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Possi le fa tors for i lusio i a desti atio s eve t touris SWOT a alysis

Existing stock of events
o . Type
o . Quality
o . Uniqueness/competitive advantage
o . Number
o . Duration/timing (for example, whether most events are scheduled at a particular time
of the year, such as summer, and whether this clustering is advantageous/
disadvantageous from a tourism perspective)
o . Current financial situation
o . Image/reputation (particularly in visitor markets)
o . Level of current demand from regional, national and overseas visitor markets and level
of understanding of these markets
o . Economic, social and environmental impacts
o . E isti g li ks et ee e e ts a d the desti atio s touris i dustr for e a ple,
o level of packaging evident and level of partnering with tourism industry marketing
o . Stage of i di idual e e ts i ter s of their produ t life le
o . Evidence of long-term strategic planning

Venues/sites/facilities/supporting services
o . Number, type, quality and capacity of venues/outdoor event sites
o . Capacity of local suppliers (for example, equipment hire, food and beverage services)
to support various types of events
o . Stock of supporting local tourism services (for example, accommodation suppliers,
o transport suppliers, tour operators)

Human resources
o . Level/type of destination event venue/event management expertise
o . Capacity to draw on volunteers to support event delivery
o . Range/type of event-related training conducted in the area, or accessible to people
from the area via means such as the Internet

Stage of event sector development

o . Existence of organizations such as industry associations, convention and visitors
bureaus and major event agencies
Destination location relative to major tourist markets
o . Travel time and costs
o . Types and frequency of public transport to the area

Degree of political support

o . Level of available funding for event tourism
o . Potential for legislative support
o . Location of a major event agency inside local or national government

Level of community support

o . Community perspectives on economic outcomes (for example, whether the community
perceives it will benefit economically from the events staged or whether they think
ost e efits ill e e ported fro the area
o . Level of anticipated local patronage for events (necessary to underpin the economics
of many events).
o . Level of willingness of the community to absorb short-term negatives, such as
crowding and traffic congestion
o . Willingness of a community to support events via volunteering, provision of home
hosting services etc.

Extent and nature of existing relationships between events and the tourism industry
o . Extent of event packaging evident
o . Type/nature of links with tourism companies and organizations

Local weather patterns

o . Rainy seasons or periods of extreme heat that may restrict the times in which events
can be conducted

Potential for partnering with selected organizations to progress one or more event tourism goals
o . Possible partnering bodies:
. Government departments
. Cultural organizations
. Tourism bodies
. Chambers of commerce
. Tourism businesses (to package events)
. Environmental groups (to minimize impacts/maximize environmental
Level and type of competition from other events in other destinations
o . Direct competition from similar events
o . Competition from dissimilar events conducted in the same time period

Market tastes/preferences for events

o . Ability of an area to respond to market needs through existing and new events
o . Impact on existing/planned events of changes in family structures, age of population,
patterns of work/retirement and attitudes to health etc.

Availability of external funds

o . Capacity to attract government grants or loans
o . Likelihood of attracting sponsorship
o . Potential to link events with overall destination branding efforts

Local cultural/environmental attributes that have the potential to be leveraged for event
purposes (for example, unique flora or fauna, a strong and vibrant indigenous culture, history,
ethnicity, architecture, local agricultural pursuits)

Level/type of links between local/regional sporting/business/cultural bodies and their national

or international associations (for example, strong links between a regional sporting body and its
national association may facilitate successful bids for regional/national championships in the
sports concerned)

Capacity of destination to absorb event tourism impacts without negative environmental or

community outcomes
o . Perspectives of community groups, such as non-government environmental
organizations, on events of various types and scale

General economic conditions

o . Employment levels
o . Interest rates
o . Inflation
o . Consumer confidence levels

o . Changes in weather patterns due to global warming
o . Security and health issues (for example, terrorism, SARS and Asian Bird Flu)
o . Political climate (for example, the extent to which events involving particular groups or
nations will be supported by key stakeholders, such as local or national governments)

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