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Cabrera, Al Joshua Rei


FINAL EXAM : Learnings about Christian Anthropology

Time flies really fast, as fast as a blink of an eye, its like yesterday we were only on our

first week on attending and pursuing this course, now the semester is almost over. I just cant

believe how God has been so good, which I didnt expected hat Ill be making this far, despite of

the many shortcomings and trials that I had faced through to survive, despite of the loss of

companies whom at first I was with, this was all because of the grace of our Lord and it is his

strength and wisdom that I am able to face everyday with a smile. And along with my journey,

this subject helped me a lot in handling stress and in reminding that I am not alone on this

journey, this subject anchored my faith towards the divine creator and was a mean and

extension of reminders of how Gods Love is working for me.

Upon reaching the final terms, I was really excited because after learning about the life

and examples of our founder St. John Baptist De La Salle, We will be finally given to chance to

learn the life of our Lord Jesus Christ which was one of the inspirations of De La Salle.

Teachings from the histories that which are very significant for this generation and for the next.

I myself as an enthusiast of the ways of living of Jesus was very enthusiastic because he became

a big part of my life since he rescued me from the darkness of this world.

There are many lessons that I had learn for the last 5 weeks but if Ill be summarizing it, I

will conclude to three simple things.


According to the reports and some insights which was given by my classmates and the

teacher, I learned that there are 2 philosophies accepted in accordance with Christian
anthropology. The the person is composed of Body and soul, and another is that a person is

Composed of body, soul and in spirit. Even though there are rough and contreversials regarding

the positions of the state towards the iisue, by that simple time, I have formulated my own

point of view.

In my perception, our body is composed of three aspects, the body soul and spirit. This

is the design given by the almighty unto us which just like the physical body, is needed to be

feed regularly. Improper use of such attributes can lead us to malnourishment, in other words,

the means of living is to regularly exercise this attributes. Some people only believe that they

only have two attributes, the body(physical) and soul(brain) and that there is no need for

spiritual life and guidance. Ive been there already, being ignorant that someone supernatural

is watching and guiding over me, rejecting and with constant denial of how blessed I was, then

one day, I had a supernatural experience, wherein I felt that God talked to me and upon that

conversation, felt his embrace to me. After that moment, I knew I was loved a long time ago,

and by that experience, I am now using my life as a blessing and a source of spiritual food for

my friends and companions.


The dwelling of the topic on how important the trinity was also one of my favorites, and

also specifically on the highlight of how the personae of the trinity brought changes to

Christians and believers all around the globe. One of my most favorite discussion is the

personae of God through his Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now that the course had ended, what did I learned? What insight did the course shed

light on my poor soul. For recent years, I experienced somewhat a downward spiral of my Faith
in Christianity. Its relevance becomes more and more farfetched and alien to my life as a

human person and believer in God. Somehow, the course found me again to hope and

appreciate the Gospels and how Jesus lived and taught his disciples. Indeed our creed,

Ecclesiology and Christology as not at pace with the modern man and woman, in a time where

freedom, equality and information is readily available and fought for, we are still treated as

children; everything is provided as if everything was experienced and known already. We need

such courses to awaken us from this fairy-tale like salvation history. We need to heed the call of

the times and see if our Faith is still at pace with the demands of the post-modern and digital



Lastly is when the time I was assigned to report on a topic called image of god , at first

honestly I was I didnt knew what will Ill be reporting since unlike of the first reporters before

me , I was assigned by a topic which the only reference is the bible. It was very memorable

since upon studying the word of God, I found myself in a secret place where in I felt that upon

reading the words of him, it was like he was really talking to me first hand and telling me things

that I should report in the class. Not just report on which Ill be imparting mere knowledge, but

more of an inspiration and message that can uplift the spirits of everyone, I have learned that

the image of God was me and the people around me, that I am created in the image of him and

that I was really the personae of the attributes and attitudes of Jesus in disguise, I found my

purpose of being a blessing cause I know in myself that I am blessed. Taking this subject and

course is a life changing experience and I am looking forward for more of this as it strengthened

my relationship with my divine creator who loves us unconditionally.

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