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File created: 12:39:10 Feb 16 2008


checksum 0 24647.0 HEX 6047 E C
# CHECKSUM of DDC Calibration values in EEPROM
cal_major_version 2 32.0 DEC 20 E C
calmjr major CAL & SW version must match-ie both PHASE6.X
cal_edit_version 3 6.0 DEC 06 E C
caledt CALMEM.H CAL STRUCTURE version for given SW PHASE
cal_min_minor_version 4 0.0 DEC 00 E C
calmmn minor CAL version to add new CAL vals-ie PHASEX.2
fuel_type 5 95.0 DEC 5f E C
fueltp FUELTP=95 for diesel and FUELTP=160 for gas cals
calibration_size 6 10393.0 "" 2899 E C
calsiz calibration_size
rating_edit_version 8 29.0 DEC 1d E C
rrlver Rating Section Version Number
fts_pid_pin_R3 A 174.0 PID 00ae E V
aipid Pin R3/Ct#472 Def: J1587 PID 174=FTS / 0=No Input
fts_initial_value C 1010.0 A/D 03f2 E V
aiinit FTS A/D counts used on system initialization
fts_timer E 2.0 SEC 0014 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of FTS fault to log code if enabled
fts_rawhilimit 10 1010.0 A/D 03f2 E V
aishi FTS A/D counts > rawhilim to log FTS failed high
fts_rawlolimit 12 48.0 A/D 0030 E V
aislo FTS A/D counts < rawlolim to log FTS failed low
fts_default 14 567.0 A/D 0237 E V
aidfl FTS A/D counts used if FTS failed high OR low
fts_offset 16 0.0 N/A 0000 E V
aioff FTS nonlinear - not used
fts_gain 18 0.000 N/A 0000 U*128 V
aigain FTS nonlinear - must set to 0 for Look-Up Table
fts_scaledhilimit 1A 75.0 dgC 0679 U V
aivhi FTS degC > sclhilim to log Fuel Temp High
fts_scaledlolimit 1C -40.0 dgC 0000 U V
aivlo FTS degC < scllolim to log Fuel Temp Low
fts_filterconst 1E 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
aiifc FTS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
fts_pad_bits 1F 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit fts_pad_bits
fts_alt_scaledlo 1F.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo FuelTempLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
fts_alt_scaledhi 1F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi FuelTempHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
fts_alt_sensorlo 1F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo FTS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
fts_alt_sensorhi 1F.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi FTS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
fts_percent_weight_en 20 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
fts_flt_percent_weight 20.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_temp_1_pid_pin_N2 22 172.0 PID 00ac E V
aipid Pin N2/Ct#132 Def:J1587 PID 172=AirTemp/0=No Input
aux_temp_1_initial_value 24 1010.0 A/D 03f2 E V
aiinit Air Temp A/D counts used on system initialization
aux_temp_1_timer 26 2.0 SEC 0014 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of ATS fault to log code if enabled
aux_temp_1_rawhilimit 28 1010.0 A/D 03f2 E V
aishi ATS A/D counts > rawhilim to log ATS failed high
aux_temp_1_rawlolimit 2A 48.0 A/D 0030 E V
aislo ATS A/D counts < rawlolim to log ATS failed low
aux_temp_1_default 2C 144.0 A/D 0090 E V
aidfl ATS A/D counts used if ATS failed high OR low
aux_temp_1_offset 2E 0.0 N/A 0000 E V
aioff ATS nonlinear - not used
aux_temp_1_gain 30 0.000 N/A 0000 U*128 V
aigain ATS nonlinear - must set to 0 for Look-Up Table
aux_temp_1_scaledhilimit 32 250.0 dgC 1053 U E
aivhi Air Temp degC > sclhilim to log Air Temp High
aux_temp_1_scaledlolimit 34 -40.0 dgC 0000 U V
aivlo Air Temp degC < scllolim to log Air Temp Low
aux_temp_1_filterconst 36 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
aiifc ATS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
aux_temp_1_pad_bits 37 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_temp_1_pad_bits
aux_temp_1_alt_scaledlo 37.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo AirTemp Lo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_temp_1_alt_scaledhi 37.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi AirTemp Hi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_temp_1_alt_sensorlo 37.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo ATS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_temp_1_alt_sensorhi 37.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi ATS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_temp_1_percent_weight_en 38 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_temp_1_flt_percent_weight 38.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
ots_pid_pin_R2 3A 175.0 PID 00af E V
aipid Pin R2/Ct#120 Def: J1587 PID 175=OTS / 0=No Input
ots_initial_value 3C 1010.0 A/D 03f2 E V
aiinit OTS A/D counts used on system initialization
ots_timer 3E 2.0 SEC 0014 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of OTS fault to log code if enabled
ots_rawhilimit 40 1010.0 A/D 03f2 E V
aishi OTS A/D counts > rawhilim to log OTS failed high
ots_rawlolimit 42 24.0 A/D 0018 E V
aislo OTS A/D counts < rawlolim to log OTS failed low
ots_default 44 184.0 A/D 00b8 E V
aidfl OTS A/D counts used if OTS failed high OR low
ots_offset 46 0.0 N/A 0000 E V
aioff OTS nonlinear - not used
ots_gain 48 0.000 N/A 0000 U*128 V
aigain OTS nonlinear - must set to 0 for Look-Up Table
ots_scaledhilimit 4A 115.0 dgC 08b9 U E
aivhi Oil Temp degC > sclhilim to log Oil Temp high
ots_scaledlolimit 4C -40.0 dgC 0000 U V
aivlo Oil Temp degC < scllolim to log Oil Temp low
ots_filterconst 4E 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
aiifc OTS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
ots_pad_bits 4F 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit ots_pad_bits
ots_alt_scaledlo 4F.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo OilTemp Lo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ots_alt_scaledhi 4F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi OilTemp Hi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ots_alt_sensorlo 4F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo OTS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ots_alt_sensorhi 4F.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi OTS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ots_percent_weight_en 50 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
ots_flt_percent_weight 50.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_temp_2_pid_pin_P3 52 110.0 PID 006e E V
aipid Pin P3/Ct#133 Def:J1587 PID 110=ClntTmp/0=No Input
aux_temp_2_initial_value 54 1010.0 A/D 03f2 E V
aiinit Coolant Temp A/D counts on system initialization
aux_temp_2_timer 56 2.0 SEC 0014 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of CTS fault to log code if enabled
aux_temp_2_rawhilimit 58 1010.0 A/D 03f2 E V
aishi CTS A/D counts > rawhilim to log CTS failed high
aux_temp_2_rawlolimit 5A 24.0 A/D 0018 E V
aislo CTS A/D counts < rawlolim to log CTS failed low
aux_temp_2_default 5C 184.0 A/D 00b8 E V
aidfl CTS A/D counts used if CTS failed high OR low
aux_temp_2_offset 5E 0.0 N/A 0000 E V
aioff CTS nonlinear - not used
aux_temp_2_gain 60 0.000 N/A 0000 U*128 V
aigain CTS nonlinear - must set to 0 for Look-Up Table
aux_temp_2_scaledhilimit 62 105.0 dgC 0829 U E
aivhi Coolant Temp degC > sclhilim to log Clnt Temp high
aux_temp_2_scaledlolimit 64 -40.0 dgC 0000 U V
aivlo Coolant Temp degC < scllolim to log Clnt Temp low
aux_temp_2_filterconst 66 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
aiifc CTS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
aux_temp_2_pad_bits 67 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_temp_2_pad_bits
aux_temp_2_alt_scaledlo 67.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo ClntTempLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_temp_2_alt_scaledhi 67.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi ClntTempHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_temp_2_alt_sensorlo 67.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo CTS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_temp_2_alt_sensorhi 67.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi CTS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_temp_2_percent_weight_en 68 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_temp_2_flt_percent_weight 68.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
ops_pid_pin_P2 6A 100.0 PID 0064 E V
aipid Pin P2/Ct#530 Def: J1587 PID 100=OPS / 0=No Input
ops_initial_value 6C 102.0 A/D 0066 E V
aiinit OPS A/D counts used on system initialization
ops_timer 6E 5.0 SEC 0032 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of OPS fault to log code if enabled
ops_rawhilimit 70 990.0 A/D 03de E V
aishi OPS A/D counts > rawhilim to log OPS failed high
ops_rawlolimit 72 48.0 A/D 0030 E V
aislo OPS A/D counts < rawlolim to log OPS failed low
ops_default 74 950.0 A/D 03b6 E V
aidfl OPS A/D counts used if OPS failed high OR low
ops_offset 76 -102.0 A/D ffffff9a E V
aioff OPS A/D counts OFFSET: kpa=(A/Dfilt+OFFSET)*gain
ops_gain 78 0.488 K/C 0091 U*128 V
aigain OPS kpa/A/Dcount GAIN: kpa=(A/Dfilt+offset)*GAIN
ops_scaledhilimit 7A 127.1 KPA 0127 U V
aivhi Oil Press kpa > sclhilim to log Oil Press High
ops_scaledlolimit 7C 0.0 N/A 0000 U V
aivlo Not Used - see Oil Press low vs. RPM Look-Up Tble
ops_filterconst 7E 0.203 % @ 1a E*128 V
aiifc OPS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
ops_pad_bits 7F 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit ops_pad_bits
ops_alt_scaledlo 7F.4 1.0 N/A 1 E V
aitvlo Not Used - OilPressLo Timer=ramp/reset dflt SECS
ops_alt_scaledhi 7F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi OilPressHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ops_alt_sensorlo 7F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo OPS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ops_alt_sensorhi 7F.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi OPS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ops_percent_weight_en 80 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
ops_flt_percent_weight 80.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
tbs_pid_pin_P1 82 102.0 PID 0066 E V
aipid Pin P1/Ct#432 Def: J1587 PID 102=TBS / 0=No Input
tbs_initial_value 84 172.0 A/D 00ac E V
aiinit TBS A/D counts used on system initialization
tbs_timer 86 5.0 SEC 0032 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of TBS fault to log code if enabled
tbs_rawhilimit 88 973.0 A/D 03cd E V
aishi TBS A/D counts > rawhilim to log TBS failed high
tbs_rawlolimit 8A 48.0 A/D 0030 E V
aislo TBS A/D counts < rawlolim to log TBS failed low
tbs_default 8C 172.0 A/D 00ac E V
aidfl TBS A/D counts used if TBS failed high OR low
tbs_offset 8E 70.0 A/D 0046 E V
aioff TBS A/D counts OFFSET: kpa=(A/Dfilt+OFFSET)*gain
tbs_gain 90 0.411 K/C 007a U*128 V
aigain TBS kpa/A/Dcount GAIN: kpa=(A/Dfilt+offset)*GAIN
tbs_scaledhilimit 92 1763.7 KPA 0ffc U V
aivhi Boost Press kpa > sclhilim to log Boost Press high
tbs_scaledlolimit 94 0.0 KPA 0000 U V
aivlo Boost Press kpa < scllolim to log Boost Press low
tbs_filterconst 96 0.500 % @ 40 E*128 V
aiifc TBS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
tbs_pad_bits 97 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit tbs_pad_bits
tbs_alt_scaledlo 97.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo BstPressLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
tbs_alt_scaledhi 97.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi BstPressHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
tbs_alt_sensorlo 97.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo TBS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
tbs_alt_sensorhi 97.7 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitshi TBS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
tbs_percent_weight_en 98 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
tbs_flt_percent_weight 98.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_1_pid_pin_L1 9A 0.0 PID 0000 E V
aipid Pin L1/Ct#904 Def: J1587 PID 108=BARO / 0=No Input
aux_1_initial_value 9C 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aiinit BARO A/D counts used on system initialization
aux_1_timer 9E 0.0 SEC 0000 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of BARO fault to log code if enabled
aux_1_rawhilimit A0 982.0 A/D 03d6 E V
aishi BARO A/D counts > rawhilim to log AX1 failed high
aux_1_rawlolimit A2 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aislo BARO A/D counts < rawhilim to log AX1 failed low
aux_1_default A4 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aidfl BARO A/D counts used if AX1 failed high OR low
aux_1_offset A6 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aioff BARO A/D count OFFSET: kpa=(A/Dflt+OFFSET)*gain
aux_1_gain A8 0.000 K/C 0000 U*128 V
aigain BARO kpa/ADcnt GAIN: kpa=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
aux_1_scaledhilimit AA 0.0 KPA 0000 U V
aivhi BARO kpa > sclhilim to log BARO Pressure high
aux_1_scaledlolimit AC 0.0 KPA 0000 U V
aivlo BARO kpa < scllolim to log BARO Pressure low
aux_1_filterconst AE 0.000 % @ 00 E*128 V
aiifc BARO A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
aux_1_pad_bits AF 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_1_pad_bits
aux_1_alt_scaledlo AF.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo BAROPressLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_1_alt_scaledhi AF.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi BAROPressHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_1_alt_sensorlo AF.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo BARO FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_1_alt_sensorhi AF.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi BARO FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_1_percent_weight_en B0 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_1_flt_percent_weight B0.1 0.0 Perc 00 E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_2_pid_pin_M1 B2 0.0 PID 0000 E V
aipid Pin M1/Ct#905 Def: J1587 PID 94=FPS / 0=No Input
aux_2_initial_value B4 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aiinit FUEL PRESSURE A/D counts on system initialization
aux_2_timer B6 0.0 SEC 0000 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of FPS fault to log code if enabled
aux_2_rawhilimit B8 982.0 A/D 03d6 E V
aishi FPS A/D counts > rawhilim to log FPS failed high
aux_2_rawlolimit BA 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aislo FPS A/D counts < rawlolim to log FPS failed low
aux_2_default BC 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aidfl FPS A/D counts used if FPS failed high OR low
aux_2_offset BE 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aioff FPS A/D count OFFSET: kpa=(A/Dflt+OFFSET)*gain
aux_2_gain C0 0.000 K/C 0000 U*128 V
aigain FPS kpa/ADflt GAIN: kpa=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
aux_2_scaledhilimit C2 0.0 KPA 0000 U V
aivhi FPS kpa > sclhilim to log Fuel Pressure high
aux_2_scaledlolimit C4 0.0 KPA 0000 U V
aivlo FPS kpa < scllolim to log Fuel Pressure low
aux_2_filterconst C6 0.000 % @ 00 E*128 V
aiifc FPS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
aux_2_pad_bits C7 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_2_pad_bits
aux_2_alt_scaledlo C7.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo FuelPressLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_2_alt_scaledhi C7.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi FuelPressHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_2_alt_sensorlo C7.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo FPS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_2_alt_sensorhi C7.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi FPS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_2_percent_weight_en C8 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_2_flt_percent_weight C8.1 0.0 Perc 00 E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_3_pid_pin_N1 CA 0.0 PID 0000 E V
aipid Pin N1/Ct#906 Def: J1587 PID 101=CCPS / 0=No Input
aux_3_initial_value CC 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aiinit Crk Case Press A/D counts on system initialization
aux_3_timer CE 0.0 SEC 0000 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of CCPS fault to log code if enabled
aux_3_rawhilimit D0 982.0 A/D 03d6 E V
aishi CCPS A/D counts > rawhilim to log CCPS failed high
aux_3_rawlolimit D2 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aislo CCPS A/D counts < rawlolim to log CCPS failed low
aux_3_default D4 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aidfl CCPS A/D counts used if CCPS failed high OR low
aux_3_offset D6 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aioff CCPS A/D counts OFFSET: kpa=(A/Dflt+OFFSET)*gain
aux_3_gain D8 0.000 %/C 0000 U*128 V
aigain CCPS %/ADflt GAIN: A/DCnt=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
aux_3_scaledhilimit DA 0.0 %CP 0000 U V
aivhi CCPS % > sclhilim to log Crk Case Press high
aux_3_scaledlolimit DC 0.0 %CP 0000 U V
aivlo CCPS % < scllolim to log Crk Case Press low
aux_3_filterconst DE 0.000 % @ 00 E*128 V
aiifc CCPS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
aux_3_pad_bits DF 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_3_pad_bits
aux_3_alt_scaledlo DF.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo CrkCasePrLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_3_alt_scaledhi DF.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi CrkCasePrHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_3_alt_sensorlo DF.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo CCPS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_3_alt_sensorhi DF.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi CCPS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_3_percent_weight_en E0 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_3_flt_percent_weight E0.1 0.0 Perc 00 E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_4_pid_pin_L2 E2 0.0 PID 0000 E V
aipid Pin L2/Ct#976 Def: J1587 PID 109=CPS / 0=No Input
aux_4_initial_value E4 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aiinit Coolant Press A/D counts on system initialization
aux_4_timer E6 0.0 SEC 0000 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of CPS fault to log code if enabled
aux_4_rawhilimit E8 982.0 A/D 03d6 E V
aishi CPS A/D counts > rawhilim to log CPS failed high
aux_4_rawlolimit EA 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aislo CPS A/D counts < rawlolim to log CPS failed low
aux_4_default EC 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aidfl CPS A/D counts uses if CPS failed high OR low
aux_4_offset EE 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aioff CPS A/D counts OFFSET: kpa=(A/Dflt+OFFSET)*gain
aux_4_gain F0 0.000 K/C 0000 U*128 V
aigain CPS kpa/ADflt GAIN: kpa=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
aux_4_scaledhilimit F2 0.0 KPA 0000 U V
aivhi CPS kpa > sclhilim to log Coolant Pressure high
aux_4_scaledlolimit F4 0.0 KPA 0000 U V
aivlo CPS kpa < scllolim to log Coolant Pressure low
aux_4_filterconst F6 0.000 % @ 00 E*128 V
aiifc CPS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
aux_4_pad_bits F7 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_4_pad_bits
aux_4_alt_scaledlo F7.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo CoolPressLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_4_alt_scaledhi F7.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi CoolPressHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_4_alt_sensorlo F7.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo CPS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_4_alt_sensorhi F7.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi CPS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_4_percent_weight_en F8 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_4_flt_percent_weight F8.1 0.0 Perc 00 E*1.27 V
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_5_pid_pin_M2 FA 13.0 PID 000d E V
aipid Pin M2/Ct#958 Def: PID 13=OI Stat / 0=No Input
aux_5_initial_value FC 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aiinit OI Thermostat A/D counts used on system initlztion
aux_5_timer FE 5.0 SEC 0032 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of OI Stat fault for code if enabled
aux_5_rawhilimit 100 1023.0 A/D 03ff E V
aishi OI Stat A/D counts > rawhilim for OLS failed high
aux_5_rawlolimit 102 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aislo OI Stat A/D counts < rawlolim for OLS failed low
aux_5_default 104 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aidfl OI Stat A/D counts used if Stat failed high OR low
aux_5_offset 106 512.0 A/D 0200 E V
aioff if OI Stat counts > OFFSET then Stat unsatisfied
aux_5_gain 108 0.000 %/C 0000 U*128 V
aigain OI Stat GAIN not used: EngUnt=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
aux_5_scaledhilimit 10A 1600.0 %LVL 0640 U V
aivhi OI Stat not used: EngUnit>sclhilim for EngUnt high
aux_5_scaledlolimit 10C 0.0 %LVL 0000 U V
aivlo OI Stat not used: EngUnit<scllolim for EngUnit low
aux_5_filterconst 10E 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
aiifc OI Stat A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @25msec
aux_5_pad_bits 10F 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_5_pad_bits
aux_5_alt_scaledlo 10F.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo ScaledLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_5_alt_scaledhi 10F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi ScaledHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_5_alt_sensorlo 10F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_5_alt_sensorhi 10F.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_5_percent_weight_en 110 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_5_flt_percent_weight 110.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_6_pid_pin_R1 112 171.0 PID 00ab E V
aipid Pin R1/Ct#907 Def: J1587 PID 171=AAT / 0=No Input
aux_6_initial_value 114 430.0 A/D 01ae E V
aiinit Ambient Air Temp A/D cnts on system initialization
aux_6_timer 116 5.0 SEC 0032 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of AAT fault to log code if enabled
aux_6_rawhilimit 118 928.0 A/D 03a0 E V
aishi AAT A/D counts>rawhilim to log AAT failed high
aux_6_rawlolimit 11A 48.0 A/D 0030 E V
aislo AAT NOT USED: A/D counts<rawlolim for failed low
aux_6_default 11C 430.0 A/D 01ae E V
aidfl AAT A/D counts used if AAT failed high OR low
aux_6_offset 11E -1009.0 A/D fffffc0f E V
aioff AAT A/D counts OFFSET: degC=(A/D+OFFSET)*GAIN-40
aux_6_gain 120 -0.106 %/C ffffff3c U*128 V
aigain AAT degC/ADflt GAIN: degC=(A/D+OFFSET)*GAIN-40
aux_6_scaledhilimit 122 244.4 %PS 1002 U V
aivhi AAT degC > sclhilim to log AmbAirTemp high
aux_6_scaledlolimit 124 -40.0 %PS 0000 U V
aivlo AAT degC < scllolim to log AmbAirTemp low
aux_6_filterconst 126 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
aiifc AAT A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
aux_6_pad_bits 127 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_6_pad_bits
aux_6_alt_scaledlo 127.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo AmbAirT low Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_6_alt_scaledhi 127.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi AmbAirThigh Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_6_alt_sensorlo 127.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo AAT FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_6_alt_sensorhi 127.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi AAT FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_6_percent_weight_en 128 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_6_flt_percent_weight 128.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
aux_7_pid_pin_D3 12A 0.0 PID 0000 E V
aipid Pin D3/Ct#749 Def: J1587 PID 73=FTWP / 0=No Input
aux_7_initial_value 12C 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aiinit FireTrkWaterPres A/D cnts on system initialization
aux_7_timer 12E 0.0 SEC 0000 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of FTWP fault to log code if enabled
aux_7_rawhilimit 130 982.0 A/D 03d6 E V
aishi FTWP A/D counts > rawhilim to log FTWP failed high
aux_7_rawlolimit 132 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aislo FTWP A/D counts < rawlolim to log FTWP failed low
aux_7_default 134 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aidfl FTWP A/D counts used if FTWP failed high OR low
aux_7_offset 136 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aioff FTWP A/D counts OFFSET: psi=(A/Dflt+OFFSET)*gain
aux_7_gain 138 0.000 P/C 0000 U*128 V
aigain FTWP psi/ADflt GAIN: psi=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
aux_7_scaledhilimit 13A 0.0 PSI 0000 U V
aivhi FTWaterPress psi > sclhilim to log FTWtrPress high
aux_7_scaledlolimit 13C 0.0 PSI 0000 U V
aivlo FTWaterPress psi < scllolim to log FTWtrPress low
aux_7_filterconst 13E 0.000 % @ 00 E*128 V
aiifc FTWP A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
aux_7_pad_bits 13F 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit aux_7_pad_bits
aux_7_alt_scaledlo 13F.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo FTWtrPresLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_7_alt_scaledhi 13F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi FTWtrPresHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_7_alt_sensorlo 13F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo FTWP FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_7_alt_sensorhi 13F.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi FTWP FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
aux_7_percent_weight_en 140 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
aux_7_flt_percent_weight 140.1 0.0 Perc 00 E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
tps_pid_pin_D2 142 91.0 PID 005b E V
aipid Pin D2/Ct#417 Def: J1587 PID 91=%TPS / 0=No Input
tps_initial_value 144 968.0 A/D 03c8 E V
aiinit TPS A/D counts used on system initialization
tps_timer 146 0.2 SEC 0002 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of TPS fault to log code if enabled
tps_rawhilimit 148 968.0 A/D 03c8 E V
aishi TPS A/D counts > rawhilim to log TPS failed high
tps_rawlolimit 14A 48.0 A/D 0030 E E
aislo TPS A/D counts < rawlolim to log TPS failed low
tps_default 14C 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aidfl TPS A/D counts used if TPS failed high OR low
tps_offset 14E 968.0 N/A 03c8 E V
aioff Not Used: calcd OFFSET = min(A/Dfilt) + tpohis
tps_gain 150 0.202 %TPS 0042 U*128 V
aigain %TPS/ADflt GAIN: %TPS=(A/Dflt-calcd OFFSET)*GAIN
tps_scaledhilimit 152 99.7 %TPS 00ff U V
aivhi %TPS > sclhilim to log %TPS high
tps_scaledlolimit 154 0.0 %TPS 0000 U V
aivlo %TPS < scllolim to log %TPS low
tps_filterconst 156 0.500 % @ 40 E*128 V
aiifc TPS A/Dflt: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
tps_pad_bits 157 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit tps_pad_bits
tps_alt_scaledlo 157.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo %TPS Low Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/reset
tps_alt_scaledhi 157.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi %TPS High Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
tps_alt_sensorlo 157.6 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitslo TPS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
tps_alt_sensorhi 157.7 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitshi TPS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
tps_percent_weight_en 158 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
tps_flt_percent_weight 158.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
pto_pid_pin_D1 15A 187.0 PID 00bb E E
aipid Pin D1/Ct#510 Def:J1587 PID 187=PTO RPM/0=No Input
pto_initial_value 15C 206.0 A/D 00ce E V
aiinit PTO A/D counts used on system initialization
pto_timer 15E 2.0 SEC 0014 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of PTO fault to log code if enabled
pto_rawhilimit 160 968.0 A/D 03c8 E V
aishi PTO A/D counts > rawhilim to log PTO failed high
pto_rawlolimit 162 0.0 A/D 0000 E E
aislo PTO A/D counts < rawlolim to log PTO failed low
pto_default 164 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aidfl PTO A/D counts used if PTO failed high OR low
pto_offset 166 -140.0 A/D ffffff74 E E
aioff PTO A/Dfilt=max(0, hystsis(impls(A/Draw))+OFFSET)
pto_gain 168 0.000 RPM 0000 U*128 V
aigain Not Used-SW calc: PTO GAIN=(ptmaxv-ptminv)/ptodiv
pto_scaledhilimit 16A 4095.8 RPM 3fff U V
aivhi PTO RPM > sclhilim to log PTO RPM high
pto_scaledlolimit 16C 0.0 RPM 0000 U V
aivlo PTO RPM < scllolim to log PTO RPM low
pto_filterconst 16E 0.250 % @ 20 E*128 V
aiifc PTO A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
pto_pad_bits 16F 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit pto_pad_bits
pto_alt_scaledlo 16F.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvlo PTO RPM Lo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
pto_alt_scaledhi 16F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi PTO RPM Hi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
pto_alt_sensorlo 16F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo PTO FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
pto_alt_sensorhi 16F.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi PTO FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
pto_percent_weight_en 170 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
pto_flt_percent_weight 170.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
cls_pid_pin_H3 172 111.0 PID 006f E V
aipid Pin H3/Ct#115 Def: J1587 PID 111=%CLS/0=No Input
cls_initial_value 174 102.0 A/D 0066 E V
aiinit CLS A/D counts used on system initialization
cls_timer 176 15.0 SEC 0096 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of CLS fault to log code if enabled
cls_rawhilimit 178 948.0 A/D 03b4 E V
aishi CLS A/D counts > rawhilim to log CLS failed high
cls_rawlolimit 17A 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aislo CLS A/D counts < rawlolim to log CLS failed low
cls_default 17C 102.0 A/D 0066 E V
aidfl CLS A/D counts used if CLS failed high OR low
cls_offset 17E -1024.0 A/D fffffc00 E V
aioff CLS A/D counts OFFSET: %CLS=(A/Dfilt+OFFSET)*gain
cls_gain 180 -0.098 %/C ffffffe7 U*128 V
aigain %CLS/ADfilt GAIN: %CLS=(A/Dfilt+offset)*GAIN
cls_scaledhilimit 182 100.0 %CLS 00c8 U V
aivhi %CLS > sclhilim to log Coolant Level high
cls_scaledlolimit 184 30.0 %CLS 003c U V
aivlo CLS %lolvl OFFSET: %lolvl=scldlolim+cllmgn*radtemp
cls_filterconst 186 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
aiifc CLS A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
cls_pad_bits 187 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit cls_pad_bits
cls_alt_scaledlo 187.4 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitvlo %CLS Low Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
cls_alt_scaledhi 187.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi %CLS High Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
cls_alt_sensorlo 187.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo CLS FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
cls_alt_sensorhi 187.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi CLS FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
cls_percent_weight_en 188 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
cls_flt_percent_weight 188.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
mbv_pid 18A 168.0 PID 00a8 E V
aipid J1587 PID 168=Batt Volts Xmitted / 0=Not Xmitted
mbv_initial_value 18C 242.0 A/D 00f2 E V
aiinit Main Battery Volts A/D counts used on system init
mbv_timer 18E 30.0 SEC 012c E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of MBV fault to log code if enabled
mbv_rawhilimit 190 1023.0 A/D 03ff E V
aishi MBV A/D counts > rawhilim to log MBV failed high
mbv_rawlolimit 192 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aislo MBV A/D counts < rawlolim to log MBV failed low
mbv_default 194 261.0 A/D 0105 E V
aidfl MBV A/D counts used if MBV failed high OR low
mbv_offset 196 0.0 A/D 0000 E V
aioff MBV A/D counts OFFSET: volts=(A/Dflt+OFFSET)*gain
mbv_gain 198 0.054 V/C 044c U*128 V
aigain MBV volts/ADflt GAIN: volts=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
mbv_scaledhilimit 19A 48.0 VLT 1e00 U V
aivhi MBV volts > sclhilim to log MBV volts high
mbv_scaledlolimit 19C 10.0 VLT 0640 U V
aivlo MBV volts < scllolim to log MBV volts low
mbv_filterconst 19E 0.008 % @ 01 E*128 V
aiifc MBV A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
mbv_pad_bits 19F 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit mbv_pad_bits
mbv_alt_scaledlo 19F.4 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitvlo MBVVoltsLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
mbv_alt_scaledhi 19F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitvhi MBVVoltsHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
mbv_alt_sensorlo 19F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo MBV FailLo Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
mbv_alt_sensorhi 19F.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi MBV FailHi Timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
mbv_percent_weight_en 1A0 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
mbv_flt_percent_weight 1A0.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
rbb_pid 1A2 17.0 PID 0011 E V
aipid PID
rbb_initial_value 1A4 737.0 Coun 02e1 E V
aiinit RTC battery volts A/D counts used on sys init.
rbb_timer 1A6 5.0 Sec. 0032 E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of RTC fault to log code if enabled
rbb_rawhilimit 1A8 1023.0 Coun 03ff E V
aishi RTC A/D counts > rawhilim to log RTC failed high
rbb_rawlolimit 1AA 0.0 Coun 0000 E V
aislo RTC A/D counts < rawlolim to log RTC failed low
rbb_default 1AC 737.0 Coun 02e1 E V
aidfl RTC A/D counts used if RTC failed high or low
rbb_offset 1AE 0.0 Coun 0000 E V
aioff RTC A/D counts OFFSET: volts*(A/Dflt+OFFSET)*gain
rbb_gain 1B0 0.005 V/C 0064 U*128 V
aigain RTC volts/ADflt GAIN: volts=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
rbb_scaledhilimit 1B2 12.8 Volt 07ff U V
aivhi RTC volts > sclhilim to log RTC volts high
rbb_scaledlolimit 1B4 0.0 Volt 0000 U V
aivlo RTC volts < scllolim to log RTC volts low
rbb_filterconst 1B6 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
aiifc RTC A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25mSec
rbb_pad_bits 1B7 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit rbb_pad_bits
rbb_alt_scaledlo 1B7.4 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitvlo RTCvolts lo timer: 0=intfrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
rbb_alt_scaledhi 1B7.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitvhi RTCvoltshi timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
rbb_alt_sensorlo 1B7.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo RTC fail lo timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
rbb_alt_sensorhi 1B7.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi RTC fail hi timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
rbb_percent_weight_en 1B8 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
rbb_flt_percent_weight 1B8.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez
ssv_pid 1BA 1.0 PID 0001 E V
aipid J1587 PID
ssv_initial_value 1BC 512.0 Coun 0200 E V
aiinit SSV battery volts A/D counts used on sys init.
ssv_timer 1BE 1.0 Seco 000a E*10 V
aitval ramp/rst SECS of SSV fault to log code if enabled
ssv_rawhilimit 1C0 1023.0 Coun 03ff E V
aishi SSV A/D counts > rawhilim to log SSV failed high
ssv_rawlolimit 1C2 0.0 Coun 0000 E V
aislo SSV A/D counts < rawlolim to log SSV failed low
ssv_default 1C4 512.0 Coun 0200 E V
aidfl SSV A/D counts used if SSV failed high or low
ssv_offset 1C6 0.0 Coun 0000 E V
aioff SSV A/D counts OFFSET: volts*(A/Dflt+OFFSET)*gain
ssv_gain 1C8 0.007 V/C 0091 U*128 V
aigain SSV volts/ADflt GAIN: volts=(A/Dflt+offset)*GAIN
ssv_scaledhilimit 1CA 5.7 Volt 0390 U V
aivhi SSV volts > sclhilim to log SSV volts high
ssv_scaledlolimit 1CC 4.3 Volt 02b0 U V
aivlo SSV volts < scllolim to log SSV volts low
ssv_filterconst 1CE 0.500 % @ 40 E*128 V
aiifc SSV A/D filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25mSec
ssv_pad_bits 1CF 0.0 "" 0 E V
padbit ssv_pad_bits
ssv_alt_scaledlo 1CF.4 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitvlo SSVvolts lo timer: 0=intfrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ssv_alt_scaledhi 1CF.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
aitvhi SSVvoltshi timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ssv_alt_sensorlo 1CF.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitslo SSV fail lo timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ssv_alt_sensorhi 1CF.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
aitshi SSV fail hi timer: 0=intgrtg dflt/1=local ramp/rst
ssv_percent_weight_en 1D0 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fprcfg If set, anlg intrmttnt flt filtering is activated
ssv_flt_percent_weight 1D0.1 100.0 Perc 7f E*1.27 B
fltprc Prcnt of deflt time out that procssd valu may frez

NAME: inj_cal_chng_1_tool_id ADDR: 1D2 UNT: ID OWN: S CODE: toolid

ID of Tool which made last INJCAL change - 8 Bytes
Elements| HEX| ID
1| 00| 0.0
2| 00| 0.0
3| 00| 0.0
4| 00| 0.0
5| 00| 0.0
6| 00| 0.0
7| 00| 0.0
8| 00| 0.0


inj_cal_chng_1_engine_hours 1DA 0.00000 Hr 00000000 E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () of last INJCAL change -1sec/bit
inj_cal_chng_1_seconds 1DE 0.00 Sec 00 E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59.75) of last INJCAL change-.25sec/bit
inj_cal_chng_1_minutes 1DF 0.0 Min 00 E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of last INJCAL change - 1min/bit
inj_cal_chng_1_hours 1E0 0.0 Hr 00 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of last INJCAL change - 1hour/bit
inj_cal_chng_1_day 1E1 1.0 Day 00 E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of last INJCAL change - 1day/bit
inj_cal_chng_1_month 1E2 1.0 Mont 00 E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of last INJCAL change - 1month/bit
inj_cal_chng_1_year 1E3 1985.0 Yr 00 E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of last INJCAL change - 1year/bit

NAME: inj_cal_chng_2_tool_id ADDR: 1E4 UNT: ID OWN: S CODE: toolid

ID of Tool which made 2nd lst INJCAL change-8 Byte
Elements| HEX| ID
1| 00| 0.0
2| 00| 0.0
3| 00| 0.0
4| 00| 0.0
5| 00| 0.0
6| 00| 0.0
7| 00| 0.0
8| 00| 0.0


inj_cal_chng_2_engine_hours 1EC 0.00000 Hr 00000000 E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () of 2nd lst INJCAL chng-1sec/bit
inj_cal_chng_2_seconds 1F0 0.00 Sec 00 E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59.75) of 2nd lst INJCAL chng-.25sec/bt
inj_cal_chng_2_minutes 1F1 0.0 Min 00 E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of 2nd lst INJCAL change - 1min/bit
inj_cal_chng_2_hours 1F2 0.0 Hr 00 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of 2nd last INJCAL change - 1hour/bit
inj_cal_chng_2_day 1F3 1.0 Day 00 E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of 2nd last INJCAL change - 1day/bit
inj_cal_chng_2_month 1F4 1.0 Mont 00 E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of 2nd last INJCAL change -1month/bit
inj_cal_chng_2_year 1F5 1985.0 Yr 00 E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of 2nd last INJCAL change-1yr/bit
NAME: inj_cal_chng_3_tool_id ADDR: 1F6 UNT: ID OWN: S CODE: toolid
ID of Tool which made 3rd lst INJCAL change-8 Byte
Elements| HEX| ID
1| 00| 0.0
2| 00| 0.0
3| 00| 0.0
4| 00| 0.0
5| 00| 0.0
6| 00| 0.0
7| 00| 0.0
8| 00| 0.0


inj_cal_chng_3_engine_hours 1FE 0.00000 Hr 00000000 E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () of 3rd lst INJCAL chng-1sec/bit
inj_cal_chng_3_seconds 202 0.00 Sec 00 E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59.75) of 3rd lst INJCAL chng-.25sec/bt
inj_cal_chng_3_minutes 203 0.0 Min 00 E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of 3rd last INJCAL change- 1min/bit
inj_cal_chng_3_hours 204 0.0 Hr 00 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of 3rd last INJCAL change - 1hour/bit
inj_cal_chng_3_day 205 1.0 Day 00 E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of 3rd last INJCAL change - 1day/bit
inj_cal_chng_3_month 206 1.0 Mont 00 E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of 3rd last INJCAL change- 1month/bit
inj_cal_chng_3_year 207 1985.0 Yr 00 E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of 3rd last INJCAL change-1yr/bit
pw_frequency_1 208 50.0 Hz 0032 E E
pwfrq PWM1 frequency in Hz
pw_controlvalue_1 20A 0 = channel unassigned, output always high0 =
channel unassigned, output always high O pwsrc PWM1: output function
pw_lolimit_1 20B 0.0 %DC 00 E O
pwllo PWM:min duty cycle / DSCRT:cntrlval>pwllo then ON
pw_hilimit_1 20C 0.0 %DC 00 E O
pwlup PWM:max duty cycle / DSCRT:cntrlval<lo-up then OFF
pw_dotruncate_1 20D.3 0.0 Flg 0 E O
pwscl PWM1: 0=control val scaled lo to up / 1=truncate
pw_dothreshold_1 20D.4 0.0 Flg 0 E O
pwthr PWM1: 0=PWM mode / 1=DiSCReTe (on/off) mode
pw_reverse_1 20D.5 0.0 Flg 0 E O
pwrev PWM1: 0=enabled low / 1=enabled high
pw_passive_diagnostic_enable_1 20D.6 0.0 Flg 0 E O
pwpde PWM1: set for stuck low diagnostics - load req'd
pw_active_diagnostic_enable_1 20D.7 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwade PWM1: set for stuck high diagnostics
pw_frequency_2 20E 50.0 Hz 0032 E E
pwfrq PWM2 frequency in Hz
pw_controlvalue_2 210 0 = channel unassigned, output always high0 =
channel unassigned, output always high E pwsrc PWM2: 3=
pw_lolimit_2 211 0.0 %DC 00 E E
pwllo PWM:min duty cycle / DSCRT:cntrlval>pwllo then ON
pw_hilimit_2 212 0.0 %DC 00 E E
pwlup PWM:max duty cycle / DSCRT:cntrlval<lo-up then OFF
pw_dotruncate_2 213.3 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwscl PWM2: 0=control val scaled lo to up / 1=truncate
pw_dothreshold_2 213.4 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwthr PWM2: 0=PWM mode / 1=DisCReTe (on/off) mode
pw_reverse_2 213.5 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwrev PWM2: 0=enabled low / 1=enabled high
pw_passive_diagnostic_enable_2 213.6 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwpde PWM2: set for stuck low diagnostics - load req'd
pw_active_diagnostic_enable_2 213.7 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwade PWM2: set for stuck high diagnostics
pw_frequency_3 214 50.0 Hz 0032 E E
pwfrq PWM3 frequency in Hz
pw_controlvalue_3 216 0 = channel unassigned, output always high0 =
channel unassigned, output always high E pwsrc PWM3:
pw_lolimit_3 217 0.0 %DC 00 E E
pwllo PWM:min duty cycle / DSCRT:cntrlval>pwllo then ON
pw_hilimit_3 218 0.0 %DC 00 E E
pwlup PWM:max duty cycle / DSCRT:cntrlval<lo-up then OFF
pw_dotruncate_3 219.3 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwscl PWM3: 0=control val scaled lo to up / 1=truncate
pw_dothreshold_3 219.4 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwthr PWM3: 0=PWM mode / 1=DisCReTe (on/off) mode
pw_reverse_3 219.5 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwrev PWM3: 0=enabled low / 1=enabled high
pw_passive_diagnostic_enable_3 219.6 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwpde PWM3: set for stuck low diagnostics - load req'd
pw_active_diagnostic_enable_3 219.7 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwade PWM3: set for stuck high diagnostics
pw_frequency_4 21A 10.0 Hz 000a E E
pwfrq PWM4 frequency in Hz
pw_controlvalue_4 21C 6 = fan clutch control function6 = fan clutch
control function E pwsrc PWM4: output function >12=None
pw_lolimit_4 21D 5.0 %DC 05 E E
pwllo PWM:min duty cycle / DSCRT:cntrlval>pwllo then ON
pw_hilimit_4 21E 80.0 %DC 50 E E
pwlup PWM:max duty cycle / DSCRT:cntrlval<lo-up then OFF
pw_dotruncate_4 21F.3 1.0 Flg 1 E E
pwscl PWM4: 0=control val scaled lo to up / 1=truncate
pw_dothreshold_4 21F.4 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwthr PWM4: 0=PWM mode / 1=DiSCReTe (on/off) mode
pw_reverse_4 21F.5 1.0 Flg 1 E E
pwrev PWM4: 0=enabled low / 1=enabled high
pw_passive_diagnostic_enable_4 21F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pwpde PWM4: set for stuck low diagnostics - load req'd
pw_active_diagnostic_enable_4 21F.7 1.0 Flg 1 E E
pwade PWM4: set for stuck high diagnostics
c_fireangle_1 220.2 0.0 DEG 000 E*2 V
tdcang #1: crank degs between #1CYL firing TDC & #1TRS
c_injector_number_1 221.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pinnum #1: assigns each CYL to an INJ pin by firing order
c_fireangle_2 222.2 120.0 DEG 0f0 E*2 V
tdcang #2: crank degs between #2CYL firing TDC & #1TRS
c_injector_number_2 223.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
pinnum #2: INJ pin definition: 0=#611=pin L 1=#612=pin A
c_fireangle_3 224.2 240.0 DEG 1e0 E*2 V
tdcang #3: crank degs between #3CYL firing TDC & #1TRS
c_injector_number_3 225.5 2.0 Flg 2 E V
pinnum #3: INJ pin definition: 2=#613=pin K 3=#614=pin B
c_fireangle_4 226.2 360.0 DEG 2d0 E*2 V
tdcang #4: crank degs between #4CYL firing TDC & #1TRS
c_injector_number_4 227.5 3.0 Flg 3 E V
pinnum #4: INJ pin definition: 4=#615=pin H 5=#616=pin D
c_fireangle_5 228.2 480.0 DEG 3c0 E*2 V
tdcang #5: crank degs between #5CYL firing TDC & #1TRS
c_injector_number_5 229.5 4.0 Flg 4 E V
pinnum #5: INJ pin definition: 6=#617=pin J 7=#618=pin C
c_fireangle_6 22A.2 600.0 DEG 4b0 E*2 V
tdcang #6: crank degs between #6CYL firing TDC & #1TRS
c_injector_number_6 22B.5 5.0 Flg 5 E V
pinnum #6: assigns each CYL to an INJ pin by firing order
c_fireangle_7 22C.2 0.0 DEG 000 E*2 V
tdcang #7: crank degs between #7CYL firing TDC & #1TRS
c_injector_number_7 22D.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pinnum #7: assigns each CYL to an INJ pin by firing order
c_fireangle_8 22E.2 0.0 DEG 000 E*2 V
tdcang #8: crank degs between #8CYL firing TDC & #1TRS
c_injector_number_8 22F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pinnum #8: assigns each CYL to an INJ pin by firing order

NAME: cust_cal_chng_1_tool_id ADDR: 230 UNT: ID OWN: S CODE: toolid

ID of Tool which made last CAL Prog change-8 Bytes
Elements| HEX| ID
1| 44| 68.0
2| 4d| 77.0
3| 4a| 74.0
4| 4d| 77.0
5| 31| 49.0
6| 37| 55.0
7| 4b| 75.0
8| 4c| 76.0


cust_cal_chng_1_engine_hours 238 1501.15028 Hr 005275ed E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () of last CAL Prog change
cust_cal_chng_1_seconds 23C 50.00 Sec c8 E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59) of last CAL Prog change- .25sec/bit
cust_cal_chng_1_minutes 23D 39.0 Min 27 E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of last CAL Prog change - 1 min/bit
cust_cal_chng_1_hours 23E 19.0 Hr 13 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of last CAL Prog change - 1 hour/bit
cust_cal_chng_1_day 23F 1.0 Day 00 E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of last CAL Prog change - 1 day/bit
cust_cal_chng_1_month 240 10.0 Mont 09 E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of last CAL Prog change - 1 month/bit
cust_cal_chng_1_year 241 2001.0 Yr 10 E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of last CAL Prog change - 1Yr/bit

NAME: cust_cal_chng_2_tool_id ADDR: 242 UNT: ID OWN: S CODE: toolid

ID of Tool which made 2nd to last CAL Prog change
Elements| HEX| ID
1| 44| 68.0
2| 4d| 77.0
3| 52| 82.0
4| 37| 55.0
5| 46| 70.0
6| 5a| 90.0
7| 35| 53.0
8| 30| 48.0


cust_cal_chng_2_engine_hours 24A 1176.07111 Hr 00409a80 E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () of 2nd to last CAL Prog change
cust_cal_chng_2_seconds 24E 43.50 Sec ae E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59) of 2lst CAL Prog change- .25sec/bit
cust_cal_chng_2_minutes 24F 42.0 Min 2a E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of 2lst CAL Prog change - 1 min/bit
cust_cal_chng_2_hours 250 0.0 Hr 00 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of 2lst CAL Prog change - 1 hour/bit
cust_cal_chng_2_day 251 13.0 Day 0c E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of 2lst CAL Prog change - 1 day/bit
cust_cal_chng_2_month 252 7.0 Mont 06 E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of 2lst CAL Prog change - 1 month/bit
cust_cal_chng_2_year 253 2001.0 Yr 10 E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of 2lst CAL Prog change - 1Yr/bit

NAME: cust_cal_chng_3_tool_id ADDR: 254 UNT: ID OWN: S CODE: toolid

ID of Tool which made 3lst CAL Prog change-8 Bytes
Elements| HEX| ID
1| 44| 68.0
2| 52| 82.0
3| 53| 83.0
4| 45| 69.0
5| 30| 48.0
6| 38| 56.0
7| 38| 56.0
8| 38| 56.0


cust_cal_chng_3_engine_hours 25C 0.00000 Hr 00000000 E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () of 3lst CAL Prog change
cust_cal_chng_3_seconds 260 44.00 Sec b0 E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59) of 3lst CAL Prog change- .25sec/bit
cust_cal_chng_3_minutes 261 45.0 Min 2d E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of 3lst CAL Prog change - 1 min/bit
cust_cal_chng_3_hours 262 0.0 Hr 00 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of 3lst CAL Prog change - 1 hour/bit
cust_cal_chng_3_day 263 256.0 Day ff E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of 3lst CAL Prog change - 1 day/bit
cust_cal_chng_3_month 264 256.0 Mont ff E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of 3lst CAL Prog change - 1 month/bit
cust_cal_chng_3_year 265 2000.0 Yr 0f E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of 3lst CAL Prog change - 1Yr/bit
rsl_chng_1_seconds 266 44.50 Sec b2 E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59) of most recent RSL chng-.25sec/bit
rsl_chng_1_minutes 267 45.0 Min 2d E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of most recent RSL chng-1 min/bit
rsl_chng_1_hours 268 0.0 Hour 00 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of most recent RSL chng-1 hour/bit
rsl_chng_1_day 269 256.0 Day ff E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of most recent RSL chg-1 day/bit
rsl_chng_1_month 26A 256.0 Mont ff E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of most recent RSL chg- 1 month/bit
rsl_chng_1_year 26B 2000.0 Year 0f E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of most recent RSL chg-1Yr/bit
rsl_chng_1_engine_hours 26C 0.00000 Hour 00000000 E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () most recent RSL change
rsl_chng_1_rsl_change_status 270 194.0 "" 00c2 E S
rslchg Status word for RSL paramters
rsl_chng_1_tool_id 272 "DRSE0888" S
toolid ID of Tool whch md most recent Prog change-8 Bytes
rsl_chng_2_seconds 27A 0.00 Sec 00 E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59) of 2nd RSL Prog change- .25sec/bit
rsl_chng_2_minutes 27B 0.0 Min 00 E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of 2nd RSL Prog change - 1 min/bit
rsl_chng_2_hours 27C 0.0 Hour 00 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of 2nd RSL Prog change - 1 hour/bit
rsl_chng_2_day 27D 1.0 Days 00 E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of 2nd RSL Prog change - 1 day/bit
rsl_chng_2_month 27E 1.0 Mont 00 E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of 2nd RSL Prog change - 1 month/bit
rsl_chng_2_year 27F 1985.0 Year 00 E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of 2nd RSL Prog change - 1Yr/bit
rsl_chng_2_engine_hours 280 0.00000 Hour 00000000 E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () of 2nd RSL Prog change
rsl_chng_2_rsl_change_status 284 0.0 "" 0000 E S
rslchg rsl_chng_2_rsl_change_status
rsl_chng_2_tool_id 286 " " S
toolid ID of Tool whch md most recent Prog change-8 Bytes
rsl_chng_3_seconds 28E 0.00 Sec 00 E*4 S
second Seconds (0-59) of 3rd RSL Prog change- .25sec/bit
rsl_chng_3_minutes 28F 0.0 Minu 00 E S
minute Minutes (0-59) of 3rd RSL Prog change - 1 min/bit
rsl_chng_3_hours 290 0.0 Hour 00 E S
hour Hours (0-23) of 3rd RSL Prog change - 1 hour/bit
rsl_chng_3_day 291 1.0 Days 00 E-1.000000 S
day Date (1-31) of 3rd RSL Prog change - 1 day/bit
rsl_chng_3_month 292 1.0 Mont 00 E-1.000000 S
month Month (1-12) of 3rd RSL Prog change - 1 month/bit
rsl_chng_3_year 293 1985.0 Year 00 E-1985.000000 S
year Year (1985-2084) of 3rd RSL Prog change - 1Yr/bit
rsl_chng_3_engine_hours 294 0.00000 Hour 00000000 E*3600 S
enghrs Engine Hours () of 3rd RSL Prog change
rsl_chng_3_rsl_change_status 298 0.0 "" 0000 E S
rslchg rsl_chng_3_rsl_change_status
rsl_chng_3_tool_id 29A " " S
toolid ID of Tool whch md most recent Prog change-8 Bytes
spare_1_1 2A2 0.0 "" 0000 E V
spare1 Spare calibration
spare_1_2 2A4 0.0 "" 0000 E V
spare1 Spare calibration
spare_2_1 2A6 0.0 "" 0000 E V
spare2 Spare calibration
spare_2_2 2A8 0.0 "" 0000 E V
spare2 Spare calibration
spare_3_1 2AA 0.0 "" 0000 E*2 V
spare3 Spare calibration
spare_3_2 2AC 5.0 "" 000a E*2 V
spare3 Spare calibration
spare_4_1 2AE 0.0 "" 0000 E*2 V
spare4 Spare calibration
spare_4_2 2B0 0.0 "" 0000 E*2 V
spare4 Spare calibration
spare_5_1 2B2 0.00 "" 0000 E*4 V
spare5 Spare calibration
spare_5_2 2B4 0.00 "" 0000 E*4 V
spare5 Spare calibration
spare_6_1 2B6 0.00 "" 0000 E*4 V
spare6 Spare calibration
spare_6_2 2B8 0.00 "" 0000 E*4 V
spare6 Spare calibration
spare_7_1 2BA 0.00 "" 0000 E*8 V
spare7 Spare calibration
spare_7_2 2BC 0.00 "" 0000 E*8 V
spare7 Spare calibration
spare_8_1 2BE 0.00 "" 0000 E*8 V
spare8 Spare calibration
spare_8_2 2C0 0.00 "" 0000 E*8 V
spare8 Spare calibration
air_comp_max_set_points_rat0 2C2 931.09 KPA 0870 E*2.31985 D
pgsmxs Rating 0 max allowable air comp pressure set point
air_comp_max_set_points_rat1 2C4 1034.98 KPA 0961 E*2.31985 D
pgsmxs Rating 1 max allowable air comp pressure set point
air_comp_max_set_points_rat2 2C6 413.82 KPA 03c0 E*2.31985 D
pgsmxs Rating 2 max allowable air comp pressure set point
air_comp_min_set_points_rat0 2C8 413.82 KPA 03c0 E*2.31985 D
pgsmns Rating 0 min allowable air comp pressure set point
air_comp_min_set_points_rat1 2CA 413.82 KPA 03c0 E*2.31985 D
pgsmns Rating 1 min allowable air comp pressure set point
air_comp_min_set_points_rat2 2CC 206.91 KPA 01e0 E*2.31985 D
pgsmns Rating 2 min allowable air comp pressure set point

NAME: ambient_air_temperature ADDR: 2CE UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: amairt

EQN: (E+40)*14.4
ambient air temp as a function of a raw sensor val
Sensor_val| HEX| ""
0.0| 0d80| 200.00
32.0| 0aa0| 148.89
64.0| 08fe| 119.86
96.0| 081e| 104.31
128.0| 0784| 93.61
160.0| 070c| 85.28
192.0| 06ac| 78.61
224.0| 0659| 72.85
256.0| 0610| 67.78
288.0| 05ce| 63.19
320.0| 0592| 59.03
352.0| 055a| 55.14
384.0| 0526| 51.53
416.0| 04f5| 48.13
448.0| 04c6| 44.86
480.0| 0498| 41.67
512.0| 046c| 38.61
544.0| 043f| 35.49
576.0| 0414| 32.50
608.0| 03e7| 29.38
640.0| 03bb| 26.32
672.0| 038d| 23.13
704.0| 035e| 19.86
736.0| 032c| 16.39
768.0| 02f7| 12.71
800.0| 02be| 8.75
832.0| 027f| 4.38
864.0| 0237| -0.63
896.0| 01e1| -6.60
928.0| 0172| -14.31
960.0| 00c6| -26.25
992.0| 0000| -40.00
1024.0| 0000| -40.00

NAME: analog_config_id ADDR: 310 UNT: "" OWN: E CODE: ancfg

Indx of Cal Blks usd by VEPS to conf. anlg chnls
pid_pin| HEX| ""
0.0| 0001| 1.0
1.0| 0001| 1.0
2.0| 0001| 1.0
3.0| 0001| 1.0
4.0| 0001| 1.0
5.0| 0001| 1.0
6.0| 0000| 0.0
7.0| 0000| 0.0
8.0| 0000| 0.0
9.0| 0000| 0.0
10.0| 0001| 1.0
11.0| 0001| 1.0
12.0| 0000| 0.0
13.0| 0001| 1.0
14.0| 0001| 1.0
15.0| 0001| 1.0

NAME: certification_number ADDR: 330 UNT: DEC OWN: B CODE: zcertn

Certification Number for each 6N4M rating group
Elements| HEX| DEC
1| 0497| 1175.0
2| 0498| 1176.0
3| 0499| 1177.0
4| 04a3| 1187.0

NAME: dp_offset_default ADDR: 338 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: dpofdf

avg press sensor, f(engine coolant temp)
dgC| HEX| ""
15.0| 0000| 0.0
20.0| 0000| 0.0
25.0| 0000| 0.0
30.0| 0000| 0.0
35.0| 0000| 0.0
40.0| 0000| 0.0
45.0| 0000| 0.0
50.0| 0000| 0.0
55.0| 0000| 0.0
60.0| 0000| 0.0
65.0| 0000| 0.0
70.0| 0000| 0.0
75.0| 0000| 0.0
80.0| 0000| 0.0
85.0| 0000| 0.0
90.0| 0000| 0.0
95.0| 0000| 0.0

NAME: egr_flow_rate ADDR: 35A UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrate

EQN: E*256
EGR flow rate in (kg^.5)*(m^1.5)/min, f(differ P)
Boost-kPa| HEX| ""
0.0| 0000| 0.0000
1.0| 0000| 0.0000
2.0| 0000| 0.0000
3.0| 0000| 0.0000
4.0| 0000| 0.0000
5.0| 0000| 0.0000
6.0| 0000| 0.0000
7.0| 0000| 0.0000
8.0| 0000| 0.0000
9.0| 0000| 0.0000
10.0| 0000| 0.0000
11.0| 0000| 0.0000
12.0| 0000| 0.0000
13.0| 0000| 0.0000
14.0| 0000| 0.0000
15.0| 0000| 0.0000
16.0| 0000| 0.0000

NAME: egr_rate_deriv_gain ADDR: 37C UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrder

EQN: E*10000
derivative gain for EGR rate control
unitless| HEX| ""
-2.0| 0000| 0.00000
-1.5| 0000| 0.00000
-1.0| 0000| 0.00000
-0.5| 0000| 0.00000
0.0| 0000| 0.00000
0.5| 0000| 0.00000
1.0| 0000| 0.00000
1.5| 0000| 0.00000
2.0| 0000| 0.00000

NAME: egr_rate_integ_gain ADDR: 38E UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrint

EQN: E*40000
integral gain for EGR rate control
unitless| HEX| ""
-2.0| 0000| 0.000000
-1.5| 0000| 0.000000
-1.0| 0000| 0.000000
-0.5| 0000| 0.000000
0.0| 0000| 0.000000
0.5| 0000| 0.000000
1.0| 0000| 0.000000
1.5| 0000| 0.000000
2.0| 0000| 0.000000

NAME: egr_rate_prop_gain ADDR: 3A0 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrprp

EQN: E*10000
proportional gain for EGR rate control
unitless| HEX| ""
-2.0| 0000| 0.00000
-1.5| 0000| 0.00000
-1.0| 0000| 0.00000
-0.5| 0000| 0.00000
0.0| 0000| 0.00000
0.5| 0000| 0.00000
1.0| 0000| 0.00000
1.5| 0000| 0.00000
2.0| 0000| 0.00000

NAME: egr_temperature ADDR: 3B2 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrtmp

EQN: (E+40)*14.4
EGR temp as a function of raw sensor values
Sensor_val| HEX| ""
0.0| 0000| -40.00
64.0| 0000| -40.00
128.0| 0000| -40.00
192.0| 0000| -40.00
256.0| 0000| -40.00
320.0| 0000| -40.00
384.0| 0000| -40.00
448.0| 0000| -40.00
512.0| 0000| -40.00
576.0| 0000| -40.00
640.0| 0000| -40.00
704.0| 0000| -40.00
768.0| 0000| -40.00
832.0| 0000| -40.00
896.0| 0000| -40.00
960.0| 0000| -40.00
1024.0| 0000| -40.00

NAME: ess_analog_switch_high_ends ADDR: 3D4 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE:

essshe EQN: E
if cnts>ESSSHE then decoded as ESS high digital in
Sensor_val| HEX| ""
0.0| 0133| 307.0
1.0| 0000| 0.0
2.0| 0176| 374.0
3.0| 0000| 0.0
4.0| 01eb| 491.0
5.0| 023d| 573.0
6.0| 02c2| 706.0
7.0| 0366| 870.0

NAME: ess_analog_switch_low_ends ADDR: 3E4 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: esssle

Sensor_val| HEX| ""
0.0| 0110| 272.0
1.0| 0000| 0.0
2.0| 0153| 339.0
3.0| 0000| 0.0
4.0| 01c6| 454.0
5.0| 0212| 530.0
6.0| 0299| 665.0
7.0| 0347| 839.0

NAME: ether_block_injection ADDR: 3F4 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: eiblt

EQN: E*10
ether injection block time in secs after crank
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 012c| 30.0
-37.2| 012c| 30.0
-34.4| 012c| 30.0
-31.7| 012c| 30.0
-28.9| 012c| 30.0
-26.1| 012c| 30.0
-23.3| 0110| 27.2
-20.6| 00f4| 24.4
-17.8| 00d8| 21.6
-15.0| 00bc| 18.8
-12.2| 00a1| 16.1
-9.4| 0085| 13.3
-6.7| 0069| 10.5
-3.9| 004d| 7.7
-1.1| 0032| 5.0
1.7| 0000| 0.0
4.4| 0000| 0.0
7.2| 0000| 0.0
10.0| 0000| 0.0

NAME: ether_pre_load ADDR: 41A UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: eiplt

EQN: E*10
ether injection pre-load time in secs before crank
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 001e| 3.0
-37.2| 001b| 2.7
-34.4| 0019| 2.5
-31.7| 0017| 2.3
-28.9| 0015| 2.1
-26.1| 0012| 1.8
-23.3| 0010| 1.6
-20.6| 000e| 1.4
-17.8| 000c| 1.2
-15.0| 000a| 1.0
-12.2| 0009| 0.9
-9.4| 0008| 0.8
-6.7| 0007| 0.7
-3.9| 0006| 0.6
-1.1| 0005| 0.5
1.7| 0000| 0.0
4.4| 0000| 0.0
7.2| 0000| 0.0
10.0| 0000| 0.0

NAME: exhaust_temperature ADDR: 440 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: exconv

EQN: (E+40)*14.4
ExhaustTemp LookUp Tbl to convert A/D cnts to degC
Sensor_val| HEX| ""
0.0| 0000| -40.00
64.0| 0000| -40.00
128.0| 0000| -40.00
192.0| 0000| -40.00
256.0| 0000| -40.00
320.0| 0000| -40.00
384.0| 0220| -2.22
448.0| 0689| 76.18
512.0| 0c38| 177.22
576.0| 13d8| 312.78
640.0| 1ea5| 504.79
704.0| 2f49| 800.63
768.0| 3fff| 1097.71
832.0| 3fff| 1097.71
896.0| 3fff| 1097.71
960.0| 3fff| 1097.71
1024.0| 3fff| 1097.71

NAME: gear_ratio_lookup_table ADDR: 462 UNT: "" OWN: O CODE: essrlt

EQN: E*2048
ESS transmission gear ratios from low to high gear
Sensor_val| HEX| ""
0.0| 66a4| 12.83008
1.0| 3d85| 7.68994
2.0| 2bd7| 5.47998
3.0| 1f1f| 3.89014
4.0| 167b| 2.81006
5.0| 0fd7| 1.97998
6.0| 0b48| 1.41016
7.0| 0800| 1.00000
8.0| 05c3| 0.72021
9.0| 0000| 0.00000
10.0| 0000| 0.00000
11.0| 0000| 0.00000
12.0| 0000| 0.00000
13.0| 0000| 0.00000
14.0| 0000| 0.00000
15.0| 0000| 0.00000

NAME: idle_rpm ADDR: 482 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: idlrpm

EQN: E*4
idle RPM look-up: idle RPM based on oil temp
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 0e10| 900.00
-27.8| 0e10| 900.00
-15.6| 0e10| 900.00
-3.3| 0e10| 900.00
8.9| 0de8| 890.00
21.1| 0dc0| 880.00
33.3| 0be0| 760.00
45.6| 0960| 600.00
57.8| 0960| 600.00
70.0| 0960| 600.00
82.2| 0960| 600.00
94.4| 0960| 600.00
106.7| 0960| 600.00
118.9| 0960| 600.00
131.1| 0960| 600.00
143.3| 0960| 600.00
155.6| 0960| 600.00

NAME: shutdn_max_crankcase_pressure ADDR: 4A4 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE:

smxccp EQN: E*74.2352
if CCP > SMXCCP log a scaledhilimit fault
Tq*RPM| HEX| ""
0.0| 02e6| 9.995
150.0| 02e6| 9.995
300.0| 02e6| 9.995
450.0| 02e6| 9.995
600.0| 02e6| 9.995
750.0| 02e6| 9.995
900.0| 02e6| 9.995
1050.0| 02e6| 9.995
1200.0| 02e6| 9.995
1350.0| 02e6| 9.995
1500.0| 02e6| 9.995
1650.0| 02e6| 9.995
1800.0| 02e6| 9.995
1950.0| 02e6| 9.995
2100.0| 02e6| 9.995
2250.0| 02e6| 9.995
2400.0| 02e6| 9.995

NAME: smoke_control_axis ADDR: 4C6 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: scbst

EQN: E*256
assigns boost KPAA vals to press axis of ATQ Tbls
Boost-kPa| HEX| ""
0.0| 0000| 0.0000
14.0| 0000| 0.0000
28.0| 0000| 0.0000
41.0| 0000| 0.0000
55.0| 0000| 0.0000
69.0| 0026| 0.1484
83.0| 00e1| 0.8789
97.0| 023a| 2.2266
110.0| 0349| 3.2852
124.0| 042d| 4.1758
138.0| 04ed| 4.9258
152.0| 05a4| 5.6406
166.0| 0656| 6.3359
179.0| 06f4| 6.9531
193.0| 07ab| 7.6680
207.0| 07ff| 7.9961
221.0| 0800| 8.0000
234.0| 0800| 8.0000
248.0| 0800| 8.0000
262.0| 0800| 8.0000
276.0| 0800| 8.0000
290.0| 0800| 8.0000
303.0| 0800| 8.0000
317.0| 0800| 8.0000
331.0| 0800| 8.0000
345.0| 0800| 8.0000
359.0| 0800| 8.0000
372.0| 0800| 8.0000
386.0| 0800| 8.0000
400.0| 0800| 8.0000
414.0| 0800| 8.0000
428.0| 0800| 8.0000
441.0| 0800| 8.0000

NAME: t2_auto_dn_lo_base ADDR: 508 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astdlb

EQN: E*4
Mininimum downshift point at 0% throttle
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 11f8| 1150.00
2| 11f8| 1150.00
3| 11f8| 1150.00
4| 11f8| 1150.00

NAME: t2_auto_dwn_rpm ADDR: 510 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astadr

EQN: E*4
100% Throttle downshift point
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 1388| 1250.00
2| 1388| 1250.00
3| 1450| 1300.00
4| 1450| 1300.00

NAME: t2_auto_up_lo_base ADDR: 518 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astulb

EQN: E*4
Minimum upshift point at 20% throttle
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 19c8| 1650.00
2| 19c8| 1650.00
3| 1770| 1500.00
4| 1770| 1500.00

NAME: t2_auto_up_rpm ADDR: 520 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astaur

EQN: E*4
100% throttle upshift point
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 1c20| 1800.00
2| 1c20| 1800.00
3| 1b58| 1750.00
4| 1b58| 1750.00

NAME: t2_cc_up_rpm ADDR: 528 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astcur

EQN: E*4
lower upshift RPM if CC+9th+%RTQ<ASTCDM for ASTCRT
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 1a64| 1689.00
2| 1a64| 1689.00
3| 1838| 1550.00
4| 1838| 1550.00

NAME: t2_delta_rpm ADDR: 530 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astder

EQN: E*4
Dither RPM from sync used for splitter engagements
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 00a0| 40.00
2| 00a0| 40.00
3| 00a0| 40.00
4| 00a0| 40.00

NAME: t2_failed_engage_rpm ADDR: 538 UNT: rpm OWN: V CODE: astfer

EQN: E*4
Max expctd dwnsft pt frm drct gr (10 spds on 13/18
Elements| HEX| rpm
1| 15e0| 1400.00
2| 15e0| 1400.00
3| 15e0| 1400.00
4| 15e0| 1400.00

NAME: t2_jake_downshift_offset ADDR: 540 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astjdo

EQN: E*4
downshift point raised ASTJDO RPM if jakes ON
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 0258| 150.00
2| 0258| 150.00
3| 0320| 200.00
4| 0320| 200.00

NAME: t2_jake_upshift_offset ADDR: 548 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astjuo

EQN: E*4
upshift point raised ASTJUO RPM if jakes ON
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 0320| 200.00
2| 0320| 200.00
3| 0320| 200.00
4| 0320| 200.00

NAME: t2_man_dwnshift_rpm ADDR: 550 UNT: rpm OWN: V CODE: astmdr

EQN: E*4
Max expected manual level dwnsft pt frm drct gr.
Elements| HEX| rpm
1| 15e0| 1400.00
2| 15e0| 1400.00
3| 1900| 1600.00
4| 1900| 1600.00

NAME: t2_man_upshift_rpm ADDR: 558 UNT: RPM OWN: V CODE: astmur

EQN: E*4
Min expected manual lever dwnshft into top gear
Elements| HEX| RPM
1| 15e0| 1400.00
2| 15e0| 1400.00
3| 12c0| 1200.00
4| 12c0| 1200.00

NAME: t2_ratio_lookup_table ADDR: 560 UNT: RTO OWN: V CODE: astrlt

EQN: E*1024
Eaton Top2 8th,9th,10th transmission gear ratios
Elements| HEX| RTO
1| 0569| 1.3525
2| 0400| 1.0000
3| 02f7| 0.7412

NAME: t2_rtd_down_offset ADDR: 566 UNT: rpm OWN: V CODE: astrdo

EQN: E*4
RPM offset used to inc dwnsft pnt at high throttle
Elements| HEX| rpm
1| 0000| 0.00
2| 0000| 0.00
3| 00c8| 50.00
4| 00c8| 50.00

NAME: t2_split_diseng_time ADDR: 56E UNT: SEC OWN: V CODE: astspt

EQN: E*40
Maximum time allowed to disengage the splitter
Elements| HEX| SEC
1| 0078| 3.000
2| 0078| 3.000
3| 0078| 3.000
4| 0078| 3.000

NAME: tco_temperature ADDR: 576 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: tcotmp

EQN: (E+40)*14.4
tco temp as a function of a raw sensor value(cnts)
Sensor_val| HEX| ""
0.0| 0000| -40.00
64.0| 0000| -40.00
128.0| 0000| -40.00
192.0| 0000| -40.00
256.0| 0000| -40.00
320.0| 0000| -40.00
384.0| 0000| -40.00
448.0| 0000| -40.00
512.0| 0000| -40.00
576.0| 0000| -40.00
640.0| 0000| -40.00
704.0| 0000| -40.00
768.0| 0000| -40.00
832.0| 0000| -40.00
896.0| 0000| -40.00
960.0| 0000| -40.00
1024.0| 0000| -40.00
NAME: temperature_conv ADDR: 598 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: tconv
EQN: (E+40)*14.4
Temperature look-up table to conv counts to degC
Sensor_val| HEX| ""
0.0| 0d80| 200.00
32.0| 0a68| 145.00
64.0| 08f4| 119.17
96.0| 0818| 103.89
128.0| 0780| 93.33
160.0| 070c| 85.28
192.0| 06ab| 78.54
224.0| 0658| 72.78
256.0| 0612| 67.92
288.0| 05d0| 63.33
320.0| 0596| 59.31
352.0| 055f| 55.49
384.0| 052b| 51.88
416.0| 04fa| 48.47
448.0| 04cd| 45.35
480.0| 04a1| 42.29
512.0| 0475| 39.24
544.0| 044a| 36.25
576.0| 041f| 33.26
608.0| 03f5| 30.35
640.0| 03ca| 27.36
672.0| 039e| 24.31
704.0| 0373| 21.32
736.0| 0343| 17.99
768.0| 0312| 14.58
800.0| 02df| 11.04
832.0| 02a6| 7.08
864.0| 0269| 2.85
896.0| 0221| -2.15
928.0| 01cb| -8.13
960.0| 015e| -15.69
992.0| 00a8| -28.33
1024.0| 0000| -40.00

NAME: turbo_overboost_fault_press ADDR: 5DA UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

tbobfp EQN: E*2.31985
Max boost prs before ovrbst fault becomes present
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 03a1| 400.46
300.0| 03a1| 400.46
450.0| 03a1| 400.46
600.0| 03a1| 400.46
750.0| 03a1| 400.46
900.0| 03a1| 400.46
1050.0| 03a1| 400.46
1200.0| 03a1| 400.46
1350.0| 03a1| 400.46
1500.0| 03a1| 400.46
1650.0| 03a1| 400.46
1800.0| 03a1| 400.46
1950.0| 03a1| 400.46
2100.0| 03a1| 400.46
2250.0| 03a1| 400.46
2400.0| 03a1| 400.46
2550.0| 03a1| 400.46

NAME: turbo_overspeed_fault_tcrpm ADDR: 5FC UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

tbosfs EQN: E/128
max turbo speed RPM before overspd fault present
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 03e4| 127488.0
300.0| 03e4| 127488.0
450.0| 03e4| 127488.0
600.0| 03e4| 127488.0
750.0| 03e4| 127488.0
900.0| 03e4| 127488.0
1050.0| 03e4| 127488.0
1200.0| 03e4| 127488.0
1350.0| 03e4| 127488.0
1500.0| 03e4| 127488.0
1650.0| 03e4| 127488.0
1800.0| 03e4| 127488.0
1950.0| 03e4| 127488.0
2100.0| 03e4| 127488.0
2250.0| 03e4| 127488.0
2400.0| 03e4| 127488.0
2550.0| 03e4| 127488.0

NAME: upc_6n4m ADDR: 61E UNT: DEC OWN: B CODE: pc6n4m

6N4M UPC codes for 4 Horsepower Ratings
Elements| HEX| DEC
1| 1c3e| 7230.0
2| 1c3f| 7231.0
3| 1c40| 7232.0
4| 1c41| 7233.0

NAME: vnt_deriv_gain ADDR: 626 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: vntdgn

EQN: E*10000
derivative gain for intake boost pressure ctrl
unitless| HEX| ""
-160.0| 0000| 0.00000
-120.0| 0000| 0.00000
-80.0| 0000| 0.00000
-40.0| 0000| 0.00000
0.0| 0000| 0.00000
40.0| 0000| 0.00000
80.0| 0000| 0.00000
120.0| 0000| 0.00000
160.0| 0000| 0.00000

NAME: vnt_integ_gain ADDR: 638 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: vntign

EQN: E*40000
integral gain for intake boost pressure ctrl
unitless| HEX| ""
-160.0| 0000| 0.000000
-120.0| 0000| 0.000000
-80.0| 0000| 0.000000
-40.0| 0000| 0.000000
0.0| 0000| 0.000000
40.0| 0000| 0.000000
80.0| 0000| 0.000000
120.0| 0000| 0.000000
160.0| 0000| 0.000000

NAME: vnt_prop_gain ADDR: 64A UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: vntpgn

EQN: E*10000
proportional gain for intake boost pressure ctrl
unitless| HEX| ""
-160.0| 0000| 0.00000
-120.0| 0000| 0.00000
-80.0| 0000| 0.00000
-40.0| 0000| 0.00000
0.0| 0000| 0.00000
40.0| 0000| 0.00000
80.0| 0000| 0.00000
120.0| 0000| 0.00000
160.0| 0000| 0.00000


acs_torque_limit_rpm 65C 2500.0 RPM 09c4 E E
actlrp ratedRPM=MIN(dtlrpm,actlrp) if DinX=14 & Gnd
actual_torque_scaling 65E 2436.4 N*m 0705 E/1.3558 B
ztqscl max TRQ of engine family-ref for all internal TRQs
air_boi_adv_max 660 39.03 dgC 0472 (E+40)*14.4 B
airmax max AIRBOI temp w/ 16 steps from AIRMIN to AIRMAX
air_boi_adv_min 662 -9.03 dgC 01be (E+40)*14.4 B
airmin min AIRBOI temp w/ 16 steps from AIRMIN to AIRMAX
air_comp_int_gain 664 1.56 RPM 0005 E*3.2 O
pgsig Air Comp press gov integral gain in RPM/(PSI*SEC)
air_comp_prop_gain 666 32.000 RPM 1000 E*128 O
pgspg Air Comp pressure gov proportional gain in RPM/PSI
air_high_temp_ss 668 244.38 dgC 0fff (E+40)*14.4 B
arhtss air temp > arhtss + boisst : use BOISSR
air_low_temp_ss 66A -40.00 dgC 0000 (E+40)*14.4 B
arltss air temp < arltss - boisst : use BOISSR
air_temp_fan_off 66C 55.00 dgC 0558 (E+40)*14.4 E
atoff air temp < atoff to turn FanCntrl#1 off
air_temp_fan1_on 66E 65.97 dgC 05f6 (E+40)*14.4 E
atf1on AirTmp>ATF1ON for single/.5 dual/high speed FANs
air_temp_fan2_on 670 62.99 dgC 05cb (E+40)*14.4 E
atf2on AirTmp>ATF2ON to enable low speed of dual spd FAN
air_temp_high_to_low 672 52.01 dgC 052d (E+40)*14.4 V
athilo Air Temp for switch from hi to lo fan speed
air_to_charge_delta 674 30.00 dgC 01b0 E*14.4 V
atsdel AmbTemp=Inlet-(Oil-Inlet)*ATSDEL/100dgF w/o sensor
air_tq_reduction_max_airt 676 250.00 dgC 1050 (E+40)*14.4 E
atxtmp Air Temp > ATXTMP for max AIR TEMP TQ LIMITING
air_tq_reduction_max_rpm 678 2250.00 RPM 2328 E*4 B
air_tq_reduction_min_airt 67A 250.00 dgC 1050 (E+40)*14.4 E
atntmp Air Temp > ATNTMP for min AIR TEMP TQ LIMITING
air_tq_reduction_min_rpm 67C 300.00 RPM 04b0 E*4 B
avtq_filterconst 67E 0.1992 % @ 0033 E*256 V
avtqfc newAVTQ=oldAVTQ+avtqfc*(LstCylFrFTQ/MAXTQ-oldAVTQ)
air_temp_leadlag_k1 680 0.819000 %@1S d1aa E*65536 V
atllk1 lead/lag filter constants @1sec to compnsate for..
air_temp_leadlag_k2 682 6.00000 %@1S 6000 E*4096 V
atllk2 ..plastic AirTemp Sensor slow response time...
air_temp_leadlag_k3 684 5.81909 %@1S 5d1b E*4096 V
atllk3 ..AirTmp=K1*LastAirTmp+K2*A/DAirTmp-K3*LastA/DAirT
atp_rpm_factor 686 1960.00 "" 1ea0 E*4 B
atpdiv Scaling factor used in rescaling ATP
aux_temp_tq_correction_pid 688 0.0 PID 0000 E B
axttcp Temp. used for AXTTQC lookup axis
axle_ratio 68A 2.790 RTO 0117 E*100 D
axlrat VSS: Axle ratio
bar_boi_adv_max 68C 94.40 KPA 00db E*2.31985 V
barmax max BARBOI kpa w/ 16 steps from BARMIN to BARMAX
bar_boi_adv_min 68E 62.50 KPA 0091 E*2.31985 V
barmin min BARBOI kpa w/ 16 steps from BARMIN to BARMAX
baro_low_press_ss 690 0.00 KPa 0000 E*2.31985 B
brlpss baro < brlpss : use BOISSR
baro_max_rpm 692 750.00 RPM 0bb8 E*4 E
bpmxrp RPM<bpmxrp update calcd baro/AmbTmp if no sensors
baro_nox_1min_adv_max 694 80.00 dgC 06c0 (E+40)*14.4 V
bx1amx max value of BX1MLC temperature axis
baro_nox_1min_adv_min 696 0.00 dgC 0240 (E+40)*14.4 V
bx1amn min value of BX1MLC temperature axis
baro_nox_adj_high_thresh 698 220.70 kPa 0200 E*2.31985 V
bnshtr value < which BARBOI may be adjusted by bnaadj
baro_nox_adj_low_thresh 69A 79.75 kPa 00b9 E*2.31985 V
bnsltr value > which BARBOI may be adjusted by bnaadj
baro_nox_temp_weighting_pid0 69C 110.0 "" 006e E V
bxtwp0 eng temp PID used for baro advanced strategy
baro_nox_temp_weighting_pid1 69E 172.0 "" 00ac E V
bxtwp1 eng temp PID used for baro advanced strategy
boi_cold_adv_min 6A0 -9.03 dgC 01be (E+40)*14.4 V
boimin min CBOIAD temp w/ 16 steps from boimin to boimax
boi_cold_adv_max 6A2 39.03 dgC 0472 (E+40)*14.4 V
boimax max CBOIAD temp w/ 16 steps from boimin to boimax
boi_fudge_factor 6A4 1.0000 Mlt 0100 E*256 V
bimult Final BOI = bimult * Provisional BOI
boi_temp_weighting_pid0 6A6 175.0 PID 00af E V
boipd0 1st temperature PID used for CBOIAD temp weighting
boi_temp_weighting_pid1 6A8 172.0 PID 00ac E V
boipd1 2nd temperature PID used for CBOIAD temp weighting
boic_high_temp_ss 6AA 244.38 dgC 0fff (E+40)*14.4 B
boicht cold temp > boicht + boisst : use BOISSR
boic_low_temp_ss 6AC -40.00 dgC 0000 (E+40)*14.4 B
boiclt cold temp < boiclt - boisst : use BOISSR
boost_max_rpm 6AE 800.00 RPM 0c80 E*4 V
tbwrpm RPM < tbwrpm to log turbo boost sensor failed high
cc_ftmode_prop_gain 6B0 0.750 R/P 0060 E*128 O
ftppg fire truck pressure governor proportional gain
cc_mph_ramprate 6B2 2.0000 M/S 0200 E*256 V
ccrmph cruise control resum/accel ramp rate in MPH / sec
cc_pto_init_rpm 6B4 1000.00 RPM 0fa0 E*4 D
ccptrp PTO: Initial Cruise Switch PTO RPM set point
cc_rpm_minimum 6B6 1000.00 RPM 0fa0 E*4 E
ccminr RPM > ccminr to enable cruise control
clock_max_jump 6B8 31.0 Day 001f E V
clktoo min clock forward jump in days to log error
comp_bleed_max_cbv_dp 6BA -1.7 kPa ffffffff E/1.72425 B
cbvmdp max diff press across Turbo cbv to let valve open
comp_bleed_max_rpm 6BC 4095.75 RPM 3fff E*4 B
cbvrpm RPM above which CBV will be forced off
comp_bleed_rpm_hyst 6BE 0.00 RPM 0000 E*4 B
cbvhst RPM < cbvrpm=cbvhys to allow CBV logic to operate
cool_boi_adv_max 6C0 60.00 dgC 05a0 (E+40)*14.4 B
colmax max COLBOI temp w/ 16 steps from COLMIN to COLMAX
cool_boi_adv_min 6C2 -9.03 dgC 01be (E+40)*14.4 B
colmin min COLBOI temp w/ 16 steps from COLMIN to COLMAX
cool_high_temp_ss 6C4 244.38 dgC 0fff (E+40)*14.4 B
clhtss cool temp > clhtss + boisst : use BOISSR
cool_low_temp_ss 6C6 -40.00 dgC 0000 (E+40)*14.4 B
clltss cool temp < clltss - boisst : use BOISSR
cool_temp_fan1_on 6C8 97.99 dgC 07c3 (E+40)*14.4 E
ctf1on CoolTmp>CTF1ON for single/.5 dual/hi speed FANs
cool_temp_fan2_on 6CA 95.97 dgC 07a6 (E+40)*14.4 E
ctf2on CoolTmp>CTF2ON to enable low speed of 2 speed FAN
cool_temp_fan_off 6CC 92.01 dgC 076d (E+40)*14.4 E
ctoff coolant temp < ctoff to turn FanOut#1 and #2 off
cool_temp_high_to_low 6CE 87.99 dgC 0733 (E+40)*14.4 V
cthilo Cool Temp for switch from hi to lo fan speed
cool_temp_leadlag_k1 6D0 0.779007 %@1 c76d E*65536 V
ctllk1 lead/lag filter constants @1sec to compnsate for..
cool_temp_leadlag_k2 6D2 2.50000 %@1 2800 E*4096 V
ctllk2 ...Coolant Temp sensor slow response time ...
cool_temp_leadlag_k3 6D4 2.27905 %@1 2477 E*4096 V
ctllk3 ..CltTmp=K1*LastCltTmp+K2*A/DCltTmp-K3*LastA/DCltT
db_temp_disable 6D6 -12.01 dgC 0193 (E+40)*14.4 E
dbtdis DYNAMIC BRAKING not allowed until AirTmp>DBTEN, ..
db_temp_enable 6D8 -9.03 dgC 01be (E+40)*14.4 E
dbten ..then allowed until AirTemp<DBTDIS
default_fuel_temp 6DA 30.00 dgC 03f0 (E+40)*14.4 V
dffute default fuel temp if no sensor
default_oil_temp 6DC 80.00 dgC 06c0 (E+40)*14.4 V
dfolte default oil temp if no sensor
digital_torque_limit_rpm 6DE 2500.0 RPM 09c4 E B
dtlrpm ratedRPM=MIN(dtlrpm,actlrp) if DinX=14 & Gndd
active_diagnostic_enable_F3 6E0 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT F3: set for stuck high diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_A2 6E0.1 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT A2: set for stuck high diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_W3 6E0.2 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT W3: set for stuck high diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_X3 6E0.3 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT X3: set for stuck high diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_Y3 6E0.4 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT Y3: set for stuck high diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_A1 6E0.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT A1: set for stuck high diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_S3 6E1.2 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT S3: set for stuck LOW diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_T3 6E1.3 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT T3: set for stuck LOW diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_B2 6E1.4 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT B2: set for stuck high diagnostics
active_diagnostic_enable_B1 6E1.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
# OUT B1: set for stuck high diagnostics
driver_diagnostic_disable_F3 6E2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_A2 6E2.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_W3 6E2.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_X3 6E2.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_Y3 6E2.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_A1 6E2.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_S3 6E3.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_T3 6E3.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_B2 6E3.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
driver_diagnostic_disable_B1 6E3.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# Disables internal driver diagnostics - High Side
passive_diagnostic_enable_F3 6E4 0.0 Flg 0 E E
# OUT F3: set for stuck low diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_A2 6E4.1 0.0 Flg 0 E E
# OUT A2: set for stuck low diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_W3 6E4.2 0.0 Flg 0 E E
# OUT W3: set for stuck low diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_X3 6E4.3 0.0 Flg 0 E E
# OUT X3: set for stuck low diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_Y3 6E4.4 0.0 Flg 0 E E
# OUT Y3: set for stuck low diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_A1 6E4.5 0.0 Flg 0 E E
# OUT A1: set for stuck low diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_S3 6E5.2 1.0 Flg 1 E E
# OUT S3: set for stuck HIGH diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_T3 6E5.3 1.0 Flg 1 E E
# OUT T3: set for stuck HIGH diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_B2 6E5.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# OUT B2: set for stuck low diagnostics-load req'd
passive_diagnostic_enable_B1 6E5.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
# OUT B1: set for stuck low diagnostics-load req'd
polarity_invert_F3 6E6 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT F3: set to sink current when OFF else when ON
polarity_invert_A2 6E6.1 1.0 Flg 1 E O
# OUT A2: set to sink current when OFF else when ON
polarity_invert_W3 6E6.2 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT W3: set to sink current when OFF else when ON
polarity_invert_X3 6E6.3 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT X3: set to sink current when OFF else when ON
polarity_invert_Y3 6E6.4 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT Y3: set to sink current when OFF else when ON
polarity_invert_A1 6E6.5 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT A1: set to sink current when OFF else when ON
polarity_invert_S3 6E7.2 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT S3: set to SOURCE current when OFF else whn ON
polarity_invert_T3 6E7.3 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT T3: set to SOURCE current when OFF else whn ON
polarity_invert_B2 6E7.4 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT B2: set to sink current when OFF else when ON
polarity_invert_B1 6E7.5 0.0 Flg 0 E O
# OUT B1: set to sink current when OFF else when ON
door_offset_initial 6E8 80.0 A/D 0050 E V
tbofst initial blower bypass door position offset
double_rpm 6EA 0.00 RPM 0000 E*4 V
dblrpm RPM>DBLRPM+DBLENB to calc PW every other cyl/0=off
egr_temp_leadlag_k1 6EC 0.000000 "" 0000 E*65536 B
egrlk1 EGR temp lead/lag filter parameter 1
egr_temp_leadlag_k2 6EE 0.00000 "" 0000 E*4096 B
egrlk2 EGR temp lead/lag filter parameter 2
egr_temp_leadlag_k3 6F0 0.00000 "" 0000 E*4096 B
egrlk3 EGR temp lead/lag filter parameter 3
engine_over_speed_disable 6F2 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 E
rpmdfl rpm at which rpm high war lamp is turned off if on
engine_over_speed_enable 6F4 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 E
rpmefl rpm at which rpm high warning lamp is turned on
ess_break_tq_base_temp 6F6 90.00 dgC 0750 (E+40)*14.4 V
essbbt Base tmp used to inc. or dec. zero tq. estimate
ess_high_range_clutch_btw_rpm 6F8 1400.00 RPM 15e0 E*4 V
esshrc If abov whn cltchng to neut swtch tran to hgh rng
ess_high_range_neutral_bnd_rpm 6FA 1800.00 RPM 1c20 E*4 V
esshrn If abov whn coasting in neut swtch tran to hgh rng
ess_ideal_engine_rpm 6FC 1400.00 RPM 15e0 E*4 V
essier Ideal RPM used for second chance gear selection
ess_low_range_clutched_btw_rpm 6FE 1200.00 RPM 12c0 E*4 V
esslrc If belw whn cltchng to neut swtch tran to low rng
ess_low_range_neutral_bnd_rpm 700 1200.00 RPM 12c0 E*4 V
esslrn If belw whn coasting in neut swtch tran to low rng
ess_min_trans_rpm 702 63.00 "" 01f8 E*8 V
essmtr The minimum trans RPM needed for ESS functionality
ess_rpm_transition_rate 704 3000.0 RPM/ 012c E/10 V
essrtr Linear trans rate whn movng frm crrnt to reqst RPM
ess_sync_offset 706 -15.00 RPM ffffff88 E*8 V
essso Offset applied to synch. RPM to avoid tooth butt
ess_sync_protection_offset 708 20.00 RPM 00a0 E*8 V
essspo Aids synchrnzr cmpl a rng shft whn put in gr early
ether_pre_load_rpm 70A 1500.00 RPM 1770 E*4 V
eiplmx RPM>eiplmx to allow pre-load at next IGN on
ether_max_hysteresis 70C 200.00 RPM 0320 E*4 V
eimxhy ether injection reenabled when RPM < eimax-eimxhy
ether_min_hysteresis 70E 20.00 RPM 0050 E*4 V
eimnhy ether block inj disabled when RPM < eimin-eimnhy
ex_temp_leadlag_k1 710 0.000000 %@1S 0000 E*65536 V
exllk1 lead/lag filter constants @1sec to compnsate for..
ex_temp_leadlag_k2 712 1.00000 %@1S 1000 E*4096 V
exllk2 ... Exhaust Temp Sensor response time ...
ex_temp_leadlag_k3 714 0.00000 %@1S 0000 E*4096 V
exllk3 ..ExhTmp=K1*LastExhTmp+K2*A/DExhTmp-K3*LastA/DExhT
fan_air_threshold 716 60.97 dgC 05ae (E+40)*14.4 E
atfpwm (AirTemp-atfpwm) sets min FANPWM duty cycle
fan_coolant_threshold 718 84.03 dgC 06fa (E+40)*14.4 E
ctfpwm (CoolantTemp-ctfpwm) sets min FANPWM duty cycle
fan_cooler_threshold 71A 90.00 dgC 0750 (E+40)*14.4 E
itfpwm (InterClrTmp-itfpwm) sets min FANPWM duty cycle
fan_max_speed 71C 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 E
fanmax if RPM>fanmax then 2spd fan runs in 1:1 spd mode
fan_min_speed 71E 2400.00 RPM 2580 E*4 E
fanmin RPM<fanmin for 2spd fan to run in 1.4:1 spd mode
fan_oil_threshold 720 110.00 dgC 0870 (E+40)*14.4 E
otfpwm (OilTemp-otfpwm) sets min FANPWM duty cycle
fault_rpm_limit 722 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 V
dimxes RPM > dimxes to log an engine overspeed condition
base_air_boi_adv_max 724 155.56 dgC 0b00 (E+40)*14.4 B
boiamx max BASBOI temp w/ 16 steps from AIRMIN to AIRMAX
base_air_boi_adv_min 726 -40.00 dgC 0000 (E+40)*14.4 B
boiamn min BASBOI temp w/ 16 steps from AIRMIN to AIRMAX
filtq_neg_filt_const 728 0.0068 "" 0007 E*1024 V
fltnfc filt const if final tq is less than currnt filt tq
filtq_pos_filt_const 72A 0.0068 "" 0007 E*1024 V
fltpfc filt const if final tq is > than curnt filt tq
fire_mode_rpm_delta 72C 400.00 RPM 0640 E*4 V
ftprpd Press Mode max allowable RPM increase from set RPM
fire_pump_press_analog_gain 72E 0.48877 "" 03e9 E*2048 V
fwppag if set, gain used to bcast aux water pump pressure
fire_pump_press_analog_offset 730 -102.0 A/D ffffff9a E V
fwppao if fwppag set, offset used to bcast aux water p p
firpm_filterconst 732 500.00 RPM 07d0 E*4 V
fimgc RPM ratio filter constant: K=fimgc/RPM
fphi_max_rpm 734 610.00 RPM 0988 E*4 V
fpwrpm RPM < fpwrpm to log fuel press sensor failed high
fphi_min_oil_temp 736 30.00 dgC 03f0 (E+40)*14.4 V
fpwmot oiltemp > fpwmot to log fuel press sensor fail hi
fuel_boi_adv_max 738 70.97 dgC 063e (E+40)*14.4 V
fulmax max FULBOI temp w/ 16 steps from FULMIN to FULMAX
fuel_boi_adv_min 73A 7.01 dgC 02a5 (E+40)*14.4 V
fulmin min FULBOI temp w/ 16 steps from FULMIN to FULMAX
fuel_temp_leadlag_k1 73E 0.000000 %@1S 0000 E*65536 V
ftllk1 lead/lag filter constants @1sec to compnsate for..
fuel_temp_leadlag_k2 740 1.00000 %@1S 1000 E*4096 V
ftllk2 .. Fuel Temp Sensor response time ...
fuel_temp_leadlag_k3 742 0.00000 %@1S 0000 E*4096 V
ftllk3 ..FulTmp=K1*LastFulTmp+K2*A/DFulTmp-K3*LastA/DFulT
fueling_rpm_limit 744 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 V
maxrpm RPM > maxrpm then no fuel
gear_ratio_tolerance 746 2.000 RPM/ 0100 E*128 B
dpgrt Allowed variation in gear ratio for a given gear
glowplugs_comp_voltage 748 14.000 VLT 08c0 E*160 E
gpbat glowplug Vbat comp:%DC=min(1,(gpbat/Vbatt)^2)*100%
glowplugs_max_temp 74A 70.97 dgC 063e (E+40)*14.4 V
gptemp OilTemp>gptemp & FTQ & Timer for glow plugs OFF
gov_gainnorm_filterconst 74C 0.1016 % @ 001a E*256 V
gvgnfc GOV gain normalization filter constant @ 25msec
gov_gainnorm_nom_rpm 74E 2000.00 RPM 1f40 E*4 V
gvnmrp GOV gain normalization nominal RPM: =RPM/gvnmrp
gov_lag_filterconst 750 2.0000 % @ 0200 E*256 V
gvlgfc governor lag filter constant @ 1 sec interval
halfeng_max_temp_opt1 752 12.50 dgC 02f4 (E+40)*14.4 V
hemxt1 temp > which to exit half eng mode if heenb set
high_alt_minimum_rpm 754 4095.75 RPM 3fff E*4 V
hamnrp min RPM at which HIGH ALTITUDE TQ limiting allowed
high_alt_rpm_limit 756 2100.00 RPM 20d0 E*4 V
harpmx RPM at which max HIGH ALTITUDE TQ limiting occurs
high_cool_prs_max_rpm 758 1800.00 RPM 1c20 E*4 V
cpmrpm RPM<cpmrpm for coolant press sensor failed high
high_oilp_max_rpm 75A 800.00 RPM 0c80 E*4 V
opwrpm RPM < opwrpm to log oil press sensor failed high
high_oilp_min_oilt 75C 80.00 dgC 06c0 (E+40)*14.4 V
opwmot oiltemp > opwmot to log oil press sensor fail hi
idle_gov_disable_delta 75E 200.00 RPM 0320 E*4 V
idldsb RPM above idle at which idle governor disabled
idle_gov_enable_delta 760 50.00 RPM 00c8 E*4 V
idlenb RPM above idle at which idle governor re-enabled
idle_shut_max_ambt 762 75.00 dgC 0678 (E+40)*14.4 D
isathi for IDLE SHUTDOWN Override: AmbientTemp>ISATHI ...
idle_shut_min_ambt 764 75.00 dgC 0678 (E+40)*14.4 D
isatlo ... .AND. AmbientTemp<ISATLO ...
idle_shut_top_ambt 766 80.00 dgC 06c0 (E+40)*14.4 V
isomxt ... .AND. AmbientTemp<ISOMXT (ATS tamper protectn)
idle_shut_min_oilt 768 40.00 dgC 0480 (E+40)*14.4 V
istmp oiltemp > estmp to allow idle shutdown
idle_speed_lower 76A 600.00 RPM 0960 E*4 E
idlmin Lower limit on idle speed
idle_speed_offset 76C 0.00 RPM 0000 E*4 D
idlofs Customer settable adjustment to idle speed
idle_speed_upper 76E 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 O
idlmax Upper limit on idle speed
idle_timeout 770 600.0 SEC 0258 E D
istim IDLE SHUTDOWN time in seconds
idle_warn_time 772 90.0 SEC 005a E V
iswntm IDLE SHUTDOWN Override Warning time-secs CEL flash
inj_cal_nominal_rpm 774 2000.00 RPM 1f40 E*4 V
inmrpm InjCal RPM compensation: InjCal=InjCal*RPM/inmrpm
injector_detect_delay 776 60.0 uSC 0078 E*2 V
irtdly constant delay from actual closure to detection
injector_min_oiltemp 778 30.00 dgC 03f0 (E+40)*14.4 V
rtotmp oiltemp > rtotmp to log rise time too long
injector_min_voltage 77A 11.00 VLT 00b0 E*16 V
rtbat battery volts > rtbat to log RT too short or long
injector_turnoff_delay 77C 0.0000 MSC 0000 E*1000 V
itohlt delay from elect. turn-off to actual end of injctn
injector_upper_limit 77E 1600.0 uSC 0c80 E*2 V
irtcap max actual and max default risetime in MSECs
irt_min_pulse_time 780 200.0 uSC 0190 E*2 V
irtmpt FPW>IRTMPT for RespTime faults & updates
jake_disable_delta 782 200.00 RPM 0320 E*4 V
jbdoff delta RPM above idle at which jake brakes disabled
jake_enable_delta 784 250.00 RPM 03e8 E*4 V
jbdon delta RPM above idle at which jakes reenabled
jake_error_rpm 786 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 V
jberpm RPM > jberpm to log jake brake overspeed code
low_gear_hysteresis 788 0.047 R/M 0006 E*128 V
trlhys Act gr rat< trlrat-trlhys to disble lw gr TQ limtg
low_gear_threshold 78A 300.000 R/M 9600 E*128 V
trlrat Act gr rat > trlrat for low gr TQ limitg to trllim
low_gear_torque_limit_ft_lb 78C 65535.0 Ft-l ffff E O
lgtqlm Max torque when low gear torque limiting enabled
low_range_ratio 78E 3.89014 RTO 1f1f E*2048 O
esslrr Low range ratio for ESS transmission type
max_ether_rpm 790 1500.00 RPM 1770 E*4 V
eimax RPM<eimax for ether block OR pre-load injection
max_pulse_width 792 40.0000 DEG 2800 E*256 V
maxpw max allowable pulse width before multiplier
max_rpm_droop 794 150.00 RPM 0258 E*4 V
maxdrp max allowable limiting speed droop
minimum_running_rpm 796 60.00 RPM 00f0 E*4 V
minrpm RPM < minrpm then engine not running
min_ether_rpm 798 60.00 RPM 00f0 E*4 V
eimin RPM > eimin for ether block injection
min_turbo_speed_sensed 79A 0.0 RPM 0000 E/128 V
mintss Minimum turbo speed needed to indicate valid TSS
mf_accel_rate_filterconst 79C 0.0098 "" 000a E*1024 B
mfacfc misfire rpm acceleration rate filter constant
mf_boi_filterconst 79E 0.0254 "" 001a E*1024 V
mfboif misfire BOI offset filter constant
mf_disable_temp 7A0 30.00 dgF 03f0 (E+40)*14.4 V
mfdist exit maj misfr whn weighted eng temp > mfdist
mf_major_accel_threshold 7A2 750.00 rpm/ 0bb8 E*4 B
mfmjat major misfire if accel rate > mfmjat
mf_minor_accel_exit 7A4 200.00 rpm/ 0320 E*4 V
mfmnae exit mnr misf whn mfmnde<accl rt<mfmnae for mfmnet
mf_minor_accel_threshold 7A6 300.00 rpm/ 04b0 E*4 B
mfmnat minor misfire if accel rate > mfmnat
mm_afrs_max_rpm 7A8 1500.00 RPM 1770 E*4 V
mmafmr RPM below which air filt. is dirty is AFRS>scldhi
mm_ofrs_min_engine_temp 7AA 71.11 dgC 0640 (E+40)*14.4 V
mmomnt Eng temp above which a drty oil filt can be detctd
noise_boi_cool_temp 7AC 65.00 dgC 05e8 (E+40)*14.4 B
nboict Minimum coolant temp to replace BOI with cal
noise_max_gear_ratio 7AE 140.000 Rto 4600 E*128 V
nmaxvr RPM/MPH < nmaxvr to enable noise control
noise_min_gear_ratio 7B0 40.000 Rto 1400 E*128 V
nminvr RPM/MPH > nminvr to enable noise control
noise_rpm_delta 7B2 100.00 RPM 0190 E*4 V
nrpdel noise cortrol RPM range = .67*ratedRPM +/- NRPDEL
noise_transition_gear_ratio 7B4 93.000 RPM/ 2e80 E*128 B
nctgr Noise cont trans gr rat to high gr distance
nox_adapt_coolant_temp 7B6 -40.00 dgC 0000 (E+40)*14.4 V
nxapct if ClntTmp<nxapct AND PkBrk then full NXDBOI adv
nox_adapt_virtual_gear 7B8 0.000 R/M 0000 E*128 B
nxvgav RPM/MPH < nxvgav then full NXDBOI advance
nox_filterconst 7BA 0.0088 % @ 0009 E*1024 V
nxapfc newAT=oldAT+nxapfc*(max(0,(deltaRPM/nxsmp))-oldAT)
nox_steady_lower_limit 7BC 8.50 R/S 0022 E*4 B
nxsll if NXASDY set AND ATP<nxsll then full NXDBOI adv
nox_steady_upper_limit 7BE 8.75 R/S 0023 E*4 B
nxsul if NXASDY set AND ATP>nxsul then no NXDBOI adv
nox_trans_lower_limit 7C0 4095.50 R/S 3ffe E*4 B
nxtll if NXATRN set AND ATP<nxtll then no NXDBOI adv
nox_trans_upper_limit 7C2 4095.75 R/S 3fff E*4 B
nxtul if NXATRN set AND ATP>nxtul then full NXDBOI adv
oi_ftq_filt_const 7C4 0.1992 % @ 0033 E*256 V
oiftfc OI TASSTQ filter: new=old+filt*(new-old) @ 25msec
oil_temp_fan1_on 7C6 112.99 dgC 089b (E+40)*14.4 E
otf1on OilTemp>OTF1ON for single/.5 dual/high spd FANs
oil_temp_fan2_on 7C8 110.00 dgC 0870 (E+40)*14.4 E
otf2on OilTemp>OTF2ON to enable low speed of 2 speed FAN
oil_temp_fan_off 7CA 104.03 dgC 081a (E+40)*14.4 E
otoff oil temp < otoff to turn FanOut#1+#2 off
otp_tlf_recovery_fconst 7CC 1.0000 unit 0400 E*1024 V
ottrfc dampens tco and exh temp tq limit recovery rampup
override_idle_rpm 7CE 450.00 RPM 0708 E*4 V
minorp min ESS idle override RPM for break torque
override_max_rpm 7D0 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 V
maxorp maximum requestable RPM from ABS or transmission
park_brake_adv_max 7D2 80.00 degC 06c0 (E+40)*14.4 V
pbadmx the max of park_brake_offset_boi table
park_brake_adv_min 7D4 0.00 degC 0240 (E+40)*14.4 V
pbadmn the min of park_brake_offset_boi table
park_brake_temp_weighting_pid0 7D6 110.0 unit 006e E V
pbtwp0 eng temp PID used for determ temp BOI advance
park_brake_temp_weighting_pid1 7D8 172.0 unit 00ac E V
pbtwp1 eng temp PID used for determ temp BOI advance
pss_range1_limit_rpm 7DA 1800.00 RPM 1c20 E*4 D
psrpm1 PROG SHIFT: RPM>psrpm1 to limit rate RPM rise rng1
pss_range1_max_rpm 7DC 1800.00 RPM 1c20 E*4 D
psmxr1 PROG SHIFT: max RPM allowed in range 1
pss_range1_rise_rate 7DE 33.0 R/S 0021 E V
psris1 PROG SHIFT: max rate of RPM rise in range 1
pss_range2_limit_rpm 7E0 1800.00 RPM 1c20 E*4 D
psrpm2 PROG SHIFT: RPM>psrpm2 to limit rate RPM rise rng2
pss_range2_max_rpm 7E2 1800.00 RPM 1c20 E*4 D
psmxr2 PROG SHIFT: max RPM allowed in range 2
pss_range2_rise_rate 7E4 25.0 R/S 0019 E V
psris2 PROG SHIFT: max rate of RPM rise in range 2
pss_range3_max_rpm 7E6 1800.00 RPM 1c20 E*4 D
psrpm3 PROG SHIFT: max RPM allowed in range 3
pto_alt_minimum_rpm 7E8 600.00 RPM 0960 E*4 D
ptmin2 alt min PTO setRPM selected by grounding DigIN #16
pto_gain_divisor 7EA 775.0 A/D 0307 E E
ptodiv PTO A/D counts from min to max PTO RPM
pto_droop 7EC 0.00 RPM 0000 E*4 D
ptodrp PTO: max no load RPM above rated speed in PTO mode
pto_maximum_rpm 7EE 1600.00 RPM 1900 E*4 D
ptmaxv maximum PTO set RPM
pto_minimum_rpm 7F0 600.00 RPM 0960 E*4 D
ptminv minimum PTO set RPM
pw_fudge_factor 7F2 1.0000 MLT 0100 E*256 F
pwmult Final PW = pwmult * Provisional PW (HP correction)
pw_routine_eoe_calc_latency 7F4 0.0 usec 0000 E V
pwelat calc latency from pw irq to eoe write to ASIC
rpm_droop 7F6 125.00 RPM 01f4 E*4 D
rpmdrp DROOP: max no load RPM above rated speed on TPS
rpm_gov_disable_delta 7F8 300.00 RPM 04b0 E*4 V
ergdsb (rated RPM-actual RPM)>ergdsb then RPM gov disabld
rpm_gov_enable_delta 7FA 250.00 RPM 03e8 E*4 V
ergenb (rated RPM-actual RPM)<ergenb then RPM gov enabled
rpm_table_min 7FC 150.0 RPM 0096 E V
rtblmn Minimum RPM column value for all RPM tables
runsignal_disable_rpm 7FE 60.00 RPM 00f0 E*4 E
rnsdsb STARTER INHIBIT: DOutX OFF until RPM>rnsenb, . . .
runsignal_enable_rpm 800 500.00 RPM 07d0 E*4 E
rnsenb STARTER INHIBIT: . .then DOutX ON until RPM<rnsdsb
sa_filter_constant 802 0.000549 %@1s 0012 E*32768 V
mpgfc FuelEcon MPG filter: new=old+fc*(inst-old) @ 1 sec
shutdn_coolant_temp 804 107.01 dgC 0845 (E+40)*14.4 E
discot coolant temp > discot then stop engine condition
shutdn_cylhead_temp 806 244.38 dgC 0fff (E+40)*14.4 V
discht cylinder head temp > discht then stop eng conditn
shutdn_ex_temp 808 565.00 dgC 2208 (E+40)*14.4 V
disext exhaust temp > disext then stop engine condition
shutdn_inner_temp 80A 99.03 dgC 07d2 (E+40)*14.4 E
disict InnerCooler Temp > DISICT then stop eng condition
shutdn_min_rpm 80C 2500.00 RPM 2710 E*4 E
sermin min PTO RPM during stop or slow engine condition
shutdn_oil_temp 80E 120.97 dgC 090e (E+40)*14.4 E
disolt oil temp > disolt then stop engine condition
shutdn_tco_temp 810 1097.71 dgC 3fff (E+40)*14.4 V
tcotth tco temp > tcotth then stop engine condition
shutdn_trans_temp 812 244.38 dgC 0fff (E+40)*14.4 V
distrt trans temp > distrt then stop engine condition
single_turbo_delay_min_boost 814 0.00 KPA 0000 E*2.31985 B
stdmb boost>stdmb then dtstd used to sw from dual to sgl
single_turbo_engrpm_hyst 816 50.00 RPM 00c8 E*4 V
sterhy hysteresis for switching from dual to single turbo
single_turbo_max_engrpm 818 4095.75 RPM 3fff E*4 B
stmxer max eng RPM before switching from single to dual
single_turbo_max_tcrpm 81A 0.0 RPM 0000 E/128 B
stmxtr Max turbo RPM before switching from single to dual
single_turbo_maxltq_min 81C 150.0 rpm 0096 E V
stmlmn Min rpm val usd to define range for stmxtq
single_turbo_smoke_cntl_tq_add 81E 0.000 %tq 0000 E*20.47 V
stscta if in single turbo mode add to episct
single_turbo_tcrpm_hyst 820 24960.0 RPM 00c3 E/128 V
strphy Turbo RPM hyst when switching from dual to single
snl_cel_fault_expiration_hours 822 0.0 hrs 0000 E V
snlfxh fault duration after which CEL/SNL turns on; 0=dis
snl_air_filter_diff_press 824 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlafp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID107
snl_ambient_air_temp 826 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlaat FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID171
snl_fire_pump_pressure 828 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlfpp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID173
snl_fmi_all_other_faults 82A 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlaof FMI CEL/SNL act bitmapping for all other faults
snl_fmi_backup_battery 82C 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlbpb FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for SID214
snl_fmi_barometric_pressure 82E 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlbrp FMI CEL/SNL lamp act. bitmapping for PID48 or 108
snl_fmi_battery_voltage 830 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlbtv FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID168
snl_fmi_boost_pressure 832 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlbsp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID102
snl_fmi_calibration_memory 834 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlclm FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for SID253
snl_fmi_coolant_level 836 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlcol FMI CEL/SNL lamp act. bitmapping for PID111 and 16
snl_fmi_coolant_pressure 838 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlcop FMI CEL/SNL lamp act. bitmapping for PID109 or 20
snl_fmi_coolant_temperature 83A 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlcot FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID110
snl_fmi_crankcase_pressure 83C 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlckp FMI CEL/SNL lamp act. bitmapping for PID101 or 153
snl_fmi_engine_speed 83E 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlens FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID190
snl_fmi_exhaust_backpressure 840 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlebp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID81
snl_fmi_exhaust_temperature 842 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlext FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID173
snl_fmi_fuel_pressure 844 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlflp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID94
snl_fmi_fuel_temperature 846 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlflt FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID174
snl_fmi_injection_pressure 848 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlijp FMI CEL/SNL lamp act. bitmapping for PID164
snl_fmi_injector_response_time 84A 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlirt FMI CEL/SNL lamp act. bitmapping for irt SIDs
snl_fmi_intercooler_clnt_temp 84C 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlict FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID52
snl_fmi_j1708_data_link 84E 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snljdl FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for SID250
snl_fmi_manifold_air_temp 850 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlmat FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID172
snl_fmi_manifold_pressure 852 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlmfp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID106
snl_fmi_oil_filter_diff_press 854 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlofp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID99
snl_fmi_oil_pressure 856 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlolp FMI CEL/SNL lamp act. bitmapping for PID100 or 19
snl_fmi_oil_temperature 858 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlolt FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID175
snl_fmi_percent_tps 85A 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlptp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID91
snl_fmi_proprietary_data_link 85C 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlpdl FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for SID248
snl_fmi_pto_set_speed 85E 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlpss FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID187
snl_fmi_pwm_1 860 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlpw1 FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for SID57
snl_fmi_pwm_2 862 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlpw2 FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for SID58
snl_fmi_pwm_3 864 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlpw3 FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for SID59
snl_fmi_srs_trs 866 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlsts FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for SID21
snl_fmi_turbo_speed 868 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snltrs FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID103
snl_fuel_filter_diff_press 86A 32767.0 bitm 7fff E V
snlffp FMI CEL/SNL lamp activation bitmapping for PID95
start_disable_delta 86C 0.00 RPM 0000 E*4 V
smiddl delta RPM above idle to switch start to run mode
start_enable_rpm 86E 300.00 RPM 04b0 E*4 V
smback RPM<smback then switch from run back to start mode
steady_egr_max_rpm 870 4095.75 rpm 3fff E*4 B
segrxr max engine speed for EGR win when in steady BOI
steady_egr_min_rpm 872 0.00 rpm 0000 E*4 B
segrnr min engine speed for EGR win when in steady BOI
steady_egr_rpm_hyst 874 0.00 rpm 0000 E*4 B
segrrh engine speed hyst for EGR win when in steady BOI
t2_dwn_timer_offset_rpm 876 200.00 RPM 0320 E*4 V
astdto Timer based RPM offset for anti-hunt after upshift
t2_hyst_dwn_rpm 878 50.00 RPM 00c8 E*4 V
asthdr RPM offset to reset downshift pts after an upshif
t2_hyst_up_rpm 87A 50.00 RPM 00c8 E*4 V
asthur RPM offset to reset upshift pts after a downshift
t2_min_output_spd 87C 10.00 RPM 0028 E*4 V
astmos Min output shaft speed to disable T2 when IGN OFF
t2_skid_limit 87E 1000.0 RPM/ 0064 E/10 V
astskl Deceleration limit to recognize a skid condition
t2_sync_time 880 3.000 SEC 0078 E*40 V
astsct Time allowed for confirming gear engagement
t2_up_timer_offset_rpm 882 100.00 RPM 0190 E*4 V
astuto RPM offset for anti-hunt after downshift
tas_crank_end_rpm 884 450.00 RPM 0708 E*4 V
tascer starter engaged until RPM>TASCER during auto-start
tas_crank_min_rpm 886 150.00 RPM 0258 E*4 V
tascmr RPM>TASCMR in secs<TASCRT to continue auto-start
tas_crank_voltage 888 12.2 VLT 007a E*10 V
tascvt Vbat<TASCVT for auto-start if ISD+interlocks+alarm
tas_idle_gallons_per_hour 88A 0.580 GPH 003a E*100 V
tasgph estimated fast idle fuel consumption in gal/hr
tas_min_brake_rpm 88C 10.00 RPM 0028 E*4 V
tasmbr Min RPM allowed with jakes on for OI eng shutdn
tas_min_shutdown_voltage 88E 12.5 VLT 007d E*10 V
tasmsv Vbat>TASMSV for IdleShutDown if cab+oil temp OK
tas_rpm_summer 890 1100.00 RPM 1130 E*4 V
tassum setRPM=TASSUM if ambtemp>TASTMP after auto-start
tas_rpm_winter 892 1100.00 RPM 1130 E*4 V
taswin setRPM=TASWIN if ambtemp<TASTMP after auto-start
tco_temp_leadlag_k1 894 0.000000 %@1S 0000 E*65536 V
tcolk1 lead/lag filter constants @1sec to compnsate for..
tco_temp_leadlag_k2 896 1.00000 %@1S 1000 E*4096 V
tcolk2 .. TCO Temp Sensor response time ...
tco_temp_leadlag_k3 898 0.00000 %@1S 0000 E*4096 V
tcolk3 ..TCOTmp=K1*LastTCOTmp+K2*A/DTCOTmp-K3*LastA/DTCOT
tooth_to_boe_min_time 89A 0.0 usec 0000 E B
iboemt calc latency time from tooth iterrupt to ASIC writ
top_gear_1_min_detect_time 89C 20.0 SEC 0014 E B
dptg1t Top gear minus 1 debounce time
trans_ret_cool_temp 89E 85.00 dgC 0708 (E+40)*14.4 E
trctmp CoolTmp>TRCTMP to enable FAN(s) w/ TRANs RTRDR ON
transmission_ratio 8A0 1.000 RTO 0064 E*100 D
trnrat VSS: Final drive ratio
turbo_fault_min_rpm 8A2 0.00 RPM 0000 E*4 V
tfmrpm min RPM to allow turbo overspeed/overboost fault
turbo_min_oilt 8A4 -40.00 dgC 0000 (E+40)*14.4 V
tboilt oil temp<tboilt fixed position for turbo/blwr byps
turbo_overboost_fault_hyst 8A6 3.88 KPA 0009 E*2.31985 V
tbobhy Boost pressure hyst to clear overboost fault
turbo_overboost_int_gain 8A8 0.598 %TQ/ 0042 E*110.343 V
tbobig turbo overboost integral gain
turbo_overboost_prop_gain 8AA 0.598 %TQ/ 0042 E*110.343 V
tbobpg turbo overboost proportional gain
turbo_overbst_max_press_delta 8AC 6.03 KPA 000e E*2.31985 V
tbobpd control turbo bst if turbo bst >= tbobpd + tbobfp
turbo_overspeed_fault_hyst 8AE 2944.0 RPM 0017 E/128 V
tboshy Turbo speed RPM hysteresis to clear overspd fault
turbo_overspeed_max_delta 8B0 2944.0 RPM 0017 E/128 V
tbosmd Turbo spd controlled if spd >= tbosmd + tbosfs
turbo_speed_boost_threshold 8B2 400.03 KPA 03a0 E*2.31985 V
tbspbt boost must be > tbspbt to determine if a TSS fault
twin_sync_max_diff 8B4 100.00 RPM 0190 E*4 V
twrpmd max RPM delta to allow exit from twin eng RPM sync
twin_sync_min_rpm 8B6 300.00 RPM 04b0 E*4 V
twminr RPM>twminr to allow twin engine RPM sync mode
upc_6n4c 8B8 125.0 DEC 007d E E
pc6n4c Calibration's 6N4C Application Code
upc_6n4d 8BA 7013.0 DEC 1b65 E B
pc6n4d 6N4D Engine Horsepower Family
upc_6n4r_r0 8BC 7230.0 DEC 1c3e E B
p6n4r0 6N4R Engine Horsepower Rating
upc_6n4r_r1 8BE 7231.0 DEC 1c3f E B
p6n4r1 6N4R Engine Horsepower Rating
upc_6n4r_r2 8C0 7232.0 DEC 1c40 E B
p6n4r2 6N4R Engine Horsepower Rating
upc_6n4s 8C2 6063.0 DEC 17af E B
pc6n4s 6N4S Shared calibrations
variable_speed_gov_off 8C4 100.0 CNTs 0064 E V
vsgoff VSG A/D counts to turn VSG active output off
variable_speed_gov_on 8C6 140.0 CNTs 008c E V
vsgdon VSG A/D counts to turn VSG active output on
vgr_filterconst 8C8 0.0195 % @ 0005 E*256 V
vrppfc virtual gear ratio filter constant
vnt_overall_gain 8CA 1.000 "" 0064 E*100 B
vntogn overall gain for boost and EGR PID ctrl algorithm
vnt_overspeed_deriv_gain 8CC 0.0000000 "" 0000 E*1000000 B
vnttdg derivative gain for turbo speed ctrl
vnt_overspeed_integ_gain 8CE 0.00000000 "" 0000 E*10000000 B
vnttig integral gain for turbo speed ctrl
vnt_overspeed_prop_gain 8D0 0.0000000 "" 0000 E*1000000 B
vnttpg proportional gain for turbo speed ctrl
vss_fail_detect_rpm 8D2 1500.00 RPM 1770 E*4 V
vsfes RPM>vsfes to log VSS failed code
vss_tamp_drpm 8D4 400.0 R/S 0190 E V
vsstdr RPM>vsstdr to reset VSS tampering logic
vss_tamp_drpm_filt 8D6 0.0508 Tau 000d E*256 V
vsstdf change in RPM filter constant for VSS tampering
vss_tamp_rpm_filt 8D8 0.1016 Tau 001a E*256 V
vsstrf RPM filter constant for VSS tampering
vss_tamp_spd_filt 8DA 0.1016 Tau 001a E*256 V
vsstsf VSS filter constant for VSS tampering
vss_tamp_vgr_capt_time 8DC 4.000 SEC 00a0 E*40 V
vsstct SECs after reset before capturing VGR,RPM,VSS data
vss_tamp_vgr_filt 8DE 0.1016 Tau 001a E*256 V
vsstvf VGR filter constant for VSS tampering
wheel_revs_per_mile 8E0 508.0 Revs 13d8 E*10 D
trrpmi VSS: Tire revs per mile

NAME: acs_digital_limit_torque ADDR: 8E2 UNT: "" OWN: E CODE: actqlt

EQN: E/60
TRQlim=MIN(TRQ,dtqlmt,actqlt) if DinX=14 & Gnd'd
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| ff| 15300.0
300.0| ff| 15300.0
450.0| ff| 15300.0
600.0| ff| 15300.0
750.0| ff| 15300.0
900.0| ff| 15300.0
1050.0| ff| 15300.0
1200.0| ff| 15300.0
1350.0| ff| 15300.0
1500.0| ff| 15300.0
1650.0| ff| 15300.0
1800.0| ff| 15300.0
1950.0| ff| 15300.0
2100.0| ff| 15300.0
2250.0| ff| 15300.0
2400.0| ff| 15300.0
2550.0| ff| 15300.0

NAME: air_temp_offset_boi ADDR: 8F3 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: airboi

EQN: E*4
delta BOI as a f(air temperature)
dgC| HEX| ""
-9.0| 22| 8.50
-6.0| 22| 8.50
-3.0| 20| 8.00
-0.0| 1e| 7.50
3.0| 1d| 7.25
6.0| 1c| 7.00
9.0| 1a| 6.50
12.0| 19| 6.25
15.0| 18| 6.00
18.0| 12| 4.50
21.0| 0d| 3.25
24.0| 08| 2.00
27.0| 00| 0.00
30.0| 00| 0.00
33.0| 00| 0.00
36.0| 00| 0.00
39.0| 00| 0.00


alternate_password 904 "0BDCPD" V
altpw Factory Password - used to recover lost password
anti_theft_password 90A " " V
atpass Anti-theft protection password

NAME: aux_temp_tq_correction ADDR: 911 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: axttqc

EQN: E*128
TQ correction based on temp. chosen by axttcp
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 80| 1.000
-27.8| 80| 1.000
-15.6| 80| 1.000
-3.3| 80| 1.000
8.9| 80| 1.000
21.1| 80| 1.000
33.3| 80| 1.000
45.6| 80| 1.000
57.8| 80| 1.000
70.0| 80| 1.000
82.2| 80| 1.000
94.4| 80| 1.000
106.7| 80| 1.000
118.9| 80| 1.000
131.1| 80| 1.000
143.3| 80| 1.000
155.6| 80| 1.000

NAME: baro_nox_1min_limit_col ADDR: 922 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: bx1mlc

EQN: E*255
1min load avg > which BARBOI may be adj by bnaadj
dgC| HEX| ""
0.0| ff| 1.0000
5.0| e5| 0.8980
10.0| d9| 0.8510
15.0| cc| 0.8000
20.0| bf| 0.7490
25.0| b2| 0.6980
30.0| 99| 0.6000
35.0| 8c| 0.5490
40.0| 80| 0.5020
45.0| 73| 0.4510
50.0| 66| 0.4000
55.0| 66| 0.4000
60.0| 66| 0.4000
65.0| 00| 0.0000
70.0| 00| 0.0000
75.0| 00| 0.0000
80.0| 00| 0.0000

NAME: baro_offset_boi ADDR: 933 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: barboi

EQN: E*4
delta BOI as a f(barometric pressure)
Baro-kPa| HEX| ""
62.5| 28| 10.00
64.5| 28| 10.00
66.5| 28| 10.00
68.5| 28| 10.00
70.5| 28| 10.00
72.5| 28| 10.00
74.5| 28| 10.00
76.5| 20| 8.00
78.5| 18| 6.00
80.4| 10| 4.00
82.4| 10| 4.00
84.4| 10| 4.00
86.4| 10| 4.00
88.4| 08| 2.00
90.4| 00| 0.00
92.4| 00| 0.00
94.4| 00| 0.00

NAME: base_vnt_boost ADDR: 944 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: bvntbs

EQN: E/1.72425
desired turbo boost pressure for base BOI op

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
R 900.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
P 1050.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
M 1200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 1350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 1650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1950.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: boi_cold_advance ADDR: 9DD UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: cboiad

EQN: E*4
BOI advance - function weighted air and oil temp
dgC| HEX| ""
-9.0| 22| 8.50
-6.0| 22| 8.50
-3.0| 20| 8.00
-0.0| 1e| 7.50
3.0| 1d| 7.25
6.0| 1c| 7.00
9.0| 1a| 6.50
12.0| 19| 6.25
15.0| 18| 6.00
18.0| 12| 4.50
21.0| 0d| 3.25
24.0| 08| 2.00
27.0| 00| 0.00
30.0| 00| 0.00
33.0| 00| 0.00
36.0| 00| 0.00
39.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: boost_sstate_output ADDR: 9EE UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: vntsso

EQN: E*2
ff ss %dc for VNT vanes during boost pressure ctrl

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
R 900.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
P 1050.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
M 1200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 1350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 1650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1950.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: grp_lockout_perms ADDR: A87 UNT: Flg OWN: O CODE: comgrp

bit mapped DDR feature reprogam lockout per 62T35
Elements| HEX| Flg
1| 00| 0.0
2| 00| 0.0
3| 00| 0.0
4| 00| 0.0

NAME: cool_temp_offset_boi ADDR: A8B UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: colboi

EQN: E*4
delta BOI as a f(coolant temperature)
dgC| HEX| ""
-9.0| 22| 8.50
-4.7| 22| 8.50
-0.4| 20| 8.00
3.9| 1e| 7.50
8.2| 1d| 7.25
12.5| 1c| 7.00
16.9| 1a| 6.50
21.2| 19| 6.25
25.5| 18| 6.00
29.8| 17| 5.75
34.1| 14| 5.00
38.4| 14| 5.00
42.7| 10| 4.00
47.1| 10| 4.00
51.4| 0c| 3.00
55.7| 08| 2.00
60.0| 00| 0.00


customer_password A9C "0000" V
cuspw 4 byte PASSWORD req'd to change Customer Option(s)

NAME: data_hub_mids ADDR: AA0 UNT: MIDs OWN: V CODE: hubmap

MIDs (values < 128) supported by Data Hub
Elements| HEX| MIDs
1| 00| 0.0
2| 00| 0.0
3| 00| 0.0
4| 00| 0.0
5| 00| 0.0
6| 00| 0.0
7| 00| 0.0
8| 00| 0.0
9| 00| 0.0
10| 00| 0.0
11| 00| 0.0
12| 00| 0.0
13| 00| 0.0
14| 00| 0.0
15| 00| 0.0
16| 00| 0.0
17| 00| 0.0
18| 00| 0.0
19| 00| 0.0
20| 00| 0.0
21| 00| 0.0
22| 00| 0.0
23| 00| 0.0
24| 00| 0.0
25| 00| 0.0
26| 00| 0.0
27| 00| 0.0
28| 00| 0.0
29| 00| 0.0
30| 00| 0.0
31| 00| 0.0
32| 00| 0.0

NAME: desired_boost ADDR: AC0 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: deskpf

EQN: (E-86.21)*1.15992
blwr bypass desired boost press. table f(RPM,load)

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2
305.2 305.2 305.2
X 300.0 | 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2
305.2 305.2 305.2
I 450.0 | 201.7 207.8 212.1 222.4 227.6 232.8
237.1 242.3 305.2
S 600.0 | 100.0 110.3 119.8 139.7 150.0 160.4
169.8 180.2 305.2
_ 750.0 | 100.0 110.3 119.8 139.7 150.0 160.4
172.4 185.4 305.2
R 900.0 | 100.0 110.3 119.8 139.7 150.0 160.4
175.0 189.7 305.2
P 1050.0 | 100.0 105.2 119.8 135.4 148.3 160.4
175.9 193.1 305.2
M 1200.0 | 100.0 100.0 119.8 130.2 145.7 160.4
176.7 195.7 305.2
_ 1350.0 | 100.0 100.0 114.7 122.4 135.4 149.1
166.4 183.6 305.2
1 1500.0 | 100.0 100.0 110.3 114.7 123.3 138.8
155.2 170.7 305.2
7 1650.0 | 100.0 100.0 107.8 114.7 127.6 142.2
160.4 175.9 305.2
1800.0 | 100.0 100.0 105.2 114.7 132.8 144.8
162.9 180.2 305.2
1950.0 | 100.0 100.0 105.2 119.8 131.9 152.6
172.4 214.7 305.2
2100.0 | 100.0 100.0 105.2 125.0 130.2 160.4
180.2 250.0 305.2
2250.0 | 201.7 201.7 205.2 214.7 217.3 231.9
242.3 277.6 305.2
2400.0 | 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2
305.2 305.2 305.2
2550.0 | 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2 305.2
305.2 305.2 305.2

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | fe fe fe fe fe fe
fe fe fe
X 300.0 | fe fe fe fe fe fe
fe fe fe
I 450.0 | 86 8d 92 9e a4 aa
af b5 fe
S 600.0 | 10 1c 27 3e 4a 56
61 6d fe
_ 750.0 | 10 1c 27 3e 4a 56
64 73 fe
R 900.0 | 10 1c 27 3e 4a 56
67 78 fe
P 1050.0 | 10 16 27 39 48 56
68 7c fe
M 1200.0 | 10 10 27 33 45 56
69 7f fe
_ 1350.0 | 10 10 21 2a 39 49
5d 71 fe
1 1500.0 | 10 10 1c 21 2b 3d
50 62 fe
7 1650.0 | 10 10 19 21 30 41
56 68 fe
1800.0 | 10 10 16 21 36 44
59 6d fe
1950.0 | 10 10 16 27 35 4d
64 95 fe
2100.0 | 10 10 16 2d 33 56
6d be fe
2250.0 | 86 86 8a 95 98 a9
b5 de fe
2400.0 | fe fe fe fe fe fe
fe fe fe
2550.0 | fe fe fe fe fe fe
fe fe fe

NAME: digital_limit_torque ADDR: B59 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: dtqlmt

EQN: E*2.55
TRQlim=MIN(TRQ,dtqlmt,actqlt) if DinX=14 & Gnd'd
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| ff| 100.00
300.0| ff| 100.00
450.0| ff| 100.00
600.0| ff| 100.00
750.0| ff| 100.00
900.0| ff| 100.00
1050.0| ff| 100.00
1200.0| ff| 100.00
1350.0| ff| 100.00
1500.0| ff| 100.00
1650.0| ff| 100.00
1800.0| ff| 100.00
1950.0| ff| 100.00
2100.0| ff| 100.00
2250.0| ff| 100.00
2400.0| ff| 100.00
2550.0| ff| 100.00

NAME: disable_ddec_pages ADDR: B6A UNT: N/A OWN: V CODE: dispag

2bit flgs to en/dis dtpgs 0=dis 1=en 2=ntusd 3=N/A
Elements| HEX| N/A
1| 75| 117.0
2| d5| 213.0
3| 57| 87.0
4| 57| 87.0
5| 5f| 95.0
6| ff| 255.0
7| 3f| 63.0
8| ff| 255.0
9| ff| 255.0
10| ff| 255.0


dp_offset_threshold B74 0.0 "" 00 E B
dpofth allowable range of DPOFDF

NAME: dvb_high_amp ADDR: B75 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: dvbhig

EQN: E*100
DVB current required for high braking as f(RPM)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 46| 0.700
300.0| 46| 0.700
450.0| 46| 0.700
600.0| 46| 0.700
750.0| 46| 0.700
900.0| 46| 0.700
1050.0| 46| 0.700
1200.0| 50| 0.800
1350.0| 50| 0.800
1500.0| 5a| 0.900
1650.0| 64| 1.000
1800.0| 6e| 1.100
1950.0| 78| 1.200
2100.0| 82| 1.300
2250.0| 69| 1.050
2400.0| 58| 0.880
2550.0| 50| 0.800
NAME: dvb_low_amp ADDR: B86 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: dvblow
EQN: E*100
DVB current required for low braking as f(RPM)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 46| 0.700
300.0| 46| 0.700
450.0| 46| 0.700
600.0| 46| 0.700
750.0| 46| 0.700
900.0| 46| 0.700
1050.0| 46| 0.700
1200.0| 46| 0.700
1350.0| 46| 0.700
1500.0| 46| 0.700
1650.0| 46| 0.700
1800.0| 46| 0.700
1950.0| 46| 0.700
2100.0| 50| 0.800
2250.0| 50| 0.800
2400.0| 50| 0.800
2550.0| 50| 0.800

NAME: dvb_med_amp ADDR: B97 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: dvbmed

EQN: E*100
DVB current required for med braking as f(RPM)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 46| 0.700
300.0| 46| 0.700
450.0| 46| 0.700
600.0| 46| 0.700
750.0| 46| 0.700
900.0| 46| 0.700
1050.0| 46| 0.700
1200.0| 41| 0.650
1350.0| 41| 0.650
1500.0| 41| 0.650
1650.0| 41| 0.650
1800.0| 41| 0.650
1950.0| 41| 0.650
2100.0| 46| 0.700
2250.0| 46| 0.700
2400.0| 46| 0.700
2550.0| 46| 0.700

NAME: exhaust_bp_limit ADDR: BA8 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: ebplim

EQN: E*2.31985
press over which ebp scaledhilimit fault is logged
Tq*RPM| HEX| ""
0.0| 27| 16.81
150.0| 27| 16.81
300.0| 27| 16.81
450.0| 27| 16.81
600.0| 27| 16.81
750.0| 27| 16.81
900.0| 27| 16.81
1050.0| 27| 16.81
1200.0| 27| 16.81
1350.0| 27| 16.81
1500.0| 27| 16.81
1650.0| 27| 16.81
1800.0| 27| 16.81
1950.0| 27| 16.81
2100.0| 27| 16.81
2250.0| 27| 16.81
2400.0| 27| 16.81

NAME: egr_air_temp_threshold ADDR: BB9 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egratt

EQN: (E+40)*0.9
base cal for intake air temp to disable EGR conden
Boost-kPa| HEX| ""
0.0| 00| -40.0
15.0| 00| -40.0
30.0| 00| -40.0
45.0| 00| -40.0
60.0| 00| -40.0
75.0| 00| -40.0
90.0| 00| -40.0
105.0| 00| -40.0
120.0| 00| -40.0
135.0| 00| -40.0
150.0| 00| -40.0
165.0| 00| -40.0
180.0| 00| -40.0
195.0| 00| -40.0
210.0| 00| -40.0
225.0| 00| -40.0
240.0| 00| -40.0

NAME: egr_clt_temp_threshold ADDR: BCA UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrctt

EQN: (E+40)*0.9
base cal for eng cool temp to disable EGR condens
Boost-kPa| HEX| ""
0.0| 00| -40.0
15.0| 00| -40.0
30.0| 00| -40.0
45.0| 00| -40.0
60.0| 00| -40.0
75.0| 00| -40.0
90.0| 00| -40.0
105.0| 00| -40.0
120.0| 00| -40.0
135.0| 00| -40.0
150.0| 00| -40.0
165.0| 00| -40.0
180.0| 00| -40.0
195.0| 00| -40.0
210.0| 00| -40.0
225.0| 00| -40.0
240.0| 00| -40.0

NAME: egr_desired_rate ADDR: BDB UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrdes

EQN: E*16
desired EGR flow rate for PID, f(eng speed, load)

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
X 300.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
I 450.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
S 600.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
_ 750.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
R 900.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
P 1050.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
M 1200.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
_ 1350.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
1 1500.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
7 1650.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
1800.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
1950.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2100.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2250.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2400.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2550.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: egr_min_boost ADDR: C74 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrmnb

EQN: E*1.15992
min allowable boost press when running EGR

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
R 900.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
P 1050.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
M 1200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 1350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 1650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1950.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
NAME: egr_rate_to_vane_pos ADDR: D0D UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrper
EQN: E*128
flow rate vs VNT vanes pos, f(eng speed, load)

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
X 300.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
I 450.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
S 600.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
_ 750.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
R 900.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
P 1050.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
M 1200.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
_ 1350.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
1 1500.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
7 1650.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
1800.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
1950.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
2100.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
2250.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
2400.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
2550.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: egr_sstate_output ADDR: DA6 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: egrsso

EQN: E*2
ff ss %dc for VNT vanes pos during EGR ctrl

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
R 900.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
P 1050.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
M 1200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 1350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 1650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1950.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: ess_break_tq_dither_amp_factor ADDR: E3F UNT: "" OWN: V CODE:

essbta EQN: E*16
Ampltd of RPM dthr func as a func of ovrall gr rat
Ratio| HEX| ""
0.0| 12| 1.13
5.0| 14| 1.25
10.0| 14| 1.25
15.0| 14| 1.25
20.0| 15| 1.31
25.0| 15| 1.31
30.0| 17| 1.44
35.0| 1a| 1.63
40.0| 1a| 1.63
45.0| 1a| 1.63
50.0| 1a| 1.63
55.0| 1a| 1.63
60.0| 1a| 1.63
65.0| 1a| 1.63
70.0| 1a| 1.63
75.0| 1a| 1.63
80.0| 1a| 1.63

NAME: ess_break_tq_dither_function ADDR: E50 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE:

essbtd EQN: E*64
Normalized func for one period to perf tq dither
Ratio| HEX| ""
0.0| 40| 1.000
6.3| 3b| 0.922
12.5| 2d| 0.703
18.8| 18| 0.375
25.0| 00| 0.000
31.3| ffffffe8| -0.375
37.5| ffffffd3| -0.703
43.8| ffffffc5| -0.922
50.0| ffffffc0| -1.000
56.3| ffffffc5| -0.922
62.5| ffffffd3| -0.703
68.8| ffffffe8| -0.375
75.0| 00| 0.000
81.3| 18| 0.375
87.5| 2d| 0.703
93.8| 3b| 0.922
100.0| 40| 1.000

NAME: ess_break_tq_filter_tau ADDR: E61 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: essbtt

EQN: E*256
Tau for filt tq trnstn as a func of overall gr rat
Ratio| HEX| ""
0.0| 03| 0.0117
5.0| 0a| 0.0391
10.0| 12| 0.0703
15.0| 1a| 0.1016
20.0| 1f| 0.1211
25.0| 21| 0.1289
30.0| 24| 0.1406
35.0| 26| 0.1484
40.0| 26| 0.1484
45.0| 29| 0.1602
50.0| 29| 0.1602
55.0| 29| 0.1602
60.0| 2c| 0.1719
65.0| 2c| 0.1719
70.0| 2e| 0.1797
75.0| 2e| 0.1797
80.0| 2e| 0.1797

NAME: ess_break_tq_period ADDR: E72 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: essbtp

EQN: E*40
Period of tq dthr as a func of overall gr ratio
Ratio| HEX| ""
0.0| 09| 0.225
5.0| 0c| 0.300
10.0| 10| 0.400
15.0| 14| 0.500
20.0| 18| 0.600
25.0| 18| 0.600
30.0| 18| 0.600
35.0| 1e| 0.750
40.0| 1e| 0.750
45.0| 1e| 0.750
50.0| 1e| 0.750
55.0| 1e| 0.750
60.0| 1e| 0.750
65.0| 1e| 0.750
70.0| 1e| 0.750
75.0| 1e| 0.750
80.0| 1e| 0.750

NAME: ess_rpm_tq_dither_amp_factor ADDR: E83 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE:

essrta EQN: E*16
Amplitude of RPM/TQ dither-function of gear ratio
Ratio| HEX| ""
0.0| 10| 1.00
5.0| 10| 1.00
10.0| 11| 1.06
15.0| 12| 1.13
20.0| 13| 1.19
25.0| 15| 1.31
30.0| 17| 1.44
35.0| 1a| 1.63
40.0| 1a| 1.63
45.0| 1a| 1.63
50.0| 1a| 1.63
55.0| 1a| 1.63
60.0| 1a| 1.63
65.0| 1a| 1.63
70.0| 1a| 1.63
75.0| 1a| 1.63
80.0| 1a| 1.63
NAME: ess_rpm_tq_dither_function ADDR: E94 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: essrtd
EQN: E*64
Periodic function of time for one oscillation
Ratio| HEX| ""
0.0| 00| 0.000
6.3| 20| 0.500
12.5| 2d| 0.703
18.8| 3a| 0.906
25.0| 40| 1.000
31.3| 3a| 0.906
37.5| 2d| 0.703
43.8| 20| 0.500
50.0| 00| 0.000
56.3| ffffffe0| -0.500
62.5| ffffffd3| -0.703
68.8| ffffffc6| -0.906
75.0| ffffffc0| -1.000
81.3| ffffffc6| -0.906
87.5| ffffffd3| -0.703
93.8| ffffffe0| -0.500
100.0| 00| 0.000

NAME: ess_rpm_tq_dither_period ADDR: EA5 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: essrtp

EQN: E*40
Period of the tq dither as function of gear ratio
Ratio| HEX| ""
0.0| 09| 0.225
5.0| 0c| 0.300
10.0| 10| 0.400
15.0| 14| 0.500
20.0| 18| 0.600
25.0| 18| 0.600
30.0| 18| 0.600
35.0| 1e| 0.750
40.0| 1e| 0.750
45.0| 1e| 0.750
50.0| 1e| 0.750
55.0| 1e| 0.750
60.0| 1e| 0.750
65.0| 1e| 0.750
70.0| 1e| 0.750
75.0| 1e| 0.750
80.0| 1e| 0.750

NAME: ess_torque_transition_rate ADDR: EB6 UNT: %tq/ OWN: V CODE: essttr

EQN: E/15.6863
Linear trnstion rate of mving currnt tq to tqlimit
Elements| HEX| %tq/Sec
1| 05| 78.4
2| 0a| 156.9

NAME: fan_pwm_output ADDR: EB8 UNT: "" OWN: E CODE: fanpwm

EQN: E*2
fanPWM%DC: degC=MAX(Air,Clt,IC,Oil Temp - ?TFPWM)
dgC| HEX| ""
0.0| 00| 0.0
1.1| 00| 0.0
2.2| 14| 10.0
3.3| 50| 40.0
4.4| a0| 80.0
5.6| c8| 100.0
6.7| c8| 100.0
7.8| c8| 100.0
8.9| c8| 100.0

NAME: friction_tq_loss_temp_factor ADDR: EC1 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

ftqltf EQN: E*50
friction_torque_loss temp based table multiplier
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 87| 2.700
-27.8| 87| 2.700
-15.6| 87| 2.700
-3.3| 87| 2.700
8.9| 83| 2.620
21.1| 5e| 1.880
33.3| 4f| 1.580
45.6| 45| 1.380
57.8| 3f| 1.260
70.0| 3b| 1.180
82.2| 37| 1.100
94.4| 34| 1.040
106.7| 32| 1.000
118.9| 32| 1.000
131.1| 32| 1.000
143.3| 32| 1.000
155.6| 32| 1.000

NAME: fuel_temp_offset_boi ADDR: ED2 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fulboi

EQN: E*4
delta BOI as a f(fuel temperature)
dgC| HEX| ""
7.0| 00| 0.00
11.0| 00| 0.00
15.0| 00| 0.00
19.0| 00| 0.00
23.0| 00| 0.00
27.0| 00| 0.00
31.0| 00| 0.00
35.0| 00| 0.00
39.0| 00| 0.00
43.0| 00| 0.00
47.0| 00| 0.00
51.0| 00| 0.00
55.0| 00| 0.00
59.0| 00| 0.00
63.0| 00| 0.00
67.0| 00| 0.00
71.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: friction_torque_loss ADDR: EE3 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: tqlost

EQN: E*2.55
engine's friction torque loss f(RPM)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 08| 3.14
300.0| 08| 3.14
450.0| 09| 3.53
600.0| 0a| 3.92
750.0| 0b| 4.31
900.0| 0c| 4.71
1050.0| 0d| 5.10
1200.0| 0f| 5.88
1350.0| 10| 6.27
1500.0| 12| 7.06
1650.0| 13| 7.45
1800.0| 15| 8.24
1950.0| 17| 9.02
2100.0| 18| 9.41
2250.0| 1a| 10.20
2400.0| 1b| 10.59
2550.0| 1c| 10.98

NAME: fuel_pressure_max ADDR: EF4 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: fphigh

EQN: E/6.897
fuel press>fphigh as f(RPM) to log code
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| ff| 1758.7
300.0| ff| 1758.7
450.0| ff| 1758.7
600.0| ff| 1758.7
750.0| ff| 1758.7
900.0| ff| 1758.7
1050.0| ff| 1758.7
1200.0| ff| 1758.7
1350.0| ff| 1758.7
1500.0| ff| 1758.7
1650.0| ff| 1758.7
1800.0| ff| 1758.7
1950.0| ff| 1758.7
2100.0| ff| 1758.7
2250.0| ff| 1758.7
2400.0| ff| 1758.7
2550.0| ff| 1758.7

NAME: fuel_pressure_min ADDR: F05 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fplow

EQN: E/6.897
fuel press<fplow as f(RPM) to log code
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.0
300.0| 00| 0.0
450.0| 00| 0.0
600.0| 06| 41.4
750.0| 0b| 75.9
900.0| 11| 117.2
1050.0| 16| 151.7
1200.0| 1a| 179.3
1350.0| 1f| 213.8
1500.0| 24| 248.3
1650.0| 28| 275.9
1800.0| 2d| 310.4
1950.0| 2d| 310.4
2100.0| 2d| 310.4
2250.0| 2d| 310.4
2400.0| 2d| 310.4
2550.0| 2d| 310.4


grp_lockout_passwd F16 "0000" V
lockpw factory password for COMGRP DDR reprogramg lockout

NAME: injector_calibrations ADDR: F1A UNT: CODE OWN: D CODE: injcal

encoded fuel output compensation for each INJECTOR
Elements| HEX| CODE
1| 34| 52.0
2| 3b| 59.0
3| 3c| 60.0
4| 2d| 45.0
5| 27| 39.0
6| 06| 6.0
7| 01| 1.0
8| 01| 1.0

NAME: injector_fudge_factors ADDR: F22 UNT: MLT OWN: V CODE: injfdg

EQN: E*128
a PW multiplier for each CYLINDER -NOT UNTIL R2.01
Elements| HEX| MLT
1| 80| 1.000
2| 80| 1.000
3| 80| 1.000
4| 80| 1.000
5| 80| 1.000
6| 80| 1.000
7| 80| 1.000
8| 80| 1.000

NAME: injector_max_allowed ADDR: F2A UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: irtmax

EQN: E/32
risetime>IRTMAX(Vbat)+irtdly to log risetime long
Volts| HEX| ""
0.0| ff| 8160.0
3.2| b9| 5920.0
6.4| 5e| 3008.0
9.6| 3b| 1888.0
12.8| 31| 1568.0
16.0| 2c| 1408.0
19.2| 2a| 1344.0
22.4| 28| 1280.0
25.6| 27| 1248.0
28.8| 26| 1216.0
32.0| 26| 1216.0
35.2| 25| 1184.0
38.4| 25| 1184.0
41.6| 24| 1152.0
44.8| 24| 1152.0
48.0| 24| 1152.0
51.2| 24| 1152.0

NAME: injector_min_allowed ADDR: F3B UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: irtmin

EQN: E/32
risetime<IRTMIN(Vbat)+irtdly to log risetime short
Volts| HEX| ""
0.0| 80| 4096.0
3.2| 5f| 3040.0
6.4| 3b| 1888.0
9.6| 1f| 992.0
12.8| 18| 768.0
16.0| 15| 672.0
19.2| 14| 640.0
22.4| 12| 576.0
25.6| 11| 544.0
28.8| 10| 512.0
32.0| 0f| 480.0
35.2| 0f| 480.0
38.4| 0e| 448.0
41.6| 0e| 448.0
44.8| 0d| 416.0
48.0| 0d| 416.0
51.2| 0d| 416.0


injector_password F4C "0000" V
injpw Injector Password req'd to change Inj Cal Codes

NAME: j1939_engine_torque_modes ADDR: F50 UNT: MID OWN: V CODE: jhietm

J1939: device IDs allowed to command engine
Elements| HEX| MID
1| 06| 6.0
2| 00| 0.0

NAME: j1939_retarder_torque_modes ADDR: F52 UNT: MID OWN: V CODE:

jhirtm EQN: E
J1939: device IDs allowed to command retarder
Elements| HEX| MID
1| 06| 6.0
2| 00| 0.0

NAME: j1939_tsc1_sources ADDR: F54 UNT: ADR OWN: V CODE: jhitss

J1939: source addr for TSC1 eng/rtrdr msg devices
Elements| HEX| ADR
1| 03| 3.0
2| ff| 255.0

NAME: jake_brake_cylinders ADDR: F56 UNT: MSK OWN: V CODE: jbcyls

Jake Brk: identifies cyls cntld in lo,md,hi modes
Elements| HEX| MSK
1| 01| 1.0
2| 04| 4.0
3| 08| 8.0


manufacturer_id_code F59 "DTDSC" V
zmfrid Manufacturer Identification - 5 Bytes
model_number F5E "6067MK60" E
zmodn Engine Model Number - 8 Bytes

NAME: mm_oil_drain_time ADDR: F66 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: mmodnt

EQN: E*4
Max. time after eng. has stopped to check OLS
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 3c| 15.00
-27.8| 3c| 15.00
-15.6| 3c| 15.00
-3.3| 28| 10.00
8.9| 14| 5.00
21.1| 10| 4.00
33.3| 10| 4.00
45.6| 10| 4.00
57.8| 10| 4.00
70.0| 10| 4.00
82.2| 10| 4.00
94.4| 10| 4.00
106.7| 10| 4.00
118.9| 10| 4.00
131.1| 10| 4.00
143.3| 10| 4.00
155.6| 10| 4.00

NAME: optimum_load_torque_curve ADDR: F77 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: olcftq

EQN: E*2.55
Torque at which PWM=olcnom
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00
300.0| 00| 0.00
450.0| 00| 0.00
600.0| 13| 7.45
750.0| 1c| 10.98
900.0| 25| 14.51
1050.0| 30| 18.82
1200.0| 3d| 23.92
1350.0| 54| 32.94
1500.0| 83| 51.37
1650.0| a8| 65.88
1800.0| c2| 76.08
1950.0| d5| 83.53
2100.0| e3| 89.02
2250.0| e3| 89.02
2400.0| e3| 89.02
2550.0| e3| 89.02
NAME: optimum_load_norm_tq_delta ADDR: F88 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: olcntd
EQN: E*2.55
normalizing torqe offset from olcftq
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 2f| 18.43
300.0| 2f| 18.43
450.0| 2f| 18.43
600.0| 2f| 18.43
750.0| 31| 19.22
900.0| 33| 20.00
1050.0| 36| 21.18
1200.0| 70| 43.92
1350.0| ab| 67.06
1500.0| 7c| 48.63
1650.0| 57| 34.12
1800.0| 36| 21.18
1950.0| 19| 9.80
2100.0| 17| 9.02
2250.0| 16| 8.63
2400.0| 16| 8.63
2550.0| 16| 8.63

NAME: optimum_rpm ADDR: F99 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: optrpm

EQN: E/16
RPM for optimal BSFC f(powertrain demand)
%_Load| HEX| ""
0.0| 4b| 1200.0
12.5| 4b| 1200.0
25.0| 4b| 1200.0
37.5| 4b| 1200.0
50.0| 4e| 1248.0
62.5| 54| 1344.0
75.0| 5b| 1456.0
87.5| 5e| 1504.0
100.0| 84| 2112.0

NAME: optimum_rpm_asymadj ADDR: FA2 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: drpmaa

EQN: E*255
RPM Asymmetry Adjustment for optimal BSFC f(PTDM)
%_Load| HEX| ""
0.0| ff| 1.0000
12.5| ff| 1.0000
25.0| ff| 1.0000
37.5| ff| 1.0000
50.0| e0| 0.8784
62.5| a1| 0.6314
75.0| 80| 0.5020
87.5| 61| 0.3804
100.0| 00| 0.0000

NAME: park_brake_offset_boi ADDR: FAB UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: pboboi

EQN: E*4
BOI comp add whn pb is set as func of wghted temp
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 20| 8.00
-27.8| 1c| 7.00
-15.6| 1a| 6.50
-3.3| 18| 6.00
8.9| 18| 6.00
21.1| 18| 6.00
33.3| 18| 6.00
45.6| 18| 6.00
57.8| 18| 6.00
70.0| 18| 6.00
82.2| 18| 6.00
94.4| 18| 6.00
106.7| 18| 6.00
118.9| 00| 0.00
131.1| 00| 0.00
143.3| 00| 0.00
155.6| 00| 0.00

NAME: pid_enable_map ADDR: FBC UNT: Flg OWN: S CODE: pidmap

J1587 Periodic Output Map-1 bit for PIDs 0 to 255
Elements| HEX| Flg
1| 01| 1.0
2| 20| 32.0
3| 00| 0.0
4| 00| 0.0
5| 00| 0.0
6| 10| 16.0
7| 01| 1.0
8| 00| 0.0
9| d2| 210.0
10| 04| 4.0
11| f8| 248.0
12| 3b| 59.0
13| 50| 80.0
14| d4| 212.0
15| 02| 2.0
16| 06| 6.0
17| 00| 0.0
18| 00| 0.0
19| 00| 0.0
20| 0c| 12.0
21| 40| 64.0
22| d9| 217.0
23| c0| 192.0
24| 7b| 123.0
25| 15| 21.0
26| 00| 0.0
27| 00| 0.0
28| 00| 0.0
29| 10| 16.0
30| 3e| 62.0
31| b9| 185.0
32| 1f| 31.0
33| 00| 0.0
34| 00| 0.0
35| 00| 0.0
36| 00| 0.0
37| 00| 0.0
38| 00| 0.0
39| 00| 0.0
40| 00| 0.0
41| 00| 0.0
42| 00| 0.0
43| 00| 0.0
44| 00| 0.0
45| 00| 0.0
46| 00| 0.0
47| 00| 0.0
48| 00| 0.0
49| 00| 0.0
50| 00| 0.0
51| 00| 0.0
52| 00| 0.0
53| 00| 0.0
54| 00| 0.0
55| 00| 0.0
56| 00| 0.0
57| 00| 0.0
58| 00| 0.0
59| 00| 0.0
60| 00| 0.0
61| 00| 0.0
62| 00| 0.0
63| 00| 0.0
64| 00| 0.0

NAME: pin_to_sid ADDR: FFC UNT: "" OWN: E CODE: pinsid

maps 16 external analog phys channels to SID value
pid_pin| HEX| ""
0.0| 00| 0.0
1.0| 00| 0.0
2.0| 00| 0.0
3.0| 00| 0.0
4.0| 00| 0.0
5.0| 00| 0.0
6.0| 00| 0.0
7.0| 00| 0.0
8.0| 00| 0.0
9.0| 00| 0.0
10.0| 00| 0.0
11.0| 00| 0.0
12.0| 00| 0.0
13.0| 00| 0.0
14.0| 00| 0.0
15.0| 00| 0.0


rating_password 100C "0000" V
ratpw Rating Password req'd to change rating selection
serial_number 1010 "06R0616721" E
zmfrsn Engine Serial Number - 10 Bytes

NAME: shutdn_cool_pressure ADDR: 101A UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: discop

EQN: E/1.72425
coolant press < discop f(RPM) to log low clnt pres
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.0
300.0| 00| 0.0
450.0| 00| 0.0
600.0| 00| 0.0
750.0| 00| 0.0
900.0| 00| 0.0
1050.0| 00| 0.0
1200.0| 00| 0.0
1350.0| 00| 0.0
1500.0| 00| 0.0
1650.0| 00| 0.0
1800.0| 00| 0.0
1950.0| 00| 0.0
2100.0| 00| 0.0
2250.0| 00| 0.0
2400.0| 00| 0.0
2550.0| 00| 0.0

NAME: shutdn_oil_pressure ADDR: 102B UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: disolp

EQN: E/6.897
oil press<disolp as f(RPM) to log low oil pressure
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.0
300.0| 00| 0.0
450.0| 04| 27.6
600.0| 06| 41.4
750.0| 09| 62.1
900.0| 0d| 89.7
1050.0| 11| 117.2
1200.0| 14| 137.9
1350.0| 17| 158.6
1500.0| 1a| 179.3
1650.0| 1b| 186.2
1800.0| 1c| 193.1
1950.0| 1d| 200.0
2100.0| 1e| 206.9
2250.0| 1e| 206.9
2400.0| 1e| 206.9
2550.0| 1e| 206.9

NAME: shutdn_rpm_ratio ADDR: 103C UNT: "" OWN: E CODE: stpsst

EQN: E*256
stop engine RPM derate Table f(time) for PTO
Secs| HEX| ""
0.0| ff| 0.9961
4.0| f0| 0.9375
8.0| e0| 0.8750
12.0| d1| 0.8164
16.0| c2| 0.7578
20.0| b2| 0.6953
24.0| a3| 0.6367
28.0| 93| 0.5742
32.0| 84| 0.5156
36.0| 75| 0.4570
40.0| 65| 0.3945
44.0| 56| 0.3359
48.0| 47| 0.2773
52.0| 37| 0.2148
56.0| 28| 0.1563
60.0| 19| 0.0977
64.0| 09| 0.0352

NAME: shutdn_torque_ratio ADDR: 104D UNT: "" OWN: E CODE: stptst

EQN: E*256
stop engine TORQUE derate Table f(time)
Secs| HEX| ""
0.0| ff| 0.9961
4.0| f7| 0.9648
8.0| f0| 0.9375
12.0| e8| 0.9063
16.0| e0| 0.8750
20.0| d9| 0.8477
24.0| d1| 0.8164
28.0| c9| 0.7852
32.0| c2| 0.7578
36.0| ba| 0.7266
40.0| b2| 0.6953
44.0| aa| 0.6641
48.0| a3| 0.6367
52.0| 9b| 0.6055
56.0| 93| 0.5742
60.0| 8c| 0.5469
64.0| 84| 0.5156

NAME: single_turbo_max_ltq ADDR: 105E UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: stmxtq

EQN: E*2.55
max tq before switching from single to dual turbo
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00
300.0| 00| 0.00
450.0| 00| 0.00
600.0| 00| 0.00
750.0| 00| 0.00
900.0| 00| 0.00
1050.0| 00| 0.00
1200.0| 00| 0.00
1350.0| 00| 0.00
1500.0| 00| 0.00
1650.0| 00| 0.00
1800.0| 00| 0.00
1950.0| 00| 0.00
2100.0| 00| 0.00
2250.0| 00| 0.00
2400.0| 00| 0.00
2550.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: single_turbo_min_ltq ADDR: 106F UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: stmntq

EQN: E*2.55
Min tq before switching from single to dual turbo
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 4d| 30.20
300.0| 4d| 30.20
450.0| 4d| 30.20
600.0| 4d| 30.20
750.0| 4d| 30.20
900.0| 4d| 30.20
1050.0| 4d| 30.20
1200.0| 4d| 30.20
1350.0| 4d| 30.20
1500.0| 4d| 30.20
1650.0| 4d| 30.20
1800.0| 4d| 30.20
1950.0| 4d| 30.20
2100.0| 4d| 30.20
2250.0| 4d| 30.20
2400.0| 4d| 30.20
2550.0| 4d| 30.20

NAME: single_turbo_offset_boi ADDR: 1080 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: sttboi

EQN: E*4
boi offset used for seq turbo when in single mode
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00
300.0| 00| 0.00
450.0| 00| 0.00
600.0| 00| 0.00
750.0| 00| 0.00
900.0| 00| 0.00
1050.0| 00| 0.00
1200.0| 00| 0.00
1350.0| 00| 0.00
1500.0| 00| 0.00
1650.0| 00| 0.00
1800.0| 00| 0.00
1950.0| 00| 0.00
2100.0| 00| 0.00
2250.0| 00| 0.00
2400.0| 00| 0.00
2550.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: single_turbo_torque_mult ADDR: 1091 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: sttrqm

EQN: (E-0.5)*256
multiply with comp fin tq when seq turbo in single
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 80| 1.0000
300.0| 80| 1.0000
450.0| 80| 1.0000
600.0| 80| 1.0000
750.0| 80| 1.0000
900.0| 80| 1.0000
1050.0| 80| 1.0000
1200.0| 80| 1.0000
1350.0| 80| 1.0000
1500.0| 80| 1.0000
1650.0| 80| 1.0000
1800.0| 80| 1.0000
1950.0| 80| 1.0000
2100.0| 80| 1.0000
2250.0| 80| 1.0000
2400.0| 80| 1.0000
2550.0| 80| 1.0000

NAME: slowdn_rpm_ratio ADDR: 10A2 UNT: "" OWN: E CODE: diwsst

EQN: E*256
eng overtemp protect RPM derate Table f(temp) PTO
dgC| HEX| ""
0.0| ff| 0.9961
1.1| f1| 0.9414
2.2| e1| 0.8789
3.3| d2| 0.8203
4.4| c3| 0.7617
5.6| b3| 0.6992
6.7| a4| 0.6406
7.8| 94| 0.5781
8.9| 85| 0.5195
10.0| 85| 0.5195
11.1| 85| 0.5195
12.2| 85| 0.5195
13.3| 85| 0.5195
14.4| 85| 0.5195
15.6| 85| 0.5195
16.7| 85| 0.5195
17.8| 85| 0.5195

NAME: slowdn_torque_ratio ADDR: 10B3 UNT: "" OWN: E CODE: diwtst

EQN: E*256
eng overtemp protect TRQ derate Table f(temp)
dgC| HEX| ""
0.0| ff| 0.9961
1.1| f1| 0.9414
2.2| e1| 0.8789
3.3| d2| 0.8203
4.4| c3| 0.7617
5.6| b3| 0.6992
6.7| a4| 0.6406
7.8| 94| 0.5781
8.9| 85| 0.5195
10.0| 85| 0.5195
11.1| 85| 0.5195
12.2| 85| 0.5195
13.3| 85| 0.5195
14.4| 85| 0.5195
15.6| 85| 0.5195
16.7| 85| 0.5195
17.8| 85| 0.5195

NAME: start_extra_torque ADDR: 10C4 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: smdtq

EQN: E*2.55
cold start delta TORQUE Table f(RPM,oiltemp)

Table of AXIS_dgC_17_1
dgC ->
-40.0 -27.8 -15.6 -3.3 8.9 21.1
33.3 45.6 57.8 70.0 82.2 94.4 106.7 118.9
131.1 143.3 155.6
A 150.0 | 66.67 63.53 60.00 55.29 49.41 41.57
36.86 32.94 32.94 32.94 32.94 32.94 32.94 32.94
32.94 32.94 32.94
X 300.0 | 67.06 63.92 60.39 55.69 49.80 42.35
37.65 33.73 33.73 33.73 33.73 33.73 33.73 33.73
33.73 33.73 33.73
I 450.0 | 67.45 64.31 60.78 55.69 50.20 42.75
38.04 34.12 34.12 34.12 34.12 34.12 34.12 34.12
34.12 34.12 34.12
S 600.0 | 67.84 64.71 61.18 56.08 50.59 43.14
38.43 34.51 34.51 34.51 34.51 34.51 34.51 34.51
34.51 34.51 34.51
_ 750.0 | 68.24 65.10 61.57 56.47 50.98 43.53
38.82 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90 34.90
34.90 34.90 34.90
R 900.0 | 68.63 65.49 61.96 56.86 51.37 43.92
39.22 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29
35.29 35.29 35.29
P 1050.0 | 68.63 65.88 61.96 57.25 51.37 43.92
39.22 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29 35.29
35.29 35.29 35.29
M 1200.0 | 72.55 69.80 65.49 60.78 54.51 46.67
39.61 35.69 35.69 35.69 35.69 35.69 35.69 35.69
35.69 35.69 35.69
_ 1350.0 | 72.94 70.20 65.88 61.18 54.90 47.06
40.00 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08 36.08
36.08 36.08 36.08
1 1500.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
7 1650.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
1800.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
1950.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2100.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2250.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2400.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2550.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Table of Hex Values
dgC ->
-40.0 -27.8 -15.6 -3.3 8.9 21.1
33.3 45.6 57.8 70.0 82.2 94.4 106.7 118.9
131.1 143.3 155.6
A 150.0 | aa a2 99 8d 7e 6a
5e 54 54 54 54 54 54 54
54 54 54
X 300.0 | ab a3 9a 8e 7f 6c
60 56 56 56 56 56 56 56
56 56 56
I 450.0 | ac a4 9b 8e 80 6d
61 57 57 57 57 57 57 57
57 57 57
S 600.0 | ad a5 9c 8f 81 6e
62 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
58 58 58
_ 750.0 | ae a6 9d 90 82 6f
63 59 59 59 59 59 59 59
59 59 59
R 900.0 | af a7 9e 91 83 70
64 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a
5a 5a 5a
P 1050.0 | af a8 9e 92 83 70
64 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a 5a
5a 5a 5a
M 1200.0 | b9 b2 a7 9b 8b 77
65 5b 5b 5b 5b 5b 5b 5b
5b 5b 5b
_ 1350.0 | ba b3 a8 9c 8c 78
66 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c
5c 5c 5c
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
NAME: start_mode_boi ADDR: 11E5 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: stboi
EQN: E*8
start mode BOI Table f(RPM)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 58| 11.00
300.0| 61| 12.13
450.0| 6b| 13.38
600.0| 7a| 15.25
750.0| 8c| 17.50
900.0| a0| 20.00
1050.0| a0| 20.00
1200.0| a0| 20.00
1350.0| a0| 20.00
1500.0| a0| 20.00
1650.0| a0| 20.00
1800.0| a0| 20.00
1950.0| a0| 20.00
2100.0| a0| 20.00
2250.0| a0| 20.00
2400.0| a0| 20.00
2550.0| a0| 20.00

NAME: steady_vnt_boost ADDR: 11F6 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: svntbs

EQN: E/1.72425
desired turbo boost press for ss BOI operation

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
R 900.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
P 1050.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
M 1200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 1350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 1650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1950.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: t2_engage_time ADDR: 128F UNT: SEC OWN: V CODE: astent

EQN: E*40
Time required to confirm splitter engagement
Elements| HEX| SEC
1| 06| 0.150
2| 06| 0.150
3| 06| 0.150
4| 06| 0.150

NAME: t2_gr_error ADDR: 1293 UNT: % OWN: V CODE: astgre

EQN: E*10.24
% tolerance of valide gear ratio error for in-gear
Elements| HEX| %
1| 0a| 0.98
2| 0a| 0.98
3| 0a| 0.98
4| 0a| 0.98

NAME: t2_max_engage_time ADDR: 1297 UNT: SEC OWN: V CODE: astmet

EQN: E*40
Time to confirm after intial engagemnt is detected
Elements| HEX| SEC
1| 14| 0.500
2| 14| 0.500
3| 14| 0.500
4| 14| 0.500

NAME: t2_neg_disengage_gr_error ADDR: 129B UNT: %GR OWN: V CODE: astnge

EQN: E*10.24
(-)%GearRatio error for out of gear confirmation
Elements| HEX| %GR
1| 0a| 0.98
2| 0a| 0.98
3| 0a| 0.98
4| 0a| 0.98

NAME: t2_pos_disengage_gr_error ADDR: 129F UNT: %GR OWN: V CODE: astpge

EQN: E*10.24
(+)%GearRatio error for out of gear confirmation
Elements| HEX| %GR
1| 0f| 1.46
2| 0f| 1.46
3| 0f| 1.46
4| 0f| 1.46

NAME: t2_ramp_timings ADDR: 12A3 UNT: --- OWN: V CODE: astrtm

inexplicable - will go away in future
Elements| HEX| ---
1| 14| 20.0
2| 1a| 26.0
3| 2c| 44.0
4| 36| 54.0
5| 44| 68.0
6| 50| 80.0
7| 5c| 92.0
8| 68| 104.0

NAME: t2_retry_time ADDR: 12AB UNT: SEC OWN: V CODE: astryt

EQN: E*40
Splitter recycle time for commanding opp split st
Elements| HEX| SEC
1| 0c| 0.300
2| 0c| 0.300
3| 0c| 0.300
4| 0c| 0.300

NAME: t2_rtd_kickdown ADDR: 12AF UNT: % Th OWN: V CODE: astrkd

EQN: E*2.55
percent throttle for kick downshifts
Elements| HEX|% Throttle
1| e5| 89.80
2| e5| 89.80
3| e5| 89.80
4| e5| 89.80

NAME: t2_split_attempts ADDR: 12B3 UNT: # OWN: V CODE: astspa

Number of failed splitter shft attempts b4 fault
Elements| HEX| #
1| 03| 3.0
2| 03| 3.0
3| 03| 3.0
4| 03| 3.0

NAME: t2_sync_diseng_time ADDR: 12B7 UNT: SEC OWN: V CODE: astsdt

EQN: E*40
Time required to confirm splitter dis-engagement
Elements| HEX| SEC
1| 06| 0.150
2| 06| 0.150
3| 06| 0.150
4| 06| 0.150

NAME: t2_sync_dither_time ADDR: 12BB UNT: SEC OWN: V CODE: astsyt

EQN: E*40
Dither period for cycling around sync engage RPM
Elements| HEX| SEC
1| 14| 0.500
2| 14| 0.500
3| 14| 0.500
4| 14| 0.500

NAME: torque_temp_correction ADDR: 12BF UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: fttqc

EQN: E*128
fuel temp TORQUE Compensation Table f(fuel temp)
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 7e| 0.984
-27.8| 7e| 0.984
-15.6| 7e| 0.984
-3.3| 7e| 0.984
8.9| 7e| 0.984
21.1| 7f| 0.992
33.3| 80| 1.000
45.6| 82| 1.016
57.8| 83| 1.023
70.0| 80| 1.000
82.2| 80| 1.000
94.4| 80| 1.000
106.7| 80| 1.000
118.9| 80| 1.000
131.1| 80| 1.000
143.3| 80| 1.000
155.6| 80| 1.000


vehicle_identification_number 12D0 "2HSCEAMR22C023330" D

NAME: vnt_press_to_vane_pos ADDR: 12E1 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: vntktv

EQN: E*24.6484
press vs VNT vanes pos, f(eng speed, load)

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
X 300.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
I 450.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
S 600.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
_ 750.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
R 900.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
P 1050.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
M 1200.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
_ 1350.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
1 1500.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
7 1650.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
1800.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
1950.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
2100.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
2250.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
2400.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
2550.0 | 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: vnt_turbo_spd_lmt_offset ADDR: 137A UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: vntslo

EQN: E/512
engine rpm based additive offset to the VNTTSL
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.0
300.0| 00| 0.0
450.0| 00| 0.0
600.0| 00| 0.0
750.0| 00| 0.0
900.0| 00| 0.0
1050.0| 00| 0.0
1200.0| 00| 0.0
1350.0| 00| 0.0
1500.0| 00| 0.0
1650.0| 00| 0.0
1800.0| 00| 0.0
1950.0| 00| 0.0
2100.0| 00| 0.0
2250.0| 00| 0.0
2400.0| 00| 0.0
2550.0| 00| 0.0

NAME: vnt_turbo_speed_limit ADDR: 138B UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: vnttsl

EQN: E/512
turbo speed lims based on baro press in PID alg
Boost-kPa| HEX| ""
69.0| f9| 127488.0
73.3| f9| 127488.0
77.6| f9| 127488.0
81.9| f9| 127488.0
86.2| f9| 127488.0
90.5| f9| 127488.0
94.8| f9| 127488.0
99.1| f9| 127488.0
103.5| f9| 127488.0
107.8| f9| 127488.0
112.1| f9| 127488.0
116.4| f9| 127488.0
120.7| f9| 127488.0
125.0| f9| 127488.0
129.3| f9| 127488.0
133.6| f9| 127488.0
137.9| f9| 127488.0


absolute_max_boi 139C 32.00 DEG 80 E*4 V
absboi Max BOI after applying all compensations
ac_timer 139D 180.0 SEC b4 E O
actim Seconds FanCntrl#1 on after Air Cond turns off
acc_hrtbeat_timer 139E 15.0 Seco 0f E V
acctim Time to wait before 1st hearbeat msg from ACC devc
acceleration_filterconst 139F 0.500 % @ 40 E*128 V
veacfc MPH/sec fltrconst: new=old+veacfc*(new-old) @25msc
air_comp_load_delta 13A0 137.9 KPA a0 E*1.15992 D
pgsld AirComp kpa over set point to disable d_out f(#21)
air_comp_pressure_increment 13A1 5.08 %FS 0d E*2.56 O
pgspi Air Comp press incr in % of fuel scale press range
air_comp_unload_delta 13A2 172.4 KPA c8 E*1.15992 D
pgsud AirComp kpa over set point to enable d_out f(#21)
air_tq_reduction_max_tq 13A3 81.18 %TQ cf E*2.55 B
atqmax max/min allowed TQ w/ AIR TMP TQ LIMITING active..
air_tq_reduction_min_tq 13A4 60.00 %TQ 99 E*2.55 B
atqmin ..allowTQ decr as AirTmp/RPM incr to ATXTMP/ATXRPM
analog_conversion_fail_limit 13A5 8.0 DEC 08 E V
ancvfc # A/D conversion fails to log diagnostic
anti_theft_awake_time 13A6 10.0 min 0a E V
atftat time after ign off ECM stay awake for AntiThft msg
ati_filterconst 13A7 0.102 % @ 0d E*128 V
atifc Aux Timed Input filter constant
ati_function 13A8 0 = input unassigned, ignore it0 = input
unassigned, ignore it E atidst ATI function: 0=None 1=TurboSpd 2=Knock 3=VSG
ati_pulses_per_rev 13A9 12.0 PPR 0c E V
atippr Aux Timed Input pulses per revolution
ati_timeout 13AA 0.5 SEC 05 E*10 V
atitmo seconds to log missing Aux Timed Input pulses
auto_resume_timeout 13AB 3.000 SEC 78 E*40 V
ccatim max SECs Cruise Cnt suspended while shifting gears
baro_filterconst 13AC 0.063 %@1S 08 E*128 V
bpofc BARO & AmbientTmp filter cons @ 1sec if no sensors
baro_max_torque 13AD 20.00 % 33 E*2.55 V
bpmxtq FTRQ<bpmxtq*ztqscl to update BARO from TBS & AmbTp
baro_nox_1min_limit 13AE 0.4000 unit 66 E*255 V
bn1mnl 1min rol avg load above which BARBOI may + bnaadj
baro_nox_adapt_adjust 13AF -4.00 degr fffffff0 E*4 V
bnaadj the amount BARBOI is adj when load and baro thresh
baro_nox_temp_weighting 13B0 0.0000 "" 00 E*255 V
bxtwgf temp weighting factor for baro advanced strategy
baro_wait_time 13B1 1.0 SEC 0a E*10 V
bpuptm secs RPM<bpmxrp & FTRQ<bpmxtq to updte BARO &AmbTp
boi_temp_weighting 13B2 0.000 WGT 00 E*128 V
twfact CBOIAD temp weighting: temp=F*BOIPD1+(1-F)*BOIPD0
boost_max_torque 13B3 30.20 % 4d E*2.55 V
tbwtq FTRQ<tbwtq*ztqscl to log TBS failed high
boost_max_vane_pwm 13B4 100.0 % c8 E*2 B
bstmxv max dc for VNT vanes actuator when ctrl intake bst
boost_min_vane_pwm 13B5 0.0 % 00 E*2 B
bstmnv min dc for VNT vanes actuator when ctrl intake bst
broadcast_exh_temp_to_mid 13B6 0.0 unit 00 E B
bcexmd if !0 transmit exh temps continuously; else as req
bulb_check_time 13B7 5.0 SEC 05 E V
bcktim Ignition ON Bulb Check Time in seconds
cavitation_pressure 13B8 40.0 PSI 14 E/2 V
ftprps firetrk press gov: press<ftprps for cavitatation
cavitation_reset_pressure 13B9 0.0 PSI 00 E/2 V
ftpset firetrk press gov: press set point when cavitating
cavitation_timeout 13BA 5.0 SEC 05 E O
ftprt secs of cavitation before resetting press set pt
cc_ftmode_int_gain 13BB 10.00 R/(P 40 E*6.4 O
ftpig firetruck Press Gov integral gain: RPM/(PSI*SEC)
cc_ftmode_pressure_increment 13BC 4.0 P/S 04 E O
ftppi firetrk press gov: cc switch PSI incr/decrement
cc_ftmode_rpm_increment 13BD 25.0 R/S 19 E O
ftprpi firetrk RPM mode: cc switch RPM incr/decrement
cc_max_set_mph 13BE 60.0 MPH 78 E*2 D
ccmaxs CC: maximum allowable Cruise Control speed in MPH
cc_mph_increment 13BF 1.00 MPH 10 E*16 V
ccincm VSS CC: accel/cst MPH inc/dec & MPH/sec accel ramp
cc_mph_minimum 13C0 20.0 MPH 28 E*2 D
ccmins CC: minimum allowable Cruise Control speed in MPH
cc_rpm_increment 13C1 25.0 RPM 19 E D
ccincr CC: res/acl increment and set/cst decrement in RPM
cc_rpm_ramprate 13C2 200.0 R/S c8 E V
ccrrpm RPM cruise cntrl: resume ramp rate in RPM/secs
cc_set_point_timer 13C3 10.0 SEC 0a E V
ccsptr secs that VSS CC set pt retained w/ master sw off
clock_ratio_delta 13C4 0.9961 RATI ff E*256 V
clkdlt Clk/Cal spd error if ratio to TPU out 1 +/- clkdlt
cls2_out_of_cool_slosh 13C5 25.0 Minu 19 E V
c2ocst CLS2 sensor out of coolant slosh timer
cls2_in_cool_slosh 13C6 30.0 Seco 1e E V
c2icst CLS2 sensor in coolant slosh timer
comms_engine_type 13C7 2.0 Flg 02 E V
zengtp comms Engine Type ID: see 62T35, Tbl8, ID 214
comms_rpm_filter_constant 13C8 1.000 pure 80 E*128 V
cmrpmf Filter const. appld to J1587 PID190 (eng. spd)
certification_type 13C9 13.0 DEC 0d E V
certtp Not used-for future validatn engine type expansion
cold_engine_coolant_temp 13CA 70.0 dgC c6 (E+40)*1.8 V
cecoot Min eng coolant temp for cold eng signl activation
cold_engine_intercooler_temp 13CB 25.0 dgC 75 (E+40)*1.8 V
ceicot Min intercooler temp for cold eng signl activation
cold_engine_air_temp 13CC -1.1 dgC 46 (E+40)*1.8 V
ceairt Min eng air temp for cold eng signl activation
cold_engine_oil_temp 13CD -40.0 dgC 00 (E+40)*1.8 V
ceoilt Min eng oil temp for cold eng signl activation
cold_engine_temp_hyst 13CE 2.2 dgC 04 E*1.8 V
cehyst Hyst for all cold eng signl temperature thresholds
comp_bleed_max_cbv_dp_hyst 13CF 0.0 kPa 00 E/1.72425 B
cbvdph hyst used in transition from hi to low diff press
comp_bleed_rpm_reopen_delay 13D0 0.500 sec 14 E*40 B
cbvrod delay time to open turbo cbv if eng speed fluctats
coolant_level_limit_gain 13D1 0.1191 %/F 3d E*512 V
cllmgn CLS %lolvl GAIN: %lolvl=scldlolim+CLLMGN*radtemp
cylinders_in_engine 13D2 6.0 DEC 06 E V
zncylw Number of Cylinders in Engine
cylinders_this_box 13D3 6.0 DEC 06 E V
zncylh Number of Cylinders controlled by this ECM
d_in_e1_function 13D4 6 = throttle idle switch6 = throttle idle
switch O de1dst 08/#451,D2=Diag Req | 0=none,1=EB low,2=EB med,
d_in_f1_function 13D5 29 = A/C disengaged29 = A/C disengaged O
df1dst 02/#542,D2=SC off | 3=SD#1,4=SD#2,5=park brk,
d_in_f2_function 13D6 23 = cruise master23 = cruise master O
df2dst 04/#544,D2=RA off | 6=IVS,7=n/a,8=FT mode sw,
d_in_g1_function 13D7 25 = stop engine override25 = stop engine
override O dg1dst 07/#528,D2=STEO | 9=Th Inhib,10=RPM sync,
d_in_g2_function 13D8 17 = service brake released17 = service brake
released O dg2dst 06/#543,D2=BC off | 11=RPM frz,12=Rat1,13=Rat2,
d_in_g3_function 13D9 22 = resume/accel22 = resume/accel O
dg3dst 03/#545,D2=RA on | 14=2ndTrqCrv,15=DiagReq,
d_in_h1_function 13DA 3 = external stop engine input 13 = external
stop engine input 1 O dh1dst 09/#523,D2=2SpdGov | 16=altVSGoff,17=brk off,
d_in_h2_function 13DB 5 = parking brake5 = parking brake O
dh2dst 10/#524,D2=ParkBrk | 18=Clutch off,19=SC off,
d_in_j1_function 13DC 20 = set/coast20 = set/coast O dj1dst
01/#541,D2=SC on | 20=SC on,21=RA off,22=RA on,
d_in_j2_function 13DD 18 = clutch released18 = clutch released O
dj2dst 05/#531,D2=BC on | 23=CrzEnb,24=PGSenb,25=STEO,
d_in_k2_function 13DE 2 = jake brake 42 = jake brake 4 O dk2dst
11/#583,D2=CrkPos | 26=EBenb,27=n/a,28=TPSadj,
d_in_k3_function 13DF 1 = jake brake 21 = jake brake 2 O dk3dst
12/#979,D2=Tach#2 | 29=A/COff,30=EatonRes ...42
d_out_a1_function 13E0 10 = coolant low10 = coolant low O da1src
08/#988,D2=EBenb | 0=none,1=EB low,2=EB med,
d_out_a2_function 13E1 13 = fan clutch control 113 = fan clutch
control 1 O da2src 02/#555,D2=CCact | 3=LowBatt,4=Sync,5=PGS,
d_out_f3_function 13E2 6 = ignition relay6 = ignition relay O
df3src 01/#499,D2=VspdOC | 6=PwrShut,7=Starter,8=EBenb,
d_out_fet_timer 13E3 40.0 uSC 28 E V
dptupl low side unprotected driver settling time
d_out_highside_timer 13E4 4.99 mSC 27 E*7.8125 V
dptprh high side protected driver settling time
d_out_lowside_timer 13E5 99.8 mSC c3 E*1.95313 V
dptprl low side protected driver settling time (CEL)
d_out_s3_function 13E6 2 = jake brake 42 = jake brake 4 E ds3src
03/#561,D2=n/a (Hi) | 9=TranRtdr,10=CLlow,11=Crz,
d_out_t3_function 13E7 1 = jake brake 21 = jake brake 2 E dt3src
04/#562,D2=n/a (Hi) | 12=n/a,13=Fan#1,14=Fan#2,
d_out_w3_function 13E8 0 = no function0 = no function O dw3src
05/#563,D2=n/a | 15=Decel,16=EBact,17=VSGact,
d_out_x3_function 13E9 0 = no function0 = no function O dx3src
06/#564,D2=n/a | 18=OPlow,19=OThi,20=CThi,
d_out_y3_function 13EA 0 = no function0 = no function O dy3src
07/#565,D2=n/a | 21=AirCmp,22=CCPhi,23=CPlo..
db_brake_fan_delay 13EB 5.0 SEC 05 E V
dbdly EngBrks ON > DBDLY secs to allow DYNAMIC BRAKING
debounce_timeout 13EC 0.050 SEC 02 E*40 V
didbnc Digital Input switch debounce time in seconds
default_timeout 13ED 2.0 SEC 14 E*10 V
didftm global default secs fault must exist to log code
dmy_j1939_engine_address 13EE 255.0 N/A ff E B
dhieng VEPS backward compat. for J1939 engine address
dmy_j1939_retarder_address 13EF 255.0 N/A ff E B
dhiret VEPS backward compat. for J1939 retarder address
door_offset_filterconst 13F0 0.000 % @ 00 E*128 V
tboffc Blower Door Position filter constant
double_rpm_enable_delta 13F1 25.0 RPM 19 E V
dblenb DBLRPM hysteresis:RPM>DBLRPM+DBLENB to enable
dp_idle_recal_timer 13F2 1.5 sec 03 E*2 B
dpidrt in this period perform sensor cnt readings & check
dual_to_single_turbo_delay 13F3 3.0 SEC 06 E*2 V
dtstd Time delay before trans from Dual to Single turbo
dvb_battery_offset 13F4 0.0180 D/V= 12 E*1000 V
dvbbat DVB %PWM DtyCycl Offset=DVBOFF*(1+DVBBAT*(Vbat-13)
dvb_dc_filterconst 13F5 0.047 % @ 06 E*128 V
dvbfic %DC Lag/Lead fltr for trans solenoid self-heat cmp
dvb_gain 13F6 0.00270 O/C 36 E*20000 V
dvbgan SS %PWM duty cycle=I(desired)*R(total)/Vbat+Offset
dvb_lag 13F7 0.1490 MLT 26 E*255 V
dvblag Actual %PWM duty cycle = DVBPAS * SS%dc + ...
dvb_passthru 13F8 0.8510 MLT d9 E*255 V
dvbpas ... DVBFIC(@10sec) * DVBLAG * Last%dc
dvb_pwm_offset 13F9 2.8 %DC 1c E*10 V
dvboff Base DVB %PWM duty cycle offset @ Vbat=13 volts
dvb_resistance 13FA 2.70 OHM 36 E*20 V
dvbohm R(total)=DVBOHM*(1+DVBGAN*(OilTmp-20degC)
egr_air_temp_hyst 13FB 0.0 dgC 00 E*0.9 B
egrott hyst for min/max intake air temp, offset EGRATT
egr_boost_mode_max_egr_flow 13FC 0.00 kg/m 00 E*16 B
egrbmf max allowable EGR flow during intake boost press
egr_clt_temp_hyst 13FD 0.0 dgC 00 E*0.9 B
egroct hyst for min/max eng cool temp, offset of EGRCTT
egr_density_correction 13FE 0.000 "" 00 E*64 B
egrden density correction factor applied to EGR flow calc
egr_flow_diag_critical_time 13FF 127.5 sec ff E*2 B
egrfrs max time turbo is flag nonrespon while EGR ctrl
egr_in_boost_mode_time 1400 127.5 sec ff E*2 B
egrbmt max time cal amt of EGR flow is sensed while boost
egr_max_flow_response_time 1401 127.5 sec ff E*2 B
egrfrt max time EGR err is outside bounds while EGR ctrl
egr_max_vane_pwm 1402 100.0 % c8 E*2 B
egrmxv max dc for VNT vanes actuator when ctrl EGR flow
egr_min_boost_hyst 1403 0.0 kPa 00 E*1.15992 B
egrmnh hyst used with EGRMNB
egr_min_flow 1404 0.00 kg/m 00 E*16 B
egrmnf min allowable EGR flow during EGR flow ctrl mode
egr_min_flow_response 1406 0.00 kg/m 0000 E*16 B
egrmfr min EGR flow delta for desired and actual dur EGR
egr_min_flow_time 1408 127.5 sec ff E*2 B
egrfmt max time EGR flow is below cal level while in EGR
egr_min_vane_pwm 1409 0.0 % 00 E*2 B
egrmnv min dc for VNT vanes actuator when ctrl EGR flow
engine_m_inertia 140A 0.00049 T/R/ 01 E*2047 V
eminrt engine's inertia used for DAD governor compensatn
ess_accel_filter_constant 140B 0.016 frac 02 E*128 V
essafc Output shaft RPM d/dt filter constant
ess_autorange_prediction_time 140C 1.000 Sec 28 E*40 V
essapt Auto range increment for derivative comparison
ess_base_engine_zero_tq_loss 140D 0.39 %tq 01 E*2.55 V
essezl Average parasitic loss contribution due to engine
ess_base_vehicle_zero_tq_load 140E -0.24 %tq fffffffd E*12.75 V
essvzl Average torque load due to vehicle
ess_boost_torque_factor 140F 0.000 %tq/ 00 E*163.2 V
essbtf Contribution of turbo boost to estimated zero tq.
ess_break_tq_cold_factor 1410 0.0000101 %tq/ 0f E*1485483 V
essbcf Contribution factor of eng. temp. to est. zero tq.
ess_break_tq_duration 1411 2.000 Sec 50 E*40 V
essbtd Max. time break tq. operation is allowed
ess_break_tq_eng_uncertainty 1412 3.92 %tq 0a E*2.55 V
essbeu Uncertnty gain fact. for tq dither frm eng inertia
ess_break_tq_veh_uncertainty 1413 0.31 %tq 04 E*12.75 V
essbvu Uncertainty gain fact for tq dither from veh inert
ess_debounce_timeout_in_gear 1414 5.0 "" 01 E/5 V
essdtg The debounce time for the in gear switch
ess_debounce_timeout_neutral 1415 5.0 "" 01 E/5 V
essdtn The debounce time for the neutral switch
ess_idle_rpm_percent_below 1416 14.84 % 26 E*2.56 V
essirp Percentage that idle RPM is lowered
ess_in_gear_duration 1417 0.200 Sec 08 E*40 V
essigd Time before in-gear is given by a valid gear ratio
ess_in_gear_fault_decrement 1418 3.0 "" 03 E V
essgfd ***** NOT USED *****
ess_in_gear_fault_threshold 1419 30.0 "" 1e E V
essgft ***** NOT USED *****
ess_intermediate_timeout 141A 3.000 "" 78 E*40 V
essit ***** NOT USED *****
ess_max_late_changes 141B 7.0 Coun 07 E V
essmlc Max. number of late changes allowed on a shift
ess_neutral_duration 141C 0.100 Sec 04 E*40 V
essnd Time before neut is indicatd aftr an invlid gr rat
ess_neutral_fault_decrement 141D 3.0 "" 03 E V
essnfd ***** NOT USED *****
ess_neutral_fault_threshold 141E 30.0 "" 1e E V
essnft ***** NOT USED *****
ess_range_down_duration 141F 0.750 Sec 1e E*40 V
essrdd Time a synchrnzr req to compl. a range down shift
ess_range_protection_duration 1420 0.100 Sec 04 E*40 V
essrpd Synch. time req'd on range shift to protct synchro
ess_range_up_duration 1421 0.250 Sec 0a E*40 V
essrud Time synchronizer needs to compl. a range up shift
ess_rated_rpm_percent_above 1422 10.16 % 1a E*2.56 V
essrrp The percentage the rated RPM is increased
ess_ratio_check_timeout 1423 0.350 SEC 0e E*40 V
essrct SECs ratio allowed to match gear during downshift
ess_ratio_filter_constant 1424 0.203 frac 1a E*128 V
essrfc Filter constant for the current gear ratio calc.
ess_ratio_match_tolerance 1425 4.980 % 66 E*20.48 V
essrmt Tolernce for gr. mtch betwn act. and calc. gr. rat
ess_rpm_filter_constant 1426 0.203 frac 1a E*128 V
essrf Filter constant for filtering requested RPM
ess_rpm_tq_dither_eng_uncert 1427 3.92 %Tq 0a E*2.55 V
essufg The uncertainty gain for tq dither for eng inertia
ess_rpm_tq_dither_engine_loss 1428 5.88 %Tq 0f E*2.55 V
esserl Average parasitic loss contribution due to engine
ess_rpm_tq_dither_veh_uncert 1429 0.31 %Tq/ 04 E*12.75 V
essdvu Uncertainty gain for the tq dither for veh inertia
ess_rpm_tq_dither_vehicle_load 142A -0.39 %Tq/ fffffffb E*12.75 V
essdvl Average tq load due to vehicle
ess_sec_chance_prediction_time 142B 1.000 Sec 28 E*40 V
essscp Time appld to d/dt(RPM) to determine sec chnc gr
ess_shift_delay_time 142C 0.275 Sec 0b E*40 V
esssdt Time sync cont aftr in gr to lmt partial engagmt
ess_shift_knob_timeout 142D 1.000 Sec 28 E*40 V
essskt Max time allwd for shft knob swtch inpt to stablze
ess_skip_shift_disable_timeout 142E 0.100 Sec 04 E*40 V
esssst Time skp shft is disabld due to chng of intent sw
ess_stuck_in_gear_increment 142F 3.0 Coun 03 E V
esssgi Weighting for ech stck in gr occurnce for faulting
ess_stuck_in_gear_threshold 1430 30.0 Coun 1e E V
esssgt ESS lckout thrshld fr too many stck in gr occurnce
ess_stuck_in_gear_torque 1431 20.00 %Tq 33 E*2.55 V
essstq Tq load above which a stuck in gear is detected
ess_sync_timeout 1432 3.000 Sec 78 E*40 V
essst Amount of time engine synching is allowed
ess_torque_filter_constant 1433 0.203 frac 1a E*128 V
esstfc Fltr const for govrnor tq frm whch to begn transtn
ess_torque_transition_duration 1434 0.350 Sec 0e E*40 V
essttd Time to switch from first to next torque_transitio
ether_air_temp_weight 1435 0.4314 MLT 6e E*255 V
eiatw EtherTemp = (AirTemp*eiatw + CoolTemp*eictw + . .
ether_block_delay 1436 1.0 SEC 0a E*10 V
eibdly RPM>eimin for eibdly secs before block ether inj
ether_cool_temp_weight 1437 0.1333 MLT 22 E*255 V
eictw . . . OilTemp*eiotw) / (eiatw + eictw + eiotw)
ether_oil_temp_weight 1438 0.4314 MLT 6e E*255 V
eiotw . . . see above comment
exh_overtemp_divisor 1439 1.00 unit 10 E*16 B
exotdv divides result of exh temp-scaled hi for otp
exhaust_bp_limit_rampdn_delta 143A 3.45 kPa 08 E*2.31985 V
ebprpm additive offset to EBPLIM as a rampdown threshold
exhaust_bp_scaledlo_exclusion 143B 0.0 tq*r 00 E/10 V
ebpftq threshold above which a scaledlolimit is logged
fan_ac_mph_exclusion 143C 20.0 MPH 28 E*2 V
fnacex MPH>fnacex to clip ACTIM and disable fan
fan_air_div 143D 1.00 DIV 04 E*4 E
fnardv PWM FAN temp error = (AirTemp-ATFPWM)/FNARDV
fan_air_temp_minimum_torque 143E 30.20 %TQ 4d E*2.55 V
fatntq %FTQ>fatntq for AirTemp to enable digital+PWM fan
fan_cooler_div 143F 1.00 DIV 04 E*4 E
fncodv PWM FAN temp error = (CoolTemp-CTFPWM)/FNCODV
fan_delay 1440 0.5 SEC 05 E*10 V
fandly FanCtrl#1+#2 off for fandly SEC for 1:1 spd switch
fan_transition_low_spd_time 1441 15.0 "" 1e E*2 B
fantlt fan_transition_low_spd_time
fan_min_on_time 1442 30.0 SEC 1e E V
fanont minimum seconds that fan(s) are ON for all reasons
fan_oil_div 1443 1.00 DIV 04 E*4 E
fnoldv PWM FAN temp error = (OilTemp-OTFPWM)/FNOLDV
fan_ramp_rate 1444 10.0 %/S 14 E*2 E
fpwrmp maximum PWM FanControl %DC increase in %DC per SEC
fan_type 1445 1 = single fan1 = single fan E fantyp
FanCtrl: 1=1fan1spd 2=2fan1spd 3=1fan2spd
filtq_en_threshold 1446 0.50 degr 04 E*8 V
flteth If BOI cmpnstions < flteth filt tq will offset BOI
filtq_min_boi 1447 -3.00 degr fffffff4 E*4 B
fltmnb minimum BOI allowable when filt torque is active
fire_pump_press_threshold 1448 41.4 kPa 03 E/13.794 V
fwppbt if fire pump press below fwppbt, bcast zero ppress
first_cylinder_in_block 1449 1.0 DEC 00 E-1 V
fstcyl MultiBlock: Risetime code cyl ID = cyl# + fstcyl
friction_tq_loss_fan_adder 144A 5.10 %tq 0d E*2.55 V
ftqlfa TQLOST adder to J1939 msg when fan in ON
gain_ramp_time 144B 10.0 SEC 0a E V
gvgntm secs into run mode to ramp GAIN gvomin to gvogva
glowplugs_cycle_timeout 144C 112.0 SEC 70 E V
gptim IGN ON time>gptim & OilTp & FTQ for glow plugs OFF
glowplugs_max_torque 144D 20.00 % 33 E*2.55 V
gppct FTQP>gppct*ztqscl & OilT & Timr for glow plugs OFF
glowplugs_noTRS_timeout 144E 240.0 SEC f0 E V
gpztm time since last TRS>gpztm then glow plugs disabled
gov_diff_gain 144F 0.0000124 (T*S 0d E*1048576 V
gvdfgn governor gain: DIFFERENTIAL in %TQ*SEC/RPM
gov_integr_gain 1450 0.0049 T/(R 05 E*1024 V
gvingn governor gain: INTEGRAL in %TQ/(RPM*SEC)
gov_lag_gain 1451 3.00 MLT 30 E*16 V
gvlggn governor gain: LAG
gov_lead_gain 1452 4.00 MLT 40 E*16 V
gvldgn governor gain: LEAD
gov_overall_gain 1453 2.00 MLT 20 E*16 V
gvovga governor gain: OVERALL ADJUSTMENT
gov_overall_gain_max 1454 2.00 MLT 20 E*16 B
gvoamx gvovga <= gvoamx for customer cal changes
gov_overall_gain_min 1455 2.00 MLT 20 E*16 B
gvoamn gvovga >= gvoamn for customer cal changes
gov_overall_start_gain 1456 0.50 MLT 08 E*16 V
gvomin initial overall gov gain when run mode entered
gov_prop_gain 1457 0.00098 T/R 10 E*16384 V
gvprgn governor gain: PROPORTIONAL in %TQ/RPM
halfeng_enable 1458 0.0 "" 00 E D
heenb 0-never, 1-at any temperature, 2-using max_oilt
halfeng_offset_boi 1459 0.00 Deg. 00 E*4 B
heoffb BOI offset added to base table when in halfeng
halfeng_max_mph 145A 5.0 MPH 0a E*2 V
hemxvs vehicle MPH > HEMXVS then HALF ENGINE disabled
high_alt_minimum_pressure 145B 50.0 KPA 3a E*1.15992 V
hamnbp BARO below which HIGH ALTITUDE TQ limiting occurs
high_alt_minimum_torque 145C 100.00 %TQ ff E*2.55 V
hamntq min TQ allowed by HIGH ALTITUDE TQ limiting
high_alt_pressure_gain 145D 0.0079 %/K 07 E*882.816 V
haprtq HIGH ALT TQ limiting gain applied to HAMNBP-BARO
high_temp_min_run_time 145E 30.0 SEC 1e E V
htpmrt RPM>minrpm for htpmrt SECs for high temp code
idle_gov_init_int 145F 3.92 % 0a E*2.55 V
idlii idle governor: Initial INTEGRATOR value (*ztqscl)
idle_off_min_throttle 1460 120.0 A/D 3c E/2 V
tmxeni TPS A/D<tmxeni then idle val switch should be ON
idle_on_max_throttle 1461 282.0 A/D 8d E/2 V
tmneis TPS A/D>tmneis then idle val switch should be OFF
idle_override_exit_time 1462 10.0 SEC 0a E V
isotm TPS>0% after isotm then IDLE SHTDWN OVERRIDE reset
idle_speed_max_offset 1463 100.0 RPM 64 E V
iofmax maximum idle offset speed
idle_speed_min_offset 1464 -25.0 RPM ffffffe7 E V
iofmin minimum idle offset speed
ignition_off_time 1465 2.0 SEC 14 E*10 V
igofft IGN off>igofft AND no TRS then ign cycle has ended
inactive_max_pw 1466 5.0 DEG 05 E V
ishpw Final PW<ishpw for Brick on Throttle IDLE SHTDWN
inactive_min_pw 1467 0.0 DEG 00 E V
islpw Final PW>islpw for Brick on Throttle IDLE SHTDWN
inactive_timeout 1468 1200.0 SEC 78 E/10 V
isbtm Brick on Throttle IDLE SHUTDOWN Timer
initialize_ram_value 1469 0.0 "" 00 E V
iramv Value to set uninitialized RAM to on reset
injector_adjust_max 146A 0.0700 % 46 E*1000 V
ijcmax max %PW increase that may be applied to a cylinder
injector_adjust_min 146B 0.0700 % 46 E*1000 V
ijcmin max %PW decrease that may be applied to a cylinder
injector_filterconst 146C 0.125 % @ 10 E*128 V
irtfc injector response time filter constant
injector_timeout 146D 5.0 SEC 32 E*10 V
irttmo ramp/reset timer SECS to log rise time long/short
j1587_default_output_count 146E 25.0 DEC 19 E V
jlornm J1587:Number of DDEC unique response transmissions
j1587_default_output_interval 146F 0.200 SEC 08 E*40 V
jlortm J1587:Interval between DDEC unique response trnsms
j1587_engine_mid 1470 128.0 MID 80 E V
jlomid J1587: Engine Message IDentifier
j1708_retry_count 1471 5.000 SEC c8 E*40 V
jretry J1708: Seconds of retries before reporting fault
j1922_engine_output_interval 1472 0.050 SEC 02 E*40 V
jlootm J1922: Time between engine to powertrain messages
j1922_override_timeout 1473 1.000 SEC 28 E*40 V
jlotmx J1922: Timeout for J1922 override commands
j1922_retarder_output_interval 1474 0.100 SEC 04 E*40 V
jreotm J1922: Time between retarder to pwrtrain messages
j1939_engine_address 1475 0.0 Adr 00 E V
jhieng J1939: engine souce/dstntion address: 0=on/255=off
j1939_engine_timeout 1476 0.050 SEC 02 E*40 V
jhieto J1939: Timeout for engine control commands in SECs
j1939_ftq_input_source_address 1477 255.0 J193 ff E V
jhtqsa Source addr of device that will slew final tq
j1939_override_timeout 1478 2.000 SEC 50 E*40 V
jhitmx J1939: Timeout for J1939 override commands in SECs
j1939_retarder_address 1479 15.0 Adr 0f E V
jhiret J1939: retarder src/dstntn addr: 15=EngBrk/255=off
j1939_retarder_timeout 147A 0.125 SEC 05 E*40 V
jhirto J1939: Timeout for retarder cntrl commands in SECs
j1939_transmission_address 147B 255.0 Adr ff E O
jhitrn J1939: transmission src/dstntion address / 255=off
j1939_transmission_timeout 147C 0.050 SEC 02 E*40 V
jhitto J1939: TimeOut for transmission's control commands
jake_brake_hysteresis 147D 1.00 MPH 10 E*16 V
jbhyst (veh MPH-cc set MPH)<jbXmph-jbhyst then lower jake
jake_brake_min_mph 147E 0.0 MPH 00 E*2 D
jbmph vehMPH > jbmph to enable jake brakes - R5(Own)=DDR
jake_hi_delta_mph 147F 7.00 MPH 70 E*16 D
jbhmph (veh MPH-cc set MPH)>jbhmph then high jake brake
jake_lo_delta_mph 1480 3.00 MPH 30 E*16 D
jblmph (veh MPH-cc set MPH)>jblmph then low jake brake
jake_med_delta_mph 1481 5.00 MPH 50 E*16 D
jbmmph (veh MPH-cc set MPH)>jbmmph then medium jake brake
jake_peak_retardation 1482 1288.0 N*m 5f E/13.558 V
jbpktq J1922: rtrdr to pwrtr msg jakebrk pk retarding trq
jake_turnoff_delay 1483 0.100 SEC 04 E*40 V
jbtodl time to suppress fueling after jake brake disabled
kickd_min_tps 1484 94.90 %TPS f2 E*2.55 V
tmnakd Not Used
kickd_off_max_throttle 1485 0.0 A/D 00 E/2 V
tmnenk Not Used
kickd_on_min_throttle 1486 0.0 A/D 00 E/2 V
tmxekd Not Used
konst_peak_retardation 1487 854.2 N*m 3f E/13.558 V
knpktq J1922: rtrdr to pwrtr msg S55 KD peak retarding TQ
limit_toofew_srs 1488 50.0 % 32 E V
limtfs % of nomsrs cam revs with no SRS to log TooFewSRS
limit_toomany_srs 1489 50.0 % 32 E V
limtms % of nomsrs cam revs with 2FewTRS to log 2ManySRS
lock_by_errors 148A 3.0 DEC 03 E V
lckerr # SRS/TRS errors before locking tooth_error_times
lookup_interval 148B 150.0 RPM 96 E V
lkint step between cal table RPM points:S30G=250,else150
low_coolant_slosh_timer 148C 30.0 SEC 1e E V
lcstim Low Clnt Lvl DigIn low for lcstim to enable DigOut
low_cool_press_min_boost 148D 0.00 KPA 00 E*2.31985 V
cptbmn Boost kpa > CPTBMN to log low coolant pressure
low_cool_press_min_timer 148E 10.0 SEC 0a E V
cptbtm SECs that boost kpa > CPTBMN for low coolant press
low_cool_pressure_time_delay 148F 10.0 SEC 0a E V
coptd RPM>MINRPM for >COPTD secs to log low coolnt press
low_gear_tq_limiting_speed 1490 20.0 mph 28 E*2 B
lgtqls vehicle speed below which low gear tq limit isused
low_oil_pressure_time_delay 1491 10.0 SEC 0a E V
olptd RPM>MINRPM for >OLPTD secs to log low oil pressure
marine_torque_limit_end_time 1492 190.0 SEC be E V
tqtret %TQ>DTQLMT(RPM) for tqtret SECs for max %TQ lmtg
marine_torque_limit_count_rate 1493 2.0 S/S 14 E*10 V
tqtcdr %TQ lmtg timer decrement in SECs/SEC if %TQ<DTQLMT
marine_torque_limit_start_time 1494 180.0 SEC b4 E V
tqtrst %TQ>DTQLMT(RPM) for tqtrst SECs to start %TQ lmtg
marine_torque_limit_warn_time 1495 60.0 SEC 3c E V
tqtwtm %TQ>DTQLMT(RPM) for tqtwtm SECs for ChkEngLt warng
max_pwrdown_time_after_eeprom 1496 20.0 sec 14 E V
mpdtae max time ECM is on before low pwr mode when EEPROM
maximum_coasting_percentage 1497 39.84 % 66 E*2.56 B
dpmcp % max RPM below which engine is coasting
min_boi 1498 0.00 DEG 00 E*8 V
minboi minimum BOI (before multiplier)
min_bulb_on_time 1499 2.0 SEC 14 E*10 V
dimont minimum check and stop engine light ON time in sec
minimum_coast_speed 149A 40.0 MPH 50 E*2 B
dpmcs Minimum vehicle speed allowed for coasting
mf_major_delta_boi 149B 10.00 dg 50 E*8 V
mfmjdb BOI offset added to minimum boi when in major misf
mf_minor_delta_boi 149C 5.00 dg 28 E*8 V
mfmndb BOI offset added to minimum BOI when in minor misf
mf_minor_exit_time 149D 5.0 sec 32 E*10 V
mfmnet exit minr msf whn mfmnde<accl rt<mfmnae for mfmnet
mf_minor_to_major_count 149E 12.0 coun 0c E V
mfmtmc major misfr if minor misfire occurs mfmtmc times
mm_afrs_max_engine_hours 149F 72.0 Hour 48 E V
mmamxh Max eng hrs aftr drty fltr to recheck AFRS
mm_afrs_max_pressure 14A0 18.00 inH2 5a E*5 V
mmafmp Max pressure above which the air filt. is dirty
mm_afrs_min_engine_hours 14A1 24.0 Hour 18 E V
mmamnh Min eng hrs aftr drty fltr to recheck AFRS
mm_afrs_quantised_high 14A2 25.00 inH2 7d E*5 V
mmafqh AFRS upper trip point for quantized comms
mm_afrs_quantised_low 14A3 18.00 inH2 5a E*5 V
mmafql AFRS lower trip point for quantized comms
mm_ecm_awake_time 14A4 120.0 Minu 78 E V
mmeawk Time after ignition off for ecm to stay awake
mm_flash_time 14A5 15.0 Seco 0f E D
mmflsh Time aftr bulb chk for CEL/SEL to flash at ign on
mm_oil_drip_time 14A6 3.75 Minu 0f E*4 V
mmodpt Min. time after eng. has stopped to check OLS
mph_gov_disable_delta 14A7 10.0 MPH 0a E V
rsgdsb (rd spd lmt-veh MPH)>rsgdsb thn disable rd spd gov
mph_gov_enable_delta 14A8 8.0 MPH 08 E V
rsgenb (rd spd lmt-veh MPH)<rsgenb then enable rd spd gov
ms_comms_error_time 14A9 1.000 SEC 28 E*40 V
cerrtm J1939 timeout: BOI&PW for slave, 1/2eng for master
no_of_customer_cal_changes 14AA 4.0 DEC 04 E S
nccchg # of Customer Programming changes made to the CAL
no_of_injector_cal_changes 14AB 0.0 DEC 00 E S
nicchg # of Injector Calibration changes made
no_of_slaves 14AC 0.0 DEC 00 E V
msnslv Total number of slave ECMs
noise_b 14AD 0.0 RPM/ 00 E/2 B
noiseb Offset for noise acceleration limit calculation
noise_boi 14AE 14.00 degr 70 E*8 B
nsboi BOI when noise ctrl active and cool temp > cal
noise_control_distance 14AF 85.0 FT 55 E V
ncdist feet to reach rated RPM once noise control active
noise_disable_throttle 14B0 40.00 %TH 66 E*2.55 V
ntpdis %Throttle<ntpdnb disables Noise Control
noise_enable_throttle 14B1 98.04 %TH fa E*2.55 V
ntpenb %Throttle>ntpenb to enable Noise Control
noise_high_gear_dist 14B2 110.0 feet 6e E V
nchgdt noise control high gear distance
noise_m 14B3 0.000 "" 00 E*127 B
noisem Slope for noise acceleration limit calculation
noise_range_time 14B4 3.0 SEC 06 E*2 V
nrngtm RPM within noise range for >NRNGTM for noise cntrl
noise_rpm_fraction 14B5 0.6667 "" aa E*255 B
nrpmfr Fraction of rated speed for noise control
noise_vehicle_speed 14B6 8.5 MPH 11 E*2 B
nsvss Minimum vehicle speed to enable noise control
nox_adapt_1min_enter_time 14B7 10.0 sec 0a E V
na1ent time 1min rol avg load > nxlmt1 before adv to ss
nox_adapt_1min_exit_time 14B8 0.0 sec 00 E V
na1ext time 1min rol avg load < nxlmt1 before ret to base
nox_adapt_1min_limit 14B9 0.8510 Load d9 E*255 B
nxlmt1 % load for ATP reset if 1 min. rolling ave. is en
nox_adapt_2min_limit 14BA 0.7490 Load bf E*255 B
nxlmt2 % load for ATP reset if 2 min. rolling ave. is en
nox_sampling_interval 14BB 1.0 SEC 0a E*10 V
nxsmp Adptv Tmng: NOx cntrl RPM sampling interval in sec
oi_loop_debounce_time 14BC 150.0 Mill 96 E V
oildbt additional debounce time for OI safety loop
oil_press_zero_rpm_wait_time 14BD 3.0 sec 1e E*10 V
olpwtm time when engine rpm 0 before check for ops fail
optimum_load_curve_max_tq_dc 14BE 5.10 % du 0d E*2.55 V
olcxdc pwm percent duty cycle for fully overloaded signl.
optimum_load_curve_min_tq_dc 14BF 94.90 % du f2 E*2.55 V
olcndc PWM DC% at minimum underloaded torque
optimum_load_curve_nom_tq_dc 14C0 49.80 % du 7f E*2.55 V
olcnom PWM DC% at optimum load
optimum_load_dc_at_idle 14C1 49.80 % du 7f E*2.55 V
olcidc PWM DC% on idle governor
optimum_load_dc_in_start 14C2 49.80 % du 7f E*2.55 V
olcsdc PWM DC% in start mode
otp_cel_delta_coolant_temp 14C3 0.00 dgC 00 E*14.4 E
otdtco Dlta tmp>scldhi to brdcst msg & ilum CEL for OTP
otp_cel_delta_cylhead_temp 14C4 0.00 dgC 00 E*14.4 V
otdtcy Dlta tmp>scldhi to brdcst msg & ilum CEL for OTP
otp_cel_delta_ex_temp 14C5 0.00 dgC 00 E*14.4 V
otdtex Dlta tmp>scldhi to brdcst msg & ilum CEL for OTP
otp_cel_delta_inner_temp 14C6 0.00 dgC 00 E*14.4 V
otdtin Dlta tmp>scldhi to brdcst msg & ilum CEL for OTP
otp_cel_delta_oil_temp 14C7 0.00 dgC 00 E*14.4 V
otdtoi Dlta tmp>scldhi to brdcst msg & ilum CEL for OTP
otp_cel_delta_tco_temp 14C8 0.00 dgC 00 E*14.4 E
otdtct Dlta tmp>scldhi to brdcst msg & ilum CEL for OTP
otp_cel_delta_trans_temp 14C9 0.00 dgC 00 E*14.4 V
otdttr Dlta tmp>scldhi to brdcst msg & ilum CEL for OTP
otp_coolant_filter_constant 14CA 0.148 % @ 13 E*128 V
otpcfc filter const. appld to coolnt tmp for OTP
park_brake_temp_weighting 14CB 0.000 unit 00 E*128 V
pbtwfc temperature weighting factor for BOI calculation
ps_activate_lower_tps 14CC 5.0 %TPS 05 E V
psltps lower tps used in passing speed activation seq
ps_activate_upper_tps 14CD 95.0 %TPS 5f E V
psutps upper tps used in passing speed activation seq
ps_activation_cancel_timer 14CE 3.0 SEC 03 E V
psactc time w/in ps activation seq must complete
ps_activation_speed_timer 14CF 20.0 SEC 14 E V
psacts time w/in vehicle speed must > road speed limit
ps_cel_flash_time 14D0 60.0 SEC 3c E V
pscelt time before ps deactivation that CEL will flash
ps_increment 14D1 0.0 MPH 00 E D
psincr increment above road speed limit when ps active
ps_passing_duration 14D2 0.0 Minu 00 E D
pspdur min per interval that ps feature is allowed
ps_ramp_down_time 14D3 5.0 SEC 05 E V
psrdtm time for ramp down to road speed limit wh ps deact
ps_reset_interval 14D4 8.0 Hour 08 E D
psrint number of hours before passing duration is reset
pss_mph_hysteresis 14D5 2.00 MPH 20 E*16 V
pshyst PROG SHIFT: vehicle speed hysteresis in MPH
pss_range1_mph 14D6 26.0 MPH 34 E*2 D
psmph1 PROG SHIFT: max vehicle speed (MPH) in range 1
pss_range2_mph 14D7 44.0 MPH 58 E*2 D
psmph2 PROG SHIFT: max vehicle speed (MPH) in range 2
pss_range3_mph 14D8 45.0 MPH 5a E*2 D
psmph3 PROG SHIFT: max vehicle speed (MPH) in range 3
pto_hysteresis 14D9 8.0 A/D 08 E V
pthysc PTO: hysteresis A/D counts added to impulse output
pto_maximum_mph 14DA 3.0 MPH 06 E*2 E
ptmxvs PTO: vehicle MPH < ptmxvs to allow PTO operation
pto_maximum_tps 14DB 3.92 %TPS 0a E*2.55 E
ptztps PTO: TPS>ptztps then PTO disabled
radiator_temp_threshold 14DC 90.0 dgC c2 (E+17.78)*1.8 V
radthr CLS: temp thermostats open-for radiator temp calc
rail_p_low_protect_timeout 14DD 0.500 sec 14 E*40 V
rplprt timeout threshold for rplprd timer
range_breakpoint_gear_index 14DE 4.0 "" 04 E O
essrbi Highest gr in the low rnge for the given transmssn
rating_override 14DF 0.0 Flg 00 E D
ratovr >3 use RTG SWs else TPS & GOV rating var = ratovr
rating_version_number_shared 14E0 99.0 DEC 63 E B
rtvrsh Shared Ratings Version Number ID Only
ratings_allowed 14E1 63.0 DEC 3f E B
rallow bit 0-3=thr+gov rtgs,b4=rtg sw,b5=DDR set RATOVR
resume_hold_delay 14E2 1.000 SEC 28 E*40 V
resdly CC setpt inc'd ccincr&m/Xsec if r/a sw on>resdly
retarder_throttle_hysteresis 14E3 1.18 %TPS 03 E*2.55 V
trhyst %Throttle > trhyst to disable trans retarder
retarder_type 14E4 1 = jacob/PAC brake1 = jacob/PAC brake E
rettyp engine retarder type: 0=none 1=jakes 2=KD 3=DVB
road_speed_limit 14E5 75.0 MPH 96 E*2 D
rslmph RSG: maximum vehicle speed allowed by Road Spd Gov
sa_max_mph_delta 14E6 0.0 MPH 00 E*2 D
mphmxd max Fuel Economy Road Speed Limit increase in MPH
sa_mpg_cap 14E7 20.0 MPG 14 E V
mpgcap Max value for filtered MPG used in Driver Reward
sa_mpg_delta 14E8 3.0 MPG 1e E*10 V
mpgdlt MPGTHR+/-MPGDLT are max/min limits on filtered MPG
sa_mpg_threshold 14E9 7.0 MPG 46 E*10 D
mpgthr filtered MPG > MPGTHR to increase Road Speed Limit
sa_mph_to_mpg 14EA 5.0 M/M 32 E*10 D
mphmpg RSL MPH increase = (filtered MPG-MPHTHR)*MPHMPG
sensor_supply_err_timer_thresh 14EB 50.0 "" 32 E V
ssethr timer thresh at which ssv fault will be detected
sensor_supply_err_timer_weight 14EC 5.0 "" 05 E V
ssewgt counter inc when ssv is below calibrated setting
ss_temp_hyst 14ED 1.53 dgC 16 E*14.4 V
boisst Hysteresis used with temp cals to force BOISSR
tach_out_function 14EE 0 = tach drive output based on RPM0 = tach
drive output based on RPM V tacout Source for tach drive output. 0=RPM 1=PTO
set spd
tach_pulses_per_rev 14EF 12.0 puls 0c E V
tpprev number of pulses per rev that tach will output
turbo_min_tq_limit 14F0 40.00 "" 66 E*2.55 B
stmtql Min tq the PI controllers are allowed to req.
set_hold_delay 14F1 0.200 SEC 08 E*40 V
setdly CC inactive w/ setpt track if s/c sw on>setdly SEC
shift_detect_timeout 14F2 2.0 SEC 14 E*10 V
vrrwtm VGR: secs after gear shift that new=unfiltered VGR
shutdn_coolant_level 14F3 70.0 %CLS 8c E*2 V
discol CLS: CLS<discol for engine shutdown
shutdn_filterconst 14F4 0.063 Tau 08 E*128 V
setffc engine shutdown saved torque filter constant
shutdn_min_torque 14F5 40.00 %TQ 66 E*2.55 E
setmin eng shtdwn AND overtemp protect min allowed TORQUE
shutdn_oil_level 14F6 0.0 %OLS 00 E*2 V
disoll OLS: OLS<disoll for engine shutdown
shutdn_override_count 14F7 255.0 DEC ff E E
seocnt SEO: maximum number of shutdown overrides
shutdn_override_time 14F8 5.0 SEC 05 E V
seotmr SEO: time override OFF before recognized again
shutdn_ramp_time 14F9 30.0 SEC 1e E V
setimr ramp down time in secs before engine shutdown
single_turbo_delay_min_ltq 14FA 10.0 SEC 0a E V
stdmtq TQ < stmntq for stdmtq before switching to dual
single_turbo_max_ltq_hyst 14FB 5.10 %TQ 0d E*2.55 V
stmtqh Hyst when switching from dual to single turbo mode
single_turbo_maxltq_increment 14FC 150.0 RPM 96 E V
stmlin incremental RPM val usd to dfn rng of stmlmn
single_turbo_min_ltq_hyst 14FD 5.10 %TQ 0d E*2.55 V
stmnth Hyst tq used when switching from dual to single
srs_no_trs_limit 14FE 3.0 DEC 03 E V
srsnot SRS: #SRS>srsnot with No TRS to log Too Many SRS
steady_egr_load_hyst 14FF 0.00 % lo 00 E*2.55 B
segrlh engine load hyst for EGR win when in steady BOI
steady_egr_max_load 1500 0.00 % lo 00 E*2.55 B
segrxl max eng load hyst for EGR win when in steady BOI
steady_egr_min_load 1501 0.00 % lo 00 E*2.55 B
segrnl min eng load hyst for EGR win when in steady BOI
system_delay 1502 0.0 DEC 00 E V
sysdly #engine tq gen delay in cylinder firings
t2_cc_demand_max 1503 80.00 %TQ cc E*2.55 V
astcdm If %RTQ<ASTCDM upshift pt ramped down if in CC+9th
t2_cc_rampdown_time 1504 10.0 SEC 0a E V
astcrt normal to lower shiftpt rampdown SECs if in CC+9th
t2_dis_split_attempts 1505 3.0 DEC 03 E V
astdsa # of failed splitter attempts to log fault
t2_eng_time_increment 1506 0.050 SEC 02 E*40 V
asteti SECs added to engage timer if within diseng window
t2_kick_upshift_reset 1507 20.00 %TQ 33 E*2.55 V
astkur Minimum %torque to reset upshift point
t2_knee_ramp_rate 1508 1.96 %TQ 05 E*2.55 V
astkrr % knee tq ramp rate per 25ms after shift completed
t2_knee_torque 1509 20.00 %TQ 33 E*2.55 V
astktq Throttle ramp back torque transition point
t2_min_percent_torque 150A 20.00 %TQ 33 E*2.54998 V
astmpt Min % torque required to initiate an upshift
t2_offset_time 150B 4.000 SEC a0 E*40 V
astoft Time allowed to suppress shft pt after shft complt
t2_ramp_back_rate 150C 4.31 %TQ/ 0b E*2.55 V
astrbr % tq ramp rate per 25ms after shift has completed
t2_skid_confirmed_time 150D 0.100 SEC 04 E*40 V
astskt SKID conditions met for ASTSKT to confirm SKID
t2_skid_settling_time 150E 1.00 SEC 04 E*4 V
astost Disable T2 for ASTOST secs after skid for osciltn
t2_skid_timer_const 1510 400.0 %@25 0320 E*2 V
aststc Timer constant to cancel skid condition
t2_tq_ramp_dwn_rate 1512 10.0 %TQ/ 0a E V
asttrd Torque ramp down rate for approaching 0% torque
tas_alarm_time 1513 5.00 SEC 19 E*5 V
tasatm alarm secs=TASATM prior to any auto-start
tas_battery_switch_voltage 1514 18.0 VLT 12 E V
tasbsv Assume +24V charging system if Vbat>TASBSV
tas_battery_time 1515 120.0 Minu 3c E/2 V
tasbat OI battery run time for low battery eng. starts
tas_continuous_cycle_time 1516 15.0 MIN 0f E V
tascct auto-start after TASCCT mins if ISD w/ cabtemp bad
tas_crank_end_time 1517 8.00 SEC 28 E*5 V
tascet auto-start total crank secs<TASCET
tas_crank_max_vss 1518 2.0 PLS 02 E V
tasvss VSSpulses<TASVSS to continue auto-start cranking
tas_crank_oil_temp 1519 15.6 dgC 3c (E+17.78)*1.8 V
tascot OilTmp<TASCOT for auto-strt if ISD+intrlocks+alarm
tas_crank_rpm_time 151A 1.80 SEC 09 E*5 V
tascrt RPM>TASCMR in secs<TASCRT to continue auto-start
tas_initial_run_time 151B 45.0 MIN 2d E V
tasirt if start for CabTmp+CabTmp bad for TASIRT then ISD
tas_max_mph_safety 151C 3.0 MPH 03 E V
tasmph log code+disable TAS if VehSpd>TASMPH+safety loop
tas_restart_time 151D 45.0 SEC 2d E V
tasrst attempt 2nd auto-start TASRST secs after 1st ends
tas_rpm_ramp_rate 151E 50.0 R/S 32 E V
tasrrt RPM ramp rate to setRPM once run mode achieved
tas_rpm_switch_temp 151F 18.3 dgC 41 (E+17.78)*1.8 V
tastmp AmbTmp>TASTMP for TASSUM else TASWIN auto-setRPM
tas_shutdown_torque 1520 25.10 %TQ 40 E*2.55 V
tasstq engine shutdown if %TQ>TASSTQ with OI in control
tas_vehicle_power_delay 1521 30.0 SEC 3c E*2 V
tasdly VehPwrShtDwn ON TASDLY after CabTemp ato-strt only
tco_overtemp_divisor 1522 1.00 unit 10 E*16 V
tcootd div hightest tco temp to scale to overtemp protect
teeth_on_wheel 1523 36.0 DEC 24 E V
nteeth #TRS teeth: DDEC3(all eng)=36 / DDEC2(S60 only)=6
tooxxx_srs_count 1524 7.0 DEC 07 E V
nomsrs SRS: # camshaft revs used for SRS/TRS error tests
top_gear_1_min_road_speed 1525 25.0 MPH 32 E*2 B
dptg1s Speed to be exceeded before top gear - 1 recalced
tps_dec_filterconst 1526 0.203 % @ 1a E*128 V
tpdefc %TH offset decr filter const: new=old+tpdefc*(n-o)
tps_inc_filterconst 1527 0.008 % @ 01 E*128 V
tpinfc %TH offset incr filter const: new=old+tpinfc*(n-o)
tps_min_offset 1528 100.0 A/D 64 E V
tpomin TPS: minimum TPS offset in A/D counts
tps_offset_hyst 1529 52.0 A/D 34 E V
tpohis TPS OFFSET: new=min(old,max(new+tpohis,tpomin))
tqrpm_filterconst 152A 1.000 unit 80 E*128 V
tqrpfc filter constant used by filtered_tq exh bp calcs
transmission_type 152B 0.0 DEC 00 E O
txtyp Transmission ID, used for setting PWM1 at OEMs
trs_stop_time 152C 0.1 SEC 01 E*10 V
tnotrs TRS: secs w/ no TRS before RPM assumed to be 0
turbo_fix_pos 152D 0.0 %BBP 00 E*2 V
tbfix BLWR BYPS: position=tbfix if oil temp<tboilt
turbo_integr_gain 152E 1.00 DEC 10 E*16 V
tbdig BLWR BYPS: integral gain
turbo_overall_gain 152F 1.00 DEC 10 E*16 V
tbdlg BLWR BYPS: loop gain
turbo_overspeed_int_gain 1530 0.00782 %TQ/ 10 E*2047 V
tbosig Turbo overspeed integral gain
turbo_overspeed_prop_gain 1531 0.00782 %TQ/ 10 E*2047 V
tbospg Turbo overspeed proportional gain
turbo_position_gain 1532 2.03 %/K 1c E*13.794 V
tbposg BLWR BYPS: position gain in % position per kpa
turbo_pressure_offset 1533 0.0 KPA 00 E*1.15992 V
tbdelp TURBO: desired boost offset sbtrct from DESKPF Tbl
turbo_prop_gain 1534 0.63 DEC 0a E*16 V
tbdpg BLWR BYPS: proportional gain
twins_pulses_per_rev 1535 0.0 PPR 00 E E
tsppr SYNC: RPM synchronization mode pulses per rev
vgr_delta 1536 0.0703 RTO 12 E*256 V
vrdlta VGR: unfltrd/fltrd>1+/-vrdlta thn gear shift occrd
vnt_boost_diag_critical_time 1537 127.5 sec ff E*2 B
vntdct max time turbo is flag nonrespon while boost ctrl
vnt_default_pwm 1538 50.0 % 64 E*2 B
vntpwm default dc for VNT vanes actuator when ctrl notenb
vnt_max_boost_response_time 1539 127.5 sec ff E*2 B
vnmbrt max time boost press err is outside bnds while bst
vnt_min_boost_response 153A 0.0 kPa 00 E/1.72425 B
vntmbr min boost press delta for des & actual in bst ctrl
vnt_pid_min_load 153B 0.00 % lo 00 E*2.55 B
vntpml min engine load at which exhaust flow alg is enabl
vnt_pid_min_rpm 153C 0.0 rpm 00 E/10 B
vntpms min engine speed at which exhst flow alg is enabl
vnt_saturation_boost_time 153D 127.5 sec ff E*2 B
vntsbt max time VNT vanes are actuated at extreme pos bst
vnt_saturation_egr_time 153E 127.5 sec ff E*2 B
vntset max time VNT vanes are actuates at extreme pos bst
vnt_turbo_speed_thresh 153F 0.0 rpm 00 E/512 B
vnttst min turbo shaft speed err before turbo speed limit
vnt_vane_pos_change_limit 1540 400.0 "" c8 E/2 B
vntvpc max VNT vanes actuator %dc chg in 1sec T EGR/boost
vsg_qualification_timeout 1541 30.0 SEC 1e E V
vsgqto max SECs allowed to qualify a Dual VSG station
vsg_ramp_to_idle 1542 200.0 R/S 14 E/10 V
vsgrid RPM/SEC ramp down rate from VSG set speed to idle
vss_absolute_diagnostic_limit 1543 0.0 MPH 00 E*2 D
dimxv2 MPH>dimxv2 to log vehicle overspeed / 0 to disable
vss_driving_diagnostic_limit 1544 0.0 MPH 00 E*2 D
dimxv1 MPH>dimxv1 AND LTQ>0 to log fueld veh ovrspd/0=off
vss_fail_detect_mph 1545 3.0 MPH 06 E*2 V
vsfrs VSS: veh MPH<vsfrs to log veh spd sensor failed
vss_fail_detect_pw 1546 15.00 DEG 3c E*4 V
vsfpw VSS: PW>vsfpw to log veh spd sensor failed
vss_fail_timeout 1547 10.0 SEC 64 E*10 V
vsfto VSS: time (integrating) to log VSS failed
vss_filterconst 1548 0.500 Tau 40 E*128 V
vssfc VSS: vehicle speed filter constant
vss_idle_speed 1549 1.50 MPH 18 E*16 V
vssisp MPH when vehicle is considered at idle (no motion)
vss_idle_speed_hysteresis 154A 1.00 MPH 10 E*16 V
vssish MPH when veh is cnsdrd mvng = vssisd + vssish
vss_nox_adapt_exit_time 154B 10.0 SEC 0a E V
vnxext time in which vehicle < vnxmph before ret to base
vss_nox_adapt_mph 154C 50.0 MPH 64 E*2 V
vnxmph vehicle speed at which BOI is advanced to SS tbl
vss_nox_adapt_reenter_time 154D 10.0 SEC 0a E V
vnxret time in which vehicle > vnxmph before advan to ss
vss_pulses_per_rev 154E 16.0 Teet 10 E D
vssppr VSS: number of teeth used by VSS sensor
vss_tamp_power_down_time 154F 25.0 SEC fa E*10 V
vsspdt SEC w/ VSS fault AND no TRS before ECM power-down
vss_tamp_rpm_reset 1550 15.0 %RPM 0f E V
vsstrp %change in RPM>vsstrp to reset VSS tampering
vss_tamp_rslrpm_reset 1551 85.0 %RPM 55 E V
vsstrr %RPM<vsstrr of rslrpm to reset VSS tampering
vss_tamp_timeout 1552 2.0 SEC 14 E*10 V
vsstto VSS tampering fault timeout value
vss_tamp_vgr_delta 1553 5.0 %VGR 05 E V
vsstvd fltrd %VGRdelta>vsstvd to log VSS tampering fault
vss_tamp_vgr_reset 1554 15.0 %VGR 0f E V
vsstvr fltrd %VGRdelta>vsstvr to reset VSS tampering
vss_tamp_vss_delta 1555 15.0 %VSS 0f E V
vsstdl fltrd %VSSdelta>vsstdl to log VSS tampering fault
vss_timeout 1556 0.5020 SEC 80 E*255 V
vssout max SECs between VSS pulses before zeroed
vss_turbo_speed_filterconst 1557 0.203 Tau 1a E*128 V
vsstfc Turbo speed filter constant when using vss port
vss_turbo_pulses_per_rev 1558 1.0 Teet 01 E V
vtbppr Number of pulses per one turbo charger revolution
warmup_time 1559 240.0 SEC 3c E/4 V
warmtm TEMPs: eng run time to log temp sensor(s) fail hi
j1939_function_instance 155A 0.0 N/A 00 E V
cnfins Fn inst. of engine for mult engns (not mstr/rcvr)
j1939_ecu_instance 155A.5 0.0 N/A 0 E E
cneins ECM inst for currnt fn. (mstr=0, rcvr1=1,etc...)
j1939_time_segment2 155B 4.0 DEC 4 E V
jhits2 J1939: CAN interface timing register#2 initializtn
j1939_time_segment1 155B.4 9.0 DEC 9 E V
jhits1 J1939: CAN interface timing register#1 initializtn
governor_rating_11 155C 0.0 Flg 0 E B
ragv11 selects GOV RATING if sw1=on + sw2=on OR ratovr=3
governor_rating_10 155C.2 2.0 Flg 2 E B
ragv10 selects GOV RATING if sw1=on +sw2=off OR ratovr=2
governor_rating_01 155C.4 1.0 Flg 1 E B
ragv01 selects GOV RATING if sw1=off+ sw2=on OR ratovr=1
governor_rating_00 155C.6 0.0 Flg 0 E B
ragv00 selects GOV RATING if sw1=off+sw2=off OR ratovr=0
throttle_rating_00 155D 0.0 Flg 0 E B
ratp00 selects TPS RATING if sw1=off+sw2=off OR ratovr=0
mm_level_lamps_mode 155D.2 1.0 Flg 1 E V
mmlvlm mm SEL/CEL 0-none 1 ign on 2 CEL whl flt act 3-bth
mm_filter_lamps_mode 155D.4 2.0 Flg 2 E V
mmfllm mm SEL/CEL 0-none 1-ign on 2-CEL whl flt act 3-bth
j1939_sampling_jump_width 155D.6 1.0 Flg 1 E V
jhisjw J1939: sets the CAN timing registers
afrs_quantised 155E 1.0 Flg 1 E V
mmafqn if set, AFRS data reported on J1587 is quantized
adaptive_cc_equipped 155E.1 0.0 Flg 0 E D
acceq if set, vehicle has an adaptive cruise system
throttle_rating_11 155E.2 2.0 Flg 2 E B
ratp11 selects TPS RATING if sw1=on + sw2=on OR ratovr=3
throttle_rating_10 155E.4 2.0 Flg 2 E B
ratp10 selects TPS RATING if sw1=on +sw2=off OR ratovr=2
throttle_rating_01 155E.6 1.0 Flg 1 E B
ratp01 selects TPS RATING if sw1=off+ sw2=on OR ratovr=1
allow_pto_idle_shutdown 155F 0.0 Flg 0 E D
ptshut set to enable IDLE SHUTDOWN on PTO
allow_pto_cruise 155F.1 1.0 Flg 1 E D
ccpto set to enable CRUISE SWITCH PTO
allow_override_idle_shutdown 155F.2 0.0 Flg 0 E D
isovr set to enable IDLE SHUTDOWN OVERRIDE
allow_oilp_fault_override 155F.3 1.0 Flg 1 E E
aolpo set to allow low Oil Pressure Stop Eng Override
allow_idle_shutdown 155F.4 1.0 Flg 1 E D
isenb set to enable IDLE SHUTDOWN
allow_govgain_adjust 155F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E B
gvoadj if set, allow gvovga customer cal changes
allow_ccp_fault_override 155F.6 1.0 Flg 1 E E
accpo set to allow high CrkCasePress Stop Eng Override
air_comp_enable 155F.7 0.0 Flg 0 E E
pgsenb set to enable Air Compressor Pressure Gov Control
aux2_veps_config 1560 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ax2vcf set to enable VEPS config. of the aux_2 anlg chnl.
aux3_veps_config 1560.1 1.0 Flg 1 E V
ax3vcf set to enable VEPS config. of the aux_3 anlg chnl.
aux4_veps_config 1560.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ax4vcf set to enable VEPS config. of the aux_4 anlg chnl.
aux5_veps_config 1560.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ax5vcf set to enable VEPS config. of the aux_5 anlg chnl.
aux6_veps_config 1560.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ax6vcf set to enable VEPS config. of the aux_6 anlg chnl.
aux7_veps_config 1560.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
ax7vcf set to enable VEPS config. of the aux_7 anlg chnl.
ati_error_enable 1560.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
diauxi ATI: Set to enable Aux Timed In diagnostic
anti_theft_protection 1560.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
atenab If set, anti-theft en. for no start, idle, opt idl
ce_off_fts_scaled_high 1561 1.0 Flg 1 E V
ftshce Set to disable CheckEngLt for fuel temp high fault
cc_auto_resume 1561.1 0.0 Flg 0 E D
ccauto CC: Enable auto resume feature
cc_atp_reset 1561.2 0.0 Flg 0 E B
ccatpr set for cc atp reset
boi_output_enable 1561.3 0.0 Flg 0 E E
boienb set to enable serial transmission of BOI data
baro_nox_1min_column_enable 1561.4 1.0 Flg 1 E V
bx1mce set, use the BX1MLC instead of bn1mnl
aux_temp_1_veps_config 1561.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
at1vcf set to enbl VEPS cnfg of aux_temp_1 anlg chnl.
aux_temp_2_veps_config 1561.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
at2vcf set to enbl VEPS cnfg of aux_temp_2 anlg chnl.
aux1_veps_config 1561.7 1.0 Flg 1 E V
ax1vcf set to enable VEPS config. of the aux_1 anlg chnl.
customer_cal_security_lockout 1562 0.0 Flg 0 E V
culock set to disable VEPS and DDR cal reprogramming
cruise_functions_enable 1562.1 1.0 Flg 1 E D
ccenb set to enable RPM, MPH, & PSI CRUISE CONTROL modes
coolant_level_quantised 1562.2 1.0 Flg 1 E V
jqucol CLS: Set to send 0/100% on J1587, else scaled val
clock_error_enable 1562.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
diclck RTC: Set to enable Real Time Clock Diagnostics
coolant_level_disable 1562.4 0.0 Flg 0 E E
cldis CLS: set to disable coolant level diagnostics
common_rail_sc_protect 1562.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
crscpt set to disable entire bank if inj on bank shorted
cls_veps_config 1562.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
clsvcf set to enable VEPS config. of a CLS analog chnl.
cel_faults_excluded_per_snl 1562.7 0.0 Flg 0 E E
snlcfx if set, faults will turn CEL on as SNL logic/cals
disable_pto_shutdown 1563 0.0 Flg 0 E E
norduc Set to disable slow/shut/rampdown protectn on PTO
disable_overtemp_warning 1563.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
nocel Set for no overtemp warn CEL:scldhi<oiltemp<disolt
disable_injectors_this_ecu 1563.2 0.0 Flg 0 E B
disinj if set, disables injectors; box used as an I/O box
disable_est_air_temp 1563.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
deairt if set, use sensor value, if not, estimate air tem
disable_cold_signal_on_pwm_fan 1563.4 0.0 Flg 0 E B
dcsopf set, cold eng dout is disabled if PWM fan > thresh
disable_cold_signal_on_dig_fan 1563.5 0.0 Flg 0 E B
dcsodf set, cold eng dout is disabled if dig fan requestd
disable_cold_signal_above_idle 1563.6 1.0 Flg 1 E V
ceidle Set:en ce-sgnl only fr strt mde & norm mde+idle gv
data_hub_periodic_enable 1563.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
dhenp Not used by software but still required by EDS
engine_over_speed_fault_enable 1564 0.0 Flg 0 E E
rpmfen if set, fault occurs if rpm high warning lamp on
engine_is_4stroke 1564.1 1.0 Flg 1 E V
eng4s Set for 4-Stroke Engines
enable_overtemp_protection 1564.2 1.0 Flg 1 E E
srmany Set for overtemp protect:TQ+PTO reduced f(dgC>lim)
dynamic_brake_enabled 1564.3 0.0 Flg 0 E D
dbenb Set to enable FanOut#1 when jakes hi for more brkg
dual_to_single_tq_and_tcrpm 1564.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
dtstqr dual to single turbo trans req speed and tq cond
dtype_for_trs 1564.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
dtptrs Set to enable Flip Flop for TRS (0 = test mode)
dtype_for_srs 1564.6 1.0 Flg 1 E V
dtpsrs Set to enable Flip Flop for SRS (0 = test mode)
dp_recal_enable 1564.7 0.0 Flg 0 E B
dprenb set, enable EGR Press Diff Sensor Compensation lgc
fire_truck_enable 1565 0.0 Flg 0 E E
ftpenb FireTrk Press Gov: Set to enable pressure gov mode
fei_enable 1565.1 1.0 Flg 1 E V
feienb if set, enables the fuel econ incentive feature
fan_off_link_enable 1565.2 0.0 Flg 0 E B
folen if set, fan deactvtd if airtmp AND cltmp < calbrtn
fan_off_adv_reentry 1565.3 0.0 Flg 0 E B
foadre if set, allow fan BOI advance re-entry
european_rating 1565.4 0.0 "" 0 E B
eurort european_rating
ess_eng_brake_shift_enable 1565.5 0.0 Flg 0 E D
essjse Set to allow engine brakes with ESS shift
epa_boi_output_enable 1565.6 1.0 Flg 1 E V
epaboi if set, respond to request for BOI from EPA DDR
engineering_enable 1565.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
engbit Set to enable SLEWING and CAL-ON-THE-FLY
ignore_ss_tq_reduction 1566 0.0 Flg 0 E B
isstqr if set, steady state tq reduction is not used
idle_shutdn_auto_override 1566.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
isdnao if set and ext temp cond, use auto shutdn override
idle_shut_ignore_eng_t 1566.2 0.0 Flg 0 E E
isiget If set, eng tmp for idle-shtdn is ignored
high_trs_int_thresh 1566.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
htrsth Set for high TRS integral thresh for 6 tooth S60
halfeng_allow_ddr 1566.4 1.0 "" 1 E V
headdr if set, DDR can change heenb
fts_veps_config 1566.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ftsvcf set to enable VEPS config. of a FTS analog chnl.
force_dual_turbo_in_start 1566.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fdtis If set, force dual seq turbo when in start mode
force_dual_turbo_at_idle 1566.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
fdtai If set, force dual turbo for Seq Turbo when idling
j1939_diag_enable 1567 0.0 Flg 0 E V
di1939 Set to enable J1939 diagnostics
j1922_transmission_enable 1567.1 1.0 Flg 1 E V
jlotrx J1922: Set to act on J1922 transmission messages
j1922_abs_enable 1567.2 1.0 Flg 1 E V
jloabx J1922: Set to act on J1922 brake system messages
j1587_periodic_enable 1567.3 1.0 Flg 1 E V
jloenp J1587: Set to enable broadcast of J1587 messages
irt_auto_recovery 1567.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
irtarc set to filter IRTMAX into rise time during fault
injector_cal_security_lockout 1567.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ijlock Set to prohibit injector cal code changes
inj_cal_codes_rpm_adj_enable 1567.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
irpmae Set to enable RPM compensation of inj cal codes
init_vsg_int_after_smoke 1567.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ivsgin if set, I=TQ-P-D-LeadLag exiting smoke tq limiting
marine_torque_limit_enable 1568 0.0 Flg 0 E B
tqtenb Set to allow Marine TORQUE limiting
marine_pto_startup_disable 1568.1 0.0 Flg 0 E E
mptosd qualification of pto required on ignition cycle
low_oil_pressure_error_enable 1568.2 1.0 Flg 1 E V
dilolp OPS: Set to enable low Oil Pressure Diagnostics
low_gear_limit_enable 1568.3 1.0 Flg 1 E V
trlenb Set to allow low gear TORQUE limiting
lock_by_comms 1568.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
lckcom Set to allow J1922 msage lock of tooth_error_times
late_change_enable 1568.5 0.0 Flg 0 E D
esslce Enables/disables late change feature
jake_service_brake_enable 1568.6 0.0 Flg 0 E D
jbsben Set for JakeBrk(s) only if service brakes engaged
jake_cruise_enable 1568.7 0.0 Flg 0 E D
jbcenb Jake Brk: Set for JakeBrk(s) if MPH>Cruise Set Spd
nox_adapt_when_1min_ld 1569 1.0 Flg 1 E B
nxadp1 if set, 1 min. rolling ave. for ATP reset enabled
nox_adapt_when_steady 1569.1 0.0 Flg 0 E B
nxasdy Set for NXDBOI adv in steady-state operation (US)
noise_control_enable 1569.2 1.0 Flg 1 E B
nclenb Set to allow Noise Control RPM limiting
multi_slave 1569.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
cslave 12/16V: Set if Slave ECM on a multi-block engine
multi_master 1569.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
cmstr 12/16V: Set if Master ECM on a multi-block engine
multi_error_enable 1569.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
dislv 12/16V: Set to enable Master/Slave Comm Diagnostic
mm_ign_off_ddec_comms 1569.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
nocoms if set, DDEC uniq allwd wth all dvcs aftr ign off
maxboi_limits_boi_in_split 1569.7 0.0 Flg 0 E B
mxbois if set use min(SMXBOI,MAXBOI) to lim BOI, else nrm
ops_veps_config 156A 0.0 Flg 0 E V
opsvcf set to enable VEPS config. of a OPS analog chnl.
oil_press_zero_rpm_check 156A.1 1.0 Flg 1 E V
olpchk if set, ops in-range failure check at zero rpm
oil_level_quantised 156A.2 1.0 Flg 1 E V
mmolqn if set, oil lvl reported on J1587 is quantized
ofrs_quantised 156A.3 1.0 Flg 1 E V
mmofqn if set, oil lvl reported on J1587 is quantized
nvram_error_enable 156A.4 1.0 Flg 1 E V
dinvme NonVOL: Set for NonVolatile Memory Error Diagnostc
nox_decels_are_trans 156A.5 0.0 Flg 0 E B
nxdtrn Set to increase ATP during decels (Europe)
nox_adapt_when_trans 156A.6 0.0 Flg 0 E B
nxatrn Set for NXDBOI adv in transient operation (Europe)
nox_adapt_when_2min_ld 156A.7 1.0 Flg 1 E B
nxadp2 if set, 2 min. rolling ave. for ATP reset enabled
pid_109_mirror_20 156B 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pdm109 if set pid 20 is brdcst when pid 109 is brdcst
pid_100_mirror_19 156B.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pdm100 if set pid 19 is brdcst when pid 100 is brdcst
pid_94_mirror_18 156B.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pdm94 if set pid 18 is brdcst when pid 94 is brdcst
park_brake_weight_enable 156B.3 1.0 Flg 1 E V
pbwenb if set, wghted temp is used w lookup tbl BOI offse
overboost_tq_limit_enable 156B.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
obtqle If set, overboost torque limit is enabled
ots_veps_config 156B.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
otsvcf set to enable VEPS config. of a OTS analog chnl.
optimum_max_overload_at_wot 156B.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
olcoaw if set, RTQ is usd to det opt load ovrld value
optimum_min_underload_at_zero 156B.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
olcuaz if set, opt load underload tq cannot be < 0
rail_p_low_protect_disable 156C 0.0 Flg 0 E V
rplprd if set allows alt rail press sensor failure mode
pto_is_primary 156C.1 0.0 Flg 0 E E
ptmain Set for primary PTO operatn: rampdown+PTO @ pwr-on
pto_if_counts_zero 156C.2 1.0 Flg 1 E E
ptoffz Set for PTOS=idl & Clr for PTOS=PTMINV w/ counts=0
boi_ss_on_pto_enable 156C.3 1.0 Flg 1 E V
ssptoe if set, adv BOI to ss if anPTO|exengsync|cc press
progressive_shift_enable 156C.4 0.0 Flg 0 E D
pssenb set to enable PROGRESSIVE SHIFT
pto_veps_config 156C.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptovcf set to enable VEPS config. of PTO analog chanl.
ps_enable 156C.6 1.0 Flg 1 E V
psenab if set, enable passing speed feature
pid_101_mirror_153 156C.7 1.0 Flg 1 E V
pdm101 if set pid 153 is brdcst when pid 101 is brdcst
shift_detect_enable 156D 1.0 Flg 1 E V
vrpshd VGR: Set for Virtual Gear Ratio shift detect logic
seo_toggle_enable 156D.1 0.0 Flg 0 E B
seotgl set to latch StpEngOvrd on hi-lo-hi switch transtn
schedule_from_earlier_tooth 156D.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
sfetth if set, inj sched tooth interrupt 70 dg before TDC
road_speed_limit_enable 156D.3 1.0 Flg 1 E D
rslenb set to enable ROAD SPEED LIMITING
second_chance_enable 156D.4 0.0 Flg 0 E D
esssce Enables/disables the second chance feature
sa_use_trip_mileage 156D.5 0.0 Flg 0 E D
mpgust Set for TRIP Fuel Economy MPG/else use filterd MPG
risetime_error_enable 156D.6 1.0 Flg 1 E V
diirt IRT: Set for Inj Rise Time short & long Diagnostic
relative_boost_active 156D.7 1.0 Flg 1 E B
scgage if set SCTORQ pressure axis=abs boost-baro+100 kpa
slow_on_cylhead_temp 156E 0.0 Flg 0 E V
srmcht set to enable RAMP DOWN if CylHd Tmp Hi AND>discht
slow_on_crankcase_pressure 156E.1 0.0 Flg 0 E D
srmckp set to enable RAMP DOWN if Crankcase Pressure High
slow_on_coolant_temp 156E.2 1.0 Flg 1 E D
srmcot set to enable RAMP DOWN if Cool Tmp Hi AND >discot
slow_on_coolant_pressure 156E.3 0.0 Flg 0 E D
srmcop set to enable RAMP DOWN if Cool Prs Low
slow_on_coolant_level 156E.4 0.0 Flg 0 E D
srmcol set to enable RAMP DOWN if CLS Low AND < discol
skip_shift_enable 156E.5 0.0 Flg 0 E D
esssse Enables/disables the skip shift feature
boi_adv_max_offset_enable 156E.6 1.0 Flg 1 E V
boiofe if set pick largest BOI offset among allowed ones
shutdn_override_fullpower 156E.7 0.0 Flg 0 E E
seofp SEO: Set for full power on a Stop Engine Override
slow_on_stop2 156F 0.0 Flg 0 E D
srmin2 set to enable RAMP DOWN if Ext Stop Eng swtch2 low
slow_on_stop1 156F.1 1.0 Flg 1 E D
srmin1 set to enable RAMP DOWN if Ext Stop Eng swtch1 low
slow_on_rail_pressure 156F.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
srmrlp set to enable RAMP DOWN if Rail Prs Hi
slow_on_oil_temp 156F.3 1.0 Flg 1 E D
srmolt set to enable RAMP DOWN if Oil Temp Hi AND >disolt
slow_on_oil_pressure 156F.4 1.0 Flg 1 E D
srmolp set to enable RAMP DOWN if Oil Pressure Low
slow_on_oil_level 156F.5 0.0 Flg 0 E D
srmoll set to enable RAMP DOWN if Oil Lvl Low AND <disoll
slow_on_inner_temp 156F.6 0.0 Flg 0 E D
srmict set to enable RAMP DOWN if InrClrTmp Hi AND>DISICT
slow_on_ex_temp 156F.7 1.0 Flg 1 E V
srmext set to enable RAMP DOWN if Exhst Tmp HI AND>disext
stop_on_cylhead_temp 1570 0.0 Flg 0 E V
stpcht set for SHUTDOWN if CylHdTmpHi AND>discht for seti
stop_on_crankcase_pressure 1570.1 0.0 Flg 0 E D
stpckp set for SHUTDOWN if Crankcase Press Hi for setimr
stop_on_coolant_temp 1570.2 1.0 Flg 1 E D
stpcot set for SHUTDOWN if CoolTmpHi AND>discot for setim
stop_on_coolant_pressure 1570.3 0.0 Flg 0 E D
stpcop set for SHUTDOWN if Cool Prs low
stop_on_coolant_level 1570.4 0.0 Flg 0 E D
stpcol set for SHUTDOWN if CLS Low AND<discol for setimr
srs_error_allowed 1570.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
difsrs SRS: Set to enable SRS/TRS Diagnostics
slow_on_transmission_temp 1570.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
srmtrt set to enable RAMP DOWN if Trans Tmp Hi AND>distrt
slow_on_tco_temp 1570.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
srmtct set to enable ramp down if tco temp is over limit
stop_on_stop2 1571 0.0 Flg 0 E D
stpin2 set for SHUTDOWN if Ext Stp Eng SW2 low for setimr
stop_on_stop1 1571.1 1.0 Flg 1 E D
stpin1 set for SHUTDOWN if Ext Stp Eng SW1 low for setimr
stop_on_rail_pressure 1571.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
stprlp set for SHUTDOWN if Rail Prs High for setimr
stop_on_oil_temp 1571.3 1.0 Flg 1 E D
stpolt set for SHUTDOWN if OilTempHi AND>disolt for setim
stop_on_oil_pressure 1571.4 1.0 Flg 1 E D
stpolp set for SHUTDOWN if Oil Pressure Low for setimr
stop_on_oil_level 1571.5 0.0 Flg 0 E D
stpoll set for SHUTDOWN if OilLvl Lo AND<disoll for setim
stop_on_inner_temp 1571.6 0.0 Flg 0 E D
stpict set for SHUTDOWN if InrClrTmpHi AND>DISICT for tmr
stop_on_ex_temp 1571.7 1.0 Flg 1 E V
stpext set for SHUTDOWN if ExhstTmpHi AND>disext for seti
turbo_speed_on_receiver 1572 0.0 Flg 0 E V
tsor Receiver ECM turbo speed sensor diagnostic enable
turbo_overspd_tq_limit_enable 1572.1 0.0 Flg 0 E B
tboste set to enable turbo overspeed torque limiting
tps_veps_config 1572.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
tpsvcf set to enable VEPS config. of a TPS analog chnl.
tbs_veps_config 1572.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
tbsvcf set to enable VEPS config. of a TPS analog chnl.
tas_enable 1572.4 0.0 Flg 0 E E
tasenb set to enable Optimized Idle auto-start/stop
t2_cruise_sw_config 1572.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
astcsc if set, enables top2 using cruise master switch
stop_on_transmission_temp 1572.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
stptrt set for SHUTDOWN if TransTmpHi AND>distrt for seti
stop_on_tco_temp 1572.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
stptct set for SHUTDOWN if tco temp is over the limit
vss_is_turbo_speed 1573 0.0 Flg 0 E B
vssits set to measure turbo speed on vss port
vss_is_etc1_msg 1573.1 0.0 Flg 0 E D
vssmsg Set to obtain VehSpd from J1939 trans & ignore VSS
use_mean_rpm 1573.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
useave Set to use D2 TRS periods for inj pulse scheduling
twins_median_filter 1573.3 1.0 Flg 1 E V
tsmdfi set to enable impulse filter on ext sync spd input
twins_exit_disable_pto 1573.4 0.0 Flg 0 E E
tsdpto set to force PTO requal on sync to PTO transition
twin_sync_enable 1573.5 0.0 Flg 0 E E
twins SYNC: Set for twin engine RPM synchronization
twin_marine_entry_exit 1573.6 0.0 Flg 0 E E
tmaree set if marine ERIM used for loss of sync speed
turbo_torque_source 1573.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
tbtsrc Turbo/Blower Bypass Torque source: 0=FTQ else=RTQI
patch_1 1574 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pitst1 Set to enable Test Software
use_hall_effect 1574.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
usehal set for S30G Hall Effect SRS/TRS sensor
warn_only_overrides_otp 1574.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
woootp set to disable ovr temp protection-make warn only
vss_tamp_enable 1574.3 0.0 Flg 0 E B
vstmpe Set to enable VSS anti-tampering logic
vss_sensor_enable 1574.4 1.0 Flg 1 E D
vssenb VSS: Set to enable VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR
vss_nox_adapt_enable 1574.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
vnxenb enb ability to advance timing based on VSS
vss_magnetic_sensor 1574.6 1.0 Flg 1 E D
vssmag VSS: VSS sensor type is magnetic (vs. open coll)
vss_is_wheel_sensor 1574.7 0.0 Flg 0 E D
vsswhl VSS: VSS sensor type is wheel (vs. trans output)
patch_9 1575 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptch9 patch_9
patch_8 1575.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pitst8 Set to enable Test Software
patch_7 1575.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pitst7 Set to enable Test Software
patch_6 1575.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pitst6 Set to enable Test Software
patch_5 1575.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pitst5 Set to enable Test Software
patch_4 1575.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pitst4 Set to enable Test Software
patch_3 1575.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pitst3 Set to enable Test Software
patch_2 1575.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pitst2 Set to enable Test Software
patch_16 1576.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptch16 patch_16
patch_15 1576.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptch15 patch_15
patch_14 1576.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptch14 patch_14
patch_13 1576.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptch13 patch_13
patch_12 1576.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptch12 patch_12
patch_11 1576.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptch11 patch_11
patch_10 1576.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
ptch10 patch_10

NAME: fuel_t_inj_correction ADDR: 1578 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: ftincr

injector turnoff delay as a f(fuel temp)
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 0000| 0.0
-27.8| 0000| 0.0
-15.6| 0000| 0.0
-3.3| 0000| 0.0
8.9| 0000| 0.0
21.1| 0000| 0.0
33.3| 0000| 0.0
45.6| 0000| 0.0
57.8| 0000| 0.0
70.0| 0000| 0.0
82.2| 0000| 0.0
94.4| 0000| 0.0
106.7| 0000| 0.0
118.9| 0000| 0.0
131.1| 0000| 0.0
143.3| 0000| 0.0
155.6| 0000| 0.0

NAME: pulse_width_table ADDR: 159A UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: provpw

EQN: E*256
PulseWidth Tbl-f(RPM,TQ):-64 to +64deg w/ .004 res

Table of AXIS_%_Torque_9
%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 5.5430 8.2109 10.4805 14.8164 18.9883 23.0781
26.4297 29.6484 33.1367
X 300.0 | 4.3828 7.2500 9.9844 13.9570 17.9141 21.7461
25.1797 28.5508 32.1055
I 450.0 | 3.4102 6.4531 9.5664 13.2695 17.0938 20.7422
24.2539 27.7500 31.3711
S 600.0 | 2.6250 5.8398 9.2305 12.7734 16.4922 20.0469
23.6133 27.2422 30.9258
_ 750.0 | 2.0195 5.2734 8.9180 12.3633 16.2461 19.7695
23.4063 27.1016 30.8555
R 900.0 | 1.6172 5.1094 8.9141 12.2539 16.1211 19.7695
23.4531 27.1328 30.9414
P 1050.0 | 1.3633 4.8672 8.5586 12.2539 16.2383 19.9414
23.6328 27.5898 31.4727
M 1200.0 | 1.3320 4.9102 8.6953 12.3867 16.7461 20.7383
24.4805 28.2930 32.2305
_ 1350.0 | 0.0547 3.8398 8.2969 12.5039 16.6367 20.7266
24.6758 28.8438 33.5039
1 1500.0 | -0.6797 3.6563 8.5117 12.6016 17.0469 21.2031
25.5430 30.0078 34.8633
7 1650.0 | -1.0000 3.0000 8.0156 12.1680 16.9375 21.7500
26.6289 31.7148 37.1641
1800.0 | -1.0000 2.5156 7.2031 12.1094 17.1211 22.1680
27.7188 32.9375 38.9805
1950.0 | -1.0000 2.2266 6.7773 12.0430 17.3047 23.0156
29.1016 34.6680 40.0000
2100.0 | -1.0000 2.3281 6.6680 11.8984 17.6797 23.9063
30.8555 37.1211 40.0000
2250.0 | -0.8086 2.5703 6.5391 11.9883 18.1953 24.9688
32.7070 39.4453 39.4336
2400.0 | -0.5508 3.0820 6.6250 12.1211 18.8477 26.1953
34.8320 40.0000 38.0469
2550.0 | -0.2031 3.8359 6.8789 12.3320 19.6406 27.5781
37.1836 40.0000 35.8867

Table of Hex Values

%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 058b 0836 0a7b 0ed1 12fd 1714
1a6e 1da6 2123
X 300.0 | 0462 0740 09fc 0df5 11ea 15bf
192e 1c8d 201b
I 450.0 | 0369 0674 0991 0d45 1118 14be
1841 1bc0 1f5f
S 600.0 | 02a0 05d7 093b 0cc6 107e 140c
179d 1b3e 1eed
_ 750.0 | 0205 0546 08eb 0c5d 103f 13c5
1768 1b1a 1edb
R 900.0 | 019e 051c 08ea 0c41 101f 13c5
1774 1b22 1ef1
P 1050.0 | 015d 04de 088f 0c41 103d 13f1
17a2 1b97 1f79
M 1200.0 | 0155 04e9 08b2 0c63 10bf 14bd
187b 1c4b 203b
_ 1350.0 | 000e 03d7 084c 0c81 10a3 14ba
18ad 1cd8 2181
1 1500.0 | ffffff52 03a8 0883 0c9a 110c 1534
198b 1e02 22dd
7 1650.0 | ffffff00 0300 0804 0c2b 10f0 15c0
1aa1 1fb7 252a
1800.0 | ffffff00 0284 0734 0c1c 111f 162b
1bb8 20f0 26fb
1950.0 | ffffff00 023a 06c7 0c0b 114e 1704
1d1a 22ab 2800
2100.0 | ffffff00 0254 06ab 0be6 11ae 17e8
1edb 251f 2800
2250.0 | ffffff31 0292 068a 0bfd 1232 18f8
20b5 2772 276f
2400.0 | ffffff73 0315 06a0 0c1f 12d9 1a32
22d5 2800 260c
2550.0 | ffffffcc 03d6 06e1 0c55 13a4 1b94
252f 2800 23e3

NAME: pulse_width_split_main_table ADDR: 16CC UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

prvmpw EQN: E*256
Split PPW TBL -f(RPM,TQ): -1 to +64 deg w/.004 res

Table of AXIS_%_Torque_9
%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 4.7266 7.8750 10.1563 12.9961 22.0430 26.7578
32.1797 35.0000 35.0000
X 300.0 | 3.9219 7.1914 9.8516 13.0117 20.4141 25.0664
29.8125 34.6563 35.0000
I 450.0 | 3.1719 6.5586 9.5898 13.0391 19.1289 23.7109
27.9531 32.4609 35.0000
S 600.0 | 2.4258 6.0117 9.3359 13.0586 18.1953 22.6328
26.6641 30.8867 35.0000
_ 750.0 | 1.9141 5.4180 9.3008 13.1953 17.5898 22.1680
25.5391 29.6055 33.7422
R 900.0 | 1.1875 5.0234 9.0156 13.1953 17.3164 21.6250
25.6328 29.5859 33.7148
P 1050.0 | 0.6016 4.6484 8.9609 13.2734 17.4727 21.6094
25.4609 29.2305 33.9805
M 1200.0 | 0.1953 4.2383 8.9648 13.4180 17.8594 22.0664
26.2344 30.1211 34.4336
_ 1350.0 | 1.0938 3.9023 8.5508 13.6406 18.0117 22.5391
27.0469 31.6055 35.0000
1 1500.0 | -0.2109 3.3281 7.9844 13.2695 17.6602 22.4297
27.4609 33.3984 35.0000
7 1650.0 | -1.0000 2.6914 7.3672 13.3320 18.8555 24.1328
30.2617 33.2539 35.0000
1800.0 | -1.0000 1.8672 7.2305 13.3555 19.1172 24.8711
30.2070 35.0000 35.0000
1950.0 | -1.0000 3.0234 7.0078 13.5664 19.3789 25.0430
29.7305 35.0000 35.0000
2100.0 | 0.6797 2.8555 6.5977 13.6094 19.4688 24.5352
28.6055 34.5508 35.0000
2250.0 | 2.4961 4.0273 6.4609 13.7773 19.0313 23.2422
25.6406 34.2773 35.0000
2400.0 | 5.1445 5.4219 6.3125 13.9414 18.3359 21.2617
21.6797 33.5000 35.0000
2550.0 | 8.4961 7.2383 6.2109 14.1328 17.3281 18.5664
16.5352 32.3906 35.0000

Table of Hex Values

%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 04ba 07e0 0a28 0cff 160b 1ac2
202e 2300 2300
X 300.0 | 03ec 0731 09da 0d03 146a 1911
1dd0 22a8 2300
I 450.0 | 032c 068f 0997 0d0a 1321 17b6
1bf4 2076 2300
S 600.0 | 026d 0603 0956 0d0f 1232 16a2
1aaa 1ee3 2300
_ 750.0 | 01ea 056b 094d 0d32 1197 162b
198a 1d9b 21be
R 900.0 | 0130 0506 0904 0d32 1151 15a0
19a2 1d96 21b7
P 1050.0 | 009a 04a6 08f6 0d46 1179 159c
1976 1d3b 21fb
M 1200.0 | 0032 043d 08f7 0d6b 11dc 1611
1a3c 1e1f 226f
_ 1350.0 | 0118 03e7 088d 0da4 1203 168a
1b0c 1f9b 2300
1 1500.0 | ffffffca 0354 07fc 0d45 11a9 166e
1b76 2166 2300
7 1650.0 | ffffff00 02b1 075e 0d55 12db 1822
1e43 2141 2300
1800.0 | ffffff00 01de 073b 0d5b 131e 18df
1e35 2300 2300
1950.0 | ffffff00 0306 0702 0d91 1361 190b
1dbb 2300 2300
2100.0 | 00ae 02db 0699 0d9c 1378 1889
1c9b 228d 2300
2250.0 | 027f 0407 0676 0dc7 1308 173e
19a4 2247 2300
2400.0 | 0525 056c 0650 0df1 1256 1543
15ae 2180 2300
2550.0 | 087f 073d 0636 0e22 1154 1291
1089 2064 2300

NAME: rail_p_inj_irt_to_boi_delay ADDR: 17FE UNT: "" OWN: V CODE:

rpirad EQN: E
if rpinen is set, BOE = BOI+rpirad
Volts| HEX| ""
0.0| 0000| 0.0
3.2| 0000| 0.0
6.4| 0000| 0.0
9.6| 0000| 0.0
12.8| 0000| 0.0
16.0| 0000| 0.0
19.2| 0000| 0.0
22.4| 0000| 0.0
25.6| 0000| 0.0
28.8| 0000| 0.0
32.0| 0000| 0.0
35.2| 0000| 0.0
38.4| 0000| 0.0
41.6| 0000| 0.0
44.8| 0000| 0.0
48.0| 0000| 0.0
51.2| 0000| 0.0

NAME: split_pilot_torque ADDR: 1820 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: plttq

EQN: E*20.47
SPLIT INJ Pilot Pulse TQ as a f(RPM)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 0085| 6.497
300.0| 0088| 6.644
450.0| 008e| 6.937
600.0| 0095| 7.279
750.0| 009c| 7.621
900.0| 00a4| 8.012
1050.0| 00a4| 8.012
1200.0| 00a4| 8.012
1350.0| 00a4| 8.012
1500.0| 00a4| 8.012
1650.0| 00a4| 8.012
1800.0| 00a4| 8.012
1950.0| 00a4| 8.012
2100.0| 00a4| 8.012
2250.0| 00a4| 8.012
2400.0| 00a4| 8.012
2550.0| 00a4| 8.012
NAME: split_max_torque ADDR: 1842 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: epmxtq
EQN: E*20.47
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 07ff| 100.000
300.0| 07ff| 100.000
450.0| 07ff| 100.000
600.0| 07ff| 100.000
750.0| 07ff| 100.000
900.0| 07ff| 100.000
1050.0| 07ff| 100.000
1200.0| 07ff| 100.000
1350.0| 07ff| 100.000
1500.0| 07ff| 100.000
1650.0| 07ff| 100.000
1800.0| 07ff| 100.000
1950.0| 07ff| 100.000
2100.0| 07ff| 100.000
2250.0| 07ff| 100.000
2400.0| 07ff| 100.000
2550.0| 07ff| 100.000


acb_adjust_maxpw 1864 8.0000 DEG 0800 E*256 V
acbapw Final PW < acbapw for Adaptive Cylinder Balance
acb_adjust_maxrpm 1866 1000.00 RPM 0fa0 E*4 V
acbarp ACB disabld @ RPM>acbarp+50 & reenabld RPM<acbarp
acb_adjust_maxtemp 1868 -7.01 dgC 01db (E+40)*14.4 V
acblot oil temp > acblot for ACB to recalc PW adjustment
acb_end_angle 186A 140.00 DEG 0230 E*4 V
acbend ACB: Crk degs after TDC for start of RPM sample
acb_learn_gain 186C 0.003098 P/R 00cb E*65536 V
acbgn ACB gain in PW per cylinder delta RPM
acb_learn_maxrpm 186E 900.00 RPM 0e10 E*4 V
acblrp RPM < acblrp for ACB to recalculate PW adjustment
acb_maxadjust 1870 1.0000 DEG 0100 E*256 V
acblim Adaptive Cylinder Balance +/- PW adjustment limit
acb_start_angle 1872 120.00 DEG 01e0 E*4 V
acbst ACB: Crk degs after TDC for end of RPM sample
air_temp_fan_off_adv 1874 57.78 dgC 0580 (E+40)*14.4 B
atadvf Airtmp<ctadvf which boi advance will be set to 0
air_temp_fan_on_adv 1876 68.82 dgC 061f (E+40)*14.4 B
atadvn Airtmp>atadvn where boi may be adv to max boi
cool_temp_fan_off_adv 1878 95.00 dgC 0798 (E+40)*14.4 B
ctadvf Cooltmp<ctadvf which boi advance will be set to 0
cool_temp_fan_on_adv 187A 100.63 dgC 07e9 (E+40)*14.4 B
ctadvn Cooltmp>ctadvn where boi may be adv to max boi
default_rcvr_rail_press 187C 1200.0 BAR 04b0 E V
drcrp Default rail pressure on receiver if J1939 fails
fuel_usage_constant 187E 0.000047565 GPH/ 063c E*33554432
V fconst fuel cons calc: converts mm^3/injection to GPH/RPM
halfeng_fuel_factor 1880 0.5000 MLT 0080 E*256 V
hefufc 1/2 engine mode fuel consumption multiplier
halfeng_max_delta_temp 1882 -40.00 dgC 0000 (E+40)*14.4 V
hemxdt 1/2EngTemp ever>HEMXDT then HEMTQD always disabled
halfeng_max_oilt 1884 12.50 dgC 02f4 (E+40)*14.4 V
hemaxt 1/2EngTemp>HEMAXT then half engine mode disabled
halfeng_temp_weighting_pid0 1886 175.0 PID 00af E V
hepd0 temp PID multiplied by (1-HEFAC) for HalfEng Temp
halfeng_temp_weighting_pid1 1888 172.0 PID 00ac E V
hepd1 temp PID multiplied by HEFAC for HalfEng Temp
hp_pump_ff_gain 188A 0.250 U/T= 0032 E*200 V
hppffg %pump utilization = prop + integral + feedforward
hp_pump_i_gain 188C 0.00107 U/P/ 0007 E*6554 V
hppig integral=intergral+HPPIG*PressError
hp_pump_max_dc_constant 188E 650.0 D*V= 028a E V
hpmxdc high press pump PWM %DC = (utilization * . . .
hp_pump_min_dc_constant 1890 100.0 D*V= 0064 E V
hpmndc . . . (HPMXDC - HPMNDC) + HPMNDC) / Vbattery
hp_pump_p_gain 1892 0.0050011 U/P= 051f E*262144 V
hpppg prop=HPPPG*PressError feedfrwd=HPPFFG*FTQ
min_firing_rail_p 1894 150.03 BAR 0880 E*14.504 V
rlprmn rail press > RLPRMN before firing inj during crank
rail_p_lo_min_rpm 1896 450.00 RPM 0708 E*4 V
rlmnsp RPM>RLMNSP for rail press low fault
size_fudge_factor 1898 1.5000 MLT 0600 E*1024 V
fpcmul Fuel rate scaler (1=max fuel/firing is 255 mm3)
split_gap_time 189A 1200.0 uSC 04b0 E V
epigmn time end pilot pulse to start main pulse > epigmn
split_max_rpm 189C 1350.00 RPM 1518 E*4 V
epirpm RPM < epirpm for Split Injection
split_max_weighted_temp 189E 244.38 dgC 0fff (E+40)*14.4 V
epimxt max temp for split injection to be enabled
split_min_torque 18A0 2.980 %TQ 003d E*20.47 V
epimtq %TQ>epimtq*ztqscl for SPLIT INJECTION
split_rpm_hyst 18A2 50.00 RPM 00c8 E*4 V
epirhy SPLIT INJECTION RPM hysteresis
split_smoke_cntl_tq_adder 18A4 14.949 %TQ 0132 E*20.47 V
episct ATQ=ATQ+EPISCT if SPLIT INJ AND out of START mode
split_temp_weighting_pid0 18A6 175.0 PID 00af E V
epipd0 PID for 1st tmp snsr for split inj enbl temp limit
split_temp_weighting_pid1 18A8 172.0 PID 00ac E V
epipd1 PID for 2nd tmp snsr for split inj enbl temp limit
split_torque_hyst 18AA 0.977 %TQ 0014 E*20.47 V
epimth Tq must exceed epmxtq+epimth to exit EPI

NAME: desired_rail_p ADDR: 18AC UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: rlpres

EQN: E/9.375
S4000 desired rail pressure as f(RPM,TQ)

Table of AXIS_%_Torque_9
%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
R 900.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
P 1050.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
M 1200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 1350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 1650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1950.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: desired_rail_pressure_max ADDR: 1945 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: rlprsx

EQN: E/9.375
S4000 max desired rail pressure as f(RPM,TQ)

Table of AXIS_%_Torque_9
%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
R 900.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
P 1050.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
M 1200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 1350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 1500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 1650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1950.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
X 300.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
I 450.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
S 600.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 750.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
R 900.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
P 1050.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
M 1200.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
_ 1350.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1 1500.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
7 1650.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1800.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
1950.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2100.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2250.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: fuel_boi_correction ADDR: 19DE UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fuboi

EQN: E*128
Fuel Cnsmptn Comp. Table for Cam Effects f(PW,BOI)

Table of AXIS_Pulse_width_17
Pulse_width ->
-1.0 1.5 4.0 6.5 9.0 11.5
14.0 16.5 19.0 21.5 24.0 26.5 29.0 31.5
34.0 36.5 39.0
A 0.0 | 0.938 1.109 1.078 1.078 1.078 1.063
1.063 1.063 1.047 1.047 1.055 1.047 1.039 1.031
1.031 1.031 1.031
X 2.0 | 0.938 1.094 1.070 1.070 1.070 1.047
1.055 1.055 1.039 1.039 1.039 1.039 1.031 1.031
1.031 1.031 1.031
I 4.0 | 0.938 1.047 1.063 1.063 1.063 1.047
1.047 1.047 1.031 1.031 1.031 1.031 1.023 1.023
1.023 1.023 1.023
S 6.0 | 0.953 1.031 1.039 1.055 1.039 1.016
1.023 1.031 1.016 1.031 1.016 1.016 1.016 1.016
1.008 1.008 1.008
_ 8.0 | 0.984 1.008 1.016 1.023 1.023 1.023
1.016 1.016 1.008 1.016 1.008 1.008 1.008 1.008
1.008 1.008 1.008
B 10.0 | 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
1.000 1.000 1.000
O 12.0 | 0.961 0.984 0.977 0.977 0.984 0.992
0.984 0.984 0.992 0.992 0.992 0.992 0.992 0.992
0.992 0.992 0.992
I 14.0 | 0.938 0.969 0.969 0.969 0.969 0.984
0.969 0.969 0.977 0.977 0.977 0.984 0.977 0.984
0.984 0.977 0.977
_ 16.0 | 0.883 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.953 0.969
0.961 0.961 0.953 0.961 0.969 0.969 0.969 0.969
0.969 0.969 0.969
1 18.0 | 0.797 0.836 0.875 0.930 0.930 0.938
0.930 0.930 0.930 0.945 0.938 0.945 0.945 0.953
0.953 0.953 0.953
7 20.0 | 0.672 0.758 0.813 0.859 0.883 0.930
0.930 0.930 0.930 0.930 0.930 0.930 0.930 0.930
0.930 0.930 0.930
22.0 | 0.672 0.719 0.766 0.813 0.867 0.906
0.906 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898
0.898 0.898 0.898
24.0 | 0.672 0.695 0.727 0.813 0.891 0.906
0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898
0.898 0.898 0.898
26.0 | 0.672 0.688 0.758 0.852 0.898 0.906
0.898 0.898 0.891 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898
0.898 0.898 0.898
28.0 | 0.672 0.727 0.813 0.875 0.898 0.906
0.898 0.891 0.891 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898
0.898 0.898 0.898
30.0 | 0.734 0.789 0.852 0.891 0.898 0.898
0.898 0.891 0.891 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898
0.898 0.898 0.898
32.0 | 0.781 0.828 0.867 0.891 0.891 0.898
0.898 0.891 0.891 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898 0.898
0.898 0.898 0.898

Table of Hex Values

Pulse_width ->
-1.0 1.5 4.0 6.5 9.0 11.5
14.0 16.5 19.0 21.5 24.0 26.5 29.0 31.5
34.0 36.5 39.0
A 0.0 | 78 8e 8a 8a 8a 88
88 88 86 86 87 86 85 84
84 84 84
X 2.0 | 78 8c 89 89 89 86
87 87 85 85 85 85 84 84
84 84 84
I 4.0 | 78 86 88 88 88 86
86 86 84 84 84 84 83 83
83 83 83
S 6.0 | 7a 84 85 87 85 82
83 84 82 84 82 82 82 82
81 81 81
_ 8.0 | 7e 81 82 83 83 83
82 82 81 82 81 81 81 81
81 81 81
B 10.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
O 12.0 | 7b 7e 7d 7d 7e 7f
7e 7e 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f 7f
7f 7f 7f
I 14.0 | 78 7c 7c 7c 7c 7e
7c 7c 7d 7d 7d 7e 7d 7e
7e 7d 7d
_ 16.0 | 71 7a 7a 7a 7a 7c
7b 7b 7a 7b 7c 7c 7c 7c
7c 7c 7c
1 18.0 | 66 6b 70 77 77 78
77 77 77 79 78 79 79 7a
7a 7a 7a
7 20.0 | 56 61 68 6e 71 77
77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
77 77 77
22.0 | 56 5c 62 68 6f 74
74 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
73 73 73
24.0 | 56 59 5d 68 72 74
73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
73 73 73
26.0 | 56 58 61 6d 73 74
73 73 72 73 73 73 73 73
73 73 73
28.0 | 56 5d 68 70 73 74
73 72 72 73 73 73 73 73
73 73 73
30.0 | 5e 65 6d 72 73 73
73 72 72 73 73 73 73 73
73 73 73
32.0 | 64 6a 6f 72 72 73
73 72 72 73 73 73 73 73
73 73 73

NAME: fuel_per_firing ADDR: 1AFF UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fumain

Fuel Cnsmptn Table in mm^3/stroke f(PW,RPM)

Table of AXIS_Pulse_width_17
Pulse_width ->
-1.0 1.5 4.0 6.5 9.0 11.5
14.0 16.5 19.0 21.5 24.0 26.5 29.0 31.5
34.0 36.5 39.0
A 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 18.0 49.5 82.5 115.5
148.5 172.5 199.5 232.5 264.0 297.0 328.5 355.5
364.5 375.0 382.5
X 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 16.5 48.0 79.5 112.5
144.0 166.5 193.5 225.0 256.5 288.0 319.5 352.5
361.5 372.0 382.5
I 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 16.5 46.5 76.5 108.0
139.5 163.5 189.0 217.5 247.5 279.0 310.5 340.5
360.0 372.0 382.5
S 600.0 | 0.0 0.0 12.0 42.0 73.5 102.0
132.0 157.5 183.0 211.5 241.5 271.5 301.5 331.5
360.0 370.5 382.5
_ 750.0 | 0.0 1.5 15.0 42.0 70.5 102.0
132.0 156.0 183.0 208.5 235.5 264.0 294.0 324.0
352.5 370.5 382.5
R 900.0 | 0.0 3.0 22.5 49.5 72.0 97.5
124.5 151.5 177.0 205.5 232.5 256.5 286.5 315.0
343.5 364.5 378.0
P 1050.0 | 0.0 1.5 28.5 52.5 75.0 96.0
120.0 147.0 175.5 199.5 223.5 253.5 279.0 306.0
334.5 360.0 378.0
M 1200.0 | 0.0 3.0 30.0 49.5 67.5 90.0
111.0 136.5 163.5 189.0 214.5 244.5 274.5 301.5
328.5 351.0 375.0
_ 1350.0 | 0.0 4.5 31.5 52.5 69.0 85.5
112.5 138.0 163.5 184.5 211.5 238.5 265.5 294.0
316.5 342.0 370.5
1 1500.0 | 0.0 4.5 33.0 51.0 67.5 91.5
114.0 139.5 163.5 184.5 207.0 234.0 258.0 283.5
310.5 337.5 363.0
7 1650.0 | 0.0 15.0 36.0 54.0 70.5 93.0
115.5 139.5 165.0 186.0 205.5 229.5 256.5 280.5
304.5 328.5 360.0
1800.0 | 0.0 19.5 42.0 57.0 72.0 94.5
117.0 141.0 165.0 186.0 205.5 228.0 249.0 271.5
297.0 321.0 355.5
1950.0 | 1.5 24.0 45.0 58.5 75.0 97.5
118.5 141.0 166.5 186.0 205.5 226.5 246.0 268.5
289.5 321.0 349.5
2100.0 | 12.0 28.5 46.5 64.5 79.5 100.5
120.0 141.0 166.5 187.5 205.5 225.0 244.5 265.5
289.5 316.5 345.0
2250.0 | 15.0 33.0 52.5 70.5 88.5 108.0
127.5 147.0 168.0 187.5 207.0 228.0 250.5 271.5
294.0 316.5 340.5
2400.0 | 25.5 43.5 61.5 81.0 100.5 120.0
139.5 159.0 180.0 201.0 222.0 243.0 265.5 288.0
310.5 333.0 340.5
2550.0 | 36.0 52.5 69.0 87.0 105.0 124.5
142.5 162.0 181.5 201.0 222.0 241.5 262.5 283.5
306.0 328.5 340.5
Table of Hex Values
Pulse_width ->
-1.0 1.5 4.0 6.5 9.0 11.5
14.0 16.5 19.0 21.5 24.0 26.5 29.0 31.5
34.0 36.5 39.0
A 150.0 | 00 00 0c 21 37 4d
63 73 85 9b b0 c6 db ed
f3 fa ff
X 300.0 | 00 00 0b 20 35 4b
60 6f 81 96 ab c0 d5 eb
f1 f8 ff
I 450.0 | 00 00 0b 1f 33 48
5d 6d 7e 91 a5 ba cf e3
f0 f8 ff
S 600.0 | 00 00 08 1c 31 44
58 69 7a 8d a1 b5 c9 dd
f0 f7 ff
_ 750.0 | 00 01 0a 1c 2f 44
58 68 7a 8b 9d b0 c4 d8
eb f7 ff
R 900.0 | 00 02 0f 21 30 41
53 65 76 89 9b ab bf d2
e5 f3 fc
P 1050.0 | 00 01 13 23 32 40
50 62 75 85 95 a9 ba cc
df f0 fc
M 1200.0 | 00 02 14 21 2d 3c
4a 5b 6d 7e 8f a3 b7 c9
db ea fa
_ 1350.0 | 00 03 15 23 2e 39
4b 5c 6d 7b 8d 9f b1 c4
d3 e4 f7
1 1500.0 | 00 03 16 22 2d 3d
4c 5d 6d 7b 8a 9c ac bd
cf e1 f2
7 1650.0 | 00 0a 18 24 2f 3e
4d 5d 6e 7c 89 99 ab bb
cb db f0
1800.0 | 00 0d 1c 26 30 3f
4e 5e 6e 7c 89 98 a6 b5
c6 d6 ed
1950.0 | 01 10 1e 27 32 41
4f 5e 6f 7c 89 97 a4 b3
c1 d6 e9
2100.0 | 08 13 1f 2b 35 43
50 5e 6f 7d 89 96 a3 b1
c1 d3 e6
2250.0 | 0a 16 23 2f 3b 48
55 62 70 7d 8a 98 a7 b5
c4 d3 e3
2400.0 | 11 1d 29 36 43 50
5d 6a 78 86 94 a2 b1 c0
cf de e3
2550.0 | 18 23 2e 3a 46 53
5f 6c 79 86 94 a1 af bd
cc db e3
NAME: fuel_per_firing_pilot_time ADDR: 1C20 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fpfppt
EQN: (E+300)/20
Pulse width time based on rail press and FPC

Table of AXIS_BAR_9
BAR ->
300.0 450.0 600.0 750.0 900.0 1050.0
1200.0 1350.0 1500.0
A 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 50.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
m 250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
m 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
3 350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
700.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

BAR ->
300.0 450.0 600.0 750.0 900.0 1050.0
1200.0 1350.0 1500.0
A 0.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
X 50.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
I 100.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
S 150.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
_ 200.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
m 250.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
m 300.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
3 350.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
_ 400.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
1 450.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
7 500.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
550.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
600.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
650.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
700.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
750.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
800.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f

NAME: fuel_per_firing_main_time ADDR: 1CB9 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fpfmpt

EQN: (E+300)/20
Pulse width time based on rail press and FPC

Table of AXIS_BAR_9
BAR ->
300.0 450.0 600.0 750.0 900.0 1050.0
1200.0 1350.0 1500.0
A 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 50.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 100.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 150.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 200.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
m 250.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
m 300.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
3 350.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 400.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 450.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 500.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
550.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
600.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
650.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
700.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
750.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
800.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

BAR ->
300.0 450.0 600.0 750.0 900.0 1050.0
1200.0 1350.0 1500.0
A 0.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
X 50.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
I 100.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
S 150.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
_ 200.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
m 250.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
m 300.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
3 350.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
_ 400.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
1 450.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
7 500.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
550.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
600.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
650.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
700.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
750.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f
800.0 | 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f 0f
0f 0f 0f

NAME: fuel_temp_correction ADDR: 1D52 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: futemp

EQN: E*128
Fuel Cnsmptn Temperature Compensation Table f(FTS)
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 8d| 1.102
-27.8| 8a| 1.078
-15.6| 89| 1.070
-3.3| 86| 1.047
8.9| 85| 1.039
21.1| 83| 1.023
33.3| 81| 1.008
45.6| 7f| 0.992
57.8| 7e| 0.984
70.0| 7a| 0.953
82.2| 79| 0.945
94.4| 79| 0.945
106.7| 79| 0.945
118.9| 79| 0.945
131.1| 79| 0.945
143.3| 79| 0.945
155.6| 79| 0.945

NAME: halfeng_max_torque ADDR: 1D63 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: hetqmx

EQN: E*2.55
Torque>hetqmx half engine mode disabled f(RPM)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00
300.0| 00| 0.00
450.0| 00| 0.00
600.0| 40| 25.10
750.0| 4d| 30.20
900.0| 5c| 36.08
1050.0| 54| 32.94
1200.0| 54| 32.94
1350.0| 00| 0.00
1500.0| 00| 0.00
1650.0| 00| 0.00
1800.0| 00| 0.00
1950.0| 00| 0.00
2100.0| 00| 0.00
2250.0| 00| 0.00
2400.0| 00| 0.00
2550.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: halfeng_torque_ratio ADDR: 1D74 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: hetqrt

EQN: E*64
Ratio used in half eng mode to determine LTQ
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 80| 2.000
300.0| 80| 2.000
450.0| 80| 2.000
600.0| 80| 2.000
750.0| 80| 2.000
900.0| 80| 2.000
1050.0| 80| 2.000
1200.0| 80| 2.000
1350.0| 80| 2.000
1500.0| 80| 2.000
1650.0| 80| 2.000
1800.0| 80| 2.000
1950.0| 80| 2.000
2100.0| 80| 2.000
2250.0| 80| 2.000
2400.0| 80| 2.000
2550.0| 80| 2.000

NAME: inj_detect_delay_table ADDR: 1D85 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: irdtdl

EQN: E+128.000000

Table of AXIS_RailP-BAR_9
RailP-BAR ->
0.0 276.0 552.0 828.0 1104.0 1379.0
1655.0 1931.0 2207.0
A 0.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
X 3.2 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
I 6.4 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
S 9.6 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 12.8 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
V 16.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
o 19.2 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
l 22.4 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
t 25.6 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
s 28.8 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
_ 32.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
1 35.2 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
7 38.4 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
41.6 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
44.8 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
48.0 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
51.2 | 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0

Table of Hex Values

RailP-BAR ->
0.0 276.0 552.0 828.0 1104.0 1379.0
1655.0 1931.0 2207.0
A 0.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
X 3.2 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
I 6.4 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
S 9.6 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
_ 12.8 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
V 16.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
o 19.2 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
l 22.4 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
t 25.6 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
s 28.8 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
_ 32.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
1 35.2 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
7 38.4 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
41.6 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
44.8 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
48.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
51.2 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80

NAME: maximum_boi ADDR: 1E1E UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: maxboi

EQN: E*8
Max BOI to limit peak cylinder press f(RPM,load)

Table of AXIS_%_Torque_9
%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
X 300.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
I 450.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
S 600.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
_ 750.0 | 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
R 900.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
P 1050.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
M 1200.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 19.00
19.00 19.00 14.00
_ 1350.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.00
18.00 17.00 13.00
1 1500.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
20.00 15.00 13.00
7 1650.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 17.00 20.00
20.00 15.00 13.00
1800.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 20.00
20.00 16.00 10.00
1950.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 19.00 21.00
20.00 17.00 10.00
2100.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 21.00
21.00 10.00 10.00
2250.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 20.00 20.00
16.00 10.00 10.00
2400.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
2550.0 | 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00
16.00 16.00 16.00

Table of Hex Values

%_Torque ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
X 300.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
I 450.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
S 600.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
_ 750.0 | 78 78 78 78 78 78
78 78 78
R 900.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
P 1050.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
M 1200.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 98
98 98 70
_ 1350.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 90
90 88 68
1 1500.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
a0 78 68
7 1650.0 | 80 80 80 80 88 a0
a0 78 68
1800.0 | 80 80 80 80 90 a0
a0 80 50
1950.0 | 80 80 80 80 98 a8
a0 88 50
2100.0 | 80 80 80 80 a0 a8
a8 50 50
2250.0 | 80 80 80 80 a0 a0
80 50 50
2400.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80
2550.0 | 80 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80

NAME: rail_p_pw_mult ADDR: 1EB7 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: rppwml

EQN: E*85
FPW=PW*RPPWML as f(actual/desired rail press)
Ratio| HEX| ""
0.0| 55| 1.000
0.1| 55| 1.000
0.3| 55| 1.000
0.4| 55| 1.000
0.5| 55| 1.000
0.6| 55| 1.000
0.8| 55| 1.000
0.9| 55| 1.000
1.0| 55| 1.000
1.1| 55| 1.000
1.3| 55| 1.000
1.4| 55| 1.000
1.5| 55| 1.000
1.6| 55| 1.000
1.8| 55| 1.000
1.9| 55| 1.000
2.0| 55| 1.000

NAME: split_ip_gap ADDR: 1EC8 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: epiipg

EQN: E*8
Crank degs from pilot pulse EOI to main BOI
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 38| 7.00
300.0| 3c| 7.50
450.0| 40| 8.00
600.0| 44| 8.50
750.0| 48| 9.00
900.0| 50| 10.00
1050.0| 58| 11.00
1200.0| 60| 12.00
1350.0| 60| 12.00
1500.0| 60| 12.00
1650.0| 60| 12.00
1800.0| 60| 12.00
1950.0| 60| 12.00
2100.0| 60| 12.00
2250.0| 60| 12.00
2400.0| 60| 12.00
2550.0| 60| 12.00

NAME: split_main_pulse_width_corr ADDR: 1ED9 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE:

spmpwc EQN: E/2
MPW=MPW + spmpwc
Volts| HEX| ""
6.4| 00| 0.0
9.6| 00| 0.0
12.8| 00| 0.0
16.0| 00| 0.0
19.2| 00| 0.0
22.4| 00| 0.0
25.6| 00| 0.0
28.8| 00| 0.0
32.0| 00| 0.0

NAME: split_max_boi ADDR: 1EE2 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: smxboi

EQN: E*8
max allowable BOI=SMXBOI if SPLIT INJ enabled
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 90| 18.00
300.0| 90| 18.00
450.0| 90| 18.00
600.0| 90| 18.00
750.0| 98| 19.00
900.0| a0| 20.00
1050.0| a0| 20.00
1200.0| a0| 20.00
1350.0| a0| 20.00
1500.0| a0| 20.00
1650.0| a0| 20.00
1800.0| a0| 20.00
1950.0| a0| 20.00
2100.0| a0| 20.00
2250.0| a0| 20.00
2400.0| a0| 20.00
2550.0| a0| 20.00

NAME: split_main_irt_mult ADDR: 1EF3 UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: epirtm

EQN: (E-0.5)*255
if epimrt is set, IRTM=IRT*epirtm*epirmc
GAP_uSec| HEX| ""
0.0| 01| 0.5039
300.0| 01| 0.5039
600.0| 01| 0.5039
900.0| 01| 0.5039
1200.0| 01| 0.5039
1500.0| 01| 0.5039
1800.0| 01| 0.5039
2100.0| 01| 0.5039
2400.0| 01| 0.5039
NAME: split_main_irt_mult_corr ADDR: 1EFC UNT: "" OWN: V CODE: epirmc
EQN: E*255
If epimrt is set, IRTM=IRT*epirtm*epirmc
Volts| HEX| ""
6.4| 00| 0.0000
9.6| 00| 0.0000
12.8| 00| 0.0000
16.0| 00| 0.0000
19.2| 00| 0.0000
22.4| 00| 0.0000
25.6| 00| 0.0000
28.8| 00| 0.0000
32.0| 00| 0.0000

NAME: split_pilot_max_fpc ADDR: 1F05 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: epxfpc

EQN: E/2
Max pilot fuel per cycle for max pilot pulse time
BAR| HEX| ""
0.0| 00| 0.0
150.0| 00| 0.0
300.0| 00| 0.0
450.0| 00| 0.0
600.0| 00| 0.0
750.0| 00| 0.0
900.0| 00| 0.0
1050.0| 00| 0.0
1200.0| 00| 0.0
1350.0| 00| 0.0
1500.0| 00| 0.0
1650.0| 00| 0.0
1800.0| 00| 0.0
1950.0| 00| 0.0
2100.0| 00| 0.0
2250.0| 00| 0.0
2400.0| 00| 0.0

NAME: split_pilot_max_pulse_time ADDR: 1F16 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: epxpwt

EQN: (E+300)/20
Max common rail pilot pulse width time
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 3b| 880.0
300.0| 3b| 880.0
450.0| 32| 700.0
600.0| 2d| 600.0
750.0| 2d| 600.0
900.0| 2c| 580.0
1050.0| 2c| 580.0
1200.0| 2c| 580.0
1350.0| 2c| 580.0
1500.0| 2b| 560.0
1650.0| 29| 520.0
1800.0| 29| 520.0
1950.0| 29| 520.0
2100.0| 29| 520.0
2250.0| 29| 520.0
2400.0| 29| 520.0
2550.0| 29| 520.0


air_temp_fan_adv_delta 1F27 2.78 dgC 28 E*14.4 V
atadvd Delta abv atf1on or abv atoff for boi adv on/off
boi_load_axis 1F28 2 = torque.proportional2 =
torque.proportional B boiax BOI load axis definition: 0=TPS 1=FTQ 2=FTQP >2=?
cool_temp_fan_adv_delta 1F29 2.78 dgC 28 E*14.4 V
ctadvd Delta abv ctf1on or abv ctoff for boi adv on/off
fuel_per_firing_max 1F2A 800.0 Cubi c8 E/4 B
fpcmax Maximum amount of fuel per cylinder firing
halfeng_delta_timer 1F2B 0.0 SEC 00 E V
halfeng_max_torque_delta 1F2C 0.00 %TQ 00 E*2.55 V
hemtqd added to HETQMX if HEDTMR & HEMXDT tests satisfied
halfeng_mph_hyst 1F2D 2.0 MPH 04 E*2 V
hevshy MPH < HEMXVS-HEVSHY to re-enable HalfEngine
halfeng_temp_hyst 1F2E 3.9 dgC 07 E*1.8 V
hetehy half engine mode enable: oil temp hysteresis
halfeng_torque_hyst 1F2F 7.84 % 14 E*2.55 V
hetqhy half engine mode enable: %FTQ hysteresis (*ztqscl)
halfeng_temp_weighting 1F30 1.000 WGT 80 E*128 V
hefac HALENG temp weighting: degC=F*HEPD1+(1-F)*HEPD0
hp_pump_default_max_util 1F31 0.8000 %PU cc E*255 V
hpdmxu max %PumpUtilization if utilization fault
hp_pump_default_min_util 1F32 0.4000 %PU 66 E*255 V
hpdmnu min %PumpUtilization if utilization fault
initial_pump_utilization 1F33 0.5020 %PU 80 E*255 V
utlini %PumpUtilization before pump controller enabled
inj_cal_code_method 1F34 0.0 Flg 00 E V
icmeth InjCalCodes:0=std EUI multiplier/1=S4000 2pt comp
inj_turn_del_cal_increment 1F35 20.0 uSC 28 E*2 V
itodic multiplier which maps InjCal table to PW offset
inj_turn_del_max_cal_pw_time 1F36 2805.0 uSC bb E/15 V
itodmx nominal high press and flow PW in usec
inj_turn_del_min_cal_pw_time 1F37 1305.0 uSC 57 E/15 V
itodmn nominal low press and flow PW in usec
maximum_pump_utilization 1F38 0.9765 %PU f9 E*255 V
maxutl %PumpUtilization>MAXUTL to log high utilztn fault
minimum_pump_utilization 1F39 0.0235 %PU 06 E*255 V
minutl %PumpUtilization<MINUTL to log low utiliztn fault
pump_utilization_fault_timer 1F3A 10.0 SEC 0a E V
utltim %PumpUtil fault present for >UTLTIM to log fault
pwm_fan_adv_hyst 1F3B 1.11 dgC 10 E*14.4 V
pfahy Delta abv atf1on or abv atoff for boi adv on/off
pulse_width_time_max 1F3C 4800.0 Micr ff (E+300)/20 B
pwtmax Maximum pulse width time allowed
split_adv_disable 1F3D 31.88 DEG ff E*8 V
epadis if BOI>EPADIS then SPLIT INJ disabled
split_temp_hyst 1F3E 2.2 dgC 04 E*1.8 V
epithy temp below epimxt to allow split to remain enabled
split_temp_weighting 1F3F 0.000 unit 00 E*128 V
epitwf Weight factor for epipd1 | epipd0 wt=(1-epitwf)
split_min_voltage 1F40 0.00 VLT 00 E*5 V
epimnv EPI disabled below epimnv
split_volt_hyst 1F41 1.00 VLT 05 E*5 V
epibhy EPI re-allowed above epimnv+epibhy
halfeng_on_parkbrake 1F42 1.0 Flg 1 E V
heonpb Set to allow HALFENG only if park brake enabled
halfeng_on_governor 1F42.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
heongv Set to allow HALFENG only if idle governor active
halfeng_no_re_enter 1F42.2 0.0 Flg 0 E V
henore Half ENG: Set to not re-enter 1/2 eng on cool down
half_engine_odd_even 1F42.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
heodd 16V4000 HALFENG: 0=all mstr / 1=odd mstr+odd rcvr
common_rail_fpc_pw_mapping 1F42.4 0.0 Flg 0 E B
fpcpw if set, calculate pulse width using fuel per cycle
broadcast_pw_as_fpc 1F42.5 0.0 Flg 0 E B
txpwus if set, ID150 and ID162 broadcast @ mm3/100
boi_special_in_cc 1F42.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
boicc BOI: Use only top row of BOI Table in cruise cntrl
acb_enabled 1F42.7 1.0 Flg 1 E V
acbenb set to enable Adaptive Cylinder Balancing on S60
split_in_smoke_mode 1F43 0.0 Flg 0 E V
epismk set to enable SPLIT INJ in smoke control mode
split_in_normal_mode 1F43.1 0.0 Flg 0 E V
epinmd set to enable SPLIT INJ in NORMAL run/idle mode
split_in_half_engine_mode 1F43.2 1.0 Flg 1 E V
epihmd set to enable SPLIT INJECTION in HALF ENGINE mode
split_at_idle 1F43.3 0.0 Flg 0 E V
epidle if epienb set-set to enable SPLIT INJ at IDLE only
split_estimate_main_irt 1F43.4 0.0 Flg 0 E V
epimrt If epimrt is set, IRTm=IRT*epirtm*epirmc
split_after_start_mode 1F43.5 1.0 Flg 1 E V
episme set for split after start for 30 sec max f(OilTmp)
rail_p_inj_compensation 1F43.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
rpinen Set for S4000 fuel rail pressure injection cmpnstn
pwm_clock_divide 1F43.7 0.0 Flg 0 E V
pwckdv Set for TPUclock/4 for 8Hz min PWMfreq w/ less res
split_mpw_table_axis_is_ltq 1F44.5 0.0 Flg 0 E V
smtail If set, LTQ->prvmpw, else MTQ->prvmpw
split_irt_is_pilot 1F44.6 0.0 Flg 0 E V
epiirt set IRTraw=IRTpilot, else IRTraw=IRTmain when splt
split_in_start_mode 1F44.7 1.0 Flg 1 E B
epismd set to enable SPLIT INJECTION in START mode
checksum_rat0 1F46 33997.0 HEX 84cd E C
# Filled by Cal Tools
fuel_type_rat0 1F48 95.0 DEC 5f E C
fuelrt Fueltp = 95 for diesel and Fueltp = 160 for Gas
rating_edit_version_rat0 1F49 29.0 "" 1d E C
rrlvrr rating_edit_version_rat0

NAME: filtq_smoke_torque_rat0 ADDR: 1F4A UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltsmt

EQN: E*20.47
smoke limit tq offset due to filt final tq
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| ffffff71| -6.986
6.3| ffffff85| -6.009
12.5| ffffff9a| -4.983
18.8| ffffffc3| -2.980
25.0| ffffffd7| -2.003
31.3| ffffffec| -0.977
37.5| 0000| 0.000
43.8| 0000| 0.000
50.0| 0000| 0.000
56.3| 0000| 0.000
62.5| 0000| 0.000
68.8| 0000| 0.000
75.0| 0000| 0.000
81.3| 0000| 0.000
87.5| 0000| 0.000
93.8| 0000| 0.000
100.0| 0000| 0.000


actual_peak_torque_value_rat0 1F6C 1550.0 FT# 060e E B
peaktq Rating 0 Peak Torque in foot*lbs
peak_torque_rpm_rat0 1F6E 1200.00 RPM 12c0 E*4 B
ptqrpm RPM at which engine delivers peak torque for rtg0
rated_horse_power_rat0 1F70 430.0 BHP 01ae E B
ratbhp rated brake horsepower for rating 0
rated_max_rpm_rat0 1F72 2110.00 RPM 20f8 E*4 B
ratrpm rated engine RPM for rating 0

NAME: boi_torque_reduction_rat0 ADDR: 1F74 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: rpmtqc

EQN: E*2048
%TQ redux/deg BOI advance from adaptv or temp-rat0
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00000
300.0| 00| 0.00000
450.0| 00| 0.00000
600.0| 0a| 0.00488
750.0| 06| 0.00293
900.0| 04| 0.00195
1050.0| 00| 0.00000
1200.0| fffffffc| -0.00195
1350.0| fffffff7| -0.00439
1500.0| fffffff4| -0.00586
1650.0| fffffff3| -0.00635
1800.0| fffffff6| -0.00488
1950.0| fffffff8| -0.00391
2100.0| fffffffd| -0.00146
2250.0| 00| 0.00000
2400.0| 00| 0.00000
2550.0| 00| 0.00000

NAME: base_air_temp_offset_boi_rat0 ADDR: 1F85 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

basboi EQN: E*4
delta BOI as a f(air temperature)
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 00| 0.00
-27.8| 00| 0.00
-15.6| 00| 0.00
-3.3| 00| 0.00
8.9| 00| 0.00
21.1| 00| 0.00
33.3| 00| 0.00
45.6| 00| 0.00
57.8| 00| 0.00
70.0| 00| 0.00
82.2| 00| 0.00
94.4| 00| 0.00
106.7| 00| 0.00
118.9| 00| 0.00
131.1| 00| 0.00
143.3| 00| 0.00
155.6| 00| 0.00

NAME: filtq_offset_boi_rat0 ADDR: 1F96 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltboi

EQN: E*4
BOI offset due to filt final tq
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| 02| 0.50
6.3| 02| 0.50
12.5| 00| 0.00
18.8| fffffff8| -2.00
25.0| fffffff4| -3.00
31.3| fffffff0| -4.00
37.5| fffffff0| -4.00
43.8| ffffffe8| -6.00
50.0| ffffffe8| -6.00
56.3| ffffffe8| -6.00
62.5| fffffff0| -4.00
68.8| fffffff0| -4.00
75.0| 00| 0.00
81.3| 00| 0.00
87.5| 00| 0.00
93.8| 00| 0.00
100.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: filtq_smoke_boi_rat0 ADDR: 1FA7 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltscb

EQN: E*4
BOI offset due to filt final tq when in smoke mode
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| 1c| 7.00
6.3| 18| 6.00
12.5| 14| 5.00
18.8| 10| 4.00
25.0| 0c| 3.00
31.3| 00| 0.00
37.5| 00| 0.00
43.8| 00| 0.00
50.0| 00| 0.00
56.3| 00| 0.00
62.5| 00| 0.00
68.8| 00| 0.00
75.0| 00| 0.00
81.3| 00| 0.00
87.5| 00| 0.00
93.8| 00| 0.00
100.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: requested_torque_rat0 ADDR: 1FB8 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: rtqif

EQN: E*2.55
Rating 0 Requested Torque Table f(RPM,%throttle)

Table of AXIS_%_Throttle_9
%_Throttle ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.00 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22
39.22 39.22 39.22
X 300.0 | 0.00 30.98 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22
39.22 39.22 39.22
I 450.0 | 0.00 20.78 39.61 39.61 39.61 39.61
39.61 39.61 39.61
S 600.0 | 0.00 15.69 30.98 40.00 40.00 40.00
40.00 40.00 40.00
_ 750.0 | 0.00 12.55 24.71 37.25 52.94 52.94
52.94 52.94 52.94
R 900.0 | 0.00 10.20 20.78 30.98 56.08 65.88
65.88 65.88 65.88
P 1050.0 | 0.00 9.02 17.65 26.67 47.84 69.41
78.82 78.82 78.82
M 1200.0 | 0.00 7.84 15.69 23.14 41.96 60.78
79.22 92.16 92.16
_ 1350.0 | 0.00 7.06 13.73 20.78 37.25 53.73
70.59 87.06 92.55
1 1500.0 | 0.00 6.27 12.55 18.82 33.73 51.76
69.41 87.45 93.33
7 1650.0 | 0.00 5.49 11.37 16.86 30.59 47.45
64.71 81.57 87.45
1800.0 | 0.00 5.10 10.20 15.69 27.84 43.92
60.00 76.08 81.18
1950.0 | 0.00 4.71 9.41 14.51 25.88 40.78
55.69 70.20 75.29
2100.0 | 0.00 4.31 9.02 13.33 23.92 37.65
50.98 64.71 69.41
2250.0 | 0.00 4.31 8.24 12.55 22.35 34.51
47.06 59.22 63.14
2400.0 | 0.00 3.92 7.84 11.76 20.00 20.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
2550.0 | 0.00 3.53 7.45 10.98 19.61 19.61
20.00 20.00 20.00

Table of Hex Values

%_Throttle ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 64 64 64 64 64
64 64 64
X 300.0 | 00 4f 64 64 64 64
64 64 64
I 450.0 | 00 35 65 65 65 65
65 65 65
S 600.0 | 00 28 4f 66 66 66
66 66 66
_ 750.0 | 00 20 3f 5f 87 87
87 87 87
R 900.0 | 00 1a 35 4f 8f a8
a8 a8 a8
P 1050.0 | 00 17 2d 44 7a b1
c9 c9 c9
M 1200.0 | 00 14 28 3b 6b 9b
ca eb eb
_ 1350.0 | 00 12 23 35 5f 89
b4 de ec
1 1500.0 | 00 10 20 30 56 84
b1 df ee
7 1650.0 | 00 0e 1d 2b 4e 79
a5 d0 df
1800.0 | 00 0d 1a 28 47 70
99 c2 cf
1950.0 | 00 0c 18 25 42 68
8e b3 c0
2100.0 | 00 0b 17 22 3d 60
82 a5 b1
2250.0 | 00 0b 15 20 39 58
78 97 a1
2400.0 | 00 0a 14 1e 33 33
33 33 33
2550.0 | 00 09 13 1c 32 32
33 33 33

NAME: smoke_control_boi_rat0 ADDR: 2051 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: scboi

EQN: E*8
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 38| 7.00
300.0| 38| 7.00
450.0| 38| 7.00
600.0| 38| 7.00
750.0| 38| 7.00
900.0| 38| 7.00
1050.0| 38| 7.00
1200.0| 38| 7.00
1350.0| 38| 7.00
1500.0| 30| 6.00
1650.0| 30| 6.00
1800.0| 30| 6.00
1950.0| 30| 6.00
2100.0| 30| 6.00
2250.0| 30| 6.00
2400.0| 30| 6.00
2550.0| 30| 6.00

NAME: smoke_limiting_torque_rat0 ADDR: 2062 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: sctorq

EQN: E*2.55
smoke control TORQUE Table rating0 f(RPM,boost)

Table of AXIS_derived_smoke_control_9
derived_smoke_control ->
14.0 84.3 94.6 106.5 121.2 139.5
159.2 179.9 221.0
A 150.0 | 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76
71.76 71.76 71.76
X 300.0 | 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76
71.76 71.76 71.76
I 450.0 | 33.33 33.33 35.69 38.82 43.92 43.92
43.92 43.92 43.92
S 600.0 | 39.61 39.61 39.61 41.57 43.14 50.20
50.20 50.20 50.20
_ 750.0 | 40.00 40.00 40.00 46.67 52.94 56.86
60.00 61.96 65.10
R 900.0 | 41.96 41.96 43.92 52.94 56.86 61.96
74.90 87.06 100.00
P 1050.0 | 43.53 43.53 45.10 54.12 56.86 65.88
74.90 94.51 100.00
M 1200.0 | 45.10 45.10 45.10 54.12 56.86 66.27
73.73 90.98 100.00
_ 1350.0 | 45.10 45.10 45.10 52.55 58.43 65.49
80.78 90.98 100.00
1 1500.0 | 45.88 45.88 45.88 53.73 59.22 65.88
77.25 90.98 100.00
7 1650.0 | 47.06 47.06 47.06 52.94 58.04 67.06
78.82 92.16 100.00
1800.0 | 47.84 47.84 47.84 54.12 58.04 67.84
78.82 90.98 100.00
1950.0 | 47.84 47.84 47.84 54.12 56.08 63.14
80.00 89.80 100.00
2100.0 | 48.63 47.84 47.84 54.90 56.08 63.92
80.00 89.80 100.00
2250.0 | 49.02 49.02 43.14 56.47 60.00 67.84
79.61 89.80 100.00
2400.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2550.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00

Table of Hex Values

derived_smoke_control ->
14.0 84.3 94.6 106.5 121.2 139.5
159.2 179.9 221.0
A 150.0 | b7 b7 b7 b7 b7 b7
b7 b7 b7
X 300.0 | b7 b7 b7 b7 b7 b7
b7 b7 b7
I 450.0 | 55 55 5b 63 70 70
70 70 70
S 600.0 | 65 65 65 6a 6e 80
80 80 80
_ 750.0 | 66 66 66 77 87 91
99 9e a6
R 900.0 | 6b 6b 70 87 91 9e
bf de ff
P 1050.0 | 6f 6f 73 8a 91 a8
bf f1 ff
M 1200.0 | 73 73 73 8a 91 a9
bc e8 ff
_ 1350.0 | 73 73 73 86 95 a7
ce e8 ff
1 1500.0 | 75 75 75 89 97 a8
c5 e8 ff
7 1650.0 | 78 78 78 87 94 ab
c9 eb ff
1800.0 | 7a 7a 7a 8a 94 ad
c9 e8 ff
1950.0 | 7a 7a 7a 8a 8f a1
cc e5 ff
2100.0 | 7c 7a 7a 8c 8f a3
cc e5 ff
2250.0 | 7d 7d 6e 90 99 ad
cb e5 ff
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: torque_adjustment_rat0 ADDR: 20FB UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: tqadj

EQN: E*1024
Set to 0 / PW Tbl TRQ developed for BOI rtg0
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.0000
300.0| 00| 0.0000
450.0| 00| 0.0000
600.0| 29| 0.0400
750.0| 29| 0.0400
900.0| 1d| 0.0283
1050.0| 12| 0.0176
1200.0| 1f| 0.0303
1350.0| 0e| 0.0137
1500.0| 17| 0.0225
1650.0| 17| 0.0225
1800.0| 24| 0.0352
1950.0| 17| 0.0225
2100.0| 07| 0.0068
2250.0| 00| 0.0000
2400.0| 00| 0.0000
2550.0| 00| 0.0000

NAME: torque_ss_rat0 ADDR: 210C UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: sstqrd

EQN: E*2048
steady state TQ reduction due to BOI
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00000
300.0| 00| 0.00000
450.0| 00| 0.00000
600.0| 0e| 0.00684
750.0| 06| 0.00293
900.0| 03| 0.00146
1050.0| fffffffe| -0.00098
1200.0| fffffff8| -0.00391
1350.0| fffffff3| -0.00635
1500.0| fffffff2| -0.00684
1650.0| fffffff2| -0.00684
1800.0| ffffffee| -0.00879
1950.0| ffffffed| -0.00928
2100.0| fffffff1| -0.00732
2250.0| 00| 0.00000
2400.0| 00| 0.00000
2550.0| 00| 0.00000


rating_version_number_rat0 211D 102.0 DEC 66 E B
ratver Rating 0 Base Calibration Version No. for ID only

NAME: boi_table_rat0 ADDR: 211E UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: boifnc

EQN: E*8
BOI table rating 0 - function RPM and %load

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
X 300.0 | 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
I 450.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 4.00
S 600.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 4.00
_ 750.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 4.00
R 900.0 | 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 5.00
P 1050.0 | 8.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
M 1200.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.25 7.00 7.00
_ 1350.0 | 8.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
8.00 8.00 7.00
1 1500.0 | 8.00 7.00 6.00 2.50 2.00 2.00
2.00 2.00 6.00
7 1650.0 | 8.00 7.00 6.00 2.50 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 6.00
1800.0 | 8.00 7.00 6.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
1950.0 | 8.00 7.00 6.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
2100.0 | 8.00 7.00 6.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
2250.0 | 8.00 7.00 6.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
2400.0 | 9.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 4.00
2550.0 | 9.00 9.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 4.00

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30
X 300.0 | 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30
I 450.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 20
S 600.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 20
_ 750.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 20
R 900.0 | 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 28
P 1050.0 | 40 40 38 30 30 30
30 30 30
M 1200.0 | 40 40 30 30 30 30
32 38 38
_ 1350.0 | 40 38 30 30 30 30
40 40 38
1 1500.0 | 40 38 30 14 10 10
10 10 30
7 1650.0 | 40 38 30 14 08 08
08 08 30
1800.0 | 40 38 30 14 00 00
00 00 38
1950.0 | 40 38 30 14 00 00
00 00 38
2100.0 | 40 38 30 14 00 00
00 00 38
2250.0 | 40 38 30 14 00 00
00 00 38
2400.0 | 48 48 30 20 20 20
20 20 20
2550.0 | 48 48 30 40 40 40
40 40 20

NAME: boi_ss_rat0 ADDR: 21B7 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: boissr

EQN: E*8
BOI table rating 0 for steady state

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
X 300.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
I 450.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
S 600.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
_ 750.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
R 900.0 | 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 16.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
P 1050.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 9.00
M 1200.0 | 15.00 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 10.50
_ 1350.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 9.50 10.00 10.00
10.00 10.50 11.13
1 1500.0 | 15.00 15.00 9.25 10.00 11.00 11.00
11.00 11.00 12.00
7 1650.0 | 15.00 15.00 9.25 10.00 11.00 11.00
11.00 11.00 12.00
1800.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 7.50 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 12.00
1950.0 | 15.00 15.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 11.00
2100.0 | 15.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
10.00 10.00 12.00
2250.0 | 15.00 15.00 12.00 11.00 11.00 11.00
11.00 11.00 12.00
2400.0 | 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
2550.0 | 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88
31.88 31.88 31.88

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
X 300.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
I 450.0 | 50 50 50 60 60 60
60 60 60
S 600.0 | 50 50 50 60 60 60
60 60 60
_ 750.0 | 50 50 50 78 78 78
78 78 78
R 900.0 | 78 78 70 70 80 80
80 80 80
P 1050.0 | 78 78 40 40 40 40
40 40 48
M 1200.0 | 78 78 38 38 38 40
40 40 54
_ 1350.0 | 78 78 40 4c 50 50
50 54 59
1 1500.0 | 78 78 4a 50 58 58
58 58 60
7 1650.0 | 78 78 4a 50 58 58
58 58 60
1800.0 | 78 78 40 3c 40 40
40 40 60
1950.0 | 78 78 50 38 38 40
40 40 58
2100.0 | 78 78 60 50 50 50
50 50 60
2250.0 | 78 78 60 58 58 58
58 58 60
2400.0 | 78 78 78 78 78 78
78 78 78
2550.0 | ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff

NAME: split_pilot_boi_offset_rat0 ADDR: 2250 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

eppboi EQN: E*8
BOIpilot = min(absboi, BOI+eppboi)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00
300.0| 00| 0.00
450.0| 00| 0.00
600.0| 00| 0.00
750.0| 00| 0.00
900.0| 00| 0.00
1050.0| 00| 0.00
1200.0| 00| 0.00
1350.0| 00| 0.00
1500.0| 00| 0.00
1650.0| 00| 0.00
1800.0| 00| 0.00
1950.0| 00| 0.00
2100.0| 00| 0.00
2250.0| 00| 0.00
2400.0| 00| 0.00
2550.0| 00| 0.00


checksum_rat1 2262 35847.0 HEX 8c07 E C
# Filled by Cal Tools
fuel_type_rat1 2264 95.0 DEC 5f E C
fuelrt Fueltp = 95 for diesel and Fueltp = 160 for Gas
rating_edit_version_rat1 2265 29.0 "" 1d E C
rrlvrr rating_edit_version_rat1

NAME: filtq_smoke_torque_rat1 ADDR: 2266 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltsmt

EQN: E*20.47
smoke limit tq offset due to filt final tq
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| ffffff5c| -8.012
6.3| ffffff85| -6.009
12.5| ffffff9a| -4.983
18.8| ffffffae| -4.006
25.0| ffffffc3| -2.980
31.3| ffffffd7| -2.003
37.5| 0000| 0.000
43.8| 0000| 0.000
50.0| 0000| 0.000
56.3| 0000| 0.000
62.5| 0000| 0.000
68.8| 0000| 0.000
75.0| 0000| 0.000
81.3| 0000| 0.000
87.5| 0000| 0.000
93.8| 0000| 0.000
100.0| 0000| 0.000


actual_peak_torque_value_rat1 2288 1550.0 FT# 060e E B
peaktq Rating 1 Peak Torque in foot*lbs
peak_torque_rpm_rat1 228A 1200.00 RPM 12c0 E*4 B
ptqrpm RPM at which engine delivers peak torque for rtg1
rated_horse_power_rat1 228C 400.0 BHP 0190 E B
ratbhp rated brake horsepower for rating 1
rated_max_rpm_rat1 228E 2110.00 RPM 20f8 E*4 B
ratrpm rated engine RPM for rating 1

NAME: boi_torque_reduction_rat1 ADDR: 2290 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: rpmtqc

EQN: E*2048
%TQ redux/deg BOI advance from adaptv or temp-rat1
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00000
300.0| 00| 0.00000
450.0| 00| 0.00000
600.0| 0a| 0.00488
750.0| 06| 0.00293
900.0| 04| 0.00195
1050.0| 00| 0.00000
1200.0| fffffffc| -0.00195
1350.0| fffffff7| -0.00439
1500.0| fffffff4| -0.00586
1650.0| fffffff3| -0.00635
1800.0| fffffff6| -0.00488
1950.0| fffffff8| -0.00391
2100.0| fffffffe| -0.00098
2250.0| 00| 0.00000
2400.0| 00| 0.00000
2550.0| 00| 0.00000

NAME: base_air_temp_offset_boi_rat1 ADDR: 22A1 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

basboi EQN: E*4
delta BOI as a f(air temperature)
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 00| 0.00
-27.8| 00| 0.00
-15.6| 00| 0.00
-3.3| 00| 0.00
8.9| 00| 0.00
21.1| 00| 0.00
33.3| 00| 0.00
45.6| 00| 0.00
57.8| 00| 0.00
70.0| 00| 0.00
82.2| 00| 0.00
94.4| 00| 0.00
106.7| 00| 0.00
118.9| 00| 0.00
131.1| 00| 0.00
143.3| 00| 0.00
155.6| 00| 0.00

NAME: filtq_offset_boi_rat1 ADDR: 22B2 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltboi

EQN: E*4
BOI offset due to filt final tq
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| 00| 0.00
6.3| 00| 0.00
12.5| fffffffc| -1.00
18.8| fffffff8| -2.00
25.0| fffffff4| -3.00
31.3| fffffff0| -4.00
37.5| ffffffe8| -6.00
43.8| ffffffe8| -6.00
50.0| ffffffe8| -6.00
56.3| ffffffe8| -6.00
62.5| fffffff0| -4.00
68.8| fffffff0| -4.00
75.0| 00| 0.00
81.3| 00| 0.00
87.5| 00| 0.00
93.8| 00| 0.00
100.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: filtq_smoke_boi_rat1 ADDR: 22C3 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltscb

EQN: E*4
BOI offset due to filt final tq when in smoke mode
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| 1c| 7.00
6.3| 08| 2.00
12.5| 08| 2.00
18.8| 04| 1.00
25.0| 00| 0.00
31.3| 00| 0.00
37.5| 00| 0.00
43.8| 00| 0.00
50.0| 00| 0.00
56.3| 00| 0.00
62.5| 00| 0.00
68.8| 00| 0.00
75.0| 00| 0.00
81.3| 00| 0.00
87.5| 00| 0.00
93.8| 00| 0.00
100.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: requested_torque_rat1 ADDR: 22D4 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: rtqif

EQN: E*2.55
Rating 1 Requested Torque Table f(RPM,%throttle)
Table of AXIS_%_Throttle_9
%_Throttle ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.00 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22
39.22 39.22 39.22
X 300.0 | 0.00 30.98 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22
39.22 39.22 39.22
I 450.0 | 0.00 20.78 39.61 39.61 39.61 39.61
39.61 39.61 39.61
S 600.0 | 0.00 15.69 30.98 40.00 40.00 40.00
40.00 40.00 40.00
_ 750.0 | 0.00 12.55 24.71 37.25 52.94 52.94
52.94 52.94 52.94
R 900.0 | 0.00 10.20 20.78 30.98 56.08 65.88
65.88 65.88 65.88
P 1050.0 | 0.00 9.02 17.65 26.67 47.84 69.41
78.82 78.82 78.82
M 1200.0 | 0.00 7.84 15.69 23.14 41.96 60.78
79.22 92.16 92.16
_ 1350.0 | 0.00 7.06 13.73 20.78 37.25 53.73
70.59 87.06 92.55
1 1500.0 | 0.00 6.27 12.55 18.82 33.73 51.76
69.41 87.45 93.33
7 1650.0 | 0.00 5.49 11.37 16.86 30.59 47.45
64.71 81.57 87.06
1800.0 | 0.00 5.10 10.20 15.69 27.84 43.92
60.00 75.69 81.18
1950.0 | 0.00 4.71 9.41 14.51 25.88 40.78
55.29 70.20 75.29
2100.0 | 0.00 4.31 9.02 13.33 23.92 36.47
48.63 61.18 65.10
2250.0 | 0.00 4.31 8.24 12.55 22.35 32.16
41.96 51.76 54.90
2400.0 | 0.00 3.92 7.84 11.76 20.00 20.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
2550.0 | 0.00 3.53 7.45 10.98 19.61 19.61
20.00 20.00 20.00

Table of Hex Values

%_Throttle ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 64 64 64 64 64
64 64 64
X 300.0 | 00 4f 64 64 64 64
64 64 64
I 450.0 | 00 35 65 65 65 65
65 65 65
S 600.0 | 00 28 4f 66 66 66
66 66 66
_ 750.0 | 00 20 3f 5f 87 87
87 87 87
R 900.0 | 00 1a 35 4f 8f a8
a8 a8 a8
P 1050.0 | 00 17 2d 44 7a b1
c9 c9 c9
M 1200.0 | 00 14 28 3b 6b 9b
ca eb eb
_ 1350.0 | 00 12 23 35 5f 89
b4 de ec
1 1500.0 | 00 10 20 30 56 84
b1 df ee
7 1650.0 | 00 0e 1d 2b 4e 79
a5 d0 de
1800.0 | 00 0d 1a 28 47 70
99 c1 cf
1950.0 | 00 0c 18 25 42 68
8d b3 c0
2100.0 | 00 0b 17 22 3d 5d
7c 9c a6
2250.0 | 00 0b 15 20 39 52
6b 84 8c
2400.0 | 00 0a 14 1e 33 33
33 33 33
2550.0 | 00 09 13 1c 32 32
33 33 33

NAME: smoke_control_boi_rat1 ADDR: 236D UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: scboi

EQN: E*8
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 38| 7.00
300.0| 38| 7.00
450.0| 38| 7.00
600.0| 38| 7.00
750.0| 38| 7.00
900.0| 38| 7.00
1050.0| 38| 7.00
1200.0| 38| 7.00
1350.0| 38| 7.00
1500.0| 30| 6.00
1650.0| 30| 6.00
1800.0| 30| 6.00
1950.0| 30| 6.00
2100.0| 30| 6.00
2250.0| 30| 6.00
2400.0| 30| 6.00
2550.0| 30| 6.00

NAME: smoke_limiting_torque_rat1 ADDR: 237E UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: sctorq

EQN: E*2.55
smoke control TORQUE Table rating1 f(RPM,boost)

Table of AXIS_derived_smoke_control_9
derived_smoke_control ->
14.0 84.3 94.6 106.5 121.2 139.5
159.2 179.9 221.0
A 150.0 | 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76
71.76 71.76 71.76
X 300.0 | 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76
71.76 71.76 71.76
I 450.0 | 33.33 33.33 35.69 38.82 43.92 43.92
43.92 43.92 43.92
S 600.0 | 39.61 39.61 39.61 43.14 45.10 50.20
50.20 50.20 50.20
_ 750.0 | 40.00 40.00 40.00 49.02 54.12 58.04
60.00 61.96 65.10
R 900.0 | 41.96 41.96 43.92 52.94 56.86 61.96
76.08 87.06 100.00
P 1050.0 | 43.53 43.53 45.10 54.12 56.86 65.88
72.94 89.80 100.00
M 1200.0 | 45.10 45.10 45.10 54.12 56.86 66.27
73.73 90.98 100.00
_ 1350.0 | 45.10 45.10 45.10 52.55 58.43 65.49
80.78 90.98 100.00
1 1500.0 | 45.88 45.88 45.88 53.73 59.22 65.88
77.25 90.98 100.00
7 1650.0 | 47.06 47.06 47.06 52.94 58.04 67.06
78.82 92.16 100.00
1800.0 | 47.84 47.84 47.84 54.12 58.04 67.84
78.82 90.98 100.00
1950.0 | 47.84 47.84 47.84 54.12 56.08 63.14
80.00 89.80 100.00
2100.0 | 48.63 47.84 47.84 54.90 56.08 63.92
80.00 89.80 100.00
2250.0 | 49.02 49.02 43.14 56.47 60.00 67.84
79.61 89.80 100.00
2400.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2550.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00

Table of Hex Values

derived_smoke_control ->
14.0 84.3 94.6 106.5 121.2 139.5
159.2 179.9 221.0
A 150.0 | b7 b7 b7 b7 b7 b7
b7 b7 b7
X 300.0 | b7 b7 b7 b7 b7 b7
b7 b7 b7
I 450.0 | 55 55 5b 63 70 70
70 70 70
S 600.0 | 65 65 65 6e 73 80
80 80 80
_ 750.0 | 66 66 66 7d 8a 94
99 9e a6
R 900.0 | 6b 6b 70 87 91 9e
c2 de ff
P 1050.0 | 6f 6f 73 8a 91 a8
ba e5 ff
M 1200.0 | 73 73 73 8a 91 a9
bc e8 ff
_ 1350.0 | 73 73 73 86 95 a7
ce e8 ff
1 1500.0 | 75 75 75 89 97 a8
c5 e8 ff
7 1650.0 | 78 78 78 87 94 ab
c9 eb ff
1800.0 | 7a 7a 7a 8a 94 ad
c9 e8 ff
1950.0 | 7a 7a 7a 8a 8f a1
cc e5 ff
2100.0 | 7c 7a 7a 8c 8f a3
cc e5 ff
2250.0 | 7d 7d 6e 90 99 ad
cb e5 ff
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: torque_adjustment_rat1 ADDR: 2417 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: tqadj

EQN: E*1024
Correct PW Tbl TRQ for BOI rtg1: TRQ=TRQ*(1+tqadj)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.0000
300.0| 00| 0.0000
450.0| 00| 0.0000
600.0| 29| 0.0400
750.0| 29| 0.0400
900.0| 1d| 0.0283
1050.0| 12| 0.0176
1200.0| 1f| 0.0303
1350.0| 0e| 0.0137
1500.0| 17| 0.0225
1650.0| 17| 0.0225
1800.0| 24| 0.0352
1950.0| 17| 0.0225
2100.0| 14| 0.0195
2250.0| 00| 0.0000
2400.0| 00| 0.0000
2550.0| 00| 0.0000

NAME: torque_ss_rat1 ADDR: 2428 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: sstqrd

EQN: E*2048
steady state TQ reduction due to BOI
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00000
300.0| 00| 0.00000
450.0| 00| 0.00000
600.0| 0e| 0.00684
750.0| 06| 0.00293
900.0| 03| 0.00146
1050.0| fffffffe| -0.00098
1200.0| fffffff8| -0.00391
1350.0| fffffff3| -0.00635
1500.0| fffffff2| -0.00684
1650.0| fffffff2| -0.00684
1800.0| ffffffee| -0.00879
1950.0| ffffffed| -0.00928
2100.0| fffffffe| -0.00098
2250.0| 00| 0.00000
2400.0| 00| 0.00000
2550.0| 00| 0.00000


rating_version_number_rat1 2439 102.0 DEC 66 E B
ratver Rating 1 Base Calibration Version No. for ID only

NAME: boi_table_rat1 ADDR: 243A UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: boifnc

EQN: E*8
BOI table rating 1 - function RPM and %load

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
X 300.0 | 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
I 450.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 6.00
S 600.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 6.00
_ 750.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 6.00
R 900.0 | 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
P 1050.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
6.00 6.00 7.00
M 1200.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
7.00 7.00 8.00
_ 1350.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
8.00 8.00 7.50
1 1500.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 2.50 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 6.00
7 1650.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 6.00
1800.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
1950.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
2100.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 6.00
2250.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 6.00
2400.0 | 9.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 6.00
2550.0 | 9.00 9.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 4.00
Table of Hex Values
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30
X 300.0 | 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30
I 450.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 30
S 600.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 30
_ 750.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 30
R 900.0 | 40 40 40 30 30 30
30 30 30
P 1050.0 | 40 40 30 20 20 20
30 30 38
M 1200.0 | 40 40 30 20 20 20
38 38 40
_ 1350.0 | 40 40 30 30 30 30
40 40 3c
1 1500.0 | 40 40 30 14 08 08
08 08 30
7 1650.0 | 40 30 20 14 08 08
08 08 30
1800.0 | 40 30 20 14 00 00
00 00 38
1950.0 | 40 30 20 14 00 00
00 00 38
2100.0 | 40 30 20 14 00 00
00 00 30
2250.0 | 40 30 20 14 00 00
00 00 30
2400.0 | 48 48 30 20 20 20
20 20 30
2550.0 | 48 48 30 40 40 40
40 40 20

NAME: boi_ss_rat1 ADDR: 24D3 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: boissr

EQN: E*8
BOI table rating 1 for steady state

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
X 300.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
I 450.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
S 600.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
_ 750.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
R 900.0 | 15.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 16.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
P 1050.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 9.00
M 1200.0 | 15.00 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 11.00
_ 1350.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 9.50 10.00 10.00
10.00 10.50 11.25
1 1500.0 | 15.00 15.00 9.25 10.00 11.00 11.00
11.00 11.00 12.00
7 1650.0 | 15.00 15.00 9.25 10.00 11.00 11.00
11.00 11.00 12.00
1800.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 12.00
1950.0 | 15.00 15.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 12.00
2100.0 | 15.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
10.00 10.00 12.00
2250.0 | 15.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
10.00 10.00 12.00
2400.0 | 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88
31.88 31.88 31.88
2550.0 | 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88
31.88 31.88 31.88

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
X 300.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
I 450.0 | 50 50 50 60 60 60
60 60 60
S 600.0 | 50 50 50 60 60 60
60 60 60
_ 750.0 | 50 50 50 78 78 78
78 78 78
R 900.0 | 78 78 70 70 80 80
80 80 80
P 1050.0 | 78 78 40 40 40 40
40 40 48
M 1200.0 | 78 78 38 38 38 40
40 40 58
_ 1350.0 | 78 78 40 4c 50 50
50 54 5a
1 1500.0 | 78 78 4a 50 58 58
58 58 60
7 1650.0 | 78 78 4a 50 58 58
58 58 60
1800.0 | 78 78 40 38 40 40
40 40 60
1950.0 | 78 78 50 38 38 40
40 40 60
2100.0 | 78 78 60 50 50 50
50 50 60
2250.0 | 78 78 60 50 50 50
50 50 60
2400.0 | ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff
2550.0 | ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff

NAME: split_pilot_boi_offset_rat1 ADDR: 256C UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

eppboi EQN: E*8
BOIpilot = min(absboi, BOI+eppboi)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00
300.0| 00| 0.00
450.0| 00| 0.00
600.0| 00| 0.00
750.0| 00| 0.00
900.0| 00| 0.00
1050.0| 00| 0.00
1200.0| 00| 0.00
1350.0| 00| 0.00
1500.0| 00| 0.00
1650.0| 00| 0.00
1800.0| 00| 0.00
1950.0| 00| 0.00
2100.0| 00| 0.00
2250.0| 00| 0.00
2400.0| 00| 0.00
2550.0| 00| 0.00


checksum_rat2 257E 10141.0 HEX 279d E C
# Filled by Cal Tools
fuel_type_rat2 2580 95.0 DEC 5f E C
fuelrt Fueltp = 95 for diesel and Fueltp = 160 for gas
rating_edit_version_rat2 2581 29.0 "" 1d E C
rrlvrr rating_edit_version_rat2

NAME: filtq_smoke_torque_rat2 ADDR: 2582 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltsmt

EQN: E*20.47
smoke torqe limit offset due to filt final tq
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| ffffff5c| -8.012
6.3| ffffff85| -6.009
12.5| ffffff9a| -4.983
18.8| ffffffae| -4.006
25.0| ffffffc3| -2.980
31.3| ffffffd7| -2.003
37.5| 0000| 0.000
43.8| 0000| 0.000
50.0| 0000| 0.000
56.3| 0000| 0.000
62.5| 0000| 0.000
68.8| 0000| 0.000
75.0| 0000| 0.000
81.3| 0000| 0.000
87.5| 0000| 0.000
93.8| 0000| 0.000
100.0| 0000| 0.000


actual_peak_torque_value_rat2 25A4 1550.0 FT# 060e E B
peaktq Rating 2 Peak Torque in foot*lbs
peak_torque_rpm_rat2 25A6 1200.00 RPM 12c0 E*4 B
ptqrpm RPM at which engine delivers peak torque for rtg2
rated_horse_power_rat2 25A8 370.0 BHP 0172 E B
ratbhp rated brake horsepower for rating 2
rated_max_rpm_rat2 25AA 2110.00 RPM 20f8 E*4 B
ratrpm rated engine RPM for rating 2

NAME: boi_torque_reduction_rat2 ADDR: 25AC UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: rpmtqc

EQN: E*2048
%TQ redux/deg BOI advance from adaptv or temp-rat2
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00000
300.0| 00| 0.00000
450.0| 00| 0.00000
600.0| 0a| 0.00488
750.0| 06| 0.00293
900.0| 04| 0.00195
1050.0| 00| 0.00000
1200.0| fffffffc| -0.00195
1350.0| fffffff7| -0.00439
1500.0| fffffff4| -0.00586
1650.0| fffffff3| -0.00635
1800.0| fffffff6| -0.00488
1950.0| fffffff8| -0.00391
2100.0| ffffffff| -0.00049
2250.0| 00| 0.00000
2400.0| 00| 0.00000
2550.0| 00| 0.00000

NAME: base_air_temp_offset_boi_rat2 ADDR: 25BD UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

basboi EQN: E*4
delta BOI as a f(air temperature)
dgC| HEX| ""
-40.0| 00| 0.00
-27.8| 00| 0.00
-15.6| 00| 0.00
-3.3| 00| 0.00
8.9| 00| 0.00
21.1| 00| 0.00
33.3| 00| 0.00
45.6| 00| 0.00
57.8| 00| 0.00
70.0| 00| 0.00
82.2| 00| 0.00
94.4| 00| 0.00
106.7| 00| 0.00
118.9| 00| 0.00
131.1| 00| 0.00
143.3| 00| 0.00
155.6| 00| 0.00

NAME: filtq_offset_boi_rat2 ADDR: 25CE UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltboi

EQN: E*4
BOI offset due to filt final tq
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| 00| 0.00
6.3| 00| 0.00
12.5| fffffffc| -1.00
18.8| fffffff8| -2.00
25.0| fffffff4| -3.00
31.3| fffffff0| -4.00
37.5| ffffffe8| -6.00
43.8| ffffffe8| -6.00
50.0| ffffffe8| -6.00
56.3| ffffffe8| -6.00
62.5| fffffff0| -4.00
68.8| fffffff0| -4.00
75.0| 00| 0.00
81.3| 00| 0.00
87.5| 00| 0.00
93.8| 00| 0.00
100.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: filtq_smoke_boi_rat2 ADDR: 25DF UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: fltscb

EQN: E*4
BOI offset due to filt final tq when in smoke mode
%_Torque| HEX| ""
0.0| 1c| 7.00
6.3| 08| 2.00
12.5| 08| 2.00
18.8| 04| 1.00
25.0| 00| 0.00
31.3| 00| 0.00
37.5| 00| 0.00
43.8| 00| 0.00
50.0| 00| 0.00
56.3| 00| 0.00
62.5| 00| 0.00
68.8| 00| 0.00
75.0| 00| 0.00
81.3| 00| 0.00
87.5| 00| 0.00
93.8| 00| 0.00
100.0| 00| 0.00

NAME: requested_torque_rat2 ADDR: 25F0 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: rtqif

EQN: E*2.55
Rating 2 Requested Torque Table f(RPM,%throttle)

Table of AXIS_%_Throttle_9
%_Throttle ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 0.00 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22
39.22 39.22 39.22
X 300.0 | 0.00 30.98 39.22 39.22 39.22 39.22
39.22 39.22 39.22
I 450.0 | 0.00 20.78 39.61 39.61 39.61 39.61
39.61 39.61 39.61
S 600.0 | 0.00 15.69 30.98 40.00 40.00 40.00
40.00 40.00 40.00
_ 750.0 | 0.00 12.55 24.71 37.25 52.94 52.94
52.94 52.94 52.94
R 900.0 | 0.00 10.20 20.78 30.98 56.08 65.88
65.88 65.88 65.88
P 1050.0 | 0.00 9.02 17.65 26.67 47.84 69.41
78.82 78.82 78.82
M 1200.0 | 0.00 7.84 15.69 23.14 41.96 60.78
79.22 92.16 92.16
_ 1350.0 | 0.00 7.06 13.73 20.78 37.25 53.73
70.59 87.06 92.55
1 1500.0 | 0.00 6.27 12.55 18.82 33.73 51.76
69.41 87.45 93.33
7 1650.0 | 0.00 5.49 11.37 16.86 30.59 47.45
64.71 81.57 87.45
1800.0 | 0.00 5.10 10.20 15.69 27.84 43.92
60.00 76.08 81.18
1950.0 | 0.00 4.71 9.41 14.51 25.88 40.78
55.69 70.20 75.29
2100.0 | 0.00 4.31 9.02 13.33 23.92 34.90
46.27 57.25 61.18
2250.0 | 0.00 4.31 8.24 12.55 22.35 29.41
36.47 43.53 45.88
2400.0 | 0.00 3.92 7.84 11.76 20.00 20.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
2550.0 | 0.00 3.53 7.45 10.98 19.61 19.61
20.00 20.00 20.00

Table of Hex Values

%_Throttle ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 00 64 64 64 64 64
64 64 64
X 300.0 | 00 4f 64 64 64 64
64 64 64
I 450.0 | 00 35 65 65 65 65
65 65 65
S 600.0 | 00 28 4f 66 66 66
66 66 66
_ 750.0 | 00 20 3f 5f 87 87
87 87 87
R 900.0 | 00 1a 35 4f 8f a8
a8 a8 a8
P 1050.0 | 00 17 2d 44 7a b1
c9 c9 c9
M 1200.0 | 00 14 28 3b 6b 9b
ca eb eb
_ 1350.0 | 00 12 23 35 5f 89
b4 de ec
1 1500.0 | 00 10 20 30 56 84
b1 df ee
7 1650.0 | 00 0e 1d 2b 4e 79
a5 d0 df
1800.0 | 00 0d 1a 28 47 70
99 c2 cf
1950.0 | 00 0c 18 25 42 68
8e b3 c0
2100.0 | 00 0b 17 22 3d 59
76 92 9c
2250.0 | 00 0b 15 20 39 4b
5d 6f 75
2400.0 | 00 0a 14 1e 33 33
33 33 33
2550.0 | 00 09 13 1c 32 32
33 33 33

NAME: smoke_control_boi_rat2 ADDR: 2689 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: scboi

EQN: E*8
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 38| 7.00
300.0| 38| 7.00
450.0| 38| 7.00
600.0| 38| 7.00
750.0| 38| 7.00
900.0| 38| 7.00
1050.0| 38| 7.00
1200.0| 38| 7.00
1350.0| 38| 7.00
1500.0| 30| 6.00
1650.0| 30| 6.00
1800.0| 30| 6.00
1950.0| 30| 6.00
2100.0| 30| 6.00
2250.0| 30| 6.00
2400.0| 30| 6.00
2550.0| 30| 6.00

NAME: smoke_limiting_torque_rat2 ADDR: 269A UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: sctorq

EQN: E*2.55
smoke control TORQUE Table rating2 f(RPM,boost)

Table of AXIS_derived_smoke_control_9
derived_smoke_control ->
14.0 84.3 94.6 106.5 121.2 139.5
159.2 179.9 221.0
A 150.0 | 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76
71.76 71.76 71.76
X 300.0 | 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76 71.76
71.76 71.76 71.76
I 450.0 | 33.33 33.33 35.69 38.82 43.92 43.92
43.92 43.92 43.92
S 600.0 | 39.61 39.61 39.61 43.14 45.10 50.20
50.20 50.20 50.20
_ 750.0 | 40.00 40.00 40.00 49.02 54.12 58.04
60.00 61.96 65.10
R 900.0 | 41.96 41.96 43.92 52.94 56.86 61.96
76.08 87.06 100.00
P 1050.0 | 43.53 43.53 45.10 54.12 56.86 65.88
72.94 89.80 100.00
M 1200.0 | 45.10 45.10 45.10 54.12 56.86 66.27
73.73 90.98 100.00
_ 1350.0 | 45.10 45.10 45.10 52.55 58.43 65.49
80.78 90.98 100.00
1 1500.0 | 45.88 45.88 45.88 53.73 59.22 65.88
77.25 90.98 100.00
7 1650.0 | 47.06 47.06 47.06 52.94 58.04 67.06
78.82 92.16 100.00
1800.0 | 47.84 47.84 47.84 54.12 58.04 67.84
78.82 90.98 100.00
1950.0 | 47.84 47.84 47.84 54.12 56.08 63.14
80.00 89.80 100.00
2100.0 | 48.63 47.84 47.84 54.90 56.08 63.92
80.00 89.80 100.00
2250.0 | 49.02 49.02 43.14 56.47 60.00 67.84
79.61 89.80 100.00
2400.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
2550.0 | 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00

Table of Hex Values

derived_smoke_control ->
14.0 84.3 94.6 106.5 121.2 139.5
159.2 179.9 221.0
A 150.0 | b7 b7 b7 b7 b7 b7
b7 b7 b7
X 300.0 | b7 b7 b7 b7 b7 b7
b7 b7 b7
I 450.0 | 55 55 5b 63 70 70
70 70 70
S 600.0 | 65 65 65 6e 73 80
80 80 80
_ 750.0 | 66 66 66 7d 8a 94
99 9e a6
R 900.0 | 6b 6b 70 87 91 9e
c2 de ff
P 1050.0 | 6f 6f 73 8a 91 a8
ba e5 ff
M 1200.0 | 73 73 73 8a 91 a9
bc e8 ff
_ 1350.0 | 73 73 73 86 95 a7
ce e8 ff
1 1500.0 | 75 75 75 89 97 a8
c5 e8 ff
7 1650.0 | 78 78 78 87 94 ab
c9 eb ff
1800.0 | 7a 7a 7a 8a 94 ad
c9 e8 ff
1950.0 | 7a 7a 7a 8a 8f a1
cc e5 ff
2100.0 | 7c 7a 7a 8c 8f a3
cc e5 ff
2250.0 | 7d 7d 6e 90 99 ad
cb e5 ff
2400.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00
2550.0 | 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00

NAME: torque_adjustment_rat2 ADDR: 2733 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: tqadj

EQN: E*1024
Correct PW Tbl TRQ for BOI rtg2: TRQ=TRQ*(1+tqadj)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.0000
300.0| 00| 0.0000
450.0| 00| 0.0000
600.0| 29| 0.0400
750.0| 29| 0.0400
900.0| 1d| 0.0283
1050.0| 12| 0.0176
1200.0| 1f| 0.0303
1350.0| 0e| 0.0137
1500.0| 17| 0.0225
1650.0| 17| 0.0225
1800.0| 24| 0.0352
1950.0| 17| 0.0225
2100.0| 0f| 0.0146
2250.0| 00| 0.0000
2400.0| 00| 0.0000
2550.0| 00| 0.0000

NAME: torque_ss_rat2 ADDR: 2744 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: sstqrd

EQN: E*2048
steady state TQ reduction due to BOI
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00000
300.0| 00| 0.00000
450.0| 00| 0.00000
600.0| 0e| 0.00684
750.0| 06| 0.00293
900.0| 03| 0.00146
1050.0| fffffffe| -0.00098
1200.0| fffffff8| -0.00391
1350.0| fffffff3| -0.00635
1500.0| fffffff2| -0.00684
1650.0| fffffff2| -0.00684
1800.0| ffffffee| -0.00879
1950.0| ffffffed| -0.00928
2100.0| ffffffe4| -0.01367
2250.0| 00| 0.00000
2400.0| 00| 0.00000
2550.0| 00| 0.00000


rating_version_number_rat2 2755 101.0 DEC 65 E B
ratver Rating 2 Base Calibration Version No. for ID only

NAME: boi_table_rat2 ADDR: 2756 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: boifnc

EQN: E*8
BOI table rating 2 - function RPM and %load

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
X 300.0 | 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
I 450.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 6.00
S 600.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 6.00
_ 750.0 | 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 4.00
R 900.0 | 8.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00 5.00
P 1050.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
6.00 6.00 6.00
M 1200.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
7.00 7.00 7.00
_ 1350.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
8.00 8.00 7.00
1 1500.0 | 8.00 8.00 6.00 2.50 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 6.00
7 1650.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 6.00
1800.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
1950.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
2100.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
2250.0 | 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.50 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 7.00
2400.0 | 9.00 9.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
4.00 4.00 7.00
2550.0 | 9.00 9.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 4.00

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30
X 300.0 | 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 30
I 450.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 30
S 600.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 30
_ 750.0 | 18 18 18 20 20 20
20 20 20
R 900.0 | 40 40 40 30 30 30
30 30 28
P 1050.0 | 40 40 30 20 20 20
30 30 30
M 1200.0 | 40 40 30 20 20 20
38 38 38
_ 1350.0 | 40 40 30 30 30 30
40 40 38
1 1500.0 | 40 40 30 14 08 08
08 08 30
7 1650.0 | 40 30 20 14 08 08
08 08 30
1800.0 | 40 30 20 14 00 00
00 00 38
1950.0 | 40 30 20 14 00 00
00 00 38
2100.0 | 40 30 20 14 00 00
00 00 38
2250.0 | 40 30 20 14 00 00
00 00 38
2400.0 | 48 48 30 20 20 20
20 20 38
2550.0 | 48 48 30 40 40 40
40 40 20

NAME: boi_ss_rat2 ADDR: 27EF UNT: "" OWN: B CODE: boissr

EQN: E*8
BOI table rating 2 for steady state

Table of AXIS_%_Load_9
%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
X 300.0 | 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
I 450.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
S 600.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
_ 750.0 | 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
R 900.0 | 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 16.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
P 1050.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 9.00
M 1200.0 | 15.00 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 11.00
_ 1350.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 9.50 10.00 10.00
10.00 10.50 11.50
1 1500.0 | 15.00 15.00 9.25 10.00 11.00 11.00
11.00 11.00 12.00
7 1650.0 | 15.00 15.00 9.25 10.00 11.00 11.00
11.00 11.00 12.00
1800.0 | 15.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 12.00
1950.0 | 15.00 15.00 10.00 7.00 7.00 8.00
8.00 8.00 11.00
2100.0 | 15.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
10.00 10.00 12.00
2250.0 | 15.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
10.00 10.00 12.00
2400.0 | 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88
31.88 31.88 31.88
2550.0 | 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88 31.88
31.88 31.88 31.88

Table of Hex Values

%_Load ->
0.0 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0 62.5
75.0 87.5 100.0
A 150.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
X 300.0 | 60 60 60 60 60 60
60 60 60
I 450.0 | 50 50 50 60 60 60
60 60 60
S 600.0 | 50 50 50 60 60 60
60 60 60
_ 750.0 | 50 50 50 78 78 78
78 78 78
R 900.0 | 78 78 60 60 80 80
80 80 80
P 1050.0 | 78 78 40 40 40 40
40 40 48
M 1200.0 | 78 78 38 38 38 40
40 40 58
_ 1350.0 | 78 78 40 4c 50 50
50 54 5c
1 1500.0 | 78 78 4a 50 58 58
58 58 60
7 1650.0 | 78 78 4a 50 58 58
58 58 60
1800.0 | 78 78 40 38 40 40
40 40 60
1950.0 | 78 78 50 38 38 40
40 40 58
2100.0 | 78 78 60 50 50 50
50 50 60
2250.0 | 78 78 60 50 50 50
50 50 60
2400.0 | ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff
2550.0 | ff ff ff ff ff ff
ff ff ff

NAME: split_pilot_boi_offset_rat2 ADDR: 2888 UNT: "" OWN: B CODE:

eppboi EQN: E*8
BOIpilot = min(absboi, BOI+eppboi)
RPM| HEX| ""
150.0| 00| 0.00
300.0| 00| 0.00
450.0| 00| 0.00
600.0| 00| 0.00
750.0| 00| 0.00
900.0| 00| 0.00
1050.0| 00| 0.00
1200.0| 00| 0.00
1350.0| 00| 0.00
1500.0| 00| 0.00
1650.0| 00| 0.00
1800.0| 00| 0.00
1950.0| 00| 0.00
2100.0| 00| 0.00
2250.0| 00| 0.00
2400.0| 00| 0.00
2550.0| 00| 0.00

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