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Journal of Food Engineering 118 (2013) 380386

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Journal of Food Engineering

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v ie r . c o m / l o c a t e / j f o o d e n g

Modelling of rheological behaviour of soursop juice concentrates using shear

ratetemperatureconcentration superposition

Meei Chien Quek, Nyuk Ling Chin , Yus Aniza Yusof
Department of Process and Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

article info abstract

Article history: The effect of temperature and concentration on rheological behaviour of freeze dried soursop juice con-centrates were
Received 10 December 2012 Received in investigated using a rheometer over a wide range of temperatures (1070 LC) and concen-trations (1050 LBrix) at shear rates
revised form 3 April 2013 Accepted 26 of 0400 1/s. The Power law is the best fitted model to the rheological data due to the high value of coefficient of
April 2013 Available online 4 May 2013
determination (R2 = 0.9989). The soursop juice con-centrates exhibited shear thinning or pseudoplastic behaviour with n < 1.
The consistency coefficients dependency on temperature and concentration were well described by Arrhenius relationship and
expo-nential relationship respectively. The flow activation energy of soursop juice concentrates were 8.32 30.48 kJ/mol. The
Keywords: superposition technique with Power law model sufficiently modelled the overall rhe-ological characteristics of soursop juice
Modelling concentrates into a single master curve using shift factors based on double shifting steps with R 2 = 0.9184. This technique also
Power law showed that the soursop juice concentrates increases in viscosity and pseudoplasticity behaviour with concentration.
Master curve
Soursop juice concentrates
2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the quality, understanding the structure, designing the equipments and
transport system and determining the pump capacity and power requirement
Soursop (Annona muricata L.), known as durian belanda in Malaysia, is (Boger and Tiu, 1974). Due to the importance of rheological properties in
getting popular due to its very pleasant, subacid, highly aromatic juicy flesh fruit juice processing, rheological mod-els are constructed to represent the
and distinctive flavour. Due to the easily get bruised and damaged conditions, rheological data. Numerous rheological models have been used to describe
the soursop fruit is usually manufactured into other form of products such as the flow behaviour of food such as Newtonian (one parameter), Power law,
juices, concen-trated juices, nectars, purees, syrups, jellies and ice creams Bingham, and Casson (two parameters) and HerschelBulkey models (three
(Umme et al., 1999) to prolong its shelf life. Nowadays, concentrated fruit parameters). In general, most fluids food does not exhibit Newtonian
juices have become one of the trends to preserve the nutrients and flavours of behaviour. The Power law model has been used most extensively to describe
the fresh fruit. Several methods have been used to con-centrate fruit juices the rheological behaviour of most fruit juices especially on handling, heating
such as oven drying, rotary evaporation, cross-flow filtration and freeze and cooling operations because it is convenient, simple and straightforward to
drying. Freeze drying is one of the most widely used concentration method in be used (Grato et al., 2007; Steffe, 1996).
the food industry, owing to its ability to maintain the nutrients, colour and
flavours of the fresh fruit. A variety of fruit juices was concentrated using
freeze dryer, for instance, cactus pear juice (Mohammer et al., 2006), guava Rheological behaviour is influenced by temperature and con-centration
juice (Shamsudin et al., 2005), mangoes juice (Dak et al., 2007, 2006) and during the juice processing. The Arrhenius relationship is often used to
pummelo juice (Chin et al., 2009). describe the effect of temperature on the consis-tency coefficient of Power
law model of fluids food. Kaya and Szer (2005) suggested that this
relationship could be successfully used to estimate the temperature
Rheology, the study of deformation and flow of matter, is very important dependency on the rheological behav-iour of sugar rich fluids food and
for the processing of fruit juices especially the rheologi-cal properties of the clarified fruit juices. The effect of concentration on the consistency
juice. Rheological properties of fluids food is very useful for food processing coefficient of Power law model of fluids food can be described either by
and food handling which involves fluids flow in any food processing Power law or exponential relationships. Ibarz et al. (1993) stated that Power
operations such as pasteuriza-tion, concentration and dehydration (Dak et al., law and expo-nential relationship is usually used to estimate the puree type
2006) by evaluating foods and concentrated fruit juice respectively. A study found that the
consistency coefficient of frozen concentrated orange juice can be
successfully predicted using the exponential relationship Vitali and Rao
Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 389466353; fax: +60 389464440. E-mail (1984).
address: (N.L. Chin).

0260-8774/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.C. Quek et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 118 (2013) 380386 381


r shear stress (Pa) T Temperature (K)

r0 yield stress (Pa) R2 coefficient of determination
l viscosity (Pa s) K1 and n1 constant in power equation
c; c0 and c00 shear rate (s 1) K2 and n2 constant in exponential equation
n, n0 and n00 flow behaviour index K3 and n3 constant in Arrhenius and power equations
K, K0 and K00 consistency coefficient (Pa sn) K4 and n4 constant in Arrhenius and exponential equations
K0 frequency factor (Pa sn) aT dimensionless temperature shift factor
Ea activation energy (J/mol) aC dimensionless concentration shift factor
R universal gas constant 8.314 (J/mol K)

Master curves, is a technique used to model the overall flow behaviour of mixture was centrifuged at 6000 rpm for 10 min using a centrifuge (Biofuge
complex rheological data of many fluids food (Steffe, 1996). The idea of this primo, Heraus, United Kingdom) to obtain the juice 1 l of juice. The juice was
technique was extracted from a novel prin-cipal which is the time then sampled into 10 rectangular polypropyl-ene containers with 100 ml each.
temperature superposition by determining the shift factors (Bird et al., 1987). The juice containers were placed and concentrated in a laboratory vacuum
Chin et al. (2009) reported that this technique could be successfully used to freeze dryer (Model SB4, Pump Model RV8, Edward High Vacuum
model the effect of temperatures at 675 LC and concentrations at 2050 International, Crawley Sussex, England), with a drying temperature
LBrix on the rheological behaviour of pummelo juice concentrates. Despite programmed from 25 LC to 24 LC for 48 h. During the freeze drying process,
limited studies on modelling the interaction effects of temperature and the juice was frozen and the surrounding pressure was reduced to allow the
concentration of tropical fruit juices using this powerful mas-ter curve frozen water in the juice to sublimate. The sublimed ice in the vac-uum
technique, it can be very useful when comparing rheolog-ical data of different chamber was then pulled out by using the vacuum pumps. The total soluble
juice products. solids of freeze dried concentrated juice obtained was about 56.30 0.99
LBrix. In order to acquire different juice concen-trations for rheological test,
The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of temperature the concentrated juice was diluted with distilled water to 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50
and concentration on the rheological properties and flow behaviours of LBrix.
soursop juice concentrates using available rhe-ological models. The effect of
temperature via the Arrhenius rela-tionship and concentration via the Power
law and exponential relationships on the consistency coefficient of soursop 2.3. Rheological measurements
juice con-centrates were determined. The overall rheological characteristics of
soursop juice concentrates at various temperature and concen-tration were A rheometer (ARG2, TA Instruments, New Castle, USA), equipped with a
modelled further using the master curve technique by shear ratetemperature peltier concentric cylinder double gap geometry (rotor inner radius = 20.38
concentration superposition method using shift factors in extension of Chin et mm, rotor outer radius = 21.96 mm, rotor height = 59.5 mm, cup inner radius
al.s (2009) work on pum-melo juice concentrates, by using this double = 20 mm), was used to investigate the rheological behaviour of the soursop
shifting. juice concen-trates. In each rheological test, 6.5 ml of sample juice was
pipetted into the concentric cylinder cup. During test, a solvent trap was used
to minimize moisture loss. The rheometer consists of a tem-perature
controlled system to control the experimental tempera-ture. The rheological
2. Materials and methods
measurements of soursop juice concentrates were performed at seven levels
of temperatures, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 LC for five levels of
2.1. Materials
concentrations, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 LBrix over a shear rate range of 0400
Fresh harvest soursop fruits (Annona muricata L.) at mature green stage s1 in a continuous increasing shear rate manner.
were obtained from Sungai Ruan, Pahang, Malaysia. The soursop fruits were
allowed to ripe at room temperature for 23 days prior to processing. Initial
total soluble solids of fresh soursop fruits was 13.34 0.16 LBrix at 25 LC.
2.4. Data analysis and modelling

2.2. Preparation of soursop juice samples The entire experiment was conducted and duplicated in an identical
manner from two batches of fruits from the same culti-vars. There were some
The soursop juice was extracted following the optimised extrac-tion of the variations in the two sets of experi-mental data obtained. Therefore,
method via microwave oven (Quek et al., 2012). The soursop fruit was one set of the experimental data was shifted downwards at shift factor of
washed thoroughly under running tap water to remove the impurities on the 1.431 0.2533. The mean, standard deviation and standard deviation of
skin before the fruit was cut into a few blocks using a sharp knife. The fruit means (error bars) were calculated using Microsoft Excel 2007 (XP Edition,
skin was cut and seeds were removed. About 1.2 kg of fruit pulp was Microsoft Corporation, USA).
homogenised for 1 min using a high speed blender (MFM-202, Ta Feng
Electrical Appliances Co. Ltd., Taiwan). Each 100 g of homogenised pulp
weighed using an analyt-ical balance (B204-S, MKII, Mettler Toledo, 2.4.1. Modelling of fluid flow using rheological models
Switzerland) was added with 100 ml of distilled water at a ratio of 1:1 (weight The experimental data of soursop juice concentrates was fitted to several
to volume) in rheological models, namely, Newtonian, Power law, Bingham, Casson and
a rectangular polypropylene container (0.155 0.100 0.065 m). The container HerschelBulkley as shown in Table 1. The solver function in Microsoft
was then placed centrally on a turntable in a micro-wave oven (EM-B756A, Excel was used for the curve fitting. Generalised reduced gradient 2 (GRG2)
Sanyo, United Kingdom) at the microwave extraction power of 850 W for an nonlinear optimisation code was adopted in determining the rheological
extraction time of 2 min. The parameters, K,
382 M.C. Quek et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 118 (2013) 380386

Table 1 50 LC and a shear stress basis of 1 Pa were selected. The other six
Coefficient of determinations of soursop juice concentrates obtained by fitting the experimental temperatures (10, 20, 30 40, 60 and 70 LC) at common concentra-tion were
data to the rheological models.
shifted horizontally along the shear rate axis to the refer-ence temperature of
No. Model name Model equation R2 50 LC to obtain the dimensionless shear rate temperature shift factors, aT,i,
1 Newtonian r lc 0.8734 0.11 defined as the ratio of shear rate at other temperature at basis shear stress (1
2 Power law r Kcn 0.9989 0.00 Pa) to the shear rate at the reference temperature (50 LC) as shown in Eq. (6).
3 Bingham r r0 Kc 0.9378 0.05
4 Casson r0:5 r0 Kc0:5 0.9548 0.03
5 HerschelBulkley r r0 Kcn 0.9989 0.00

aT;i cR 6
At the reference temperature, aT is equal to unity. When cR c=aT ,
n, l and r0. To obtain the best fitted lines, the sum of square errors (SSEs) was
where the quantity c=aT is known as the reduced shear rate, c0. The master curve
minimised. The coefficient of determination, R2 was cal- was then plotted as shear stress versus
culated using R2 1 SSESST, where SST is the total corrected sum of squares shear rate divided by the dimensionless shift factor. The horizontal shifting
(Walpole et al., 2002). This modelling work on soursop
with aT combined the seven temperatures to overlap on one master curve for
juice concentrates at concentrations from 10 to 50 LBrix has not ac-counted
each concentration. Power law equation (Eq. (7)) was then fitted to the five
its thixotropic behaviour although thixotropy is com-monly exhibited in concentration master curves to obtain the expression of rheological behaviour
concentrated fruit juices and fruit purees (Lozano and Ibarz, 1994) at total
of soursop juice concentrates in terms of consistency coefficient, K0 and flow
soluble solids greater than 55 LBrix (Ramos and Ibarz, 1998).
behav-iour index, n0.
r K0 a T 7
2.4.2. Effect of temperature on rheological parameters n0
The effect of temperature on the consistency coefficient, K is de-scribed
by the Arrhenius relationships
In the second shifting step, the five developed concentration master curves
Ea were shifted to a reference concentration of 30 LBrix at a shear stress basis of
1 Pa to construct a single master curve using the concentration shift factor of
K K0 exp RT 1 aC following Eq. (6), where the second reduced shear rate, c00, is quantified
To obtain the frequency factor, K0 and activation energy, Ea, Eq. (1) was
as c=aT =aC . The final master curve was plotted as shear stress versus shear
linearised. The K0 is the exponential of the y-intercept and Ea is the product
of slope and universal gas constant. rate divided by the dimensionless temperature shift factor and concentration
shift factor to estimate the rheological behaviour of soursop juice concentrates
at concentration of 1050 LBrix and temperature of 1070 LC. The final
2.4.3. Effect of concentration on rheological parameters
master curve was also fitted to the Power law equation (Eq. (8)) to obtain a
The effect of concentration on the consistency coefficient, K is described
single expression of rheological behaviour of soursop juice concentrates in
by Power law and exponential relationships
terms of consistency coefficient, K00 and flow behaviour index, n00.
K K1Cn1 2
K K2 expn2C 3
r K00 a a 8
Both Eqs. (2) and (3) were linearised to obtain the constants, K1, K2, n1 and n00

n2. K1, K2 and n1, n2 were obtained from the exponential of the y-intercept
and the slope of the linearised of Eqs. (2) and (3), respectively. T C

3. Results and discussion

2.4.4. Combined effect of temperature and concentration on
3.1. Rheological behaviour of soursop juice
rheological parameters
For engineering applications, it is very useful to obtain a single expression
The rheological data of soursop juice concentrates obtained were fitted to
describing the combined effect of temperature and con-centration on the
several rheological models such as Newtonian, Power law, Bingham, Casson
consistency coefficient, K. The combined effect of temperature and
and HerschelBulkley and the coeffi-cient of determinations, R2 which are
concentration on the consistency coefficient of the soursop juice concentrates
shown in Table 1. All the models showed high values of goodness of fitting
is described by combining the Arrhenius and Power law relationships or
with R2 > 0.9, ex-cept the Newtonian model (R2 = 0.8734). Both Power law
exponential relation-ships (Kaya and Belibagli, 2002)
and Her-schelBulkley models were more perfectly fitted to the experimental
data with R2 = 0.9989. However, HerschelBulkley, a three parameters
Ea model, yielded negative yield stress values which are meaningless in a
K K3Cn exp 3
RT 4 physical standpoint (Grato et al., 2007). Therefore, the Power law is the best
Ea fitted model to the experimental data.

K K4 exp RT n4C 5
Both Eqs. (4) and (5) were linearised to obtain the constants, K3, K4, n3, n4 Fig. 1 shows the rheograms of experimental shear stress and shear rates of
and activation energy, Ea. soursop juice concentrates for five concentrations at temperature range of 10
70 LC fitted using Power law model. As the shear stress and shear rates of the
2.4.5. Modelling fluid flow using master curve equation rheograms show concave curves downwards, soursop juice concentrates
A master curve was used to further interpret the rheological data of therefore exhibited a non-Newtonian, shear thinning and pseudoplastic
soursop juice concentrates at seven different temperatures and five different behaviour. A work done by Grato et al. (2007) also found that soursop juice
concentrations. A total of 35 average flow curves were combined by using the at various concentration (9.349.4 LBrix) and temperatures (0.4 68.8 LC)
superposition technique to form a master curve in double shifting steps. behaves pseudoplastically.
Firstly, a reference temperature of
M.C. Quek et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 118 (2013) 380386 383

1.8 5 15
(a) (b) (c)

1.5 4 12
Shear stress (Pa)


3 9




2 6

1 3

0.0 0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Shear rate (s-1) Shear rate (s-1) Shear rate (s-1)

40 100
(d) (e)







0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Shear rate (s-1) Shear rate (s-1)
Fig. 1. Rheograms of shear stress versus shear rates plots of soursop juice concentrates at various temperatures, 10 LC (j), 20 LC (h), 30 LC ( ), 40 LC (}), 50 LC (N), 60 LC (4) and 70 LC (d) for
concentration at (a) 10, (b) 20, (c) 30, (d) 40, and (e) 50 LBrix and fitted with Power law model ( ).

Table 2
Rheological parameters of Power law equation of soursop juice concentrates at various concentrations and temperatures.

Temperature (LC) Concentration (LBrix)

10 20 30 40 50
Consistency coefficient, K (Pa s )
10 0.012 0.002 0.078 0.010 0.307 0.035 1.663 0.688 5.219 0.792
20 0.010 0.001 0.062 0.005 0.232 0.003 1.456 0.562 3.542 1.188
30 0.005 0.001 0.041 0.006 0.189 0.023 1.078 0.317 2.990 0.223
40 0.005 0.000 0.031 0.005 0.153 0.003 1.186 0.378 2.775 0.465
50 0.004 0.001 0.028 0.003 0.123 0.007 1.040 0.096 2.894 0.919
60 0.002 0.000 0.022 0.007 0.087 0.003 1.010 0.378 2.715 0.655
70 0.001 0.000 0.017 0.010 0.060 0.000 0.780 0.000 1.938 0.053
Flow behaviour index, n
10 0.830 0.03 0.671 0.03 0.616 0.01 0.516 0.07 0.472 0.05
20 0.827 0.00 0.671 0.04 0.627 0.01 0.503 0.04 0.486 0.04
30 0.874 0.01 0.689 0.03 0.623 0.01 0.494 0.06 0.472 0.02
40 0.860 0.01 0.702 0.04 0.622 0.01 0.439 0.08 0.452 0.03
50 0.880 0.05 0.698 0.03 0.615 0.01 0.438 0.04 0.403 0.06
60 0.972 0.04 0.704 0.06 0.640 0.00 0.428 0.09 0.399 0.03
70 1.032 0.06 0.721 0.08 0.663 0.01 0.424 0.01 0.427 0.02

The values of two rheological parameters, consistency coeffi-cient, K, and For instance, the increase in consistency coefficient will cause the flowing
flow behaviour index, n, obtained from the Power law curve fitting are rate in the pipe to decrease due to more flow resistance (Earle, 1985). This
presented in Table 2. All the n values are be-low 1 supporting the will lead to the longer heating and holding time during pasteurization. Fig. 2b
pseudoplasticity except for the lowest con-centration of 10 LBrix at the shows that the flow behaviour index of soursop juice concentrates increases
highest temperature of 70 LC, where the soursop juice concentrates seemed to with temperatures for all level of concentrations except the 40 LBrix and 50
approach Newtonian behaviour with n = 1.032. LBrix. The increase in flow behaviour index means reduction in pseudoplas-
ticity. The pseudoplasticity reduction of soursop juice concentrates is most
Fig. 2a illustrates that the consistency coefficient of soursop juice significant at concentration of 10 LBrix. This is in agreement with Chin et
concentrates decreased as the temperatures increased and concentrations al.s (2009) findings where pummelo juice at lower concentration showed
decreased. Consistency coefficient values are very important in juice more prominent pseudoplasticity reduction.
processing especially during pasteurization.
384 M.C. Quek et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 118 (2013) 380386

7 1.2
(a) (b)

Consistency coefficient (Pa s n)


Flow behaviour index

4 0.8

3 0.6

0 0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature (oC) Temperature (oC)

Fig. 2. Effect of temperature at 10 LBrix (N), 20 LBrix (e), 30 LBrix ( ), 40 LBrix (h) and 50 juice LBrix (j) on the (a) consistency coefficient and (b) flow behaviour index of soursop

and K2 and n2 from exponential relationship with R2 for seven tem-peratures

Table 3
Parameters of Arrhenius equation, frequency factor and activation energy of soursop juice levels are listed in Table 4. As the temperature increased, K1 and K2
concentrates at various concentrations. decreased while the n1 and n2 increased. Both the Power law and exponential
Concentration (LBrix) K0 (Pa sn) Ea (kJ/mol) R2 relationships suggest good fitness in the con-stants obtained. However, a
10 5.21E 08 30.48 3.31 0.9260
close observation on each of the R2 shows that the exponential relationship
20 2.70E 05 21.18 5.58 0.9619 (R2 = 0.9851 0.0066) seems to describe the effect of concentration on the
30 5.16E 05 20.86 1.80 0.9648 consistency coefficient of soursop juice concentrates better compared to the
40 6.86E 02 8.323 4.32 0.7841
Power law relationship (R2 = 0.9665 0.0054). The same observa-tions were
50 5.80E 02 10.23 0.85 0.7859
reported by Kaya and Belibagli (2002) on grape juice and Juszczak and
Fortuna (2004) on cherry juice which suggested that exponential relationship
3.2. Effect of temperature on rheological parameters gives slightly better fit than the Power law relationship in describing
consistency coefficient of food juices with respect to its concentration. Ibarz
The Arrhenius relationship was used to describe the effect of temperature et al. (1993) identified that the exponential relationship is suitable for
on the consistency coefficient of the Power law model of soursop juice concentrated fruit juice while the Power law relationship is usually used for
concentrates. Table 3 shows the parameters, fre-quency factor and activation puree type foods.
energy from Arrhenius relationship with R2 for five concentration levels. All
concentration levels of soursop juice concentrates show good fitness (R 2 >
0.9) to the Arrhenius relationship except at higher concentrations of 40 LBrix
and 50 LBrix having R2 values of 0.7841 and 0.7859, respectively. Activation 3.4. Combined effect of temperature and concentration on rheological
energy indicates the sensitivity of the viscosity to tem-perature changes. parameters
Higher activation energy means that the appar-ent viscosity is relatively more
sensitive to temperature (Kaya and Szer, 2005). From this study, the The combined effect of temperature and concentration on the consistency
activation energy obtained is range from 30.48 to 8.32 kJ/mol K. The coefficient of soursop juice concentrates was described by two models that
activation energy obtained has an inconsistent trend with the concentration. combined the Arrhenius and Power law rela-tionships or exponential
Several previous studies also reported the similar inconsistency in activation relationships. A non-linear regression analysis was performed by fitting the
energy changes with increasing concentration (Altan and Maskan, 2005; experimental data to the lin-ear form of Eqs. (4) and (5) to obtain the
Belibagli and Dalgic, 2007; Giner et al., 1996; Ibarz et al., 1994; Kaya and constants, K3, K4, n3, n4 and activation energy, Ea and the yields the
Belibagli, 2002; Singh and Eipeson, 2000).
following Eqs. (9) and (10).
K 2:27 1010C4:088 exp RT R2 0:9621 9
3.3. Effect of concentration on rheological parameters 18:09

The effect of concentration on the consistency coefficient of the Power K 9:614 10 7 exp RT 0:1659C R2 0:9798 10
law model was described by both Power law and exponential relationships. The activation energy, Ea for both equations give similar values. Both
The constants, K1 and n1 from Power law relationship equations suggest good fitness to the experimental data

Table 4
Parameters of power equation and exponential equation of soursop juice concentrates at various temperatures.

Temperature (LC) Power equation: K = K1 Cn1 Exponential equation: K = K2 exp (n2C)

n K n
K1 1 R2 2 2 R2
10 1.50E 06 3.74 0.10 0.9688 1.65E 06 0.152 0.005 0.9914
20 1.98E 06 3.65 0.33 0.9692 1.43E 06 0.148 0.014 0.9891
30 4.69E 07 3.93 0.09 0.9761 2.83E 07 0.159 0.004 0.9881
40 3.65E 07 3.97 0.13 0.9611 1.80E 07 0.162 0.007 0.9871
50 1.89E 07 4.13 0.04 0.9620 8.47E 08 0.168 0.001 0.9871
60 3.70E 08 4.55 0.16 0.9661 1.42E 08 0.184 0.009 0.9804
70 1.88E 08 4.64 0.06 0.9623 5.18E 09 0.188 0.001 0.9723
M.C. Quek et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 118 (2013) 380386 385

Table 5
Temperature and concentration shift factors (aT and aC) of soursop juice concentrates for various temperatures and concentrations.

Concentration (LBrix) aT aC
Temperature (LC)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
10 0.396 0.483 0.726 0.845 1.000 1.221 1.266 20.37
20 0.269 0.385 0.622 0.871 1.000 1.390 1.673 6.208
30 0.234 0.353 0.498 0.702 1.000 1.567 2.411 1.000
40 0.408 0.518 0.940 0.741 1.000 1.069 1.967 0.207
50 0.422 1.033 1.370 1.459 1.000 1.140 2.963 0.016

100 Table 6
Parameters of power equation fitting to master curve data of soursop juice concentrates at
various concentrations.

Concentration Consistency Flow behaviour Coefficient of

(LBrix) coefficient, K0 index, n0 determination, R2
10 0.004 0.887 0.9963
20 0.031 0.678 0.9990
30 0.135 0.607 0.9991

40 0.310 0.681 0.9186


50 1.636 0.577 0.8441




1 10 100 1000 10000

Shear rate/aT (s-1)


Fig. 3. Master curves of shear stress versus shear rate/temperature shift factor of soursop juice 10

concentrates at five concentrations, 10 LBrix (N), 20 LBrix (}), 30 LBrix ( ), 40 LBrix (h) and
50 LBrix (j) with a reference temperature of 50 LC.

obtained. However, it seems that the exponential type relationships (Eq. (10))
describes better the combined effect of temperature and concentration on the
consistency coefficient of soursop juice con-centrates than the Power law type
relationships (Eq. (9)) with slightly higher values of coefficient of
determination, R2. These find-ings were in agreement with several studies on
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
concentrated grape juice (Kaya and Belibagli, 2002), sloe fruit juice
concentrated cherry juice (Juszczak and Fortuna, 2004) and concentrated sour Shear rate/aT /aC (s-1)
pome-granate juice (Kaya and Szer, 2005). Fig. 4. Master curve of shear stress versus shear rate/temperature shift factor/ concentration shift
factor of soursop juice concentrates (j) and fitted with Power law model Eq. (12) ().

3.5. Master curve modelling of soursop juice concentrate

factors in both logarithmic scales for each concentration. The linear lines
To model the rheological behaviour of soursop juice concen-trates into a obtained for the five concentrations were attributed to the curve overlapping
general fluid characterisation, a master curve tech-nique was used. Since all by horizontal shifting of the data. The concen-tration master curves data were
the shear stress versus shear rate curves of soursop juice concentrate at then fitted into a Power law equa-tion, where the parameters of consistency
different temperature and concentration had a similar trend (Fig. 1), the shear coefficient and flow behaviour index were determined and presented in Table
stress curves at 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 and 70 LC were shifted horizontally along 6 with R2. The consistency coefficient increases and flow behaviour index
the shear rates axis to a reference temperature of 50 LC. A shear stress basis decreases with concentration. This implies that as the concentra-tion
of 1.0 Pa was used for determining the shift factor to develop a master curve. increases, both the viscosity and pseudoplasticity of soursop juice
The shear ratetemperature shift factors for sour-sop juice concentrates curves concentrates increases. A study done by Chin et al. (2009) on pummelo juice
obtained at different temperatures are presented in Table 5 for each of the at temperature of 675 LC and concentration of 2050 LBrix also reported
different concentrations. The shift factors at reference temperature of 50 LC the similar findings that consistency coefficient increases and flow behaviour
curves show unity (Table 5). Fig. 3 shows the resulting of five concentration index decreases with con-centration. As shown in Table 6, the high values of
master curves of shear stress versus shear rates divided by shift R2 show that Power law equation was adequately fitted to the master curve
386 M.C. Quek et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 118 (2013) 380386

of soursop juice concentrates. This also indicates that the soursop juice Acknowledgement
concentrates curves at different temperatures can be well de-scribed by
concentration master curve. This research was funded by Universiti Putra Malaysias Re-search
Subsequently, the four concentration master curves at 10, 20, 40 and 50 University Grant Scheme with Project No. 05-02-11-1398RU.
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