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PAULO 58(6):324-331, 2003




Renan Moritz V. Rodrigues Almeida

ALMEIDA RMVR - A critical review of the possible benefits associated with homeopathic medicine. Rev. Hosp. Cln. Fac.
Med. S. Paulo 58(6):324-331, 2003.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the recent scientific research progress on homeopathy.

METHODOLOGY: Homeopathy was evaluated in terms of its clinical research; in vitro research, and physical
foundations. The Medline database was the main reference source for the present research, concerning data of approximately
the last 10 years. Secondary references (not available in this database) were obtained by means of direct requests to authors
listed in the primary references.
RESULTS: Clinical studies and in vitro research indicate the inefficacy of homeopathy. Some few studies with positive
results are questionable because of problems with the quality and lack of appropriate experimental controls in these studies.
The most recent meta-analyses on the topic yielded negative results. One of the few previous meta-analyses with positive
results had serious publication bias problems, and its results were later substantially reconsidered by the main authors. The
sparse in vitro homeopathic research with positive results has not been replicated by independent researchers, had serious
methodological flaws, or when replicated, did not confirm the initial positive results. A plausible mechanism for homeopathic
action is still nonexistent, and its formulation, by now, seems highly unlikely.
CONCLUSIONS: As a result of the recent scientific research on homeopathy, it can be concluded that ample evidence
exists to show that the homeopathic therapy is not scientifically justifiable.

DESCRIPTORS: Homeopathy. Complementary and alternative medicine. Pseudo-science.

Homeopathy, introduced by the important step in their preparation is In Brazil, homeopathy is accepted
German physician Samuel called the succussion: shakes that are as a medical, pharmaceutical, and vet-
Hahnemann at the beginning of the applied to the substance after each di- erinary specialty. Homeopathy also
19th century, consists of the treatment lution stage. Although mostly recom- has an accepted medical status in Eng-
of the symptoms of a disease by means mended for small afflictions, some- land, India, and some States of the
of ultra-diluted substances. These sub- times radical statements about the ef- United States (Arizona, Connecticut,
stances are chosen based on the as- fectiveness of homeopathy are made, and Nevada), and its use is widespread
sumption that they would cause the for instance, concerning the treatment in many other countries2. The amount
same symptoms in healthy subjects if of AIDS1. of research on homeopathic topics rose
ingested in measurable amounts. Min- substantially in the last 20 years. The
erals, vegetables, or substances ob- analysis of its scientific status, there-
tained from living organisms may be From the Federal University of Rio de fore, can already take into account a
used in the preparation of homeo- Janeiro - Program of Biomedical large number of studies, and such an
Engineering (COPPE) - Rio de Janeiro/RJ,
pathic medicines. Supposedly, the ef- Brazil. analysis is obviously important, both
fect of these substances becomes Received for publication on in terms of general scientific advance-
October 7, 2002.
stronger the more they are diluted. An ment and for health financing reasons.

REV. HOSP. CLN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 58(6):324-331, 2003 A critical review of the possible benefits
Almeida RMVR et al.

The objective of the present study replicated by an independent ficult to estimate. In addition, they
was to critically review and assess the group49,50. stated that: we found little evi-
current scientific status of homeo- In 1990, Hill and Doyon3 reviewed dence of effectiveness of any single
pathic medicine. This review focused 40 randomized double-blind studies, homeopathic approach on any single
on the performance of homeopathy in and concluded that The results do not clinical condition.
clinical trials, on its state-of-the-art in provide acceptable evidence that ho- The magnitude of the bias and the
basic research, and on its physical meopathic treatments are effective. In quality of the studies in these reviews
foundations. References were basi- a review of the scientific literature con- is illustrated by a positive study that,
cally obtained with the help of the cerning pediatric homeopathy, Kurz4 when re-assessed, actually revealed no
Medline-Pubmed database and were concluded that The review of studies effect of homeopathy over placebo
restricted to (approximately) the last carried out according to current sci- (the original analysis used an inad-
10 years. Secondary references, not entific criteria revealed-at besta equate statistical methodology). How-
available in this database, were also placebo effect of homeopathy. Linde ever, the inadequate study was still ac-
identified by means of direct contact and Melchart6, in a review of homeo- cepted in these reviews and consid-
with primary authors. pathic studies on individualized ho- ered to be of good quality53,54. Simi-
meopathy (one of the current schools larly, the French government commis-
Clinical trials of homeopathic treatment), stated that sioned a high-quality trial with the ob-
when the analysis was restricted to jective of confirming (or not) 2 prelimi-
Probably the best strategy for as- the methodologically best trials no nary positive homeopathic studies of
sessing the effect of homeopathy is significant effect was seen. Ernst and poor quality. This new trial did not
through the results of its clinical tri- Pittler7 in a review of the scientific lit- yield any positive results, but all 3
als. Many good quality studies of the erature on the homeopathic prepara- studies were included in the reviews55.
last 12 years have yielded negative re- tion - arnica, concluded that The Moreover, the presence of bias was
sults, for instance, concerning system- claim that homeopathic arnica is effi- later confirmed 56-58, by means of a
atic reviews and meta-analyses3-11; in- cacious beyond a placebo effect is not visual test that allowed for the identi-
fections of the upper respiratory tract supported by rigorous clinical trials. fication of a publication bias in the
and allergic rhinitis12,13; post-operative One of these authors, in another re- positive studies direction. Another
ileus14; asthma15; warts16-18; pain relief view8, states: It is concluded that the approach was the reproduction of the
and muscle soreness19-23; treatment of trial data available to date do not analysis of Linde et al., but taking into
adenoid vegetation24; chronic head- suggest that homeopathy is effective account only those studies judged to
ache 25-28; ear inflammation 29,30 ; ec- in the prophylaxis of migraine or head- be of the highest quality59. The con-
zema31; arthritis32,33; bruising34,35; anxi- ache beyond a placebo effect, and, clusion of this new analysis was that:
ety36; provings (see below) with bel- more recently10, that: (in this re- homeopathic remedies are associ-
ladonna, arnica, Pulsatilla and mer- view) there was no condition which ated with the same clinical effect as
cury37-41 and aggravations (good responds convincingly better to ho- placebo and that: applying strict
worsening of symptoms, said by meopathic treatment than to pla- criteria, a meta-analysis of dilute ho-
homeopaths to precede patient recov- cebo. meopathic remedies shows no effect
ery)42. In 1991, Kleijnen et al. published over placebo whatsoever 59.
Detailed comments on many of a meta-analysis51 that reported a small Also, in a re-assessment of their
these studies are published2,5,43. Some positive effect for homeopathic treat- work60,61, the main authors of the 1997
studies were at first considered to be ments. However, the authors empha- review stated that: there was clear
of good methodological quality, in sized the fact that clear conclusions evidence that [homeopathic] studies
which positive results were found, were not feasible, since most studies with better methodological quality
concerning, for example, allergic rhini- had a very low methodological qual- tended to yield less positive results,
tis and childhood diarrhea44,45. These ity, which could severely bias the re- and that: The evidence of bias weak-
studies, however, could not be inde- sults. Similarly, Linde et al.49, in a 1997 ens the findings of our original meta-
pendently replicated 13,46, and some review of more than 100 studies, iden- analysis It seems, therefore, likely
methodological flaws were later de- tified a favorable result for homeopa- that our meta-analysis at least over-
tected in their designs47,48. The present thy. Also in this case, however, the au- estimated the effects of homeopathic
review could not identify any homeo- thors admitted that publication bias treatments.
pathic clinical trial that was positively could introduce an effect that was dif- Finally, 2 other recent reviews11,62

A critical review of the possible benefits REV. HOSP. CLN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 58(6):324-331, 2003
Almeida RMVR et al.

concluded that no effect can be de- topic that has yielded fully negative this memory, cause the degranulation
tected when studies of better methodo- results is the one of homeopathic of basophil cells in vitro, even after the
logical quality are considered, and still provings37-41. This is a fundamental solute had been diluted to 10-120.
another, specifically dealing with the procedure for the definition of homeo- Benvenistes study72 was accepted
post-operative ileus condition63, found pathic prescriptions. In these provings, for publication in the Nature journal,
negative results for the studies in arbitrary substances are given to a as long as a committee, assigned by
which homeopathic preparations had small number of healthy volunteers, the journal, could make an in loco
been highly diluted. and the subsequent symptoms are re- replication attempt. This committee,
As can be seen, the relationship be- corded by the volunteers. As men- however, concluded that73:
tween the lack of quality in a homeo- tioned, homeopathic prescriptions are - the experiments were not double-
pathic study and its positive results then developed from the assumptions blind;
arises in numerous studies, and some that these substances, ultra-diluted, - they worked better when per-
authors repeatedly warn against the could cure these same symptoms in formed by a specific member of
fact that alternative and complemen- sick subjects. For instance, in a recent Benvenistes team;
tary medical journals create a serious experiment that tried to submit these - when the experiments did not work,
publication bias in the field64. Thus, assumptions to a double-blind test38, they were discarded;
the message that consistently emerges 47 volunteers were divided in 2 - no adequate statistical control
is that homeopathic studies with posi- groups, one receiving a placebo, and methods were employed;
tive results are those of low methodo- the other, ultra-diluted belladonna. It - when replicated with better con-
logical quality, in which double-blind was not possible to observe any dis- trols, no effect could be detected.
characteristics could not be assured, cernible pattern in the symptoms re- In summary, an extensive series
that had statistical methodological ported by the 2 groups. Another inter- of experiments which are statistically
flaws or that were published in less rig- esting older example concerns an ex- ill-controlled, from which no substan-
orous journals54-67. For instance, in the periment on homeopathic Pulsatilla40 tial effort has been made to exclude
study mentioned by Linde et al., only in which subjects received either a pla- systematic error, including observer
20% of the trials could actually be cebo or the homeopathic preparation bias, and whose interpretation has
considered as blind67. in a cross-over design. No differences been clouded by the exclusion of meas-
In addition, other reasons for posi- could be detected between the 2 ures in conflict with the claim.
tive results can be noted: groups, and an interesting result was Recently, an allegedly positive
- homeopathic preparations with a that during the first month, clear symp- replication of this study was re-
relatively low dilution may still retain toms were reported by all patients, ported74. This new experiment was per-
pharmacological properties68. Even if probably due to the novelty charac- formed in 4 European laboratories, and
these effects were not specific for the teristic of the study. a member of Benvenistes original
problem being addressed, the masking team took part in them. This study,
of the intervention group could be Physical foundations and in vitro re- however, was only published as a short,
thus compromised. search non-peer reviewed article, and, appar-
- There are documented cases in ently, had methodological flaws that
which homeopathic medications had The modern in vitro homeopathic could compromise its results. For in-
been adulterated69-71. For instance, Kerr research can be said to begin with the stance, the authors reported that of
and Saryan69, in an analysis of homeo- work of the French immunologist their data had to be discarded, al-
pathic preparations in the United Jacques Benveniste, during the 1980s. though no clear justification was pre-
States, found arsenic in 2 out of 6 In 1988, this researcher reported that sented for that. Also, the statistical
tested samples. Also, in a recent review in his laboratory, conclusive proof of techniques used appear inadequate.
120 samples of alternative medicine homeopathic effects had been identi- For instance, consider the fractions of
medications (including homeopathy), fied. According to him, water could re- control x treatment degranulation re-
Gupta et al.71, in India, found that 38% tain a memory of its solutes and, with ported in the study for laboratory 1:
of them were contaminated with
corticosteroids. An older study in the
United States70 detected a similar pro- Laboratory Control Histamine number F p
(% degranulation) (% degranulation)
1 45.8 36.5 123 15.35 .0002
Another homeopathic research

REV. HOSP. CLN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 58(6):324-331, 2003 A critical review of the possible benefits
Almeida RMVR et al.

Using standard statistical formulae nected to a coil wire and to an ampli- the work of another, either the results
for a 2-proportions t-test75, one finds a fier. An electric current was then ap- were negative or the methodology was
95% Confidence Interval of: plied to the wire, and after filtering questionable .
95% CI lab 1: [-0.03; 0.21] ; not and noise reduction, the homeo- In summary, similarly to the analy-
statistically significant. pathic effect was, allegedly, transferred sis concerning clinical trials, here,
Finally, at least 5 other research to a pure water vial, also connected to also, it is possible to identify a clear
groups tried to replicate Benvenistes the amplifier. In each of the 4 experi- relationship between the low methodo-
results, not one of them finding a posi- ments, diluted water (water 10-60) logical quality of a homeopathic study
tive effect76-80. was used as control. Results were simi- and its positive results.
More recently, Benveniste stated lar in all the 4 experiments: frog Still concerning the physical
that the homeopathic potentialization growth was altered whether they were mechanisms of homeopathy, it is not
of a substance could be sent and recov- exposed to the ultra-diluted thyroxine, possible to identify differences be-
ered through electromagnetic means to the closely placed sealed vial, or to tween homeopathic preparations and
(for example, through an e-mail mes- the vials to which the digitized pure water by means of a nuclear mag-
sage)81. The water memory thus digi- properties had been transferred. The netic ressonance (NMR) analysis88. It
tized could then be used to transfer the authors also reported that many other is well known that homeopathy vio-
properties of the original solute to other factors, for instance, the time of the lates the Avogadro number, that is, in
substances, at long distance. More in- year when the experiments were per- a homeopathic preparation above a 10-
formation on this (still non-substanti- formed, appeared to influence the re- dilution, not 1 molecule of the origi-
ated) claim can be found in <http:// sults. nal solute is expected to be found.>. From these experiments, the au- However, explanations for the putative
Currently, research in this area still thors concluded that the homeopathic action mechanisms for homeopathy
continues, basically coordinated by an effect propagates through electromag- under these circumstances are only
international consortium named GIRI netic waves, which had transferred the very rarely presented. Worse yet, when
(International Research Group on homeopathic effect to the frogs. How- examined, these few explanations turn
Very Low Dose and High Dilution Ef- ever, the most probable explanation is out to be absolutely non-substantiated
fects, in French). The member list of that the complex and non-blind char- and non-scientific43,86. For instance, in
this group has more than 150 scientists acteristic of the work allowed for the a recent introduction to homeopathy
from many countries, and renowned introduction of bias, which would ex- in the British Medical Journal89, the
members include the French immu- plain the altered rate of growth in all authors made the (non-referenced)
nologist Madeleine Bastide. In one of 4 experiments85,86. statement that The complex lattice
the few studies of the group that ap- Other GIRI members further ex- formations created by water molecules
peared in the scientific literature82,83, panded the implications of these re- are thought by some to hold the key
the authors attempted to study the ef- sults. For instance, the Belgian re- to homeopathy. The reason for
fects of ultra-diluted thyroxine (10-60) searcher William Betz reports that, in such an oblique, unspecific citation
in the growth of juvenile frogs (see a similar situation, when both a pla- must be the long history of non-cor-
Endler84 for more details). The authors cebo and a homeopathic preparation roborated search for such water struc-
report on the results of 4 experiments. produced the same effect, Madeleine tures, of which a recent example is Lo
In the first one, a very highly diluted Bastide concluded that the placebo et al.90-92.
thyroxine solution was applied to a had been contaminated by the ho- It should also be noticed that this
tank in which juvenile frogs were de- meopathic radiation, arising from the low concern with a possible mecha-
veloping. In the second, this solution closely stored homeopathic prepara- nism of action leaves unanswered ar-
was placed inside a sealed vial, which tion85. guments such as93: It is estimated that
was then placed close to the tank Finally, Vickers87 performed a com- in 60 seconds a person standing still
(without contact with the water). In 2 prehensive review of the literature con- generates about 100 000 particles
other experiments, a procedure was cerning pre-clinical research in ho- skin fragments, salt, oil droplets, hu-
used to digitize the properties of the meopathy, concluding that: There is midity and cosmetics which are large
solution and then to communicate a lack of independent replication of enough to damage an integrated cir-
them to water in another vial. Basically, any pre-clinical research in homoe- cuit during its manufacturing process.
in the 2 last experiments, a vial with opathy. In the few instances where a Even if homeopathic medications were
the thyroxine preparation was con- research team has set out to replicate prepared in a room of maximum clean-

A critical review of the possible benefits REV. HOSP. CLN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 58(6):324-331, 2003
Almeida RMVR et al.

ness, the chance of one of these parti- the present review. The quantity and dicates that the weight of the modern
cles ending in the final preparation quality of the current research in this evidence clearly disconfirms the hy-
would be large. How could the water area indicates that, actually, the rejec- pothesis that ultra-diluted substances
tell between what is the active sub- tion of homeopathy as a valid scien- could have a noticeable clinical or
stance and what is a sulphur molecule tific endeavor comes from the fact that pharmacological effect in living or-
from a hairspray? How can it tell, in the more recent research has thor- ganisms.
its memory, the molecule of the rotten oughly disconfirmed the main homeo-
liver of a duck among millions of or- pathic hypotheses. Another conclusion
ganic particles that are thrown over concerns the relationship between the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
it by the simple act of breathing? quality of a homeopathic study and its
positive results. This is a clearly rec- My thanks to Drs. Wim Betz (Vrije
ognized phenomenon, which, for in- Universitei, Belgium) and Wallace I
CONCLUSIONS stance, admittedly contaminated the Sampson, (Stanford University Medi-
meta-analyses conducted in the 1990s cal School), for the discussion of some
The statement that homeopathy is that detected a (weak) favorable effect of the aspects of the present work, and
discriminated by an official science for homeopathic preparations. for their help in identifying relevant
cannot be supported by the results of In summary, the present review in- references.


ALMEIDA RMVR - Uma reviso cr- Medline. Referncias secundrias (no vitro, similarmente, apresenta poucos
tica da literatura relativa aos pos- indexadas nesta base de dados) pude- resultados positivos, os quais possuem
sveis benefcios da medicina ho- ram ento ser obtidas por meio de con- srios problemas metodolgicos e no
meoptica. Rev. Hosp. Cln. Fac. tato direto com autores listados nas re- puderam ser replicados por pesquisa-
Med. S. Paulo 58(6):324-331, ferncias primrias. dores independentes. Um mecanismo
2003. RESULTADOS: Tanto estudos cl- plausvel para a atuao das substn-
nicos quanto pesquisas in vitro e estu- cias homeopticas inexistente, e sua
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os resultados dos de provas homeopticas apon- formulao, atualmente altamente
da pesquisa cientfica em relao aos tam para a ineficcia de sua utilizao. improvvel.
possveis benefcios da homeopatia. Alguns poucos estudos com resultados CONCLUSO: Como resultado
METODOLOGIA: A homeopatia positivos podem ser explicados por das pesquisas realizadas nos ltimos
foi avaliada a partir de sua pesquisa problemas de qualidade e (falta de) anos, podemos concluir que existe am-
clnica; sua pesquisa in vitro ou pr- controles adequados. As meta-anlises pla evidncia de que a prtica homeo-
clnica e seus fundamentos fsicos. mais importantes na rea forneceram ptica no cientificamente justific-
Para tal, foi realizada uma ampla revi- resultados negativos. Uma recente vel.
so e anlise crtica da literatura cien- meta-anlise com resultados positivos
tfica mais recente no tpico. (aproxi- teve srios problemas metodolgicos, DESCRITORES: Homeopatia.
madamente ltimos dez anos). Os tra- e seus resultados foram, posteriormen- Medicina complementar e alternati-
balhos foram selecionados primeira- te, substancialmente alterados pelos va. Pseudo-cincia.
mente a partir da base de dados autores. A pesquisa metodolgica in


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