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Project Risk Assessment Table (SAMPLE)

A Risk Assessment is useful for identifying, characterizing, prioritizing and deciding

whether to accept each risk factor that threatens the projects ability to meet its
objectives within schedule and budget. Risk assessments should be performed
throughout the life of the project. The potential impacts on the projects success and
how the results and recommended contingencies to manage or mitigate the risks
should be communicated to all interested/involved parties. Set up a table that itemizes
each risk factor. Using your best judgment, rate each risk factor as High, Medium or
Low in terms of its potential impact, probability of occurrence, and difficulty of timely
detection for the project. Extract the combined effect of these three values, combined
with your judgment, and score each risk factor as High, Medium or Low overall.

This table contains examples of risks associated with different activities in a sample

ProjectRisk Potential Probability Difficultyof OverallRisk

Items Impact of Timely (H/M/L)
(H/M/L) Occurrence Detection
(H/M/L) (H/M/L)
InvoiceBuild H H M H
functionwillneed Customization
tobehighly mightexceed
customizedfrom project
presentformto budget.
Softwaremightnot M L L L
beabletohandle Lossinsales
requested .53%;$20
transaction 100thousand
Newsystemsdata L M L L
incompatiblewith Reduced
dataofcurrent productivity
systems. inoperations
Newsystem L L M L
unableto Excessive
synchronize manual
operationswith intervention;
currentsystems. $3040
Incomplete H H M H
utilizationbyuser Lost
staff. productivity;
thousand Project Risk Assessment Table (SAMPLE)

2007 2

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