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September 14 1970, AM - Durham, Connecticut

Robert Lee Lambert

How many would like to know him in His power? He blesses you now, but wait to you
meet Him in His power, the great power of Jehovah God. God loves to reveal His power and if we
worship Him with all of our hearts and get into the spirit, we will see Gods power. Get this outward
man this old carnal flesh moved out of the way that we can find the power of God to make the
Word of God live. Hes waiting for the people of God to call Him on the scene in this dark hour.
This is kinda of a refuge, ant it! Im glad we had this service tonight. It will give you
strength for tomorrow. I guarantee this is the sweetest place that could be found today. Come on
say, Amen! My, my, you just
Lets just sing one more song and worship Him just a minute. How many believe Hes
holy? Isnt it wonderful, as dirty and unrighteous as we are, He came down and He give us His
holiness. We didnt have no holiness, and now we can be holy people cause we have a holy God.
And thats what makes us holy.
Lets sing, Holy is the Lord. Just a chorus of it before we start preaching. Now lets just
tell Him how holy He is.
Congregation sings, Holy is the Lord. Amen, all together lets say, Holy is the Lord! Holy
is the Lord! Mighty is His name.

How many would like to be remembered in prayer tonight before this holy mighty God?
Lets be remembered together, Lord.

Opening Prayer by Brother Lambert:

Dear Father God, were thankful for a holy God and a mighty God tonight. And we thank
you Lord that we can gather here tonight to worship that God in the spirit and the truth. We know
its the truth Lord, because its your Word and it is baring record from Genesis to Revelation. And
we know that the day is at hand when your gonna back up your word, Lord, and we thank you and
praise you for it. And were gathered here tonight to try to move just up a little closer to make up
for lost time. God help us to redeem the time, knowing the day is evil. Father, may we give
ourselves continually to the Word of God. I wish to God that our bodies could stand it, and that
we could have service every night, seven days a week. That we would come here Lord, to visit
with you. Realizing Lord that if we really believe this thing we would really be putting action to
our faith. I pray God that youd move upon the people of God and help them to get desperate and
cry out, souls travailing for you to arise on the scene and prove that thou art God once again.
Now, Father I believe that you have everything ready and your waiting for your people to
call you on the scene. It takes the people to call you on the scene and I pray God that youd give
that burden to your people. Lord, that your servants may go forth and prove that thou art still alive.
Now, Father we pray that youll bless us tonight, that youll help the people to have a better
understanding of the plan of God and the purpose of God for the creation and us Lord while were
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here. And we pray that youll remember every uplifted hand, God, and youll answer their hearts
desire, and you promised in your Word that you would give us our hearts desire. And we are
living in that hour when your gonna give your people their hearts desire. So, Father, we pray that
well be desiring the right thing. Bless each one thats here and remember the Bride of Christ
around the world, in Jesus name we pray, and have mercy on your unworthy minister that ministers
your word, in Jesus name, Amen.

You may be seated.

Well, its kinda difficult to be bringin the message that Im trying to bring, because Genesis
is the seed chapter of the Bible and every denomination thats here today is in Genesis. Every spirit
thats here today is in Genesis. Its the seed of everything that you see taking place in the earth
today. And we find ourselves very small and very insufficient when we look at the great Word of
God in Genesis. Almost every verse contains a great depth of Revelation and its very hard to
know how to put it together and where to start at, and where to stop.
We pray that the last two nights has helped you to understand better. How many have a
better understanding of the plan of Satan for this hour and the plan of God for this hour? Its
wonderful to know that the devil never slipped one over on God and created evil. Im so glad that
I found that out. Im glad I found out how great God was. We sometimes think, well, God is great
but we really dont know if He really knows everything thats goin on. Maybe Satan kinda slipped
one over on Him in the Garden. I assure you he never. Because He created the evil fellow and He
knew who he was when He created him. And just like the Jews say, well, if there is a God a lot
of Jews are they dont want to use the word atheist (but they really are atheist) because of Hitler
martyring so many million Jews. And they couldnt understand that if there was a God why would
He let all the Jews be martyred. And so, they just misunderstand. You see it was just no accident
that the Jews were martyred by Hitler, it was just the hand of God moving the Jews back to
Palestine. People say how could God let Russia be so powerful as to be raised up like they are
overnight and only two percent of them communist. How could two percent of the people of
multitudes of millions out of two percent control ninety eight percent of the people. Well, its God!
God raised up Russia. And if it wasnt Gods hand on Russia the two percent couldnt control the
ninety-eight percent. But Russias Gods servant. Russias going to serve God. And how is Russia
gonna serve God? God will use Russia to punish America. People can say what they want to,
Russia is going to pour it on United States. Now, I would to God Im American and I love my
country and I wept bitterly many times with tears and agonizing and cryin to God for United States.
I love America and Ive heard the spirit of God cry out through me, America, America and I know
God loves America. I was going along in the car one day and I was singing all at once the spirit
of God moved in me and I started cryin over America. I was going along cryin and could hardly
see the road, and I started singing, and all at once my voice said, God Blessed America See it
wasnt me, it was the Lord. It said, God BLESSED America Thats right, God blessed America
and now Hes gonna destroy America. So, you and I are gathered here tonight knowing that its
just a matter of time before America will be a burning ash heap.
So, our hope should not be in educating our children, our hope should not be in buying a
more of this or more of that, but our hope should be in heaven. Every hope that you have on earth
is gonna to be lost. You have no hope outside of Christ, theres no hope and no future for your
children if they dont accept the message of God for this day, and accept what Hes doin in this

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hour, theres no hope for them. And your only hope as parents is to make an all-out effort to please
Jesus Christ. And in pleasing Jesus Christ you will touch His heart and will turn His hand towards
your children to save them. It doesnt make no difference what your children think about it now,
it takes God to save them. You cant save them, you cant save them. It takes God to save them.
He doesnt have any grandchildren, but by you serving God.
Brother Bingham was cryin over his daughter and his children, and he was lookin to me
for help. I said, Brother Bingham I love ya, I said, if I could Id save your wife and children and
I would do it instantly but I ant a savior Im just a preacher. But I said, if I were you, this is what
Id do! I said, its such a bad condition with the devil tryin to blind your family, and with all that
power of the enemy blinding them, I couldnt help them. I said, I cant even utter a word, I can say
no word to them. But this is what I would do if I were you Brother Bingham, I would do everything
I could to please the Lord Jesus and then please the Lord Jesus and commit your family to God.
In that, God will turn his hand toward your children. It wasnt a few weeks, it wasnt very long
until his daughter came into this assembly and came in here and heard the Word of God, and then
came again with no one begging her, or trying to get her to come, and she wept her way to Christ.
And she has been a great trophy to God of His amazing grace ever since then. And everybody
knows how God has saved Sister Jennie Bingham. And now if God can do that for Brother
Binghams daughter, cant He do it for his wife and the rest of his children? See, God is wanting
to see what you think about it. And if you have faith for yourself to be saved, then have faith for
your children. Just like Brother Paul sitting here, doesnt make any difference what they think
thats happened to Paul. They may laugh, they may make fun of it, and no doubt they will, because
they are unbelievers. But Paul goes right on and serves Christ with all of his heart and let Jesus be
everything to him, because of the stand that hes made. And when persecution arises and they
make little jokes about it and make fun of him, just go right on and bare that reproach and keep
your eyes on Christ and Hell turn His hand right towards your children, see. And so, how many
believe that? Dont give up on your children, dont give up on your family, see dont do that. Hold
them right up there and just keep goin right on.
Well, when I was saved, I was just a terrible sinner. I used vile language around the house.
I just was as wicked as any American, just an average American you know, television and night
clubs, right on down the road.
Then all at once Christ appeared to me one night and the next morning Im a servant of
God. One night Im dirty and filthy and the next night Im holy. I never cursed again, I never
smoked again, I never drank again and all I want now I hated holiness, I used to hate
righteousness, I used to hate preachers, I used to hate church. I loved the beer joints, I loved the
whiskey. I loved everything that was dirty and nasty. I was a pig. I stayed on the dump. But when
I met the Son of righteousness, I threw away more packs of cigarettes that I could ever count, and
was lookin for them before morning. I quit drinkin so many times, then I would drink even more
the next time to make up for the time I lost.
See, there wasnt no good thing in me. But one night He appeared to me, I stood in His
presence. The first thing He said to me was, Ive always loved you, even though you was a sinner
I loved you, Bob. That was God that told that to me. Gods Voice, I never heard God speakin to
anybody but He spoke to me. But as far as I was concerned I thought I was the only man that God
ever spoke to on earth. I didnt know He spoke to anybody else. I didnt know anything about
Christianity. I thought I was the only man He ever spoke to, and I couldnt figure out why He
spoke to me. I came out to find out He spoke to a lot of people before. I found out people believed

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and God spoke to them. I didnt have to quit smoking, it was all gone! I ever had to quit drinkin,
it was all gone. I didnt have to quit cussing; my nature was changed.
Now, all that I think about is holiness and righteousness, the Bible, and God. Thats all I
think about now. Everybody around thought I had lost my mind, we might as well put him in the
insane asylum. My wife thought I was insane. My best friend said, Shirley, Bob has lost his mind
see, just being in the hospital there and he just lost his mind. The best thing for you to do is to put
him away, put him away, because hes gone insane.
Man, here I am not eatin nothing, just praising God, seeing visions, prophesying, and
speakin in tongues. I never heard them things before. And my God is just speakin and speakin and
Im hearing the Voice of God tellin me to do this and to do this, hear this, watch this over here,
this is coming. My, I couldnt keep my feet on the ground. And here Im tryin to tell my wife
about how great this was, and she is afraid Im gonna kill her. She was afraid to go to sleep at night
that I was gonna cut everybodys throat in the house, that I had gone insane. I said, honey, Im
telling you that this is God. And Id reach out and touch her and she would shiver. It just scared
her to death. Wed lay down in bed at night and Id say, God I see here Id cry my eyes all red
from cryin and makin love to the Lord all day long. We had a love affair goin on there you know.
Id think I must get this over to her some way. Id say now Shirley, now honey, see this is the Lord
I said, Jesus really appeared to me. And Id say honey, she just shiver, and Ohhh and she would
just shake all over, and say, Oh dont touch me please dont. And Id say honey and shed just
shake all over, Oh dont touch me, please dont. The more I tried to explain it the worse it got, and
I got so desperate. When she come home from work in one evening I had spoken in tongues that
day you know, and I was never around Pentecost. But I knew that was some kinda tongue, foreign
tongue you know. It would just burst out of me. And I marveled that, that come out of me, boy
ant that something. And my wife came home that evening and I was havin a time, you know. Boy,
Ive been in a boy I tell ya she came home that evening and I was gonna tell her about it you
know, it was the worst thing I could do you know. And I went in there, and she just come in from
workin, I was sick and ready to die and she was kinda helping out, and as I came in the bedroom I
said, Shirley you know what happened today? I was standing there, opened my mouth and I started
speakin in another language, it wasnt English. And I was so desperate to tell her, and here it come
again. You talk about being scared, that really scared her. And it just stopped you know, and cut
off. I said, there it went again, see there! And it was just makin things worse. And here my children
they are sayin bad words and everything. I said say, oh here, here now look here. Im tryin to
change them, see.
And I just go and cry, Oh God, have mercy upon me, Lord. And it was just awful you
know. I was just goin through torment over things like that, you know. And here Im tryin to
change my children, my wifes wearing makeup and shes got her hair cut wearing her hair just
like the world. And boy, I want to get that makeup stuff off and I dont want her to cut her hair. I
hadnt read nothing in the Bible like that. I dont want her cutting her hair, or wearing ungodly
dresses and makeup. Im just trembling before the Lord. Now I got to save her. See, Im tryin to
save her! And the more I tried, the worse it got, till I got in desperation. I was goin along there and
all at once the Lord spoke to me, said, now Bob, leave her alone, leave her alone. You just do my
will, and Ill save Shirley, Ill save her. Then I just left her alone, I let it go. And the Lord Jesus
told me that Hes gonna save her. I was trying to help the Lord out on that. I knew He was gonna
save her, He told me He was.

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Now, I even knew the day she was going to be saved. And so, I said, Honey there is a man
preacher in this town and this church, a nice church down there. Of course, in those days its a lot
different than today. The Lord was blessing in those churches, and I said, now you go down there.
She said, No. I wouldnt do that, she said, if I go down there and didnt get saved youd get mad.
I said, well I dont even care if you go or not. I just backed off of it and let it alone. And low in
behold, God come right around and put it in her heart to go that very day. And she went down
there and I kept the kids that night. And I went on to bed and I went to sleep praising the Lord
saying thank you Lord Jesus for saving my wife. Thank you Lord for saving my wife. Well, along,
it must have been about two oclock in the morning you know, and I heard a knock on the trailer
door that was about to knock it down. Boy, I was startled and I thought, yea I remember Shirleys
gonna get saved tonight. I said, yea who is it? Brother Lambert, something wonderful has happen,
get the children dressed. I said, what is it? They said, well, its something wonderful. Well, I said,
what is it? Oh, come on youll see. I got the children ready and we got in the car. And I went over
there and walked in, and if you never seen a mess, there was one. Boy, she got the same thing I
did! There she was boy, her eyes, and oh my. Then the makeup come off, the hair come down, and
her dresses got right. Now she loves holiness, she loves righteousness, she loves the Word of God.
Then what happened, all at once then one day I realized my children was just in terrible
shape. Little fellers you know that have been livin in an ungodly home. One day we were riding
down the road in the car, I dont know if they remember this or not, and the sister there was tellin
about the Lord. Jesus and the power of God stuck that car and they was never the same since. See,
just go on and please the Lord, see. Just go on and be in love with the Lord. See the main thing is
just be in love with the Lord Jesus. See, you dont have to worry about nothing, dont worry about
nothing. See, you cant bluff it, you really got to be in love with the Lord Jesus, thats first thing.
First thing, know if youre in love with the Lord Jesus, then if youre in love with the Lord Jesus,
then all things work together for good for them who love God. And you claim that scripture and
you stand upon it, and youll see it come to pass in your life. How many are just so glad tonight
that you have that kind of a God, and that were serving that kind of God? Now dont worry about
it, see, just go on and serve the Lord Jesus and love him with all your heart and Hell work all them
things out.
Now, I want you to open your Bibles and I will talk to you tonight about this great Word
of God, this great message of the hour. See, now, were not preaching the letter of the Word of
God, were preaching the message of God for the hour.
Now, weve been studying over in Genesis the third chapter the first, second, and third
verse, and maybe I will back ground just a little bit here. And Brother Paul, you get that tape that
we started on the other night and it will help you have a better understanding of what Im trying to
Now notice, the way to understand the Word of God, is by a Revelation. You cant study
and educate yourself into understanding the Bible. The first thing is youve got to be in love with
the Lord Jesus, thats number one. Thats number one, theres no use for you to go on and read the
bible and study, youll get a perversion of the Word of God. Number one youve got to be in love
with the Lord, you got to love him. And then if you love him, just read the Bible thats all you
have to do. Im talking about a minister now, a lay member that has a pastor well, then it works
different, see. But of course, if you didnt love the Lord you could sit under that mans ministry
and you would never hear it either, see. But be in love with the Lord Jesus and just read the Bible,
and then Hell reveal to you whats written between the lines. And thats what were doin, reading

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between the lines because were in love with the Lord Jesus with all of our heart. And then He
whispers His Revelation to our heart. See thats the love letter. You write Him a letter and He
answers it back and gives you the answer to it. Lord, what does this mean? And then He whispers
the answer back to you. Now He only does that to the elected Bride. Thats the only one that will
be able to hear the whisper of the Lord! See, because the whisper of the Lord comes to the elected
and is so soft that only the Bride of Christ is spiritual enough to hear that spiritual Voice.
All right now, the scripture that we read we still got the same scripture and the same
bases for our teachin tonight and it will be the same thing on the kingdoms. The kingdom of the
Lord Jesus Christ, and the kingdom of Satan and of course, this in the Bible is known as the two
vines. The false vine and the true vine, the false seed and the true seed, and the false church and
the true church. Now were tryin to show you that for everything that we have, we got to have a
seed to it. To have a baby you got to have a seed. To have a harvest of the garden you have to have
a seed to have a crop. And so therefore, the serpent had a seed. And we find out that the seed is
what was supposed to produce the kingdom of Satan. And these two kingdoms are the only two
powers in the world today. The kingdom of the devil, and the kingdom of God which is ruled over
by two spirit beings. Now the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ where His body, his resurrected
glorified body, is in heaven. Up in a heaven, the highest heaven there is. Theres different heavens,
and Hes in the highest heaven, the highest place. And theres different heavens under there where
the saints are resting and waiting by the different ages. Now, his throne is in heaven and the
headquarters of this great spiritual kingdom of God is in heaven and He rules in the heart of the
subjects of his people by his spirit. And so, Satan has a throne in the sky in the atmosphere in the
sides of the north. Now, to point to it and show you that I wouldnt know. But it is in the north, his
throne is in the north, and in the heaven. Its not in the heavens of God, but it is in the heaven of
the atmosphere. Satan is a being, Lucifer is a being. The bible calls Lucifer, the devil, the dragon.
He is one and the same and he is a spirit being. He does not have a corporal body, but he is a person
and he is a spirit being. And he has a throne.
Now our scripture reading is found over in Isaiah 14 where he said Ill ascend up into
heaven, Ill be like God, Ill be like the God. Ill receive worship, Ill be a God, Ill be a king, Ill
have subjects, Ill have a church, Ill have preachers, Ill have gifts, Ill have everything.
See, hes got the works; hes got the imitation to gifts, hes got an imitation of a prophet,
hes got imitation of a pastor, hes got imitation of a teacher, hes got an imitation of prophesy,
hes got an imitation of tongues, hes got everything, an imitation. How many understand that?
Everything that God has in His church, Satan duplicates it and puts it in his church.
Theres one thing that the devil does not have in his church, and that is eternal life. He
doesnt have Revelation, and everything that he has is an imitation and a perversion. But it will be
so close, bear in mind now, it is so close that youll never be able to tell a difference, unless youre
in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and an elected seed. How many understand that?
All right now. I cant back ground all this it would take forty minutes just to back ground
all this, if I dont watch out. I want you to see it so plain. See, get those tapes, I dont care if you
have to listen to them a hundred and fifty times, you listen to them till you know whats on there.
Hes got a throne in heaven, now this heaven now thats why you feel the way that you
feel when you go out and go to work. I went over to the filling station today and I had such a
depressing power around me and I noticed that Brother Donald did to. And I said, what did you
feel over there Donald? And he said the same thing. What is it? Its demon power. When you get
into those areas where he drops down theres demon power, and a spiritual man knows that. He

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knows when he gets out of demon power, and when hes in demon power. Now what is it? It is the
atmosphere around us that is surrounded by demons. Literally millions of demons. A lot of people
cant comprehend that. Now if you believe Gods a spirit, you believe the Lord Jesus Christ, then
you got to believe the devil is as real as Jesus Christ. Hes not just a thought in your mind like
some preachers say. Brother and sister, hes a devil! You can see the devil. Brother Branham has
seen the devil, he has seen his demons, hes a literal person.
Not too long ago, Brother Don Ruddell was telling me that right after the close of Brother
Branhams ministry, one morning Brother Branham was laying in his bed and was awaken by an
evil power in his room and he kind peeked his head out of the covers and there stood a devil, a
great big monster. Wasnt it Brother Don? It was a man had black beard and everything, I dont
know if Im telling it just exactly right, but this is the best I can remember it. And he told by a
voice and spoke right out and said, Brother Branham you dont have any power with God. Voice
spoke right out, him lookin right at it. Brother Don said, Brother Branham said he just hunkered
right down in the bed and covered his eyes, it was terrible. He said, you ant got no power with
God! Then Brother Branham raised up out of the bed and rebuked him in the name of Jesus and
then he was gone! Another time, I heard Brother Branham tell on tape and he was in his den
studying and all at once a devil walked right in there. There he was lookin right at him a terrible
lookin thing, horrible lookin thing, fearful. He said to his wife, Medie, come here a minute I want
to show you something, hurry Medie come here. And the devil disappeared before she got in there.
My wife and I were in an area where demon power was so bad, it was pitiful! I didnt want
to admit it because I thought the man there that was leading a group was a spiritual man and
brother. Brother George, you know this is true. A devil, a monstrous devil come at the foot of my
wifes bed and covered the whole end of the bed and stood up there and like to have scared her out
of her wits. The devil is real children, and he has real live demons. But the devil is one person,
and his demons is another, see.
And the devil has a throne in heaven. Not in the heavens where God is, but it is in the
atmosphere somewhere in the atmosphere. Maybe so many hundreds of feet up, or a mile up, two
and a half miles up, but his throne is there. And that is where his demons come from up there, and
they get their orders and he sends them out see to deceive people and carry out the work of his
kingdom and his church.
Now listen, the job and the responsibility of the kingdom of God, which is the true church,
is to cast out the powers of this false church. Thats their responsibility, and thats why Im
bringing this message to you so that you might understand what your job is. God never called you
to sit here and just be a little flower here in my little congregation, and sit up here and hear me talk
all the time. This is a training period. And God has sent me to you to try to take you here and equip
you as a little army in this area to be a light house to cast out the powers of this satanic kingdom
of the devil. And that takes power an authority, and an anointing. And you must realize who you
are. Im trying to show you by the Word of God, who you are. Thats why Im teaching to you, to
try to show you who you are so in the days to come, sometime in the near future when you are
equipped and you are trained and you know your position and your fully trained on the powers of
the enemy and the tactics of the devil and what he is. You must know that God has called you to
give you power over the enemy. After Jesus resurrected and appeared to the early church, which
was inaugurating his kingdom giving it power, after he taught for three and a half years.
He said, Behold I give you power over all the enemy. First, he said, behold all power in
heaven and in earth is given unto Me. And He said, behold, in other words, I give you now My

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kingdom, My church, My subjects, My saints I give you power. I have all power in heaven and in
earth. Now if there was another person up there, he didnt have any power then did he? He had all
of it, every bit of it. Every bit of power in heaven Christ had it. What did He say, Behold I give
you power, all the power Christ had, He now gives it to the true Bride, church. How many
understand what Im talking about? He trained him for three and a half years and now He comes
back to them after the resurrection, now Hes a mighty conquer. Now Hes done the redemption
work, now He can give them power. He said now, all power in heaven and in earth has been given
unto me. Now He said, I give this power unto you now, I give it unto you now. He said, go ye into
all the world and cast out this evil power. Cast out the kingdom of the devil.
Now watch what Jesus said when they said, youre the prince of the devil, Beelzebub,
because you cast out these demons in these people youre the prince of the devil, Beelzebub. He
said, if I cast out devils by Beelzebub, by whom does your children cast them out? He said, but if
I cast out devils by Gods finger, then it was the finger of God, Gods finger. And the only finger
Gods got is your finger. Hes expecting for you to cast out devils with your finger. Thats right!
And He said, if I cast out devils by the finger of God, then the kingdom of heaven is come near
you. Now when that kingdom of heaven comes near, this kingdom of Satan, whats gonna happen?
Something got to happen. Suddenly, immediately when it comes in contact, war breaks out. He
said, Ill put enmity, Ill make a war between this kingdom and that kingdom. Now that kingdom
is either gonna overcome you, or your gonna overcome it. Now greater is He thats in you then
hes thats in that kingdom. Come on now! And He has charged you as the Bride of Jesus Christ,
that when you come up against the kingdom of the devil you are to cast that devil out. You bind
that devil down in that poor soul, which has taken him captive in his kingdom. You bind that evil
demon down in there, whatever that demon is, maybe a legion of demons, dont make no
difference. You bind that devil through the power and the authority and the name of God and you
cast that devil out and free that person. That is the ministry of the Bride of Jesus Christ, not the
ministry of Brother Branham, not the ministry of Don Ruddell, not the ministry of Bob Lambert.
It is the ministry of the entire body of Jesus Christ. Any child of God that knows their position in
Christ and has this authority and power that been given to them, can cast the devil out I dont care
what devil it is they can cast it out. How many women here would like to have power? Find some
poor sister and lay hands on her and cast the devil out. Oh, I believe theres gonna come a time,
when we are gonna cast some devils out.
All right we see that, he had quarters in heaven just like the Lord. He has subjects, he has
a certain amount of perverted power, he has a certain amount of authority, and he has all these
demons working for him, these preachers, hes got his church, hes got everything set up like the
Lord Jesus Christ.
All right now, were dealing with this seed. Now, let us look in the third chapter of Genesis.
Now I want to look at this a minute. What happened here when we was preaching last night? We
brought this up here where this great kingdom, where the devil started out. Hes kicked out of
heaven and lands on the earth and now what did he do? Hes got to have subjects, in order to have
subjects he has got to have a seed. And the devil cant plant his seed, he cant plant his seed because
he ant got no body. Hes got a seed but he ant got no body. Hes got a life, but what good is a
seed without a life. What good is a seed without a life, it takes a life in the seed to produce
something. Now the devils got a seed right? He ant got no body, so he finds the next creation to
Adam, which was the beast. And we find out that he did not let demons do the job, but he himself
does it. He does it because he wants to be the father of this kingdom. And so, he comes in, and the

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devil possess, like the Holy Ghost comes in and possess you and I, the devil comes in and devil
possess the beast. Now the beast and the devil are one! My Lord! The devil and the beast become
one! And the message of the devil Watch here now, the life of the devil comes into the beast,
and the beast and the devil become one and the same person. Thats why the Bible said, that old
devil is called Lucifer, the beast. The beast, Lucifer, and the devil are one and the same. Why do
they become one? Just as Christ comes down in the Bride and become one, see. The devil and his
message and the beast all become the same person. You cant separate the
Now notice here, that when the devil possesses the beast, he finds the little virgin out here
that has never known sex before, she has the holy vail over her face. She knows no evil what so
ever, she only knows good. But God gave her a Word to keep and said, dont never, dont never
partake of this sex, this tree, in the mist of the Garden. In the day that you partake of sex, thats
the day that you will die! This sex is called death, and it is sex today. Sex has caused all the trouble
today and sin is centered around the fallen nature by sex. Sex is the God of this world and is
worshiped as God. How many know that? God told them, the day you do this, the day that you
have the affair, the day you try that out, thats the day that your gonna die.
Now the devil, which was a messenger, now the real messenger had come Lookie there,
the real messenger came first, and his message was dont do it. Now you have free moral will, and
let me drop this off here, just exactly how he set it up there in the Garden of Eden, still remains
the same today.
I heard a man that said, hog wash on free moral will. Now, I want to tell you something,
you better look at the Bible again. God said, the day that you eat of it the day that you die. But
God knew what you were gonna do. But she had a will, you can eat pie, you can eat cake, you can
go to town, you can buy this kind of car or that kind of car, you got a will you can do what you
want to do. And he said you cannot eat it and live, you can eat it and you die.
Now she had a holy vail over her, she didnt know any evil. But there was two trees in the
Garden, one tree was of knowledge and good and evil. And the tree of knowledge and good and
evil, hes the one that knew about sex. Because evil was sex, and the thing that God told Eve not
to do. The devil knew about sex. And the other tree was the tree of only good, theres no evil in
that tree, theres no evil in Christ, theres no sex in Christ. Theres no evil in Christ, theres nothing
but holiness and righteousness in Christ. Theres none good but your father which is in heaven,
and he was the tree of life that was in the Garden. Now you can either live off of good from God
and that is to keep His Word, because the Word is God. And as long as you keep His Word your
livin good. As long as you keep Gods Word your livin good, your livin off of the tree of life. But
the day you eat of the tree of good and evil now what? The tree of good and evil, the devil knew
good and evil too. And he was the one after the true message of God came to the Garden by the
first messenger, which was God himself. Then after the messenger of God left, see whats gonna
happen watch this now! How many is jumping ahead of me here? Get in the spirit and get ahead
of what Im sayin, grab ahold of that thing, see!
Now when the first messenger came to earth, which was God, He gave a message, dont
eat. Then the messenger of God left the scene. He left the scene and He left to see what was gonna
be done with His message. And then He turned the devil loose on the Bride. Turned the devil loose
on her, just exactly like hes doin today. The message came from the messenger, the messenger
went away and now its a time of quietness to see what your gonna do with the massage. And the
other messenger comes on the scene.

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Now the devil come along to change the message. And said, now the messenger really
meant this. He tried to explain what the messenger of God said. And when the Bride started to
reason about that message, she fell right then. When she began to even reason with the message
that God gave her, she fell right then. Dont reason, honey, just believe, just believe what God
said. Got said so! And then you know what happened? When that happened, she received a
perverted seed.
Now she never received a perverted seed till after the true message came. Showing you
that after the prophet of God leaves the scene in the end-time, then the false messenger, Satan,
sowed his seed. And the reason why the signs and wonders and miracles and the great powers are
not in the church now is because it is a time of testing and trial to see whether or not your gonna
believe the message of God. Or are you gonna become pregnant with the seed of the serpent.
Now I am telling you by the authority of Christ invested in the Word of God, that the devil
is loosed and hes sowing seeds of the devil, which is the seeds of the serpent, and to take that seed
is to take death! Do you realize what Im saying? Do you believe? Is this the Bible? Is this the
Word of God? Did not the Bible say, false anointed ones? Did I not preach the seed of discrepancy?
Did not the Bible say the man went around the earth, a seed sower went around the earth in white?
White represents the Holy Ghost, a black ghost, from hell out of darkness he went out around the
earth. Did you know right now there are men that claim to believe the message, that are circling
the earth sowing perverted seeds?
I know if I were to make that statement in public the people that follow the message today,
Id get killed for it, if it were possible. If it wasnt for the laws of the land they be so mad some of
them would kill you for makin a statement like that, but its true. Right now is not the hour to be
traveling around the county. This is not the hour to be going around the world. This is the hour to
be waiting upon the Lord God to see what He will do. And this is the hour of great, great
temptation, this is the greatest temptation thats ever been in the history of the world. To see
whether or not your gonna believe a lie, that was never told of in Genesis. God have mercy upon
us! How we ever gonna escape if were not foreordained of God. Do you believe it?
Now look here, not only was it one messenger, the devil, in that day it was just one devil
talkin, but know brother, he has got subjects all over the world thats speakin for him. And hes
come with more deceiving power then he ever had in that day.
Now notice here, the seals were taken off of the book, so the real end-time elected seed
Bride could get a revelation of the plan of the devil and the plan of Go, that was hidden from the
foundation of the world,. What was the mystery that was hid from the foundation of the world of
God and Satan? Of God in Christ and Christ in you taking you back to a full restoration of a Son
of God. Thats the hidden plan of God hidden from the foundation of the world, that God wants to
get in you and manifest His glory in you. He wants to possess you, Halleluiah! And the same thing
with the devil, he wants to possess you. Now, you will either be possessed of the devil, or youll
either be possessed of God. Youll either believe the mystery of God, or youll believe the mystery
of iniquity. How many rather believe the mystery of God? Yes sir!
Now we see the plan of God, and we see the plan of Satan. And what does he do, he comes
down and the devil possesses the beast. He and the beast become one. And when he and the beast
become one, what does he do? He impregnates, he impregnates.
Oh, lets stop right there! Now you didnt get that statement! Watch here, I said when he
and the devil and the beast and the devil and the message become one, what does he do? He
transports life, just as the Bride of Christ. When Christ and the Bride become one and the message

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becomes one, she begins to impart life and produce Sons of God. Now just here as the devil and
the beast become one and he begins to impart life, what does he do? Eve walked away pregnant
by a sexual intercourse from the beast. Walked away and came home to Adam. Adam was not
deceived about it. Adam heard about it, he wept about it, and cried about it, and Adam knew that
he had to walk out and do the same thing in order to save her. He knew that God loved him and
that he was the perfect creation of God. So, therefore Adam walked out and took death so that God
would save Eve. Halleluiah! And if Christ hadnt left glory
My God its enough to make us get down here and cry a little bit right now! I deserve to
go to hell and He went to hell for me. I deserve to go to hell, I deserve to be burnt in hell and He
came and died for me. Why? Because He loved me so much, He came to die for me. And I was a
deadly enemy to Him, Brother Bill, and He come and died for me. Why shouldnt I love him with
all my heart? Why shouldnt I praise him and preach with all my heart? If God be God, serve Him
What makes any difference? Some women cant serve Him because they cant keep from
cutting their hair. Some just cant serve Him because they got to wear a little skin-tight dress. Some
men cant serve him because they cant stand to pay their tithes. Some men cant serve him what
difference does anything make. Brother his love, the love of God is so great there is nothing too
great that He cant do for you. Adam loved Eve so much he went ahead and had that relationship
with her because he knew that he would have to be guilty too, so God could save them. Cause God
said, in a day that you do it, youll die. And he knew God meant what He said. Adam was gonna
die because he loved her so much that he went out and partook of the same thing. He partook of
sex, and when he did, God come down in the garden. Oh Hallelujah! When did He come down in
the cool of the evening, just where Hes coming down today. Hallelujah! In the cool of the evening,
one day He will come down.
Did it go something like this? Some of the churches claim that it did.
God said, Adam where art thou? Adam where art thou?
God knew the test had come, and how it happened. He knew that they had failed, and here
God come.
Adam where are you, Son? Its time for fellowship, its evening time. Where are you?
Adam said, Over here, Lord!
God said, What are you doing over there?
Adam said, Im hid.
God said, Why are you hidden, Son?
Adam said, Im naked.
God said, Naked! Who told you were naked? Who told you that you were naked? You
didnt know you were naked before, what have you done?
Adam said, I ate an apple, ate an apple, a Macintosh. (The church laughs when Brother
Lambert said this).
God how unspiritual can you be!
Adam said, Im naked!
God said, Who told you that you were naked?
Adam said, I ate an apple.

A theologian said that they ate a pomegranate. Then the next thing they said it was a plum.
The next thing it will be a persimmon. Cause it puckered your lips. Ant that awful? Great

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seminaries, great educators. God takes nothing, to stumble them. It wasnt no apple that made him

What have you done!

God knew what he had done.
God said, Did you have a sex act that I told you not to have? Did you eat of that thing that
I told you not to?
Adam said, the woman you gave me, Lord, the woman you gave me, she talked me into
He got scared now, he loved Eve but you get scared in the presence of God. Now boy hes
God said to Eve. Woman, what is this that thou hast done?
Eve said, the beast talked me into it.
They are passing it one to the other now.
Eve said, the beast talked me into it.
God said, Beast, whats this that you have done? Curse be you above all cattle, youre the
handsomest creature that I made in my creation. Now, I curse you and your gonna go down on
your belly and your gonna eat dust all the rest of your life.
But notice here, that the beast was the most handsome thing in the Garden. Hes no more
the most handsome thing in the Garden. He was cursed and immediately a puff went out and down
he became a snake. What we call a snake or serpent. Why do we call it a serpent? The Bible said,
that the beast and the devil was the serpent, then why does our English language call that reptile a
serpent? Why? Because thats what it is, it is the missing link to creation. Youre not gonna find it
in PHDS and college. Gods humble little children are gonna find out what it was. There he goes
down on his belly, and will eat dust all the days of his life. There he goes, there he is. Down on his
belly, he went right then.
But notice here, that his seed is in the women. Thats gonna stay that way. Come on there,
you missed that. See there! He cursed that, but his seed that was in Eve, he never cursed that. He
left that in there! Why? To populate, to let the devil populate. That seed was to impregnate of the
seed of the serpent.
They said to Jesus, you are a man not yet forty years old and you say Abraham was your
father? He said, before Abraham was, I am, sir! You are not yet forty years old and you say you
are before Abraham? I was! Abraham rejoiced to see my day! Hallelujah! Abraham rejoiced to see
your day? Yes! You were born up here in Nazareth. He said, No. Jesus said, I come from God,
and I go back to God! He is gonna be dispersed among the gentiles and go preach to them and be
lost and we will not see you no more? And they scratched their head. They said, well, we had
Moses, we had the bread from heaven. Jesus said, you never had the bread from heaven.
He said, Im the bread that come down from heaven. Moses never gave you the bread from
heaven. I give you the bread from heaven! They said, Oh, My! Ever more give us of this bread!
He had them convinced. And he goes on to say, I know you, you dont have God in you, because
Him whom God has sent, you believe not. See, you dont have my Word abiding in you. And he
said, A man that has told you the truth, you seek to kill! He said, thou hast a devil! Thou hast a
devil! They said, Jesus who goes about to kill you? Jesus said, you are of your father the devil.
What? They said, Abraham was our father. Jesus said, you are of your father, the devil! What did
John the Baptist say? He had a Revelation of the seed of the serpent? He come up there and the

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same scribes and Pharisees, and said, Woe unto you, you bunch of hypocrites, you snake,
generation of vipers, whose warned you to flee from the wrath of God to come? What is a viper?
It is a snake! And there was a bunch of little snakes that come out of the big snake. Theres the old
seed of the serpent crawling around, ssss! What was it?
Now the devil stands upon two feet, religious and pious and knows the Word of God and
just acts so holy and everything else. But that Word of God in old John the Baptist said, I know
who you are, you vipers you!
What is it? Cain is to be an impregnator of generations of snakes to come. Serpents, not
sliding in their belly, but walkin around on two feet. Thats right! Restoration right! Absolutely!
Then what happened? She walked away pregnant, she walked away impregnated by the
serpent, which is the devil. She walked away with Satans baby in her. Is that right? What a picture!
And that baby, called Cain, was to be an impregnator. That life that was transported from the beast
is now Cain and he is to be the impregnator of generations of seeds of the serpent. And every
Ill never have time to get into it but later on Ill hook up with this in a couple of weeks
and bring it down through there and show you every generation and show you that seed of the
Now notice here, that this seed of Cain was to produce all down through the generations of
time, sons in his very likeness. Thats why Jesus said, you are of your fathe, the devil, and the
works of your father you will do. What was he talkin about? The devil in the Garden. What was
his works? To pervert the message and to twist it! How many see that? I want you to see that! Let
us all say it together. What is the works of Satan? Perverting the message, thats his works! And
God said, the works of your father you will do. The devil was a liar, he was a liar from the
beginning and abode not in the truth. Showing you that hell lie to you, hes a liar! And he will lie
to you about the message and twist it. And with that lie that he told Eve, hell tell you the same lie
and damn you the same way he dammed Eve.
My brother and sister, beware of preachers, beware of preachers. Hes the one that will
damn your soul. Preachers will damn more souls than the bar rooms will damn them. Id rather be
sitting on bar stool. Id rather be sitting on a bar stool sipping whiskey than be sitting under some
mans ministry that will lie to the people. At least then, Id know Id be lost. Id know where I
stand. Id go there before God a sinner crying for mercy and, I believe Id find mercy! Id rather
be that condition before Id go under some of the mans ministry the way they are. Its a terrible
thing to say but I mean that. Seeds of the serpent, little serpents, little snakes, hatched out, come
through the generations. Whats a snake got? Its got deadly poison inside of it. And them lying
words perverting the message that you have inside of you. When they sink them fangs inside of
you, your dead, your gone. That poison goes through you, and your gone!
Look at it, what a terrible thing it is to see that beautiful woman pregnant with the life of
the devil. Look at it! Now what happens we dont have time to go into it.
Now God cursed the beast, didnt he? Now God curses the woman, and shows her what
her curse is. Now he said, you wanted sex, you got it, you wanted to know good and evil, you got
it now. Now, those babies your gonna have, your gonna travail and agonize and be in sorrow. And
He said now you are not gonna have no will of your own. Now, before she was coequal with Adam,
she was coequal with Adam, coequal with Adam, see! Just exactly like Adam, she was a preacher
then, see. She could talk about God say anything she wanted to. But now, no more. He said, no
more are you coequal. Now youve proved the way that your made, you cant handle the Word of

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God. You cant handle the Word of God. You had the Word of God and you let the devil take the
Word away from you. Now you are not able to do it! And there ant no woman under Gods heaven
spiritual enough to handle the Word of God. Thats why I think the woman in the congregation is
to just believe the Word of God and leave the preaching up to the preacher.
This is the Lord Jesus Christ saying to you, dont you handle the Word of God. You ant
able to handle it, she wasnt able to handle it. And God said, dont you handle it no more, and no
more will you have a will of your own. You ant got no more will of your own, I take your will
away from you and your will, will now be to your husband. I take your will and give it to your
husband and he will be your Lord and hell rule over you all the days of your life. Brother, that
never changed till the day of Pentecost. When the apostles picked up the spirit of God they got a
Revelation on Genesis. Paul laid it out and said, I suffer not for a woman to teach or to usurp
authority over man but they are commanded to be in silence and obedience. And their desire shall
be to their husband and theyll be in subjection to their husband in all things, which is their head.
But they will be saved in child baring and having children raising a family taking care of their
home, if they continue in the faith in all holiness and shamed face and all the scriptures. Now we
see why she is now no more coequal.
And now we see her cursed, and God then turns to Adam and said, now Son because you
done this thing, you was not deceived, but now because you done it, youre in the transgression.
Now curse be the ground, I drive you from the Garden. I hate to do it Son, but you did what I told
you not to do, now your gonna leave the Garden and now the ground is gonna be cursed, thistles
and thorns you will bring forth. Oh, Hallelujah! There wasnt a thistle or a thorn in the Garden of
Eden it was so perfect and beautiful. Now Son, your driven out, now your gonna scratch around
the ground for little bit of food to eat. Now your gonna scratch around the ground and its not
gonna bring forth for you. Cursed be the ground, thistles and thorns will come forth now. All
because of what? One sex act! One sex act brought every thistle, every thorn, every heartache,
every sorrow, every broken home, every death, one sex act caused it. Dont tell me that sex was
the perfect will of God, it never was. It only come from the fall.
Now, God put Adam and Eve under another covenant, he puts them under a grace covenant.
Grace to them by shed blood, shed blood of an animal. And when God said, Adam where art thou,
he said over here Im naked. Notice there, he thought he was covered till God got down there. Oh,
Im gonna say something, Can I say it! He thought he had a covering, he thought he had a religion,
he knew he was a sinner! Adam new he was a sinner now, he knew he had done evil and he was a
sinner, so he went ahead and made himself a fig leaf religion. He made himself an old
denomination, he made himself some old independent religion and placed a large fig leave to cover
his nakedness. And it was all right until God got there. Until a messenger of God got back to the
earth. Hallelujah!! In the evening time!
My God that felt good! That felt good! Can I go over that again, that was so good! I said,
Adam thought everything was all right, he knew he was a sinner, he knew he was a sinner, he knew
he was naked, he knew he done evil, so he got himself a religion. He got him a religion and sewed
it around him, and his wife! And they thought they were covered, they thought their covering was
all right, until the messenger come down in the cool of the evening and exposed what had
happened, he exposed. What happened?
And you know what? He didnt have no covering no more. And brother, when the prophet
of God came down in this evening time, we thought our religion was alright. But when he come
down brother, we had to throw down this fig leaf religion, because it wasnt a good enough

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covering. You got to have the Holy Ghost children of God, its the only covering that worth
anything! What did He do? He gave them a type of the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he killed the
lamb. Hallelujah! He killed a lamb and he took from the lamb, the wool of the sheep, the skin of
the animal dripping with blood.
Now God said, Son you got to go from the Garden, but I give you a hope. Heres your hope
right here, and He clothed them with a lamb skin, a bloody lamb! And brother, they walked away
from there. Brother Branham said as they walked away from the Garden, the blood was dripping
out of that lamb skin. You could hear it slapping against the side of Adam. Slap, slap, slap, slap,
it was a terrible lookin thing with all that blood dripping down. But buddy, it was the only hope to
getting back to the Garden. It was their only hope!
Now we see it now, we see that seed of the serpent. I wonder how many days of fasting
and crying and agonizing with God, did Adam do? Knowing every night every morning he looked
at his wife and seen her, you know a mother seeing her time to give birth and getting bigger and
bigger. And know that her stomach was getting bigger every day and knowing that there was a life
of the devil in there that caused them to be outside of the Garden. What agony did Adam go through
for his sin!! Every day lookin at that woman, Eve, maturing, and knowing when that life come
forth that he would have to rock that baby, and the baby he rocked wasnt even his own! There
ant no more terrible thing than for a husband to rock a baby thats not his own! Month after month
it went, what the man went through we dont even know the story of how bad it was.
Finally, when that baby was born, here come forth Cain, but low and behold there was
another baby, Able, there at the same time. One was Adams son and the other was the son of his
enemy the devil! Every day these boys played together. They probably didnt get along from the
time they crawled around. Cain would pop Able over the head, hed take every toy away from him,
hes mashed his nose every time he could. I guarantee it was like that! Adam watched that, he
knew that devils life was in that boy! Adam could see that evil life in Cain, and he could see the
life of God in Able. Adam watched them how they fought and fussed and squealed together. He
watched them month after month and year after year. And Adam had to continually suffer in his
mind. The devils baby!
Adam, honey would you take your son, Cain, for a little walk please! Devils baby come
on! Daddy? In his heart Adam must have thought, Im not his daddy! Cain said, Can I have that,
daddy? Able smiled, can I have a banana? Yes! Are you getting a sense of the story? Day after day
it went on, sorrow, heartache, cryin. Adam thought that maybe he ought to tell them. No, I cant
do that. I couldnt do that. The boys were about ten or eleven years old, both of them sayin daddy.
Eve sayin Adam would you call the boys, Cain and Able, to dinner? Come on in boys! Adam
probably looked at them while theyre eatin. Satans baby! Oh, God have mercy! Month after
month, year after year until finally, the Bible said, in the process of time
Whats gonna happen now? In the process of time, the Bible said, the two boys came to
church one day and they both brought an offering. Cain said, Oh! Lord! I love you, praise the Lord!
Able said Lord, I love you, praise the Lord! Forgive us of our sins great Jehovah! Daddy right
there, mommy there, in the same church. Adam watching Cain praise the Lord all the time. Adam
is thinking, the devils baby! Adam didnt say nothing but down in his heart he knew that was the
devils baby.
Then in the process of time, the boys came to church one night and they offered up their
offering. Something unusual happen. It was no ordinary service at all, it wasnt an ordinary service

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at all nobody knew about this but Adam, God, and Eve. Nobody knew nothing about it for a
But all at once Able got to seeking God, and he got a Revelation that he and Cain did not
have the same father. My daddy ant his daddy. Brother, Able got that Revelation out of the woods
and he come out of there on fire. God, I knew something was wrong all the time, I knew it wasnt
no apple. I never believed that story that my mommy told me, that she ate an apple and that drove
us out of Pentecost. We had the power of God, we had signs and wonders and miracles, we had
the creative power, we ruled over everything, and you mean to tell me we lost it because mommy
ate an apple? Brother, when Abel got a Revelation of that - that Adam, Abels father, was not
Cains daddy at all. And this was an unusual service. When Able got that Revelation, and in the
process of time they came to service one night he raised his hands and begin to preach the Word
of God and God came down from heaven and spoke out with an audible Voice and vindicated
Abels Revelation. Hallelujah! There came a time when God himself did you hear what I said?
No one knew which one had the right daddy, they both thought they had the right daddy, and
everything went on like that until the time arose when Able got a Revelation. Then God was duty
bound to vindicate which was his son and which one wasnt his son. Let it go on like it is today.
They can go on and say hes my daddy, I love you Lord, I praise you Lord, my God I believe the
message, I believe the prophet, Im Gods servant, Im Gods son, I believe.
But I tell you brothers and sisters were living in an hour that in the process of time, itll
come to pass when God almighty will speak from heaven and prove which is His Son and which
isnt his son. God will prove it! Adam got a Revelation that Cain was not his fathers son. And
God was duty bound, and Hes still duty bound I say that God cannot change, and I take God at
his word tonight and call him on the scene to vindicate whos a Son of God and who isnt a son
and daughter of God. Let him come and prove which sacrifice is right. He proved it then, and hes
got to prove it now. He loves to prove it, and hes gonna prove it. Hes long suffering, hes long
suffering, hes long suffering. Mommy couldnt tell it, mommy couldnt tell the story, the church
couldnt tell it, but Gods going to tell it. He does not care who it hurts. How many want him to
tell it?
The prophet of God Brother and sister the hour will arise when God will prove who is
Gods seed, and who isnt the seed of God. And I say that hour is fast approaching upon us now,
children of God. That God is duty bound to speak from heaven. You say, from heaven, Brother
Bob? Did you hear what I said? I said, God is gonna speak from heaven and prove which is the
right sacrifice. You mean Brother Bob, that Gods own Voice is gonna speak from heaven. Yes,
just exactly as I said. And you write it down in your Bible and put my name under it! You dont
think that I would make a statement like that if I didnt know something do ya? God never does
change. Gods own Voice spoke out. And when Gods own Voice spoke out and proved the
sacrifice you can preach a Revelation, you can talk a Revelation you can do anything you want
to. And though its Revelation, but there has got to come a time We are living in an hour when
everybody that followed the prophet and every preacher that followed the prophet, every person
that followed the prophet, say they love the Lord Jesus Christ. And God said, not everyone that
saith unto me, Lord, shall get the Token. But it is he that is ordained of God, and has got a
Revelation of God, that God will give the Token to. Not him that willeth or him that runneth, its
God that showeth mercy. Hell have mercy on him that hell have mercy on, and hell harden
whom hell harden. And the elected seed of God has got to have a Revelation, and God is duty
bound to speak and prove who has a Revelation and who hasnt got Revelation. Thats exactly

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why I dont go nowhere and preach. But there will come an hour brother and sister, when God will
prove the sacrifice. The sacrifice has got to be proved. And God is the only one that can accept the
You say I accept Christ, I believe the message of God, I believe the Bible, I believe the
prophet, I believe every message on tape, but brother that still isnt it. You got to stay right there
at the altar, and keep presenting your sacrifice until God is satisfied with it, and when he is satisfied
with it Hell tell you about it.
I say that the Token of God is the only resting place and the only satisfaction a believer has
is to present their sacrifice unto God. Then God speaks back from heaven with the sound of a
rushing mighty wind and seals you with the Token. Absolutely! In the process of time, and I
believe we have arrived there. Its here. Oh, these nuggets are good.
Look at what Adam lost? Lets see what he lost. Adam was God of the earth. Oh, wait a
minute, Brother Bob! I didnt slip, I said, he was God of the earth. His father was the God of the
universe, but Adam was a God on the earth. And God gave Adam the title deed to it, its yours
here it is! He had an abstract title deed. Hallelujah! It belonged to nobody, his father never had
one liability against it, it was free and clear and created by his father, God. Oh, I love this! And He
gave it to his son Adam, heres the deed boy its yours do with it what you want. Every camel,
every goat, every sheep, every walking animal on the earth. Its yours, everything on the earth. Its
yours one corner to the other, around the world its yours. Every bird that flies in the air is yours,
and you have demon over fish, animals, birds, the weather, and everything else is yours. Adam if
you want an orange tree here just speak it and it will be there. If you want a banana tree here just
speak and it will be here. Adam youre a creator. What? He could create an animal if he wanted
to. He could say, I want another bear, I want a bear thats ten-foot tall, he created it.
Now Brother Bob, dont you think your just a little bit excited now. No children, honey.
Im talking about the Bible, its real. Is the Bible a fairy tale?
Of course not, then brother, its the truth. He was a God over the earth and he was a creator
and he had dominion over everything, until the title deed is in his hand until he had that first sex
act. God come down and said, give me the deed. Oh, Lord! Son give me the deed! Please dad,
mercy! Son give me the deed. Here! Adam, you should not have done that. And God took the deed
back to heaven.
Im gonna say something But there is coming a day, way down the road My, It feels
good standing right here now, I said something right! Theres coming a day down the road here
when there is gonna be a seed, a seed given to a little lady, the Bride of Jesus Christ, in the end-
time, and that seed is Christ and when that seed comes to that woman, she is gonna have
Redemption. A act played on her, an act on her that was gonna buy her, clear on back through the
dark ages, clear back to Pentecost, pick up everything she lost at Pentecost and give that back to
And God will say, Eve, Bride, Im not stopping here honey, were going on, and He takes
her right on back to the Garden of Eden and sits her down right there. And will say, now honey
because you stood faithful to my Word message that Eve didnt, now Im happy to present to you
the title deed and if you look on it, its abstract, its clear, the debt is paid for, you paid the price
now, your redeemed, you have everything back now, by staying with the Word. Here is your
abstract title deed. Now, I give you back your power, I give you back your authority. And now
there is no male or female outside of Christ, youve come back into your Adam now, youre no
longer a by-product, youve abided in my Word youre in the father and the fathers in you now,

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ask what you will!!! And it will be done. Hallelujah! Speak little Bride, speak! Just speak and Ill
How many believe? Lets just raise our hands up and praise him! Glory to God, children.
We are living in this hour. Bless His precious name. My God have mercy! My God, do we realize
what Christ done for us, do we realize what hes done for us? God, it ought to make us Brother
Don, I tell you it ought to burn us up alive.
Here you are little Bride, heres your abstract. Now if you say to this mountain, little
darling, if you say to this mountain be removed, Ill move it for you, if you say bind it, Ill bind it,
if you say loose it, Ill loose it. Whatever you say, itll be. Well, you say I cant believe it. I believe
it with all my heart, I believe it so much I want it to happen tonight. I believe it is so close I can
smell it, I can feel it and I can taste it. Oh yea! Now we see what redemption means. My, I got on
something here, I cant get off of that.
Now, you know the Bible said, the whole all the trees and all the birds and all the beast
and the whole earth and all the people on it dont know it, but they are groaning and travailing to
see this abstract title deed come back to the earth in the hands of the one it belongs to. Praise God,
I own all this land here, I own all of it. Come on say, Amen! I own Texas, I own Connecticut, I
own the state of New York. Come on say, Amen! I own it! The heavens are mine, the earth is
mine, every bear, every bird. Watch out you hunters you illegal hunters, watch out all you that are
polluting my rivers, watch out! My God, were going to destroy them who are destroying the rivers.
Were gonna destroy them thats destroying the deer. The deer is mine, the fish is mine, your
killing all the fish, you seed of the serpent. Your killing and polluting all the deer and everything
else. Its mine! I have all things in Christ! How many say, its mine. Hallelujah, its mine.
You know a little brother one time got to lookin in the Word of God and got so excited, he
picked up his old tent and threw it on his old pick up and went down to the prettiest spot in town.
There he found a nice big beautiful lot and put up that old ragged tent and drove the stakes down
and set up his chair and put a sign out saying revival.
A big Cadillac pulled up, a big man with a cigar, who owned the land, got out of the car
and said, Whats that you got there a tent? Excuse me! Is this your tent?
Yea sir, yes sir.
Do you know who owns this land?
Yes sir! I do?
Did the man that owns this land tell you that you could put this tent up
Yes sir, he did!
He said, Who told you to put up this tent here?
He said, My father.
Your father? Whos your father?
God! it belongs to him!
He said, Well go ahead, boy!

Just what the Bible said! Weve inherited the earth, and its ours. Brother Paul, were gonna
take it over in a little bit! You say, Brother Bob, you mean thats really true! What Im saying is
true, just as sure as Im standing here. Hes gonna do it! Amen! You know what? The only thing
is, were not forcing claim on it right now. But I tell you one thing, I ant got the paper right now,
but its on its way!

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Now, Im not gonna say too much about it, but I know down in my heart its mine. I ant
gonna fuss with you now. But mister, let me tell you something, I know where the abstract is at,
and its getting ready to come back to me. And its gonna come and were gonna come to court.
Oh my, and I got a lawyer and you never met such a man as Him and Hes gonna force the courts
to give all these rivers and all these mountains and all these forests and all these things all this
creation Hes gonna force you to give it back to me. And all the trees if they could talk, they would
stand about and say, do it quickly, do it quickly! The little wave kicks up and says, do it quickly,
force it quickly! God said, Ill destroy all them that destroy the earth. Do you believe that abstracts
comin back? Lets get on it a little bit here.
Now lets look over here now, I want to read this over here in Romans eight. Now listen to
this! You can read it out of your King James Bible, Romans eight and eighteen, listen.

Romans 8:18,19
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the
glory which shall be revealed in us.
For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of

Translation: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth being
compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us, in us, for us. and conferred on us.
All the sufferings that we are having right now in this end time is not worthy to be even
compared to the glory that is gonna be on us and in us and for us and conferred to us. For even the
whole world the whole creation, all nature all creation waits expectedly and longs earnestly for
Gods sons to be made known. To be made known. Now, they dont know who they are, but their
waiting for them to be made known. And it is God that comes and vindicates the sacrifice and
makes known who is His Sons. And they are all waiting for it, see!
Watch him here. To be made known, waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their son-
ship. Now watch here! My what time is it here! Is anybody in a hurry? Now watch here! Now lets
say right here, heres Eden and everything that I told you that they had that was in Eden. Now
watch here! Now in the end-time when the messenger comes down and the seals are open, the true
Word of God, which is Christs seed, its a faith seed. And when that Revelation of that Word is
released, it releases a blood cell. Now until Now, this is deep here youll just have to weight
these words out and meditate on them. I ant got time to break it down.
The messenger came, and you were living under a substitute of the church ages that did not
have the way to the blood. But the mercy of God covered the world anyway.
Now when the seed of redemption comes, the Word of redemption comes to the end-time
Eve, Bride, she dont have no seed, she has got a field, she has a virgin womb. But when that
messenger comes with the seed of redemption and the blood is in that Word. How many understand
that? The blood is in the Word, the blood cell is in the Word and the blood is what makes the baby,
the hemoglobin, the life. And that prophet of God comes with that message, which is the seed of
Christ, and he sews that seed of redemption in that womb of that little Bride. And that seed of
redemption, that blood cell in there completely, watch here. Oh God!
It completely annihilates all your sin and transgressions, completely annihilates it, and its
so great that blood cell, that God looks at you now, and you never did commit one sin! Not one!

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Your just as Holy as God is Holy! Say it out loud, I have the holiness of God. I have no sin! Im
perfect with God!

Now watch here, Adam broke his fellowship with God, lost his title deed to the earth, lost
his power, lost his authority, he lost being God, he lost being a creator, its lost! Now, here right
now in this end-time, the very day that your livin in, is the greatest day thats ever been. This is
the day that all creation is groaning for. The trees, the people, the whole earth is groaning that
when this seed comes that has the blood cell in it, that totally annihilates sin, then at that time the
real sons and daughters of God are gonna be demonstrating and manifesting. God is gonna confer
upon them, all the glory that He put upon Adam and Eve in Eden. This is not a fairy tale. It is the
truth. Lord help you!!! All the power Adam had. Oh, dearly beloved I hope you believe what Im
saying! All the power that Adam had He was a creator, Hallelujah! He could create animals, he
could create trees, anything he said, God honored it. He was in perfect fellowship with God, and
God came down and spoke lip to ear to him. A perfect fellowship with his father. Nothing there
between them but a perfect union, perfect fellowship.
Now in the evening time when that true seed with a blood cell in it and when that blood
cell comes out of that Word, and when that Word comes in that person, that blood cell is broken
from that Word, and it totally annihilates all their sins from them. And brings them back across
the chasm back into Eden, into perfect fellowship.
Now you can see whats gonna happen. Now Sons of God be manifested. And what are
they gonna be manifesting? They are to manifest to the whole world, what original plan was in
Gods mind, that was hidden from the foundation of the world. Out of their mouths the words that
they say, and their actions in power and demonstration proves to the world what God came and
created man for. They explain to the whole world the plan of God. Do you believe it? Do you
believe its gonna happen? I believe it with all my heart.
Now everything is travailing to see that. Groaning, agonizing to see that happen. And
brother and sister, its not another generation, not another generation will pass away, you will see
this very thing that Im preaching about this week your gonna see it happen at in any day now!
Any day the abstract title deed may be sent back. Now when the deed comes into the hands now
I could get into things but I dont have time. Id like to get into the secret name. Id like to get into
all that, see. Oh, I have great nuggets of God lying right here to blow this thing. I tell you would
rapture us clear out of here, out of our being, we ought to be caught up with such power. See, now
what is now the days come on, the time ant right, but as the days come on, one day what I said
will catch fire and then it will be gone. Its gonna catch fire somewhere, see. Somebody is gonna
catch fire then watch out, sparks are gonna fly.
Look at the position that Adam and Eve held. Look at what they had before the
transgression. Then when the sex act came, look at how they fell. But now when the seed Word
comes back to the Bride, the end-time Eve, it restores her back. Whats restore mean? To buy back
to the original place, to the original owner and give it back in its original condition. I say with the
authority of Christ, by the Word of God that everything that Adam lost has got to be given back to
the end-time Bride of Christ, including immortality! Thats why the rapture has got to take place.
Dont you see it? The end-time Bride cannot see death because shes gone back to Eden.
Friend, people around the country are feasting on crumbs, when God has spread a seven-
full course meal from Genesis to Revelation. But Brother Don, its pitiful, to have to speak about
these things and know of the condition of the people that is around the world. Friend, not because

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I said, but I pray that God will help you realize how for fortunate you are, and I am to be able to
hear and to know these things, to see and know by the grace of God.
All right now were gonna see this happen in this hour. Now listen to this.
For the creature nature was subjected to frailty and to utility and condemned to frustration
not because of some intentional fall on its part, but by the will of him who soul subjected it. Yet
with hope!
God did all this, He cursed it, He did it, see. The earth wasnt willing it to happen, but He
cursed it. But He cursed it with a hope that one day the Sons of God would take the curse off of it.
No wonder Brother Branham said, you wait till one of these days when the Sons are
manifested. Just one of them Sons can pass an old farmer and that old farmer say, Oh, Son of God
my farm is burnt up, I dont have no way to pay my bills, my crops are burnt up. Son of God call
a rain. He said, Ill call you a rain. Rain. Come! And brother Branham said, and it rained. Brother
Branham said, that end-time Bride that has a Revelation of the seals that were opened said, she
can call for a billion tons of fleas and get them if she wants to. He said, anything she says, it
happens. Why? Brother Branham knew, he knew they were not able to take what he was sayin.
But he said it, but He just hid it. Its right there.
Knowing that somewhere out of that multitude of people that he preached to, would come
a Bride that would find this, recognize it, and act upon it. Recognize your day and your message
children, recognize it and find your position and get into it. You see how great it is.
Watch here now, we know that the whole creation, irrational creatures have been moaning together
into the pains of labor unto now. Not only the creation, but we ourselves to whom have enjoyed
the first fruits of the holy spirit a foretaste of the blissful things to come. Groan inwardly. What?
The apostles only had a foretaste of what the end-time Bride gets. What happen on the day of
Pentecost is only a foretaste to what the end-time Bride gets. And they themselves groan. They
groaned and agonized in the Holy Ghost to be receiving what your gonna receive today. And they
are groaning brother, and its recorded in heaven and they are laying in the graves yet waiting for
you to receive this so they can come up. There will come such an out pouring of the Holy Ghost
on the Bride in the last day that it will suck the dead from the graves. Do you believe? My, we
cant get all that.
Lets just stop right there, thats enough to turn the world upside down. I tell you, if you
could go out tonight with such a desperation and an agonizing to have that, I wouldnt have to
preach one more message. Not one more that would be sufficient. And I tell you it would turn the
world upside down. Just one of those Sons that the abstract falls into the hands to. You bare me
record, when that abstract, if one man gets it first, hell turn the world upside down. What will it
be when about five hundred get it? Five hundred thats crossed the chasm back into Eden, brother.
If you think Apostle Paul and Barnabas turned that country upside down, and what they
went through, what do you think the Sons of God will do? When Paul said he only got he wrote
here in Romans, Chapter 8, he said, I only got a foretaste of it, but Im groaning for that down the
road. He said, Im racing toward it, Ive not obtained it yet, but its there. He said, Im groaning
for it. Paul laid on his face fasting and praying and the Holy Ghost groaning in him to receive what
were talking about, and couldnt receive it. And he went to the martyrs block. But honey, youre
not going to go, youll be changed in a moment and twinkling of an eye. There will come a power
of God sweep over you so great, and youll look down and WHAM! Your hands are not like they
was, and youll realize that your changed into immortality and youll be traveling like a thought
and be gone.

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(Brother Lambert sings) Changed from this vile creature that I am. Oh yea, there will be
peace in the valley. Oh yea. Amen! When Im changed from this vile creature that I am.
No more sex glands, no more all of that, just perfect holiness in the very image of God,
both body, soul and spirit and perfect love. Perfect love. Oh, my Lord, to think that Im involved
in this, brothers and sisters. It ant Paul or Peter, its me, brother. Im involved here. How many is
involved here tonight?
Lets sing a hymn. I hear someone groaning for it right now, dont know what its sayin
but its callin for it. What will happen, that little baby predestinated and the rapture takes place and
all at once its a grown-up women or grown-up boy. Ant that wonderful? Were not talking about
scientific power, now they got science thats so great that they are creating life now. Pretty soon
they will be able to create a human. I would hate to see it. Oh, they boast and push their chest out,
we transplant hearts, we transplant brains, we transplant this, and yea look at them. A daughter of
one of the heart surgeons that had a transplant told the truth about it and wrote a book that said,
my father said to tell the truth about it. I dont believe in heart transplants, she said, my father went
to hell after he got a transplant from another mans heart. Why the Bible said, God is in the heart,
and as a man thinketh in his heart. A mans soul, a mans spirit is in his heart, theres a compartment
down in there that God put in there to hold your spirit. And God never intended for your heart to
be in another mans body. And science is that seed of the serpent that were talking about. Putting
hearts in other people and that girl writing a book on it. And their trying to fight it and get it stopped
not to go to the public. She said, I watched my father, he went through literal hell, through literal
hell with that different heart that was put in him. Changed him into another person and said, he
went through hell.
But I tell you one thing children, I believe with all my heart, if the devil, the seed of the
serpent can transplant hearts, Gods going to create them. If hes transplanting brains, Gods going
to create them, eye balls, legs, what every it is. Why, what is it, its them Sons, its them Sons
coming back there, brother. They will speak it and God will put arms and legs and eyes and
everything back. Its going to get the attention of the scientific world. They ant gonna believe it,
but its gonna get their attention anyway. Oh my, how can I tell it? I just believe it, I dont know
how to say it. But seems like you just wanna, somehow just get them eagles mouths open and
cram them so full and just let them just stagger out of here.
Shirley said, honey I tell you what it is, my head hurt, I get thinkin on them things and it
hurts my head. I think thats what is the matter, we hear all them things and try to get them all in
our head. Well what it is a I see them beaks of the congregation open up and boy I just throw it
in there fill it up. I want the Lord to come and do this thing. Thats why I preach to you so long,
not because I want to. God knows I dont just like to preach, just to talk, Don knows that. but I
want you to see this thing. Because the prophet of God said, the only thing that I see left to take
place, is somebody is gonna get this vision and take it on. He said, and when they see that three-
fold purpose of Christ, I believe right there where those people see that, somethings gonna take
place. Now thats what Im tryin to do. If that Revelation catches right and you get that and set
right down in your heart, somethings got to happen.
Only one thing, if God would come down with that sealing angel and seal that and loose
that abstract, what would happen here in Connecticut, brother it wouldnt be twenty-four hours
until cities and towns would know about it. People would be coming from all over the world to get
here. How many believe that? All right lets have a Word of prayer. Lets bow our heads and
commit all things we said to the Lord. How many raise your hands, Brother Bob, I want this more

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than anything else in the world. I want what your talkin about. I believe it Brother Bob with all of
my heart.

Brother Lambert prays:

Dear father God you see our hands. Lord we act a little foolish because Lord its just so
good its like a little child from the country that never seen an ice cream cone. And God they get
that in their hand and lick it and jump up and down and just tickles them to death. And God this is
ice cream for our souls. I know people make fun of it, Lord, and say their just excited tryin to be
some great big somebody. But God, you know thats not so. And Lord, you want us to have more
than we want it. You died for us to have it, Lord. You died to redeem us back. You died to give us
this, Lord. And you said, we have all things through Christ. While we were yet sinners, Christ died
for the ungodly. God, I believe with all my heart, all my soul, and all my might, Lord and Im just
consumed by it. Every day every minute of the hour thats all I can think about, Lord. Oh Lord,
how long will it be till you do this thing. But never the less Lord, however long it is Lord, we will
wait faithfully. Oh, God, if Abraham waited twenty-five years, Lord, we know it cant be twenty-
five years. God, we want it.
Now Lord your little sheep have to go out there and work in them filling stations, in them
factory, and Oh God, the demons are pounding them. Lord, please come soon and God do this
thing Lord, our souls cry for you to com, Lord.
I know some people here, when they hear about the coming of the Lord, it scares them. But
God, it just makes me rejoice. Come quickly Lord Jesus, do this for us, father. Oh God, I just love
you. All of us love you with all of our hearts, and we love your Word. God Im such a poor
preacher, but Lord God its your Revelation, Lord. Its the Revelation, Lord. Its not whos sayin
it, or using big words, but God its our heart that loves you and believes you. Oh God, do it soon!
Lord your people, your earth, everything is groaning for it. The deer, the birds, the fish, the flowers
groaning for it. Lord do it soon! Please Lord! Oh God, all the sick people, I look at the paper and
I seen that little boy ten years old carrying a big gun. God, it ant fair! Oh Lord!! Bring it to an end
Jesus! Let your Son come forth God and remove this curse and these wars, bring back the
millennium. Oh God, I would be happy just to be a servant over there, just to wash feet, Lord. Oh
God, just let me enter into that place. God dont let us keep talkin about it, preaching about it, just
let it happen. Whatever it takes let it happen, do it Lord! Oh Lord, I love you with all my heart,
God I dont have words to thank you and praise you for people that believe me. What would I do
if nobody believed me? Oh God, somebody believes what I said. Without a wonder or a sign, they
believe. Lord, I pray that youll bless them. I told them what your gonna do Lord, because you told
me. And I pray that youll prove it, Father. And Im calling you on the scene Lord, not irreverent,
but because you demanded of me to call you on the scene. And I call you on the scene to prove it.
And I told them Lord that youll prove it from heaven. Im so thankful that you gave me a good
brother like Brother Don Ruddell. God, his hearts cryin for it too. Lord, I think you for Brother
Don, what he means to me, what an encouragement he is, to know that hes standing with the same
message. Little Brother Mike down there in Georgia tryin to stand down there. God stand with him
down there and bless him, encourage him and strengthen him. Cut off his enemy to the left and to
the right, God. Lord were compassed about with many enemies. And Lord I remember your
prophet, David, anointed of the Lord. He was cast out and rejected, sitting on a mountain weeping
and crying, and a little old seed of the serpent preacher spit on him as he walked by, and he never
opened his mouth. But he got his head cut off down the road. Lord, you see what a place your

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servants are standing, and Brother Don and myself and brother Mike are counted as dung and the
dirt of the earth because of your Revelation, Lord. Lord, were not cryin about that but we are cryin
and so happy that we could stand in such a glorious place. It thrills our souls. I pray that you would
bless these words that I said, and I know they come from thee. May it stimulate every heart here
to the utter most. May there break out a Holy Ghost, sky blue, sin killing, revival, among us Lord,
its what your prophet desired to see. Now Lord, we pray and ask these things in Jesus name.

How many Love him with all your heart? God have mercy! Oh God. What page is that
song sister? Page 91. Lets sing that beautiful Hymn to the Lord. Try me Oh Lord. This song
sooths my spirit good.

Congregations sings song.

Lets just give him a praise offering before we go. Start a Holy Ghost revival in me, Lord. Lord
help me to weep my way to a revival in my heart, start a revival in my heart. Burn my heart up
with love. Just melt it, mold it, make it. In my heart Lord, in my heart. Start it in my heart, Lord a
revival. God, I love you. Start a revival, let a revival break out in my heart. Let us start tonight,
Lord. Start a revival in our hearts to be in love with you. Tonight Lord! Tonight Lord, tonight
Lord. Oh, Hallelujah! Praise God. Hallelujah! Amen! Amen!

Give us a chorus, My Faith Looks Up to Thee. Congregation sings, My Faith Looks Up to

Thee. Lets bow our heads. How many appreciate these extra services. God bless your heart!

You remember children, you remember one day youll look back on these things that I said
and your gonna see them come to pass. Youll find out it wasnt your little brother, it was God
after all. Oh, Hallelujah! Friends this thing ant far off, it cant be. You know one day in Camp,
they beat Abraham up, him sayin he was gonna have a baby. I dont care what anybody says, one
day he had a baby. Now everybody reads about Abraham and his great faith. In an hour when
everybody thinks God is dead, and everybody is dead spiritually and its all over, thats the day
that this will happen. After the seeds of serpents have sowed their seeds, then God will do the thing
that He promised. Wont you please let this burn in your heart saints. Wont you please let it burn
in your heart.
Wont you get desperate for it, it cant happen till you get desperate for it. When you hunger
for it and you thirst for it and you got to have it or die. Im gonna preach one night soon, Gods
provided way to get a revival. Just a little something simple He laid upon my heart just a little
thought. I believe it will help us. Now I hate to let you go, I feel the presence of God near, I hesitate
to leave, I know somebodys here beside me. How many of you know somebodys here. There
ant no man that can produce that, you know it! You dont see it, but you know that there is
something here supernatural. The same one that were talking about is here. And He wants to
manifest Himself to you, see the thing, is just not right. Let me tell you something, the prophet of
God said, that thing that you feel thats so near, one day will be personalized before your eyes.
Jesus is gonna be personalized before your eyes. The presence you feel right here tonight is gonna
be manifested plainly before you. Hes hidden in simplicity, but is to be revealed in greatness and
power at any time. Let those things burn in your heart, precious darlings, I appreciate you, God

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knows I do. And I desire with all my heart to see every one of you filled with the power of God.
Thats why I preach to you so long, thats why I hammer at you, and everything, because I love
you. Now lets bow our heads, Brother Don would you dismiss us in prayer?

Brother Don Ruddell prays.

My, my just to think whats layin there, somethings touching us. Just softly play Down at
the Cross. Just wait just a minute, just some quietness before the Lord. Its got to come sometime
saints, its got to come sometime. Go to work your last day, go to work your last day. Oh, ant it
good to be in His presence. Lets just sing that chores before we go home.

Congregation sings, Down at the Cross

Now let us remember the service this weekend, were wanting to hear from Brother Don.
Just praying God will speak to Brother Don and hell take right off on that Revelation with the
Holy Spirit, and take it right on. And if it be Gods will, then I know God will have his way with
Brother Don, and who knows maybe Brother Don will preach Sunday morning and Sunday night,
and next week we will see how our hearts move, and have an extra service next week. Will see
how it goes. See, that thing gets started and starts burns down in you and you cant, you just got
to have it or die. Thats all there is to it, then that will do it, that will do it when you can get that
way. How many just got to have it or die? Thats what I want, I got to have it, or die Lord.
Just like old buddy Robertson, said, God if you dont do it now Got mad and bit his mule
on the ear and realized he needed more of God, and fell to his knees in the corn field. Said, God
come and give me the Holy Ghost now, or come after a bag of bones. He meant it, he meant it.
When you mean it, you have got to have it or die. I believe we must get to that place where, got
to have it or die. I believe with all my heart. While these things are in our heart and we see how
great they are, right down in your heart you just travail and agonize and groan that you got to have
it or die, then we are gonna see Jesus Christ come on the scene.
Tonight, before we leave here. If it will be Thursday night, its gonna be sometime when
were together in desperation. Now, I say something, somebody somewhere is gonna get in that
condition and your gonna hear a sound, thats the first thing. You gonna hear a sound from heaven
like a rushing mighty wind and your gonna see the pillar of fire, your gonna see Jesus Christ with
your eyes, licks of fire are gonna set upon each one of you and every one of you will be filled with
the Holy Ghost. Now bare record, I go on record that that thing is gonna happen sure as the world.
I say that because Gods obligated to do the same thing He did on the day of Pentecost. And I cant
find where Hes ever did it since, and I say that Gods got to do the same thing. Not because I say
so, God will do it, but because the Word of God said Hes got to do it. And Hes got to do it to be
And how many would like it to happen here? Wouldnt it be wonderful if while Brother
Don is here that this could happen, and he could take that back to Jeffersonville, Indiana, and a
revival break out there in his church, and brother just burn this thing up. Now its gonna happen!
How many give it a hardy, Amen! So, we praise God that its gonna happen. How many say, I
praise you God that its gonna happen.
Alright consider yourself dismissed now. Remember try to be here Sunday morning early
to pray for Brother Don. I feel it be the will of God. God will bless Brother Don and make him a

September 14, 1970 - PM

blessing to us. You heard me awhile, now I get to hear him. And if God speaks to my heart and, I
see how Brother Don comes and what the will of the Lord is, maybe will see, maybe will have
some extra services. Pound this thing Brother Don, if it happens and God leads that way, Ill pound
this Revelation down till revival breaks out in Connecticut. Amen. Boy, what a place for a revival
to break out, right here in Connecticut. Where? Where did you say? Where, Brother Paul? We
believe that, we believe it. How many know I was preaching that and walked right in here and said
the same thing, many of them. God told me personally he was going to do it. So, we believe it. We
believe it. Were just foolish enough to believe it. How many say your just foolish enough to
believe it? Thats right! Foolish enough to believe it. Revival will break out right here and it is
going to, it is going to. Why? Because youre expecting it, thats why. If I didnt know nothing
else, its gonna happen. Wouldnt you Brother Don? Your Brother Don believes it stronger than
you do. Mike Canada believes it stronger than you do. Brother Brown believes it as strong as you
do. Brother Bob Gatlian believes it as strong as you do, cause hes fasting and praying in the
mountains and he ant nobodys fool. The prophet of God was sent two hundred and twenty miles
right up to him with, thus saith the Lord, without any telephone in between. He had a line from
heaven! Thats pretty good contact ant it. And the same one that sent the prophet to Bob Gatlian,
is the same one that told Brother Braham to go to Brother Bob Gatlain. God told Bob Gatlain with
a Voice that spoke right behind it - said, Im gonna pour out my spirit in Connecticut. And he took
off from the mountains as hard as he could go and come right here and told you that right across
the pulpit. And we believe it. And Im just foolish enough to believe it. Why? Because I want it
and God gives you what your expecting. Hes never failed a person, God gives you what your
expecting. And your expectations create an atmosphere of faith and Gods got to answer faith.
Now keep that in the spirit and just keep going on, now take the name of Jesus with you.

End of Service


Note: All messages are written from recorded tapes of Brother Robert Lambert. Even the language he used is printed here just as he said it.


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