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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 5 776 779


Mutual Coupling Reduction and Bandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Antenna

using MIMO Configuration by using RIS and Polarization Diversity

Kanchan Jagtap
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Deogiri College of engineering and management Studies,
Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Abstract The Tremendous growth is there achieved in wireless communication in last few days. There are number of wireless systems are
there present around us. Some of them are mobile communication, GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc. and antenna is the necessary base or have central
importance in any wireless systems, therefore has the importance as the heart of wireless systems. There are a number of types of antennas are
available in practice and the antenna that has selected for our research is the Microstrip (MSA) , since the advantages offered by it like low cost,
low weight, low profile, compact in size. Also we can very easily integrate it with microwave integrated circuit. TO increase the separation
between two antenna elements the polarization diversity is used here. But the limitations of this antenna are that the low gain and narrow
bandwidth. So that we are making an effort in this project to increase the bandwidth and the coverage area. Here we are achieving this in thiS
project by making the suspension of the MIMO-MSA antenna.
After that we the metesurface that is the reactive impedance surface(RIS) is introduced there to furtherly enhancement of the bandwidth of the
antenna.The strucrure we have proposed is designed to operate over 5.725-6.4 GHz ISM band. For 4G LTE wireless communication these
antennas can become a very best candidate.s

Keywords Separation, Microstrip, Polarisation Diversity, Reactive Impedance Surface.


I. INTRODUCTION compact structure with high isolation or low mutual coupling

MIMO antenna for Ultra Wide Band (UWB) range is
The fading is an inherent part of MIMO antenna
proposed [1], where, the advantages of MIMO system have
system, fading is nothing but fluctuation in the received signal
clubbed with UWB transmits and receives electromagnetic
which is completely undesired. The fading effect and mutual
waves in a specific direction, so it has only a specific coverage
coupling in MIMO system can be minimized using diversity
area, therefore, to increase the coverage area, directional
techniques such as space, pattern and polarization diversity.
antennas are replaced by Omni directional antenna.[1]
The channel capacity data rate and coverage area can
The different parameters that determine the MIMO
be increased by the use of multiple input multiple output
system performance are the diversity, correlation coefficient,
(MIMO) antenna system. The MIMO antenna system is
total active reflection coefficient (TARC) and the mutual
recently used in 4G mobile wireless communication and
coupling. The diversity techniques are used to reduce the
MIMO antenna are considered as an extension of array
channel fading caused by multipath environments. The
antenna. The array antenna consists of more than one antenna
envelope correlation coefficient is the important parameter to
element with single feed, while, MIMO antenna system
judge the diversity performance of antenna. Correlation
comprising of multiple antenna elements which are placed at
coefficient is calculated using S parameters, for a two port
appropriate inter element spacing and fed individually. [2]
antenna system, using uniform multipath environment the
There are several parameters which governs the
correlation coefficient is given by [2],
performance of the MIMO antenna such as mutual coupling +
11 12
21 22
between antenna elements, isolation, radiation patterns and = 2 2
1 11 + 21 1 22 2 + 12 2
polarizations of individual antenna element, number of [8]
antenna elements channel fading and aperture area of the
antenna. The efficient MIMO antenna will have low mutual It is considered that significant diversity is achieved if the
coupling or high isolation between neighboring antenna correlation coefficient is less than 0.5 and it is known that for
elements. The mutual coupling between antenna elements is less mutual coupling, Sij < -10 dB. The mutual coupling
minimum when the antenna elements are placed far apart, between the antenna elements should be as low as possible.
which increases the size, cost and weight of the antenna. Thus This can be achieved by several ways such as using, Defected
the challenges in MIMO antenna are designing a simple but Ground Surface (DGS), Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG)

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 776 779
structure, diversity techniques, Spatial Multiplexing, Simple on a superstrate layer offers 15.8 dBi gain with < 2 dB gain
Microstrip U section in the ground plane etc.[4-8]. variation over 5.725 - 6.4 GHz. The antenna provides cross
Several types of antennas exists in practice, the microstrip polarization and Side lobe level (SLL) < -20 dB, front to back
antenna (MSA) is used as a basic antenna element in the (F/B) lobe ratio > 20 dB and more than 70 % antenna
proposed antenna structure because it is low weight, efficiency. The following sections presents the
compact 2D antenna and it offers many attractive features such
design theory and antenna geometry, simulation results,
as ease of fabrication
prototype structure fabrication and measurement results.

RIS stands for Reactive Impedance Surface, the RIS can be
inductive or capacitive it depends on size, shape, Fig 1 and Fig 2 illustrate the proposed UWB-MIMO antennas
spacing and its distance from the ground plane. The RIS can geometry and prototype, respectively. The UWB-MIMO
be formed, simply by printing metallic patches periodically, antenna presented consists of a combination of two identical
provided the periodicity must be much smaller compared to antennas on the same substrate. The MIMO-MSA structure
the wavelength. The increase in size of the patches on RIS, it designed with 0.5mm
will act capacitive and its resonance frequency will decrease Thickness of ground plane and FR4 substrate is placed above
which in turn gives miniaturization of the antenna. The the ground keeping 1mm air gap between them. The structure
increase in the spacing between the patches formed on RIS, is optimized to operate over 5.725-6.4 GHz, ISM band and
increases the resonance frequency and impedance becomes satellite c band. Feed patch is fed through a coaxial probe of
more inductive as proposed in [2,3]. 50 ohm. To achieve efficiency, air is used as dielectric
The change in RIS square patch size changes the resonant between feed patch and ground plane.
frequency of the antenna, with increase in RIS square patch Here we have used the FR4 substrate of having dielectric
size the impedance becomes more inductive and less resistive. constant of 4.4 and tangent loss of 0.02. The suspended
Also, with increase in RIS patch size the resonance frequency MIMO-MSA and its dimensions are MSA patch of
of the R.L decreases and vice versa. It is composed by two 12.8mm*14.5mm, feed position at 4.7mm along width edges
dimensional periodic metallic patches printed on a grounded on x- axis, ground plane of 38mm*38
substrate. There are several different types of meta-surfaces,
such as the reactive impedance surface (RIS) composed of
periodic metallic patches, the mushroom-like high-impedance
surface , and theUC-PBG surface .The following sections deal
with the antenna geometry, design theory and simulation
results. The impedance variation of antenna structures on finite
ground plane is also described. An inductive RIS is able to
store the magnetic energy and increase the total inductance of
the patch, which can be used to compensate for the electric
energy stored in the near-fieldof the antennas [7]. This results
in the antenna miniaturization. In the meantime the inductive
RIS is also able to provide a wider matching bandwidth so that
it is more suitable for antenna application.
FPC has perfectly reflecting surface or metallic ground and
partially reflecting surface (PRS). PRS is formed by one or
more dielectric layers with or without metallic patches on it.
Air is used as a dielectric medium for most part of theantenna
to improve efficiency. The structure is fed by an antenna.
Reflection coefficient of PRS determines the bandwidth as well
as gain of antenna [8-10].
Here, a suspended MSA backed RIS is used to improve the
bandwidth as well as gain of MSA. RIS is used to suppress the
surface waves and the coupling between the ground plane and
MSA. Gain of antenna is improved using a FPC resonator.
Rectangular MSA with RIS layer and 44 parasitic patch array

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 776 779
There are 5*5 mm size square patches and the spacing
between them is 4mm. The optimized antenna structure
provides impedance bandwidth of 679MHz., maximum
efficiency upto 73.5%, cross polar level -17 dBi, F/B lobe ratio
of 15.7 dB with no side lobes and 7dBi gain with variation less
than 1dB over 5.7 to 6.4 GHz.
Fig 3 and Fig 4 shows the same antenna structure as above but
only the difference is polarization patteren of MSA is diversed
here. Here we are using polarization diversity to increase
bandwidth and coverage area and by the way gain.

The change in RIS square patch size changes the resonant

frequency of the antenna, with increase in RIS
square patch size the impedance becomes more inductive and
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND ANALYSIS less resistive.In these structures the return loss and bandwidth
Fig 5 & Fig 6 show the gain and return loss for the antenna both degrades either by increasing or decreasing the optimized
structures that designed without using polarization diversity as RIS p atch size.
shown in fig 1 & fig 2. In this the gain Vs frequency graph is
shown with the variation of the RIS square patch size.
And that there is in fig 6 there is shown the return loss Vs
frequency graph with the variation of the MSA patch size

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 776 779
and due to this bandwidth is increasing. Then we have
achieved in this paper by using RIS is that there is no need to
increase substrate height to increase more bandwidth of
antenna. By using RIS just below the antenna on the other side
of FR4, we are getting a significantly large BW without
incresing weight, cost and height of antenna. Also there the
effect of change in dimensions and feed position of MSA on
the radiation parameter have been analysed. With the increase
in length and width of the patch, resonance frequency
decreases and vice versa.

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V. CONCLUSION A Compact MIMO Antenna for Wireless
BW of MSA is directly proportional to the height of the Communication, University of Electronics Science and
substrate. When I am designing antenna only using FR4 then Technology of China, Chegdu 610054.
the height of substrate is 1.59mm. And in suspended MSA the
air gap of 1mm is there & due to this substrate height increases

IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @

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