' H-..I I'UIIl Co. had do.e euaed. a neatIoe. That w By Doily, 110ft' or ~ a.J7 ..... ,..-m c:aq:Jal
h '7. TlIit t. the ....t delaftle tItat mllltller aDd BoIIbJ". ' tla:8IL: to-eIIteItaIa WaJ- with- the "'--'.-bn. .....

. J ---'JO'l'-
eu. 1M ..... for It ,... nmOftlll tat the ...... lIIIC at tile a e w ~ EwIq Iodp la
.... _ DeIJy w-wa't ttio.
aM WaJI:. ..u.era ........: 111' wtt.e tile ~ ....,. ..... ~ --. s......,.. _ to
lac wodIa't taD. bat tIlQ' -.ere" .... .... tile ~ :aWl a l b ~ tJle ...~
UMy De JU"I& Trw" ~ .... , ~DoII7 6Wt-NP!7.... ,........ tMt
........ ta..n- 'I" , 7 - bat tJlea. Dq _.wt6~ _ ..... 4lII! tIIe'rIPt ~ .. a ~ . .
thwe III...,.. r.ctI_ . . . . IIIQ' _ ..... - - . 1 DeIl7 fIr.e.w:Q" 10ait ~
tor __ . ... ... cr-wa wary of ...uae--
.' MI:JIIn.
~,~ ... ~ matteft _ ..... la IMr .,..,. ~ daM ew. . . _, .. -.
.... ~Uca. W1u..t 1II~. of oplDioa, ~ wttIa tile IaItbc ia..... ... __
wbt ...... tM woriII . . . . . to!
It _ lIeetded, after tlIe abfr ,... d-.t
d-ulq _ tlLe aQJeet eJl ~.
"Wbn Ute bIc ....,.. lack ..-w. .. he
'2'k .-t._ or tAd' .erift J. htu
W. . . . . ..eoriea tI7W o.pecr ta tk Wt!e 01
that tbe IDwtac ... W&UIq 1IItePest:8 had. baJtleoI her Itook. ~l!.J

What Color is UaDl in the Movies?

lbe-ltdw aU at tJw
Sere tM ..-ur*
pIatIca fIl the ..-or'7.
time. Sou.alU. e&Q", eb!""
Toioe dropped til. con.tem

trem.ItT. r
"ow. " . do It & r.tlow Du.tcb 1'reaW' uked
1 AJd:S. JIONTGOIlERY lI'L&.GG proIIaIIb'" 1a
Ute .... t-ob . . . . . etelt .. eteb . . . . m . .
tra&ar . . . . - - . He" other thIqlI. tIDo.
Ia _DlIsbJas thta.. [ thoqht I bad
the Umlt ot ambldeuertty _d
ItT. or w:Ut1nw tile ..ard is for rut.
"'Did. t! Yoa n1hm' bet I 41d. I ued to lblak
ProUIe. . Illa GOter middle . - . the x-t&am- tft b ..toot-work. that lb. _ _ trated e:xtnld 01. tlnna-. tit"
pu;baUelI _ or
d . . . .. , . . . ..... the
fIr7 ~tlac -~y . . . . . . . . . tuMIIt7 ..... IleIleft me or aot. I foaJul that wbeD.
to r - their _ ' . hmN nap eJl .u.w.. that chap " . . artMLaa c.t . . . . . at _ whUe . . ad: ed..tIlllc. Be -.p.. "YeN _ tb1 ~
..... tb-........
Or tIu!T UtCIIaPt that ~ - . k
Hsaee tile . . . - a r .
. At.. receDt IlMI!IItIq of. the INtdl. Treet au
here oa tbn:e or ,-..11 ... ~ tbDL' BU:rou
oqht to ha.... beard. that Ihtu1 dInctor.
QUel! 0Il.,... HIlI ~ ..we- r - ......
1'Iaa..... ~te ,oLat or the .-tIe art or that vl ~....... BlIt .... tlMn
...... tor the acme.. 1rYtD CoWt. aaat:IIer ~~.retoWt.o

DUdl Treater, an that to be ,......... --.Ie dorictLtIto'W.... lit ttl' Then.... AM. 4Ud 1
. adIor aD. _ baa to clo is IItl.cIr. m- to ..... do ttl' I 4id..
..... look bllatuUy at the tmmed1abl MIch- "'DIll ,... haft to wan: all dQr ..-eboC7
borilood of the camen. lena, demand nI-IIt:tw
~ _4 '"be the py lbat k ~ the .,. _ " 1 did.They broIaPt La laach_ _ that ...
Cobb oacht to know. He for the _ _
IDl&bt aot ~ _ L
__ ~ thma" few the -me. to do. aa-
Ddt to tbe

reeeIltl:1. . . be. he cot lDto Oar ........' Gld ~ laUde of the ~ IIlioa of ...
...uJ. with :au. Norma PhDllpa. uul be . . . tbat III formed. b7" the nap ell the - - . III
f.artIler b7" wr1tla& aamber or ~ tor to eat ..bat III broa;tI.t III to 1UIl U " . ..,.
Oar Ihaal GIrl" them. off p.DJ", J__ u:u _ _ the IDflrl:lU"T UchtL
that, . . . ~ attlac u-a lato IItory Iorm tar "'1Ir'b_ , . . fool1ahb' Uft . . the 11d. at L baa
Oar IfabIal GId WeeltlJ" m that thef'e woaJdaI't ~ . aad _ . . . . . mtlat with .....
M tM.uehteIt ebaaee or people who .w . . IIonten ot tat when! ,.., a:peeteIl DIak ...
tU ~ La ,... that be ..... the .ather 01. ..hite" It'. _oa;b to m&b , . . c:baIIp you'
the reeL rellckJa if , . . happeD. to hafto oae. _d, wtU!.
naa ,.,.u,- mIlde cbarc:oal ...,. at m.. 10.-. aarPIDc' au:.n. mab dub. for &oolf old
P b ~ tar 0 - Ihlul GIrt Rrlal.

.... DaaaW en.

Tbe _ _
dk:bil ilia WOftiaa jut . . utual1,. . . if tr.e
or Robert Barroa. br sa---
".&ad the mone~! r
the lI&btL Acton Ioc* lib
'.",. . . . .

of .-.Ie
ur MMII:Iey . . aB3" roeplar aumlt acmr. ..... I WGI'blI. I _H,..,..... . .' . . . . thaD- 1 bad wbo hue .... Ia coW. . . . . . few three yean
u.. ..... lbe Datcb. n-tm's all aIaaC. it: . . . . . . . aQ" arUa ta . . ~ c:qCIrit7 e-ld. ad ..111_ . , . .-J. _ --etac ...
'Tn ~ lot rn:. that" be ..... TMN . . a ..............Ia' . . .....,. _ _ h1lCll:lMwry 11ft! n.. oa the
"1 ..... te . . aWe "utu--,. to wrItle .... eltM.. h nile ~tll.elt qk .creeL TlIIlWe the:,- iook f*tJ" ..
~ wt6 aJ" Wt m-... it w1tIl aT .......... a-Jal ~! "... ...... _ to_ "TOIl toor .. .Jlial::tl or....-
dMt....:b: tim .,.. Wl toet aa4 . . It
. . . . . . . . . . tl:!e toea - . the riatat ...... ~.
1OIIt' nfl y ~
P&BIfy thaw.,JIetIIN.
. . . tID tile- rI;IIt fIl
...... tile c.I:J" ~ DGIIIII TnMIr u..-
ta, .lla"'.lII:e III ~ .... Ul.bI...,..

How the European War Etrects AmericanA

Big Sums of Money Moved.

Foreigners Return Home.
Guns Rush to Panama

fte _ ..-.
o..l __ ~

. . . . . . . . . ~f6 . . ~::= ~ ....




_- . ..
_.. .....

..... .e..
... a _.-..
e _.._

c __

Where Travel Films- Fail

87 Robert Foran. F.R.G.5I F.Z.5I F.R-C.L
. . . tnnl at UttJe coK, _ u... .... ~dle....-.L 8IIr.r ...... ftW7
. are ... a cr-t _ 7 . . . . . ..t. ~ ... ~faDeII.
' - Ute ...... tn.tb., tM ~ ........ ~ I u a l t ~ ~. . .
. . . . . anW. .-tr7 _ ...
~"I""'."''''' . . . . . . . ddl
dle .,aaa.n ~~_tMt

tJaq . . . ~

.A.IIrIaa - - .
. . . . . 'n....
.......... Ia~
htM ~ . ""8Ilart Ia
A.f'rieL" net....-r17
... ~
O'JIlIIlilIIl: ......
rMlI7 to '-at.. tM ..........
~ . . wttIL ..ut
traftilla ...... - .
.. .-I
Tbe peel fill. the pabllc tor
_ ...... ~ b; . . &red
ae. ., the _...-s_ ....
.....,.. 'De waller . . . .ceaee. aIth-eIllePmc
m.cll te 1Ml .....,. fa the ...u. ., .......
pnger tee
KOnIIIl . . - - . . trt_Jb . . . . ., tMlr

ua8t it II . . . . . be70M tJae ~ Blat the "utIc _ .at IMberla-

~tJ' cJt ..,. pnd.:er to IAat.eb' ~ ...,. of Ute JI'dlUe U-
.us.t)' It. 'I1Ilere".
lUI ~tJIe lzaftlft' . . 0-
. . . . . . thIt' . . . , Qual of Ute picbrea till.
the u.. ~ ..,ltIl 'ap
bee&.- of Ute
,km!r WM eaa ...,. wbat cnIelt7 of Rdl ...-t. m.
CUM Ju...un
Lbe paIlIk . . . . . . . tits pt wiD aD au- w1tJl this polat of 1'1ew. I uu:u
oat to tJIe 1IWe ~ .....
(If the worid . . . - . ..... T1Ile w" tIUId DQPaIutty ..,hidl UuoMe Ilma
-.Ja7ed , _ aIJIIOIIt . . ~ _ It.
~ 2a1aQ' bill _ . . . .r
mal:1ac .-e:r _ the ~ Cill
. . na. I:ateM tIlat the Jktme
IIIMaW lte ate.l-tJ erblNtel . .
took tIue- dllelIy ,.. __
. .~ . . . I' rt' Be8Gid
m." ...

u.. for tt .... due JIW'"

..,... ,..... the -....dal

..... J'et. ~ th _ eJmua:t.

lila till. - - . ~ ~ Iuad
little te i ' th-.. -.ay of
... . - : . . . . ' I ' &ad. "p,.....
... " ..._ r-au- till. tM1
cr-t 0Iatnl .A.frleaa co.-try . . -
8 a tn.Yeler for 1IIaIlY yean aia " It ..... t...,.
weD 1M

A to tbe w1.1~ _Ill off

the beatea tracks, it hu
lanrtabl1 beea my &ot..
.Ilea Tie.. I... motlOll pictu:res of
tenMII "f1rIta terrltorJ' ..,lkIl IIl:lIl
awafb the 1D&iU w1tIu ~

tn.~ to ran a yletbD to IltUT

,e. eat at what b.u beeD Ioet
"" tile prodDtU. The _aauaJ _4
eM b.1Ua&Il 1tI.teftIIt .we of lb
.,artou _t-ot~waJ' pIaea of the ...orid baTe ~II aePecte4 .. onr:~
....... ntJrely. The pubUc ban benl .ened _1, wItJt .. "'elY - e f t '
nU.- of tbe pod tblJlp tJ&at th_ Yari-. eo-tr1es bold.. ... tile blame
rw tllb; lie _lUI Ute prodDeft' fa the ~
Ia- r: to aake 1DJ' mea.a1q more deaT. 1ft. ... rn1_ _ of the
awe reoeat traftl plct1lns. I am DOt merrlq to tile IJ:u'IOa BoIaea.
EZaea40rf _II ller mYel leet'', for tlwy deal eIlt1ft~
.ttJt ..Iaat I terwt tbe "Cook". toQrs ~teL" I..' "' __ Utt!k
...n: II deToted to _.ic aDd an:bltectunl featlU'ft or Ute C08Btt'Ift -.Ilkb
are eull)' ~ l e to aU tb_ "00 haTe tbe.nee. nab Is Ute dQ of

~ ........ ~~=:::..::"~~~-:"'hIIN _D.. WDI

&~ .. a.......r a . . . . . ' ".'.

.._. . . . .

8.ll'III 1AUiatIft to 10 ouat tJtenl _ . ~ the .... ~

Ilabte1"s seeoocI whleb Is aow beIac e:UulbUed,
thU'e Is lIttle
DeW to ~ftId la tb_ DeW reels. ODe
or tile wont f _ ~ after the pan1DalUl-t __ of bad art,
Is wbat ...., be tenDed slmOllt aD l.a.sult to the pUlbUe
fateW~ ..StIll.. pictures hue Mea p h ~ ":r
the aem... pkture eamera aIld pa.-4 off .. ~ 1DO"f1Jlc
plc.:tuu'ea. It Is 1.~l)le to uudentaad wh:r there . .
aJl7 aeee-ltJ' for dol. . this.
ApIa. the 11011 hUJUt reel Is made up Of;- of
.euo- till. lUm taka: la widd:r dlIerut loc:a1ltiea, with
a ~t nc. _ eft'l"J' wetioIL J'w l.utaDee. the Iftt
u..1s ........... aJUI PI" k-n,.lacapabk fill dI.arsIIIC.
11:. ad-.J u-. Itllled Is 1lOt tie GlUe ant ...... _ the
~ _ . . oh1bItkua Gr char"IfIl& ran. far . . . . .
JIU. fa to abow' ~1lC lloa bela&: klDed. it

..... lie .-Ier &ad. ~ to aIa_ the -=taal aIaoeCDI' fill
It, _ tM1 the public IIIidlt ... tile wluole Jj"O(!MS rr-.

1Cao...... EMt Alrica . . I 'o. ...

as JIr. Rabe::r IlOW
. . . . . . I . . nrprUeiI tlW: the e:dulbltlou:u doe: ~
. ......-.........-..... ...........,-
........ ......,
- ......
..- _ ........ --.. 'I':W:

~ _~_

........ ~ _ -...Qte
--~...... 'fte .... ..... a..I _ _

....., . .......
-IlId:. <I(: n.-: ...

! ' . - . . , . . . .

...-. ......

....-ro.-. __
. . . . ~ ... I-~ k ~..
~ __ .. _ I L

. . &_..
... .. _
............. .r:
a - : ~
p .. t:IPel



. ':!=.E.
~ ~'
.... : ~...... 'ftIe .r: die
teet '
tile faIdaIc tM IKl
of eaI'r7btc tIM: ~ ~ t. - . . '11M MAe
of tM CIrdlt .. tile JIk,tII:N .. _ IItIa' _ a
o.. .....
...... til. ~ . . , . . . . It . . __...-e:
. . . tor ~ 6Qs. TM,.:.IIe ~ Jk:b
... tt..e..,.... ... u tile p'"
"UdIIIl:~_""_~ ala
_..,.~ It ~
~. Ulat tl!le It ,. is ., a
kJ&tt. ....... ua.. t1lc:r ~
...... ...,. 1-.. ...
Imenl ...... aetfo w-.
II; Rdl. a T..t . - - - . et. aeeo.t ....
...... aaterial t. tn. It is
l..-lbM to eooceI th .... 'IIiIIU't rr- tlM ~
d.--. coaId Ila,.e 00'" tel It. OM:
rtptJ,. Db w1lJ' It is . - r T ..
atWmpt til dece1Te . . bb .. c - .
elaaMIls ., tamatoutt)'
. . IItrlb . . laW _
......,~ ....
-.... _ aa . . .
...Iw!ft ~ is at It;at tar a ~ ....,., LIb
liable . . . tne-t.lIle ~ w.-. ... ~....-J...
Of all tJIe ~ Nels ....,
lb.e . . . . . J"__ ~ ~ _

f!III: '* .-e-. ... ~ tMI' fWIeI ..


--- .
IDUJ' JIIIItie;IIan, ~ . . . ~ ~ ... .-Ie
- - - - - . . IIal ena ~ 11ft a.-. e..-..- . . ....,. ...

-_ . _-...


..,. ....
,".";;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;.jh - .. - ........

tboe _oj, aa

. . .-

.. '
. =.-=~

... _tIle
......... 3

.....,. ...... --.I; '" tU.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ClIIIt-. die

.... .,....... .. u... .-I7tM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...., . . -.1:1. tIM: ...
J R . . . . .,~ . .


............................ .,I-w.
'De ......,.. .....
. . . . . Is
.. - - . a
3 It -w.

ftIo . . - - . . . . . . 4
....... _
.. _
..,... UIe

!tla&7 ~ . . - - . ,.. ca1tIc:Iaa

Then . . .at OW_ fill ~
p~ wtiQ .-nJII . . teo ........
or wIaidl doeI. tile -.tI:7 ... tile ...
~ n-..u-tM~.,a_ .
00. . tile _ t r y Ie" . ,
_ wftl _ the . , tile ..-..e . . ~

.... " tntto"

tte "jed: . . . . , . . . .
~ tills pit JEI.r l - .r
of . ~ cumet fIIfl .. rea.- a Ilan'e&.
n_ t. IIOt1ltq' tW ..".ala .. GIl .....-e'
~t)' lib the 11.. . . . blt.reIt Ultltp of lUll.
We are aD cuno.a .". aahn to kaow , _
lbe otlloer reno- U... The . . . ..,. . . . e.t
ad 1lOf'ttU. thla ,.... of tn.YeI wtIl beItltw
a cr-t . . . a.-. d'l1l1a1Ha. _ ..... _

..- .
-.eqake IIaa of b.1IIt:or1cal . . qt1l

I bo... of oa1J' _
t!'a~ ~ .......
. . ., __

n ._.~..



1I1aIdl I&M _ .-r .. til ..,..,. r..

~ ... e.-te

........M'" "................. -.
ta.. TILts . . . tM ......,..
fa !"n~...~!'
a' I.
art . . . . . . . _ JII&ItIde ., ~ ~ r+-=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;====;;;;;;;;==---;;;;

........ ~ ........ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ _ . . . . _ . . . . . . _41.Wo1:

The Making
. of an
Actre'ss WILLIAM
ILLUS'J'"IlAT'LD or c " .. s.
ST~{lrtllll: 1--",,,(1. Ha1JU.. all 1U.~rpa.icl '1Z1~ And It was "'orth a little troRbie to me!" to a cheaper room ap11l., and I'll took for
flirl ill 4 ~tore. .. cUI..u.ed at tJi.e' Once more she had clemollShed bim. He Wall 1\'oril-the sort of work J kilo.. I CaD do. I
ilUtUII('e of Relit-rice Bn-....ter. ,tu 01 u.e
8,.. r;upi1lc no.., a !lab out of water. may lind It-l.D time. And I may not. I

tJi.e' co.pea.... a_ ..
ta: Fil. CO_JICf.I'),. Barrr Fo,..,er. Cirector 0/
~ to H etfflflfe4 to
~You--melUl yon UDdenJtoocI t.hat I ... un't-
that I----er--that 1 clJd1l't tDean-"
probably ...on't. But-"
He echoed the 'li'onl.

Beatrice. iateroecfu ia wi. 1M Yens. .-4.
lIttrDctd b,. 1&n'. -.cetl 1&n' o~
&'tore.. Be"'" to Mk'l," kr. oa u.e
'"That YOIl clJd1l "t mean to be dll!CQ.t! Of
COUl1le I aadel'lltood it!" alle tIallII.ecI laacJr. at
him. "Ob. DO, that.'a Dot q1lU:e rtPt. either.
"But:~ be 11I.teITllpted. "What do you
meaa, Vera! Why shoulci you look for work ~
You've ot a coocI job! Haven't you! Areu",
leraa, a.t w _ '.rJlrid h' k r 44riag lIM n!- You're a - t eDOUP. You're better thaD. moM you 1lat1a1led!"
f O ~ _ tut .... offen .Il'l':r II trial .. II JUa ot theID. YOR'!"l! Dot entlIe. Y OIl-It aort Sbe met bls eyl!l'J' tab'17 then.
actreM uut~lt. Vena l!CC'epi.. GACllliqlll:tp'''c", of tl2nuI your stomach II. UttJe lNt, 4oem't it! "With the job! Yes!" lib!! sale!. "With 'li'bat
Qtitwde tl'6t ,Ae W _gaV~ G.lI /I -.eakr 01 lAc! You doa't qvite Uke it! T _ I aae- yon you 'WaDt me to do-Jlolde trom the job---uo~
'focI: CO.pelll)'. t1l0ag. it u plai.. rUt Fanter. WlUlt to 40 it--but YO'll: dla't euctly 1V&Ilt to You aaJd L'cI bad friends before. I ha_e---I
, a,. Aa" clall.ll w;it.ll BetltHce. 'IOlo. own up to younelt that you do. laD't that Illppow. At 1ea.5t, they K>'d to be ...hat yOIl
Vel"'Cl JlaU _ tJi.e' 4efeqifle 4t 0 - ' nil! MrDor. it!" mean ..ben you call them rr1enda. Theno "'as
.Il":' fl,nt ickIsa ~"9 kr. A.fter 1lIl. ad- Be .... IpeeehJ_ UDder the Iub ot ber a TOe old mlUl-tLDd &OIne nasty YOUD&" on~
-n.:re ..-it. all i:.~tI.lIte ,, _ old toacue. Yet she WU Dot Iuhlac' him. . He You---,.oa III.IUlIlged to fool me. ="ot' at Inlt.
- - . tcllo _ It.. ~port.udt.. ttl. .Iler ~iuG.l aeaeecI, YaCUel7, IUld yet 'lII'lth a oerta1D -.ur- I atsed )'01t up richt that clay Mtu Bre...ster
fro. tM. .tOn!. Vena d.edd~ to wwcoe frO_ Aer IUlCC, that site u hardb' eYeIl &IIIT7 at him. had. me ~ But then.. alter thal. 'li'ben YOIl
~ t"GOa, .ClJt~ Bretcltcr IIt4.tet IrieJUU, BItter llhe ; amulacI7, lDcredlbly, bitter' were flO deeent-'II'hy, yes. you fooled me. I
.~."'a to v~ ...~ it kco"U~' Jlra. for a Ib'I of ber sort. But that ..... as far .s thouPt you meant It. But you've laucht rll<'
..., ",-"."1/ to 'nelop octre... Vertl his llmltecl vlsloD IUlci bia ttm more nmited a 1 _ , I suppose tilat's ..hy I'm not aacrJ'.
" .~.. for a l _ t rAe 1f.nt U.f1 ia tutdenJb.Ddiq of her CCIIiiPla iDdniduailty BecaUl!Ie rm not. You've tauht me there',.
ute, AG", .. reiOl!' Uu-_ktriftg tAe feelUtg let blm. penetrate Into..t;M ~ of ber still uother sort of man I'\'e cot to looll out
tAcrt tk nu- '- ~ elbo'" F~. A.M tJi.e' m.iDd. Rer mood was a III}1Iter7 to hIm: au tor--yuur 8Ort."
M-WU- ,,"lgAt 'iLe' ~tI Fo,..ter', iavitaLio_ to appaUlnc, aw1'ul sort ot mystery, ADd then. The deep colO1" began to come Into FoM!ter'",
Critle Aer Aoae. aM dilK. w1t.ll .IIi. at 1& roa4- SllddeD.I7, a buer IDsthtd. mO\'ed b.Im. He re- face almost ...Ith bel' tIrat ...orda.. He sbhef"'d
AGUe. ",A.ere Forrter .tank. It,. ,ror.tico.U,. laud. Be thoucht be had seen a uPt OD the a little as he looked at ber; as be IIsteDed to
,mpoai"g tMf tJt.e kt Jii. taU ~re of lu. obIIc1uity ot her temPer'. Alld he laqtled, ber arraipment. But then. manlike, he ,....
v~ da.rtre. a.i-. ia hint.. It,. 1ter oUtaoat tti,.. thro'lll'lDc bacII: Ms helUl, so that he did uot covered" a lIttle of tbe balance be hado lost. H..
pa._t ~tloJ of Jt.i. o'er----tIlJt.icll Me trluula.te. _ the turiou b'luiq of her eyes as he clici It. t:rIed IItIII to malataJn hla llpter lOtH!',
ildo i~ kMcft' (0"", It,. ,U"detl4iall to believe "1-1 petI8 r"e been maJdq a mistake ~Atter all," be aa.lel., Nit's not !to dreadh"
U it' 0 ,mpcNa'
ror, .Jl.c cz.cCC',tI',
of wtaryiage, teAtea.. to Ja<t. Jaor- about Y011, aU around," he sald, more easily.
"I thoupt you "'en!' as simple IUld sweet and
All I wantecl-oh. hang It. Why do )'OU ...ant
to make me erode! rm a man. I suppoM' I'm
pUele. u you looked. You're lI'1i'cel. all like mOtlt men-" .
o r1pt-but. MJ'-you're about u ~nel_ .11 ~You .re!" she said. It ..... like the lasb of
PlDero adYeDturesa. ~n't you! YOR ot on to a ...hJp &e:1"OIIlI bill taee. but he kept OD.

ORSTER lltarted back. and sat lltariq me all r1pt:"'-aud you certalDly had me COlu,; "I SUP()(Ille I'm like m08t m~" hI!' 'li'ent on.
at ber, mouth and eyes open.. He wu fOT a minute! T mlpt have k:Down, though! "",,,,'re made . . we are. I'm lure I don't know
thOf'OuPlJ m ~ For thla was a You've--er-you'\'e had friends befono~" ,,'by: We want thlnp ...e're told .... ~ oughtn',
Dew Vera. No loqer .... llhe ~1Ie Her mood had chanced spJu ...hlle h~ ,,u \0 'II'ant.. But I -...ell. I'\'e ne..-er Quite ~ll
lese, appea1lnc, This was 'li'OmaD crown. speakln". Her fury had pueed; be had In, ""liy we 'II'aDt things If It Isn't rlcht for Ull to
She had been that. de&llite her years. of COUMIe, !luIted bel', In those few words, all neither waut lhem! I think I'm Pl'E'tty decent. I melln
ever 11Jla!! he had blown her, But he had Tauart nor any ot the othen had el'er been to De SQuare--"
been obaesaed by bfa memory of the pitiful able to do. Yet sbe nop.rded bJm almOllt 'II'IUI nl s there anything SQuare about ""bat ~'OIJ
IltOe prl be had Iee1I. comm,; away from the pity; iIl ber eyes there Wllll fIOmethlnc or tbat ".anted me to do'!'"' ahe blazed out. "III It a..
store af't.e:r her dlsmtasal. balUq bel' wet hand- eteMl&l maternal look lbat 'li'omen ba\'e when faJr for me llII It b tor you! 1 could 0 in
kerchief up apfn&t. ber eyes. bractq herself they contemplate the blundel"!l of the man ..'Ith my ey('s open-but I'd be doing lIOIUethln<:
apfn&t. a erueJ. and IJUddea blow of fate. lu wbo thinll::a he undentD.llds them., It b 80 that that ,,'ould kill me--on......y or another. An"
that momeat the woman In Ven. had been sub- mother'll look at their IIODII when they hear of you-It 1Ii'0uldu't mean anythJnc to you!"
merpd by the trIchtened pr!, cllmpslq the their ftrat phllancler11lP In Ion: It Is !lO that "Why should It to you!" he asked. His O'll'U
d&aers ahead of ber. He collldD"t recoaclle they look at their husbands 'li'hen the husband!J. mood was chan&lnc, too, perha,J9 In !!OIDe !lub-
that memory with the llew-but Dot Ie. ha'91!ls lJtn.ye4. return to theD:l. M"pentant. lie and unCOIl8Clous relJi)ODse to her In1htoenee.
ehllJ'1llJ.q Ven-who had .. Addeo)y clemol- eaeer oDly tor torwtnneaa. Ris real and habltua.l cyD.1clam was cettln~ tbe
ished bil c:uerun,. reared structure, of nhUe "Now, let's UDdenltaDd one another," he sa!cl. better of blm, Deap1te blmself he fonnd blm-
aDd 11I.yo1ved temptation. Be reIldIed acrou the table to take her hucl: IIf!It dillJlOlM!d to arcue with her-tlloucb he WIUI
MJCr-I~1 clon't blow that iLwlcler-
-.... abe 'lII'lthdrew It. with eeature of ....enlon
that .... more Ulum.lDatluc thaD. lUlythlD~ she
sane enoqh stili to real1ze that Ms 1I&lrL. t r
ftPt It had ever been. was lost. The sv.b.)ect..
"'Ob, yea, YOR do!" Vera cut lD lJharl)Iy, coulcl have !to uturat. 80 utterly spon, the state of hJs t'!DlOtioD.. aud the oae be .-ted
""De yo. tId1lk I 4id.Il't see It eomlq! Tou taDeoua it..... He BiartecL to ereate 111. her, coulcl hlU'dly sumft af'FI'
eaa . . . ..eIl for IDe! ABel all ~ rs.! "Now, whal!" moeDt ID eltber of them!
(lit" . ."t . . afn:H.. I bew yn eb"t _
,... ....... tit ..,.,. me! ra ..
pea tiae we 7 .e UIIIt2ler,
7 -B_...,::
"Tea," site AJd, bt a cbaapiI ...o1ee. "tes T-m
"Why shew. It to me!" she 1'8pUtecI,
II:.- tMt.
'"Ged bo_! Bot-tt -...M~, You
well _ L"
~"'~' Blat-ImUID.... beIp ~ y.- - W I aboat oar
... L ~ at I WUdad tIo Me JW:r bee! tab ae Ilame-ud ia tile VII .a'ft She 8tOOlI tID suddeDb', tor an 11I.tltaJtt. but
. . . . . . . Mr
......... ..s-
......, f

IT ~
. a ,..
' ........
r- __
.. ~-.
- - . . . ;I

....-..r-ll I:


_ ,
r-fto'" It. . . 1-
..c!' De,.. 1IatIIa.

,! -n.ntaa-'

lilt ,....-

MI, .., De,,.. ...,-"-_---..._.
T 2 _ ,
MNdw .

_tMtJ_~ ... _

. . . . . .


",.._ .. .-n-.r:..
. . . . . . . ~ . . . . .
, .., l alII!i'"
..,...,. ....' t ~ ~

. . . .1
............ _
," 1i:.-.
- - - - . Ma"
.....-., :'t
:r- _

)W..... . .

. 'IlN,a..A

~ "1--
~ ,l . . ~.........

.u- ...
......- _.-...:! . . .&all ... . . . . . . , . 1IIa!. dr7 -... __ __
. . -...t; ~ . ~ dldd: ... ...-:. ~ . . ~JiI.c ...
~ I ~.,.,. ___ .... p Pi" tIlIIt fa., ~ ~,.., ~'t ~ .
~~ It: .........~ .-.e ........ fIlrtroe . . . . . __ . . . . .' .... tQ; . . . . . . . . . . . .!
.. -. or: _ , , . . _ _

t!6C.-.~. pc .
y ....
,.. 11: ' . . . .
t.a. _
,,,,,.. --::-,,,-_ _ ,-,...= .... ,..... _
__ _....
It. ....

-...-..... -. ,........ .

.bI.' 1
w-. ...
tIr'eL . . .

... tieJt ~

4eatf.. .....,.tIllIt
'W'D_ tIIle

ie. " . . ~ ... _ _ of
&l"G-...Il oa-._ ......
that wee' - - .......... "u-
--...r" ......... ". --ar _
7 5 . .

It. I
t1lIaIt , . . ... - - . ....
'To...... _ . _ , ~

. . . " . . . . . . . . eII-
Wel1 .tall: GIIIII _Ii n.-b':. .&M U. .-rd-
now rm . . . . . . . .IIM. ...............
_ eIIf'ieIae. 'ncJ' t-.
for _bat I"Ye'" sou
rapeci. J'OUI' 1IkIq." .... JI"IU7 ,.. ......
"'Ob. I lib ,.._ wel.I tbe ..... et _ .. h ," . . . . . . . . .. "' ttl.
wearily. "It YOU ....,. ..... tIlieir
t:aew how m-=b be.1::tIer c:.e. aM Wl tJllosl to
'- &11! thu -..c.t or the " hea. Aad Vera
mea that bathere4 me! UtI .... bu1br tllaa
NGt that that'. . . l'ery ....... llecaaI me llad
l!att.ertq. SWl-" l:ahdtJoa _ belD .
""DamA tIroe m.-tbe ft1Ie _ .... ..,. ...
other mea!" he ..... lie 1:IloqIa.t ".. t:qII&-
botl:f. ~.k lIere. .-..llae
You've cot to 1.1.lJteD.! I tridl fill "ery:?
tt1oq:!l.t I .... ill lo\'e Ga.. o1It tl, tJte nl1eII
with you. .. b_ 1 came "'~of}octe.
bl!f'e. ["m aot. avw---bat ....... - - -....u.,-
rm MtDletbJ.q better. I .... co." "e aid, rlafac
want to be frieada. hd "pod.~
I QleaJI. the nsal ..-t of ...l.ll rfcIlt." be .aid...
trH!8debJp, too.. Toa'Te '"x-4. r - ' n )IttelI - .
cot to try to UIl.4entul.d.. e-.tq to 1IIe, thoq!t.. I
You're 4Urel'l!'llt--d o t dca" It. 0" .1w!tJler
you bow that!"" ,..-'I'tl rtdlt .. W1'01lC- J
Sbe dlf!('lted. the reply " ' ' t tao tletl:ter rm
that .... OIl ber u.-. at-' .. 00rT}". [ . .'t
Alter all. there .... _ . t:.- wIIetJler 1 Ub y:oa
th1llc about Ilta. ...- _ t . . . . "a'-or
that had Dot bem. ~ ~J""'",!"
before.. He ~ dwIp4. . . . . . . . . . . . tut
Ion. UIl.der the lUll- fII'
h ~ _

~ .u....
e.. tIIil ~
"rq beeD ~ w.e'" ~
.road' Dfttt7 IIUIdl .u. ........ 1IbNftb'.
lilY life." he . . . fa .. -Y. 4-.'t
__ W&7-.I ,.. .,....
u-. . . the
low tone. "'t dkta't ba.,.
aD,. hOlQ.e _beD I ......
kid---&ll my people _ _
~ d_'t lib . . at all
I._ tu-p.~d
dead. I Wellt to eoUece 1 4-.1. belle't'e - . l11le
__..d the.. ..Ilea I ... that.
Lhroqh, I PIt IIl7 - , . ..... ......... u.a._ _ ~We'U ..... h -'tL
--there _ _ 't .. _w:ta e-~IlW'_

~ Aay:~"Il1ll4._to
of [ blew It 1a.
Th_ 1 boauaed ...-.d. ,.. a. .~
lUld tha.t, _d D.ot .uIaa' .... at aQtIllc [
a. . . . . _ . eMa.r.
'"1'. . . ." QfaIt r. sole fa
el III .........~

t1llIIlr' ....tIle_ .
W&k 1 ..... 7_
I tell , . .
-..e t.ha.e co.
z1&tt a_ t
.... fa jut

tried. UD.tU 1 foaM. 1 eo-W de----- 1 . ., . . ............. PU telI,Oll ., T.....

_t& lIM otU'tled.

ot.,... '
.. bJCll . . . to put c. fktu'ea. [can. TlN ..... 1D:e tae...... Not I I "0.." .. 0 , be . . .
$ C M a:rtab. "rm
~ you doa't ~ to t ~ that. _ -.lit te be el'7faI' Dl1" _. ... &lOt ...,. 1IIIMIl: nuota. , . a:... I"W 1101
matter .hat TM. fill -e....
She II ';..". Be . . .
...... ......... 1"""'" l...saeI.
pMieII. me---.M &a71Il&' that ;r.- ......,. is
... _Jilt el . . . .
, . ...-I! _ ..... Wap,
_ _It _ ,
not bout1Jtc; -na.t be .cricUy trDe. _ w-lt u.. .bat 1' ' ' I 'OQ......
-. . . . . , ..... ~ t.oet tIuIt FIa JIM; to
M[ dlda"t baq
1!;1T"""""'" ow..
fill dauce t. Dow
~ .r~" be - - . me...... ......
Bat I . . .'to r. ..~ . n . taIlJo.
we'll .,. ...... .,... .........
. . . . . .,~. ThU dlJIIlr "
. . - . - . . two ot ua. 11"1:
lie , . .
"But I'Te atwap . . . .' I _ u.e. part 1lleaB' cn-I& thaD we - - . 1UlIlb' ..
..... . . ,.. .ad~r.t.. '!"
1'''ewaIteL .... ,.. x
t/) _

l--n, [
it! Y., . . _ - . .

eMldel7. I
yoa. eta. . . w:IIIL~"""

,... I' ~ .. put "
,...... dIM

Ju die . . . . ..-t of...... _ I " , ' t

o.e ant.
be Utdio w:IlDe ap--I ~ 108 tut.
TOll'" ett-
It It'a _

..Bat It ~

to 1!IUl," M ' " AM It

bia tuo. .. laap.. "Look ~ ru be
tnU: wtUL ,---itut to!' ebUp. T_,".
-" ~

.-MY el

oM fIeII olle&
lit . . . . . . . tlIe r-. ~


Il.IPR . .
' . . WJ!at lOU

NiIltMr el . . . . . . .
~ wtiI& \My

ltD._ " _ _tU )'011 . . . . lIIe Me It. I elIda"t
look at It , . . tIlat ...a;r."
They ...... .u.t tor - . t o .
MKarrtaee! .. be lMInt... 'TlII atnW. of
' -.taa: woMer. To. ...~'t ....
riftll 7.t. ot - . bocaue aD tM .......
taMt .. tile .....
am ,.. ~
do y-. ..,. .....
. . to
_ It. . .
. . . . . . aIlOlt7 toe ad. T_ - . . . . .
7'flI'" _

2' t'
of , . . . . roDillI
t1le So....s
'fte_ 11:

.....'; t:M not MDJ ,..., lIIlt It

( _


. . . . . . .1

It. 1 tell 1OU! I"'t'e dreuMlt ot. ...-t of ~ t t:Ilat-tIM

., -' ~ . ~ -~ .
..1"tie :'Whlte 'JilChl8e'" . h

,.... . . 8eUa nJa

JItD, 8U_............... W1letIer 0akmaD

1_ Ills wt& ~.B-ae EJt-
t-IIr __ _.Joe JiDac
~ .ar..c. del:ecttft. _ ..... T_ )lis

-Bn..LY SILVER . . . '-Is u.etr aattW. IIIie~

beud:IhI wife
.... !-.l ~ of WMa tltdr
tla7 eaIlIa ill tile awtJl _ _ h:ru ...... fa

~ ~ 'ldUt JIU17 fill. _ ; q a s att:r
.... _ BUb' tr-. ....
....... _ ".. t. Lx " attndIIll _
" . . fa
n .&JUtel~-.-_~
BIUJ' . . . . . . ~
1IIII'tJ'. :a.t. ktap BIII7 tliIck til . . . .
J-t iii. . . . . . _ . ~ wUIt a-. ~ . au.It.
Ia tile tdt tbt. .. Il:IIIiIII . . . . . . __
. . . . . . . . . -.I aIb' Is - . . . . fill. tM at..; Je.a.
-atfts BUI1"a eK:aIJIe rr- 1M ClItia .. wItIdl ... ..
..... .n--r h --.m to . . ...,. to tbt
w..a ~ M a wttII _ etIler UTt.c ~
........... JItUe wtdte - . ......
.. tr-.I . . . ~ .,. ~ BMbw, OM . , tile
, f a fill. tlle . . . . . . . . . . t.a. it fa lite .hite
_ tMt ca_ ~ tIM: ~ u.t IUd U.
. . . . . b1a fIoeL MIler weeb fill. wtdl kacer
... ClDW. .. ~ tIM 4IItat 1 --e wbftoe hi.
wlf. aIId bab, an waftlq for 11IJ.IIL

"The Million DoUar MTaterll""

7'. . . . . .. - ' . #6.._
,." , ....
..000 ....... PfctIIrw


Ba-oIq ~ ~ . tint ~ Altred N'ortoa

.n.-ce Gra,.
~"'. daqh .
_ l1'IoreDee L&BadIe
r.-e.. iIarct'M",e", 1lot1er 8ida.". Bnoe7
ne e.-kt, Of". Karpllrite SIurw
....... -.ur 01. tbe Black B-adred ..........
u J'ruJr. ~

Jf.-lfilrUa. a . ~ ~ _ . J _ er-
8 _ ,~. n-c.o. ......... Iew

The Moving Picture Game

IV-The Amateur Scenarioist Reads Some Scripta
N T1D toDow1aI ....., ~ .uIq ---.
B,.. Frank. M. Wiltermood
O .1IlII'1liq I wat arb' to
the ...uo.. ~ tIlat
u.e _ .... -.rIo
'W11ter. . . . . . . ,... dwe to ani. .
ar a.r a . ...... of

..... tbt

P ..... ~
eq6da ~ . . . . . . , tIM .......
1M - . .
:IPtL . .
7i w 121 ~
rr- Ule coaapaQ"a New York ..... wen l"I!leId-.I by ID&1I "el:7 ..,.
~ to ~ Huttt... place.
tbe bo_ at 'dock 1 _w EatmJac
a IIlidlDe-
o.i"1;' 01:_ 1Il1IUou
10 to II . . . . . . . . to
mIlUou 01 t.olleft
-=t juap 011'
the tlop of a tlddp. all. . . , II mtal. . to. . or
tr-. amatn:r aM Pi': "
Ia -tJ' aU part. 01 Ute .w, OM . . .
scrlJt, .bea tabs . . of fa aTdelire. _

apd Ia&Il or c1Patk ... ~ III ~'.

cbb'. lib -=-. ". blnled to me., bat. Mu'- be t1ef . . . . _ tIM: a.- la rn.t ., nnro.d Utted fa a eard 1Jl4a. .,.... . . . tbat U.
tac my foot.It.epa. be taI'1lei u4 cueI at tnJa.. KU:iII& poedcaJ . . . . . . . . be aU dPt tMa pIIiee4 Ia pilei to be ,...
_ few 1II_ta. whereapoa _
e.dl other . . fonaer
'e . . . Ute nab

or Ole ~ . . Ute lower Ea.t SIft pollee

'. .
eaa't. llO'rie ~ ._'t
if ,.-. coaW. aarbl u.e. at a ~---Ml ,...

tltQ' c:aaaot CUP ~ thd1IIqtr ~

atteDd Mows .ben
by OWl of Ute photopIQ aaabft _ployed ta
the ~ ... JlIl"lD.ted ~ elIp c:..
t&1Illa&" II ~ .nee 0( ~ ' " a
"'beat"" 1a New Tan. sfr.atknaL Y_...-e cot to ciTe Ute dear pblle maauc:rlPt .... DOt .~ ot betq "-Pi
""W1I:r. tt"a teI:reus .... IiJtcr! I . _ 7OQ.~ .bat It waJltIL G me!"'" by the ~ , . . . . . . .elI to .cia ~
I -w. M~ IloW. IDe :ro1lT - - . bat I -Yea," I ~ere4. UmWy, NI . . . .errten d by the ~ 'Ilo opeDed the_TeIop8e.
did. DOt ~eet ......... baO'Wll fOG fa the Bo. about fUm UIIII~! Wbat Is tile treIld of The rader. after - . I n & 11 -.arlo ~
old 4Vli..... lite ltoweT ... Pan. Row.- the 1IIUket IJII that part ot ~ y ! " " ia& It ~ to th com~. aeeda. . . . . .
-.\aew ,._ .... at wwt: bere, bowe"t'u." -bl my opl1l..loa. repl1all Bl'oaael, "Na1, cood
N a dleckIa&: mark aIonphle one at tile ~
aJd ar-.eJ. , . . I reM . . Item Ia . . eutenl. deua ~ .l;II"thy of the _ _ Is -abl.a& prillted,. the slip _d t)e. pbCltoUaaa _
- " ' aacutae of how 7011 baftllted u.- of a taDare fa the moria. I DC!'Ter a fI.lm comedy -=r1pt wu Olen rn41 t} be ~ , tlB
....... riAe ba1letI tor UUI I'bIUppiae WlIJ' 'comedy' IJII Ill)' Ufe that cl1d.<.ot, II! """:J.etd- I~ _thor, WlIeae"'er lboo eDeOUa~
~ ~ wrote. HaTe:rOll IlMnI the _ _ erUle decr'ee. depe!td upon .me aT~i' t,.o,.. <!.- .. .ee..a , !t ~~ - e l l to be
..... 1buaMd7. the p:ttft'll.I maaaeer!" _eI bone plU to 1l.l&b people Iaag)i.. ~ ~t tIM ........tlt wu lei Mide to be
~ . ao." 1 ta1tftoelL "W1ult'. happeued to OD the Jecltlmate the:atre stue ,.. r Uir&el.J' 'eEU!lhttd, JJJ" t:1Wo ttcad of tll.. lI~enL
...r 0lIl bricht. w1tt:r' ep~matlc n:pa:',,,,;" - - 'I1le ~ft' allowed lD1" MYeraJ b_clred
""I'lH! New Ted: ~ pat the lIkIa _der ~ fD ~ Iau&hteT, a m __ I" PDea!bIe IlJll'eM -=aarios ead 'f!'!Jt tllJ1 closlq tbo
to _ fD the c1Dema prochact:lClll&... d _ 1leIl.laf. ber.
hba ~ alPt." replW. 8nIILRI. "'1lret
ilia MlIUJ' Ia - . . teleIram. aDd .,...,-....,
a-.etJ"'a . . . . . .t.'taM. to the job. They
FoIJowiD& oar tal..
Broa.RI req~ - .1 pJaeed & ~ of the ..m.~..D. deo: fa
to take eharp at the sceaarl. ~ed b,. croat of IDe . . . . . . . . . 'orlr.. ~~....-
~ ......,. of ..-dIaa too .ada 1D0Dq man from autslcle wrltera. Be aahd ~u., of wu at be reeIe' Ifta&tJa ead lowy ~tei
la ~ tJroe tJIu _d JIQta& the acton too the .cameD -.eDocnPhen to abow l" ""iw the h1&'aly lmprootable explol or a Parlslaa
mwell aIuy. Butmaa taM ~tatloo . . . . -=r1pg .ere OD .1aaD4. ~ She eo,dacted a1eath la>terroet1a& oat _d enO;II~lIy capturiq
..._ ~ ...... there wiD 1M _ e tJliap dolq u lato a ~ of Ubruy la the llCeDulo houee a IPa& at dariq" robbenI that I.te.;.'t'd _ laIaall
. . . - . 11_ JUl..
To. ~t aad - . " aDd briefly aplaiaed the e)'Rem or ....dlnc. la tile at,.er Setae. There w~ r ..... plsys _eI
[ ...... lib ar-.t at alL la appeuuu::e reJectba& ... reblnlIa&" 1lII&nUab(e pltoplq boeIr:........d-4nc~t f!Pl8od''II-' pieatit1llJy
11.. w-. tile uac:t aatltJle-la of a-1t.M... OYer mu.uc:ripta. Broaael lAlItructed n:r." tcr pat IIriIttied. ~t the tut. I bad no h8i-
am r-t tan. ~ 1IUIft tbaa ue ...... uide tor !abc 1aspec:Uoa ..,. of tbol aoiPr1~ CaIIq ~ I. eDdllq a 1,"lIrll. _ tho
... ILaTtac a Ib4Iatorial 1111-. JkoueJ. &p- that _ell to me merltorlou ea01l"~(, lII'llI'- ..,....., nl~ aUp. to df!! l" that th.
. . . . . . . nrltabla liaat "bea _tnAted witb nat pun:haae. TIl_ be left J:!IP.. "T". autbor's 'ft'D.ture &II alii llmal.f"'Jr rlmlaolOClr
tM dwart-llb . . . . . at ~ . . BntueJ. that be __ted to spead ..,..enl bour "'11 ~to.-Ilt!r-W."d'f. Th~ n,,) dCJeQlDftl.t
eauaael taIkiq wtth me I felt rapidly ID& opend_ at the lItudlo Ilt!l,cPII s .. oi ..tUuc ba~lmaJl' what I Ull I. probably
IDCI'lIMAac feu' that. .tth t.o _ . ~ aeqnalBted witb tbe dJnlcton a.ud dC'PIlrtJ:!lf!nt tlI.. uaa.t l1ac:lm~ed clhau: ID plctura, tlIe t:aU
OT' a.e. I _ _ to a p e r i _ .-De hard at tlIe hea", ,.lUlu O1'er &
alelJlIbtc .. to ID. the eo....,... Jlboto- clUf to ba. death. ThJa
P1&7 writ2ac deputm_t. pbotOlllaJ' [ q a lela: I 1

of tIM -..-T.
ar-.J told . . tbat du1q the 1ut year be
hIid .... la Europe ~ Ute toretp sales
rei---. that he . . . . . okI-
time ft1ealI fit the ........t or the CODCenl.o had
marll.ecl .. aaa,.aJ1&ble.
As [ 1)epD lupectla&
tlIe third lI1&IIaecrlpt the
odor of patehouJ! -.ailed

..-itt-. a __bet of ~ &ad Ud .orked
_ .-IllldtJ' boa.ter . . . 08k.0e..s.taat. Be
aht~ U I bd U,J' plotodrama 1a mlad

""T-. [ han," [ aaawered, _ _hat flrmly.

m,. Il..uu.. _4. .. tile
abeeta ot 'en! Ued
tGptIl.eT wItIl pin .,...,....
rlbboIa U1d wen ..-itteD
I. & deUcatel:f temuhae
NI ba.Te ..-taIIy 1IIaIIII'ed out RYenJ .-arl0ll b.aD4. I reeJbe4 Ulat tll.
at a poetfca1 aat1lr'e--eDeprlc:a1 .P~ fa .hkh doemDftlt d ~ atteIl--
the d_laatta&" motU Is the Immortallty at tioa.. ,u.- reM the
the Ila:mu. .auL" script slo.1y ...
8roIlael Rt b.1mIIelt rlc1d.l" bad!: iD bls til I ea.e to the
chaiT, paled ~ .t me and middle .-e- _d
troW1lf!IIl lIllPUY. [ f d t ID.ltaDtb' that tileR [ toaad to
thft'e wu bot UtUe poetr'J' In Bf'OIlSIl!:rs my clIama,. .ere deftl,.

mal. He...ued a etucll ~er at the J:aot.
halt mlaaU!, appu- tGD with t11l.y 4!'ope or
e.a.tJ:J clectded tbat I ....e. ~A aly ~ ~ I
Deeded. a pod. tal. uaa.ed., ~o eat1"&P, . .,.
tac to _d bepa, pa- -=r1pt n'Ader .bo m1cht
~ I " notua. tbe . . .
"w,. id_ Is tlIat nar10 to Its author .ltIl-
.e haTe cot to put aut read.lq IL"
I II. t , th.. morie The lito"" c:..~ed a
plays more _,
bnkl':r ... bo met .itil kklU - we fall oa & liIdewaJk. lor his
mat thrW the ~ memory a a d waDlkred.
pie .bo PI'Y their a1m'-11 for "ean. ..'
aickels U1d climes to
be eatel1&ltte4. I
I other acdd_t baIl:f reo.
lItorlq llb rec:olJecUoa.
ued to lie -.rD1lt: b", relatJo-. trtftldll _d
mywlt for tlIe hlp bls bOlfte. The _thor's
bro. staJl, bat It uame _d ~ _ the
doa't adJ. Take tile !Int ab.t. MOwed ber to
Eul Side dlstrlct fa _ & IItIllIeat la a tuhloa
New York, tho 1MI- ab&e ~ KIlool la
d01l. ~g_4 New ~f!ftteJ'. .a.. I taU &
tbe~~lD. dI~ tor the 0"1':1'-
\ <

............. . THE -.OVfE PICTORIAL

--- --- _..
..... --~~
................ ..-..111'c-...........

.............. ........ ~ ..- .. a ....

a tweIIl ell - - . . . . . . . . ....,. . . ........lIra~ .... ~

_. eI ---.... ...


ltlI o . . . . . . ._
. . ._ ~ ".. . . . . eM et ttiII: , ' ~.

~ , .......1IIIl_....__
....... _~ et..-.we
. . . ' - : . . . . . wtddl
"'-IiI ..,.
'n ...-t

a ~ .o.t:r ~. Gat .... ~


ao-;lIer~ ....... , . _?"" s.rt.a .... -.~a...,...
... u. tIIIat

... ,.. , , _ettwta 2 . . . . . ..,.. ...... I ~ ~...l ... ' - ' U II"IIIIt .......
wttIL- - ' - , ' .cIleoI bi _ ~. . . . ~ tIlat Idea . . . 1 e.d.... thl II ...,. wItll ~ .....,. ...
aC,'" . . . . . . dIIII!II
... alit tilt. ....
pl. e-sJlJ' ....
bel' taWaI ..ny bIto ... Wttull . . . . .
d-. Ia _ . '

an!Ita- ne
Kr'Ipt l q Ilb career. .&II
UlJ8 _ _ . . . tta
faTOr .&.11 the ecdiocIlI t I .. e
cro.te. -.arlo
maalteKed la
t ... Uue --..

~..nft .. Uue
lb. doea:mea.t. JI'lnt P"!ld"t til tM __

Ul_ . . . the '-1dy ,. wMdI _.
wTtttea ~ . .
the . a t . . . . . . tleu't til It acaIL
. - . . tM __ el
c:It.andltrs. the a.trd
_ _ ban the onIer
bI1MlI a .... Uftel

0( __ aa4 tb-. alaI.r edlreJ,J' , . , .
CUll. the botaPIa:r _ of Olea-- . . .
The a.r.

p~. bcwc Hftia: 1I'1tUe
tift coatal
lfOO4, cs.a ... la- .......
--- _ 01

-_ -_
l t
.r .,...,...
wwII; et. ~
or IPtbc I .~ ..........

be_ ...
placed: the .
-=npt to __

-- ........
e- ......

- 1- It. ~ my ftIl>
omm...... Hee~ It ........ tll ..u.r.
AD da7 1011& I
por Tor til. .......crtq:.,. -
dl"Ullall ... _ wort!: .r
. . . ....,...
die.. e.IIbmtJy MeIt- l"UlUIac. "'pI:. . .
11111' tor .....ethl.~ .Iq .,........~ ..
no~.. oridJuJ ad lb. atltJuor .....
Dated It. w!uidu _
p.-.etJeaJ)le In Ule
....,. of & --no.
bat ..heD. 5 .'dod:
anh'elI t hM. out 01
.. uw:t 4Jpct 01
tIM.kIt fII. _ .....
abert at8rT
my ICnltfa.T til U4 bu . . . . .

maa~ pat ..... prta1:eA caI7 a
u14e c.l7 aiM .. ~
betq wortla, of CII.IIIq . . . --....
rapMr. ~.
. . . . '-'
theme fIl Uoat te- the --.rIo ~
of Ute ~_ I .... a-tl7 I:atilUllllt
bad r .... ; ta1I7 tlat It ... eYer apta


tIleft Uue

reJecte4 larpIY . . ...... M .ottlel flit

- . t of llIedItIl- 111. m1ad8d.

... _-
1l;J': .t 1-.t bU' 01 I. th_ ~
llL., tot.I ....
~ ta* of ._~ ...... Ia
1&DI6wwari4 e r I .
... a1at tIUlt ....,..

Ill&1lty, .....k - _ ....,. .. 1M .,.-tIl

"en _
~ i In.... laM. _
.._ . . . . 1IlU'l'atJ.- of
~ ~
JIIots at
all, INt

.... otMr !Yd.-

I ...........
a ~ . . "" 0IIerilIp'.
ItJae "" til_ ~ ~.' l - a d
--= craw..... Ia tM retdaC. .om,.

_ _ an -'= ... .......,
te . . i
_ _ tM
lid . . . . . .
............... ' h t" "'dl_~ ~
4!br ~ . . tM tMII:. ~ uro acmaII7 . . . . a tI~ I:r1IUC' aIIliatna . ...u.n. ..,.., ~ 7
to . . . . I l - . I __. . llack fa 111." dtalr . . . ~ It t . . . .. . . , . . " " - . . . , . . . . . cal: tJ1ftn" ~ .........
medttat1ftly kIob!d ~ the -..:a of rejeetN the pk:t1uJ"s fa . . tu.. ,..... tI:IIIII at __ __,., r:u-en ......' .... toll - W . . . . . tJaat tM -.II ... ceW. iliad... .1...-. Il.-IIM ~
N U Ul._ .ueu of" I to m)'Mlt sandy ~ _4-.17 JUlin'" ~ .... Utel.r 'W"'I1tta jalatII laUi tM u.q
"lrft'e . . . . . . . to tho ~et Man .... the LB- "WelL, let . . h. . . tbt _ _ ..,. ,...... .... aaau,. -u. ",.h.,...lly ..,... .,. ..
babltaDm there collW r-.4 EqUail. Ule, ..-W JU:J' bel:oIDI re&1t.tJ'." Ed IiaI'tmaIl. c:Mft- ere I. nell bewtlderlq UTa7 'tlW; I __
COIIe!QdO that a1moet all tho petJDle or tbe tally. "Blit ... mat that .. thl8 ~ CIJIIl;-peUet. beeaaIUUl of a ftIdd.. . ~ W
8U1JI. weN -cacM ......t u4 da.J fA robbertfl&. eat time of npld. dal ~ _ caa _ tM etll:ripU IIKk late tJu,elr . . . . . .
blllDkt.... pmb1mc. wI.D.. bibOl.bac aU lb. ...t .,. i"O~ wllk '-&. Itr'IIl1

... ..-.
oalJ' bow te the ~ of pJ"08t madoI Ia
purwlt til erlmt.D&Ia... qukUr. 1_ upe;; pndcctloaL e--. let off late tM IlUJc _ a _ ... 1M ~
1nn. I . . . 4oaaJ.q my -a; aM. bat. I. . . CO.GIIle. If,. aato ta at ~1t1Id_ ... ,.Of,j
1Irll.Iket Hartmaa.. tU MW ....... csa rl6I tc towa wItIu ae:"'" ()Q .~ *-'U7 WWe 5 .'dM!l:. t
1 1 ' ' ' ' I U4 . . -.IT,. ...-era! tt.M o.mac the .at aennI ..,. I tIIlW _ _ waIblI
. .... t:.wcn:
. _ tM . .I. . 11'. . . . . U.
I&' tM b"- _
~ Ilb wart . . iIlIIIIbtaat .. aa...eI7. Bu1.- pt1eaIb' Ia tM ~ o--.ria,

---- .. lu-..* ...... a 1__'_', __ .. ~ tM ~
of 1arp _ _ tilt; _. --.
dt7, 0.. tM . . . cn-t. ~
.:ript~ I~~I _ . . et 01I'1i~ ~
... a-c. . . etdie I ....
the U~ .. . , . . tM duzaocter fill. tile rated IlJa ectIni eareer e.-. l.atUc:J" .. eM *7 ,,,----,'

u u-. W"'ft ,...Jar a Q ~ P&ba-
Movie Cowbo7SAa a ...... ~ .75.000 for JUgb" 10
GIll . . . . ..,...,. u..u.Ies at a 1IlOlIente
L"'OUB. IIdGn for thti E4--. . . . _1lfMltVO- JriDe rr- the NUia&al W _ _ SIdb'ap PUo C.biria
r _ - . . a 7 . . . . UNIltelI ~ . . UMb& e-pq,., i f i ruua
&11-' N.. T.
ROGDS a o-trk:al . . . . . . . . .
the7 were ~ "r- Val..." a W1IlI . . . F JUMI[
T-... e
JIkJ. ta _..". ~ .. v_ Cort1aM Put..
1'weIlt1 aea. _ b..- .eN eIlttlac
CQen whea a mou.ted. poI l eeme- pIlopIIll tato
U..,. Teach b7 FU- VaU-
the rtc!lt8 to
tk-. ol 0'
0 . . . . . . Jicf:u'e ___
""CaIlCda" ta Ute . . . . ear
the KeD. _d &rTS.ed fov. Be c:barpd. them
a,..w. of Ift:r on.. _ 'e. de . . .
..WI. "riolatIJl& the SallJ'Q.D 1&,,_ TU7- "erslq p.HI week. .. m
tDr Ute atJre J8do1.
taa. to the polke .t:a.doIl. tb_ to ....,' _h TtiJs .. .w. to 2le ~ pcicII; 8'ftr ......
00Ut. wbe're the JiIaciM;rate ~
after W'Uaiac tbea that they' .-14 . . can'Y
u.- T EACHING '" -
til M:Mal
.... ' e
_ PI!at.
H. DlIt-
... terrUorIal dP1II to a Jicf:u'e.. 'De
awu-u w_ Ute . . , . fill W..-. 6:
tbeir rrII"" - . . - t!le7 ~ a ~ ..,.. l:7aI..-.It7 til Tn Bot ....... bow
I.-.:IIoer 1IJ' &apn RanT R. Ila..- of t2te
n. rnoIwn tIM7 c:anied WeN aat ......... .............. totbe ' '_tlae _ _ Ita. rna ~.ot~ ftIda e-tnIta
fac:t. ~. nat 1te Ired. tt.. ...... npl'.tpecl ~ . . - - . &I Gnw _ 1M Mftll!II Ute .....
... taIT el tM .,. " - GlI U- It em
............ ' to ...,.,
MisaiOD&1"7 FibDa all ' " _ _ fIl ~ vi tlIIIDal ..-r To FUm Ciq P ......
HE pk:t"llf'e"" meun 01. ~
T ed-uoa Is bru' _ew.
bid b _ 10 "- .&aaUleI' IDa ~ the IlUt.ar7 of &
Gl rrc-.
Ute U- ..hea Ute &Ilk .._ ..
A CiiYliLCS 01. c:lt.7 - . . r t r - t
dO- ~ ID. nan tDr h.k as--
_bat the
.-t at the ~ of: the mllUaa. of the UIlJted
s...... . . tell _Ul tile . . . . . . doth .. IUde. T!te ..m be ahowa ia 1DGUOIl pkt:a-. U' Clt7 8ta-
it _0ll1d _ _ thM. the IOQLh 11 to be a plooeer
pida:relI ..... takeIl ID. 0-......,. . . . . Siam.. u.tIc:laa vi. Vt.. .pdl. H. ..L Staart' k .a-
Be U m ~ ' - Jil)et:r7 a.ld be ~ He is aept.laUac "trith . ~ .so-
In thll field.. Blahop Laalba.tb. 111 hb ftICII!Ilt flAaIIsM to ehDdreIL,. ~ the &tory of tva prodwoen, he &aid, etiD'riaced that the
jovDey to the he:a.rt of Atrica. ..~ere he
Tbe PleiI Piper f1I. .el'leae wD1 d n . . laterelltbia' ~
llabed the m.laI;iOll for Ule Methodist Epboopal
Th. ~ ~ t or the D.Il1~ "How carliac heap. Uctit dty m-eeu may
Cb1U'C:h So1lth. took .. mo'ftnc pid:Rre mac:hht.e
aad tKva&"ht back a wOl:ult!rl'aJ eoUectioD of ta-
,..,.,.u,. made .....,. of KlIoola or the state be the aabjed. vi a 11m," the g.
t:ft'atiIlc TIe.....
~ DO more .uiklD& and taa.chtDc
aklau'Y pk:tve hu beeD n.hfbI.ted. tb.- that of
mm- .rw.....
. .4 foaud that zst of tbem. had .wi c~t'cm
1aIltl!'nLa, . . tut tbe7 a~ 011.11' Ift:r
To . . . . . ~ KlIocU to d.
pl&hled.. "It wUJ becla w1t.h a pic:hr:e 01. tunlia&" the _tea.ta or the ItJLk .tra!a-
a ' fato a ae. $ ..... ~ tt lIP . .d ....

Ute put Batt!t.ela chkf. Wtmbo N1aaI.a. cr1JD.-
rift the flIIl '-eet til IastIw:tioa ~ ~ lac it III the ~ cu.; the eoD.ect takIaa:
pk:tve . . . . . . . h slNes. th. depart.. it to the P'bJIIIOIItIl . . ._ ~. wlien u.e
~ _d _ftP. fast .. few IIlOII.ths ~ of
mat bu anaace4 to l.-a tlbu _d tUdes to taab ~ kMeI 1IJ' ~.,. to can _ . ~
........n.... bolllha&" Ute yeud' '-by 01. Dr. to tlie ~ _ ~ or the _ fada-
lIdloob tor ~ edlIIiItiOIla.
lI'laD.JIC"fft'. willie _-C'M'aUwned tean ot teD-
~ _4 t!llI tMl1kn wUl be allOW'll, thea Ge
d _ IIpriac to hb eyes.
Bbbop Lambath'. pl~ _ere Ublblted to
peat . . . deepb iDtenstecl thr"OllP at the reeeat Custer Mere FUJDed
tile e-eraton prod. . . . the euTeilt fur tile
"'!'be Iltratk- plaBt ..RId be ahowa Ia ...
e-enJ CODfereaCll:l hi Oklahoma City, an' are taD. I..Iltew_ Ute c:lt.7 plilliptq: ~ __
HE moet UirUlbi.&' _4 lllPl1' eoionoI epoch
ttelu& aho~ at otber ,olntA.
T fa A.m.eric:aD. history, that period. fro-. 117'
~ of

bico ... otlier

_ _ maiD. . . . ,......
"OIl' Ie dty ..,.nz ..
to lUl.. ..b_ ladiaa warfare OIl the trcmder
.... a1IDoR COIitiDua. hu beei1 perpetaated 117' -t4 be plc:bIreIl. lJ. ahOClld 51.. the to-
Continuou. R.eels meau ol 1IlCitbl pic:bIft& The Ua1ted. States ,.,.... ...... or the bip_ or the'" m.m-
ANAGERS 01. pbotollla7 hOlldM tD WfI- dpoal CUi pea He. "
M 0Nter are prepart.q to eelebnte the re,..J.
&'O'ftTDJIist, tIlroach the IIea"etaI7 01. war,
I..Ja4Jey II. ~ aU seeretary ol the tat:.
ot tile la_ ia ~..-tts req.umc .. 1I..e- riDr. FraaklIa BI. ~ llaa lliade..-tble the re-
ablate l D ~ betw_ picbu'e red!I. by p; Gl the Uu1IlIIaC ad teaeeJ.J' ara...tie
More Moral Progress'i'
7 t!

ch1a& UIIlla_ aaJqae perfonIIaDen. The laddeats" . . to the e-ter --.ere_d
...... _ . .t deet Aqut I. ... Dar k.
die ~ thereafter 01. 81ttIq Billl _d llb 'l...f1l.S. CYRUS NIVER. _ b e r or ~
_ _ aUdes . . . _mterellthla traYei pict:U"M
..b.1eb ha" _ _ patroU: tor IIeft!r'&l - - - .
lYI ftIUa'. . . . . . - t q ~ ~
T 'be "er'trst Iauted. the Uaited. Stales ...... liu ~ ta--.e IIeI"rice to . .
wiD tie tlu'Ow1l awa;r. This d _ aot IDe&a that. ~ tta. ~ ott tU:t.c tJliIa JIk:taN .... h-..l;y_ CalIe1..- to _ _ a ~tII
.tacen aad a0ftit7 Kts .. m V-- with the oW nz .... 1M r--. he ,.,... tlit!rMil '1!'i'CIUI1
. . . . ctl thtap. for e-dl of the th-.lrM w1Il ita IIta!r of ~ alld entertaJDen.
tbe tII
Ute ftIT ~ . .
t . - m - l Ute IHb-.
the ,...,. sr-4 ......... 1M - - . . . . of
til their hera6c:
kt.Ia5 fIl.,..... .._ _ by
pa.rties d-e aad -.ct. _d Iit-=k _d daI
to tM
it _ _ thAt the eoalblllltl of & ,lc:blre wD1 . . . . yean aca. laa_ 1leccxDe Il&UoDal lie-. lor a.. Jaac yards or that lDm, bt the ~
aot be brolts "" all later1)Q81t1on betWeea reebI

of CIOIoI"ed alWe. alld numerous &ll.DOQDoeIIleIlta.
la euelI wb_ two DlAdllaes are u.eI. & lIIlul-
. . . . . . . . ". t IV....
TtsJ. .... tr- ~ hhtor:r baIJ 1aeea. adJlll!
~ ..L 101-. ~ GeDenI. rnak B.
Llea.t.wlt Geaeral
or crowfq cIrl .... 1ao:r spec:ta.tors. JIn.. Nlftr
ealled halt---tlG, Bot a halt, bat & ~
I d Ofdere1 that h-.tter the . . .
Uple reel 111m wm be ShOWD t1u'ou&h to the end Bald..1D, JIajor GeaIrl.J. . . L Lee, BrfcaIlUer ahoaJd be bat 0Il.. ,..,.. toa.-.
wltbc.t _,. break. The Idea that ooattnUOlU ~eraJ. IbrlOD P. - - . Brtp.dIer o-eraJ The leqth 0( the __ tI thus leplboL It.
pkt1lftlll are & detrlmeu,t to the eyes _ms to w.
Charlee KIac. cw-el P. Colb' (BUralo BID) remabI. OII.1y to ea:abliah the 4eDtb . . . u.e
ha.e ...-d wttb the dl~le lUcile!' In the u.4 ColOIlel H. C. SkItJ.,. u .. aot c.I:J' COIl- w14th... or - . - Ulb ~haaJa 6Ict.Iaa
old-time 'f'O~Oft. trDiIIte4 their -nc. III ..... .alae the ."ue. 0Ilb' to. ..... the llpa. Gsa-.
~ jut u tbQ' M:bIaI1,. were ended f'ClUII.iIIc GTei' the wm u" to ....
&a4J"_ r -
dlltriq' lbe ba. . . . . . . - e l l the
Suffrage CartooDS lor tlutber ~ '" tbe ca--..
actaJ. IIb'atIede ts tlH!y ~ _d ~ A d~ III thk aat:ter of of .e:u.
haTe Dol beeD slow tQ. f'eCICC' sb_ tile aJaueat ..-al scoaater they g . tloa .. _ !DJlontIa&. '-t it wID. JI"O'" to .
be qJQoI! of the mons in ad..-ertbba& pene.oee ta the leW&. . .ddaI ODe. The t.-a-c::r ot the tlm.,. ..
\.be _ ctl Voles (or WomeD.. Satrrap ~ T!te ~ . . IUor ~ to reprodllC8 utea4 the ki. to -.. . . . Ieqtla. ....
.... aot aaftltln bat tbe demaDd is I u ~ tbJa tn1T remat'b1Ile I1JD. .... ~ Ttle toWard. the 8POI1Jq of & pad: tllJq for ..1ltdI
at & ~ rate thaD the OIY. pIl:t:ars ~ lIetr' 1esc:r:ofll'k- Ia.e-d the st:aee b 1arpI1' ~ ..
Now the c:a.n e:mae. oat ctl the West for tbe of wa1C:Ii.Ia&" I1JIl., the IIpeela.ton ani rtmOnIll u..., thf!n!! has beea _POetWC.. fa th.ia . . . . . .
~ .-odattoa to _ d more marle ,ropII-
pad..a. (or the mol.lOQ plcta.J'e MOW' is the ODe
place where I>l11b'actata can reach maD,. peaple
to the foothills of SoaUi Dakota, wh_ they
.....--l1.Y witD._ the eet-.I _hat that .......
11-.-,. to the d ~ of the The
...d _ ~ 01. OIIe mOe 150 yanta baIJ . . . .

lira. Nhe!' probabI,. liaMd bel' d ~ . . .

who ..<Ml1d Ile~ thlak of eamla&: to tDdoor or 111m b pcEthel,. _C&aIlY fa Ita the kIIowledp that the ftl.e _d el:eet fill a
oadoor II1d!Ta'e meetlnp. Th_ ~ a thrUJ: of patriotJc pride in ~ kI8a 4epeDd lIot 80 mlldi 1tPOll- lea:cth. ...
ne _donal alMlOclatiOll 18 IIelldtll" out
......... to be used bettreea reel&. They b."
. . . . & Rt ctl d&ht aU... made of a ~ e.eb
01. the Ill"
inch of the 1,000 feet of ftlm ClOIDpoebil: OIIe
~ pIctvoea u
~ plec8 fIL pbotcicrapb,. kDowD to the
..en u
lbe rorm. ~kIa _d altlU in depoUtblc ...
A Uttle two-bldi Idu m&:I at & faJIlUy dN. .A.
. . . he mUea 'IIl&:J' .f!lUl.
IULQbt aft ..t.
~tblI' a cood nJrrap _t.uoeaL The 1IIO'riq.P:taN wodd. m-ce _4 eIUI ce.. So, It weD. to laaW
eIlI"toODtI ~ the work ctl t...o. IlI:lcen.. 1'Ile 0 . ... c.I:J' Jut beeD _pIeted. _ . a 1ep1beII leqth. bl onIa- tha1 Impc , _Me
,... aa:tIouI. ' do- ~ c.t OIl. edl1Ilted. ~ to Preldddl1 Wootrv. W1J. , , ..-bo haft to Idt _ . watch it _
_ . . . !lie c:dIaIt:. wM ha.,. It pI:a(!ed

elf: fIL III:WeI wttJa ~ ..-ch" to the . . . .01. It ..,. . . tIiat Ute .........
.. $ S til tile State 9IdrtIp , &-. m fa the ~ fIl Ute war tall!rlor . . -.1:7 jIEi' ) . . . a JIU"l. fIl u.....,._
~ til U. -.alP Statet. ~ iD ..Iltda Ute
_ _ _ IIIIRnp tz t . . Ulb tall.
~ts ... u.. 2 7 til r.e:.n . . . . lin. NfoIer'"a ~ ~ dearb' u..-
tile 21M
ot_ &-CIII!I . . . .
Mo~ PI .1 _ _ Aect T_chl.~ Sel r"''P How to Sa LI._
'A_' _ D OW1'I" .. t.. tJtr.r 11ft 2 OW. .
LI.- . . . -.etIteIa . . . . . . . . . . Ia . . . .
to ' - . . . . ~ fIId:u'w at ta. t . J - u-tn. Mew
D ........ .raM ~ .,. ~ . , 1M - ' - ~ III
T ~ Ct.. ... wtll

tJI .. It . . . . . . . .-
..... ., 1I1J ..... _ JIri-=I_ NtaU. ~ tIleN ~ ,. ar-.
........................ ., .........
tOte .....
1ttI*7., til. tMIltft . . . . . . . . _ . . W' , 1M 'De In 117 " - F
. . S , , " t'

iI.o. . . . . ~ 'DIll ..... , . . . . , . pc: . , tle ~ _ .. two R.a. ~tMU _~

., .......... t"
........... _ . , p ~
.... lUll ari-e ~""rtrz ~
.... -

~.,_ dlII~ ......~ Bola ......... ..,. . . . .

_ c::nat"'" ~,~'~~~ on. ' _ . , ....... tIle~fIl

.... Ai
............... uu.
$. ,
wWdl. .....
.. ..n.
............... .-rI7.,.... ..
. . . . <0

... ..... ....,
. . . . . . __
.. u.- .....,--.
_ ...,-
---.a:r .... .....

_el tILIII_ . . . . ..... he W1"'Ilte tie __ ~ tva. 'fte _ _
eadnb" .,. tWlI __ ~ ., eu.a __ 1'Iew T.t. ~ aM ..... &8 :rc- I , 5 Itt'Bc _ dle7 . . _ tM . . .
tM a.- - - . _ fill wU$ . . . . . . . . du. . . . -=-tlI tIMiIr -..rt7 bl. .'_ _. . . .
_ well _ - . , . ............. tIadr ....-
. . . . . . . . IUia __ ~_~

role. ...-:iaIt1 t-. tIIlo -a.a.

De - - .
n.-.... rtF?

h _ _ tba _
_ _ . . MU't7
..-Ic . . . . "-
. . . . . . . . . . . to -wet tMt tbM-
Ie u.e"~ "-_ F
tr'atIM tM ~ t ..a-- rr- _ c:aBtd

'W'llieIl CUllIDI'7 ol -
. . . . . . . . . . . p.,- _paW w1Ul _
foutU of
tile .... ,
aU IIrt. co uar-p

Mc:k to _ . . . . ~ . eater tbe mer .tne

. . . - . - Ia . . otlb Tad-.
4IAc:a1:t to ~ tbat u...
tnla.lq to maa. ~ .... ~ .......
MIt JftICeIJlI 0 . to JI"Oer-a-aJ. lila . . IIn9

It . . . .
lie _

'-'-lIec tOte Mdr. .,....,. tile
tIt. . . . . ~ m e ~
&0 rIPt W'1"Isl re'-. left
wn.t " ' - aDd tlle rlaItt left w-rtIIt.

T HII - - - el tile _ _ ba
late tile onat. .... e'f"eIl fa UIe r...-..
' -at -..rt wiD lie tID _ _ " ' - _ . "
aatbr.r t '.Ie . . 1 .....
M on a Lin_
-eetJ.... It - - . is tbe JO'IftI' 4Pi Uel 1& .....,. ctrs. ... n - _ OM!
T En: rteUae
....... 1' o.ea
II II.......

~ ~ tile ~ of UIe a..u- ~ . . . ...a.IlJft ad ...... tile ......,... ~ W1tlro a -..n..c
JllCtaft .-dl.
~ bYe ~ . a ,"Yale car to &. . .
s-.... tJte tl'aftier .... ~ . 1& ..
it tbe7 I"tJCIdft ~"w
It .. tbelr 0_ t::uJl thN t:ILIs ad.
Jlc.t tl;eii Iy
t ..
dkIt .. til . . a ~ fI1IIbuoe IterattI!I' at
wtUJtellll rc.- tile . - - . I.lual ..
ea:abI.e 'IIIl to aab UIle JOcr1mace to la

" " ..... an ...... II.J.P.UJ'. tM ftItJ~

lJIe ~ ~ -ron. :rr- Ilr. t.l!re.t ta tWr . . . fail to '-"""- Wee cI_ t-.
~ Ia the __ eUb . . .

Se. . . . . . . . . "T I2I"UU aM - . tID PlIltn ' n - ~ w U l " ~ ~ . " tlla t.-. ....-lap fa lM _ . ePta. ~
aM ilL 8IaaI It.o IIIaliIrlaI . . . tUlt UIe 4eIDl,y _ . . . - eI. ~ duInder. en&. tMt dkIt tM . . . . ill ~ &8'" . . . . ap.Ia.
plctvs for ..... CGat-.: two ier:ta-. _ tM ~""'aqbe~" A prialJ!d. . . . . . , . . _ Is t...- fa lta!taa ....
BolT ta.I. TN BadJeI: .. UM ~~ . .~~ 'De _ a D . . . . Ia~ ......... tIIdl nltlNttw . . . tit. I1teI .......... rr-
~ wIlidl . . . '-Ill ,.. ~ to Me- __ lad '" Cry u... ___ l a ~ ...-0-. 011 u.. 0 - ...-.
u--.ta. n.,. t.Itot7 call It tile a _

dlaa .... TIae ~ .... _- tJM npt ... at-.
Ilb _ ... ~ an nYeattr .....-c ..,. to eeIl _ artide tItti!7 Q It Ia Mlnr tat aD ~ II Ia tu"aeIII. tM
a.u- tJaat Ute ~ . ~ 116 __ a f~ . . . . . . tMt UttJe es:pI" _ . . . . . . fII~ .... w1Um.tM . . . .
lIaelr u.. .. r..~ c.e. Ia-..

1..- _ kbD. eaapt a........ B. &riAPlIl! . .

The Making of An Actress at Iur feebly. ~ .

llJ. ,.. at _ r real o. . .!" be
ery ~ r iD to. . !-
1M aU
CC: d~_ . .J (To c:cnrn~ l'rUT W"ClUt.1 baadti aa. race.. &ad after a fe. lIlUes to IDIJte I'oncler caQti-.
(l'o~ lllnled. to bf!l'.
'nM!:y _
c:::an DO.
Ia ~ Torir. u-u. wttIt1a a aile Movi_ in Central
"U I 1'0 ~ I cae. _ oat or un. tc." or _ or v....._ "-e. "MIl II IIA1lD!.!d
B..&.T _ Au1eric:a
. . . . . _ _ try ..... l..IDa__
he aiel. -We cae. CO 0Ter towartl ~ AIlad at tJloe-. a ~ eN' . . . . pi
1"',1.. pt 0Ter to Ule K__ ,.... ap.Ia. uaootlll7 u.c Ita ........t.M W'ay. 8 ~
' ...
T rr- tba 6!ad.Iy prtI! .f tile .on. II
. Itll be more -rortable---ud aIer. I . .'t it f'eU't'I!. Ub a ~ " - - TH Hn la- . . . . . by lite ~ .Ilb. ftkIt Ute feTft'
lib ~ ~ bt a fac--aa4 It". qt to Itaat U bad _ _ do--. slewM ILaIf ..,. 011 . . . .n.d. . . . . tile aad'n!ll _ e-tnJ. -'---
be thicker there. Too....,. ~ 06 the tnc:b. . . . taaeII. O't'er. rfP,t Ia tuir ka. . . . Ioa& ~ ... ~ tMU-
pegple wIlo an ~ f'laD... tTadentae4!""
"'Tel, do ~ ~ lIb." Ita. apeecl. ~I
JIlLllL "DrIller
tuae4 traaUc:a1Jy; ... -.e4
tbe eN' to er.-. tat. a Vera . . .
.... bit f_ tOte II"'iTUeP 0( ~ ~ __
. . . . . ~ tOte fJkt:u'-.
~ to :m. ~ tIl&t r.
lie ~
&lid tlLIII III beenslJ'. I blcnr ..1aa1 It wtll be
recollectI-. for a few _eab.
lIuied 0Ter tM rM.Wor; ..~
ot . . . .
CUBe . . It
At w. CtOIe. tort &8_ _ tIM
at 8pIaIIIIlI ~ _
tILk pc

lib .. IIlJ' ~ - P tl". a dear. 'ntere .... to _ .atte a IltUe ~ p.tJaered u-t. .....- a ~' . . . . ., cI"", ... ,...
. _ ' t be a bit ot bnIl!a. ... 1t1l be both ...., her. A poIl_" . . . faeeIec Iter; . . _ .... Pta1 _ u. ~ atpt.
&Ad bat.. . . . . trielI llt lit "II Ite ........ Iur. Ad I>uiq- tOte . . . ....,er it _ . ,
ApIA the:r laa-d Iato alJmce. He ~ thrt:a . . . . . r-tr. aM. a. .... lIM ...a-c... tat me ftII ...]l1J' to lb.. rtpt-; _ lb.e:r .._ ~
Iytq ap..I.ut. a IllI.ek. ... IIU . ......1tI!t ., . . "-_11ft J _ ~

llln;nacb Ute clartl W............. ..-... I1IDOOIUl faa prvI'UeIJ'. Ezo!pt..1leN 0.. c:rt--. __ .a- - . p rr- '"tIM ......-
an ..,._ to the toac:h of Ute tIreL G..-t tns m- had . . . . . . It. Ills face . . . MatIlIJ lOll to "watdl ..c.!- W1l111! tOte u Fay_
lI.ed the l'OlIds thl!T tn.~ eMl1II.I tIMfr
_lire a!uld..... N_ &ad ...... J'onter
Ven. ~ to ber teeL wen: Her.,..
_ . . .-tel!. ....eraI _ _ falatet
uuF ..... &8 1M c::urlelI. _L ..... ..... c.n.t.
nrltched CIa bJa betld1tdLta. Wbea " did bed _ ranter fa 1l.orTor. Her u.., tJ1el1. to . - ftoa the . . . . . . ca-. _t tJ1UQ1bael
~ . . . bethel . . . . . . .e- 11_ ot mOTe.. Thf!D the poIktmaa . . . at boer aida. rr- tb. ~ Utey dleerell. "-I.a t. tbe edle.
lipt. O.ualIy. lb.oaP,. be prefernld to rt4e
ID the lIarlm-.
rrc- Wblte P!a1u be tu1led DOt"l.Il. . . ;
~RIs Da.lD~_ XJ----..d J'OW'I. pr-!"" lIe 'Do W. . . . Ila. __nilii' the moat liUlI
nd .....c. or a ero.tled b _ . "., eetlTH
an. the:r It:r1Idr: the old. ~ roM.
caucht dim,.. at tbe ~ .-.ell. ot
an.d....,.. Ven. . . . fa DO mood to tJlJ.ak.. Her brala
obeyed her a1lmblJr; ber i.a.-tlaet . . . to do
wlLateYer ..., . _ told ber. De pTe J'onter.
0( Ute Ualtel! 8tatetl Is JUde .p
bora. la. . . . . aM -wtet'L wh . . . . u.elr
cit...,. CIt.-
Ib.... COIIle to tIl.IU Ute f"aUre ,.,..'''''''''

lb. R ~ R~ It W'q dear; then: W'q _ _ _ aad her..... AM-u.-: ua.. ~ ....lKJCJter. T'Itelr ",,-"'1_
t~ ot the fa&. aad the ail' . . . d:ry.- apiA.
A.d aI-e the 1lWtor1c roM. ~ Ute7
st:rwck. pe;1l.apI. wbere W ~ . ~
~II be deed: lb ..w.~.

10.. . ,..._0. 1..

1Md!" ~ p e " _. . . . . . . . . . .
aiM! a _ _ ____
'"t..'lI Ia ,..U
an aI""'YI wJtIl the co.....,.. ... H Is -uAalII
at time .bee Ute wU7 I" '-
...ttlec r_ ..... fa ..........
caaP.t &a........ _ .ftIIII w_
P'abt., J'or. H.m . . . a 1It:Ue bioall.. 'De..-u . . ~ 1e T'Ito ~ writh .. tMU . . . . . .
Iter p," bJa mot Its '-d. It ~ aDd a ."~t I t)JU tJaen - - . , . . .w:ta wTtac t.ItaIr !tea; . . . -ae tOt.
.... _ it. ....... the ell' aI-e the -.ertlIld for Il.1m to do. ~ ~ tile _ _..w- III nit. '
~ .... V_ t:!lriUed to tM ....... at tM r_a_eat ....~ ... ..... tOte IIiacSe c:art:I'Yp wkklt. tOte c-..-.
lbeqIat tbt *......-e. beI'Rlt---eboDW. M ea ton "-er ~ a.t t-.. a ~t'!"et!t ~ ,.. ..... . , . . . , . . ......tltr4
joJ1aC tUL Now. ~ felt _ ; ... ..... of k. "'.-to It-. _ ' -au. .. Ibria! (s-. ~ ..".!) 0., ....
had e ) "".. tIIII'! I l:M1r .....! TM ~ ... - . ! .. tIlot7 wIa tIte ...... all '-L
~ ~ .. wtidl ........ _

ta.It ~ . . . . . . te _
,..".... u--..
~ . , . ; I:a T . . . . . _
tum. to.
-.......-.tiien _
.._ ..)1. . . . .
et. -..e..
pOll ......
a :.., ~-::.c. t Wr ~ ~::..~
h ... , . . tit. tMt P'onar _ .,--.....
UM7 ...... tMe.u.~tM~~
~ -tee _ ..... wttIt _ Be ...... tM ,.,.......... V
t. .....
. -..
.....,ae ~ .....
at ~._ -..-,
after B1t -.I
a-. __ . .

........., n. -" ilia

_~-..-...." ta. . . . . .
~ bI Ul:at ""daa loYalU" .Melli cn. . .end Ie. . . . b1......nub ~ fl . . . c:aIIiII7 --.. U_at
~ __ Ut. W retI~ -a tIl8l were tIM! ~
It .. the _ _ witIt _ 01. the c1r1a. The, . - t o .&. fall . . . . . . dUr . . . 41. . rr- Be_ tMI tIle . . . . . .
aft attracted Q tfae Ute ol tU ~ pk:tve me ..-:b-{t III all tIM! _ te tJlIa _ ... .,.... _ . . laDIW 'WUS .u.- at
~ aM loft' the COIltac:l wtOl the . . - - oddb' Il!IlO1ICII tile. aft . . . . . . _ _ . . jat ~ 1Ieta& taba ., Udlt u.e. oa ..
laeat...a... . . . ~ Wlu!a tlM!J' .. _ . . -eB" . . tIM aa
to . . toel ~ ,..
. . . . . - . .b eft.- _ .... ~ . . . . . wU1
otMr tIte Uan..I tariIIrIlI ... Cal-
tlte ~ 1 7 to talk to ..,. of Ulna tIaeJ' Ir-aIa uItllIitors ~ . . . . . ~
make ILa7 ..bile the. . . . u.t- ... De"t'a' fall ~ ......... .-no tUt is. ~ eDd17 De . _..... to tJile nMtl . . tIw7 .... _
toe lUke eQltaI of thftr pod tiDIIUae by. roe- tbe actor . . ~ wlao . . . . - . . to M ew t . . . . '10 . . . . . . ill _ _ wtN . - : . . . ,
dablI It Ulq wfIl tie . . . . far ~ fa tH ' ta -..:s- - .
~tIaa" their ..... tlmacT" wtUl tile ~ ....
~ to tbel.r .cqwJatllDcel aU. futDlea.
-I . . . c:battba&" wJth .lack Itaripa to4a:J
t d to de tile d
ad:cIn .... .are.e. aI:lIohdd1 ~ to do
--.t. .....,. 0= aM wen alIIo ph
0. _ _ t1uIa . e ~ ...-. JIiebn
-.-alee hawe taka at. F feet
.... wut dtl :r_ thin !te told ae--df coane n.a::r
tIl.qp. .... _ cu. bard1,. * - th-. bateIa . . . ItaTe po , ' tH . . . . to mt
.,.. . . . . Dot repeat I.t. dear. bat 'be-- TIle
'!'beN an ttae.. too. wheD tile pmt , ., ~ ID IICf!'IlS wilen .... breeIiIlc ...
utn, wtlI . . au
the . . . . for _ e btc aftIe
maJorIt7 of tlIe-e ciJ'ls an! like Ute bo,.. ta
tJtat tlIey ..91 DeYer be uyt.bJq Mtter tbaD
Ute t1llIIC they an! to-da,. "They haTe .dOer
or~. . 01.,......
&.:Ie brIa coKmDe .IQ'
willch caUa fOl' few blla4red people, a battle
smart dotbea were ~ _
AltIlouP thft'e ill _ raJe to wbic:la tJace are
Dot ,exeeptlOlUl, the rule or I!'J(I;rU 1D&7 M SIt
U. 1InJ.u Dor the .au! that pes to the mak1Jl& . or ~.l&" baIJ-f'OCIer .ee.e. a UlOb 01' a .trilr.e. dOWD . . ODE that jUfltlIes tlae t'f:CIIIan IA tbetr
of aetfttIees wbo COUDt. They are quite CODtfllt r.
tile cue of b&tt.IM or strlIr.ea, 'Whent lila attitude. Thft'e are ma.y reapect_olr.blc IDIl.
to ..... U'OUDd and take _hat eJ:tra work oat,. are waate4, th. atd of a leDerai emplo)'- ud wo~ am... tlle atru of the 1ItudJ.,
tJte:J eaa _ for the aall.:e of JMo,ln& tboqtl.t meat ~ .. ealIed. ..,. _d _ tH ~ driYeD the~ b,. IJDmedJate, bJ' COlD-
.~ or for the eajoymeDt of the llfe. pobated ~ .. IDOtJeJ' crew of lila an _ blaatlODS of dftmD...a-ee. that do Dot rekt
TItea tbere Is the M)Ciet:1 prl Is beat b..aDlI. lIlea or au ~tia, or all -.ttou . . their hI~t:t 01. c:baracter, . . 117 ~
~ ~tt1JI.&" into the motI_ plct1u'e8 uul who fa life. Some of the. 'WUlt tile IIIl&ll RID to rUe froaI the rua.b, but tlle ntrM are
wUl WOITY director _til c1ftt1 a to ~ _ e of them &0 for tile DO'ftlt7 or it. - " I , . & mlnd. ero_' ud tltey an ....
act fa .me ~Dft.. She.m ...ear be&at1faJ SIloaW It nLia. the ~...,. auren eou;IlIlenbIe TarlaIIIy naIt -oataiden." ~ & paper 00IIift
. . . . . . uul wtn tall: ton lDada and 8Ct tao . - . for th.,. hue lteeD ~ bdorehand oat wltIl & hftdllae ~ Aaother )lo'f1e QWleII ID
UttJe---Cle DeTa' ~ _d ~ qaJb at . . . 1II.1U1t "' paid _ ' _ , _d thq Ita...e tlle TaUs, or "A ~1aewt )Ierne Act.- ..
~ ad or ODe pieRre aDd tells be!' ~ds
~ "'41 does . . thiDl; modi. of lbe mOYt_
to ~ e aplD the tGIlo da7 or _ _e
.u.ted date. 0...,. oa:aa- the........ e:rs

~ DM!Dt:icaM.
"au. m&:J' be pf'fltt7 sure tIlat tile
110"0'1' ID~ ~
to. .w:Il fll'fWttimt--1lbe may dedde to CO . . aDd Ute . . . . . .t 4lrec:tan ... propesU _ actor bat _ fill the ot:rU wllo, WHll . . . . .
tile npJar ~ - ~ U1elr Ilaeda r.J1, far u.- 111. . aft! ca- for Tocadn. IIf'CIlIIlpU,. ~ ". -....Ie
The IIP!!d-aIbt bl -1Iarb& deeds" 's .-eD enlI:r haN to 1II.OIIo&e ad It .at at aU actcw! It Ia too bad It Ia lMl, for we tllem.
~ at Ute nDploTIIIst lNftaus. He Is to _--.I for t~o
. . tIlree 01 U1etr DlIID.ber to &11 fa all, the ocreea artlot I. _11&11,. a qIllet
be r. . . La alt-........ &r9tUlIl K~. . . be thnt.. oat or
the ee:elte. Wltll.aetJ' ceatlftDaa wbo ra.1Itda ilia 0.. buslaeoa _d
~ .. _n .. aroand olber
_ _ to ha,.e .elf! K'VeaUl _
..bkb tells
.lIIIlJ-. ___ the ac:t.cIq _t ~ oftea "'rite 'WM tIa a ~e at ilia . . . to CO to after
tr:I~ froaI the _toIde. wbo aft deUP.ted 01 workiJI&" bcmrs wtlftoe be . , . . . tile "sill
ILIa .Ilea _etIlbl& fa his or ber Utae Is the dlutee to -.:t- ID a -e. _d th_ people with II. wlte &lid kIckIJea: _d who . . oftn
........ A. m.ut Is requtre4 to ran fJ'om .. make lbe Ute of the eKIlaJlp mea .. bJll"lkII ... Dot pes to bed eu-17 Ie or'ller to ~ to the
I I . - . . . be lIracPd b,. the stbTap. The try am!!b..lltI,. caltmc" th_ up to hd Ollt w~a at:!tdio oD time the Den lIIoraJlI"
atn. pQ - . t oftbe fact ad lmmaUately that particular picture will ~ IhOWll 011 the Is It matt.e!' fO!' ..onder tllat be d8ll11lll the
..,u.. te tile d1rfctQr la ~ or th1"Otql;b 8CreeD and wbere. ettra!
lbe e-paa,. aceDCJ'. He m&JI:" U ofr_ Directors are .ery deYel" .t IIel.zlDS all oppor- IThe lien artide OIl ~Extru~ ...111 ap~ in
-rn do It for 110 mach." He la fDnnabl,. Tunity. QUI~e ~tly olle diToe:rtor. J _ Rob- lhe IlIlIue of Sef)tember 5U1.'

he t.old you. tnnh. that maR . .1st,.IN. I

Helps to the Solution of the IItm ha.,e otber racta to tdI_ID.zl"1' f:aeta that
....m be JUl!oIdIlId . . '..he ator)' rroceea.
at tllill m-.-t wOl"klq OIl _ _ 'I1taIl7 tab!!':
Million Dollar Mystery tC f_ _ .. I
eatIq dRS, ft'erT __ of whlcla wfIl . . . . . to
,.... s-e Oil. the ~ will ..,.ear

lJ:l m,. I't'riew of the tath ~ I am Ioc*-

III&" for thrillers . . the DC2"eIL I aID Iooil:J:D&,
. . of -.pInton eereeaed from each ot.bu'.
.......1 Y_ aay *-IU aUd dab:D that. tl Jiar.
10 lItriIr.e 01 tllis
_d that DO IIlOl'e
time. Then!! mllSl be 011<' WOtC.
."... Brahae_d
mostly, f . ClaI"taIa
-=t'" fill Jcla8 .... otJten.
_ II t . . . .

ar-....")wen ta o:JUtaAt tcMcb wltb the onIlI!'I', otca. OIlot _ the defeaa... alP-t ba_ to ftee llrblc to lidlt. n- will lie IIUWC f1Il ~ fa(U
be -ad ..o:r
ha. . ~ tlle plaDa of Olea their eompatriota. A J ~ t!tenr mat _ lad- Den week. n.,. wm .u
te wbat I p", cifta
............. ~ ftreDce. Bat, bold! We en wbo U", la l11X1lf'J', qDe the naIt lUId lie Fe- heft. YOIl IDJrllt Dot mba them!
ala. . aIld moll ADd froOIll tIda ~ then
U", fa tIlme ~ batchel, for tlle moM. put..
la Olp'a ~ta, with ~bly \'~ er is ferDH!llted the AI$& ot dlm'ul_ 10..
NtGa . . . - t , bat wltll 110 _ ~~ there. ....e

Ute maid. Fer a lml.c tilDe. we Wfl't! told., the

f_tadOIl that lJ:l tbDe mat te-l to riot and
.. mad t.blral for ~ Such Ill.' toe the state
Where Travel Fibns
CGu.,-," aIlU'tmellUi weN watcbed.. ~t what.- of ~ . - - . 01 tllis time It woold .ppear Fail
~ plot ~l.Galed wtt.hJ.D th~ roamll mtcbt .. a . ...,.ttJoD..
.....,. well ba_ Wea Jr.1e:Pt from the Jr.Qo....lectce Harp-ean bll!lllelt IIla7 be Itedpd iD with
ot the coasplnton who ptbef'ed .J'O!lDd the SW"er ~ ~ tha.a JOIlS ~ ~t the
_ dl-table ill the readenoa:lI! Let tl.III k-sl Ume m!l!lt come wbeD. tlle ~ of the b _ 'll'flnDaneDUy bow primlU.e m.aDllllld Ihea and
till.. hi miDd. The BIac:k Hundred fl.... heo Im- or. at I~ the otlla' lIl&Il-wUl come befwe ua. lItT1'Iea 10T e1Il1tence. I.f ouly tbe dDemato-
portult beadQaarten: the .partmelltll of tlle
C'oanlNB. alld the room where "'e _ them In
This mDeb I am I ....... of--t.lld I uk to walt
...Ith .. I1ttle more patieace to _ U my propbet':)'
,.0.. p-apb had heeD ID"'eIlted before tlle da.n of
the Pbaroahs mucb that I. 11011' loot lo u.
eoulldL dOf!!> not bear the fruit of fv.Ullmeat! 1I'0ald baTe been made elear uit ltlaJ.D. Now
If. .,. of the m...ked faCft ....ere half-blddetl, Thls IIll1th eplBode, I may ...,. In clOlllq, la th.t we b....e thia wOlldel'f'u1 11lVentioD. we ha..e
ID the .hadow. of the ba~u.Dd. We could" LLe opJlOrtunltJ' 'll'flnDUleatJ1 to reeol"d. bdore
aot ....I~I,. J"I!lCDt&e 0Jl)' of these men ""ere
to meet them OIl the ~ We h ....e _ 001,.
w. oert:atalT funl.1altblC & ..metellt ~ for the
appea.raaot of ~'t"I!.. So bold b....e become
lbe operatlOllIl of the BlacIr. Hund~ th..,- wUl
It I. too late. thOlM! thillp wbleb are t:adlq
fapldl)' Illto the ~ ADd up to thia
their ~rr._oe:. lN.t aot ooe detall of their 1lJl6. atop 01 Ilotblq to pJ.a their end. Let OllIe or time the tnYll:1 !11m UJlIOftI"S h.n failed to
D-. stat1U"f!S or Ceatnree. two more oa:eb e-ts ucc:.J', _d H.arcreaYll: aebll!"le thla..
AllotheT f5tuft of tn'ftl 11m ta.UUI'M appears
What a bea.atitDJ ..nIDA" Harp-ean'. coo- aut cet hili forees lB&I'ShaIed to l!trlIie the
. . .t _benblp 1D the B1adl Hunclred ....oaJd blow! Tlme . . . . .bIc: _d the mlllioe. 40IIan to me to be adf-erid.eIlL Tl:le prochcIen aad
~ for reot-.e I ID the moat lJIskluou IDOJI.- IItiIl reD&1IUl far ~ froOIll the dwtdtea ot a:hlbit.on of A.fI1eaD aDd otller Ib:u fall to
. . . " coUI tlle ID1Dda ot m_ben with the c:ouptnton! U ~ tll..,- Ita_ . .ple ~ J _ tbe . . . . . ql.e .f ~ "'atm. .
of _tebe. at til lb.uub of tluL... froaI Rdl Clt.Itft. tie.. .. I .- pbere" wtte. tIM ~ are uIrlbtted... You


BnJM; 1M -W pIQ"..-a . . . . -.tval8I ... AmI! the:7 an ~ tIleB the WlI'l" a:- CO to we tM ~ lI. .t "'chlrel . . . tMy
are t1lrlrwa _ U. ~ . . . . . SIel:tDp- of
~ ~ aklolld lUId tr.p, aM llreeiI ~ of Utelr ~ wID wear u.e. 4oya,
~ tIII.~. flI. his _ ! lie WMk-. Utdr ~ _ '" ~ aM . . them ~ ~ ~ Hew awdl IHft 1"1!1&1
........ ~tJte~ ao .. _ a..
UaIIt tIIodr 4are4f:'I1I aetholb WOtIJd u..e ~
. - c r y . . . &!ltIIi.~! It
till. a .utac., ~
lie _
S " , tM:r 'WGUd baM aa4 aJcId:...,. .........
.... t.-.r ... ~ ftI'T eMJ' 111; ~ ......
~"""UThe. .. 0.
_ ~ ~
If , .
___ tW , . &0
.,.. .. bvrielll7. I
r1. or. I...t u.- ...... tUt
. . .. " It ........ IIIdBe . . Iaba . . . tIliea 1 U If.: ~ . . . . lItDe. 1

W est Coast"
. . Studio J~ .... J
.ad . . . -rIle~" ~
NIIiI..-t ~ 7 Be . . a JII"ltt;J'
__ II.-

Ne.... oC the-:Photop!a7era ~ T--.

a.t..... CDdrio
1lec:ll . . . .. . . . . . . .
lie ..
-...-MtII. __
SKIt DlB-.'. -.u. did. MIt II:M.-

in Southern California


Ule t.-.- BIiadt

t.t... .JIIIaalt-. fit tile 8aata Banua ClIIBl'


T..,- JaM ata. Rna. o.te ........... ...,...,. lie ~ bu tit.......,. ~ i t _

o.s.a BId: _ ........,.. t. ..-s- fit . . . . . - . . for a ... -"tr
L nt.t:y
~ --'7 -- ...
. s-r,- .. tw. neIar . . . . 'I'M ~ sa -..-c _
, .. CII60
-ao- ......' ~ wtI:Il. :o..tII7 ~ __ 'tI'bet are .... til tM .....
... 'leIt frtek ~ lat........ ....,.. - . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tl.IaI"" are -.-nr to
~ e--et .... .........
De 4IrediIr tlIr lie . . ,~ 7 . . .;
.- ;
_ . .-r . fa die ltaII . . - ....
.u. tJle B e n - .,... 0
. . . . . . t!uU -..1: . . . . ' . tNeb . . .
tM .-..r ". _ ~ It will ........,. ..... Dadll GdaIl. pac: .......,. ...,......tllo ~ __
be . . . . . . ..aI7 nat. .b Jtadlje ........
~ oore. .. _

~ ..
,.....,.T. . . . ~_............ IIl
Ule ""BIll'" ~ 'WI'lt:t.- .,.
TIMIMIr.....-r............ an . . . fa tIwI a &
PuJ..... r
me tbt
-.. be-. ~ wttII. a . . . . . . .
Uta ns 1RIdl . . . k
ber . . . - t ~ ... . , . It .. -...:
Ule . . . . . . . _ _ ...

nw.tlty OWl ....-et 1ter JOWft' 1m!!!' aataaIa

~ _

~bea." Nat eItlliw.

I _ _ to tM 01 taIbi to rr.u. ...lleIt. NCllIILtI7 We wolf. . . . . ftlfDe( I tile ~ . . But:a ....,.. tIr BUb'
s - who was III . . .urt .... .......... 4 .... C . ~.. _ . . . , . ...... ear.-ll ... __ ....-..tId ~
a 1aac:Il tM7 Uil tired. n.nG7 taaeI t. or l"IMIlIIl ~ rr- ..... wu.. tile Wt1Ile
laYtted . . to _ IlU tnt IIa -rile ......
7, ..
won: GIrt fII. 0.... wlW:lt. MI tell yM all . . . .
aut . . . . TM~...,.'-~_~
IIaCIe Clod:: fill Os'" Ia day _ t . - aM. ~
Jibe JIIIIaII. Jm'dIae z.ber. I't!en'e o.IIft.
fa.r .=
cna-DI' ..Pi
toIit _u.e_.. .
t. _ILIa..
aIIlnrei t. ~

. . .e of~""" Q
........ hn1 A.-n'1a
coat ..,. . . .-tJo.ed Y. Y. Jle4kt
prsl"-t fit tile PanmOClBt COllIPAl'
........Unx- ...
II'r.-It I - . t aDd I'Nd .......... wiD ~ Cart:I'Ie m
IMtr. om-. rtcM
arrtTet.. . .' wttIl
e.tPt . .
~ ...... of Ule IT ' "'-.en.
J. B. ~ tile dbtrIct euut . . . . . . lor
the...... Tbe ~ ~ aN maII:iq . -
~ deetL B1 tbe wa:J' I .otIcIIlI _ ~ tM Nodl6lI: at wtU W teat.eI.
.!pI; . , Ia the .t8d!o; -rite ...,.
It Cu't Be n-e
Ifa7 1'0 to u.. a.ce o.t
m. P'Q' CMel:!"
0IIt at tJle x..Q lib dlridlias. . . . . . .
.... !I.& daarmIaa
pUc t. eUIlrtaJa the
LolIta P' twa an

.... u.I&tlt. 8pedal Udadq Il6c.U

beea arnqtIII .... ~ ....... will
!'be biIIltIlI "'What's m.
- . - . J ' _ tM

1'llUlIe'" will . . . .
Earn ! Rocker Easily
,h--. o.c.r
Apfel b __ JII'O'Iw:Iac .....,.
nio . . V _ 7 . . _ cc_,.;;",,_
Bvaltt'" with Ild.. &bdM. -.e ~
RIcII:Jaaa _ . Tbeo4_ a.berU fa 701o-_ ...... Toiot Sell 25 Boxes
the _
s-.o. 75c V _ _T_ 01 Thia-Soapaod
Two _paula" are 1IaJ at the L1IIlIa _ .... c.IF

an the
_ ~

A.-_ wIten two rwIen
Captaba W1DIu 1Ieh111e . . . SOC-
Earn This Jrme
on spedal featue eYer}' three weeb.. fte Upholstered
~ tJle .,.,ml tl_
Captaiu Is proad of the tad; that be ~
for Kuter N ~
artd did fa a few _t:ta. ..'-1 -.l17 take. ROCKER
fou:r GIl' ....e 1'ean. hal PlnreII d1I'ecU _ ~
Pllll7 aDd Leon D. Klmt Ute otJter. Bodl. lAdUe
Tnap &ad Velma Whtt.aa an daIac pod.
.ortr: for the Lab. . eo....,..
At the Ullh'aaI the -rioe7 of IIearU"" _ .
PaD7 haYe at lut !"et1lraed rr- . . Dteco
.~ they did _ ~ ..or1L Cleo
M..u- Ia t:a.k1IlI' daTI rMt aDd ~ It
tor IIbe Il.u worked. lib trooper &Dd. .....
tI; .....', l'il!tulllI to ~ ~ "doUIe~ . . .
in th IIl&IQ' du1ac'. ~--.
aolq throaCll reIld:8 nb ..-..ce IbeIL
Gnee CuanI aad I'raact. J'ord. an ....uac
on a an I"8eI Ger1Daa-J"I'eDdt war pIc,':ba'e bl
1I'hSdt tIte7 tab the ~P'l JUb ... til
_b.ldl tile,' prombe to fllrabb 1IlI0ftI tIIIIa a
- . t I _ 01' ~ Pu.J.1ae IhIab UllIer loe
De G~ pn a ~ 1IIeUltIbll ....
flJl'1UllCll I. '"The 0--'" aa4 Illba . . . . .
p....e a tute of her quality la a eIlu1It1q _
IItOI'J ... ill DO'" ......,.me .. _ U'tUIt with
IeeIleI located La PadL
NotIliq: Dew at the 8eUc 1t1adJ0 euept that
Director llld.. I. I.e 8&tBt baa had hill plebue

"'tookm.... He baa beeD a ~ It tor two
1l!Dn DO'" lnrt. preten to mUtt ot.Iler people
pc-. lD trout of the _era thaD to . . . . tile

At tIM J[aInD. ComDU17 1 .... llou. Darlr

featlt.. aa4 leante4 tJlat J"naIt 11_ , ..
COIIlIlUI' had jut retuwoed. tnna Plae 0 . -
_Itere UleI' tool!: he We we.tIenI two , . JI6e-
~ an Ia tlIe ope.. fteI' are DO. . . . . . . . .
1IpOD, t!I,tIlDter1on at Glea4aIa. 1. P. ~
lw IItUted. ilia ~ n11nad ~ ,..


m ts
':?: -. .

_.. .-.,...".
~ ~
lit. CMt ftk:IL, wtt.ll ilia-
. .......
. . .....,.
. . 1Ndt: .. IM

Ia __
u... . .
IfCaA' , .... ,... _ .-._---.
.. .: - .
. . . . . . . . . . be NIIIIw
..,. ..,. .. , , _ J'tywjiiI. Ca4
.-.-.... . - _.
a" " 'I'M:r . . ~ It 'wWl
"CaptaIa ~ Ia wIaIdL oe .... "'tt ... . - . - . , n h _
THE NO-VB !.PICTORIAL ......, ft, m4
-~-~_","."'-;.";'~~':",,,,,_.-"~;"",;:r,.-Oiir,.2S'":;...o;.j - ... :. "' ~. /-
: ' ~. . . .-..,-
M.N.-K IN.A.C .
~ ~10'-;"""'4,~':'- - ~.;-~ ~"A';""....~~, ,.;.
r."-'K.. vr...;.o__ ..--,-'-
tf- ' ....
GC;_. ':.

Utter CoIMIuII .-..-.. I .....;. ---. o r ,.,;.;._ ... -

.... -.s.........
'I'M ClIIIIa . , 11M ...
= _ _6 - - ' ...- . . . . . . I fIi- w.-t _
--..... ......-.. ( ., it tIM!
n 1lEWYe-t




~ ~
. . . LIttle ar-t. .
0 _.... CI'WCb1 CCowtit _ of ~
. . . . . UIIl ~ . . . . . . . . . --eIl
' Jktu'e _ ant my ~ _
.t'7U TnP . . . .
. . . .efeC tM ca\II ta tile. b [.at I

pk:bd. . . . . . . . . . . ~ the....,.
fa sid" . . til-. toad ....eraI t r ' ..'.
ItIUI whJdL ~ tIaat IIbI :sre.t __ ..
bItal of S5UI .... ~ dotktq. boae
real aa4 Wmdry wort. ooB'f1dstly," I tMacht.
""beIac -..-ell of two tItate. . . . aot
IInocIat ar-t rldas to Lot:tk... 1 wnte .. aote.
~ . . . . ~ to _ebod.,
bad bee
r.... .M: that t1Ie owuer eo.Id eaII tor It at
~ .eeaart_ _ I taUed the aotlce _ til
......' tMdIeUa ~ .... w_t ~
0. 1Il7 'Waf' Jato 00 dt7 I Kopped. at .. ae...
ftMd aDd .......t .-.enJ 1IlOT..... ~
___ I Dew tIaat the Ibu of ~ m,.

~ . . y ........ n
, 1- .... dnm.a bd iN-. releued for uhlbltioa
tIlroqboat tile Ualled atate. _d I . . . aaDou
to ~ .bat the .J"tTtewen lbouPt of tile pIe-
ture.. oa .. lIKk.,pqe of .. maps!ae I rnad

Pboto-PlayWriten! You Can .. paracraph CODCenLIac m,. t1rst plaotopla,...

brief aotke a.)1ac that the releue . . . ratrt}'
cood. h t .... "'Dot e:cmn..etq.. Not .. wOl'd
about the !SO fJeet of Reel wtre~! NotllJ.Dc

Get This Oliver Typewriter! at 1.11 eoacernblc the b-n_ten ahootJnc at

two ",omea III &It ore baellet 100 feet lD ajr!
'"W1lT, bow CUI. this ber 1 ..oadere4. MDld
tbe c:rltie ..ho wrote tb'- aetuan,. _

~ On tbe aim proJeeted. or .... tbe pa.ntr&ph 'otIoe-

writteD' by mlDe careI~ I....ory-beaded bleom-
pet:e!:ltr 1 "_tuaUy p.n the problem up
.. an enf&m.a of neb dJequlet!D&" ch.aracter . .
to catme 1IIATO..lq men~ dJlJtrelIL I ..ould.

bowner. nen at tbl. late d.y, Uke to meet
the autbor of that ~ p h utd aak him
ho.. he came to OTerloolr:: e....erythlq coocI In IL
At the supper Uhle that "'11.... Aula. my
wife, and 8teIlL our dausbter, rem.arked my
bitter dllJCOu.ncemeDt and IDqu1l'ed ..hat bad

PJQe wroac ..Ith me.
MI ..orked with elPt IDen like .. plle1 alaTe
for be da.Ta In .. rocky coree under .. broU1q
IUD to set .. big .eeue," I aas..ered. Mutd DOW.
111 a map.zlDe ~ .... Iew of the IIIm. the climax
I, tpored. I am bec1nnlna to believe the lot
of .. _nario writer '- b.ard."
No c..Dectan! '"Oh. cheer up," aid UDL '"thJak of the
G p1eluJure 111 -eeLac 10ur -.rIoa sprbl&: 1IIto
talrNd No mtsed Charaes! ute on a theatre K:reeD.. 1m't that eaoacb
13 CENiS A DAY AND IT'S YOURSI "'Som~." I repUed., "tlnt ~ --.rIo

IWf Rea '

'"..w_ M..,. .......,.. _..
r Price
' - - . t r .... ~ .......
_ _ _ . . . . . ..ttr. . . "'
y _ CIelIit Ie Good
- - . ...
authors wm eome iato their O'W1l. 1.11.4 be 1"l!leClII'
Il1sell .. the poeatest of all IDa eouceraed
lD IIl&Il:tq m""a Their DUDS win be Init

..... ---tW...-..
1Pt ___
l.lI. renew. of~.... Crl.tlc:. will

a<*--. . . . . . _ .... ...
_'- ~

., __ -w... f!ftll.tua.U1 reeocm- tbe story structure of ..

~.-.I ~

..-,. ......
GK __ ~. ~ 1
(TO _
pbotoplQ' . . behIc
.. ~UT W'BL)
I~ ~

Uoe It ~ y_ Pay
n- "" __ o.t . . -tla& 'I'hB _ ...
~ _- s - i e ~
......... -.m- ~..,..,.
_hi' ,
- "n-t-_'t
- ""'*-
__ ....... T _. . . .
T HE Four BenhaDu hu. t.euf1lIly takea
lea..... of their !deneb at the TbaDho..e.r

~lf.....-..-..... 1''"
_~-eIoon.... ~ ~
rtu4Jo ta New Roc:heUe I.II.d lOa. to the CIlI
torula picture CleDter here the)' an alreadY
v__ w.. U.-.....J Ly-..I busy Ia piet.urea that win hue &D. early l"&-
ftoe c:E-_'" _"".--...J.,~
.....................~ . I i t i........... _
... I - . Leland who '- elpt Jean old, bated
to part C(RUPI.Il.Y with Bert Adler &lid the

.-to .-fct ~ ww.-d c.riqe . . . . . . latter'a dally leiH:re:am t!'eat but Dorothy.
...... ... ............ doe u.tot.~~-
aced tI:Lree. . . . lJutlffereut about whom abe lett
=...-";:=..~.=:--=--~tt:.~..:: behlad jut _ abe .... alIo_ee1 to CUT)' her
tbn!e dollL

WALKER aad WaI17 V. . diG a

Sip _Mail L lleLlAN
uWe daeee that '- the . . . word III . . .
mo4erL .&ad GetI' .... ' h. fa tilt. ~
TRIAL ~ rr-.-t u4eajoyUIe JtKt.Iee.
TODAY! 1'"-
.- ,
Bat .'.JbcMI)
'- ..... .,
.......... 110..-..,
4IaI'e strl-

. . . . .. . , tUI &"Iaatap til tile ....-t til ~

L. .....::""~l~ 'o',.==.=========;======-!i
.. ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . " - " tt.L
Eastern Studio

News n. .......
II.t P p' p-
Gossip of PI.",era In 11,7 , SI.7:
and Around New York
UDIaa . . . . . ~ ..... met tw.
"The Girl Who
OIDI Il'IC& ~ fill. 0. I.-... " ' -
J ~..

epA' ' ,
.. _
hla Iaua.. trte.6I t:.w tIlIa. f. '
ClIiDedIIr fit
-- _ ., "
fa rYbc ~ ,.... . . . _
n .. wItk* eM .......
. . . wttlatU.N fill .... ~ . . an en-
., Ute Disappeared"
dnJIl - 7 ....."ft'7
Jk. bIooe . . - . . . . .. ClIIIIoEt.-rb' twe ~
n ~
~ ., . . "'Mst ta..u." ..".-t; n1aabc.
. . ~ ~ ~ l I e r ' " landle.
Waa ebe your danlEl*r.....
ter oiccc?
wId4 on..
rr-. =...7..,.
dIl ' _
lit ~ _ .unr-
II&ttt _ 01'
Georp tM TILInl. ~ _ fIIl- non. PIada. . . Jler .-ry-aJPt tripe ta~
Is the littl~ srirl you Io.e still
New TIWk tM _Y1taera111a tIMKre, laM Ule
fend lIE. . . . tor ..... ~ n.- ~lelaIId fa tM ~" ...... at home - saTe. snug and frtt
of u.. ..-n .... ~ ..... UIliIIJ' st". wa:r Cor at:r.atITe ten It taIIa
bta be ~ it too ulullie til --.. ~ to ~ .ao.
rtacIl. tfIU
from danger?
baa bel!D. 40IIe it Ie uually tollowed. .,. bI'oed
".... a:... at tile . . ... ....., II HI' at tltoactlt eI. tM ......... Or is ebe just blooming into
J. . . . . tD I t - . Gab' ..... tM . . . cIa-.ten ... peI'tn7e . . tM - . .. W()INInbood ready to ft:Iltul'e
tIMtIaa fit t.atac or tM ..... ~ t. tteRJr .........,. ~ ....
forth in a world where the sbipa
..... , I'.", IIlItflll~~
Vatku. _,... Jlr. a- .. ""'7 ~ Ia of AdYCnture drift to the Great
bJI; tie ''HI) - . . ::c-,.
taDda& __ ~ , rlbGenWa wtaIl.. 11M __ Sargasao?
W--. . . . . . . . ~..-...... m-
Ule' 1 fIIltJaat~ .... ~ Clilfonl G. Roc, author of thiI
. _ at tile Labla
neIty LatJli:r. -.ala&
at ll. .. --.
~ .,
It, _ ~ -,
thriIliuC Ia,..: '7_ a-.

... n
~ 7 a. Baft:J. of tile ~ --so GirlaV",ishYearlJ

ltd. " . .
r-uJ' ..,. tM _
fII.~ ~.s-
.ntea ., ~ III
in thiI 0-...." AIoacI"
BUb QwdB, ..,...nq Ia Ule VJte-lnp.
Jt.aPen' p: 'ee,,,.n' '...... cafe. . . . . tbt are beUc . . . . . . . ~ u. Vl~
lila n.II7'" __ IAtMr t.w die ~ ...uo Ia 8I'ookJ71l, .. IlriJlc1.q Joy to . . .
a..a- oil tM YU1&tJ' 01. ' wUcII ta-. Cor "BU.Iy~y" laM _ ~
PI til aab Q tIleIr wwk .... __ Ba..,. aidIe ot l.U __ tbt aoboIb' ... caa .uIte
Po" ~ alIno. . . llow to _Yert ..... IU; _4 wbat Is _ be -n lie ~ Ule
lato pbotopla,p aDd, I teU1'. 1Iato ~.
f1 am...
III retar. for the ~ . h-o. tbe t.U-.
Lubl.a JadJe. lJa'f1.ted the du) to the plaat ArUnll' B ~ duriq the tnt week
Uld _ (or tbem.Mh'tlS bow pi<:tllns are 1:IItIde.
after ilia ret1lnI. ~ lbe Ed.I.a .Iac:boafl1k,
J'lL., -..dJo, .peat almaet hie I!'!ltJre time po
Bela. Ulted to!' tier llkeable work 111& from OIle BII'Oad'll'l'J r.ture 11-.. to ....
In Kal... pleta....... Dot 0Il1J a kreeD. artIat ot.ber. "NeYer.w ncll nul oa bie h ~
but .. a cullllUT artIat .. ..u. She deUPtli aDd bt&" tlma, ~ u.1d Arthur.. be emn-pd.
In prepa.rlq De... clJAh~4 D.obo47 1.1 atrailS from Ill. Strand aD4 made Cor the Globe. ""See-
10 MlDple them. a tTtbate ..bleb 1I Ute re-a.Jt I.aa them is Iteevl.aa m. basl~ thaD my maJL"
or much pf'eTlous _pl1.Jlc, He that the latter has ITO..... to nell
pr'ODOrtloa. that be a - be will Ia.Ire _
A. . . . . d1reetor .be b.M __ wtt.ll DaYld I"fU.ry "A bloade----a4 pI"Iett,.." I. hi. prete!"
Bel.- &ad. a180 w1tIl. t.U ~ .... wlwt
'- with die BeUa ~....,.. til .,....,ted
for the tail. . fill ...,. eI. WI' . . . . . . - . ~ S&JJy CMlt2, wb_ E.d.-'- ~
"I UTe - . ~ . c a n ran ......" .. G- haYe for Hr. _ IMI1 -....... ~

~ "'5JlIply . . . . . fill. tWr ~ _ I lnSf..... D. c., .......... ~ ~ ...

I d - - . . ttl belq:.1lefon Ule maen. ~ mlrer ~tly. ~ .ua ~

.....,. otIler Uttle dIas dill _ 0. ""-I' bea8tJ' roees.. n...ate _...-w
. . . . . . att-.~Q.. , . . ~ ~
~ . . . . . . . . ~ ateItiaa ~ ~ . a
th. o6riq
dl_ la ptetIIre
r8ClI""" wUdl
tlult au. er.t. .....
tfIl_ 1M t8'II'U'lI
~.~.rtM 'nMt ....
l'1IrtHr, t&.at ... . . . lb. . , . . . . . .
~ JIortotl aad Sydaq Brace7 of lb. eIaUy for an. Cnt4 w.- )at nM:J' m- No other story of tbe ceotury
"., -.dJo aft plaJuLlq & _ e r -.0 0111" fa ~ VicblN &ad ...... Ute baa taken _b a bold on the pul>-
~ .. a at...-p..
tr1p. OnUaariIy. tbe:roe _taW. be DGCJlJ.q 'CII- lic-aireadJ aJlame witb tbe knowl-
IIlJlIIIJ bl Rda . . . . .""'n.......-!. belt th. tblq edge that we are Hour brothen'
that man. t1LtlI pu11e'IlIar b1V -vedaUY 1D.U!r- BarTy Care,..
[oral""r Blocrapb . . . lLes
est1q Is th.r.ct that It wiD be mad. Ia a eoDIpleted the ma.klac ot the t-.tan 81m ..".. Iteepc:n, "
~ baUOOIl. Nortoa &lUI 8nceJ' lat.eDd w..ter CracbDlua," La wllJcb lie .... botb. lead
to 1aDd bl Caaada. But aa.. lIeTer kno.... and director. TIle~" Kotioll Plctl:lN
about ballooll! CompaQ' I. lb. or the aIm _d Mr. grope blindlJ-JOu do not know
Carey Ie th. o_~ of the eompaD)'. Tbere I. wbere to build Jour defeocCi of
WanD IDwr-t uprfteed ID th. ahowlq ot thl.
Kurtel o.trtebe _red. a dlllt:lllCt W ~ In
IIIm . . Mr. CU'e!". WOMt is wldl!'1)' and 1."'01'"
tbe girls wbo MIGHT disappear..
tlIe nlCIlIlt ~ ecreeIl vlQ bl wbleb. gil'
abl,. lmo.1l.
apv-red at a I&rp Ihooad....,. Tbil
pla, . . . . . . Tet.ephoD.'~ &ad the Ilnt YOU WANT A copy!
oC fIlatlY ....-ttr- -veetaUJ' tor tll.UI ~te lltOe Milllll ElIRbetb LoDUPa. b, the ....,........
Itar by PIll1 lADerp.a. the " _ &lUI two rowl t~ of tlte ThaD.1lo_ edlton, . ~
You should have it-to look into
ell ltor." at u.e N_ R.odIelk Vlaat.. &lid J"bll ~ .... t&It_ oyer the mod_ the aecreu intimately,
plet1lft .edOD. cr tM Saw T-. Sn"a. ...,....
III&' ae- IIarsuet L Ked)oeeW _ tile ,.,.,..
II.mal1e Crue. of lb.e darlt. pod. loob _d

fIl ft'P'CIrter Ia ""T1MI MUll-. Dollar
. ~ ~. 1leIII&" Ibaed at Ole TbaaIiOUll"r
t. a

New -....u. ...

dlam'" ~ of u..
It t. tile e6:iaI

)(r~ C:nae
'- .,
....... ffII. ~ M-'"
--no ltd et tH
!!rS nbD. CemPDy.

J .... 8lIaaJ' It.- .... ~ '"tile - - .

ra.- P\Q-
Oae Dollar-Seat TodaJ'!

--~ .... ...,. ........

, . . ,..

n f~ ___

e..-._ fa all Ute wwtof"~ 1tJ' .I....

tam_ ....
. . aD ~
ta._tMl'e.oaI7_ "'JlaaW" MIl
..... Ie Pa1IDI!r fa~. 9.~.,. RcTorw. tM
--e:t_ la J::qtaN.
.. s. ....... ',tt'tIloe . . . . 1_ f.' ..
tM~eltM. . . . . . . , s.6 P '.. CW"V..o
~_ .. t:!...-.

InlorlDation. Depa-rttnent
I ADswers to Questions .
about PI~s and Pla7ers

, Q.. B...
. . . .1 ~4
~ lLL.-To tbe belt 01. . .

0 - . hr . . . . , . an . . nIateII.
........ or aot ett1ter Ia ef IrIab
the7 c.taIaIJ" ........ vi.
ttae ~ dIU't tkJ!,
lila, .wt
tbat ad
ae.-t. IlIIIIt
. . . q lie t!Ml - - . 'J'Ite Ant 1I&med OM
. ~ H.. N. T.-An. loAa Btroag. Ia

Lwu. p ..
tbe r . - fa wtidl tIM', ,

B 1_ oe---

'D'. -ne LoR 8enDoL" WlU1am *1 W1III'h n_ :roa. __ to C!lIcaP to . . . .

A ...........rz .-ed~
GInroo4. ~ J-auu.., ill the
. . . I.e)[ p ...... dIIaaa (we're ~ :roa
~ ,.....-.
-.I' 7 ..... TOOR _ .,. ...., Imo... Ida), uui OW NdK . . . IIan7 s. s. w.. OU' ..uvxm, JLtJr.; The mere tact
wu; I I AIlS that the UIl1 a;J .... the JtbmDacolor Caat-

Va Ileter. wboee ........... 80 pod tllat we
nnILYN cnD'Ie1TeI ~,. f'eCIlllPl.I_ him.. P&D.1' ~ to baTe omces III the bllUd-

_.. ....



, .... _ will
K. 1. W .. P'iuI...I.JJa.. P.L-'I'be
u.. of the ~ . Com,..,. fa lID
dro 1Itreet, :r.- ~ C&1lfOnIJa. aDd letter
- . t to IIaeIi: 8elLDet at that addft8I wtU readl
uec:u-. KIl'"' I.
1JI&' doea."t a~tate t1l.etr ba'riDc aDJ' ClOIII-
we _dentaad, is .at
ba)irIc IIc:rIpts ,... tb.ta time. If,.. watdl
PmmJn...&.T sc-..... eso.eIy :roa wtIl _ _
nreTJ' Ieanl ..bello th:T becla tD bay acam. all rtchL
:::::.:r...,w~=~~= Bz,o~DDt Ctm:L W,t.:n:llro..'lt". WIll.: IfDWI
. . . . . .a
. . II<NDI.EIr.
.. ~"'.f"'_
Jl.ur N.. BolD KIna. OIPo.-8orr)' to di.-
eotataee ,J01l0 bal .. we haTl! told. others t:1IIIe
A.a4rao. III "TIle Battle of the aexe." ... ~.
.L1l1Ia.a. GIah.. liar)' PlcUOnI clld. not aweao' IlL
.... aca1a. ,J08. nlalb' b.:..ea.'t ODe clwace ill UJ: of tbe.Grtmth, Yuba.! arm.. 81le Ia ..Ith
th--.d. of cettbaa work with & tum eomU.J. ftmOllll P'la7t.... not IIlltlIal, )'011 Iouo...
Tean of apert_ Ia requlnd of bot.Il plQen
uul cameramea. and ..e bo.. of 1lO 1ace t1lU IID..L"I" C.. T~X:l. vi-
UK.: We Imow of 11.0
_ eo1IJd hooeRl7 m .... d where ,JOQ eoaW
motion .mdlo III either Bpobae, Port-
~ th1a wttJa aDJ' .-uraace that laDd 0 .. Orecoa.. I..o. Anceles. OD the other
alter 7OU' tra1ablC .... eomplded J'W coaId hand., baa .. lot or .tud.l_ III aDd abollt IL
IIIleU'e a poaitt.... !lajeKIe. Rel1allee, BrOJacho. lb:r Bee, Key-
stolle aDd Domlllo fllDu an mMe lUlU' there
.&.. It., 0nca80. Iu..-Tllo 8eU&" people ~ for the Mutual procram. The UlI.t.-l has
~ aneJ' had a audio m.aDihr of that - - . b1& procluciD3 lItDdJo IU!U' I..o. ~ and
a1thcnI&Il a IIarry GonIoD. ..... 0 . . . . hi the1r ll.... then .... abo loeated .tud.l_ of the
_1lIo7. caa be l'eIIdled. at J8I1 North lrI'lDI; Ka.Iem, Vltqnph. Becl1& Easazaay and lI.umeroaa
An.. CJlic:I;p. ~ tilt. Ia the Kr. Gonloa reatur'I companJea.
J'CRl aRe4 abouL
E. 8.., CllI~ iLL: We collJd 1...e )'Oil the
sau. :a..
Ihu7 Ia aot de.l. That 'W'iW J"ldD
about .-ee "er'.J twa ....u.
ad4fteaes of balf doRa or more dnaa.atte
aools, but lI._e of them 110 far . . ..e ltDow
maJte8 .. pneticle of tn.I.Il1q pupUII for t1te _
_ ,.recl1oo4 0( IKten uk1ac u ..b_ t1o:D. plct1lnl atadfo. lD. tact. ..e doa't brdlne
It )= , wbM; the c:a.. .........bue the UlJ' aool CID st.... J'Oll that ~ T_
fuMInJ. helL Jolla Ia a Ioq W&7S from ha..... 't chaace la a thOllAJld of bec:om1q
belac probUJJ' ~ 11'1'. tomer. ill Ute llC:I'ee!l lrtar for there .re bUDdrelb ud h. .
h-"- of JLIa .tID.lren. dreds or taJeIlted, aperleDced. pla:ren, fftlm tJl,e
ledtlmate -ace ..ho ..... _ the tltudlo waltlq
Lvcr 1.. c.. 100, . . . .- ...... IlL nenb lIsta. 110 )'Ott CID .ee for J'ounJelt ..hat .. 1LaadI-
....... She IUctLt ill 1'oraI'I'1D& B1m ~ .... Lac:r cap )'011 ha...e III attem.ptIac to IaDd .. poe;ItlOD

.. .
PQtaL C&n.J 1.. BMt5ap .... A...t ~ ta with - . 81m IDaDttt.c:bIftr. At the 'I'ft"J'

Ne . . .~lp ..W.
tbiI . . . pIctare., aM. tIul Ill.iJI.bter .... J'nd: moM. the bMt )'oa eooId aped would be .. job
J'arrlqtoa. ..ho Ia appearI.q IlL "TIle am. . . aD "extra" _d ..e bow )'Oo'd be dlzap-
II-. Dollar Jr.nter:r .. polll.t4ed In the pa,:J.

"1'&3," Commr t .... rea1lJ' '"JIGm.e P. A. P., B.a.LttlIIOQ, JIlt.: Sorry J'mI dlo't
au" Babr ~ ill Italem'. featu'a tel tbe answers to YOllr qastloDl. U the Q - .
pIctu'e "Home Jlu:D. Babr"11 Doable." TbiIl ti01l.1 and A;u..ers ID&D cot them :roa ba_ !Lad:

tamoa D r 0( the dlamODd. ma.:e almoe ..

a ~Iy ere thlL ~pe )'Oll mt..ed the lI1:UIl
pod. a 11m .::tor . . be dId a buebalJ. pla,Jer. ber of Tu::E MonE PtrTOaU.L In .. hich they ..ere
Gda't 1l.ef DId)'ou bow that Chrietie Ilathew- anawered.. I ean't just st... e :rou the l8ne O!l'
IS lillie TeI~~ . . Ia to appear lD. plctvrell al8o. It ..oa't be hand, but 1 recall J'our InItl.... and bow )'0ilI'

_ - -._-
- . t1ll there'll be .. m~ tim. for the f:allII questloll. has beell an...ered. L001l: O'I'er J'ln.r
w&... . _
_ _..........po T_ _ ...
..... . . the ~ fn the willtel' .. there llO" Ia oa bac1l: lI.umben and Re it I'm. not rlSbL
the blacben IlL the summer mOlltha. It ....
.. -
__ 4
.. e:-. ...

_ ....... J--IIr . . . . . . . . . . . - . .
Belea L1adroth wbo appeared .. Mn. BaUr lu
the 11m" aDd abe ta fn DO ...,. related til. reLI
ur. to the famollll ''Home ann."
ClurAr.o FA:'C. CBIC~go, 1o.L: Tbe Ca8eade. u
we ulI.dentaDd It, !! feature c:omPlUlY pro-
dueln&" lu ptc!'Ul'ft III California. Don't 11::11.0"
where you caD see their lIlmll sboWl!. Ben bi
('way DC FIlEE
_ ..
....... .-...4 ..
_ ~ -~
p,- _
"hJlar," JbsJI'oa, M&.-y..,l-epb. ~ of
tile Be:aut:,- COmv-aJ' .... bon Ia 1OIlI' ~
. .d1lis tatter .... ODce IMl& eavuta. loeep1t
Chle&O ..e UYeII.'t M'ell aDJ' of them. thouch
probablJ' before loll.&" the)' wm be lIIlD~
b)' eome feature dlltribatlD8" aenQ". No, there

.........-.--.._ .......
lett Mil home IlL Ne.. Culll!I at . . eu1)' . . . I. DO C:OlI.neetlou betwenl St.erUuc and Key.

...- -'
=:.. :1.:_':'; _p::=-
.. ~"":I
and ..eDt to 8oBtoD. to taae .....tIoIt La an
U'clUtect's otDee. Tbere . . ~ hll tr1Ie
TOCattoa. aDd bu ..... .mee beeD u act.ltr.
stone c:ompanles. Ford SterIlDA" tlIIelI to be &
KeyltoDe comedian. but lett tbat COllcerD to 0

-. with Universal wb~ ne.. brand of 11m ....

-=-_. , .w c:rea.ted, named Ifter the maD wbo wall to till

Puc. 1. 0.. ~ Iu.-Tw Deed. D.oot be
'n =.. - -1Il!:~.~ a1..-.I OTW wIIat )'011 lit the lI.e_paper
featured In the rel~. Can't tell J'0ll ..hether
CucIIde bur.I scripta or DoL J"nak]y, J'OU
.... . . . ..... ..-e!_ ..... rr-dlt :x. &.luau 1IdIlc lit Ne.. Yort. h....eo't ehaDee III thoulI&lId of laDdlq a
It wu -.t1 to ...... tbe D.at1oaa1 COll'l'ell.tloa
: ..:.,.- -==-SSS- E
1)0810011 ..ith film company. Gift 1Ip that

: ::..._~,:"".===-.~-~ :

~ . . . . Jktuc ahitlto!'a uul to bke eome
_ _ Ia -...,." IJ'tlU. four-reel featuft. "OGe
. .~ J'ftcbL" Be fa ~ Itl: Chtcaco IlCrW
. . . ~ to I'8IDabl tllen u a meIIlber of tile

.: r--. :"i
~ IluterD -.oek.
Noo, OrT..n u., CA.."I".uI.t..: ........efa J"onl . . .
Gnee CmaanI are the real 1UUIl.. at til-. JIOP'"
Il1ar JIIa7en. ad the pIetue
~ ~ Cal. Ifr. . . . lie. Dat

L .. ao. .. " ....
TIP' ~/D.-MQ:e C..... 1& t.. ~. Be Ia ~ . . . . . . _ _ aIllII
. . . . . ta tM.. ~ Oil tJle U ~ I'IbI

...,j I.,... ee.. .. ,au.,

h's .. BUb" Buwen. lad
- caDlOaL c:.a't..,. _e .. ~_
Catarrh ,

Hay Fever

.No matter how chronic your catarrhal troubles. Asthma, Hay Fever.
Cold Deafness, and Head Noises may be we will prove to you at our
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who else offen to send a full and complete treatment on fl'tt trial without asking you to
riok a.pcuny until you arc satisfied? Just think what this means! We arc ~ We
don't know you and you don't know us. We. however, know the superior merit of this
wonderful treatmcnt-the relief it will give you. And that is wby we are willing to send mi. mar-
r....Iy for _ on an absolute five days free trial basis.
velous Swiss-American Vaporatar
aDd dan u.oua diIeaIa. R

her ye ave ~iDc to you..


Mm1 free coapoa to us toe:by and the full and compkte


It will quickly relieve you of the suffering, agony, embarrassment and humiliation of these loathsome
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Complete Treatment FREE~

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doni to Dl2ltc sucb an ufoundinc free trial ottn unless we were abIolutd, certain that tbi! remarbblc Vaporator trc:atIDeDt.rnt do
all for you that ....e claim it ......l L Remember there aTe no re-orders.. Then- is not~inc funba- to bu,. nil Vapcxuar...-ith ~
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Swls A icaa V......._ Co.
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Gent:lemeia : You ID2J sc:ad me the Vaporator T rear-
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The greatest jewelry offer of the age. Select one of these dazzling, .
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Harald I .........n
eo.. Dept.
CI.... 12 N.!1i oJ A-. r'd
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